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Consultation "Toy deputies in a children's game. Substituer objects, their role in the game activity of young children

Mini-study on the topic:

"Items deputy in the children's game."

The most important condition for the formation of a creative game is to introduce substituent in the game. The more uncertain the function of the subject, the free the child attributes him anything to him. These are objects-books stimulate the creative imagination of children, it is with them a large number of original actions are performed. The main requirement for the subject of the substantive convenience in performing gaming actions,

commodity with other game material.

1. Masha M.-3 g .3 months.

During the observation period, the girl played the game "feeding a doll". In this game, several gaming actions were united in one story.

Masha played a dull for a long time: fed her, disguised, accompanying his actions by deployed appeals to her: "My good, daughter, let's change the pants. That's how good. Do not cry, now we eat. "

Embroidered to the plate-crumpled napkins. She took the counting wand, sazed the doll to his knees and carefully brought to her mouth "porridge". "Drish, porridge daughter, tasty." After this wiped my daughter's mouth with a towel (strips of sliced \u200b\u200bpaper) and laid the daughter to sleep.

Masha played freely replacing one thing to others, used substituent items (mounted napkins, porridge, counting wand-spoon, strips of chopped paper-towel). I reflected in the game that I saw around myself (at home, quite recently, was born 2nd Child). The girl helped mom to care for the brother.

In the following days, Masha also played with a doll. The girl actively and independently began to vary familiar actions, began to change the order, to make new substituents in them (cubic meat, tubes from cocktail-macaroni). The tutor suggested Masha to invite another girl-Katya to the game. "Invite Katya with her daughter to visit. As if your daughter, car - birthday. "

The educator connected to the game of children, expanded the range of gaming actions and items.

What will we treat guests, Masha?

The child offered, and the educator agreed.

Well, let's welcome the soup, apply a salad of cucumbers, holly compote in a jug. And then we will treat guests. " Then began joint cooking, with the help of leading issues and tips helped the child to observe the priority of actions: first lay down the products in the pan. What is it? (cubic meat, pasta tubes), then put a saucepan on the stove. Masha, the soup is ready? Let's then proceed to cooking salad. The girl put a small detail of the designer on a plate. Masha, what is it? (Salad of cucumbers). And put a jug with compotes on the table. Guest came with her daughter lay at the table, started dinner. The teacher asked Kat the question: "Do you like treats? Praised Masha, what a good mistress she was, so it was tasty. "

Masha, with an adult, built a sequence of gaming actions. On this, the game can be completed or children can be switched to another type of activity, or on an independent game.

2. Sasha 2g.1 month.

The teacher gave Sasha car in his hands (the car is new, big, the children have not seen such). He immediately began to actively explore it; He turned, felt the wheels, drove it slightly on the floor. He picked up again, turned over, feeling, touches the wheels, takes over the floor again.

These observations showed that the child seems to explore the subject to establish what you can do with it. This kind of action does not constitute a plot game.

The next day, Sasha one of the first came to the group. Immediately took the car, began to consider it. The tutor offered him to ride her. The child took over the rope to which the car was tied, learned to control the movement of the machine, changing its speed and directions.

The third day of observation. On this day, Sasha decided to repair the car. The educator praised him for the manifested initiative. "Here is a great driver, what kind of driver you are, you know that the car must be corrected." Sasha took a wand and began to screw the wheels.

As the child has been developed, the number of items have increased, with which one or another plot is implemented.

By the end of the week, the educator suggested a child a play story with the name of role-playing relationships. "Who is the driver of this car?" Need to bring products from the store

The problem game situation was created so that the child would be forced to perform the task set in the game. To form the game it is very important to build a sequence of game action. "First you need to fix the car with gasoline. Where do we have a refueling station? Sasha leaned the car to the head of the teacher (fuel station) "flooded" the tutor (fuel) "flooded" and went to the store for products.

In the store, the teacher asked him: "What products will it buy?"

Sasha took the products and said that this pasta (tubules from cocktail), cookies (details of the designer), potatoes (cylinders). Closed the car and the seller offered it to take products to girls who played with dolls. Girls thanked Sasha for the care of them and daughters.

On the fifth day of observation, Sasha again drove products by car. The teacher offered him to take her daughters with moms for a walk in the forest. The children agreed, then the teacher said that you need to take the way on the road. Therefore, Masha has prepared sandwiches (cylinders and sticks from the designer), a bottle of water (large rectangle building material) And everyone went to the forest for a walk. On the way, the driver Sasha stopped at the clearing. Masha with daughters snacks, rested.

Returning "home", thanked the driver for a pleasant walk. Then the children played their own.


The game situation and actions in it have a constant impact on the development of the mental activity of a child of early age. In the game, the child learns to act with the subject of the substituent, he gives the substituent new name and acts with it in accordance with the title. The deputy will be supported for thinking. IN gaming activities A child learns to replace items with other objects, take on different roles. This ability falls to the foundation for the development of imagination.

The use of substituent objects in the game testifies with a high level of child development, about Creativeness ("Creative"). When a child uses the substituents, his game develops due to the plan and work of fantasy and does not fall into the "harsh" dependence on the presence of toys. In the process of such a game, children learn only to solve emerging problems, but also put them, moving to more high level Gaming activities.

Used Books:

"What do our children play? Games and toys in the mirror of psychology. " Author's team under the hands. E.O. Smirnova-M.: Lomonosov, 2009.

Pavlova L.N. " Early childhood: Development of speech and thinking. " -M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2003

Yermolova T.V., Meshcheryakova S.Yu., Smirnova E.O. "Games with children of early intensity: guidelines" M.: TC "Sphere", 2008.

Oksana Shiryaeva

Big value for development plot-role game of children is pedagogically appropriate selection of toys and substituer objectsWhat creates "The material foundation" Games, ensures the development of the game as activities. Selection substituer objects, as well as toys in your group, carry out respectively the topic of the game and the age of children. I use in my work with children substitution itemswho can replace children in the game items. For this, the album was developed in which the "Tips" were placed for children - what can be a wand, mosaic or brick. In the future, children have already chosen themselves thing- Pagel and used it in the game.

Publications on the topic:

"Items deputy in the children's game" Masha and Anya (twins) 3 years of 1 month. During the observation period, the children played the game "Feed sister." In this game, several gaming united.

Dear parents and educators! You can make toys for children with your own hands! We have new products in the plot-role-playing game "Store":

Card Scene-Role Games "Build a house" goal: to introduce children with construction professions, pay attention to the role of equipment facilitating the work of builders. Teach.

Consultation for parents "In the game, everything can be all, or why need substituent items" Chairchina Elena Ivanovna, teacher MDOU South Kamsky Garden number 3, Permsky district, Perm region Consultation for parents "in the game everything can.

Thanks to the games, children are trained throughout the most necessary, their talents are revealed, children learn friendship, mutual assistance and respect. Therefore.

Planning plot role-playing games in the younger group The game is the main activity. Very often it happens that the game of children "bruised on samothek" consists of actions that are worn.

Modeling plot role-playing games in the senior group The plot role-playing game continues to develop and occupies a leading place in the life of children of 4-5 years. A child with passion builds plots, seeks.

Parihanmaster and stove for plot role-playing games. Took two big boxes From under the eggs glued. Colored garbage bags.

"In the game, everything can be all, or why do I need substituents?"

Watching your kid covers a doll with a blanket, you probably think that the child will play more continuously, more interesting, and you will have more free time. I want to upset you, but this action with the doll will not turn into true game Without your help. The game is of great importance in the life of the child. In the game, the child does not just reproduce his life experience, He recreates special means, signs. So that the child does not just perform action with shaped objects, and learned to imagine that he is a captain of a ship floating in a storm or pilot, it is necessary to develop a sign of thinking. How to achieve this? When and how to start playing with the baby so that interest in the game does not disappear? Let's try to figure it out.

The prerequisite for the development of a sign function is first mastered by subject actions, and then separation from the subject. We are in the future to be saved without a real ship, as you understand. Therefore, in addition to toys that filled the children depicting real objects, items should appear that can be used as substituents.

If now your baby is already able to feed a spoonful doll, drink a bear with tea, then you can make the second an important step And proceed to the use of substituent items. For the use of substituent items, a child is capable of 1 year 3-4 months. Items substituents should not bear a certain value. It can be wands, details of the designer, balls, paper, pebbles, etc. If the baby suggest a pencil instead of a spoon, he will answer that "they can not eat, it is necessary to draw." Start teaching a child from such well-known and understandable gaming actions like eating an apple, banana, buns. Running to the mouth, show the ball and repeatedly call the action: "Look, what a tasty apple. I will eat it now. AM, am. Everything ate the apple. " And now offer an apple to a child: "treat, very tasty apple" Drive the ball to the lips of the child, but do not let him take it in the mouth. " Then we suggest treating the baby with an apple bear. When a child feeds a bear with an apple, do not forget to comment on his actions. The first weeks, using the deputies, be sure to put on their actions and actions of the child, soon he will begin to do without it. When the baby mastered these simple actions, proceed to the use of substituents to indicate the objects of gaming use: spoons, plates, iron, etc. Take a wand instead of a spoon or combs, a constructor brick instead of soap, fantasize! For example, start feeding the bunch of porridge and notice that there is no very important subject, no spoon. Show and comment on the use of the substituent: "This is our porridge, the porridge is hot, it's hot. Need a spoon. Where is the spoon? Here is a spoon ... "take a wand and feed the bear. Then offering the baby to feed the doll, the bear, saying the actions performed by them. "Dimochka is a spoon, he feeds the bumps. Delicious porridge. How carefully feeds the target with a spoon! " Praise your baby. Using a wand or other item as a spoon, it is important to use it to designate different things: a thermometer, comb, screwdriver and, on the contrary, as a comb, spoons, the plates are the next time you also use the other subject.

When the baby is well winning the actions with the subjects of the substituents, you can move to the development of the next stage of the game, when we teach the baby to act with imaginary objects.

Thus, the use of substituent items in the game in young children stimulates intellectual activity, initiative, the ability to independently make a decision based on life experience. Children actively use the subjects of the substituents, thereby developing the imagination, fantasy, speech.

It is known that the development of a child is largely developing environment that is capable of become powerful incentive of its development.

So on the basis of a number of documents: the Law "On Education", Sanpina, Educational Program, GEF, etc., every teacher creates developingsubject - spatial environment that during the year it is necessary to gradually change,complement and reorganize it.

According to the law "On Education", Article 48 "Responsibilities and Responsibilitypedagogical workers ", p.4, we are required to develop educational cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creative abilities, form a civil position,the ability to work and life in the contemporary world, to form culture from students Healthy and safe lifestyle. Article 64- Preschool educationp.1: preschooleducation is aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, formation of prerequisiteslearning activities, preserve and strengthen the health of children.

It is competently organized subject - spatial environment will help to solveput in front of the pedagogical worker of the task.

B. 2013 adopted by GEF, which indicates the requirements for the subjectspatial environment where aboutthe diverse from the items noted the need for an organizationsemi-functional medium and gaming materials, in particular the availability of objects -deputies.

Everyone, of course, is known that children in their game use a diverse subjectmaterial that cannot be called toys actually. These are all sorts of sticks, cones, pebbles, ropes, etc. Such objects are replaced by the necessary realitems. All these items, not designed specifically, like plot toys, for the game, butinvolved by the child in it, in psychology and pedagogy are called subject substituents.

As shown numerous psychological research, indeed, the inclusionsubstituer objects to the Games of kids contributes to the transition from clearly - effective thinking to the figurative; in senone preschool age, they contribute to the activation of imagination,fantasy, creativity, contribute to the development of relationships with peers.

For example, depicting the ironing of linen, the child can take not only the iron-toy, but alsobrick from building material. Also, together with adults, children can make toysthe substituents and attributes for games are cut from cardboard, foam, from finely chopped colored foam rubber, using all this in games that imitate the work process. Encouraging children K.the use of gaming materials that replace well-known objects, we createthe situation in which the child will be needed to designate substituent items andactions with them with the words that will contribute to its active development. The special value of this toy is that children will gradually be able to independently operate with conditional concepts. Gaming actions with a substituent toy are based on visual signs of the subject, but onrepresented, alleged. Using such a toy, the child summarizes hisprevious gaming experience. The substituent toy requires more schematic generalizedgaming actions and designation her word so that it enters the context of the game and wasit is clear to others. When a child uses objects - deputies, his game developsthanks to the plan and work of fantasy and does not fall into the "harsh" dependence on the presence of toys. In the process of such a game, children learn to solve emerging problems, but also put them thatalready indicates a significantly higher level of child development, about his creativity.

If conditionally-shaped and realistic toys can be bought, then the introduction of substituent toys into the game of children depends on the imagination of the adult, from its penetration into the content of the children's game. Here the role of an adult, which can, for example, understood the game plan, is very important. from the girlfriend to create the item you need to offer a new direction for the development of the plot, to include a new member, having endungered it with an interesting role, etc.

It should be noted that the possibility of using substituent objects in gaming activity should be the subject of special discussion of the teacher with parents. Parents should be aware of the possibilities of substituent toys, their meaning for mental development.child, in particular, his imagination. After all, all subsequent schooling will be associated withthe need to imagine, imagine, operate with abstract images and concepts. The ability to use various items (signs) instead of realitems will allow the child to further assimilate more complex signs of signs, such as language, mathematical symbolism, different kinds art.

Substituing toys for plotics of preschoolers

In preschool age, the game becomes a leading activity, but not because modern childAs a rule, it spends most of the time in his entertainment games, "the game causes quality changes in the psyche of the child.

It is often said that the child plays when, for example, manipulates the subject or performs a particular action shown by the adults (especially when this action is not performed with a real object, but with a toy). But the real gaming action will be only when the child implies the other under one thing, the other one.

The toy is found not only in the game of the child, but also in everyday life adult man. Often a toy is a friend, a satellite of life, a source of joy, an instrument or the material of the game. In a generalized form, typical properties of objects are presented in a generalized form, including people and animals that require appropriate actions with them. So, for example, a doll is a generalized image of a child, allowing children to reproduce whole line Relevant actions: Bathing, feed, disguise, etc.

Toys are varied by type, material, manufacturing technique, age and educational purpose. The image in toys is conditionally and generalized. The nature, the degree of generalization and conventions depend on the type of toy, its specific purpose. Toys according to the degree of complication and generalization are divided into three groups:

  1. Realistic toys (specific breed dog).
  2. Conditional toys (dogs of an indefinite breed, doll as a generalized image of a person).
  3. Toys deputies (wand instead of a thermometer, chair instead of a horse).

Analyzing the features of the gaming activity of the preschooler, it is necessary to remember that its development contributes to the development of the sign function of consciousness, which consists in the possibility of using one object as a substituent of another. The prerequisite for the development of the character function is mastered by subject actions and the subsequent separation from the subject by the child-preschooler. Therefore, in addition to toys depicting real objects, a child must have items that can be used as their substituents: coils, boxes of different shapes, Natural materials (cones, acorning, leaves). In the process of the game, the child can give them a new game name and act in accordance with this title. Substitution subjects include those that are called attributes in practical pedagogy: all sorts of hats, beads, bathrobes, etc. The situation when the child turns the sofa in a steamer, chairs - in the train cars, is also an indicator of the development of the sign function of consciousness, and therefore a high level of mental development.

For development in children thinking, imagination, speech and in order to raise the game to a higher level of special value representing various substituable toys. For example, depicting the ironing linen, the child can take not only the iron-toy, but also a brick from the building material. Toy deputies can be wooden and plastic circles, rings with a diameter of 3-5 cm, skidding, cardboard strips, replacing items, favorite children's delicacies - candy, apples, etc. Together with the teacher, children can make substituent toys and attributes for games - cut out of cardboard, Pancakes, "Cutlets", "Fish", "Vinaigrette" from a finely chopped colored foam rubber, using all this in games that imitate the work process. Having encouraging children to use gaming materials that replace well-acquired items, we create a situation in which the child will be needed to designate substituent items and the words with them, which will contribute to its active development.

The value of this toy is that the children first independently operate with conditional concepts. Gaming actions with a substituent toy are based on visual signs of the subject, but on the represented, alleged. Using such a toy, the child summarizes his preceding gaming experience. The substituent toy requires more schematic generalized gaming actions and designations by her word so that it enters the context of the game and was understandable to others.

Substone toys are made of different materials. Dolls and animal toys can be made not only of fabric, but also from natural material (straw, wood, grass, etc.) we need substituents from any natural material (chestnuts, bumps, shells, straw, etc.) For games, you can prepare different sets of toys, combined common story. For example, for playing with a doll: doll, blanket, stroller, furniture (bed, table, chair); To play with a toy dog: a bowl for feeding, a rug for sleep, a leash for walking, etc.

For example, if a child plays with a doll, then he can offer chochochka instead, wrapped in a blanket. Playing with such a "doll", the child shows missing, but they represent the main parts of the human body: legs from the bottom of the toy, head from above. He plays with her, as with an ordinary doll and gradually the word increasingly begins to designate and replace missing, but necessary for the game objects, their quality, imaginary properties and states.

How to teach a child to play with such a toy? First, the toy-deputy calls an adult, and then a child. He calls her as it is required by the plan of the game.

The main requirement to the toy-deputy is convenience in performing gaming actions, proportionality with other gaming material. If conditionally-shaped and realistic toys can be bought, then the introduction of substituent toys into the game of children depends on the imagination of the adult, from its penetration into the content of the children's game. Children with great curiosity are observed as an adult, who realized their gaming plan, from natural material creates the need for the game. It is important that the substituent toy reminds the depicted object with general contours or any typical property characteristic of the item necessary to display game situations ("Kitenok" can be made of softly terry fabric, if you roll it and tie "on the neck" a bow; instead Bowls for feeding a kitten can be offered a circle of cardboard, plastic lid, etc.).

Often, children not only use the deputy toys offered by adults, but they themselves choose and agree that they will denote: "This is a cat", "this is a bowl", "it will be a mother - a big cat, and this is her kitty." Playing such toys, the child is trying to explain to other children, which means the subject of the substituent: "This is a cat, toured, what a fluffy, not visible to the eyes, probably she sleeps."

Gaming substituents of items may have significantly less similarity with them than, for example, the similarity of the figure with the reality depicted. However, gaming deputies should give the opportunity to act with them as with a replaced subject. Therefore, giving its name a favorite substituent object and attributing certain properties to him, the child takes into account some features of the substantial item itself. When choosing substituent items, the preschooler comes from the real relationship of objects. He readily agrees, for example, that the Polskiki will be a Mishuth, a whole match - a Mishka-Mom, Boxes - Lining for Misheutki. But he will never accept this option, where the target will be boxes, and the bedding is a match. "It does not happen," the usual reaction of the child.

So, the adult communication with the child should be aimed at the formation of progressive for everyone age period ways to solve gaming tasks. The activities of children should flow into the complicating game problem situationsrelying on practical and gaming experience. Children who have learned how to solve the first gaming tasks should complicate the task. For example, it's not easy to drink a doll in tea, but to sit at the table, first cook lunch, etc. As the game tasks are assimped, solved in a clear-effective plan (the indicator of which is a children's independent game), it is necessary to demonstrate new, more generalized ways to solve them with the help of substituent toys. For example, instead of a plate, to offer a doll, which really wants to eat, a piece of wood. Later, it should be demonstrated to children new ways to solve game problems using drawn items (adult takes a swimming soap for swimming, etc.) and finally, it is necessary to show game actions with an imaginary object (give a doll an imaginary apple).

Acquaintance with the surrounding and learning games create the ground for the occurrence of the game, but the independent game of children is determined by the corresponding organization of the subject-gaming environment and the activating communication of an adult with the child in the course of it. Timely change in the game environment, selection of toys and gaming material, which activates in the child's memory recent impressions, send a child to an independent and active decision of the game problem, encourage in different ways Its implementation and reproduction of reality. The object and gaming environment varies with the practical and game experience of children. It is important to expand not only the range of toys, different on topics, but also timely complement the gaming material. Self scene game It is formed more successfully if toys are introduced gradually (conditional toy, more realistic, substituent toy). The ability to use in gaming activities substituents is a necessary element in the development of children's game. It is very important to have in the group roomcorner design "Build yourself",which includes sets of various building materials, LEGO type constructor, a set of cubes;corner of theatrical activity,where there are masks, toys of bi-ba-bo, different costumes for plot-role-playing games;different roll Material : boxes of different shapes and size, natural material, set of various rags, threads, coils, etc. For example, you can make cubes and building material table, chairs, sofa for dolls, you can make a house and much more. Accounting sticks turn into spoons, cooks, pistols, and even pasta. Bricks serve as phones, pieces of bread, cakes, and cones turn into a tasty ice cream. For the fabric slices, lining, from cardboard and foam rubber - Food for dolls.

Thus, the substituable toys develop imagination in the child, thinking, they contribute to the development of relationships with peers. The possibility of using substituent objects in gaming activity should be the subject of a special discussion of the teacher with parents, since the latter often strive to buy as possible more Finished toys, not suspecting that they are thereby harm the mental development of the child, in particular, his imagination. But all subsequent training at school will be associated with the need to imagine, imagine, operate with abstract images and concepts. This is, first. And secondly, the ability to use various subjects (signs) instead of real objects, will allow the child to further assimilate more complex signs of signs, such as language, mathematical symbolism, various types of art.

Types of toys.

  1. Scene or shaped toys (dolls, animal figures, household items).
  2. Toys - tools of labor (scoop, shovel, sump).
  3. Technical toys with software or motorcraft control (transport units, machines).
  4. Gaming construction constructors - collapsible.
  5. Didactic toys and games.
  6. Toys for sports and moving games (balls, rope).
  7. Theatrical I. decorative toys (Characters of puppet theaters, costumes, decorations).
  8. Toys-fun.
  9. Sounding musical toys.
  10. Game materials and homemade toys.
  11. Game equipment (houses, layouts).
  12. Computer toys and games.
  13. Educational toys (puzzle games).