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I am a boring person. Boring man

15 habits of oh-very boring people.
Almost everyone turned out to be in an awkward situation when you and your interlocutor simultaneously dried up the topics for conversation. This is usually accompanied by some confusion and embarrassment: is I really interested in him less than I thought? I (sigh) is so boring?

We are not trying to make paranoids from you - absolutely everyone has the ability and potential to become an interesting person. But if you seem boring - your constant fear, check the presence of the signs listed below in your behavior.

15 signs of a boring person

1. Sophisticated people lead unbalanced conversations

Instead of alternating a monologue with a hearing, boring people fall into one of the extremes. Asymmetry is formed in the communication field between "take and give" - \u200b\u200bthat is, they or silently look, nothing to say, or only they say without listening to the interlocutor.

2. Boring people do not know how to determine how the interlocutors are passionate about the conversation with them

If you are considered boring, you probably do not understand the language of the body of another person. A man boring makes the habit of continuously chatting, ignoring the signals of the body of the interlocutor's body, which show (although, perhaps, not loudly!): "I'm not interested in what you say, and I nod every a few seconds to seem polite every few seconds. "

3. Boring people can't make others laugh

The sense of humor implies the ability to see a phenomenon or event from an unexpected point of view, and then, naturally, ridiculously. Boring people are not capable of it.

Bonus: If you know how to laugh people, you are much easier to appoint a date!

4. Boring people have nothing to say

Ham is the one who is overwhelmed, cutting and deprived of a clock in social situations, and a boring person, on the contrary, is excessively causing, far-sighted and always acts with a loaf.

Where the loud-see cham is confident that he is the most interesting person among those present, the quiet bore is convinced that it is better to say anything, because - who wants to listen to him? These are people who always answer questions evasively: "I don't know," "like that", "probably".

5. Boring people always make the same thing

Andy complained about friends who went to the pub every weekend, and expressed disappointment when he did not want to join them - Andy preferred to visit museums, read books or to make hiking in nature.

"For me, what makes a man boring is to lead a sedentary lifestyle without any diversity," says Andy. - "Diverse experience allows you to talk about many things, even in those weekends when you go to the pub. Now you really have something to discuss! ".

Deciding for changes, you will feel better, as Novelty and challenge make people happier.

6. Boring people do not have their own opinions.

7. Boring people do not know how to tell interesting stories.

If you want to truly captivate others, you must be able to tell stories. By the way, according to research, men who know how to do this, are doubly attractive for women.

8. Boring people can not add anything new

Studies show that we are programmed at the level of the cerebral cortex, on the permanent search for novelty. This is a consequence of more than 800 thousand years of evolution.

If you do not offer anything to the interlocutor, you will not stimulate his brain. For many, a boring person is the one from whom we cannot recognize anything new.

9. Boring people cannot look at things from the point of view of other people.

Boring people, as a rule, cannot (or do not want) to understand how the world appears from the point of view of others. The ability to put ourselves to the place of another person automatically makes you an interesting interlocutor. The key value in the development of this ability has emotional intelligence.

10. Boring people do not know how to engage in a conversation

What makes us boring - this is the inability to involve others in an interesting conversation. This usually happens when a boring person wants to speak and immerses the mass of insignificant details.

This ability is also associated with Empathy: If you do not understand that someone feels off from the conversation, you are boring.

11. Boring people do not know how to improvise

If you have a ready-made script for each possible conversation and you cannot deviate from it, you have problems.

Eric tells:

"It often happened that someone in the conversation mentioned the topic that I did not know anything. In order to stay in the conversation, I try to insert any funny remark or anecdote, even if you are remotely connected.

To enjoy a good interlocutor, it is not necessary to say only the right things, you just have to say something that picks up another person. The conversation is similar to the game of the ball: if you do not throw it back, the game is completed. "

12. Boring people say monotonous

The person who speaks monotonously, we automatically put in the category "boring". It makes others think that you are overly serious when you want to be sarcastic; No one considers that you are excited or inspired by something, on the contrary, everyone will decide that you are just Lyuto hate everything in the world. And yet - a monotonous voice makes you look silly and limited.

13. Boring people constantly negatively configured.

People who are full of negative are the most boring category of all. Negative behaviors are divided into three categories:

- Mentality of the victim: "I poured again! Why don't I do so? Why me? Why?"

- Mentality of the deficit: "I was again deprived of this chance! Oh no!".

- Mentality accusations: "This is all because of the government! The president is to blame! Because there are competitors! It's all about you! This is all because of your drawbacks! "

14. Boring people are constantly repeated

Have you heard about the most boring storyteller? He tells the same story again and again! Read news or spend a couple of hours to find fresh material.

15. Boring people are always bored

Boredom is a bilateral street. People from which are bored, admit that they themselves are often bored.
Conversely: Most people are infected with your excitement and excitement, so show it!

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Almost everyone turned out to be in an awkward situation when you and your interlocutor simultaneously dried up the topics for conversation. This is usually accompanied by some confusion and embarrassment: is I really interested in him less than I thought? I (sigh) is so boring?

We are not trying to make paranoids from you - absolutely everyone has the ability and potential to become an interesting person. But if you seem boring - your constant fear, check the presence of the signs listed below in your behavior.

15 signs of a boring person

1. Sophisticated people lead unbalanced conversations

Instead of alternating a monologue with a hearing, boring people fall into one of the extremes. Asymmetry is formed in the communication field between "take and give" - \u200b\u200bthat is, they or silently look, nothing to say, or only they say without listening to the interlocutor.

2. Boring people do not know how to determine how the interlocutors are passionate about the conversation with them

If you are considered boring, you probably do not understand the language of the body of another person. A man boring makes the habit of continuously chatting, ignoring the signals of the body of the interlocutor's body, which show (although, perhaps, not loudly!): "I'm not interested in what you say, and I nod every a few seconds to seem polite every few seconds. "

3. Boring people can't make others laugh

The sense of humor implies the ability to see a phenomenon or event from an unexpected point of view, and then, naturally, ridiculously. Boring people are not capable of it.

Bonus: If you know how to laugh people, you are much easier to appoint a date!

4. Boring people have nothing to say

Ham is the one who is overwhelmed, cutting and deprived of a clock in social situations, and a boring person, on the contrary, is excessively causing, far-sighted and always acts with a loaf.

Where the loud-see cham is confident that he is the most interesting person among those present, the quiet bore is convinced that it is better to say anything, because - who wants to listen to him? These are people who always answer questions evasively: "I don't know," "like that", "probably".

5. Boring people always make the same thing

Andy complained about friends who went to the pub every weekend, and expressed disappointment when he did not want to join them - Andy preferred to visit museums, read books or to make hiking in nature.

"For me, what makes a man boring is to lead a sedentary lifestyle without any diversity," says Andy. - "Diverse experience allows you to talk about many things, even in those weekends when you go to the pub. Now you really have something to discuss! ".

Deciding for changes, you will feel better, as Novelty and challenge make people happier.

6. Boring people do not have their own opinions.

7. Boring people do not know how to tell interesting stories.

If you want to truly captivate others, you must be able to tell stories. By the way, according to research, men who know how to do this, are doubly attractive for women.

8. Boring people can not add anything new

Studies show that we are programmed at the level of the cerebral cortex, on the permanent search for novelty. This is a consequence of more than 800 thousand years of evolution. If you do not offer anything to the interlocutor, you will not stimulate his brain. For many, a boring person is the one from whom we cannot recognize anything new.

9. Boring people cannot look at things from the point of view of other people.

Boring people, as a rule, cannot (or do not want) to understand how the world appears from the point of view of others. The ability to put ourselves to the place of another person automatically makes you an interesting interlocutor. The key value in the development of this ability has emotional intelligence.

10. Boring people do not know how to engage in a conversation

What makes us boring - this is the inability to involve others in an interesting conversation. This usually happens when a boring person wants to speak and immerses the mass of insignificant details. This ability is also associated with Empathy: If you do not understand that someone feels off from the conversation, you are boring.

11. Boring people do not know how to improvise

If you have a ready-made script for each possible conversation and you cannot deviate from it, you have problems.

Eric tells:

"It often happened that someone in the conversation mentioned the topic that I did not know anything. In order to stay in the conversation, I try to insert any funny remark or anecdote, even if you are remotely connected.

To enjoy a good interlocutor, it is not necessary to say only the right things, you just have to say something that picks up another person. The conversation is similar to the game of the ball: if you do not throw it back, the game is completed. "

12. Boring people say monotonous

The person who speaks monotonously, we automatically put in the category "boring". It makes others think that you are overly serious when you want to be sarcastic; No one considers that you are excited or inspired by something, on the contrary, everyone will decide that you are just Lyuto hate everything in the world. And yet - a monotonous voice makes you look silly and limited.

13. Boring people constantly negatively configured.

People who are full of negative are the most boring category of all. Negative behaviors are divided into three categories:

Mentality of the victim: "I poured again! Why don't I do so? Why me? Why?"

The deficit mentality: "I was again deprived of this chance! Oh no!".

Mentality accusations: "This is all because of the government! The president is to blame! Because there are competitors! It's all about you! This is all because of your drawbacks! "

14. Boring people are constantly repeated

Have you heard about the most boring storyteller? He tells the same story again and again! Read news or spend a couple of hours to find fresh material.

15. Boring people are always bored

Boredom is a bilateral street. People from which are bored, admit that they themselves are often bored.
Conversely: Most people are infected with your excitement and excitement, so show it! published.

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

We are afraid of boredom. In the conversation, we do not love to miss, but even more we do not want to bother others.

QUORA website users tried to figure out what exactly the person makes it boring, and here to describe what damn character and habits of boring people they came.

Boring people do not know how to talk

Psychologists often compare the conversation with the game of tennis: all participants should have both served, and take strikes (in this case themes and ideas). Instead of finding a balance in conversation, boring people or just say, or only listen.

It is difficult for them to determine the interest of the interlocutor.

A boring person most likely does not pay attention to the behavior and language of the body of their interlocutors. He misses those signals that suggest that the conversation became one-sided.

A person makes a boring continuous chatter and ignoring signals that say (sometimes even screaming): "I'm not interested in what you say, but I nod every a few seconds from politeness."

It is difficult for them to make people laugh

The sense of humor cannot be imagined without a certain flexibility of the mind, the ability to analyze the idea or event from a variety of parties and prospects. Boring people lack this skill.

Boring people mired in routine

If you have friends who go into the same club every weekend and offended if you do not want to join because, say, a hike in the museum, trips to another city or quiet evening for a book or film, it is not surprising that You sometimes be bored with these friends.

A variety of events, actions and new impressions help to fill in conversation with stories, facts and themes that everyone is interesting.

Boring people have nothing to add

There are two types of boring people - loud and quiet. The first believe that they are the most interesting people and everyone looks forward to knowing their opinion, which has not been expressed more than once. The second usually sit aside and are confident that their opinion is not interested in anyone.

No one usually has nothing to add to the current conversation.

Boring people do not have their own opinions

If a person never critically considers and does not appreciate his thoughts, arguments and beliefs, then, most likely, his opinion is not able to evolve and develop.

People who do not see or do not want to look at what is outside of their usual beliefs are boring. They are capable only day after day to repeat their narrow look into many topics.

Boring people do not know how to tell stories

In order to interest the interlocutor, it is important to be able to tell stories - entertaining, cognitive and intriguing. This is a successful communication. If the story does not care and does not impress the storyteller, then she is not impressed by the listeners.

To learn how to tell your own stories, it is important to be able to "pull out" stories from the interlocutors and are truly interested in them.

Boring people do not look at things from the point of view of others

Boring people - usually those who are unable to put themselves in place of another person. That is why it is difficult for them to understand that the conversation can be conducted from the point of view of another person.

Boring people have nothing to study

The need for new knowledge, skills and fresh information is extremely important for people. This is an evolutionary need, no wonder they say that "knowledge is power."

If a person does not bring anything new to the conversation, he is not interested in others.

Boring people do not care about the interlocutors

For a harmonious and interesting conversation, it is important that all participants are interested and have the opportunity to express their opinion.

Inability to include other people in a conversation makes a person boring.

Temar despair often has to observe professional psychologists in his long-term practice, when a girl's session is visited with the words: "I'm boring, it's disturbing my heart every day!" It would seem, here we found a problem, here the main thing is a mental attitude, but no!

Awareness of the problem

For durable people - this is a series of everyday events, no different, which are not impressive and is not inspired by active actions. Thus, it is difficult to change my life primarily, therefore my life, because a boring person is a diagnosis. It pleases that everything is fixable when a person realizes that he has problems and it is time to be implemented from the inside, the trend is favorable.

Specialist basic help

Before drastically change the lifestyle, psychologists advise the internal self-analysis, to disassemble their desires, preferences, to understand for themselves that you are for a person. Ask a subconscious question: "Why am I boring? Why I can't be pleased with myself in everyday life? "The misconception is that the girls believe that the root of the evil is laid in their inquiry, which can manifest itself in an incorrect, incorrect opinion, in communicating with others. Self-criticism is useful, but in limited quantities, it is not worth fling, to make the body with negative thoughts. It is fraught with long diseases, and both psychological and physical. Disassemble yourself around the bones, not in the literal sense, of course, open your capabilities. Edit that your "boring" is in your hidden character, you are afraid to express yourself, express, in Avoiding human condemnation. It is important to understand that you are not searched for the opinion and it is your opinion that is a well-deserved place in this world.

Knowledge of his personality

To understand your individuality, in fact, - since self-knowledge can make you in the secluded corners of your heart, hit the unpredictability of the results. The idea that you are a boring girl will leave you at all throughout the study of your capabilities, talents and preferences. Try to create a list of what you tried in life, for example, in which places we visited, which cooking was knocked, whether important decisions were made, changed your life once. If you are not a ten-year-old child, then the list will be impressive, it is important to just remember even not bright trivia. Highlight items that are prioritized among the others, praise yourself in your hands for the work done, the conclusions about our own person should ask themselves, first of all that you are not reliable.

Disclosure of opportunities, overcoming boundaries

If the idea of \u200b\u200b"boring" is still spinning in the head, despite the expired expirations from the list, it's time to resort to the unexplored. They certainly awakened the desires who have not yet met in a modest of your life: to learn the elementary sewing technique, drive a brush on canvas, make copyright dolls, drive the ball on the football playground, know the mastery of makeup. A million examples can be brought, as can be developed in a variety of directions, it would be desire. As a rule, we arrange the barriers ourselves, but the obstacles to the beginning of the development of the person do not exist, even in retirement age.

Shocaderates, or unusual circumstances

"So what to do if I am boring and do not notice myself interesting features, despite the fact that in life engaged in life with each other's classes? "For such" blind "girls, individual advice - psychological shocuser. You jumped with a parachute, dived with aqualung, swam with the resourceful dolphins or, on the contrary, with bloodthirsty sharks, arranged fire Shows, shouted on a crowded street, how are you happy? No? Then what are we waiting for? Forward, towards extravagant actions that are not typical for you! Believe me, the excavated adrenaline will make its significant thing, will cause a global storm of emotions, pleasant memories that are enough for To share them with your loved ones and acquaintances, it will be about what to tell and unfamiliar buddies. You will feel undoubtedly, as at this stage of development your individuality is revealed, and then it will also want to continue.

Professional growth - a consequence of a developing personality

Customers depressed by the depressive state attend psychologists when they believe that they have boring work, what to do in this case? The answer is easier than they think - it is worth changing the place of our everyday dislocation. Deceived by their desires, in his youth, teenagers make bets on the selected specialization at the institute, technical school or in any other educational institution. The problem is the inconsistency of the views, immaturity of the character, the absence of experience, which entails an erroneous choice of profession, in which it is quite realistic to grow to a solid employee, but at the same time it is possible to actually become unhappy. According to the deplorable statistics, 70-80% of people visit the unlisted work every day, naturally, most of them are not satisfied with the sphere of activity, no results are achieved. Being happy - the concept of a multiple, everyone has its own happiness, but a priority is to find yourself, find out what is likely in reality. It is never too late to know ourselves, implemented in other areas of life, perhaps your vocation is to make happy kids, organize solemn events, and in the meantime you sit in the office over the dwarf documents.

The impact of characteristic changes to personal life

The heart of a woman was created for love, caress, passionate relationships, for the sake of his native little man. Girls are able to change, adapt, to become better in all their manifestations in order to please the precious chosen one. Not single cases when the girl at the reception at a psychologist is divided unpleasant: "The other day I was on a date, it seemed that everything went well, but at the end of the evening the guy said that I was boring, and hardly with him something will be serious ". Agree, really affects self-esteem and makes you think about your own behavior. Female individuals in their strategic nature are able to think over the topics for the conversation, casual at first glance, an attractive image before going to a meeting with a man. But this is not enough to win due attention of men, it is quite realistic to confuse the tactics of behavior with a specific chosen one, because it is not known what this handsome wants. So at the end of a promising evening, do not sit with a questioning look "Is I boring?" It is necessary throughout the entire period of conscious ages to develop in all directions, to know the sciences that are not familiar to you, but interesting in their significance, affect "men's" topics: cars, fishing, sports, weapons, hunting. Comprehensive development even in small quantities is useful for communicating with the opposite sex, the interest of only female beauty, it is hardly delayed for a long time.

It is time to turn the inner world

Commendable when a person wants to change entirely and completely, refuse harmful habits, change the style, create a specific creative image, albeit not all clear, and interest directly with your individuality, stop being boring, tedious. Extravagance is welcomed in such cases when in the root I want to change the life, change the generation of the activity, the manner of communication, to show out of the expression of feelings. Napless aspect is self-confidence, their own, determination in actions. Do not be afraid to show discontent or, on the contrary, admiration, you will hear, therefore, will notice and will be obliged to listen in the future if you do not slow the perseverance in certain circumstances. The banal phrase "Everything in your hands" has a place directly to be in the life of any little man, even the most imperceptible and quiet, so also capable of turning the world.

Rapid way to full-fledged life

If you decide to change, you are not going to stop any difficulties, to improve, develop, become attractive for most people, to occupy a worthy position in society, then it is time to take a few steps to the implementation of hidden opportunities, talents and desires. Psychologists provide a modest list of consecutive steps for self-improvement:

  1. Stop changing yourself: "I'm boring." Otherwise, you do not see the optimistic mood. It is known that uncertainty in own power generates life passivity and pressure in themselves.
  2. Take a look "to ourselves" with the help of a mirror, read each face dash, the depth of the eyes, the thoughtfulness of the look, look in yourself what you do not notice from others and identify the features inherent only to you. Love yourself any, understand, such as you - no, and this is already individuality.
  3. Many trainings, both individual and group, is carried out in modern societyIt has ceased to be wildness and is safely perceived by people, moreover, the attendance of training on personal growth increases every year. When training on courses of adaptation to life circumstances and personal development, it is easy to find new friends with whom there will also be common interests,
  4. Do not sharpen attention to the opinions of others, it can introduce you to a life stupor at a responsible moment of decision making, be without doubt self-esteem and unshakable energy.
  5. It is worth choosing interesting areas of activity in which the focus will not be faded, but only to gain momentum in full strengthThus, it is realistic to transform from a tedious scientist in an unpredictable show man. Open yourself, know and believe only in your strength.

My problem is that I am very boring, fresh and uninteresting girl. And somehow change yourself, it does not work. I tried, although it is possible and bad. In addition, I am stupid, and no beauty. In principle, I got sick with it, accepted as a fact. But I still feel very bad, because. I understand that I will never have friends and a guy. What to talk to me? There is nothing to wait. And I so want friends, a husband, children. I'm so tired of the loneliness. In God, I have been pleased about it, I go to church. But he does not help me. Yes, and it can not make me so interesting! Probably he understands that I can not, therefore does not give. In addition, I also have a patient. In general, full set! People help me please. I do not know what to do. Bad very and lonely. And I really understand what is doomed to full loneliness or kind. death. And God will not help here
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Olga, Age: 18/09/03/2010


Olenka, do not consider himself foolish and not beautiful, because if you perceive ourselves to themselves, and those around you do the same !!! You need to raise myself to raise !!! Go to a psychologist, buy yourself a new clothes that you like, go to the beauty salon, just tell yourself: "I am a beautiful, I am the best" and more smile to people !!! And everything will be fine !!! Why don't you wait?! You are only 18 years old. Still ahead and husband, and children, and happy family !!! You write that you are sick now healthy people, all have some kind of diseases! Do not think that you are doomed to loneliness, think you will be happy !!! From my everyday classmates, those whom everyone thought that they would get married the last or would remain alone, had long been married and happy !!! And the shumby girls who were considered beautiful in school years, still alone !!!
Only herself to learn to love himself, appreciate and not to give offense !!! Then there will be in your life who will also love, appreciate and respect you and wants to spend the whole life with you !!!

Julia, Age: 22/09/03/2010

You can always change yourself in best sideThe mind is nanic, and beauty is not an external.

murmon, Age: 39/09/03/2010

Good evening Olga !!! I understand how it hurts you, and unbearably sad !!! You think that all life is over, and it makes no sense to fight, but believe it is not so !!! you need to patience, and try to understand what way to choose! Who would you want to communicate with? !!

Klim, Age: 30/09/03/2010

Swallow, who told you that you are boring and uninteresting? What else is it? If you believe in God, you should know that a person is created in the image and likeness of it, which means that it is originally a person cannot be stupid, ugly and so on. So you just can not think. Each person personality and you including. 18 years old is a stunning age. Olga, you are a bud, which is gradually revealed! We are trembling shoulders, raise the head and see the admiring glances that passersby are thrown on you. We appreciate yourself, because you are God's creature, a vessel in which mind, power, beauty. And in no case is not the system of your self-esteem in the opinion of others, only small children do. Another advice: Never stop improving, put the goal and overcome them. An unusually delicious pie that you baked, the exam, which you passed, the English book in the original that I read, all these are small human victories that lead to excellence and wisdom. And no "I am boring, fresh" and so on ...) You are the only and unique (and believe that it is these words to the appointed Hour to you will tell you your second half, which has everyone, you just need to be able to wait and not forget prepare for this meeting ... improve).

Alina, Age: 28/09/03/2010

Hello good, cute girl. The most important thing to love yourself as you are. There are no interesting people, everyone has a different degree of compactivity, discrepancy, eloquence, etc. But do you really surround you surround intellectuals, handsome, healthy athletes? Yes, there is no same as you are medium statistical people. You do not dream of getting academician or diplomat into my husbands, although everything is in the power of God, and a good working good guy with dreams like your dreams must eat, you just need to believe that it is inevitable for you. And of course, to be fully armed, do not knock at the meeting, a little earlier work on yourself. 1. Take yourself such what is - for this there are picheological trainings, authitrening (everything can be found on the Internet, engage in self-restoring or in the group) 2. A little raise your intelligence - you do not like to read, see the film screening of the works of classics writers (this is also It will give the work of the soul), the ongoing programs (there are entire channels) 3. Increase self-esteem - put for a problem tasks, goals (start smile) and force yourself to achieve their execution (this and fantasy and disappointly develop). And beauty is generally nonsense, the main thing is internally charm. And you have it. I will tell the story. Some time ago, a young family settled next to me: husband, wife, small child. He is a successful handsome man, the child is a miracle, and she is a nondescript, sutula, neutral, forever in sportswear. And all the time thought: "How did she manage to get such a husband?" And once we have talked to her, she did not say anything awesome, did not shine the intellect was very simple, but such charm, cleanliness, sincerity, good nature, gone from her. And after that, her image always appeared as a precious flower, the appearance never bored her eyes. I do not know what you are sick, but I know that this man does not stop it, and many even prefer women with their health deviations, it makes it possible to mostly show their care, feel Chatting even more than next to a successful beauty . According to the experience, I know, successful beauties are more unreliable in personal than unspireous appeals. And last: you are a well done that you believe in God, go to the temple, just do not allow anything that you show, believe and will be given. Any knowledge and any fulfillment of desires is given to us only to the extent that we can take this momentSo as not to harm us. The Lord knows better to whom and when, what is needed, and if you hurry, go to the stub, then in life I can occur the things irreparable, even tragic. Wait, Nadya, Believe, God is always with you, which means you are not alone and always lazy.

Irina, Age: 48 / 03/09/2010

Hi, Olya! I do not think that you are as described by yourself. I believe that you will have a husband and children, and real happiness. But what's wrong with me ??? The main thing is that you believe it!
And in general, we are all doomed to death, no one will live forever, but while we live, you need to believe in all the good, and not to configure yourself to future death.
I sincerely wish you happiness !!!

Article of Orthodox psychologists about low self-esteem

Sun, Age: 17/09/03/2010

Olga, try not to let yourself think about what you are doomed to loneliness. Such thoughts, the person himself does not allow any friends or a loving man in his life.
Try a little bit to change if you think that people are bored with you, read more literature, maybe it makes sense to watch good movies to have something to talk about with buddies.
In general, any person is interested to talk about herself, and if in conversation you will ask a person about his life, about his hobby or work, already impress the good interlocutor.
About beauty and happy family life - Believe my experience - there is no connection here.
I have one of the best friends with a meter growth and forty-eight centimeters has a very strong degree of scoliosis. At the same time, she has a son, a decent husband, and other girls with a very pretty appearance often complain that men see them only a beautiful toy, and inner world Women on the drum. So the lack of spectacular appearance, fashionable clothes simply excludes from our circle of communicating people nearly dark.
It is impossible to despair, Olga!
Take yourself as it is, and try less bother about the mind and beauty. Just live. And there - how God will give.
Good luck!

Steppe, age: 31/10/03/2010

I will say on behalf of the guy, to be fresh in not fresh society very interesting :) Do not give up :) Good luck

half aim, age: 21/10/03/2010

Hi Olya, when I was 18, I also visited the thoughts about that I was not interested in and I wanted to die, I began to look for a way to do it, I was consulted with like-minded people, I tried it, I didn't work out, I lived for 3 years. It was aimed at and implementing it, of course, it is very difficult, in such cases I listen to music in the style of rock (Zemfira, Nautius Publiilius, Cinema, Agatha Christi-Songs are sad, but the right, about life), which is very well distracting from the difficulty of life and Makes to live and fight on.

T @ NCH [Email Protected] , Age: 21/10/03/2010

Cute, nice girl!
You correctly wrote - a person was created in the image and likeness of God. And you. And I. We all. Only we refer to this to appearance, and the Lord looks not on the face, but on the soul. Did you hear about such a woman - Mother Teresa? Do you know how many people she helped how many people loved her, admired her? Have you ever seen her photo? Do not be lazy, find on the Internet. Looked? Beauty? And now think, is there always love and beauty go hand in hand.

Well, the fact that the Lord does not answer your plea - maybe a lot of various reasons. It is possible that in his eyes you are so beautiful and attractive that he simply does not understand what you still want. And it is possible that the Lord is experiencing you - your patience, humility. Maybe he is waiting for you to understand that beauty is so different. For some, this person is beautiful, but for others there is no. Maybe you are surrounded by such people whom the Lord does not want to see among your friends. You just need to believe and know that the Lord is never late and everything gives at one time.
Indeed, he does not always respond to our requests, but not because he is once or not before us. Perhaps what we ask for us are not useful or not needed or simply not by time, and therefore until you receive an answer.

Well, as for her husband, children ... Believe, my good, it will still be. Do not torpid life. She flies so fast ...

Elena, age: 45/10/03/2010

Olenka, I once heard about God very interesting statement: "Our faith in God is like faith in a pot (night pot). We appeal to it when we need it very much," we pressed the need "and forget about it when we are good." In my life, too, everything was not immediately not immediately, I thought about myself bad, apparently not quite beautiful, not quite intelligent - at that age we always attend doubts, it is right and good. We are critical to ourselves we treat yourself, but if everything will be arranged in ourselves, then we will stop developing and becoming better, you understand? Any crisis is given to us over our development. Believe, now when you are in the crisis, you are developing and getting better. You say: "To whom it is necessary, no one will appreciate. After all, I don't have something else." Time will come and will appreciate and you still will be glad that it was able to move, survive, overcome my fears and doubts, to drive away the despondency. You will look and admire. And what about the second half, you think: "To whom I need!" And read how much the guys write about help, how many need to communicate. You think they love for beauty, no! You are very mistaken, yes, you may first look at the beauty first, but they like the soul !!! Open your soul to another. Help advice to someone from the guys, offer to be filled, be friends, help each other in the word, advice, support. So many lonely people, do not come in their ranks, on the contrary to give them a hand of help and stand in the ranks of those who love to live, communicate and you will see how many you will immediately be interesting, you need and may soon find that there is someone And maybe he is not a superman and not super handsome, but his soul is live and warm and you are ready to go with him for a long time on this life and keep it, and he is you. After all, he is also afraid and he is also alone too. Good luck to you, Olenka! Believe God hears you always and loves because no one is able to love on Earth, they just believe in it and do not try to check it out. When you learn to just believe without any evidence, you can be happy ....

Helen, Age: 34/10/03/2010

Olya, hello.
I once thought myself uninteresting and ugly ... Unfortunately, the girl does not bloom at once, maybe it will happen later. I am not only about appearance, as well as about the development of interests and other things, the development of the person in general. Therefore, if now you are unhappy - this does not mean that it will always be so. Dudi change!
Find, at least one lesson, which you are interested in, which makes you smile and rejoice, and just do it. Now there will be interest.
It seems that you have complexes ... You can also fight with this, through psychotherapy ...
As for men - they love sincere and cheerful, girls who are burning!
You need to work on yourself as it should.
Believe. I know many girls who were shy ducklings in 18 years old, but now they have everything differently! And this is the path too - to take yourself, love, learn to enjoy life, the sun, good people ... And these are not empty words.

Alesya, age: 23/11/11/2010

My swallow, you are only 18 years old)) Think about it, you still get married early and give birth to children! Take the case, if there is no money for training courses, then you have the Internet. Read the books electronic, see movies, listen to modern and classical music and it will quickly raise you a mood well and intelligence. Although I'm 100% sure that you are not stupid !!! As for beauty, I want to say that there are no ugly girls, there are only those who do not want to care! Go to the hairchera make a fashionable haircut, causing the nails brightly brightly, lay the peak, make a spring makeup. If you don't know how, then google to help you) you are very interesting !!! Do not think about the bad)) Remember you are beautiful, smart, interesting))) And God will help you if you believe))

TRASH, Age: 17 / 13.03.2010

Hi, Olya. Surely you consider yourself uninteresting due to the fact that you have no friends .. In fact, many of them almost or not at all. So what..!? So we are not all interesting? I doubt it deeply .. just a society today, let's say, not easy. And if we are honest good decent people, then friends will appear (or at least a friend), by all means ... and believe in God is always needed, yes, at some points it is very hard, but without faith is even harder. I am sure that you are not a stupid person: the estimates of the item relative. Yes, and often smart educated people Such bastards .. entitled. About beauty correctly say that there are no ugly girls. In any girlfriend, who follows, has a good hairstyle. Of course, there is something. :) And about the primacy of inner beauty and not stand: everything is not clear. Take care of yourself! (Health is invaluable, but most problems with him) and take care of your soul, do not burn yourself. All is well :) Happiness to you!

Strangerin, Age: 17/14/03/2010

If you are an ugly salon to help. And at all, I do not beautiful girl I did not see. It's not necessary to launch yourself. This is the main reason. For example, the transformation of the body is very changing life. Start attending the solarium, make a bright hairstyle ... at discretion.
Get out sports, sign up into the gym, remember old friends. And yes, by the way. On people Never show that you are unhappy. Like people and open the view.
Become more feminine. In your wardrobe alone pants, cereal and jumper.