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Trinity Saturday in When is Trinity parental Saturday

What number falls on the Trinity Ecumenical parent saturday in 2017? What is the history and background of this event? Read about it in the article!

According to the Charter of the Ecumenical Orthodox Church, on the eve of the feast of Holy Pentecost (Trinity), a funeral service is performed, as on the day of the first Ecumenical Parental Saturday, which happens on the Meat-Feast Week before the Week (Resurrection) of the Last Judgment. This Parental Saturday was called Trinity and also, like Myasopustnaya, precedes the entry into the post, which begins in a week and is called Apostolic.

This commemoration of the departed dates back to the time of the apostles. Just as it is said about the establishment of the meatless Parental Saturday that “the Divine Fathers received it from the holy apostles”, so it can be said about the origin of the Trinity Saturday. In the words of St. app. Peter, uttered by him on the day of Pentecost, is an important indication of the beginning of the custom of commemorating the dead on the day of Pentecost. The apostle on this day, addressing the Jews, speaks of the Risen Savior: God raised him up by breaking the bonds of death(Acts 2:24). And the Apostolic decrees tell us how the apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, preached to Jews and Gentiles our Savior Jesus Christ, the Judge of the living and the dead. Therefore, the Holy Church from ancient times calls us to make before the day Holy Trinity commemoration of all the pious forefathers, fathers, brothers and sisters who have departed from time immemorial, because on the day of Pentecost the redemption of the world was sealed by the sanctifying power of the Life-giving Holy Spirit, which gracefully and savingly extends both to us, the living, and the dead. How in Meatless Saturday, representing, as it were, the last day of the world, and on Trinity, which is the last day of the Old Testament Church before the revelation in all the power of the kingdom of Christ on the Day of Pentecost, Orthodox Church prays for all the departed fathers and brothers. On the very feast day, in one of the prayers, he lifts up a sigh to the Lord about them: we are making memory now.”

On the Day of Pentecost, the redemption of the world was sealed by the sanctifying and perfecting power of the Life-Giving Holy Spirit, extending grace and salvation to the living and the dead. Therefore, the Holy Church, both on Meatfare Saturday, representing, as it were, the last day of the world, and on Trinity, representing the last day of the Old Testament Church before the opening in all the power of the Church of Christ on the Day of Pentecost, prays for all the departed fathers and brothers, and on the very The Day of Pentecost offers prayers to the Lord for them. One of these prayers says, “God give rest to the souls of Thy servants, our fathers and brothers who have fallen asleep before, and other relatives according to the flesh, and all of their own in the faith, we are making memory of them now.”

Trinity Saturday precedes the feast of the Holy Trinity and is associated with many traditions and signs. This is an important day for Orthodox believers, celebrated and revered everywhere.

Trinity parental Saturday in 2017

Trinity parental Saturday is celebrated on the eve of the day of the Holy Trinity - a holiday glorifying the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who not only guide the entire universe, but also monitor the life of everyone. Trinity Saturday begins with an ecumenical memorial service, where the names of the departed are read out. Orthodox Christians carry notes in advance with the names of those they wish to remember, and participate in the memorial service.

On this day, it is supposed to visit the cemetery and read memorial prayers. Usually after church service Orthodox go to the graves of loved ones, light candles there and leave alms to commemorate dear people.

According to tradition, on Trinity Saturday, people ask each other for forgiveness and be sure to give it to the poor, who gather near churches and cemeteries.

On this day, priests urge people to a quiet pastime, including obligatory prayers. On this day, work and mass entertainment are prohibited, distracting from peace and spiritual growth.

Every believer on this day, with the help of prayer, helps his relatives to find peace and calmly stand before God's judgment.

“God rest, Lord, the souls of Your faithful servants (names). Let them find the Kingdom of Heaven, and forgive them their sins, voluntary and involuntary. Grant their souls freedom and Thy grace. Amen".

Remember that with the approach of the feast of the Holy Trinity, it is important to remain in a good mood and exclude any quarrels and conflicts. This is the time when everyone can repent of their deeds and ask the Lord for protection, patronage and guidance on the true path.

On the day of the Holy Trinity, which is celebrated on June 4 in 2017, it is customary to guess to find out what the future holds for everyone. However, the church does not approve of occult activities, so the choice is up to each of us. We wish you happiness and joy, and do not forget to press the buttons and

03.06.2017 05:02

Orthodox Christians know a lot about the miraculous properties of prayers. Remembering the deceased, they help to cleanse his soul...

Any church date has its own characteristics that every believer should know. On Memorial Day...

The Orthodox Church dedicates Saturday before the Trinity to the commemoration of all the dead - from the progenitor of the human race Adam to the present day.

This is the second Ecumenical Parental Saturday of the year, on which special services are held in churches - prayers are read for the remission of sins and the granting of eternal life.

On Saturday before the Trinity, the funeral service is called: "The memory performed by all the deceased Orthodox Christians from the century, our father and brothers."

Saturday before Trinity
certain date in church calendar the parental Saturday before the Trinity does not have, as it is tied to the day of the celebration of Easter. The Orthodox Church celebrates it on the ninth day after the Ascension - on Saturday before the Holy Trinity or Pentecost.

There are seven parental Saturdays in the church calendar per year.- Trinity sixth of them. All but one - the Commemoration of the Dead Warriors on May 9, have a rolling date. AT Orthodox churches on these Saturdays, a special commemoration of the dead Orthodox Christians is performed.

Among parental Saturdays, Ecumenical ones are especially distinguished - the Orthodox Church these days prayerfully commemorates all the dead in general.

There are two such parental Saturdays in a year: Meatfare (a week before the start of Lent, which was celebrated on February 10 in 2018) and before Trinity. On these Saturdays, special services are performed - ecumenical requiems.

On this day, they especially pray for those who have been overtaken by an untimely death in a foreign country, far from relatives, in the mountains, at sea, in battle, from infectious diseases or hunger, during natural Disasters who did not have time to repent before death, and over whom the funeral rite was not performed.

Based on the apostolic teaching, the Church established this common, ecumenical commemoration, so that no one, where, when and no matter how he ended his earthly life, would be deprived of her prayers.

The history and essence of the Sabbath before Trinity
The oldest memorial day in Christianity is probably the Ecumenical Parental Saturday before the Holy Trinity. It has been installed since apostolic times - from the 1st century from the birth of Christ. This memorial Saturday is always celebrated on the eve of the Trinity - hence the name.

On this Saturday, according to legend, persecuted and not recognized by anyone, Christians gathered together to honor the memory of the executed and tortured brothers and sisters in faith who did not receive a proper burial.

The Holy Spirit, as the Church says, descended to earth on the day of Pentecost in order to sanctify, teach and lead people to eternal salvation. Therefore, the clergy on parental Saturday calls on all people to make a commemoration in order to purify all souls with the saving grace of the Holy Spirit.

During the service on this Saturday, they recall the parable of the Last Judgment of the living and the dead, so that each person remembers that he will have to answer for his sinful deeds during the Judgment.

The Church gives a chance for the salvation of the soul to everyone, and therefore it has established to intercede not only for the living, but also for all those who have died from time immemorial, especially those who died a sudden death, and prays for their Lord's mercy.

On the eve of parental Saturday - on Friday evening, in Orthodox churches, according to tradition, a great memorial service is served, which in Greek is called "parastas". On Saturday morning, a divine liturgy is served for the dead, followed by a common memorial service.

On these Saturdays, according to tradition, their deceased parents are commemorated in temples - people submit notes with the names of loved ones of the deceased and pray for the repose of their souls in the afterlife.

According to an old church tradition, parishioners bring lenten foods and wine to the temple to celebrate the liturgy, which are consecrated during the service, and then distributed to everyone.

After visiting the temple, people, according to tradition, go to the cemetery - they put the graves in order and read prayers for the repose of the souls of deceased relatives.

The clergy believe that it is more important to defend the service in the temple on this day than to go to the cemetery, since prayer is much more important for deceased relatives and friends than visiting the grave.

You can also pray for the repose of the deceased at home, if it is not possible to visit the temple and cemetery on these memorial Saturdays. The obligatory distribution of alms with a request to pray for the dead is another tradition of Trinity Saturday.

On parental Saturday before Trinity folk tradition you can not work, clean the apartment and even wash the dishes, although the church has a different opinion.

According to the clergy, restrictions on work primarily exist so that household chores do not interfere with prayer and visiting the temple.

It is necessary to start the parental Saturday before the Trinity with visiting the church and praying for the departed, and after returning home from the temple, you can also do homework.

folk customs commemoration of the dead in Russia was somewhat different from church traditions.

the day before big holidays- Shrovetide, Trinity, Intercession Holy Mother of God and the day of memory of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, people, according to tradition, visited the graves of relatives.

Dmitriev parental Saturday - the last Memorial Saturday in a year, the people revered the most. In 2018, it falls on November 3rd.

The decree on holding a special memorial service for the soldiers who fell for the Fatherland - "For the faith, the tsar and the Fatherland, who laid down their lives on the battlefield", was issued by Nicholas II in 1903.
In Ukraine and Belarus there is also a tradition special commemoration the deceased - these days were called "Grandfathers". There were up to six such "Grandfathers" in a year. The people believed that these days all the dead relatives invisibly join the family memorial meal.

On parental Saturdays, according to ancient custom, it was customary to eat kutya - an obligatory dish of a funeral meal. Traditionally, sweet porridge was prepared from whole grains of wheat with the addition of honey, as well as raisins or nuts. Today, few people follow this custom - kutya is mainly prepared for a wake.

Prayer for the dead
Give rest, Lord, to the souls of your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, free and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven. During a church service Orthodox people commemorate by name many generations of their deceased ancestors.

Trinity Saturday is the Saturday before Holy Trinity Day, which is the time of commemoration of the departed. Let's figure out what you can do on parental Saturday and what you can't.

What is the date of Trinity Parental Saturday in 2018

In Russia, there have long been several parental Saturdays - special memorial days- Meat-fare parental Saturday, Saturday of the 2nd week of Great Lent, Saturday of the 4th week of Great Lent, Radonitsa, commemoration of the departed soldiers, Trinity parental Saturday and Demetrius parental Saturday. But only two of them are considered Ecumenical, since these days all the dead Orthodox Christians are commemorated - this is the Meatless Parental Saturday and the Trinity Parental Saturday. The first happens on the eve of the meat-fat week - the seven days before Lent. And the second - on the eve of the feast of the Holy Trinity, which is also called Pentecost. In 2018, on May 27, and, accordingly, Trinity Parental Saturday falls on May 26.

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Trinity parental Saturday May 26, 2018: what needs to be done

Of course, on this day it is customary to commemorate parents, but not only them. On Trinity Saturday, those who are not connected with a person by any family ties are also commemorated. The clergy say that the purpose of parental Saturdays is the unification of the Church. Parental Saturdays give us the opportunity to experience the reality of the unification of all its members - both its saints, and those living today, and the dead.

On Trinity parental Saturday, you need to go to the temple. On this day, believers come to churches for a special ecumenical memorial service - "The memory of all the departed Orthodox Christians from the age, our father and brethren."

In addition, on Memorial Saturday, after a morning trip to the temple, it is customary to visit the graves of departed relatives and friends. On this day, graves are decorated with flowers and greenery and ritual meals are held.

Parent Saturday before Trinity in 2018: what not to do

If on Trinity parental Saturday a person could not get to the temple, then it is not forbidden to read a prayer for the departed at home. Some believe that it is on Trinity parental Saturday that notes can be submitted to the church about the repose of those who have arbitrarily taken their own lives, as well as about those who have died unbaptized. But this is a delusion - this cannot be done, since the Church does not pray for the unbaptized and suicides.

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Is it possible to work on Trinity parental Saturday, clean up or wash dishes

There is a belief that on parental Saturday before you can not work, clean the apartment and even wash dirty dishes. This opinion is very convenient for lazy housewives. But the Church is of a different opinion. Priests say that work restrictions exist primarily so that household chores do not interfere with prayer and church attendance. It is necessary to start the parental Saturday with a trip to the temple and prayers for the departed, and, returning home from the church, you can do the cleaning and wash the dishes.

Trinity Saturday- this is the eve of the feast in honor of the Holy Trinity, informs. In Orthodoxy, this day is considered the Ecumenical parental Saturday, when a church-wide commemoration of all the departed Christians is performed. This is a great holiday that has come down to us since ancient times. He was honored in Russia and in this moment he only increased his popularity and power.

In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, Trinity parental Saturday is considered the most important memorial day.

It is customary to commemorate the dead before the Trinity, since it is this holiday that symbolizes the Christian salvation of a person, in which the departed also participate. Therefore, Christians in their prayer to the holy spirit commemorate all the dead fellow believers.

folk traditions

According to a tradition that still has pre-Christian roots, it is customary to visit cemeteries on Trinity parental Saturday to clean up and decorate the graves and remember departed loved ones. On this day, it is customary to decorate the graves with flowers (including artificial ones) and, although the church does not approve of this, leave refreshments (mostly sweets) on the tombstones to “pamper” the dead. It is believed that a modest meal at the grave, and then a memorial dinner at home, help the living communicate with the souls of deceased loved ones.

In Russia, it was customary to commemorate relatives with ritual dishes, of which the main ones are pancakes, kutya and eggs.

Also on Trinity Saturday, it is customary to give alms to the needy. Leaving treats on the graves was also in some way a form of alms: it is believed that it is not shameful for a passer-by to take an abandoned treat.

What date will Trinity be in 2017

Beliefs and prohibitions

In Russia, it has long been believed that on the eve of the Trinity, mermaids come out of the reservoirs, while they arrange various pranks in the fields and in the forests, singing songs loudly. Hearing this noise, the merman begins to disturb the water in rivers and lakes. In order to calm the merman, on the night of the Trinity, young people burned fires near the water or ran through the forest with branches, chasing the mermaids who had played out. At the same time, swimming on the night of the Trinity was strictly forbidden, since the water one awakened by the mermaids could drag to the bottom.

On Trinity Saturday and on Trinity it was forbidden to work in the field and in the yard, and it was impossible to go into the forest alone, again for fear of meeting mermaids. These days, they also tried not to graze cattle near the forest and reservoirs: the evil spirits did not doze off.

It was also impossible to sew and spin, in addition, all prohibitions related to water, the abode of mermaids, were in effect. Washing and rinsing clothes, washing and bathing in open water, etc. were banned. Mermaids in general these days should have been careful, or better, appeased with some kind of offering.

Signs and sayings for Trinity Saturday

  • On Trinity Saturday, this barley and hemp will be well born.
  • Since Trinity Saturday, they haven’t swept for three days, on the fourth - they clean the house.
  • Rain on Trinity is a good omen: wait for the harvest of mushrooms and berries, and there will be no frost all summer.

Trinity Ecumenical Parental Saturday in 2017 - June 3

According to the Charter of the Ecumenical Orthodox Church, on the eve of the feast of Holy Pentecost (Trinity), a funeral service is performed, as on the day of the first Ecumenical Parental Saturday, which happens on the Meat-Feast Week before the Week (Resurrection) of the Last Judgment. This Parental Saturday was called the Trinity Saturday and, like the Meatless Saturday, precedes the entry into the post, which begins in a week and is called the Apostolic.

This commemoration of the departed dates back to the time of the apostles. Just as it is said about the establishment of the meatless Parental Saturday that “the Divine Fathers received it from the holy apostles”, so it can be said about the origin of the Trinity Saturday. In the words of St. app. Peter, uttered by him on the day of Pentecost, is an important indication of the beginning of the custom of commemorating the dead on the day of Pentecost.

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The apostle on this day, addressing the Jews, speaks of the Resurrected Savior: God resurrected Him, breaking the bonds of death (Acts 2:24). And the Apostolic decrees tell us how the apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, preached to Jews and Gentiles our Savior Jesus Christ, the Judge of the living and the dead. Therefore, the Holy Church from ancient times calls us to make a commemoration before the day of the Most Holy Trinity of all the pious forefathers, fathers, brothers and sisters who have died from time immemorial, since on the day of Pentecost the redemption of the world was sealed by the sanctifying power of the Life-giving Holy Spirit, which gracefully and savingly extends, as on us, the living, and the dead.

Both on the Meat-Feast Saturday, representing, as it were, the last day of the world, and on Trinity, representing the last day of the Old Testament Church before the revelation in all its power of the kingdom of Christ on the Day of Pentecost, the Orthodox Church prays for all the departed fathers and brothers. On the very feast day, in one of the prayers, he lifts up a sigh to the Lord about them: we are making memory now.”

On the Day of Pentecost, the redemption of the world was sealed by the sanctifying and perfecting power of the Life-Giving Holy Spirit, extending grace and salvation to the living and the dead. Therefore, the Holy Church, both on Meatfare Saturday, representing, as it were, the last day of the world, and on Trinity, representing the last day of the Old Testament Church before the opening in all the power of the Church of Christ on the Day of Pentecost, prays for all the departed fathers and brothers, and on the very The Day of Pentecost offers prayers to the Lord for them. One of these prayers says, “God give rest to the souls of Thy servants, our fathers and brothers who have fallen asleep before, and other relatives according to the flesh, and all of our own in the faith, we are making memory of them now”

Conversations with Father


On Sunday, which falls on the day of the Trinity, it is forbidden to perform any chores, including cleaning the apartment: this must be done in advance, on Saturday, chopping wood, making repairs. It is forbidden to do laundry, you can not sew, knit and needlework in general. It is believed that on this holiday you need to engage in prayers and think about the eternal, in the interpretation of the church - about God. True, this ban should be treated without fanaticism, it is allowed to carry out an urgent and vital important work, which can not be postponed, as well as feed pets. Pixabay In the green week, you should not leave the house without pectoral cross- on folk beliefs, with which the church agreed, this is the time of revelry evil spirits, and a cross consecrated in the church will protect from trouble.

It is considered especially important to take care of children and put a cross on them. On the day of the Trinity, you can’t think about the bad, wish someone evil and quarrel with those near and far. Scandals on this day are considered a great sin - be patient for a few days, maybe after that you won’t want to quarrel. All week before the Holy Trinity they do not perform church rites- weddings, funerals, baptisms - everything is postponed for several days after the holiday. Pagan bans water elements. Therefore, all week it is forbidden to swim in open water: rivers, lakes, ponds, because mermaids can “drag” under water.

It is not customary to go to the bathhouse on Pentecost, take a shower or bath, even children are not bathed on this day. It is believed that water spirits can harm even in such a safe home environment. In addition to water mermaids, forest mavkas also wake up, so it’s not safe to go to the forest on Trinity according to popular beliefs. Our ancestors categorically do not recommend getting married on Green Week, and especially on Trinity Day itself, but on niche days bad omen the registration of a civil marriage or a wedding scheduled for that day is considered. But it’s worth making an offer or wooing on Trinity, and if you get married, sign or have a wedding on Pokrov - October 14, then family life will be happy and long.

Decorating the house with greenery for the Trinity, you should give preference to birch branches, use wormwood, mint, calamus and others. You can not hallow in the church and leave willow branches and aspen leaves in the house. Believe it or not folk omens Whether to adhere to church and pagan prohibitions is a matter of personal choice. But some of them, you see, are very good: for example, a ban on conflicts and negative thoughts.

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