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What are the numbers in numerology. Magical properties of numbers in numerology

Each person carries both positive and negative information. If he knows his own capabilities, talents, skillfully uses personal qualities to conquer any vertex. When, on the contrary, it is lost: it chooses the wrong path, makes stupid deeds - he degrades.

The value of numbers in numerology is studied for a long time. Numerology is the study of numbers that the chance opens to humanity to realize their own potential. After all, the world, which is currently there is a result of a worried and new karma.

Numeric vibration values \u200b\u200ballow you to determine:

  • The purpose of the embodiment of man;
  • his talents and abilities;
  • determine the best time to make important decisions;
  • to choose a partner for marriage;
  • character;
  • personal qualities;
  • limitations;
  • the inclinations of self-expression.

This interpretation determines the state of human consciousness, personal actions, standard of living.

The value of numbers

In numerology, the main numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. These nine digits make up the basis of all numbers. To calculate which digit belongs to a person - it is necessary to fold the full birth date. Next, fold the response received.

for example:

  • Human birth date 25-04-1965
  • 2+5+0+4+1+9+6+5= 32
  • 3+2= 5

The value of the main numbers:

Number 1.. The unit vibrates such positive qualities as generosity, dexterity, leadership, masculinity, responsibility. People who are under the influence of this figure: strive for power, love to go directly, always in motion, extraordinary. Negative sides of the unit: korestolobiye, pride, laziness, pride, and toileva.

Number 2.. Two - this is the number that complements and connects two starts: the relationship between the strong and weak floor, the ability is respected to others. People of this number: charming, tactful, sophisticated, spiritual, intellectually developed. They are kind, soft, heartiness. Negative sides: simpleness, nervousness, suspicion, impermanence, dependent on public opinion.

Number 3.. Troika means - connection and addition of opposites. Positive aspects: cheerfulness, ingenuity, sensitivity, friendliness, charming. These are bright, talented, with a brilliant mind of nature. Negative aspects: frivolity, frivolism, falsehood, idleness, arrogance, talkativeness.

Number 4.. Responsible, jointly, serious, neat, practical and hardworking are the holders of the four. Ideally own directness and brevity, intellectually active, have organizational abilities and are well managed by means, negative qualities: apathy, uncertainty, sometimes cowardice, petty, stoolness and aggression.

Number 5.. Five symbolizes humanity. Uncommon intelligence, nobility, rich imagination, a lively insightful mind, striking elegance - inherent in people of this number. They are original, too susceptible, independent, stretch to beautiful, art, with numerous advantages, seeking to the future, novelty lovers. Negative sides: irresponsibility, use other people, impulsiveness, emotionality, impatience, pursuit of new impressions can lead to promotion, bad habits.

Number 6.. The sixa has the power of equilibrium - the physical side and the emotional aspect. People under the influence of this figure: calm, sensitive, with a subtle taste, methodical, kind, create harmony and beauty around them. Negative qualities: impermanence, laziness, the desire to get away from responsibility, closely take any scale of the events to the heart.

Number 7.. The desire for perfection, the study of all the unknown and mysterious is the positive aspects that the seven is moving. People of this figure: intuitive, with a deep mind, seeking truth, beauty that can own superhuman abilities. Negative qualities: pride, arrogance, arrogance, timidity, pessimism, incredulusity, compactness.

Number 8.. The most powerful number is eight. Born under this number - people who have a pronounced individuality. They: talented, energetic, ambitious, balanced, materialistic, active. Negative qualities: egoism, rudeness, incredulusity, greed, coldness and calcability.

Number 9.. Nine means spiritual maturity. These are intuitive, noble, altruistic, intelligent, active, with bright appearance of nature. They are trying to be perfect people in all. Negative aspects: suspicion, nervousness, quick temper, arrogance, dissatisfaction, hidden vulnerability.

Calculating an individual portrait of others - a certain picture of human indifference and sinfulness is evaporated. Only Favorites - it can see. Becoming the driving force of undertakings - numbers inherently affect the subconscious of the person. They carry the chosen energy - evil or good. The main feature of the vibration of the number is a highly oral or illuminum.

Each above the listed number has its own minuses and advantages. It is important to learn to radiate - all the best and most beautiful in life. With a deep knowledge of its digit - you can easily direct the vibrating spiritual frequency.

Numerology and the value of numbers in a person's life is very important. Spiritual achievements and the best benefits of the one who suppresses the negative and self-improvement. With the help of great mystical knowledge, you can not only know yourself, but will learn brightly, saturated, morally live. Realizing the great meaning of these words - the individual will comprehend the degree of the universe, the intimate essence of being.

The numbers are known to have arisen in the process of human development to address issues related to the need to quantify various situations and activities. The simplest components of the numbers are numbers - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Numerology, the founder of which, was an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagorasis, studies properties, both separate numbers and numbers by their information to single discharges.
The mystery of the numbers is that each digit corresponds to a certain set of characteristics, specific properties and images. Having conducted a numerological transformation of the date of birth or name to the number or group of numbers, we can determine natural dating, characteristics, the strengths and weaknesses of the person.
Modern numerology preferences the Pythagorean method of reducing large numbers into elementary. Due to its simplicity, this system is popular and more often used in numerological calculations.
To reduce the complex number to a simple, it is necessary to elementally fold all the numbers of the multi-digit value. If the result is 10 or more, then the addition process is continued to obtain an ultimate number from 1 to 9. In some variants of numerological calculations, the so-called "master numbers" - 11, 22 and 33 are not reduced to unambiguous.
An example of the addition date of birth 12.12.2013 looks like this: 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 \u003d 12, since 12 is not the base number further, 1 + 2 \u003d 3. Thus, a vibrating symbol of the date of birth becomes a digit. 3. This calculation can be subjected to any number: date of birth, passport number, telephone, car, apartments, etc.
From ancient times, certain figures and some "master numbers" were assigned certain properties and characteristics, consider each of them.

Number 0 in numerology

The number 0 is the most interesting number of all existing numbers. Since by itself, being it seems to be nothing, it takes an active part in human life. Remember at least how much the material possibilities of a person are dependent on the number of zeros in his salary!

Number 0.
In numerology, the score begins with scratch, unlike mathematics. In everyday life, we used to consider as if numbers 0 did not exist: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. And in numerology - numerology of life, date numerology, numerology of fate - begin to count from scratch: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.
Figure 0 in spiritual numerology symbolizes the feminine beginning of the universe. Unit is the male beginning of the universe. Since anyone is a small universe, then the male start in man is expressed by the number 1, and the feminine began in a person - a number of 0.

Zero value in numerology
In the language of numbers 0 - ordinary woman, 1 - ordinary man. But this is the case only if we are talking about the superficial, visible level of being. However, a person exists at eleven levels of being and consciousness at the same time!
There are levels of "coarse", material (where everything you can see and swell). There are "thin" levels, spiritual (abode of spiritual states). The highest of spiritual levels significantly exceed the mental ability of the mind.

Figures 0 and 1 in numerology of fate
If seriously engage in numerology of the fate of a person, then without elementary esoteric knowledge can not do. For example, not only in the numerology of fate, but in all types of numerology it is necessary to take into account that in any person (no matter, the woman is or a man) is necessarily present male and women's starts. I mean digit 0 and digit 1.
Spiritual numerology considers the fate of a person as a result of interaction in his consciousness figures 0 and numbers 1. The collaboration of zero and units in the number of numbers is indicated by the number 10. Therefore, any person in spiritual numerology is symbolized by a dozen. True, not always.
Sometimes instead of the figure of 10 people personifies the figure 2. What is the difference? Figure 10 is if all aspects of the life of the individual are taken. And if it comes mainly about the material side of life, then the person is indicated by the number 2.
Figure 2 is better to use if we consider a person exclusively as a person. If we are talking about a person as a spiritual essence, then the number 10 is much more appropriate here. But in any case, it is necessary to understand: each of us is a person (everything connected with the body), and spiritual essence (everything connected with soul).

Esoteric value of zero.
What is a figure of 0 in its esoteric essence? Zero is nothing, you will say. Right. But it is important to give the correct value of the concept of "nothing", otherwise the genuine meaning of the number 0 will remain for us for seven seals.
Nothing (that is, zero) - not the absence of everything, as it is customary. Nothing is all at the time of ripening and energy accumulation. In zero millions of numbers, as it were, "rest before the fight."
Zero in spiritual numerology personifies the fading space and time that stop any movement. Stop to accumulate the necessary internal energy and tighten the next turn of human history with a new force. At this point "Numerical Being", numerology and esoteric are connected. Therefore, the number 0 I call the meeting place of numerology with esoterica.
Zero far-ambiguous number. Sometimes this is the number of promises rest. And sometimes freezes, waving and losing you as a sacrifice.
It is clear that not in itself the number 0 "seals and lies". For any number in spiritual numerology, certain processes and phenomena of human nature are worthy. Processes and phenomena inherent in the levels of being and consciousness.
To better understand the deep essence of zero, imagine the world in a second before his explosion. Silence, trembling from voltage. The emptiness, to the edge filled with the upcoming events that have not yet occurred, but will certainly happen after one moment ...

Women's essence of zero
And still zero can be compared with a pregnant woman. The child was not yet born and is not visible to others, but he is (!), And he inside. He guessed about him, they feel, waiting - with anxiety and careful joy.
Such is the number 0 in its original nature. That from zero "born": what action, what circumstance? Which of this "Ecumenical Egg" will get acquisitions and losses? Will there be a successful childbirth? It can be assumed to guess, but no one knows ...

Number 1 in numerology

The number 1 in numerology has a sun as a ruler. The symbolic value of the Sun is the basis of the universe, the central object around which our world is spinning. People who are under the influence of the number of one and the symbolic projection of the Sun are attached to their person a special significance. They perceive themselves the basis of the foundations, the central, most important, key element among all others in the surrounding space.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 1.
The value of the number 1 in numerology. The advantages of the number 1.
The number 1 endowed its protege with a large margin of vitality and internal energy. By nature, such people are asserted, purposeful, are able to easily carry many of the adversity while maintaining a good mood. Have a fiery, choleric temperament. Very direct in their actions and are often guided by the sudden gusts of heart feelings, rather than reason. Determination, fearlessness, willpower, cheerfulness - these are the main advantages of people whose birth's date is reduced to one. They are an example of bright individualists. These people are ambitious, independent, do not like advice and are prone to the adoption of sole solutions. Absolutely everyone wants to stand out, be the best. By nature, it is charismic and leaders who have a tremendous power of beliefs that have masses. "" Units "" have a good chance of success and glory.
People born under the auspices of Numbers 1 prefer to work alone, independently, without help. If they work in a team, they usually occupy prominent positions. Such people are not afraid to take the initiative, on the contrary, enthusiasm beats the key. They are very inquisitive, love all new, unknown and are in constant search for new sensations and opportunities. "" Units "" not alien to innovation, adventurism and business vein manifested in everything they would do.
Since "" units "" do not accept other people's rules, do not like to act on the regulations, they often choose free professions. These are creative figures, innovators, inventors, pioneers in a wide variety of areas.

The value of the number 1 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 1.
Excessive egocentrism, stubbornness, pride and highly inherent "units" can deliver a lot of trouble and become a stumbling block in relations with others, and therefore be the main obstacle to them on the way to success. Subconsciously "" units "" are chosen to communicate people led by their essence, ready to make them and dance to their duff. The overestimated self-esteem "" units "" makes them indifferent to the expectations and feelings of other people. The egocentric qualities of people under the dominant number 1 make them follow mostly their own impulses, be too categorical in their judgments. Many "" units "" have a tendency to put pressure on people, manipulate them. This may be useful in a professional fee for holding a leadership position, but in privacy such a trait causes reaction to the surrounding reaction, or counteraction. Communicating with people "Units" "does not always express their thoughts correctly, as a result, they cause misunderstanding of others and often find themselves in a delicate situation. They are also subject to evil indignation and aggression. To achieve harmony in communicating with other people, the wards of Numbers 1 is vital to learn self-control and clear presentation of their thoughts.

Number 2 in numerology

The number 2 in numerology symbolically means the intercellaneous relationships and relations between the floors. The number 2 is running the moon. The main properties of people affected by the moon and twice vibration are softness, peacefulness and desire to settle everything, sensitivity and increased emotional susceptibility. Two - "Abode of Internal Light". She understands the true relationship of a person with God and is able to clearly distinguish between the concepts of good and evil.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of numbers 2.
The value of the number 2 in numerology. The advantages of the number 2.
The wards of two in nature are sensitive, kind and peace-loving people. They have a developed sense of empathy, tact and excellent intuition. An integral property of the "bodies" nature is their openness in the emotional and mental plan. They know how to empathize with others, as well as, with hunting to share their own feelings and emotions. They are always sociable and willing to listen to others to voluntarily provide special help. Thanks to the above qualities, trust and friendly relations prevail in life.
Two protege are inborn peacemakers and diplomats. They know how to consider any situation from different sides and are always able to put themselves in place of others, to fit so to speak in the "alien skin." The peaceful impact of the "bobbies" on the surrounding and acute sense of justice, allows them to successfully resolve the most serious conflicts in which they mainly fulfill the peacekeeping function, or are attracted as a third-party judge.
Making acts or taking significant decisions, the people of the number 2 are prone to pre-all to be analyzed and weighing, while they are necessarily taken into account their intuitive sensations. If the inner voice is contrary to the arguments of the mind, the "twos" can refuse the conceived. Thanks to this principle, they minimize the likelihood of errors.
Two in numerology in terms of professional orientation is considered a symbol of partnership. Therefore, people born under the auspices of twos are very suitable for collective, intermediary activities, where the ability of good interaction with others is valued. However, the operational work of rapid response is less acceptable for them, since people numbers are two unusual to do not miss everything before passing everything through a filter of the mind and feelings. "Two" can perfectly show themselves in humanitarian areas, wherever to do good, to give people warm and affection, take care of others, as it corresponds to their essence.
Everything concerns personal relationship occupies a significant place in the life of "Two". The number 2 is the sum of two units, therefore, "People-Twos" feel a holistic person only when they find their soul mate, which they will be true to the end of their lives. In most cases, life in their marriage proceeds in love and harmony, and family straps are quite rare, because, "twos" are easy to compromise even to the detriment of their own interests.

The value of the number 2 in numerology. Disadvantages of Numbers 2.
The number 2 has an impact mainly on the emotional and mental component of a person, in connection with which the main disadvantage of people subjected to twice vibration is a dissonant reaction to the environment. For example, offensive statements or unacceptable actions of others, unpleasant memories, any failures, all this may be a mental disorder. On such people, the emotional atmosphere in which they are located are very strong. Therefore, a sharp change of mood from one state to the opposite, depression, despondency, uncertainty in its rightness and strength, uncertainty, subconscious phobias, all these are characteristic features of the "bobs". The presence of a fencing of looping on insignificant details, trifles, because of which is overlooked by what is more important. In the life of minimizing the manifestation of its own flaws, "the twins it is very important to eradicate all fears and complexes, take control of their emotional motives, try not to take close to the heart of occurring from time to time.

Number 3 in numerology

The number 3 in numerology reports the connection and complementance of opposites. Astrological ruler of the number 3 in Numerology is Planet Mars. The influence of Mars is a motivating impulse to action at all levels expressed in a person's desire for manifestation of its individuality. According to the type of person, the "man-triple" extrovert is mentally and physically oriented primarily in the outside world.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 3.
The value of the number 3 in numerology. The advantages of the number 3.
In numerology, the number 3 is called the fastest of all numbers. Troika endowed people subordinate to its influence with tremendous activity, thirst for activity and communication, rapid reaction to all that is happening. They never sit on the spot with folded arms, to work which, something to make, for example, they really like it. These are tireless workers, but the same activity is bored with them and they are rushing to search for another classes. In the situation of forced idleness, the people of the number 3 begin to rush out of the corner in the corner, they grabs everything that will be touched by their hands, which they will literally scratch from the desire to do something.
People born under the auspices of the number three more than others are open to the world, and he is responsible for reciprocity. They are always sociable and easily acquainted, come to contact with others, find yourself interlocutors, so they can have many friends and acquaintances. Plus, these are incorrigible merchant and nonsense optimists. They look at the world in "pink glasses", love fun and are happy to take part in public events, various competitions, parties, holidays. "Troika" in general, cheerful nature and easily apply to everything that happens. These features help them to be resistant to any unbeliefs, maintain the impertility of spirit and composure in difficult situations. Despite anything, they boldly and persistently go ahead to their cherished goal and even falling on the "knees", rose and again in the "fight". The behavior of something resembles the rams that will knock on the gate while they do not bother or, - until the horns break.
"Troika" possess mobile and acute intelligence, live imagination, good intuition and excellent analytical abilities, thanks to which they easily assimilate any information and have every chance of getting a decent education. From birth these people are often endowed with talents and possess great creative potential. At the same time, usually they are charismatic, eloquent, have a gift of persuasion and energy impact on others. In terms of career and professional growth, the course of the number 3 have all the prerequisites towards achieving success. Especially, they are able to achieve brilliant results in spheres that require manifestation of men's principles - activity, courage, determination, speed, perseverance, physical force, etc.

The value of the number 3 in numerology. Disadvantages of the number 3.
"Troika" have a feature to take immediately for several cases, but they can not always bring to mind, due to the fact that they often begin to rush, unproductively spray their forces, which of course reduces efficiency and is often the cause of errors. Their impulsiveness, low concentration ability, inability to arrange priorities, forms public opinion about them as unique, windy people. When the troops' wards accumulate a lot of unresolved affairs and problems, they begin to give empty promises, which will not be fulfilled at all, or will not be able.
Due to the natural openness and superficial perception of things "Troika" are subject to deceptions, bad influence, illusions and self-deception.
Too rapid temperament and low self-control, poor intelligibility in relations, all this can adversely affect the sphere of sexual and family relationships.
Sometimes their tireless spelling turns into an empty chatter. Having exhausted all his vocabulary, they begin to attract attention to themselves to pour the incoherent flow of words, invents of the unprecedented or dramatically change the topic of conversation. People of the number 3 tend to gossip and weave intrigue, in connection with which, others are better not to give them some secret information.
Troika is recommended to learn how to direct the vector of its actions in one direction, do not rush and make all your affairs. It is important to curb their fiery energy and then success will not wait long.

Number 4 in numerology

The number 4 in numerology is controlled by the Planet Mercury. The number 4 is a foundation, the basis for the sustainability of everything in our world. Four is the number of rationalization of ideas and principles. It embodies the idea of \u200b\u200breality, gives the idea of \u200b\u200bthe form, makes it concrete. The determining qualities of people born under the control of Four and Mercury are a methodological, analyticality, pragmaticity, creativity.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 4.
The value of the number 4 in numerology. The advantages of the number 4.
The people of the number 4 are realists and pragmatists in life, living on the principle - "Zries in the root." Four gives her acer with an exceptionally clear analytical mind. In most cases, they have excellent ability to transmit, perception, processing and synthesis of any information. At the same time, the "four", any knowledge is estimated from a practical point of view, they are looking for rational grain and the ability to benefit. This is due to the fact that financial security and stability in general have great importance for them. The loneliness of the "fours" is also the possibility of contact with other people they are simply necessary. Therefore, they usually have several friends and acquaintances, but this is only a proven circle of communication. The people of the number 4 are very reliable, faithful to their principles and appreciate the same.
Almost all the "four" have good organizational abilities that they successfully apply in all life areas. The level of intelligence of these people is usually very high. They, both in the head and in everyday life, always order, everything is decomposed on the shelves and has its own classification. Putting a goal, they will persistently go to her, a lot and hard working for its achievement.
In the professional plan "Fours" more suitable activity related to scientific research. They are great organizers. Real estate, various communications, finances are also acceptable. "Four" is a born mechanic and a designer. When choosing a work, the most priorities for them are questions related to income and stability. Finding your path they are able to work for a very long time in one direction.
With regard to personal life, the number 4 inclines its wards to choose a relationship with which will be long-term, reliable and stable. Congenital mercantility causes them to pay special attention to the issue of material secrecy. It is unlikely that the person of the number 4 sees his companion of a person's impractical, low-income, unpromising in terms of earnings. The "four" themselves sometimes do not mind to felt with others, but it is necessary for them only to feel their originality, and not in order to obtain sexual pleasure. They will be faithful to his beloved person, as friendship and confidence for them is of paramount importance.

The value of the number 4 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 4.
The wards of fours are subject to periodic attacks of depression and melancholy. Experiences for their "bright" future does not allow them to relax. This is due to the increased sense of responsibility that they are experiencing every minute. Just live and rejoice, without problems, they can only when they arise with confidence in the well-being of tomorrow.
The inherent organization and responsibility of the "fours" can get out by "sideways", for example, surrounding them will consider them mercantile, terrible pedants and bore, which is not the best way to reflect on their relations with others. The tendency of the "fours" all plan and do carefully, with a sense, leads to the fact that they are docked on trifles. Among other things, their desire to do everything in good faith and independently, leads to the fact that they are drunk too much goods duties. "Four" is useful to learn to abide by the balance of power, to give others the opportunity to participate in general affairs.
Openness and simplicity, as well as, excessive chat "Fours", can be used by others for mercenary purposes.

Number 5 in numerology

According to Pythagorean philosophy, the number 5 symbolizes a person who has the will and self-visual, perfect being. The five in Numerology has a planet Jupiter as a ruler. In Astrology, Jupiter is considered the most positive and patronage planet, she even received the characteristic name - the Planet "Big Happiness". Born under the influence of the five and Jupiter distinguishes - Expansive Spirit, the abundant need for spiritual growth and comprehend knowledge.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of Number 5.
The value of the number 5 in numerology. The advantages of the number 5.
The people of the number 5 have characteristic features that are inherent in reputable personnel, royal. "Five" from birth is endowed with some inner spiritual force, nobility, marked by a teacher's sign. It does not matter what scale, but their influence on others is always significant. The surrounding treat them with respect and respect. Their opinion is weighty, it is impregnated with knowledge, therefore, people listen to them and often advise with them. At the same time, the "fives" rarely enjoy other people's advice, and adhere to their moral principles and philosophy formed on the basis of their own life experience. In this regard, the fits are rarely complex, they have their own independent look. These people are very independent and have been trying to do at their discretion from the smallest years.
"Five" feed the passion for traveling and the study of different countries, cultures, laws. Philosophy and religion, science are in the sphere of life interests, and any social and humanitarian issues are worried. In general, the improvement and expansion of their consciousness, through the experience gained and its further comprehension for them is a priority value. These people are usually educated, smart and want to have time for their lives to experience a lot in order to achieve the wisdom of knowledge.
"Five" in essence moralists and legitimate, they are happy to teach others. Their creative energy beats through the edge. Therefore, in a professional sense, it is suitable for characteristic activities. These are teachers, lawyers, politicians, missionaries, priests, creative figures, humanities, ideologues, publishers. The man of the number 5 wants to influence the masses in this, he sees his destination.
"Five" prefer to associate their lives with a partner sociable and open, having versatile interests and enough erudite. In general, the five people want to have such a partner with whom you can easily drive a discussion on any topic. "Five" in addition to traveling very much like various adventures, parties, all kinds of mass events, in general, they are the people of the crowd. Because of this, their chosen must have similar interests. The sexual nature of the "five" is unbridled and unpredictable. In love, they are very skilled, diverse, and sex occupies an important place in their lives.

The value of the number 5 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 5.
The wreck numbers 5 are characterized as restless, contradictory, fairly unpredictable people, which often creates problems in their lives. The restlessness of their character is mainly expressed in their irrepressive thirst for obtaining new impressions and knowledge. In other words, they want to know everything to be everywhere and experience the maximum possible. On the one hand, not at all bad when a person strives for knowledge, but on the other, it leads the "five" to the constant switching of his gaze from one to another and does not allow to complete the earlier matter. Sometimes it is difficult to make a specific choice and focus on something one. "Five" are more often about their impulsive motives, rather guided by common sense. These features make them unreliable partners in the eyes of others.
The "five" oppresses the measured lifestyle, it becomes boring and they can begin to behave non-standard, making unpredictable, spontaneous actions. At times, they become hot-tempered and unbearable bore. Due to the fact that the "five" moralists, they love to learn morality and argue on ideological soil. Highly, arrogance and hypocrisy are also one of the possible drawbacks of the fits. Such behavior on their part does not always like others and causes a negative reaction. "Five" should learn to control their emotions, do not impose their views to others and always remember the saying: "In someone else's monastery, with your charter, do not fall."

Number 6 in numerology

The number 6 symbolizes the "pantry" containing all the benefits and food data by God to humanity. This is the number of talents, prosperity, strength and equilibrium, acquired by expansion and search for self-expression. Six in Numerology is under the control of the planet Venus. The number 6 and Venus gives their wards a sense of excellent, generally high sensuality and lovingness. In their lives, love, harmony, emotions, pleasure and everything beautiful.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of Number 6.
The value of the number 6 in numerology. The advantages of the number 6.
The number 6 gifted its protege grace, charm, beauty in all senses. These people have a natural attractiveness for others. They always enjoy success with the opposite sex, regardless of their appearance. This is explained by the fact that the "six" is very harmonious people. They are aesthetic, gentle and literally all their kind of love emit. At the same time, they know the beauty in their beauty in all its manifestations, have a shared taste in things, clothes and know how to prevent themselves in the best possible way. Usually in their lives, love and feelings penetrate all areas of activity. A very prominent role in the fate of "six" is played by personal relationships, partners and fans.
The wards six have an urgent need for collective relationships. They want to be an important and integral part of something - the state, party, teams, families and they are good. By virtue of the above reasons, loneliness for the "six" is unacceptable. Despite the turbulent youth, with the age of "six", they are cozy, children, family. You can always rely on these people and completely trust in every sense. They may be responsible for all their actions and are not afraid of vital difficulties. At the same time, the "six" can never be realized, as a result of which they will fall under the blow of their loved ones or will disturb the world in the family, in personal relationships. Home and family values \u200b\u200bfor them are of paramount importance.
"Six" love to live in wealth and harmony with the world, surrounded by all the wonderful and always strive for comfortable conditions. But at the same time, these people are ready to work quite a few in order to achieve the desired level, although they also do not refuse himself.
They have a very developed feeling of empathy to others, therefore, regardless of personal well-being, they are happy to help those who need as much as possible.
With regard to professional selection and career, the "six" is suitable for social and cultural activities, as well as all areas related to art and beauty, be it stylist, fashion designer or poet, musician, painting expert, and so on. Many "six" charismatic, charming and impressed others, thanks to which, they easily achieve success both in personal relationships and career.

The value of the number 6 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 6.
The negative effects of the six on their wards manifests itself in the fact that these people are too egocentric and selfish. In this case, the "six" forget about the interests and feelings of others and begin to "drag the blanket" only in their direction. By putting forward himself and their desires for the fore, they are thereby can cause insult, irritation or anger among others. Sometimes the "six" is breaking the vanity because of what serious problems arise in their lives. For example, only "in the ear" can listen to the opinions of others, ignore their requests and only in cases where it concerns their own benefits, they give the importance to someone else's words. Such a ratio of "six" to the surrounding often turns around against them in the same way. Sometimes the opposite picture arises - "six" completely forget about their desires sacrificing them in favor of collective interests. In general, some obsession and extremes in feelings are an indispensable sign of people born under the control of Number 6. For example, an altruistic attitude can be changed sharply to selfish, and love for hatred. Sometimes the "six" becomes extremely sensitive to unflattering reviews, insults, criticism and revenge with their offenders, responding to their blow.
One of the shortcomings of the "six" is their annoyance and manifestation of excessive curiosity to other people's business. They begin to annoy other tips and criticism. Trying to convey their truth and prove his own right, they thereby receive a negative response from the surrounding. "Sixters" is recommended to engage primarily with their own problems and self-development, and not to climb with their charter in someone else's life.

Number 7 in numerology

Estimation of centuries in different cultures and religions, the seven was considered a divine number. Number 7 symbolizes a person of thirsty spirituality and comprehending the laws of the Divine Universe. This number reports the wisdom of centuries, inner depth and spiritual strength to which a person seeks. The seven in numerology as an astrological ruler has a planet Saturn. Ward Saturn and Numbers 7 features a philosophical mindset, originality in views, some oddity and closure.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of Number 7.
The value of the number 7 in numerology. The advantages of the number 7.
People born under the influence of the seven stand out among others with their independence and originality. Such people by and large little concerns their approval from those around others. Almost always, they all have their own glance, formed by no means on an empty place, but on the basis of existing knowledge, personal observations and therefore, it has an objective basis. Sometimes, the point of view of "seven" is not entirely understandable to others or does not coincide with the generally accepted. This happens because of the fact that the "seven man" is an innovator in its essence and his ideas usually ahead of his time.
The number 7 laid in its wards a constant desire for spiritual growth and self-improvement. These people inborn philosophers thirsting to know themselves and the world around. "Sevenki" try to always get to the truth in everything, understand the sacred meaning. They love to be alone with nature or with them and indulge in reflections, contemplation of the world. All that happens in their lives and the surrounding reality they perceive philosophically. For them, everything has a certain meaning and even from the occurring troubles of "seven" are able to extract certain benefits, at least in the form of a lesson. The presence of great ability to learn from any mistakes, above all praise, which is undoubtedly a vital advantage.
The protégis of the number 7 is endowed with very good susceptibility to the inner sensations and at the same time, they have a great intuition, imagination and analytical thinking. Among people of this type, most often you can find real professionals and the geniuses of our business. The moral side and spirituality for the "seven" is determining. Therefore, regardless of the kind of activity, these people of Ryano honor the traditions and customs. When issuing questions, experience and knowledge, the accumulated ancestors often serves as a support.
"Sevenki" is very scrupulous, always in all of them love quality, accuracy, accuracy. Their credo - to death seven times, a rejection once. Considering the non-free internal resources, purposefulness, the power of the will and the above advantages, they have excellent chances of success they are often achieved. They can find their calling in any direction where a scrupulous approach to business is required, good organizational and analytical abilities. Activities associated with creativity, religion, philosophy, esoteric, can become the main in their lives.
In the sphere of personal relationship, "seven" attract people with whom they have spiritual proximity. In amur matters for people of the number 7, the aspect of the spirituality and mutualness of feelings is of great importance. They prefer loneliness or format of free relationship, if there is no spiritual connection to the physical. That is, "seven" appreciate the most validity, truth in love, however, as in the rest.

The value of the number 7 in numerology. Disadvantages of the number 7.
"Peace-seven" has one feature - they are closed on themselves, tend to restrain their emotional gusts, and not only negative, but also positive. This leads to concerns and spontaneous actions, sharp emissions of accumulated internal energy. They are similar to a volcano, which is externally calm, although in fact, inside the rapid processes and sooner or later the moment of the explosion, eruption occurs. Sometimes, as a result of deterrent to emotions, nervous breaks are taking place leading to cruel and aggressive actions.
At the time of "seven" naive and too trusting to what others say they. The "seven" has a tendency to live in the world of illusions, indulge in empty dreams, closing his eyes to the reality that they do not like them. Thus, they try to escape from anxious thoughts, but often this approach ends with an unexpected impact and disappointment.
Self-confidence, looping on the analysis of various factors leads "seven" to an inefficient embezzlement of forces, and when they need to decisively act, they continue to reflect. These people are important to learn to look easier to the world around and do not complicate everything that happens around.
Wards seven are more addressed inside themselves rather than those surrounding. Egocentrism and concentration on their feelings sometimes make these people deaf to the feelings of others. As a result, they do not differ in particular sociability, therefore, they are usually enough of their friends. To correct this situation, "seven" is recommended to smile more often, to organize entertainment or get other pleasant impressions, and not engage in endless analysis of her "I" and a search for concern. Extraverability and mental state with a plus sign is the key to success in the life of the "seven", because it is just a little openness to the outside world and positive in their lives.

Number 8 in numerology

The number 8 is a symbol of the divine consciousness and material forces necessary to ensure progressive development and order in the world, stabilizing the results of the creation of the Lord. The eight helper in Numerology is Planet Uranus. Eight - a dual number having a male and female side. Two closed circles of eights mean an inextricable connection between the two opposites began. The person of the number 8 has a dual and complex nature.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 8.
The value of the number 8 in numerology. The advantages of the number 8.
The eight gave her wards to sharp and moving mind. They are able to easily and quickly grab any information. The birth of thought in their head often happens like insight, flash. "Eureka" - this winged expression probably belonged to a person of the number eight. The G8 Protege, these are people of the future living tomorrow afternoon, reformers in their essence. They are far-sighted and insightful, and their intuitive flair helps them find a right decision in any situation. Among people born under the control of Number 8 there are many of those who possess extrasensory abilities. The ideas of "eights" are often non-standard or ahead of their time, therefore, they are not always adequately perceived by society.
In most cases, the wards of eights boldly go through life, and luck and money as you know, love bold. These people are Fortune's favorites, which contributes to the increase in their welfare and career staircase. Plus, the number 8 has entered these people enviable desire for success in all endeavors, but the priority value in their thoughts occupies material wealth and power. These people are very ambitious, they are inherent in the spirit of struggle and healthy competition. The "eights" from nature possess a solid energy charge, they literally emit the inner strength, well-being and power. These are charismatic personality, and their natural magnetism attracts people from different social layers. The "eights" inspire others and capable of behaving for themselves. There are all the leader's depositors; The likelihood that the person of the number 8 will endow powerful powers, or they will attract public attention to their person, is large enough.
The number 8 contributes to the achievement of success in innovative or alternative activities, in any business as a manager, in the political arena. These people are well manifested where it is necessary to have creative thinking, non-standard approach and organizational abilities. Among those who were born under the influence of this number, many people standing at the head of large business structures or having their own business.
In privacy, because of an unpredictable and volatile nature, with the "eights" it is quite difficult for some reason to find mutual understanding. The G8 is suitable for an ambitious partner, with the same strong character and spirit. In the Eight Relations often advocates equality and equivalent rights. Such people prefer to partners with versatile interests, a high level of intelligence, are relaxed not only in sexual terms, but also in life as a whole.

The value of the number 8 in numerology. Disadvantages of the number 8.
The eight determines excessive authority and mercantihood of interests of their protege. Such people are sometimes observed on the material values \u200b\u200band the receipt of power. The desire to grow in a career and financially becomes the meaning of their lives. In the worst case, the sake of achieving its goals, the "eights" can use all available funds: blackmail, bribes, dishonest frauds, lies, it is only a small list of used methods that these people do not happen at all. The "eights" prefer to manage everything, all keep everything under control. There are many cynics and various manipulators among such people. In cases where the "eights" can not get the desired, they resort to the use of others, love as they say "to rake the heat" by others.
Unpredictability in behavior can create the wreck of numbers 8 many problems. In some situations, such a feature attracts others, but by and large, it brings more harm than benefits.
Sometimes the "eight" is quick-tempered and any minor factor can derive them from equilibrium.
To achieve harmony in relations with the surrounding, "eights" should be respectable and learn to suppress "dirty" gusts.

Number 9 in numerology

The nine closes a numerological scale and speaks of spiritual maturity. This number symbolizes the highest divine principle of love. The nine in numerology is under the influence of the planet Neptune. As the Neptune helper plays a significant role in the formation of abstract and spiritual ideas of its wards. These are hypertensive people with strong mental abilities, a rich inner world and developed imagination.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 9.
The value of the number 9 in numerology. The advantages of the number 9.
The number 9 gave his protege to spiritual development and self-education. "Nine" constantly strive to expand their horizons. These people are maximalists in their essence and in all always want to achieve the highest result. The vibration of the number 9 makes its wards to show high moral claims both to themselves and to others. "Nine" idealists in their essence "to the brain of bones." Usually, they are fundamental moralists and legislation. They have a strong sense of justice, but despite their moral and ethical views and the worldview, "nine" tolerant and unbiased.
Updated nine are often born sublime nature, high-dimensional and religious people. In any case, they are internally predisposed to lead the righteous lifestyle and are configured to create good. They are always ready to provide all needed help. Natural insight, strong intuition, which are given "nines" from birth, helps them deeply feel others. Such people are difficult to spend, they as they say "in the church there is something" any deception. They are stronger than others, the ability to empathize. In communication, they are subconsciously configured on the psychological wave of the interlocutor and sensitively feel any change in his mood.
People born under the influence of Number 9, very romantic and in love. They are always open in the manifestation of their feelings, and the internal potential of their passions sometimes raises. Therefore, for "nine" it is important to choose such a partner who will be able to adequately respond to their passion. The choice of the second half is often due not only to the feelings that are "nine", but also spiritual, ideological or religious criteria. Simply put, for such people it is important to love soul, mind and body, that is, their desire to ideal is expressed at all levels.
The person of 9 from birth has a leader's deposit. He is able to achieve a high position in society and career without much effort. "Nine" - teachers and missionaries in spirit. For the most part, this sublime people are the source of wisdom and sacred knowledge embedded in them by nature. Usually they have a high intellectual level and are well formed. "Nines" are endowed with great artistic and musical abilities, at least they have to have a good taste in art. They can achieve excellent results in the fields of education, justice, religion, in activities related to abroad or travel.

The value of the number 9 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 9.
At times of "nines" become intolerable to convictions differing from their own. Probably, this is due to their strict commitment to its own moral principles and beliefs. For example, they can be too alienated and extremely negligible, refer to people of other worldviews or religion. Their impatience can be expressed even if someone is not educated enough, has other political views, style, lifestyle. That is, with the dissonance development of "nine", it is possible only to dream about its tolerance. Among the "nine" you can often meet the boring moralists, fanatics and obsessed people. They should learn tolerance and remember that the bilateral connection with the surrounding, exchange of views, experience will benefit everyone.
Super-crucial fantasy "nines" may in certain situations be a hindrance, for example, in cases where it is necessary to act, and not build "air locks". In general, there is a possibility to be captured by its illusions. They can be too captivated by dreams and losing control, lose touch with objective reality. Accordingly, rational grain and pragmatism are a weak link of these people.
For "nine" are also characterized by such disadvantages as excessive manifestation of pride, snobism. The constant thirst for superiority leads them to the desire to assert themselves due to the deficiencies and weaknesses of other people.

Number 10 in numerology

The number 10 is the most amazing and excellent number in spiritual numerology. Ten - the number of higher love and higher wisdom. And an amazing number of 10 in that it is directly or indirectly combines the meaning of all the main numbers of numerology.

Number 10.
A dozen in the language of numbers means perfection and completion. Perfection - relative to the spirit of man, and the completion - relative to his body, thoughts and actions. The number 10 is any complete business. Any ability, developed to maximum condition, is also a dozen.
Figure 10 - the last touch on the artist's canvas. The final result of a commercial deal, both profit and loss, is ten numbers. The finishing ribbon on the treadmill is also a dozen.
The end of any action, any dream, books, films, any crime and punishment is the meaning of the number 10 in spiritual numerology.
Completion of something means starting something else. Therefore, the number 10 is the beginning and end, alpha and omega. Every second, everything in nature dies and is born at the same time. In this wisdom of the Creator.
The life of a person ends in the top ten, and in it begins.
Consequently, the number 10 is the number of old age and the number of the child. The scriptures say "be like children", which translated into numbers means: strive for the top ten. Ten is another number of spiritual enlightenment.

Number 10 value
It seems like too many values \u200b\u200bfor one number, right? However, all these values \u200b\u200bof the number 10 are true, despite the fact that the meaning for any number is always alone. Just he is. Spiritual numerology teaches us to see the meaning of numbers, things and events "in the amount".
To imagine the volume of meaning is easier than it seems. Suppose you look at the TV screen. Screen - plane. It would seem that you can show on the plane of a size of several dozen centimeters?
However, on this plane there is a real, voluminous, active and multi-life life! Life that causes emotions makes laugh, cry, experience hate and compassion. And it is in a small, flat TV box!
So, numbers are something like TV screens. Alone is flat, primitive, small. But the fact that you can see surpasses any imagination!
Well, imagine a thousand, no, a million TVs that simultaneously show different films, news, cognitive and entertainment programs. As soon as you present it yourself, consider your first acquaintance with spiritual numerology took place.

The number 10 is the beginning and end
The number 10 is the number of start and end of desires. And it is not at all surprising that the top ten is at the same time the beginning and end of desires. Since always where one desire ended, it will certainly be different. Such is the nature of desires - they fill in us all "free cells".
I repeat (this is very important!): All that is the meaning of dozens, to one way or another can be considered the meaning of any other numbers in numerology. Any other, because the number 10 is the marriage union unit and zero. And the number 0 (woman) and the number 1 (man) are the progenitors of all numbers in spiritual numerology.
Figure 10 - Start and Finish, if we are talking about sports. Dozen - entrance to our daily subjective reality and out of it. Dozen - beginning and end. An absolute completion of something is considered to be the moment when the energy aimed at a specific act exhausts itself to the end. And the beginning of something correctly consider the moment of the occurrence of energy intended for a certain action.
The desire to make something in a person appears no earlier than the necessary energy for this. Desires - the result of the occurrence of energy, and only. No energy - no desire. There is energy - there is a desire.
It is desires that are a link between numbers and man. This is the case: while the person is alive, there is always some kind of energy in it. While there is energy - there are desires. There are desires - there are numbers. Without a clear understanding of this semantic chain, numerology turns into a celebrating and empty chatter about numbers.

Number 11 in numerology

The number 11 is considered special, workshop or perfect number. Born under his influence is on the highest level of the evolution of the soul. The ruler of the number 11 is a fictitious planet Proserpina. Its influence is expressed in the ability of a person to transformation, to the transformation of reality. Proserpina is the inner strength of a tearing frame and a prompting person to dramatic updates. It changes the consciousness, the essence of a person under the influence of coups.

The mystical number 11 is considered difficult, because it has a strengthened energy potential of two units and the quality of the discharge resulting as a result of a numerological abbreviation. However, the vibratory influence of this twos is much stronger than that of the two-generated two, the combination of energies of two units and two emphasizes people born under the control of the number 11 individuality, determination and the power of the will inherent units. The usual "deuce" by nature is just not enough of those leadership qualities that "one" possesses. The person of the number 11 from birth has strong psycho-energy abilities. It is distinguished by an outstanding resource of internal motives and abilities to influence the surrounding reality, he feels a holistic person, an individual born for great achievements. Earth mission and vocation of these people - a systemic transformation of reality, deep transformation. At the same time, the number two empowers these people with an excellent ability to perceive feelings, emotions and motives of others. Politicians having a number 11 as a governor very skillfully use masses, thanks to which they are easily attracted to the top of Olympus and the sympathies of the electorate are conquered.
This number is often found in the names of people with magical and extrasensory abilities, among political and religious figures.
"Two units" have the ability to analyze, differ in logical, clarity and some meticulousness in everything. Their thinking is systemic, with a slope for detailing any phenomenon. These people can easily crush some of the already formed structure on many details, and then of them, as if from the mosaic, to collect something new.

The negative development of the number 11 born under the influence of the vibration turns its wards in the "manic" pedants. Sometimes they are so mired in detail, filling out in the trifles that they cease to holistically perceive the overall picture of reality.
Strong mental energy that comes from these people can have not only hypnotic influence, but also suppress, scare around, create a "heavy" background, thereby causing discomfort.
Another feature of these people is an internal conflict of high ambitions, which are characteristic of two units, and uncertainty, some of the compacon or shyness inherent in the two-resulting discharge.
It is possible to abuse the gift of the lead, when ambitious thoughts take the top over all the rest, which can lead to very negative consequences. A vivid example of a person in whose behalf there is this number - Adolf Hitler.
Representatives of this vibration, the line between the greatness and self-destruction is very thin. The number 11 is capable of producing sustainable phobias before mystical forces, which it has believed its protege, but if the available potential is realized for the benefit, then it may help to rise to the preservation vertices for most people.

Number 12 in numerology

To understand the essence of the number 12, you must first consider the numbers of which it consists. The number 12 consists of units and twos. Figure 2 in the language of numbers means rational, practical thinking, with a categorical characteristic of it - either "yes" or "no". The number 1 from the language of the numbers is translated as "energy" - any energy: from the richest (animals) of its varieties to the most subtle - spiritual acting on the unbarrous high levels of being and consciousness.

Number 12.
Twelve has several semantic aspects. One of them is spiritual leadership. The number 12 is very similar to the number 21. Only if 12 from the language of the numbers is translated as "spiritual leadership", then 21 - material leadership. That you mean leadership related to material processes in the fate of a person.
So, the number 12 enters into itself the number 1 is the number of force. The unit from the language of numbers is translated not only as energy, but also as will. The will of a man or the will of the Divine - depends on the level of being and consciousness, relative to which we consider the meaning of the number 1 (anyone lives at the same time at the eleven levels of being and consciousness!).
Unlike the number of 2, the unit never argues, it orders and does not tolerate objections. The number 2 in spiritual numerology is considered a source of uncompromising disputes and bloody wars (the essence of the war - among the 5, but the source is among 2).
People are meaningless and cruelly destroy each other, being under the influence of the number 2. When a person argues with himself, bringing himself to a frenzy - this is also the work of two hands. A mental phenomena type split personality indicates a complete triumph of numbers 2.
In the figure 12, the unit commands two to choose: either "yes" or "no". Two chooses and then the unit turns into its sword, sweeping both serious obstacles and minor obstacles. In itself, the number 1 does not know how to choose. The unit is the power, blind force, which among the 12th agrees to act for the benefit of order.
Two among twelve is a target and means. Unit - Energy to achieve the goal and maintaining funds. Figure 2 in terms of internal energy is the weakest of all numbers in spiritual numerology. Therefore, as no other digit needs a unit.

Number 12 value
The number 12 is not at all one plus two, as they take to interpret the meaning of the number of 12 many of those who are engaged in numerology. It is very fashionable: folded 1 + 2, get 3. And then give the meaning of the triple for the meaning of the number 12 ...
But twelve - not three! In general, the arithmetic action used throughout, do not disclose the essence of numbers. And do not disclose because it is applied incorrectly. To fold, deduct, share and multiply need not numbers, but their meanings! Unfortunately, modern numerology ceases to be the language of numbers, becoming a science of incomprehensible and foggy ...
And in this verbal-arithmetic fog, we are trying to see some kind of birthdays, wedding anniversary and other symbolic numbers. Our consciousness, as if burned in the fog, the ship is inconspicuously stumps on the reefs and sinks into a sea of \u200b\u200btheir own prejudices. And we do not even notice! Of course, sooner or later (usually, on the threshold of death), we have to notice, look, so to speak, truth, but this is no longer necessary.
By the way, here another meaning of the number 12 - to look truth in the eye, as if it would be no malice and offensive. The number 12 in the spiritual numerology is the number of threshold between life and death, more precisely, between the transition of consciousness from one level of being on the other.

12 - the number of truths
The number 12 disrupts all the covers, returns us to the sources and makes pay attention to the main thing. Twelve ruthlessly removes the veil from our eyes and tells us: here, look what you really are! The number 12 for the sake of establishing truth can be very cruel ...
In the number of numbers, the number 12 means both the truth itself. And the truth is not cruel, she simply does not have any things to our vanity ambitions, to our not a measure of bloated ego. We do not live, but as if in the bazaar we sell themselves to the world, assigning too high price. Truth breaks the price tag and takes us free.
Twelve from the language of the numbers is still translated as the "Union of God with Man." But then already at the highest levels of being and consciousness. Study these levels does not make sense, because it is not what can be studied ...

Number 13 in numerology

Science Numerology considers the number 13, as "Human Spirit, aspire to Love." In the Christian tradition, the number 13 is a dozen and trinity, which together symbolize the universe. Jews the number thirteen also has a positive value and is a symbol of God.
Number 13 People's Solva attributes all sorts of terrible, inevitable things. This is not entirely correct, although the mass subconscious (the source of the People's Moloss) is rarely mistaken. Just a man is so arranged that while the information comes from the subconscious to consciousness, it is strong, sometimes beyond recognition, is distorted.

Number 13.
With a number 13, this is exactly what happened - fatal, irreversible distortion of meaning. Thirteen was almost the curse of all numerology and the symbol of the very hopeless bad luck. Together with the "friend in misfortune" number 6, the number 13 formed a devilish combination of all the worst, which only can happen in a sore imagination of mankind.
It turned out the number 613, which took a special place in the magic of numbers. The number 613 is considered directly the natural embodiment of ADA in the world of numbers. In fact, 613 means active (at the limit of borders and opportunities) the participation of the material began in the festival of the Divine Love.
With the number 13, all sorts of Rosskazni about the unclean strength, which carries out of their sinister holes by the 13th, preferably on Friday. Although who prevents the "bloodthirsty unclean" to get out of the 7th, and the 10th, and any more? Who does not give her? Nora is always open, and the number 13 is here well, without anything!
However, our brain is so arranged that she is looking for a "scapegoat" even at the level of numbers! If something does not work, then someone is to blame. No matter who: circumstances, nature, neighbor in a staircase. What, on the staircase besides you, no one lives? Well then let's make a guilty number 13, he doesn't care, it does not understand ...
By the way, understands! The numbers have consciousness - this is one of the most important postulates of spiritual numerology. The consciousness of the numbers is very different from human consciousness, but this is also consciousness. What is the difference between human consciousness from the consciousness of numbers?
The difference is that the consciousness of a person is constantly changing, is in indispensable movement of self-knowledge. And the consciousness of the numbers is invariably! This is a unique, the only form of the consciousness of the universe, which does not change.

The value of the number 13.
Thirteen from the language of numbers is translated as "the human spirit, striving for love" or "Energy, aspiring to love." Another number 13 may be translated as "will, seeking love" or "Wish Love". All these options are absolutely equal. And the choice of option depends on the levels of being and consciousness, relative to which the number 13 is considered.
Taking into account that each person lives at the same time at the eleven levels of being and consciousness, in the number 13 there are already eleven values! However, it should not be afraid of such a large number of values, because none of them contradicts the other. And as if we, for example, neither interpreted the figure 13, in any case, she symbolizes a strong craving for love (in all its manifestations).
The meaning of the number 13, as well as the meaning of any other number, is always alone. But from different "floors" of the universe, he sees differently. A man looking at the house on the side does not see the same thing that a man looking at the top. However, this is in any case the same house!
If we talk about numerology dates, then thirteen inside some important date in a person's life is not only a powerful figure, but also absolutely uncompromising. However, the uncompromising figure of the numbers 13 is easy to understand. After all, 13 is the highest point of the boiling of love!
Remember yourself in love or loved. And then multiply your passion for a million so that it moves all the degrees of madness. What are the compromises here!

A creepy number 13.
Thirteen is really a crazy number. True, the number of 13 of its enormous force is dangerous, and not the "Devil's Machines" - according to the poorly medieval beliefs. The funny thing is that the number 13 is more dangerous by any "devilish uncleanness", since it is possible to agree with the latter. And with the number of 13 it is impossible to negotiate! Why is it impossible?
Yes, because you have nothing to offer a number 13 as a "subject of trade or exchange". Imagine a storm (and the thrust for love is a growing bore). What do you offer her in exchange for the pleasure of demolishing your home? I do not know about the house, but some people are numbers 13, at least, "blows the roof", if the fatal way is increasing in any important date or event.
The number 13 in spiritual numerology is the number of sacrificial, insane love. And at the same time, thirteen - the number of ordinary crazy. In fact, the figure 13, of course, not crazy. But for a limited human mind of its manifestation is extremely illogical.
The illogy is automatically perceived by us as a sign of madness, isn't it? Once "illogical" men and women were burned on the bonfires in the name of the "Holy Faith". These were the people of the number 13. Not all of them were engaged in magic or healing. But all of them were the children of the extended and unknown.

People numbers 13.
By the way, the people are in Russia, too, the people of the number 13. The most interesting thing is that they are hostages of the numbers 13, did not necessarily have this figure in the dates of birth and other significant dates of their lives. In general, the date of birth indicates only on the topmost layer of human destiny. The inner layer of the meaning of human life will not see the eyes and with the help of numbers do not count.
Therefore, I say that real numerology is not mathematics, but an esoteric, spiritual and philosophical discipline. Numerology cannot "calculate" human destinies! Those who claim the opposite, deceive either themselves or others, and more often - and others ...
Numerology can help regulate, "simplifying" of human destiny, but to predict the fate itself is not forces. After all, it is enough, for example, the "crazy" number 13, the "unmanaged" number 1, the "unpredental" number 5, or the "unpredictable" number 7 to intervene in the calculations - as the future of the person is instantly covered with a dense fog. This does not mean the impotence of numerology as such, but only defines its borders.
It is necessary to imagine that numerology can, and what is not. Spiritual numerology, for example, is able to determine how a person is better to behave at a particular time, in one situation or another. And the spiritual numerology is capable of determining suitable dates for key events of your life (which, however, does not save you from the need to make efforts to achieve success).
And if we have seen about the number 13, then as the date number 13 does not necessarily fail (according to common prejudice). Some even marry it is recommended that exactly the 13th day!
So, we already know that the people of the number 13 are strong and sometimes, from a behavioral point of view, seem to others, to put it mildly, a little crazy. The life objectives of such personalities are not always understood, especially at the angle of generally accepted morality and logic. Sudden, often inexplicable, flashes of anger, which are sometimes written off on the intervention of the "Dark Forces".
By the way, in fact, the "Dark Forces" never interfere with our lives. We ourselves or attract them or repel. Similar attracts like - one of the main principles of the spiritual world.
Why did I spoke about the spiritual world? Because it is "there" there "there are all the reasons for what is happening with us" here ", at the manifested physical level of being.
Yes, the number 13 is characterized by sudden flashes of anger. In general, anger always arises where human passions have been depressed or limited for some time. For the physical level of existence and consciousness, the restriction of passions is the phenomenon is normal and even necessary.
But the people of the number 13 are not created for similar "normality". And thank God! We should not be the same as written under the car.
Anger has a deep esoteric explanation. And human actions dictated by anger must be correctly understood if you really wish to comprehend the meaning of numbers. Sometimes the anger saves the soul, and the kindness ruins ...
The people of the number 13 are hostages of the Great Power of the Human Spirit, Eager Love. True love - out of words, how beautiful and promising they seemed to be beautiful.
Words express only the dependence of a person from love. The same love is impossible to express in words. And good, that is impossible! Otherwise, love would depend on words, and then the world would turn into an ordinary negotiation point ...

The properties of the number 13.
The number 13 turns into his giant funnel all the numbers next to it, without leaving the chance of anyone. Actually, being under the influence of the number 13, a person must behave in the same way as the swimmer who fell into the center of the funnel is recommended. You just need to dial full light air, dive deep into the water (that is, in the existing life circumstances) and try to sail to the side.
In life (as well as deep-water), it is necessary to show flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt to sudden changes. Do not be afraid, water (life) will not dissolve your individuality, but you will be saved. You understand that I am now talking simultaneously in physical and in a spiritual sense. This is a volumetric thinking, which is used in spiritual numerology.
You can adapt to the number 13, but it is useless to fight with a number 13 and can cost life (just as in the case of a funnel). However, do not be afraid. If you are a cheerful person, sincerely striving for love, the figure 13 will meet all obstacles for you, turning you into a happiest creature on the planet!
But for people embittered, and even finished egoists, the number 13 is sometimes even fatal. Therefore, refer to good and love. This teaches not only religion, but also spiritual numerology. Spiritual numerology is also religion, only in the language of numbers.

Number 14 in numerology

In numerology, the number 14 is a combination consisting of two digits: 1 and 4. Their amount is the number 5. From the language of numbers 1 translates as the energy of the beginning, and 4 is stability, diligence, the vision of parts, persistence and conservatism. In the material levels of being and consciousness "fourteen" means that physical energy is aimed at keeping equilibrium. At higher levels, the number 14 is a mental energy that helps "keep themselves in their hands" with emotional irritation. It is very important to maintain the balance between the body and the Spirit.

Among 14 there is a unit that is controlled by the Sun, and the Four - Mercury. However, the ruler of the number 5 is considered to be Planet Jupiter. This is an internal conflict and contradiction of people born on the 14th of any month. There are often changes in their lives, and the foursome does not like it. In addition, "1 + 4" possess creative thinking. The simultaneous coexistence of the desire for diversity and constancy generates an internal conflict.
People born under the auspices of Numbers 14 often suffer from their short-sightedness.
The "five", to which the number 14 is reduced, gives a person to the gift of speaking in a word, so his life is often associated with communications. People who are born under the patronage of Numbers 14 are able to communicate, can easily explain their point of view. They are very convincing, so they are easy to achieve mutual understanding. Numerology connects the number 14 with people who are always ready to come to a friend. They are responsive, so they are able to sincerely show care of loved ones.
The number 14 warns about the danger that may arise from the natural forces, such as water, air and fire. Man should be prudent and prudent. A positive feature of the nature of people who are born under the patronage of Numbers 14 is restraint and obligation. They are practical and independent, so they never try to shift responsibility on other people's shoulders. Many of them feel their inseparable communication with the outside world.
People have numbers 14 there are disadvantages. Who has a strong influence of Mercury, there is no self-criticism, he likes how he lives. For many, excessive straightness is characterized, even sharpness in judgment. Sometimes the number fourteen gives people impulsiveness and unpredictability, as well as impermanence.

Number 15 in numerology

The number 15 is a combination of energies of two planets - the sun, the ruler of the unit, symbolizing personality, spirit, energy, high position and Jupiter - the lord of the five, who are considered the most favorable planet in astrology. At the same time, the amount of numbers 1 and 5 is equal to the number 6, which in numerology is controlled by Venus - the planet of beauty, love, harmony and material wealth.
In numerology, the number 15 is a happy number. It attracts wealth and good luck. This is the number of strong personalities possessing special magnetism. If we consider the number 15 from the point of view of composite numerology, then the person born on this day is a free personality, full energy. He is ready to act right now and without prayer. His passion is traveling, it is very moving. Such people appreciate personal experience, to the councils of surrounding relate to distrust. The number 15 in numerology has an impact on a person not only by the date of his birth, but also as a house number or apartment.

How does numerology of 15 affect life in the house?
Numbers have an impact on all human lives. Even from the one number of the apartment you got, maybe whether luck will be in the house or better move. What makes a numerology 15? Amount 15 is 6 - lucky not only to the owners, but also the dwelling. Thanks to the skillful hand, the house is always cozy and caught, smells of fresh pastries and flowers. The atmosphere of comfort reigns atmosphere, there are always happy to guests. Animals run through the corridors, and pots with plants are located on the windowsill. Life is full of harmony and rest, soft warm shades are dominated in the color scheme.
The number 15 in the numerology of the house is considered not only as the sum of the number of numbers in it, but also as separate components. The influence of the unit is manifested in the fact that all the initiatives of the owner associated with their own business lead to success in the case. This is due to the fact that the vibration of the unit instills confidence, a person begins to follow according to his intuition, and ceases to listen to other people, not always useful tips. Any risk associated with the business sphere becomes justified.
Five figures turns life into a circulation of events. In such a house, something is constantly happening. One happy event is replaced by another. If you are a supporter of calm and measured life without shake, albeit pleasant, then the house with number 15 is not for you.

Business and number 15 - Numerology for successful people
Envious views of competitors and the crowd of satisfied customers stopped being a dream, as soon as the businessman comes to the businessman. You need to pay attention to all numerical factors from money to phone number. And the number of people in the team of the company is crucial for its profits. If employees are 15 - numerology, as a science attached to modernity, recommends dividing them into 3 departments. It is 5 people who work on profit and attract it as a magnet, they competently enjoy the finances of the Organization, new favorable dating and give the best customers.
If the birthday of the company fell on the 15th number, then the amount of numbers, which is 6. The income from the enterprise may not bring much million, but the earnings will be stable. Useful dating will help in business development. And for them to acquire, it is worth paying attention to public activities, organizing presentations and assistance to those in need.
For a businessman, everything that will make his profit profitable, even if it is necessary to contact such science as numerology. Number 15, if it accompanies the company all the ways to its development, will help multiply income existing. It may be the date of conclusion of new contracts, a contract number or safe in a bank.

Number 16 in numerology

Numerology Number 16 characterizes as follows: This is a reinforced number 6. This is because it consists of two numbers: one and six, and the unit always enhances the numbers nearby.
As numerology indicates, the number 16 consists of two opposites - the Sun and Venus. Thus, they belong to the warring camps. In the converted form (1 + 6), the number 7 is obtained, which is controlled by Saturn. Such a combination can create problems in the life of the one who was born on the 16th.

"Sixteen" makes people live passions - aspirations for money, sex and other pleasures. The number 16 is similar to the energy hurricane, which blows out the spiritual essence of man from the universe. Under its influence, a true personality as if dissolved in a mixture of peeling, ambition and debauchery. If you manage to awaken the thoughts and feelings that are dormant under the cargo of passions, the new stage comes in life.
The people of the number 16 are very tied to their relatives and acquaintances. They often find themselves in the spotlight, although they do not seek it. "Sixteen" gives mind and curiosity, however requires inspiration. If you manage to get the necessary knowledge, the ability to penetrate the essence of things. It is very good that in the process of life path, the tendency to analysis and self-criticism is born, however, for many it is fraught with the development of depression.
People who are born under the auspices of the number 16 are strongly developed a sense of justice. They have an analytical mindset, capable of criticism. Not counting on the gifts of fate, such people hope only for themselves, trying to keep their experiences in themselves. The people of the number 16 are able to assess the advantages of other people, so it is not difficult for them to work in the team and adapt to specific life situations. They can successfully cooperate and fulfill their obligations.
The lack of people "sixteen" referred to their exorbitant ego. For some of them, the world around us seems to be an insignificant and miserable idea. People born on the 16th, often unable to distinguish good from evil. Sometimes they live in their own fictional world.

Number 19 in numerology

The value of the number 19 is determined on the basis of the interaction of the two components of its numbers: units and nines. Unit in numerology is the number of power, the number of energy. And the number 9 from the language of numbers is translated as "the victory of the spirit over the body." Hence the meaning of nineteen - energy aimed at strengthening the Human Spirit. Simply put, 19 is a reinforced digit 9.

In the number 19 a special role in numerology. It is she who is designed to curb and subsighten human passions: a gluttony (passion for food), korestolobie (passion for money), anger and others. As opposed to nineteen comes number 16.
By the way, this fact is convenient to use to determine the compatibility of people by date of birth. A man who born 19 numbers is very difficult to find a common language with a man born 16 numbers. Although sometimes (very rarely) these people harmoniously complement each other.

The confusion of numbers 19 and 16
In general, the number 19 and 16 in the numerology of life, in the numerology of fate, in the numerology of the dates, desperately oppose each other. The number 16 from the language of the numbers is translated as a "strong passion" or "blind passion".
The number 16 belongs to the "lower", material layers of the Universe. Because it is these layers that human passions correspond to. But the number 19, on the contrary, belongs to the spiritual layers of the universe.

The value of the number 19 in numerology can still be interpreted as energy aimed at spiritual enlightenment. Therefore, for people of religious and those who are seriously engaged in Esoteric, the number 19 refers to the category of good numbers. And for people mired and accumulated material benefits, nineteen is certainly a bad number.
People who born 19 numbers sometimes seem to be "not from this world." Here, however, much more depends on year of birth. But in any case, a person who appeared on the light of the 19th day will never be a small street trader. And even if it turns out to be such due to circumstances, he will never be a street trader in its essence.
In man born 19 numbers of "Flying of the Soul", "Flight Flights" are the main landmarks in life. And the man himself sometimes does not realize this. For people of the number 19 is characterized by internal hyperopia.
That is, they are surprisingly insight with what is happening with society as a whole. And with everything at the same time, the people of the number 19 are not able to understand what exactly themselves (!) It is at the moment. Figuratively speaking, a man born on the 19th, sees a small hole at a distance of ten kilometers and does not notice the abyss, expressing his legs ...

Number 22 in numerology

Vibration of the master number 22 is one of the strongest. The number 22 personifies the Creator and Creator, the highest mind. It is controlled by a hypothetical small planet volcano whose orbit is closest to the sun. Volcano in astrology is the highest hypotion of Jupiter. He symbolizes the highest cosmic law. Born under the control of the volcano and number 22, has a cosmic consciousness, he feels a citizen of the Universe and is able to compare the laws of land and space.

The protégis of the number 22 is endowed with a huge internal energy. They combine the spiritual potential of two twists and have the qualities of the four, obtained by summing them. On the one hand, the enhanced effect of two gives spirituality, raises the level of consciousness into the highest spheres of the universe, but on the other, the number 4 "lands". Four limits spiritual impulses, overshadows them with pragmatic considerations, forces thinking about the material. This circumstance generates an internal conflict, which is expressed by the contradictory of the nature of the "two bodies". With a favorable development, these people can combine difficult to combine with glitter. For example, making career growth, they also do not forget about spiritual development.
They can work tirelessly, earning good money, but at the same time, always ready to lend help hand. These are people sensitive and caring, always take into account the interests of others. The surrounding usually characterize them as good, intelligent, reliable and responsible partners who are actually and are. Whatever the "two twos" devoted themselves, they are able to achieve outstanding results.
They successfully combine logic, sober mind, practicality and intuition, emotionality. Thinking of representatives of this vibration is rationally and pragmatically, often non-standard. The ability to promise to think and make global plans - one of their main advantages. In making decisions, they are guided not only by the arguments of the mind, but also trust their intuition, which rarely fails. In general, the effect of four is dominant, therefore, they are still more inherent in the characteristic qualities of this number. Intellect plus a strong spiritual core is the main advantage of the born under the auspices of the number 22.

Pessimism, insecurity and sensitivity peculiar for Num 2, with a double force manifests itself in the four two bodies obtained by summing up. "Two Two" tend to dramatize any trouble. Especially strongly they are experiencing professional misses, their own weakness and fiasco on the love front. In psychological terms, every failure has a detrimental effect on them, provokes depression and ultimately forms a complex of inferiority. This leads to the fact that they often refuse to fight and miss the beneficial opportunities provided by fate. These people need to learn to look at the future with optimism, and to perceive their mistakes as a useful experience and believe in itself, no matter what, after all, on the way to success, few people manage to not fill the "cones".
In some situations, the poor service can serve "two two" peculiarity of imperium, suspicion, meticulousness. On relationships with other such features are not always reflected positively.
The two in nature is very feminine, and in this case this feature is stronger than the usual, which naturally does not at all paint the representatives of the male affected by the number 22.

The value of the number 33 in numerology

The number 33 in numerology refers to the so-called managing or "master numbers". It symbolizes strength, multipleness, perfection or ultimate completion.
As a result of numerological reduction of the number 33 (3 + 3), the number 6 is a symbol of harmony and love. The six, which is controlled by Venus, gives the "two triples" by a well-developed sense of excellent and ability to disinterested love, some sacrament. The highest hyposta of Venus in astrology - Planet Neptune, which is a supreme ruler of the number 33. Neptune is music, poetry and beauty in the highest manifestations. This is a planet of universal love, which is the basis of life.
The value of the number 33.
MISSION OF NUMBER 33 - Spiritual mentoring, teaching, assistance to suffering. The path of this person is the path of true humanist, a Christian. He must accept and carry a vow in the name of the Lord, multiplying his love and grace in the world.
Many cultures and spiritual traditions, along with Russian, are attributed to the number 33 special properties and consider it sacred. At this age, Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected. Numerologists argue that the properly developing individual at the achievement of 33 years is fully formed as a personality and reaches the stage of the final "human" maturation, after which only the acquisition of skills and the evolution of spiritual essence is possible. That is, by 33 years old, his whole spiritual, mental and mental potential is revealed, then only the skill is honored and experience accumulates.
It is believed that all the way, from the birth of a person to his full heyday and spiritual enlightenment, is divided into 33 initiation steps passing which, the human soul will be ready for merger with the Divine. That is why this number is called the number of ascension.
The number of the number 33 has a wide range of interests, but most often they are related to creativity or spiritual activities. "Two Troika" - people sublime, with a rich internal content, developed imagination and aesthetic perception of reality. They are characterized by the desire for spiritual growth and comprehension of the secretion of Being. They deeper than others feel the greatness of beauty and harmony of spheres, they feel sacred meaning in everything and they believe in God's fishery. The owner of this numerical vibration must stop in front of something sublime and beautiful, with which he always craves to touch his soul.
The value of the number 33 in numerology is defined as the "master of the healing force of love". This number opens the ability to attract spiritual forces and applying them for the benefit of others. It helps to operate with a stream of life-giving energy, awakens a sense of love and empathy to others. Life Credo "Two Trins" - Live with benefit for others. People of this number seek to be an important and necessary part of society. They readily respond to calls for help, at any moment they are ready to protect everyone, warm up with their care and love. These are moralists "to the brain of bones" adhering throughout the principle of justice and compliance with God's laws. However, far from each carrier of the number 33 "Angelic Essence". Some cannot overcome the animal start, they are like many of us ruin passion. Refusing to follow the humanism and higher spiritual principles, choosing an easy way, they are contrary to their own destination, for which they will undoubtedly have to pay.

Number 40 in numerology

Number 40 - the largest number in numerology! In addition to the number 40, perhaps there is not a single number that such great importance was attached and, at the same time, which people would know so little about ...
Let's try to fill this gap!
Moreover, religion gives a number 40 special, "short-term-mystical" significance. In any case, it is the number 40 that is surrounded by an indispensable number of issues related to the life and death of man.

The number 40 consists of two numbers: numbers 0 and numbers 4.
In spiritual numerology, the number 4 means relative peace (that is, equilibrium) and physical death, and the number 0 is absolute peace and spiritual life. In its original essence, the four is the same zero, only manifested on the material level.
From the language of the numbers, forty can be translated literally as "transition from relative rest to the absolute" or "threshold between one embodiment of the soul and its next embodiment", or "complete emptying before filling", or the "end of all". Choose any of the values, each will be true!
If you select the "end of all", then it is very important to make an accurate value of the concept of "total". "All" relative to different levels of human existence and consciousness can have different interpretations. And each of them is true, but true in its own way.
So relatively lower, material levels "all" is the maximum of what we are able to see, hear, feel and smell. And climbing the stairs of consciousness just above, the concept of "all" includes also the maximum that we can naphantize, imagine, imagine.
At the most high levels of the existence and consciousness "All" is "nothing," and "nothing" is "all." This wording is not enough for us about what is not true? After all, we perceive the world exclusively from the position of themselves as a person!
And the personality (our lower I) concept of "all" and "nothing" considers opposites. And this is not just a personality property, but the necessary key to its existence. At that moment, when for a person "Everything" becomes "nothing"
(As a result, for example, in-depth yoga or esoteric classes), the personality decays as unnecessary.
There are people who are the meaning of life see in the destruction of the person in the name of the manifestation of themselves as the highest me ...

Number 40 value
The values \u200b\u200bof the number 40, depending on different levels of being and consciousness, may seem a lot. However, this is an illusion. In any number, the meaning is always alone!
The authentic meaning of the number 40 is a combination of all its meanings regarding eleven levels of being and consciousness. Anyone lives simultaneously at eleven levels, although it is aware of, at best, only a few of them.
Thus, the main and only sense of the number 40 develops from eleven meanings of this number.
Next, all the values \u200b\u200bof the number 40 are listed (relative to different levels of being and consciousness), and you connect them together, how to consider it necessary, and get a single, "volumetric", the most objective value ...

1. The meaning of the number 40 is as aged, - up to 40 years old man moves to the fourth (to stability and stability, even if it does not realize this), after 40 to zero (inner feud). In the material levels of being, the zero cannot be perceived otherwise as inner peace. It is curious that valid 40 years far from always correspond to calendar forty years;
2. The meaning of the number of 40 - harmony in nature between it visible and hidden manifestations (that is, the external natural phenomena in accuracy correspond to the inner, invisible);
3. The meaning of the number 40 is the interactiveness of the emotional and spiritual equilibrium in man. Here the four personifies emotional, relative equilibrium, and zero - absolute, spiritual;
4. The meaning of the number 40 is the balancing "Men" and "Women" in man (in each of us there is a man and a woman). The true meaning of the concept of "hermaphrodge". In this case, the four acts in the role of "men", and zero in the role of "women";
5. The meaning of the number 40 is the transition point between the "parallel worlds", as well as the threshold between the various states of consciousness. Here it is necessary to take into account that the changed states is not a change in mood and not a change in the image of thinking, although the change in consciousness leads to that and to the other;
6. The meaning of the number 40 - "Erasing" of human destiny in life. This is rare, in exceptional cases, when for one reason or another "Mission is impossible". The causality of this "overavelation" is possible for visibility to compare with the situation when the written examination suddenly end in the ink, and borrow not anyone;
7. The meaning of the number 40 is "red feature" when moving the soul from one material embodiment to another;
8. Meaning of the number 40 - "zeroing" of the previous person, forgetting the forbidts (attachments). Blessed "Sclerosis", without which the human psyche would be doomed to drag on themselves the burden of all sorts of loss of past lives ... At this level of being and consciousness, a new "mission" of the soul, new human destiny matures;
9. The meaning of the number 40 - the end of all ("everything" does not end and does not stop, but simply becomes a "nothing", keeping the properties of "total"). Do not try to understand this mind. Traditional logic is powerless where "turns on" the logic of the Spirit;
10. The meaning of the number 40 is the absorption of relative rest (where everything is born and dies at the same time, that is, born, dying and dying, born) absolutely rest (where nothing is born and does not die). At this level of being and consciousness (as well as next!) Any logical reasoning is inappropriate and meaningless;
11. The meaning of the number 40 - "SOTIES" of relative rest with absolute, as a result of which the divine rest is always and continuously born - one of the main hatch of the Most High, the ever-reproducing self-reproducing itself through rest, in other words, soothing himself ...

On the example of the number 40, the author wanted to demonstrate how the meaning of the same number could noticeably change with a change in the level of being and consciousness. Why does spiritual numerology consider the meaning of the numbers "in the amount", that is, relative to all levels?
Because a person lives at the same time in all layers of the universe! Without taking into account this, no life problem with the help of numerology can be properly explained nor resolved!

Numerology - This is one of the ancient sciences about numbers. Numerology leaves its roots in deep antiquity - another primitive tribes used numbers.
IN numerology All words, names and dates are reduced to simple numbers that correspond to the characteristics affecting the human life. For each unique number, some properties are enshrined, which are used when analyzing a person's character, to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the personality, to predict the future.
Based on the teachings of Pythagora about numbers, the numbers are customary to bring to an unambiguous result from 1 to 9 by addition. When adding, the number is calculated that affects your aspirations and capabilities. You can calculate your lucky number, You can open some strengths and weaknesses of character, understand what purpose you need to strive for them to be fulfilled, without spending time on the unattainable.
A lot about you and your place in the world can say number of your birth. Knowing it and its meaning, you can save yourself from mistakes related to the misunderstanding of yourself and the surrounding world, distinguish the harmful effect from the useful and choose the life path that is suitable for you.
In order to calculate the number of your birthday, it is necessary to fold the numbers in your date of birth, so that the result is the figure from 1 to 9.
For example, the date of your birth is 12.03.1985. So your birth number is equal to the sum of all these numbers. 1 + 2 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 \u003d 29
We present this figure to unambiguous by addition 2 + 9 \u003d 11 1 + 1 \u003d 2 in this way, the number of your birth is two.

General decoding of birth numbers

The number 1 - symbolizes the goal, pressure and aggression.
Unit is the number of leadership, high position and power. The man of this number is born to take a place at the head of decent affairs and enterprises. This is a person action. Others are waiting for the unit to develop a plan and starts to act. The unit is interested in new ideas, new ways, new enterprises. Traditional methods and initial order, she prefers the creation and support of unknown projects.
The number of your birth provides you with the possibility of achieving the goal the most direct and short way. You will easily achieve the desired success, as the unit symbolizes a high level of personality development. Try only not to succumb to tricky and egoism. You are influential, possess the original type of thinking and do not tolerate any rivalry.

Positive traits: originality; creative thinking; ingenuity; Will strength, determination; courage, initiative; the ability to manage; Energy, strength; independence; Solid convictions; masculinity.
Negative qualities: egoism; boastfulness; impulsiveness; stubbornness, self-person; leaning to command; authoritarianism; cynicism; aggressiveness;

Number 2 - in this figure dualism and balance of everything in the world.
Two seeks his award from life thanks to the natural desire to live in peace with others. Her success is achieved not by force, domination and will. She seeks to achieve the desired result, without causing disagreements. The two people are able to be impartial, his goal is to find a harmonious way for everyone, leading to the achievement of positive results of his work and effort, but ensuring the benefit to many.
Internal contradictions in combination with some inconsistency make you turn to other people all the time. Meanwhile, two is a sign of world equilibrium, and, thanks to this, you have a rare ability to smooth out and bypass unpleasant situations. Tacticity and softness are the best of your qualities, but do not forget in endless concerns about others and about yourself. The mind owls you over the feelings, so the ideas and plans proposed by you are always smart and carefully designed. But do not try to exercise them yourself - the performer of you is Nikudny.

Positive traits: ability to resolve disputes; diplomacy; tactfulness, the ability to convince; ability to cooperate; peacefulness; preventability; sensitivity; aestheticism; modesty; sincerity.
Negative qualities: shyness; timidity; shy; Nearby; Largeness; a tendency to extremes; excessive scrupulsiness; dissatisfaction with life; pedantry.

The number 3 - symbolizes the triangle or unstable unity, the relationship between the past, present and future.
Troika shows himself from the best side when it finds a way to express his strong inner aspiration and give beauty. Troika wishes only the best and ready to give everything for it. But in the absence of creative work, she will not have happiness that she dreams about. Troika is a happy number. It naturally attracts money to him. Troika is endowed with talents and skills, allowing it to achieve the desired without much difficulty. She is not a hard work, but the Creator. Trio's enthusiasm is her capital.
Since childhood, you have differed in a sharp mind and the ability to grab the most difficult information on the summer. However, alone your brilliant abilities will not be able to disclose, so you will learn to treat life and seriously serious people. Don't you think that enough to live in one afternoon, squandering in search of minute entertainment? Remember that your frivolity and impatience may prevent you from achieving that success you are undoubtedly deserve. And learn how to manage your own sexuality, otherwise, instead of joy, it will begin to bring you a lot of trouble.

Positive traits: imagination; inspiration; emotionality; creative talent; the gift of the word; the gift of foresight; artistic taste; success in self-expression; optimism; vitality; Gaiety.
Negative qualities: Hreightness, Samodoria; extravagance; Excess; Egocentric; lack of dedication; wastefulness; Inability to bring things to the end; Fast change of moods; Inability to forgive.

Number 4 - strength and balance, four sides of the square, four motion of the element - fire, earth, air, water.
The natural pursuit of the Four is to do the real. It finds its favorable opportunities in enterprises requiring patience, perseverance, determination, thoroughness, qualifications, attention to detail. Four is very honest, brazed, responsible, focused and diligent in work, is able to evaluate. She is studying on their own mistakes and serious experience. Four's own business suits carefully, with practical sensible. Sometimes the Four gives too many to those who love, and these relatives and colleagues can use it.
The risk you are not on the floor - for this you are too careful. Your ability to solve any problem on your own, while only the very bad base for mastering any specialty. You are reliable, honest and punctual. However, caution inherent in you can even bring you to self-deception. Fake poverty - you are too accustomed to limit yourself in everything, and the foursome are traditionally considered the number of poverty, misfortune and lesions.

Positive traits: concentration; diligence; good manners; sensitivity; Content; reverence of moral values; practicality; Methodology; determination.
Negative qualities: lack of imagination; pettiness; stubbornness; slowness; Head; a tendency to disputes; conservatism; Fear of change.

The number 5 is the number of uncertainty, risk, impermanence and at the same time - happiness, completeness and joy of being.
Curious and freedom-loving fives are not afraid of any life experience and is not frightened by earthly joys. She hates gray, tedious routine and all sorts of frames and restrictions. Freedom of thought, freedom of action and freedom of religion is its spiritual ideal. If the five is similar to "rolling-field", it will not be able to realize their fate, determined by the initial command. In the thick of the plans, ideas and favorable opportunities, the five should be keen on the substance of life, which contributes to the growth, stability and reliability, all durable and permanent.
You are a real adventurer. Awkward or dangerous situations just do not exist. From any alterations you will leave the winner. Responsibility, wit, the ability to foreign languages \u200b\u200bmake you a soul of any company. Charm of the sullen man itself for you - a minute business. However, the passion for change can prevent you from choosing the life road. Try to pay more attention to what is happening next to you. In pursuit of future pleasures, you can miss your today's chance.

Positive traits: progressiveness; resourcefulness; versatility; activity; energy; tendency to research; ability to manage; innovation; freedom and freedom; speed thinking; curiosity.
Negative qualities: restlessness; dissatisfaction with life; criticism; sharpness; hot temper; nonsense; nervousness; impatience; impulsiveness.

The number 6 is the main meaning of this number of stability, as it is divided simultaneously by two and three.
The six is \u200b\u200bsmart, capable and practical, but at the same time dreamed. She lives at a very high level, where he feels and herself expresses the beauty and greatness of life and being. Six prefers to act in a traditional way, according to established standards. She strives for a harmonious settlement and tries to avoid discord. All your life, in all enterprises of the six, has been following themselves responsibility, but it is forces, since it drives a high sense of duty. She likes to do good for friends, family and society. You are an optimist, however, do not strive to come to fame in any way. Your honesty and principle, the ability to extinguish a quarrel is universal respect. However, sometimes you are not too pretty - do not forget that the career is not the most important thing.

Positive traits: artistry; skill sympathize; humanism; Solid convictions; truthfulness; unselfishness; harmony; attachment to home and family; call of Duty.
Negative qualities: Excessive passion for other people's challenges; complacency; stubbornness; Domidecy; slowness in decision-making; the desire to dominate; dissatisfaction with life; egoism; Carrying to flattery.

Number 7 - the number of secrets and mystical knowledge, the number of fairy tales and ancient treatises: seven planets, seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes in the range, seven days in the week.
The man seven - first of all the owner himself. It is not looking for success in ordinary, established situations or conditions. Seven - a thinker who studies the finest relationships of life; It will not calm down until the famous will be connected with an unknown. An analytical mindset is constantly pushing it to the detection of hidden facts. Therefore, it becomes the discoverer: scientist, inventor. The seven is little interested in the frivolous and stupid spending of time, as well as non-efficient dreams. Above all, she is crazy.
The irrepressible imagination, a rich fantasy, a tendency to mystical comprehension of the world will help you become a poet, an artist or a musician. With a favorable coincidence, you can open the most secret knowledge. Tense internal concentration can lead you to the path of asceticism and high-rise. Weak natures will not achieve great success, as they are prone to the seas of black melancholy. If you are stronger - the world will submit to you.

Positive traits: tendency to observation, research, analysis, scientific thinking; abilities for technology, ingenuity; self-esteem; charm; intelligence; insight; independence.
Negative qualities: calcality; pride; closed; sarcasm; suspicion; insufficient; self-expirationability; self-fighting; Love for disputes.

The number 8 is the most stable number - it is divided into two parts, forming two stable four, each of which in turn is divided into two, forming twos, symbolizing the world equilibrium. The number of success and material well-being.
The G8 is a good favorable opportunity of the Eight of the Objective, its ministry society is goaling and planning. She always feels the need to build plans, control, lead along and take into their hands the implementation of the intentions and dreams of others to achieve their implementation, but not as a humanist-philanthropist, but as a person who loves to work and happily achieve a decent goal. The eight has a philosophical vein. She loves theorizing, to open up the motives and emotions standing behind human actions. It often turns out to be the wise adviser, guides and indicating the path without any prejudices or illusions - the ability that is produced only with the acquisition of a rich life experience and after several severe blows from life. Your will and unsinkable perseverance make you go ahead all the time. Of you will come out excellent head, talented and smart entrepreneur. Any attempt to resist your pressure that causes you only a tripled desire to move on. People willingly go beyond you, but be indulgent to their weaknesses. Not everyone can, as you, forget for the sake of the case of yourself.

Positive traits: force; authority; self-sufficiency; the ability to manage; prudence; Organizations; energy; demanding; dedication; volitional character.
Negative qualities: vanity; excessive activity; tension; Suppression of others; thirst for power; Recognition requirement; intolerance; Weakness to money.

Number 9 is the largest of the prime numbers. Bring wealth and glory.
The nine is the number of imagination, intuition, sympathy and generosity, and all this is so strong that it can warm her the soul of all mankind when they are not painted by personal interests and desires. During his life, the nine may easily make a state and with the same ease of losing it. A generous, impressionable and idealistic, nine lives according to the principle of "both it came and left." The nine is given to always restore its shaken position, correct mistakes and return lost. The nine should be more than others in all situations and motivations. And she needs to develop compassion, tolerance, indulgence and understanding of true ministry to fulfill the greatness promised to her and achieve its goal.
The main thing for you is to choose the right way, given the tendency to humanitarian sciences. However, creative activity may prevent you from achieving desirable success. Learn to concentrate your strength, and then success is guaranteed.

Positive traits: perfection; love, compassion; impressionability; mercy; impartiality; the talent of the artist, writer, actor; luck.
Negative qualities: excessive selfish, egoism; impulsiveness; Ownership; need for constant approval; depressiveness; negligence in financial matters; Pot the bad habits.

Each number has a certain force, which is expressed as a symbol denoting its presentation and its connection with universal principles. Numbers are related to all things in nature, which makes them highly powerful symbolic expressions.

The main task of numerology is the study of numbers and their influence on our lives, but its potential is much more. Numerology is a study of numbers. I love numerology, because it is a thread of understanding, for which you can pull and pull to infinity.

Numerology offers so many aspects to understand the same event. The esoteric value of numbers can be the present code of our life experience.

I propose such a simple manual for the spiritual value of numbers, a peculiar interpretation of the values \u200b\u200bof the numbers.

The value of numbers by numbers

One: First of all, we are talking about a strong will, positivity, pure energy. Number one reflects new starts and purity. The symbolic value of the number one is specified when we understand that one represents both types of actions: physical and mental. The units repeated in our lives indicate the time when it is better to show their natural abilities, take action and start a new enterprise. The unit encourages us, our actions will be rewarded.

Two: The symbolic meaning of the number is two - kindness, balance, tact, equalization and duality. The number two reflects the quiet power of judgment and the need for planning. Two manitis us choose. The spiritual sense of two also concerns the exchange of views with others, partnerships (both in harmony and in rivalry) and communications. Twos convince us in our indecision, urge us to unite with such minds and ideals. Twos demand from us to do what is better for our souls.

Three: The spiritual meaning of the number of three concerns magic, intuition, fertility and advantages. It means the expression, versatility and clean joy of creativity. Troika is also a time identifier: past, present and future. Repeating troops in your life can symbolize the need to express themselves creatively or revise your current way regarding past events and future goals. Three can also be a promising new adventure and guarantee cooperation from others when you may need help. Troika typically symbolize a reward and success in most undertakings.

Four: The symbolic value of the number four concerns stability and causes the reasonable character of all things. For example, four seasons, four directions, four elements, all of these surprisingly powerful directions enclosed in the verge of four. Four are solidity, calm and house. The repetition of the fours in your life can mean the need to return to your roots, focus on yourself or even calm down and settle for some time. Four also indicate the need to save anything and endurance.

Five: The spiritual meaning of the fifth room is devoted to traveling, adventure and movements. With the maxima that come with these attributes, five also carries instability and unpredictability, as well as radical changes. The spiritual meaning of five draws our attention to the miracle of life and calls us to appreciate the perception of chaos around us. Five have wild vibrations: primitive and unstable. When five continue to appear in your life, be prepared for some actions, for example, to travel. Remember that the trips are not all necessarily meaning physical. Some of the best travel occur in the mind and spirit.

Six: Symbolism number six - legend. Since Venus is his ruler, six represents harmony, balance, sincerity, love and truth. Six naturally reveal to us solutions in a calm, unfolding manner. We call on the six when we need delicate diplomacy when we are doing delicate affairs. The spiritual meaning of the sixth room also concerns enlightenment; In particular, the six "illuminate" our way in areas requiring spiritual and mental balance. Six interfere with us to manage compassion and consciously choose forgiveness in one situation or another.

Seven: Seven, like topics, deal with magical forces. Sevenges are engaged in esoteric, scientific aspects of magic. This is a representative of scientific activities, secrets and targeted search for esoteric values. Sevenges are associated with the activation of imagination and the manifestation of the results in our lives through the use of conscious thoughts and awareness. Saturn-controlled, the number seven can represent impractical dreams, but with a deeper understanding of the aspects of seven, you can deftly use your magic vibration in your favor.

Eight: Symbols, supporting number eight, mainly concerns business, success and wealth. This is due to the fact that eight is continued, repetition and cycles. Such elements are considered on the arenas where success is obtained simply because of the hard definition and repetition. In addition, business and wealth issues are largely dependent on cycles for their manifestation. It looks like an analogy with snow: as the Snower continues to roll, it becomes more and more with each turn. Eight represents such a pulse.

Nine: The spiritual meaning of the number nine leads us to the very height of vibration frequencies in this numerical sequence. Nine is the achievement, satisfaction and our success to achieve influence in our conditions. The spiritual meaning of the nine is devoted to intellectual power, ingenuity, influence on situations and things. Nine invites us to recognize our own internal aspects and apply these abilities in the world to positively influence the events, development.

Zero: First of all, the spiritual meaning of zero is dealing with pure potential. This is a point from which all other numbers arise. Even visually - zero symbolizes seed, uterus or egg, from which there is a pure potential. Since zero is also visually reminiscent of a circle, it symbolizes eternity, evolution, infinity. In addition, as in the case of most of the characters contained or containing a circle, we are dealing with the values \u200b\u200bof cycles, evolution and time. However, due to its numerical value, zero can also be interpreted as emptiness - an idea of \u200b\u200bnon-existence, and sometimes about death. But, again, our minds wander in the symbolism of infinity and infinity, as well as cycles and revival. Consequently, we can say that there is no real death only rebirth in another phase of life. Constantly meeting zero appears in our life when we want to attend the moment when we are trying to know more. This is due to the fact that zero reflects the essence of reality. It's all and nothing at the same time. When we start to contemplate zero, we will soon find ourselves in an infinite adventure.

Numerology numbers, logical, studies the numbers. What impact they have on our destiny, how strongly vibrate with us in unison and predetermine what should happen. They are unmistakably tell On the nature of man, his aspirations, about those who expect him in the future, and accomplishments.

This is a science, which is very close in its appointment to astrology. Some people call her magic numbers, but, like astrology, it uses only the accumulated experience of people in analyzing the factors affecting the fate and life of a person. It also relies on fairly accurate and ancient teachings, the sources of which stood Pythagoras himself, who was told that everything is located in accordance with the numbers.

Numerical decoding of numbers

Each of the ten - from zero to nine, has its own designation in numbers numbers. They are full of secret meaning and are not easy to accurately decipher. Approximate numerology of numbers from 1 to 9 look like this:

Calculation of the number of names

The algorithm is simple and understandable, it does not require complex manipulations, you do not need to rub the crystal balls and throwing coins. He answers the question that mean numbers in the date of birth. For this you need perform several actions:

  1. We add successively all the numbers of your date of birth, for example: you were born on April 15, 1995. 1 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5, we get 35. In no case do not write, for example. 15.04.95, this gives 24 and calculates another result that will be described below.
  2. Now add two digits of the resulting number: 3 + 5 \u003d 8.

This is your number of name, you can familiarize yourself with the decoding above. That's so in the digitalology everything is simple and understandable.

Additional concepts of numerology

In addition to the above-described number of the name, allocate also number of life pathwhich is just calculated according to the method of "15.04.95" and tells it a carrier about karmic destinations. This calculation allows you to send a person on the road of his fate, which is prepared from birth.

Number of soul Takes from your date of birth only day. It tells about more secret gusts and characteristics of your existing and helps to determine compatibility with other people or love partners, the correctness of your self-esteem and the relationship to you other people, and yours to them.