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Read the story of the cow Platonov full content

In 1899, September 1. His father worked as a mechanic in the railway workshops of the city of Voronezh and the driver of the steam locomotive. Therefore, the foundations of this profession a writer knew since childhood. It is not surprising that in his story "Cow" he introduces the reader with a boy, whose father was a travel guard. Vasiliya himself - the hero of the story - knew how to make the steam locomotive on the rise did not bounce; I knew how to determine the noise of the brakes, whether they are working. This tells Andrei Platonov. A brief Circassian breed is one of the main characters of the story) will give us some idea about this touching work.

Status start. Andrei Platonov, "Cow": summary

The boy comes to his cow in the barn, talking to the loved one, wants to hug her, but that is indifferent to the caress. She focuses on dry grass and thinks about her. The thoughts of the animal on this day were directed towards the son - calf. He suppressed, began to feel bad, and the father of the boy Vasi Rubatov took the calf to the station to show a doctor. Vasya loved his cow, he stroked her donkey, which gave milk. It is from this episode that begins his narration of Platon. Summary ("Cow", as already understandable - a touching story about love for animals) transfers the reader to the station. Since the father of Vasily was absent, the mother asked her son to meet the train. He immediately agreed and went to wait for the composition. But the boy really wanted the train to arrive faster, because it was time to do lessons. He studied at a seven-year school and was a diligent student. Study delivered the child a pleasure, as he learned something new every time.

And finally, the train appeared. He walked with difficulty, as the road rose to the mountain. Syboal under the wheel of sand so that they do not stop. These are subtleties in the work of the locomotive describes Andrei Platonov.

Description of the character of the chief hero

Vasya walked over to the driver's assistant and said that he climbed into the cabin, and he himself will pour on the sand rails. So they did. Assistant Machinist with respect I looked at the child and thought that if he had no sick, he would adopt this boy. Vasya and myself liked such work. Moreover, he gave a good advice, saying that you need to order a tinsmith box for sand more, as it is not enough to fit it. Then Vasily was asked to see if whether they were shrilled where in the brake car. He coped with this task. This business guy draws us Plato. A summary ("cow" is a story that speaks of a serious character of this little man) allows us to present the character of the boy in general terms.

Tragic junction

The cow is often plaintively soaked as if he called her son. Father Vasily came only the next day and one. The son asked him where the calf. Father said that the doctor helped the calf, but he sold it on meat for good price. All this time, the cow is plaintively man. She did not eat bread with salt, which brought her boy. Next passes to the saddest summary of the story "Cow". Platonov writes that the family sometimes plowed the earth on the animal. Since her son disappeared, the cow became indifferent to everything. She was looking for him, often went on railways And went there. Once it was shot down the train. About this tragic incident speaks of its works of Platon.

Summary: Cow died - what happened next?

Father and son sold it on meat, the boy wrote about his favorite in the school essay. Vasya wrote that the cow was plowed, gave them milk, gave a son, and then his meat. This breaks the story ...

Most recently, I met the story of Andrei Platonovich Platonov called "Cow", which was written in nineteen thirty-eighth year.

The main hero of the work is the young man named Vasya Rubtsov, the son of the station Storam on the railway. In the farm of this family had one only cow, which quite recently gave birth to a calf. Father of the family told his households that he led him to the vet. He passed all day, and the man at home did not appear. Vasya comes to a lonely cow and sees how sad it became, drooped his head. Mother told the boy to go to the station, meet his father.

Going to the ways, Vasya sees how the driver's assistant alone pops up a shovel sand in front of the train so that it is easier to go. The scars helps him, and in gratitude two apples receive. It turns out from the driver himself that the train has brakes problems. After some time, the father of Vasi arrives at the station. The son asks him where the chicks it turns out that the man sold him to slaughter, having gone on a round sum of money. After that, the hero notes that the cow happened to grief. She loses appetite, it starts to get away from home more and more often. After some time, Vasya, returning from school, sees the composition of the most driver.

And observes how he is trying to remove from the rail just shot down a cow. That is the most lonely cow. Wasi's father has already agreed with someone's sale of carcasses, and a driver who knocked down the animal because of non-Lady brakes, also offered money for the cow of an overseas and disgusting person to the eldest. And Vasya for real Sorrow and even writes a whole essay in school about this amazing cow.

This is a story about human silence, greed and cruelty. He causes mixed feelings in the reader's soul. At the same time, a pity of the boy and absolutely disgusting to read about his father and actions of an adult man. In the pursuit of Father for "Navar" for the sale of a chick, as an already non-living piece of meat, his son loses the animal to which he was strongly attached. It is very disgusting that an adult man belongs to a living being as hung like a stigro and an overhead person. In addition, deceiving his loved ones. This work is hard to read, but it is worth aware of what brutal and unpleasant people exist in our world.

Updated: 2018-08-27

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The gray steppe cow of the Cherkasy breed lived alone in the barn. This barn, made of painted out outside, stood on little Dvor Railway railway. In Saraj, next to the wood, hay, wigny straw and torn his age, homemade things - a chest without a lid, burned by a sampering pipe, clothes with a rag, chair without legs, was a place for the night of a cow and for her life in long winter. In the afternoon, a boy of Vasya Rubtsov, the son of the owner, and stroked her wool around his head came to visit. Today he also came. "Cow, cow," he said, because the cow did not have her own behalf, and he called her, as was written in the book for reading. - You're a cow! .. You will not be bored, your son will recover, his father will lead it back. The cow had a calf - bull; He fed yesterday as something, and he had to go from the mouth of Slyun and bile. Father was afraid that the calf falls, and led him today to the station - to show the veterinarian. The cow looked to the Block on the boy and was silent, chewing a long-witted, tortured by the death of the epics. She always recognized the boy, he loved her. He liked everything in a cow in her, - good warm eyes, circled with dark circles, as if the cow was constantly tired or thoughtful, horns, forehead and her big thin body, which was so because his strength of the cow was collecting for himself In fat and meat, but gave it to milk and to work. The boy looked still on the gentle, the late donkey with little sequid nipples, from where he was fed with milk, and touched a strong short puffer and protrusions of strong bones in front. Looking a little bit on the boy, the cow burst into his head and took several of the cells from the trough. She had no time to look to the side or relax for a long time, she should chew continuously, because the milk in her there was also continuously, and the food was thin, monotonous, and the cow needed to work with her for a long time to boost. Vasya left the barn. In the yard stood autumn. A smooth, empty fields arrived around the path of the road trip, arrived and smoked over the summer and are now embarrassed, stigma and boring. Now the evening twilight began; The sky covered with a gray cool permanent, already mixed with dump; The wind that all day moved the sews of bevelled breads and naked bushes, dead for the winter, now healed in quiet, low places of the earth and only barely embarrassed the flugyant on chimney, Starting an autumn song. Single line railway She laughed at home, near the parisader, in which at this time everything was still stroking and drooped - and grass and flowers. Vasya was worried to go to the Ottosphew of the parisader: he seemed to him now the cemetery of the plants, which he planted and brought to life in the spring. Mother lit the lamp in the house and put out the signal lamp outwardly, on the bench. "Soon four hundred and sixth will go," she said to his son, "you spend it." Father did not see something ... didn't you thoughted? Father went with a calf to the station, for seven kilometers, in the morning; He probably passed the calf by the veterinarian, and he sits at the station collection, or drinks beer in the buffet, or the advice on the techminimum went. Or perhaps, the queue on the venate is large and the father expects. Vasya took the lantern and sat on a wooden crossbar at the move. Trains have not yet been heard, and the boy was upset; He had no time to sit here and accompany the train: he was time to prepare lessons for tomorrow and go to bed, otherwise it was necessary to rise early in the morning. He went to the collective farm seven-year-old five kilometers from home and studied there in the fourth grade. Vasya loved to go to school, because, listening to the teacher and reading the book, he imagined the whole world in his mind, whom he had not yet knew, who was away from him. Neil, Egypt, Spain and Far East, Great Rivers - Mississippi, Yenisei, Quiet Don and Amazon, Aral Sea, Moscow, Mount Ararat, Privacy Island Arctic Ocean - All this worried Vasya and attracted to themselves. It seemed to him that all countries and people had long expect when he would grow and would come to them. But he still did not have time to visit: he was born here the same place, where he lived and now, and was only in the collective farm in which the school was located and at the station. Therefore, with anxiety and joy, he peered into the face of people looking out of the windows passenger trains- Who are they and what they think - but the train went quickly, and people drove into them not recognized by the boy on the crossing. In addition, trains were few, only two pairs per day, and of these three trains took place at night. Once, thanks to the quiet train, Vasya clearly saw the face of a young thoughtful man. He looked through the open window in the steppe, in an unfamiliar place for him on the horizon and smoked the tube. Seeing the boy standing on moving with the raised green flag, he smiled at him and clearly said: "Goodbye, man!" - And still waved his handle. "Goodbye," Vasya answered him about himself, "I will grow up, see you! You are notnel and fond of me, do not die! " And then for a long time The boy recalled this thoughtful man who had left in the car is unknown where; He, probably, was a parachutist, an artist, or an order, or even better, so thought about him Vasya. But soon the memory of a person who was overwhelmed once their house was forgotten in the heart of the boy, because he had to live further and think and feel another. Far - in an empty night of autumn fields - a locomotive was missing. Vasya came closer to the line and high above his head raised a light signal free passage. He listened to some time the growing buzz of the running train and then turned to his house. The cow was complained in their yard. She always waited for her son - calf, and he did not come. "Where is the father so long stagger! - Vasya thought with discontent. - Our cow is already crying! Night, dark, but there is no father. " The locomotive reached the move and, tightly turning the wheels, breathing all the power of his fire in the darkness, passed a lonely man with a lantern in his hand. The mechanic did not look at the boy, - far off the window, he watched the car: the pair struck the piston rod in the gland and at each time the piston broke out. Vasya, this also noticed. Soon there will be a protracted climb, and the car with a loosely in the cylinder is hard to pull the composition. The boy knew why the steam car works, he read about her in the textbook on physics, and if there was no about it written, he would still find out about her what she was. He was tormented if he saw any object or substance and did not understand why they live inside themselves and act. So he was not offended by the driver when he drove past and did not glance at his lantern; The driver had caring for the car, the locomotive can be at night on a long lift, and then it will be difficult for him to stronger the train; When you stop the wagons will move a little back, the composition will become a rotor, and it can be broken, if you take a lot from the place, and you will not shift weakly at all. Past Vasi went heavy four-axle cars; them spring springs They were compressed, and the boy understood that the car was lying in the wagons. Then the open platforms were drunk: they were cars, unknown cars covered with tarpaulo, was embarrassed by coal, the migrant was the cabbage, after the cabbage there were new rails and the closed wagons were launched again. Vasya shrew the lantern on the wheels and the letters of cars - whether there was something wrong there, but there was all safe. A stranger stranger was shouted from one wagon with animals, and then from the barn she answered with a long, crying voice of a cow, which tastes about his son. Last cars passed past Vasi very quietly. It was heard, as a locomotive in the head of the train fought in hard work, his wheels were bounced and the composition did not stretch. Vasya headed with a lantern to the locomotive, because it was difficult for the car, and he wanted to be near her, as if he could share her fate. The steam locomotive worked with such a tension that slices of coal were flying out of the pipe and the bold breathable inside of the boiler was heard. The wheels of the car slowly turned out, and the mechanic watched them from the booth window. Ahead of the locomotive went on the way an assistant driver. He took the shovel of sand from the ballast layer and looked it on the rails so that the car would not bounce. The light of the front locomotive lanterns illuminated the black, smeared in the fuel oil, a tired person. Vasya put his lantern on the ground and went out to the ballast to a worker working with a shovel. "Give me, I will," said Vasya. - And you go to help the locomotive. And then here it will stop. - And you will be able to? Asked the assistant, looking at the boy with big bright eyes from his deep dark face. - Well, try! Just be careful, look around for the car! The shovel was great and hard for Vasi. He gave her back to the assistant. - I will be your hands, so easier. Vasya bent, the nerd in the sand in a handful and quickly poured his strip on the rail head. "Sprinkle on both rails," the assistant pointed him and ran to the locomotive. Vasya began to pour in turn, then on one rail, then on the other. The locomotive is hard, slowly walked after the boy, rubbing sand with steel wheels. The coal fever and moisture from the chilled pair fell on top of Vasya, but he was interested to work, he felt more important than the locomotive, because the steam locomotive himself went behind him and only thanks to him did not stop and did not stop. If Vasya was forgotten in the diligence of work and the locomotive approached him almost closely, then the driver gave a short beep and shouted from the car: "Hey, look around! .. Rajk is a walk, rows!" Vasya shovel of the car and silently worked. But then he grumbled that she was screaming and ordered; He escaped from his way and shouted his driver himself: - And what did you go without sand? Il do not know! .. "It all came out of us," the engineer replied. - We have dishes for him. - Put additional, - PLAYED VASYA, Stepping next to the locomotive. - From the old iron you can be bent and done. You must order a roofer. The driver looked at this boy, but in darkness did not see him well. Vasya was dressed properly and walked in the shoes, the face had a small and eye did not reduce from the car. The driver at the very same boys grew at home. - and couples you go, where you do not need; From the cylinder, from the boiler blows on the side, - said Vasya. - Only in vain strength in the hole disappears. - You are! Said the driver. - And you get along with the composition, and I will go around. - Come on! - Vasya rejoicedly agreed. The locomotive of the enemy, in full speed, handle the wheels on the spot, exactly the prisoner, rushed to run free, even the rails under it far trembled along the line. Vasya jumped out again forward the locomotive and began to throw sand on the rails, under the front runners of the car. "There would be no my son, I would adopt it," the driver mumbled, taming the locomotive bucks. - he is already with youngsters fat man, And he still has everything ahead ... What is the hell: do not keep the brakes somewhere in the tail, and the brigade is sleeping, as in the resort. Well, I'm on a slope of it. " The driver gave two long beeps - to give the brakes in the composition if he was clamped. Vasya looked around and descended from the way. - What are you? - shouted to him the driver. "Nothing," Vasya replied. - Now it will not be cool, the steam locomotive will go without me, and then under the mountain ... "Everything can be," the driver said from above. - on, take it! "And he threw the boy two large apples." Vasya raised treat from the ground. - Further, do not eat! - he told him the driver. "Will you go back, look under the wagons and listen, please: if there are no brakes? And then go to the tubercle, make me a signal to my lantern - do you know how? "I know all signals," Vasya replied and climbed over the ladder of the steam locomotive to ride. Then he leaned and looked somewhere under the steam locomotive. - clamped! - he shouted. - Where? - asked the driver. - You are clamped - the trolley under the tender! There the wheels are spinning quietly, and on another trolley shiber! The driver chosard himself, assistant and all his life entirely, and Vasya jumped off the ladder and went home. In the distance glowing on the ground his lantern. Just in case, Vasya listened to how the runners of the wagons work, but I have not heard anywhere in order to rub and crossed the brake pads. The composition was held, and the boy turned to the place where his lantern was. The light from him suddenly rose into the air, the lantern took some person in his hands. Vasya fished there and saw his father. - And our chicks where? - asked the boy from his father. - He died? "No, he recovered," the father replied. - I sold it to slaughter, I bet good Dali. What is your goby! "He's still small," said Vasya. "Little more expensive, he has a gentle meat," the father explained. Vasya rearranged the glass in the lantern, White replaced green and slowly raised the signal over his head and lowered down, turning his light to the side of the past train: let him go further, the wheels under the wagons go freely, they are not clamped. It became quiet. Sadly and Krotko washed the cow in the yard. She did not sleep waiting for her son. "Go home," said the father of Vasya, "and I'll go around our site." - And tool? - reminded Vasya. - I just; I only see where the crutches were raised, and I will not work today, I quietly said my father. - I have a soul on the calf hurts: they raised it, they got used to him ... I would know that it would be sorry for him, would not sell it ... And the Father went with a lantern along the line, turning his head to the right, then to the left, examining the path. The cow again snapped out when Vasya opened the gate to the courtyard and the cow heard a man. Vasya entered the barn and looked at the cow, habitual to darkness. The cow now did not eat anything; She was silent and rarely breathed, and a heavy, hard grief was languishing in her, which was hopeless and could only increase, because her grief she did not know how to console in himself a word, no consciousness, nor a friend, nor entertainment, as a person can do . Vasya I stroked for a long time and caressed the cow, but she remained still and indifferent: she needed only one of her son - calf, and nothing could replace him - neither a man or the grass and the sun. The cow did not understand that you can forget one happiness, find another and live again, not tormenting more. Her vague mind was unable to help her to deceive: that once entered his heart or in her feeling, it could not be suppressed or forgotten there. And the cow was sadly soaked because she was completely submissive of life, nature and his need for his son who had not yet grown so that she could leave him, and she was hot now and hurts inside, she looked in darkness with big eyes and could not They cry to disseminate themselves and their grief. In the morning, Vasya left a splash to school, and his father began to prepare a small single-earth plow for work. Father wanted to smell on a cow a little land in the alienation band, in order to sow millet in the spring. Returning from school, Vasya saw that his father would plow on a cow, but smelled little. The cow submorted dragging the plow and, bowing his head, dripped saliva to the ground. At his cow, Vasya with his father worked before; She knew how to plow and was familiar and patient walking in the yoke. In the evening, the Father straightened a cow and let her get it on Znzhier in Staropol. Vasya sat in the house at the table, did lessons and looked at the window from time to time - he saw his cow. She stood in the near field, she did not graze and did nothing. The evening came the same as it was yesterday, the gloomy and empty, and the fluorca squeezed on the roof, just singing the long song of autumn. Studdered through the eyes into a darker field, the cow waited for her son; She now was no longer silent on him and did not call him, she suffered and did not understand. Having done the lessons, Vasya took a httop of bread, sprinkled him with salt and carried the cow. The cow did not have bread and remained indifferent, as it was. Vasya stood near her, and then hugged the cow from the bottom behind the neck, so that she knew what he understood and would love her. But the cow sharply jerked the neck, he dropped the boy from himself and, scoring with a dissimilar thorny voice, ran into the field. Entrusing far, the cow suddenly turned back and, then jumping, then falling down his front legs and pressing his head to the ground, began to approach Vasya, who was waiting for her in the same place. The cow runs past the boy, past the courtyard and disappeared in the evening field, and from there once again I heard her someone else's throat voice. The mother, who returned from the collective farm cooperative, the father and Vasya until the midnight went to the different sides of the surrounding fields and clicked their cow, but the cow did not answer them, it was not. After dinner, the mother cried that they had disappeared their feeder and a female worker, and his father began to think about what would have to see, write a statement in the cash office of mutual assistance and in Dorprofsozhod, so as they were issued a loan to inhibition of a new cow. In the morning, Vasya woke up first, there was still gray light in the windows. He heard that someone breathes at home and move in silence. He looked out the window and saw a cow; She stood at the gate and waited for her home ... Since then, the cow though has lived and worked when she had to plow or go beyond the flour in the collective farm, but she was missing milk at all, and she became sullen and notphibious. Vasya her himself poked her, asked feed himself and cleaned, but the cow did not respond to his care, she was still doing what they are doing with her. Among the day, the cow was released in the field, so that she was like a will and so that it became better. But the cow went a little; She standing for a long time on the spot, then she walked a little and again stopped, forgetting to walk. Once she went to the line and went quietly on the sleepers, then the father of Vasi saw her, robbed and sided. And before, the cow was timid, sensitive and never went on line. Vasya, therefore, began to be afraid that the cow can kill the train or she herself was dressed, and sitting at school, he thought everything about her, and from the school ran home running. And once, when there were the shortest days and was already felt, Vasya, returning from school, saw that a comma train was worth against their house. Alarmed, he immediately ran to the locomotive. A familiar driver who Vasya helped recently to keep the lineup, and Wasi's father pulled the kid from a tender. Vasya sat on the ground and froze from the grief of the first close death. "After all, I gave the whistles for about ten minutes," said the driver of the father of Vasya. - Does she deaf you or bad that? The whole makeup had to plant on emergency braking, and that did not have time. "She's not deaf, she shall," said Father. - Tonarova, probably on the ways. "No, she fled from the locomotive, but quietly and in the direction did not realize to collapse," the engineer replied. - I thought she would think. Together with the assistant and firegarem, the four, they dragged the cow's dispersed torso from under the tender and dumped all the beef outside, in a dry ditch near the path. "She is nothing, fresh," said the driver. - Sawn meat yourself or sell? - Sell will have to sell, - I decided to sell. - On another cow it is necessary to collect money, without a cow hard. "You can't do it without it," the driver agreed. - Collect money and buy, I also like a little money to you. I don't have a lot, but I'll find a little bit. I'll get a prize soon. - This is what you give me money? - Wasi's father was surprised. - I'm not a relatives of you, no one ... Yes, and I myself manage: a trade union, a ticket office, you know - from there, from here ... "Well, I'll add," the driver insisted. "Your son helped me, and I will help you." Won is sitting. Hello! - Smiled mechanic. "Hello," Vasya replied. "I still didn't give anyone in my life," said the engineer, "there will be a dog once a dog ... I myself will be hard on the heart, if you do not pay for a cow. - And why do you get a prize? - I asked Vasya. - You ride badly. "Now I became a little better," the driver laughed. - learned! - Put another dishes for sand? - I asked Vasya. - set: a small sandbox to be replaced! - answered the driver. "Nasil guessed," Vasya said angrily. Here came the chief conductor and gave the car to the paper that he wrote about the reason for stopping the train on the stretch. The other day, the Father sold to the rural district cooperative the entire carcass of the cow; A stranger arrived and took it. Vasya and Father went along with this pit. Father wanted to get money for meat, and Vasya thought to buy himself in the store book for reading. They joined around and spent another half a day, making purchases, and after lunch went to the yard. They had to go through the collective farm, where there was a seven-year-old, in which Vasya studied. It was already dark at all when the father and son got to the collective farm, so Vasya did not go home, but it remained to spend the night from a school guard, so as not to go back to the back and not to grow in vain. My father went home. At school, test tests began in the morning for the first quarter. Pupils were asked to write an essay from their lives. Vasya wrote in a notebook: "We had a cow. When she lived, her mother, father and me, fir her. Then she gave birth to her son - calf, and he also ate from her milk, we are three and he is the fourth, and everything was enough. The cow still plowed and drove out. Then her son sold on meat. The cow began to suffer, but soon she died from the train. And they were also ate, because she is beef. The cow gave us everything, that is, milk, son, meat, skin, inside and bones, she was kind. I remember our cow and no forget. " Courtyard Vasya returned at twilight. Father was already at home, he just came from the line; He showed his mother hundred rubles, two papers, which he threw a driver from the locomotive in a tobacco hand.

The gray steppe cow of the Cherkasy breed lived alone in the barn. This barn, made of painted out outside outside, stood on a small yard of a travel railway railway. In Saraj, next to the wood, hay, wigny straw and torn his age, homemade things - a chest without a lid, burned by a sampering pipe, clothes with a rag, chair without legs, was a place for the night of a cow and for her life in long winter.

In the afternoon, a boy of Vasya Rubtsov, the son of the owner, and stroked her wool around his head came to visit. Today he also came.

Cow, cow, "he said, because the cow had no named, and he called her, as was written in the book for reading. - You're a cow! .. You will not be bored, your son will recover, his father will lead it back.

The cow had a calf - bull; He fed yesterday as something, and he had to go from the mouth of Slyun and bile. Father was afraid that the calf falls, and led him today to the station - to show the veterinarian.

The cow looked to the Block on the boy and was silent, chewing a long-witted, tortured by the death of the epics. She always recognized the boy, he loved her. He liked everything in a cow in her, - good warm eyes, circled with dark circles, as if the cow was constantly tired or thoughtful, horns, forehead and her big thin body, which was so because his strength of the cow was collecting for himself In fat and meat, but gave it to milk and to work. The boy looked still on the gentle, the late donkey with little sequid nipples, from where he was fed with milk, and touched a strong short puffer and protrusions of strong bones in front.

Looking a little bit on the boy, the cow burst into his head and took several of the cells from the trough. She had no time to look to the side or relax for a long time, she should chew continuously, because the milk in her there was also continuously, and the food was thin, monotonous, and the cow needed to work with her for a long time to boost.

Vasya left the barn. In the yard stood autumn. A smooth, empty fields arrived around the path of the road trip, arrived and smoked over the summer and are now embarrassed, stigma and boring.

Now the evening twilight began; The sky covered with a gray cool permanent, already mixed with dump; The wind, that all day moved the sewers of bevelled breads and naked bushes, dead for the winter, now she was hammered in quiet, low places of the Earth and only barely embarrassed the flugyant on a chimney, starting the song of autumn.

The one-rone line of the railway flew away from the house, near the parisader, in which, at this time, everything all overtook and drooped - and grass and flowers. Vasya was worried to go to the Ottosphew of the parisader: he seemed to him now the cemetery of the plants, which he planted and brought to life in the spring.

Mother lit the lamp in the house and put out the signal lamp outwardly, on the bench.

Soon four hundred and sixth will go, "she said to his son," you spend it. Father did not see something ... didn't you thoughted?

Father went with a calf to the station, for seven kilometers, in the morning; He probably passed the calf by the veterinarian, and he sits at the station collection, or drinks beer in the buffet, or the advice on the techminimum went. Or perhaps, the queue on the venate is large and the father expects. Vasya took the lantern and sat on a wooden crossbar at the move. Trains have not yet been heard, and the boy was upset; He had no time to sit here and accompany the train: he was time to prepare lessons for tomorrow and go to bed, otherwise it was necessary to rise early in the morning. He went to the collective farm seven-year-old five kilometers from home and studied there in the fourth grade.

Vasya loved to go to school, because, listening to the teacher and reading the book, he imagined the whole world in his mind, whom he had not yet knew, who was away from him. Neil, Egypt, Spain and Far East, Great Rivers - Mississippi, Yenisei, Silent Don and Amazon, Aral Sea, Moscow, Mount Ararat, Privacy Island in the Arctic Ocean - all this worried Vasya and enthusiastically. It seemed to him that all countries and people had long expect when he would grow and would come to them. But he still did not have time to visit: he was born here the same place, where he lived and now, and was only in the collective farm in which the school was located and at the station. Therefore, with anxious and joy, he peered into the face of people looking out of the windows of passenger trains, "who they are and what they think," but the train went quickly, and people drove out in them not recognized boy on moving. In addition, trains were few, only two pairs per day, and of these three trains took place at night.

Once, thanks to the quiet train, Vasya clearly saw the face of a young thoughtful man. He looked through the open window in the steppe, in an unfamiliar place for him on the horizon and smoked the tube. Seeing the boy standing on moving with the raised green flag, he smiled at him and clearly said: "Goodbye, man!" - And still waved his handle. "Goodbye," Vasya answered him about himself, "I will grow up, see you! You are notnel and fond of me, do not die! " And then a long time, the boy recalled this thoughtful person who left in the car is unknown where; He, probably, was a parachutist, an artist, or an order, or even better, so thought about him Vasya. But soon the memory of a person who was overwhelmed once their house was forgotten in the heart of the boy, because he had to live further and think and feel another.

Far - in an empty night of autumn fields - a locomotive was missing. Vasya came closer to the line and high above his head raised a light signal free passage. He listened to some time the growing buzz of the running train and then turned to his house. The cow was complained in their yard. She always waited for her son - calf, and he did not come. "Where is the father so long stagger! - Vasya thought with discontent. - Our cow is already crying! Night, dark, but there is no father. "

The steam locomotive reached the move and, hard turning the wheels, breathe everything by the power of his fire in darkness, passed a lonely man with a lantern in his hand. The mechanic did not look at the boy, - leavingly leaning out of the window, he watched the car: the pair struck the piston pan in the gland and at each time the piston broke out. Vasya, this also noticed. Soon there will be a protracted climb, and the car with a loosely in the cylinder is hard to pull the composition. The boy knew why the steam car works, he read about her in the textbook on physics, and if there was no about it written, he would still find out about her what she was. He was tormented if he saw any object or substance and did not understand why they live inside themselves and act. Therefore, he was not offended by the driver, when he drove past and did not glance at his lantern: the driver had care of the car, the locomotive could be at night on a long lift, and then it would be difficult for him to stronger the train; When you stop the wagons will move a little back, the composition will become a rotor, and it can be broken, if you take a lot from the place, and you will not shift weakly at all.

Past Vasi went heavy four-axle cars; Their spring springs were compressed, and the boy understood that the car was lying in the wagons. Then the open platforms went: they were cars, unknown cars covered with tarpaulo, was embarrassed by coal, the migrant was the cabbage, after the cabbage there were new rails, and the closed cars were launched again in which livelihood. Vasya shrew the lantern on the wheels and the letters of cars - whether there was something wrong there, but there was all safe. A stranger stranger was shouted from one wagon with animals, and then from the barn she answered with a long, crying voice of a cow, which tastes about his son.

Last cars passed past Vasi very quietly. It was heard that the locomotive in the head of the train fought in hard work, the wheels were bouted, and the composition did not stretch. Vasya headed with a lantern to the locomotive, because it was difficult for the car, and he wanted to be near her, as if he could share her fate.

The steam locomotive worked with such a tension that slices of coal were flying out of the pipe and the bold breathable inside of the boiler was heard. The wheels of the car slowly turned out, and the mechanic watched them from the booth window. Ahead of the locomotive went on the way an assistant driver. He took the shovel of sand from the ballast layer and looked it on the rails so that the car would not bounce. The light of the front locomotive lanterns illuminated the black, smeared in the fuel oil, a tired person. Vasya put his lantern on the ground and went out to the ballast to a worker working with a shovel.

Let me, - said Vasya. - And you go to help the locomotive. And then here it will stop.

And you will be able to? Asked the assistant, looking at the boy with big bright eyes from his deep dark face. - Well, try! Just be careful, look around for the car!

The shovel was great and hard for Vasi. He gave her back to the assistant.

I will be my hands, so easier.

Vasya bent, the nerd in the sand in a handful and quickly poured his strip on the rail head.

Springs on both rail, "the assistant pointed him and ran to the steam locomotive.

Vasya began to pour in turn, then on one rail, then on the other. The locomotive is hard, slowly walked after the boy, rubbing sand with steel wheels. The coal fever and moisture from the chilled pair fell on top of Vasya, but he was interested to work, he felt more important than the locomotive, because the steam locomotive himself went behind him and only thanks to him did not stop and did not stop.

If Vasya was forgotten in the diligence of work and the locomotive approached him almost closely, then the driver gave a short beep and shouted from the car: "Hey. look around! .. Raji Pivy, row! "

Vasya shovel of the car and silently worked. But then he grumbled that she was screaming and ordered; He escaped from his way and shouted his driver himself:

And what did you go without sand? Il do not know!

It all came out of us, "the engineer replied. - We have dishes for him.

Put additional, "Vasya pointed, stepping next to the locomotive. - From the old iron you can be bent and done. You must order a roofer.

The driver looked at this boy, but in darkness did not see him well. Vasya was dressed properly and walked in the shoes, the face had a small and eye did not reduce from the car. The driver at the very same boys grew at home.

And the pair of you go, where you do not need: from the cylinder, from the boiler blows on the side, - said Vasya. - Only in vain strength in the hole disappears.

You are! Said the driver. - And you get along with the composition, and I will go around.

Come on! - Vasya rejoicedly agreed.

The locomotive of the enemy, in full speed, handle the wheels on the spot, exactly the prisoner, rushed to run free, even the rails under it far trembled along the line.

Vasya jumped out again forward the locomotive and began to throw sand on the rails, under the front runners of the car. "There would be no my son, I would adopt it," the driver mumbled, taming the locomotive bucks. "He's already a complete person from the youngsters, and he still has everything ahead ... What is the hell: do not hold his brakes somewhere in the tail, and the brigade is sleeping like a spa. Well, I'm on the slope of it. "

The driver gave two long beeps - to give the brakes in the composition, if he is clamped.

Vasya looked around and descended from the way.

What are you? - shouted to him the driver.

Nothing, "Vasya replied. - Now it will not be cool, the steam locomotive will go without me, and then under the mountain ...

Everything can be, "the driver said on top. - on, take it! - And threw the boy two large apples.

Vasya raised treat from the ground.

Further, do not eat! - he told him the driver. "Will you go back, look under the wagons and listen, please: if there are no brakes? And then go to the tubercle, make me a signal to my lantern - do you know how?

I know all signals, "Vasya replied and climbed over the ladder of the locomotive to ride. Then he leaned and looked somewhere under the steam locomotive.

Put! - he shouted.

Where? - asked the driver.

You are clamped - the trolley under the tender! There the wheels are spinning quietly, and on another trolley shiber!

The driver chosard himself, assistant and all his life entirely, and Vasya jumped off the ladder and went home.

In the distance glowing on the ground his lantern. Just in case, Vasya listened to how the runners of the wagons work, but I have not heard anywhere in order to rub and crossed the brake pads.

The composition was held, and the boy turned to the place where his lantern was. The light from him suddenly rose into the air, the lantern took some person in his hands. Vasya fished there and saw his father.

And our chicks where? - asked the boy from his father. - He died?

No, he recovered, "the father replied. - I sold it to slaughter, I gave a good price. What is your goby!

He is still small, "said Vasya.

Little more expensive, he has a gentle meat, "the father explained.

Vasya rearranged the glass in the lantern, White replaced green and slowly raised the signal over his head and lowered down, turning his light to the side of the past train: let him go further, the wheels under the wagons go freely, they are not clamped.

It became quiet. Sadly and Krotko washed the cow in the yard. She did not sleep waiting for her son.

Step one home, "said the father of Vasya," and I'll go around our site. "

And tool? - reminded Vasya.

I just; I only see where the crutches were raised, and I will not work today, I quietly said my father. - I have a soul on the calf hurts: they raised it, they got used to him ... I would know that it would be sorry for him, would not sell it ...

And the Father went with a lantern along the line, turning his head to the right, then to the left, examining the path.

Cow again snapped out when Vasya opened the gate to the courtyard, and the cow heard a man.

Vasya entered the barn and looked at the cow, habitual to darkness. The cow now did not eat anything; She was silent and rarely breathed, and a heavy, hard grief was languishing in her, which was hopeless and could only increase, because her grief she did not know how to console in himself a word, no consciousness, nor a friend, nor entertainment, as a person can do . Vasya I stroked for a long time and caressed the cow, but she remained still and indifferent: she needed only one of her son - calf, and nothing could replace him - neither a man or the grass and the sun. The cow did not understand that you can forget one happiness, find another and live again, not tormenting more. Her vague mind was unable to help her to deceive: that once entered his heart or in her feeling, it could not be suppressed or forgotten there.

And the cow was sadly soaked because she was completely submissive of life, nature and his need for his son who had not yet grown so that she could leave him, and she was hot now and hurts inside, she looked in darkness with big eyes and could not They cry to disseminate themselves and their grief.

In the morning, Vasya left a splash to school, and his father began to prepare a small single-earth plow for work. Father wanted to smell on a cow a little land in the alienation band, in order to sow millet in the spring.

Returning from school, Vasya saw that his father would plow on a cow, but smelled little. The cow submorted dragging the plow and, bowing his head, dripped saliva to the ground. At his cow, Vasya with his father worked before; She knew how to plow and was familiar and patient walking in the yoke.

By evening, the father of the straightening, a cow and let her get on Znzier in Starolar. Vasya sat in the house at the table, did lessons and looked at the window from time to time - he saw his cow. She stood in the near field, she did not graze and did nothing.

The evening came the same as it was yesterday, the gloomy and empty, and the Flugark squeezed on the roof, exactly singing the long song of autumn. Studdered through the eyes into a darker field, the cow waited for her son; She now was no longer silent on him and did not call him, she suffered and did not understand.

Having done the lessons, Vasya took a httop of bread, sprinkled him with salt and carried the cow. The cow did not have bread and remained indifferent, as it was. Vasya stood near her, and then hugged the cow from the bottom behind the neck, so that she knew what he understood and would love her. But the cow sharply jerked the neck, he dropped the boy from himself and, scoring with a dissimilar thorny voice, ran into the field. Entrusing far, the cow suddenly turned back and, then jumping, then falling down his front legs and pressing his head to the ground, began to approach Vasya, who was waiting for her in the same place.

The cow runs past the boy, past the courtyard and disappeared in the evening field, and from there once again I heard her someone else's throat voice.

The mother, who returned from the collective farm cooperative, the father and Vasya until the midnight went to the different sides of the surrounding fields and clicked their cow, but the cow did not answer them, it was not. After dinner, the mother cried that they had disappeared their feeder and a female worker, and his father began to think about what would have to see, write a statement in the cash office of mutual assistance and in Dorprofsozhod, so as they were issued a loan to inhibition of a new cow.

In the morning, Vasya woke up first, there was still gray light in the windows. He heard that someone breathes at home and move in silence. He looked out the window and saw a cow; She stood at the gate and waited for her home ...

Since then, the cow though has lived and worked when she had to plow or go beyond the flour in the collective farm, but she was missing milk at all, and she became sullen and notphibious. Vasya her himself poked her, asked feed himself and cleaned, but the cow did not respond to his care, she was still doing what they are doing with her.

Among the day, the cow was released in the field, so that she was like a will and so that it became better. But the cow went a little; She standing for a long time on the spot, then she walked a little and again stopped, forgetting to walk. Once she went to the line and went quietly on the sleepers, then the father of Vasi saw her, robbed and sided. And before, the cow was timid, sensitive and never went on line. Vasya, therefore, began to be afraid that the cow can kill the train or she herself was dressed, and sitting at school, he thought everything about her, and from the school ran home running.

And once, when there were the shortest days and was already felt, Vasya, returning from school, saw that a comma train was worth against their house. Alarmed, he immediately ran to the locomotive.

A familiar driver who Vasya helped recently to keep the lineup, and Wasi's father pulled the kid from a tender. Vasya sat on the ground and froze from the grief of the first close death.

After all, she gave ten minutes for about ten minutes, "said the driver of the father of Vasya. - Does she deaf you or bad that? The whole range had to be planted on emergency braking, and did not have time.

She is not deaf, she shall shall, "said Father. - Tonarova, probably on the ways.

No, she fled from the locomotive, but quietly and aside did not realize to collapse, "the engineer replied. - I thought she would think.

Together with the assistant and firegarem, the four, they dragged the cow's dispersed torso from under the tender and dumped all the beef outside, in a dry ditch near the path.

She is nothing, fresh, "said the driver. - Sawn meat yourself or sell?

You will have to sell, "the father decided. - On another cow it is necessary to collect money, without a cow hard.

Without it, you can not, "the driver agreed. - Collect money and buy, I also like a little money to you. I don't have a lot, but I'll find a little bit. I'll get a prize soon.

This is why you give me money? - Wasi's father was surprised. - I'm not a relatives of you, no one ... Yes, and I myself manage: a trade union, a ticket office, you know - from there, from here ...

Well, I will add, "the driver insisted. "Your son helped me, and I will help you." Won is sitting. Hello! - Smiled mechanic.

Hello, - Vasya answered him.

I still didn't give anyone in my life, "said the engineer," there will be a dog once - the dog ... I myself will be hard on my heart if you do not pay for a cow.

And why do you get a prize? - I asked Vasya. - You ride badly.

Now it became a little better, "the driver laughed. - learned!

Put another dishes for sand? - I asked Vasya.

Put: Little Sandbox for Great Changed! - answered the driver.

Nasil guessed, "Vasya said angrily.

Here came the chief conductor and gave the car to the paper that he wrote about the reason for stopping the train on the stretch.

The other day, the Father sold to the rural district cooperative the entire carcass of the cow; A stranger arrived and took it. Vasya and Father went along with this pit. Father wanted to get money for meat, and Vasya thought to buy himself in the store book for reading. They joined around and spent another half a day, making purchases, and after lunch went to the yard.

They had to go through the collective farm, where there was a seven-year-old, in which Vasya studied. It was already dark at all when the father and son got to the collective farm, so Vasya did not go home, but it remained to spend the night from a school guard, so as not to go back to the back and not to grow in vain. My father went home.

At school, test tests began in the morning for the first quarter. Pupils were asked to write an essay from their lives.

Vasya wrote in a notebook: "We had a cow. When she lived, her mother, father and me, fir her. Then she gave birth to her son - a calf, and he also ate from her milk, we are three and it's the fourth, and everything was enough .. the cow still plowed and drove out. Then her son sold on meat. The cow began to suffer, but soon she died from the train. And they were also ate, because she is beef. The cow gave us everything, that is, milk, son, meat, skin, inside and bones, she was kind. I remember our cow and no forget. "

Courtyard Vasya returned at twilight. Father was already at home, he just came from the line; He showed his mother hundred rubles, two papers, which he threw a driver from the locomotive in a tobacco hand.

Cow (dir. Alexander Petrov)

In this story this is speech About the good and hardworking schoolboy VASE Rubtsov. The boy loved to go to school, gladly read the books and wanted to benefit in this world. He lived with his father and mother near the railway. His father was a railway guard. You liked the trains from the very childhood, he disassembled into them and even somehow helped the driver of the locomotive to cope with the problem.

In their courtyard there was an old barn, filled with firewood and old unnecessary things. In this barn there lived a cow. Good boy Vasya loved his cow very much, he loved to come to her, stroking her wool and talk to her. The cow had a calf, he was bothering and Vasin Father went to the veterinarian. Late in the evening, my father returned, but without a calf. He was offered a good price for him and he agreed to sell it.

Vasya was upset, he visited the cow. The cow never ceased to wait for his son, she had a dull look. The boy stroked a cow for a long time, but she did not react to his caress.

The next day, coming from school, Vasya approached the cow and hugged her, she jerked sharply, the boy pushed off and ran into the field.

Vasya with her family to the floor of the night went around the surroundings and called their feeder, but she never responded.
Waking up early in the morning, the child looked into the window and saw her favorite cow, she stood near the gate and waited when she was put on. Since then, the cow gave milk, it has become even more sullen.

In the afternoon, the cow was released in the field, however, she moved little, mostly stood on the spot. Once the cow came to the railway fabric, the father pulled it out. However, since then, Vasya began to worry about it. And they were not in vain were his fears.

Somehow returning from school, he saw a commodity train opposite the house. The train shot down a cow. The driver explained that he had long beyond her, and then urgently slowed down, but it was too late. The boy was out of herself from grief. Father sold meat killed animal.

The school was asked to write an essay about any story from their lives. Vasya told about how his cow loved, as her calf was taken away from her, about her suffering and death. He told that she was their feeding, helped plow the field and drove out. In the last rows, he wrote that he would never forget his cow.
The story teaches the reader to be kind, caring, merciful and hardworking people.

Picture or drawing cow

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