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Verrocko Baptism. Baptism of the Lord - icons, frescoes, mosaics, paintings

Polenov Vasily Dmitrievich. Epiphany. 1887-1888.

Baptism of Christ - Tintoretto.

Painting on a tree. 1500 Chlodwig I (baptism of chloride)

The baptism of the Savior of Ivanov Andrei Ivanovich. The second half of the 1800s

Andrea Verokko And Leonardo da Vinci. The baptism of Christ. 1472 - 1475 g. "Baptism of Christ" (ITAL. Battesimo Di Cristo) - Picture, written by Andrea Verokko together with his student Leonardo da Vinci

Baptism of the Lord "Semiradsky Henry Ippolitovich

Baptism Christ Baptized by Saint John Art. Nicolas Poussin.

The Baptism of Christ ADAM ELSHEIMER

Antoine Coypel - The Baptism of CHRIST

Preti_mattia_the_baptism_of_christ.jpg Mattia Preti (1613-1699)

Pietro Perugino. Epiphany

Pietro Perugino. "Composition of the polyptic limit from the Church of Santissima Annunziata: baptism"

Baptism, Pietro Perugino

Baptism of Christ Joachim Patenier

Patenier Joachim Trittico (1487-1524)

The Baptism of Christ Cornelis Van

Tsangvidi, Jacopo, Nicknamed Bertya Baptism of the Lord

Altar of St. John the Baptist. Hans Baldung Picture completion date: 1520.

The Baptism of Christ by Guido Remi, c. 1622.

Baptism, Piero Della Francesca, The Baptism of CHRIST

Mosaic of the cathedral of the monastery of Na Moni on O. Chios. 1042-1056 Greece

Mosaic of the Arian Baptistery Code. End vV. Ravenna, Italy

For the early Christian, and then the Byzantine art is characterized by the image of Christ in the scene of the baptism naked. In this case, the nudity cannot be an echo of an Hellenistic tradition. Christ appears nagim both in the works of areas that have had the long traditions of the image of the naked body and in the monuments of the Siro-Palestinian region, such a past, not having, and always more "strict." Christ is depicted nagim as Adam in the Garden of Eden. This emphasizes that Christ is a new Adam, perfect by the Godhead, who came to save the human race from the power of death and sin. Only the works of the XV century of Christ begin to portray in pregnancy.

Mosaic of the Baptistery of Orthodox Baptistery. Near the middle of the V c. Ravenna, Italy

Reliquor Capella Sante Sanctuator. Vi in. Vatican museums. Fragment
This is the earliest descended image of the Epiphany, made on the board - the scene on the Reliquarian lid found in the Roman Chapel of Santea Sanctuor. This work was created at the end of the 6th century in the eastern part of the empire, maybe in Palestine.
Christ is depicted in accordance with the evangelical narration of the mids, with a beard. The figures of two angels, John the Forerunners and Apostles Andrei and John are placed on the sides of him. Above the Savior was written by the Holy Spirit in the form of a pigeon emanating from the guy of the god Father. The image of the land makes it possible to solve the complex task of the image of a disassembled - why the glory from heaven: "This has a son of my beloved, in which my favor" (MF.3: 17)

At the time of the baptism of Christ, John, three miracles were accomplished, which did not happen to anyone who took baptism. Gerarddavid. Baptism of Christ (up to 1508). Brugge. There are some pictures that the Verrocko may be attributed after the "Baptism of Christ" paintings.

Part of the painting (some elements of the landscape and the blonde angel on the left) were written by Leonardo. With angel Leonardo connected famous legend About the "defeated teacher." And, although he was a junc, he fulfilled it so that the Angel Leonardo came out much better than the Figure of the Verrocko. "

Being primarily the sculptor, Andrea Verrocko (1435/1436-1488) performed picturesque orders with breaks, as a result of which one of his paintings - "Baptism of Christ" - could not finish. He asked to complete the started his student Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), the young, but who had already reached great success, although remaining in the teacher's workshop. And it was in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth Galilean and baptized from John in Jordan.

Trinity, many times, although it is not quite clear, felt in the Old Testament, here first appears in all its completeness, "the famous theologian C. Schafield states. Thirdly, "voice was from heaven" - a voice of the Heaven's Father, which he expressed unconditional approval of Jesus and his mission.

Baptism, according to the teachings of all Christian denominations, is considered as the introduction of a person in the Lono of the Church. This is simultaneously an act of cleansing from sin, and the second birth in which the font is a symbol of a malfunction of a virgin, from which the dedicated is born again. Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments and one of the Epiphanies of Christ. The baptism of John the Baptist of Jesus Christ is the climax of the Earth's Mission of John.

In the gortgic cycles of Christ, baptism usually takes place after the plot "twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple" and before the temptation of Christ in the desert. In the cycles from the life of John the Baptist, who received special distribution in Italy in the XIV - XV centuries, it follows the baptism of the entire people and precedes the arrest of John the Baptist.

However, there are serious differences, on the one hand, the synoptic gospels (as a whole) from the story of John and, on the other, the differences between the three evangelists.

Picture Leonardo da Vinci "Holy Anna with Madonna and Baby Christ"

The plot of the baptism of Christ in art completed its iconographic development of about a century. At a later time, only individual components details were varied. There are no descriptions of complete baptism in the ancient authors. They also repeat the story of the canonical gospels. Calculation of these forms helps to understand the features of the image of the baptism of Christ by Western artists. the main thing actor The plot under consideration is Jesus Christ.

An explanation of such anachronism should be sought in the very concept of Christian baptism: Christ gave a sample of baptism. John the Baptist is usually placed on the right of Christ the coast of Jordan, he places his hand on Jesus's head. The supervision of this is as a fact that took place with the baptism of the Savior, noted in the early church writers.

The answer to the question than is justified by their introduction, again is in the plane of tradition, according to which angels, as servants of God, are present with all the most important events of the life of Christ. In the monuments of Western European art, the initial item for the establishment of the iconography of the Baptism of Christ was the Byzantine samples.

Special attention requires itself a way to make baptism: either baptism by immersion in water, or vengeance (or sprinkling). As a rule, preferable was the baptism of immersion.

In the West to the XV century, the prevailing was baptized by immersion. In the center of her Christ. He is ankle in the waters of the river, his hands are folded in a Catholic prayer gesture. Near John the Baptist, he pours water out of a saucer on the head of Christ (baptism of pouring). The type of three angels is even more mysterious (we judge them as angels, firstly, by their wings, secondly, by the place they occupy, - the usual place for angels in this scene).

The baptism of Christ, they argued, happened on the same day thirty years later, as the worship of the Magi, and the miracle in Cana - on the same day a year after baptism. This plot is central in the altar, from two sides of him depicted "The birth of John the Baptist" (left) and "Death of John the Baptist" (right).

They follow directly for baptism in their order that Matthew gives (see the temptation of Christ in the desert). Angel with the right of Brush Leonardo ... Leonardo began its activities in the seventies of the XV century. After leaving the Verrocko Workshop, he was adopted by an independent master in the Florentine Guild of Artists. So, on his initiative, the Duke of Leonardo da Vinci Academy was founded. In Milan, he read lectures and, probably, many of the hands that had reached us were no more than abstract lectures.

Meaning Leonardo da Vinci in the history of Italian art

To answer this question, it is necessary to consider the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci and try to understand yourself that they contained new in the sense of feelings, shapes and paints. Vasari reports that Leonardo's brushes belongs to this picture standing on the right on the knees angel holding the Savior's clothes.

Painting XV-XVI centuries.

Picture of Verrocko, written by him with students. Executed Leonardo Portrait of Jinevier de Benchi, in turn, deprived of the melancholy, which comes from the maiden heads of Botticelli. For these youthful works belonging to the early youth of the artist, the paintings created by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan.

The artist or depicted how Christ comes to the disciples and gives them their living, or as they sit at the table. In the rustling of ingenious inspiration, Leonardo chose the word of Christ: "One of you betray me" - and this immediately reached this unity.

Based on the stories of evangelists about the baptism of Christ, it is impossible to characterize all the details of this plot in painting. The story of the baptism of Christ is contained in all four Gospels. Jotto. The baptism of Christ (1304 - 1306). Padua. Capella overseas.

Initially, the order for a picture from one of the monasteries received sculptor and at the same time the artist Andrea Verokko. True, a few months later, Andrea realized that he could not complete his work, and asked for help from his student Leonardo da Vinci (from archival texts it is known that Da Vinci completed the image of some elements of the landscape and a blonde angel at the bottom left). After this picture and went a legend that Verokkyo, having seen the work of Leonardo, was struck by her accuracy and "abandoned the brush." True, he also wrote a couple of works, but more began to pay attention to sculptures. Whatever it was, the picture is well transmitted by the birth of this bright holiday, and many art lovers will not be able to take a look from smooth shades and a subtle image of the landscape behind the acting figures.

Andrea Verokko, Leonardo da Vinci "Baptism of Christ". Approximately 1472-1475.

Piero della Francesca "Baptism of Christ". Approximately 1450.

This is one of the few paintings that has passed the event in those years in a more "human" form than the "divine". The center is still worth the Christ, next to him, John the Baptist, who washes the head of the Son of God's Water. For this, there are three angels nearby, and already on the background there is another figure of a person who removes clothes in front of his baptism at the Jordan River. Many fascinates the transfer of colors and the geometric proportion of figures and items in this picture. In such a stylist, the Italian artist, the theorist Piero della Francesca worked on other creations. Speaking about his work, experts note that in each of the paintings the author tried to convey solemnity, proportionality, as well as maintain a composition in each image.

Theodore Aksentich "Holiday of Jordan (water blessing)." 1893 year.

Remembering the work of the Polish artist armenian origin Theodora Akseniwich, contemporaries usually call it portraitist. Of course, his portrait work was not in vain awarded a separate place in Polish museums, but who was interested in his work, he knows what he wrote not only the faces, he received and thanks to the image of genre scenes. Theodore worked both over historical topics and over the "folk". One of the most famous works in this direction "Holiday Holiday of Jordan" is 1893. Because of the cool shades, the feeling of the morning frost is transmitted. Having looked at Word, the inhabitants of a small village come to the reservoir to listen to the festive liturgy and dial consecrated water. It would seem that the picture is more than a century, and the traditions in quiet and neh-settlement villages have not changed.

Nikolai Grandkovsky "Swimming after the consecration of the water of the sixth of January." 1903 year.

This is another picture, looking at which you can exclaim with delight: "nothing has changed in a hundred years!" The name of the work speaks by itself for itself - residents of the settlement are gather at the hole after the consecration of water on January 6 (January 19). Nikolay Grandkovsky during his life worked both over portraits and the image of a dynamic folk scene, so his baptismic creation converted the entire atmosphere of the holiday - the extinguished people dive into the water, wash themselves from the legs to the head of cold water, there is a well-baked dwarf, using the hay in the form litters. And only women are watching all from the outside ... Right, it is no one for the ladies in cold water splash better at homeYes, water heated on the stove.

Boris Kustodiev "Epiphany Water Engineering". 1921.

Yes, yes, the artist of Kustodiev on his canvases portrays not only the magnifted beauties with pink cheeks and sponges. Boris Mikhailovich worked on the embodiment of the atmosphere folk festivities, as well as holidays. The creation of one of the brightest and picturesque works and served the holiday of baptism. The work then also entered the story under the name "Epiphany Water Engineering". In it, he paid the attention of each little thing - at the very bottom of the corrosive, the priests stand in the cut in the form of the Cross, it is visible to the freeze and baked boat. At the very top of the brilliance of the bell tower of the church and smoke from the pipes already gathered a huge queue from the local, which, apparently, stand on a hill, waiting for the opportunity to gain water. What is not a festive atmosphere?

Boris Kustodiev "Epiphany Water Engineering". 1921. Yes yes, artist

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The Baptism of the Lord is a two-month non-passing holiday, so it is celebrated every year on the same day - January 19. However, this date for Orthodox, Catholics celebrate it on January 6. In 2017, the baptism of the Orthodox falls on Thursday. Baptism is the final feast of the Christmas-New Year cycle. In the people, it is also called the holiday of Jordan, since it was on this river John the Forerunner baptized Jesus Christ aged 30 years.

(Matthew 3: 13 - 17; Mark 1: 9 - 11; Luka 3:21 - 22; John 1: 29 - 34)

Then comes Jesus from Galilee to Jordan to John to be baptized from him. John kept him and said: I was needed to be baptized from you, and whether you come to me? But Jesus told him in response: Leave Now, for it should be fulfilled to fulfill all the truth. Then John admits it. And, barely, Jesus immediately came out of the water, - and the Heavens were rejected by him, and I saw John the Spirit of God, who went like a pigeon, and dusted on him. And this, voice from the heavens of the verbal: This is the son of my beloved, in which my favor.

(MF. 3: 13-17)

And it was in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth Galilean and baptized from John in Jordan. And when I came out of the water, immediately saw John expanding heaven and the Spirit, like a dove that comes out on him. And the voice was from heaven: You are my sweetheart son, in which my favor.

(MK. 1: 9-11)

"Trinity, repeated, although not quite clearly, felt in the Old Testament, here first appears in all its completeness," the famous theologian C. Skowofield. At the time of the baptism of Christ, John, three miracles were accomplished, which did not happen to anyone who took baptism.

First, as Mark shows, "I saw John expressed heaven." Screwed skies - metaphor, reflecting God's interference in human affairs in order to save his people.

Secondly, John saw the "Spirit, like a pigeon, coming to him," that is, in an affordable contemplation form (Luke has been said even more definitely: "The Holy Spirit launched on him in bodily form as a pigeon").

Thirdly, "voice was from heaven" - a voice of the Heaven's Father, which he expressed unconditional approval of Jesus and his mission.

In addition, in this gospel story, the second, who came to us, the saying of Christ - the words, addressed John the Baptist: "Leave Now, for it should fulfill our truth so." (First of his words, see Maria and Joseph reproach the restraint of them Jesus.)

Baptism, according to the teachings of all Christian denominations, is considered as the introduction of a person in the Lono of the Church. This is simultaneously an act of cleansing from sin, and the second birth in which the font is a symbol of a malfunction of a virgin, from which the dedicated is born again. Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments and one of the Epiphanies of Christ.

By virtue of all the stated plot "Baptism of Christ" has gained great importance from the first centuries of the history of Christianity and is already found from the III century in the painting of Roman catacombs and on sarcophagas.

The baptism of John the Baptist of Jesus Christ is the climax of the Earth's Mission of John. He spent his life to hermit, preaching his preparing the arrival of Christ, calling for repentance and prophesy the arrival of the Messiah. Both of them - John and Jesus - no longer meet in their earthly life. Due to the cardinal value that baptism had both for them, it finds a place in narrative patterns of paintings on the stories from life as John and Jesus. In the gortgic cycles of Christ, baptism usually takes place after the plot "twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple" and before the temptation of Christ in the desert. In the cycles from the life of John the Baptist, who received special distribution in Italy in the XIV - XV centuries, it follows the baptism of the entire people and precedes the arrest of John the Baptist.

The story of the baptism of Christ is contained in all four Gospels. However, there are serious differences, on the one hand, the synoptic gospels (as a whole) from the story of John and, on the other, the differences between the three evangelists. For us, in this case it is important to note that artists knowing about these differences reflected them in their picturesque interpretations of the plot of baptism.

So, Matthew and Mark indicate that Jesus was already baptized and came out (MF. 3:16) or went out (MK. 1:11) From the water, when heaven was expressed and the Holy Spirit came to him. Luka also claims that the Holy Spirit came to Jesus at that moment when, having prayed, he prayed: "When all the people were baptized, and Jesus, having praised, prayed: The sky was rejected, and the Saint Holy Spirit was on him" (Lux 3 : 21-22). As for the fourth evangelist, John cites the testimony of the Baptist - the prophecy of his students.

In painting, Luke version (Mazolino, Perugino, , Andrea del Verrrocko, ).

Pierodella Francesca Baptism of Christ (1445). London. National Gallery.

Andrea Del Virrocko. Leonardo da Vinci. Baptism of Christ (1470 - 1480). Florence. Gallery Uffizi.

Gerarddavid. Baptism of Christ (up to 1508). Brugge. Gorodsky Museum of Idyshchiki.

The plot of the baptism of Christ in art completed its iconographic development of about a century. At a later time, only individual components details were varied. The main acting person is Jesus Christ - it appears usually with long hair and a beard, naked (in one loin bandage), in the middle of the Jordan River, in the belt or knee in water; His hands are folded in a prayer gesture. On the left of him on the bank of the river stands John the Baptist, he is closed in long clothes, in his left hand holds a long staff with a cross on the end or a scroll with his prophecy, and the right lay on Christ's head. For John, his students are often standing against the background of the highlands of the scenery. Heaven extends above the head of Jesus, from where the blessing hand is lowered - the symbol of the heavenly father; A ray of light flows from the sky, falling on the head of Christ, and the pigeon flies along it - the symbol of the Holy Spirit. This is the most general scheme. Now it is necessary to dwell on its individual elements in more detail to trace how their image changed.

Based on the stories of evangelists about the baptism of Christ, it is impossible to characterize all the details of this plot in painting. Other stories that would fully characterize at least the main parts of the image, the ancient literature does not give. Apocrypha in this case repeats the information available in the canonical gospels. There are no descriptions of complete baptism in the ancient authors. They also repeat the story of the canonical gospels. Nevertheless, these sources taken together, and in comparison with the liturgical practice of baptism, give sufficient material that clarifies all forms of the plot of baptism, as it appears in the monuments of early Christian and Byzantine art. Calculation of these forms helps to understand the features of the image of the baptism of Christ by Western artists.

JESUS \u200b\u200bCHRIST

The main acting person of the subject under consideration is Jesus Christ. He did not immediately depict a man of mature age and with a beard. In the sculpture of the Roman sarcophagus of the IV-Vi centuries, as in the painting of Roman catacombs, Jesus appears in the form of a boy, and John - a man of mature age, which is not consistent with the story. An explanation of such anachronism should be sought in the very concept of Christian baptism: Christ gave a sample of baptism. Children are baptized, and adults, which are thus born to a new life, in other words - become young. From this point of view, the Savior metaphorically be called the tags, which it is depicted in early Christian art. The form of Christ mature by age in the scene of baptism was finally established in the VI century, and since then the return to Christ, there was no pressure in this plot.


John the Baptist is usually placed on the right of Christ the coast of Jordan, he places his hand on Jesus's head. The supervision of this is as a fact that took place with the baptism of the Savior, noted in the early church writers. We see it already in one of the early images of baptism in the Sacred Challenge of Catacomb Kallist (approx. 230). John is usually depicted on the river bank, while Jesus stands in water, thus, John may objectively be above Christ and lean to him, dropping on his knees, which was an expression of his humility and should indicate his words addressed to Christ: " It is necessary to be baptized from you. " In the art of counter-processing, the Jesus is more often kneelless before John. Such a interpretation relies on the teaching of mystics of the XVI-XVII centuries, especially those who emphasized the humility of Christ: Jesus, being sinless, liked himself sinner and performed a cleansing rite.

God Father and Blue - Holy Spirit

Over the head of Jesus is always depicted soaring white dove - Symbol of the Holy Spirit, and above it a symbol of a father's god - a belt image, or a head and shoulders (Rogir van der Wayden), or only one hands, letting dove ( Leonardo da Vinci). This type of image dominated up to the second half of the XVI century. In this case, there could be differences in the details. When the Father's God symbolizes only the hands, their fingers emit the flow streams. The words " HIC EST FILIUS Meus Dilectus"(Lat. -" This there is a son of my beloved ") can be written in the space of the painting over a soaring dove. This Latin inscription forms a very beautiful line on the picture of Rogira van der Waiden.


Angels, in order to balance the composition, are placed on the side of the picture opposite from John the Baptist - this is the left of Christ, standing by the viewer, the bank of the river. In the monuments of the ancient Christian art of angels, the Angels are usually two - a number natural to express the thought of artists: one angel contemplates the Holy Spirit, coming from the sky, and listens to the voice of the Father's God, the other looks at the Savior. Starting from the XI-XII centuries, the number of angels increases: most often depicts three angels, but sometimes their number reaches seven. In the Gospel, nothing is said about the presence of angel (or angels) with the baptism of Jesus Christ. The answer to the question than is justified by their introduction, again is in the plane of tradition, according to which angels, as servants of God, are present with all the most important events of the life of Christ. But if in other cases it is a glorious angels, then in the scene of the baptism of Christ, their appointment is different - it becomes clear if you draw attention to the fact that they are depicted with the cloths on their hands: the angels will fly off neophytes (new) at the exit of the latter from the font. "This is a real explanation," notes the famous Russian iconograf N. Pokrovsky, - according to which each iconographic detail of baptism should be a copy with one or another figure of the ritual, finds some support in the later iconography of baptism in the West, where artists sometimes portrayed in the hands of angels white baptism Tunics, which seemed to be for the vessels of Christ. "

In the monuments of Western European art, the initial item for the establishment of the iconography of the Baptism of Christ was the Byzantine samples. Italian monuments of the XII-XIII centuries retain not only the general Byzantine Baptism scheme, but also its essential iconographic details. In the Paduan Chapel, the bruises revitalizes the Byzantine scheme: it attaches more grace with fixed figures, gives them naturalness and beauty, introduces an image of a father's god in the radiant of the sky.

Jotto. The baptism of Christ (1304 - 1306). Padua. Capella overseas.

The Italian artists of the XIV-XV centuries are made by various household details in the Baptism composition: animals walk on the river bank, baptism take crowds of the people - the opportunity for artists to give portraits of their contemporaries, as it does, in particular, Perugino.

Special attention requires itself a way to make baptism: either baptism by immersion in water, or vengeance (or sprinkling). As a rule, preferable was the baptism of immersion. The baptism of pouring (or sprinkling) was allowed as an exception. In the West to the XV century, the prevailing was baptized by immersion. Western cathedrals insisted on baptism: Clermons (1268), Cologne (1280), Exeter (1287), Utrecht (1293), Würzburg (1298), Parisian (1355). But in the XIV century, the situation changes, and the baptism of the velvement is all bolder and finally, as the only one is approved in the Western Church, finally (by the XVII century).

Analysis of monuments visual arts Confirms this chronology: the prevailing form of baptism up to the XIV century was the dive into the font, in the XIV-XV centuries, there is increasingly mowing, in the XVI century, it becomes usual.

Among the many paintings of Western masters on the theme "The Baptism of Christ" is a special place due to the exceptional complexity of its iconography, the famous London painting occupies Piero della Francesca. In the center of her Christ. He is ankle in the waters of the river, his hands are folded in a Catholic prayer gesture. Near John the Baptist, he pours water out of a saucer on the head of Christ (baptism of pouring). Behind this main group, a undressing man going to take baptism (hint of the baptism of a set of people; see Mf. 3: 5 - 6). Over the head of Jesus, the Pigeon is picking - the Holy Spirit. In the background, a group of people, according to the species of oriental type (who are they? What do they mean their postures and gestures? Their bright clothes?). The type of three angels is even more mysterious (we judge them as angels, firstly, by their wings, secondly, by the place they occupy, - the usual place for angels in this scene). They do not worship Christ. One of them looks at the viewer and, as it seems at first glance, does not pay attention to the main action - the baptism of Christ, but at the same time he establishes direct contact with the audience and thus as if invites him to take part in this sacramental act. Pos and gestures, similar to what we see the angels in the picture have never met in the context of the baptism of Christ. Comparison with similar three antiquity compositions (poses, angles, gestures) makes aggravated with a witty guess of M. Lavina, according to which the angels here are an allusion on the "marriage feast" and, in this case, in the scene of the baptism of Christ, the other miracle with water is introduced into the scene - turning her In Wine on a marriage peer in the plot "Marriage in Cana". Connection on one picture of baptism and a hint of marriage in Cana with the conversion of water in wine (Bethany.) It has a liturgical rationale: both events are marked by the Western Church on the same day - January 6.

Picture i am strikingly enters the baptism of Christ and the third holiday of this day - the worship of the Magi (Epiphany.): Four figures in the background, which at first cause surprise - it is Magheva, one of which hand points to the star, bringing them to the place of birth of Jesus. Rodation of all three events as three Epiphanies emphasized medieval liturgies, such as Horoni Olensky (Augustoducan), Rupert and Durand. The baptism of Christ, they argued, happened on the same day thirty years later, as the worship of the Magi, and the miracle in Cana - on the same day a year after baptism. In one medieval antifone read:


hodie Stella Magos Duxit AD PRAESEPIUM:

hodie Vinum Ex Aqua Factum Est AD NUPTIAS:

hodie in Iordane A Ioanne Christus Baptizare Volui

uT.salvaret.nos., Alleaia

"We keep this day with the saints in honor of three wonders: on this day the star led the wise men to the nursery; On this day, the water appealed to wine on a marriage peer; On this day, Christ chose to be baptized John in Jordan for our salvation, Hallelujah. "

The typological aspects of the baptism of Christ received the most complete picturesque expression in the "Bible of the Poor". The corresponding illustration of it gives - in addition to the main event - the image, as usual in this book, the four prophets with their texts relating to this new tightening episode. So, Isaiah are depicted here: "And in joy you will leap water from the sources of salvation" (Is. 12: 3); Ezekiel: "And sprinkle you pure water"(Jes. 36:25); David: "In meetings, bless God of the Lord, you are from the seed of Israel!" (Ps. 67:27); Zechariah: "On that day, the source house Davidov will open." From scenes Old TestamentThe prototype of the Baptism of Jesus Christ, here are: the transition of Jews through the cherry (red) sea and the death of the Faramonic warriors, which were hung behind them (Ex. 14:26 - 30), and a huge bunch of grapes - a symbol of the fertility of the Land of the promised, which is carried on Two skewed (number 13:24).

A wonderful sample of the picturesque interpretation of baptism gives Rogir Van der Wayden on his altar of John the Baptist (Altar Miraflores). This plot is central in the altar, from two sides of him depicted "The birth of John the Baptist" (left) and "Death of John the Baptist" (right). The baptism scene is placed in the frame of the portal of the Gothic Cathedral: the distance between the columns is leaving the Jordan River; In the center of knee in the water, the figure of Christ in a loin bandage; John stands on the shore and out of her palm watering water on the head of Christ; On the other side of the Angel holds the clothes of Christ. On two columns and two consoles, as in the two other panels of this altar, are depicted four apostles with their attributes. In archived - six scenes in the form of sculptural compositions, three of which are associated with John (they precede the baptism), and three others represent three temptations of Christ. They follow directly for baptism in their order that Matthew (see The temptation of Christ in the desert). These scenes appear in such a sequence (from left to right): Zechariah prays, authorized by the Holy Spirit (dove), before the cradle of John the Baptist (?); John the Baptist in the desert; John the Baptist Captures People; The first temptation of Christ (with stones); The second temptation of Christ ("on the wing of the temple"); The third temptation of Christ (on high mountain). (About the side of the altar, see: The birth of Jesus Christ; Death of John the Baptist)

The popularity of the plot of the baptism of Christ is also explained by the fact that the paintings on this plot were ordered not only for the altars of Baptisteriyev (baptized) or churches set in honor of John the Baptist, but also by customers who were called such a name.

Examples and illustration

Andrea Del Virrocko. Leonardo da Vinci. Baptism of Christ (1470 - 1480). Florence. Gallery Uffizi.

Pietroperudzino. The signer of Christ (1478 - 1482) .Vatikan. The Sistine Chapel.

Rogir Wang der Wayden. Baptizing christ (after 1450). Altar John the Baptist (Altar Miraflores) (Central Chat). Berlin-Dale. Picture Gallery of the State Museum.

Gerarddavid. Baptism of Christ (up to 1508). Brugge. Gorodsky Museum of Idyshchiki.

© A. Makar.

The baptism of the Lord, or the Epiphany, is called because, at the time of the baptism of the Savior, all three faces came Blessed Trinity: God Father, God Son, Brutal in Jordan, and the Holy Spirit, descended in the form of a dove.

Ravenna Mosaic - The first famous image of the Baptism of the Lord

From the early images of the Baptism of the Lord, Ravennic mosaics of the V-VI centuries are the greatest interest.

In the dome of the Orthodox Baptistery, the baptism of the Lord has a complex iconography: the Savior is represented by naked, with the Vlas of the Nicory Length, with a beard, with his hands lowered;

He stands on the belt in the water, and the spirit of the saint in the form of a pigeon descends on top of it.
John the Forerunner in the tunic stands on the rocky coast of Jordan; With his left hand, he holds a four-star cross on a high trek, and the right of the vessel stands to the head of the Savior.

The right to the Savior - in the waters of Jordanian - a bearded elder; in his hands covered and reed branch; This is an allegorical image of the Jordan River.
The central composition is surrounded by the majestic figures of the apostles, the first to adopted baptism; They carry the crown in their hands, intending to give them to the Lord.

The second half of the XI century. Church of the Assumption of Our Lady, Daphny. Mosaic in Trompe

According to famous icons from the Sinai Monastery of St. Katerina, belonging to the Comninovsky Epoch (the second half of the XI century), it is not difficult to imagine what the first images of the Baptism of the Lord, who fell into Russian land.

The naked Savior is completely immersed in Jordanian water;

He is in motion: it can be seen that he just entered, and immediately comes out (ABIE from the water - Mf. 3:17);

Forerunner, clothed in clothing from camel hair (Matt. 3: 4), standing on the shore, stretches to the Savior hand, fulfilling all the truth.

On the opposite shore of Jordan, the reverently bent angels are served by Jesus Clothes overlooking the water ...

Epiphany. Transformation. Resurrection of Lazarus. Middle of the XIV century. National Museum, Belgrade.

Ancient iconographic scripts, compiled according to Byzantine monuments, give a description of the Baptism of the Lord Briefly:

"Saving Nag ... government hand Blesses about the thigh, and the forerunner baptizes Christ.

Three angel ... tilted to the Lord, and the Forerunner Aki bowed to the knee. "

Later texts give description more:

"The Lord of Our Christ stands in Jordan Reta, Nag, the chapter she kept for the forerunner, Hero blesses Jordan.

On the right side of the Mountain Praselen (i.e., insensitive green);

The Forerunner on it stands near Jordan, abandoned to the Lord; And touched John to the land of the Lord, the rest of the Lord from the holy of the Trinity.

At the preported Rise from Vlas Velbuchi and the belt belt about silent it, and the riza shaggy San Cyro-wild (brown-olive).

On the other hand, the river Mount Wow with Bel, Aki sandy; Angeli stand, bowing to the Lord; One angel holds a white robe, the riza on it is a crimp, haking Lazorous; The second angel holds the robe of the crimson, the riza on it is a cinnabar, having gone prazen; The third angel holds the robe with Lazorovaya from Belly, and on it Riza Praselen, sinking a banana with Bellyli. "

We will pay attention to the rhesis that the Angels are made by the Lord - the colors of these three Reese remind the most important parties to the ministry of the Savior's world.

Clothes B. Sacred Scripture Considered as the primary condition of human life (Sir 29:24), revealing the properties of a person (Sir. 19:27).

In the Trinity's Epiphany, the phenomenon in Jordan is, and a description of the three riz of the Lord, the colors speak of the Saint Trinity in the essence of their faces about the properties of the Gods described by the Prophets; They open the secret of the future atoning sacrifice of Christ.

The white color of the Lord, marking the incomplete divine light, has an undoubted eschatological orientation: the students saw their divine teacher in shining whiteness, talking with the prophets of Moses and Elijah, who spoke about the outcome of him (Lux 9:31).

Sanding on the throne of the Old Day in the vision of the Prophet Daniel had white as the snow robe (Dan. 7: 9).

The red color of the riz, as the color of the flame divine love, can be assimilated by the IPostasi of God Father.

The color "Ladurn with Belly", the color of heavenly blue, corresponds to the hypostasis of the God of the Holy Spirit, King Heaven.

In the iconography of the Epiphany there is no visible presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

But this bugger is reminiscent of her - the royal porphyra! - which angels are made by the emerging from the waters of the Jordanian Christ: the inclined only Son of God is the world as the king of the world.

The Lazorovoi Riza, who was a reminder of the Savior, reminded about the glory sufferings of the Savior, is a reminder of water, who has expired with blood from his vested ribs (John 19:34). It should be remembered that the faces of the Holy Trinity are united in their own;

Son - in the father and spirit, father - in his son and spirit, the Spirit - in the father and son.

And if we consider colors as the symbols of the Holy Trinity, then any of the colors can symbolically reflect the ideas about any of the persons of the Trice deity.

Icon "Epiphany"

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Fresco

source of baptism: Text - Fragments of the prot. Nikolai Pogrebnyaka (now - bishop) "Trinity phenomenon in Jordan can ...". Note on iconography and geography of the Epiphany. Moscow Diocesan Vedomosti. 2003, №1-2

And Ivanov. The fact of Christ people

The phenomenon of Christ to the people.

Ivanov Alexander Andreevich. 1837-1857 Canvas, oil. 540x 750.

Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Alexander Andreevich Ivanova

I saw an ancient Jordan.

Holy love and fear full

In his gospel waves,

Kupper Kresthen Christians

I plunged triple

Praying so that my soul

From ulcers and spots of being

The wave washed gracious.

From these doom, from these days

Among everyday care,

How little fresh impressions

It remains on my soul!

They walked under temptation

And the caustic cold fuss:

There is no pilgrim in me.

In me, a long vessel is idle.

I blush, looking at you,

Poet and worker-artist!

Rejecting flattering muses tripod

And the cross is a single burning,

Holy land alumni gravy,

You guessed her soul,

She won it for us

The brush is plenipotentiary.

And what are the people's court?

In our age brilliant rainfall,

Industrial and any transactions

How good is your work!

In one creature thought and feeling

All his life focused you;

Fan of pure beauty,

You tried holy in art.

In excess of sincere forces,

As a sample, thirsting salvation,

His spirit by post satisfying

You cut off, you cried.

In art strictly lonely

You lived for a long year

And then it seemed that never

Do not see bodily ok.

Holy Book Wonders

You were without cover,

And over your glance again

Okrew in the glory of heaven.

Voice in the wilderness

You heard you enjoyed -

And you captured this day

With his soul in his picture.

Longwater quietly;

On the bank of the River - Forerunner;

From the seats of the surrounding, score,

The people flock to it;

He dissolves well

Slepts Clapping breasts;

Having done God's way,

He calls for the rest.

And there descends from the peaks

Unknown, smarmer wanderer:

"He is getting, gentlemen chosen,

Coming on the harvest of God Son.

In hand shovel; the time will come,

He squeezes his gum,

Collect wheat grain

And in the flame will throw an evil seed.

Stronger and ahead of me

One who goes for me for me;

His turning to the legs - I do not stand

I unleash the belt from my feet.

Birth of a fountain world,

Just: Close Court. Bed

Flowers growing without the fetus:

When rooted, they are secreir. "

So spoke before the crowd,

In bewilderment of the waiting miracle,

Covered camel skin

Messenger of God, Holy Husband.

In the painting, full of revelation,

All this handed you

As if from the forerun

You accepted the sacrament of baptism.

Peter Andreevich Vyazemsky

Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany)

Nesterov Mikhail Vasilyevich. 1890-1894.

Painting in the baptized of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev

Epiphany Water Management.

Boris Kustodiev. 1921
Private Assembly

excerpt from poem ... (...)

In Russia at this time of year
Epiphany is frost.
On rivers thick ice lies
Under the sun northern glitters.

And on the eve of the saint day
In the ice volume is drruck
"Cross." In it, water is sanctified
And Jordan called.

In baptism in Jordan can
Who wants, or plunge,
Or water to score saint
And bring her home.

And in churches, this water is sanctified.
Epiphany Water- Celebrator,
Saint and Epiphany,
Housing is sprinkled.

Holy water priest baptis
Designs the Holy Spirit from Heaven.
Baptized- we are members of the church
We all relate to the native cross.

He is protected from misfortunes,
Christ in it is with us
With him the godfather we go through
In life, the cross we carry our own.

Ariadna Leshchinskaya, parishioner
January 2003
It is written for the Christmas Church of John the Forerunner on Stone
Island of St. Petersburg.
Source of the Russian Orthodox Community of St. New Martyrovikov and Russian confessors in Brooklyn

From Christmas to baptism, only 12 days passes, and the two of these holidays are inextricably linked by tradition. The fact is that almost four centuries, starting from the III century, they were celebrated in one day - January 7, and this holiday was called the Epiphany.
On the day of the Epiphany, two main events related to the coming of Christ into the world were remembered:
Christmas is the beginning of his earthly life, baptism - the exit of the Savior for public ministry.
Having adopted baptism in the waters of Jordan, Christ retired for 40 days to the desert, and then returned to people and began to preach.
Interestingly, in the texts of the Gospels almost does not describe the thirty-year period of life of the Savior, who followed from Christmas to baptism.
Only one episode is mentioned, when at the age of 12 he preached in the temple.
In the 6th century, the holidays were divided: Christmas began to celebrate on December 25, and baptism on January 7th.
Currently, they are noted by Orthodox Christians on a new style -
Church Services Christmas and baptism due to the fact that once it was a single holiday, very similar.
The feast of the Epiphany is now only baptism - January 19.
Now it is synonyms.

For comparison Western painting

Juan Carreno de Miranda. The baptism of Christ. Spain, approximately 1680

Collection of William Coesvelt, Amsterdam, 1814

Mazolino yes Panicale. The baptism of Jesus. 1430s

El Greco. The baptism of Christ. 1596 -1600 g.

Salimism. The baptism of Christ. 1416