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Story Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County Short content. Analysis of the work of "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" (N. S. Leskov)

Name: Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County

Genre: Tale


Part 1: 15min 00s

Part 2: 12min 56sek


Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County is a short novel, whose action takes place in the Russian province in the second half of the 19th century. The main topics of the work is a passion, adultery, murder and betrayal. But, despite all this, the book is completely devoid of sublimation and quite truthful. She is full of black humor, and the characters are very alive.
In this strong and hard story of the fishing line demonstrates the truth in Shakespeare style, but placed in the Russian outback.
Young Katerina Lvovna suffers, being married to pay for a man twice as older than her. She is incredibly bored at home, and she misses her barefoot childhood, until he meets the frivolous clerk of Sergei Filipia. Sergey seduces Katerina, as she seduced half of local women, not realizing that her passion, once freed, will never be driven back. She is ready for everyone just to keep Sergey.
Full passion, jealousy and obsession, this work is incredibly interesting and gives pleasure to the reader. Description of the leak emotional and moral dilemma, as well as erotic madness of the heroine - unique and very realistic.
Publist and Prosper Nikolai Leskov is known for the strong characteristic and typical Russian atmosphere of its stories.

N.S. Leskov - Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County Ch1. Listen to an audio recording of a summary online.

­ Summary Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County

Essay begins with the description of the appearance of the main character of Catherine Lvovna, which, due to the circumstances, not in love, but by the settlement, married merchant Izmailov. His spouse - Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich is much older than Katerina, and according to the status of the girl above.

Life at the merchant wife was very boring. They lived with her husband from Svetra Boris Timofeevich. She left somewhere rarely, and it was not comfortable on trips, because it was from a simple family, and it was expected from her manifestations of good tone and manner. She could take himself reading in his free time, but also to read Ekaterina Lvovna did not love. The spouse, despite all the efforts, extend the merchant genus of Izmailov, apparently was imperfect. He was married for the second time, with the previous wife, Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich lived twenty years, until she was widowed. That was not received by the heir, everything and beetor, and the merchant of Izmailov, and even Katerina Lvovna, for which the child would be salvation from boredom was disappointed.

It all stretched for five years until it appeared in the estate of Izmaili Clause Sergey, who enjoyed bad fame and had already rummage about the seduction of the neighboring merchant wife. Ekaterina Lvovna, caressing and attention was not spoiled, and therefore quickly came to the hook to charming and externally attractive Sergey.

But about their vicious bonds quickly recreated a beetor, which, as a punishment of Customer's experts, I sent the news of the wrong wife to my son - merchant Izmailov. Before finding out the circumstances of the decision of the fate of Lovers Boris Timofeevich, the order of the Clauder in the storeroom. Ekaterina Lvovna, Osmeleev and excongated, began to ask the mother-in-law to release a lover, from which he comes to confusion, and promises for arrogance and inconsistency to make the daughter-in-law on the stable, and the lover is surrounded. But all the threats of Boris Timofeevich, and could not bring to life, as he died suddenly. Favorite daughter-in-law put her hand to his death, pouring into the food of the rat poison. Borisy Boris Timofeevich very quickly, waiting for the arrival of the son did not become, referring to the hot season.

After the death of Svadra, Sergey's order finally settled in a merchant crowd. And Ekaterina in the morning began to notice in his bedroom at her thick arrogant, who rushed very loudly, and how he liked something. She shared his observations with Axinhay's kitchen, which only was divided into what was happening. In the next morning, the cat came to Katerina, and began to grab a human voice that as a conscience allows her to live calmly, after her - Boris Timofeevich ruined.

The time is coming to the return of the owner - Zinovia Borisovich, and Sergey begins to take offense and jealousy to show his mistress. What can not so continue, Catherine Lvovna, who has listed with this attitude, soothes the beloved that all this is fixable. In one of the nights, the merchant Izmailov returns in the morning, hoping to catch my wife with a lover and take polishing. But Catherine wakes up earlier and hides Sergey on the gallery. Meets a husband, as if nothing had happened and samovar himself. Zinoviy Borisovich expresses its discontent and suspicions, and the beloved wife, pulling the arrogance, leads a lover and in front of her husband begins to kiss him, for which he receives a slap. In this confusion, Catherine rushes on a spouse and begins to choke him, Sergey is trying to help her. The merchant is fighting off with all their might, realizing that lovers were triggered, and thrown on the clerk, biting him of her neck. Katerina hits a merchant to the temple with a heavy cast candlestick, and Borisovich's unused Zinovia seeks the order. Noticed all the traces of the crime, lovers bury the body of the merchant in the cellar.

Ekaterina Lvovna and the clerk live in his pleasure, and in the absence of the merchant Izmailov, only shrugs shrug. Despite the fact that the mill is reported that Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich has long left home. Catherine understands that she is a child under his heart, and declares her position to everyone - that Izmailov are waiting for the heir. In the absence of a legitimate husband, it is allowed to be done. But here it turns out the circumstances that she is not the only heiress that claims to the merchant, another receiver arises - Fyodor Lyamin, who comes with his elderly aunt, cousin Boris Timofeevich.

So leaving Kupchaika with a clerk, while Sergey does not overshadow the future of Kati phrase, that Fedor, makes his life unhappy. After that, Ekaterina Lvovna is not able to find a place for himself, so does not give her a peace of mind that, as she stood and suffered, how much sin I took on the soul, and some kind of boy, child, without putting any effort, claims her property.

So there was a meager Fedya, sick with a windmill, and the auntie went to the church to the service, asking Katerina to look after the child. Taking advantage of the situation that the child was left alone Sergey and Catherine Cool chlorinously lingering his pillow, in the hope of referring to weak health and dubious medicines, which trampled the young body of the boy. But after the service, a crowd of people passed by a merchant house, which was alone the bones of a merchant wife, amazing her arrogance and viciousness. Seeing the light in one of the windows, they decided to see what he was engaged in the night of the night checkpoint, and became involuntary witnesses of the murder of Fedi. Thus, lovers are catching with political, and the opening of the little Fedor Lyamin shows that death has come due to strokes.

During the investigation, Sergey confesses everything. Catherine, resists, responding to everything: "I don't know anything and I do not know." But after the order to blame and the murder of the merchant Izmailov, Kupchikh also admits that he was an accomplice. And the actions motivate their own, by what I did everything for Sergey, in the name of love.

As a punishment, they refer to the boat, and before that they carries the lamb. After childbirth in a popular hospital, Katerina refuses him, and the old woman of Boris Timofeevich's sister, who recognize him as the mercenary heir to Izmailov takes on the upbringing of the baby. This state of affairs is quite satisfied with Catherine Lvovna.

For Kati, it is only one thing that it remains next to the favorite Sergey, and in a merchant house, or on the cautious business is not fundamental. So they are sent to the location of the cortica, and she bribes the plot of these units, so that they organize a date with her beloved. From which Sergey is angry, and asks his mistress to give it to him, and not to spend so useless. Two interesting women are joined in Nizhny Novgorod to their party - Fiona and young seventeen-year-old blonde sleeping.

Sergey behaves very coldly towards Katerina and changes it with a fona, she catches them on hot. But Fiona refuses to refuse relations with Sergei, and he is trying in every way to find locations from a young sonnet.

Katerina tries to convince himself that he doesn't like Sergey at all, although he feels that he loves even stronger than before, but it makes it possible to understand that offended. The same after a while, looking for a meeting with her. Katerina, captivates the Under for the last seventeen kopecks, and the painted rushing to the lover who hugs and kisses it as before. Sergey complains of pain in the legs, and threatened to stay in Lazarut in Kazan, the former checkout is afraid of parting with his beloved. But Sergey refers to woolen stockings, would allow the situation, and would make it easier for him. Catherine gives him his wool stockings, and in the morning he detects a sonnet in these stockings. A woman absorbed by the offeper and jealousy at the first stop comes to Sergey and spits straight into his face. The next night, when Katerina slept, two men came to the women's barracks, one of whom held it tightly, and the other, counting fifty blows, swept her with a thick rope. But on this, Sergey does not stop and continues to mock the former checkpone, then Kissing a son, then podding with stalking phrases. Ekaterina Lvovna ends the patience to bear the insults and mocking from his beloved man, so during the ferry of the ferry through the Volga, it is enough for his feet a sonnet and jumps over with her overboard the sick and his opponent.

The story "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" Leskov was written in 1864 and published in January next year in the literary magazine "Epoch". According to the writer, the story should have headed the cycle dedicated to the characters of Russian women. However, Leskov's plans were not destined to come true due to the closure of the "epoch".

main characters

Katerina Lvovna Izmailov - Haste, decisive woman, putting on the altar of his own passion of the life of three people.

Sergey - Clay in the house of Izmail, young, handsome guy, an experienced seducer.

Other characters

Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich Izmailov - A merchant, an elderly wife of Katerina.

Boris Timofeevich Izmailov - Father Zinovia Borisovich.

Fedyaa little boy, nephew Zinovia Borisovich and his only legal heir.

Soldier Fiona - Artantachka, beautiful, kind and reliable woman.

Sonnet - Miloid 17-year-old art bowl, sealing and mercantile.

Chapter first

Katerina Lvovna Izmailov, although "not born by beauty", but had a pleasant appearance. Her spouse was a merchant from Kursk province, for which she married not by love, but because she was poor and "she did not have to go through the groom."

Katerina Lvovna lived in a rich merchant house along with his husband, Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich, who was "fifty years old," yes with his father, Boris Timofeevich. There were no children from the mixture, and this fact was very saddened.

Chapter Second

One once broke through the mill dam belonging to the merchants Izmailov. Zinoviy Borisovich went to solve this problem, and Katerina Lvovna "Lowered at home for all days of one or the same."

During the walk, Katerina joined the company of funny clarists, and sore jokes measured by force with a beautiful young servant Sergey.

Between the case, the kitchen told the hostess that the handsome of Seryoga without a branch of conscience of any woman "will go and bring to sin."


In a calm evening, Katerina Lvovna misses alone: \u200b\u200bthe spouse was lingering on the mill, and the father-in-law went to the name day. Suddenly, Sergey's faithful pretext comes to her. From his passionate confessions in the love of a young woman is spinning a head. Sergey is not lost, and refers it to the bedroom.

Chapter Fourth

All week, while Zinovia Borisovich was not at home, his spouse was walking with his handsome Sergey to the morning. But one day, the beet, who suffered from insomnia, noticed how the servant crashed out of the window. Boris Timofeevich drank a shameless lover's screamed, and he himself sent people behind his son.

Katerina Lvovna begged the old man to let go of Sergey, but he solidally decided to punish a grant, and her lover was sent to Ostrog.

Chapter Fifth

That's just in vain the old man Izmailov did not listen to his daughter-in-law. Having attempted "for the night of fungi with casket," by morning he died in terrible torment, so, "how the rats died in his barns."

Katerina freed his lover and, putting him on the man's man, began to care for him.

Meanwhile, Zinoviy Borisovich went for a hundred miles to buy a forest without learning about the home tragedy. So without waiting for him, by order of the hostess hurriedly "Skoroni Boris Timofych".

Katerina Lvovna was the "Baba of the Normal Ten" - she was stumbled so much that he was openly demonstrated her connection with Sergey.

Chapter Six

Katerina overcomes midday sleep, and dreaming of her "nice, gray, tall, and a pretty-thick" cat, which rubs between her and Sergey. Woman is unsuccessful trying to drive non-crushed guestwhich "like fog, so past the fingers and passes."

Katerina pulls away from Sergey recognition in love, but he is not at all fun - the owner will return soon, and then the end of their love joy will come. An intelligent guy hints that it is ready to marry her, and, who was twisted with his sweet words, a woman decides to settle the problem with his spouse.

Head seventh

Katerina again dreams of a "pressing cat", but only this time he does not have an ordinary, cat, and the late beet. He goes to the woman and stakes her for severe death.

Katerina lies "with open eyes and suddenly hears", as in the yard someone is noise. She understands - the old unloved husband returned. Sergey quickly left the flower and drew under the window.

Enters Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich, who is already aware of adventures invalid wife. However, his fair accusations only wander Katerina. She calls Sergey and passionately kisses him with her husband. Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich does not withstand and gives her a strong slap.

Chapter Eighth

Katerina rushes to her husband and with all his might pushes it to the floor. Zinoviy Borisovich realizes that the spouse "decided on everything, if only to get rid of it."

Lovers kill the merchant and attract his body to the cellar. By destroying the traces of the crime, Katerina refers to Sergey: "Well, now you are a merchant."

Ninth chapter

Neak food can not be in a sense, where Zinoviy Borisovich was having fived. The search began to search for a merchant, but they did not give anything - "The merchant as in the water was caught."

A few months later, Katerina felt pregnant. She managed to translate all the cases in his name and personally engage in leading a large economy.

Suddenly, Katerina Lvovna learned that most of the capital of the late spouse belongs to his little nephew Fed. And a week after Izvestia, it came to buy "Old woman with a small boy."

Chapter Tenth

Fedya is sick of chickenpox. He alternately carries his grandmother and Katerina alternately. Looking at Fedya, she is surprised, "how much evil is hurting her boy and, as it were, it was, if it were not."

When the grandmother goes to the church on the whirlpool, and the sick Fedya remains alone, lovers decide to take advantage of the resulting case.

Chapter eleventh

Sergey kept his hands and feet of the unfortunate boy, while Katerina Lvovna "one movement closed the baby lyrco" a big pillow and fell on her with all the body. After a few minutes in the room, the "gravestone silence" reigned.

Frightened Sergey began to run, but there were terrible blows in the windows. Katerina's solid hand opened the "doors who broke a bunch of people."

Chapter twelve

People, returning from the service, discussed the checkout of Izmailov and her love relationship with Sergey. Everyone came to a single opinion - Katerina was so "he evoke that neither God nor the conscience nor the human eye was afraid."

Passing by the Izmailovo house and seeing the light in the window, they decided to look at what was being done there. At this moment, curious became involuntary witnesses to kill the child.

As a result, Katerina Lvovna denied everything, while Sergey "burst into tears and complained sincerely" in all committed murders. At the court, criminals was sentenced - "punish the splash on the trading area of \u200b\u200bhis city and then to survive both to the hard work." At the time limit, Katerina gave birth to a child "in a prominent hospital", from which he immediately refused.

Chapter thirteenth

The child of Katerina Lvovna was given to the upbringing of the old woman, who had nounched himself with Fedi. He became the "only heir to just now Izmailovsky."

Katerina easily broke up with a baby - all her thoughts were busy Sergei, whom she hoped to see on the road to Katorga. She distributed all her money to the guards to occasionally see the beloved. During this time, Sergey has changed much and reacted with irritation to Katerina's catering.

The party in which lovers were located, another one joined. It was especially distinguished by two women: a loving and unassuming beauty-soldier of Fiona, and the young pretty blonde's sonnet, which in love affairs "had taste, bluled choice."

Chapter Fourteenth

"Tomny Beauty of Fiona" fell to the taste of Sergey and he managed to quickly conquer its location. Once, Katerina found her beloved with a fion. After the suffering humiliation, she tried to inspire a disgust to the cunning traitor, but unsuccessfully.

While Katerina was angry with Sergey, he "began to cheat and flirt with a white sonnet." Noticing his flirt, Katerina decided to forget about his pride and make up his lover.

Sergey, pretending to be sick, asked Katerina to get woolen stockings to him. After frightened for his health, she gave him his only warm stockings.

Fifteenth chapter

In the morning, Katerina saw a sonnet in a well-known "blue wool stockings". Without sustaining such humiliation, she approached Sergey and spit into his face. On the same night, two of the arrests counted the Katerina fifty shots of the beach - it was a revenge of Sergey, which continued in the following days: he was openly kissed with a sonnet, cheered and frankly insulted his former mistress.

During the ferry, Katerina terrible looked at the waves, and the souls of shower were swept before her eyes. Suddenly, she "grabbed a son behind his feet and one mad switched with her overboard the ferry." After a couple of moments, both rivals disappeared.


The main topic of the story is love. The writer clearly demonstrates that a strong passion is capable of not only to exalt the soul of a person, but also imagine her in the pounding of vice.

After reviewing a brief retrade with "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County", we recommend reading the story of Leskov in the full version.

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main character - Young Kupchikha, Katerina Lvovna Izmailov. Her husband is constantly in work, in bend. She is bored and lonely in the four walls of a big rich house. Spouse is blunt, but with his father stands his wife. Katerina falls in love with the young beautiful clerk Sergey, gradually her passion passes into passion, lovers spend the night together. She is all ready for his sinful, criminal love for his beloved. And a series of murders begins: first, Katerina Lvovna poisoned Schurkra to save Sergey, whom Svetr locked in the cellar, then, together with Sergey, kills her husband, and then hesitate the pillow of the young nephew Fedy, who could challenge her inheritance. However, at this moment, a crowd of idle men is broken from the courtyard, one of whom looked into the window and saw the scene of the murder. An autopsy proves that Fedya died of choking, Sergey in everything confesses after the words of the priest about a terrible court. Investigators find the Borisovich Borisovich corpse in the basement. The killers appear before the court and after the punishment of the scourge go to the cautious. Sergey instantly loses interest in Katerina as soon as she ceases to be rich puchikha. He is passionate about another prisoner, cares for her in front of Katerina and laughs at her love. In the finals, Katerina grabs his opponent's sonnet and sinks with her in the cold waters of the river.

Summary Tale "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"

Katerina Lvovna, "The outside the woman is very pleasant," lives in the wealthy house of the merchant Izmailov with a widden village Boris Timofeevich and the elderly husband Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich. There are no children in Katerina Lvovna, and "with all the contents" to live her "for a nonlaskov husband" the most boring. For the sixth year of marriage

Zinoviy Borisovich leaves for a mill dam, leaving Katerina Lvovna "one and the same". In the courtyard of his house, she rushes by force with the bold worker Sergey, and from the Khukseni Khochemia learns that this one serves the Izmilevoy for a month already, and from the old house was expelled for "love" with the hostess. In the evening, Sergey comes to Katerina Lvivna, complains of boredom, says he loves, and remains until the morning. But in one of the nights, Boris Timofeevich notices how the Red Rubach Sergey is descended from the daughter-bunch of the window. Svekre threatens that everything will tell the husband of Katerina Lvovna, and Sergey will send Sergey. On the same night, Katerina Lvovna poisoned his swarker with a white powder seized for rats, and continues "Aligory" with Sergey.

Meanwhile, Sergey becomes dry with Katerina Lviv, jealous of her to her husband and speaks of his insignificant state, confessing that he would like to be "before the holy before the Eternal Temple" her husband. In response, Katerina Lvovna promises to make him a merchant. Zinoviy Borisovich returns home and accuses Katerina Lvovna in Amrahs. Katerina Lvovna displays Sergey and boldly kisses him with her husband. Lovers kill Zinovia Borisovich, and the corpse bury in the cellar. Zinovia Borisovich is useless to be wanted, and Katerina Lvovna "is doing with himself with Sergey, on a widow position on freedom."

Soon the minor nephew Zinoviya Borisovich Fedor Lyapin, whose money was at the deceased merchant in circulation arrived at Izmailovaya. He hesitated by Sergey, Katerina Lvovna wonders the lime of God-fearing boy. On the night of the Night-night Under the Holiday of Introduction, the boy remains in the house alone with lovers and reads the lives of St. Fyodor Pratilate. Sergey grabs Fedya, and Katerina Lvovna stifles him down pillow. But as soon as the boy dies, the house begins to shake off, Sergey Picnitsy, sees the late Zinovia Borisovich, and only Katerina Lvovna understands that this is a crash of the people who saw in the cloth that in the "sinning house" is being done.

Sergey is taking into part, and at the first words of the priest about a terrible court confesses to the murder of Zinovia Borisovich and calls Katerina Lvovna an accomplice. Katerina Lvovna denies everything, but at the embonstruction, he admits that he killed "for Sergey". The murderers are punished with a vacuum and sentenced to relievable work. Sergey excites sympathy, and Katerina Lvovna behaves persistently and even to look back to the child's bareborn. His, the sole heir of the merchant, is given to education. Katerina Lvovna thinks only about how quickly to get to the stage and see Sergey. But at the stage, Sergey Nelaskov and secret dates are not happy. Nizhny Novgorod, the Moscow party is joined to the concluded, with which the solder of Fiona Fiona and the seventeen-year-old sonnet say: "Near the hands goes, and not give in hand."

The story of the near Russian character and the destructive consequences of the unbridled passion, the first story of a woman - the serial killer in Russian literature.

comments: Babar Babitskaya

What is this book?

Bored young macker Katerina Izmailov, whose violet natura does not find a use in quiet empty rooms The merchant house, turns an affair with a lubricant clerk Sergey and for the sake of this love with an amazing composure makes terrible crimes. By calling "Lady Macbeth ..." sketch, fishing racks, as it may be refused to fiction for the truth of life, creates the illusion of documentary. In fact, "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" - more than sketching from life: This is an extreme novel, tragedy, anthropological research and a household tale impregnated by a community.

Nikolay Leskov. 1864 year

When is it written?

Author's dating - "November 26. Kiev." Leskov worked on the "Lady Macbeth ..." in the fall of 1864, the guest of Brother in the apartment at Kiev University: wrote at night, locked in the student car tray room. He later recalled: "And here, when I wrote my" Lady Macbeth, ", then under the influence of breeding nerves and loneliness, almost reached nonsense. I got at times unbearably terribly, the hair rose to the end, I froze at the slightest rustle, which I produced myself with the movement of my legs or turning the neck. These were the hard moments that I never forget. Since then, I avoid describing such horror " 1 How did Leskov worked on the "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County". Sat Articles for the formulation of the Opera "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" Leningrad State Academic Small Theater. L., 1934..

It was assumed that "Lady Macbeth ..." will put the beginning of a whole series of essays "exclusively some of the typical female characters of our (Okskaya and a part of the Volga) locality"; All such essays about representatives of different crafts of fishing expected to write twelve 2 ⁠ - "Each in the amount of one to two sheets, eight of the folk and merchant life and four of the noble. For "Lady Macbeth" (merchant) goes "Graziell" (nobleman), then Majorsh Polvodov (the Starlavetsky landowner), then "Fevronia Roohovna" (peasant splitter) and "Grandma Polyshka" (obstacle). " But this cycle was never embodied.

In the gloomy flavor, the story reflected the heavy state state of Leskov, at this time almost subjected to literary uraceism.

On May 28, 1862, fires broke out in the center of St. Petersburg on Apaction and Schukin yards, markets burned. In the atmosphere of panic, Zinil's tinsel in the arson of nihilist students. Leskov performed at the Northern Pchele with a gentleman, where he called on the police to spend a thorough investigation and call the perpetrators to stop rumors. The progressive public perceived this text as a straight donos; scandal broke out and "Northern Bee" The pro-government newspaper published in St. Petersburg from 1825 to 1864. Founded by Faddey Bulgarine. At first, the newspaper was adhered to democratic views (the works of Alexander Pushkin and Kondratiya Ryleyev were printed in it), but after the Decembrists' uprising dramatically changed the political course: he had struggled with progressive magazines like a "contemporary" and "domestic notes", published a denominator. Almost all sections of the newspaper wrote Bulgarian himself. In the 1860s, the new publisher Northern Bee Pavl Usov tried to make a more liberal newspaper, but was forced to close the publication due to the small number of subscribers. I sent an unsuccessful correspondent to a long-term foreign business trip: Lithuania, Austrian Poland, Czech Republic, Paris. In this semi-ingredient, annoyed fishing racks writes the novel "Nowhere", the evil caricature of nihilists, and on returning in 1864 prints it in "Library for reading" The first multi-line magazine in Russia was published monthly from 1834 to 1865 in St. Petersburg. The publisher of the journal was the bookseller Alexander Sirddin, the editor - the writer Osip Senkovsky. The "library" was calculated mainly on the provincial reader, in the capital it was criticized for the footwear and the superficialness of judgment. By the end of the 1840s, the popularity of the magazine began to fall. In 1856, the critic of Alexander Druzhinin, who worked in the magazine for four years. Under the pseudonym M. STEBNITSKY, thereby radically worsening his only emerging literary reputation: "Nowhere" - the fault of my modest fame and the abyss of the greatest insults for me. My opponents wrote and still ready to repeat that the novel this is composed on request III branches The third branch of his own imperial Majesty of the Office is a police department engaged in political affairs. He was created in 1826, after the uprising of the Decembrists, he headed him Alexander Benkendorf. In 1880. year III The department was abolished, and the Offices of the Office were transferred to the Police Department formed under the Ministry of the Interior.».

How is she written?

As an effort to novel. The density of the action shrewd the plot, where the corpses are praying and in each chapter, the new turn, who does not give the reader to the reader, will become a patented lesking reception, because of which in the eyes of many critics, appreciated the ideas and trends in artistic prose, Leskov remained a vulgar "anecdotist for a long time " "Lady Macbeth ..." looks almost like a comic or, if without an anachronism, like a lobby - on this tradition of fishing losses deliberately.

In the "Lady Macbeth ...", the "exemplary", strife, "Language scientism", in which modern criticism reproached him in connection with and "Levshoy". In other words, the famous Leskovsky Tale in the early essay is not very manifested, but the roots are visible.

"Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" in our today's ideas - a story, but the author's genre definition is essay. Essays were called at that time and artistic things, but the word is inextricably linked in the consciousness of the reader of the XIX century with the definition of "physiological", with journalism, journalism, non-Fikshn. Leskov insisted that he knows the people do not look like a democrat writes, but close and in the face and shows him, what it is. From this author installation, the famous Leskovsky Tale is growing - by definition of Boris Eikenbauma 3 Eikenbaum B. M. Leskov and modern prose // Eikenbaum B. M. On literature: works of different years. M.: Soviet writer, 1987., "Such a form of a narrative prose, which in its vocabulary, syntax and selection of intonation detects the setting of the narrator to the oral speech." Hence the living and different, depending on the estate and psychology, spectacle of the heroes. The own author's intonation of impassign, Leskov writes a report on criminal events, not giving moral assessments - except that allowing himself an ironic remark or giving the will Lurism in a poetic love scene. "This is a very strong study of the criminal passion of a woman and the funny cynical heartlessness of her lover. Cold merciless light beside everything that happened and about everything is told with a strong "naturalistic" objectivity " 4 Mirsky D. S. Leskov // Mirsky D. S. History of Russian literature from ancient times until 1925 / per. from English R. grain. London: Overseas Publications Interchange Ltd, 1992..

What influenced it?

First of all, the Macbeth actually: Leskov knew Shakespeare's play - a four-hundredth "Complete collection of dramatic works ..." Shakespeare, published in 1865-1868, Nikolai Gerbel and Nikolai Nekrasov, still kept in the Leskova library in Orel; plays, including "Macbeth", are made by a lot of lesks litter 5 Afonin L. N. Books from Leskova Library at the State Museum I. S. Turgenev // Literary Legacy. Volume 87. M.: Science, 1977.. And although "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" was written a year before the release of the first volume of this publication, MacBet in Russian translation of Andrei Kroneberg was published in 1846 - this translation was widely known.

The merchant life was well-known to the fishing line by virtue of his mixed origin: his father was a modest official who received a personal nobility according to rank, mother - from a rich landowner family, grandfather's grandfather was a priest, a grandmother for mother - from merchants. As his early biographer wrote: "He was under the influence of all these four classes from early childhood, and in the face of yard and nannies still under strong influence Fifth, peasant class: his nanny was a Moscow soldier, the nurse of his brother, whose stories he heard, - serf 6 Sementkovsky R. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov. Full Cathedral cit., 2nd ed. In 12 t. T. I. SPb.: Edition A. F. Marx, 1897. S. IX-X.. As Maxim Gorky believed, "Leskov is a writer with the most deep roots in the people, it is completely untouched by any foreign influences " 7 Gebel V. A. N. S. Leskov. In the creative laboratory. M.: Soviet writer, 1945..

In artistic terms, forcing the heroes to talk to the people and only in his peculiar language, undoubtedly studied from Gogol. The Leskov himself said about his literary sympathies: "When I was led to the first time to read the" Hunter's Notes "I. S. Turgenev, I hung out from the truth of ideas and immediately understood: what is called art. Still, other, except for another Ostrovsky, it seemed to me for the wrong and wrong. "

Interest in Lubki, to Folklore, to a joke and all kinds of mysticism, who said in "Lady Macbeth ...", writer must 8 Gebel V. A. N. S. Leskov. In the creative laboratory. M.: Soviet writer, 1945. Also less famous now Belletristam - ethnographers, philologists and Slavophiles: Nikolai Nikolai Vasilyevich Asspensky (1837-1889) - Writer, cousin of the writer Gleb Uspensky. He worked in the magazine "Contemporary", was friends with Nekrasov and Chernyshevsky, divided revolutionary-democratic views. After the conflict, with the editors of the "contemporary" and leaving the journal, he worked as a teacher, from time to time he published his stories and a story in the "domestic notes" and "Junior Europe". After the death of his wife, the Assumption vagazyzhnaya, he spoke with street concerts, drank a lot and eventually ended the life of suicide. and Gleb Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky (1843-1902) - writer. Printed in the pedagogical magazine of Tolstoy "Clear Polyana", "Contemporary", most of the career worked in "domestic notes". He was the author of the essays about the urban poor, workers, peasants, in particular essays "Moral Roarseeva Street" and the cycle of the "ruin". In the 1870s left abroad, where he became close to populists. At the end of the life of Uspensky suffered from nervous disorders, the last ten years spent in the hospital for mentally ill., Alexander Weltman. Alexander Fomich Weltman (1800-1870) - writer, linguist, archaeologist. Twelve served in Bessarabia, was a military topograph, participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1828. After the resignation, the literature was engaged in Literature - Weltman One of the first began to use in the novels Taking time. He studied the ancient Russian literature, translated the "Word about the regiment of Igor". The last years of life served as director of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin., Vladimir Daluel Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801-1872) - writer, ethnographer. He served as a military doctor, an official of special instructions from the Governor-General of the Orenburg Territory, participated in the Hivinsky campaign of 1839. Since the 1840s, he was engaged in literature and ethnography - released collections of stories, proverbs. Most of the life worked on the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language," for which the Lomonosov Prize and the title of Academician was honored., Melnikov-Pechersky Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov (pseudonym - Pechersky; 1818-1883) - writer, ethnographer. He served as a history teacher in Nizhny Novgorod. At the beginning of the 1840s, he shoved with Vladimir Dalem, he entered the service to the Ministry of the Interior. Melnikov was considered one of the main specialists in old trade, published in the magazines "Letters about the split", in which he advocated the provision of complete rights to solve. The author of books "In the forests" and "on the mountains", Romanov about the life of the Zavolzhsky Old Believers..

Unlike Katerina Izmailov, who did not read the grades, the fishing lines were constantly relied on the living and patristic literature. Finally, he wrote his first essays under the fresh impression of the service in the criminal chamber and from journalistic investigations.

Lubok "Cat Kazan, mind Astrakhan, Mind of Siberian ..." Russia, XVIII century

Lubok "strands, my sparkle." Russia, about 1850

Fine Art Images / Heritage Images / Getty Images

In No. 1 "Epoch" - the journal of the Dostoevsky brothers - for 1865. The final name of the essay received only in the publication of 1867 "Test, essays and stories M. St Bniktsky", for which the magazine version was strongly reworked. For the essays of the fishing line asked 65 rubles from Dostoevsky per sheet and "every essay on a hundred refroring implications" (author's copyrights), but did not receive the fee, although more than once reminded this to the publisher. As a result, Dostoevsky issued a ladder bill who did not prevent the diseling writer, however, knowing that Dostoevsky himself was in heavy material circumstances himself.

Fedor Dostoevsky. 1872 year. Photo Wilhelm Laufferta. The story Leskov was first published in the "Epoch", the journal of the Dostoevsky brothers

The magazine "Epoch" for February 1865

Mikhail Dostoevsky. 1860s.

How did they take it?

By the time the "Lady Macbeth ..." of the leaks was actually declared non-grants person in Russian literature because of the novel "Nowhere". Almost simultaneously with the essay of Leskov in "Russian Word" Monthly magazine published from 1859 to 1866 in St. Petersburg. Founded by Count Gregory Coushel-Bezborodko. With the coming to the "Russian word" editor of the editor of Gregory Bleswellov and Critica Dmitry Pisarev, a moderately liberal literary magazine turned into a radical socio-political publication. Popular Magazine was largely obliged to the preoccupus articles of Pisarev. The "Russian word" was closed simultaneously with the "contemporary", after the attempt of Karakozov at Alexander II. The article of Dmitry Pisareva appeared "Walk in the gardens of Russian literature" - from the camera of the Petropavlovsk fortress, the revolutionary critic was angry: "1) Now there is now in Russia - except for the" Russian Bulletin "- at least one magazine who dared to print something on his pages Extending from the pen of St Bnytsky and signed by his name? 2) Whether there will be at least one honest writer in Russia, which will be so careless and indifferent to his reputation, which will agree to work in a journal adorning themselves by the leaders and novels. St Barbnitsy? " 9 Pisarev D. I. Walk through the gardens of Russian literature // Pisarev D. I. Literary criticism in 3 volumes. T. 2. Articles 1864-1865. L.: Art. lit., 1981.

The democratic criticism of the 1860s in principle refused to evaluate the work of Leskov from an artistic point of view. Reviews of "Lady Macbeth ..." did not appear in 1865, when the magazine came out, nor in 1867, when the essay was reprinted in the collection "Tale, essays and stories M. St Bniktsky", nor in 1873, when this edition It was repeated. In the 1890s, shortly before the death of the writer, when his "full collection of works" in 12 volumes entered the publisher Alexey Suvorin And brought Leskov's late recognition of readers. None in the 1900s, when the essay was published Adolf Marx Adolf Fedorovich Marx (1838-1904) - Book pub. At the age of 21, he moved from Poland to Russia, at first he taught foreign languages, served as a writer. In 1870, he founded the mass weekly magazine "Niva", and in 1896 - its own printing house, where, among other things, issued a meeting of Russian and foreign classics. After the death of Marx, the publisher turned into a joint-stock company, most of whose shares bought the publisher Ivan Satin. in Appendix K. "Niva" The mass weekly magazine, produced from 1869 to 1918 in the St. Petersburg Publishing House Adolf Marx. The magazine was focused on family reading. Since 1894, free applications began to emerge for Niva, among which the meetings of Russian and foreign writers were published. Due to the low price for subscription and high-quality content, the publication has gained great success from readers - in 1894, the annual circulation of "Niva" reached 170 thousand copies.. The only critical response is found in the crushing article of Saltykov-Shchedrin about "M. Stebnitsky's Handes", and he sounds like this: "... In the story of" Lady McBet Mtsensky County ", the author tells about one Baba - Fione and says that she never refused to anyone A man and then adds: "Such women are very highly appreciated in the robberies, in the artantic parties and socio-democratic communes." All these additions on revolutionary noses, about Baba Fione and Official Nihilists, without any connection, are scattered there and Syam in the book of Stbanitsky and serve only evidence that the author has some kind of special kind of slow ... " 10 Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E. Story, essays and stories M. St Bnotsky // Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E. Collected Works: at 20 t. T. 9. M.: Art. lit., 1970.

"Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." Director Roman Balayan. 1989

Boris Kustodiev. Illustration to "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." 1923

"Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" with time not only was assessed in dignity, but also became one of the most famous lesking works, on a par with "Lesshey" and "Enchanted Wanderer," both in Russia and in the West. Returning to the reader "Lady Macbeth ..." began with a brochure, which in 1928, with a thirty thousandth grade, released the printing house "Red Proletary" in the "Cheap Library of Classic" series; In the preface, the history of Katerina Izmailovaya was treated as "a desperate protest of a strong female personality against a Russian merry coupes prison." In 1930, Leningrad Publishing writers Publisher based on the initiative of the Leningrad Writers in 1927. Released Konstantin Fedin's books, Marietta Shaginyan, Vsevolod Ivanova, Mikhail Koltsova, Boris Eikenbauma. In 1934, the publisher united with the Moscow partnership of writers, the "Soviet writer" publisher appeared on this basis. Releases "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" with the illustrations of Boris Kustodiyev (already by the time the deceased). After that, "Lady Macbeth ..." reprinted in the USSR continuously.

However, we note that Kustodiev created his illustrations back in 1922-1923; Catherine Izmailovaya in the 1920s and other fans. So, in 1927 a poet-constructivist Nikolai Ushakov Nikolai Petrovich Ushakov (1899-1973) - Poet, writer, translator. Most of the life spent in Kiev, wrote poems, fechens, filmceneuria, articles about literature. Received a fame thanks to the poetic collection of the "Spring Republic", published in 1927. Translated into Russian works of Ukrainian poets and writers - Ivan Franco, Lesia Ukrainka, Mikhail Kotsjubinsky. Posted by the poem "Lady Macbeth", a bloody history of the foresters with an epigraph of Leskov, which can not be not quoted:

You are live, without a doubt,
but why did you lend
in a sleepy stick

As well as the final:

Then not boron in the gate,
lady -
i do not want to gut, -
then for us
equestrian militia.

In 1930, after reading the Leskovsky Essay in Leningrad and especially inspired by Kustodievsky illustrations, Dmitry Shostakovich decided to write a opera to the plot of "Lady Macbeth ...". After the premiere in 1934, the opera with stormy success was not only in the USSR (however, she was removed from the repertoire in January 1936, when the famous article was published in the "Pravda" - "Supbar instead of music"), but also in the US and Europe, ensuring Long popularity of Leskovskaya heroine in the West. The first translating of the essay - German - came out in 1921 in Munich; By the 1970s "Lady Macbeth ..." was already translated into all major world languages.

The first, unavailable essay by the essay was a mute film director Alexander Arkatov "Katerina-Shuggck" (1916). It was followed among other "Siberian Lady Macbeth" (1962) Andrzej Waida, "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" (1989) Balayan's novel with Natalia Andreichenko and Alexander Abdulov, "Moscow Region" Valery Todorovsky (1994), who moved the action in Modernity, and the British film "Lady Macbeth" (2016), where director William Olroyd transplant the Leskovsky plot to the Victorian soil.

The literary influence of "Lady Macbeth ..." is difficult to separate from the Leskovsky line in Russian prose as a whole, but, for example, an unexpected researcher, a researcher discovered in Nabokovskaya "Lolita", where, according to his thoughts, the love scene speaks in the garden under the blooming apple tree: "Grid shadows and bunnies, lubricating reality, there is clearly from "Lady Macbeth ... " 11 ⁠ , and this is much more significant than a similar analogy of the sonnet - nymph. "

Lady Macbeth. Director William Oldrogyd. 2016 year

"Katerina Izmaylova". Director Mikhail Shapiro. 1966

"Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." Director Roman Balayan. 1989

"Moscow Nights". Director Valery Todorovsky. 1994 year

Is there an essay "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" on real events?

Rather, on observations over the real life, which the leaks was obliged to be its unusual for the writer of Pystroy Career. Osapoteev at 18 years old, the fishing raks were forced to earn their lives and has since served in the Oryol criminal chamber, in the recruitment department of the Kiev Cassenaya Chamber, in the office of the Kiev General Governor, in private shipping, in the management of estates, in the ministries of popular education and state property. Working in the commercial firm of his relative, the divorce Englishman Alexander Shkotta, Leskov traveled in cases of almost the entire European part of Russia. "This case," the writer said, "I owe literary creativity. Here I received the whole margin of knowledge of the people and the country. " Statistical, economic, everyday observations accumulated in those years was enough for decades of literary understanding. The beginning of his literary activity himself, the writer himself called "essays of the disturbed industry (Penza province)", published in 1861 in "Patriotic Notes" Literary magazine, published in St. Petersburg from 1818 to 1884. Founded by writer Pavel Pignin. In 1839, the magazine passed Andrei Krayevsky, and the critical department headed Vissarion Belinsky. Lermontov, Herzen, Turgenev, Sologub were printed in "domestic notes". After the care of part of the employees in the "contemporary" Kraevsky in 1868 passed the magazine Nekrasov. After the death of the last edition headed Saltykov-Shchedrin. In the 1860s, Leskov, Garin, Mamin-Sibiryak published in it. The magazine was closed by order of the main censor and the former employee of Evgeny Feoktistov..

The direct prototype in Katerina Izmailova was not, however, the children's memory of Leskov was preserved, which could tell him the plot: "Since one neighbor, an old man who walked around for seventy years and went on a summer day to relax under the black currant bush, an impatient daughter-in-law in the ear of boiling surgown ... I remember how he was buried ... his ear fell off ... Then her on Ilyinka (on the square) "Palace Torzal". She was young and everyone was surprised what she was white ... " 12 Leskov A. N. Life of Nikolai Leskov: According to his personal, family and unseasonal records and memories: at 2 tons. T. 1. M.: Art. lit., 1984. P. 474. - The next impression can be seen in the description of the "naked white back of Katerina Lvovna" during an execution.

Another possible source of inspiration can be obtained in a much more later letter of Leskov, where we are talking about the story of the story Alexey Suvorin Alexey Sergeevich Suvorin (1834-1912) - writer, playwright, publisher. Acquired fame due to Sunday Faken, who published in the St. Petersburg Vedomosti. In 1876 he bought the newspaper "New Time", soon founded his bookstore and the printing house, which published the directories "Russian Calendar", "All Russia", a series of books "The Cheap Library". Among the famous Drum Suvorin - Tatyana Repin, "Medea", "Dmitry Samozhan and Tsarevna Ksenia". "Tragedy because of the trifles": the landowner who involuntarily committed a crime, forced to become a mistress of Lacey - his partner who blackmail her. Leskov, praise the story, adds that it could be improved: "She could tell in three rows as she was given to the lacquer ...<…> She had anything like no more than previously passion to the spirits ... She all wiped his hands (like Lady Macbeth), so that she did not smell his opposing touch.<…> In the Oryol province there was something like that. The lady came into the hands of her kucher and reached madness, wrapping everything in spirits so that she didn't smell it from her. "<…> SUVORINA LAKEY is not felt enough, - His tyranny over the victim is almost no seemed, and therefore this woman has no compassion that the author must certainly have to try call ... " 13 ⁠ . In this letter, 1885 it is difficult not to hear the szvuk of his own Leskovsky essay, and the case that happened in Orel, he had to know from his youth.

Mtsensk. Beginning of the XX century

What in Katerina Lvivna from Lady Macbeth?

"Some other times, such characters are asked in our places that, no matter how many years have passed from a meeting with them, you never remember some of them without a mental trepidation." So begins the line the story about the merchant wife Katerina Lvovna Izmailova, which "Our noblemen, From someone's easy words, began to call ... lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" This nickname, who gave the name of the essay, sounds like an oxymoron - an ironic sound still emphasizes the author, attributing the expression, and impressionable public. It should be noted here that Shakespeare names are in an ironic context in general were going on: there was, for example, the operato-water-watering of Dmitry Lensky "Hamlet Sidorovich and Ophelia Kuzminishna" (1873), Petrod Karatygin parody "Othello on the sands, or St. Petersburg Arab" (1847 ) and the story of Ivan Turgenev "Hamlet Schigrovsky County" (1849).

But despite the author's mock that constantly breaks through in the sketch, by the end of its comparison of the county checkpires with the ancient Scottish queen proves his seriousness, legitimacy and even leaves the reader in doubt - which of two is awful.

It is believed that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe plot could file a fishing case from the time of his childhood in the Orel, where the young mackeh killed Schurkra, bursts him, sleeping in the garden, in the Ear molten Surgachi. As Maya notes Kucher 14 Kuchecher M. A. On some peculiarities of the architectonics of the essay of Leskov "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" // International Scientific Collection "Leskovian. Creativity N. S. Leskova. " T. 2. Eagle: (B.I.), 2009.This exotic way of murder "resembles the scene of the killing of Hamlet's father from Shakespeare's play, and perhaps it was this detail who pushed Leskov to the thoughts to compare his heroine from the Lady Macbet Shakespeare, point out that both Shakespeare's passions could be played in the Mtsensky."

Again the same boredom Russian, boredom for a merchant house, from which fun, they say, even wade

Nikolay Leskov

Leskov took from Shakespeare not only menant name Heroine. Here and the total Fabul - the first murder inevitably attracts the other, and the blind passion (powerfulness or consideration) launches the ineverable process of mental recovery leading to death. Here is a fantastic Shakespearean entourage with ghosts, personifying unclean consciencewhich the Leskova turns around in a fatty cat: "You are very clever, Katerina Lvovna, arguing that I am not a cat, and I am a famous merchant Boris Timofic. I just now became bad that I had all my intestines inside cramped from the unpretentious treats. "

Attentive discharging of works detects in them a lot of textual convergence.

For example, a scene in which the crime of Katerina and Sergey is revealed, as if it was completely composed of Shakespeare allusions. "The walls of a quiet house, plunging so many crimes, shook out deafening blows: the windows rattled, the floors swore, the chains of hanging lamps shuddered and wandered along the walls of fantastic shadows.<…> It seemed that some unearthforces were sinful to the ground, "compare with the Shakespeare description of the night when he was killed Duncan 15 Here and further Shakespeare Quotes are given on the translation of Andrei Kraveberg, for sure the most famous fishing line.:

The night is stormy; Over our bedroom
Demolished the pipe; on the air rushed
Sad scream and mortal wheezing;
A terrible voice predicted war
Fire and troubled. Filin, faithful satellite
The times of ill-fated, shouted all night.
Earth, as they say, trembling.

But Sergey from all his feet rushes to escape in superstitious horror, cracks his forehead about the door: "Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisch, Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisch! - He mumbled, flying down the head on the stairs and carried away to Katerina Lvovna with his feet.<…> Here we are with the iron sheet flew. " Katerina Lvovna with ordinary composure answers: "Fool! Get up, fool! " This terrible clownade, worthy of Charlie Chaplin, is a variation on the topic of a pyr, where Macbeth is a ghost of Bank, and Lady calls her husband to form.

At the same time, however, the leaks makes curious gender permutation in the characters of his heroes. If Macbeth, who is capable of his student, in the future, fills Scotland with blood without her participation, then Sergey throughout his criminal career is entirely by Katerina Lvivna, who "turns into a hybrid of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, the lover becomes a murder tool:" Katerina Lvovna bent, squeezed by her hands Sergeyev's hands lying on the man throat " 16 ⁠ . On the killing of the boy Fedi, Katerina Lvovna pushes pervertive pity for himself: "For what really should I lose your capital through it? So much I suffered, so much sin adopted on my soul. " The same logic is guided by Macbeth, forced to make all new killings, so that the first was not "meaningless" and the throne did not inherit them inherited Children: "So for the descendants of the bank / I docked the soul?"

Lady Macbeth notes that the Duncan would be, "" Do not be / in a dream so sharply on the father look like. " Katerina Izmaylova, sending a swarker to the forefers ("This is a kind of tyranoubium that can also be considered as parricide" 17 Zhery K. Sensivity and a crime in the "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" N. S. Leskova // Russian literature. 2004. No. 1. P. 102-110.), it does not hesitate: "She suddenly unfolded in all the breadth of his wokeered nature and such an decisive thing was that it could not be hugged." The same determined at first Lady Macbeth goes crazy and in nonsense can not erase from the hands of imaginary blood stains. Not then in Katerina Lvivna, everyday closed flooring from a samovar: "The stain washed without a trace."

It was she, as Macbeth, who could not extit "Amen", "wants to remember the prayer and moves his lips, and she whisper her lips:" As we walked, the autumn nights of the night were sitting, Lyutoying the death of people with the world. " But unlike Lady Macbeth who committed suicide due to remorse, Izmailov does not know repentance, and suicide uses as a convenient case to take a rival with him. So forests, comically reducing Shakespeare's images, at the same time makes his heroine in everything to surpass the prototype, turning into the hostess of his fate.

The county checkmach does not just get up with the tragic heroine of Shakespeare - she is more lady Macbeth than the Lady Macbeth itself.

Nikolai Sochnikov. Hope portrait Ivanovna Sobolevoy. 1830s. Yaroslavl Art Museum

Merchant wife. Photographer William Carrick. From the series "Russian types". 1850-70s

How did the female question affect the Lady McBet of Mtsensky County?

The sixties of the XIX century, when the "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" appeared, were the time of violent discussion of the female emancipation, including sexual, - as Irina Parenno writes, "the liberation of a woman" was understood as freedom as a whole, and freedom in personal relationships (emotional liberation and the destruction of the consensus of a traditional marriage) was identified with social liberation humanity " 18 Pavenno I. Semiotics of behavior: Nikolai Chernyshevsky - man of the era of realism. M.: New Literary Review, 1996. P. 55..

Leskov devoted a female question in 1861 several articles: his position was ambivalent. On the one hand, Leskov Liberally argued that the refusal to recognize the woman with an equal rights to a man with a man's right and only leads to "incessantly violating women in many public laws by anarchic " 19 Leskov N. S. Russian women and Emancipation // Russian speech. № 344, 346. 1 and 8 June.And defended women's education, the right to earn money on a piece of bread and follow his vocation. On the other hand, he denied the existence itself female question"In a bad marriage, men and women suffer equally, but the remedy for this is a Christian family ideal, and it should not be confused by emancipation with debauchery:" We are not talking about oblivion of duties, dealting and possibilities in the name of the principle of Emancipation to throw her husband and even children, and about the emancipation of education and labor benefit societies 20 Leskov N. S. Specialists in the women's part // Literary Library. 1867. September; December.. I glorifying the "good family man", a good wife and mother, he added that debauchery "under all the names, whatever for it was invented, still there are debauchery, not freedom."

In this context, "Lady Macbeth ..." sounds like a preaching of a record conservator-moralist about the tragic consequences of oblivion of the boundaries of the permitted. Katerina Lvovna, not inclined to education, not to work, nor to religion, devoid, as it turns out, even the maternal instinct, "an anarchic way violates public laws," and this begins, as usual, from debauchery. As Researcher Catherine Zhery writes: "The criminal plot of the story is sharply qualified in relation to the model of a possible solution to family conflicts, which was also proposed by Chernyshevsky. In the image of Katerina Lvovna, you can see the live response of the writer on the image of faith Pavlovna in the novel "What do?" 21 Zhery K. Sensivity and a crime in the "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" N. S. Leskova // Russian literature. 2004. No. 1. P. 102-110..

Eh, soul, soul! How many people did you know that they are just a door to a woman and the road?

Nikolay Leskov

This point of view, however, does not confirm the leaks itself in the reviews on Roman Chernyshevsky. Walking on nihilists - loafers and phrases, "frets of the Russian civilization" and "Dyryanzo with dusty » 22 Leskov N. S. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky in his novel "What to do?" // Leskov N. S. Collected Works in 11 volumes. T. 10. M.: GIHL, 1957. P. 487-489.Leskov sees them an alternative in the heroes of Chernyshevsky, which "work to sweat, but not from one desire of personal profits" and at the same time "converge on one's own imposition, without any nasty cash flows: they love some time each other, but then, as This happens, in one of these two hearts the new attachment lights up, and the vow is changed. In all unfortunately, respect for mutual natural rights, a quiet right move is expensive. " This is quite far from the poses of the guardian reactionary, which seemed in the liberal ideas one sermon of a fellow sin.

Russian classics of the XIX century did not recommend women freely show their sexuality. Plot's urges inevitably end with a disaster: because of the passion shot by Larisa Ogudalov and Katerina Kabanova at Ostrovsky drowned, Dostoevsky was cut by Nastasya Filippovna, the goncharov in the novel on the same topic makes it a symbol of a very remote passion, about Anna Karenina nothing to say. It seems that "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" is written in the same tradition. And even brings moral thought to the limit: the passion of Katerina Izmailovova is an exceptionally carnal nature, the Besnowiest in its pure form, not covered with romantic illusions, devoid of idealization (even the sadistic mock of Sergey does not put an end to her), she is the opposite of the ideal family and excludes maternity.

Sexuality is shown in the Leskovsky essay as an element, dark and chtonic force. In the love stage under the blooming apple tree, Katerina Lvovna seems to dissolve in the moonlight: "All of her gilded these whimsally, light specks and so on it and they flicker, as if there are live fire butterflies, or as if the whole grass under the trees took the lunar grid and walks from side to side "; And surrounding her mermaid laughter heard. This image responds in the final, where the heroine on the belt rises from the water to rush to the rival "as a strong pike" - or like a mermaid. In this erotic scene, superstitious fear is connected with love - according to Zhery's observation, the entire artistic system of the essay "violates a strict tradition of self-centers in the image of the sensual side of love for a long time in the Russian literature." Criminal history becomes for the text "Sexuality study in pure " 23 McLean. N. S. LESKOV, THE MAN AND HIS ART. Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, 1977. P. 147. CIET. By K. Zhery.. Whatever opinions about free love, neither lascrew in different periods Life, the talent of the artist was stronger than the principles of the publicist.

Boris Kustodiev. Illustration to "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." 1923

"Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." Director Roman Balayan. 1989

Does Leskov justify your heroine?

Lev Anninsky notes "terrible unpredictability" in the souls of Leskovsky heroes: "What a" thunderstorm "is there - there is no ray of light, then the blood fountain beats from the bottom of the soul; here "Anna Karenina" foreshadowed - the ignition of the demonic passion; Here Dostoevsky should be the problem - no wonder Dostoevsky and printed "Lady Macbeth ..." in his magazine. In no "typology of characters" do not put the Leskovskaya four-fold killer for love. " Katerina Lvovna and her Sergey did not simply fit into the literary typology of the characteristics of the 1860s, and directly contradicted. Two hardworking, pious merchants, and then the innocent child squeeze the sake of their benefit of the traditionally positive hero - immigrants from the people: a Russian woman, ready to sacrifice her love, "recognized conscience our last, our justification", and clerk Sergey, resembling Nekrasovsky "Gardery". An Allyuska of Anninsky seems reasonable: in the Nekrasovsky ballad, the noble daughter, like Kupchikh Izmailov, comes to admire the crispy worker; The jogging struggle is tied - "darkened in his eyes, the soul threw into a shiver, / I gave - did not give the golden finish ...", developing into love joy. Also, the novel began and in Katerina with Sergey: "No, and you let me take, on Borki, - treated, scattering Kudri, Serega. "Well, try," Katerina Lvovna replied, smoking, Katerina Lvovna and raised his lokhots upstairs. "

Like the Nekrasovsky Gardener, Sergey catch when he sneaks at dawn from the master's sociest, and then refer to the catguard. Even the description of Katerina Lvivna - "Rose she was low, but slender, neck exactly out of marble, shoulders round, chest strong, spout straight, thin, eyes black, alive, white high forehead and black, alive black hair" - as if soda Negasov predicted: "Chernobrova, statically, like Sugar Bela! .. / It became terribly, I didn't bet my songs."

Another parallel to the Leskovsky plot is the ballad of Vsevolod of the Cross "Vanka-Kleisnik", which has become a folk song. "There was a lot in these nights in the bedroom of Zinovia Borisyach and Vints from the mother-in-law Popito, and sweet Slavs are sent, and in sugar hosterans settled, and black curls on soft headboard Wigled "- as if Periprase ballads:

There was a lot of peaks there
Yes digeono you,
And in red
And confused!
On the bed, in the will of the prince,
There is traveled from us
And whether whether breasts are sweded,
It was grabbed more than once!

The Cross, young princess and Vanya-the keysticker are dying as Romeo and Juliet, and Nekrasov, the noble daughter speaks by the involuntary culprit of the hero's misfortune. The heroine of Leskov itself embodied evil - and at the same time the victim, and his beloved from the victim of the estate differences turns into a tempter, partner, and then the executioner. Leskov as if he says: Here, see what a live life looks like in comparison with ideological and literary schemes, there are no clean victims and villains, unequivocal roles, the soul is human dotmet. A naturalistic description of the crime in all its cynical business consistencies is combined with sympathy for heroin.

The moral death of Katerina Lvovna takes place gradually: she kills Schurok, joining his beloved Sergey, beaten by him and locked; The husband is in order of self-defense, in response to a humiliating threatr creaking his teeth: "And-them! I can't stand it. " But this is a trick: In fact, Zinoviy Borisovich "sprinkled his master dick" poisoned by her tea, his fate was solved, no matter how he behaved. Finally, Katerina Lvovna kills the boy because of the greed of Sergey; It is characteristic that this is the latter - at all, not an apology - the murder lowered in his opera Shostakovich, who decided to make Katerina with a rebar and the victim.

Ilya Glazunov. Katerina Lvovna Izmailov. Illustration to "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." 1973 year

Ilya Glazunov. Clerk. Illustration to "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." 1973 year

How and why in "Lady Macbeth" lay down different styles narration?

"The writing of a writer is in the ability to master the voice, and the language of your hero and not to be knocked down with the alt on the bass. ... My priests speak spiritual, nihilists - in nihilistically, men - in men, popping out of them and scrocers - with frills, etc., - said fishing racks, for memories contemporary 24 Cyt. By: Eikenbaum B. "Excessive" writer (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of N. Leskov) // Eikenbaum B. About prose. L.: Art. lit., 1969. P. 327-345.. "From myself I speak the language of old fairy tales and church-folk in pure literary speech." In the "Lady Macbeth ..." Speech of the storyteller - literary, neutral - serves as a frame for the characteristic speech of characters. The author's own face shows only in the last part of the essay, telling about the fate of Katerina Lvovna and Sergey after arrest: these realities of the leaks never watched himself, but his publisher is Dostoevsky, the author of the "Notes from the Dead House", confirmed that the description is believable. "The writer is accompanied by a psychological remarkor, an irrelevant picture of the religious stage:" ... Who is the thought of death and in this sad position is not flattered, but scares, it must be trying to drown out these spelling voices of anything even more ugly. This perfectly understands a simple person: he sometimes descends his animal simplicity on the will, it begins to dull, mock himself, over people, over feeling. Not particularly gentle already, he becomes evil. A publicist is breaking in the flesh - after all, "Lady Macbeth ..." - one of the first to the artistic leskovsky essays, the polemical lining there is close to the surface: it is not by chance only on these author's remarks in the last part in its response saltykov-generin, ignoring the plot and syllable. Here, the fishing racks are indispensable to the idealistic ideas of modern revolutionary-democratic criticism about " simple person" Leskov loved to emphasize that, in contrast to the French writers of the 60s, the simple people know no obstacle, and therefore claimed a special accuracy of his bodywork: let him heroes and fictional - but written off from nature.

As we walked with you, the autumn's night debts were sitting, the death of people had been lauttered with the death of people

Nikolay Leskov

For example, Sergey - "Delichery", from the previous service of the service saved for the novel with the hostess: "All the thief took - that he has increased that the face that beauty, and will be accustomed to sin. And what is a non-permanent, scoundrel, prepared, non-permanent! " This is a small, vulgar character, and his love speeches - a sample of Lacéic chic: "The song is sick:" Without a nice, a friend of sadness, longing, "and this melancholy, I share you, Katerina Ilvovna, his own heart, I can say that is sensitive that Here I would take it cut off my chest with a bouquet knife and threw to your legs. " Here comes to mind another killer servant, derived by Dostoevsky twenty years later, - Pavel Meddyakov with his purchases and claims: "Can a Russian man against an educated person feeling to have?" - cf. Sergey: "By poverty, everything from us, Katerina Ilvovna, you yourself ourselves know, uneducation. Does it can understand how to understand love! " At the same time, the speech of "educated" Sergey is terrible and illiterate: "What am I tapperic from here I will go."

Katerina Lvovna, as we know, simple origin, but speaks correctly and without screaming. After all, Katerina Izmailova is "character ... who do not remember without mental trepidation"; To the times of Leskova, Russian literature could not have thought of a tragic heroine, saying "Taperich". A lubricant clarifier and a tragic heroine seemed to be taken from different art systems.

Leskov imitates reality, but still on the principle of "shaken, but not mixing" - prescribes different heroes responsible for different layers of being.

"Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." Director Roman Balayan. 1989

Boris Kustodiev. Illustration to "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." 1923

Is the "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" look like on the lubok?

From the ideological wars, scorching the literary debut of Leskov and creating a dead end in artistic relationship, the writer found, fortunately, a practical way out, which made him Leskov: After directly journalistic and not particularly valuable in the literary attitude of the novels "Nowhere" and "on the knives" "He begins to create the iconostasis of its holy and righteous for Russia." What to make fun of people by hand, decides to offer inspirational images. However, as wrote Alexander Amphithera Alexander Valentinovich Amphitheatres (1862-1938) - literary and theater critic, publicist. He was an opera singer, but then left the opera career and took up journalism. In 1899, together with the journalist Vlas, Doroshevich opened the newspaper "Russia". Three years later, the newspaper was closed for satire at the royal family, and the Amphitheatians itself was in the link. Upon return from the link emigrated. Returned to Russia shortly before the revolution, but in 1921 again went abroad, where he collaborated with the emigrant publications. The author of tens of novels, stories, plays and collections of stories."In order to deal with the artist of positive ideals, Leskov was a man, too nano-convertible": Cut from the previous Social democratic sympathies, having fallen into them and the victims defeat, the leaks rushed to look in the people not numb, and genuine righteous 25 Gorky M. N. S. Leskov // Gorky M. Collected Works: at 30 t. T. 24. M.: Gihl, 1953.. With this task, however, a contradiction of his own reporting school, knowledge of the subject and just a sense of humor, came into conflict, from which the reader endlessly won: Leskovsky "righteous" (- the brightest example) is always at least ambivalent and the more interesting. "In his dodactic stories, the same feature is always noticeable that in moral children's books or in novels from the first centuries of Christianity: bad boys, contrary to the author, they are written much more and more interesting, and pagans attract attention to more christian" 26 Amphitheatres A. V. Collected Works Al. Amphitheatrova. T. 22. The rulers of the Dum. St. Petersburg: Enlightenment, 1914-1916..

Beautiful illustration for this thought - "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." Katerina Izmailova was written as a direct antipode of the heroine of another Leskovsky essay - "Life of one woman", published in two years earlier.

Fabul there is very similar: the peasant girl Nastya is issued forcibly into a despotic merchant family; She finds the only dosushin in love for neighbor-singer Stepan, the story ends tragically - lovers go through the stage, Nastya goes crazy and dies. The collision, in essence, one: illegal passion sweeps a person like Typhoon, leaving the corpses behind him. Only Nastya is righteous and the victim, and Katerina is a sinner and a murderer. The difference is solved primarily stylistically: "Nastya and Stepan's love dialogues were built as a folk song broken on the replica. Katerina Lvovna's love dialogues and Sergey are perceived as ironically stylized inscriptions to the luffing pictures. All the movement of this love situation is like a condensed to horror template - a young macchikha deceives the old husband with a cradle. Not template only results » 27 ⁠ .

Boris Timofeich died, and he died, people's muggles, like many, people, die, die

Nikolay Leskov

In the "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County", the living motive turns over - Maya Kucher, among others, writes that it is for this semantic reservoir that the episode of the murder of Fedi Lamina is selected. The sick boy reads in the candyma (which Katerina Lvovna, as we remember, and did not take in the hands) the lives of His Holy, the martyr of the farodore Prettylate, and admires how he cared to God. It happens during the vigil, for the holiday of introduction to the temple God's Mother; According to the Gospel, Virgin Mary, who already worn in the womb of Christ, meets with Elizabeth, also carrying the future of John the Baptist: "When Elizaveta heard the greeting of Mary, recruited her baby in her womb; And Elizaveta was fulfilled by the Holy Spirit "(Luch. 1:41). Katerina Izmaylova also feels like "her own child first turned under his heart, and in his chest I pulled cold" - but it does not soften her hearts, but rather strengthens its determination to make a period of Fedy Martyr to make her own heir to receive capital for the sake Sergey's pleasure.

"The drawing of her image is a household template, but a template, stated to that thick paint, that it turns into a kind of tragic splint" 28 Gromov P., Eikenbaum B. N. S. Leskov (sketch of creativity) // N. S. Leskov. Collected Works: at 11 t. M.: Gichl, 1956.. And the tragic lubok is, in essence, icon. In Russian culture, the sublime agiographic genre and massive, entertainment genre of the Lubka is closer to each other than it may seem, it is enough to recall the traditional living icons, in which the Saint Lick is framed by actually comic that depict the brightest episodes of his biography. The history of Katerina Lvovna is an antique, the history of strong and passionate nature, over which the demonic temptation took the top. Holy becomes sainting through the victory over passions; In some sense, limiting sin and holiness are two manifestations of the same great strength, which later in all colors will unfold from Dostoevsky: "I am Karamazov." Katerina Izmailov at Leskova is not just a criminal, no matter how much and everyday life either submitted it to the story of the stroke of the fishing line, she is a martyr who accepted Antichrist for Christ: "It was ready for Sergey to fire, in the water, in the dungeon and the cross." Recall how she describes her fishing racks - she was not beautiful, but was bright and fraud: "The spout straight, thin, black eyes, live, white high forehead and black, as much as shine black hair." The portrait, convenient for the image in a bright and primitive-graphical lobular story like a "story funny about moskoy wife and about Clauds." But you can also describe the icon-painted face.

calculation " 29 Gorelov A. Walking for the truth // Leskov N. S. Tale and stories. L.: Art. lit., 1972. ⁠ .

In fact, Katerina Izmailov is deprived of both the estate prejudices, and one passion gives the form of her fatal actions. Sergey, the estate and mercenary motives are, he is important to her one - however, it was necessary to count the socialist criticism in the sketch of the conflict of the bold and strong folk nature with the stale merchant medium.

As Valentine Gabel literary criticized, "about Katerina Izmailov, it would be possible to say that she was not a ray of the Sun, falling into the darkness, and zipper generated by the darkness himself and only brighter emphasizing the impenetrable darkness of merchant life."

She wanted a passion to bring her not in the form of raw food, but under his spike, spicy seasoning, with suffering and victims

Nikolay Leskov

The unbiased reading of the essay, however, does not show in the merchant everyday, described by Leskov, impenetrable theme. Husband and coarser, although they stop Katerina Lvovna infertility (obviously, unfair: Zinovia Borisovich did not have children and in the first marriage, and from Sergey Katerina Lvovna immediately pregnant), but more, as follows from the text, do not oppress. This is not at all the merchant-Samodor wild and not the widow of the Kabanih from the "thunderstorms", which "beggars will dwell, but at all at all." Both Leskovskaya merchants are hardworking, pious people, at dawn, drunk tea, go on business until late night. They, of course, also limit the freedom of the young checkpone, but do not eat.

Both Katerina are nostalgic about free living in girls, but their memories look in the opposite way. Here is Katerina Kabanova: "I will stand, it happened, early; If in the summer, so I'm going to the keys, I wonder, I will bring the water with my own and everything, all the flowers in the house of Polle.<…> And come from the church, sit down for some work, more on the velvet gold, and the wanders will tell: where they were that they saw, the lives were different, or poems sing.<…> And then, there was a girl, at night I will stand - we also have burned the lamp everywhere - yes somewhere in the corner and pray until the morning. " But Izmailova: "To run with the shoulders on the river, I would buy in a shirt under the pier or sprinkle through the gate of a passerger than Sunflower Luzgot; And then everything is different. " Katerina Lvovna and to a meeting with Sergey understands the freedom as a free manifestation of sexuality - the young clarifier simply releases the genie from the bottle - "Like demons from the chain fell." Unlike Katerina Kabanova, she has nothing to take himself: it's not a hunter to read the hunter, it doesn't come to the head, he does not go to church.

In the article 1867, the Russian Drama Theater in St. Petersburg wrote: "There is no doubt that self-adequation, lowness, hard-heartedness and consumerism, like all sorts of other defects of humanity, the old people are just like old mankind itself"; Only the forms of their manifestation, on the thought of Leskov, differ depending on time and class: if the decent societies are grimized, then the people of "simple, soil, unbearable" the slave submissions are manifested by bad passions "in the forms of so rough and simple, which for recognition There are almost no need for any particular observation. All the flavors of these people walk Nagishm, as our forefathers went. " No Wednesday made Katerina Lvovna vicious, but the environment made it a convenient, visual object to study the vice.

Stanislav Zhukovsky. Interior with samovar. 1914. Private collection

Why did Stalin wave the opera Shostakovich?

In 1930, inspired by the first after a long break by the Leningrad publication "Lady Macbeth ..." with the illustrations of the late Custodiev, the young Dmitry Shostakovich took the Leskovsky plot for the second opera. The 24-year-old composer was already the author of three symphony, two ballets, the Opera "Nose" (by Gogol), music for films and performances; He acquired the glory of the innovator and the hopes of Russian music. His "Lady Macbeth ..." was waited by: Eddy Shostakovich ended the score, the Leningrad Small Opera House and the Moscow Music Theater named after V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko began to be established. Both premieres in January 1934 caused thunder of ovations and received an enthusiastic press; The opera was also delivered in the Bolshoi Theater and with the Triumph was repeatedly represented in Europe and in America.

The genre of his opera Shostakovich identified as the "tragedy-satir", and for the tragedy and only the tragedy is answered by Katerina Izmailov, and for the satir - all others. In other words, the composer completely justified Katerina Lvovna, for which, in particular, he threw the killing of the child from the libretto. After one of one of the first productions, someone from the audience noticed that the opera should be called not "Lady Macbeth ...", but "Juliet ..." or "Dzentameron of the Mtsensky County," - the composer agreed with this, who, on the Council Nemirovich-Danchenko, gave Opere The new name is Katerina Izmailov. A demonic woman with blood in his arms has become a sacrifice of passion.

As Solomon Wolves writes, Boris Kustodiev "In addition to the" legitimate "illustrations ... I painted and numerous erotic variations on the topic" Lady Macbeth ", not intended for printing. After his death, fearing searches, the family hurried to destroy these drawings. " Volkov suggests that Shostakovich saw those sketches, and it influenced an obvious erotic character of his operas 30 Volkov S. Stalin and Shostakovich: The case "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" // Banner. 2004. No. 8..

The rusty of passion the composer was not horrified, but glorified him. Sergey Eisenstein spoke to his students in 1933 about the opera Shostakovich: "In the music" Biological ", the love line was carried out with limiting brightness." Sergey Prokofiev in private conversations characterized her even sharp: "This pork music - the waves of lust and go, and go!" The incarnation of evil in Katerina Izmailovaya was no longer heroine, but "something ambitious and at the same time disgustingly real, relief, domestic, perceptible almost physiologically: crowd" 31 Anninsky L. A. World celebrity from the Mtsensky County // Anninsky L. A. Leskovsky Necklace. M.: Book, 1986..

Yes it will allow you to report, madam, because the child also happens from anything too

Nikolay Leskov

Soviet criticism until time praised Opera, finding an ideological conformity in it: "Leskov in his story plinks old moral and argues as humanist; The eyes and ears of the Soviet composer are needed to do what Leskov could not make, - for the external crimes of the heroine to see and show the true killer - autocratic system. " Shostakovich himself said that he changed places of executioners and victims: after all, Leskova, neither husband, nor a bunch, nor good people nor the autocracy with Katerina Lviv anything terrible, and almost absent in all - in a blessing silence and emptiness of a merchant house depicts alone with his demons.

In 1936, the Editorial Article "Supbar instead of the music" appeared in the truth, in which an anonymous author (many contemporaries believed that it was Stalin himself) defeated the opera Shostakovich, - from this article began in the USSR campaign against formalism and grazing of the composer.

"It is known that Stalin's sexy scenes in the literature, theater and cinema were taken out of themselves," writes wolves. And indeed, uncomplicated eroticism is one of the main points of charges in Sumbur: "Music chasing, sauins, puffs, suffocating, so that it is possible to portray love scenes as possible. And "love" is smeared in the whole opera in the very vulgar form, "no better than the fact that for the purpose of the image of the Passion, the composer borrow" nervous, convulsive, swimming music "at the bourgeois western jazz.

There is a reproach and ideological: "Odnotonno, in the beser, everyone is presented - both the merchants and the people are presented. Predator Kupchikha, who reached the murder towards wealth and power, is presented in the form of some "victim" of the bourgeois society. " Here, the modern reader is to get confused, because it just just praised on the ideological line. However, Peter Pospelov suggests 32 Pospelov P. "I would like to hope that ..." To the 60th anniversary of the article "Supbar instead of music" // Shostakovich, regardless of the nature of his work, was chosen for an indicative spanking simply due to its visibility and reputation of the innoratory.

"Supbar instead of the music" became an unprecedented phenomenon in his own way: "Not so much new was the genre of the article - a hybrid of artistic criticism and party-government ruling, - how much the overallistic, objective status of the editorial publication of the main newspaper of the country.<…> The new thing was that the object of criticism was not ideological harm ... It was the artistic qualities of the work, his aesthetics that was discussed. The main newspaper of the country expressed the official state point of view on art, and the solely acceptable art was appointed socialist realism, in which there was no place for "coarse naturalism" and the formalistic astate of the opera Shostakovich. Artifications were made by the aesthetic requirements of simplicity, naturalness, the general accessibility, the propagandomility - where is so shustakovich: it would not come under these criteria, for the beginning, "Lady Macbeth ..." of Leskova himself.

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