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The most mysterious phenomena in space. Paranormal phenomena with which astronauts faced


Cosmos is full of bizarre and even terrible phenomena, ranging from stars that suck life from themselves similar and ending with giant black holes, which are billions of times larger and massive than our sun. Below are the worst things in outer space.

Planet - Ghost

Many astronomers said that a huge planet Fomalgout was in the sun in the evening, but she judging throughout the alive again.

Back in 2008, astronomers, with the help of the Nasa Hubble Space Telescope, announced the opening of a huge planet, which revolves around a very bright star Fomalgaut, which is only 25 light years from the ground. Other researchers later questioned this discovery, stating that scientists actually discovered the displayed giant dust cloud.

However, according to the latest data obtained from Hubble, the planet is revealed again and again. Other specialists carefully study the system surrounding the star, so the planet zombie can be buried more than once, before the final verdict will be taken on this issue.

Zombies - Stars

Some stars literally return to life with a cruel and dramatic way. Astronomers classify these stars - zombies like supernova type Ia, which generate huge and powerful explosions, sending "insides" of stars in the universe.

Supernovae types Ia exploded from double systems, which consist at least from one white dwarf - a tiny, super-darling star, which has ceased to pass through the synthesis of a nuclear reaction. White dwarfs are "dead", but in this form they cannot remain in the binary system.

They can return to life, though not long, in a giant explosion with a supernova, sucking life from her companion star or by merging with her.

Stars - Vampires

As well as vampires from fiction, some stars manage to stay young, sucking life forces from unfortunate victims. These stars - vampires are known as "blue retired", and "look" they look much younger than their neighbors, together with which they were formed.

With their explosion, the temperature is much higher, and the color "much blue". Scientists believe that the situation is exactly the case, because they suck a huge amount of hydrogen from neighboring stars.

Giant black holes

Black holes may seem like science fiction objects - they are extremely dense, and gravity in them is so strong that even the light is not able to escape from them, if it approaches them at a sufficiently close distance.

But these are very real objects that are quite common throughout the universe. In fact, astronomers believe that supermassive black holes are located in the center of the majority, if not all galaxies, including our Milky Way. Supermassive black holes are breathtaking according to its size. Scientists recently discovered two black holes, the mass of each of which is equal to the mass of 10 billion of our Suns.

Incomprehensible cosmic blacks

If you are afraid of darkness, then finding in deep space is clearly not for you. This place is "extreme black", located very far from comforting home lights. Space space is black, according to scientists, because it is empty.

Despite the trillions of stars scattered throughout the space, many molecules are at a huge distance from each other to bounce and dissipate.

Spiders and witch brooms

Heaven is inhabited by witches, luminous skulls and all-seeing eyes, in fact you can imagine any object. All these forms we see in the diffuse collection of glowing gas and dust, called nebulae, which are scattered throughout the universe.

The visual images that appear to us are examples of a special phenomenon, in which the human brain recognizes the shape of random images.

Asteroids killer

The phenomena given in the previous paragraph may be terrible or take an abstract form, but they do not pose a threat to humanity. What can not be said about the big asteroids that fly close to the earth near the earth.

Experts say that asteroid, 1 kilometer wide has a power capable of destroying our planet. And even an asteroid size is only 40 meters may cause serious damage if it falls into the settlement.

The effect of an asteroid is one of the factors that affects life on earth. It is likely that 65 million years ago, it was an asteroid of 10 kilometers in size to dinosaurs. Fortunately for us, scientists scan the heavenly rocks, and there are ways to redirect hazardous space stones away from the ground, unless of course detect danger.

Active Sun.

The sun gives us life, but our star is not always so good. It is played by serious storms from time to time, which can have a potentially destructive effect on radio communications, satellite navigation and power grid.

Recently, similar solar flares are especially observed, because the sun entered its particularly active phase of the 11-year cycle. Researchers expect solar activity to reach its peak in 2013.

Space Records

Space records are constantly updated than powerful telescopes and computers, the more humanity learns about space. The universe is so huge that the astronomical knowledge of our civilization is doomed to eternal development. Once people thought that the sun revolves around the earth, and the stars were not so far. Since then, our data on the universe has changed, but the collection of records is clearly intermediate.

So, here they are the main cosmic records as of 2010 of our era:

The smallest planet solar system

Pluto. Its diameter is only 2400 km. Rotation period 6.39 days. Mass 5 times less earthly. He has a satellite charon, open J. Christie and R. Harrington in 1978.

The brightest planet of the solar system
Venus. Its maximum stellar value is -4.4. Venus is closest to the ground and, moreover, the most effectively reflects the sunlight, since the surface of the planet is closed by clouds. The upper layers of Venus clouds reflect 76% of the sunlight falling on them. When Venus looks brighter, it is in the sickle phase. Orbit Venus lies closer to the sun than the Earth's orbit, so the Venus disk is completely covered only when it is on the opposite side of the sun. At this time, the distance to Venus is the largest, and its visible diameter is the smallest.

The largest planet satellite in the solar system
Ganymed is a satellite of Jupiter, the diameter of which is 5262 km. The largest moon of Saturn -otitan - is the size of the second (its diameter is 5150 km), and at one time it was even considered that Titan more than Hyameda. In third place there is a neighboring satellite of Jupiter Callisto. Both Gamornad and Callisto more than Planet Mercury (the diameter of which is 4878 km). Gamornied by its status "The Big Moon" owes a thick mantle of ice, which covers its inner layers of rock rocks. The solid cores of Gamed and Callisto are probably close in size to two small domestic Galilean Moon Jupiter - IO (3630 km) and Europe (3138 km).

The smallest planet satellite in the solar system
Dimimos - satellite Mars. The smallest satellite, the size of which is exactly known - Dimimos, roughly speaking, has the form of an ellipsoid with dimensions of 15x12x11 km. His possible rival is the moon of Jupiter Leda, the diameter of which is estimated at about 10 km.

The largest asteroid in the solar system

Ceres. Its sizes are 970x930 km. In addition, this asteroid was opened the very first. It was discovered by Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi on January 1, 1801, his name asteroid received because Ceres, the Roman goddess, was connected with Sicily, where Piazzi was born. The next after Cerere is the largest asteroid - Pallada, opened in 1802. His diameter is 523 km. Cercher revolves around the Sun in the main belt of asteroids, being from it at a distance of 2.7 a. e. It contains a third of the total mass of all seven more than thousands of famous asteroids. Although Cercher is the largest asteroid, it is not the brightest, because its dark surface reflects only 9% of sunlight. Its shine reaches 7.3 star magnitude.

The brightest in the solar system asteroid
Vesta. Its brightness reaches a star magnitude 5.5. With a very dark, Vesta can be detected even with a naked eye (this is the only asteroid that can be selected in generally with the naked eye). The next brightness is the largest asteroid of Cerer, but its brightness never exceeds the stellar value of 7.3. Although Vesta size is more than half of the ceres, it has a much greater reflectivity. Vesta reflects about 25% of sunlight falling on it, while Ceres are just 5%.

The biggest crater on the moon
Herzshprung. Its diameter is 591 km and it is located on the back of the moon. This crater is a multiple drum part. Such shock structures on the visible side of the moon were later filled with lava, which, hardened, turned into a dark solid breed. These details are now usually called seas, not crater. However, on the back of the moon, such volcanic eruptions did not occur.

The most famous comet

Surveillance comet Gallea traced back until 239 BC No other comet has historical records that could be compared with Gallet's comet. Comet Halley is unique: it was observed for more than two thousand years 30 times. This is due to the fact that Comet Halley is much more and more active than other periodic comets. The comet is named by Edmund Halley, who in 1705 realized the connection between several previous appearances of the comet and predicted its return in 1758-59. In 1986, the Space Apparatus "Jotto" was able to get the image of the Kernel Kaeta Gallea from a distance of only 10 thousand kilometers. It turned out that the kernel has a length of 15 km with a width of 8 km.

The brightest comets
The most striking comets of the 20th century include the so-called "Great Comet of Day Light" (1910), Comet Gallei (with the appearance in the same 1910), comets of Shelleruup-Maristani (1927), Bennett (1970) , Vesta (1976), Hale-Boppa (1997). The brightest comets of the XIX century, - probably "big comets" 1811, 1861, and 1882. Previously, very bright comets were recorded in 1743, 1577, 1471 and 1402. The very close to us (and the most bright) The appearance of the Gallei comet was noted in 837

The closest comet
Lexel. The smallest distance to the Earth was achieved on July 1, 1770 and amounted to 0.015 astronomical units (ie, 2.244 million kilometers or about 3 diameters of the moon orbit). When the comet was closest, the visible size of its coma was equal to almost five diameters of the full moon. The comet was opened by chall Mesia on June 14, 1770, but was received by the name of Anders Johann (Andrei Ivanovich) of the Lexel, who identified the comet orbit and published the results of his calculations in 1772 and 1779. He found that in 1767, the comet came close to Jupiter and passed into orbit under his gravitational impact, which took place near the Earth.

The longest total solar eclipse

The theoretically complete phase of the eclipse can occupy all the time of complete solar eclipse - 7 minutes 31 seconds. Practically, however, such long eclipses are not registered. The longest complete eclipse in the recent past was the eclipse on June 20, 1955. It was observed from the Philippine Islands, and the full phase lasts 7 minutes 8 seconds. The longest eclipse in the future will be held on July 5, 2168, when the full phase lasts 7 minutes 28 seconds The closest star

Proxima Centaurus. It is located at a distance of 4.25 light years from the sun. It is believed that together with a double star Alfa Centaurus a and b, it enters the free triple system. The dual star Alpha Centauro is from us a little further, at a distance of 4.4 light years. The Sun lies in one of the spiral sleeves of the galaxy (orion sleeve), on a distance of about 28,000 light years from its center. At the location of the Sun, the stars are usually removed from each other for several light years.

The most powerful star radiation
Star in a pistol. In 1997, astronomers working with the Hubble Space Telescope discovered this star. They called it a "star in a pistol" in shape of the surrounding nebula. Although the radiation of this star is 10 million times higher than the power of the radiation of the Sun, it is not visible with the naked eye, since it is close to the center of the Milky Way at a distance of 25,000 light years from the ground and hidden by large clouds of dust. Before the discovery of the star in a pistol, this keel was the most serious applicant, the luminosity of which is 4 million times higher than the luminosity of the Sun.

The fastest star
Star barnard. Opened in 1916. And so far is a star with the biggest self-movement. The unofficial name of the star (Barnard star) is now generally accepted. Her own movement per year is 10.31. Barnard's star is one of the closest stars to the sun (next after the proximation of the Centaur and Dual System Alfa Centaurus A and B). In addition, the star of barnard moves and in the direction of the sun, approaching it 0.036 of the light year in the century. After 9000 years she will become the closest star, taking the place of the procus.

The biggest famous ball cluster

Omega Centaurus. It contains millions of stars focused in the amount of diameter of about 620 light years. The form of the cluster is not quite spherical: it looks slightly fightened. In addition, Omega Centaurus is the brightest ball cluster in the sky with a common star magnitude 3.6. It is removed from us for 16,500 light years. The name of the cluster has the same kind as they usually have the names of individual stars. It was assigned to cluster in ancient times, when when observed with a naked eye, to recognize the true nature of the object was impossible. Omega Centauro is one of the oldest clusters.

The closest galaxy
The dwarf galaxy in the constellation Sagittarius is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way galaxy. This small galaxy is so close that the Milky Way seems to absorb her. The galaxy lies at a distance of 80,000 light years from the Sun and 52,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way. The next galaxy closest to us is a large magtels cloud located in 170 thousand light years from us.

The most distant object visible to the naked eye
The most distant object, which can be seen with the naked eye - the Galaxy Nebula Andromeda (M31). It lies at a distance of about 2 million light years, and in brightness is approximately equal to the star of the 4th Star magnitude. This is a very large spiral galaxy, the largest member of the local group, to which our own galaxy belongs. In addition to her, only two other galaxies can be observed with a naked eye - large and small magtels clouds. They are brighter than the nebula of Andromeda, but much less and less removed (at 170,000 and 210,000 light years, respectively). However, it should be noted that dormant people in a dark night can see the galaxy M31 in the constellation of a large bear, the distance to which 1.6 megaparsk.

The biggest constellation

Hydra. The sky, which is part of the Hydra constellation, is 1302.84 square degrees, which is 3.16% of the entire sky. The next largest is the constellation of the Virgin, which occupies 1294.43 square degrees. Most of the Hydra constellation lies south of the celestial equator, and its total length is more than 100 °. Despite its size, the hydra in the sky does not particularly stand out. It mainly consists of pretty weak stars and find it difficult. The brightest star is Alphard, the orange giant of the second star magnitude, located at a distance of 130 light years.

The smallest constellation
South Cross. This constellation occupies the sky area in a total of 68.45 square degrees, which is equivalent to 0.166% of the entire sky area. Despite the small size, the southern cross is a very noticeable constellation that has become a symbol of a southern hemisphere. It contains twenty stars brighter than the star value 5.5. Three of the four stars forming his cross, the stars of the 1st value. In the constellation of the South Cross there is a scattered star cluster (Kappa South Cross, or a cluster "Jewelry Box"), which many observers consider one of the most beautiful in the sky. The following largest constellation (more precisely speaking, occupying among all the constellations 87th place) is a small horse. It covers 71.64 square degrees, i.e. 0.174% of the sky.

The biggest optical telescopes
Two bracket telescope located near the top of Maun Kea, Hawaii. Each of them has a reflector with a diameter of 10 meters, compiled from 36 hexagonal elements. From the very beginning they were intended for collaboration. Since 1976, the largest optical telescope with a solid mirror is a Russian large azimuth telescope. Its mirror has a diameter of 6.0 m. For 28 years (1948 - 1976), the biggest optical telescope in the world was Hale's telescope on the mountain Palomar in California. Its mirror has in diameter 5 m. A very large telescope, located in the Sierro-Paranal in Chile, is a design of four mirrors with a diameter of 8.2 m., Which are associated together, forming a single telescope with a 16.4-meter reflector.

The world's largest radio telescope

Radi-telescope of the Assibian Observatory in Puerto Rico. It is built into the natural cavity on the earth's surface and has a diameter of 305 m. The world's largest fully controlled Radioantenna - Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia in the United States. The diameter of its antenna is 100 m. The largest array of radio telescope, located in one place, is an array of a very large lattice (ORD, or VLA), which consists of 27 antennas and is located near Sokorro in New Mexico, USA. In Russia, the largest radio telescope "Ratan-600" with a diameter of 600 meters installed around the circle circumference.

The closest galaxies
The astronomical object behind the M31 number, the most famous nebula of Andromeda, is located closer to all of all other gigantic galaxies. In the northern hemisphere of the sky, this galaxy looks like bright from the ground. The distance to it is only 670 PDAs, which in the usual measurements for us is a little less than 2.2 million light years. The mass of this galaxy is 3 x 10 more than the mass of the sun. Despite the huge sizes and mass, the nebula of Andromeda looks like a Milky Way. Both galaxies are gigantic spiral galaxies. The same closest from us - small satellites of our galaxy - a large and small magtellane clouds of incorrect configuration. Distance to these objects, respectively, 170 thousand and 205 thousand light years, which is negligible compared to distances that are used in astronomical calculations. Magellanovy clouds differ in the unarmed eye in the sky in the southern hemisphere.

The most scattered star cluster
Of all the stellar clusters, the totality of stars, called the "Veronica's Hair", is most scattered on the Space Space. Stars are scattered here at such huge distances from each other, which is seen as flying in the chain of the cranes. Therefore, the constellation, which is the decoration of the starry sky, is also called the "Wedge flying cranes."

Super-state clusters of galaxies

It is known that the Galaxy Milky Way along with the solar system is located in a spiral galaxy, which in turn enters the system formed by the accumulation of galaxies. The universe has many such clusters. I wonder what accumulation of galaxies is the most dense and biggest? According to scientific publications, the existence of gigantic supersystems galaxies galaxy guess a long time ago. Recently, the problem of super-consuming galaxies in a limited space of the Universe is causing increasing attention of researchers. And first of all, because the study of this issue can give additional important information about the birth and nature of galaxies and radically change the existing ideas about the origin of the universe.

Over the past few years, gigantic star clusters on the sky have been discovered. The most dense accumulation of galaxies on a relatively small plot of world space was recorded by American astronomer L. Kowi from Hawaiian University. From us, this ultra-discharge of galaxies is located at a distance of 5 billion light years. It radiates as much energy as several trillion can work out together combined celestial bodies like the sun.

In early 1990, American astronomers M. Keller and J. Haikr revealed a super-pressed accumulation of galaxies, which was given the name "Great Wall", by analogy with the Great Chinese Wall. The length of this star wall is approximately 500 million light years, and the width and thickness - respectively, 200 and 50 million light years. The formation of such a star cluster does not fit into the common theory of a large explosion of the origin of the universe, which flows the relative uniformity of the distribution of matter in space. This discovery put a rather complicated task before scientists.

It should be noted that the coming clusters of galaxies are located in the constellations of Pegasus and fish at a distance of only 212 million light years. But why are the galaxies on more deletion from us are more dense layers relative to each other than in our neighboring areas of the universe, as expected? Over this difficult question still break the heads of astrophysics.

The closest star cluster

The most close to the solar system is a scattered star cluster - these are famous giads in the Constellation of the Taurus. Against the background of the winter starry sky, it looks good and recognized as one of the most wonderful creatures of nature. Of all the stellar clusters in the Northern Star Sky, the Constellation of Orion is best distinguished. It is there that are some of the brightest stars, including the Rigel Star, which is from us at a distance of 820 light years.

Heavymissive black hole

Black holes are often involved in a rotational movement around themselves located near the cosmic bodies. Unusually rapid rotation of astronomical objects around the center of the Galaxy, removed from us at a distance of 300 million light years, was found quite recently. According to experts, such a ultra-high speed of rotation of the bodies is due to the presence of the world's supermassive black hole in this section, the mass of which is equal to the mass of all bodies of the galaxy, combined (approximately 1,4x1011 mass of the Sun). But the fact is that such a mass is concentrated in a part of the space, 10 thousand times less than our star system of the Milky Way. This astronomical discovery has been so struck by American astrophysics, which was decided to immediately begin a comprehensive study of the super-grasses black hole, the radiation of which is closed in itself with powerful gravity. To do this, it is planned to use the possibilities of an automatic gamma observatory launched on an near-earth orbit. Perhaps, such a determination of scientists in the study of the sacraments of astronomical science will finally find out the nature of mysterious black holes.

The largest astronomical object
The largest astronomical object of the Universe is marked in star catalogs behind the ZS 345 number, registered in the early 80s. This quasar is located at a distance of 5 billion light years from the ground. German astronomers by means of a 100-meter radio telescope and receiver radio frequency of fundamentally new type measured such a distant object in the universe. The results were so unexpected that scientists first did not believe them. Joke Lee, Quasar had a length of 78 million light years in the diameter. Despite such a great removal of us, the object when observed is visible inwards larger than the lunar disk.

The largest galaxy

Australian astronomer D. Malin In 1985, in the study of the Star Sky site in the direction of the constellation, the Virgin found a new galaxy. But on this, D. Malin's mission was considered completed. Only after the re-opening of this galaxy, American astrophysicists in 1987 it turned out that it was a spiral galaxy, the most largest and at the same time the darkest the most dark of all science.

Located from us at a distance of 715 million light years, it has a length in cross section of 770 thousand light years, almost 8 times higher than the diameter of the Milky Way. The luminosity of this galaxy times 100 is less than the luminosity of ordinary spiral galaxies.

However, as shown by the subsequent development of astronomy, galaxies were listed in star catalogs and larger. Of the extensive class of weak-in-luminosity of formations in the metagalaxy, called marcaryan of the galaxy, the galaxy was allocated for the number 348, an open quarter of a century ago. But then the size of the galaxies were clearly understated. Later observations of American astronomers using a radio telescope located in Sokorro, Newmexico, made it possible to establish the true dimensions. The record holder has a length of 1.3 million light years in diameter, which is already 13 times greater than the diameter of the Milky Way. It is removed from us for 300 million light years.

The biggest star

At one time, Eibell made a catalog of galactic clusters, consisting of 2712 units. In accordance with it, the largest galaxy in the universe was discovered in the galactic cluster of the number 2029 right in the center. Its sizes in the diameter time in 60 exceed the Milky Way and make up about 6 million light years, and radiation is over a quarter of the entire radiation of the galactic accumulation. Astronomers from the United States recently discovered a very large star. Studies still continue, but it is already known that a new record holder appeared in the universe. According to preliminary results, the size of this star is 3500 times higher than the dimensions of our shining. And it radiates 40 times more energy than the hottest stars in the universe.

Brighter Astronomical Object

In 1984, the German astronomer of Cure with employees discovered such a dazzling quasar at the starry sky (quasi-refoable source of radio emission), which even at a high distance from our planet, calculated by many hundreds of light years, it would not give way to the sun in the intensity of the light emission, Although a space space is distant from us, which light can overcome for 10 billion years. In brightness, this quasar is not inferior to the brightness of the usual 10 thousand combined galaxies taken. In the star catalog, it received the number S 50014 + 81 and is considered the brightest astronomical object in the limitless expanses of the universe. Despite its relatively small sizes reaching in the diameter of several light years, the quasar radiates much more energy than a whole giant galaxy. If the magnitude of the radio emission of the conventional galaxy is 10 J / s, and the optical radiation is 10, then for the quasar, these values \u200b\u200bare respectively 10 and 10 j / s. Note that the nature of the quasar is not yet clarified, although there are different hypotheses: quasars are either the remains of the dead galaxies, or, on the contrary, the objects of the initial stage of the evolution of galaxies, or they are still quite new.

The brightest stars

According to the information that came to us, for the first time began to distinguish the stars in their brightness ancient Greek astronomer of Hipparch in the second century BC. e. To assess the luminosity of different stars, he divided them into 6 degrees, enclosing the concept of a star magnitude to use. At the very beginning of the XVII century, German astronomer I. Bayer proposed to designate the degree of brightness of stars in various constellations with the letters of the Greek alphabet. The brightest stars were called "Alpha" Togoto Constellation, following brightness - "beta", etc.

The brightest in our visible chaise is the Stars Denget from the constellation Swan and Rigel from the Constellation Orion. The luminosity of each of them exceeds the luminosity of the Sun, respectively, 72.5 thousand and 55 thousand times, and the remoteness from us is 1600 and 820 light years.

In the constellation Orion, there is another brightest star - the third largest luminosity of the star Betelgeuse. According to light emission, it is brighter of sunlight at 22 thousand times. Most of all bright stars, although the shine is changed periodically, it is assembled in the constellation Orion.

Star Sirius from the constellation of a large dog, which is considered the brightest among the most close to us stars, brighter our shine is only 23.5 times; The distance to it is 8.6 light years. In the same constellation there are stars and bougar. So, the Adara star shines as 8700 combined the sun at a distance of 650 light years. And the polar star, which for some reason was incorrectly considered the brightest visible star and which is located in the tip of the small bear at the removal of 780 light years from us, shines only 6,000 times the brightest sun.

The Zodiacal Constellation of the Taurus is noteworthy in that it contains an unusual star, characterized by supergiant density and relatively small spherical magnitude. As the astrophysics found out, it mainly consists of fast neutrons flying out in different directions. This star was considered the brightest in the universe.

The most stars

In general, blue stars have the highest luminosity. The brightest of all famous is the star of UW SMA, which shines in 860 thousand times the bright sun. Over time, the brightness of the stars may vary. Therefore, the star-record holder in brightness may change. For example, reading an old chronicle dated July 4, 1054, you can find out that in the constellation Taurus, the brightest star was shining, which was visible to the naked eye even during the day. But over time, she started dull and after a year she was missing. Soon on the place where the star shone brightly, began to distinguish the nebula, very similar to the crab. Hence the name - the crab odds, which was born due to the outbreak of a supernovae. Modern astronomers in the center of this nebula have discovered a powerful source of radio emission, the so-called pulsar. He is the remnant of that bright supernovae described in the old annals.

the brightest star in the Universe is a blue UW SMA star;
the brightest star on the visible sky is denb;
the brightest of the nearest stars is Sirius;
the brightest star in the northern hemisphere - Arctur;
the brightest star in our northern sky - Vega;
the brightest planet of the solar system - Venus;
the brightest small planet - Vesta.

The most dull star

From a plurality of weak plump stars scattered throughout the cosmic space, the most dull arrangement of 68 light years from our planet. If in size this star is inferior to the sun every 20, then in terms of luminosity - already 20 thousand times. The previous record holder by 30% emit more light.

The first test certificate of a supernova
Supernovae astronomers call star objects suddenly flashing and reaching their maximum luminosity for a relatively short period of time. As you managed to establish, the most ancient testimony about the outbreak of a supernovae of all surrendered astronomical observations refers to the XIV century BC. e. Then the ancient Chinese thinkers registered the birth of a supernovae and pointed out on the polycir of a large turtle its location and outbreak time. Modern researchers managed to determine the place in the universe, at which there is currently a powerful source of gamma emission. There is hope - that such ancient testimonies will help to the end to deal with the problems associated with supernovae, and trace the evolutionary by the special stars of the universe. Such evidence plays an important role in the modern interpretation of the nature of the origin and the death of stars.

The shortest star
The discovery of the Australian Astronomer Group under the leadership of K. Makcarenoma in the 70s of the X-ray star of a new type in the Constellations of the Southern Cross and Centaurus made a lot of noise. The fact is that scientists turned out to be witnesses and the death of the star, the life expectancy of which was an unprecedented short time - about 2 years. This has not yet happened in the entire history of astronomy. A suddenly broken star lost his shine for negligible for star processes time.

The most ancient stars
Astrophysics from the Netherlands developed a new, more advanced methodology for determining the age of the most old stars of our galaxy. It turns out that after the so-called large explosion and the formation of the first stars in the Universe, only 12 billion light years have passed, i.e., much less time than still considered. How true in judgments these scientists will show time.

The youngest star

According to the testimony of scientists from the UK, Germany and the United States, leading joint research, the youngest stars are located in the nebulae NGC 1333. This nebula is located from us at a distance of 1100 light years. It attracts the increased attention of astrophysics since 1983 as the most convenient object of observation, the study of which will allow to reveal the mechanism of the birth of stars. Reliable data received from the infrared satellite "IRAS" confirmed astronomer guesses on the incorrect processes characteristic of the early stages of the formation of stars. At least several south of this nebula was recorded 7 brightest star birth. Among them were identified the youngest, called "IRAS-4". Its age turned out to be quite "infant": only a few thousand years. A lot of hundreds of thousands of years will need, so that the star reaches the stage of its ripening when conditions for the raging flow of chain nuclear reactions will be created in its core.

The smallest star
In 1986, earlier American astronomers from the Kittpik Observatory in our galaxy was discovered previously unknown star, which received the designation LHS 2924, the mass of which is 20 less than that of the Sun, and the luminosity is less than six orders. This star turned out to be the smallest in our galaxy. The light emission occurs as a result of the thermalide reaction of the conversion of hydrogen in helium.

The most rapid star
In early 1993, a message was received from Cornell University that the unusually quickly moving star object was found in the depths of the universe, which received the PSR 2224 + 65 number in the star catalog. With a correspondence meeting with a new star, the discoverers collided immediately with two peculiarities. First, it turned out to be in shape not round, but guitar-like. Secondly, this star moved in outer space at a speed of 3.6 million km / h, which is much superior to all other well-known stars. The speed of the newly discovered star times in 100 exceeds the speed of our shining. This star is from us at such a distance that if she had moved towards us, it could overlap it for 100 million years.

The fastest rotations of astronomical objects

In nature, the pulsars rotate the fastest - pulsating sources of radio emission. The speed of their rotation is so huge that the light emitted by them focuses into a thin conical beam, which the earth observer can register at equal intervals. Atomic clock strokes with greatest accuracy can be removed by means of pulsary radio radiation. The fastest astronomical object was found by a group of American astronomers at the end of 1982 with a large radio telescope in Arecibo on Puerto Rico Island. This is a super-fast pulsar with assigned designation PSR 1937 + 215, located in the constellation of chanterelles at a distance of 16 thousand light years. In general, the pulsars are known to humanity only a quarter of a century. For the first time they were discovered in 1967 by a group of English astronomers led by the Nobel Laureate E. Hewish as sources of pulsating with high accuracy of electromagnetic radiation. The nature of the pulsars was not fully studied, but many experts believe that it is rapidly rotating around their own axis neutron stars, exciting strong magnetic fields. But the innovative pulsar-record holder rotates with a frequency of 642 rev / s. The former record belonged to the pulsar from the center of the crabovoid nebula, giving strictly periodic radiation pulses with a period of 0.033 rev / s. If other pulsars emit usually waves in the radio band from meter to centimeters, then this pulsar also emits X-ray and gamadiapazones. And it was from this pulsar for the first time a slowdown in ripples. A new double star system was discovered by the joint efforts of researchers from the European Space Agency and the famous Losalamamos Scientific Laboratory when studying X-ray radiation of stars a new double star system was discovered. Scientists most interested in the extraordinarily rapid rotation of its components around their center. Record close was also the distance between the celestial luminaires included in the star couple. At the same time, the emerging powerful gravitational field includes a near-locked White Dwarf in its scope, thereby causing it to rotate with a colossal speed - 1200 km / s. The intensity of the X-ray radiation of this pair of stars is about 10 thousand times higher than the radiation of the Sun.

Highest speed

Until recently, it was believed that the maximum speed of distribution of any physical interactions is the speed of light. Above the speed of movement, equal to 299,792,458 m / s, with which the light in vacuo is spread, according to specialists, in nature should not be. This follows from the theory of Einstein's relativity. True, many prestigious scientific centers on existence in the global space of superlumular movements have become increasingly more common. For the first time, superluminal data managed to obtain American astrophysics R. Walkeer and J. M. Benson in 1987. When observing the radio source of the CH 120, located at a considerable distance from the nucleus of the galaxy, these researchers recorded the speed of moving the individual elements of the radio builder exceeding the speed of light. Careful analysis of the combined radiocarity of the source of the source of the CP 120 gave the value of the linear velocity of 3.7 ± 1.2 on the speed of light. The scientists have not been operated in large values \u200b\u200bof movement speeds.

The strongest gravitational lens in the Universe

The phenomenon of the gravitational lenses predicted Einstein yet. It creates the illusion of the dual image of an astronomical radiation object by means of a powerful gravitational field that bridges the rays of light. For the first time, Einstein's hypothesis received a real confirmation in 1979. Since then, a whole dozen gravitational lenses is opened. The strongest of them was discovered in March 1986 by American astrophysics from the Kittpike Observatory led by E. Turner. When observing one quasar remote from the Earth for a distance of 5 billion light years, it was recorded by its split, separated by 157 angular seconds. This is a lot of fantastic. Suffice it to say that other gravitational lenses lead to a split image with a length of no more than seven angular seconds. Apparently, the reason for such a colossal

Cosmos full of riddles and secrets. Fantasy writers have devoted such an enormous amount of outstanding works by space issues. Moreover, there are much more inexplicable processes in space than it seems to us. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most amazing phenomena that occur in space expanders.

Everyone knows that a falling star is a simple meteorite burning in the atmosphere. At the same time, many people do not recognize about the existence of real falling hypersproorny stars, which are large fiery balls from gas, flying in outer space at a speed of millions km per hour. One of the hypotheses of such a phenomenon is as follows: when the double star turns out to be very close to the black hole, one of the stars is absorbed by a massive black hole, and the other begins to move at a huge speed. You just imagine a hurriculous ball, the value of which is 4 times higher than the magnitude of our Sun, flying at a huge speed in our galaxy.

One of the similar planets Gliese 581 C rotates around a red small star, which is many times less than the sun. Her glow is hundreds of times less than that of our sun. The hellish planet is located much closer to its own star than our land. Due to the extreme proximity to its star, Gliese 581 C is always addressed to the star one of the parties, and the other side, on the contrary, is removed from it. Therefore, a real blood pressure on the planet takes place: one hemisphere resembles a "hot frying", and the second is the icy desert. However, there is a small belt between two poles, where there is a possibility of the existence of life.

Castor system includes 3 double systems. Here the brightest star is Pollux. The second brightness is Castor. In addition to them, the system includes two double stars, similar to Betelgeuse (class 3 - red and orange stars). The total brightness of the stars in the Castor system is higher than that of our sun is 52.4 times. Look at the starry sky at night. Surely you will see these stars.

In recent years, scientists actively engaged in learning a dust cloud located near the center of the Milky Way. Some are convinced that God is located there. If he is still there, then it approached the issue of creating such an object. German scientists have proven that the dust cloud named Sagittarius B2 has the smell of raspberry. This is achieved through the presence in a huge amount of ethyl formate, which gives the specific smell of forest raspberry, as well as rum.

Planet Gliese 436 B, discovered by scientists in 2004, is no less strange than Gliese 581 c. Its magnitude is almost the same as Neptune. Located ice planet in the constellation of lion at a distance of 33 light years from our land. Planet Gliese 436 B is a huge water ball, where the temperature is below 300 degrees. Due to the strong gravity of the core of the water molecule on the surface of the planet they do not evaporate, and the so-called "burning of ice" occurs.

55 CANCRI E or Diamond Planet fully consists of real diamonds. It was estimated at 26.9 nonillion dollars. Undoubtedly, this is the most expensive object in the galaxy. Once it was just a kernel in a double system. But as a result of the effect of high temperature (more than 1600 degrees Celsius) and pressure, most carbon steel diamonds. Dimensions 55 CANCRI E are twice as much as our land, and weight - as much as 8 times.

A huge cloud of chemical (size is half from the Milky Way) can show us the origins of the pristine galaxy. This object dates back to 800 million years since the time of the Big Explosion. It was previously thought that a chemical cloud is one big galaxy, and recently the opinions are held that there are 3 relatively young galaxies.

The largest water tank having 140 trillion times more than water than on the whole earth, is located in 20 billion light years from the earth's surface. Water here is in the form of a massive gas cloud, located next to a huge black hole, constantly speaking such an energy that 1000 trillion suns could produce.

Not so long ago (a couple of years ago), scientists opened the electrotes of cosmic scale at 10 ^ 18 amps, which is equivalent to about 1 trillion zone. It is assumed that the strongest discharges are born in a higratory black hole located in the center of the galactic system. One of the similar lightning launched by a black hole is one and a half times higher than the magnitude of our galaxy.

A huge group of quasars (LQG), consisting of 73 quasars, performs one of the largest structures in the entire Universe. Its value is 4 billion light years. Scientists were still unable to understand how such a structure was able to form. According to the cosmological theory, the existence of such a large group of quasars is simply impossible. LQG undermines the generally accepted cosmological principle, agree with the structures of more than 1.2 billion light years to be.

Many astronomers said that a huge Planet Fomalgout was in the sun, but she, apparently, was alive again.
In 2008, astronomers, with the help of the Nasa Hubble Space Telescope, announced the opening of a huge planet, which revolves around a very bright star Fomalgaut, located at a distance of only 25 light years from the ground. Other researchers later questioned this discovery, stating that scientists actually discovered a giant cloud of dust.
However, according to the latest data obtained from Hubble, the planet is revealed again and again. Other experts carefully study the system surrounding the star, so the planet zombie can be buried more than once, before the final verdict will be issued on this issue.
2. Zombie Stars

Some stars literally return to life with a cruel and dramatic way. Astronomers classify these zombie stars as supernova type IA, which generate huge and powerful explosions, sending "insides" of stars into the universe.
Supernovae type Ia explodes from double systems, which consist at least from one white dwarf - a tiny super-density star, which stopped passing through the synthesis of a nuclear reaction. White dwarfs are "dead", but in this form they cannot remain in the binary system.
They can return to life, though not long, in a giant explosion with a supernova, sucking life from her companion star or by merging with her.
3. Vampire Stars

Just like vampires from fiction, some stars manage to remain young, sucking life forces from unfortunate victims. These vampire stars are known as "blue retired", and "look" they are much younger than their neighbors, together with which they were formed.
With their explosion, the temperature is much higher, and the color "much blue". Scientists believe that this is the case, because they suck a huge amount of hydrogen from neighboring stars.
4. Giant black holes

Black holes may seem like science fiction objects - they are extremely dense, and the gravity in them is so strong that even the light is not able to escape from them, if approaching a closely close distance.

But these are very real objects that are quite common throughout the universe. In fact, astronomers believe that supermassive black holes are located in the center of the majority (if not all) galaxies, including our Milky Way. Supermassive black holes are breathtaking according to its size.

5. Asteroids Killer

The phenomena given in the previous paragraph may be terrible or take an abstract form, but they do not pose a threat to humanity. What can not be said about the big asteroids that fly close to the earth near the earth.

And even an asteroid size is only 40 meters can cause serious harm if it falls into the settlement. Probably the effect of an asteroid is one of the factors that have changed to life on Earth. It is assumed that 65 million years ago, it was the asteroid destroyed dinosaurs. Fortunately, there are ways to redirect the dangerous space stones away from the ground, if, of course, to detect danger in time.

6. Active Sun.

The sun gives us life, but our star is not always so good. From time to time there are serious storms, which can have a potentially destructive effect on radio communications, satellite navigation and power grid operation.
Recently, similar solar flares are especially observed, because the sun entered its particularly active phase of the 11-year cycle. Researchers expect solar activity to reach its peak in May 2013.

6-07-2017, 13:55

The world striking the diversity of paints, wealth of forms and amazing phenomena. Cosmos - no exception. There are so many comets, planets, stars and other objects that astronomers constantly have something to do, studying them. Researchers of the Universe told how the cosmos would be pleased with this summer. Let's remember those phenomena that you will be honored to watch in the near future.

All questions of space, its study, sending expeditions and rinsing, naturally, is engaged in the American NASA Office. It tracks the picture on the expanses outside the Earth, tells us about them, publishes snapshots and videos. A few days ago, the agency published a roller-announcement that tells about the space phenomena that we will soon wait. They say that they can be observed using telescopes and other optical devices at different points of the globe. Two months of summer will be bright and interesting for both astronomers and enthusiasts.

At this Sunday, the earthlings will see the full moon. Our satellite will show us in all its glory, and then will be at the stages of transformation a few more days. In the open and pure summer sky, such a spectacle will be exciting and fascinating.

In general, if you believe the astronomical dictionary, the full moon is such a phase of the moon, in which the difference between the ecliptic longitude of the satellite and the sun is 180 degrees. That is, the plane conducted through the Earth, the moon and the luminaire will be the perpendicular plane of the ecliptic (the circle of the heavenly sphere, along which the sun is moving during the year). If all these objects are "lined up" into one line, then a phenomenon that calls the lunar eclipse.

In the full moon our natural satellite looks like a light disk of the correct round shape. Astronomers count the moment of its occurrence up to minutes. This year it will happen at 7:08 am Moscow time and will be held in Capricorn. For several days, it seems visually that the moon does not change his form and remains "full", but it is not really so, it slowly changes.

In addition, when full moon for several hours, the "confrontation effect" may occur. At this time, the brightness of the moon increases noticeably (the maximum shine is 12.7 m), therefore it seems more, although its real size does not change at all. Also, earthlings see the complete disappearance of the shadows on the satellite surface. Full moon, by the way, regardless of the time of year, always appears in the sky immediately after sunset.

At the end of the month, the movement of meteorites is activated, in connection with which the earthlings will be able to see the real flows of these celestial bodies. At this time there will be the so-called "starfalls", in which people like to make desires so much. The peak of this phenomenon will be July 30.

The meteoric flow is the fall of the set of meteors that fall into the earth's atmosphere. However, it differs from a similar process, which is called meteorite rain. Such flows are observed at a certain time of the year, because meteorite swarms have their own orbits in space, and their radiants are rendered with such a phenomenon at one specific point of the sky.

Meteoric rains are very large intensity streams, in which meteorites are not burned in the atmosphere, but reach the surface of the Earth. During the peak on July 30, the earthlings will be seen at the same time two similar flows from the orbits of alpha-caprinide and southern Delta-aquaride.

The brightest cosmic phenomenon of this summer, truly, will be a complete solar eclipse. It will be possible to see it in the United States. Brighter it will manifest itself in eight cities: Salem and Madras (Oregon), Idaho-Falls, Grand Island (Nebraska), Casper (Wyoming), Nashville, Carndale and Colombia (in South Carolina).

Partial eclipse of the luminary will be able to see residents and other parts of the Earth, in particular, Latin America, individual countries of Europe and the Western regions of Russia. In Anadyr, Providence and Bering part, people will also see him. In total, the phenomenon will last about three minutes. During this time in the United States, about 200 million people are going to see it. In this regard, he was already corrected by a great American eclipse.

A similar phenomenon is considered unique, as it happens every 18 years. The last time the complete eclipse was traced in 1999, and the following should happen in 2035. Ordinary people who will look at the sun at this time through darkened glasses, unusual and mystical sensations may appear.

Astronomer Jay Pasashof says that during the eclipse, one heavenly body (moon) "covers" another (sun). Then the feeling of flowers and the perception of objects change. In the last minutes before the eclipse, people have a reaction that something is wrong, it may cause fear. Scientists, at the same time, can better explore the sun, establish what is happening in his haloe and behind it.

The main secret, which researchers hope to reveal in August of this year, is why the crown's sun is a significantly hot surface of the shining. The hypothesis is connected with it that the magnetic field of the celestial body reflects the energy and "makes" the surface is colder. In addition to complete, partial eclipses of the sun and ring-shaped.

Thus, this summer, the inhabitants of our planet will not be boring. They will have time to see the full moon, and meteoric streams, and the complete eclipse of the sun. In addition, this time will be well prominent stars, and several asteroids will fly due to the land.

Natalie Lee - RIA VistaNews correspondent