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Towers Gemini where were on the map. Instead of twin towers. How has New York changed after the terrorist attack

Until September 11, 2001 in the Ensemble of World shopping center Particulated seven buildings. WTCs built in New York in 1973 by the architectural ideas of Minor Yamasaka. The impressive center of the complex was two skyscrapers each 110 floors - the southern (415 m height) and the northern (417 m).

At the time of construction, they ranked first in the world at height. Almost three dozen years of the twin tower tower over Manhattan, symbolizing the financial power of the United States, but on September 11, 2001, the attacks of terrorist fanatics were the cause of the destruction of skyscrapers.

The North Tower is a plane captured by a group of terrorists, Taranil at 8:46, a destructive blow fell on the northern side of the building between 93 and 99 floors. There was a strong fire, which cut off the way out of people who were higher. After 102 minutes of burning, the skyscraper fell. The second aircraft faced the southern tower in 17 minutes after the previous attack, the blow fell between 77 and 85 floors. The collision of the aircraft with the building had to be closer to the corner, so one staircase remained as a whole - it helped to escape many people.

The designs of the southern tower were very destroyed by fire and collision, so she collapsed 29 minutes before Northern. Flying fragments of twin towers and the emerging fire caused the collapse at 17:20 another case of the complex - WTC-7. The remaining four buildings received so serious damage that it was decided to demolish them. As a result of the terrorist attack, 2752 people died, including carriages and passengers captured by terrorists of aircraft.

Documentary video: See how it really was.

After the catastrophe at the crash site, the Museum and the National Memorial, which is two square basins on the site of the destroyed twin towers. Another WTC is built around the memorial, the center of which will be the new Tower of Freedom. The height of the building along with the spire reaches 541 m - it will become the third in the world in the world and the first in Western hemisphere. Architects report that the Tower of Freedom is a very reliable skyscraper: its foundation has strengthened with steel beams, and the first floors are built as a reinforced concrete base without windows.

Thus looked the "Tribute in the World" Memorial, September 6, 2011. (Photo Mark Lennihan | AP). Two posts of light, 1500 m high. Each, beat from the very place where the TWTS towers were.

2 pools, located exactly on the site of the former "twin towers". The underground museum is right under the memorial.

15 years ago there was a bloody and monstrous terrorist attack in the history of mankind. Two aircraft crashed into the Tower of the World Trade Center.

During this time, the world was only more dangerous, and bastards continue to kill innocent people. But life goes on.

Instead of two destroyed twin towers, several new skyscrapers were built under the same name World Trade Center and opened the died memorial.

1 The highest of buildings complex, WTC 1 or "Freedom Tower" was opened in 2014.

2 To get inside, you need to know someone from employees. I spent Dima there newyorkrealty. working as a realtor in New York. But there are few acquaintances to have a little, to register and pass the check, as at the airport: send things to the X-ray scanner, and go through the metal detector itself. After that, you will call the elevator on which you can only go up to several permitted floors. Even two elevators: the first comes from 1 to 45 floor, the second from 46 to 90th.

3 Sixty Fourth Floor - Overview.

4 how many times was in New York, never rose to tourist looks. Useless waste of money. You can independently look at a no less exciting look, but more original. In this case, alas, the glass bothers, but once we climbed into the roof of a freshly built 80-storey skyscraper, and here it was beautiful!

On the twenty floors above, the Coworking itself is located. Public space occupies one floor, another two accommodated negotiations, mini-offices and dining rooms for tenants.

6 Externally, it is not very different from the usual office, the only difference is that there are almost no fixed places. People come and go when they need. But also their little things, in this case, you need to carry with you.

7 If you can't work without a favorite mug, a rug for feet and photographs of a dog - "hot table" is not for you. Not fixed place when you take any free table worth $ 450 per month.

8 155 coworkins participate in the network, and membership makes it possible to work in any of them. Only in New York four locations. Even in the US, there is in Chicago, Boston, Washington, San Francisco, but the main thing is that the same coworkings are in dozens of countries of the world: Want to work out of Australia? Please have offices in Sydney and Melbourne.

9 Travel in China and urgently need an office? Search for the closest in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai or Guangzhou. Did the hard-old in Lebanon? Even in Beirut there is one. In Russia and Ukraine - alas, until the offices have opened.

10 Each office worker dreams of freeing from "slavery" and become a freelancer. Each freelancer sooner or later understands that it is more efficient to work in the office. So the coworkings appeared, which today grow like mushrooms, and all over the world.

11 Here you can come to work only for the sake of this kind!

12 If urbanism and high narrow towers excites you, views from the window will give +10 to performance!

13 When you look at New York on top, it really motivates.

14 On the site of the twin towers, the memorial park with two pools is now broken (one) is visible, repeating the contours of the buildings.

15 Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.

16 below will boil the usual New York life.

17 Rooftop air conditioners - a great way to disappoint buildings facades.

18 Statue of Freedom - like on the palm!

19 Verrazano Bridge, one of the biggest hanging bridges in the world.

20 Relax from work Residents Coworking may be per party in board games, Pong Pong or Shafflebord.

21 This is such a kind of desktop curling, the game board must be sprinkled with salt so that the washer is better slid.

22 I have never seen this before!




For a tour, thank you very much Dima

The tragedy of September 11, 2001 still remembers the whole world, the consequences of the terrorist attack were the death of 2977 people, and the destruction of not only twins towers, but not far from them the skyscrapers of the Center for International Trade and the Marriot Hotel. Since then, almost twenty years have passed and many are wondering, what is now on the site of twins towers.

Place of tragedy Residents of New York nicked "zero mark". The city authorities tried faster to reconstruct the quarter, as he constantly reminded the citizens about the events of that day, therefore work began almost immediately, in the fall of 2001. Now about September 11, 2001 reminds memorial, and the museum dedicated to the events of that day makes it remember him in all the most terrifying details.

Memory Place and Museum 9/11

The first thing the administration of New York decided to remove the remains of destroyed buildings and perpetuate the memory of the dead. For this, a special project commission was created and a competition was organized on best idea Memorial. The competition was launched until 2004, during this time the project commission had to study thousands of various options that the architects sent from all over the world, and the work was recognized as the work "reflecting the absence of the architect Michael Arad. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe project was to use the foundations of twins towers to create two deep waterfall pools paved with granite, with immortalized on their external walls The names of the dead.

In early 2005, the Fund engaged in organizational issues on the creation of a memorial discovered fundraising for the implementation of memorable projects and in just three years managed to collect about 350,000,000 US dollars. At the same time, one after the opening of the Foundation, it became known that the cost of the Memorial crossed the border of 1,000,000,000 dollars, to which the mayor of New York replied that the city could spend only $ 500,000,000 to a memorial place, after which he was recalculated.

It is noteworthy that first the place of memory for the victims of terrorist people wanted to name the "World Trade Center Memorial", but they refused this idea in 2007, on a competitive basis, in the current name.

As a result, by the ten-year anniversary of the tragedy, in 2011, the construction of two pools was completed, the water in which endlessly flows along the walls, that now on the site of twins towers,and the museum dedicated to the fateful day is located. The pools exactly repeat the contours of destroyed skyscrapers and look impressively, the height of the walls of each pool is about 8 meters, and the length and width of the pools allows you to estimate the parameters of fallen towers. On the walls of the black stone pools, the names of those who died as a result of a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, as well as those who died during the earlier terrorist attack in the World Trade Center, which occurred in 1993 was carved.

In the 9/11 Museum there is a very wide shocking exposition, there are stored things discovered under the debris, parts of the affected designs and cars, photos from the scene of events, as well as unidentified people still the remains of people.

The whole memorial is set as light colors And surrounded by special oaks, white, among which you can find a pear who survived under the wreckage of a skyscraper.

Skyscrapers of the International Trade Center

The other priority for the power of New York was the construction of a new international trade center, which should consist of four separate buildings to accommodate the required number of offices.

The authorities coordinate the project for a very long time, several years choosing the best of the best suggestions and eventually chose the work of the architect Daniel Libeskind, who offered to build the main building of the center height of 1776 pounds, for Americans memorial dateThis year was adopted by the Declaration of Independence of the United States, because the skyscraper was given the name "Tower of Freedom", at the same time height is meaningful for urban planners USA: on this moment The tower is the highest building in the country. According to the architect, the skyscraper should be a worthy answer to the free world at the threat of international terrorism, and it should be noted, the Tower of Freedom is coping with this task. With its shape and high spire, the building recalls its predecessors. Outside the facade of the tower is covered with glass, which in addition to purely aesthetic functions also serves and quite practically goals: daylight The premises made it possible to reduce the consumption of electricity by about 20 percent.

The main entrance to the skyscraper is decorated as a giant hall with a ceiling of 24 meters high. The skyscraper includes 3 viewing platforms per 100, 101 and 102 floors, which can be reached with high-speed elevators. The basement lobby of the building is connected to the metro station.

The construction of the first corps of the center began in 2006, and the discovery took place in 2014. A year before that, the fourth building of the center was already opened and the fourth building of the Center was opened and another two skyscrapers should be built until the end of 2021.

Transport hub in an unexpected place

In addition to directly memorial and buildings, a place where the twins have been held before there were a transport node, which combines eleven Metro Lines of New York, Station railway And even ferry crossing.

The architect Santiago Calatrava was engaged in the design of "Okulus". He placed "Okulus" right in front of the liberty tower and accepted as a lead image - pigeon with open wings, and really the building has similarities similar to the blooming bird, but in the outlines you can find similarities with a soaring aircraft. The station opened in the spring in 2016.

The central part of the construction is a giant oval hall, actually given the name to the entire vehicle. Around the hall is driven piles from steel 120 meters high.

The station is recognized as the most expensive metro in the world, but it is also estimated by engineers, and one of the safest.

According to expert estimates, daily bandwidth Stations - 250,000 people.

Now the territory near once destroyed towers does not look a bleeding wound on the heart of New York and the entire United States.

In the United States, the death branches of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda seized four passenger aircraft by sending two of them to the symbol of business New York - the Towers of the World Trade Center, and the other two are on the Pentagon and, presumably on The White house or Capitol. All aircraft other than the latter have achieved goals. The fourth captured aircraft collapsed in the field near the city of Shanksville in Pennsylvania.

The Federal District Judge of New York George Deniels issued a correspondence court decision, according to which Iran should pay $ 7.5 billion to relatives and other representatives of those who died in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon building. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities should pay three more billion to insurers who covered the property damage and other material losses. Previously, Deniels judge decided that Tehran could not prove his innocence to assist the organizers of the terrorist attack, and in connection with which the Iranian authorities are responsible for the damage caused during it.

On the site of destroyed twin towers in New York on September 11, 2011 was the memorial of the World Trade Center. It is two square pool-fountains located right at the bases of former twin towers, interior Walls which the cascade falls out the flow streams flowing into square holes located on the bottom of each of the pools.

Names of 2983 victims of terrorist attacks (including six people who died in the terrorist attack in the World Trade Center in 1993) are carved on bronze plates, which posted parapets of both fountains.

A new complex of the World Trade Center was opened. It is the fourth high skyscraper in the world - its height is 541 meters. Construction began in April 2006 at the corner of a plot of 65 thousand square meterswhere the twin towers of the destroyed shopping center were previously stood.

It is celebrated in the United States as a Patriot Day, since 2009, after approval of the Act 111-13 of the United States of the United States, this date is also referred to as a national day of ministry and memory.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

It took 16 years from the moment of the terrible fall of twin towers in America, which occurred on September 11, 2001. But the memories of the day still pursue millions of Americans. The fates of many people were changed forever.

How many people died?

In addition to the citizens of America, representatives of other countries also fell. Among the dead was 96 citizens from the former Soviet Union. Upon completion of search and rescue operations, it was stated by specialists that approximately 10,000 fragments of human bones and tissues were found at the site of the fall in buildings, which significantly increases the indicators of the initial statistics of the incident. The fragments were found and significantly later, in 2006, when the Deutsche Bank was reconstructed. Average age dead amounted to 40 years.

Course of events

On September 9, terrorists captured four aircraft and were able to send two of them in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, and one orient to the Pentagon. The remaining aircraft suffered a wreck in Pennsylvania, after the passengers were able to defeat the hijackers.

The day, which began with a clear blue sky, ended with a mass of winding gary from the fused metal, where the huge buildings of the shopping center were once stood. As a result of this incident, 2977 people died.

People's Memory

The September 11 tragedy occurred almost two decades ago. A quarter of Americans are too young to remember this exciting event. "I have three children who do not remember at all about the incident, because they have not yet been born. But we, of course, do not want to forget, even when we live and come across new challenges, "says one of the Americans.

Thus, in memory of that day, 23 images are hanging here, which serve as a reminder that no American should forget. The tragedy has acquired a huge scale. Witnesses of what happened can tell a lot.

The twin towers of the World Trade Center were symbols for residents of New York. For decades, people raised their eyes on them, and the structures were unshakable. It was an encouraging sight. According to the memories of the Americans, he visited the tower many times and looked at them many times. On the morning of September 11, he had just finished voting in Brooklyn, when he raised his eyes and saw that one of the towers was burning. Just a few minutes later, the second aircraft crashed into another tower. Something was wrong.

When President George Bush reported a tragic incident, at that time he was at the school event. The expression on his face captured on the photograph expresses almost all emotions. At that time, none of the members of the government knew what serious consequences carried this terrorist attack for the country.

Large fire

The effects of two fire jets were destructive. It broke steel design The towers and contributed to the fire of fires, which ultimately led to the destruction of buildings. Combat aircraft reached the sky. Each unailed flight in the airspace was ordered to land.

Thousands of people found themselves in a real trap on the upper floors of the towers. Many died instantly, when the planes crashed into the building, and even more people died when fires broke out and the towers began to collapse. Some citizens jumped out of the windows to avoid fire and smoke. A total of 2606 people died in the towers.

The weather was wonderful, the sky was bright blue. The wind carried a massive loot loop over the city and the harbor of New York. "Manhattan looked as if 10 megaton exploded in it," the British writer Martin Amis wrote later.

Horrible outcome

The structure of the towers was so damaged that their collapse was the inevitable consequence of the strike. At that time, however, no one expected such a terrible outcome. People on the streets around the World Trade Center fled in panic. The buildings began to settle one after the other and fill the streets with rubble and dust.

The fires were burning with hours and treli for several days in the mass of winding steel and rubble. Nizhny Manhattan, below the 14th street, will later be closed for a movement that does not participate in rescue work.

The area around the World Trade Center was the scene of complete devastation. In the air hung smoke and dust. An countable car, trucks and rescue machines were destroyed.

Destroyed Tower Design

The feeling of tragedy Vital everywhere. Department fireguard In New York, he lost his chaplain, Rev. Michael, who was killed by a fall in the wreckage.

Little from the elegant facades Twin Towers, which Japanese architect Miner Yamasaka designed with the inclusion of narrow window Operactions and soaring arches.

Two 110-storey towers, towering over the city, were compressed to the fused mass of molten metal. The welders spent months, cutting off the steel so that the damaged design could be disassembled.

Rescue work

The employees of the Fire Protection Unit of New York rushed to the scene and suffered incredibly high losses among their employees, trying to save people from burning towers. As a result, 343 members of the brigade died during an overall operation. Strong men They could not stand, on their cheeks, the case and the case glanced tears.

In the following days, rescuers arrived in New York from neighboring cities and states. The type of bodies in the wreckage led to indescribable horror. The contrasting sign of imbiberance was the moment when the American flags were raised above the tragedy.

Close people posted photos of missing friends and family members in desperate hope that they may be alive.

The tragedy is altogether

The city, cohesive, is what many Americans have never seen. The townspeople lined up on the streets to cheer up the national guard and rescuers when they arrived in Manhattan in order to fulfill the mission, which became known as Ground Zero.

Americans were covered by the thirst for ignition. Soon, national troops were stationed in Afghanistan.

These attacks were not limited to New York. The Pentagon also received a powerful blow, as a result of which 125 people died.

The view of the Pentagon was also terrifying, but the building of the military headquarters did not collapse.

The new tower rose to the Ground Zero with the memorial. This caused many Americans a sense of pride at the time of its discovery. But this is not enough to force people to forget this terrible day, in which many lives were constructed. America itself at this moment has changed radically.

The new architecture of Lower Manhattan is proudly towers over New York. Here is the famous oculus, from where it can be glad to take a look at the endless space of the city from above.

Memorial Memorial

As a sign of memory of the huge losses in the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, a museum was opened, the exposition of which is tirelessly expanding. According to America's media reports, more than 900 thousand people visited the memorial.

Here you can see fragments of the skyscrapers of steel skyscrapers, a fascinal firefighter car, which participated in the elimination of fire, a lot of photos depicting those who died in that ill-fated day and stunning videos.

Also, the audience can see the fighter jacket, who participated in the elimination of the largest terrorist Osama Bin Laden, and a symbolic coin that belonged to the CIA employee, who hazardous a dangerous terrorist.

The exhibits presented in the memorial provide citizens with the opportunity to give the tribute to the twist of the courage of many people who donated for their own lives.