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Dreamed the rooster beautiful. Rooster in a dream and modern explanations. Interpretation of sleep on bird color

Sometimes dreams clearly show images captured during the day. So, a beautiful rooster in his or neighborhood, who woke up a dream in the morning, can leave the mark in memory. This event will affect dreams.

A bright image of a bird spied in a cartoon or roasting battles, seen on the calendar or in a magazine, also risks to become the main in night visions. Psychologists claim that striker in a dream cock Symbolizes a strong opponent in reality. He strongly intends to take a dream place in the love alliance or in the working team. This person is easy to find out: he does not hide his ambitions.

Another image of this bird speaks of a strong and courageous man, not deprived leader's qualities. Only his excessive self-confidence can prevent their own plans.

What dream of a rooster woman

For unmarried girls This symbol means interesting positionIf the woman caught him (the rooster was in his hands). He sometimes personifies a single man who will soon offer courtship. If the roosters in the yard a lot - the girl risks the remaining one because of his extra selectivity.

What dreams of chickens and roosters

If chicken is being seen in the company with a rooster - you can expect a love connection. This interpretation came from Slavic and Chinese mythology, where birds personify a cozy family nest.

  • Chickens on eggs promise a dream luck in all endeavors, you can win a lottery or to get acquainted with the future satellite of life.
  • Prepare the meat of chicken or rooster - the troublesome activities are expected ahead, to which efforts will have to make, but the result will be worthy.
  • Dead womb means fatigue, possible exacerbation of chronic diseases. Such a dream warns: do not give up the planned recreation.
  • Thrust chicken or rooster - a sign of empty waste. And cook this poultry dreams to quickly get rid of trouble.

If in a dream in the hands of a dream head of a nomilet, then the nerve disorder will have to expect a nervous disorder due to overwork or, on the contrary, heads the head from new responsibilities that will bring a promotion. It is not necessary to scare this symbol: work will give satisfaction and worthy earnings. Also promises a dream in which the chopped head and the body of the birds hold in their hands.

What dreams white rooster

Komochem with a white plumage personifies well-being, smile fortune, the offensive of a light strip in life. But it is important to remember that a high self-evaluation Significantly hurt the go. Self-control and respect for others will help to correct emerging misunderstandings.

Who dreams of a bird:

  • The unmarried girl sees in the dream of this white ptah to the meeting of a decent man. Relationships will be long and happy.
  • Married Lama Such a dream promises the love of the spouse and strengthening its leading positions in the circle of relatives.
  • Men such an image hints at the development of personal qualities, thanks to which the dreams will be extended from the crowd, it will necessarily notice.
  • In the house e. White wrath means that the potential second half will soon burst into life, bring with him not only love, but also wealth.

If white nomads fight - you will have to witness a quarrel of friends, which in reality will get to reconcile. Sometimes dreams about this bird remind that the authoritative people are surrounded by surrounded, they can be treated for help. In return, they will not require anything but sincere thanks.

What dreams of the roosters are alive

If these birds are active, alive, mobile, then in reality is more interesting events. The interpreters of dreams assure that the cock and chicken seen is the embodiment of the relationship already taken, where whoever dominates who is dominated - and shows a dream.

Rooster carries eggs - to a pleasant surprise. Komochet grinds in a dream in the morning - to good news, in the evening - to unpleasant. However, it is not necessary to take everything to heart - this image often talks about exaggeration, intentional thickening of paints, made from an elephant flies.

What dreams: cock peel

The psychological interpretation of such an image recalls that I had long time to bring the conceived business until the end, there was little time left.

  • The bird hurts the bird - you should not make a quick decision, it's better to weigh everything carefully.
  • If the nomotage was caught in response and shut up - fate will give a second chance, where even serious mistakes It will be fixed.
  • Pregnant woman sleep with a key rooster promises premature contractions, so the bag in the hospital is better to gather in advance. You do not need to worry about the child, he will be born strong and healthy.

Komochem, peacefully peeling grains - good sign. He speaks of a quiet measured life, prosperity and well-being.

What dreams black cock

A black color in the poultry plumage indicates an unfriendly person surrounded. This is the possible betrayal of a girlfriend, and a competitor in the working sphere, it will not be going through ways to achieve the goal.

But it is not necessary because of such dreams to expect obligatory treasure or cunning from colleagues in reality. The main thing about what the black rooster warns is to be alert and in time to prevent possible trouble.

The human brain is so amazing that it can be very surprised by his owner. For example, sleep is pretty mysterious phenomenonwhich is not studied to the end. In a dream, anything can happen, even such events that have never had a place in a person's life. Therefore, you should not be surprised if a person is far from rustic life and leading household, Suddenly dreamed of a rooster.

Modern scientists talk about the interpretation by the human brain of those events that occur with man, but how to explain the appearance of poultry in the dreams of a city man? There are much more difficult things here and deeply go to the subject of psychology. Recent studies of psychologists showed - the human subconscious is able to "demonstrate" the memory of the ancestors. Indeed, our ancestors lived in close contact with nature and the rooster was one of the main elements of the household.

Dream Interpretation: Rooster and Man

Considering such topics as a rooster in a dream, you need to remember exactly this bird gave a signal to a person that a new day began. His singing still personifies a certain appeal to the action or the beginning of the activity. Of course, dream interpreters could not leave such a proud bird without attention and not express their point of view about what the rooster dreams.

If all sorts of explanation of the explanation of the meanings of such a sleep are divided into the main components, the Dream Cock "acts" in a dream, mainly as follows:

  1. The bird sits on the fence and loudly quacket.
  2. Sleep displays a roasting battle.
  3. Poultry peeling grain.

Each of these options has countless explanationswhich provides dream book. This bird can dare in more dramatic scenes, such as the separation of the bird and something like that. In order to clearly realize what a person can see in a dream a poultry, you should contact the most popular dreambooks that have become most in demand in the European space.

See the rooster - what is it?

To more fully understand the meaning of sleep, what a person can see a bird, it is important to consider the ancient values \u200b\u200bof visions and modern dream book . Rooster can mean the following coming events:

  • ukrainian vintage dreams suggest that singing rooster foreshadows something new in a person's life. As a rule, this novelty carries positive changes. To dream of such a dream - to be ready for change;
  • Freud, based on his dreams on sexual emotions, argued, to see a bird in a dream - means being prepared for a new romantic relationship. At the same time, according to Freud, it is very easy to understand what a woman's cock dreams - sexual relations with the new partner or the gap of older;
  • very interesting position of Miller, who submitted his dream book. Rooster means increased service or career growth. Prost, such a dream is a kind of signal for a person who risks to be agreed and become completely stranger for friends, relatives, relatives and loved ones.

In most cases, to see the rooster in a dream - it means to expect in the lives of new events, which radically change relationships at work and inside the family. Such a dream should push a person to carry out a deep analysis of its activities and the adoption of the necessary solutions.

What dreams of roosters and fights

Even in real life It is difficult to imagine a proud bird that would peacefully sing on the fence and calmly stuck grain. Indeed, these are very militant birds, what leads to systematic rooster battles. This may well dream and the options considers the dream book: the rooster is chopped with another bird or attacks man. The most interesting interpretations of such dreams include the following:

  1. May dream that the bird attacks man trying to be in his eyes. Such a dream, according to Wange, indicates that the person is false and in the near future it can take it to "clean water".
  2. The dream book of Ezop with confidence speaks of the next - a fighting rooster in a dream, will lead to new and not very pleasant connections that will bring solid trouble;
  3. A rooster with black sheep can dream, with which the skirmish happens, it means that an open enmity with a person comes soon, which feeds negative feelings to man. Bird with bright or red opera symbolizes the opposite floor. If the birds fight take place in a dream, where the red rooster takes part - to be conflict with the opposite sex.

In principle, it is possible to make a logical conclusion that the roasting battles are a signal to steep change in human life. It concerns men and women, but the weak floor has a more "romantic" groundnoid, because everything is connected with the rooster, speaks of interesting relationships with a new partner or treason.

Dreamed rooster - witchcraft and mysticism

Great importance of poultry gave (and do it today) Voodoo priests and African tribes. As you know, such a bird is a "participant" of many rites and even spells. The blood of the rooster is considered sacred and possessing magic power. For this reason, the inhabitants of those regions believe that the killing of the rooster is a rather unpleasant sign, bringing poverty and all sorts of trouble.

For example, the theory of White Magic Longo, which submitted his dream book sounds very enjoying. Rooster in a dream, according to his deep conviction, signals the approximation of significant changes. If a man killed a bird in a dream - be a long disease. Longo considered even such a fantastic variant of dreams as the absorption of eggs that carries a bird male. This dream can be called the dream of any person, for he prophesies about obtaining great wealth and normalization of relations even with the opposing party. If such a dream is to dream - you should catch good luck!

Some mystical significance It has hoarse bird or fully communited. French dream book claims that such events can dream when a person leads amoral image Life and he will have to "reap" the fruits of its activities. The hoarse singing of the rooster indicates that all the news received by a person will be false and bringing continuous troubles. There are also such options that are "naked" roosters consider how the upcoming bankruptcy or the approximation of large financial problems.

Dream Interpretation: Rooster and Woman

Despite the fact that the rooster is a representative of the male family, he can dreamers and women. It has an extremely interesting and even intriguing interpretation. What dreams cock dream? The answer to this question is slightly polar and contradictory, depending on which woman herself plays the role in a dream.

  1. If sleeping from the side watches, as its chosen one's chicken, you can not doubt that a man has connections on the side. There may be such an option when the militant bird guards the eggs derived by another chicken. There may be quite reasonable suspicions that men have extramarital children.
  2. The fight between the chicken and the rooster can dreamed in cases where the in-game relationship is tense. By the way, such a dream has a good ending, because the reconciliation and renewal of the previous relationship are promised.
  3. Famous Freud. presented his dream book. Rooster, according to the psychologist, who bikes chicken, will bring new sexual relations. A woman can dream of such a dream if the relationship with a man did not develop for a long time, but normalized. In addition, Freud believes that this dream is a harbinger of ambulance.

As can be seen, a bird character who can dream of a woman personifies, as a rule, new sexual and romantic relationship. The facts say that some young African tribes girls who cannot decide on the fiance or pregnant, local priests give the blood of the murdered rooster. And the numerous witchcraft spells of Voodoo include such a process as the wake of the blood of the blood along the belly of a pregnant woman. Priests argue that such a process will make a newborn boy bold and fearless.

Rooster in a dream and modern explanations

The current psychology, reaching unprecedented success, claims: to dream of a person can anything, even such things to which a person has neither the slightest relationship. Rooster in a dream is often mystery for urban residents or intelligentsiawho saw the bird only on TV. It is not necessary to scare and fall outlandish. Sleep - the unique ability of the body to "digest" the events and even predict future.

It remains only to be surprised at the unique ability of the brain to serve signals to a person in the most responsible moments of his life. Sleep can bring no less joy than real life, if you know how to "decipher it" correctly. And the rooster in a dream is no exception. Proud bird can even dream of a baby, saying that his character will be a purposeful, persistent and fearless.

Dream Interpretation is only a kind of help to a person based on centuries-old knowledge and observations. It is not necessary to ban on your dream, since the bird is present in it, for most of the dreams and specialists who created them come to a common opinion - if a rooster dreamed, it means it is important to change anything in your life and necessarily for the better.

Muslim dreamnik

What dream of a rooster to a woman:

Dream Miller

See the rooster in a dream means:

If you dreamed of a rooster - then you will join the exceptional luck and the growth of your prestige, but your happy elevation will turn you into a vain and chumped person.
Sleep, in which you will see a cock fight, warns you about the coming quarrels and rivalry.
In a dream to hear the morning singing of the rooster - a good sign that foreshadows youth to a successful marriage and wealth in the house.
If you dream that the rooster shouts at night or in the evening, - you will have to climb, and more than once.
Just as the apostle Peter remembered the prediction of Christ, hearing the cocks of the creek, so this dream warns you from delusions and errors.

Old Russian dream book

Sleep with a rooster in the dream interpretation is extruded as:

treason, Bulletin.

Small dream book

Sleep with a rooster means:

The dream in which you see a rooster is an omen of fame and glory, but you should be afraid of vanity. See fighting roosters means rivalry and quarrels. Favorable sleep in which you hear the morning singing of the rooster. If you are alone, then sleep promises you soon. If in a dream you hear a crock of a rooster in the night, then we can go out of despair, which will exist your strength.

Dream of Zhou-Guna

Sleep value cock:

Dream Khasse

Rooster in a dream from dreamnoy Hasse

see the carrier egg - an unexpected inheritance
Catch - respect
see general rooster - get to suspicion
Hear singing - love you.

Dream interpretation for women

Rooster in a dream from Dream interpretation for women

Quacket - you have a talent for singing. Do not try to become a singer? Rooster with a church - in a personal life, in sex - everything is very good. If the rooster nailed you - Someone will soon remind you of an important thing that you have completely forgotten. If the dream dreamed on an even day of the week - you will make a discovery that will bring you and surrounding a lot of good things; If the dream dreamed in the odd day of the week, be afraid, beware of thieves and robbers.

Dream Interpretation Alphabetic

Rooster in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetical

To see in a dream of an important, large rooster at the head of chickens - in reality, it foreshadows happiness in his personal life, but the rooster whiskers - to an accident.

Struggling young cockerels - soon get the news from each other, which will be captured. Soaring for the fence and grinding rooster announces that good luck comes To replace the unfortunate strip in your life.

A slaughtered rooster in the yard without a head foreshadows you a desperate struggle for the implementation of its goals and the desired victory in it. Sliced \u200b\u200bfattened bold cap - death close relative. Prepare in a dream or there is a cockpit - to parting with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation Simeon Prozorova

Rooster in a dream from Simeon Symeon Symeon

To see a rooster walking around the smokeshief - to the marital treason. If the rooster sits on the fence and sings - everyone learns that the horns instructed you.

Imagine that you cut the rooster and boil soup out of it.

by Dream Freud.

See the rooster in a dream - to a mistake, to blame for which you will only. To hear the singing of the rooster - to the treason to which you will come "only curiosity. You will want to experience those sensations that are invariably present in the life of every person who has changed the partner.

What dream of a rooster

in the dream of flowers

see - treason, hear - Bulletin; singing - empty quarrels, broken; fears are in vain; Rich, early marriage.

Dreamed rooster

by dream of Miller

If you dreamed the rooster - it means that you will join the time of exceptional luck and the growth of your prestige, however, your happy elevation will turn you into a vain and chowl. Sleep, in which you will see a cock fight, warns you about the coming quarrels and rivalry. In a dream to hear the morning singing of the rooster - a good sign that foreshadows youth to a successful marriage and wealth in the house. If you dream that the rooster shouts at night or in the evening, - you will have to climb, and more than once. Just as the apostle Peter remembered the prediction of Christ, hearing the cocks of the creek, so this dream warns you from delusions and errors.

Dreamed poultry

by dream of Miller

To see a manual poultry in a dream - a sign that the wasteful habits will significantly reduce our money supply. If a girl in a dream is chasing a poultry - it means that it will waste his precious time on empty entertainment.

What dreams bird

in the dream of flowers

game - see prepared - good luck; There are small benefits;

What dreams bird

in the dream of flowers

guest or news (depending on the type and behavior of the bird); offer for a woman; kill or hurt the bird - to a big failure; Bird's tail - consequences; Bright plumage - good luck in love; flying - to wealth; predatory for hunting - honors; changes in life; A lot of birds are a trial; flies - the higher the better Son.; Catch - acquisition, marriage; Bolotnaya - danger; Night - loss of loved ones or money; pecks seeds - small joys; The conceived will be almost a little time (there is no wonder: the bird on the grain pecks); Patience will be renounced.

Dreamed chickens

by dream of Miller

See in a dream chickens brood - means troubles and care. However, some of them will benefit you. Very small or barely grown chickens - foreshadow successful undertakings that will require physical endurance from you. See chickens in the evening in the chicken coop - it means that the enemies plot evil against you. There are chickens in a dream - a sign that selfishness will harm your kind one. Cases I. love relationship They will still be in unreliable, risky state.

Rooster in sleep - Pregnant girl catching a rooster in a dream - By the birth of a boy and good childbirth.
Suddenly the rooster in a dream fought with another rooster, then the dream predicts that you will soon have to reconcile your handsome friends.
Evening or night singing rooster bad signwhich promises tears and disappointment. Also, seeing such a dream, be more attentive and cautious, in order not to make a lot of mistakes.
If you dreamed of a rooster in a dream, then such a dream may mean that soon you will begin a new period in which you will increase your status. sleep can fill you luck in all endeavors and important affairs.
If you dreamed of a rooster in a dream, then such a dream predicts receipt good news.
If in a dream you saw a rooster, know, this favorable sign promises you a white strip in life, good luck, which will be your fairly a long time.
If in a dream they saw a rooster carrying eggs - To unexpected inheritance. Rooster is in a dream to treason, perfect from curiosity and desire to feel new feelings.
If the rooster in a dream chopping still, then this is a sign that very important news awaits you.
If the cock shouts at night either in the evening - You are waiting for disappointment and a lot of tears. This dream warns you from making mistakes and delusions.
If the rooster dreamed at the gate "Be very careful and attentive, a fire in the house is possible.
Young girl see a rooster in a dream - In the near future there will be a worthy groom.
However, treason will not bring you anything positive, only problems and disrespect.
However, this luck and raising status will not be too useful for you, as it adds vanity to your character and arrogance.
Rooster sits on a tree - To unexpected profits and wealth.
The rooster, which shouts in the evening or at night promises tears due to domestic troubles.
Catch Petush - To respect others.
Sometimes the cry of the rooster is a warning signal from premature mistakes - you should be attentive and neat in real life. Only vigilance and caution are able to help avoid mistakes during this period of time.
Dreamed the rooster, expect an increase in financial welfare, successful deals, the growth of their own prestige in the eyes of the people around you.
Cut the black cock - Bear fire, pinching feathers from the tail - unfortunately.
The dream in which you heard the cock singing, promises happiness in family, personal life. This period is more favorable for weddings - marriage, concluded at this time, will be strong, happy, durable.
Try to avoid such a phenomenon as "Star Disease", for a chvany and a vain person - the company is far from the most pleasant, you will not have time to notice how instead of the faithful and devoted friends, you are surrounded by a crowd of lets. A rival or a competitor will quickly burst into your life if a cock brawl was present in your dream.
See in a dream how the roosters fight - Sign of future rivalry and quarrels.
See how the rooster misses the pride of your yard - wait for the appearance of new things in your wardrobe.
Hear in a dream morning coopacked rooster - This is a symbol that foreshadows you a good and prosperous marriage.
To hear the singing of the rooster, then such a dream is quite favorable and can foreshadow you marriage and family well-being.

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