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Arthur Pendragon is the Supreme King of Britt. History of Great Britain. The most famous legend in the world

Before starting the conversation about Camelot Castle, as legendary and mysterious as his master - King Arthur, turn to the British epic and will try to fully present the appearance of this character through the century. The leader ruled in the V-VI century by the chimemifical kingdom of Logres, he became the most famous hero of Celtic culture. The authenticity of the existence of his disputes of scientists do not silent to this day.

Mystery of the castle Tintagel

Camelot is called Camelot, not the only associated with his name. In County, Cornwall in the south-west of England and today show venerable ruins of another medieval building of the beginning of the XIII century, built on the site of the legends of the Tintagel castle, where the valiant hero was conceived.

This, in general, quite a routine act in this case accompanies very romantic and not deprived of piquancy history. The fact is that the father of Arthur was the king of Britt, Uther Pendragon, and the mother is not a queen, and the wife of the court boom - Beauty Eigir.

The origin of the sorcerer Merlin

Emphased to her passion and not having a different opportunity to get the desired, the king with the help of the sorcerer Merlin took the appearance of her husband, who left the generic estate for a while, and in such a way, his beauty penetrates unhindered. She noticed the forgery or not - we will leave for its conscience, but only after a last period for the world appeared the fruit of this somewhat water adventure - the future king of Arthur.

By the way, then her husband Goldis died. According to one version, he did not survive the random change of his wife, and on the other - it was just killed by the order of Uther, so as not to be confused under his feet. But one way or another, the awesome widow gave birth to the king also daughter called Anna. Arthur was given to the upbringing of the very sorcerer of Merlin, who played such a non-aggative role in this story.

Elevate on the throne

This is, of course, one of the legends, and in them, as you know, the vice is punished. It was not a sustained Sostolic Tear, after sixteen years he was treacherously poisoned by his own court. After his death, as usual, the brutal struggle for power began, and so as not to kill each other, the dignitaries decided to put on the throne Arthur - the son of a newly poisoned monarch. It was at that time only fifteen years old, and they believed that they could manage the state from his behalf. Since then, the castle of King Arthur has become the place of many dramatic events.

Sword extracted from stone

By the way, according to one of the versions, the seemingly of Arthur for the throne also did not cost without magic, and mixed it in the overall plot already familiar to all sorcerer Merlin. The fact is that the stone was resting on the main time, from which the sword was sticking out, and whoever tried to pull him out, no one had enough strength. And Merlin inspired to everyone that the crown would be worthy only the one who could do it.

Do I need to say that it was his ward that he endowed the necessary power for this? So it was or not - it's hard to say. But only since then the pupil of the sorcerer received the throne, and the castle of King Arthur - the status of the residence of the head of state.

As for the sword itself, he turned out to be, as we say today, poor-quality and soon broke. After that, the elves, which in those days were like flies on the cake, were forged a new king, separating without a mischief, but with the condition that it will be only in the name of good deeds.

Wedding King Artur.

In the British epic, the image of King Arthur is inextricably linked with an excellent companion - the ideal sublime poetic dream, a model of chastity and integrity. It is such a lady, pleasant in all respects, according to the legend, was Ginevra - the daughter of the King of Leogena, whose very modest possessions spread in the south-west of Britain.

Young fell in love with each other (at first glance, of course), and after the wedding, the castle of King Arthur has witnessed their happiness. That's just children did not appear. She was marked by the march of one fairie, who wanted her son to inherit the throne, and therefore the witchcraft of the gainting ginera.

With a preventable new spouse, she turned out to be an evil witch, which, however, is not uncommon and today. But the father-in-law fell on the glory. As a wedding gift, he was presented with a young table, and not simple, and the round, who then entered the story, thanks to the knights, who squeezed around him during the state councils.

The decision suggested by Ginevar

In Camelot - King Arthur Castle - from all over the country the most valiant and loyal knights were invited. They were gathered at least hundreds, which inevitably gave rise to the problem - how to send such a number of sleeves and self-satisfied gentlemen during the Royal Soviets and Peters? Sitting at the head of the table was considered honorable, at the end - a sign of neglect of the owner and an insult. Any negligence in this matter could end the offend and inevitable in such cases by bloodshed.

This is where Ginevra and supervised her husband take advantage of a wedding gift - the table is round, and the circle, as you know, has no beginning, no end. In this table, everyone is equal. Hence the expression "Knights of the Round Table", that is, faces equal to each other.

Round Table knights

One day, he stained himself with reincarnation of the King Uther in someone else's husband, for a while, corrected and regularly visited the castle of King Arthur, whose history approached his most dramatic part. Testing the knights there, he taught them not to create evil, avoid dishonor, lies and in all follow the principles of valor and nobility.

His teachings were learned, and soon, without exception, the knights were famous for the fact that they were doing well everywhere, they gave mercy defeated and provided the patronage of the ladies. In addition, their skate was the destruction of dragons, evil sorcerers and salvation of countless princesses. They did not refuse if the state attracted to them from the enemies did not give up.

However, the main goal of his life Knights of the Round Table considered the search for the sacred grail - the bowl, from which Jesus Christ drank during a secret evening and in which his blood was collected. The knightly novels appear in detail about all these exploits, which appeared in the following centuries and received considerable popularity.

End of family happiness

But the days of the serene love of King Arthur and his chosen, alas, ended. And Ginevra became fault, in the heart of which, besides her husband, his nearest friend was fitted - Knight Lancelot. She met him, barely arrived in Camelot. This young handsome man was one of the most rhymers of the sacred grail, but after the sin of adultery, committed to him with his wife's sovereign, lost hope for success - the greatest Christian shrine could only get into clean hands.


It was not at the height and her spouse Arthur, whose party turned out to be an extramarital son Mordered, born from his pivot sister - Morgana fairies. However, he deserves condescension, as he said, he entered into a sinful connection under the action of Char, the same Merlin's wizard.

The old pioneer in collusion with the mythical Virgin lake (a very suspicious lady) put his hand to the fact that, leaving passion, brother and sister did not recognize each other. When they sorted out the matter, it was already late. The child who appeared on the light was given to raising evil sorcerers, and from this, it is clear that nothing good could have happened. As a result, he grew up with a person with insidious, power-loving and not respected parents.

The nobility of the deceived king

This last quality Mordered was fatal for the inhabitants of Camelot, and because of him, the King Arthur King's knight castle turned into a target for secret ridicule. The fact is that the unfortunate husband of the Ginevra Against Her adventures remained a true gentleman who did not allow themselves to be late for a lady (especially his own wife), exposing her weakness, so characteristic of young women.

In addition, he loved her and quite appreciated his friend Lancelot. Not wanting what is called, to carry out from the hut, the deceived spouse tried to close his eyes to this novel and thus preserve the world in the family and calm in the state. Mordered, being the only heir, in every way compromised the Father, hoping to speed up the path to the throne.

Departure Mordered

From this time, calm was forever left the castle of King Arthur. Legends impose a guilt in the ill-fated Mordert. One day, wanting to compromise the Queen, he broke into her rest with the Vataga of his minions just at the moment when she took Lancelota. On that day, their meeting was not intimate, but a purely business character, but such a bold behavior of Mordered led Lancelot into rage, and did not have time to fall into fainting (as it should be in such cases), he cut the height with his sword.

Flight through La Mans

However, the case has acquired publicity, and greedy to the courtes are courtly soldered the Glevo on what happened, giving it unnecessary details. As a result, lovers were forced to flee into France, and the unfortunate spouse pretend to pursue them on the side of La Mansha. He returned home to home, awesome from his fat. Jenvra disappeared without a trace, and no one ever seen her anymore.

The legend says that, realizing the depth of his fall, she forever got into one of the remote monasteries, where the post and prayer tried to redeem the deed. However, there were evil tongues here, who argued that the federation soon was noticed at the French yard.

The death of a lucky king

From this time, the castle of the King Arthur kneaded. The description of the filled life draws a picture of grief and despondency. Cunning Mordered, who always dreamed of occupying the throne of his father, took advantage of his absence and bowed the courteous to treason, wondering the rich gifts. When Arthur was returned from France, an ambush, arranged his son, near the castle. The king snatched the sword, but in an unequal battle was killed. The only man faithful to him, though late, but having worked on his mind, was Lancelot.

But the legend says that the story did not end. After the death, the King of Arthur was moved by the magic force on the mythical island of Avalon, where and sleep under the stone slab, ready to climb and come to the rescue of England, unless she threaten the danger.

Mystery of an old castle

About whether the legendary king was a real historical prototype, the opinions of scientists diverge. The disputes also causes all as concerning his dwelling. What is the name of the castle of King Arthur, he knows every Englishman, but where he was - can hardly get an answer. Some researchers believe that it was built in County Cheshire in the West of England, but there are other judgments.

The complexity causes the fact that in most knightly novels the name of the castle of the King Arthur, although mentioned, but without a specific topographic binding. It should be noted that in the earliest essays the word Camelot does not appear at all. About how the castle of King Arthur is called, readers first learned only in the XII century from the novel of the French writer Kretiene de Troita "Lancelot".

Opening of British scientists

Decent attention is a message published by recently foreign media. In County, Cornwall, located in the south-west, archaeologists were found fragments of the castle, standing there in the V-VI century. For a number of signs, they managed to state his similarity with the legendary Camelot, as it is represented in the medieval literature.

It caused a universal interest in their find. The preserved bases of walls and internal buildings made it possible to create a layout of the castle of King Arthur. However, their discovery is questioned. The fact is that it is actually not established if the castle of King Arthur has existed in reality. Photo from the site of the excavation was placed the pages of newspapers and the TV screens, but they can hardly open the secret.

Another message appeared on the Pages "Daily Telegraph" testifies to the discovery made in the city of Chester, which is twenty-five kilometers southeast of Liverpool. The leading British historian Chris Gwallow leading to the excavations believes that with a large probability, it is possible that the artifacts detected by them are fragments of the legendary Camelot. However, the tripped in their judgments of the British repeat their usual phrase in such cases: "It is too good to be true."

Young Arthur easily pulled a sword out of stone

As Arthur became king

In the old days, the Britain of the rules is not one sovereign, but many princes. And one of them, the strongest and powerful, named Whiter Pendragon, everyone considered the King of England - the ruler of southeastern lands.

Once Uder Padragone convened on the lush feast of the most valiant knights and the most beautiful ladies of the kingdom. Among the guests there was his long-time rival in the struggle for power, the powerful duke ends Cornwall, who arrived at the feast together with his wife - the beautiful Lady of Irain.

Seeing Lady Irendan, Uther passionately fell in love with her, for she was also good and smart, as beautiful. Most of all in the world wanted the king to marry her, but the lady was virtuous and true to her husband. Restricted by the fact that Uther Pendragon seeks to the attention of his wife, the duke and his wife hurriedly and secretly left the feast.

In the rage, the king ordered his troops to settle the Tintagel - the generic castle of the duke, the gloomy fortress on the peninsula Cornwall. But during the siege from the Great Love and Disappointment, the Uther fell ill, and his approximated was afraid that the king could die.

In those days, the famous wizard named Merlin lived in England. He was so powerful that he could turn into anyone, becoming invisible and even tolerated in any place in the blink of an eye. Uther sent a knight for his advice and help in love affairs. And soon Merlin appeared before the lies, on which the sick king was lying.

Sir, "said Merlin," I led all the secret desires of your heart. Lady igraine will be your wife. But for this you give me to the upbringing of your firstborn.

I agree, let it be in yours, "the king replied.

Today you can penetrate the castle and meet with your beloved. The view you will be like a duke, and neither Lady of igrain nor the servants will not be able to distinguish you from him.

Late in the evening, the healled King and Merlin went to the castle, but the duke of Mowers, noticing how Uther leaves his camp, made it towards him. They agreed in a deadly fight, and the king killed the duke of Cornwall.

Only the next day, Lady igrana learned about the death of the spouse and was surprised at this news, because she saw her husband at night when he had to be dead. She decided to keep a meeting with the duke tagged in secret.

Almost immediately after the funeral of the Duke of Cornwall, Padragon again admitted to Lady's love of Lady, and this time she was favorable to him. The wedding quickly played, and there was no end of joy and fun in the king castle. At the same time, at the request of Uther, two daughters of the first marriage were married. Her older daughter, Morgauz, married a log, king of the Orkney Islands and Lothian; Middle, Elaine, - for Nanres, King Garlota. The younger, Morgana, who was still a child, sent to raising the women's monastery.

When it was time for the Queen of igraine to pronounce a child, Merlin appeared in the castle of the king and reminded this outer oath:

When your child is born, do not go to him and led him to give it secretly through the castle's rear gate.

As Merlin wished, so Uther and did. Three days later, the playing boy was born, and the king commanded to take a child, blinding it into the golden bedspread and give the first niche to the castle's rear gates. So the child was transferred to the wizard, and he dubbed him with the priest, giving the heir's name Arthur. Merlin instructed the boy to concern the devotees of the king of the Knight of the Etor. Arthur lived in his house, and the wife of Sir Etter focused him with his milk on par with his own son named Kay. And for a long time, no one, except Merlin and the king, did not know that Arthur was the son of Uter Padrandon.

For a short time, the king in happiness with a beautiful Lady igrian. Two years have passed, and he fell ill. Opened barons sent for Merlin. The wizard arrived at the Royal Castle and convened all noble people in the king.

I can't heal Uter Pendragon, "Merlin said and the king asked loudly: - Sir, do you want your son Arthur after your death after your demise?

Here he turned his head in Uter Prandragon and Milns into all:

I give him God's and my blessing, and when he indignant, I command him to recruit my crown; And if he does not do, he will lose his blessing.

With these words, Uther died and was buried with the honors, appropriate to the Great King. All his vassals and Lady igruin plunged into the Great Sorrow and Sadness.

And terrible times have come, the very existence of the kingdom turned out to be at risk. Each noble person considered himself worthy to deal with the king of England. Neighboring principalities started the war among themselves, riots broke out throughout the country, and enemies, taking advantage of this, began to attack the kingdom.

During the plots, almost everything forgot about the last will of the king. If someone knew where to look for the heir, no one would wanted to the country of the rules of the child. All this foresaw Merlin and therefore decided to bring up Arthur away from envious barons until he agrees and does not induce so much to climb to the throne, to keep it and edit wisely.

So many years have passed. Arthur has become a higher young man, learned to ride a horse, beat on the spears and on swords, to do with the ladies and everything else, which relies on the noble knight. Merlin decided that the time had come, and advised the Archbishop of Canterberian to convene all the noble people of the Kingdom of Christmas to London, to St. Paul's Cathedral - the most beautiful Church of England.

For, - the prerequency of the wizard, - there will be a great miracle, which will indicate everyone who is the legitimate king of this country.

When praying came out of the temple after the service, they saw a huge square stone in the church yard, similar to marble tombstone. On the stone stood a steel anvil, and the nude sword was sticking to her, around which golden letters sparkled: "Who will pull this sword from the stone, he is on the right of the birth of the king over the whole of the Earth English."

Everyone saw a stone in the center of which the sword was stuck

Everyone was divided into this miracle, and the lords who wanted to take possession of the crown, began to eat violently: everyone wanted to be the first to experience fate. Then the archbishop commanded every knight in turn, according to seniority and knowledge, try to pull the sword ... But the strongest of them could not even move it.

There is no king among us, "said Archbishop. - Let the races who tell about the sword guide to all the edges. On the first day of the New Year, we will arrange a tournament in which anyone can participate, whether it is a knight or commoner. Let each participant of the tournament try to happiness and try to pull the sword from the stone. In the meantime, the wonderful weapons will guard ten glorious knights.

On the first day of the new year arrived in London Knights from all over England. Among them were Sir Ector, who loved tournaments and fights, his son Kay, just dedicated to the knights, and Arthur, the dairy brother Sir Kah. Early in the morning on the day of the tournament, they saddled their horses and went to the Cathedral of St. Paul. Already running up to Ristalia, Sir Kay had enough sword, which left at home. He asked Arthur to return to the weapon.

Modern researchers consider it quite likely that the King Arthur from the legends and novels was a historical prototype, perhaps one of the leaders of the Britons, headed at the beginning of the 6th century against the Saxon invaders, but it is not possible to confirm its existence.

The legendary king, the hero of Celtic folk legends and later medieval knightly novels, the perfect leader of the knights of the round table and the living embodiment of the knight's ideals - honor, valor, courage, moral nobility and, in the case of medieval epic, cursibilities. Modern researchers consider it quite likely that the King Arthur from the legends and novels was a historical prototype, perhaps one of the leaders of the Britons, headed at the beginning of the 6th century against the Saxon invaders, but it is not possible to confirm its existence. Different literary sources call the different time of the life of King Arthur and associate it with different epochs and cultures, from the ancient Britons to the ancient Romans. In the 19th century there was a significant surge of interest in Arturian topics, and in century 20th, thanks to the cinema and television, the legends about the King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table found the second life, and the number of films devoted to him, TV series, Pieces, Romanov, Computer Games and even musicals are not amenable to calculate.

The name of Arthur still remains the subject of discussion. It has etymological ties with the Celtic word "artos", meaning at the same time "Bear" and "Warrior". Among the Celtic goddesses there is a bear by Artio (Artio). Perhaps the form "Arthur" was formed from "arto-rix", i.e. "King of Warriors", changed strongly over time. Historians note that in the 6th century there was a sharp increase in the popularity of different forms of Arthur (Arzur, Arzul, "Arthus, Artus or Arthur), which indicates that there was a certain person, who left the indelible impression from contemporaries.

Today, the origin of the legends about the King Arthur leads to several roots. The first hypothesis - Welsh, based on the fact that for the first time King Arthur appears in the Welsh legends. According to her, Arthur was born about 470-475 somewhere in Wales (Wales), but the exact location of his capital, Camelota (Camelot) remains a mystery. He really participated in the fight against Saxons, but never was crowned. Perhaps he was a major warlord and fought under the banners of the kings of the ancient Britons.

The second version considers the sample of King Arthur Roman commander Lucius Artory Castu (Lucius Artorius Castus), who lived in the 2nd century of our era, who, apparently, served in Britain and participated in the defense of Adrian Vala (Hadrian "s Wall) . But this version is very pleased.

And, finally, the following hypothesis logichly suggests that in the image of King Arthur with time, the features of several ancient Brittle kings and princes were connected, who were called the name rather common among the Celtic aristocracy.

The earliest mention of King Arthur, in the Welsh poem y Gododdin, belongs to the end of the 6th or the beginning of the 7th century. Later, historians and bards were written about him, but their modern form of legends about the King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table was accepted already in the Middle Ages, when Kretiene de Troisnaya nigge novels appeared (Christien de Troyes), Tungsten von Eschenbach (Wolfram Von Eschenbach) other authors. The final completion of the Universe of King Arthur gave in the 15th century Sir Thomas Malory (Thomas Malory) with his epic of eight novels under the general name "Arthur Death" Arthur.

So, Father Arthur was the king of Uther Pendragon (Uther Pendragon), posing an eye on a foreign wife, Duchess Igraine (Igraine). He was silent with the play in her husband, the duke of Gorluis, which contributed to Merlin's wizard (Merlin), who demanded a baby in a fee for his services. After the death of the duke, Uther was married to igrana, but they no longer had sons. Merlin gave Arthur to raising the noble and kind Sir Ector (Ector), who raised the acceptance as his own son. After the death of Uter, the royal throne did not have the heir left, and the dominated lords gathered in the capital to elect a new king. Sir Exctor with the son Keem (Kay) and Arthur also headed to the capital.

Clear Merlin placed a sword in a stone, and on the stone drawn: "Who pulls out this sword, that king of Britain." At the tournament at Sir Kay, who was older Arthur for several years, was broken by the sword, and he sent Arthur, his squire, for the spare. I could not find the spare Arthur and then pulled out a sword from the stone, thus, thus, by the King of Britain. Merlin revealed the secret of its origin and after checking - none of the Lords could pull the sword again, placed in a stone, and only Arthur was able to easily, the young arthur crowded in the presence of the most influential and famous Lords of Britain.

He ruled for a long time, struggling with injustice in any manifestation, and saved the country from the disastrous crossbill. His sword, who broke without a mischief, had his own name - Eccalibur (Excálibur). His wife became Beauty Guinevere. Arthur gathered around himself the most famous, brave and noble knights of his time, called knights of the round table - the table was really round so that all sitting after him were equal. Alas, the best of people are not insured against betrayal, it happened to the King Artur. Treason Guinevur with Lancelot (Lancelot) entailed a rebellion, thickened by all the military of Britain. In the last battle fell and King Arthur. True, the legend says that Arthur did not die - heavily wounded, he was taken to the magical island of Avalon (Avalon). At the hour of the great need, Arthur will wake up and comes to the aid of Britain at the head of the greatest troops.

Arthur, Britt King

P Arthur has been known for more than a thousand years. They were still told long before the hikes of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, the opening of the Columbus of America and the appearance of the tragedies of William Shakespeare.

The earliest mention of the name of Arthur has survived in the Welsh poem "and Leoddin", created after the battle at Catraete about 600. Bard Anyrin reported that the warrior named Guaurddir ordained many enemies and left them for the corona, "although he was not arter." Without a doubt, to the seventh century, Arthur was fame of Vityaz, who did not have equal on the battlefield. At least the listeners of the poem Aneyrina knew about him.

But who was Arthur? As a historical person, he raises a lot of questions and doubts. If you judge in the early chronicles, he was not king at all. Arthur fought side by side with the kings of Britt, however, the chronicles represent it in the image dUX Belorum., "Chief of Britt", that is, the commander. When the Romans in the fifth century were removed from Britain, Britons had to reflect the invasion of the Saxons, Angles, Yutov, Pictites and Scott. Real Arthur is most likely remembered as a great military strategist, headed by the struggle of Britons against the invaders. According to legends, he won a lot of victories in the battles for the independence of his land. Based on fragmentary historical evidence from time to time, a variety of versions of Arthur's identity appeared. He was depicted by the warrior of the Bronze Age, and the Welsh military leader, and the Northern Britt, who had been trained in the Roman cavalry, and the descendant of the Roman Sarmatian Warrior, and the Roman General, became the emperor, and the ruler (or the military leader) of the ancient Scottish kingdom gave Riada.

However, the name of Arthur Varly's church servant Galfried Monmutsky, who wrote about him in 1135, after five hundred years after the alleged life of our hero, the epoching work of Historia Regum Britanniae, "History of the Kings of Britain" was actually perpetuated. Galphrid gathered all the well-known legends and legends about Arthur, reworked them and first created the full-blooded image of King Arthur, as we know him today. In the era of Galfried Montmouth his work caused harsh criticism as pure water fiction and fantasy. Nevertheless, the "History of the Kings of Britain" has gained great popularity and gave rise to a whole genre of literature in the Middle Ages.

Uther Pendragon pested passion for playing, the wife of Groyus, the Duke of Cornwall, the most beautiful lady in all of Britain. Uther was crazy with her, but he could not crush the castle defense. Merlin helped him get into the citadel under the guise of the duke and spend the night with playing. She succumbed to the deception, deciding that she was her spouse next to her, and Arthur was conceived on this night. When Arthur was born, Merlin took the child and gave to the upbringing of Sir to Ecutor, who raised him with his son Keem, transmitting knightly art.

About King Arthur and the brilliant acts of his knights were composed of poems and novels throughout Europe. The French poet of Corene de Troa brought the plot of the search for Grail in the legends about Arthur. Another Frenchman, Robert de Brooron, turned the Grail to the Holy Subject, identifying him with a vessel who enjoyed Jesus Christ at the Last Evening. German Minnezinger Tungsten von Eshenbach created an alternative version of the origin of the Grail. The English poet added you a round table. The story about King Arthur turned up and blew out with new details. New characters appeared - Lancelot, Galahad, Knight Swan Lojengrin. The King of Arthur and His Vityazh turned into equestrian knights of a round table, cracked in dazzling armor, the inhabitants of the wonderful Camelot Castle, fought with giants, dragons and various villages. In the Middle Ages, Arthur was transformed from the "leader of the battles", painting with enemies, in the exemplary, wise king, taking care of the world and prosperity of his land.

In the fifteenth century, the epic poem "Death Arthur" wrote in the imprisonment of Sir Thomas Malory. He recycled and shifted Arturov legends in his own way, creating a completely original version. His interpretation of the history of King Arthur and his knights, in turn, had an impact on subsequent poets, writers and artists, such as Alfred, Lord Tennison, Mark Twain, Terens White, TS Eliot, William Morris, Eduard Bern-Jones, Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

From the work to the product, the details vary, but the common canvas of the narrative of the life of Arthur is preserved. The birth of Arthur is directly related to the magician of Merlin's wizard.

Britt's king Uther Pendragon gathered all the knights and barons for the festival on the occasion of Easter. Among the guests there were ends, Duke Cornwall. He brought with him to the court of his beautiful wife Irendan, and the King of Uther, barely seeing her, ignored the insurmountable desire of proximity to her. His passion was so unacqualid that the ends had to leave the feast, return to Cornwall, hide his wife in the castle of Tintagel and prepare for war. The King of Utra pursued the eloous and besieged the castle of Tintagel.

The fortress was located on the rocky cape, who spent far away into the sea. The impregnable citadel of eloores could defend three people against the whole army. Uther, exhausted from passion, threw Merlin to help him. The wizard with the help of the magic gave the king of the duke's appearance, and the Uther was penetrated without any problems in the castle and mastered the play. That night she hooked the child.

Mural died, and Uther convinced Irendan to marry him, because he was the father of the future baby. But the Uther died, without waiting for the birth of the son. Arthur appeared on the light when the storm was played and the waves were fadedly thrown on the rocks held by the castle of Tintagel. As soon as the baby was taken away from the chest, Merlin took the boy. Icene remained with the daughter of the Morgan, the one-utilous sister of Arthur, mourning the departed husbands.

Tintagel, Tintagel, Tint "Heel. With a light hand of translators who do not understand anything in Cornwell language, he is called Tintagel or Tintagel in Russian. In fact, the castle name is read as Tint" Adode - with an emphasis on the second syllable. This castle is famous primarily by the fact that it was there that was conceived and born the legendary king of Arthur, the son of igrain and Uter Padrandon.

Tintadel Castle (English Tintagel Castle) is located next to Tintagel's city in Cornwall (Cornwall) in the south-west of England. The castle ruins are located on a high rock, which the sea is constantly waved. If in the past time he just stood on the edge of the cliff, then now the lock, in fact, is located on two separate rocks. In photographs, two half of the castle of Tintagel (or, or rather, what remained from it) is seen. From the sea, the wind is constantly blowing, and with such a force that it seems, you can lie on the wind! To get into any of the parts of the castle, it is necessary to climb the long, steep stairs. But of course, the ruins themselves are very picturesque.

Ruins of the castle Tintagel (Tintagel Castle).

Miraculously preserved doorway with the coat of arms. The castle was built next to the settlement, which existed here since Roman times. The remains of this settlement are also decorated in the form of neat ruins, and all sorts of dangerous places are fenced. For example, there is a tunnel in the rock. There are not allowed, but it is easy to imagine how Merlin is being made through it with the liar to make his black case :)

The wizard gave Arthur to upbringing into the house of noble Sir Etor. Arthur grew up with Keem, the son of Etor, and learned knightly science. Then Britain experienced difficult times and did not have a sovereign. Small princes and barons fought with each other, and people waited for the appearance of a real king, able to remove the sword from the stone. The sword in the stone was in the church yard in London. The weapon was stuck in a heavy blacksmith anvil and pierced the stone, lying under it. Many knights and barons tried to pull the blade, but could not. It managed to make only young arthur. When he removed the sword from the stone, he was proclaimed by the king.

Having become a sovereign, Arthur gathered the most valiant knights to combat the enemies of Britons. When his sword broke, Virgo Lake gave him an Eccalibur magic blade. Arthur jumped into loyalty to many rulers and lords of Britain, and he erected a powerful Camelot Castle. Merlin's wizard created a round table, followed by Knights Arthur found as equal. The kingdom of Britons began to live in peace and joy, Arthur ruled them in justice and law. His land flourished, and people were pleased. Arthur wanted love, and he married the Vine Guineur. The noble sir Lancelot, the best friend Arthur, became Knights Guinevra, and a secret love relationship began between him and the queen. This secretive novel subsequently led to the collapse of the round table and the fall of King Arthur.

Arthur removes a sword out of stone. Eccalibur.

In Troicin, the day, when King Arthur and his knights gathered behind a round table, the miraculous vision of Holy Grail appeared in front of them. Arthur commanded the knights to find the sacred subject, and the legendary wanderings began to search for St. Grail. The names of Sir Persiva, Sir Gavein, Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahada are primarily associated with them. Sir Percival met King-Fisherman and watched in his castle a mysterious procession with a holy graveyard. Sir Gavein overcame the bridges of the sword and endured the test on the dear bed. Sir Lancelot succumbed to Charm Vekhodi and made love with Eleina from Corbenik, taking her to Guinev. Eleina is the daughter of King Grail Pelles, the descendant of Joseph Arimafi. Lancelot and Elaine had a son, Galahad, who was destined to become a perfect knight, the king of the city of Sarras and to achieve Grail.

The history of King Arthur ended tragically. Another single sister Arthur, Morgause, appeared at the courtyard of Camelot and seduced the king. She had a son Mordered. Fairy Morgana began to build a goat against Arthur so that the throne moves to Mordhred. Thanks to the intrigues, Morgana Arthur found out about the amournal relations of his wife with Lancelot, and the queen was accused of treason. She was sentenced to burning at the fire. At the last moment, Lancelot appeared at the place of execution and saved Guinea from fire. Lancelot, making his way to her, was forced to fight with his knight comrades and killed Sir Gavein's brothers. Gwinera was saved, but exhausted conscience and remorse, she left Lancelot and Arthur and retired in the monastery. King Arthur pursued Lancelota, the war began between them; Using the moment, the treacherous Mordered tried to usurp the throne of his father.

The last and the most bloody battle occurred. The faithful Arthur Knights of the Round Table fought with the Mordera site. Under the Kamlany field was littered with dead bodies and dying knights; The son and father did not give way to each other and beat to the end. Mordered was fatally injured Arthur, but the king managed to finish the son-usurper. Alfred, Lord Tennison, so described the battle:

So the whole day the bulk battle rumbled
By the sea of \u200b\u200bwinter, among the hills,
And the paladades of the round table
The grave of the land of Lioness.
Deadly wounded king
He took a brave beagleboard -
Sir Bediveur, the last medium of living, -
And rushing into the chapel on the edge of the fields.
Destroyed altar and ancient cross
On the waste of blacks; ocean
Stretched on the right, the lake lay
Left; Luminous full moon.

Sir Bediver leaned over the dying king. Arthur commanded the Bedivarus to quit the Eccalibur in the lake. Twice the knight hid a sword, saying the king, that he betrayed the weapon of water. Arthur reproached him for a lie, and finally for the third time Beedive went to the shore and threw the Eccalibur in the lake so far, as far as the strength had enough. A hand rose from the depth, grabbed the blade and, waving them, disappeared under water. Returning to the king, Bedive told him about what he saw. Three Queen in Bark took Arthur to the Mystical Island Avalon. He was trying to heal the Fairy Morgana. According to some legends, Arthur still died from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In the twelfth century, the monks of the Glastonber Abbey in Somerset, according to their statements, allegedly found Arthur's grave and his queen. They started the Earth between the two stone pyramids and found an ancient lead cross with the inscription "REX Arturius" ("King Arthur"). Under the Cross there was an extended oak barrel, in which the remains of a high man and a woman were lying.

Wales, descendants of Britt Arthur, believe that Arthur did not die and is not buried. About something unreal or meaningless in Wales they say: "It is unreasonable, like the grave for Arthur." This reflects a long-standing stereotypical idea that Arthur is alive and one day will appear and will lead a britt against the enemy if the danger will again hang out over them.

Some believe that Arthur is resting on the enchanted island of Avalon. According to legends, which are told throughout Britain, King Arthur and his knights sleep in the floor of the hill in anticipation of the call to the battle. The legendary Arthur is a tragic character, the "king in the past and the king in the coming."

King Arthur is one of the most famous mythological heroes in the history of mankind. They know about him all over the world. Thousands of books are written about the adventures of Arthur and Round Table Knights. Takes about them are displayed in paintings, in stained glass windows, frescoes, in films, musical works, stages and shows, television shows, performances, cartoons, comics, computer games and on websites. The name of King Arthur wear thematic parks, rides, tourist attractions, pizzerias, children's toys and board games, thousands of other products of mass demand. He turned into the idol of the Mystical Movement "New Age" ("New Century"). Places associated with Artur and his knights, like Glastonbury and Stonehenge, became the centers of modern pilgrimage, where people are in search of their grail. The legendary Arthur acquired such magical popularity, which the knight of the dark centuries could not and think about.

Glastonbury (Glastonbury): Church of the Holy Virgin Mary.
The side arches of the Cathedral - the visiting card of the Glastonbury Abbey.

Among the patchwork of the fields of fields and green hills of Somerset was lost a small English town of Glastonbury, according to legends, it is there that the legendary "Avalon Island" is located. The city is very old, people in this place live more than two thousand years. Every year thousands of pilgrims, believers and unbelievers, go to Glastonbury in search of the Mystical Island Avalon, Grail and Arturovsky legends. Two parallel worlds coexist in Glastonbury: the modern town of the twenty-first century with a typical manner of life and the abode for fans of the ideas of the New Century, along with tourists who are pushing along a vegetarian cafe and alternative books.

The city itself is a village around a hill called Glastonbury Tor. In the middle of the city, like a broken gravestone gravestones, there are ruins of the Glastonberi Abbatsva. According to legends, at the place where there is a chapel of Our Lady, Joseph Arimatesky built the first Christian church in all Britain. Joseph, who left the Holy Land, went to France with Maria Magdalina, Lazarem, Martha, Maria from Viph and their servant Marsell. Then Joseph sailed to Britain. Joseph Arimafi was a rich and notable member of Sedrin, from the city of Arimafia and one of the first devotees of Christ. After the crucifix, Iosif requested the body of executed Jesus from Pilate, and received permission to remove it from the cross. He gave his tomb for the burial of Jesus, she collected his blood in the bowl from the last end of his evening, and it is believed that he brought it to England Holy Grail - that the most cup, and hid - at the source called Chalice Well in Glastonbury.

In those distant times, Glastonbury did not look like an ordinary hill, as now, and was the island surrounded by lakes and swamps. The ship of Joseph and his companions stuck to the nearest Tarioll hill. Here, the Holy Father has to relax, stuck his staff to the ground. And when I woke up, I saw a miracle: the staff went to the ground roots, the branches, leaves, flowers, and the crown of the crown, had grown out. So the tradition of the Glastonberi Sacred Tern was originated. From the cuttings of the old tree plant a new one. To Christmas, the branch of the Glastonberi Tern is sent to the current British monarch.

Glastonbury (Glastonbury): On the first photo, the place where the monks have found the burial of the legendary king Arthur and his wife Guinera. Nakhodka was reburied on the territory of the cathedral itself (the second photo), and now in this place - a memorable sign (long-ranking plate in the ground). This place for the altar, where, as a rule, was the most honorable grave in the cathedral.

In 1184, the fire inflicted huge damage to the abbey, destroyed the old church and many more valuable relics, attracted pilgrims from the nearest and distant places, which gave a considerable income to monks. Fortunately, they soon received and good lead: King Heinrich II reported on the Burning remains of the King Arthur and Guinevra in the abbey. Heinrich found out about it from one Wales Bard: the royal couple seemed to be buried on the church cemetery between the two stone pyramids. The monks found the pyramids, put the pavilion and began to dig. They really managed to open the grave where they stated as the brothers, the bones Arthur, Guinera and the Golden, elegantly braided curl. The remains were in the extended oak trunk, and there the holy fathers found a lead cross, which served as a memorial identification sign. It was drawn on it: "HIC IACET SEPULTUS INCLITUS REX ARTURIUS IN INSULA AVALONIA" ("Here on the island of Avalon, the famous King of Arthur buried).

The monks have made his amazing opening at the beginning of the winter of 1191. Nakhodka contributed not only to survival, but also by the rapid revival of the Glastonbury abbey. The necessary sacred relics almost simultaneously were found. Glastonbury instantly turned into a center of medieval pilgrimage. At Easter 1278, Glastonbury visited King Edward I and Queen Eleonora. Arthur's bones were wrapped in a precious cloth, and Eduard with all the honors, leaning for the power of the saints, placed them in the casket with royal seal. Eleanor with the remains of Guinera did the same. Skulls and knee joints they left for folk worship. Then Arthur and Gwinera were put in a spacious tomb of black marble, decorated with images of Leo and King Arthur, and watered it in front of a high altar in the Glastonbury abbey.

We must admit, the Glastonberian monks have shown themselves with outstanding falsifiers. Arthur's grave detection was beneficial for the abbey, since it suffered significant losses due to a fire. The opening of the brothers played on hand and monarchum. And Heinrich II, and Eduard I made a lot of Wales rebels. In Wales firmly believed that Arthur is alive and is about to help them. Heinrich II raised evidence that Arthur was dead and buried. Eduard I strengthened this impression by the royal reburial ceremony and a massive tomb of black marble.

The cross as an identification mark was needed as proof of the belonging of the founded bones Arthur and Guinever. The actual Arthur can not be called Rex Arturius, King Artur, for he was not. The lead cross is an elementary medieval fake, and the find of the grave of Arthur and Guineviers - a skillful and very successful falsification. The story with the grave of Arthur and Guinera began at one henrich and ended in a friend. When Henry VIII announced the dissolution of the monasteries, the vandals plundered the abbey and took the tomb. The bones Arthur and Guinera are disappeared; The lead cross miraculously survived, but his last time was seen in the eighteenth century.

Chalice Well (Bowl Source). The source itself, which is deep underground, is closed with a lid. This lid was made in 1919. However, for people, a slightly lowering for the flow of water in the form of a head of a lion. Here it is clearly seen: water with a high content of iron stains stones in orange. Water taste is very pleasant, and not even very cold. Hence the low flow water flows throughout the park.

The small town of Glastonbury has three main attractions: abbey, torus and source. Chalice Well (Bowl Source) is already here for more than two thousand years, and here it is believed that it was here Joseph Arimafi hid a holy grail. In it, water has a flavor of blood and everything around is painted in a bright orange color. It is said that she is healing. The source of the bowl also calls either a red key or a bloody key. It is believed that reddish water symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ, miraculously preserved in a gravey or on the crucifixes. The source itself is already deep underground, but in the surface above it is a hole, covered with a lid. The cover above the source is made of English oak and decorated with a sacred geometric symbol of fish and the legendary bleeding spear of steel.

Today, the source bowl park is declared a nature reserve, a holy place designed for healing, contemplation and achieving the harmony of the soul. The park is replete with flowers, sacred symbolism and sculpture. There are awesome, wrinkled tees, very old apple tree and grows one of the famous Ternists of Glastonbury. Visitors are allowed to drink water from the source of the bowl. Near the source of the bowl archaeologists started the remnants of Tis, grew up here two thousand years ago.

At each level around the stream there are places where you can sit. In a small chalk, by the ankle, the pool can be washed with the pool. Even below, the main pillage of the park, decorated in the form of a source symbol, Vesica Piscis - two circles forming a sacred geometric symbol of fish. A candle and burning aromatic sticks are placed around the park. Exactly at 12 o'clock the bell is ringing every day - twice, with a break in a few minutes. This time is assigned to those who want to meditate, and everything else is invited to behave quietly and turn off the mobile phone, just in case.

Glastonbury torus ("Thor" translated from Celtic, "Hill").
Now visitors can take advantage of quite a comfortable stone pathway, laid on a more common slope to the top. Tower of St. Michael.

Glastonbury Location is amazing: It is located on the so-called "More Saint Michael" - a straight line connecting the church of St. Michael in Cornwall, Tor and the circle of stones in Avbury. The Tor Self is a stone hill of natural origin, on which the layers of solid and soft stone alternate, and in order to preserve the hill, many, many years ago he was dodged a stepped form. Once his slopes were one of the few in the adjacent district, which did not blane in the winter. Since then, the gardens have been broken on it, and the vertex has traditionally been used by different cults for rites. Ruins that have come down to this day - the Tower of St. Michael, the remains of the 14th century church, built on the site of the previous, destroyed by the earthquake in 1275. She stood about 100 years old when the acceleration of the monasteries was happening in 1539, and she suffered the same fate as the Glastonberyan Abbey.

However, it is believed that in earlier times, Druids were gathered here, and another name of the hill - Inis Showcases, is also familiar to those who are interested in stories about Arthur and Merlin. The glass island is the one, on which Arthur got his famous Sword of Excalibur, the one on which King Melvas hid his wife Arthur Guinev, subsequently saved by Lancelot.

Until the VI century, the main part of the population of Britain was Britt. These were militant and bold people who lived in community-generated building. In the middle of the i century, Britain captured the Romans. Their power lasted until the beginning of the V century. However, it was very difficult to cute with Britt. Those constantly raised uprisings against Roman rule. All this ended with the conquest of the British Isles by the Angles, Saksami and Yuta.

For a hundred and small years, most of the Britons were exterminated. The survivors in the VI century were crowded in Scotland, Brittany, Cornwall and Wales. So ended the story of the courageous and bold people. In his environment there were many glorious heroes. The King of Arthur is considered to be the same of the most popular figures that successfully fantaled with saksami.

There are two legends
One tells about the sword, stuck in the stone, and an anvil mentioned instead of stone

King Arthur

This legendary person in the V century lived. However, many historians consider this image to be fictional. That is, a particular person did not exist. There were several historical personalities from which a collective image was made. He was made in the British epic, and then found a continuation in knightly novels.

According to legends, the legendary Arthur is considered the son of King Britt Uter Padrandon. But a baby appeared on the light in a rather piquant situation. His mother was the Duchess of Gamen. At that time she was legitimate with the duke of the throat. This woman saw Prandragon in his yard. He wrapped his passion for playing and began to actively demonstrate it. Deep outraged Duchess of everything told her husband. He sent his wife from sin away to the Family Castle Tintagel.

Having learned about this, the king of Britons was angry and began military actions against the duke. But his passion was so great that he turned for help to the sage and the wizard Merlin. That gave a ruler the image of the throat, and the cunning king penetrated the Tintagel. Gamen took him for her husband and lay down with a cheating on a married bed. As a result of this connection, Arthur was conceived. As for the throat, at the same time he was killed in the battle.

When the baby was born, Merlin kidnapped him and transferred to the upbringing of Sir to Ecover. This venerable knight became a taught father of a boy who did not even guess his genuine origin. However, after a few years, Uther died, and in his place they began to claim many noble venoms-like, since the direct heir was absent.

Merlin knew who rightfully belonged to the royal throne. Therefore, he came up with a tricky stroke so that the Crown would get to someone who followed. With the help of magic, the wizard stuck into the stone sword, and the stone himself made it swim at the surface of the water. All applicants for the throne were announced that he would become the king who pull out a sword from stone.

Noble props in turn began to take the handle and pull the sword on themselves. But he was not amented to the efforts of people and remained in stone. Here the young Arthur appears, which was 15 years old at that time. The young man with an extraordinary ease pulled the sword. After that, Merlin told everyone told the true truth about the origin of a young man. Part of the Britons recognized him by the king. But there were knights who opposed, and war began. However, the young ruler managed to defeat opponents and prove his right to the throne.

His residence King Arthur made Camelot Castle. There he invited the best knights from all over Europe. These people began to spend these people in the Big Hall. But here there was one problem. Each knight considered himself an important person, and therefore refused to sit in the long part of the table. Then the wise Merlin found a great way out. He gave a rice table with her sick wine. So appeared knights of the round table.

In the veins Arthur flowed purebred Britty blood. But the knights surrounded by him, the nationality was the most different. They were the Germans, the French, Welsh. The total number of these noble Lords is very difficult to determine. In different sources indicated from 150 to 1500 royal associates. They all showed themselves brave warriors in battles with saksami.

Many of them were engaged in the search for a garal bowl. A knight named Galahad was especially learned about the question. He left Britain and wandered a lot, trying to find the Holy Grail. And once he met a bishop who showed him a bowl. After this vision, Galahad died.

A tragic role in the fate of King Arthur played a courageous knight Lancelot. He fell in love with the monarch's wife, which was called Guidera. She answered reciprocity and changed her husband. But that soon they reported that Lancelot with Guinera became lovers. According to the laws of the romantic time, the wrong wives burned on the fire. The king ordered the arrest of lovers and deliver to him. But it was possible to flee to France.

The disgraced vencerole went to the pursuit, and I left Mordered for myself. He was part of the Knights of the Round Table and accounted for a nephew to the ruler. But Mordered, having received power, immediately declared himself king. He tried to confront another nephew named Gavein. However, the cunning usurper killed him. On this, actually, the history of the round table and the knights sitting behind him ended. Next, the events began to develop tragically, and ended the death of a deceived wife of the king.

Death of King Arthur.

Arthur reached the news that he overthrown from the throne. The won vengeress with his warriors hurried to Britain. The impostor met him with a big army on the shore. The opponents first tried to negotiate, but they ended in anything. Then the two ardors agreed in battle. It was a terrible battle. According to legend, the king killed the impostor, piercing him with a spear, but he himself was mortally wounded. Both crafts are also elected. Alive was only a devotee King Knight Bediveur.

Arthur told him: "The end comes. Take my sword, go to the sea and throw it in the deepest place." Bediver took the sword and went ashore. He wanted to throw a weapon into the water, but his handle was decorated with precious stones. Therefore, the person hesitated, and then decided not to execute the order. He hid the sword under the tree and returned to the wounded Ventrenoscience.

He asked: "What have you seen and what I heard?" What the answer was received: "I did not see anything other than the waves and I did not hear anything except the wind noise." Venzenostar indignantly exclaimed: "You are lying! I order you to go and throw a sword into the water."

Beediver again went ashore, but again it did not dare to throw such an expensive weapon into sea water. He returned and heard the same question: "What have you seen and what I heard?" The knight left nothing to do how to repeat my former answer: "I saw the waves and heard wind noise."

It crashed Arthur. Losing the last forces, he shouted: "Go and throw a sword into the water, otherwise I will get up and kill you!" Frightened Bedier returned to the shore and, swinging, threw the sword as far as possible. But the weapon did not touch the water stroit. A hand appeared from the sea depth and grabbed the sword's handle. Three times the hand waved his arms, as if saluting the knight standing on the shore, and only after that I was hiding with a sword under water.

Bedive throws a sword, and a hand appears out of the water

Bediver hurried back and told everything to the dying vencence. He ordered to take him to the shore. Bedivarus with great difficulty managed to take the king to the water. And immediately, a boat appeared on the marine stroy, in which some people sat. The boat moored to the shore, and the faithful Bediver saw three women in the royal clothes.

Men came out of the boat, picked up a seriously wounded wounded vencence and treated him to the ship. The most beautiful of the king said: "Dear brother, why did you make us wait for you for so long?" After that, the ship moored and slowly floated away from the shore. According to the legend, the body of King Arthur was delivered to the Mysterious Island of Avalon. There, the vengeress is still lying in Drem, but does not die, since the Motherland still needs it, because the enemies around a lot.