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We make a miter saw with our own hands. What and how to make a miter saw Make a miter saw yourself

Miter saws are widely used for large volumes of work with boards, bars and other lumber made of wood or wood-based composite materials. They are electrically driven, flat, horizontal cross-cutting devices for cross-cutting long lumber. Despite the presence of a bed, such equipment is not stationary, since it can be installed anywhere, transported or carried to where it is necessary to cut.

What is the purpose of this tool and how it works

A device designed for cross-cutting wood blanks at different angles is called an end (miter) saw. Often such a tool is also called an electric miter box, by analogy with a carpenter's device in the form of a tray for cutting boards at a certain angle. The design of such a saw allows you to cut by changing both the vertical and horizontal angle of the saw blade.

The functionality of the miter saw makes it possible to use it in woodworking, where precise joining of the ends of two elements of a product or structure is required. It is to ensure the accuracy of the cut that the bed is required, which can have legs or be installed on a table. Such work is often necessary for the following purposes:

  • making decorative frames;
  • cashing out door loot;
  • skirting board devices;
  • construction of wooden building structures for the construction of houses and auxiliary buildings;
  • finishing work with clapboard or plastic panels, as well as laying wooden, parquet or laminate floors.

When installing a certain type of discs on such equipment, it is possible to cut light metal or plastic profiles and pipes. If necessary, you can even choose the thickness of the wood with a miter saw, arranging grooves, which are often used to make window or door frames and loops.

Despite the solid appearance, and the fact that such saws are often called machines, their weight is small (about 18 kg) and they can be an excellent tool for a home or summer cottage workshop.

Parts of the mechanism

All miter saws have a simple design that is basically similar for different types of this tool. Their main elements are:

  • bed with a round rotary table (some models have a sliding table extension on both sides with integrated supports);
  • a pivot arm attached to the bed with a special hinge with a return spring, on which the saw blade and a handle with buttons for starting and braking the disk are attached, such a lever is called a pendulum, which is why the whole tool was called a pendulum saw;
  • an electric motor located on the pendulum to the right of the saw blade (in some models, to make a better view, it is installed on the back of the pendulum;
  • a unit for adjusting the angle of inclination of the disk, which allows you to turn the cutting head of the tool to the left of the operator at any angle up to

    45 o, turning to the right is impossible due to the engine located on this side;

  • a sawdust outlet, to which you can attach a vacuum cleaner hose or a bag for collecting chips;
  • stops for convenient placement of the workpiece and clamps in the form of clamps for its reliable fixing.

A special insert is provided on the tool table at the cut site, in the form of a tray-type depression, which allows the saw blade to cut through the workpiece to the end, making a neat cut. There is a scale on the bed for rotating the table in both directions at a certain angle. In the desired position, the table is secured with a screw clamp. The saw blade of the tool is protected by a special transparent cover, which allows the master to clearly see the cutting site. For convenience, many miter saw models are equipped with a laser pointer showing where the cut will be made and table illumination.

In more detail, you can understand the design of the miter saw, the purpose of its main units, and also see how they are used in work, in the following video.

The design and principle of operation of the miter saw - video

Varieties of miter saws for wood

The modern power tool market can offer a large selection of a wide variety of miter saw models, which may differ in the following parameters and design features:

Miter saws are equipped with three types of motors:

  • asynchronous;
  • collector;
  • valve.

Asynchronous electric motors are reliable, economical and work without creating much noise. Their disadvantages are their large weight (up to 20 kg) and low power, which does not allow them to reach speeds of more than 2800 rpm. For these reasons, such motors are rarely used in pendulum saws.

Brush motors are more compact and lighter in weight. They can reach speeds of up to 5-10 thousand revolutions per minute, but when the collector brushes are working, they create a certain level of noise. Such a motor requires periodic maintenance, consisting of replacing the brushes, but despite this, it is used in most models of miter saws.

Electric motors of the third type, valve, are the most modern and perfect device, which takes all the best qualities of asynchronous and commutator motors. Instead of a brush unit, they have an electronic unit that allows a high speed of rotation of the motor shaft to be achieved. But such motors are quite expensive, and are used only on high-quality miter saws of the highest price segment.

By the type of gearbox used, pendulum saws can be belt-driven or gear-driven. Of course, gears provide more reliable traction and better transmission of torque. But they create additional noise during operation, and in case of failure of the gear-type gearbox. difficult repairs in a specialized service will be required. At the same time, the belt can be easily replaced by yourself, and it works almost silently. In addition, the belt drive dampens disc vibrations and extends bearing life.

It is very important to stabilize the speed of the saw blade under load to obtain a high-quality cut, especially in hardwoods and tough composites. For this, most modern miter saws have a special electronic unit. Electronics are widely used to create more comfortable working conditions with this tool, namely:

  • to ensure smooth engine start;
  • for its braking when the motor is turned off;
  • for various safety interlocks to ensure the safety of working with the cutting power tool.

The presence of electronics in different models gives them additional advantages, but also leads to an increase in the cost of the miter saw. The more functions this tool has in its design, the more convenient it is to work on it.

In recent years, broach miter saws have become increasingly popular. The two rods, on which the pendulum with the cutting head is attached, allow the saw blade to be moved to produce a high-quality, even cut on a wide material.

Pendulum saws also differ in the size and type of saw blades used. The main parameters of the saw cutting element are:

  • landing diameter;
  • outside diameter;
  • the number of teeth - the larger it is, the better the cut will be;
  • disc thickness;
  • maximum rotation speed.

All these parameters are printed on the disc itself, in a certain place. Cutting thinner workpieces (eg laminate) will require a disc with a larger number of teeth.

How to choose a desktop tool for your home

To choose the right miter saw, you need to have a good idea of ​​what kind of work you are going to use it for. The material of sawing, and its density, and thickness also matter here. It depends on which parameters the tool suits you best. What are the first criteria to pay attention to when choosing a miter saw?

Motor power and disc size

Both of these parameters are interrelated. For an engine of a certain power, only a disc of a specific size should be used.... Today on the market you can find miter saws from 800 to 2500 watts. The most in demand is a tool with 1.6-1.8 kW motors, because this saw power will be enough for both a home workshop and for running a small business related to woodworking. More powerful saws are already classified as professional ones, and will be quite appropriate for large volumes of sawing timber.

The higher the power of the tool, the larger the diameter of the disc can be used, of course, suitable for the diameter of the bore. For household purposes, if a large volume of sawing work is not planned, the best option would be a saw blade with a diameter of 200-215 mm; for professional use, you need to buy a tool designed for discs from 250 mm in diameter.

Cutting parameters of wood

The main indicator that characterizes the cut is its width, which directly depends on the thickness of the disc. For valuable timber, it is better to choose thinner discs so as not to waste expensive wood on sawdust. Such disks wear out faster than thick ones, which have a significantly longer resource.

The cleanliness of the cut is influenced by the number of teeth on the disc, it can be in the range from 8-10 to 80-90. The more teeth there are on the disc, the cleaner and better the cut is.


An important parameter that characterizes the operation of a miter saw is the number of revolutions of the saw blade. Modern miter saws are produced with a cutting tool rotation speed of 3200 to 6 thousand rpm. Only by working at high speeds of rotation of the blade can you ensure a clean, smooth cut without chipping of fibers and lumber chips. Therefore, in expensive professional models of the most famous brands, this figure is never less than 4-5 thousand rpm.

engine's type

The most practical and affordable option is the collector motor miter saw. Such a motor will provide a sufficient number of disc revolutions per minute without weighing the entire tool. Indeed, in most cases, miter saws should be able to be carried closer to the place where construction or finishing work is carried out. A pendulum saw with an asynchronous motor can come in handy for a home workshop. It has large dimensions, and it is best to install it permanently on a specially made workbench.

Transfer type

In order not to have the hassle of having to provide frequent lubrication of the gears of the gearbox and monitor the condition of the bearings, it is best to purchase a sawing tool with a belt drive. It will work more silently, and in the event of a failure (belt breakage or stretching), it will be enough just to remove the gearbox cover and replace the belt.

Swivel design

One of the defining criteria to consider when choosing a miter saw is the ability to cut workpieces at different angles. For this, the design of the tool has a rotary table, which provides the setting of the required inclination of the cut in the vertical plane, as well as a mechanism for turning the cutting head of the tool, to give the desired inclination to the saw blade in the horizontal plane. Saws of various designs of the pivot system are available for sale:

  • without turning the saw blade;
  • with a turn to the right at an angle of 45–50 o;
  • by turning the dial left and right.

The ability to rotate the cutting head depends on the location of the electric motor on the tool pendulum. Buying a miter saw with the ability to adjust both vertical and horizontal cutting angles, you acquire a more functional device that can always come in handy in any woodworking work.

Security systems and additional functions

When choosing a miter saw, you should pay attention to some of the nuances of its design, which ensure the safety and convenience of sawing work, namely the presence of such elements and assemblies as:

  • electronic system of soft start and braking, as well as a system that stabilizes the speed of rotation of the disk under load;
  • protective transparent casing;
  • mechanism of broaching the cutting head of the tool;
  • table extension, with special, sliding along guide supports, for more reliable fixing of the workpiece;
  • illumination of the working area, if cutting is supposed to be performed in rooms with poor lighting;
  • laser guidance, to ensure an accurate cut along the intended line.


According to customer reviews of miter saws, you should pay attention to details such as:

  • the possibility of sawing boards with a maximum size of 50x200 mm;
  • as compact as possible and lighter in weight so that the tool can fit in the trunk of a car;
  • acceptable price

How to use the tool

Any newly purchased saw requires adjustment, regardless of the model and manufacturer, as well as a tool that has already been in operation, if the accuracy of the cut is violated. This procedure is performed as a form of maintenance on a sophisticated tool designed to perform precise work steps. Configuration operations include:

  • adjustment of the adherence of the side stop to the surface of the turntable, it may have burrs, flakes, an uneven surface that needs to be cleaned, and grind the lower surface of the stop with sandpaper;
  • setting and fixing the stop on the bed strictly perpendicular to the cutting line with the help of a small backlash provided in the mounting holes of this element;
  • elimination of the turntable backlash in the place of its fixation by the rod
  • adjustment of the perpendicularity of the vertical cut, as well as the cut at an angle of 45 o;
  • adjustment of the tension of the return spring, so that when lowering the pendulum by the handle, do not apply unnecessary forces leading to deformation of the tool structure and violation of the accuracy of the cut.

The procedure for performing work on setting up a miter saw is very clearly and in detail presented in the following videos.

Setting up a miter saw - video

How to adjust the degree of inclination of the cutting head - video

If the saw does not turn on - typical malfunctions and repairs

A miter saw, like any mechanism operating under the influence of high dynamic loads, is prone to defects and malfunctions. Among the most common breakdowns of this tool are the following:

  • combustion of the motor (rotor or stator), the cause of which may be the wrong choice of cutting speed and saw blade feed, or the use of an unsuitable blade for cutting a certain material - all this leads to an overload of the electric motor, and its combustion;
  • wear of the gear of the rotor of the electric motor or gears of the gearbox;
  • wear of the brushes of the asynchronous motor;
  • loose or broken belt drive belt.

It is better to entrust all malfunctions associated with the electric motor to professionals, since repairs will require both special equipment and knowledge of the device and the principle of operation of electric motors. You can independently replace the worn out brushes of the asynchronous motor collector or change the gear belt.

What can you make an electric saw with your own hands?

If in the process of work it becomes necessary to cut boards or other material for the subsequent joining of the blanks with the ends, and the pendulum saw is not at hand, you can do it yourself from the tool you already have. For this, any electric tool in which a saw blade is the working element is suitable.

From a grinder on a metal stand

The grinder is a unique tool from which you can make any cutting attachments and devices, including a miter saw. The simplest trimming design will allow you to saw boards and other material at an angle of 90 °

Such a tool is quite simple to build. This requires:

  1. Make a frame from a metal sheet and corners, and weld (bolt) a rack to it from a 50x50 corner.
  2. For the lever, use a pipe on which to weld two brackets for attaching the grinder. The grinder is bolted to the casing, which must have sufficient rigidity and thickness. Everyone can, showing imagination, come up with their own version of fastening.
  3. The attachment of the lever to the vertical rack of the machine can be done with a conventional bolt, providing stops to fix it in a vertical position, or simply using a self-clamping structure, as is done in the video below 1.
  4. Having attached the grinder to the pipe, you need to make a slot in the bed so that the saw blade can freely pass into it, ensuring a complete cut of the workpiece.
  5. The side stop can be rotated by providing a marking on the bed at the desired angles, and turning the workpiece itself on the table, as is done in video 2.

Making the simplest miter saw from a grinder - video

How to make a miter saw with the ability to cut at an angle - video

From a hand-held circular on a wooden support table

You can also build a sawing machine for cutting wood blanks from a hand-held circular saw. It can be made from metal or wood, as shown in the picture below.

The design of such a miter saw is quite simple. To do it yourself you need:

  1. From sheets of plywood or chipboard, build a bed on which to fix a vertical stand with a structure of a kind of pendulum made of a board planted in it on a long hairpin. Previously, you need to cut holes in this board for attaching a manual circular.
  2. From a metal rod and a corner, make a rear movable hinge, and installing a spring on the rod, attach the hinge to the frame and pendulum, as is done in the following figure.
  3. Having disconnected the handle from the manual circular, we fix it in the slot on the pendulum of the machine.
  4. It remains to carefully lay the cable into the grooves provided for it, and, having connected the tool, make a cut in the tabletop. We fix the side stops at right angles to the cutting line. By making them rotary, it will be possible to cut workpieces at a given angle.

Homemade workbench (fasteners) without drawing

For the convenience of working on a miter saw, you need to make a workbench for it. It is advisable that it be collapsible, in case you have to work with the tool not at the place of residence, but at the construction site. Therefore, it is best to fasten the workbench tabletop to the legs using self-tapping screws. To make such a workbench you need:

Such a workbench can be used both in the home workshop and taken with you for export. to the place of work.

Miter saws are a unique tool for many woodworking construction jobs. When you have a need for such equipment, you can now choose the right trimmer for yourself, or make it yourself, if the need for sawing work does not arise too often.

A miter saw is most often a circular saw, the structural features of which allow you to cut many materials, including metals, with the best effect at one angle or another.

Today we will tell you what a miter saw is, what its characteristics are, how you can assemble it yourself and what to consider when choosing ready-made models. It is worth thinking about assembling the trimming with your own hands, because this will save you a lot of money.

Key features of miter saws

On sale, as a rule, there are two types of saws:

  • narrow-profile, with a specific purpose;
  • models equipped with a number of auxiliary functions.

Different types of saws differ from each other in terms of cost, which depends on the functions of the model and its manufacturer. The most famous brands of saws are:

  • Bosch;
  • Metabo;
  • "Makita";
  • Interskol and others.

This type of saw, as a miter saw, includes the following elements:

  • saw blade for cuts;
  • engine;
  • footboard with engine start button;
  • handle for holding and guiding the instrument.

Regardless of the type, the trimmer is equipped with a disc based on a durable material, which makes this tool universal for certain household needs.

Miter saw motor may be:

  • collector;
  • asynchronous.

The motor of the first type does not need constant monitoring and lubrication of parts, and the second type, asynchronous, is distinguished by its durability and quiet operation. Most often, it is located to the right of the cutting element of the structure. However, there are models of tools where the engine is placed at the back, this significantly improves visibility during manual work.

The engine starts to work by means of a gearbox, and its transmission can be gear or belt. If it is a belt, then the tool makes less noise and there is no vibration of the cutting element. And the gear train prevents the saw from slipping when cutting under heavy loads.

Features of the use of miter saws

Trimming, even assembled by hand, is capable of sawing such types of materials as:

  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • aluminum;
  • alloys based on non-ferrous metals.

The great thing about these kinds of tools is that they are compact and don't weigh too much. Maximum weight of the trimming machine is 30 kg, this indicator depends on the model and its functional features.

Cross-sections are widely used in the field of woodworking, where they can be used to perform a large number of tasks.

Saws of this type allow you to make "mustache" connections, and such machines are very popular in baguette shops and in the manufacture of furniture.

Some cutting-off models of tools are equipped with replaceable discs, which are designed to cut a particular material. Basically, all types of miter saws are made so that they can be set at a certain angle and size when the work table is turned. And some models allow you to turn only in one direction, this is cheapest options... Naturally, the cost of trimming modifications, which can rotate in different directions, will be much higher.

If the tool can be rotated 360 degrees, even very complex workpieces can be machined with it. Its saw head is tilted in relation to the table and can be easily adjusted to rotate. But remember that in order to determine the angle of rotation, you need to decide on the materials and workpieces for work.

The most optimal rotation of the tool through an angle is about 50 degrees.

How to make a miter saw with your own hands

If it is financially difficult for you to acquire an instrument, then you can assemble it yourself. How to do that, we will tell you below.

To make the bed, you will need:

  • thick sheet of metal;
  • steel corners (you can take an old bed).

Welding machine in steel sheet cut a hole, and its edges are filed.

An electric motor for assembling a tool with your own hands is not needed too powerful, 900 watts will be enough. It is installed on the base by means of an additional spring, which acts as a stabilizer.

To tilt the tool, efforts must be made, in particular to move the handle. But the result is a smooth motion for the saw unit.

Instrument parameters will be like this:

  • 100 mm - radius of the cutting disc;
  • 1500 rpm is the spindle speed.

All these parameters will allow you to easily process wood up to 70 mm thick using a self-assembled tool.

Be sure to include adjustable uprights and supports. Take a channel as the base of the pendulum riser, which will rest on a metal base.

As a result, our tool will be more durable and weighty, but cross-cut work with it will be done easily.

You can take a three-phase electric motor with a power of 2200 W, and for support a swinging plate on hinged joints. Due to the folding device, the belt of the pulley of the electric motor is tensioned. The pendulum can be made based on the material that has been prepared for the frame.

For comfortable work with wood, the saw diameter should be 420 mm, and the number spindle revolutions per minute - from 2800... As you can see, you can not only buy high-quality trimming, but also assemble it yourself.

Benefits of homemade miter saws

Homemade miter tools have a number of such advantages:

Disadvantages of homemade tools

Of course, along with the advantages of self-made models, there are also a number of disadvantages hand-assembled saws compared to factory counterparts:

  • not all construction details are of good quality, so there is no guarantee that the tool will last for a particular time. Manufacturers, on the other hand, always provide the buyer with information about the warranty period of the product, which, most often, is about three years;
  • poor performance compared to factory counterparts. Of course, it is extremely difficult to assemble a tool of high quality and high power on the basis of improvised materials with your own hands. Components must be selected as accurately as possible;
  • not every master is well versed in information on electric motors and other mechanical devices. If the choice is made incorrectly, then the tool will have to be repaired often, and this can result in financial investments exceeding the cost of a factory saw;
  • even if the factory model has the same technical characteristics with the self-made one, it will be more functional. For example, if only rectangular cuts can be made using homemade products, then using a factory saw you can process boards at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • safety of use. It is extremely rare that a home-made trimming model is equipped with protective covers, sometimes parts have a number of minor defects that can cause injury when working with the tool. Factory tools are safer to use.

End plate selection rules

Of course, if you have experience and are not ready to invest a lot of money in buying a tool, you can do it yourself. And if you decide to purchase a model from the manufacturer, then when buying, be sure to consider the following so as not to be disappointed later.

How to make a hand-made circular finish at home

Hello dear readers and subscribers of Andrey Noak's blog. In this article, I will show you how to make a hand circular miter for your household purposes and at the same time invest a minimum of production capital. End of hand circular. a good helper in your family, with which you can do "very big things"!

I think it is pointless to focus on the terms "circular", since everyone already knows first-hand what kind of adaptation it is, and there are enough thematic materials in my blog. I will try to tell you what a butt (face) is and provide as much useful information as possible for a visual presentation.

Fittings are divided into the following types:

  • Pendulum;
  • Combined;
  • With a brochure.

The pendulum finish is as follows. The frame is the basis of any machine. It also provides a table, which in turn is made on a swivel mechanism with a ruler. This device allows you to set the cutting angle with its adjustment.

The cutting angle can be adjusted by moving the work table relative to the plane of the frame. The saw element is secured with a lever and spring-loaded with a hinge. The pendulum moves the saw in a vertical direction.

As for the combined model variant, the angle of the cut can be changed, if necessary, in two directions. The device is similar to a pendulum saw, only an additional hinge is added to the structure. Regarding the change of the cutting angle in the horizontal plane, it can be changed in the horizontal direction, which, in turn, is opposite to the installed drive.

A saw with a lug allows you to move the cutting element both around the axis of the hinge mechanism and in a forward direction along the cut. This is achieved thanks to the installed guide (pictured below).

For convenience, on a transverse lathe, operators use a special circumferential trimming device called a chair. Uncomplicated design, consisting of a board tray, pressurized sheets of plywood or other material, pressing down clamping elements (clamps, etc.). How does this device work? I will try to answer this trivial question simply and clearly.

Read the same

The board is placed in a tray and pressed with a chipboard sheet. It is fixed with a clamping device and a hand saw, circular, Bulgarian, the sawing is cut through special side slots. Often the chair is used for cutting material at an angle of 45-90 degrees in home workshops on circulars. With this device, you can quickly cut the board into a pallet or board.

After all the information, you have an idea of ​​what the purpose is for and what it is for. Then I'll show you how to make the end of a hand circular from hand materials.

The basis of the design was a chipboard box. Has a "P" shape. It is confused and sealed by proxies. To prevent this shelf from moving, clamps are attached to the work table (workbench).

Miter saw by their hands.

In this video I will show how I, in 40 minutes, from what was lying around on the balcony. Ask.

MITER SAW, do it yourself. \ FIRMWORK SAW, with their own hands.

Regarding the usual thickness adjustment, it has three parts. Carrying column with dimension ruler, clamping device and part marking device. They are usually made from hard wood material.

Professional equipment

Now let's talk about professional equipment. To consider round cutter ZUBR PTA-255-1800. The tool is used to cut wood and thin-walled metal. Why? This is because it can both cut a workpiece and work as a round machine.

The main advantages of the model:

  1. Mobility;
  2. Compactness;
  3. Functionality;
  4. Safety system.

This machine combines end and circle at the same time. Installation of an adjustable head allows for high quality cuts. The machine allows you to cut longitudinally at any angle. The equipment is equipped with a drive blocking mechanism and. An industrial vacuum cleaner can be connected to this model to keep the workplace clean.

You can buy a transverse lathe for about 15-20 thousand rubles.

Another good option with all the gray mass of equipment can be identified with the Makita MLT100 tabletop mitral saw.

It is used both in daily life and in professional production in workshops and workshops. The design of the machine allows it to be moved on a special trolley and can be easily mounted in a specially designated place on the workbench. The sliding table allows you to work with bulky workpieces. The table is turned over both to the side and to the front. The long service life of this equipment is increased by the high quality parts and materials used in the assembly.

This allows you to make a cut both vertically and at a given slope. High precision of cutting parts thanks to the presence of latches, guides, scales with degrees and a ruler. The equipment combines end and circle at the same time.

A special advantage. the presence of a system for stabilizing the engine speed, which, in turn, plays an important role in the startup of equipment.

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Basically, a miter saw is the most common circular saw mounted above a table. Due to some features of the tool, it becomes possible to cut different materials at a specific angle with great effect.

This homemade miter saw can cut:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • various non-ferrous alloys.

The most important features of a miter saw are:

  • compactness;
  • light weight.

The weight of the machine can fluctuate and reach a maximum of 30 kg. It all depends on the specific model, its functional capabilities. Miter saws are widely used in the woodworking industry. With their help, you can solve a variety of tasks.

The use of a miter saw allows you to make a "mustache" connection. Such machines are called "trimming and trimming". This tool is widely used by masters of baguette workshops, it is also used in the production of furniture.

Miter saws allow you to cut parts made from a wide variety of materials. The cut-off models use replaceable discs that allow you to cut the appropriate type of material. Almost all types of miter saws are made in such a way that it is possible to set the tool at a specific angle and a specific size by rotating the table.

On some saw models, it is possible to rotate the tool only in a certain direction. Usually the cost of such a saw is quite low. When the saw can be turned in different directions, the machine has many added benefits. However, the cost of such a device is very high.

The saw can be rotated 360 ° to machine workpieces of any complex shape. The saw head is tilted relative to the work table. It is quite easy to adjust the saw rotation.

Every master who has conceived to perform homemade trimming must take into account this most important point. To determine the required angle of rotation, he must determine what materials and workpieces will be cut by the miter saw.

Rotation of the saw through an angle in the range of 45-55 ° is considered normalized.

Making and assembling a do-it-yourself miter saw

To make a bed, you need a thick sheet of metal and steel corners. An old bed is perfect for this purpose.

With the help of a welding machine, a hole is made in the steel sheet, the edges are finished with a file.

A low-power electric motor is suitable for work. 900 watts is enough. It is mounted on a base using an additional spring. It plays the role of a stabilizer.

Such a design requires some effort to tilt the system. To move the handle, you have to apply significant forces. The result is a smooth movement of the saw unit.

Device parameters:

  • cutting disc radius - 100 mm;
  • spindle speed - 1500 rpm.

These characteristics make it easy to handle wood with a maximum thickness of 70 mm.

If there is no bed at hand, the bed can be welded from metal corners.

Adjustable feet and legs should be provided. The basis of the pendulum rack is a channel, which rests on a metal base.

As a result, the installation gets additional strength, its weight is added. On such a machine, it is very easy to perform homemade trimming.

For work, you can use a three-phase electric motor with a power of 2,200 W. As a support, a swinging plate is mounted, which is held by the hinge joints. The pulley belt of the electric motor is tensioned by a folding device. The pendulum is made from the material that was used for the frame.

Saws with a diameter of 420 mm are suitable for work. The number of spindle revolutions must be at least 2800 rpm. With these parameters, it is possible to process wooden blocks 70 mm wide.

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Miter saw advantages

First of all, this applies to small financial investments. The cost of all components is quite affordable for every craftsman. Thanks to the high savings, an original and multifunctional cross-cut saw is obtained. However, such high savings can only come about if each component can be purchased very quickly.

For example, the absence of an electric motor of a certain power can affect the efficiency of the entire structure.

The advantages of such a homemade miter saw can be attributed to the fact that it fully meets the needs of the manufacturer. He can select the desired parameter of the machine, make a table of the appropriate size, set the saw rotation speed.

Of course, the advantage of such a machine is the master's knowledge of all the details and assemblies of the trimming device. He will be able to fix the breakdown very quickly, to carry out the necessary repairs. Such a homemade trimming can be considered a real competitor to factory counterparts.

A wide variety of equipment can be used for wood processing. Such material lends itself to processing, which determined its popularity in the production of various things. A cross-cut machine is used to change the size and shape of the workpieces. Its design is similar to that of a circular saw, however there are several differences that determine the popularity of the machine. The main advantages include low weight and overall dimensions, which makes it possible to install equipment in a home workshop. You can make a do-it-yourself wood miter saw, but as a rule, homemade products will be more cumbersome and less productive. It is convenient to operate this equipment in a stationary mode.

The purpose of the trimming machine

Unlike a circular saw, the miter saw in question can be used exclusively for trimming the ends of various sawn timber. Some models allow you to maintain a certain angle. In the case under consideration, trimming takes place when the workpiece is stationary, which determines a better cut. This moment determines the fact that a homemade miter saw in workshops is quite common, since only when using it can you make a clean, even end. Self-made saws can serve for several years without major repairs.

Trimming on the basis of a grinder

To solve the problem, a grinder is often used. It is ideal for making your own end-face miter saw. A homemade version will have the following technical characteristics:

  1. the revolutions of the grinder's disk should not be less than 4500 revolutions per minute;
  2. the cutting length is 350 millimeters. Note that this indicator is significantly higher than that of a factory instrument, which belongs to the middle class.

The created design allows you to remove the grinder from the table and use it as a regular tool.

When considering how to make such an execution option, we note the following points:

  1. the cutting tool is mounted on an axle, which is represented by a car wheel. This moment determines the possibility of facing at an angle. To fix the swivel mechanism, a bearing with a diameter of 150 millimeters is used. To fix the grinder, a special mechanism is used, which is attached to the pivot axis. After a certain time, it is recommended to lubricate this axis, as there is a possibility of a squeak;
  2. to fix a certain angle during the production of the machine on a bearing, from the outside, special lugs are welded on. The fixation is carried out with a screw, for example, M6. The ears should be fastened so that there is not a large distance between them. Otherwise, there is a likelihood of a strong backlash, which will significantly reduce the processing accuracy;

  3. the possibility of swarf entering the bearing must be avoided. This is due to the fact that the shavings inside the bearing lead to wear and poor turning of the cutting tool. The chips can be small enough to quickly wear out the bearing. The addition of a lubricant also eliminates the possibility of rapid bearing wear;
  4. a broach can be created using a shock absorber. It is recommended to choose versions from trucks, as they are more resistant to environmental influences. Broken shock absorbers can also be used. The preparation of the shock absorber consists in removing the oil and drilling holes, which become a kind of ventilation. The holes should be tightened with a mesh with small holes in order to exclude the possibility of wood chips getting into the ventilation system;
  5. in order not to feel a strong jerk at the beginning of work, the grinder should be equipped with a soft start module. This module, at the very beginning of the start, reduces the number of revolutions and spins the disc to the operating speed gradually. It is not possible to make a soft starter on your own; it must be removed from another device or purchased separately.

The last step in production is the creation of the saw blade. This element eliminates the likelihood of foreign bodies entering the cutting zone. Your own miter saw can be used at home.

However, the design in question also has significant drawbacks that should be taken into account. These include:

  1. DIY miter saw is very noisy. This is due to the peculiarities of the grinder. During processing, noise appears, which is almost impossible to reduce;
  2. the cross-cut machine is used for high-quality processing of end surfaces. That is why quite a lot of attention is paid to the accuracy of the positioning of the grinder with the disc relative to the workpiece. To adjust the location of the grinder with a disc, trimming bars are used. The rod should be fixed with a bolt, after which processing can be carried out.

The drawings of the trimming machine determine that it can be installed quite simply in almost any workshop. It should be borne in mind that the structure is small, and the workpiece can be quite large. In order to eliminate the likelihood of loss of accuracy during processing, the structure should be fastened to the base.

Particular attention is paid to the type of disc installed. Initially, the grinder was designed for metal processing, which determines the presence of a large number of discs for metal. But there are also discs for wood processing, which have their own characteristics.

In conclusion, we note that there are quite a few drawings that can be used to create a miter saw. Some are quite simple to implement, others are difficult to implement.

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