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Pulse counter for the water meter. What is the water meter on the water or impulse? Water meter with impulse output: principle of operation, application

The use of various counters significantly reduces the use of resources and teach economically to them. Since there is no rigorous restrictions on the installation of water to control the flow of water, reasonably before choosing the water meter, to get acquainted with the offers of manufacturers. And they offer a fairly wide range of these devices.

What you need to know before going to the store

What should be considered to ensure that the device worked for a long time and reliably? The first step is to visit the management company and get acquainted with the state registry of measuring instruments, which lists all the instruments allowed for installation. This document includes only those devices that correspond to GOST R 50601 and GOST R 50193.

The main factors whose analysis will help determine the choice of water consistency device:

  • For some fluid, hot or cold, acquired;
  • water condition according to the degree of pollution;
  • price range;
  • Energy dependence;
  • location.

The first factor is very important, since the counter hot water You can not apply for cold, and vice versa. The principle of operation they have the same, but the main difference lies in the material from which they are made. For hot water meters, manufacturers use materials that can withstand the temperature of about 150 ° C and the pressure in which the fluid is located. Material of devices for cold liquid is calculated for the maximum temperature of 40 0 \u200b\u200bC.

Small advice! If funds allow optimal decision It will be the purchase of a universal device, which is equally reliably working throughout the temperature range.

The factor on which does not always pay attention, but affecting the durability of the meter - the presence of impurities, dirt in the liquid. The service life and accuracy of the testimony of some types of devices is sharply reduced in the "dirty" water. For them, it is recommended to install an additional mud filter.

Energy-dependent devices only work if there is a power supply, which means that there is no account no longer lead. More autonomous are non-volatile counters. But you can choose this that will work from the autonomous power source, such as batteries.

Note! If the acquired measuring device is not entered into the state registry, it does not allow permission to install it.

Classification of water accounting devices

According to spatial orientation to pipes, manufacturers offer horizontal and vertical type Devices. Some firms produce a universal version that is installed in any position, and is considered the most convenient for installation in any, even hard-to-reach place.

The main classification shares the device on the principle of action. For industrial uses use such types of counters:

  • Vortex, having a special body, on which vortices occur when it is placed in the aqueous stream. It is these vortices that are subject to registration, and according to the obtained indicators, the flow characteristic is obtained;
  • Ultrasound, the action of which is based on the analysis of the acoustic effect that occurs during the passage of ultrasound through the variable flow of water.

For domestic use, they are used mainly to such types:

  • Tachometric, based on the operation of a mechanical countable device;
  • Electromagnetic, in which the rate of fluid flow is determined by the speed of formation of the magnetic field due to this stream.

But this division into household and industrial conditionally, since any of the listed species can be used both in everyday life and in production. Usually they differ in the type of material used for production, the ability to take into account various volumes of fluid. But preferences for private households are given, all the same, tachometric and electromagnetic, given the ratio of "price-quality", ease of installation and ease of maintenance, operation.

Electronic and impulse

Many brands offer electronic water meters for hot water. They have autonomous power supply and display can be mounted where it is convenient.

One of the most advanced options, today, are the water counters with a pulse output. In these devices, an electrical impulse occurs during the passage of a fixed volume of fluid through the counter. All pulses are summed up and resulting in the volume of water spent during a specific period of time. The summing unit in production collects information not from one pipe, but from several and gives information both in individual consumers and throughout complete value consumption.

Due to high cost pulse device, Usually, in everyday life is used for hot water and with a combination of a thermal sensor. It is convenient because it will separately consider cold water and hot, heated to the required temperature.

Time proven Tachometric water meters

Taxometric water meters are considered the optimal option in for home or apartment, provided that the pressure in the system does not exceed 1.6 MPa. You can highlight several advantages that make them popular:

  • comfortable small size;
  • when installing and disassembling;
  • The service life of the water meter without repair is very high and amounts to about 12 years by average value, which is due to its simple design;
  • Democratic price;
  • Independence from power supply;
  • Small error in the testimony.

Main minuses:

  • Special susceptibility to the influence of the magnetic field of the moving fluid;
  • Detection of accuracy of indications due to liquid contamination.

The principle of operation is based on the circle of a small turbine or impeller when the fluid flow through them is passed. The greatest difference between tachometric devices is manifested in two different versions of the counting mechanism.

The first option is one-way counters, in which the impulse is calculated from the rotation of the impeller when the fluid flow passes. To convert rotational movements to the pulse, use a magnetic clutch, and it is already a transmitter of information indicator. The indicator is located on the housing. Long and guaranteed the reliable service life of the water meter is associated with the fact that the main mechanism does not come into contact with the aqueous stream.

The second option - the meters of multi-line and from the name it is clear what rotates rotary mechanism Immediately several streams. With longing of the design, the difference in this device is that the blade that rotates is driven by several fluid flows, and not one. With this approach, the accuracy of indications increases. Conveniently on these models to carry out planned removal to control the serviceability, only the upper part is dismantled.

Specialist's opinion! Structurally, it is possible on any modifications of these devices to install a module with a pulse output and protect it from demagnetization, and remotely consult fluid consumption.

As for the choice of a turbine or impeller, the main difference concerns the diameter of the connected pipes. Restriction on the diameter of the pipes to which the device with imperted blades is connected - up to 40 mm, and for a turbine - in the range between 50 mm and 200 mm.

In the market of water meters, devices are offered with a submersible part of the counting mechanism into stream and dry, in which it does not come into contact with the liquid. In the first case, the durability of work affects water pollution and its chemical composition. To level this disadvantage, additionally filter is installed.

Electromagnetic water meter

Who pays special attention to the accuracy of testimony and ready to upset, it is worth choosing an electromagnetic instrument of accounting. The main advantage is that the testimony does not affect the temperature, viscosity, water density. In these devices, the flow rate and its average area is determined. The minuses are such facts:

  • Water quality requirements: it should not have contaminants and not purified. The precipitate will cause failures in work in a year, and pure water will lead to interruptions in work;
  • Power Dependency.

Water consumption accounting instruments market overview

There are several manufacturers on the market who have proven themselves to produce quality products. Among the domestic trademarks, you can highlight the meters of water Betar, Arzamas. They have such indicators:

  • Beetar products are produced for cold and hot water in systems with 1MPA pressure systems. Temperature range: Cold water - 5-400 0 s, hot - 5-900 0 s;
  • Mark Arzamas allows you to measure water consumption with an error that does not exceed 6% at a pressure of 1MP. The brass case increases the life of the device up to 12 years.

Among foreign devices should be drawing to counters valtec water From Italian manufacturers and ITELMA, produced under the Licenses of Germany.

Energy Saving Legislation puts the task before the utility system to establish reliable accounting of energy consumed: electricity, heat, gas and water. The relevance of the accurate remote control systems with the possibility of automatic monitoring is acquired, which eliminates the influence of the human factor on the reliability of the testimony.

They are controlled through devices with access to telecommunication networks, which can be attributed to the pulse yield of the household water meter. It allows you to connect a counter to an external data relay transmitting information to the control or resource-supplying organization through the selected cable or wireless channel.

What is a pulse water meter and why he need

Pulse water meter - a common solution for centralized accounting points in the residential sector. It serves to accurately fix the amount of consumed resource in real time.

Typical pulse water meter.

Pulsed pulse outlet meters are designed to be installed in water-based nodes of apartment and individual residential buildings, country and gardening arrays. In agriculture and industry, turbine meters with a pulse output are more often used.

Managing companies and RSO see in impulse water metering an effective solution to ensure the accuracy of reading readings with the possibility of their transfer to the database of the automated control system and water accounting (ASKSU). Consider how the counters of hot and cold water with a pulsed output work.

Principle of operation of impulse water meters

A constructive scheme of the meter with a pulse output is not different from the device of familiar flange or impeller apartment water meters. The mechanical part of the structure remained the same. It is based on the direction of water flow indicator, where the full turn is equal to a certain amount of consumption.

The flow meter is activated by an impeller rotating under water pressure.

This is pretty simple scheme With a relatively low price. The most vulnerable part of the mechanism is a hermetic contact - which breaks quickly.

Algorithm for removal and transmission of readings from pulse counters

The main constructive difference in the pulsed water meter from a conventional wet consisting of its equipment with a low-power magnet and hermetic contact (rectifier), which is closed when the magnetic field is exposed to it. At the time of the fulfillment of the total turnover of the countable mechanism, the Herkon gives an electrical pulse, which is read by an external device and is fed to the signal console.

The electronic system of the pulse water meter is responsible for calculating the pulse duration, the feed interval depends on the water flow rate. It is noteworthy that the pulse water meter does not require additional source Power: Geron itself generates an electromagnetic pulse and causes the closure of low-current electronics.

Where the impulse water meters apply

Analysis of data on who connects a pulse counter showed that these electronic metering devices are in demand where not only the economic effect of work depends on the timeliness and accuracy of the transmitted readings, but the property interests of citizens are affected. Timely and accurate readings of impulse counters are beneficial to managers (CC) for settlements with resource-supply organizations (RSO). And resource themselves in case of direct settlements with tenants.

Intelligent metering devices make it possible to save, consider consumed resources and pay only for them.
Andrei Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Enterprising employees of the Criminal Code, the charter from the collection of readings in the mode "looked - recorded - conveyed," find alternative methods Check the testimony and establish accounting automation. For example, in the HOA "Rainbow" (Lermontov Stavropol Territory), the testimony of water meters is photographed using webcams, then recognize computer Program And refer to the RSO. Other creative ideas are also published on the forums of housing and communal services. For example, it is suggested to install optical fuser speeds of rotation speeds, which makes out of old computer mice with an opt cra explorer - this is the very red light bulb, which is a video camera with a minimum resolution.

What is the difference between the pulse meter of water from the usual

A fundamentally water meter with a pulse entrance and a conventional water meter does not differ from each other. Based on their work lies classic schemewhere the countable mechanism is powered by an impeller under the pressure of the water flow. However, the pulse counter not only fixes the flow volume, but also transmits readings to an external data storage.

You need to automate the calculations of energy consumption. Today it is not possible to collect data in a timely manner and determine payments. The output is seen in the installation of instruments of accounting with remote data transmission. Modern technologies allow.

Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction and Housing and Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Pluses of impulse counters

  • Transmit information about water consumption automatically and remotely.
  • Suitable for connecting to a more complex information processing system, such as ASKSA.
In order to establish an automatic dispatching of data from a pulsed water meter, it suffices to connect a switching cable or a modem translator to it transmitting a signal via GSM or LPWAN.

Cons of impulse water meters

  • Herkends over time fails, and the water meter ceases to consider water consumption with the required accuracy and reliability.
  • The information obtained from the water meter can be fully processed and transmitted only with the additional launch of the radio or digital signal.
  • Anti-magnetic protection is required, since the device is easily blocked by a neodymium magnet, and only ASKSA can reliably track the fact of exposure to the device by an external magnetic field to stop the counting mechanism.
  • Independently, the meters with pulse output do not have feedback with the consumer of water, and it has to control his own expense "on the eye".

Use water meters with pulse output for askv

Most of the meters with a pulse output certified in Russia are positioned as antimagnetic. Manufacturers argue that they are completely protected from stopping with neodymium magnets. However, in practice it turned out that the impact of the magnet is possible, and it leads to a quick breakage of Hercon on the pulsed meters of hot and cold water.

Thus, impulse counters, with all the advantages, were not the most reliable solution to organize reliable taking into account water consumption.

Progressive development for automated accounting

Combined devices come to replace the pulsed water meters: counter + translator. The company "Streach" adopted the challenge to those who suggest buying "impulsions", continue to steal the water from the neighbors, deceive the management company or HOA.

We equip the accounting nodes by an innovative counter "Streach Aqua-1" with a built-in modem. This universal accounting device works autonomously, remotely controls the current state of water consumption in real time and, in the event of unauthorized interference with its work, the alarm signal through SMS, message in Telegram and in the personal account. The device does not require integration into ASKSU, as it is its analogue, and less expensive.

How to reduce one and collect water meter readings online

In the continuation of the article.

Water meters with pulse output are one of the most modern. They can be found in industry, and in agricultural systems. And of course, they are in demand and as individual accounting devices.

  • How do you act?

    Water meters with pulse output act in this way: as soon as the specified liquid volume (liter) passes through it, the device supplies an electrical pulse. This pulse is fixed by the reading device and after transmitted to the adder. And the adder is already responsible for seeing the user who has been consumed during a certain time.

    But is it necessary for a meter with a pulse output in the apartment and is it worth installing it? It is necessary to take into account the setting of the accounting device before deciding its expediency. For example, such water meters are equipped with a remote display, which is very convenient, especially with a complex pipeline system. After all, you can install this remote display in any. comfortable spot And read readings if necessary without difficulty.

    Another additional component of such meters is a thermal sensor. Mounting such a device is advisable to the pipeline with hot water. Remember how you turn on the tap and wait until hot water "runs out." But at this time, the standard mechanical counter is quietly spinning, consisting of hot water cubic meters. And even though it is not essentially hot, and you pour it into the pipe, you will have any payment anyway.

    But thanks to the thermal sensor built into the meter with a pulsed output, the consumption of hot water consumption is otherwise. So, each impulse of such an appliance is a liter. If water is defined as the cold (temperature), then the testimony will be transmitted to the cold water adder. Once the thermal sensor determines that the temperature rose to the norm, he will go to work with the adder of hot water. In fact, you will get a multi-tariff metering device, thanks to which you can pay separately and cold, and hot water, without overpaying for the "draining".

    There is only one "but" - the highest cost of the pulse water meter. Although sooner or later, the costs of its installation will pay off, because savings in the payments due to the difference in tariffs are also significant.

    Features of operation

    Several such devices can work simultaneously by transmitting information to one adder. It can always be monitored both the total water consumption and costs of different objects. It turns out that human part to collect data and transfer them to one "accounting center" will not need.

    However, you need to know several rules for selecting such a device:

  • Calculation of expected water used by object.
  • Pipeline diameter.
  • Feed pressure and possible pressure drop in the system.
  • The water meter is selected in accordance with the diameter of the pipeline so that the differences in the flow of water are insignificant. As for the installation, it is performed in the same way as for ordinary counters, only in this case the electrical installation for connecting the sensor is also used.

    The pulse counter is a device for monitoring and measuring the volume of consumable water in any room where it is mounted. Distinctive feature From standard water meters there is a signal output for it electronic processing. These devices can be used as sensors of autonomous water supply systems. Perfectly function with cold, and with a hot water stream. In our article we will discuss other features of impulse water meters.

    In the design of the pulse counter, as in all other species, there is an arrow, which indicates the amount of water consumption. It identically displays a roller pointer, which with increasing displays water consumption. In this mechanism, every complete rotation of the pendulum is fixed. This is a device that is also called Herkon.

    The mechanism is based on an electronic system, which is responsible for counting the pulse duration. It is worth noting that the feed interval depends on the flux rate of the hot or cold water supply scheme. For this water meter, it is not necessary to have a source of power supply, because the gear mechanism is able to cause the closure of low-current electronics.

    The pulse counter consists of two main details:

    1. Reference switch;
    2. The container that is fully sealed.

    Also, it is worth lifying additional components of this device:

    • Sensor small sizewhich is triggered with magnetic exposure;
    • Arrow;
    • Magnet.

    Attention! This is a very light scheme that is characterized by reliability and durability.

    Advantages of counters

    The main advantages of the pulse counters include such items:

    • Low price;
    • High demand;
    • Compliance with the standards of SNiP and GOST;
    • Certified product;
    • Variety of models with a set of diameters different quantity;
    • Uninterrupted work in the period of all life cycle;
    • The strength and tightness of the case;
    • Dimensions for installation in a limited space;
    • The package includes a set of adapters;

    Important! It is necessary to establish antimagnetic protection, since the magnetic field can affect the accuracy of the readings.

    Pulse counters are two species:

    1. Horizontal mounting;
    2. Vertical mount.

    Solutions of operational problems for the water meter

    There are several solutions that can embody the principle of the counter with a pulse output:

    1. The presence for the operation of the electrical source. It is necessary to solve this situation when removing the testimony to use the magnetic contact, which is managed.
    2. Method and data transfer process. Transmit and processed information can only with additional start of the radio or digital signal.
    3. Water meter's ability to integrate into a more complex information processing system. It is worth telling about it in more detail. Autonomous system The accounts helps the owners save a certain amount of finance and strength.

    Attention! Even for a small area, the installation of a pulse output will be favorable.

    The concept of the impulse sensor

    This device consists of a hermetic container in which the switch is placed. Sensor Independent mechanism from a system that can be mounted in single-jet and multi-brown water meters.

    The principle of the device is a compound with adder and remote equipment. To fully prepare for operation, it is necessary to calculate the magnetic coefficient, which contributes to the display of consumed litter.

    It is necessary to take into account the importance of Hercon's work, which, with a magnet, is able to cause a closer to a weak current. In terms of performance, this is much better than the mounting of various mechanical elements.

    Important! Such a principle of action forms the output of the pulse signal, the number of which is the readings of the consumption of hot or cold water, which are displayed on the device display.

    Principle of operation of the water meter

    The scheme of operation of a conventional device for cold and hot water is based on a countable mechanism that determines the amount of water consumption. A pulse output counter counts the volume of the stream and transmits data to the respective items of the system.

    So, we describe everything. The flow of water flow affects the impeller, which is located in the pipeline. Next, connecting to the operation of the magnetic coupling, which processes and transmits information to the indicator. Here, with its full turn, the magnet comes into contact with the sensor and the result is displayed on the dial.

    Information comes not only on the display, but also sent to the meter, which calculates the consumption of hot and cold water for a certain period. After determining this number, the information is sent to the network for the report to utility services.

    Attention! 1 pulse is equal, for example, 10; 100; 1000 liters of hot water - it depends on the diameter of the pipe.

    The control of the pulsed meter of hot and cold water is quite easy and does not require special professional skills from the owner. The device, like the sensor, works automatically, does not require an electricity connection, which makes it a budget option.
    Attention! In the future, they want to introduce only impulse counters in turnover of use.

    The use of impulse water meters

    Such systems are capable of transporting data automatically into a centralized point. All calculations of the consumption and cost of water consumption produces the device itself. His main advantage is that he will save you from hassle and will not be able to deceive you, because it has a very high percentage of accuracy.

    For your information! Such meters are mounted in " smart houses", Which are the technical perfection of our time.

    This waterometer operates perfectly with both cold and hot water. With a cold stream, withstand temperatures up to 40 degrees, and the pressure is 1.5 MPa. The same mechanism and hot water. Perfectly works in degrees to 90 and pressure up to 1.6 MPa.

    The pulse counter can be mounted and vertically, and horizontally. Mostly the installation takes place in such establishments: schools, offices, apartments and other administrative premises.