Repairs Design Furniture

Dead Space 3 Limited Edition Passage. Security Guide - Main game

Prologue. June 18, 2314 after the introductory video, we begin to advance the field on the lined in the snow. We focus using the device on the wrist of Tim. Arrange to collapsed summer ...

After the introductory roller, we begin to move along the field listed in the snow. We focus using the device on the wrist of Tim. Arrange to the collapsed flying machine. We destroy the boxes and thereby produce cartridges to weapons. Shot on a junk on the main door. Opening it, the enemies are chosen from the inside. The most vulnerable zones - limbs and head. Entering the ship, we move to the stairs, passing the opponents along the way. Pin the corpses for the extraction of ammunition and the aidhechki. We rise to the bridge, click on the side control panel and select a cylindrical device. An unexpectedly ship rows from the place, and therefore jump over with a rope on the gorge. Moving the lower and lower, occasionally jumping the pits. Go to the left, so as not to be above the explosive wave. Roll from side to the side to avoid collisions with fragments.

Chapter 1. Sudden awakening.
Moon Colony "New Horizons".
200 years later.

We look at the apartment, after which we go to the corridor, turn left and leave out. We go to the fighters at the gate. After the dialogue, squeezing with the shelter. We kill a couple of opponents for training and pass to the car right. After the explosion, we turn out at the bottom. We go straight, destroying enemies. Do not forget to use shelters. Another suicide is shifting before it approaches us. We enter the construction, climb on the stairs. Talking with Norton, inspecting in the room and go out in the alley. Carefully envelope corners and shoot opponents. For a minute, not a permit stopping the flow of trucks on the highway will not allow crossing the road. Aims into the stream and slow one of the Machines of the Stasis. Now the flow is stopped, and we can go to the other side and go upstairs.

Inside the hall come across large quantity enemies. The main thing is not to allow to surround yourself and go back on time. On the elevator we will rise to the top floor. Immediately exposed to attack, but Isaack escapes from Diana and his people. We get up, pick up the aid kits, until the enemies broke. By killing them, we go further to the next elevator. Rising, we go to a number of stores. Turn to the right, pass through the souvenir shop. We go out in the alley, destroying enemies. We go down the stairs in the building, on the elevator climb upstairs. We arrive at the station where you pull up the locomotive to the central platform with the help of a kinesis. Then he move it into the tunnel. Similarly, connect the fuel composition with the head carriage. We wait for the last car and climb in front of it. We are moving towards the locomotive, exterminating enemies trying to stop us.

Chapter 2. By itself.
U.S.M. "Eudor".

Come into consciousness, speak with the carver. On the shelf on the right we turn on the audio recording. We follow the corridors to the Captain Bridge. The ship makes a leap in space, after which it is subjected to a collision with mines. We leave from the bridge, give allies of instructions, then moving forward for the costume. Wearing it, tearing into weightlessness and catch up with the last and main element - helmet.

We arrive to cargo and use the kinesis on the arrows depicted on it. After pushing them along different directions, we interact with the control panel. We rush across the space, labby between debris and mines.

Chapter 3. Roanok.

We meet with Norton at the cargo dock. Inside, do not pass, so we go to the neighboring doors. Open them by sending an eye on the central castle and applying kinesis. Now again press the kinesis button and scroll through the lock. Through the gateway, we turn into the corridor, turn to the left and get into the room, from where you open the cargo door with the use of kinesis in the control panel. We return to the corridor, turn left and open the door. For the coordinates of Norton, we go to the group of headed Ellie. Let's go to the right and collect all useful items. We pass through the door and get to the room, in which all the doors are blocked. Capture the battery near the central door to the kinesis and install it into the appropriate hole next to the machine.

Now we can open the central door and go to the corridor. We destroy creatures and remove the barricade near the side door with the help of a cruise. We are growing with enemies in a room with a de-energized projector. We go into the corridor, get to the door on the left side. Going away, we fly in weightlessness and shoot from the opponents flipping to the walls. Then climb the stairs and proceed to the launch of the main generator. All three mechanisms are lowered the top parts. Next, we capture the locks opened on top and hold the kinesis button to promote and subsequently submit energy. Turn on the generator through the control panel. We call the elevator and wait for the arrival. Raised Ellie and to other surviving workers.

We return to the generator on the elevator and proceed to the destruction of a huge necromorph. Lower the tops and spin them, as we have already done earlier. On the bottom will appear tentacles that shoot in the red areas. Since they move too quickly, I will apply the Stasis. Walking in all generators, we go down the same way that profits. Being in weightless, we use the stasis on the fans. Go to the opposite direction and climb up the stairs. Going out into the corridor, come to the control panel on the wall. We move the sliders to the allocated cells and activate them. By filling out the entire area, the elevator will be available on the left side, which goes on the top floor.

Isaac is viewed on images in the wall. Now we can return to Ellie to the station and go through the left pass from the machine. Through the corridor, we will get into open space and go to the trolley that will deliver us to Terra Novu.

Chapter 5. Expected delays.
Crew Crew Terra New.

Arriving at the station, moving through the gateway. Opening the door, we get to the elevator before the captain's bridge. To open the next door, you need to hack the control panel. Rotate with stip and find three blue zones that need to be fixed. We pass into the corridor and we clean it from opponents. We go down to the folding room, where we also spend stripping. Get to the trolley and call it through the console on the left side. Together arrival, we are talking about the problem. We go through the door on the left, climb upstairs. Follow the enemy stuck to the wall. It is necessary to shoot all his tentacles and only then can go to the elevator. We go to the next floor. Here it is necessary to free the way from the cargo. This is done by the connection of two cargoes by the parties corresponding to each other. Visually pick them enough easily. Next, we are separated with the enemies that appeared and go back to the elevator.

Going down, go to the door on the left. We climb upstairs and run to the warehouse. A new opponent appears, which cannot be killed. When leaving all the limbs, it can be stopped for a few seconds. After that, it is regenerated and again continues to attack us. We quickly get to the trolley and call it through the console. Keep the defense before the arrival of the transport. Actively use the stasis to slow down the immortal necromorph. On the arrived trolley get to central Station.

Chapter 6. Repair before shipping.
Tail section C.M.S. Terra Nova.

We approach the console next to the left door. Hacking it, we enter inside and select the key from the combat cutting. Now we can return to the trolley and go to the tail station. After arrival, we call the elevator and are waiting for it, cut off the limb to immortal enemies.

The elevator will deliver us to the shuttle. Let's go through all levels and collect the necessary modules. Then climb up and call the platform. It goes on the opposite direction and similarly to the modules. Use the remote control machine. Next, on the platform, go to the center to the shuttle. Open the cover with the help of a cruise and install the assembled remote.

Without fuel, shuttle does not budge. We will move again on the right side. Going down on the lift, we will turn right and go through the unlocked door. Climb upstairs, then go down and back up the lift again. Activate the fuel pump, we go to it and a kinesis in the tank. During the refueling, prog to the murder of approaching necromorphs. After the end of the refueling, deactivate the pump and please the Ellie to carry out the final stage in the preparation of the shuttle to flight.

Unexpected overheating will fail. Go down and turn to the right. I do not rush to run the head, as the fire will constantly break the path. The pointer will indicate the right road. Get to the stairs and go down. We pass to the lift, causing it, restrain the immortal necromorph. Climb upstairs, call the platform. Now fought back from two opponents. We move on the opposite direction, follow the lift and pass to the left. We go to the building and get to the elevator on which we go to the top floor. We are located for stationary weapons and we destroy the cylinders stuck in the meat grinder. Also do not forget about enemies, which over time will be more and more.

The explosion brought us into outer space. Get to the station, along the way, shooting mines. Their approximation is easy to recognize through frequent sounds. We use a shuttle for sending grills.

Chapter 7. Chaos.
C.M.S. Grills.

Go to the engine using a pointer. Kinesis pull the shields, then square devices under them and, of course, the engine. Returning to the shuttle, we get to the station of Roanoka. Here you need to get three registrars from three different satellites. Up to the first easy to get through the pointer, but the rest finds not work on the green light.

Further, according to the pointer, we find the nearest machine. We combine objects found in it and return to weightlessness. Fix the module on the shuttle. Immerse yourself in a shuttle where you notice damaged oxygen cylinders. We insert them on the connectors and turn one hundred eighty degrees. Now we can go to the path, running the shutter through the control panel. Do not deviate from the course, that is, keep the shuttle in the framework of the blue squares. We shoot marked enemies and try to avoid obstacles in every way. We still have to return to the cylinders and again place them in the right location.

Chapter 8. No connection.
Tau Volantis.

After crash, we begin searching for the second part of the shuttle. As a reference point, we use fire. They also replenish the stock of the heat. We go to the open area, and the shuttle is collapsed on top. Quickly press the corresponding button. We continue to advance, and soon detect tail Ship. There are no survivors here, so we go to the next point, focusing on red signal checkers. On the slope is attacked by the enemy, which reckoning us far ahead.

We find a bridge, follow it along it until we find the stairs. We are climbing up, we turn to the left and enter the warm room. We launch the generator, we find the first message from Ellie. We go to the snow, descending on the lift. We move along the pipe, go down on Earth. We destroy emerging enemies and go to the next building. After passing through it, we will continue to go straight until I see the signal checker. From it, we will return to the left and get until the next checker, near which you will find a passage to the construction. We communicate with a bare bale.

Chapter 9. Forward.
Transit station.

We go to the left and get to the end room. Run the generator, kinesis stretch the gear on the wall. We deliver it to the location of the core and inventing the axis in a nearby. We are going down on the elevator where we clean the room from small creatures. They love to attack large groups, but they quickly die.

We get to the workshop, on the stairs we go to the lower level. Install B. proper position Mechanisms on the corresponding to each other types of tips. When the device starts, we wait for a couple of tens of seconds. Then we run behind it and pass to the extreme left passage. We repeat the action with the mechanisms and immediately slow down the structure of the Stasis to have time to come to the passage and not be clamped. We climb up and proceed to the wardrobe. We will change into an arctic suit in which protects from the cold.

Using the locator, choose out. We get to the inclusive crane and quickly press the displayed buttons. Upstairs, we find a carver, which actively behaves with enemies. We go to the room from the right side of the lift and launch the generator. Now we can go upstairs, but we will interrupt the necromorf, which we have already met earlier. Shooting him constant growing on the back of the tentacle. We evaporate from the enemy attacks by double pressing the acceleration button. The tentacles will constantly grow, so after several successful attempts, the monster will run away. We rise higher and, focusing on the locator, reach the command item.

Chapter 10. Now we know.
Department of Command Excavations.

The team is waiting for us outside, go out to them and immediately attacked by enemies. We use shelters and destroy Diana people. We need to get to the drilling platform where we run the generator and exempt the drilling device from protective stems. A huge, constantly rotating device will appear on the site. Move in a circle to not be under it. We slow down the Burmashin Stasis and shoot the yellow parts in his center. Charging Stasis through wall-mounted installations And destroy necromorphs. Having won, heading to the existing passage.

Chapter 11. Hunting for the signal.
Building for samples

Get on the lift to heaters. After talking with Ellie, heading to the boiler room, and then go out into the street. On the right there is an energy unit. Pulling it out, deliver to the building at the other end. All the ways will attack the enemies. Wake up block through the window. Returning back, we climb up and run right to the same building. Going along the stairs, insert the unit into the appropriate hole. Manually run the boiler.

Let's go back to heaters and adjust the pressure. Activate the central console and rotating the kinesis mechanisms over which the figure will turn around. When the pressure is 100%, it means that we did everything right and can climb the team. Santos transmits us a probe scheme. It is necessary to get several parts for its creation. We get to the snow-covered lands, where we are faced with new enemies. They are cowardly and therefore attack unexpectedly, after which it is trying to hide as quickly as possible. The surest way, stand still and wait for them. Reaching the barracks, pass through it and find themselves at the auxiliary area. We destroy many opponents, after which we turn to the left and we wake the console. We arrive at the warehouse, which is in a dilapidated condition. We pass to the end on the right side. On the left notice the winch, pulling her kinesis. Then go down and collect the components of the probe. All of them are highlighted, the latter is in the same cell that we raised.

Let's go back to the site and fight with a familiar enemy, which will hide from us again. Let's return to the allies and collect the probe on the machine.

Chapter 12. Opening.
Anatomy hangar.

Rising, we go through the side bridges and launch the harpuna. Then we use the kinesis and open the path. Norton will help go down, for this you need to climb into the cage. Once inside the creature, aims of the probe and catch active signals. Mostly clusters are at the top, but also to miss them is impossible, as brightly glow. We shoot on them and move to the cage. Consider the onslaught of enemies, after which they continue to shoot the remaining clusters.

Norton refuses to open the cage, so we do it yourself. We use kinesis on the lever in the next cell. Through the boiler room we will get out. Blowing out of the paw of the people of Danika, destroy three and proceed to the battle by the revived giant. Roll through the strikes to them, shoot the cocoons before the enemies get out of them. Shooting B. weakness in the center. When the opponent literally starts to suck us into himself, we shoot the yellow areas. After several such attempts, we will find yourself inside the giant.

Shoot the limbs of the three creatures. We are in motion to evade the bodies flying in us. Selecting the body of the giant, we meet with Norton and Carver. We shoot in the first, pre-aiming. To do this, quickly press the specified button and then the shot button.

Chapter 13. Touch Heaven.
Rocks of Volantis.

We meet with the surviving team members. Hooks help climb up. Periodically shift in one, then in the other side to avoid collisions with flying from above. Kinesis restore the stairs, climb higher. We clean the cave from necromorphs and continue the movement. Before us, the lift that does not give to pass. We have grabbing the top lever and do not let go button until the lift drops down. To conquer the next vertex will interfere with the enemies. Shoot them and at the same time moving jumps around.

We continue to climb upstairs, this time you need to slow down huge collaps. Raised on the right side and immediately slow the collapse. As soon as it becomes possible, go to the left. Stop the second collapse and the lift when it is on the right or on the left. We are moving right and climb upstairs. We destroy opponents, we go to the cave and climb a little higher. We help allies climb upstairs, starting the generator. When the rise stops, we go straight and climb higher. We interact with the shield, exhibiting the correct values. We throw the number of fifty numbers at the left side of the left side - seventy.

Once at the bottom, we go to the open territory and proceed to the fight with necromorph. If you go even further, you can see a generator that needs to be as soon as possible. Lasers will appear on the left, we pass through them and wait for the monster. Garpuna wake him for a few seconds. During this time, we must come to the console on the right and grab the kinesis lever on the reverse side. Actively press the shown button and crush the enemy. We return to the hook, which will help climb up.

Chapter 14. Everything is your place.
Research Center.

Proceed up the allies, however, we will break down and Ellie will provide another route. Use the locator to get to the biologist. We hack the console and enter inside. We destroy small enemies that are able to revive the corpses. We clean the room and go to the top floor on the elevator. We communicate with Ellie, using the kinesis, we move the capsule with part of the body rosettes on the other side and put inside the lowered chamber. We select the key from the cell and return to the lower floor.

We will unlock the door on the other end and advance forward, along the way, shooting creatures on the walls and in the floor. We descend using the lift. Adjusting the power in such a way that the elevator and pump are fueled simultaneously. On the right side, we leave the number 50, 50 and 70. On the left side - 70, 70, 90. Now we can go back and enter a small room. Activate the console and wait for disinfection. We are successful to the center, the elevator was released on the left. Rising, we go through the bridge and quickly kill necromorphs in front of us. Also wrapping and straightening with opponents.

We arrive in the paleontology building, where we pull the front panel of the shield and give meals, using the kinesis. We go to the top level, we destroy enemies and go down again, but already on the lift. Before us is a three-grade capsule, inside of which the part we need is needed.

  • We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value of 0 on the left table.
  • We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value on the right scoreboard 0, and in the center - 150.
  • We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value on the left scoreboard 0, and in the center - 90.
  • We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value 0 on all scoreboard.

Activate the console and carry part to the last compartment. Remove it from the opposite side and put it on the camera on the right side. Let's leave the room, we clean the corridor from the infection. Pull the front panel of the shield and supply meals. We immediately return to a small room and make disinfection. We go to the central door and go to the next room. On the left there is a capsule with part of the rosette, which you need to put into the chamber on the other end of the room on the right. Silently gaining enemies or destroy them.

We go out and go back to the biolaboratory. From her, again, we'll get out, get to the lift and rise up. On the way to the placement of geology, deal with necromorphs. Overlapping laser installation by the central block. It can be freely moved by kinesis. We take part of the rosette and install in the chamber. Let's return with the laboratory, passing up with opponents.

The locator will help you get to the next room with part of the rosette. Next to her will be an opponent who can kill us with one blow. We raise with it from the distance and put the part into the appropriate camera. Return to Ellie and Carwar.

Chapter 15. The whims of fate.
Lab rosette.

Connect parts into a single whole, focusing on torn places. Then activate the console and view the vision. Run away, moving zigzag, while the gas did not have time to overlap the passage. Also not medili and further, as soon as possible we leave the laboratory. We hide from grenadelatometers, we will rise higher on the lift. Quickly we run to the construction, until the enemy ship is extended to us. We pass inside and choose from the other side.

We continue to be separated with enemies. Necromorphs joined ordinary people. We arrive at the next building. Going to the console, the enemies will appear behind us. Write first with them, then with necromorphs. We hack the console and pass to the building.

Chapter 16. Hiding below.
Descent underground.

We start the descent down, following the cargo elevator. You jump over various obstacles and shoot enemies. If possible, we destroy explosive cylinders. Going away, we are separated with the people of Danik, which are located opposite. We enter the construction, unlock the console and go out on the street. Let's go down even lower, still shooting the annoying enemies. There were minor creatures, with which you need to deal with the distance in the first place. We go down the mine, we use the stasis on the fan. Passing through it, quickly and often press the displayed button.

Chapter 17. Strange City.
Alien ruins.

After communicating with the carver, we turn the generator and go further. We interact with the door, watch the movie, and then turn on the screen on which symbols will appear. We introduce them to the "translator" next to the door in the reverse order. Send from the room, we will meet with a carver. After talking, let's go down on the right side. On the turn, we will need to go right and attract the kinesis block from the terminal. We carry it to the locked passage and insert it into the connector. We undermine the next two objects like this method.

Once at thenime, go to the translator. In the bottom of the screen, signs will appear, which must be entered into the "translator". We go further and bring the generator. We find yourself in weightlessness and fly to the next point. We use the "translator" and come out of weightlessness. If you get up on a round platform, the kinesis power increases sharply, which allows manipulated by large objects. Clean the passage and, coming to the generator, we bring it. We destroy the enemies descending along the wall, then use the lift to raise up. Run to the platform, move the blue spheres within four objects. We put them in this order - the extreme spheres in the upper positions, the central - in the middle. Then we approach the mechanism that appears and activate it.

Downstairs, a special portal opened, which moved far ahead. We introduce the symbols in the "translator" and enter the construction. We get to the platform and use it together with the Stasis to slow down enemies more "qualitatively". Steaming with opponents, similarly use the next platform and destroy large enemies.

Chapter 18. Kill or be killed.
Machine aliens.

We use the "translator" and pass on. On the fork, we will achieve the right and get to the generator. Running it, back to the fork and go straight. We destroy enemies in the next room, after which you will unlock the next door and using the platform by moving on.

We clean the room from the contagion sticking to the floor and walls. Kill all other necromorphs that appeared. To do this, it is desirable to move back, otherwise we will not have time to reflect attacks from all sides. Sign up the lift from the generator and climb up. Let's go through all the tracks, pick up the cartridges and at the same time they will deal with the tentacles. We use one of the platforms to change the location. central Object For one position. Now we can compare all other objects with him. But before that, we shared with all the enemies that appeared, which will be in large quantities. Therefore, we stand on the passage in which the enemies will not be able to get from the back. Activate the opening mechanism.

Let's return to the place where we are packaged the blue spheres. This time changes their position: extreme in the middle, central - from above. Once again we interact with the mechanism and, descending, we move through the platform. We clean the room from funny enemies. We arrive in the car, remove the first element and put it in one of the red connectors. We find a couple of items. Passing first on the right, then on the left side. Similarly, apply them on the corresponding connectors. We pass forward and proceed to the lifting. Go from side to the side so as not to fall into the zone that lights up. Total three. Large gears stop the stasis.
We get to the carver and approach the last mechanism.

Chapter 19. End.
Whirlwind of convergence.

We follow right, stepping on the ground has not yet had time to collapse. On the way, we destroy necromorphs. We use the platform to fly to the snowy zone. We continue to move, also killing enemies. I don't care hard, as time is limited. If we prone, the unknown will catch up and literally dispersed. The passage is closed, so we destroy the tentacle on the right side. We go into the closed area, where will continue the flight.

They shy away from various objects and, landing, come across the largest creature in the game. We use the platform and grab Kinesis Obelisk. Run it in a big opponent's eye. For a while we leave the center and destroy necromorphs. We carry a small shake, during which you need to be in the center! Shoot in orange zones in the hands of the enemy. We repeat the actions until the monster will absorb carver. We use the kinesis again to pull it out of the enemy's belly. Quickly run to it and actively press the specified button. We look at the final video.

Chapter 6. "Repair before shipping"

I am moving to the station "Food", we leave the trolleys. Here we need to find a shuttle "Crozier" so that it was to leave this planet. We look at the manual locator, we need to be in the elevator on the right.

We enter the elevator to the right, we get into a big hangar, where the shuttle "Krozye needs we need. In order to run the shuttle, you need to find three special details. We start looking for.

We go to the left side, we descend on the lift on the lift to the lower platform. Killing emerging necromorphs, on the inclined stairs descend even lower, we find on the rack in front of the ship detail "System board of the console". On the elevator climb upstairs.

On the top floor in the center we see the panel with the button, click, call the moving platform, we move on it to the other side of the hangar. We kill necromorphs, come to the machine. (Here you can make a torsional shaft, and then with it to return to the locked door at the beginning of the level).

On this side, we also descend on the cargo elevator to the platform below. Find here detail of the "remote radio controller" and detail "Remote Locator Module". All items are collected, return to the machine.

Collecting the console on the machine, sit down on a moving platform, choose the middle bottom of the destination, drive up to the shuttle. With the help of the kinesis, turn the lever, insert the console into the opened hatch. Now the shuttle can be controlled, but first you need to fix it. We return to the second side of the hangar, descend on the elevator, we enter the open door.

We climb the stairs, we get into the room where the tail part of the shuttle is visible. Another staircase leads to another part of the previous hangar. And we go to the right corner and climb the elevator. In the control cabin, press the button to refuel the shuttle.

We go to the right to the end of the road, with the help of a kinesis, we lower the refueling nozzle into the shuttle tank. While the tank is filled, shoot from emerging necromorphs. Then we return to the control cabin, press the button again. The ship will start, you need to immediately run away from here. Go down on the elevator.

Below is the fire and flaws the turbine of the shuttle. We are waiting for all the monsters to run into the fire and die, then waiting for the time interval when the turbines are turned off, at this time run by. On the other side of the room there is a unnecessary monster, freeze it with a station, we are successful to the stairs and go down.

We go to the hangar. Before us is another flame, we wait when it subsides, run by. There are two roads ahead, but both are blocked by fire on the floor. We call the elevator on the right, while we wait, shy away from the unnecessary monster or freeze it. We rose on the elevator, upstairs sit down on a moving platform, moving to the other side of the hangar. On the other hand, descend down on the elevator, we enter the new opened door.

Let's get into the room with the opening mechanism of the gate. The mechanism jammed a barrel with explosives. I get up for a muzzle, located nearby, shoot in a barrel, then shoot the appearing necromorphs and new arriving barrels. The gate is revealed, the shuttle "Crozier" goes into space, pulls us out after him.

In the open space, we fly forward, focus on the manual locator. Along the way, we collect rolling resources, do not forget to replenish the reserve of air from flying around the cylinders.

We fly to the goal. We fly inside the ship, sit down in the trolley, we go to the ship "C.m.s. "Grills."

Chapter 7. "Chaos"

Our task: to study outdoor space around the grill ship, find the necessary spare parts for the full repair of the shuttle "Crozier".

Pass to the Great Engine. With the help of a kinesis, we grind the panel on the housing, we turn three levers under them, pushing out the central part of the engine. After that, we return to the trolley, we go to the ship "Roanok" on it.

Come into space, looking for small satellites with four sunny batteries. Falling as much as possible to such a satellite, pull out the core. Red luminous mines destroy from afar, shooting shooting necromorphs.

Having gathered all three modules from satellites, we fly inside the "Roanok" ship. (Entry through the air gateway is a small tube with blue lights sticking out of the ship). Inside, we get to the machine, we combine modules into a single integer. We go into space again.

Flocked to the shuttle, open his hatch, insert ready module. We land on the left front fender Shuttle, enter inside.

Inside in the back insert two cylinders in free compartments, turn them to catch up green color. We pass forward, sit down in your chair, launch the engine.

Manage the movement of the shuttle, you need to remain in the zone allocated in a blue frame. At this time, shoot mines and small pieces On the path of the ship. Despite all our efforts, the ship's cover is damaged, crew members die one after another. We run into the tail, again insert the cylinders, and then turn them. Return to the chair. We make an emergency landing on the snow-covered planet Tau Volantis.

Dead Space 3. Passage of the game

Chapter 8. "No connection"

We return to consciousness after an emergency landing on the planet. Aizek's costume was damaged, the helmet is not worn, but around the severe alien frost. In order not to climb, you need to follow the temperature sensor on the hero's shoulder, and from time to time to approach large lights to warm up. We go forward to search for survivors.

Use aid kits. We go on the way straight, on the left there will be two branches, in the first one you can find a couple of boxes with resources, in the second - there is nothing at all.

We leave the snowstorm, go down the hill down, we are driving from the falling debris of the ship.

We run forward to the next fragment of the ship. There will be no lights on the way, so you should not linger on the way. In the fragment we find the corpse of an unknown crew member. At the outlet of the debris, see the video message from Ellie.

(If you get out of the building, wait for the door closure, and then log in again, then random resources will appear inside. With each new entrance, new resources will appear in the building).

We go out into the street through another door, we go down on the elevator, we enter into the large pipe.

Behead on the pipe. Suddenly, the pipe breaks and falls down (apparently outside the huge necromorf attacked). We run out of the pipe, run on the way right and back. At the end of the way, we go to the room, we turn on the generator, and heat out.

We leave, go back to the debris of the pipe, go forward from it. A few necromorphs pop up from under the snow, they kill them. The big door to the right is closed, it is necessary for it.

Go forward. For steel sheets we find a small door. We enter inside, warmer.

We leave on the other side of the room. Behead, focus on signal lights.

In the center we see a big building, go around it, the door will be behind. In this place, many monsters attack us, we kill them all. We enter inside the station, we see a freezing ally.

Dead Space 3. Passage of the game

Chapter 9. "Forward"

Inside the station, the frozen Back tells us that other people found warm costumes and went forward. We also need to change the costume, and for this you will have to go down to the basement station.

With the help of a crucible, we take from the wall of the left gear, carrying it to the elevator next to the frozen bale. Song gear and insert it into the connector next to the elevator. We enter the elevator, go down.

Coming out of the elevator, listen to the audio recording "Last Attempt". When you exit right in front of yourself, we see the wardrobe, but it is behind the bars, you have to go around. We reach the kitchen.

We pass through the freezer room. In the kitchen, we see new monsters - consumers - very thin monsters, almost skeletons, quickly run. We kill monsters, inspect the lockers, collect resources. We go to the next room.

Open the following room, from afar we kill a monster in doorway. After that, the monsters will run from the room in front, and start jumping from the ventilation from above. The battle will be heavy. We pass into the room, this is a bedroom.

Go to the door to the left, we get into the room with barrels and pipes.

We fall into a large car room. Go down on the stairs down. We solve the puzzle, moving the circles using a kinosis. After the solution, the piston will start working on the right. We are waiting for the piston to move to the furthest position, slow down it with a station, run inside the tunnel to the piston himself, to the left of it there will be an entrance to the central part of the room.

Here we are waiting for another puzzle, but more. We solve it, after that, the second piston begins to work, and at the same time, a lot of monsters begins to get out of the ventilation. We slow down the piston with the help of a station when it is located as close as possible to us, after that we run through the tunnel, we leave out. Raised the stairs.

By visiting the control room, go through the door. We approach the wardrobe, put on the Arctic costume. We go to the closed lattice door, we scan and skip. We pass to the elevator, go upstairs and leave the transit station.

(Now you can immediately go back to the supply warehouse and start a bonus mission. Or you can go through the level to the end and return to the bonus mission after that).

On the street we pass forward to a small building next to the fence.

Scanner on the ceiling checks our suit. The door will open, only if the Arctic suit will be put on us. We pass into the open door, go forward through the blizzard.

We reach the entrance to the container, here we meet a necromorp-polar star with ice ax. We go deep into the cave, we kill two polarists here. We climb the stairs upstairs, reach the bulldozer. The bulldozer begins to fall, clamp and do not release the "w" key to crawl up, then quickly press "E". Moving further down the mountain range.

We redeem before entering the database, speak with the carver, standing on the second floor. We enter the building, launch the generator, we leave out, sit down in the included elevator. At that moment a giant monster attacks.

Giant necromorph spider

We enter into an open battle with necromorph, slow down with the help of a station, shoot all three tentacles hanging on top. The spider will attack only the taranny attacks from afar, at this moment simply run left or right. By staring several times, all the tentacles, we defeat this boss. Spider runs away and breaks one of the platforms, forming an inclined staircase. We climb up the stairs, we enter the building.

Inside the building we pass a couple of empty rooms.

We go to the elevator, go down to the central courtyard of the base.

We enter the large door on the opposite wall.

Bonus Mission "Base of Supplies"

To get into the bonus "supply base" bonus mission, you need to find the access key in chapter 9 in the station basement. Having received the key returning to the database doors.

We use the key, enter the inside the database. Inside we see the machine, wardrobe and a couple of doors open. Listen to the audio recording "Where Lamley?".

We go on the door to the left with the inscription "Archive".

We pass one room, solve the puzzle with the location of the blue sectors. We go into the next room, climb the stairs, take a couple of boxes with resources at the top.

In the next room we encounter a few simple necromorphs. In the far left corner we find tungsten. Go to the door to the right. We pass a couple of rooms with ice on the walls, we go into a two-story room.

We approach the door on the second floor, it encourages it, and at this time many necromorphs appear. We stand and fought off the enemies, after that we go into all the same the door opened.

We fall into a large empty hangar. We go down the stairs, we kill enemies below. With the help of a kinesis, we take the power supply.

Insert the power supply next to the left door. We pass a small empty corridor. In the next room we are hacking the control panel (we solve the puzzle with the search sectors), thereby calling the elevator. On the elevator climb upstairs.

We approach the workbench, if necessary, improve weapons, create a closure and aidft. We go to the construction compartment.

We see a lowered bridge. To the right of the bridge turn the lever with the help of a kinesis, we go through the bridge. We enter a small room, we see two doors. For the door on the right you need torsional shaft.

Go to the door on the left. We go on compartments of a large round tunnel, nothing is found along the way. At the end of the way we see two monsters hanging on the ceiling, we kill them. We enter the elevator.

On the elevator come to a small room with many valuable things. To begin with, we kill necromorphs from ventilation.

We go into a small door, in the next room - in the large door, we get to the warehouse of explosives.

We go to the center of the room, call the elevator. After that, from all the cracks will begin to climb monsters, occupy a convenient position at the wall in front of the ice growths, shoot three waves of monsters.

After the victory, the elevator goes down, we see a repository on it. Inside the storage facilities, we find: resources, a box of spare parts, part of the weapon "Sight", modernization chain "+2 Recharge, -1 TEMP Footing", the chain of modernization "+2 Recharge, -1 Oboyma".

The elevator no longer works, but the large door opened. We enter the door, get into the room with a machine, near many monitors. Next to the wall listen audio recording "Food is over". We go into the next room, kill a couple of necromorphs.

We pass forward, as a result, we go to the main hall of the base, from where and began this level. We leave from the database and return to the main mission.

Dead Space 3. Passage of the game

Chapter 10. "Now we know"

We enter the premises of the headquarters of the complex 1. Here we celebrate our team. The remaining members of the group are ready to go further.

We go out on the street, follow the team, but again behind.

Here we overtake fanatics fans headed by Danic. We enter into a shootout, we kill a dozen enemies. We go forward, pass through a couple of the tent doors, go down on the elevator down.

Below we kill both unitologists and necromorphs. We go through the second tent. It has a machine and a wardrobe.

With the help of a kinesis, we move the large suitcases from the exit, we go to the door. On the street we run on, we are successful to the cave. There is nothing in the cave at all, there is nothing, there you can only run a resource bot. We run into the cave on the right with the railway.

We go to the next tent, at this moment a necromorph appears in the gateway. We pass, go down the stairs.

We go out on the street, we get into the ambush. The grenades thrown by enemies throw away from the kinesis.

We go to the next warehouse. Here we encounter new monsters - heads with tentacles that are put into the corpses. The corpses under their control is much smarter than ordinary necromorphs, and even know how to shoot. To kill such a monster, you only need to shoot in the head, otherwise the head can get into another corpse.

We go out again. On the right we see the door to the big warehouse, it's the way in bonus co-op mission. Well, we enter the next tent, having previously deciding the puzzle.

We get into the room of the rig.

Run the generator, go to the central playground. The huge burden jammed the gate. Aim, clamp and do not let go of the kinesis button to turn the two blue lever to the end. After that, the boulder is free. But some kind of program inside the borah rushed and he begins to work not in the ground, but right on the site.

Drilling platform

We are driving from the bora, if necessary, shoot constantly emerging enemies. Our main goal is a burden. Necromorphs appear only so that we are from what to take cartridges if they are running out. We use the Stasis to slow down the boring, at this time shoot in his yellow item in the center. After several successful shots, the Boer stops, but then start rotating again. You need to slow down twice and destroy the yellow detail of the Bura, after that it will be completely destroyed.

We go to the door, climb the elevator.

We go to the next door, we fall into the "zone NX-03".

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June 18, 2314

After the introductory roller, we begin to move along the field listed in the snow. We focus using the device on the wrist of Tim. Arrange to the collapsed flying machine. We destroy the boxes and thereby produce cartridges to weapons. Shot on a junk on the main door. Opening it, the enemies are chosen from the inside. The most vulnerable zones - limbs and head. Entering the ship, we move to the stairs, passing the opponents along the way. Pin the corpses for the extraction of ammunition and the aidhechki. We rise to the bridge, click on the side control panel and select a cylindrical device. An unexpectedly ship rows from the place, and therefore jump over with a rope on the gorge. Moving the lower and lower, occasionally jumping the pits. Go to the left, so as not to be above the explosive wave. Roll from side to the side to avoid collisions with fragments.

Chapter 1. Sudden awakening.
Moon Colony "New Horizons".
200 years later.

We look at the apartment, after which we go to the corridor, turn left and leave out. We go to the fighters at the gate. After the dialogue, squeezing with the shelter. We kill a couple of opponents for training and pass to the car right. After the explosion, we turn out at the bottom. We go straight, destroying enemies. Do not forget to use shelters. Another suicide is shifting before it approaches us. We enter the construction, climb on the stairs. Talking with Norton, inspecting in the room and go out in the alley. Carefully envelope corners and shoot opponents. For a minute, not a permit stopping the flow of trucks on the highway will not allow crossing the road. Aims into the stream and slow one of the Machines of the Stasis. Now the flow is stopped, and we can go to the other side and go upstairs.

Inside the hall is faced with a large number of enemies. The main thing is not to allow to surround yourself and go back on time. On the elevator we will rise to the top floor. Immediately exposed to attack, but Isaack escapes from Diana and his people. We get up, pick up the aid kits, until the enemies broke. By killing them, we go further to the next elevator. Rising, we go to a number of stores. Turn to the right, pass through the souvenir shop. We go out in the alley, destroying enemies. We go down the stairs in the building, on the elevator climb upstairs. We arrive at the station where you pull up the locomotive to the central platform with the help of a kinesis. Then he move it into the tunnel. Similarly, connect the fuel composition with the head carriage. We wait for the last car and climb in front of it. We are moving towards the locomotive, exterminating enemies trying to stop us.

Chapter 2. By itself.
U.S.M. "Eudor".

Come into consciousness, speak with the carver. On the shelf on the right we turn on the audio recording. We follow the corridors to the Captain Bridge. The ship makes a leap in space, after which it is subjected to a collision with mines. We leave from the bridge, give allies of instructions, then moving forward for the costume. Wearing it, tearing into weightlessness and catch up with the last and main element - helmet.

We arrive to cargo and use the kinesis on the arrows depicted on it. After pushing them along different directions, we interact with the control panel. We rush across the space, labby between debris and mines.

Chapter 3. Roanok.

We meet with Norton at the cargo dock. Inside, do not pass, so we go to the neighboring doors. Open them by sending an eye on the central castle and applying kinesis. Now again press the kinesis button and scroll through the lock. Through the gateway, we turn into the corridor, turn to the left and get into the room, from where you open the cargo door with the use of kinesis in the control panel. We return to the corridor, turn left and open the door. For the coordinates of Norton, we go to the group of headed Ellie. Let's go to the right and collect all useful items. We pass through the door and get to the room, in which all the doors are blocked. Capture the battery near the central door to the kinesis and install it into the appropriate hole next to the machine.

Now we can open the central door and go to the corridor. We destroy creatures and remove the barricade near the side door with the help of a cruise. We are growing with enemies in a room with a de-energized projector. We go into the corridor, get to the door on the left side. Going away, we fly in weightlessness and shoot from the opponents flipping to the walls. Then climb the stairs and proceed to the launch of the main generator. All three mechanisms are lowered the top parts. Next, we capture the locks opened on top and hold the kinesis button to promote and subsequently submit energy. Turn on the generator through the control panel. We call the elevator and wait for the arrival. Raised Ellie and to other surviving workers.

We return to the generator on the elevator and proceed to the destruction of a huge necromorph. Lower the tops and spin them, as we have already done earlier. On the bottom will appear tentacles that shoot in the red areas. Since they move too quickly, I will apply the Stasis. Walking in all generators, we go down the same way that profits. Being in weightless, we use the stasis on the fans. Go to the opposite direction and climb up the stairs. Going out into the corridor, come to the control panel on the wall. We move the sliders to the allocated cells and activate them. By filling out the entire area, the elevator will be available on the left side, which goes on the top floor.

Isaac is viewed on images in the wall. Now we can return to Ellie to the station and go through the left pass from the machine. Through the corridor, we will get into open space and go to the trolley that will deliver us to Terra Novu.

Chapter 5. Expected delays.
Crew Crew Terra New.

Arriving at the station, moving through the gateway. Opening the door, we get to the elevator before the captain's bridge. To open the next door, you need to hack the control panel. Rotate with stip and find three blue zones that need to be fixed. We pass into the corridor and we clean it from opponents. We go down to the folding room, where we also spend stripping. Get to the trolley and call it through the console on the left side. Together arrival, we are talking about the problem. We go through the door on the left, climb upstairs. Follow the enemy stuck to the wall. It is necessary to shoot all his tentacles and only then can go to the elevator. We go to the next floor. Here it is necessary to free the way from the cargo. This is done by the connection of two cargoes by the parties corresponding to each other. Visually pick them enough easily. Next, we are separated with the enemies that appeared and go back to the elevator.

Going down, go to the door on the left. We climb upstairs and run to the warehouse. A new opponent appears, which cannot be killed. When leaving all the limbs, it can be stopped for a few seconds. After that, it is regenerated and again continues to attack us. We quickly get to the trolley and call it through the console. Keep the defense before the arrival of the transport. Actively use the stasis to slow down the immortal necromorph. On the arriving trolley, we get to the central station.

Chapter 6. Repair before shipping.
Tail section C.M.S. Terra Nova.

We approach the console next to the left door. Hacking it, we enter inside and select the key from the combat cutting. Now we can return to the trolley and go to the tail station. After arrival, we call the elevator and are waiting for it, cut off the limb to immortal enemies.

The elevator will deliver us to the shuttle. Let's go through all levels and collect the necessary modules. Then climb up and call the platform. It goes on the opposite direction and similarly to the modules. Use the remote control machine. Next, on the platform, go to the center to the shuttle. Open the cover with the help of a cruise and install the assembled remote.

Without fuel, shuttle does not budge. We will move again on the right side. Going down on the lift, we will turn right and go through the unlocked door. Climb upstairs, then go down and back up the lift again. Activate the fuel pump, we go to it and a kinesis in the tank. During the refueling, prog to the murder of approaching necromorphs. After the end of the refueling, deactivate the pump and please the Ellie to carry out the final stage in the preparation of the shuttle to flight.

Unexpected overheating will fail. Go down and turn to the right. I do not rush to run the head, as the fire will constantly break the path. The pointer will indicate the right road. Get to the stairs and go down. We pass to the lift, causing it, restrain the immortal necromorph. Climb upstairs, call the platform. Now fought back from two opponents. We move on the opposite direction, follow the lift and pass to the left. We go to the building and get to the elevator on which we go to the top floor. We are located for stationary weapons and we destroy the cylinders stuck in the meat grinder. Also do not forget about enemies, which over time will be more and more.

The explosion brought us into outer space. Get to the station, along the way, shooting mines. Their approximation is easy to recognize through frequent sounds. We use a shuttle for sending grills.

Chapter 7. Chaos.
C.M.S. Grills.

Go to the engine using a pointer. Kinesis pull the shields, then square devices under them and, of course, the engine. Returning to the shuttle, we get to the station of Roanoka. Here you need to get three registrars from three different satellites. Up to the first easy to get through the pointer, but the rest finds not work on the green light.

Further, according to the pointer, we find the nearest machine. We combine objects found in it and return to weightlessness. Fix the module on the shuttle. Immerse yourself in a shuttle where you notice damaged oxygen cylinders. We insert them on the connectors and turn one hundred eighty degrees. Now we can go to the path, running the shutter through the control panel. Do not deviate from the course, that is, keep the shuttle in the framework of the blue squares. We shoot marked enemies and try to avoid obstacles in every way. We still have to return to the cylinders and again place them in the right location.

Chapter 8. No connection.
Tau Volantis.

After crash, we begin searching for the second part of the shuttle. As a reference point, we use fire. They also replenish the stock of the heat. We go to the open area, and the shuttle is collapsed on top. Quickly press the corresponding button. We continue to advance, and soon you will find the tail of the ship. There are no survivors here, so we go to the next point, focusing on red signal checkers. On the slope is attacked by the enemy, which reckoning us far ahead.

We find a bridge, follow it along it until we find the stairs. We are climbing up, we turn to the left and enter the warm room. We launch the generator, we find the first message from Ellie. We go to the snow, descending on the lift. We move along the pipe, go down on Earth. We destroy emerging enemies and go to the next building. After passing through it, we will continue to go straight until I see the signal checker. From it, we will return to the left and get until the next checker, near which you will find a passage to the construction. We communicate with a bare bale.

Chapter 9. Forward.
Transit station.

We go to the left and get to the end room. Run the generator, kinesis stretch the gear on the wall. We deliver it to the location of the core and inventing the axis in a nearby. We are going down on the elevator where we clean the room from small creatures. They love to attack large groups, but they quickly die.

We get to the workshop, on the stairs we go to the lower level. We set into the correct position of the mechanisms on the appropriate type of tips. When the device starts, we wait for a couple of tens of seconds. Then we run behind it and pass to the extreme left passage. We repeat the action with the mechanisms and immediately slow down the structure of the Stasis to have time to come to the passage and not be clamped. We climb up and proceed to the wardrobe. We will change into an arctic suit in which protects from the cold.

Using the locator, choose out. We get to the inclusive crane and quickly press the displayed buttons. Upstairs, we find a carver, which actively behaves with enemies. We go to the room from the right side of the lift and launch the generator. Now we can go upstairs, but we will interrupt the necromorf, which we have already met earlier. Shooting him constant growing on the back of the tentacle. We evaporate from the enemy attacks by double pressing the acceleration button. The tentacles will constantly grow, so after several successful attempts, the monster will run away. We rise higher and, focusing on the locator, reach the command item.

Chapter 10. Now we know.
Department of Command Excavations.

The team is waiting for us outside, go out to them and immediately attacked by enemies. We use shelters and destroy Diana people. We need to get to the drilling platform where we run the generator and exempt the drilling device from protective stems. A huge, constantly rotating device will appear on the site. Move in a circle to not be under it. We slow down the Burmashin Stasis and shoot the yellow parts in his center. We charge the Stasis through wall installations and destroy necromorphs. Having won, heading to the existing passage.

Chapter 11. Hunting for the signal.
Building for samples.

Get on the lift to heaters. After talking with Ellie, heading to the boiler room, and then go out into the street. On the right there is an energy unit. Pulling it out, deliver to the building at the other end. All the ways will attack the enemies. Wake up block through the window. Returning back, we climb up and run right to the same building. Going along the stairs, insert the unit into the appropriate hole. Manually run the boiler.

Let's go back to heaters and adjust the pressure. Activate the central console and rotating the kinesis mechanisms over which the figure will turn around. When the pressure is 100%, it means that we did everything right and can climb the team. Santos transmits us a probe scheme. It is necessary to get several parts for its creation. We get to the snow-covered lands, where we are faced with new enemies. They are cowardly and therefore attack unexpectedly, after which it is trying to hide as quickly as possible. The surest way, stand still and wait for them. Reaching the barracks, pass through it and find themselves at the auxiliary area. We destroy many opponents, after which we turn to the left and we wake the console. We arrive at the warehouse, which is in a dilapidated condition. We pass to the end on the right side. On the left notice the winch, pulling her kinesis. Then go down and collect the components of the probe. All of them are highlighted, the latter is in the same cell that we raised.

Let's go back to the site and fight with a familiar enemy, which will hide from us again. Let's return to the allies and collect the probe on the machine.

Chapter 12. Opening.
Anatomy hangar.

Rising, we go through the side bridges and launch the harpuna. Then we use the kinesis and open the path. Norton will help go down, for this you need to climb into the cage. Once inside the creature, aims of the probe and catch active signals. Mostly clusters are at the top, but also to miss them is impossible, as brightly glow. We shoot on them and move to the cage. Consider the onslaught of enemies, after which they continue to shoot the remaining clusters.

Norton refuses to open the cage, so we do it yourself. We use kinesis on the lever in the next cell. Through the boiler room we will get out. Blowing out of the paw of the people of Danika, destroy three and proceed to the battle by the revived giant. Roll through the strikes to them, shoot the cocoons before the enemies get out of them. Shoot in a weak point in the center. When the opponent literally starts to suck us into himself, we shoot the yellow areas. After several such attempts, we will find yourself inside the giant.

Shoot the limbs of the three creatures. We are in motion to evade the bodies flying in us. Selecting the body of the giant, we meet with Norton and Carver. We shoot in the first, pre-aiming. To do this, quickly press the specified button and then the shot button.

Chapter 13. Touch Heaven.
Rocks of Volantis.

We meet with the surviving team members. Hooks help climb up. Periodically shift in one, then in the other side to avoid collisions with flying from above. Kinesis restore the stairs, climb higher. We clean the cave from necromorphs and continue the movement. Before us, the lift that does not give to pass. We have grabbing the top lever and do not let go button until the lift drops down. To conquer the next vertex will interfere with the enemies. Shoot them and at the same time moving jumps around.

We continue to climb upstairs, this time you need to slow down huge collaps. Raised on the right side and immediately slow the collapse. As soon as it becomes possible, go to the left. Stop the second collapse and the lift when it is on the right or on the left. We are moving right and climb upstairs. We destroy opponents, we go to the cave and climb a little higher. We help allies climb upstairs, starting the generator. When the rise stops, we go straight and climb higher. We interact with the shield, exhibiting the correct values. We throw the number of fifty numbers at the left side of the left side - seventy.

Once at the bottom, we go to the open territory and proceed to the fight with necromorph. If you go even further, you can see a generator that needs to be as soon as possible. Lasers will appear on the left, we pass through them and wait for the monster. Garpuna wake him for a few seconds. During this time, we must come to the console on the right and grab the kinesis lever on the reverse side. Actively press the shown button and crush the enemy. We return to the hook, which will help climb up.

Chapter 14. Everything is your place.
Research Center.

Proceed up the allies, however, we will break down and Ellie will provide another route. Use the locator to get to the biologist. We hack the console and enter inside. We destroy small enemies that are able to revive the corpses. We clean the room and go to the top floor on the elevator. We communicate with Ellie, using the kinesis, we move the capsule with part of the body rosettes on the other side and put inside the lowered chamber. We select the key from the cell and return to the lower floor.

We will unlock the door on the other end and advance forward, along the way, shooting creatures on the walls and in the floor. We descend using the lift. Adjusting the power in such a way that the elevator and pump are fueled simultaneously. On the right side, we leave the number 50, 50 and 70. On the left side - 70, 70, 90. Now we can go back and enter a small room. Activate the console and wait for disinfection. We are successful to the center, the elevator was released on the left. Rising, we go through the bridge and quickly kill necromorphs in front of us. Also wrapping and straightening with opponents.

We arrive in the paleontology building, where we pull the front panel of the shield and give meals, using the kinesis. We go to the top level, we destroy enemies and go down again, but already on the lift. Before us is a three-grade capsule, inside of which the part we need is needed.

We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value of 0 on the left table.
We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value on the right scoreboard 0, and in the center - 150.
We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value on the left scoreboard 0, and in the center - 90.
We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value 0 on all scoreboard.

Activate the console and carry part to the last compartment. Remove it from the opposite side and put it on the camera on the right side. Let's leave the room, we clean the corridor from the infection. Pull the front panel of the shield and supply meals. We immediately return to a small room and make disinfection. We go to the central door and go to the next room. On the left there is a capsule with part of the rosette, which you need to put into the chamber on the other end of the room on the right. Silently gaining enemies or destroy them.

We go out and go back to the biolaboratory. From her, again, we'll get out, get to the lift and rise up. On the way to the placement of geology, deal with necromorphs. Overlapping laser installation by the central block. It can be freely moved by kinesis. We take part of the rosette and install in the chamber. Let's return with the laboratory, passing up with opponents.

The locator will help you get to the next room with part of the rosette. Next to her will be an opponent who can kill us with one blow. We raise with it from the distance and put the part into the appropriate camera. Return to Ellie and Carwar.

Chapter 15. The whims of fate.
Lab rosette.

Connect parts into a single whole, focusing on torn places. Then activate the console and view the vision. Run away, moving zigzag, while the gas did not have time to overlap the passage. Also not medili and further, as soon as possible we leave the laboratory. We hide from grenadelatometers, we will rise higher on the lift. Quickly we run to the construction, until the enemy ship is extended to us. We pass inside and choose from the other side.

We continue to be separated with enemies. Necromorphs joined ordinary people. We arrive at the next building. Going to the console, the enemies will appear behind us. Write first with them, then with necromorphs. We hack the console and pass to the building.

Chapter 16. Hiding below.
Descent underground.

We start the descent down, following the cargo elevator. You jump over various obstacles and shoot enemies. If possible, we destroy explosive cylinders. Going away, we are separated with the people of Danik, which are located opposite. We enter the construction, unlock the console and go out on the street. Let's go down even lower, still shooting the annoying enemies. There were minor creatures, with which you need to deal with the distance in the first place. We go down the mine, we use the stasis on the fan. Passing through it, quickly and often press the displayed button.

Chapter 17. Strange City.
Alien ruins.

After communicating with the carver, we turn the generator and go further. We interact with the door, watch the movie, and then turn on the screen on which symbols will appear. We introduce them to the "translator" next to the door in the reverse order. Send from the room, we will meet with a carver. After talking, let's go down on the right side. On the turn, we will need to go right and attract the kinesis block from the terminal. We carry it to the locked passage and insert it into the connector. We undermine the next two objects like this method.

Once at thenime, go to the translator. In the bottom of the screen, signs will appear, which must be entered into the "translator". We go further and bring the generator. We find yourself in weightlessness and fly to the next point. We use the "translator" and come out of weightlessness. If you get up on a round platform, the kinesis power increases sharply, which allows manipulated by large objects. Clean the passage and, coming to the generator, we bring it. We destroy the enemies descending along the wall, then use the lift to raise up. Run to the platform, move the blue spheres within four objects. We put them in this order - the extreme spheres in the upper positions, the central - in the middle. Then we approach the mechanism that appears and activate it.

Downstairs, a special portal opened, which moved far ahead. We introduce the symbols in the "translator" and enter the construction. We get to the platform and use it together with the Stasis to slow down enemies more "qualitatively". Steaming with opponents, similarly use the next platform and destroy large enemies.

Chapter 18. Kill or be killed.
Machine aliens.

We use the "translator" and pass on. On the fork, we will achieve the right and get to the generator. Running it, back to the fork and go straight. We destroy enemies in the next room, after which you will unlock the next door and using the platform by moving on.

We clean the room from the contagion sticking to the floor and walls. Kill all other necromorphs that appeared. To do this, it is desirable to move back, otherwise we will not have time to reflect attacks from all sides. Sign up the lift from the generator and climb up. Let's go through all the tracks, pick up the cartridges and at the same time they will deal with the tentacles. We use one of the platforms to change the location of the central object per position. Now we can compare all other objects with him. But before that, we shared with all the enemies that appeared, which will be in large quantities. Therefore, we stand on the passage in which the enemies will not be able to get from the back. Activate the opening mechanism.

Let's return to the place where we are packaged the blue spheres. This time changes their position: extreme in the middle, central - from above. Once again we interact with the mechanism and, descending, we move through the platform. We clean the room from funny enemies. We arrive in the car, remove the first element and put it in one of the red connectors. We find a couple of items. Passing first on the right, then on the left side. Similarly, apply them on the corresponding connectors. We pass forward and proceed to the lifting. Go from side to the side so as not to fall into the zone that lights up. Total three. Large gears stop the stasis.
We get to the carver and approach the last mechanism.

Chapter 19. End.
Whirlwind of convergence.

We follow right, stepping on the ground has not yet had time to collapse. On the way, we destroy necromorphs. We use the platform to fly to the snowy zone. We continue to move, also killing enemies. I don't care hard, as time is limited. If we prone, the unknown will catch up and literally dispersed. The passage is closed, so we destroy the tentacle on the right side. We go into the closed area, where will continue the flight.

They shy away from various objects and, landing, come across the largest creature in the game. We use the platform and grab Kinesis Obelisk. Run it in a big opponent's eye. For a while we leave the center and destroy necromorphs. We carry a small shake, during which you need to be in the center! Shoot in orange zones in the hands of the enemy. We repeat the actions until the monster will absorb carver. We use the kinesis again to pull it out of the enemy's belly. Quickly run to it and actively press the specified button. We look at the final video.

Passage of missions

Below is described full passage Dead Space 3 (with the exception of cooperative levels), with the location of all artifacts and other bonuses: text messages, audio recordings, modification chains, parts of weapons, drawings, best places To launch a resource bot.

In the text of the passage, all types of bonuses are highlighted in flowers corresponding to colors in the game.

Text message, audio recording - These are pieces of information that complement the main story of the game. No practical message is carried, but taken into account in the statistics of the game, which means that they need to be collected for 100% of the game.
The total number of messages for the entire game: 73.
Artifact is almost the same as text messages, but with one difference. If you collect all the artifacts of a certain type (EarthGov, KCCK, unitologists, alien), then all these collected artifacts will turn into the most top chains Modifications (+3, +3 to the characteristics of weapons).
The total number of artifacts for the entire game: 40.
Part of the weapon is the thing necessary to modify the standard gaming weapons, or to create a new weapon. Each weapon consists of several individual elements: the face, the top, the upper modifier, the lower part, the lower modifier. You can change the composition of weapons on special machines.
The total number of weapons for the entire game: 71.
Chain modification - Improves the standard characteristics of weapons (damage caused, rapidity, recharge rate, cable size). It acts not on the whole weapon, but on its shooting part (upper or lower). In each weapon, you can insert up to 4 improvement circuits.
The total number of modification chains for the entire game: 61.
Drawing - opens access to a completely new type of weapons (weapons entirely, not a separate spare part). Open weapons can be created on the machine for the collected resources.
The total number of drawings for the whole game: 12.

Prologue. Place of fall of the Code

We find yourself on a snow-covered planet as an unknown soldier. We need to find an artifact in the ship, victims of wreck. Go forward through the blizzard.

We go forward, focusing on the manual locator (turns on the "B" key). We go to the edge of the cliff, go to the broken ship. Near the ship split color drawers ("Space" key), raise the cartridges ("E" key), charge the weapon (the "R" key). We shoot at the door to remove the tail. Open the door, shoot two necromorphs (shoot hands, legs and head, shoot in the body ineffective).

We enter into the ship, we kill a few more necromorphs. We approach the stairs with blue lights, we climb on the second floor. In the control cabin at the dead pilot, we take a cylindrical artifact.

Suddenly, the cabin is almost spoiled from the ship's housing. On the cable go down down, pushing out the rocks (SHIFT key). Jump on a less steep slope, we ride down. Racing to the left and right, evaporate from the falling ship fragments. At the very bottom, we are met by the commander, the mission is passed.

Dead Space 3. Passage of the game

Chapter 1. "Sudden Awakening"

It passed 200 years after the prologue events. Now under our control the main character Games - Engineer Izek Clark. The action takes place in the lunar colony "New Horizons".

Two military arrived in the hero's apartment and they offer to work on them in tough form.

We leave the room. (If you move away from the door so that it closes and then enter the apartment again, the first-aid kit or a random resource appears on the bed. So you can go out and enter to infinity, and dial the supplies to the maximum).

We go out on the street, we fall into the shootout. A couple of soldier EarthGov protect us from the attack of the fanatics of unitologists. It is useless to shoot, approach the police car, falling down from the explosion. We run forward, kill enemies. Quickly running the first floor, climb the stairs with blue illumination. Upstairs collect resources lying in boxes. We pass through the workshop with a broken workbench.

We leave the building, we see the murder of a woman. We reach the corner, kill two fanatics. Look at the speed highway. We slow down on the road using the Stasis (key "X"). After that, an accident occurs, but the path forward will be free.

Raised the stairs. On the other side of the second floor there are boxes with cartridges in drawers and hanging yellow cabinets. We enter the door, go around the column with a big monitor, rear it goes into an elevator.

When leaving the elevator, we get straight into the hands of fanatics. We meet a person who decided to release necromorphs to freedom (Jacob Arthur Danik), but miraculously saved him.

I get up from the mountain corpses, collect and use the first-aid kits. We kill two necromorphs as soon as they break through the glass. After a couple of doors we go into the next room, we kill necromorphs, inspect all attachments of the lockers. On the elevator climb upstairs.

Coming out of the elevator, go to the nearest door, pass through the souvenir shop, find out on the street. In a small alley, you shoot a whole tens of popsopling necromorphs. Climb on one elevator.

We turn out to be railway station. We use kinesis (key "F") to move the car from left to right. The swivel platform will turn, after that, the same kinesis move the car forward to an empty tunnel. Then move to the central platform wagon with a tank. Train will begin traffic. We are waiting for all the cars, go to the last stopping car.

We go on the train forward to the locomotive, kill the fanatics attackers. We are successful to the edge of the very first car, jumping and grabby for the hatch of the aircraft. We climb inside (many times press the "E" key), and fly away from here.

Dead Space 3. Passage of the game

Chapter 2. "By itself"

We look out on board the USM Eudora spacecraft.

We inspect all the rooms, go to the door. We go further, go to the only open door from the bottom right.

We fall on the captain's bridge of the ship. Starship moved to the orbit of a snow-covered planet. Here the ship flies on mines. We run out of the cab, we run on a long corridor, until the glass was collapsed. We dress the costume, go out into open space.

Pass to the rescue capsule. Spread the valves with blue arrows using a kinosis (aim, clamp "F", move the object). Pass on the glowing blue screen, click on it, the capsule is disconnected. We fly for a container in space, we are driving from garbage, shooting red mines. We catch up the rescue container.

Dead Space 3. Passage of the game

Chapter 3. "Roanok"

We are near the spacecraft "CMS Roanok". We need to start inside the rescue capsule, but the ship's cargo gateway does not open. We fly into a small air gateway on the right, at the end of the tunnel we open the door with the help of a kinesisse (aim, clamp "f"). Similarly, we open the following doors, finding out inside the ship.

We go into the room on the left, turn the lever in it, and thereby open the cargo gateway. We leave this room, go forward to the cargo gateway to meet with the saved allies. We approach the soldier, get a new task. We go to the right to the end of the gateway. Near the door to the cargo deck we find part of the weapon "Tesla Emitter".

Go to the cargo deck.

The wall on the right see the non-working machine. On the opposite wall we find a blue power supply, we use the kinesis to move and paste the power supply into the machine.

Opening a large door to the left of the machine, go forward.

We go on a long corridor, we destroy necromorphs. We enter into the briefing room with a lot of chairs. Kill necromorphs.

We enter the next room, we go on a long corridor, fight back from necromorphs.

We enter the door to the left, we fall on TECalubu.

There is no gravity on the technical deck. We reach the edge of the platform, revealing (the "ALT" key) and fly to another end of the room. We meet new monsters shooting three fiery balls. It is better to quickly fly past these enemies and not to spend bullets on them. We land on another platform, enter the door to the left.

We climb the stairs, get into a huge room with an electric generator in the center. We need to enable this generator. On all three generator rotors, we lower the ring down with the help of a kinesis, then the same kinesis rotate the blue disk on each rotor. After that, necromorphs will begin to appear, fight back from them. Runing all three rotors, approach the control panel, turn on the generator. We call the elevator while it comes, we destroy the last remaining enemies.

Dead Space 3. Passage of the game

Chapter 4. "Echoes of History"

Allies leave us. Singing back alone.

We enter the elevator, we descend on it to the generator.

At the bottom, the generator with his tentacles was huge monster. With the help of a kinesis, we lower the ring and launch one of the rotors, the monster will wage from this. We use the Stasis (aim, click "C") to slow down the tentacle, and then shoot yellow thickening to shoot it. So go around in a circle, we start all the rotors again, shoot the tentacles, fight back from small necromorphs. We enter the door, go down on the technical deck.

Before us is spinning a large fan, but it is not tightened so much. We tear off from the ground (the "Alt" key), we fly forward. Right in front of them slow down the spooled blades with the help of a station, fly further. The stairs climb upstairs.

Upstairs we kill a pair of necromorphs, approach the buried elevator leading to the officer deck. We approach the screen to the right, here you have to solve a small puzzle: you need to simultaneously move two translucent circles on the cut circles ("W", "A", "S", "D" keys - to control the left circle, the "up" keys, "down "," Left "," Right "- to manage the right circle). Deciding the puzzle, go to the elevator.

We go on the corridor, shoot in the stuffed deer to get the resources hidden after him, we fall into the cabin of the admiral of the destroyed fleet of ships.

All cabin is painted by images of obelisk. Admiralsharedaled by obeliski and the threat emanating from them, and led his fleet to destroy the planet, where obeliski necromorphs appeared. And now we are in the orbit of this dangerous planet.

We leave from the cabin. (If you go down on the elevator, and then climb back, then in the cabin of the admirals will appear random resources. Covering here again and again, you can collect all new resources).

On the corridor we go to the instruction cabin. Here, the generator has earned the projector. We are going to the next corridor, killing new type necromorphs. We go through the next door, we see two more doors in front of you.

We go to the door directly, we get to the repair deck. Here we meet only Ellie. We go to the door to the left of the machine. In the wardrobe, you can improve our skatewood for the collected resources. We go to the next door, communicate with Norton by video link. Kinesis open the door of the gateway, go out into open space.

In space with the help of kinesis, you can attract cylinders and fill the oxygen stock. We look at the locator ("B" key), we fly to a specified point. We get up on the platform (the "ALT" key), we enter the shuttle.

Inside the shuttle, choose to what ship to move.

Bonus Mission "C.m.s. "Grills"

We choose from the shuttle, in open space, we get to the ship, focusing on the locator (for this you need to enter the inventory menu ("TAB" key), switch to the task bookmark ("", Russian "B" and "Yu" keys), choose active Additional task).

In space you can fly around, explore all the debris. We shoot in yellow oxygen containers, kinesis attract an open container, refuel oxygen. We shoot in the lattice with a yellow edging, attract the drop-down cartridges or resources. Some lattices join shooting necromorphs.

We enter the grill ship, pass through the air gateway, we get into the room.

Go down the stairs located in the center of the room.

At the bottom, all the doors are closed, to open one of the doors you need a torsion shaft, but we do not have it yet. Let's go down even lower on the inclined staircase, open the door with the help of a kinesis, we enter inside, go down another staircase.

At the lowest floor, using a kinosis, launch the shaft of a small emergency generator. We rise up the top one floor, here we are waiting for several necromorphs. Having understood with the enemies, go to the elevator.

The elevator delivers us to the radio. Here come to the electric boiler allocated blue color. To turn on the power, you need to solve a small puzzle - balance the power of the left and right source. Solution: Move on the right side of the 1st, 2nd and 4th fuse counting from above, leave the others on the spot. After powering, automatically turns on audio recording "Interrogation". We go into the open door from below.

By the corridor, we return to the central room with many doors. Necromorphs appeared here, kill them.

We come to the included machine, choose the 4th item "Creating objects", create a "tungsten torsion shaft" for 20 tungsten and 100 scrap metal.

We leave the machine menu, we go to the locked door, insert the created torsion shaft, then we turn it several times with the help of a crucible. The door opens, inside we find and part of the weapon "Metric Probe". (The metric probe on the nearest machine can be immediately put in the lower block of the first standard weapon).

From the central room go through the door opposite the inclined stairs, we get into the shower. Inside the left on the sink we find modernization chain "+1 damage, +1 clip", a little further in the corner there is a pair of lockers with resources.

We enter the door from the bottom to the right of the machine. We fall into the laboratory with many monitors. We kill crawling necromorphs, go around the room around the perimeter, collect all boxes with weapons.

We enter the open cargo elevator, go down. Kill a pair of necromorphs, go further.

In the next room we find the machine. Nearby, new monsters are crawling - small spiders, kill them, and if they managed to clutch, then remove the "E" key. We go to the door.

We see an electrical installation in front of it. To de-energ it, with the help of a crucible, remove the cover from the base of the electrical installation, press the button under the cover. Near the corpses lie, it is better to complete them, otherwise they will come to life and will resist. We pass on the other side of the room.

On the panel to the right we see devices with a circle separated by 4 sectors. Tighten this device using a kinosis. From this turns on audio recording "Mystery study is disclosed". In the right corner, we take the map key from the Cabinet Enstrom. Return to the central room.

On the way back, we see as small spiders turn ordinary corpses in necromorphs. Killing all the oncoming enemies. Also on the floor, gravitational panels begin to break, go around these dangerous places. We return to the laboratory, a lot of monsters will attack us here. It is better not to kill them from weapons, but to move back so that the monsters come across traps - we got up on the broken panels. Get to the elevator.

We reach the central room. Using the card key, open the door to the left of the machine. Inside, we find a pair of boxes with cartridges and a computer. Download from the computer decoding, listen to the audio recording. Additional task completed.

We get out of the ship, fly to the shuttle, inside the shuttle, choose the next ship "Tera Nova".

Bonus co-op Mission "C.m.s. "Brusilov"

This mission is not available in solitary passage. You can only fly in space around the ship and collect all the resources.

Dead Space 3. Passage of the game

Chapter 5. "Expected Delay"

We leave the shuttle, in space we fly into the air gateway "C.m.s. "Tera Nova" in search of a boat.

We go into the next room, if possible, improve your spacecraft, we climb on the elevator to the second floor, we fall on the bridge.

We rise to the second floor of the bridge, approach the panel with a blue light, solve the puzzle (you need to rotate the circle, find the glowing sectors and click on them). We enter the opened door.

We pass through the dining room, the stairs go down in the cargo hold.

We go through a narrow path between containers, kill the emerging necromorphs. By more often, we raise the look up, the containers are a lot of drawers with resources, pull them up with the help of cruise.

Go down just below, we find Bota search engine. This small robot will help us collect resources. We press the "3" key, we go on the locator to where the signal comes from, put the robot and forget about it. He will collect resources and automatically deliver them to the nearest machine. We go further, we enter the door.

We fall into the room with the machine, we kill a couple of necromorphs here, if necessary, use the machine. Also here you can wait until the bot search will be returned.

We go to the front station of trolleys. We destroy a pair of new type necromorphs - fat men, of which small spiders appear.

We approach the control panel next to the yellow wheel on the ceiling. We are trying to call the trolley, but something blocked her way. We go to the opened doors on the left.

We go through the empty corridor, climb the stairs. At the top we meet with an extremely dangerous necromorph - a bundle of a tental in the wall, producing small spiders. It is impossible to fit close to this monster - will immediately kill. Shoot it from a lot of powerful weapons. For the victory over the monster we get Box of spare parts (Random resource set, you can only open the box on the machine).

We rise on the elevator, we get into the car control room.

Come to the control panel in front of a large porthole. You need to solve a puzzle: Rotate cargo on the left and right (left and right buttons Mice) so that they can be connected to a single whole (the "Space" key). After executing a puzzle, you can use the trolley, it remains only to return to the station. At this time, alternately four acid necromorphs attack us, kill them. We go along the corridor back to the elevator.

The elevator for technical reasons go down to another floor.

We go to the door, find ourselves in the cutting sorting. We climb the stairs upstairs.

We kill a lonely necromorph, we enter the cargo hold.

Below in the hold we encounter a new enemy - regenerating necromorph. It is completely impossible to kill it. One can only slow down it with a station, to shoot his arms and legs to him, and then run away from him. We run through the narrow corridor forward to the station of trolleys.

Press the call button of the trolley, at this time the regenerating necromorf appears, and for it one more. Insecured enemies slow down the stasis, fast running enemies shoot from the machine. If the stasis charge ran out, then it can be replenished from the panel on the wall opposite the trolley. We wait for the trolleys and quickly run into the inside, it is safe here.

We are going to the central station. Here you can stay and execute additional mission, or immediately go to the fodder station to chapter 6. "Repair before shipping."

Bonus mission "Find a combat"

We leave out of the trolleys, at the stations approach the door to the left, we solve the puzzle with the simultaneous movement of two circles. After the decision we go to the cut. On the table we find the key from the elevator.

Returning to the station with the key, open the elevator, we go up.

We climb the stairs, come to the door leading to the cabling. A trap is triggered from touching the door - necromorphs penetrate from all sides. Fut from monsters. To turn off the trap, come to the panel on the wall on the left in front of the door. Here it will be necessary to solve the puzzle with the search for the blue sectors in the circle. Deciding the problem, we enter the opened doors.

In the radio killing a few more necromorphs, we collect resources. We go to the next room, we see an electric laser before you. To turn it off, shoot in a red block on the wall above the laser. In the next room, you just fire in a red block, hidden by the partition on the right. Go ahead.

We select blue cylinders with the help of a kinosis, carefully discard them to the floor below. We get up on the cargo elevator, go down. At the bottom will appear monsters. At this time, shoot a blue cylinder into a blue, from this all enemies around the alarm deceleration. Kill monsters, go further.

We go further, go down. Again the path blocks the laser. We are waiting for the necromorp from the ventilation, we kill it, in the hole behind it, we shoot in the red block - we turn off another laser. We go out into a large room.

In the engine room, the trap is waiting for us again. You can prepare for it: to move the red explosive and blue raised cylinders to the lattices, from where monsters will appear. We approach the door of the elevator, a trap is turned on from touch. We kill all monsters. We go down to the lower floor, solve the puzzle: with the help of the kinesis, you need to rotate the blue circles, so that between the circles there were the contacts of the same type. After solving the trap will turn off.

We go to the elevator. We fall into the technical room. Here, with the help of a station, slow down the rotor with blue lights, then with the help of a kinesis, we remove the three magnets with slow blades.

We return to the trap with gravitational panels, along the way back we kill the emerging necromorphs.

We pass through the disconnected trap, we enter the elevator.

We rise to the 2nd floor. In the room we collect resources, take the key from the room of Edwards.

We rise to the 3rd floor. We find the remains of Edwards himself. Next to the corpse, listen to the audio message. On the cargo elevator climb the balcony. At the top of the door we find a repository. Inside there: three boxes with resources, part of the weapon "General Medic", the upgrade chain "+1 shooting paced, +1 clip", modernization chain "+1 Recharge, +1 damage", the upgrade chain "+1 damage". After leaving the repository, fought off the last wave of monsters.

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Our passage is based on a single game, so the cooperative does not go here. With us you can find the location of absolutely all game artifacts and other bonus items: audio recordings, text messages, arms particles, drawings, modifications chains, as well as the most comfortable places To launch a resource bot!

Description of objects

Text message or audio recording - First of all, it is a piece of information that complements scene line games. There will be no practical benefit in these audio messages and will not, but still in the statistics of the game these audio recordings will be taken into account, so you will have to collect them all so that your passage is 100%. The number of messages for the full passage of the game is 73.

Artifact - This subject is almost the same as a text message, but still has some difference. If you bring all the artifacts of the same type, then the set of artifacts will provide you with the coolest chains of modifications. The number of artifacts for the full passage of the game is 40.

Part of weapons- This item is necessary for you in order to change the appearance of your standard weapons, or is needed at all to create a new weapon. Each weapon consists of several parts or elements (bed, upper and lower modifier, upper and lower part). And keep in mind that it is possible to change the composition of weapons only on specially created gaming machines. The number of arms parties for the full passage of the game is 71.

Chain modification - This item improves the basic characteristics of your weapons, that is, damage, the size of the rope, the rate of fire and the speed of recharging. It is important to take into account the fact that the weapon modification chain will not be completely influenced, but only on its part that shoots. In each weapon you can insert only 4 chains. The number of chains of modifications for the full passage of the game is 61.

Drawing - It makes it possible to master the new type of weapons, with something entirely completely, not some spare part. New weapons you can create on the appropriate machine, provided that you have enough resources. The number of drawings for the full passage of the game is - 12.


Place fall Codec

So, as an unknown soldier, you find yourself on a snowy planet. Your task is to find the artifact on the shuttle, which suffered an accident. Go forward through a strong blizzard.

The note: Fold on the left side, go to a large hill. Go now the hill on the left and move to a solid rock, where they soon find the artifact of XCCs 01.

Move on and carefully focus on your locator, which can be activated using the key - V. Soon you will find yourself around the cliff - from here, move to the broken shuttle. How to find yourself around the shuttle, then scroll color containers using a key - space. How to break the containers, then the cartridges come out - take them with the key - E and using the key - R to recharge your weapon. So now you need to shine in the door to remove the castle from them. After you open the doors, you will need to shoot two necromorphs.

The note: Please note that it is best to shoot at the hands, my head, or at all your legs, as it is useless to shoot these monsters in the body.

Inside the vessel will need to kill a couple of necromorphs. How to kill the next batch of enemies, then move to the stairs from which there will be blue lights. Close to the second floor. In the control cabin there is a pilot corpse - pick up a cylindrical artifact.

An unexpected pilot cockpit is almost falling off from the main hull of the shuttle. Now it's time to go down the cable below. To push the cliffs press the SHIFT key. Next, jump on a less steep slope and roll down. Along the way, you have to roll out of the side to the side and shrewd the debris of the vessel who will fly in you. In the end, you will meet the commander at the bottom and the Prologue will be completed.

Chapter 1 - Sudden Awakening

It takes 200 years since the events of the prologue occurred. Now the Office moves to the main character of the two previous parts - Engineer Aizek Clark. The current action of the game is happening now on the colony called "New Horizons". Two soldiers will soon arrive in an Aiske's apartment and in the rigid form of speech persistently suggests him to work on them.

The note: You do not rush to go out immediately for the military. Carefully inspect your room, since on the table at the window you will be able to find audio recording "Duty payment of Krasnoye" and on the bed text record "I am for the eyes".

After you graduate all the things in your apartment, then go out.

The note: If you go away from the door so that it closes, and then come back to my apartment again, then you may need a first-aid kit on your bed or another worthless resource. Thus, you can enter and go to the moment until you gain supplies to the maximum.

So, go out to the street and soon find yourself in the center of the shootout. Several soldiers EarthGov are trying to protect you from attack the fanatics of UNITologists. Honestly, shooting from them is useless, so move to police transport, where you will soon fall down from a very strong explosion. Now move forward and pass through all your enemies. After jogging on the first floor, climb up the stairs, which is highlighted in blue. At the top you can assemble a couple of resources that lie in the box. Next, go through the workshop in which the workbench does not work. After you choose from the building, you see how the girl kill. Get to the corner and turn the two next fanatics. Next, move to the speed highway. Here you will need to slow down the movement on the road, so use the Stasis Key - X. In the end there will be an accident, but you can move on.

The note: Do not hurry to move on. Go to the road and go to the left side, then go to the room and in the corner from the left side you can find the EarthGov 01 artifact.

Climb now above the stairs. On the opposite side, containers in which will be cartridges. How to take out equipment, go through the doors and go around a column with a huge monitor. You can find the elevator from behind. When you leave the elevator, then immediately fall into the "paws" to fanatics. Suddenly, you will meet a person who wanted to release necromorphs to freedom - Jacob Arthur Danik. In the end, you will be miraculously saved from him.

Stop up with a full mountain of corpses and use the first-aid kit. As soon as necromorphs pierce the glass that shares you, then kill them. After the murder of monsters, go further and kill the next couple of necromorphs. In addition, carefully inspect all the suspended boxes. How to get to the elevator, then rise on it to the top.

The note: As you leave the elevator, turn the right side. On the table will be the artifact of the Unitologist 01.

How to exit the elevator, go to the nearest doors. So, you will find yourself in a souvenir shop, passing which you will find out on the street. In a small alley, you will come up with a whole tenth of necromorphs. How to figure with everyone, then go up on the next elevator.

In the end, you will find yourself at the railway station. Here it will be necessary to take advantage of the kinesis, the key - F. Move the trailer on the left side to the right. How the turntable turns, then kinesis move the car forward to the empty tunnel. Next, move the trailer with a tank on the central platform. Soon the train starts moving. Wait now until all the trays will go, then enter the last car that will stop.

Now the train is moving to the locomotive. Here you will come back with the attackers of fanatics. Get to the edge of the very first trailer, then jump and grab the hatch of the flying machine. You can climb inside, after which you fly away from this place.

Chapter 2 - By itself

So, you find yourself on board the ship USM Eudora.

The note: On the right side, near the multi-tier beds on the wall you can listen to the audio recording called "Life on Eucdore".

Carefully inspect all the rooms and pass in the end through the doors. Go on and pass through the only open doors down below.

The note: Do not rush to move to the goal of your task, first look at the right side, in a long corridor, because there is an EarthGov 02 artifact at the very end. After, you can go back to the fork.

As a result, you get to the captain's bridge of this ship. The shuttle flew into the orbit of a snowy planet. Suddenly, the vessel, in addition, will fly back on mines. Run out of this cab and move along a long corridor until the glass collapses. Next dress your cosmic suit and go out into open space.

Fly to the rescue capsule. With the help of a kinesis, extend the valves, which are indicated by blue arrows. You need to aim, clamp the key - f and move the object. Now come to the burning blue screen and click on it, after which the capsule is disconnected. Next, we fly along the space for the container and pass through the flying garbage, in addition, it will also need to shoot mines of red. In the end, you will catch up with a rescue container.

Chapter 3 - Roanok

Soon you are near the Space Ship called "CMS Roanok". You need to drag inside the rescue capsule, but first you need to do something with a cargo gateway, as it does not open. So, lie in a small air gateway on the right side and at the end of the tunnel open the doors with the help of a kinesis. Aim and clamp the key - F. The following doors will be opened in the same way, after which you will find yourself inside the vessel.

The note: Go to the corridor on the right side and in a small narrow part of the left you will find a piece of weapons "heavy standard bed".

Go to the room on the left side and turn the lever in this room, thus open the cargo compartment. Next, go out from this room and move on in the cargo compartment to finally meet the saved people. Approaching the soldier you get a new task from him. Move to the right side until the end of the gateway. Near the doors that lead to the deck you can find a piece of weapons "Tesla Emitter". Next, pass to the cargo deck.

The note: How to find yourself on the cargo deck, then immediately turn the right after the input. On the wall in the closet of blue color You will be able to find the upgrade chain, which gives +1 to rapidity.

At the right wall you can notice a broken machine. On the opposite wall, you find the blue power supply unit - use the kinesis, in order to move and install the power supply into this non-working machine.

It's time to open huge doors on the left side of the machine. How to open them, pass forward. You have to move on a very long corridor and pass through all those encountered necromorphs. Go to the instruction room where it is located a large number of Chairs. Inside it will be necessary to destroy all necromorphs.

The note: Go to the small stand and near the huge screen you will find the KSKSK 02 artifact.

The note: How to reach the very end of the corridor, then soon stumble upon a text record, which is located on the floor. And on the walls on the right side there is a locker in which the upgrade chain will lie, which gives +1 to the shooting pane.

Go through the doors on the left side and find yourself on the tech deck. Note that there is no gravity here. Carefully go to the edge of the platform and depart with the key - Alt. As a result, you can fly to the other end of this room. So, at this stage you will meet new monsters that will attack you with their fiery balls. We recommend that you simply quickly fly past them and do not waste them nor your ammunition on them. In the end, you will find yourself on another site, which will need to go through the door on the left side.

The note: IN little roomwhere the staircase is located - you can find another text entry on the shelf near the longest wall.

So, climb the stairs and will soon be in a very big room. In the center of this hall will be an electric generator. You, in turn, have to activate this generator. You need all the rotors of this generator to lower the ring down, with your kinesis. After you lower the levers, you will need to run a blue disk on each rotor. Well, as a rule, necromorphs will appear on which you will need to fight back. How to start all three rotors, you can go to the central control and activate the generator finally. In the end, call the elevator. While the elevator will go to you, destroy the remaining enemies.

Chapter 4 - History Echoes

The moment came when your new allies leave you. So, again in full alone go back.

The note: Do not leave too quickly, in the very first room on the table there will be another text entry on the table, and on the right side of the column there will be a piece of weapons called "Plasmorez". And in the town that fenced with blankets, look for a very bright point purple color And tighten it to yourself (use the kinesis) and in the end, get the upgrade chain, which gives +1 to the damage.

So, go to the elevator and go down to the generator room. There will be a huge monster at the bottom, which enveloped the generator with his big and frozen tentacles. With the help of a kinesis, lower the ring and start one of the rotors - the monster will subsequently wake up. To slow down the tentacles, use the Stasis, then shoot a yellow point to shoot a monster. In such a way, move in a circle and continue to start the rest of the rotors, along the way, shooting the tentacles of the monster and killing arriving necromorphs. In the end, you will need to enter the door and go down to the technical deck. In front of you will be spinning a huge fan, but it will not delay it too much. At this place you need to break away from the ground using the key - Alt and fly further. Soon, right in front of you will be spinning blade, so with the help of a station you will need to slow down. How do it, then fly further. After some distance you will find yourself around the staircase - it's on it to the top.

At the top, you will almost immediately meet a couple of necromorphs - kill them and pass to the closed elevator, which leads to the deck of officers. After you arrive at the specified point, come to the large screen on the right side and decide it is not too complex puzzle here. The essence of the puzzle is that you need to simultaneously move two translucent mug into "clean" circles. During the puzzle, you can use the keys - W, A, S, D. How to decide this puzzle, then on the stairs rise above.

Next, move along the corridor and shoot the chute deer - thus get the resources in it. In the end, you will be in the cabin of the Admiral Fleet, who died. Inside this room you will notice that everything inside painted pictures from the obelisk. Admiral was very bad and dragged his fleet to disseminate the planet with which obelski appeared. You, in turn, are now in the orbit of this dangerous planet, which they wanted to destroy.

The note: You need to carefully examine this cabin, because in front of the book location near the window, you can find the artifact Earthgov 03, and in the corner on the left side you will find an audio recording. Next, a text entry will also be on the solester in the left corner.

After the devil is the cabin of the admiral, then go out with it. If you descend below on the elevator, and after aptly raise back, then random resources will appear in the cabin of the admiral, so you can again scat a good condition.

So, by the corridor, move to the cabin, where the instruction was carried out. Inside, due to the fact that the generator was activated - the projector also earned. Complete the next corridor and meet a new type of necromorphs. After their destruction, go through the following doors and stumble upon the next doors.

The note: Having passed into the door on the right side, you will go on the drawing of the weapon "Shotgun", and in a small locker on the left wall you will find the upgrade chain, which gives +1 to the clip. The remaining large cabinets contain valuable resources and closures for your weapon.

Next, go to the doors that are right in front of you. Walking through these doors you will find yourself on the repair deck. On this deck you will meet Ellie. Go through the doors from the left side of the place where the machine is worth. If you go into the wardrobe, then for your collected resources you can improve your skateback slightly. After a small upgrade, go through the following doors and talk to Norton via a video image. Next, with the help of Kinesis, unlock the gateway doors and leave again into open space.

After you find yourself in space, you will have the opportunity to attract cylinders with oxygen, so you can replenish your reserves. Carefully look at your locator using the key - B. fly up to the specified point. To become on the platform press the key - Alt. After, go to the shuttle and inside the shuttle, choose what ship want to go to the shuttle.

Bonus task C.M.S. "Grills"

Get out of your shuttle and open space. Get on the shuttle, focus on your locator (in order to switch to this task, you will need to go to your inventory using the TAB key and switches the keys - b or Yu, then just choose an active task) . In space you will have to fly and carefully study flying fragments. With its kinesisse, attract the containers found and refill with new oxygen reserves, do not forget to shoot on yellow boxes. Shooting in lattice with edging yellow colorYou can attract resources and cartridges to yourself. And keep in mind that with some lattices can jump necromorphs that will shoot you.

The note: When you fly to the shuttle, then you will definitely look at the buveranga fragment. On the wall, which is destroyed on the right side will be oxygen and the door. After passing through these doors, you will find a couple of resources and a partial of the weapon called "Standard Compact Stanna", and in the corner to the right there will be an artifact of XSK 08.

So, go to the ship called "Grills". Go through the air gateway and find yourself in one of the premises.

The note: In the corner of the right side on the table near the window there will be a particle of weapons "Standard Compact Stanna".

Go down below the stairs that is located in the center of the room. As descend, it turns out that all doors are locked, and to open one door you will need torsional shaft, but unfortunately you have it for now, so it will have to go down even lower. How to descend even lower, open the doors with your kinesis and go inside, after which it will once again need to go down below.

At the lowest floor it will be necessary to run with the help of a new kinesis - the shaft of a small emergency generator. After that, raise above on one floor and kill a couple of arrivals of necromorphs. How to figure with all the enemies, go to the elevator. The elevator will bring you to the radio. In the cut, go to the electrical panel, which is displayed by a blue tint. Now to run again food, you will need to solve another puzzle. You will need to carry out a balance between the power of the right source and the left. The solution is as follows: move to the right first, the second and fourth stop (if you count on top), the rest should be left in a standard place. After you resume the supply of the power, immediately automatically starts the audio recording called "Interrogation". Now you can go to the opened doors below. Now, by the corridor, return to the central room, where a large number of doors will be located. Suddenly, necromorphs will appear here, so there will be a small battle.

The note: Come to the activated machine and choose the fourth item, that is, "creating objects" and create a "tungsten torsion shaft", which will cost you exactly in the 20 tungsten and 100 scrap metal. Next, leave the machine and move to the locked doors. In place, put the created shaft and scroll it a couple of times with the help of a kinesis - the doors will open and inside you will find the upgrade chain, which gives +1 to the damage and +1 to the clip. In addition, you will also find a partial of weapons "Metric probe".

The note: From the central premises, go to the doors that are opposite the stairs that is tilted. In general, you will find yourself in the shower room. Inside, on the left side, there will be a chain of modernization on the sink, which will give you +1 to damage and +1 to the clip. Having passed a little further. You will hush into lockers in which valuable resources will lie.

Moving on. Go through the doors that are located at the right side of the machine. You will find yourself in the laboratory in which there will be a large number of monitors. Immediately, necromorphs will begin to attack you, so kill all your enemies and come around the room around the perimeter, passing the boxes with weapons.

The note: On the right wall in the second on the score of the bright deepening, there will be an artifact of the aliens 01.

So, then go to the open cargo elevator and descend below. Kill the couple of necromorphs and go further. In the next room you will hug on new Machine, And nearby will begin to crawl new monsters - small spiders. Kill them all, and in case you did not have time to aim - remove them with the key - E. In the end, go to the doors. Well, now there is a device that is shrouded in electrical circuits. To remove the tension, you need to use the kinesis again. So, remove the cover from this device and click the button that is now available for you. In addition, the corpses will be labeled nearby, so we recommend that you quickly neutralize them, otherwise they will rise in the future and start attacking you. After you finish with all the affairs, go to the other side of this room.

The note: Near the long wall on the panel, which in the center, you can find the "recharging" weapon part.

On the panel on the right side you can notice the device with a circle that is divided into four parts. With the help of again, the kinesis is scrolling this mechanism. After the audio recorded, the audio record called "The Secret Studies is disclosed". On the right side, in the bottom corner, take the key card from the Entrome Cabinet and after, come back to the center room.

When you come back, you will see that the newly discovered small spids turn the corpses of people in bloodthirsty necromorphs. In general, kill all the monsters that you encounter. At some point, gravitational beams will begin to collapse, so you should bypass these dangerous places. Return back to the laboratory. Note that in the laboratory you attack a huge number of necromorphs. We recommend that you do not spend our ammunition on them, but just gradually retreat so that they fall into traps - that is, they became already broken beams. In the end, get to the elevator.

Get to the central room. Using the key-card found, unlock the door on the left side of the machine. Inside you will find a couple of a box with an ammunition and a computer. From this computer you need to download decoding and listen to your audio recording. At this stage, the task will be considered performed. Quietly leave this vessel and fly to your shuttle. As will arrive at the shuttle, then choose the ship "Tera Nova".

Bonus Cooperative Task C.M.S. "Brusilov"

This task will not be available in a single passage. You can only fly in space, around the shuttle and make a resource that is there.

Chapter 5 - Expected Delay

Get out of your shuttle and fly on space to the air gateway to the Shtla C.M.S. "Tera Nova" in search of a boat.

The note: Inside, in the air gateway on the right side there will be a piece of weapons "heavy standard bed".

The note: On the right side, near the corner there is a table, and there will be an audio recording called "Transportation" on the table. On the bloody chair of the second pilot will be the artifact called XSKS 03.

The note: Climb on the second floor of the bridge and not far from the right staircase in the closet there is a upgrade chain, which gives +1 to the shooting pane, and on the left side of the locked doors there will be a text message called "Transportation of samples".

So, go up to the second floor of the bridge and approach the panel, which is highlighted in a blue tint. Now you need to solve another puzzle. In the puzzle you will need to rotate the circle and look for the glowing panels, then click on the bottom. How to open the door, go through them. Move through the dining room, down the stairs to go down to the freight.

The note: On the first fork, move to a dead end on the right side and will find a "hydraulic weapon" arms particle there.

Move on a small road that lies between big containers. Please note that necromorfs will often be attached to you, so be extremely careful. We recommend that you look at the top, since the containers will be boxes in which there will be resources. To attract boxes, use the kinesis. Go down slightly lower and find a bot search. This robot will now help you in search of resources. You can only hold the key - z, then move along the locator to the place where the signal will go, then put the robot and try not to forget for it. The robot will collect all the resources, then immediately deliver them to the nearby machine. Move on and pass through the doors.

So, you will find yourself in the room in which the machine will stand. In addition, you will meet here also a couple of necromorphs. If need arises, then be sure to take advantage of a number of machine. And by the way, here you can stand and wait until your running bot search will return.

The note: On the table on the left side you can find a new text message called "Planet Secrets".

The note: In the late corner on the right side in the closet you can find the upgrade chain, which will give you +1 to recharging and +1 to the damage.

Go to the control panel, which is located near the yellow wheel upstairs. Try to call one of the trolleys, but it turns out that something blocks the path. Move on foot to open doors on the left side. Pass the empty corridor and climb higher the stairs. At the top you will meet a very dangerous necromorf - a bundle of a tental in the wall that will produce small spines. Try to close to this mint do not fit, as it will instantly kill you. It is best to shoot it from a long distance and from very powerful weapons. When you alone this is a monster, you will get a box with spare parts - this is a random set with resources that can be opened only on the machine.

The note: On the right side of the door you can take an audio recording called "Not so much walker". On the lower floor of the room there is a piece of weapons "Compressed pulse wave", as well as the next text entry "in ignorance".

Come to the control panel, which is located near a large porthole. You again have to solve a non-hard puzzle. So, you will need to rotate the goods with the right and on the left side of this principle that in the end you could connect them to one unit using the key - space. After you decide this puzzle, then you can use the trolley, so you can only be returned to the station. At some point, acid necromorphs suddenly attack you, so it will have to be a little tinted with them. Move on the corridor back to the elevator. Unexpectedly, the elevator is starting to descend at all to another floor.

The note: After you leave the elevator, then come across the audio recording called "Terror Nova 2".

Go through the doors and shut down the sorting savings soon. From here rise higher by the stairs.

The note: At the top of the right side of the stairs, you can find the artifact of XCC 04.

At some point, you will meet Xenomorph - kill it and pass in the cargo hold. In place of the truth you will meet the next new monster - xenomorph, which is reenogated. You will not be able to kill him completely. You can only slow it down with the help of a station, or temporarily shoot him legs together with your hands, after which it is to pour away somewhere away. In general, you should run forward on the corridor to the station with trolleys.

How to find yourself in place, then rather press the button to cause the trolley. Soon the same regenerating xenomorph will appear. And by the way, he will not be himself, but with his identical friend. Since they will not be able to kill them, you need to slow themselves with the help of a station, and kill quickly moving enemies from your machine. If you have an end to the Stasis, you can replenish it at any time near the wall, to which the panel with recharging will be. You need to wait for trolleys. When will be waved, then soon run into the inside. Now you go to the central station. Here you will have the opportunity to stop and execute one additional task, you can also not execute it and continue your way to the aft station.

Bonus task "Find combat cutting"

Get out of your trolley and pass to the doors on the left side. Here again it will be necessary to solve a non-hard puzzle with the simultaneous movement of the circles. After you decide the puzzle, go to the cutting. On the table you will find the key from the elevator.

The note: In addition, on the table, you can take a piece of weapons "Conical diffuser" along with an audio record called "Radio Trolley 2".

Return to the station back to the station and open the elevator, followed above. At the top, climb the stairs and go to the door that will lead you to logging. Due to the fact that you touch the doors - a trap will work and necromorphs will be climbed into the room, so you have to fight back from them. To cut down this trap, go to the panel on the wall on the left side in front of the doors. Here you will again need to solve the next puzzle with the search for blue dots in the circle. How to solve this task, go to the doors that will open you. How to find yourself in the radio, then kill a couple more a couple of necromorphs and collect all the available resources. Now go to the next room and will soon see the electric laser directly before yourself. In order to cut it out, shoot on the red block on the wall in front of the laser. In the next room, it will be necessary to shock in the red color, which is hidden from the right side right behind the partition. How do it, then move on.

The note: On the right side of the cargo elevator will be on the panel of the upgrade circuit, which gives +1 to recharging and +1 to the clip.

Pick up the cylinders of blue with your kinesis. Next, the cylinders must be dropped on the floors down. Next, become on the cargo elevator and go down. At the bottom, monsters will unexpectedly appear. It is at this point that it will be necessary to shoot a blue cylinder - as a result, all your enemies will strike a station charge. You can only kill everyone and move on. Soon there will be a trap that consists of gravitational panels. To cut down these traps you will need to go down below the stairs and at the bottom to find the machine.

The note: On the machine, create a tungsten torsion shaft. After that, move forward and use the shaft to open the secret doors. Inside there will be a chain of modernization, which gives +1 to recharging and +1 to the shooting pane, in addition to this you can find there also to find a part of the weapon "Turning module".

Go further and descend below. Again your path will be blocked by a laser. Wait the moment when an next necromorf appears from the ventilation to kill it. After his murder, in the hole behind it, shoot on the red block and from this action blocking the laser path barrier. Next go into a huge room.

In the machine compartment you will be waiting for a trap. But this time you can cook before you meet with it. So, for the beginning, move the explosive red blocks along with blue alarm blocks to grilles, as the monster will be climbed from there. Next, go to the door of the elevator and the most trap is activated from your touch. Now you will need to kill all monsters. After the shock, go down and decide the next puzzle. With the help of kinesis, you will need to rotate the blue mugs, so that the contacts of the same type remain between these circles. After the puzzle is solved, the trap will get off.

The note: In the corner from the left side is the KSKSK 05 artifact.

Come to the elevator and soon find yourself in the technical room. Here, with a station, slow down the rotor with blue lights. Next, with the help of a kinesis, remove the three magnets and slow down the blades.

The note: In the opening at the bottom you can find a text message called "Personal Diary".

Now go back to the trap, where there were tricks with gravitational panels and kill all necromorphs along the way that they appear on your way. Next, go through the deactivated trap and pass to the elevator. At the elevator, raise the second floor and how to find yourself in the room, then collect all the resources. Now take the key from Edwards.

The note: On one of the shelves you can find the next text message called "Diary of Edwards".

Now go up on the third floor. Here you will be stumbled upon the remains of Edwards. Around his corpse will be a audio message. On the cargo elevator, rise to the balcony of this room. At the top behind the door you must find the repository. Three boxes will lie inside the repository, and the following items will be inside the box: the "General Medic" weapon particle; The chain of modernization, which gives +1 to the shooting pane, +1 to the clip; the upgrade chain, which gives +1 recharge, +1 to the damage; The upgrade chain, which gives +1 to the damage. After you leave this storage, you will beat off the last waves of monsters and come back to the trolley and go further.

Chapter 6 - Repair before shipping

Go to the station called "Feed". How will arrive at the place, then leave the trolleys. At this station you need to find the shuttle "Crozier" so that it can be left this planet. Look at the manual locator and find the elevator on the right side.

The note: Go to the left doors and collect resources with a locker and boxes, in addition, take the arms part of the small arms. There is also a door that can be opened only to a torsion shaft, and you can create a shaft only on the machine. On trolleys, you can go back to the central station and create a shaft there or just go through a little level, and after going back. In general, for this door you will only find a couple of types of resources.

Come in the elevator on the right side and will soon be in the hangar. In the hangar you will find a shuttle "krozye". Now to launch this shuttle, you need to find three special details. In general, we start looking for. Move on the left side. How to find yourself on a cargo elevator, then descend on it to the bottom platform. Now kill the necromorphs that appeared. On the inclined stairs, go down a little more below. Before the ship, the "System Board" will be lying on the rack. How to take it, then climb the elevator higher.

How to climb, then find the panel in the center with the button - click on it and call the extended platform. On this platform, move to the other side of this hangar. On the other side it will be necessary to destroy necromorphs. After the next battle, go to the machine (it is here that you can create a torsion shaft, and after with it to return to the secret doors).

The note: In an impasse on the right side, you can find a piece of weapons "Stasis-Support".

On this side, descend on the cargo elevator to the platform down. Here you can also find the detail of the "Radio Controller of the Console" along with the Detail of the "Remote Locator" module. After you have now collected all the details, you can go back to the machine. After you collect the console on your machine, then sit behind the platform advanced and select the middle point as a destination and drive up to the shuttle. With the help of a kinesis, turn the lever and insert the remote control to the opened hatch. From that moment on, the shuttle can be managed, but first you will have to fix it. Return now back to the hangar and go down on the elevator, then go to the opened doors.

Rise the stairs and get into the room, where they will notice the tail of the shuttle. Next will be another staircase, which in turn will lead you to the previous part of the hangar. But you need to move to the right corner and have already climbed above on the elevator. How to find yourself in the control cabin, click the button to fill the shuttle.

The note: On the wall on the right side in the suspended cabinet there is a chain of a modification that gives +1 to the theme of firing and +1 to the damage.

Go to the right side to the very end of the track. You will have to omit the filling station to the shuttle Baku. While the tank is filled, you should shoot necroforms that arrive to you. How the tank is filled, then return to the control cabin and press the button again. Subsequently, the ship will be headed and you will need to make it soon from here. Run to the elevator and go down on it.

As be at the bottom, you will see what the fire and turbine of your shuttle flames. There are no hurry to move forward, but simply wait for the necromorphs to fit on fire, after which it will wait for a period of time when the turbines are turned off and at this moment run on. On the opposite side of the room you will meet the not killed xenophore, so you will rather freeze it with the help of a station and get to the staircase, and from there descend below.

The note: Going away from the stairs, in small premises A suspended cabinet will be located, and the modification circuit will be inside this cabinet, which gives +1 to the damage and +1 to the clip.

Now go from this hangar. Soon you will stick to another flame, so wait until it subsides and go further at the right moment. Next will be two roads, but each will be blocked by fire. Here you should call an elevator and climb above. Next, go out from it and become a platform that moves. Subsequently, you will find yourself on the other side. On the other side, descend back down on the elevator and go to open doors.

So, you find yourself in a room with a device that opens the gate. But it turns out that this device is blocked by an explosive barrel. You need to sit behind the machine gun that is near and shrink into this stuck barrel, then kill all the advancing necromorphs together with barrels. In the end, the gate will open and the shuttle "Crozier" will be released in open space, and you will pull you out after him. How to find yourself in the open space, then fly after him and simply focus on your locator. Also, do not forget to collect resources together with air capsules.

The note: Fly towards the largest debris. From this fragment fly until the next debris, which will stand the pipe and two columns. How to find yourself on the spot, then get on the debris under the pipe and will find a warehouse on its surface. Inside this warehouse will be: resources, a first-aid kit, the modification chain gives +1 to the damage and the arms particle "Rifle weapons". Next, fly out this huge fragment around and notice the next remnants on which there will be a big gate. It is there, where two columns of the gates are concisely converged, in outer space, near the base of the broken gates will hang the artifact of XSK 07.

Now fly to your goal. In the end, it will be necessary to fly inside the vessel. How to find yourself inside, go to the trolley and travel to the ship C.M.S. "Grills."

Chapter 7 - Chaos

So, you have to study space near the shop "Grills". You need to find parts so that you can fully repair your shuttle "Crozier".

The note: Get off once again in a large chip in the form of a boomeranga, in fault on the right side there will be a large number of resources and a piece of weapons "Standard Compact Stanna".

Come to the large engine and with the help of a kinesisse, remove the panels that are located on the housing. Under these panels, turn three levers and push them out to the central part of the engine. After that, go back to the trolley and go to her to the ship "Roanok".

Now go into open space and find small satellites together with four solar batteries. How to be flown as close as possible to such a satellite, you can pull the "heart" from him. If you meet the mines that shine in red, then shoot a surprise on them, besides that it will also be necessary to destroy necromorphs. After you collect all the three specified modules from satellites, then go inside the ship "Roanok". Log in "Roanok" can be only with an air gateway - this is a small pipe-shaped passage, which is highlighted by blue lights. Inside, it will be necessary to get to the machine and you need to connect the modules to one whole. After, go out again in open space. Go to your shuttle and open the hatch there in which you need to insert the ready-made module. Land on the wing on the left side and pass inside.

Inside in the back, insert two cylinders in the compartments that are free, after, you will need to turn them so that after that they caught fire with green. How do it, then go further and sit down in the chair. By running the engine, you will control the movement of the shuttle, but at the same time you need to remain in the territory that will be fenced with a blue frame. You will also need to destroy the debris together with mines. But despite all your efforts, the vessel's cover will still be damaged and your crew will begin to die one by one. In this situation, you will need to go back to the tail and insert cylinders again, and then turn them. Next, go back to your chair and finally make an emergency landing on a snowy planet called Tau Volantis.

Chapter 8 - No Communication

After the emergency landing was performed on a little-known planet, you come into consciousness. So, your suit will be damaged, so it will not dress with a helmet, but the worst thing is that frost raises. Now in order not to climb soon, try to constantly monitor the temperature, which is located on the shoulder of the main character. From time to time you need to approach the fire and warm. In general, move forward in search of surviving people.

The note: Go forward to burning lips and find a "seismic analyzer" arms particle there.

Use the first-aid kit and move forward on the trail. On the left side will be two branches. In the first branch, you can find several containers in which there will be resources, and in the second there will be nothing there will be. At some point you will have the opportunity to leave the blizzard. Slow downside the slide below and pass onto the debris, which falls on you.

The note: After the fall in the right-hand side occurs, you can find the upgrade chain in the right corner, which will give you +2 to the damage and -1 to recharging.

Move on to the next ships of the vessel. Please note that on the road lights you will not meet, so we recommend that you do not linger. In the wreckage, you will find a corpse of an unknown person, and at the exit from the fragments you can view the video appeal from Ellie.

In general, continue to move on. Beaming the first signaling red fire, you can roll up to a dead end on the left side and find a couple of the couple there for your weapon. Now you need to quickly get to the second fire, which is located on the cliff. At this place will drop down a very large necromorph. Move on and finally come to one small building. The building will be protected by steel plates. Come inside and run the generator there to warm up a bit.

The note: In this building you can find another text entry called "Grocery Echelon" and a new audio recording "Triplayer's record".

If you leave at home and after they close again, then you can replenish your resource reserves. With each input, resources inside will be renewed. Move on an arranged signal lights. Climb the stairs above and pass inside the same room.

The note: In the room in which the color garland is located on the table is the drawing "Boyostrop". And in two cabinets will be random resources. The inlet is the workbench.

You need to go outside through other doors and there on the elevator will go down below. In the end, you will find yourself inside a fairly large pipe.

The note: How to enter the pipe, then turn to the right side and find the upgrade chain there, which will give +2 to the damage and -1 to the shooting rate.

Move forward on this pipe. At some point, the pipe collapses and falls down (most likely a healthy xenomorph is attacking at this moment outside). In general, leave the pipe and move on the road. You will need to turn the right side first, and after back. In the end, you will find another room where the generator will be, so activate it to warm up.

The note: Inside the room on the bed will be the drawing "Compressor".

Get out and go back to the debris of the pipe, and from them move on forward. One fine moment near the columns, a couple of xenomorphs will come out of snow, so you have to brand a little with them. How to kill them, then check the huge doors on the right side and it turns out that they are locked, and to open them, you will need a special key.

The note: Raise the stairs, take the path of a couple of closures for your weapon and in the end, take the KSKSK 10 artifact.

Go forward. Soon you will stick to the next sheets of steel, which will be the door. Go inside and stop there.

The note: Inside this room you will find the second on the score of the production of resources. In addition to the bot, in the room there is a text entry "Tighten the belt" and audio recording "I am again.

Now come out on the other side of this room and run on, simply focusing on signal lights.

The note: Move on the right side of the cliffs and how to get to another building, which is located in the center, then notice in the rocks on the right side of the gorge. Go deep into this gorge and kill all the monsters meet you. In the cave there is a pair of resources and a particle of the tool "ametic shell".

In the center there is a huge building to get into it you need to get around it and go through the doors from behind. At this place you will immediately attack a large number of necromorphs, so get ready to defend yourself. Come inside this station and come across a frozen person.

Chapter 9 - Forward

Inside this station, a pollen man named Bachel will tell you that the rest of the survivors were able to find warm suits and therefore moved further. Accordingly, you also need to change your costume now, but for this you will need to go down. Go to the room on the left and move on along the corridor. In the end, you will arrive at the generator - you need to run it.

The note: A part of the weapon will lie near the generator "MINE MODULE".

With the help of a kinesis, take from the wall of the gear on the left side and take it to the elevator, which is located near the frozen ball. How to bring the gear, then simply insert it into the corresponding connector. Now you can safely go to the elevator and go down to the lower floor.

As you get out of the elevator, then come across the "Last Attempt" audio recording. As you go out, then you will see a wardrobe directly in front of yourself, but access to the wardrobe is blocked by grille, so you have to go around. Go to the kitchen.

The note:How to find yourself in the kitchen, turn back to the right and pick up the arms part of the standard compact box.

In the kitchen you need to go through the freezer room. In the kitchen, you will also meet your new opponents - consumers. Consumes look very thin, practically you can say skeletons, but keep in mind that they will run very quickly. Kill all monsters and inspect the cabinets carefully and collect resources. After that, you can go to the next room.

The note:On the shelf you will find audio recording "Care and feeding of consumers".

As you will be ready to go to the next room, then prepare for the fact that there will be monsters. We recommend that you kill all the monsters through the doorways. But this is not all, as Monsters will further begin to attack you from the room ahead. Get ready for the fact that it is not even all, since the next party of enemies will begin to attack from the ventilation side - that is, from above. The battle will not be made out of lungs, so get ready. How to figure with all the enemies, go to the next room - the bedroom.

The note: Indoors in which are located bunk beds On the floor (in the center) there is a chain of modernization, which gives +2 to damage and -1 to the clip.

Go through the door on the left side, subsequently find yourself in the room where barrels and pipes are located.

The note: In this small room lies the artifact of XCC 11.

Move on the corridor and in the end, go through the door on the right side. You will find yourself in a huge machine room. Go down the stairs below and decide the next puzzle (in the puzzle you need to move circles with your kinesis). How to solve this puzzle, then immediately earn the piston on the right side. You also need to wait until the piston goes to the furthest point to slow down it through a station. On the left side of this piston is a passage to the central room.

So, here you now expect another puzzle, but more seriously. As you decide, I will earn a second piston, well, as a rule, necromorphs will come to you. The second piston as first will need to slow down at the moment when it is extremely close to you. Next run through the tunnel and enjoy outside. Here we raise higher on the stairs.

The note: At the top, go around the staircase and inspect a huge mechanism that is located opposite the same staircase. On this mechanism, where small particles of the mechanism are often spinning, which has four small points. Take this subject to yourself with your kinesis and get a piece of weapons "explosive power".

The note: Inside the control room you can find the key from the "supply base", thereby discovering access to the bonus task. In addition to the key, you can also find the audio record "Base 212" together with the drawings of the "Pistol of Medical Support".

How to visit the Office, then go to the next doors. Come to the wardrobe and dress a new suit. Move to doors that are locked with grille. Here you scan and after, miss. Go to the elevator and climb upstairs. You will find yourself on the transit station. Now you have the opportunity to go back to the supply warehouse and start passing the bonus task, but there is an opportunity to fully complete the main task, and after and bonus.

On the street, go to a small building, which is located near the fence.

The note:Inside this building you will find a part of the weapon "Tesla Emitter".

The scanner that is located on the ceiling will check your costume and doors to you open only if the Arctic costume is for you. So, how everything you succeed, go through the opened doors and go ahead through the blizzard. Get to the passage to the container and here you will have a necromorp-polar star along with its faithful ice ax. How to overcome it, then go deep into and will soon be in the cave. This cave will have to fill out two more polar necromorphs. How to be shared with all the enemies, then go up the stairs above and go straight to the bulldozer. At some point, the bulldozer will start falling, you will also have to try not to let the key - W so as not to fall down. In the end, it will be necessary to press the key quickly - E. Next, you will need to move on the mountain range.

As will arrive in the database, then talk to a person named Carver (it is on the second floor). Go inside the building and run the generator. After starting, go out and sit down in the activated elevator. At this stage of the game you will attack a giant necromorph spider.

Want you do not want, but you have to fight the monster. Slow it with the help of a station and fir the tentacles that hang upstairs. Spider You, in turn, will attack only the tarante attacks from afar - at such moments you will need to run back to the left or right. After changing his tentacles a couple of times, you will overpower it. In the end, the spider runs away from you and destroys the platform, thereby forming an analogue of the stairs. Click on this staircase and go to the building. Inside this building you will find several empty rooms.

The note: In the third room on the table Take a piece of weapons "heavy compact box. Climb the stairs above and on the second floor you will find: a text record" Attempt to get inside ", the artifact of XSKS 13 and the drawing" pulse rifle ". After you take everything, then You can go down.

Come inside the elevator and go down to the central courtyard of this base.

The note: Go to the small doors on the right side. Separate the management system and make your way to the depot. On the right side, the next text message "Technician" is on the rack. Go to the next room and kill a bunch of eaters necromorphs. Immediately on the wall on the left side in the box there is a chain of modernization, which will give +2 to the clip and -1 to the damage. How to pick up all objects, then go back to the central courtyard.

Go through large doors that are located on the other side of the wall.

Bonus task "Logistics"

In order for you to get into this bonus task "Base of supply" you need to find the key that is in Chapter 9 at the station in the basement. After you get this key, then go back to the door of the supply base. If the key is found, then use them and go deep into this base. Inside you immediately find the machine and a couple of doors that can be opened. Also listen to the audio recording "Where Lamley?".

The note: Come through the small door of the elevator and on it, go up to the top. On the top floor you will find a part of the weapon "Electroskok module". How to take the subject, you can go down on the elevator back.

Go now through the doors on the left side, which is still written "Archive".

The note: In the archive on the table on the right side you will find a text record "Lamley Diary".

Go to the next room and decide there a puzzle for the search for blue sectors. After that, go to the next room and rise above the stairs. Upstairs take several containers with resources. In the next room you will meet a couple of enough necromorphs, and in the far corner on the left side you can find tungsten. Next you need to go through the door on the right side. Here you go through a few more rooms with ice floes on the walls and turn out to be in the end, in a two-story room.