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How we change wives. Instructions for the wrong wife - what to do after treason? How to flow the consequences of infidelity for a man

It is the opinion that if I changed my spouse, the woman learns about this last, and if he changed the spouse, the man never recognizes. And all because the strong floor is less observant and does not notice the nuances that see the weak very well. According to statistics, only about 2% of incorrect ladies are recognized as their faithful in treason. So that the chance of being aware of the "left hikes" of the spouses, there are practically no husbands. The output is only one - to increase attentiveness and intently observe the behavior of the partner.

And to find out if the wife changes, very simple - according to change in her behavior. Correcting on the side, the spouse dramatically loses interest in his own family, starting with homely trouble and ending with a bed with faithful. The thoughts of the lady are busy with new love. Cooking, washing and ironing only distract from pleasant thinking. Therefore, having taken for some reason on the house, she often annoyed or avoiding work at all. Often households fall into the circle of its antipathy. Instead of communication with them, she prefers to retire with the phone.

Although there are also such people who are subconsciously trying to block the guilt and hide their adulter. They are typical of an unnaturally friendly and friendly state. This feature is the second common extreme in the behavior of those who have known the taste of infidelity.

So, if you notice the obvious changes in how my spouse behaves, then you should check and find out where the legs grow from. " But remember that sometimes a woman behaves like this, because it just decided to add some paints and romance to your joint life.

The first sign of infidelity, even if indirect - too frequent alerts on the phone (SMS). If you notice, now people communicate a little using SMS. According to them, only information is transmitted that it is difficult to remember (address, e-mail, etc.) or they are written when the opponent cannot speak due to circumstances (meeting, interview). The third option - information is transmitted via SMS that cannot be pronounced out loud with outsiders (for example, communication with the lover). In all other cases, people simply call each other.

Additional proof of its treason will be the lack of incoming and outgoing SMS. That is, the messages simply erase after each operation. If the elect refers to the completed memory and, the so-called, "cleaning" of the phone, watch, does such "cleaning" happen every hour?

The same applies to short calls - they are erased immediately after the conversation is completed.

And then, if you do not understand how to recognize the change of my wife, watch the location of her phone. Probably, previously, the elect left the phone where he fell, and now he is her permanent satellite (even takes the shower). When you ask: "Why?" - You will be answered that they are waiting for an important call to work. And when the call enters in your presence, then the answers to the handset will be either strange, or short: "yep", "yes", "no".

Even more strange the spouse's delay after work. Especially if for many years in a row, her parishes home were stable at one time. And here suddenly every day there is some cork, quarterly reports, delaying transport. If the regular smell of alcohol is mixed and the disheveled view is already an obvious answer to the question: how to find out whether the spouse changes. Consider you already know.

But that's not all. Do you know how wives behave immediately after a date with another? They have two behaviors in stock:

  • Angelic look, guilty of justification and a detailed description of the events that prevented return home on time (even though her husband did not even ask).
  • Silence and closedness. The reaction to clarification, where and why is very emotional and negative.

The same can be said about the care without explanation in an unknown direction. Excessive secrecy from a woman - a serious reason to think. Usually, the weak floor willingly talk about its closest plans for an hour. Especially, heading to the beauty salon or to the store for a new dress. So, when you began to notice that the partner "disgusts" by the general phrases: "I'll just go around," I'll go shopping ", etc., do not relax - ask details. Suspicions disappear only if you have a birthday or another holiday, and the spouse decided to make you a surprise.

Feelings, appearance, mood - what will be issued incorrect

How to determine treason? A good way to find out the truth is to observe how the partner behaves when it comes to the manifestation of feelings towards you. For example, she did not say any affectionate words for a long time, did not look at you in love with a lover, her touch lost sensuality and tenderness. Try to take the initiative and ask her if she loves you. A lady that changes can turn away from the answer, translate the topic or dry to grieve: "Yes." Perhaps in your case everything will be a little different, but you will definitely feel that the companion became alienated.

Or the second option - after the next "delay at work" of the spouse is very gentle and good. Especially suspicious if she ceases to reach and does not show discontent even if you were guilty.

But there is also a third option - frequent mood differences. Yes, the weak half of humanity has never been distinguished by a stable emotional state during the day, but we are now talking about those cases when the differences become too obvious and arise with any of them.

You may also find that the close and once native person turned out to be a stranger, not as you knew him before. Writhing a lover, the lady becomes a mysterious, mysterious, the look - the wandering and missing, and the expression of the face is a dreamy. If this continues not for the first week - it is worth talking.

Now about image. Probably, you know that when it comes to appearance, the lady moves love or the lack of such. In the first case, she changes her hair, sits on a diet, goes to the gym and regularly updates the wardrobe. In the second - nothing does it. This feature does not always indicate an adulter (maybe this is done for a beloved husband), but if it goes in a complex with frequent SMS and blurred excuses after the delay, then you know.

A little funny, but very apparent in fact a sign of married treason is a good pedicure and smoothly shaved legs (especially in winter). No, of course, there is a category of fashionistas who do not allow themselves to appear in front of her husband in an inappropriate form even after 10 years of marriage, but there are very few of them. Usually, children and homemade troubles take all strength and time. But the oddity is that earlier the spouse complained about the lack of time, and now everything was suddenly enough - even shave the legs every day!

And one more thing: a lady, having a novel "On the side", can change interests dramatically. If before football was something unclear for her, now she suddenly became a specialist in this field. Or, for example, it was suddenly interested in the topic of breeding crocodiles at home. Maybe because the breeding of crocodiles is the hobby of her lover?

10 more signs of cheating wife

Unpredictable changes in appearance and mood are not the only indicators that you are incorrect. There are at least ten sources from which you can learn information about an adulter. So:

  1. It criticizes and compares with other husbands, it rows to put in an example of other strong sex representatives. Although earlier this "pillow" was completely absent.
  2. Unwillingness to be near her husband, plan joint weekends. Interest in working matters of faithful evaporated, and the partner itself reluctantly talks about himself.
  3. It stopped not only to argue, but also ask for something, it became indifferent. The indifference concerns even such things as defending their point of view and flowing in the kitchen.
  4. The lady, when he changes, often goes to visit relatives and girlfriends. Naturally, allegedly visiting and, naturally, only to those who trust and know that it will be covered. Your offer to meet her evening from the guests regularly rejects.
  5. Misses calls. Often the phone is buggy, discharged or stays at all.
  6. How to catch a wife in a treason will tell her ... a close girlfriend. Indirectly. For example, recently the girlfriend is constantly required: it is to feed the cat, then help break the wallpaper, I just did not see for a long time. And the spouse, of course, does not refuse. Here it is easy to declassify infidelity - go next time for your companion next. Perhaps then evidence more and no need.
  7. All sorts of courses, trainings and business trips have become the norm of life. And take the phone, usually, there is no possibility.
  8. Avoid glance. If suddenly meets his eyes, does not know how to behave, because immediately turns away or comes out.
  9. Any body contact - torture. When the satellite expresses discontent about the coldness of the blessed, she offers him a mistress.
  10. Complaints of communication deficit, accusations of indifference. But when trying to establish relationships, you are stumbled on the impenetrable wall. Or you brutally ridicule.

Sex and Physiology

What are the signs of treason wife? One of the main indicators of Ajulter is sex. Here, changes occur in any case. It is possible to understand that you are incorrect, based on the following observations.

The partner is trying to avoid sexual contact with any ways. You find that the companion hurries early go to bed to fall asleep faster, without waiting for you. Or vice versa - finds very important things around the house and finishes them already when you sleep. Such entrances may continue for a very long time. But when you finally manage to get intimacy in bed, you can expect surprises.

  1. A man faces coldness and indifference. Neither passion, no caress, nor hugs with kisses. It seems that the faithful just tolerates and is waiting for the act end. A pleasure and speech can not be.
  2. Suddenly, she wanted a variety. The partner behaves relaxed or demanding, she has new intimate acceptors. The psychology of such behavior is to try to raise their self-esteem, make sure that she is still welcome.

And how to find that the lady changes, watching her physiology? Very simple. After all, the body sometimes will tell more than the look. So:

  1. Another smell. This includes not only the smell of male toilet water, but also the smell of the body after the shower. By the way, some representatives of strong sex are determined by the smell, whether his beloved sex was with another.
  2. Irritation on the face. Make sure the skin beloved in the wrongness. Usually, after passionate dates on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheeks and the chin, redness remains from male bristles. Consider.
  3. Bruises that do not remember where they came from. The bruises remain anywhere, but the main thing is that the beloved is not able to clearly explain their origin.

The tip can be not only the body and the strange behavior of the wife after treason, but also it ... underwear. And the point is not at all in any traces from lovers left on underwear, but how often she buys it lately. If the purchase occurs at least once a week, and the underwear is distinguished by its piquancy, then most likely the partner wants to surprise the lover, but not you.

And finally, I want to say the following :, if you even listed the main signs that the wife changes her husband and signs minor in your family "there are no hurry, do not hurry to panic, fall into a stupor or pounce with the accusations of your favorite.

First of all, you need to look deep into yourself. If it happened, it means that the companions had a reason? Probably the problem is both of both. No wonder there is an opinion that the husband pushes his husband into his arms of his lover. Because at one time she was rejected, and her requests remained unresolved. And if an excellent person lacks attention in the family, she will definitely get his "on the side."

Also, many couples face an adulter in a difficult period of their marital life (for example, a crisis). Think, is not your case?

Finally, if the observations confirmed your guesses, do not torment, do not get closed, it is better to share with your second half doubts and try to bring it to a frank conversation. Your marriage can still be saved.

There are some statistical data according to which it has been established that each third family does not differ in loyalty to its second halves, and the women have lately try not to yield to their husbands in infidelity. The difference between such actions is only that in 50% of cases, the girls stop relations with their spouses, but men leave the family to their only 5% of cases.

If we consider more specific statistical figures, in Russia, 21% of women have at least one connection outside of marriage. In men, this indicator is 76%. Another sociological survey showed that 41% of fair sex representatives change their second halves, but among men, the number of incorrect husbands reaches almost 61%.

Causes of female infidelity

Women change their second halves for various reasons. As a result of the need to obtain new emotions, sensations and feelings, about 20% of girls are solved on treason. Guys go to betrayal for this reason in 35% of cases.

In rare cases, people make married treason, relying on the opinion and experience of their friends and acquaintances. However, indicators of such cases are negligible. In women, these figures make up 1.5%, and in men - 0.6%.

The lifestyle of parents also plays an important role in the behavior of two spouses. If Mom, and Dad did not keep faithful to each other, the likelihood of completing the betrayal by their child reaches 80%.

Another reason for female treason is to revenge your beloved for his infidelity. Women do this in 10.3% of cases, and the percentage of male betrayal for this reason is 1.1%.

In addition, the marital infidelity can push a bad attitude or the aggression of your second half. 9% of women are solved on treason for this reason, the men come in 6% of cases.

Another impetus to the married betrayal can serve as an ordinary physical dissatisfaction of one of the spouses. 12.5% \u200b\u200bof women are looking to satisfy the side, among men this amount is 8.8%.

Long-term separation with a loved one pushes on an intrigue on the side of 9.6% of girls and 11.6% guys.

10% of men and 6% of women change their second halves with the aim of self-affirmation, belief in their attractiveness and uniqueness. But random circumstances pushed 12% of her husbands and 5% wives.

However, today in relations everything is turned upside down, and as often as the opposite sex, specialists say.

Family psychologist, consultant on interpersonal relations, director of the dating agency "I and you" Elena Kuznetsova says that, according to the last sociological research, the monogamous today is more men, then, as a woman can be at the same time two or three partners. And women's treason today, alas, not uncommon.

"Scientists argue that modern, like men. They do not consider communication on the side of betrayal to their partner only because they are looking for a more successful miner, hunter and so on. Since men minor, a woman through bed, including, is looking for a more profitable party. We are not talking about feelings here. There is an exceptional business relationship here, "the psychologist states.

In pursuit of prince

If you do not take into the calculation of nymphomanok, then in most cases a woman, like a man, goes to the side in the event that something does not suit her in the family: the partner is bad in bed, gives little money, does not pay any attention to his lady etc.

A modern woman will be easy to decide on treason if a new chosen one, as it seems like a legitimate husband. Either he can be exactly the same status as the spouse, but more romantic and more gentle towards a woman. If the potential lover suggests the lady, what she does not have or what she at the moment I want, she will go after him. Even despite the fact that a new man can actually be much worse than her husband, he will tell a lady a couple of compliments, which she has not heard at home for a hundred years, and thus bribe his visa.

"Very often a woman comes up with a problem. She does not want to fight for his husband, talk to him, because she does not believe in some changes on his part. The wife is easier to concentrate on the new man, especially if he hid her honey in her ears. We hear what we want to hear. And we see what we want to see. And often the husbands are a hundred times better than lovers, but they simply do not look at them for them, "says Elena Kuznetsov.

Sex - yes

Women are solved on treason and then when they. This often happens when spouses-peers, but a husband, for example, less temperamental, or with age, he starts problems with potency, and the woman is still in the juice.

Leave not to return

Women change completely different men, it all depends on the ambitions of the lady itself. Some weak representatives may endure a whole life and the man is the most nicely for public standards only because he is her. And some - it seems that her man is not rich enough, and they find more wealthy cavalry.

Deciding on treason, a woman admits the idea that he could forever leave the current husband for the sake of another man. And this is the main difference between women's change from male. Representatives of the strong gender, going into the roar, most often, do not want to make a family.

"Women easier to experience their own treason, they leave her husband faster. I will give a more flexible psyche, they are more sold, "explains Elena Kuznetsov.

At the same time, the psychologist notes that the woman is always advocating for the stability of the relationship, and will decide to leave the spouse only if the new chosen one calls her for himself. She will go behind him to.

Candy conspirators

In terms of concealing, the women will give a hundred points ahead to men. The ladies are much more difficult to catch in treason, because they are more sly. They carefully notice the traces of "crime", taking care of all the trifles.

However, catch his wife on treason is still possible. Usually she is changing the usual routine of the day, it often does not happen at home, it becomes more well-groomed, even if before that, too, has always carefully followed himself. In addition, a woman often breaks anger on a spouse, because, as it seems to her, he prevents her happiness. The husband becomes an active exterior stimulus for the lady. Plus - she does not want to have sex with him at all.

Not to retreat

Never confess to treason. Unlock until the latter, even if you were rooted to the wall. And in general, any woman, even if she walks from the belief itself and left, it is worth saying the spouse that he is the only one and that she loves only one. Oddly enough, but they believe almost all men.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, Director of the Dating Agency "I and You", a family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

Returning Stropive

If, who learned about the change of his wife, still decided to forgive her, a new period begins in a family life. To forget about the treason, the spouse, of course, can never be able, but a smart man has enough brains not to adopt a woman returned to the family. After reuniting, both need to frankly talk and find out what exactly did not suit his wife in a relationship. Woman to keep in mind that, speaking of the reasons who pushed her on treason, she gives her husband a certain instruction on how he should flow later. A man will take this instruction specifically. That is, if the woman says that or a little given money, he will fully fulfill it in the future. And if you mean the "attention" meant flowers and trips to the theater, and the spouse just began to spend more time with you at home, then do not blame me.

If you have questions about the psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial board "AIF-Vladimir": [Email Protected]

Treason is the most disgusting, which can happen in relations between her husband and his wife. It is often customary to talk about the treasures from the husbands, since on the subconscious level, the purpose of any male fertilize as many females as possible, so it is rare to meet a monogamous husband, who keeps loyalty to his wife. However, treason from a woman is far from such a rarity, as it may seem. Just the ladies are more cunning and cunning, and therefore it is difficult to catch them on treason.

Is the spouse at all capable of treason? Why?

As mentioned above, women also have to change. Yes, it happens much less often than the opposite sex, but, nevertheless, the wife is able to change the spouse. A woman can take such a step for various reasons, just some of them:

  • Love has passed. This is the first reason why the once faithful spouse will be able to make misconduct. After all, if there is no love in the relationship, then there is nothing to betray in them. In this case, the wife may well have a permanent lover or have short-term relationship with different men on the side. Treason on the background of past feelings happen more often than you think.
  • Fell in love with another. Sometimes a woman, even having respect for his spouse, is not able to cope with her feelings in relation to the other. Communicate her can true love or a strong passion. It is also the reason why a woman goes on treason.
  • Lost interest. If a woman stopped wanting you as a man, she will definitely find someone on the side. It usually happens if the husband ceases to follow it or if a woman suddenly wanted adventures and acute in sex life.
  • Dissatisfaction in sex. A man who does not satisfy his wife in bed, sooner or later acquires "horns", so make sure that the wife remains satisfied.

These are the main reasons for the wives of lovers and attitudes on the side.

How to find out that your wife changes you?

Not caught - it means not a thief, so blaming my wife in imaginary treason is not necessary, not worth it. It is important to accurately find out whether it actually or your suspicions are contrived. Understand, it is in fact, you can only catch her hand on the "hot." But, to do it is very difficult, because women are much cunning their husbands.

If the "horns" frighten you, then you should become a very careful husband, follow changes in its character and behavior. Take care of patience and the changearer sooner or later will give himself.

Be careful, because changes in behavior, these are only indirect signs of betrayal. In order not to make a mistake, you will have to prove the fact of infidelity or wait for recognition.

How to determine the woman who has already changed: the main signs of female infidelity

If you live together for a long time, then the spouse is an open book for you and it is hardly difficult to catch it in infidelity. It is just necessary to look at her behavior at carefully and everything will fall into place. Here are some changes that may indicate female windiness and infidelity:

  • "Racing" of mood. If you are confused that the once-balanced woman suddenly began to show irritability or on the contrary, the unfortunate joy, which means that something provokes it to it. It is possible that the "jumps" of the mood is and there are signs of the presence of another man.
  • Woman - a mystery. The sign of the novel on the side may be the fact that the wife suddenly became more thoughtful, dreamy. Most likely, it is absorbed by thoughts about the lover.
  • Loss of interest. If the wife has lost interest in what is happening in the family, ceased to engage in his favorite hobby, home affairs launched on Samotek, then this is a sign that she changes.
  • Manifestation of excessive care. Sometimes, feeling his guilt, women, on the contrary, begin to show excessive care of the husband - more prepare, they say compliments, give gifts, carefully cleaned in the apartment. Excessive care, manifested by his wife, is the signal that it is to blame for something.
  • Attention to telephone and social networks. Wives who have a relationship on the side are beginning to rewrite with someone in social networks and messengers, and during conversations on the phone go to another room. At the same time, passwords appear on the phone, the computer suddenly appears, and it stops giveing \u200b\u200ba gadget to children and husbands. Excessive secrecy is a sign of the campaign "to the side."
  • Refusal of sex with her husband. If your beloved wife begins to ignore you in a sexy plan, then this is a clear call that she gets satisfaction with another. Frequent use of phrases like "I'm tired", "I have a headache" to avoid intimate intimacy, it can be considered as one of the signs of spouse's deposits, because she, like any person you need sex. And if she avoids sex with you, it means that she has someone.
  • Changes in appearance. When the young lady begins to change his appearance sharply - lose weight, change the color of the hair and hairstyle as a whole, change the style of clothing to more sexy, then all these factors can be signs of campaign "to side".
  • Frequent meetings with girlfriends. None of this wife has become "hanging" for a long time on the phone, I participated in meetings with friends, and her friends suddenly need her help and advice are signs of treason.
  • Delay At work, corporate parties, meetings with people unfamiliar to you. There are free time on treason, and therefore a wife who has a novel will begin to "be at work", go to imaginary events with employees and meet with people you don't know. It is so such "excuses" will use the coach to get more free time.
  • Criticism. When their wives have other relationships, they often begin to impose undesumed claims to their husbands, compare them with others, express discontent about and without. Always a dissatisfied spouse - this is a reason to start checking her honesty.
  • Alienation. When she constantly ignores you, avoids joint evenings and is generally trying to spend as much time as possible together - these are signs that the lady has a lover.
  • Remaining. Previously, she constantly "sawing" for scattered socks, asked and demanded something, argued and defended her point of view. But suddenly, it became indifferent and pulled away from you. Such sharp changes can be associated with infidelity, as the young people are usually not characteristic of the lamps.
  • Missed calls. Determine the premises forbidden communication on the side will help the mobile phone. If she ignores you, your calls and SMS, but at the same time you notice that the wife at home does not release a gadget from the hands, in this case think that the reason for all this lies in the fact that it is busy with something more important .
  • No tactile contact. All women love hugs, kisses, caress, and if your faithful begins to annoy any tactile contact, it means that she can have another man.
  • Quarreling. If you don't fade in your family, with a provider, this is a spouse, then it may, so she tries to push you away from itself because of the treason.
  • Confused the name. One time you can forgive such a mistake, but if she systematically calls you to another name, then this is a reason to think about possible treason. If the spouse cried out someone else's name right during sex, then it is almost 100% of betrayal from her side.
  • Smell. If the spouse smells like an extraneous male perfume, cigarettes, although neither it nor you smoke, it is a sign of relations on the side.
  • Irritation on the skin and bruises. Kisses and passionate loves of lovers can not pass without a trace, so if you notice the skin of my wife irritation or bruises on intimate places (chest, hips, genitals), which certainly could not be left by you, then this may be due to its infidelity.
  • The appearance of new linen. Wife, often changing husbands, begin to spend money on the purchase of new sexual linen, which appears in the wardrobe with enviable regularity. If at the same time it is still in no hurry to demonstrate the new clothes, it means that the lady clearly tries for someone else. Remember, a sign of viciousness always advocates the desire to look sexy, but not before his husband.

All this is only indirect signs of treason of wife. After all, all changes in its behavior, actions and character may be given a logical explanation. Therefore, in order to do not destroy the family, it is important to check exactly, your suspicions are true or erroneous.

Methods of checking wife on treason

If you decide to expose and check the beloved on treason, then it is necessary to prepare and act neatly. Here are some ways, as a husband to catch a coach:

  • Keep your ear eld. To determine the traitor will help attentive. Any reservations and inconsistencies in the stories about where and with whom she was will help to catch her on deception. As soon as you caught her, immediately express your claims to the open. Suddenness of this conversation will only go on hand. If she starts to stutter, blush, pour, verbally attack, not skillfully justified - you managed to catch her at least on the lies. And to deceive in an empty place, as you know, it does not make sense, so keep crushing and ask her. Tell me about your suspicions, facts and signs of those noticed by you. Your confidence can confuse and, most likely, will not "ilk" from this conversation and confessed in everything.
  • SHITRY. Ask a friend to call her number and tell the phrase "I love you, we will meet next week, I can not" or send the same text on SMS from an unfamiliar room. If she tells you about it, then you should not worry. But if she hits from you the very fact of this call and SMS, in this case, most likely, it changes, and you caught it.
  • Check information. Ask questions and clarify the truthfulness of her words among friends and acquaintances. So you will be more difficult to "led by the nose", and perhaps you will be able to catch it on the lies. For example, the young lady convinces her husband that he spent the evening with a friend, and you, chatting with her familiar, and asking the right questions, found out that this was not at all and she had no idea where your spouse disappeared. Cheating husband in trifles is a sign of betrayal.
  • Hire detective. This is the surest way to confirm or refute suspicions. Now there are many private detectives, which for an acceptable fee professionally and absolutely will find out, changes you a spouse or not.
  • Frank conversation with his wife. If there are very obvious signs of the treason of his wife, and you practically do not doubt that betrayal takes place, you can frankly tell her about her suspicions. There is a little chance that she admits. But if she was tired of living in a lie, then, most likely, she will reveal the truth, because sometimes a person is just waiting for this push by.

Spouse Changes: What to do?

So, all signs, the fact of treason has confirmed, and the husband learned the bitter truth. What now to do with this information, and how to live with understanding that you were betrayed? There are several options for developing events after that:

  • Divorce. Radically, but most men who collided with women's promiscuity do this. Divide your wife is not easy, but sometimes it is the only possible way out. By the way, in Singapore half of the divorces occurs just because of the female treason.
  • Forgiveness. If in a pair there is love, you can try to forgive betrayals. To do this, the husband should really love his spouse. The most difficult will return confidence after all this. Therefore, having accepted such a decision, it is important to be prepared for what will have to carry out tremendous work on oneself and relationships.
  • Revenge. Many husbands prefer to just goule from the spouse, a avenue, thus. "You changed, now I walked, count 1: 1, live further." And then continue to live on, as if nothing was. A fairly dubious way, which only aggravates the already difficult situation.
  • Visiting a specialist. If the husband intends to continue his relationship with his wife, but it is difficult for you to forgive it, we advise you to turn to a family psychologist. Joint therapy and development of this issue can help save the family.

We described the main lines of behavior, on the basis of which you can guess why the spouse went to the side. But, as you know, the smoke without fire does not happen, therefore, perhaps, the reason for this behavior of the spouse should begin to look for from themselves.

Why are treason happen in marriages? What are their causes? Something went wrong? All these questions arise not only in those who have become a victim of such behavior of the second half, but also in those who are trying to create a family. Even if the guy just began to meet with a girl, then he may have a worm of doubt that will be constantly and tirelessly: not deceiving a loved one?

Live with a cargo in the soul is hard. Claims and ask inappropriate issues are the same as insulting a person with distrust. Maybe this is only your imagination built some ideas about infidelity, and the girl did not think to look at someone else. And then her suspicions will not like her, in the end, she will be bored, and she wants to stop relations, in order to avoid humiliating questions and your jealousy in an empty place. And after all, it will be right in this situation! And you will show yourself not in the best light.

If you still can not cope with unreasonable jealousy, then it is better to turn to the experience of psychologists and find out about indirect signs, whether to give you a girlfriend of life. But even in this case, take some actions and raise disassembly better when you make sure that your relationships are under the threat of a final break. Is it worth trying to bore a family after that or let go of his wife on all four sides, decide not only to you, but also your second half. Perhaps the betrayal was just her protest against the same wrong behavior. Then enough just to reconsider your relationship, and everything will work out.

Signs of female treason

Let's notify right away: all the signs below are just a reason to beat the alarm or check the woman to loyalty. Perhaps the reason for changes in the behavior of his wife became much more prose-free reasons than the passionate novel on the side. Pressing from girlfriends, parents or colleagues, banal malaise or a detected serious illness, in the end, unexpected pregnancy for her - all this can lead to a cardinal change of lifestyle or the change of appearance. Search in these situations an outsider man - rival and a competitor - simply ridiculous. His not!

The first signs of treason

Among the first signs of treason, psychologists allocate:

1) restricting access to personal space

The wife had even recently could carelessly throw a mobile phone on the sofa and ask the soul: "Look who calls me there?". Or even ask to answer that she will soon call back or free. And suddenly she began to hide the phone, and in social networks changed the passwords on those that you do not know. This is already a reason to think about treason, but at the same time check out other signs. Perhaps you recently boiled my wife or ridiculed her girlfriend for overweight from her behalf. Here is the second half and decided to "punish" the restriction of access. After all, access to personal space does not mean the destruction of it. If really such facts took place, it is worth apologizing to his wife for inappropriate behavior with her loved ones, and then everything can stand in place. If access restriction remains, then look for other signs before we end up the final verdict on treason.

2) a sharp refusal of very sustainable habits

Wife suddenly stopped visiting a fitness room or, on the contrary, began to rush there, although it was previously indifferent to the sport? Or she suddenly had a passion for classical music, and she disappears in the conservatory after work, and on the weekend visits the Opera House? At the same time, the spouse became suspicious, began to worry much on trifles. It often does not respond to calls on a mobile phone, and it happens at all "is temporarily unavailable or outside the zone of network action." These are serious signs in order to alert. If your wife has nothing to hide, she is always happy and will answer your questions about fitness or opera. Of course, you understand that when you are doing on a simulator, approaching the phone is simply inconvenient. After exercise in the voice, the same characteristic intimacy may appear ... as after a rapid sex. Ideal masking of physical treason. But you do not need to talk about it. But ask why suddenly you were interested in classes, it is quite appropriate.

If fitness is opposed, then the reason for this can serve as a rise in price of the subscription or the closure of the gym, which was close to home or work. And these are not the moments that the wife could not explain. Most likely, she would complained about the situation earlier than the classes stopped. If the wife swam in the pool, then there is also impossible to be in touch. But in this case, ask yourself a question: why didn't you swim together?

As for the conservatory or theater, then there is usually turned off mobile phones. This is explained, as well as the fact that if the house constantly sounds rap or a heavy rock, which only you like, when the wife loves the classics, it will always look for the place where it can listen to something more comfortable for her ears. Here, a keen joke could not be played, and your disadvantage and imposing your own musical taste.

3) Permanent delays in work without warning

When the wife suddenly began to linger at work, it would have been inexplicable earlier, but in the current crisis situation it is normal. When the management reduces part of the personnel, then the remaining employees are simply given a mad work for a meager gain to wages. If the spouse describes you all this situation, you do not have a reason not to trust, because this information is objective. If the wife wants to enhance the service, because it fell such a chance, she also can give more time to their labor duties. And she will not share with you these considerations in the only case: when you made it the fact that it occupies a low position, that is, "no one", and you yourself are the value and in good account at the authorities. If there was no such thing in mom, and the woman is silent and does not recognize why he does not go from work for a long time, then this is a reason to ask if she has a service novel.

4) a sudden change of image in the direction of more sex

The image change may occur unexpectedly if your modest-wife fell under the influence of her brighter girlfriends. Instead of unprofitable hair, it acquires a blond teverhead or becomes a burning brunette. And maybe red. In the wardrobe, his wife appears new things, more elegant and expensive in appearance. Of course, it's a shame that she asked you last time, whether she should go to the makeup artist or stylist. But what can you do if she asked you several times, did you undefined shoulders? And then there could also intervene a mother-in-law, which "drank" his daughter's brain that she should always like her husband, which means to do with his appearance. And then because it will throw or find a mistress!

Well, if a young lady started to follow yourself. But this is what should alert, so it is deep cuts in clothes, too short skirts, or if fitting silhouettes are underlined. If only all this before was not, it becomes clear that the girl wants to attract someone. And if you, together with this, pay attention to the boiled behavior, changes in gestures, look, etc. - is already a reason to suspect treason. Finally dispel doubt can assess the behavior of his wife in bed.

5) cooling in intimate relationships

Every person has its own sexual temperament, and you probably know well what your wife has it. How quickly she falls asleep after "this", whether she is enough for her of one act, or she is insatiable, like a nymphomaniac, whether she often has a headache, in the sense of the cause for the refusal of seitium, - all this should be known to you. If suddenly something changed, especially in the direction of the cooling of the relationship, then it is possible to calculate that the wife somewhere receives satisfaction on the side. Or your opponent "does in bed better", so you have become uninteresting. But this is not always a reason for suspicion. Your wife can be just pregnant!

At the beginning of pregnancy, many women decrease libido, and this is a normal physiological process. Moreover, many have to face at the beginning of this period with such an unpleasant phenomenon as thrush. If your wife refuses intimate relationships in this case, then she comes correctly, because it does not want to infect you. At the same time, remember: the thrush is not a venereal disease and arises due to the decline in immunity, and not because his wife "brought" it.

It is even more likely to confirm that the spouse is really pregnant. The question arises: why doesn't she talk about it? To answer this question, remember how you were preparing for the first time to admit to her in love, how was going to make an offer. This requires moral forces from you! And from a woman is required not less spiritual work to declare you by the future father. Yes, someone's third appears in your relationship. But this third is your son or daughter, who should be paid to birth before birth. And it is also required of you.

Sooner or later, the wife will be forced to say what is going to become a mom, and then you will be convinced of her loyalty. But if there is no pregnancy, then you should ask if something is not sick of a serious spouse. When the diagnosis is frightening, then just it can fear what you throw it. If you are a not finished egoist, then you will most likely entrust your sad secret over time.

When the spouse is healthy, like a bull, besides, does not drive the child, it is already a reason to ask, for starters a joke: didn't she find a replacement for you?

Physiological signs of treason (by body)

There was still a couple of signs for which men often judge the female treason. These are menstruation that go several times a month, as well as the desire of the wife to quickly get into the bathroom. The first option is just disrespect for you. Why not just say that it's tired or soldered? Why deceive so that all the white threads of Shito. This is a reason to think. The second option may be caused, for example, the same thrush. What is it - for a long time to endure itching and not run into the bathroom when the first opportunity is provided! Also, the spouse can be shying that her deodorant was not accustomed in the heat, and she does not want to appear in front of you and sputum. So the bathroom may be for the sake of you, and not to destroy the smell of cologne of an outsider man and traces of recent sexual jeads.

Signs of treason in shorts, on underwear and other clothes

Speaking about the image, we missed one important item - underwear. It can also push you on suspicion. For example, you never showed the addiction to leather linen, and it suddenly appears at your wife. This thing is the inhabit, and it is just for the sake of the experiment can a wealthy lady. If in your family budget because of this, a serious band is formed, then before such a purchase, the spouse should ask how you generally treat linen from such an unusual material.

If the lady of the heart introduced into his intimate wardrobe Penyar, who had not previously used, then it can be attributed to imitating the heroine of a newly viewed movie. But if this detail of the linen does not wear for your bed "dram", then you need to be on the challenge. It is necessary to deteriorate carefully: why this piece of clothing was acquired: or it's just a useless girlfriend gift, or a way to please the lover. The same lace panties, a new bra, often increasing breasts, etc. If all this is not worn out of your intimate scenes, and when leaving home, it may be a sign of physical treason, and not some erotic fantasies Your life companion.

The behavior of a woman after its treason

It is enough to pay attention to what changes appeared in the daily behavior of the wife, to say: "Perhaps she changed me." And this is not necessary to look at the husband as a complete insignificance when she mentally compares him with a rich (more courteous, affectionate, which can) lover. Here it can be all exactly the opposite:

  • amazing dishes of exotic or European cuisine, which are not prepared for the holiday;
  • excessive politeness in circulation, bordering with a constant desire to apologize for ... treason;
  • surgical purity in the house;
  • it is not known where the tide of energy, right up to the desire to dance.

Of course, the guidance of an ideal order in the house and the preparation of one-ways is everything can be the result of "brain production" from the mother-in-law or, on the contrary, - the instructions of a cute mother, they say, you are no longer young, you can not hold the beauty of this dog. And the mother advise the mother to surround the unprecedented care of the expensive spouse so that he himself did not look left. A role to play and sudden passion for cooking unusual dishes can play. If the wife is a fond of the nature, then over time, this interest will be satisfied, the food will become more mediocre, and it will just be regretted, as well as about unreasonable suspicions.

Women's treason with the eyes of a psychologist

Psychologists are impartial, and therefore their verdict sometimes seems to us cruel. Sometimes, instead of becoming on the side of a deceived spouse, they suddenly begin to justify the action of those who dreamed to instruct Horn. Often, wanting to figure out what caused the treason, they extract such nuances of behavior of both spouses, which in the family preferred to silence. But even such a shock therapy is sometimes useful, because it allows everyone to see his shortcomings, and not climbing his wife only to her husband.

Causes of women's change

It is often called the main cause of the dissatisfaction of the woman, moreover, not only sexual terms. Just sex can arrange a partner, but not the same person alone! The wife also has their own "spiritual body", which has needs. Going to the theater or dinner in a restaurant, go to a romantic trip, just take a walk on your hand on the evening park - why all this often remains at the dawn of relationship, and then disappears later by replacing the routine from the pots, saucepan, cleaning. Especially if the second half, that is, you, not bother with a household, having considered the wife of those working camel, which will be all this for themselves. When relations arise with another man, they often represent such a promising romantic beginning, which you have ever had.

Moral: A woman needs to conquer something constantly, even despite the presence of a stamp in a passport, joint living space and common children. And then she will not have a reason to even look at someone. Stay with a gallant cavalier, and not lying on the sofa with a lazy man, which, besides the TV, is not much interesting. You can often hear that the family is his rear for a man. But it does not mean at all that this is what is always behind you yourself. If there is a rear, then there is a front. And this is not a career, not personal success, but the protection of the family and even its material support. The latter features a fundamentally family life and military disposition.

Sometimes women "peck" on the security of a lover, on his dear gifts, and not even because of greed, but because "the person spent." The tempter can thus put your second half into an uncomfortable position. Especially if she does not know how to reject expensive gifts and annoying courtship. Often, such a relationship even to her very much, but it is unable to stop them. Then the psychologist needs. Or you can suddenly show yourself to a superman and make something ambitious for my wife, to forever allocate it at the opponent.

Why the girl sleeps with another guy, but does not leave

It happens that the second half leads the game "On two fronts", that is, it has you, and at the same time - lover. And she prefers not to pester any of the shores finally. You may have a lover for her - this is mutually complementary by each other links of her life. You know how to provide a family, in you she sees a promising father for children, but finds sex with you boring and monotonous. And maybe it's not at all in sex. She can even sleep with another guy, but to spend most of the time with him, saying that it's just friendship. Perhaps this guy understands it better, this is a vest in which you can cry, with him it turns out a more comfortable conversation than with you. And then this is a reason to change something in yourself, and not to push his wife with infidelity.

Who is to blame

No matter how surprising, both are to blame. If a friend of life is too lustful, which can not be satisfied with only one partner, then where were your eyes when you chose her to life companions? If you then closed them to such "Disadvantages", you will only have to wait for the hormonal background of your chosen one, and it will not look at other men. At the same time, she can be with you with all the soul, but change physically.

But if the wife has changed, falling in love with another person, then this is a more serious situation, because it often ends with a rupture of relationships, divorce, caring to another family. A steady love triangle may form, and all three will be to blame. Sometimes the lady remains a bunk for a long time, while someone does not bother such a state of affairs. And then you have to unravel a string and look for the reasons that have given in these strange relationships.

How to find out if a girl or wife change

This question is often asked not confident men. In fact, jealousy is insecurity, and it arises often in a scratch, without real reasons. Any distrust of the expensive creature to you is not the best way to keep the relationship. Therefore, you need to make sure that treason really takes place.

Ways to catch on treason

The most common way is espionage for a person whom you suspect. You can spy with yourself or with private detectives. You can track or your second half or an alleged competitor.

Methods of espionage Thanks to modern technologies there are different:

  • use of overhearding devices;
  • peeping information on social networks;
  • visual observation using portable video cameras or optical devices.

But if you are a sick man on my head from his own jealousy, then entail the work of impartial detectives. After all, any information received can be interpreted by the same, and you recognize yourself victim Fiasco. For example, a gentle word drawn to the yard and recorded on your recorder, you can take for a conversation with a young man. Call in some pairs of her husband with a pussy or cat! And if it's surprisingly, a woman with a developed imagination can give their mobile phone or tablet name for which someday will call it out loud.

Test on loyalty to check your favorite

On the Internet there are various options for tests, and with the help of them you can check both yourself on loyalty and your soul mate. If you take to answer for it, you can misinterply some of its phrases or biased to fill out a test. Then the results may be distorted. It is better to just offer her to answer questions as a game. Naturally, the very same thing in this is to participate and fill all the fields from it with it. If you have nothing to hide, then she will also agree to do everything with you.

Just be attentive: the test shows not the fact of treason, but just the tendency of man to infidelity. It is possible that your wife is aware that she is "not away on the side", but for the sake of you, a loved one, honestly holds back such gusts and does not bloom.

Ways to force another person to do something, which he would not want himself, a lot. And often it can be physical or moral pressure. It is physically weaker to argue with the fact that the woman is physically weaker, stupid, but this does not mean that from his wife you need in the literal sense of the word to beat the testimony. After all, recognition under such pressure will be at all your last conversation, after which she will not have oscillations and doubts about who is better. Of course, lover, because he does not dismiss his hands. And she will run away to him without regard, at least in order to be under the wing, moreover, justifies himself at 100%, if you show yourself as a real man.

Moral to the woman is not a better option, because the relationship with you will not come to normal from this. Most likely, the spouse will give a divorce and, quite possibly, even one will remain, deciding that she is so much calmer - without any disassembly. If you want to put the point in your relationship with my wife, because they themselves looked at themselves more suitable batch, then feel free to check the disassembly: you will achieve your own and get a divorce.

His wife has a lover what to do

If you have made sure that the wife really has a lover, and this is not a secret ridicker, not just a friendly colleague, who is not averse to chat with someone else's wife, namely, the man, the head of the novel, then you can simply donate. Instead of trying disassembly, you can just call behind my wife to work, despite it is very impressive. And then invite her to a restaurant, saying that you would like to release it today from home care. Further more. You can start a trip to the resort with my wife. It will break it out of it from a circle of communicating with an invincible man. Perhaps your friend of life is simply needed vivid impressions, and if your person will be connected with them, then why spend time and moral forces on a lover?

It works well here that the wife needs to be poured so that she herself does not start indulging. Perceiving a girlfriend of life as a "free app" to you - this is the path to the fact that it will change sooner or later. If a woman does not appreciate and not tell her about it, observing the "Spartan situation" in a relationship, then it will subconsciously seek who will appreciate her in dignity. No need to buy for good words, on the manifestation of attention and affection. Then you will have a chance not to calmly survive this novel that your wife, but also stay with her when the lover simply disappears from the horizon.

Sometimes it helps another psychological move. Whatever enough, but you need to let go of my wife to the lover. It's about women say that at home, when they "dismissed" overhead eyelashes and Shignon, wash off "Plaster", then turn into a kimikor. But men are actually not better. Lover Your wife sees an impressive, well-groomed, when it meets with him only urabs. Now she will see him for watching sports matches that will be more important than she. At the same time, yesterday's "treasure" will be buried hardly by hand pasta with stew or dumplings, in order not to be distracted from the screen, or bite the sausage straight from the baton. The pictures of such a plan can be represented by a lot, and they will all not in favor of the person who let dust in the eye. Is the wife after that will not want to return to a person whose family structure was developed with her together?

How to recognize whether the wife changes at work

Service novels, alas, not uncommon. And it is not always a meeting of two single hearts. It also happens that "omniscimation" director or large chief is engaged in married subordinate. Instead, it offers career growth, high wages, and his own money, too, is happy to spend the lady on his favorite. It also seems disgusting for many. But if this is your wife, then this situation is a real catastrophe. The faithful wife will either be quitting from this work, or will make it clear that it is not ready to accept the courtship "Bons", whatever good he has been thrilled.

And here you need to distinguish that it comes to you: gossip or truthful information. If the director around your wife Gogola goes, it does not mean that she answered him reciprocity. Disassembly need to be treated rather with him, and not with her beloved. A person understands that his power extends only inside the division or office headed by him. But you are "not from his system", and you can be afraid, because I don't know what to expect from you.

If you want to be confident in my wife, I suddenly put a visit to work under the pretext of surprise - unexpectedly bought tickets for the premiere of the film, invitations to friends or even under some plausible pretext. You can also ask for a spouse to a corporate party. If the second half has nothing to hide, it can perceive such an idea with enthusiasm.

Cheating spouses at 40 years old what to do

Sometimes a woman is trying to adjust their views on life in a more mature age than your family union took place. And then she can find themselves not just a nice cheerful guy who once had you, but a wealthy man who could:

  • good to secure a family;
  • protect their households from many problems;
  • give dear gifts;
  • beautifully care for;
  • to truly take care of the children (moreover, about yours!), Which so that you did not do.

In adulthood, the wife suddenly look at the world through another prism - the prism of practicality, which leads to very dangerous treason. This is no longer a light flirt on the side, but the search for a reliable point of the support. You can not cope with this role - please ... Whether in this situation will save marriage or at least a relationship with children depends not only from the fled wife, and not only from your chad, but also from your precious person.

Understand the spouse and forgive

The first thing you need to do is enter into the position of your wife and understand what she was dissatisfied with marriage. If you called the whole family, did not regret the children, they were not enough, they would hope for a better to change for the better. Here only yourself will have to ask for forgiveness from the one you consider to be guilty. If you drop the pride, you can go to such a step, if a woman is actually the road. If you perceived my wife only as a servant in the house, then you can apologize to her hardly, and then you have to start a life from a white sheet. Children will have to let go to the new father, but still achieve their location to sometimes see them.

If you were in the family too soft man, and my wife did not perceive you as a serious support, then it's time to change something in yourself and achieve the location of the spouse. If she was able to become a practical lady from a romantic girl, then yesterday's "Tuyuty" can turn into a real superman. By the way, "Tyujti" is initially more likely to be a favorite father, because children love not successful, but good. In this case, the divorce can be postponed and just wait when this novel will end on the side.

Divorce after treason and life from pure sheet

If you failed to establish relationships after the treason, and only diplomacy was established on the issue of raising children, then this is not a sentence for you as for a family man. If you realized that your wife will keep her new family tightly, then create your own. A man - and in 40 years of the groom! Just do not do it, because you are crushing your life as yourself and your new choices. You need to marry that woman you truly loved, and who loves you. After all, it will always subconsciously compare herself with your "ex-". And if you choose a woman from whom the husband left, then you will be attended by this awkward feeling when you are afraid not to match expectations. Only strong feelings to each other can distract from these thoughts.

If your favorite changed, is it worth it for

It may not only wife, but also a girl with whom you meet. Commes are different. For example, a girl may be peaked at someone's courting, being drunk. She, herself will be not glad to turn the events. This is exactly the case when you need to behave in a knight: to forgive the girl and deal with an unexpected rival.

You can even forgive my wife's mimic novel if you see that these stormy feelings are briefly. As a rule, the cavalier can take away from a married sweetheart as soon as she starts a conversation with him about creating a family. Such people prefer the responsibility for a woman to lie on someone else. In this case - on you. In the meantime, your wife with his head plunged into his novel, just think what you did not suit your girlfriend of life. Maybe it is you will be able to establish everything. Just avoid reproes, feel like in youth, when you just cared for her, trying to be better than your rivals. Did you challenge? Take!

Statistics: whether wives often change husbands, and girls guys

Now you can meet disappointing statistical data that treason occur in 70% of family pairs. But unity among female and men's sites regarding gender data in this regard. If on sites for a strong half relative to female change, figures are often understated, then in the ladies' resources it is indicated that over 75% of men are incorrect in marriage. Should I rely on such statistics? Most probably not. In addition, it is necessary to understand the cause of each individual treason. You can be a good husband and an exemplary father, and the statistics can spoil home tyrants, drinking and frank womanists who are not a sin, but a way to save for a humiliated wife.

Psychology: the consequences of treason and relationship after it

If the consequence of the treason did not become the final gap, it does not mean that it will not leave the scar in the shower. Even the strongest and bold man defenseless in front of one feeling - love. If she is so strong that her own self-sufficiency is being immersed, then, oddly enough, it is a chance of just to forgive and back to his arms a changed wife, so also to support good relationship with her and never remember her a random novel.

You can often hear: "Be above this." But as a rule, such a remark concerns some conflicts at work, small quantities. But you can be higher than treason, above the opponent. It is difficult, but you can always try. After all, on how much you raise over this conflict, it depends on how well there can be further your family life.

And if it happened that your marriage collapsed, then try not to keep evil. After all, the wife went away, and it will not leave you. Do not let him pump the moves in your soul. It is better to find another point of support for yourself and throw out the load of spiritual pain. Immediately do it will not work, this disease will have to take some time to overcome. But it is impossible to allow her chronic form.