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Online divination in the name of your favorite on the playing. Methods of fortune telling for love by name, surname and date of birth

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The fortune telling, carried out by the name of a person - ancient witchcraft, which people used throughout the hundreds of years. Everyone knows that the name, this man At birth, largely determines its character and all fate.

Experienced esoterics can easily take advantage of this information about a person to better know it, and make a forecast for the future.

Meaning of the name

Any word, including the name, consists of sounds. Sounds are waves, each of which has its own frequency. Waves are capable of influencing the organisms of living beings, moreover, the impact can be both positive and negative. It has long been known and successfully used in modern medicine.

Each word consists of a set of sound waves that act per person in those moments when the surrounding call it by name, but there are dozens like this, if not hundreds of times in one day. It can be assumed that these very sounds are able to influence a person and form his personality, its mental quality and character.

This is a look modern scienceBut the wizards of all masters in antiquity have similar information, moreover, they used human information to influence it, since the name is a powerful energy channel with which each of us is connected.

Magic and names

Each of us has a name, but it contains much more than a set of letters and sounds. We have sets magic numberswhich determine our character, and also have a serious impact on our fate.

Numbers named after, surname and fate

Based on the ancient numerology, modern esotericists brought the regularity of the main numbers in the fate of each person. Each of us has its own 4 digits that have a huge influence on our body, our character and the future.

The first three numbers are contained in the name and surname of a person, and the latter - in the date of his birth. It is easy to determine these numbers enough, because each letter in the name and surname has its own digital code.

The first number contains information about the nature of man. It is easy to calculate it, for this you need to write my name and surname on a sheet of paper, and then sign it in the alphabet one under each letter. Letter "A" - 1, "B" - 2, etc.
As an example, consider a person named Ivan Ivanov. His numeric row - 10, 3, 1, 15, 10, 3, 1, 15, 16, 3. After that, rewrite the number in such a way that it only unambiguous numbers in it - 1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 5 , 1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 5, 1, 6, 3. Now you need to add all the values \u200b\u200bof the value, we get: 1, 4, 6, 1, 4, 6, 7, 3. Repeat the procedure until then until the unambiguous number remains, in this case we will get: 5.
Based on this value, you can make a variety of conclusions about what a person is from the inside, what is his character.

Elements of numerology and simple assurance techniques can give amazing results.

The second digit is the inner world of man and his views on life. To calculate it, you need to repeat the operation with numbers and letters in the name and surname, but only vowels need to use, in the case of the name Ivan Ivanov - and, and, and, oh, that is: 10, 1, 10, 1 , 16. When adding, we get: 2.

The third meaning determines how a person is perceived by others, as relatives relate to him and relatives. To calculate, you need to use consonant letters. In our case, this is: in, n, in, n, in what numerical meaning - 3, 15, 3, 15, 3. After addition, we will get: 5.

To determine the fourth number, which stores the mystery of the future, you need to make up all the numbers of the date of your birth. As an example, consider the date 12. 08. 1983. In this case, we received a number: 5

As a result, we turned out a numerical series of the person name: 5, 2, 5, 5
Number value:
1 - success, purposefulness, self-confidence and in own power, love of power, high opportunities for self-realization and career growth.
2 - loving, desire for harmony, excessive softness, credulity, problems on the basis of relationships.
3 is a rich inner world, energy, the ability to apply the maximum number of forces to achieve the goal, self-dedication.
4 - endurance, practicality, misfortune, problems with money, organizational and leadership abilities.
5 - multilateral interests, forgetfulness, possible problems Due to the fact that when choosing between their own interests, desires and necessity, a person chooses himself.
6 - business, ability to manage, kindness, dreaminess, not the ability to go to the conflict, which can lead to career difficulties.
7 - restraint, ability to take right solutions, High opportunities for career growth.
8 - excessive caution, perseverance, strength, severe nature, rudeness.
9 - Dreamy, such a person may forget about everything if he is in this moment OK.

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On a date

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Love Solitaire

The best barometer of love weather is, of course, a special solitaire, which will give the most accurate forecast about the coming change in the personal front. Do you know what to expect from the closest weekend, the upcoming vacation or series of chosen? It's time to decompose the solitaire cards!

Love does not love?

We all come from childhood. That time when it was customary to guess on the chamomile. "Loves? Does not love? - We asked her a question, ruthlessly tearing the gentle white petals. " Let's coast a nature and pay online on the mog.

Would you like to know what happened, what will the heart calm down? Yes, and understand right away, whether to consider a certain person as a cavalier or not. Want to try by name? Well, then cards in hand and forth.

Name compatibility

Gray for him, he dreams, but you know only the name, well, the surname will assume. Then you can clarify something, shown on the compatibility of names. Here everything is quite simple: you need a sheet of paper and writing subject.

Start recording from left to right your surname and name (all the letters write separately from each other) when the letter came across, which has already been - write it under the letter, written earlier, so the letter "A" - under "A" (as a result, columns may turn out Five - seven identical letters). Then continue to record the surname and name of the lust object in the same way.

Consider the number of letters in each column and write down (if an even number write zero, if an odd one). Then write down the amount of two digits standing nearby, in the next line, write down the sum of three digits located nearby.

If there are four digits left - fold two, if three - fold each side with the average, it turns out two, and they are with each other (even if a two-digit number), and so as long as one. It corresponds to the number of your chances with this person out of ten.

Fortune telling on the name of his beloved man

For your beloved, say full name of who spend the alignment. It will take a deck of 36 cards. Remove the cards with the left hand. Consider the number of letters and fold the cards to the appropriate number of stacks in the row. For example, seven letters posted seven cards into a number, then on top of them again - seven and so far the cards are not run away. At what stack of the card ended - that and lay out as before that all the deck in a row on the stacks.

When only two stacks remain - open the top cards at the same time. If cards have fallen out of different dignity - set them down and continue to open until the same (two ladies, two aces) fall out. Check with their value.

Division in the name of the card value:

6 - dreams of a meeting

7 - Wishes to talk

8 - Toskuet

9 - loves

10 - His liking your temper

In - jealous

D - attracts your appearance

To - romantic intentions, craves to kiss

T - wishes intimate relationships

Fortune telling for a man named

In addition to card layouts, other ways of ghosting on a man named are popular.

Divination in the name of the narrowed

It is better not to use this way if you live in dangerous areas. Write down on a piece of paper "What is the name of a man, will soon tell me the passage." Fold the leaf and take with you. Go for a walk when completely dark. Complete 300 steps from your home. Expect when the first unfamiliar manPassing nearby from you.

Ask him to say, as his name. At this point, you realize that this person is not the narrowed, namely, his name is inherent in your future man. Another ancestors believed that the stranger, which passes by, is endowed with the other forces. Therefore, before exiting the house, do not wear the cross, and when you know the name, you will need to cross and go home.

Fortune telling in the name of the future men in the bow

Take the number of bulbs equal to the number You intended to be candidates for the place of your future man. Write on the leaves of men's names (you can only initials) and put on the bulbs or stir. Cut this procedure no later than seven days before you guess. Fill the dishes in water, in which you will grow the bulbs and put them in this dishes.

After seven days (more efficiently, when this moment is for Christmas), say such words "Oh Bow, Louch, tell me who I am a future groom." Then measure the length of the feathers, which let the bulbs. Choose the one that has the longest feather. Look the name is he, your future man.

Today, divination by the name is considered something like entertainment, which has not too much in common with serious activities. But in ancient times, it was considered a serious magical practice, and people were engaged in many centuries.

It is well known that the name that man was given at the moment of birth, determines the huge number of events in his fate. And esoteric with experience can easily take advantage of the information by arranging a divination by name and surname, in order to get comprehensive data on a specific person.

What can tell such fortune telling about?

It is very fashionable to guess on fate today, and you can even do fortune telling on the name online. This technique will allow you to get an idea of \u200b\u200binclinations and habits - you or your customer. It will open its character, aspirations and so on. The most interesting thing is that you don't even need to personally meet with a person on which there is a divination, only the name and surname are needed.

Esoterics are confident that in the name and surname hid the deep code, something like practical magicwhich binds a person with the current line of time. This is a point from which you can get into the future, past, or altogether.

Any word is a sound vibration, and every sound has its own frequency.

How exactly the waves of sound on a living thing - depends on the huge number of factors, and our given name We hear several times a day. Or even several dozen times. And it affects its vibrations the strongest.

These sounds form a human personality, character, quality, and numerology and divination by name - allow you to understand which direction. Now we will give a digital alphabet, on which all fortune telling by name and surname is based, since in its process the operating is made not with letters, but with numbers.

A-1; B-2; IN 3; M-4; D-5; E-6; Zh-7; Z-8; And-9; K is equivalent to 10; L-20; M-30; N-40; O-50; P-60; P-70; C-80; T-90; Y-100; F-200; X-300; C-400; H-500; Sh-600; I correspond to 700; Yu-800; I-900.

Divination technology using the name

Ancient science Numerology is actually a prototype of modern divination by name, it is based on her esoterica of our days and put the dependence of the fate of people from the main numbers. Each of us has four digits that have tremendous importance - globally affect the body and the nature of any individual living on the planet. Find out exactly how, you can absolutely free now.

Consider as an example, the name Ivan Ivanov. Numeric series Here is the following: 10, 3, 1, 15, 10, 3, 1, 15, 16, 3. Get rid of two-digit numbers, and we obtain more simplified order: 1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 5, 1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 5, 1, 6, 3. Having having to arise each first digit from each second, you need to get an unambiguous digit. That is, first it turns out 1.4, 6,1,4, 6.7, 3, then 5, 7, 10, 10, and so on. As a result, we will get the top five.

If we want to get information about the inner world of our facility and about his views on life, you need to go on arithmetic again, but only vowels to take . And get a number 10, 1, 10, 1, 6. Having completed addition, we get a two. The third meaning tells us how everyone surrounding him perceive, what attitude towards him in the family and among loved ones. Here we take from the name and surname only the consonant letters: 3, 15, 3, 15, 3. It turns out 5.

To bring the fourth digit that talks about the future of this person, you need to fold all the numbers taken from the date of birth. You can, as an example, take an abstract date: October 12, 1983. That is 12.10.1983. After folding all the numbers, we get the top five.

Features of divination based on numerology

Ultimately, we obtain a number of simple unambiguous digits, such as 5, 2, 5, 5, for which you can pay. To understand what exactly we did, what qualities and aspirations are peculiar to this person, you need to look at the list of conformity for divination by name.

Unit means a purposeful personality. This is the one who is confident to whom success is accompanied. He has many opportunities to self-realize and advance career stairs.

Two means loving and aspiring to the harmonious existence of a person.

It may sometimes demonstrate even excessive softness. Too trusting, because of what has problems in relationships. It is difficult to live in the world with a twos, but many even like it, because people are still drawn.

Troika speaks about wealth inner world, moreover, manifested and outside. The owner of such a figure is energetic, actors, inclined to invest a huge amount of labor in their older thing, to achieve a goal, punching the walls, surrender to the full coil.

The owner of the four is hardy, and practically, sometimes just before stupidity. Also, this figure indicates difficulties in financial matters, it is possible simply in the material plan.

However, it also talks about the presence among the qualities of a person and organizational-leadership abilities.

A person who has a five, has a multilateral interest, but forgetting. Perhaps he often has difficulty choosing between necessity and own desires and interests. Moreover, most often a person chooses that he is closer to his loved one.

Six talks about the ability to manage and maintain the ability of the ability. Six inherent in people kindly, dreamy and not able to conflict. It is because of such a quality to advance through the career ladder, it is very difficult for them.

Seven implies a restrained personality capable of adopting deliberate and correct solutions.

Such a person is easy enough to take high posts, because it does not waste himself, and is able to minimize in the right direction. It is usually able to wait and analyze, and as a result - to win.

The eight is very big caution, mixed with perseverance. The easiest way to describe the main quality of such a person as "donkey stubbornness". The severity of the character is aggravated by rudeness, but there is a force here.

Finally, the nine characterizes the dreamers. They are able to forget absolutely about any problems and difficulties, if at this particular moment they are good. Very easy people in communication people, and as a rule, life seems to them not so bad.

Predict fate, especially if it love relationship, not so easy. Distribution by name or fortune telling on a guy using paper only one way to find out the future of the Union and check the loyalty of the beloved.

An ordinary sheet of paper is an excellent opportunity to predict the fate of love relationships.

Fortune telling on paper Simple and this method is available to everyone. You can make a ritual at home or at work, but without witnesses. How to guess to paper?

Fortune telling on paper

The name and surname man gets from birth. This is a certain letter code for which the future can be broken. Fate is a notion that is impossible to perceive a simple mind. Rock, Fatum, desired events that cannot be replenished. Someone trusts fate, and someone does not want to believe in a predetermined future.

The fortune telling of any kind only helps to see the likely moments that turn the fate asking for an unexpected direction. The one who cares about tomorrow morning will not be afraid to look into the card or make a simple rite at home.

The fortune telling on the usual sheet of paper will allow you to open the curtain of the future, in which there are many chances and dangers. To determine the fate of lovers, paper divisions are the fastest and affordable.

In love magic use patronymic, names and photos of partners. These things and signs characterize personality, reducing errors during divination. To predict loyalty and betrayal for a birthday can an experienced magician or newcomer, first gone on a piece of paper.

It is important to determine the question that is so tormented by the soul. Why dare takes off for paper and hoping to hear the answer, performs certain actions?

Women and men who do not have enough experience or courage to solve problems in their personal lives on their own behalf are solved. The results of divination can serve as invaluable tips for everyone who wishes to change their own life for the better.

The value of divination and reliable results

It is not so important who wures a guy or a girl. All gadgets unites the desire to find answers. For complete soul equilibrium, a person needs stability, confidence. If the prospects for the current relations are foggy, then attempts should be taken to deal with the reasons for what is happening.

Divination for love by name and surname gives answers to such questions:

  • what awaits a guy and a girl in the future (separately);
  • how feelings are experiencing a partner;
  • what are the hidden intention of the guy;
  • what are your loved ones;
  • what he thinks about his beloved;
  • is there a future for a couple.

In the bottom, when a person receives answers a lot of insight. A clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening will help return confidence and fight with any adversities in personal life. People decide for themselves "we pay, and then it will be visible" and give themselves the necessary push. Broken the vicious circle of despair and disappointments.

Before gadaling, no special preparation will be required. All that should be armed, so this is the faith that a simple ritual will be the beginning of a new happy life.

Divination by name and surname

Each name carries its unique value. Choosing a name for the baby, parents think about the future of the baby. About his character, strength will, victories and ability to experience lesions. Divination by the name is based on the uniqueness of each person, on its development, as a person with a certain name.

Choosing the name of the baby, parents are essentially chosen to him fate

Sounds, no matter how they were, born in the universe, have a length, frequency and energy. These waves can help a person to harm him in a relationship. Considerable popularity is gaining divisions on the compatibility of names. Each letter and sound have their magic mapping. Running the letters of the name and surname can be judged by the future of their carrier.

Anyone born on earth is awarded a four-digit code. The first three digits are made up of the name and surname, and the latter is responsible for the date of birth. Thanks to the first number, the character of a person is determined.

You can learn the thoughts and attitude to the life of the lover, just by counting the first digit by his name. On a pure sheet of paper, the full name of the person is recorded, and from the bottom, each letter is numbered depending on its position in the alphabetic range. The numbers obtained are folded until a simple digit is obtained.

It is determined by what qualities a person has. Get the second digit means to understand what he has in the soul. It uses only vowels in the name and surname of the Beloved, and then familiar calculations are carried out. The third digit is the display of a person in a family or relationship.

Important code for a girl who does not know about guy plans about their union. To obtain a third digit, only the consonants of the man are taken. Then they add up, and the pop to the resulting code is interpreted by the intention of the guy in relation to the girl.

Definition of the future by last name and name

The last figure that will complete the forecast for the intention of the lover is calculated by the date when a person appeared. All dates are folded. The resulting number speaks of the future of the beloved. Decipher the fortune telling is easy.

Each digit corresponds to a certain value. Interpretation of results:

  • unit symbolizes success, purposefulness and control over their own destiny;
  • two is responsible for the loving side of a person, for its compassion and kindness;
  • troika says that the beloved is rich and sometimes completely incomprehensible inner world;
  • four personifies a man with a cold-blooded attitude to others, he is calculated and practical;
  • five talks about a multilateral developed personality;
  • six patronize economic peoplewho have "hands grow from that place";
  • seven is restraint and secrecy, such a person keeps everything in himself;
  • eight indicates excessive caution and fear inherent in the beloved;
  • nine is a dream and melancholy.

Nine says that beloved dreamy personality


Fortune telling in the name and on the name is universal and suitable for people of different ages and look at the world. Simple, available, light performed - the future predictions will be held without consequences and dangerous complications.

Being afraid that magic will require fee for the assistance provided is also not worth it. This kind of fortunes is absolutely safe and harmless. All that is required from gadgetting - respect to the forces to which he turned. IN lately Popular predicted online.

On the Internet there are many alternative options for the old prediction on paper. A pair of clicks of the mouse and a pattern of his own future opens in front of a person. The fortune telling performed at home is more accurate and understandable. The choice of a way, how to find out the future of our own relationship is the matter of every man or a woman.