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The child cannot focus: solving the problem. What to do if a child has scattered attention syndrome

1. Focus on learning, make education priority activities in your life.

One of the unique peculiarities of the brain is that its energy can be easily concentrated on what the person seems important. If all your actions are guided by the priority of learning, then the concentration of attention will achieve much easier, as the brain will attract it to training automatically, your future depends on the knowledge and skills acquired in studentship. Only you win from the education you received. Therefore, provide priority to education in your life, making a list of advantages that it carries, and well remembering them.

The most important advantage is that education makes full of all sides of life: spiritual, financial, career, as well as personal, associated health and love.

2. Get rid of OT. external stimuliwhich interfere with the concentration of attention.

The brain is created in such a way as to process all the information that reaches the senses. Thanks to this, we learn about the possible danger.

Do not blame yourself that you are distracted by circumstances around you and cannot concentrate attention on learning, but simply try to remove everything that bothers you. That's what you can do for this.

Contact your family help you concentrate on learning.
+ Ask to disable them (or muffle) Noise sources (TV, radio, etc.) during your occupations.
+ If the sound still interferes with you, use earboys or headphones. Naturally, music should not sound in the latter!
+ Keep books and other things you are interested in outside your room.
+ Disable mobile phone And close the door of your room.

3. Get rid of OT. worst enemies Concentration of attention - extraneous thoughts. After you closed the doors, turned off the TV and the radio and inserted ear in your ears, other stimuli bent in your brain - thoughts.

Even by opening the book and staring at it, you catch yourself on what you think about other things! It is quite natural that you have different thoughts in your head. This phenomenon is characteristic of all people.

How to solve this problem? One thing is clear: it's not worth struggling with thoughts. When you start a fight with thought, you pass more energy and it becomes more enthusiastic.

Instead of resistance, simply declare:

The following 2 hours I will only think about chemistry classes, and about the rest I will think later!

Repeating this installation, you will gradually focus on classes. First, the annoying thoughts will not want to leave you. And you just do not pay attention to them and continue classes. Then they stop bothering you and demand your attention!

4. Use simple techniques to concentrate attention in the classroom or at home and study the large amount of material with low efforts.

Sit comfortably for the time of classes.
+ Take a deep breath every 10 minutes.
+ Mentally ask questions on the topic while listening to the lecture or study the material to attract the brain's attention to the subject of classes.

Questions along the course of classes are forced to be vigilant. This is explained by the brain feature: at the moment he hears the question, he joins the search stage and remains in it until it finds an answer or you do not ask the next question.

At that moment, when you ask a question and concentrate your attention to all 100% on the material studied, extraneous thoughts leave you. In addition, whatever the subject you learned, you will better understand it. Continue to ask questions for 3-4 weeks, and you will have a habit of concentrating all your attention whenever you want.

5. Recharge your body with energy: before starting classes and in the interruptions, make 3-4 deep breaths and knead the body.

Your body consists of trillion alive cells. They need a constant nutrient volume and a frequent rest so that they can function better and efficiently serve you.

The necessary nutrients in the body are supplied by proper circulation blood.

When you change your position or weaken the voltage, the cells get the time to rest and slightly recharge the energy.

It is very essential, otherwise even the most simple classes may be complex work For you. That's what you need to do to help the body.

Pull out like a cat. Pulling relaxes the body, improve blood circulation and reduce the load on the brain.
+ Make 3-4 slow deep breaths before starting classes and after them to provide the brain with oxygen.
+ Being in a classroom or at home, sitting conveniently so that no part of your body felt the voltage.

6. Use specific allegations that help concentrate attention for a long time.

You can concentrate on studying the topic and remain in the concentrated state for a long time using the following specific statements. + "I can focus on request. I like to do something one. " + "Study is my priority.

Because classes will help me acquire important knowledge to start my career. "

+ "The following two hours I am going to focus on studying physics (or another subject). I love physics. It is useful and interesting. "

Each statement is aimed at positive thoughts that automatically strengthen attention and make you think and do it like a well-wise student! Let it become your habit. And for this, repeat all statements 3 times before the start of classes.

7. Find close attention Each type of activity, even reception or viewing television series!

Like any ability, the concentration of attention develops as a result of practice.

Want - believe, you want - no, but you already know how to concentrate 100%.

Surprised? And what do you think when watching a funny television series, follow the hero and villain's cruel fight in a computer game or read the adventure book? Yes, in such situations you are so strongly focused that you do not think about anything else. This is just a 100% concentration of attention. So, it is proved that you already have the ability to completely concentrate your attention in certain conditions.

Now you will just have to postpone this ability to other circumstances - to a lecture in the classroom, at home, following the progress of the conversation, etc.

In fact, it can be used daily as a workout. For example, when your friend starts to tell you something, mentally tell me: "I completely concentrate on what a friend says." And then try not to miss a single word.

8. Train the ability to delay only in one lesson in the allotted time.

It's simple and at the same time effective method Strengthen attention. With it, you will be able to train what you want, and concentrate on it for a long time.

Developing such an ability, you will gain a useful habit. Do you imagine her strength? All wonderful things around you are the result of the focused consciousness of some people. You can also develop this ability, traveling your consciousness.

Here are two simple exercises for training.

Listen to the sound of musical instruments. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Imagine that you listen to the violin, flute or other musical instrument. Choose only one tool in the allotted time and imagine its sound for two minutes. Then choose another tool. Orally perform mathematical actions. Close your eyes and verbally multiplied numbers. Start with two-digit, and then go to more complex numbers.

9. Never say that you can't concentrate - it strengthens your inability to focus. Instead, say: "I can concentrate attention on any subject and for any time."

Repeating thoughts and actions become a habit. Many of us have repeatedly delivered the pleasure of the following negative thoughts.

+ "I can't fully focus."
+ "The years of practice are required to learn how to completely concentrate attention at least for a minute" the repetition of such thoughts creates confidence that learn to attention is very difficult. But you know that practice and training are capable of improving any ability.

Here is another way to quickly improve attention. Whenever you feel that we concentrate better attention, immediately fasten your skill with the following statements.

+ "My ability to concentrate attention is improved."
+ "From day to day I can better and longer hold attention."

10. Develop a habit to deal with the schedule to better concentrate attention.

Working on a schedule, you feel calm and confident about what you manage to go through the exams. A feeling of calm helps a better concentration of attention during classes, because there is no voltage.

Let it become your policy - to work on schedule. Perhaps you already use some selection of schedule. To make a schedule, use it regularly to extract all of the following benefits.

Concentration of attention during classes.
+ Life without stress.
+ Sufficient number time for the development of skills that are necessary for best Life.

This habit is valued by the weight of gold.

Probably there is no such family in which conflicts and quarrels do not arise during the child's teaching, because junior schoolchildren Often there are insufficient, they just forget the material read, do not fulfill until the end of the task. Unfortunately, few of the parents know how to cope with the situation when the child cannot focus, is distracted by trifles, as a result of which all efforts go to the rush, and everything is not so difficult, if you use the advice of professionals.

If a child can not focus, then parents before starting to scold him, should think, perhaps it is not a whim and there is a good reason for such behavior. Very often, mutual misunderstanding only strengthens irritation, parents begin to shout on a child, he-pay, frightened and can not concentrate on the specified one. Therefore, it is best if the parents tried to quietly find out what worries or confuse the baby, and then will help him perform a given subject.

Next reason, because of which the child cannot focus on one task - this is a lack of interest, because it is not a secret, the curriculum of children like it much less than the same computer gamesBehind which they can sit for hours. It is much easier to overcome this reason than many parents think, of course, change the program to interest the child, they will not be able to, but slightly to penetrate the baby in their power. To do this, you should remember the hobbies of the child and try to come up with something that he wanted to "end" with a less interesting thing as quickly as possible. For example, we can say that the most interesting film begins soon, but it will be able to see it only if it will quickly do all lessons, because the film will end very late.

Another reason, as a result of which the baby cannot concentrate - this fatigue, because a severe program, inappropriate or malaise makes him think about rest, and not about the educational process. To eliminate this cause, parents should watch the child and calculate how much time it retains normal performance and, after this period, offer it to take a break. Rest, undoubtedly, should not last more than 10 minutes and better if it contains a small physical activity, for example, the baby can pour flowers or help disassemble the bags, but it should not be allowed to play, since the child will then be difficult to switch again to the lessons.

A very important role in the life of a child performs the routine of the day, because sometimes the parents themselves are so loaded the baby that it simply has no time to relax and play a little. All his day, in addition to visiting the school, make up campaigns in the circles, sections - parents, thus, at the expense of the child, they are simply trying to self-realize. Therefore, it is best if parents together with the children will make a plan in which it will be painted, how long can it be left to or another.

Sometimes to focus on the classroom, the child does not give their own thoughts, for example, the baby knows that on the weekend it is waiting for a trip to a circus or an interesting walk, and this is so exciting for him that he cannot think about anything else. In this case, screaming to the baby and make him immediately make the task is useless, because these thoughts the child is not able to control. Parents should give the opportunity to a child slightly throw out emotions, for this you can jointly consider the poster of the future event or talk about the upcoming program.

If the influence of the factors described is eliminated, but the child still cannot or does not want to focus on the specified objects, then this means that the abilities responsible for the concentration of attention should be trained. It is better to do in a game form, for example, a often child can not sit in one place for a long time, to teach it such games as: "Zamri" or "Sea is worried", and so that the baby is more interesting, you can add the competition element, let's say Who will preserve the pose longer.

Very often to focus interfere with foreign conversations - asking questions to parents, copying classmates or favorite heroes, the child subconsciously leaves from the essence of the specified task. Out of replicas and control the conversation will help the game in the "Molchanoy" game to interest the child's parents can choose some prize with it, which will receive the winning. This method will allow parents not to respond to permanent "why" and "how", and the child, without being distracted by an unnecessary conversation, will be more concentrated on tasks.

Feeling fatigue the child should be able to relax, for this, parents can offer him gymnastics from several simple exercise. For example, you can make some deep breaths, exhale, and then pull out the legs forward, and the hands make hands in the castle behind your head; Sitting on a chair - turn several times with one body to the right and left, after which it is gently losing whiskey and bridge.

You can develop a concentration of attention in conjunction with the development of memory, it should also be in a games form, for example, parents may ask the baby to remember the location of any objects, and after asking to get out or turn away. During the absence of a child, the parent just rearranges the items or hides some and when the baby will enter, asks him to call what the changes occurred.

In conclusion, it should be said that if a child cannot focus on any, even most interesting task, is constantly excited or scattered, and this state lasts more than 6 months, then this may be an indicator of hyperactive disorder. To make sure that or the absence of illness to parents, it is advisable to show the baby to a neurologist, which will conduct a diagnosis, on the basis of the indicators will result in the verdict and if the treatment prescribes.

If your child cannot concentrate on something one and does not know how to focus, it can greatly interfere with him in life. Probably speech in this case there is a deficit syndrome. And how to reveal and eliminate such a problem?

What it is?

Attention deficit in children is often called attention and hyperactivity deficit syndrome (abbreviated ADHD). This condition accompanied by various deviations and violations of behavior, mental activity, social activity. Such a term appeared relatively recently. Drink it began at the end of the last century.

But as a diagnosis, this state began to regard only the current century. Today, ADHD is diagnosed about each 10-15th baby. Most often, the problem is detected between the ages of 4 and 9 years (earlier it is simply impossible to put an accurate diagnosis). Surprisingly, every year the number of children with such a problem increases, some experts even talk about a peculiar epidemic.

The boys suffer from ADHD more often than girls 3-5 times. In adults, such a deviation is also found, but more often children will develop it. In some cases, manifestations are preserved in adulthood, but they are not so obvious.

All set out several types of attention deficit:

  • Separate attention shortage without other explicit manifestations.
  • A deficit of attention combined with impulsivity. This is a more difficult case.
  • Lack of attention and hyperactivity. A complex state that greatly complicates training, socialization and other processes.
  • Mixed type. The most difficult option is such a state can have a wide variety of manifestations.

How does it manifest?

How is the syndrome of scattered attention in children manifest? Let us list some possible signs of such a condition:

  • The child cannot concentrate its attention on something one. This leads to errors when performing both school tasks and domestic ordinary duties.
  • It may seem that the child does not listen to you or does not understand what you are talking about.
  • The nonsense, the impossibility and reluctance to sit in one place and have been engaged in some time to engage in one definite business.
  • Difficulties in compliance with instructions, instructions, prescriptions.
  • Difficulties in self-organization and self-control.
  • Disorder in the room and in the workplace.
  • The child is quickly distracted.
  • Often there is forgetfulness. But it is not connected with memory problems, namely, it is impossible to concentrate on something one.
  • Chado often loses or forgets his belongings.
  • It seems that the child is a Neuletsextremen, but in fact he simply does not understand how to go to his goal to the end, as it cannot concentrate on it.
  • Difficulties in cooperation with peers, with teachers, with relatives and loved ones.
  • Problems with behavior. Often, children with scattered attention syndrome disobedient, noisy, rough, do everything called.
  • Anxiety.
  • Carelessness, negligence.
  • The child is constantly spinning, can not sit in one place, heads his legs and arms, gets up (even when it is forbidden), trying to climb something somewhere.
  • Often such children are very chatter, but at the same time cannot support the conversation on one particular topic.
  • The child answers questions without listening to the end.
  • Impatience. For example, standing in line or wait is real tests for such a child.
  • Often, children with deficit deficiency syndrome are intrusive and may seem uncompatible.

What is the scattered attention syndrome?

Until now, the nature of the development of such a state is still unknown, but there are several assumptions and theories. We list possible reasons:

  • Most scientists agree that the hereditary factor plays an important role. Special genes were revealed, which may affect the behavior and provoke some manifestations of scattered influence syndrome.
  • Worsening the environmental situation. Some experts believe that certain adverse conditions ambient Can provoke the development of ADHD.
  • Generic injuries from a child and complications in the process of childbirth (brain injuries, asphyxia, protracted or difficult labor) and related problems and states.
  • Diseases transferred to the future mother during the period of tools and complications during pregnancy: intrauterine infections, hypoxia, campus cord, and the use of alcohol to a woman during pregnancy, hypertonus of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage, rezv conflict, the wrong position of the fetus and so on.
  • Card injuries can also have a definite effect.
  • Some child diseases, such as cardiac or easy failure, kidney disease, brain disease, asthma.
  • Diseases transferred in the first months of life, accompanied by a significant increase in temperature (such an increase is extremely negatively affecting the state of the child's brain).


Put an accurate diagnosis is not so easy, because all the above symptoms may occur with other pathological conditions, diseases and disorders. Therefore, a specialist should observe the condition and behavior of a child in dynamics, as well as exclude other diseases.

Parents play a special role, which should at the request of the doctor exactly describe the peculiarities of their children's behavior in certain situations. For the formulation of an accurate and final diagnosis may take several months.

How to get rid of the problem?

It is worth noting that in some cases the children will develop ADHD. But this is possible only under the condition of long and constant work of doctors, parents and loved ones.

Here are what measures may include the treatment of scattered attention syndrome:

  1. Reception of some drugs. It is necessary only in case of explicit and serious deviations and violations. Children can be assigned sedatives. Reception of potent drugs in childhood It is dangerous and harmful. Any funds must appoint a doctor.
  2. Change lifestyle, mode. So, if a child in school cannot stop in place and far behind his peers, that is, the point of home schooling. An individual approach and adjustment of the training program will make the process as comfortable as possible for the child and effective. It is imperative to correctly organize the day of the day. His observance will help discipline the child and teach it to order.
  3. The specialist should advise the parents and tell how best to organize the activities of Chad, how to behave in certain situations. First, you should not force a child for something, it will only annoy it. Secondly, be patient and not nervous, otherwise the child will be nervous. Thirdly, always show the chad that you love it.
  4. In some cases, regular visits to the psychologist, certain classes and exercises are required.
  5. Help can sport. It will provide energy output and will allow you to discipline the child.

Health and success your child!

Many parents note that their children can hardly focus on one subject. In such cases, psychologists and teachers advise immediately take action. Inability to concentrate attention entails the backlog on the subjects at school. If the child can not focus, it is difficult for him to absorb new concepts. This is a great obstacle in development. The recommendations of the specialists will help you overcome the problem.

The ability to concentrate - what it is

This concept implies a long-term concentration of attention on a specific object. The intentional concentration is a difficult task, to cope with which adults can not be other times. As for children, they will completely concentrate on one subject even more difficult. However, this quality is simply necessary for successful learningSo it must be developed.

If your child is 5 years old, then he should be able to record attention on the object of about 8 minutes. Some children at this age are capable of concentrating for 20 minutes. To find out this figure for a child older, you must multiply every year for 5 minutes. But much depends on specific situation And on the characteristics of the nature of the child.

Factors that affect the ability to concentrate:

The presence of great interest in the subject;
presence of interference;
time of the day;

If the child is not interested, then his attention will "jump" from one subject to another. This leads to lagging in studies and time loss. Any schoolboy will prefer to see an interesting program on TV, rather than reading a boring tutorial.

The main reasons for the lack of concentration

1. After watching the child, you can make sure that in the process of classes an interesting case, it concentrates his attention for quite a long time. Fascinating, children forget about lunch, walk and other things. However, if we are talking About routine lessons, then they can not focus. This is main reason lack of attention. If the child does not see the benefit for himself in a certain occupation, then he has no incentives. In this case, parents need to create these incentives. Analyze the situation and come up with a speedy reason that can be "missed" child interest. If the child is still small, then any learning is better to turn into an exciting game. Then he himself will not notice that the lesson became interesting for him. Teaching the toddler, you can write letters not in the notebook, but on the asphalt or on the board. Letters can be sculpted from tesla or plasticine, drawing them with small, paints, etc. small children do not attract the rope. But they immediately enjoy writing letters during games and walks.

2. If the child feels badly, he will not be able to concentrate his attention in class. As a result of fatigue, physical indisposition or overwork, performance is significantly reduced. Therefore, an important task of parents is to create an optimal learning schedule. The child should not be overload. If you notice that the baby is tired, he needs to take a break. Doing at home, you need to pause for 10 minutes between classes. Let the child will do physical exercises at that time. However, too much activity leads to the fact that children have long soothed after a pause. This, too, should be avoided.

3. If the child is upset, then he will not be able to do either. An offended or distressed person constantly scrolls the situation in his head. Frequently from negative will help the conversation in souls. Help the child to throw out the accumulated offense or irritation. Only after that he will come to himself and will be ready for concentration. Very often small children can not do when they are waiting for some pleasant events. If you promised to reduce it in a circus or zoo, he probably fantasies. In this case, psychologists advise to lose the scene. Let him introduce the desired and tell you about it. This will help the child to throw out emotions. Further, it will be ready for productive classes.

Question from Oksana, St. Petersburg:

Child outwardly normal. To school worked with a defectologist and speech therapist, but in school problems with Russian and mathematics. The main thing - he seems to be not present in the lesson. Came, sat and left. Sometimes it does not remember what was in the lesson, says he is not interested. Not focused, hence the problems, twos, and from here - a cry of mom. Hence the complexes in the child. What to do?

The love of chalyuga is responsible, the doctor:

Hello, Oksana!

Questions effective learning And the development of the child is concerned with many parents, especially in our time, when competitiveness in the labor market is high. Therefore, everyone tries to encourage the child to learn all the ways known to it. These ways are not always effective, and sometimes even negatively affect the development of the child and its further adaptation in life. For example, if the child is inattentive, he sometimes wants to shry it, but as a result he is even more distinguished and loses its concentration. Why is this happening?

According to System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan, there are eight variants of the human psyche device (vectors), characterized by the properties specified from birth. The owners of these vectors are distinguished by their interests, congenital abilities and talents. For the disclosure of the entire potential, the representative of each vector requires its own conditions, optimal for him. Therefore, each of them needs its own individual approach.

It is especially important and relevant for children, because their mental properties under the age of 15-16 are a period of development. And conditions during this period are just determined by what level of development will be achieved by its innate abilities, which will be further implemented for the benefit of society.

With the situation described by you, when a child is not at the lesson and cannot concentrate, the parents of the child with a sound vector are often faced.

These children in nature differ in particularly sensitive hearing. Loud sounds, as well as words with a negative meaning wounded, so much that, having heard them, the child is protected and literally "goes into herself", abstracts from everything that happens around.

You can see: when there begins the noise and gaps in the class, the ability to perceive the material in a child with a sound vector drops sharply. As a result - it cannot remember any of the material that was discussed in such conditions. Genius in the potential, small sounds are able to solve the most complex tasks in the mind. All they need is an interesting task and favorable conditions.

Create Conditions

First of all, this is a good mother's condition. After all, the mother determines how this world feels a pleasant and safe, or bearing a threat. Mom gives a basic foundation for the development of the baby.

The second condition is silence. Knowledge of the increased sensitivity of the child to sound stimulus allows you to create conditions for a comfortable execution. homework. At home he also needs compliance with silence so that he could focus on the material studied. Some problems of learning the child are consecrated in the article: ".

If you are focused on congenital vector features of your child, you can always understand the causes of certain features of his behavior, which means you will not have a reason to shout. After all, the cry is most detrimentally affecting the psyche of the child, especially when it comes to a sound vector. You can read more about this in articles: "", "Mom, do not sing so loud. Take care of the ears of the genius. "

It is important to be able to correctly understand the properties of your child to create optimal conditions For its development, and therefore contribute to his best realization in adulthood. How it works, read