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Last time analysis of the work of Rasputin

Creativity Rasputin - display of values modern man. Valentin Rasputin is one of the most famous and talented writers of modern Russian literature.

The theme of modern perception of morality is fundamental for most of its works. Most often mentioned his story " Deadline", Which author calls the most important thing in his own creativity.

His works are filled with alive images and thoughts that help disclose changes occurring in the psychology of a modern person.

Rasputin's eyes we see the loss of many valuable human qualities, the writer shows how gradually kindness, mercy and conscience go out of the hearts of people, and how it affects the life of society as a whole, and in particular the life and fate of every person.

Meaning of the story "last term"

Topics that affect Rasputin in the Tale "Latest Term", deeper and multifaceted than it may seem at first glance.

Relations between family members, attitudes towards parents, alcoholism, old age, concepts of conscience and honor all these motifs are woven into a single display of the sense of human life in the "last period"; And affecting these topics, Rasputin only displays reality.

the main thing actor Tale is the eighty-year old old woman Anna, who lives at his son. Her inner world Filled with experiences about children who have long been driving and leading life separately from each other. Anna thinks only that she would like to see them happy before she dies. And if not happy, then just see them all for the last time.

But her grown children are children of modern civilization, busy and business, they have their own families, and they can think about many things - and all of them enough time and effort, except for the mother. For some reason, they almost don't remember about her, not wanting to understand that for her the feeling of life was left only in them, the thoughts about them only lives.

When Anna feels the approach of death, she is ready to suffer to the end a few more days, because she really wants to see his family. Until his last minute, she loves them with all the souls and vital powerWhat else remained in it, but the children find time and attention to it only for the sake of decency.

Rasputin reveals their lives so that it seems that they generally live on white light for the sake of decency. Moreover, the sons were mired in drunkenness, and daughters are busy with their "important" affairs.

They are ridiculous and insincere in their last desire to pay attention to the dying mother. After all, B. the last days The mother's life of them could even correct something, could just sincerely talk to her and pay attention to her worthy of the matrix, but they were not enough for it.

Analysis of the plan "Last term" - the meaning of the name

Valentin Rasputin indicates modern society And a person on their moral fall, on that worn, heartlessness and egoism, who searched their lives and souls.

Why do such people live? For anger and hatred, envy and disrespect for other people? If they can not even like to say goodbye to the dying mother that you can talk about their attitude to the world around them, about their life destination and role ...

The writer shows how pitiful the life of such people, how badless and gloomy, and the main idea It is that they have created such a world around themselves.

And only one question remains concerning the name of the story and what is the point in it put Rasputin.

The old Anna was lying on a narrow iron bed near the Russian stove and waited for death, the time for which it seemed to fit: the old woman was under eighty. She looked at himself for a long time and kept her legs, but three years ago, remaining completely without Silenok, surrendered and slightly. In the summer she looked like, and she crawred into the courtyard, he walked around in the sun, and then he passed with Ridge across the street to the old woman Mironich, but by autumn, in front of the snow, the last one left her, and she was not able to even endure in the morning by him a pot that got to her from the granddaughter of ninkies. And after the old woman was two or three times in a row in a row at the porch, she was not to rise at all, and her whole life was left to sit down, sit down on the floor of his legs, and then leaf and lying again.

For his life, the old woman gave birth to a lot and loved to give birth, but now alive it remains only five. It turned out so because first to them in the family, like ferret in the chicken coop, having sought death, then the war began. But five preserved: three daughters and two sons. One daughter lived in the area, the other in the city, and the third and quite far away - in Kiev. The eldest son from the north, where he stayed after the army, also moved to the city, and at the younger, Mikhail, who did not leave the village, the old woman and lived his age, trying not to annoy his family with his old age.

This time everything went to the fact that the old woman is not overwhelming. Already since the summer, as soon as it went to the waning, the old woman began to wrap, and only the injections of the Feldsherians, for whom Ninka rushed, got it from the world. Coming to herself, she is thin, not by his voice, moaning, of her eyes squeezed out of her eyes, and she caused:

- Some times I told you: do not touch me, let me go to the calm. I would drive somewhere if it were not for your Feldsheritsa. - And he taught Ninku: - You do not run more for her, do not run. I will tell you the mother to run, and you hide in the bath, wait, and then tell me: there is no one at home. I give you a candy for this, sweet such.

In early September, another attack fell on the old woman: she began to wind her sleep. She no longer drank, did not eat, but only he slept. They touched her - it will open his eyes, it looks mute, seeing nothing in front of him, and will fall again. And they touched it often - to know: alive, not alive. He dried up and closer to the end all the yellowers - the dead man dead, the breath did not come out.

When it finally became clear that the old woman would not go away tomorrow, Mikhail went to the post office and beat off his brother and sisters of telegrams - to come. Then the old woman was plot, warned:

The first, already on the other morning, the senior Starukhina daughter of Varvara arrived. She was not far from the Area, just fifty kilometers, and for this she had a passing car.

Varvara opened the gate, did not see anyone in the yard and immediately, as he turned on himself, silent:

- Mother you are mine-ah! Mikhail jumped out on the porch:

- Wait you! Living she sleeps. Do not shout even on the street, otherwise you will collect the whole village now.

Barbara, without looking at him, went to the hut, the old bed had a hard for his knees and, having shaken his head, looked again:

- Mother you are mine-ah!

The old woman was not awakened, none of the Bloodok spoke on her face. Mikhail sent an old woman on the failed cheeks, and only then her eyes from the inside moved, moved, trying to open up, and could not.

"Mother," Mikhail brake, "Varvara arrived, looking."

"Mother," Varvara tried. - This is me, your eldest. I came to you arrive, and you do not look at me. Mother-ah!

The eyes of the old woman still shocked, shocked, like a cup of weights, and stopped, closed. Barbara rose and walked to cry to the table - where more convenient. She sobbed for a long time, busting his head about the table, went into tears and could not stop at all. A five-year-old ninka went near her, he was flexible to look at why Varbarins tears were not fleeing to the floor; Ninku was driven, but she, shelter, jerked again and climbed to the table.

In the evening, on happily fit the "rocket", which goes only twice a week, came urban - Ilya and Lucia. Mikhail met them on the pier and led to the house where they were all born and grew up. Silently silently: Lucy and Ilya in a narrow and shaky palate, Mikhail near the lumps of dried dirt. Rustic greets with Luce and Ilya, but did not delay the conversations, they went around and looked around with interest. From the windows on the arrived old women and the kids, the old women were baptized. Varvara at the sight of brother and sisters did not lose:

- Mother is our ... Mother-ah!

"Wait for you," Mikhail stopped her again. - Have time.

All the old-headed bed came together - and Nadya, Mikhailov's wife, right there, and ninka. The old woman was fixed and stood - or at the very end of life, or at the very beginning of death. Varvara Ahunul:

- Not alive.

No one got rid of her, everything was frightened. Lucy hurriedly raised her palm to the old woman's mouth and did not feel breathing.

"Mirror," she remembered. - Give the mirror.

Nadya rushed to the table, on the go wiping about the hem of a fragment of the mirror, she served his luity; That hurriedly lowered a fragment against the bloodless old-headed lips and held a minute. The mirror is a little frot.

"Alive," she exhaled with relief. - Alive our mother.

Barbara decided to cry again, as if he heard everything, Lucy also lowered a tear and moved away. The mirror fell to Ninka. She began to blow on him, looking at him that he would be with him after that, but nothing interesting for himself was waiting for himself and, having imagined the moment, jumped the mirror to the old man, as he had just done Lucy. Mikhail saw, at all he was eaten a ninch and pushed out of the room.

Varvara sighed:

- Ah, Mother You are, Mother.

Nadia asked where to serve on the table - here, in the room, or in the kitchen. Decided that it is better to in the kitchen - so as not to disturb the mother. Mikhail brought the bottle of vodka and a bottle of Portwine from the day, vodka poured himself and Ilya, Portwine sisters and his wife.

"Tatiana will not come today," he said. - We will not wait.

"Today is nothing more, yeah," Ilya agreed. - If yesterday received a telegram, today by plane, in the city of Transplantation. Maybe now in the area sitting, and cars for the night do not go - aha.

- or in the city.

- Tomorrow.

- Tomorrow necessarily.

- If tomorrow, it will have time.

Mikhail for the owner's rights first raised a glass:

- Let's. For the meeting it is necessary.

~ - Is it possible to go nonsense? - Barbara was frightened.

- You can, you can, we are not commemoration.

- Do not say that.

- And now they say, do not say ...

"For a long time, we didn't sit so together," Suddy said sadly with sadness. - Tatiana is just not. Tatyana will arrive, and if no one left anywhere. After all, we always have been going for this table before, in the room only for guests were covered. I even sit in my place. And barbarian is not on your own. And you, Ilya, too.

- Where too - did not leave! - Mikhail began to be offended. - I left - and at all. One barbarian will look when potatoes or something else need. And you are as if there are no light.

- Varvaru here near.

"And you ride directly from Moscow," Varvara fettes. - day on the steamer - and here. Although I would not say, once they do not recognize us. Urban steel, there was a hunt for you with rustic knew!

"You, Varvara, have no right to say that," Lucy promoted. - What do urban, rustic? You think about what you say.

- Yeah, Varvara, of course, have no right to speak. Barbara is not a man. What to talk to her? So, empty place. Not sister to your sisters, brotherhood. And if you ask you: how much are you not at home until today's pore? Barbara is not a man, and Varvara Matushku did our own, for a year old time spent, even though barbarians are not your family, more. And now Barbara and to blame.

- I have not been - what's there! - supported Varvaru Mikhail. - We still have no ninta, came. And Ilya was last time - when I moved from the north. Another nickel from the chest took away. Remember, the mustard nipples smeared, you laughed.

The plot of the story V. Rasputin is built around the preparation for the death of the old woman Anna. Almost all of her children gathered at her bed. Only your favorite daughter Tatiana, which mother affectionately calls Tancoroi.

Anna wants all her children to have to say goodbye to her. Suddenly for others old woman It becomes easier. She can already leave home and eat. The children of Anna, who were waiting for the worst, feel bewilderment. The sons of Ilya and Mikhail decide to get drunk so that the vodka is not "idle". Ovensaine, the brothers begin to reason about life. It turns out that she stopped bringing joy to them. Work no longer gives pleasure. Hopes for a bright future were left long ago, the routine more and more absorbs every day. Mikhail and Ilya love and know how to work. But for some reason, it is now that labor does not bring the desired satisfaction. Their sister Lucy, using the fact that the mother temporarily stopped needing assistance, go for a walk around the surrounding area. She remembers her childhood and a beloved horse. Becoming an adult, a woman left the native places. Suite seems to be that she left something very important in his native village, without which it is impossible to live.

Anna continues to wait for the favorite daughter Tancor. It is saddened by the fact that Tanya did not come. Tangor was sharply different from his sisters Var and Lucy. The beloved daughter was very kind soft character. Without waiting, the old woman decides to die. She does not want to linger in this light. Anna does not find a place in a new life.

Old woman Anna

An elderly woman lived a long and difficult life. Large mother raised their children with decent people. She is confident that she fully fulfilled his destination.

Anna is a real mistress of his life. And not only life, but also death. The old woman herself decided about when she was from this world. She does not tremble before death, it does not implore her to extend the earthly existence. Anna is waiting for death as guest, and does not feel any fear of it.

Anna Anna considers children with its main heritage and pride. The woman does not notice that he has long become indifferent. Each of them has their own life, everyone is busy. Most of all the old woman is saddened by the lack of his beloved daughter Tangoror. Neither the main heroine nor the reader did not know the reason for which she did not arrive. In spite of everything, Tanya remains for his mother's beloved daughter. If she could not come, it means that there are good reasons.

Invisible girlfriend

Death is an invisible and silent interlocutor Anna. The reader feels her presence during the entire narrative. Anna does not see the enemy in the death, from which you need to hide or defend. The old woman managed to make friends with his constant companion.

Death as a natural phenomenon
Death is presented without the slightest horror or tragedy. Her arrival is also natural as the arrival of winter after autumn. This inevitable phenomenon in the life of each person can not be assessed positively or negatively. Death serves as a conductor between the two worlds. Without it, it is impossible to move from one state to another.

An invisible girlfriend shows grace to someone who does not reject and does not curse it. She agrees to make concessions to every new friend. Wise Anna understands it. Friendship with the most terrible for each person with a phenomenon gives the old woman the right to choose. Anna chooses how to leave this world. Death willingly agree to come to her in a dream and carefully replace the dream worldly to sleep eternal. The old woman asks a deferment to have time to say goodbye to his beloved daughter. Death is inferior to the old woman and gives required amount time.

Despite the fact that each reader is understandable than the story will end, the author leaves one of the main participants of his work for its scenes, which even more allows to emphasize the absence of tragedy of leaving life.

Children Anna

Sons and daughters Anna have long lived their own lives. The approaching death of the old woman makes pay attention to the mother. However, none of the children was able to keep this attention for too long. Noticing that Anna was better, they seek to return to their thoughts and classes. The brothers immediately drink a vodka left for the amersion and begin to complain to each other for life. Sisters who divided the bed in the bed dying inheritance diverge in different directions to also plunge into their concerns.

Anna's children try to conscientiously fulfill their duties before the mother. Lucy sew an old woman. Varvara mourns mother, as Anna wanted herself. Sons are also ready to fulfill everything you need to spend old woman in last way. In the depths of the soul, each of them expects the moment when the most unpleasant will remain in the past and it will be possible to return to your everyday deeds and responsibilities. Ilya and Michael are not so much saddened by the upcoming death of the mother, as worried about their own. After the care of the parents, they will become the next generation, which will be to get away from life. This thoughts so terrify the brothers that they empty one bottle of vodka by another.

main idea

There are no good or bad events in life. Each event man himself gives one or another assessment. Despite its difficult existence, full of suffering and deprivation, Anna does not seek to thicken the paint. She intends to leave this world calm and peaceful.

The main topic of the story is a departure from the life of an elderly person, summing up. However, there is other topics in the work, which the author prefers to speak less openly.

Not only about the personal feelings of heroes wants to tell the reader Valentin Rasputin. "Deadline", summary which tells only about how each character refers to death, it is, first of all, a story about shift historical epochs. Anna and her children are watching the destruction of an old building. The collective farms cease to exist. The youth is forced to leave the village due to lack of work, go to search for earnings in an unknown direction.

Valentina Rasputina's story "Money for Mary" contains at the cruise-based idea of \u200b\u200bhuman relationships, mutualists and indifference, which are especially clearly manifested in someone else's grief.

Another wonderful work of Valentina Rasputin "Lessons of French" tells about human kindness, the power of the Spirit and patience.

A merciless capitalism is replaced by human-loving socialism. Former values \u200b\u200bare impaired. The sons of Anna, accustomed to work for the universal benefit, should now work for the survival of their families. Without taking a new reality, Ilya and Mikhail are trying to drown out their pain alcohol. The old Anna feels his superiority over his children. Her death came to her and only awaiting invitations to enter the house. Mikhail, Ilya, Lucia, Varvara and Tatiana are young. They will still have to live in an unfamiliar for them for them, which is so not like the one in which they were once born. They will have to become other people, abandon the former ideals in order not to perish in a new reality. None of the four children of Anna seizes the desire to change. Only the opinion of Tancover remains unknown to the reader.

Disabled people new life You are not able to change the course of events. The ruthless hand of history will put everything in its place. The younger generation is obliged to adapt to raise your offspring differently than it was brought up. The old generation will not be able to adopt new rules of the game. He will have to leave this world.

5 (100%) 2 votes

Valentin Rasputin


The old Anna was lying on a narrow iron bed near the Russian stove and waited for death, the time for which it seemed to fit: the old woman was under eighty. She looked at himself for a long time and kept her legs, but three years ago, remaining completely without Silenok, surrendered and slightly. In the summer she looked like, and she crawred into the courtyard, he walked around in the sun, and then he passed with Ridge across the street to the old woman Mironich, but by autumn, in front of the snow, the last one left her, and she was not able to even endure in the morning by him a pot that got to her from the granddaughter of ninkies. And after the old woman was two or three times in a row in a row at the porch, she was not to rise at all, and her whole life was left to sit down, sit down on the floor of his legs, and then leaf and lying again.

For his life, the old woman gave birth to a lot and loved to give birth, but now alive it remains only five. It turned out so because first to them in the family, like ferret in the chicken coop, having sought death, then the war began. But five preserved: three daughters and two sons. One daughter lived in the area, the other in the city, and the third and quite far away - in Kiev. The eldest son from the north, where he stayed after the army, also moved to the city, and at the younger, Mikhail, who did not leave the village, the old woman and lived his age, trying not to annoy his family with his old age.

This time everything went to the fact that the old woman is not overwhelming. Already since the summer, as soon as it went to the waning, the old woman began to wrap, and only the injections of the Feldsherians, for whom Ninka rushed, got it from the world. Coming to herself, she is thin, not by his voice, moaning, of her eyes squeezed out of her eyes, and she caused:

- Some times I told you: do not touch me, let me go to the calm. I would drive somewhere if it were not for your Feldsheritsa. - And he taught Ninku: - You do not run more for her, do not run. I will tell you the mother to run, and you hide in the bath, wait, and then tell me: there is no one at home. I give you a candy for this, sweet such.

In early September, another attack fell on the old woman: she began to wind her sleep. She no longer drank, did not eat, but only he slept. They touched her - it will open his eyes, it looks mute, seeing nothing in front of him, and will fall again. And they touched it often - to know: alive, not alive. He dried up and closer to the end all the yellowers - the dead man dead, the breath did not come out.

When it finally became clear that the old woman would not go away tomorrow, Mikhail went to the post office and beat off his brother and sisters of telegrams - to come. Then the old woman was plot, warned:

The first, already on the other morning, the senior Starukhina daughter of Varvara arrived. She was not far from the Area, just fifty kilometers, and for this she had a passing car.

Varvara opened the gate, did not see anyone in the yard and immediately, as he turned on himself, silent:

- Mother you are mine-ah! Mikhail jumped out on the porch:

- Wait you! Living she sleeps. Do not shout even on the street, otherwise you will collect the whole village now.

Barbara, without looking at him, went to the hut, the old bed had a hard for his knees and, having shaken his head, looked again:

- Mother you are mine-ah!

The old woman was not awakened, none of the Bloodok spoke on her face. Mikhail sent an old woman on the failed cheeks, and only then her eyes from the inside moved, moved, trying to open up, and could not.

"Mother," Mikhail brake, "Varvara arrived, looking."

"Mother," Varvara tried. - This is me, your eldest. I came to you arrive, and you do not look at me. Mother-ah!

The eyes of the old woman still shocked, shocked, like a cup of weights, and stopped, closed. Barbara rose and walked to cry to the table - where more convenient. She sobbed for a long time, busting his head about the table, went into tears and could not stop at all. A five-year-old ninka went near her, he was flexible to look at why Varbarins tears were not fleeing to the floor; Ninku was driven, but she, shelter, jerked again and climbed to the table.

In the evening, on happily fit the "rocket", which goes only twice a week, came urban - Ilya and Lucia. Mikhail met them on the pier and led to the house where they were all born and grew up. Silently silently: Lucy and Ilya in a narrow and shaky palate, Mikhail near the lumps of dried dirt. Rustic greets with Luce and Ilya, but did not delay the conversations, they went around and looked around with interest. From the windows on the arrived old women and the kids, the old women were baptized. Barbara at the sight of brother and sisters did not lose.

"Deadline" Analysis of the work is the topic, idea, genre, plot, composition, heroes, problems and other issues are disclosed in this article.

In a story - a catastrophe of a leaving of life, or rather, her wait is mitigated: Anna's old woman really experienced a lot, raised children, she dies in his hometown, she sees the circle of people close to her (except for the mysteriously did not appear Tanychory's beloved daughter). Yes, and her death itself happened as if behind the scenes: the children did not wait for her and went to the death of the mother.

The tale in general sometimes does not look tragic.

The sons of Anna Mikhail and Ilya, styling with vodka for commemoration, did not stand the "idleness", tightened waiting and drank firmly. Daughters - Egoist Lucy and Simple Varvara - barely did not quarrel because of their share of the mother's bed: Varvar seems to be that Lucy did not care at all about the mother, and all the concerns laid on her and Brother Mikhail. These are purely household problems, discord among their own.

By the way, the motive of a quarrel is even near the tomb brings the story

V. Rasputin with the story of A. Platonova "The Third Son" (1938). Platonov gathered for the funeral of the mother of six sons ("huge men - aged twenty to forty years old") and after the meeting, the memories of childhood began to have fun, against each other, they embraced the joy of date. Platonov - Also the Christian soul, even more strict, ascetic - harshly "covered" smashed children: One of them, "the third son", returned to the darkness of the room, where the coffin stood, and fell silently ("He heads like someone else's head Floor boards "), and others got dressed among the nights, scattered in the yard and wept," That's exactly the mother standing over each "...

The Rasputin does not have such a pressure on the soul, his sadness is light and indulgent to the weaknesses of children. Anna Anna does not know how to condemn the children, hang over their souls, it may not even see their sins. Her covenants are extremely simple, and to a meeting with the abode eternal life She is preparing like a hostess for the holiday: she said goodbye to the girlfriend, the same old, Mironih, taught the daughter of Varbar, as she follows her mother on custom, "fool." The only riddle for her: why did not come the most kind, tender, loving daughter Tatyana (Tanychor). What happened? Why did the mental call as if he did not reach her?

Even more tragic, the dual state of the soul of the son of Mikhail (in his house mother and lived and dying). On the one hand, he vaguely recognizes the depth of the feelings, the insignificance of the mother, about her great role and in his life: "Let's say, from our mother for a long time there is no place, but it was considered the first turn, then our. It seems to be blocked by us, it was possible not to be afraid ... It seems like a naked place came out and you see ... "On the other hand, he is already scary for the current generation, for his children: whom he will protect, cares if he and work No longer feels (I did not go, but "just a day to pull out"), and I hopelessly surrender to vodka. As well as whole families of others, "gone by vodka", living not in life, and in the degradation of pseudo-younger: "Life is now completely different, all, count, changed, and they, these changes, in person additives demanded ... the rest of the rest required. It's not I drink, it's he drinks ... "

Valentin Rasputin objectively captured the situation, very dramatic for the Russian man of the end of the XX century: he lost his support in unshakable, as it seemed before that, the official ideology prescribed by morality, the new, incomprehensible forces were put on him - the power of money, dull voluntarism of all sorts of rebuilding, Lokov, "floodings", "fires", freshen the appearance of "nonhumans" ... How to resist where to take forces, faith, save yourself? Or to donate help from God, or make a "additive" - \u200b\u200bin the form of vodka - in the body, like Michael, i.e., slowly kill yourself?