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Evaluation of Tatars from Crimea 1944. Deportation of the Crimean Tatars. how it was

Part of the collaborators after the retreat of Nazis took with them to Germany. Subsequently, a special regiment of the SS was formed from their number. Another part (5,381 people) were arrested by security officers after the release of the peninsula. During arrests seized a lot of weapons. The government feared the armed rebellion of the Tatars because of their proximity to Turkey (the last Hitler was calculated to draw into the war with the Communists).

According to Russian scientist research, Professor of the history of Oleg Romanceko, during the war, 35 thousand Tatars of Crimea could somehow help the fascists: served in the German police, participated in the shootings, issued communists, etc. For this, even distant relatives of traitors rely on reference and confiscation of property.

The main argument in favor of the rehabilitation of the Crimean-Tatar population and his return to the historical homeland was the fact that the deportation was actually not carried out on the actual acts of specific people, but on the national basis.

Even those who did not contribute to the fascists went to the link. At the same time, 15% of men-Tatars fought together with other Soviet citizens in the Red Army. In the partisan detachments, 16% were the Tatars. Their families were also deported. In this mass, the concerns of Stalin were reflected in this, that the Crimean Tatars can succumb to the protests, raise the rebellion and be on the side of the enemy.

The government wanted to quickly eliminate the threat from the south. The eviction was carried out urgently, in commodity wagons. On the road, many gibbles because of cramped, lack of food and drinking water. In total, about 190 thousand Tatars were sent out of Crimea during the war years. 191 Tatar died during transportation. Another 16 thousand died in new places of residence from mass hunger in 1946-1947.

Right holder illustration Getty. Image Caption. Every year, Tatars celebrate the anniversary of the deportation. This year, the Russian authorities were forbidden to carry out a share in Simferopol

On May 18-20, 1944, the Fighters of the NKVD on orders from Moscow were driven to railway cars almost all of the Tatar population of Crimea and sent to Uzbekistan 70s by the 70th echelons.

This is a compulsory eviction of the Tatars, whom the Soviet government accused cooperation with the Nazis, has become one of the most rapid deportations in world history.

How did the Tatars live in the Crimea to deportation?

After the creation of the USSR in 1922, Moscow recognized crimean Tatars The indigenous population of the Crimean ASSR as part of the correction policy.

In the 1920s, Tatars allowed to develop their culture. Crimean shopping newspapers, magazines, worked in Crimea educational institutions, Museums, libraries and theaters.

Crimean Tatar, together with the Russian, was the official language of autonomy. They used more than 140 rural councils.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Tatars amounted to 25-30% of the total population of the Crimea.

However, in the 1930s, the Soviet policy regarding the Tatars, as well as other nationalities of the USSR, became repressive.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Crimean Tatar State Ensemble "Heightarma". Moscow, 1935.

First, the degradation and eviction of the Tatars on the North of Russia and the Ural began. Then the violent collectivization occurred, the holodomor of 1932-33 and the cleaning of the intelligentsia in 1937-1938.

This set up many Crimean Tatars against Soviet power.

When did the deportation occurred?

The main phase of violent resettlement occurred during the incomplete three days, starting at dawn on May 18, 1944 and ended at 16:00 on May 20.

A total of 238.5 thousand people deported from the Crimea - almost all of the Crimean Tatar population.

For this, the NKVD attracted more than 32 thousand fighters.

What caused deportation?

The official cause of violent resettlement was the accusation of the entire Crimean Tatar people in state treason, the "mass destruction of Soviet people" and collaborationism - cooperation with the Nazi occupiers.

Such arguments were kept in solving the State Committee for Defense on Deportation, which appeared a week before the start of evictions.

However, historians call others, informal reasons for resettlement. Among them are the fact that the Crimean Tatars historically had close ties with Turkey, which the USSR at that time considered as a potential opponent.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Spouses in the Urals, 1953

The plans of the USSR Crimea was a strategic bridgehead in case of a possible conflict with Turkey, and Stalin wanted to be reinforced from possible "sabotes and traitors", which he considered Tatars.

In favor of this theory, the fact that the Caucasian regions adjacent to Turkey have been moved by other Muslim ethnic groups: Chechens, Ingush, Karachayvtsev and Balkarians.

Tatars supported the Nazis?

In the anti-Soviet combat detachments formed by the German authorities, served from nine to 20 thousand Crimean Tatars, writes historian Jonathan Otto floor.

Some of them sought to protect their villages from the Soviet partisans, who, according to the testimony of the Tatar themselves, often pursued them on a national basis.

Other Tatars joined the German detachments due to the fact that they were captured to the Nazis and wanted to facilitate the difficult conditions of staying in camps for prisoners of war in Simferopol and Nikolaev.

At the same time, 15% of the adult male Crimean Tatar population fought on the side of the Red Army. During the deportation, they were demobilized and sent to the Labor camps of Siberia and the Urals.

In May 1944, most of those who served in German detachments retreated to Germany. Under the deportation fell mainly wives and children left on the peninsula.

How did the violent relocation occurred?

The NKVD employees came to the Tatar dwellings and declared the owners that because of the treason, their homeland was evicted from the Crimea.

To collect things, they gave 15-20 minutes. Officially, every family had the right to take up to 500 kg of baggage, but really allowed to pick up significantly less, and sometimes nothing.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Mari Assr. Brigade on the forestworker. 1950.

Of people trucks dispersed K. railway stations. From there, almost 70 echelons were sent to the east with tightly closed commodity wagons, crowded people.

During the move, about eight thousand people died, most of whom are children and older people. The most common causes of death are thirst and typhus.

Some people, not withstanding suffering, went crazy. All property remaining in the Crimea after the Tatars, the state has appropriated.

Where did the Tatar deported?

Most Tatars were sent to Uzbekistan and neighboring areas of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Small groups of people came to the Mari ASSR, to the Urals and to the Kostroma region of Russia.

What were the consequences of deportation for the Tatar?

In the first three years after resettlement from hunger, depletion and diseases, they died, according to different estimates, from 20 to 46% of all deported.

Among the dead for the first year almost half are children under 16.

Due to lack clean water, bad hygiene and absence medical care Among the deportees, malaria, yellow fever, dysentery and other diseases were distributed.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Alim Ilyasova (right) with a girlfriend, whose name is unknown. Beginning of the 1940s

The newcomers did not have natural immunity against many local ailments.

What status did they have in Uzbekistan?

The overwhelming majority of the Crimean Tatars transported to the so-called special settlements - surrounded by armed guards, blocks and fenced barbed wire The territories rather resembled labor camps than settlements of peaceful people.

The visiting were cheap working forceThey were used to work in collective farms, state farms and industrial enterprises.

In Uzbekistan, they treated cotton fields, worked in mines, at construction sites, factories and factories. Among heavy work It was the construction of the Farhadskaya HPP.

In 1948, Moscow recognized the Crimean Tatars with lifelong migrants. Those who, without the permission of the NKVD, went beyond their special settlements, for example, to visit relatives, were hazardous than 20 years of conclusion. Such cases were.

Even before the propaganda is deported, hatred of the Crimean Tatars, the branding of them as traitors and enemies of the people.

As the historian Greta Lynn writes, Uzbeks were told that "cyclops" and "cannibals" ride them, and advised to stay away from the aliens.

After the deportation, some local residents feel their heads come to check that horns do not grow on them.

Later, learning that the Crimean Tatars with them faith, Uzbeks were surprised.

Children of immigrants could get an education in Russian or Uzbek, but not in Crimean Tatar.

By 1957, any publications on Crimean Tatar were prohibited. From the Big Soviet Encyclopedia seized an article about the Crimean Tatars.

This nationality was also banned from entering the passport.

What has changed in the Crimea without the Tatars?

After evicting from the Tatars Peninsula, as well as the Greeks, Bulgarians and Germans, in June 1945, Crimea stopped being an autonomous republic and became the area as part of the RSFSR.

The southern regions of the Crimea, where they used to live predominantly the Crimean Tatars were empty.

For example, according to official data, only 2600 inhabitants remained in the Alushta district, and in Balaklava - 2200. Subsequently, people from Ukraine and Russia began to relocate here.

On the peninsula, there were "toponymic repression" - most cities, villages, mountains and rivers who had Crimean Tatar, Greek or German names received new Russian names. Among exceptions - Bakhchisarai, Dzhanka, Ishun, Saki and Sudak.

Soviet power destroyed Tatar monuments, burned manuscripts and books, including Lenin and Marx Tom, translated into Crimean Tatar.

In mosques opened cinemas and shops.

When was the Tatars allowed to return to the Crimea?

The mode of special settlements for the Tatars existed to the era of Khrushchev detonation - the second half of the 1950s. Then soviet government Softened the living conditions for them, but did not make accusations of state treason.

In the 1950-1960s, Tatars fought for their right to return to the historical homeland, including through demonstrations in Uzbek cities.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Osman Ibris with his wife Alima. Settlement Kibray, Uzbekistan, 1971

In 1968, the reason for one of these shares was Lenin's birthday. The authorities dispersed the rally.

Gradually, the Crimean Tatars managed to achieve expansion of their rights, but informal, but this is no less strict ban on their return to Crimea, acted until 1989.

In the four next year, half of all Crimean Tatars who lived in the USSR - 250 thousand people returned to the peninsula.

The return to the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe indigenous population was complex and accompanied by land conflicts with local residents who managed to be mastered on the new land. Large confrontations still managed to avoid.

Annexia of Crimea Russia in March 2014 was a new challenge for the Crimean Tatars. Some of them left the peninsula due to persecution.

Another Russian authorities themselves banned entry into the Crimea, including the leaders of the Crimean Tatar Mustafa Gemilev and Refat Chubarov.

Does deportation signs of genocide?

Some researchers and dissidents believe that the Tatar deportation corresponds to the definition of the genocide adopted by the UN.

They argue that the Soviet government intended to destroy the Crimean Tatars as an ethnic group and purposefully to this goal.

In 2006, Kurultay Krymskotatar people appealed to the Verkhovna Rada with a request to recognize the deportation by genocide.

Despite this, in most historical work and diplomatic documents, the compulsory relocation of the Crimean Tatars is now called deportation, and not a genocide.

In the Soviet Union used the term "resettlement".

On May 18, 1944, the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people began.
The deportation operation began early in the morning of May 18, 1944 and ended at 16:00 on May 20. It took only 60 hours and more than 70 echelons for its conduct of the punitive organs, in each of which were 50 cars. For its holding, NKVD troops were involved in the amount of more than 32 thousand people.

Deported was taken away from a few minutes before half an hour to fees, after which they were transported to railway stations on the trucks. From there, the echelons with the convemed sent to the places of reference. According to the memories of eyewitnesses, those who resisted or could not go, often shot in place. In the road, exiles were rarely fed and often salted food, after which I wanted to drink. In some compositions, the references received food in the first and last time in the second week. Died Naspech was buried next to the railway web or did not harbor at all.

Officially, the basis for expulsion was declared the mass desertion of the Crimean Tatars from the Rows of the Red Army in 1941 (called the number of about 20 thousand people), a good reception german troops And the active participation of the Crimean Tatars in the compounds of the German army, "SD", police, gendarmerie, the apparatus of prisons and camps. At the same time, deportation did not touch Most of the Crimean Tatar collaborators, since the bulk of them was evacuated by the Germans to Germany. The remaining in the Crimea were identified by the NKVD bodies during the "stripping" in April-May 1944 and were convicted as traitors of the Motherland. Those who say that all the Crimean Tatars were traitors and accomplices of the fascists, I will give a few numbers.
Crimean Tatars who fought in parts of the Red Army, after demobilization were also deported. In just 1945-1946, 8995 Crimean Tatars-Veterans of War, including 524 officers and 1392 sergeants, were sent to the destination. In 1952 (after a lot of life of the famine of famine in 1945), only in Uzbekistan, according to NKVD, 6057 participants in the war, many of which had high government awards.

From the memories of those who survived the deportation:

"In the morning, instead of greeting, the selected mat and the question: there are corpses? People for the dead cling to, cry, do not give. Body soldiers adults are thrown into the doors, children - in the window ... "

"There was no medical care. The dead endured from the car and left at the station, not giving to bury. "

"He could not be about medical care and speech. People drank water from water bodies and from there sparkled. There was no water to boil. People began to hurt with dysentery, abdominal typhoid, malaria, scabies, chosses overwhelmed everyone. It was hot, constantly tormented thirst. The dead were left on the road, no one harboring them. "

"After a few days, the paths from our car were taken out of the dead: the old woman and little boy. The train stayed on small half-stands to leave the dead. ... was not given to bury. "

"My grandmother, brothers and sisters died in the first months of deportation, without surviving until the end of 1944. Mom without consciousness in such a heat with a dead brother lacked for three days. While adults did not see her.

A significant number of immigrants, depleted after three years of life in the Crimea occupied by the Germans, died in places of expulsion from hunger and disease in 1944-45 due to the lack of normal living conditions (in the first years, people lived in barracks and dugouts, did not have enough food and Access K. medical Services). Estimates of the numbers of those killed in this period are highly different: from 15-25% according to the estimates of various Soviet official bodies up to 46% according to estimates of the activists of the Crimean Motion, which collected information about those killed in the 1960s. So, according to OSA of the UzSSR, only "for 6 months of 1944, that is, 16,052 people died from the moment of arrival in the Uzssr. (10.6%). "

During 12 years before 1956, the Crimean Tatars had the status of specialists, implied various restrictions on the rights, in particular a ban on unauthorized (without written permission of special committee) an intersection of the border of special settlement and criminal punishment for its violation. Numerous cases are known when people sentenced to many years of age (up to 25 years) for the timing of the camps for visiting relatives in neighboring villages whose territory belonged to another special settlement.

Crimean Tatars were not just evicted. They were subjected to pre-male creating such life conditions for them, which were calculated on the full or partial physical and moral destruction of the people so that the world forget about them, and they forgot what kind of tribes themselves and in no case thought about returning In the native edges.

The total deportation of the Crimean Tatar was the greatest treason on the part of the Soviet power, since the main part of the male population of the Crimean Tatars, designed to the army, continued to fight at the fronts for the same Soviet government. At the front in 1941, about 60 thousand Crimean Tatars were called up, 36 thousand were killed, defending the USSR. Crimea of \u200b\u200bTogo, 17 thousand Crimean Tatar Guys and Girls Steel Activists partisan traffic7 thousand - participated in the underground work.

The Nazis burned 127 Crimean Tatar villages for the fact that their residents assisted partisans, 12 thousand Crimean Tatars were killed for resistance to the occupying regime, and more than 20 thousand were forcibly vigorously in Germany.
The Crimean Tatars who fought in parts of the Red Army were also deported after demobilization and returning home to the Crimea from the front. The Crimean Tatars were also deported, who did not live in the Crimea during the occupation and have time to return to the Crimea by May 18, 1944. In 1949, there were 8995 Crimean Tatars participants in the field of deportation - including 524 officers and 1392 sergeants.

According to the final data, 193,865 Crimean Tatars (more than 47 thousand families) were deported from the Crimea.
After deportations in Crimea, two decrees from 1945 and 1948 were renamed settlements, the names of which were Crimean Tatar, German, Greek, armenian origin (There are only more than 90% of the settlements of the peninsula). The Crimean ASSR was transformed into the Crimean region. The autonomous status of the Crimea was restored only in 1991.

Unlike many other deported peoples who returned to their homeland in the late 1950s, the Crimean Tatars were deprived of this right to formally until 1974, in fact - until 1989. The mass return of the people in the Crimea began only at the end of the "restructuring".

General results of deportation:
Crimean Tatar people lost:
- native region, in which ancestors, mastering the earth, from the XIII century were formed as a nation, calling their land on native language Crimea, and himself with the Crimean Tatars;
- Monuments of material culture created by the hands of talented representatives of the people for many centuries.
The Crimean Tatar people eliminated:
- primary and secondary schools learning in their native language;
- higher and secondary educational institutions, special and professional, technical schools with teaching in their native language;
- national ensembles, theaters and studios;
- newspapers, publishers, broadcasting and other national authorities and institutions (alliances of writers, journalists, artists);
- Research institutes and institutions for the study of the Crimean Tatar language, literature, art and folk creativity.

The Crimean Tatar people destroyed:
- cemeteries and graves of ancestors with squeezing stones and inscriptions;
- Monuments and mausoleum of the historical people of the people.
The Crimean Tatar people are taken away:
- national museums and libraries with tens of thousands of volumes in their native language;
- Clubs, reading clubs, prayer houses - mosques and madrasah.

The history of the formation of the Crimean Tatar people as nation and destroyed by the origin of toponymy is destroyed:
- renamed the names of cities and villages, streets and quarters, geographical names locality, etc.;
- rediscovered and assigned folk legends and other types of folk arts created by centuries of the ancestors of the Crimean Tatars.

Exactly 70 years ago - May 11, 1944 - the Resolution of the State Committee on the Beginning of Stalin's Deportation of the Crimean Tatars of 1944 is the eviction of the indigenous population of the Crimea Peninsula in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan ...

Among the causes of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars from the Crimea were called, including their collaborationism in the period of the Great Patriotic War.

Only in late-drawing years this deportation was recognized as criminal and illegal.

Formally stated cause of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars of 1944 served as a partnership of the Germans of the population of Tatar nationality from 1941 to 1944, during the seizure of Crimea by German troops.

From the decision of the State Committee for Defense of the USSR on May 11, 1944 talking about full list - Treason Motherland, desertion, the transition to the side of the fascist enemy, the creation of punitive detachments and participation in brutal sprapers over partisans, mass extermination of residents, assistance in the departure of population groups to slavery in Germany, as well as other reasons for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars of 1944, conducted by the Soviet government .

Among the Crimean Tatars of 20 thousand people belonged to either police detachments, or were in the service in the Wehrmacht.

To avoid the Stalin deportation of the Crimean Tatars from Crimea, it was possible to the collaborators who were sent to Germany to the end of the war to create the Tatar mining regiment of the SS. Among the same Tatars, who remained in the Crimea, the main part was calculated by the employees of the NKVD and convicted. For the period from April to May 1944, 5,000 accomplices of German invaders of different national affiliation were arrested in Crimea.

Stalin's deportation of the Crimean Tatars from Crimea and that part of this people, who fought on the side of the USSR. In a number (not so many numerous) cases (as a rule, it was touched by officers with military awards) of the Crimean Tatars were not expelled, but they had a ban on accommodation in the Crimea.

For two years (from 1945 to 1946), 8995 war veterans belonged to the Tatar people were deported. Even the part of the Tatar population, which was evacuated from the Crimea to the Soviet rear (and, of course, in respect of which it was impossible to pick up a single reason for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars of 1944) and could not be involved in collaborationist activities, was deported. The Crimean Tatars, who held senior posts in the Crimean Committee of the CSP and the Sovnarkom of the KassR did not compile an exception. As a reason, the thesis was put forward to the need to replenish the management of the authorities in new places.

The Stalin's Deportation of the Crimean Tatars from the Crimea, based on the National Criteria, was characterized by political totalitarian regimes. The number of deportations when the basis was taken by only the national affiliation, in the USSR for the period of the reign of Stalin for some estimates approaching 53.

The operation on the deportation of the Crimean Tatars was planned and organized by the troops of the NKVD - only 32 thousand employees. By May 11, 1944, all clarifications and adjustments were carried out in the lists of the Crimean Tatar population, checking their addresses of residence. The secrecy of the operation was the highest. After preparatory operations, the deportation procedure itself began. She lasted from 18 to 20 May 1944.

Three people - an officer and soldiers - came in early in the morning at home, read the reasons for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars of 1944, gave the maximum half an hour for the fees, then thrown out in the literal sense to the streets of people collected in groups and sent to railway stations.

Resisted shot straight near the houses. At the stations, about 170 people were placed at each carrier car, and the trains were sent to Central Asia. The road, exhausting and heavy, lasted about two weeks.

Those who managed to take food from the house could hardly hold out, the rest died of hunger and caused by the conditions for transportation of diseases. First of all, older people and children suffered and died. Those who did not endure were discharged from the train or dressed not far from the railway.

From eyewitness memories:

Official data aimed to report Stalin confirmed that 183 155 Crimean Tatars were deported. The fought Crimean Tatars were sent to labor army, and demobilized after the war were also deported.

For the period of deportation from 1944 to 1945, 46.2% of Crimean Tatars died. According to official reports of the Soviet authorities, the number of dead reaches 25%, and according to some data - 15%. The data of the OSA WEESSR suggests that for six months, 16,052 immigrants died for half a year.

The main points of destination of echelons with deported were Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Also, part was sent to the Urals, to the Mari ASSR and the Kostroma region. Living deported accounted for in barracks practically not intended for living. Products and water were limited, the conditions were practically unbearable, which caused a lot of deaths and diseases among those who moved moving from Crimea.

Until 1957, in relation to deported, the regime of special settlements was acted, when to distance from the house on what 7 km was forbidden, and each settler was obliged to be celebrated monthly at the commandant social Point. Disorders caught extremely strictly, up to long lasting Camps, even for unauthorized abdomen in the next settlement, where relatives lived.

Stalin's death has little changed the situation of the deported Crimean population. All national signs repressed were conditionally divided into those who were allowed to return to autonomy, and those who were deprived of the right to return to the seats of initial residence. The so-called "rooting" policy was conducted in the places of compulsory settlement. The second group treated the Crimean Tatars.

The government continued to the line of charges of all Crimean Tatars in the awareness of the German invaders, which gave a formal basis for banning the return of settlers in the Crimea. Until 1974, in formally, until 1989 - in fact - the Crimean Tatars could not leave the place of reference. As a result, in the 1960s there was a wide mass movement for the return of the rights and the possibility of the return of the Crimean Tatars on its historical homeland. Only in the process of "restructuring" for most deported, this return has become possible.

Stalin's deportation of the Crimean Tatars from Crimea also affected the sentiments and on the demographic situation of the Crimea. For a long time The population of the Crimea lived in fear of possible deportation. Added panic expectations and evictions Bulgaria, Armenians and Greeks living in the Crimea. Those areas that were inhabited by the Crimean Tatars before deportation remained empty. After returning, most of the Crimean Tatars were deseminated not to their previous places of residence, but in the steppe areas of the Crimea, whereas before their houses were in the mountains and on the southern shore of the peninsula.

Deportation of the Crimean Tatars in last year Great Patriotic War He was a massive eviction of the locals of Crimea in a row of regions of the Uzbek SSR, the Kazakh SSR, the Mari ASSR and other republics Soviet Union.
It happened immediately after the release of the peninsula from the Hitler's invaders. The official cause of the action was called the criminal assistance of many thousands of Tatars with invaders.

Collaborators of Crimea

The eviction was carried out under the control of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in May 1944. The order of the deportation of Tatars, allegedly included in the collaborationist groups during the occupation of the Crimean ASSR, Stalin signed shortly before that, on May 11th. Beria substantiated reasons:

Desertion of 20 thousand Tatars from the army for the period 1941-1944;
- the unreliability of the Crimean population, especially pronounced in border areas;
- the threat to the security of the Soviet Union because of the collaborationist actions and the anti-Soviet moods of the Tatar of Crimea;
- Hyon 50,000 civilians in Germany with the assistance of the Crimean Tatar Committees.

In May 1944, the Government of the Soviet Union has not yet had all the figures relating to the real position in the Crimea. After the defeat of Hitler and the counting of losses, it became known that 85.5 thousand new "slaves" of the Third Reich was actually stolen in Germany only from among the civilian population of Crimea.

Almost 72 thousand executed with the direct participation of the so-called "noise". Schuma - auxiliary police, and in fact - punitive Crimean-Tatar battalions submitted by the fascists. Of these 72 thousand 15 thousand communists were brutally tortured in the largest concentration camp of Crimea, the former collective farm "Red".

Basic accusations

Part of the collaborators after the retreat of Nazis took with them to Germany. Subsequently, a special regiment of the SS was formed from their number. Another part (5,381 people) were arrested by security officers after the release of the peninsula. During arrests seized a lot of weapons. The government feared the armed rebellion of the Tatars because of their proximity to Turkey (the last Hitler was calculated to draw into the war with the Communists).

According to Russian scientist research, Professor of the history of Oleg Romanceko, during the war, 35 thousand Tatars of Crimea could somehow help the fascists: served in the German police, participated in the shootings, issued communists, etc. For this, even distant relatives of traitors rely on reference and confiscation of property.

The main argument in favor of the rehabilitation of the Crimean-Tatar population and his return to the historical homeland was the fact that the deportation was actually not carried out on the actual acts of specific people, but on the national basis.

Even those who did not contribute to the fascists went to the link. At the same time, 15% of men-Tatars fought together with other Soviet citizens in the Red Army. In the partisan detachments, 16% were the Tatars. Their families were also deported. In this mass, the concerns of Stalin were reflected in this, that the Crimean Tatars can succumb to the protests, raise the rebellion and be on the side of the enemy.

The government wanted to quickly eliminate the threat from the south. The eviction was carried out urgently, in commodity wagons. On the road, many gibbles because of the cramped, lack of food and drinking water. In total, about 190 thousand Tatars were sent out of Crimea during the war years. 191 Tatar died during transportation. Another 16 thousand died in new places of residence from mass hunger in 1946-1947.