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Frontal speech therapy lesson in the senior group on the topic "Sound and the letter W". Abstract. Correlation of sound with a letter. Homework check

Group lesson on the automation of the sound "Ш" in words and sentences, suitable for preparatory and senior students groups of preschool educational institutions... The lesson uses different methods and work techniques (sand therapy, mnemonic tables).

Open lesson in speech therapy on sound automation Sh.

Topic: "Adventure in the autumn forest."

The purpose of the lesson:

  • Improvement of skills and abilities of practical communication by means of creating a stimulating environment for development.


1. Educational:

  1. Teach children to consistently and accurately convey what they saw, taking into account the development of the plot.
  2. To teach the ability to answer questions of a problematic search nature.
  3. Teach special movements and their implementation by children.
  4. Learn to build compositions on the sand according to the model.
  5. Consolidate ideas about the world around you.

2. Correctional:

  1. To consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation of the sound (Ш) in syllables, words.
  2. Develop articulatory and fine motor skills.
  3. Develop phonemic hearing.
  4. Develop speech breathing
  5. Learn to change the strength of the voice.
  6. To develop the clarity of diction, intonational expressiveness.

3. Developing:

  1. To consolidate the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.
  2. Develop the ability to combine sounds into words.
  3. Develop attention, memory, thinking.
  4. Exercise in the coordination of nouns with numbers.

4. Educational:

  1. Form positive motivation in the classroom.
  2. To educate the skills of verbal communication, the ability to listen.

Equipment :

  • letter of invitation; wooden spoons; bear Misha; sand trays; tubules; subject pictures Elephant, Scapula, Cup, Horse, Mushroom; autumn leaves; mnemonic tables; subject pictures with sound Ш; toys (mouse, frog, horse, cat, monkey, bear);

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time.

(Behind the door).

Speech therapist: - Hello guys, today our lesson will be unusual.

I invite you to visit the forest,
I propose to play there.

Are you ready to go to the forest?

Children: - Yes!

(to clarify whether it is necessary to greet the guests)

Speech therapist: Guys, look at what forest we are in.

Hello forest!
Dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about with foliage
In the dark, thunderous night,
What do you whisper to us at dawn
Dew like September?
Who is lurking in your wilderness?
What kind of beast? What kind of bird?
Open everything, do not hide:
You see, we are ours.

(A spider with a leaf descends, a letter on the leaf)

Speech therapist: - Oh, guys, look, a spider has come down to us, on a maple leaf, and here something is written "Hello guys, I'm Mishka Toptyshka, I invite you to visit, get acquainted and play different games, I will be very glad to meet you!"

Well guys, shall we accept the invitation?

Speech therapist: then let's hit the road, and now I'll knock on the bear's house!

Main part.

Speech therapist: - So we found the bear's house, let's knock? (Knocks but no one opens). What happens, maybe the bear forgot that he invited us to visit and fell asleep?

Look here lie various musical instruments, now we will play in them, and wake up the bear, take the guys any instruments you like, you are familiar with these instruments, and the first to play ...

(Children take turns playing different instruments)

Mishka: - Who sat down, who sums? Who woke me up?

Speech therapist: - Mishka is the guys! You yourself invited us to visit, come out soon!

M: - Oh, it's you guys, I'm very glad, but first try to guess my riddles

(The bear plays the instrument, and the children guess it)

M: - Hello guys, I'm very glad to see you! Well done, all my musical riddles have been guessed!

Speech therapist: can you guess riddles? (yes) well then ... guess the riddle!

D: Shaggy, mustached, drinking milk, singing songs. (cat)

M: - Koska.

There is one funny bird in the forest
All day he sings "ku-ku":
Neither can he learn to sing like a rooster - "crow". (cuckoo)

M: - Kukuska.

Speech therapist: - Guys, how to speak correctly?

D: - Cat, cuckoo!

Speech therapist: I understood what a problem the bear has, he cannot pronounce the sound Sh.

M: can you help me, tell me how to pronounce this sound correctly?

Speech therapist: will we help the bear?

Speech therapist: - But in order for us to teach the bear to speak beautifully, I propose to first wake up our tongues. Let's sit on the stumps.

(Speak) (Children take turns blowing through the tube onto the bumps, under which there are pictures, take them out and perform the appropriate exercises).

Each of you has a tray with sand under it, pictures are hidden under it, to get them, you need to blow sand off it with a cocktail tube, do not forget that we inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into the tube.

  • "Elephant"
  • "Shoulder"
  • "Cup"
  • "Delicious jam"
  • "Horse"
  • "Mushroom"

L: Well, guys, did you knead your tongues?

M: - Oh, I'm tired !!! Let's get some rest!

Physical minutes (if you have fun).

Pronunciation of isolated sound (Ш). (soundtrack sound of the wind)

L: - A breeze blows in the forest, shakes branches of trees, leaves rustle (W - w - w ...).

Children depict with their hands how the wind shakes the branches of trees, and for a long time pronounce the sound (Ш).

Analysis of the articulation of sound (W).

What do sponges, teeth, tongue do when we utter the sound (Ш)? (Lips "Ring", teeth "Fence" with a small crack, tongue at the top and looks like "Cup".)

Automation of sound (W) in syllables.

Auditory differentiation of syllables. Work on the power of the voice. Reliance on the Leaves mnemonic tables. Coordination of speech with movement.

Leaves fall and rustle their syllabic songs. Listen carefully to which syllable-song is different (reliance on mnemonic table number 1).

sha - sho - sha - sha (sho)
ash - ush - ush - ush (ash)

What are the first and last syllables:

sha - sho - shu - shi (sha, shi)
shta - sht - shty - shto (shta, shto)

The leaves rustle in different ways. Let's repeat their songs (syllable rows with a change in rhythmic pattern, reliance on mnemonic tables No. 2,

3) ish-ish-ish - ish-ish
shosh-shosh-shosh - shosh-shosh

Let's put together an autumn bouquet of leaves. Repeat syllabic songs after me, try not to be mistaken and collect the leaves.
Children reproduce a number of syllables. An autumn leaf is taken for each syllable, making a bouquet of them.

sha - sho - shushi
ash - osh - ush - ish

M: - what beautiful autumn bouquets, and if we throw up all the leaves, what will happen. But in my clearing, there are still many interesting leaves! Let's go see?

D: - Let's go!

(They come to the clearing where pictures are drawn on the leaves)

M: - Guys, I populate the toe and put it in this hat.

L: - Guys are not just leaves, various pictures are drawn on them! I suggest that you collect all the leaves with pictures in the name of which there is the sound Ш, and put them in a basket, and then present them to the bear so that he does not forget how to pronounce them! Only you guys speak beautifully, and you, bear, listen and remember.

(Children collect leaves in a basket)

M: - can you tell me something else, I think there’s someone hiding here!

(Shows a box of sand)

L: - and we will find out now.

I found a bear.
- I found a cat.
- I found a horse.
- I found a frog.
- I found a pig.
- I found a lamb.

L: - Who was it hiding?

D: - Animals.

L: - the favorite game of these animals is hide and seek, turn away, now one of them will hide in the bag, and you will have to guess, turn around, oh, someone is making noise in the bag, who is it? (the speech therapist puts the toys in the bag).

Vanya, hide all the animals in the bag, oh, how they make noise, Vanya, try to guess who is making noise in the bag, etc.

Naughty in the bag ...

Lesson summary.

M: - Guys, I found some letters in the box.

L: - you know, bear, that they can be put into syllables, and syllables into words. Let's read what word the word turned out to be.

D: - Balls!

M: - Oh, guys, because you helped me so well, I'll give you these balls! Thank you very much for teaching me how to speak the SH sound correctly, and it's time for me to return home!

L: - Guys, did you like playing with a bear? What sound did the bear learn to speak? What did you like? It's time for us to go back to kindergarten too!

Statueva A.G.,
teacher speech therapist

The situation when children pronounce poorly or do not pronounce some letters of the alphabet at all is very common. The letter "Ш" is one of the most difficult to pronounce. And this applies to almost all sibilants.

If you constantly engage in pronunciation of a child, then he will very quickly learn to say the letter "W" without involving a speech therapist. In this article, we will look at the main causes of the problem, as well as study the exercises that will help you a lot in the future.

If you notice that your child does not pronounce this letter well, then it is advisable to be examined by a speech therapist. The problem with incorrect pronunciation may be due to hearing impairment. In this case, the help of specialists is needed.

Checking the level of pronunciation "W" in a child

Before doing a sound correction exercise, you need to check if there is a problem at all. Violation of the pronunciation of sibilants can occur in the form of sigmatism (this is a defect in the pronunciation of the sound itself) or parasigmatism ( complete replacement it to another). The latter case is quite common. For example, a child instead of the word "hat" says "apk", etc.

The pronunciation of the sound "Ш" can be of several types:

  • Interdental. In this case, it becomes lisp, and the child pushes the tongue between the teeth when pronouncing;
  • Nasal sigmatism. The child says the letter "Ш" in the nose, as a result of which a peculiar acoustic effect is created;
  • Lateral sigmatism. The sound has a pronounced squishy hue;
  • Gentle parasigmatism. In this case, when pronouncing, the child rests his tongue against his teeth, which makes the result more like "T";
  • Labiodental parasigmatism. In this case, "Ш" is replaced by the sound "Ф". This phenomenon is often observed with a violation of the bite;
  • Whistling parasigmatism. The child pronounces a whistling "S" instead of "W".

How to check the pronunciation of the letter "Ш" without a speech therapist

Speech therapists use a comprehensive examination procedure to identify the problem and its level. But you can check the child's speech yourself. Pronunciation check is carried out in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases and sentences, i.e. increasingly.

Checking the pronunciation of an isolated sound is carried out by the child repeating different sounds after mom or dad. The pronunciation in syllables is checked in a similar way. For a more comprehensive assessment, it is necessary that the letter "Ш" be in different positions (ША, ОШ, УШУ, ОШО, etc.)

It is important to consider that the problem may be with the pronunciation of other sibilants. Therefore, if you decide to teach your child to say the letter "Ш", then you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to correct other sounds as well.

To check the pronunciation of "Ш" in words, it is advisable to prepare or purchase cards with pictures. This will turn the procedure into a fun game. Speech therapy words on the letter "Ш" are selected so that the sound you need is in different positions. When choosing sentences and phrases, preference should be given to those in which it occurs in different places.

Why are there problems with the pronunciation of the hissing letter "Ш"

There are several main reasons for incorrect pronunciation:

  • Physiology, i.e. malocclusion, tongue too large, high palate, etc.;
  • The baby uses the pacifier for a long time. In this case, the bite deteriorates, due to which many sounds suffer, especially hissing and whistling sounds;
  • "Syushyukanye" with the baby. The child imitates his elders, distorted speech;
  • Violation of speech in adults. The kid can copy the speech of the parents if they speak incorrectly;
  • Excessive requirements of parents. Parents often demand too much without showing correct articulation;
  • Development lag. If thinking, memory and attention are not fully formed, then speech development will also suffer;
  • Hearing impairment or the baby does not recognize sounds well by ear.

Only a specialist can identify the exact cause of the problem. Therefore, if you have not been able to teach your child to pronounce the letter "Ш" for a long time, then you should contact a specialist.

We train the correct pronunciation of the letter "Ш"

Before proceeding directly to the exercises for setting "Sh", it is necessary to carry out articulatory gymnastics, which helps to increase the mobility of the speech organs.

We knead the tongue

To warm up your tongue, you can use the following exercises:

  • Pancake. The child should put a spread tongue on the lower lip and hold it for at least 10 seconds;
  • "Cup". It is necessary to spread the tongue on the lower lip, lifting its edges and tip. As a result, a kind of calyx is formed;
  • "Chatterbox". Similar to the previous exercise, but the uvula rises and falls;
  • "Horse". One of the favorite exercises for a child, because he has to click his tongue, making a sound similar to the stomp of a horse's hooves.

To keep the student from getting bored, accompany the exercises with funny stories. It is also advisable to do exercises in front of a mirror.

1), what it consists of and why it is so necessary for your baby.
2) Is it worth eating mango during pregnancy,.

We knead our lips

The following exercises are suitable to warm up the lips:

  • "The proboscis of elephants." The child should alternately make a wide "tube" (the lips are in the position for pronouncing the letter O), and then narrow (the lips are in the position for pronouncing the letter U);
  • Alternation of a narrow "tube" and a smile. Make sure your smile is wide;
  • "Astonishment". At the same time, the child's lips occupy a position, as with the sound of O.

The main methods of setting the sound "Ш"

Speech therapy classes with the letter "Ш" begin with developing the pronunciation of an isolated sound. One of the most effective ways Is the setting of sound from other sounds.

If the child pronounces the sound "T" well, then this is one of the most simple ways... To do this, the child must say "Ts-s-s" until you achieve a normal pronunciation. Then ask him to do the same procedure, but "hiding" his tongue behind his teeth. The result is the sound "Ш".

If in doubt, you can do it yourself. The "hissing snake" exercise is suitable for fixing. For variety, associate this sound with the sound of a deflated ball or the hiss of a cat.

Hissing ones always cause difficulties for children. And the "Ш" sound is one of the most difficult. The recommendations presented in this article will help you identify the problem as early as possible and achieve getting rid of it. It is enough just to put in a little effort, and your child will be easier to communicate in the future.

Children in the process of forming speech have various problems with many letters. One of the most common difficulties is setting the sound sh. Usually, it is difficult for children to pronounce hissing sounds for the reason that they cannot relax the tongue and place it in the required shape, which is required by the correct articulation of the sound ш.

The main reason a child cannot speak hissing sounds correctly is because of the way the parents communicate with the baby. Many adults deliberately copy the speech of a child, speaking to him in a childish way. Thus, the child hears the wrong pronunciation and gets used to exactly this manner of staging the sound ш. That is why experts strongly recommend that parents speak to their children correctly.

In addition to the parental craving for imitating children's babble, an important role for the production of the sound Ш is played by some structural features of the articulatory apparatus, which include the following points:

  • the movement of the tongue is limited due to the shortened hyoid ligament;
  • articulation is affected by the size of the lips (too thin or full) and the size of the tongue (too large or small);
  • dentoalveolar anomalies;
  • disruption of the auditory canal.

In most cases, the violation of sound production w is quite simply corrected at home with regular and careful work with the child. In some cases, a speech therapist will help babies who have problems with the pronunciation of sibilants.


The key to good pronunciation is correct articulation of the w and w sound. To teach a child to speak the letters w and z correctly, it is necessary to study one method of articulation, since the speech apparatus works almost the same when pronouncing both letters.
So, in order to correctly speak the letter w, it is necessary to work with the articulation apparatus as follows:

  • the baby's lips should be slightly pushed forward in the form of a tube;
  • the tip of the tongue is raised to the palate so that a small gap remains between them;
  • the lateral edges of the child's tongue are pressed against the upper extreme teeth, giving the tongue the shape of a cup;
  • the air stream easily passes through unused vocal cords creating the sound you want.

In order to understand how to teach a child to say the letter w, it is necessary to resort to the above articulation, while connecting the vibrations of the vocal cords.
Regular exercise for sound production is very important. These exercises can be done with a speech therapist or at home.


Specialists have developed special speech therapy exercises for the sound of w and w to help kids learn to pronounce it correctly. This technique has many different exercises... Below are the most effective and popular among speech therapists.


This exercise for setting the sound Ш is aimed at relaxing the tongue. You need to open your mouth and smile. In a relaxed smile, stretch your tongue forward and place the tip in a calm position on your lower lip. The sides of the front of the tongue gently touch the corners of the mouth.

It is important to maintain this position without tension for a few seconds. This exercise is basic for such a problem as the production of hissing sounds, including the letters w and w.


The task "Pie" must be used to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, as well as to develop the mobility of the lateral walls of the tongue. As in the previous exercise, the mouth is open in a smile, the tongue lies on the lower lip. Without straining the lips, it is necessary to raise the side walls of the tongue so that a depression forms along the central axis of the tongue.

You need to hold this position from 5 to 10 seconds.


"Swing" is used to make the child's tongue more mobile. The initial position of the articulatory apparatus is as follows: an open and relaxed smile on the lips, the tongue lies wide and flat (do not allow it to become narrow).

The movements of the tongue are alternately carried out:

  • first, to formulate the sound w, a wide and flat tongue stretches towards the ceiling, after which it is directed towards the floor;
  • then the tongue moves first to the upper lip, then to the lower;
  • it is necessary to crawl with the tongue between the upper lip and upper teeth, and also do the same with the lower lip and teeth;
  • further, the tongue touches the upper and lower incisors;
  • at the end, you need to touch the wide tip of the tongue to the alveoli behind the lower dentition, and then behind the upper one.

The tongue walks through the teeth

This task is useful for setting the sound w in that it develops the baby's ability to control its tongue well. To complete this task, you need to open your mouth and relax the smiling lips. With the wide tip of the tongue, touch the lower dentition from the side of the tongue, and then from the side of the lip.


This task for working out the letters w and w helps, first of all, to strengthen control over the setting of the language. It also gives the baby a sense of how to guide the tongue towards the top of the mouth.

It is necessary to open your mouth in a half smile, relax the lips and fix the lower jaw in one position. Next, imagine that the tip of the tongue is paint brush and the sky is the ceiling to be painted. In order to do this, it is necessary to stroke the palate with the tongue from the larynx to the teeth and in the opposite direction, not allowing the tongue to go beyond the mouth.

The above exercises for setting the sounds w and w should be performed regularly. At the same time, parental control over how the baby performs the exercise is very important - it is important to control the correct fixation of the jaw, the position of the lips and the movement of the tongue.

In order to speak the sound Ш without problems, not only articulation is needed, but also automation.


For the correct pronunciation of complex sounds, both sound staging and sound automation are equally important. If the setting of the sound ш has already been carried out using speech therapy exercises, you can move on to fixing the sound, that is, to automation.

Automation of the sound Ш is carried out by working out the sound itself, syllables with this sound, and then words, sentences and texts. The production of hissing sounds is especially useful from working with pure phrases, rhymes, proverbs, etc.

  • The letter sh in syllables and words.

Shalun, Shahmat, Scarf; Shorh, ShOkolad, Shorts, Silk, Whisper, Shyol; JOKE, NOISE, SHUBA; Breadth, Bump, Sewing; Shesterka, Shelest, Shest, etc.

  • The letter w in syllables and words.

Heat, Pity, Toad; ZHOR, ZHONGLER, ZHOkey; Acorn, Yellow, Perch; Crane, beetle, horror; ANIMAL, LIFE, ANIMAL; IRON, WIFE, JELLY, etc.

  • Automation of sound sh with reading phrases.

MASHA feeds the little one.

In the summer, it is good to walk down the street.

PASHA and DASHA gave KASH a baby.

GLASHA wrote a poem about our baby.

Our songs about a bowl with porridge are good.

Speak in a whisper: the sheeps are still sleeping with the swift.

I lie by the window on the couch.

Misha, give me a little dust and tell a fairy tale.

Our Natasha all girls are more beautiful.

  • Nursery rhymes will also help to speak the sound w correctly.

A miner walked out of the mine
With a wicker basket,
And in the basket is a lump of wool.
The miner found a puppy for our Dasha.
Dasha dances and jumps on the spot:
“How good! I have a boyfriend!
I'll bake him a pie
I'll sit down to sew him a fur coat and a hat -
My black puppy will be happy. "

Correct operation of the articulatory apparatus and careful consolidation of the studied sounds are the only correct methods of sound production.

In order for the child to understand how to pronounce complex sounds correctly, it is necessary not only to perform special exercises, but also to monitor the correctness of his own speech.

If you regularly work with your child on the setting of sounds, then soon it will be possible to forget about the problem of how to teach the child to say the letter sh.

Olesya Morozova
Synopsis of speech therapy lesson "Sound and the letter W"

Goals: 1. Getting to know sound & lt; W>, his characteristic features, with with the letter Ш.

2. Reinforcement of correct pronunciation sound & lt; W> in syllables, words.

3. Development of phonemic hearing: the ability to highlight sound & lt; Ш> by ear and in pronunciation from a number of others sounds, syllables, words and determine the position sound in a word.

4. Reading exercise syllables, words with with the letter Ш... Acquaintance with the rule of writing the ShI syllable.

5. Fostering the desire to correctly pronounce the set the sounds.

Equipment: mirrors, demonstration object pictures (cornflowers, daisies, bumblebee, bee, lily of the valley, violet, shirt, T-shirt, trousers, shorts, slippers, sandals, chocolate, candy, hut, house, pen, pencil, individual object pictures, 2 for each child (watch, reed, bow, horse, ring, wardrobe, sled, cannon, pipe, ball, plane, cat, hare, hat, umbrella, mouse, toy Shurshunchik, sound houses, sets for word schemes, consonant lock letters, demo card letters Ш, reading cards, worksheets Primer with the letter W, containers with colored pencils, presentation to occupation, a computer.

Plan classes:

I. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Before the start classes a game for communication is held

"Good morning":

Morning came again. I will smile at you and you will smile at each other.

Well done! Hope you will be on occupations are also attentive to each other, as during this game.

II. Topic message classes.

Speech therapist: Guys, today we will meet new sound and letter... But with which ones, my friend Shurshunchik will tell us about it.

III. Articulatory gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Let's say hello to Rustle.

Children: Hello, Shurshunchik.

Rustle: Wait guys!

Speech therapist: Oh, Shurshunchik! What's the matter with you?

Rustle: I don’t reap!

Speech therapist: Did you do exercises for the tongue today?

Rustle: No!

Speech therapist: Well, then everything is clear to me. Your tongue has not woken up, and therefore you cannot pronounce everything correctly the sounds... But we'll fix that now.

Guys, so that the words sound smooth

Let's do some exercises for the tongue.

- "Smile":

We'll wake up early in the morning

Let's smile at mom and dad.

- "Fence":

Let's look out the window into the courtyard

And we will see a fence there.

- "Painter":

To keep the house clean

Paint the ceiling with a brush.

- "Cup":

Now we can rest

Let's take a teacup.

- "Delicious Jam":

Let's drink tea with boiling.

- "Horse":

Along the narrow, smooth path

We will ride a horse.

- "Fungus":

The path has an oak tree

A fungus grows under the oak tree.

- "Harmonic":

We are a little bit happy

Let's play the accordion.

Rustle: Ouch! And it really helped. That's it sounds are obtained!

IV. Highlighting<Ш>from the name. Characteristic sound.

Rustle, and what sound are we going to teach today?

Haven't you guessed yet? This sound hid at the beginning and middle of my name!

Guys, you guessed what it is sound?

- Sound Ш.

Right. Say sound W and look at yourself in the mirror. Is there an obstruction to the air flow? So this is what sound: vowel or consonant? Children answer.

Place your palm on the neck, say sound... Is a voice singing? Means sound Ш: deaf or voiced? Children's answers.

Yeah guys sound Ш - consonant, deaf, and also always hard. And he lives in the blue wing of the castle of consonants.

Let's repeat the characteristic sound Ш.

Children repeat: Sound Ш - consonant, hard, deaf.

Rustle: Oh, what good fellows!

V. Game "Catch sound Ш» .

Speech therapist: Yes, Shurshunchik, my guys are very smart and attentive.

Rustle: Oh, I want to believe if they are really that attentive. I suggest to play a game "Catch sound Ш» .

Speech therapist: And what? Good idea! We prepared our hands. If you hear sound & lt; W>, clap in hands:

A) Sh, S, M, Sh, Sh, Z, Y, Sh



Rustle: Well done, we did it!

Vi. Pronunciation sound in syllables, words. Choice of words with sound Ш.

Rustle: Guys, my dream is to become a writer. And I decided to write a story about how I went to visit the Hamster in the summer. But I want the story to contain as many words as possible with sound & lt; W>. Can you help me find them?

Tatyana Anatolyevna is well acquainted with this story. So let her tell, and I'll take notes.

Speech therapist: Deal. Well, let's start.

One fine summer morning, Shurshunchik decided to go to visit his friend Hamster. Gathering, he hummed funny songs to himself. I ask you now to listen to them carefully and without mistakes. repeat: SHA-SHO-SHU

And from now on we need help in choosing words with sound & lt; W>.

So, Shurshunchik decided to dress up. He put on (shirt or T-shirt, (pants or shorts)... He put on comfortable feet (sandals or slippers)... And, closing the door tightly, walked along the path. Along it bloomed beautifully (cornflowers or daisies, and over the flowers buzzed (bumblebees or bees)... At the very edge of the forest, there was a fragrant (dandelion or lily of the valley)... Sat on a branch of a tall pine interesting bird... It was (cuckoo or oriole)... How beautiful it was in the forest! Here and there in the grass were seen (boletus or mushrooms)... Coming out into a wide clearing, Shurshunchik saw (hut or house) Hamster. He was very happy to see his friend. As a gift, Shurshunchik brought (pen or pencil)... And the Hamster treated the guest (chocolate or candy)... And then friends decided to play a game "Settled sound Ш in the house» .

Vii. The game "Settled sound & lt; W> into the house ".

Let us guys play this game too.

Speech therapist calls words from the board (words that the children have chosen, and the guys on sound the houses determine the position sound Ш in them.

Rustle: Ha! It's easy for everyone to play this game together. You can also spy on your neighbor.

Speech therapist: Well. Let's see how the guys cope with this task on their own. You have 2 pictures on your tables. Take them, pick a picture with sound Sh and determine the place sound in it.

Children are doing the task. Then they explain its implementation out loud.

Rustle: Well done!

VIII. Physical education minute.

Speech therapist: Rustle! And the guys and I know the game about your friend Hamster. Do you wanna take a look?

Rustle: With pleasure!

Children together with speech therapist do a physical minute "Hamster":

Hamster, hamster, hamster -

Striped barrel.

Homka gets up early

Washes cheeks, rubs ears.

Hamster sweeps the hut

And goes out to charge.

One, two, three, four, five -

Homka wants to become strong.

IX. Acquaintance with with the letter Ш.

Rustle: Oh, how interesting! Do you know when I was leaving home the Hamster gave me the letter W... If you want, I'll give it to you.

Speech therapist: Thank you, Shurshunchik!

Look at the letter W -

The letter is very good,

I wrote the letter W:

Three poles and a sleeper at the bottom.

Speech therapist shows children a demo card with with the letter Ш.

Then, explains how to spell this letter.

X. Reading syllables and words by cards:





XI. Work on Worker Sheets ABC book.

Speech therapist: Guys, to better remember letter W and did not confuse her with others letters, Shurshunchik and I suggest you paint the letter Ш on the sheets of the Primer... What color will you paint letters? Why? Children's answers. Paint letters follows only in blue, because it denotes one solid consonant sound Ш.

Children paint letter.

XII. Outcome classes.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you remember which we studied sound and letter today?

Children answer.

Rustle: Well done! Thank you guys for your help! Goodbye!

Speech therapist: Goodbye, Rustle!

Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [W] for a child 5-6 years old

Ponomareva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU " Kindergarten No. 166 "Lastochka", Saratov

Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [W] "The road for Masha"

Material description: I offer you a summary of a lesson on sound automation [Ш] for older children preschool age(5-6 years old). This material will be useful for teachers-speech therapists in kindergartens. This synopsis for the stage of automating sound in syllables, words, sentences and poems. Form of conduct: individual lesson.
Equipment: doll Masha, box, object pictures with sound [W], pictures with assignments, illustrations for poems.
Target: sound automation [W]
a) correctional: to develop clear and differentiated movements of the articulatory apparatus; learn to pronounce the sound [Ш] in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences, poems; to clarify the acoustic and pronunciation image of the sound [Ш],
b) developing: to develop phonemic processes, memory, attention, motor skills; improve lexical and grammatical categories;
c) educational: to bring up the desire to help a friend, the desire to speak beautifully and correctly, to form positive motivation in the classroom.

Course of the lesson:
I. Organizational moment.

- On the way here I met the doll Masha. She forgot her way home. Let's take her home to her mom? Okay, I just know which path we need to take. And to make it more fun, we will carry out different tasks on the way.

II. Main part.
1. Articulation gymnastics.

- Let's teach Masha to do the following exercises:
"Fence / Tube" - 5 times.
"Delicious Jam" - 5 times.
"Swing" - 10 times.
"Cup" - 10 seconds.
"Mushroom" - 5 seconds.
"Horse" - 5 times.

2. Repetition of the articulation of the sound [Ш]

- Look, this is already crawling along the path and hissing! Let's hiss just like him. Now run your finger along the path and spike. Now lead with a pencil and do not forget to hiss like a snake.
- Tell Masha how we pronounce the sound [Ш]. What do our tongue, lips, teeth do when pronouncing the sound [Ш]? (the lips are rounded, the teeth are closed with a small crack, the tongue looks like a "cup" and is raised by the tubercles behind the upper teeth).

3. Automation of sound in syllables.
“Look, there are footprints on this path. Let's read what is written there.

4. Finger gymnastics.
Ring finger, middle,
I will connect with the big one.
I'll bend the other two back,
I'll show you the frog.

5. Automation of sound in words.
a) "Name the word and determine the place of the sound."
- And what is this box on the path? Look what's in it.
- Name the words and lay out the pictures accordingly: with the sound [Ш] at the beginning of the word, in the middle and at the end of the word. (Subject pictures: fur coat, chamomile, scarf, shirt, shower, wardrobe, cat, mouse, reed, chess).
b) "Count".
- Who is this sleeping in the clearing? (Cat). Whom does the cat see in his dream? (Mice). Count how many mice the cat saw in a dream. (One mouse, two mice, three mice ...)

6. Automation of sound in sentences.
- Combine action words with matching pictures. Make up and say sentences. Let's find out what Masha was doing. (Masha ate a chocolate bar. Masha ate a pear. Masha ate a cherry. Masha washed a pear. Masha saw the school. Masha went to the school. Masha was embroidering a pillow. Masha bought a chocolate bar. Masha sewed shorts. Masha ironed the shorts.)

7. Automation of sound in poems.

Cockerel found the bag.
And there was a pot in the sack.
And in the pot there are peas
And a little bit of crumbs.

Reeds rustled in the darkness.
The cat thought it was a mouse.
I ran into the reeds -
There is not a soul in the reeds.

III. Summarizing.
- But I see whose house is hidden behind the reeds. Here we are. Masha says thank you. You took her home and taught her to pronounce the sound [Ш]. How do we pronounce the sound [Ш]? Remember who we met on the way? Well done! Today you tried and pronounced the sound correctly and helped the doll Masha find his way home.