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MK: do-it-yourself children's play wigwam. Do-it-yourself wigwam for children with step-by-step photos Wigwam cutting

One of the most exciting children's holidays is approaching! Not every parent is ready to present their child with something grandiose, so today we will tell you how to make a truly useful and inexpensive gift with your own hands - a wigwam. Our editors have prepared simple instructions with a description of all stages of work, so this year your child will receive a new one, and you will have several hours of free time while your child is hiding in a secluded corner.

The ancient Indian asylum has long been registered in the apartments of Europeans and Asians, and in fact, it has become unique home for thousands of children from all over the world

The wigwam is a man-made dwelling of the Indians, which has a simple structure. In fact, this is a small hut where the entire Indian family could live. V real conditions it was covered with branches and animal skins. Such housing was available to everyone. So we decided to follow the ancient Indian tradition and tell you how you can create a cozy corner for your child for relaxation and solitude in just a couple of evenings.

Important! If you are going to build a hut with your baby, take care of safety in advance: remove nails, screws, bolts and other dangerous objects far from your child.

An important element of our work is wooden rods. You can buy them at a hardware store. It is very important to determine the height. For the most simple hut we need 4 long rods and 4 rods for the base. They should be shorter.

How to make a wigwam for children with your own hands

Tepee using PVC pipes for the frame

However, if you have familiar plumbers, then it is quite possible to build an interesting structure from. In this case, you just need to ask to saw off the required height and buy special adapters for fastening the edges.

Children need adequate space. And also - in adventure and magic. So they need a wigwam!

    How to make an authentic teepee for children with your own hands in just an hour?

    Installing the frame

    Wigwam cover without sewing

    How to sew a stable tepee for kids

    How to sew a wigwam mattress for children

    The most interesting: do-it-yourself decor for a wigwam

    Wigwam in the interior of a children's room

    Get to work!

    Photo gallery - do-it-yourself wigwam for children

This is the case when fashion came to terms with a dream. Because, firstly, everyone dreams of a hut in childhood (and a wigwam is essentially a hut), and almost everyone made it out of everything that came to hand - bedspreads, chairs, curtains, pillows. Because, secondly, the wigwam is very fashionable. In any interior catalog, on YouTube and in social networks, pictures of cute wigwams are flashing.

Everyone dreams of a wigwam in childhood

So, childhood dreams coincided with my mother's (father's) idea of fashionable interior and it was decided to buy a wigwam for the child. There are a lot of offers - from needlewomen, from fashion stores, from design workshops. Inexpensive or insanely expensive, rustic, bohemian, glamorous ... Stop! No need to rush shopping.

Because thirdly: children's wigwam you can do it yourself! A great way to spend time together and usefully, to prove to the child that parents are just wizards, and he himself is a designer and owner of the best wigwam in the world.

It is easy to make a wigwam for children with your own hands

Let's not forget that the wigwam is an Indian dwelling made of animal skins, linen, sticks and ropes. Leaving aside the skins of buffaloes, as an exotic material, we stock up on linen, curtains or bright bedspreads ... the size of about a long sheet. You will also need structural details and a tool:

  • The canvas is approximately 1.5 mx 2.5 m.
  • Rope (or strong braid) - 1-2 m.
  • Sticks 1.2-1.7 m long - 3 pieces.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Drill.
  • Glue (it is convenient to use a glue gun).
  • Threads and a needle.

Materials for the wigwam

Important! The structure should be stable, and the sticks should be light and without sharp ends (because the wigwam will still fall periodically, and it should not harm its owner).

Sticks should be lightweight and free of sharp ends.

A gap should be left in the upper part so that the smoke of a fire escaping from it, on which the meat of a wild goat was fried, and during the day the sun glare played on the walls of the tent. If your child is not keen on stories about Indians, tell him about the starry sky, a piece of which can be admired on a cool evening. Or just explain that you need ventilation - it all depends on the imagination of children and adults.

Collect the wigwam with the whole family

A masterpiece must be created together. This is fundamentally important. Because only joint work, with a crush and smearing with glue, truly unites the family and falls in love with the wigwam, which will be made for children by their own hands.

Installing the frame

First you need a frame. It should not move apart, so it is required to fix the angle of inclination of the poles.

Measure from the upper end of the sticks 20 cm, put a cross with a pencil.

Drill a hole on each stick at the mark.

Pull the cord (rope, tape) through all the holes.

Pull the cord through the holes

Make the frame look like a regular pyramid.

Tighten the rope one knot and wrap it around the intersection of the sticks very tightly, in several turns. Dad's superpower will come in handy. All this time, mom and children must keep the legs of the wigwam in the right position- otherwise a rigid structure will not work.

Wrap the rope around the intersection of the sticks

Important: especially inventive parents glue the contact points of the sticks with glue.

You can leave the frame alone for 10-20 minutes so that the glue dries and dad rested.

Apply glue to the contact points of the sticks

The next step is to stretch the skin onto the frame. How to do it? Usually the most the best solution turns out to be the simplest.

So, the starting position: the frame is ready and stands in such a way that it has two sides and one frontal one, on which there will be an entrance.

Wigwam cover without sewing

The first way of covering - it couldn't be simpler:

Bend the canvas to a width at which it hangs down to the floor on the sides at the bottom, and at the top it does not reach the line of the crosshairs of the sticks by 10-15 cm.

Throw it on the racks, while an overlap is formed above the entrance to the hut - it should not go onto the side walls, so the front of the canvas may need to be folded.

Throw the fabric over the racks

Line top edge mark fabrics on sticks with a pencil.

After trying on the canvas, move it down (there are a lot of people on the construction site, someone will support him).

Grease wooden sticks with glue from the line of marks 15-20 cm down.

Place the fabric along the upper marks, press it against the posts, smeared with glue, and let it dry.

Attach fabric to glue-coated uprights

To form an entrance - sew pieces of braid (ropes) to the edge of the canvas and in the area of ​​the sticks so that you can open the entrance, or close in a children's wigwam, which you just managed to make with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself wigwam for children without sewing

How to sew a stable tepee for kids

This method of wrapping is more difficult, but the wigwam will hold its shape better.

Measure the sides of the wall triangles.

Cut four pieces of fabric to these measurements, adding 7 cm on each side.

Cut to size triangle walls

Sew them together, leaving one side unstitched - this will be a rear door. In total, you will get 3 seams with large allowances - 6-7 cm on each side

Sew them together

Sew the allowances along the edge so that you get a drawstring into which the stick will be inserted.

Sew the drawstrings into which the pali will be inserted

Cut off the top edge by 10-15 centimeters - this will be the hole “under the ceiling” of the tent. Overcast edge - overcast or hem.

Pull the tent from below onto the sticks. Glue the top to the tree.

Pull the tent underneath onto the sticks

The entrance to the wigwam is covered with two canvases, which can be folded onto the racks or closed by closing the entrance.

A small improvement noticeably strengthens the structure: just on the side of the entrance, connect the two posts with a tape along the bottom (you need glue). It is necessary to fasten it to the sticks as close to the floor as possible so that the child does not stumble. What does it do? The racks will not be able to part in different directions.

Stable wigwam for children with their own hands

How to sew a wigwam mattress for children

We advise you not to engage in complex cut, but to sew a square mattress. You can use a large pillowcase. If you put a sheet of foam rubber 10-20 mm into it, then the frame will stand on top. If there is a pad of padding polyester in the pillowcase, the mattress will turn out to be soft and can be put inside the wigwam by tucking the corners.

The mattress will make the wigwam warm and cozy

A mattress is a must - it closes the space, it is warm and cozy. With him, a wigwam, sewn for a child with his own hands, turns into a house, a nest, a cave, a secret refuge - according to the circumstances.

The most interesting: do-it-yourself decor for a wigwam

How to decorate a new wigwam? First of all - a good choice of fabric. If it is not decorative enough, you can sew on or stick on strips of textiles, braids, fringes.

Decorate the edges of the wigwam with decorative tape

On the upper ends of the sticks, you can hang three multi-colored paper flags or put a bunch of feathers on the top.

Flags on the upper ends of the sticks

Garlands of multi-colored light bulbs turn the wigwam into a magic tent, a dream and celebration come true.

Garlands will turn the wigwam into a magic tent

Sometimes a window is cut through the wall, but this is not necessary. In general, the process of decorating and improving the wigwam is endless - this is also long time the child will be engaged. Parents are left with one thing: not to interfere and sometimes help to implement new ideas.

You can cut a window in the wall

Wigwam in the interior of a children's room

In the children's room, the wigwam will become a place of solitude for the child. It doesn't matter if this room is for two children or for one, all the same, the kid needs a house proportionate to himself, and not to the world of adults. There, and with a shaggy bear, you can keep secret, and look at a book, and just fall asleep on a mattress.

The wigwam will become a place of solitude for the child

The wigwam fits into the classic Scandinavian interior as if it were a native - it goes well with the light aesthetics of minimalism. Even fabrics offered by Scandinavian designers come with appropriate prints: stylized Indian ornaments, snakes, corners, etc.

Wigwam in a Scandinavian interior

If the nursery for a boy is sustained in nautical style or ecological, then in the design of the wigwam you can use the colors of the safari, decorating it under a camping tent.

Wigwam for a boy in khaki color

In a glamorous girl's bedroom, the wigwam can transform beyond recognition, turning into a delicate tent. For him and the fabric, you can pick up silk, and decorate with ruffles, and use all shades of pink. Why not? If you make a wigwam for a nursery with your own hands, then one that will take your child's spirit.

Delicate lace teepee for girls

Get to work!

Photo gallery - do-it-yourself wigwam for children

You need

● Colored and plain heavy cotton fabric
● Tapes or bias inlays
● Volumenflees for the base and non-woven for applications (read the tips for working with pads in)
● Three wooden sticks approx. 2 cm, length approx. 2 m
● Suitable sewing thread
● Pins ()
● Scissors ()
● Tailor's chalk ()
● Measuring tape ()
● Triangle
● Film ()
● Film marker ()

Work description

Step 1: make patterns

For the base, draw an equilateral triangle with a side length of 120 cm on the film. For the walls of the tent, draw an equilateral triangle with a width of 120 cm and a height of 180 cm on the film. Cut out the details from the film.

Step 2: cut out the details for the base

Prick the parts from the film onto the fabric. Add 1.5 cm seam allowances on all sides.
● Cut the base from fabric 2 times and from volumenflye 1 time.
● From the fabric for fixing the sticks - see the photo below on the left - cut out 3 squares of approx. 10 x 10 cm, fold them diagonally.
● Cut out 4 tie strips approx. 15 cm and a width of 8 cm, in finished form 3 cm wide.
● Cut out 3 bias inlays for edging the entrance to the wigwam.

Step 3: sew the base

Stitch the strings cleanly, leaving one end open.
Make the base clean, while grabbing volumenflees, squares folded diagonally and 2 ribbons each.

Step 4: sew the walls of the wigwam

Cut out 3 sides (wigwam walls). Topstitch pockets on both sides; if desired, stitch or stick appliqués on the pockets before stitching. Appliques can be used to decorate the walls of the wigwam, for example, as described in
On the front side of the wigwam, make two cuts from the bottom edge at an angle so that then the entrance can be rolled into a roll (see photo of the model). Slices cleanly grind with an oblique inlay as described in the master class on the basics of patchwork. Sew ties on both sides of the entrance (see photo of the model).

Step 5: grind the walls and edging the entrance

Sew the three walls of the wigwam, leaving a hole for the sticks at the top, while folding the parts face to face. Tuck over allowances and stitch along the seam seam, or sew a French seam. Sew the upper and lower cuts cleanly with a bias tape.

Step 6: assemble the wigwam

Insert the sticks one at a time into the corners of the base, tie tightly with a ribbon at the top. At the bottom of the stick, additionally fix it with tapes. Put the walls of the wigwam on sticks, if desired, additionally fix it with strings.

Childhood is a carefree time for a wide variety of games: and on fresh air, and at home, and anywhere. Children's imagination and developed imagination can turn a boring shop in the line of the clinic into a ship that goes to the shores of Africa. Or a temporarily placed step-ladder instantly gets a blanket-cape and turns into a wigwam! Mom put up a ladder, hang curtains, walked away for a minute - and then the Indians of the Forest Stream tribe seized the territory! So that.

Modern toy manufacturers offer parents and their fidgets the most different variants houses-tents. Here and fairies, and heroes, and cartoon characters, and the paramilitary version - everything that your heart desires. And the child asks for a hut, like in the summer, when they went to the river. And the tent is not good for him. What to do? Take on drawings, patterns, call dad or grandfather drill holes in frame sticks, look for an old sheet and instructions on how to make a hut with your own hands - in a word, fulfill a childhood dream and plunge into all this magic yourself!

Materials and tools

The choice of materials primarily depends on where the hut or wigwam will live. If you are making a wigwam for children, the choice in any case will be for more natural materials: cotton, burlap, etc. If the child will play exclusively at home, then an old sheet or similar fabric, suitable in size and suitable in color, will do.

For games on the street, in the courtyard of a house, in the country, etc., it is better to take a denser fabric that will not be blown by the winds and will not get wet from the very first drops of rain. Tarpaulin, of course, is not worth taking, but it is worth taking a closer look at such fabric as broadcloth! Also street hut implies the presence of windows with an insect screen and the same mesh canopy.

V mandatory you will need foam rubber or sheet synthetic winterizer - for the floor. If children of not the most conscious age participate in the games, who are only getting used to the potty, in upper layer it is better to sew oilcloth on the floor in order to protect it from unpleasant surprises. For a street hut, such a layer will in any case be small, unless the structure is installed on wooden floor... If the hut is on the ground, it will definitely need sew pillows.

In addition to fabric and other sewing accessories, you will definitely need material for the frame, it can be wooden sticks required thickness or plastic pipes suitable diameter... The latter option is preferable, since the stick can still break under the onslaught of children's games, and the plastic pipe is more likely to bend.

Frame and fabric- these are the main materials for a wigwam, but, in addition to this, you will also need a strong rope that will hold the "crown" of the frame together.

From the tools for such a structure, you will need a drill to make holes in the frame for the ropes, as well as sewing accessories and a sewing machine, a ruler, marker or pencil, a stationery knife, etc.

How to make a hut with your own hands

To work you will need:

  • Slats or plastic pipes with a diameter of about 2 cm - 6 pieces, 1.5-1.8 m;
  • Rope;
  • Drill, tape measure or long ruler;
  • Sewing machine, thread, scissors, needles, pencil, etc .;
  • Fabric size 3 by 1.5 m;
  • Ribbons 30-40 cm long, 6 pieces;
  • Sintepon and fabric for a pillow, whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  1. Drill holes in the frame posts, stepping back from the top edge of at least 20 cm. The hole diameter must correspond to the thickness of the rope. Thread the rope through the holes, tying the frame together, but not too tightly.
  2. Dissolve risers to the sides as wide as possible, so that their lower ends form a circle. Fix this position with a rope, which is threaded into the poles, and additionally fix it from above at the intersection of the racks.
  3. Cape... Fold the fabric so that you get a square with sides one and a half meters, the fold line should be on the left. Take the lower right corners and fold them towards the upper left corners, that is, fold the square diagonally.
  4. From the resulting triangle of fabric, you need to make a cone. To do this, you need to step back 10 cm from the upper acute corner (it is located at the bottom if the fabric was not turned over) and draw an arc. In the widest part of the triangle from right angle put down 6 cm and draw an arc again. It turned out to be a cone. Cut in arcs and unfold the fabric.
  5. Throw the fabric over the frame, distribute it evenly and temporarily fix it. From the inside, where the fabric is in contact with the frame, make marks on it at a distance of 15-20 cm from the floor. Remove the awning and sew the tape along the marks (parallel to the floor line).
  6. Edging and cuts. To process the upper rounded cut, you need to make notches 1.5-2 cm deep and 2 cm wide, bend them to the inside and sew, preferably 2-3 times for strength. Fold the bottom by 1.5 cm and also sew. "Entrance" needs to be processed with a cut with a fold. In the upper part, you need to close the entrance, that is, stitch in a distance of 20-25 cm from the upper arc.
  7. Carefully put an awning on the frame, tie the fabric to the poles with ribbons in the right places.
  8. Measure the inside of the hut along the floor with a tape measure. On a Whatman paper, draw a template for the future pillow-bedding, cut out 2-5 layers from the sheet padding polyester. Fold them in a pile, sew with large cross stitches, do not tighten the thread too much.
  9. Cut out two pieces for the pillowcase using the same pattern, making a 2 cm seam allowance. Fold the fabric face to face, sew, leaving a window to insert the filler. Unscrew the pillowcase on the front side, put in a synthetic winterizer, sew up the slot. The pillow is ready!

Master class on creating a wigwam from a drawing

Such a design, in contrast to the first option, will require a wigwam pattern - they are quite simple to build and are, rather, blueprints. This hut has a window and an additional pocket on the inside of the wall, so it is also suitable for outdoor games. To work you will need:

  • Base fabric - 3 x 1.5 m; pocket fabric - 50 cm;
  • Window mesh- 50 cm (old tulle or nylon will go);
  • Frame - 4 sticks 1.8 m high, no more than 4 cm wide;
  • Drill;
  • Rope;
  • Velcro tape.

Description of the manufacturing process:

  1. The very appearance of the wigwam pattern is a trapezoid, the upper side of which is 20 cm and the lower side 130 cm. For convenience, especially if there are no good sewing skills, it is better to draw the pattern, for example, on a piece of wallpaper. For the pocket and the window, also draw a template on thick cardboard.
  2. Next, you need to correctly place the pattern on the fabric. Lay material face down. Step back 10 cm from the left edge, put the template, leaving a bottom allowance for the seams. Outline the template. Step back from the right edge of the figure 20 cm and again circle the template, also leaving allowances for the seams.
  3. Place and circle the window template on one of the circled fragments, and the pocket on the other.
  4. Cut along the lines of the shape. You should get three identical trapezoids and two triangles. On two parts there will be a window and a pocket, one part will be blind, two triangles - the future entrance.
  5. Fold the part on which the window will be in half lengthwise. Cut out the window, leaving seam allowances and making cuts from them to the contour. Cut out the mesh and sew it to the window. Cut out a pocket from an additional piece of fabric and sew to the second wall.
  6. Take two triangles that will be the entrance and an additional piece of fabric. From it, cut a trapezoid with a side of 20 cm and 35 cm. Fold the triangles into a trapezoid, sew Velcro to the lines of their "cut". Sew a small trapezoid to the upper part, fastening the parts together.
  7. Sew along the long sides of the part. Measure the width of the stick, bend each seam by this distance and sew. Insert sticks into compartments, distribute fabric. In the upper part of the sticks, drill holes in diameter corresponding to the thickness of the rope. Insert the rope and fix the top of the frame completely.

The wigwam is ready!

does not always imply violent and active games; often the child just wants to play quietly there alone, maybe read a book, etc. To have their own corner, closed from everyone, even in their own room - this need for children is not so rare. In order to make such a tent, you will need:

  • Aluminum hoop (aka hula hoop);
  • Cloth, thread, scissors, rope;
  • Hook or loop in the ceiling.

The fabric must be collected in a cone so that it is evenly distributed over the hoop, and a dome of about 30 cm remains at the top. Sew a loop from a strong fabric, put it in the center of this assembly. Sew the top of the head with threads, tie it with a rope on top. Tie the fabric to the hoop with a few stitches.

Another option for a children's tent-hut, for which you will need:

  • Fabric - such as an old sheet
  • Bars 1.5 m long - 4 pcs. and a crossbar with a diameter of 1.5 cm, a length of 2 m;
  • Drill;
  • Underwear elastic;
  • Sewing accessories.

In the bars, step back 15 cm from the top and drill a hole corresponding to the diameter of the crossbar. Assemble the frame - cross the bars in pairs and insert the ends of the crossbar into drilled holes... Throw the fabric over the frame, distribute it evenly. Machine the edges and cuts. Sew 4 loops from linen elastic and sew them to each corner of the fabric. These hinges are put on the legs of the frame so that the structure does not deform.

The children's tent is ready!

Winter tent in the yard

Outdoor games should be not only during the warm season, but also in winter. On the eve of the New Year, many schools, kindergartens and children's courtyard clubs hold a competition for the best snow figure. However, few people undertake the construction of the chum. Of course, for this to be a full-fledged winter dwelling, you must at least have the roots of the small peoples of the north. But in order to build a winter shelter, a small one is enough. You will need:

  • Thick poles - from 6 to 12 pieces, depending on the desired strength of the plague, the optimal number of poles is 9 pieces;
  • Thick rope, hammer;
  • Textile;
  • Snow and water.

It is desirable that the layer of snow on the ground was already impressive, and the poles of the frame could be stuck into it.

It is necessary to put all the poles together and wrap the top with rope. Spread the poles along the optimal radius. Insert the poles into the snow, using a hammer if necessary. Fix the ends of the poles with a rope. Place the fabric over the frame. If necessary, make cuts in it and tie with ribbons to the frame.

From the bottom up, start covering it with snow, first forming a snowdrift. After that, add density to the snow layer by sprinkling a little water on it and adding snow again. Build up a layer of snow inside the plague. Ready!

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Every child needs personal development and a place of privacy. And even having own room, some children try to isolate themselves from the outside world by building various structures. Do not disturb them. On the contrary, parents should help their child in this endeavor. For example, build a wigwam with your own hands by studying a master class. The child will be very happy with such a gift. In a tent of an original form, he will be able to play, read, watch cartoons and even sleep.

Before you start making a hut, you need to clarify one point. A wigwam is considered to be any cone-shaped Indian dwelling. In fact, such a structure is called "tipi". This is a hut on a frame of poles, which is covered with treated animal skin or canvas (became common after the development of trade with Europeans).

The wigwam is a domed structure, the frame of which is made of thin trunks. As protective coating bark and branches protrude. Such a hut was installed for the implementation of various rituals (not for permanent housing).

To decorate the tipi, the Indians used various decor: amulets, necklaces, hunting trophies. Sometimes the hut was painted bright colors, each of which meant certain natural phenomena. The modern wigwam looks exactly like this, although the name stuck to it from a different design.

The finished structure is quite expensive, so not every parent decides to purchase such a house for his child. However, you can make a wigwam yourself. The product will turn out to be no worse than the store one, maybe even better.

Having decided to make a wigwam, you must adhere to some rules:

  • The building should be shaped like a cone;
  • The fabric should not cover the ends of the poles (the top hole provides fresh air).

To make a wigwam, it is not necessary to use a waterproof fabric, it is enough to arm yourself with a dense material (if we are talking about a street building). Due to the special design, water will flow down the walls of the hut without getting inside.

Do not forget about decorative elements... At the same time, it is not at all necessary to decorate the hut with feathers and stones, as the Indians did. It is enough just to add some zest to the building: tie bright ribbons, add beads or flags, hang small drawings of the child inside. Any ideas are worth implementing.

Children's wigwam with their own hands: a master class on making

You should start with a simple design consisting of five slats. The number of supports directly depends on the area of ​​the wigwam, therefore, a fairly spacious dwelling can be made from this number.

The work on creating such a hut does not imply fiddling with patterns and sewing. However, this type of construction also has a significant disadvantage: fragility.

Materials that will be required to create a wigwam:

The first step is to tie the sticks: first, one pair is fixed with twine, then the other. The fifth rail is inserted between them. Next, the resulting frame must be tied with twine again, fastening all the details. Hide the junction with a piece of fabric, which must be pulled between the slats and fixed with paper clips.

It remains only to cover the structure with two types of fabric, which must be wrapped around the sticks and secured. The entrance should first be indicated: the fabric is not wound between these slats. After finishing the work, the building can be decorated and insulated by placing a fluffy blanket and pillows inside.

How to sew a wigwam: we make a structure on three supports

The three-pole tent is more robust and durable, so this structure can be built for outdoor games as well.

To make it you will need:

  • Cloth (several meters);
  • Sintepon;
  • Tapes;
  • Wooden beams (3 pcs);
  • Threads, scissors;
  • Tape measure;
  • Chalk, marker;
  • Oilcloth.

First you need to draw patterns on plastic oilcloth, which are then cut out. The base for the tent should be triangular with equal sides in 1, 2 meters. For the walls of the hut, a pattern in the form of a triangle with a base of 1, 2 and a height of 1, 8 meters is required.

When transferring the drawings to the fabric, it is necessary to leave 2 centimeters for the seams on each side.

The base is cut out in two copies from fabric and one from padding polyester. Then these blanks need to be sewn together. To fix the slats at the base, it is necessary to make pockets, which are formed from separate pieces of fabric in the form of a square with a side of 10 cm. You should also prepare four ribbons for ties, two of them sew to the base.

Next, you need to cut out three walls for the hut. One of them will be the entrance: to mark it from the bottom of the fabric, you need to make two cuts, turning the edges with tape. Sew ties on both sides to fix the material.

We sew a cover for the tent from the cut walls, leaving a little space in the upper part. This work can be done both by hand and with the help of sewing machine... Then assemble the support structure by inserting the slats into the corners of the base and tying with tape at the top. Put the cloth cape on the fastened sticks and fix it in the pockets.

How to make a paper hut: a simple craft for children

Very young children do not need personal space, so the construction of a large wigwam may be postponed until a certain moment. At the age of 3-4 years, potential should be developed with the help of other activities: sculpting or doing various crafts.

You can start getting to know the wigwam by making a simple paper structure. Such a model is made simply: it is enough to cut a circle and roll it into a cone. Then trim the base for stability and mark the entrance.

The top and walls of the product should be decorated with bright plasticine. To raise interest in this topic, you can mold figures of Indians, arrange a hearth.

How to make a wigwam with your own hands (video instruction)

A children's wigwam does not have to fully correspond to the well-established idea of ​​this Indian structure. Its design can be of any kind. The main thing is that the new home is comfortable and durable. A child, climbing inside, should feel safe, calmly doing things of interest to him. And parents, in turn, need to be confident in the durability of the structure.