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Rose name Summary read. Book name Rose read online. Is there a morality in the postmodern essay

Umberto Eco

From translator

Before Umbero Eco in 1980, on the threshold of the fiftieth anniversary, published the first artwork - the novel "Rose name", - he was known in the academic circles of Italy and the whole scientific world as an authoritative specialist in the middle ages philosophy and in the field of semiotics - science about signs. He developed, in particular, the problems of the relationship between the text with the audience, both on the body of the avant-garde, and on the heterogeneous material of the mass culture. Undoubtedly, Roman Umberto Eco wrote, helping himself with scientific observations, equipping his "postmodern" intellectual prose springs of fascination.

"Running" (this is said in Italy) the book was skillfully prepared by advertising in the press. Obviously attracted the public and the fact that Eco over the years leads in the journal "Espresso" a heading, which has encountered an average subscriber to current humanitarian issues. Nevertheless, real success exceeds all the expectations of publishers and literary criticism.

Exotic flavor plus breathtaking criminal intrigue ensure interest in the novel by the mass audience. A significant ideological charge in combination with irony, with the game of literary associations attracts intellectuals. In addition, it is well known to which the genre of historical novel itself is popular and in our west. Eco accounting and this factor. His book is a complete and accurate guide to Middle Ages. Anthony Burgess writes in his review: "People read Arthur Haley to find out how the airport lives. If you read this book, you will not have the slightest ambiguities on how the monastery functioned in the XIV century. "

Nine years, according to the results of national surveys, the book holds in the first place in the "hot twenty week" (the Italians are respectfully placed "Divine Comedy" at the last place in the same twenty. It is noted that, thanks to the wide dissemination of the Book of Eco, the number of students recorded on the department of the Middle Ages are greatly increasing. Not bypassed the Roman readers of Turkey, Japan, Eastern Europe; Captured on a fairly long period and the North American book market, which is very rarely manifested by the European Writer.

One of the secrets of such stunning success opens to us in the theoretical work of Eco itself, where he argues about the need for "entertainment" in the literature. The literary avant-garde of the 20th century was, as a rule, was alienated from the stereotypes of mass consciousness. In the 70s in Western literature, however, the feeling of the fact that the breaking of stereotypes and the language experiment themselves do not provide "the joys of the text" in its entirety. It became felt that an integral element of the literature is the pleasure of narration.

"I wanted the reader to entertain. At least as much as I am entertained. Modern Roman I tried to abandon the plot entertainment in favor of entertainment of other types. I, holy believing in the Aristotelian poetic, believed all his life that the novel should entertain and his story. Or even first of all the plot, "writes Eco in his essay about the" Rose name ", which entered the present publication.

But the "Rose Name" is not only entertainment. Eco preserves loyalty and other principle of Aristotle: the literary work should contain a serious intellectual meaning.

Brazilian priest, one of the main representatives of the "liberation theology" Leonardo Buff writes about the Roman Eco: "This is not only a gothic story from the life of the Italian Benedictine Monastery of the XIV century. Undoubtedly, the author uses all the cultural realities of the era (with abundance of parts and eruditions), observing the greatest historical accuracy. But all this is for the sake of questions that preserve the high importance today, as well as yesterday. There is a struggle between two projects of life, personal and social: one project persistently seeks to preserve the existing, conservation by all means, up to the destruction of other people and self-destruction; The second project is committed to the permanent opening of a new one, even the cost of its own destruction. "

Critic Cesare Zakkaria believes that the writer's appeal to the genre of a detective is caused, among other things, also the fact that "this genre was better than others could express the inexorable charge of violence and fear laid in the world in which we live." Yes, undoubtedly, many private situations of the novel and its main conflict are quite "read" and as an allegorical display of situations of the current, XX century. So, many reviewers, and the author himself in one of the interviews, spend parallels between the plot of the novel and the murder of Aldo Moro. Matching the novel "Rose Name" with the book of the famous writer Leonardo Shahi "Case Moro", Critic Leonardo Lattarulo writes: "They are based on the ethical question, which exposes the insurmountable problematic problem. We are talking about the problem of evil. This return to the detective, carried out, seemingly in the pure interests of the literary game, is actually seriously serious, for the entirely inspired by the hopeless and hopeless seriousness of the ethics. "

Now the reader gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the sensational innovation of 1980 in the full version.

Of course, manuscript

August 16, 1968 I have acquired a book called "Head's father's notes from a globe translated on french According to the publication of Father J. Mabiyon, "(Paris, printing house of Lasursky Abbey, 1842). The author of the translation was a certain abbot baller. In a pretty poor historical commentary it was reported that the translator literally followed the edition of the manuscript of the XIV century., Found in the library of the Melk Monastery with the famous seventeenth century scientists, such a lot to the historiography of the Order of the Benedictians. So found in Prague (coming out, for the third time) Raritet saved me from longing in a stranger country, where I waited for the one who was the road to me. A few days later, the poor city was busy with Soviet troops. I managed to cross the Austrian border in Linz; From there I easily got to Vienna, where finally met with that woman, and together we went on a trip upstream of the Danube.

In the state of nervous excitement, I was droven by the terrifying tast of the adson and was captured that he himself did not notice how he began to translate, filling the wonderful big notebooks from Joseph Zheberib, in which it is so nice to write, if, of course, the pen is soft enough. In the meantime, we ended up in the vicinity of a global, where so far on the cliff over the raccoon river, it is repeatedly rebuilt by STIFT. As the reader probably already understood, no traces of the manuscript of Adson's father in the monastery library did not find out.

Shortly before Salzburg, our union was destroyed in a small hotel on the shores of Mondsee, the journey was interrupted, and my companion disappeared; With her, the book was also disappeared and the book was not the evil intent, and there was only a manifestation of the crazy unpredictability of our break. Everything with what I stayed then is a stack of written notebooks and an absolute emptiness in the shower.

After a few months, in Paris, I returned to location. In my statements from the French original, among other things, the reference to the original source is preserved, surprisingly accurate and detailed:

Vetera Analcota, Sive Collectio Veterum Aliquot Operum & Opusculorum Omnis Generis, Carminum, Epistolarum, Diplomaton, Epitaphiorum, & Cum Itinere Germanico, Adnotationibus Aliquot Disquisitionibus R. P. D. Joannis Mabillon, Presbiteri AC Monachi Ord. Sancti Benedicti E Congregatione S. Mauri. - Nova Editio Cui Accessere Mabilonii Vita & Aliquot Opuscula, SCILICET DISSERTATIO DE PANE EUCHARISTICO, AZIMO ET FERMENTATIO, AD EMINENTISS. Cardinalem Bona. Subjungitur Opusculum Eldefonsi Hispaniensis Episcopi de Eodem Argumento et Eusebii Romani Ad Theophilum Gallum Epistola, De Cultu Sanctorum Ignotorum, Parisiis, Apud Levesque, Ad Pontem S. Michaelis, MDCCXXI, Cum Privilegio Regis.

Vetera Analta I immediately ordered in the St. Geneviev library, but, to my greatest surprise, title page At least two discrepancies with the description of the point opened. First, otherwise the publisher's name looked out: here - Montalant, Ad Ripam P. P. Augustianurum (Prope Pontem S. Michaelis). Secondly, the date of publication here was listed for two years later. Needless to say, there were no notes of Adson Melksky in the collection, nor any publications, where the adson name appeared. And in general, this is the publication, as it is easy to see, consists of medium-sized materials or a very small volume, while the text of the baller has several hundred pages. I addressed the most famous medievalists, in particular to Etienne, a wonderful, unforgettable scientist. But they all claimed that the only existing edition of Vetera Analca is the one that I enjoyed in Saint Geneviev. By visiting Lasursk Abbey, located in the Passy area, and talking with his friend Arne Laaneshtedt, I absolutely assured that no Abbot Ball had never published books in the printing house of Lasursky Abbey; It seems that the printing house in Lasursky Abbey has never been. The inaccurability of French scientists in relation to bibliographic footnotes is well known. But this case was superior to the most bad expectations. It became clear that in my hands I visited the net fake. In addition, the book of the ballet now turned out to be out of reach (in general, I did not see the way to get it back). I only had only my own entries inspired by quite little trust.


The name Umberto Eco is one of the most popular in modern culture.
Western Europe. Semiotik, aesthetics, historian of medieval literature, critic and essayist, Professor of the University of Bologna and the honorary doctor of many universities in Europe and America, the author of dozens of books, the number of which he annually increases with the speed affecting the imagination,
Umberto Eco is one of the most booming crater volcanoes of the modern intellectual life of Italy. In 1980, he moved steadily in 1980 and instead of the usual appearance of an academic scientist, Erudite and Criticism appeared before the public as the author of the sensational novel, immediately received international fame, crowned with literary prizes and served as the basis of sensational adaptation, it seemed to a row of critics unexpected.

Umberto Eco - Italian writer, author of the world famous novels "Name
Roses "(1980)," Fouco Peal "(1988)," Island on the eve "(1995). Winner of Prizes of the Sturt, Anhyhari, National Prize of Italy (1981). Honorary Citizen Monte Carlo (1981). Cavalier of the French Order for merits in the literature (1985), Order of Marshal McLahan (UNESCO) (1985), ordinary
Honorary Legion (1993), Greek Order of the Golden Star (1995), ordinary
Big Cross of the Italian Republic (1996).

The success of the work promoted successful screening. The writer was awarded the prestigious Italian Prize "Star" (1981) and French
"Medici" (1982).

It turned out that the life of the inhabitants of the Benedictine Monastery of the XIV century may be interesting people of the twentieth century. And not only because the author spin the detective and love intrigue. But because the effect of personal presence was created.

This novel has become the most striking proof of the correctness of the historians of the French
Schools "Annov" who were invited to study history through the details, in particular, life. Through sociology and psychology, not politicians, as it was before. But the point is not even in this, but in the degree of reliability that allows you to feel the distant era of yours in this approach, and the other -

Unfortunately, Creativity Umberto Eco, and in particular his novel "Name Rose" was not sufficiently studied in Russia. With the exception of Lotman Yu., Kostyukovich
E. We could not find work dedicated to the research of the works of the modern Italian writer.

Therefore, in this paper we will try to give an analysis of the novel Umberto Eco
"Rose Name" from a historical point of view.

1. Composition and plot Roman Umberto Eco "Rose Name"

In his novel, the "Rose Name" of Umberto Eco draws a picture of the medieval world, it extremely describes historical events. For his novel, the author elected an interesting composition. In the so-called introduction, the author reports that he gets the old manuscript of one monk by name
Adson, who tells about the events with it occurred in the XIV century. "In the state of nervous excitement", the author "Revels a terrifying story
Adson "and translates it for the" modern reader ". Further statement of events is an alleged translation of the ancient manuscript.

Heracks Adson's manuscript is divided into seven chapters, by number of days, and every day
- on episodes dedicated to worship. Thus, the action in the novel occurs within seven days.

The narrative of the prologue begins: "At first, there was a word, and the word was
God, and the word was God. "

The essay of the adson sends us to the events of 1327, "When the Emperor Louis in Italy was preparing, according to the fishery of the Most High, to make a submerged usurper, Christ soldier and Yeressiarch, which
Avilon Stamp covered the holy name of the apostle. " Adson introduces the reader in the events of the preceding. At the beginning of the century, Pope Clement V moved the apostolic throne to Avignon, throwing Rome to the robbery by local sovereigns. " "IN
1314 Five German sovereigns in Frankfurt elected Louis Bavarian Supreme Lord of the Empire. However, on the same day on the nasty shore
Maina Palatinsky Count Rhinean and Archbishop of the city of Cologne, Frederica Austrian elected to the same board. " "In 1322, Louis
Bavarian broke his rival Frederick. John (New Dad) has excluded the winner, and he announced Pope Hehetik. It was this year that the Kapitul of the French brothers was gathered in Perugia, and their general Mikhail Cessensky proclaimed as the Truth of Faith about the poverty of Christ. Dad was dissatisfied, in 1323 he rebelled against the doctrine of Franciscans
Louis, apparently, then saw in Franciscans, from now on the hostile dad, powerful cathelovudovik, concluding the Union with a broken Frederick, joined Italy, accepted the crown in Milan, suppressed the discontent of Wisconti, put on the troops of Pisa and quickly entered Rome. "

These are the events of that time. I must say that Umberto Eco, as the true connoisseur of the Middle Ages is extremely accurate in the events described.

So, the events unfold at the beginning of the 14th century. A young monk, Adson, on behalf of which the story is carried out, close to the scientist Franciscan
Wilhelmu Basserville, comes to the monastery. Wilhelmu, former inquisitor, instruct the investigation into the unexpected death of the monk
Adelma Orange. Wilhelm, along with his assistant, is beginning to investigate. They are allowed to talk and walk everywhere except the library. But the investigation goes to a dead end, because all the crime roots lead to the library representing the main value and the treasury of the abbey in which a huge number of invaluable books is stored. Even the entrance to the library is denied by monks, and the books are not issued to everyone and not all that are in the library. In addition, the library is a labyrinth, legends about the "wandering lights" and "monsters" are associated with it.
Wilhelm and Adson under the cover of the night attend the library from which they hardly manage to get out. There they meet new riddles.

Wilhelm and Adson reveal the secret life of abbey (meetings of monks with selling women, homosexuality, drug use). Adson himself gives back the temptation of the local peasant.

At this time, new murders are committed in the abbey (Vennia is found in a barrel with blood, Berengar Arundel in a bath with water, Severina Sant
Emmeransky in her room with herbs) related to the same secret that leads to the library, namely to a certain book. Wilhelm I.
Adson manages partially unravel the labyrinth library, and find a cache
"The Limit of Africa", the stamped room in which the cherished book is stored.

For the disclosure of murders, Cardinal Bertrand Nothetsky arrives at the abbey and immediately embarks on business. He delays the Salvator, the wretched freak, who, wanting to attract the attention of women with the help of a black cat, rooster and two eggs, was detained with the unfortunate peasant. A woman (Adson recognized his girlfriend in her) accused of witchcraft and sharpened in the dungeon.

At the interrogation, the remigion koler talks about the flour of the Prelbi and Margarita, which burned on the fire, and how he did not oppose this, although he had
Margarita connection. In desperation, the keler assumes all the murders: Adelma from
Ontanto, Vensence from Salveem "For the fact that he was too scientist," Berengar
Arundel "From Hate to the Library", Severina Sant Emmeransky "For the fact that he collected herbs."

But Adson and Wilhelm manage to solve the secret of the library. Jorge - the blind old man, the main keeper of the library, hides from everyone "
Africa ", which keeps the second book of" poetics "of Aristotle, which is of great interest around which endless disputes in abbey are underway. So, for example, in the abbey is forbidden to laugh. Jorge performs some judge to everyone who is unable to laugh or even draws funny pictures. In his opinion, Christ never laughed, and he forbids laughing the rest. All with respect belong to Jorge. He is afraid.
Oznako, Jorge for many years was a real ruler of the Abbey, who knew and kept all his secrets from the rest, when he began to blindly, he made anything of the sense monk to the library, and at the head of the abbey put the monk, which he obeyed. When the situation came out of control, and many people wished to solve the secret of the "limit of Africa" \u200b\u200band take possession of the book
Aristotle, Jorge steals the poison from the laboratory Severin and impregnates the pages of the cherished book. Monks, overclocking and wetting the finger of saliva, gradually die, with the help of Malachi Jorge kills Severin, locks
Abbot, which also dies.

All this solves Wilhelm with his assistant. Finally, Jorge gives them to read the "poetics" of Aristotle, in which he sounds refuting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sinfulness of laughter. According to Aristotle, laughter has a cognitive value, he equates him to art. For Aristotle laughter is
"Good, clean power." Laughter is able to deduct from fear when a man laughs, he has no matter to death. "However, the law can be kept only with the help of fear." From this idea could
"Eleterate Luciferian Spark", from this book "could nourish the new, crushing desire to destroy death by exemption from fear"
. This is why Jorge is so afraid. All his life Jorge did not laugh and forbade it to do to others, this sullen old man hiding from all the truth, installed a lie.

As a result of the persecution of Jorge, Adson drops the lantern and a fire arises in the library, to put out which is not possible. Three days later, all the abbey burns to the alert. Only a few years later, Adson, traveling to those places, comes to the ash region, finds out some of the most precious scraps to restore at least a negligible list of lost books later.

Such an entertaining story of the novel. "Rose name" is a kind of detective whose action takes place in the medieval monastery.

Critic Cesare Zakkaria believes that the writer's appeal to the genre of a detective is caused by the fact that "this genre was best able to express the unfortunate charge of violence and fear laid in the world in which we live." Yes, undoubtedly, many private situations of the novel and his main conflict quite
"Read" and as an allegorical display of the situation of the current, twentieth century.

2. Roman Umberto Eco "Rose Name" - a historic novel

Events in the novel pushing us to the idea that we have a detective before us.
The author suspicious persistence offers exactly such interpretation.

Lotman Yu writes that "already what is characterized by the remarkable insight of the Franciscan monk of the XIV century, Englishman Wilhelm
Baskervilsky, refers to the reader with his name to the story about the most famous dealers of Sherlock Holmes, and the chronicler hears his name
Adson (a transparent hint of Watson at Conan Doyle), a reader oriented reader clearly. This is the role of mention of narcotic drugs that use Sherlock Holmes XIV century to maintain intellectual activity. Like his English twin, periods of indifference and prostration in his mental activity are interspersed with periods of excitation associated with the chewing of mysterious herbs. It is in these last periods that its logical abilities and intellectual power are manifested in all shine. The first scenes, who introduce us to Wilhelm Baskerville, seem to be parody quotes from the epic on Sherlock Holmes: the monk unmistakably describes the appearance of the horse-made horse, which he never saw, and as accurately "calculates", where it should be sought, and then restores the kill's picture "The first of what happened in the walls of the ill-fated monastery, in which the plot of the novel is deployed - although he was also not a witness."

Lotman Yu suggests that this is a medieval detective, and his hero is a former Inquisitor (Latin Inquisitor - the investigator and researcher at the same time, Inquistor Rerom Naturae is a nature researcher, so Wilhelm has not changed the profession, but only changed the scope of its logical abilities) - this Sherlock Holmes in Ryasa Franciscan, who is designed to unravel some extremely cunning crime, neutralize the idea and as a punishing sword fall on the head of criminals. After all
Sherlock Holmes not only logic - he is also a police graph Monte Cristo - sword in the hands of the highest strength (Monte Cristo - Providence, Sherlock Holmes -
Law). He overtakes evil and does not give him to triumph.

However, in the novel, W. Eco events are developing at all along the canons of detective, and the former Inquisitor, Franciscan Wilhelm Baskervilsky, turns out to be a very strange Sherlock Holmes. The hopes that the abbot of the monastery and readers are imposed on him, do not come true: it always comes too late. His witty syllogism and deep-minded conclusions do not prevent any of the entire crimes chains that make up the detective layer of the story of the novel, and the mysterious manuscript, which he gave so much effort, energy and mind, dies at the very last moment, and escaped forever from his hands.

Y. Lotman writes: "In the end, the entire" detective "line of this strange detective is completely obscured by other plots. The reader's interest is switched to other events, and he begins to realize that he was simply faded that, having called the shadow of the hero of the "Baskervilsk dog" in his memory and his faithful chronicler satellite, the author invited us to take part in one game, and he played in perfectly Other. The reader is natural to try to figure out which the rules of this game play with him and what are the rules of this game. He himself turns out to be in the position of the detective, but traditional questions that are always disturbing all Sherlocks Holmes, Megre and Poirot: Who and why I committed (committing) murder (murder) are complemented much more difficult: why and why it tells us about these murders, cunning semiotics from Milan, appearing in a triple mask: Benedictine monk of the cerebrcing German monastery of the XIV century, the famous historian of this Order of Father J. Mabiyon and his mythical french translator Abbot Valle?

According to Lotman, the author as it would open two doors in opposite directions in front of the reader. One says: Detective, to another: Historical Roman. Mysterification with a story about supposedly found, and then lost bibliographic raritt as partially frankly sends us to the stereotypical reasons for historical novels, as the first chapters - to a detective.

The historical moment to which the action of the "Rose name" is dedicted is defined in the novel for sure. According to Adson, "A few months before the events, Koi will be described, Louis, concluding the Union with a broken Frederick, joined Italy." Louis Bavarian, proclaimed by the emperor, joined Italy in 1327. This is how Niccolo McAwelli events describe, against the background of which the story of the novel is deployed: "... Louis Bavarian became the successor to his imperial throne. By that time, the papal throne moved to John XXII, the emperor did not stop having to pursue the Guelphs and the church, whose defenders were advocated by the King Robert and Florentine. Thus began those wars that Visconti led in Lombardy against Gutev, and
Kastrum from Lucca in Tuscany against Florentine Emperor
Louis to raise the meaning of his party yes at the same time, and crowned, appeared in Italy. "

At the same time, severe conflicts are breeding and the Catholic Church.
Archbishop of the French city of Bordeaux, elected in 1305 to the Papal See under the name of Clement V, suffered a residence of papal currics from Rome to Avignon in the south of France (1309). King France Philipp
The IV is beautiful, who has been preceded by Pope Bonifacim in 1303 from the church, got the opportunity to actively interfere in the affairs of the papacy and Italy.
Italy is made by the enemy of the rivalry of the French king and the emperor
Sacred Roman Empire (Germany). All these events are not directly described in the novel Umberto Eco. Only references to how Adson was in Italy, and, in the future, a description of the enmity of "foreigners" and
"Italians" in the walls of the monastery serve as choppers of these stem. But they make up the background of action and are invisibly present in the plot. In more detail concerns the author (and the monk-chronicler) of the intracerer struggle.

The cardinal question of the intracerer struggle, reflecting the main social conflict of the epoch, was the issue of poverty and wealth. Founded at the beginning of the XIII century, the Francis of the Assisian Order of Minorites (younger brothers), in the future - Franciscan, preached the poverty of the Church. In 1215, Dad Innokenti III fastening the heart was forced to recognize the legality of the Order.

However, in the future, when the church's poverty slogan was picked up by the militant folk heretical sects and was widely distributed in the mass of the simpleness, the ratio of the curia to Franciscans has become very delicate. Gerard Segallelli Isper
Parma, called back to the customs of the first Christians - community of property, mandatory work for monks, harsh ease of morals, was burned at the fire in 1296.

The teaching of him picked up the Prelino Torinelli from Novara (Piedmont), who was headed by the widespread popular movement headed
"Apostolic brothers."

He preached a refusal of property and the violent implementation of the early Christian utopia. Dad Clement V announced a crusade against the rapid and his army who has strengthened on the mountain
Dzebello and from 1305 to 1307 stubbornly resisted, overcoming hunger, snow drifts and epidemics.

One of the central events of the novel "Rose name" is an unsuccessful attempt to reconcile Pope and the emperor, who is trying to find allies in the Order of St. Francis. Episode This itself is insignificant, but allows you to involve the reader in the complex peripetics of the political and church struggle of the Epoch.

On the periphery of the text flashes the mentions of the Templars and crucifiers with them, Qatar, Waldenians, Gumiliatov, repeatedly emerges in the conversations of the Avignon capture of Paps, the philosophical and theological discussions of the epoch. All these movements remain behind the text, but to navigate the reader in them is necessary to understand the alignment of forces in the novel, as Y. Lotman believes.

So, we have a historic novel. Y. Lotman writes: "The author himself pushes the reader precisely to this conclusion in one of the car commentaries to the" Rose name ". Recalling the division of historical prose on the work, in the center of which - famous in the history of the person, and to those where the latters are attributed to the periphery, and the artificial fantasy ordinary people, W. Eco prefers the second category and as a sample to which he allegedly followed, calls
"Engaged" Alessandro Mandzoni. However, the tips of the author of the "Rose name" is always Lukava, and a parallel with the great work of Mandzoni is another false key, subjected to the reader. The experience of the Great Romance, of course, did not pass by W. Eco. The situation itself is suggested: the author holds in his hands the old manuscript that has become interesting to him, interesting in the content, but written in the barbaric language: "Lombard idioms - no number, phrases - inappropriately used, grammar - arbitrary, periods are unsophisticated. And then - sophisticated Highnes. " "Stirring with an amazing dexterity of the most opposite properties, it will be collapsed on the same page, in the same period, in the same expression at the same time be coarse and chemmered."

According to Y. Lotman, the initial episode of the "Rose name" acquires ironic color. Victor Shklovsky would call it the exposure of the reception.
But the stringent difference in the construction of the plot. Pushkin had a reason to talk about the effect of Walter Scott on Mandzoni: Adventures of a couple in love against the background of widely described historical events, a story passed through adventures simple man. Scene structure
The "Rose Name" even remotely does not remind such a scheme: a love intrigue is only reduced to one episode that does not play a significant role in the composition, all action takes place inside the same very limited space - the monastery. Much of text - reflections and conclusion. This is not the structure of the historical novel.

According to Lotman Yu. "The image of a labyrinth is one of the symbols for various cultures - is the emblem of the Roman W. Eco. But
"The labyrinth is essentially the crossing of roads, of which some do not have exits, ending with deadlocks through which you need to go through to open the path leading to the center of this strange web." Further, this author notes that, unlike the web, the labyrinth is fundamentally asymmetric. "

But every labyrinth implies her temple, who
"Cracks" his secrets and finds the path to the center. In the novel, this is definitely Wilhelm Baskervilsky. It is he who will go to both doors - "detective" and "historical" - the plot of our novel. Look at this figure. The hero does not belong to historical characters - he is entirely created by the author's fantasy. But by many threads he is associated with the epoch, in which the works of W. Eco placed him (as we see, not only with her!).
Wilhelm arrived at the "Crime Monastery" (so Umberto Eco, according to his own admission, intended to designate the place of action at first) with a certain mission.

The medieval world lived under the sign of the highest integrity.

Unity Divinely, separation comes from the devil. The unity of the church is embodied in the Inquisitor, the unity of thought - in Jorge, who, despite the blindness, remembers a huge number Texts, completely, by heart, integrally. Such memory is capable of storing texts, but it is not aimed at creating new, and the memory of the blind Jorge is a model in which he builds his ideal library. The library, in his view, is a giant special, a place where texts are stored in integrity, and not a place where old texts serve as started points for creating new ones.

The symbol of integrity is opposed to the symbolic image of dismemberment, analysis. Yersiei ("splits") crush the monolithic department of the Middle Ages and allocate personal relations between man and God, man and state, man and truth. Ultimately, it led to a direct contact between the man and God eliminated the need for the Church (the beginning of such a tendency rises to Waldians, further development will be through the century). In the field of thought, this led to the analysis: fragmentation, critical consideration, reconventionity of theses and creating new texts. Jorge embodies the spirit of Dogma, Wilhelm - Analysis. One creates a labyrinth, the other solves the secrets of exit from it. The mythological image of the labyrinth is associated with the rite of initiation, and Wilhelm is a fighter for the initiation of the Spirit. Therefore, the library for it is not a place where the dogmas is stored, and the reserve of food for the critical mind.

The hidden storyline of the novel is the struggle for the second book
"Poetics" Aristotle. Wilhelm's desire to find hidden in the labyrinth of the monastery library Manuscript and the desire of Jorge to prevent its detection lie at the basis of the intellectual duel between these characters, the meaning of which is open to the reader only on the latest pages of the novel. This is a struggle for laughter. On the second day of his stay in the monastery, Wilhelm pulls out the content of an important conversation that occurred recently in the scripting. "Jorge stated that it is plentless to merge the ridiculous drawings of books containing truths. And Vennia said that even Aristotle speaks of jokes and verbal games as about the means of the best knowledge of truths and that, therefore, laughter can not be a bad thing if promotes the revelation of truths
Venenia, who knows perfectly ... Greek knew perfectly, said that Aristotle deliberately devoted a book laughter to the book, the second book of his "poetics", and that if the philosopher so the greatest would take laughter a whole book, laughter must be a serious thing. "

Laughter for Wilhelm is associated with the world moving, creative, with the world, open freedom of judgment. Carnival frees thoughts. But the carnival has one more person - the face of the rebellion.

Keler Remigius explains Wilhelm, why he joined me
Preligo: "... I can't even understand what I did what I did then. You see, in the case of Salvador, everything is completely explained. He is from the fortress, his childhood - a misery, hungry ... ... Prelbi for him personified the struggle, the destruction of the power of the Lord ... But I had everything differently! My parents-townspeople, hunger I did not see! For me it was like ... I don't know how to say ... something similar to a huge holiday, on the carnival. At the bottom of the mountains, while we did not start eating the meat of comrades who died in a fight ... While the hunger did not walk so much that it became further and not to eat, and we dumped the corpses from Rablo's slopes at the surveillance and wolves ... and maybe even And then ... we breathed air ... how to say? Freedom.

Until then I did not know what freedom is. " "It was a brown carnival, and on the carnavals everything is always upside down."

Umberto Eco, as Y. Lotman believes, knows the carnival theory perfectly
M. M. Bakhtina and the deep footprint, which she left not only in science, but also in the public thought of Europe in the middle of the 20th century. He knows and takes into account the work of Heising, and the books like the "holiday jester" X.
Coke. But his interpretation of laughter and carnival, which all puts upside down, does not fully coincide with Bakhtinsky. Laughter does not always serve freedom.

According to Lutmana Yu., Roman Eco is - of course, the creation of today's thought and even a quarter century could be created. It is noticeable to the impact of historical studies that have been subjected to revise many deeply rooted ideas about the Middle Ages over the past decades. After the work of the French historian, Le Goff, demonstratively named "For the New Middle Ages", the attitude to this era was subjected to a wide rethinking. In the works of historians Philip Aryes, Jacques Delumo
(France), Carlo Ginzburg (Italy), A. Ya. Gurevich (USSR) and many others on the foretone of interest in the flow of life, to
"Neistoric personalities", "mentality", i.e., to those features of the historical worldview, which people themselves consider so natural that they simply do not notice, to the yealyam as a reflection of this folk mentality. It radically changed the ratio of the historian and the historical novelist belonging to the artistically the most significant tradition, which went from Walter Scott and to which Mandzoni and Pushkin, and Lion Tolstoy (historical novels about "great people" rarely led to artistic luck But often enjoyed popular with an unintelligible reader).
If the novelist could say before: I'm interested in what historians do not do, - now the historian introduces the reader in those corners of the past that only novelists visited.

Umberto Eco closes this circle: a historian and the novelist at the same time, he writes a novel, but looks at the eyes of the historian, whose scientific position is formed by the ideas of our days. An informed reader captures in the novel and exhaust discussions about the medieval utopia "Cochan Country"
(Cookies) and extensive literature on the inverted world (interest in the texts,
"Excluded inside out", in the past two decades, it has acquired an epidemic character directly. But not only a modern look at the era of the Middle Ages - in the novel Umberto Eco, the reader is constantly faced with the discussion of issues that are touched not only the historical, but also the topical interests of readers. We will immediately find both the problem of drug addiction, and disputes about homosexuality, and reflections on the nature of the left and right extremism, and reasoning about the unconscious partnership of the victim and the executioner, as well as the psychology of torture - all this is equally belonging to
XIV and XX century.

In the novel, the end-to-end motif sounds insistent: utopia, sold using blood flows (rapid), and the service of truth with lies
(Inquisitor). This is a dream of justice, the apostles of which do not gently gentle, nor someone else's life. Broken torture remigions screams to his pursuers: "We wanted the best peace, peace and goodness for everyone. We wanted to kill the war, that war, which you bring to the world. All wars because of your jar! And now you roll our eyes the fact that for the sake of justice and happiness, we shed some blood! In that and all trouble! In the fact that we are too little shed! And it was necessary so that all the water in Karnasko became the scarlet, all the water is on the day in Stajello. "

But not only utopia is dangerous, any truth is dangerous, excluding doubts.
So, even the student of Wilhelm in some minute is ready to exclaim:
"Well at least inquisition arrived on time, because they" took the thirst for truth. " Truth without a doubt gives rise fanaticism. Truth is out of doubt, the world without laughter, faith without irony is not only the ideal of medieval asceticism, this is the program of modern totalitarianism. And when at the end of the novel, the opponents face face to face, we are facing not only the XIV, but also the XX century. "You are the devil," says Wilhelm Jorge.

Eco does not turn out modernity in the clothes of the Middle Ages and does not cause Franciscan and Benedictine to discuss the problems of universal disarmament or human rights. He just found that the time of Wilhelm
Baskervilsksky, and the time of his author is one era that from the Middle Ages to this day we fight over the same questions and that, therefore, you can, without breaking the historical likelihood, create a topical novel from the life of the XIV century.

The loyalty of this thought is confirmed by one essential consideration.
The Roman's action takes place in the monastery, the library of which keeps the richest collection of apocalyps, once brought by Jorge from
Spain. Jorge full of eschatological expectations and infects them all the monastery. He preaches the power of the Antichrist, who has already subordinate the whole world, hesitated him with his conspiracy, became the prince of this world: "He is intense and in his speeches and in the works, and in the citys and in the estates, in the nursing universities and cathedrals" The power of the antichrist is superior to the power of God, the power of evil is stronger than the power of good. Preaching this sow fear, but it is generated by fear. In the epoch, when the soil in people leave under the feet, the past loses confidence, and the future is drawn in tragic tones, people cover the epidemic of fear. Under the rule of fear, people turn into a crowd, worked with atavistic myths. They draws a terrible picture of the Devil's victorious procession, the mysterious and powerful conspiracies of his servants merry, the hunt for witches begins, the search for dangerous, but invisible enemies. The atmosphere of the mass hysteria is created when all legal guarantees are canceled and all the conquests of civilization. It is enough to say about the man "sorcerer", "Witch", "the enemy of the people", "Mason", "intellectual" or any other word, which in this historical situation is a sign of doom, and his fate is solved: it automatically moves to the place of "the culprit" All the troubles, the participant of the invisible conspiracy, "any defense of which is equivalent to recognition in its own involvement in the cunning host.

Roman Umberto Eco begins a quote from the Gospel of John: "At the beginning there was a word" - and end with the Latin quotation, the melancholy reporting that Rosa lifted, and the word "Rose", the name "Rosa" was abide. The genuine hero of the novel is the word. Differently serve as Wilhelm and Jorge. People create words, but words manage people. And the science that studies the place of the word in culture, the ratio of the word and man is called semiotics. "Rose Name" - Roman about Word and Man is a semiotic novel.

It can be assumed that the action of the novel occurs in the medieval monastery is not accidental. Given the ECO addiction to understanding the origins, it is better to imagine that he prompted him to write a novel "Name of Rose" in the late 70s. In those years it seemed that Europe had only a few "minutes" to the apocalyptic "midnight" in the form of a military and ideological confrontation of two systems, drilling various movements from ultra to
"Green" and sex miners in one common boiler of interconnected concepts, hot speeches, dangerous actions. Eco challenged.

Describing the background modern ideas And movements, he thus tried to cool their fervor. In general, the famous practice of art - murder or poisoning of fictional heroes in the edification of the living.

Eco directly writes that in the "medieval roots of all our modern
"Hot" problems, "and the settings of the monks of various orders are not much different from the fights of trotskyists and Stalinists.

3. Notes on the "Rose name" fields

The novel accompany "notes on the fields" "Rose name", in which the author brilliantly talks about the process of creating his novel.

The novel ends with the Latin phrase, which is translated as follows: "Rose with the last name - with our names in our names" as the author himself celebrates, she caused a lot of questions, so "notes on the fields" "Rosa name" begin with "clarification" of the meaning of the title.

"The title" Rose Name "originated almost by chance," Suppose Umberto Eco, "and it came to me, because the rose as a symbolic figure is saturated with the meanings that it's almost no meaning: a mystical rose, and a rose rose, war no longer Scarlet and white rose, rose eating a rose eating a rose. Rose, Rosenkraucers 18, Rosa smells a rose, even a rose call her, even though there is no, Rosa Fresca aulentissima. The name, as conceived, disorientates the reader. It cannot prevent some one interpretation. Even if he gets to the implied nominal interpretations of the last phrase, he will still come to it only at the very end, having time to make a lot of other assumptions. The name must confuse thoughts, and not discipline them. "

At first, W.Ako writes, he wanted to call the book "Abbey of Crimes", but such a title set up readers for a detective story and confused those who are interested only in intrigue. " The dream of the author to name the novel "Adson from Gloka", for this hero stands aside, occupies a neutral position. The title "Rose Name", notes W. Eco came to him
"Because the rose as if a symbolic figure is saturated with meanings, that it's not almost no meaning ... The name, like conceived, disorientates the reader ...
The name must confuse thoughts, and not discipline them. " Thus, the writer emphasizes that the text lives its own, often independent life from him. From here new, various readings, interpretations, for which and should configure the name of the novel. And it's not by chance that the author placed this Latin quote from the composition of the XII century at the end of the text, so that the reader makes various assumptions, thoughts and compared, wondered and argued.

"I wrote a novel because I wanted me," the author writes.
I believe that this is a sufficient basis to sit down and start talking. Man from birth - animal telling. I started writing in March 1978. I wanted to poison the monk. I think that any novel is born from such thoughts. The rest of the flesh is increasing with itself. "

The effect of the novel occurs in the Middle Ages. The author writes: "At first I was going to settle the monks in a modern monastery (invented myself a monk - investigator, followers" Manifesto "). But since any monastery, and in particular the abbey, still lives the memory of the Middle Ages, I woke up a medieval from the winter hibernation and sent rummaged in my own archive. 1956 monograph on medieval aesthetics, a hundred pages of 1969 on the same topic; several articles between the case; Classes of medieval culture in 1962, in connection with Joyce; Finally, in 1972, a large study on the apocalypse and illustrations for the interpretation of the apocalypse Beat Lenibansky: In general, my Middle Ages was maintained in combat readiness. I am a bump of a bunch of materials - abstracts, photocopies, extracts. All this was chosen since 1952 for the most incomprehensible goals: for the history of freaks, for a book about medieval encyclopedias, for the theory of lists ... At some point I decided that because the Middle Ages - my mental everyday life, the easiest way to place the action right in the Middle Ages " .

"So, I decided not only that the story will go about the Middle Ages. I decided that the story would go from the Middle Ages, from the mouth of the chronicler of that era, "
- spins the author. To this end, Umberto reread a huge number of medieval chronicles, "studied rhythm, naivety."

According to Eco, the work on the novel is an event cosmological:
"For telling, first of all, it is necessary to create a certain world as it is better to equip it and thinking in the detail of the world created by me a special role played a story. Therefore, I endlessly re-read the medieval chronicles and as read it understood that it would inevitably have to introduce such things that it was originally not in my thoughts - for example, the struggle for poverty and the persecution of the Inquisition on the semi-breed.
Let's say why I had a two-year-old in the book, and with them - the fourteenth century? If you compose a medieval story, I would take
XIII or XII century - I knew these epochs much better. But a detective was required. Best of all Englishman (intertextual cititation). This detective was supposed to be distinguished by love for observations and special ability to interpret external signs. Such qualities can only be found in Franciscans, and that - after Roger Bacon. At the same time, we find the developed theory of signs only at the ranks. Or rather, it also existed before, but earlier the interpretation of signs either was purely symbolic, or saw some ideas and universals for signs. And only from Bacon to Okka, in this only period, signs were used to study individual. So I realized that the plot would have to deploy in the fourteenth century, and remained very unhappy. It was much harder for me. Since so - new readings, and for them - a new discovery. I firmly understood that the Franciscan of the fourteenth century, even the British, could not be indifferent to the discussion about poverty. Moreover, if he is a friend or student
Okka or just a man of his circle. By the way, I first wanted to make the investigator of the Okkam himself, but then refused this thought, because as a personality Venerabilis Inceptor6 I am alone to me "

The author explains the reason for choosing this period of time in his novel:
"Why is the action dated to the end of November 1327?
Because by December, Mikhail Tszensky is already in Avignon. That's what it means to equip the world of historical novel. Some elements are such as the number of stairs steps, depend on the author's will, and others, such as moving Mikhail, depend only on the real world, which is purely randomly, and only in novels of this type, is inclined into an arbitrary world of the narration. "

According to Eco, "the world we created himself indicates where the plot should go." And indeed, choosing Centriots for his novel,
Eco only sends an action that unfolds already itself, according to the laws and logic of events of those years. And this is especially interesting.

In their notes, Eco opens the entire "kitchen of creation" in front of the reader. So we learn that the choice of certain historical details caused some difficulties from the writer:

"The moroka was with a labyrinth. All the labyrinths known to me - and I used the superb monographs of Sanarkageli - were without a roof. All completely intricate, with a lot of cycles. But I needed a labyrinth with a roof (who saw the library without a roof!). And not very difficult.
In a labyrinth, overloaded with corridors and impasses, there is almost no ventilation.
And the ventilation was necessary for a fire. Chatting two or three months, I myself built the desired labyrinth. And all the same, in the end, he penetrated with embassy with embassies, otherwise, how it comes to the case, the air could not be enough. "

Umberto Eco writes: "I had to harm a closed space, a concentric universe, and to close it better, it was necessary to reinforce the unity of the place by unity of time (the unity of action, alas, remained very problematic). Hence the Benedictine Abbey, where the whole life is measured by canonical clock. "

In their "notes", W. Eco clarifies the basic concepts of postmodernism, its historical and aesthetic origins. The author notes that he sees the Middle Ages "in the depths of any subject, even such that does not seem to be associated with the Middle Ages, but actually connected. Everything is connected. " In medieval chronicles, W. Eco opened the "Echo InterTextuality", for "in all books it is said about other books, ... any story retells the story already told." The novel, approves the writer, is the whole world created by the author and this cosmological structure lives in its laws and requires the author of their observance: "Characters must submit to the laws of the world in which they live. That is, the writer captive of his own prerequisites. " W. Eco writes about the author's game with the reader, which carries out the writing from the reader. She "consisted in order to highlight the adson figure in old age as possible, give him comment on what he sees and hears as a young adson .... The figure of Adson is important and because he, speaking as a member and a fixer of events, does not always understand and will not understand the old age what he writes about. "My goal was, - the author, is to understand everything through the words of one who does not understand anything."

W. Eco in "Notes ..." emphasizes the need for an objective image of reality. Art has an escape from a personal feeling, "because the literature is called upon to" create a reader ", who is ready to play the author's game. The reader is naturally interested in the plot, and here it is immediately striking that "the name of the rose" is a detective novel, but it is different from others that "there is little in it, it turns out, and the investigator suffers defeat. And this is not by chance, notes W. Eco, since "the book cannot have only one plot. So it does not happen. " The author speaks of the existence of several labyrinths in his novel, first of all manneristic, the way out of which can be found by samples and errors. but
Wilhelm lives in the world of rhizome - grid, in which lines - tracks are crossed, therefore, there is no center and exit: "My text is essentially, the history of labyrinths. Special attention is paid to the writer of the irony, which calls a meta-language game. In this game, a writer can participate, perceiving it quite seriously, even sometimes not understanding her: "In this," notes W. Eco, is a distinctive feature (but also in deceit) of ironic creativity. " The conclusion of the author is as follows: "There are obsessive ideas; they have no owner; Books speak among themselves and the present judicial investigation should show that the guilty - we ".

Thus, in their "notes" Umberto Eco reveals not only the true meaning of creating his work, but also all the technology of his writing.

Thanks to the extensive knowledge of Umberto Eco on the history of Middle Ages, his knowledge in the field of semiotics, literature, criticism, as well as thanks to painstaking work on the word, intensifying the plot, the choice of details, we get a great pleasure from reading the historical novel.


Before Umbero Eco in 1980, on the threshold of the fiftieth anniversary, published the first artwork - the novel "Rose name", - he was known in the academic circles of Italy and the whole scientific world as an authoritative specialist in the middle ages philosophy and in the field of semiotics - science about signs. Thus, it is no coincidence that its novel occurs in the Middle Ages.

Roman Umberto Eco "Rose Name" implements concepts that feed the scientific thought of the author that it represents the translation of semiotic and cultural ideas Umberto Eco into the language of art text. This gives the basis differently read "Rose Name".

"I wanted the reader to entertain", "afterwards Eco later. And indeed, when reading this novel, you get truly pleasure, and also get acquainted with the history of the Middle Ages. It was not by chance that it was noted that after the release of the book, the number of students who recorded the separation of the history of the Middle Ages increased dramatically.

All this suggests that the romance is untreated by Eco "Rose Name" - a complete and accurate guide to Middle Ages. Anthony Budgess writes in his review: "People read Arthur Haleb to find out how the airport lives. If you read this book you will not have the slightest ambiguities on how the monastery functioned in the XIV century. "

Brazilian priest, one of the main representatives of the "liberation theology" Leonardo Buff writes about the Roman Eco: "This is not only a gothic story from the life of the Italian Benedictine Monastery of the XIV century.
Undoubtedly, the author uses all the cultural realities of the era (with abundance of parts and eruditions), observing the greatest historical accuracy. But all this for the sake of questions that maintain high significance today, as well as yesterday. There is a struggle between two projects of life, personal and social: one project persistently seeks to preserve the existing, conservation by all means, up to the destruction of other people and self-destruction; The second project is committed to the permanent opening of a new one, even the cost of its own destruction. "

List of used literature

1. Andreev L. Artistic synthesis and postmodernism // Questions of literature.

2001.- №1.- C.3-38

2. Rocky D. Postmodernism in the historical interior // Questions of Literature. - 1996.-№3.- with. 182-205.

3. Kostyukovich E. Eco orbits // Eco W. Rose name. - M., 1998. - P. 645-649

4. Lotman Y. Exit from the labyrinth // Eco U. Rose name. - M: Book Chamber,

1989.- p.468-481.

5. Li Marshall and Umberto Eco. Under the network (interview) // »Art of cinema»

6. Ringold S. "Play a monk" or human values \u200b\u200bin Umberto

Eco // Foreign Literature. -1994.-№4.

7. Umberto Eco Interior Reviews. Translation from Italian Elena

Kostyukovich // "Foreign Literature" 1997, №5

8. Travina E. Umberto Eco // Reality - a fantasy, in which they believe.

Questions of literature. 1996 №5

9. Eco W. Notes on the "Rose name" fields // Rose name. - M: Book Chamber,

10. Eco U. Rose name. Detective. Vol. 2. -M.: Book Chamber, 1989. - 496c.

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Medieval Sherlock Holmes and the mystery of one abode.

The work is quite voluminous, and I do not like it so much. But after reading the "Rose name", I spinned in my head

only one thought: Eco-genius!

First, the historical material is striking - it is selected just wonderful. Atmosphere of the medieval monastery, life of monks,

religious distribution ... well, do not beauty? The only negative (although it is not a minus for me, but rather fat-prey plus) - while reading

you need to look into the textbook on history, well, or Wikipedia.

Secondly, it is still a detective story. Personally, I have 3 versions of what is happening during reading, but they are not

do not join the book.

Thirdly, there are no little philosophical reasoning in the book. It makes a note in the overall impression created by the book. We can understand the worldview

medieval man.

Of course, it is impossible not to say that eco-semiotics. And this means that in the novel in a huge amount there are symbols and signs, the meaning of which is far

insome understanding (thinking at least above the title itself) ..

In the end I want to say - this book is definitely not for everyone .. Do you like detectives? Are you interested in the era of the Middle Ages? Are you ready to talk about religious and philosophical topics?

Useful review?


1 / 0

Art Cheps.

Religious and philosophical historical detective.

In this creation, in the interlacing of historically-detective narratives, the author undertakes attempted to understand the nature of religious experience as such and the nature of the arrangement of the Middle Ages's religious flows in particular.

Of course, a non-trivial detective thread of the story, which deserves the most terrible thoughtful reading, keeps in suspense to the end of the story, although, perhaps, sophisticated by detective history, the mind will find a randering at least by the end of the third quarter of the narration. But, in any case, a person, manifesting interest in history and philosophy, this creation will be very curious ... no is not just curious, but can bring to the clanging ecstasy.

Useful review?


0 / 0


God, God, God !!! I am hopelessly spoiled !!! Sherlock, Poirot, Marple, Fandorine and other such dynamic, with elegant logic and admiring the way .... Working the name of roses on their background for me is fading. I want to pay tribute to the author and book. A wonderful atmosphere has been created, the immersion of 100 percent, the images are interesting, the language of the presentation ... I have not received such pleasure for a long time. It feels the mind, depth and talent of the author. However, this is a detective, and I read the books of such a genre to experience the intrigue to keep track of the chain of events, the reflection of the main character, to observe how the item is amiced for the detail, he folds "puzzles", I want to feel the participant, and not an observer. If you love it too, then reading this work, you will not be able to become a "backpass". Many details are meant, but the author does not consider it necessary to talk about this to the reader, so it remains only to rely on the skills of the main character and simply observe the development of the plot. To say that the union was unexpected?) Not at all, all according to the laws of the genre. The work is good, written well. But I did not have enough of my participation in the book))))))) and the details about how the hero thought)))))))

Useful review?


Umberto Eco "Rose Name"

Performed: Student

groups from - 21

Tyutyunova E. Yu.

Checked: __________


Volgograd 2004.

Introduction .................................................................. ... 3

1. Composition and plot Roman Umberto Eco "Rose Name" ... ... 5

2. Roman Umberto Eco "Rose Name" as a historic novel .... 9

3. Notes on the "Rose name" fields ................................... 21

Conclusion ................................................................27

List of used literature ................................. 29


The name Umberto Eco is one of the most popular in modern culture of Western Europe. Semiotik, aesthetic, historian of medieval literature, critic and essayist, professor of the University of Bologna and the honorary doctor of many universities in Europe and America, the author of dozens of books, the number of which he annually increases with the speed hitting the imagination, Umberto Eco is one of the most boiling volcanic craters of modern intellectual Italy's life. In 1980, he moved steadily in 1980 and instead of the usual appearance of an academic scientist, Erudite and Criticism appeared before the public as the author of the sensational novel, immediately received international fame, crowned with literary prizes and served as the basis of sensational adaptation, it seemed to a row of critics unexpected.

Umberto Eco is an Italian writer, the author of the world famous novels "Rose Name" (1980), "Fouco Pendulum" (1988), "Island on the eve" (1995). Winner of Prizes of the Sturt, Anhyhari, National Prize of Italy (1981). Honorary Citizen Monte Carlo (1981). Cavalier of the French Order for merits in the literature (1985), orders of Marshal McLahan (UNESCO) (1985), the Order of the Honorary Legion (1993), the Greek Order of the Golden Star (1995), the Order of the Big Cross of the Italian Republic (1996).

The success of the work promoted successful screening. The writer was awarded the prestigious Italian Prize "The Stare" (1981) and the French Medici (1982).

It turned out that the life of the inhabitants of the Benedictine Monastery of the XIV century may be interesting people of the twentieth century. And not only because the author spin the detective and love intrigue. But because the effect of personal presence was created.

This novel became the most vivid proof of the rightness of historians of the French school "Annov", which were invited to study the story through the details, particular, life. Through sociology and psychology, not politicians, as it was before. But the matter is not even in this, but in the degree of reliability, which allows you to feel the distant era of yours with this approach, and the other is near.

Unfortunately, Creativity Umberto Eco, and in particular his novel "Name Rose" was not sufficiently studied in Russia. With the exception of the article by Lotman Yu., Kostyukovich E. We could not find work devoted to the research of the works of the modern Italian writer.

Therefore, in this paper, we will try to give an analysis of the novel Umberto Eco "Rose Name" from a historical point of view.

1. Composition and plot Roman Umbeto Eco "Rose Name"

In his novel, the "Rose Name" of Umberto Eco draws a picture of the medieval world, it extremely describes historical events. For his novel, the author elected an interesting composition. In the so-called introduction, the author reports that he falls like an old manuscript of one monk named Adson, who tells about the events with him that occurred in the XIV century. "In a state of nervous excitement," the author "reappears by the terrifying tag of Adson" and translates it for the "modern reader". Further statement of events is an alleged translation of the ancient manuscript. Heracks Adson's manuscript is divided into seven chapters, by number of days, and every day - on episodes dedicated to the divine service. Thus, the action in the novel occurs within seven days. The story begins with the prologue: "I first had a word, and the word was God, and the word was God." The essay of Adson sends us to the events of 1327, "When the Emperor Louis in Italy was prepared, according to the fishery of the Almighty, to make a curtail Usurper, Christ-Sell and Yeressiarch, which in Avilon Schumed covered the holy name of the apostle." Adson introduces the reader in the events of the preceding. At the beginning of the century, Pope Clement V moved the apostolic throne to Avignon, throwing Rome to the robbery by local sovereigns. " "In 1314, five German sovereigns in Frankfurt elected Louis Bavarian Supreme Lord of the Empire. However, on the same day, on the nasty bank of Main, the Palatinsky Count Rhinean and the Archbishop of the city of Cologne, Frederica Austrian elected the same board. " "In 1322, Louis Bavarian broke his opponent Frederick. John (New Dad) has excluded the winner, and he announced Pope Hehetik. It was this year that the Kapitul of the Brothers of the Franciscanians gathered in Perugia, and their general Mikhail Cessensky<...> Proclaimed as the truth of faith, the situation of the poverty of Christ. Dad was dissatisfied<...>, in 1323 he rebelled against the doctrine of Franciscans<...> Louis, apparently, then saw in Franciscans, from now on hostile dad, powerful associates<...>Louis, concluding the Union with a broken Frederick, joined Italy, accepted the crown in Milan, suppressed the discontent of Wisconti, put on the troops of Pisa<...> And quickly entered Rome. "The events of that time. I must say that Umberto Eco, as the true connoisseur of the Middle Ages is extremely accurate in the events described. So, the events unfold at the beginning of the 14th century. A young monk, Adson, on behalf of which the story was conducted, close to the scientist Franciscan Wilhelm Baskerville, comes to the monastery. Wilhelmu, the former inquisitor, is entrusted to investigate the unexpected death of the monk Adelm Otransky. Wilhelm, along with his assistant, is beginning to investigate. They are allowed to talk and walk everywhere except the library. But the investigation goes to a dead end, because all the crime roots lead to the library representing the main value and the treasury of the abbey in which a huge number of invaluable books is stored. Even the entrance to the library is denied by monks, and the books are not issued to everyone and not all that are in the library. In addition, the library is a labyrinth, legends about the "wandering lights" and "monsters" are associated with it. Wilhelm and Adson under the cover of the night attend the library from which they hardly manage to get out. There they meet new riddles. Wilhelm and Adson reveal the secret life of abbey (meetings of monks with selling women, homosexuality, drug use). Adson himself gives back the temptation of the local peasant. At this time, new murders are committed in the abbey (Vennia is found in a barrel with blood, Berengar Arundelsky in a bath with water, Severina Sant Emmeransky in her room with herbs), associated with the same secret that leads to the library, namely to a certain book. Wilhelmu and Adson manages to partially unravel the Labyrinth of the library, and find a cache "The Limit of Africa", a stirred room in which the cherished book is kept. For the disclosure of the killings in the abbey arrives Cardinal Bertrant Sportsky and immediately proceeds to business. He delays the Salvator, the wretched freak, who, wanting to attract the attention of women with the help of a black cat, rooster and two eggs, was detained with the unfortunate peasant. A woman (Adson recognized his girlfriend in her) accused of witchcraft and sharpened in the dungeon. "In the interrogation of the Keler remigion tells about the flour of the Prelbi and Margarita, who burned on the fire, and how he did not oppose this, although he had a connection with Margarita. In desperation, the keler takes all the murders: Adelma from Ontano, Vennia from Salvemka "For the fact that he was too scientist," Berengar Arundel "From Hate to the Library", Severina Sant Emmeransky "For the fact that he collected herbs." But Adson and Wilhelm manage to solve the secret of the library. Jorge - the blind old man, the main keeper of the library, hides from all the "African Limit", which keeps the second book of "poetics" of Aristotle, which is of great interest around which endless disputes in Abbey are being conducted. So, for example, in the abbey is forbidden to laugh. Jorge performs some judge to everyone who is unable to laugh or even draws funny pictures. In his opinion, Christ never laughed, and he forbids laughing the rest. All with respect belong to Jorge. He is afraid. Oznako, Jorge for many years was a real ruler of the Abbey, who knew and kept all his secrets from the rest, when he began to blindly, he made anything of the sense monk to the library, and at the head of the abbey put the monk, which he obeyed. When the situation came out of control, and many people wished to solve the mystery of the "limit of Africa" \u200b\u200band take possession of the book of Aristotle, Jorge steals the poison from Severin's laboratory and impresses them the pages of the cherished book. The monks, whipping and wetting the finger of saliva, gradually die, with the help of Malachi Jorge kills Severin, locks the Abbot, who also dies. Everything is solved by Wilhelm with his assistant. Finally, Jorge gives them to read the "poetics" of Aristotle, in which he sounds refuting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sinfulness of laughter. According to Aristotle, laughter has a cognitive value, he equates him to art. For Aristotle, laughter is "kind, clean power." Laughter is able to deduct from fear when a man laughs, he has no matter to death. "However, the law can be kept only with the help of fear." From this idea could "fly out Lüceferian spark", from this book "could nourish the new, crushing desire to destroy death by exemption from fear." This is why Jorge is so afraid. All his life Jorge did not laugh and forbade it to do to others, this sullen old man hiding from all the truth, installed a lie. As a result of the persecution of Jorge, Adson drops the lantern and a fire arises in the library, to put out which is not possible. Three days later, all the abbey burns to the alert. Only a few years later, Adson, traveling for those places, comes to the ash region, finds out some of the most precious scraps, so that later in one word or proposal to restore at least a negligible list of lost books. Taks entertaining the plot of the novel. "Rose Name" - a kind of detective, whose action takes place in the medieval monastery. Critic Cesare Zakkaria believes that the writer's appeal to the genre of a detective is caused by the fact that "this genre was best able to express the unfortunate charge of violence and fear laid in the world in which we live." Yes, undoubtedly, many private situations of the novel and its main conflict are quite "read" and as an allegorical display of the situation of the current, twentieth century.

2. Roman Umberto Eco "Rose Name" - a historic novel

From translator

Before Umbero Eco in 1980, on the threshold of the fiftieth anniversary, published the first artwork - the novel "Rose name", - he was known in the academic circles of Italy and the whole scientific world as an authoritative specialist in the middle ages philosophy and in the field of semiotics - science about signs. He developed, in particular, the problems of the relationship between the text with the audience, both on the body of the avant-garde, and on the heterogeneous material of the mass culture. Undoubtedly, Roman Umberto Eco wrote, helping himself with scientific observations, equipping his "postmodern" intellectual prose springs of fascination.

"Running" (this is said in Italy) the book was skillfully prepared by advertising in the press. Obviously attracted the public and the fact that Eco over the years leads in the journal "Espresso" a heading, which has encountered an average subscriber to current humanitarian issues. Nevertheless, real success exceeds all the expectations of publishers and literary criticism.

Exotic flavor plus breathtaking criminal intrigue ensure interest in the novel by the mass audience. A significant ideological charge in combination with irony, with the game of literary associations attracts intellectuals. In addition, it is well known to which the genre of historical novel itself is popular and in our west. Eco accounting and this factor. His book is a complete and accurate guide to Middle Ages. Anthony Burgess writes in his review: "People read Arthur Haley to find out how the airport lives. If you read this book, you will not have the slightest ambiguities on how the monastery functioned in the XIV century. "

Nine years, according to the results of national surveys, the book holds in the first place in the "hot twenty week" (the Italians are respectfully placed "Divine Comedy" at the last place in the same twenty. It is noted that, thanks to the wide dissemination of the Book of Eco, the number of students recorded on the department of the Middle Ages are greatly increasing. Not bypassed the Roman readers of Turkey, Japan, Eastern Europe; Captured on a fairly long period and the North American book market, which is very rarely manifested by the European Writer.

One of the secrets of such stunning success opens to us in the theoretical work of Eco itself, where he argues about the need for "entertainment" in the literature. The literary avant-garde of the 20th century was, as a rule, was alienated from the stereotypes of mass consciousness. In the 70s in Western literature, however, the feeling of the fact that the breaking of stereotypes and the language experiment themselves do not provide "the joys of the text" in its entirety. It became felt that an integral element of the literature is the pleasure of narration.

"I wanted the reader to entertain. At least as much as I am entertained. Modern Roman tried to abandon the plot entertainment in favor of entertainment of other types. I, holy believing in the Aristotelian poetic, believed all his life that the novel should entertain and his story. Or even first of all the plot, "writes Eco in his essay about the" Rose name ", which entered the present publication.

But the "Rose Name" is not only entertainment. Eco preserves loyalty and other principle of Aristotle: the literary work should contain a serious intellectual meaning.

Brazilian priest, one of the main representatives of the "liberation theology" Leonardo Buff writes about the Roman Eco: "This is not only a gothic story from the life of the Italian Benedictine Monastery of the XIV century. Undoubtedly, the author uses all the cultural realities of the era (with abundance of parts and eruditions), observing the greatest historical accuracy. But all this is for the sake of questions that preserve the high importance today, as well as yesterday. There is a struggle between two projects of life, personal and social: one project persistently seeks to preserve the existing, conservation by all means, up to the destruction of other people and self-destruction; The second project is committed to the permanent opening of a new one, even the cost of its own destruction. "

Critic Cesare Zakkaria believes that the writer's appeal to the genre of a detective is caused, among other things, also the fact that "this genre was better than others could express the inexorable charge of violence and fear laid in the world in which we live." Yes, undoubtedly, many private situations of the novel and its main conflict are quite "read" and as an allegorical display of situations of the current, XX century. So, many reviewers, and the author himself in one of the interviews, spend parallels between the plot of the novel and the murder of Aldo Moro. Matching the novel "Rose Name" with the book of the famous writer Leonardo Shahi "Case Moro", Critic Leonardo Lattarulo writes: "They are based on the ethical question, which exposes the insurmountable problematic problem. We are talking about the problem of evil. This return to the detective, carried out, seemingly in the pure interests of the literary game, is actually seriously serious, for the entirely inspired by the hopeless and hopeless seriousness of the ethics. "

Now the reader gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the sensational innovation of 1980 in the full version.

Of course, manuscript

On August 16, 1968, I acquired a book called "ADSON Father's notes from a globe, translated into French by Father J. Mabiyon" (Paris, Typography of Lasursky Abbey, 1842). The author of the translation was a certain abbot baller. In a pretty poor historical commentary it was reported that the translator literally followed the edition of the manuscript of the XIV century., Found in the library of the Melk Monastery with the famous seventeenth century scientists, such a lot to the historiography of the Order of the Benedictians. So found in Prague (coming out, for the third time) Raritet saved me from longing in a stranger country, where I waited for the one who was the road to me. A few days later, the poor city was busy with Soviet troops. I managed to cross the Austrian border in Linz; From there I easily got to Vienna, where finally met with that woman, and together we went on a trip upstream of the Danube.

In the state of nervous excitement, I was droven by the terrifying tast of the adson and was captured that he himself did not notice how he began to translate, filling the wonderful big notebooks from Joseph Zheberib, in which it is so nice to write, if, of course, the pen is soft enough. In the meantime, we ended up in the vicinity of a global, where so far on the cliff over the raccoon river, it is repeatedly rebuilt by STIFT. As the reader probably already understood, no traces of the manuscript of Adson's father in the monastery library did not find out.

Shortly before Salzburg, our union was destroyed in a small hotel on the shores of Mondsee, the journey was interrupted, and my companion disappeared; With her, the book was also disappeared and the book was not the evil intent, and there was only a manifestation of the crazy unpredictability of our break. Everything with what I stayed then is a stack of written notebooks and an absolute emptiness in the shower.

After a few months, in Paris, I returned to location. In my statements from the French original, among other things, the reference to the original source is preserved, surprisingly accurate and detailed:

Vetera Analcota, Sive Collectio Veterum Aliquot Operum & Opusculorum Omnis Generis, Carminum, Epistolarum, Diplomaton, Epitaphiorum, & Cum Itinere Germanico, Adnotationibus Aliquot Disquisitionibus R. P. D. Joannis Mabillon, Presbiteri AC Monachi Ord. Sancti Benedicti E Congregatione S. Mauri. - Nova Editio Cui Accessere Mabilonii Vita & Aliquot Opuscula, SCILICET DISSERTATIO DE PANE EUCHARISTICO, AZIMO ET FERMENTATIO, AD EMINENTISS. Cardinalem Bona. Subjungitur Opusculum Eldefonsi Hispaniensis Episcopi de Eodem Argumento et Eusebii Romani Ad Theophilum Gallum Epistola, De Cultu Sanctorum Ignotorum, Parisiis, Apud Levesque, Ad Pontem S. Michaelis, MDCCXXI, Cum Privilegio Regis.

Vetera Analca I immediately ordered in the library of Saint Genevieve, but, to my greatest surprise, at least two discrepancies with a description of the point opened at the title page. First, otherwise the publisher's name looked out: here - Montalant, Ad Ripam P. P. Augustianurum (Prope Pontem S. Michaelis). Secondly, the date of publication here was listed for two years later. Needless to say, there were no notes of Adson Melksky in the collection, nor any publications, where the adson name appeared. And in general, this is the publication, as it is easy to see, consists of medium-sized materials or a very small volume, while the text of the baller has several hundred pages. I addressed the most famous medievalists, in particular to Etienne, a wonderful, unforgettable scientist. But they all claimed that the only existing edition of Vetera Analca is the one that I enjoyed in Saint Geneviev. By visiting Lasursk Abbey, located in the Passy area, and talking with his friend Arne Laaneshtedt, I absolutely assured that no Abbot Ball had never published books in the printing house of Lasursky Abbey; It seems that the printing house in Lasursky Abbey has never been. The inaccurability of French scientists in relation to bibliographic footnotes is well known. But this case was superior to the most bad expectations. It became clear that in my hands I visited the net fake. In addition, the book of the ballet now turned out to be out of reach (in general, I did not see the way to get it back). I only had only my own entries inspired by quite little trust.

There are times of extremely strong physical fatigue, combined with motorcycling, when we are ghosts of people from the past ("EN ME RETRAçANT CES DETAILS, J'EN SUIS Á ME DEMANDER S'ILS SONT RÉELS, OU BIEN SI JE LES AL RêVÉS"). Later, I learned from the excellent work of the Bukua Abbot, which is exactly how the ghosts of untidental books are.

If it were not for a new chance, I would undoubtedly have a dead point. But, thank God, somehow in the 1970th year in Buenos Aires, swearing the counter of small bukinist on the street Currents, not far from the most famous of all patio del Tango, located on this extraordinary street, I came across the Spanish translation of the brochure cute Teeshevara "On the use of mirrors in chess", which had already happened to refer to (however, from the second hands) in his book "Apocalyptics and integrated", viewing a later book of the same author - "Apocalypse sellers". In this case, it was a translation from the lost original written by Georgian (the first edition - Tbilisi, 1934). And in this brochure, I completely unexpectedly discovered extensive excerpts from Adson Melksky's manuscript, although I should note that as a source Teeschwar did not indicate the abbot of the ballet and not the father of Mabiyon, but the father of Atanasius Kirhera (which book was not specified). One scientist (I do not see the need to bring His name here) I gave me a head on the cut, that in any kind of work (and the content of all the works of Kirger he quoted into memory), the great Jesuit does not mention the Melksky Adson. However, I myself kept the Teeshevar brochure and saw that the episodes cited there textually coincide with the episodes of the story translated by the point (in particular, after comparison of two descriptions of the labyrinth, no doubt could not remain). Whatever Penyamino Plachly, Abbot Balle, existed in the world - as, accordingly, Adson from a globe.

I thought about what the fate of Adson's notes was consonant with the nature of the narration; As much here, unclear secrets, ranging from authorship and ending a place; After all, Adson with an amazing stubbornness does not indicate exactly where the abbey described by them, and soluble swelling signs allowed to assume any point of the extensive area from pomposa to a horse; Most likely, this is one of the elevations of the Apenninsky ridge at the boundaries of Piedmont, Liguria and France (that is, somewhere between Lerici and Turbine). Year and a month, when the events took place, were named very accurately - the end of November 1327; But the spelling date remains uncertain. Based on the fact that the author in 1327 was a novice, and during when a book is written, he is already close to the end of life, it can be assumed that work on the manuscript was carried out in the last ten or twenty years of the XIV century.

Not so much, it must be admitted, there were arguments in favor of publishing this my Italian translation from a fairly dubious French text, which in turn should be an arrangement from the Latin edition of the seventeenth century, allegedly reproducing the manuscript created by the German monk at the end of the fourteenth.

How should the style of style decide? Initial temptation to stylize the translation under the Italian language of the era, I did not succumb to: first, Adson wrote not in Staroinitalian, but in Latin; Secondly, it felt that all culture assimilated by him (that is, the culture of his abbey) even more archaic. This is the amount of knowledge and stylistic skills perceived by the late-medieval Latin tradition in many centuries. Adson thinks and expresses as a monk, that is, in the separation from the developing folk literature, copying the style of books collected in the library described by him, relying on the patristic and scholastic samples. Therefore, his story (not counting, of course, the historical realities of the XIV century, which, by the way, Adson leads uncertainly and always first) in his language and the quotation set could also belong to the XII and XIII century.

In addition, there is no doubt that, creating his French in the neo-eating taste, the baller did rather freely with the original - and not only in the sense of style. For example, the heroes talk about the grass, clarifying, apparently, on the so-called "book of secrets Albert Great", the text of which, as is known, has been severely transformed for centuries. Adson can only quote the lists existing in the fourteenth century, and meanwhile, some expressions suspiciously coincide with the formulations of Paracelsa or, say, with the text of the same Albertov herbalon, but in a significantly later option - in the era of the tudor. On the other hand, I managed to find out that in those years, when Abbot Balloon rewritten (is it?) Headson's memories, in Paris had a batch published in the XVIII century. "Big" and "Small" albera, already with a completely distorted text. However, it is not excluded because the possibility of presence in the lists available to ADSON and other monks, options not included in the final building of the monument, lost among the gloss, scatter and other applications, but used by subsequent generations of scientists.

Finally, another problem: Leave Latin those fragments that Abbot Ballea did not translate to his French - perhaps, counting to keep the aroma of the era? I did not have the reason to follow him: only for the sake of academic conscientiousness, in this case, it is necessary to think, inappropriate. From explicit banalities I got rid of, but I still left some latinations, and now I'm afraid that it happened as in the cheapest novels, where, if the hero is French, he is obliged to speak "Parbleu!" And "La Femme, AH! La Femme! ".

As a result, there is a complete non-alignment. It is not known even than a motivated my own bold step - a call to the reader to believe in the reality of Apps of Adson Melksky. Most likely, weird love. Or maybe an attempt to get rid of a number of obsessive ideas.

Rewriting a story, I do not mean any modern allusions. In those years, when fate threw me the book of Abbot Ball, there was a belief that it is possible to write only with an eye on modernity and with intent to change the world. It took more than ten years, and everyone calmed down, admitting the writer the right to a sense of dignity and that it is possible to write from pure love to the process. This allows me to tell you completely freely, just for the sake of pleasure to tell, the story of Adson Melksky, and is terribly pleasant and comforting to think, what she is far from today, from where the mind of the mind, thank God, expelled all the monsters, who once spawned him sleep. And to what they are brilliantly missing here any references to modernity, any of our today's alarms and aspirations.

This is a story about books, and not about the ill-fated ordinary; After reading it, it should probably repeat after the great imitator of the camup: "I was looking for peace everywhere and I found him in the corner, with a book."

January 5, 1980

Auto note

Adson's manuscript is divided into seven chapters, by number of days, and every day - on episodes dedicated to worship. Subtitles from a third party with the retelling of the main chapters are most likely added by Mr. Ball. However, they are comfortable for the reader, and since such a design of the text does not diverge with the Italian-speaking book tradition of that era, I found the possible subtitles to save.

Adopted by Adson, the breakdown of the day by liturgical clock was quite a significant difficulty, firstly, because she, as you know, varies depending on both of the season, and from the location of the monasteries, and secondly, because it was not established whether it was observed if In the XIV century of prescriptions, the rules of St. Benedict exactly as it is now.

Nevertheless, seeking to help the reader, I partly brought out of the text, partly by compulsory the rules of St. Benedict with the schedule of services, taken from the book Edward Schneider "Benedictine Watch", the following table of the ratio of canonical and astronomical hours:

Semidot (Adson uses more archaic term Vigil) - from 2.30 to 3 hours at night.

Pwallery (an old name - Morning) - from 5 to 6 am; Should end when the dawn is forced.

Hour first - About 7.30, shortly before the morning dawn.

Hour Third - At about 9 am.

Hour sixth - noon (in monasteries, where monks are not busy in field works, in winter, it is also a lunch hour).

An hour ninth - From 2 to 3 hours of the day.

Vespers - About 4.30, before sunset (according to rule, dinner should follow the onset of darkness).

Village - About 6. About 7 monks lay down.

When calculating, it was taken into account that in Northern Italy, in late November, the sun rises around 7.30 and comes at about 4.40 days.


At the beginning there was a word, and the word was from God, and the word was God. This is what was at the beginning of God, the work of good inquire and dinner and nostalo to told in the humility of the Psalmophess about that mysteriously unknown phenomenon, through the unknown truth of the verbolet. However, I will visit the Tokmo PER Speculum et in aenigmate, and on the truth, before revealing the face of our forefront, is manifested in weak features (alas! How indistinguishable!) Among the general worldly blud, and we are driving, recognizing the preliminary banners also there. where they are only darker and allegedly permeated alien to the will, entirely aspiring to evil.

Sorry for the sunset of sinful existence, in Sedyanka, dye, like this earth, waiting for the abyss of divinity, where one silence and the desert and where they merge with the irrevocative rays of Angelic accord, and Dotola burdened with a grave suprace the federation in the beloved Melk monastery, and prepare Trust the parchmen memory of wondrous and terrifying matters, which fell to me to come apart in the green summer. The narration of Verbatim is only about worth it seen and hearing, without hope, the hidden meaning of events and in order not to be survived for the people who are coming to the world (God's mercy, but not warned by Antichrist) those signs of signs, let them make a prayer of interpretation.

The Vladyka of Heavenly become a close witness to the task in the abbey, who is now silent for good and mercy, with the fuss of the year of the Lord 1327, when the emperor Louis in Italy was preparing, according to the fishery of the Most Himusha, to lift a curtail usurper, Christ-Sell and Yeressiarch Strem covered the holy name of the apostle (this about the sinful soul of Jacob Kagorsky, he worshively worshiped as John XXII).

In order, it was better understood, in what cases I visited, I would need to remember what was happening at the beginning of the century - and how I saw all this, living then, and I see now, managed by other knowledge - if, of course, the memory can cope with confusing threads from Sets of clubs.

In the first years of the century, the Pope Clement V moved the apostolic throne to Avignon, throwing Rome to the robbery to local sovereigns; Gradually, the His Holiness In Christianity, the city became both a circus or lupanarium; The winners teased him; The republic was called, but she was not devoted to the crowd, robbery and looting. Church believers, unfortunate civil authorities, commanded the gangs of bandits, the sword in his hands focused and wickedly got out. And what to do? The capital of the world, naturally, became welcome prey for those who were preparing to be married to the crown of the Sacred Empire Roman and revive the highest worldly power, as was during Caesar.

At 1314, five German sovereigns in Louis Louis Bavarian Supreme Lord of the Empire were elected in 1314. However, on the same day, on the nasty bank of Main, the Palatinsky Count Rhinean and the Archbishop of the city of Cologne, Frederick Austrian elected the same board. For one crown, two emperors and one dad are two thrones - here it is, the focus of the worshi in the world.

Two years later, the new dad Jacob Kororsky, an old man of seventy two years, was elected in Avignon, and granted John XXII, so it would not allow the sky to even at least one pontiff take it a nasty good name. The Frenchman and the Citiza of the French king (and the people of the malicious land always fit out for their own and are unable to understand that the world is our common spiritual fatherland), he supported Philip Beautiful against the Knights-Teasts, accused by the king (I suppose, cherish) in shameful sins; All for the sake of their treasures, koi dad-apostate with the king assigned. Intervene and Robert Neapolitansky. In order to maintain its board in the Italian Peninsula, he persuaded the father not to recognize any of the two Germans by the emperor and remained the church state leader himself.

In 1322, Louis Bavarian broke his opponent Frederick. Frightened by the only one from now on, the emperor is even stronger than he was afraid of two, John excused the winner, and on the retaliatory hesita declared Pope Hehetik. It is necessary to know that this year in Perugia gathered the capital of the Franciscan brothers, and their general Mikhail Cessensky, bowing a rumor to the requirements of "husbands of the Spirit" - "Spirituals" (about the latter I will also tell), proclaimed like the Truth of Faith, the Regulation on the poverty of Christ which with its apostles, if anything owned something, then only USUS FACTI. The decent statement recognized to investigate the virtue and purity of the fraternity. Dad was dissatisfied, probably having threatened his claims, because it was preparing, as the sole head of the Church, to remember the empire to elect the bishops, while preserving the prerogative of the coronation of emperors. One way or another, in 1323 he rebelled against the Franciscan doctrine in his decretal Cum Inter Nonnullos.

Louis, apparently, at the same time he saw in Franciscans, from now on hostile dad, powerful associates. The proclaiming poverty of Christ, they strengthened the positions of the imperial theologians - Marcialia Paduansky and John Yandong. And a few months before the events, the koi will be described, Louis, concluding the Union with a broken Frederick, joined Italy, he accepted the crown in Milan, suppressed Visconti displeasure, put on the troops of Pisa, appointed an imperial governor Kastruccho, Duke Lucca and Pesol (and in vain, I think because I have not met more cruel man "In addition to the raccchon from Fajol), and quickly went to Rome, where Scarra's column called, Mr. of that area.

It was time when I, having accepted obedience in the Benedictic monastery in a gravel, was taken from the monastery silence by the will of the Father, who was taking his father in a retinue and not the last one between his baroni, what did it judge me with him, so that I watched the wonders of Italy and in the future The coronation of the emperor in Rome. But as sat down under the pisa, he led him to surrender to military care. I, he encouraging, and from leisure and for the use of new spectacles was examined by Tuscan cities. However, according to Batyushka and Mother, living without classes and lessons did not suit the young man promised to contemplative ministry. Somet then, on the advice of Marcília who loved me, and I was asked to the scientist Franciscan Wilhelm Baskerville, who went to the embassy on the sorny cities and the largest in Italy by Abbey. I have become a scribe and a student and never regretted, because there was a decent perpetuation of perpetuations - for what I worry now - in the memory of those who come for us.

I did not know what I was looking for Brother Wilhelm, in truth - I do not know now. I admit that he himself did not know, and the move was the only passion - to the truth, and suffered from the only concern - relentless, as I saw - that the truth is not what it seems in this moment. However, to the main classes, entertained by grave era concerns, he then did not touch. The order for him was unknown until the end of the trip, that is, the Wilhelm did not speak about him. Only I hear the strokes of his conversation with the abbots of monasteries, I guessed about his tasks. But the genuine goals opened me at the end of the trip, which I will say later. We moved to the north, but not directly, but from the monastery to the monastery. Therefore, we rejected to the West (although the goal was in the east), and then went along the crest of the mountains stretching from Pisa to St. Jacob's pass, as long as the land was now named, on the eve of the story about the horrors there, refrain to call, but I will say Nevertheless, that the rulers were true to the Empire, and the local abbryboration of our Order, united, opposed the heretic and the taste of dad. The whole path came out two weeks, and with such events in which I could better learn (although it is still not enough) a new teacher.

In hencefight, it is not a loan of this sheets by the description of the appearance of people - besides cases, when the person, or the movement will be silent, but the eloquent language. For, on boa, everything is fleeting. She sweeps and disappears, like meadow color in front of the fall, and whether it is worth remembering that his high-strength abbot Abbon's eyes were harsh and pale a face, when he and everyone with him lived - now the dust, and the dust of the color, their mortal color. (Only the Spirit, the will of the Lord, shines in the ever-negascique light.) William still, I will describe once and for all, since the usual features of his appearance seemed to me all important. So always, the young man, attached to a senior and more manageable man, to admire not only smart speeches and sharpness, but also the appearance, expensive for us, like a father's appearance. From Him we adopt the habel, and the gait, catch his smile. But no creature is stifted by this, perhaps the only clean, variety of carnal love.

In my time, people were beautiful and rosy, and now they are dwarfs, children, and this one of will adopt that the unfortunate world flies. The youth does not look at the elders, science in decline, the land turned upside down, the blinders lead the blind people, pushing them into the abyss, the birds fall without sweeping, the donkey plays on the lyre, the buffaloes are danced. Maria does not want a contemplative life, Marfa does not want the life of active, Liya is untolly, Rachel lustful, Caton goes to Lupanarium, Lucretia was wondering. Everyone was confused with the way true. And yes, the unlucky Lord of the praise will be ascended for the fact that I managed to perceive from the teacher to the thirst for knowledge and the concept of a direct path that always saves, even when the path in front of a toe.

View Brother Wilhelm could remember the most absentman. Rising above ordinary, he seemed even higher because of her thin. View acute, insightful. Slim, slightly hooked nose reported a cavity that disappeared at the moments of the redemption, about which I will say later. The chin also showed a strong will, although the length of the face, swept the freckles - there are many of those who are born between Hibernia and Northoumbrane, - could mean the uncertainty in itself, shyness. Over time, I was convinced: what seemed to be indecisive in it, was curious and only curiosity. However, at first I did not know how to appreciate this gift, considering it by manifestation of mental depravity. Then as in a reasonable soul, I thought, I do not have access to curiosity, and it eats only the truth, which, as I was convinced, finds out at first sight.

I, the boy, immediately struck the shreds of yellowish hair, who traded in his ears, and thick bright eyebrows. He lived in spring fifty and, it means, was very old. However, the body was not tired, moving with agility, not always affordable and me. In periods of revival, his vigor hit. But at times, it seemed to break something broken, and sluggish, in complete prostration, he was lying in the cell, without answering or answering one-way, without moving a single muscle face. The glance was made meaningless, empty, and it was possible to suspect that he was in the power of a dopeful potion, "when the shaved abstraction of his whole life did not protect such suspicions. Nevertheless, I will not hide that he was looking for on the way on the edges of the meadows, on the outskirts of the grove, some grass (in my opinion, always the same thing), Radva and focused focus. I also took with him, to chew in minutes of the highest voltage of the forces (a lot of them was waiting for us in the monastery!). I asked him that for the grass, he laughed and replied that a kind Christian, it happens, learns to be incorrect. I wanted to try, but he did not give with the words that, as in speeches, Paidikoi, Ephebikoi and Gynaikoi differ in speeches to the emergents, and with herbs: what is a great old man Franciscan, it is not young Benedictine.

While we were together, the daily routine could not be executed. Even in the monastery, we were at night, and in the daytime, we were irregular to the departures of the service of God. On the road, he still rarely awake after the vorter. The habit was moderate. In the monastery days disappeared on the garden, considered herbs, as chrysoprases and emeralds are considered. And in Kripte, in the treasury she looked at the casket, covered with emeralds and chrysoprasses, as if on wild cereal grass in the field. For all day, he leafed by manuscripts in the big hall of the library - you might think only for pleasure (and in the circle at this time all the corpses of brutally killed monks). I found him walking in the garden without any visible goal, as if he was not obliged to give a report to the Lord in all actions. In the fraternity taught otherwise to spend time, what I said about him. He also answered that the beauty of the cosmos is not only in the unity of diversity, but also in the diversity of unity. I accepted this answer for ignorant and complete empiricism. Only later, I realized that the people of his land would like to describe the most important things as if they were an educational force of an ordinary reasoning.

Le Manuscrit de Dom Adson de Melk, Traduit En Français d'Après L'édition de Dom J. Mabillon. Paris, AUX PRESSES DE L'Abbaye de La Source, 1842. (approx. Author.)

Ancient anthology, or a collection of ancient works and essays of any kind, somehow: letters, notes, epitaph, with a German-speaking commentary, notes and research on the prevailing father, Doctor of theology of Jean Mabiyon, the presbyter of the monastic Order of St. Benedict and the Congregation of St. Mover. The edition, including the life of Mabiyon and its writings, namely a note "about the bread of communion, fresh and kvass" to his high-strength cardinal Bona. With the appendix of the writings of Ildeonfons, Bishop of Spain, on the same subject, and Essabia Romanesque to theophila Gaul Messages "On the reverence of unknown saints"; Paris, Typography of Leek, under the bridge of St. Michael, 1721, with the permission of the king (lat.).

Pontiff (Lat.) - In Ancient Rome member of the priest board; in christian church - Bishop, Prelate, subsequently - dad (honorary rank of bishop); Pope Roman.

Mikhail Cessensky (from Cape, Ok. 1270-1342) - Franciscan actor who has played a major role in the history of the Order. Initially, belonged to the Orthodox wing of Francisania - conventuals, as a result, negatively belonged to the teachings and activities of Spirituals. Conventuals who carried out at the beginning of the XIV century. The leadership of the Order, put forward Mikhail to the post of the General Minister. At the same time, the new Pope John XXII opened the fight against liberal trends among Franciscans and published Bully AD CondiLorem Canonum (8 Dec. 1322) and Cum Inter Nonnullos (12 Nov. 1323), insisting that the Franciscans have the right of ownership; It was undermining the very foundations of the Order. William Okka, and after him, Mikhail Cessensky with Borgamsky's Bonagregation stood on the defense of traditional teachings. So Mikhail became the head of the dogmatic opposition to Dad. In 1327, he was called up by Pope in Avignon and a consequence was appointed over it. Without waiting for the sentence, Mikhail fled to the court of Louis Bavarian, from where he continued to fight dad. In 1329, he was convicted in absentia and deprived of Sana. By the end of his life, Mikhail was devoted to Louis. The subsequent dads easily managed to incline the Franciscan Order to the obedience of the Curia and to the abandonment of the previous beliefs.

Decricals (Epistoles, Decreent Epistoles) - Letters or Pope Messages In response to a question addressed to him on a particular case, but the resolution of which can serve as a general rule.

Martilly Paduanian (1275-1343) - a political thinker who argued in the "Defender of the World" treatise the idea of \u200b\u200ba public contract, opposed to Pope's claims for secular power. In 1327, he was excommunicated from the church.

Benedictine Order is the richest and cereal monastic order of the Middle Ages. Based by St. Benedict Purysius in 529 in Montekassino. According to the Charter ("Rule"), Benedictians were charged with labor, both physical (agriculture) and - first of all - mental: breeding of youth (novices), translation, interpretation and manufacture of books, collecting libraries. Inside the Order existed several powerful branches (Klii, Cistercians, etc.). In total in the XII-XIV centuries. There have been more than 15 thousand Benedictine monasteries. It is thanks to the scientists of the Benedictine to the present day, masterpieces of ancient Greek, ancient Roman and medieval literature remained.