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The water bug is smooth and its types. Where does the waterbug live and is it dangerous for humansWaterbug what harm to humans

Water bugs are a fairly large family that lives mainly in stagnant bodies of water or rivers with weak currents. These are predatory insects, with the help of a piercing-sucking apparatus, they suck the juices from their prey. Some species have wings, allowing them to find a new home. The water strider and the smoothie are the most famous water bugs.

REFERENCE: Gladysh is called a musician, he rubs his front paws on his trunk and makes sounds similar to chirping.

Water bug smooth

The most interesting information about water bugs.


How to find out:

  • Smooth streamlined body;
  • Flat abdomen;
  • The two hind legs are much longer than the other two pairs. The rear pair is called rowing, serves as "oars" for movement on the water;
  • It can change color: from light to dark brown.

Water bug: types and why it is dangerous:

Features of behavior

What smoothies can do:

  • On the water surface, the bug glides on its smooth shell. Thanks to this position, he is able to breathe atmospheric air through special openings. Before diving, the smoothie gathers the required air supply and special plates close the holes;
  • These representatives are excellent swimmers. They are not in water for a long time;
  • The presence of disguise allows smoothies to hide from their enemies and at the same time sneak up on victims unnoticed.

Where does he live?

Habitat areola:

  • Inhabits stagnant enclosed bodies of water;
  • Can live in a puddle and a barrel of water.

Prefers places where there is enough food. It is able to travel long enough distances in flight in search of food. It flies only at night.


It feeds on insects or small fish. However, he can also become a victim of fish and birds. But nature protected the insects by rewarding them with a light back and a dark belly.


Eggs are laid on the bottom or on that part of the plant that is under water. After 14 days, the larvae hatch, outwardly similar to adults, but slightly lighter.

Danger to humans

ATTENTION: If you try to pick up the bug, it can bite painfully. Bite site long time hurts and even festers.

Gladysh does not show aggression towards a person. When he meets him, he pretends to be dead or gives off a smelly liquid as protection.

Bug water strider

In nature, there are approximately 700 species of water striders, of different colors and different lifestyles.

How to find out


  • Size from 1 to 3 millimeters;
  • Outwardly, it resembles a small stick;
  • Three pairs of legs of different lengths;
  • The anterior ones are the shortest. With their help, the bug captures food, and also regulates the speed of movement in the reservoir. The middle and rear pairs are needed to jump and play the role of a swing mechanism;
  • The head has antennae, which are organs of touch and smell;
  • Some species have wings. Bedbugs cannot change their habitat without them.;
  • Coloring from light gray to dark brown shades. Does not have bright and conspicuous patterns.

Features of behavior

There are microscopic hairs on the legs, which allow the insect to adhere perfectly to the water surface. The abdomen contains a wax-like water-repellent liquid that prevents the smoothie from drowning. With the help of special tendrils, it catches the slightest vibrations of water.

Insect habitat

The distribution area is determined by their varieties. Most of them prefer stagnant bodies of water with abundant vegetation.

Video about why water strider bugs do not drown in water:

What does the water strider eat?

The main diet of water striders is:

  • Insects;
  • Fish roe;
  • Fry;
  • Someone else's eggs.

How to hunt:

  • Arranges an ambush at the water's edge;
  • With the help of large eyes, notices the victim;

REFERENCE: Basically, they go hunting in a group of three or four bugs. This allows them to attack horseflies, which are much larger.

  • Grabs it with tenacious front legs;
  • Proboscis attacks prey.


Ontogenesis of the water strider is quite long and takes 12 months:

  • The female lays eggs on the leaves and stems of aquatic vegetation in groups of 40 to 50 eggs;
  • Two weeks later, larvae appear, outwardly similar to adults;
  • After a month, they become adult water striders.

REFERENCE: With the onset of cold weather, they go into hypernation. As soon as it gets warmer, they start breeding.

Danger to humans

Water striders will never attack a person, but they can sting quite painfully while defending themselves.

Giant bugs - who are they

The population of this species on Earth is not too large. Found in Southeast Asia and South Africa. Appearance:

  • Large front paws, similar to the claws of a crab;
  • Large mesh eyes;
  • Oblong body;
  • Coloring from brown to black;
  • Long mustache.

Water bug:

The harm and benefits of giant water bugs

Because giant bug is a predatory insect, it regulates the number of amphibians and insects on Earth. But it also wreaks havoc on fisheries by eating juveniles that are thrown into bodies of water.

In nature, everything is interconnected, from microorganisms to large animals. Water bugs pose no danger to humans. Do not take it in your hands so as not to provoke an insect.

Interesting video:

You've all heard of bedbugs and you know that some of them smell terrible, while others feed on human blood, like bed bug... This is indeed the case. What do you say when you find out that water bugs also live in the world? True, they will not crawl to you in bed. But while swimming, they can accidentally bite.

The appearance of bedbugs, features of their nutrition and reproduction

These amazing representatives of the aquatic fauna prefer stagnant reservoirs and ponds for living. They spend their whole life in the water, getting out to the shore only for the winter.

In appearance, these insects are strikingly different from each other: in their shape, smoothies resemble small boats, while, for example, a ranatra looks like a small stick, which allows it to camouflage itself well. The sizes of all water bugs are also strikingly different: from 1 to 15 centimeters.

Underwater insects reproduce in almost the same way, laying eggs in the stems of underwater plants. The exception is the belostoma bugs, which carry their offspring on their backs. And only males do it! The female lays her partner on her back, and then he carefully monitors the safety of future offspring.

Bed bugs feed on everything that they find in the depths of water. It can be both plants and different representatives of the aquatic fauna: tadpoles, fish fry, various larvae and insects. Belostoma is not afraid to attack small snakes and small turtles.

Types of water bugs

There are a lot of varieties of water bugs. And they are all different from each other. Let's take a look at some of them.

This representative of water bugs is perfectly adapted to life under water thanks to its streamlined body, similar to a boat. The function of the oars is performed by elongated hind legs with brushes consisting of the smallest bristles. The body of a bug is lighter than water, so it can safely hang at the surface of the water with its belly up. At the same time, his eyes are directed to the bottom. So he looks out for prey, which can become smaller insects, his own brethren and even fish fry. The color of the wings of the smoothie is light - it allows it to be masked from fish, and the abdomen has a black color - thanks to this, birds cannot see it

Its main weapon is a sharp proboscis, which is pressed against the body at rest. This proboscis stings very painfully, which is why the smoothie is also called "water wasp". When the smoothie is calm, you can see how he breathes: the insect exposes the tip of the abdomen to the surface - there is a respiratory opening. He breathes air, and when he dives, his body is enveloped in a silvery bubble, because of which the bug seems smooth, for which the smooth got its name.

This bug is significantly smaller than the smoothbug. Its size is about 9 mm. The insect swims as expected - with its back up, and stores air under the wings, so for a long time it may not float to the surface, like a scuba diver. Usually the rower sits, clinging to the underwater plants or snags with the middle pair of legs.
The hind legs of the rower look like small oars, for which the bug got its name

Its prey is very small insects or their larvae. He himself, in turn, can become a victim of a larger and stronger smooth. The paddleboat, like the smoothhead, has wings. So if the conditions in the pond or reservoir change to unsuitable for life, then the bugs can easily fly away and find themselves a new "home".

Like a real skater, the skater has mastered the art of sliding on water. The tips of the legs are in the shape of oars. The insect paddles with its front legs and directs movement with its hind legs. A water strider, one centimeter long, can move at a speed of one meter per second. It would seem that water striders should sink, because the water is less dense. However, they manage to stay on the surface thanks to the small hairs that cover the body and legs of the insect. Each hair is coated with water-repellent wax. They trap air, and a "pillow" is formed on the surface of the water. When the feet press on the water, the bubble resists, which allows the water strider to slide through the water.

The water strider spends almost all of her time on the surface of the water.

But the lightness and small size should not be misleading: the water strider is an experienced predator. With its front legs, it catches the movement of an insect in the water. After the victim is captured, the water strider injects a mixture of enzymes into it, which dissolves the entrails of the prey. Then she eats a nutritious "meal."

I met the water strider for the first time when I was about nine years old. I remember when my father took me fishing with him. When we came to the lake, the first thing I noticed were black dots flickering across the surface of the lake. Having looked closely, I was then very surprised: "Dad, what about mosquitoes, can they run on water?" The father laughed for a long time, and then replied: “These are not mosquitoes, but water striders. And they slide on the water, because their paws are greased with a greasy compound that repels water and prevents them from drowning. " I took a closer look. Indeed, they are very similar to mosquitoes, but still different. The water striders were over dark color... I tried to catch: they are not given! It seems like the water strider is in place, but if you reach out your hand, it’s gone! Then I gave up trying to catch fidgety insects and began to observe them. And I wondered: why were they called water striders? After observing for a while, I understood why: they also move as along a ruler, in segments. That is, they measure the water! Hence the name - water striders.

The forelegs of the float are prehensile. Thanks to them, it is better retained in the underwater thickets. At the same time, such tenacious limbs can be used when hunting. In its shape, this bug differs from its counterparts: it is round, its size is 1 cm, and its body resembles armor, where all parts are fitted to each other.
The float has larger eyes than other bedbugs.

If you look at it from below, you can see that it directly glistens under water - air bubbles glisten, which are held by thick hairs near the insect's body. The float breathes this air. Under water, he regularly adjusts his air-hair "outfit" with his paws. Sophisticated faceted vision organs help it track down prey. And the sharp proboscis dagger is always at the ready.

He has nothing to do with real scorpions. This is also a bug. It's just that life underwater and hunting from an ambush made it so unusual. The long process at the end of the body is not a sting like a scorpion, but a breathing tube. It consists of two movable halves. With its help, the "scorpion" pumps air into the cavity of its body. The back of the abdomen is like the side of a cargo plane. True, through the "hatch" the "exhaust" and oxygen-depleted air comes out.
The color of the "scorpion" is brown, but in daylight it turns light brown, which allows the bug to perfectly camouflage

A swimmer from a water "scorpion" is not at all. So most often he can be found in overgrown reservoirs, where he watches over the victim. The front limbs of this bug resemble folding knives: the lower leg fits perfectly into a special groove of the thigh. The "scorpion" has good eyesight, and as soon as he sees the victim, he immediately begins to sneak up on it.

The ranatra swims, like the water scorpion, reluctantly. Its size is quite large - about 5 cm. Usually it sits motionlessly on water plants and waits for the prey, and then grabs it with its front legs, where there are special outgrowths that help to keep the prey. The ranatra breathes through the respiratory tube, which is located at the end of the abdomen.
The shape of the ranatra is unusual, resembles a wand

This is the largest representative of bedbugs in the world. Its body length reaches 15 cm! These giants live in tropical countries. As a rule, they can be encountered in freshwater bodies of water. Adults cannot breathe underwater, so they often rise to the surface to take a breath of air. Their respiratory organs are tubes located at the end of the abdomen. Belostoma is a real predator. Prey for her are fish fry, tadpoles, insects and small amphibians.
The front paws of the belostomy are very powerful - with their help, the bug grabs its prey tightly

This bug waits for its prey, being in a motionless state and fixing itself on a stone or an underwater plant. When the prey swims very close, the belostoma grabs it with its forepaws and pulls it towards itself. Then, with the help of the proboscis, it introduces saliva into the body of the prey, which has a paralyzing effect, which quickly liquefies the insides. After that, the bug sucks out its prey. This insect can fly, but it does so in the event of a change in habitat, or when they are attracted by the light of lanterns. These bugs often bite people on the legs solely for the purpose of self-defense. The bite is very painful, but not harmful.

Video "Giant water bug"

Are water bugs a danger to humans?

Although these insects bite painfully, and after a bite the sensations are unpleasant, they do not harm human health. And they attack solely for the purpose of self-defense. And if they do harm, then only farms where fish fry are bred. As you remember, some representatives of water bugs do not mind eating tasty food for them.

We saw how different water bugs can be. The hunting instinct unites these insects. After all, they are all predators. Some hunt from ambush, some cut relentlessly aquatic environment in search of a victim. Many are masters of disguise, and they don't just catch the eye. The appearance of the majority is creepy, but for a person they do not pose any danger. But watching their behavior is a pleasure.

Probably the most extravagant of all the bedbugs. His habitat is water surface, where he feels like a real virtuoso. But you don't have time to blink an eye, and he easily flies into the air, where he feels no worse. This is a water bug or smoothie that has successfully adapted to environment... And this is not the end of his "trick".

How do you recognize him?

The body of the bug, like that of an excellent athlete swimmer, is streamlined, compact and sleek. Hard winglets reliably hide light wings. The color of the chitinous shell depends on the color of the water in the reservoir. Dark green to sandy. The eyes are large, red in color.

The oral apparatus is designed like all bugs. He pierces the victim's body and sucks out nutritious juices for his active life. A feature of the smoothbug is its ability to attack a person if he is disturbed. A water bug bite has been compared to a wasp bite.

Easily and quickly, like a meteor, the smooth water bug moves along the surface of the water. In this he is assisted by well-developed hind legs. He works with them like oars in order to push off with force and develop speed. The speed of movement is largely increased by the small bristles that cover the hind legs. The front legs of the bug, on the other hand, are short and underdeveloped. They are used by insects only for movement on land. By the way, he does it very awkwardly, unlike swimming in water.

Gladysh is a great swimmer

Gladysh prefers stagnant water from large reservoirs, but he gladly visits large puddles and ditches, and you will notice him in a barrel of rainwater. The insect also swims unusually, exclusively with its back down. At the same time, the hind legs are widely spread and actively rake in water.

The stability of the bug on the water is ensured by the shape and peculiarity of the structure of its body. Three-quarters of the body of the insect is represented by the abdomen. From the back, it is reliably covered by the elytra, and a small bubble of atmospheric air can be discerned at the tip of the abdomen. The bug specifically grabs it in order to breathe when in the water. And, in addition, this "float" provides the smoothie with positive buoyancy.

Gladysh is not just a bug, he is also an active predator. He does not wait for his prey in ambush, but glides along the surface of the water, looking out for in the water column. Its prey is small bugs, insects, fry and tadpoles. Caddis larvae, worms and eggs are fed to the smoothie.

His appetite is excellent, since the bug moves a lot and is very active in the water. As soon as he satisfies his hunger, he hides near the shore in the grass and aquatic vegetation. This is done on purpose so as not to get caught for lunch by someone more gluttonous. When settling for an afternoon nap, he turns his belly up. This position is called breathing.

Having seized its prey with its forepaws, the bug pierces its shell or skin and injects a digestive enzyme into the body of the prey. After that, the smoothie sucks out the nutrient mixture.

The bug quickly and easily flies long distances. The insect also flies up unusually. Lying on the elytra, it rises above the water surface, spreads its delicate wings and begins to work with them. That is, the smoothie flies up with its belly up.

The habits of the smooth

Those who have experienced a water bug bite share their impressions and say that it looks like a wasp bite. The back of the bug is lighter than the abdomen. This was due to his backstroke feature. In order not to be eaten by fish, nature took care of camouflage. The abdomen, on the contrary, is darker. So not every bird is able to see a bug on the surface of the water.

The bug reliably protects its offspring, therefore it carefully hides the clutches of eggs. At the bottom of the reservoir, he attaches them to the lower leaves of plants. It will take two weeks to mature, but if the temperature is warmer than usual, the fry will hatch faster.

From birth, the larvae differ little from adults, only more light color... Over the summer, they will have to go through 4 stages of molting, just in time for sexual maturity.

The closest relative is the belostoma bug

The giant water bug is much larger than the smoothie in body size. They look rather formidable. The limbs are powerful and well developed. The front legs are more like the claws of a cancer and it is unlikely that the victim will be able to escape from such "embrace".

Its dimensions are really huge. The body length is about 10 cm, which gives it the ability to attack large amphibians. Frogs, fish and even turtles fall prey to the giant bug.

The numerous family of bedbugs is surprising in its variety. Among them there are predators, bloodsuckers, pests and completely harmless creatures. The body sizes of these creatures reach from 0.3 mm to 15 cm. Insects have conquered all elements, including water. Water bugs such as the water bug and the giant water bug cannot be ignored. If giants live in tropical countries: India, Thailand, South America... That smoothbug can be found in our reservoirs.

How to recognize a smooth man

The name speaks for itself. The bug's body resembles a boat. Its streamlined shape allows it to move quickly through the water. And the smooth surface makes this process easier. The insect has 3 pairs of legs. The last, the longest and most unusual - in the form of oars. Thanks to them, the smooth waterbug calmly cuts the water column and quickly reaches its intended goal. The appearance of the smooth water bug attracts the human eye more than it repels. Interesting coloration, which is distributed in the correct geometric shape. Shades are present: yellow, green, light green, brown. And even pink. The water bug has huge eyes on its head.

Features of behavior

Interestingly, smooth water bugs can make sounds that are similar to the chirping of grasshoppers. The insect quickly rubs its forelegs along the proboscis and a kind of singing is obtained. This water bug swims in a special way. He rolls over onto his back and changes beyond recognition. This strange feature helps the insect to remain undetected in the water by predators such as fish. Since the smooth body of a water bug with a color in the tone of the reservoir is difficult to notice from the depths. The smoothie spreads its legs to the side and moves smoothly, pushing off with fins. From the height of the bird's flight, the water bug can be confused with a plant. Therefore, birds often ignore him. At the same time, the water smoothie calmly approaches the victim that lives in top layer water, and is taken to a meal. but long time they cannot be in the water. Periodically turn over, rise to the surface to breathe air. And at this very moment they risk being eaten.

In case of danger, the water bug acts like most of its relatives. He's just pretending to be dead. And when this does not help, the smoothie releases an odorous substance with unpleasant odor... In nature, such a signal is regarded as "careful, poisonous!"

Insect habitat

The bedbug prefers closed reservoirs with stagnant water. But to see him, you don't have to go to such places. The insect may end up in a puddle, a barrel of water. And in the evening it can be found in the veranda or on the terrace. Smooth water bugs fly well. But water bugs rarely do this. Mainly for moving to more suitable bodies of water in search of food. They have a weakness - they love bright light. In the evening, the activity of smooth bed bugs increases. Because many insects begin to crawl out of shelters at this time. And the included bulbs and lights cannot be ignored. For those who have settled down near the pond for the night, a meeting with these creatures is guaranteed.

Food addictions of a water bug

The bedbug is no different from other members of its family in terms of nutrition. The insect has a piercing - sucking mouth apparatus, and there is a nerve agent in the saliva. However, like all representatives of this family. Water bugs first pierce the victim, then let in an antiseptic. Under the influence of unique saliva, all the insides quickly liquefy. The glabrous bug can calmly start a meal and suck out the entire insides.

The offspring of the smooth

The insect lays eggs, which they carefully hide at the bottom of the reservoir. Their water bugs are located on the lower part of the plants. The eggs are light yellow in color. Gather in an even circle. On average, the larva matures for 2 weeks. If the water is warm, water bugs are born 2-3 days earlier. The appearance of the larvae changes throughout the summer. During this time, water bugs undergo 4 molts. After each increase in size, color changes. Leads the same lifestyle as an adult. They don't really stick together. Everyone hunts individually.

Danger to humans

Gladysha can be called an exotic harmless creature. Man is not his goal. The insect bites extremely rarely. Basically, in those cases when he feels danger. Curious and fearless children often suffer from them. Taking a bug in their hands, they risk getting a bite similar to a bee. The poison contained in saliva is not dangerous to humans. But the place of the bite will be felt for a long time. Gladysha can be called more useful than harmful. The tireless water bug eats hundreds of mosquito larvae per day. Regulates the number of other harmful insects. Gladysh never attacks people first. Don't touch it and it won't touch it!

Giant bugs - who are they?

For joy or misfortune, there are no giant water bugs in our area. Giant water bug is a foreign tropical creature. Belongs to the genus Belostoma. Reaches a length of 15 cm. The color is brown with different tints. The frightening appearance of an insect does not mean at all that it is dangerous to humans. Giant water bugs have 3 pairs of limbs. The front ones are bent in the form of pincers. With them, the predator grabs the prey and attracts to itself.

Hunting process and food

Giant water bugs can be found in bodies of stagnant water. Belostoma giant water bug prefers to hunt at night. Water bugs choose comfortable spot, and simply freeze. When a prey approaches, the giant bug quickly grabs it with its claws. In the saliva of the belostoma there is a substance with a nerve-paralytic effect. The victim has no chance of survival if the injection of the water bug has already followed. Giant water bugs are interested in large insects, frogs, small fish. The giant belostoma bug itself rarely becomes a victim.


This point requires special attention. Caring for future offspring is completely shifted to the strong back of giant water bugs - dads. The female belostoma lays 3-4 eggs directly on the back of the male. It does this until there are about 100 pieces. This amount of back of giant water bugs can easily fit. From now on, all responsibility is shifted to dad. The water bug bears them for 2 weeks. Periodically, a giant water bug rises to the surface, and substitutes its back for warming up. In this way, the larvae avoid the formation of mold and the accumulation of harmful microorganisms. In this form, the belostoma resembles a hedgehog.

The harm and benefits of giant water bugs

There is no need to fear for the life or health of a person when meeting with this water bug. Belostoma does not hunt humans. In addition, for giant water bugs, it is preferable to take refuge in a safe place faster. However, highly persistent, curious people run the risk of getting bitten. Water bugs bite like a bee or a wasp. There will be no big consequences. Redness and swelling will just appear. The sore spot will calm down after a week.

On the contrary, belostoma is considered a very useful bug. Water bugs are the only creature that can safely deal with pests such as three-keeled turtles. They pose a great danger to the young generation of commercial fish.

In addition, giant harmless water bugs themselves suffer from human hands. Giant water bug is served fried in Thai restaurants. The demand for such exotic dishes is quite high. Therefore, in some lakes, the giant bug remained in small quantities. And on farms they are trying to breed them.

The bug is not always harmful and hazardous to health. Reckless destruction of these creatures is strictly prohibited. Even if a wonderful dish is prepared from the bug. Everything in nature is interconnected! Perhaps, in the era of global warming, such large creatures will appear in our ponds. You need to know how to meet them.

Water bugs belong to the order of Hemiptera. There are about 30 species of insects in total. Water bugs live in almost all regions of the balloon.


All representatives of this species differ from each other in appearance, size, color, lifestyle. Water bugs live exclusively in fresh water. The bug is completely safe for humans, but if disturbed, it can bite in self-defense.

Among the many varieties, the bedbugs and belostoma are especially unique.

Gladysh is a freshwater insect that lives in lakes and rivers. He not only moves easily on the surface of the water, but is also able to fly. The insect reaches an average size of 15 centimeters. The color of the bug is brown-green, sometimes the color changes depending on the color of the bottom of the reservoir.

The peculiarity of the smoothie lies in the fact that he swims only on his back, thus, disguises himself and becomes invisible. They feed on larvae, small insects, algae. Specimens large sizes sometimes they feed on small fish, frogs, tadpoles.

It happens that these predators attack other species of bedbugs. Often there are cases of cannibalism. Large individuals attack small bugs of the same type.

A large waterbug smoothie flies well, rises up immediately from the water, but wings are used extremely rarely, only when they change their habitat. In the abdomen of an insect there is a tracheal tube due to which it breathes.

There are red eyes on the head. There is also a pair of sensitive antennas. Like all bugs, there is a proboscis. Six legs extend from the abdomen, each pair of which performs its own function.

The forelegs are adapted to keep the prey on the surface of the water and under water. The hind limbs are designed for quick movement on the surface of the reservoir. The last pair of legs is much more powerful than the rest.

They reproduce sexually, the female lays eggs on algae. Children are very fond of watching these insects and often keep them at home in an aquarium. But it is worth being very careful, the bite, although not poisonous, is very painful. For this reason, it is popularly called the water wasp. The bite of the water bug is not a mortal danger to humans, but it gives a lot of unpleasant sensations.

There are two types of water bug belostoma in Russia. Far Eastern bug grows small size, about five centimeters. They can live both on land and in water. In winter, the insect hibernates, depending on the habitat climate.

Large belostoms love warm and humid climates. This giant water clot lives in Thailand, North and South America, India. The color of these insects is different, depending on the habitat (black, brown, green - brown). Such a huge bug grows up to 17 centimeters.

The front pair of paws is in the form of hook-shaped pincers, with the help of which it firmly holds its prey. The large water bug feeds on frogs, fish, turtles, amphibians, and it happens that it attacks small, waterfowl.

He injects poison into the victim and holds it tightly in his paws until the toxin takes effect. But if the slightest danger threatens him, the bug freezes and pretends to be dead.

The poison of this insect is similar in composition to that of a snake, but less toxic. For a person, a water bug is not dangerous, but its bite brings painful sensations.


Lifestyle of smooth bed bugs. These insects live mainly in small reservoirs with fresh water. It can be a pond, lake, or a large puddle with stagnant water and a muddy bottom.

They move on the ground with difficulty, making small jumps. But they fly perfectly thanks to two webbed wings. They fly mostly at night, looking for a new habitat. In the winter, insects leave their homes and, having climbed into dry foliage, or the bark of trees, go into hibernation

Reproduction of the bedbug

The smoothie reproduces by the method of laying eggs. The larvae are formed in the same way as the adults, only the wings are missing. Eggs are laid closer to the muddy bottom. The development of larvae lasts about three weeks, depending on the climate of the habitat. The warmer the climate, the faster the larvae develop.

The insect's lifestyle is not much different from other species. Belostoma bugs move to a new habitat, flying through the air exclusively at night. In the dark, they are attracted by light, which is why they are called electric light beetles. It happens that they fly into the light through the open windows of the room.

The water bug is considered a predator. While waiting for food, it can hide in a shelter for a long time. It can even attack an armored animal, finding an unprotected place on their body.

Concerns about whether a large water bug is dangerous to humans are unfounded. For a person, the bug is not dangerous, but the bite delivers a rather unpleasant sensation. But the child can get hurt, much more seriously, especially while bathing. Being at the bottom of the reservoir, bugs can bite on the legs and the wound from the inflicted bite heals for a very long time.

Reproduction of belostomy

Belostomas reproduce, as a rule, in the spring. The female, laying the egg, firmly sticks it on the male's back with the help of a special substance. He puts aside no more than 4 - 5 pieces at a time. More than a hundred eggs are placed on the elytra of the insect. Photo below.

A water bug with eggs on its back will stay for half a month. At this time, he becomes sedentary, almost does not go hunting and practically ceases to eat. With such a burden, the male will stay until the offspring appear.

The larvae need constant oxygen, so the water bug with eggs never sinks to the bottom of the reservoir, but only half of its abdomen is in the water. Thanks to such care, the offspring survive one hundred percent.

The body of the hatched insect is soft and transparent. After a few hours, the cover becomes hard and changes color. From white - transparent it turns into brown. A month later, wings begin to appear in young individuals.

In Thailand, giant bed bugs are widely used in cooking. They are dried, fried and served in restaurants as a delicacy.

How to fight

Since the water bug does not pose a danger and threat to human life, it is not at all necessary to fight it. He never attacks first. If only a person accidentally steps on it, or picks it up, then in defense, the insect can bite.

The damaged area resembles a wasp sting, leaving redness and swelling. The affected area can be greased with brilliant green or insect bite gel to relieve itching.

Conversely, water bugs provide some benefits. Since they live in water, they feed on the larvae of horseflies, spiders, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects.

If the insect somehow ended up in the room, you should not take it with your bare hands. Better to wear gloves, or sweep away with a broom.

The only harm the insects of this family can bring to the farm. Feeding on fry, they can destroy valuable fish species. To know what these or those types of water bugs look like, you can see the photo.