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Rasputin "Last Deadline": analysis of the work. Last time analysis of the work of Rasputin

Anna Anna's elderly for some time is actually motionless, and her children tend to believe that their mother has already left life. However, the mirror, brought to her lips, stoves, respectively, Anna is still alive. But the eldest of her daughters of the barbarian believes that it is quite possible to cry for the mother in full voice, while her sister Luusya diligently sews a dark mourning dress.

To date, the old Anna remains five of the long adult children, the rest died in the very early age. Varvara lives at the district center, Lucy and Ilya in the cities closest to their native village.

Mother looks forward to when Tatiana will arrive from Kiev, while Mikhail and his family are constantly inhabited in the village along with his mother. All children are ready to bury the mother, but Anna comes to himself, and it becomes clear that the woman is not in a hurry in a different world.

Ilya and Mikhail, who have already slipped for the funeral a lot of vodka, now get drunk in the barn, despite the wrath of sisters and wife Mikhail hopes, the next day they continue to do the same.

At the same time, Mikhail justifies his own drunkenness, referring to the fact that both at home, and there are too many duties at work and there are no joys, and to live at least without a small relief, which brings alcohol, is simply impossible.

In fact, the brothers actually are quite working people, earlier, when they were younger, Resurrection was often suitable in the village, during which everyone helped each other with fun jokes and songs. Now the collective farm falls apart, young people seek the cities, and the children of Anna with sadness understand that in the village there will be no one else in the village, except for helpless old people.

Lucy, which has long been living in the city and almost forgot about his childhood and youth spent in the village, now wanders in native places, with sadness recalls her beloved before, and it felt that she liked something forgotten or lost here, in his homeland .

Meanwhile, Anna, having felt even better, confidently goes to the porch, where he meets the girlfriend to Mironich. The woman is sincerely surprised that the friend is alive, because she was already going to go on her commemoration. Anna never ceases to be upset due to the fact that there is no Tatiana nearby. In her opinion, the youngest daughter really differs from the rest of her kind, soft, surprisingly "human" character, but without waiting for her, the old woman decides that she is more absolutely no need to postpone the moment of death.

Anna believes that her guys will be easier to bury her while they are all here, because they need to return home to their families and official duties. A woman has long been mentally talking to death and sees in her hardly a good girlfriend. Anna is negotiating that it will take away from life at night, at first she will only fall asleep, as it always happens to people, and then death and give her the desired peace forever. It is so in the future and happening, in the morning the children find out that their mother died in a dream.

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin has long received the recognition of the public and earned the title of one of the best Writers-villagers. The main problem that the writer raised in his work is the destructive attitude of a person to nature and the loss of moral values \u200b\u200bunder the influence of civilization. Its priorities remained faithful and in the story " Deadline"Rasputin. The summary of this work we will look at.

Creativity Rasputin

Valentin Rasputin is a writer who can convey the National Spirit of his people working in the framework of the traditional school of Russian literature. This is exactly what he deserved recognition both in his homeland and abroad.

Love to nature and understanding her subtle beauty Rasputin is obliged to place its birth (the native village of the writer was located on the banks of the Angara River). The task of his creativity Prosper has always seen the preservation of the natural wealth and spiritual morality of people, because the relationship of man and nature is inseparable.

The topics of morality and communication of a person with nature reflected the tale of the "last term". Rasputin summary This work has reduced the eternal problem of life and death.

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The fundamental theme on which all the narrative has been built, the problem of morality has become more accurately its understanding. The most important thing in his work considered this story Rasputin. The "last term" (summary of chapters can be read below) reflected changes in the thoughts and soul of a modern person.

But much wider and more diverse the topics of the story is not limited to something alone. Rasputin raises the following problems in the work: the relationship between relatives, the old age, the causes of alcoholism, attitude towards honor and conscience, the fear of death.

Oblast Rasputin

Sees the main task his story "last term" Rasputin in the crushing of moral fall modern society. Souls modern people With the arrival of progress began to master egoism, heartlessness, cruelty and worn. At this and wanted to draw the attention of his readers Rasputin. A modern man lost contact with his roots and nature, lost the meaning of life, moral landmarks, spiritual wealth.

Anna image

If you describe the "deadline" briefly, Rasputin Valentin appears to the writer, fighting for the preservation of the human soul. And the example of decent people in his works becomes representatives of the older generation.

Anna is a dying old woman, but she is not afraid of death. She lived decent lifewas a good mother, I was happy, and the sorrow was in her life, but she takes them as proper. main character It is endowed with an incredible moral force that stems from Anna's confidence in the fact that a person must be responsible for the living life.

Anna's image is idealized by a writer who sees in ordinary women incredible spiritual power, the ability to be a real mother and a worthy person.

"Last Deadline" (Rasputin): Summary

Anna is an old woman, life is barely grieving, she is no longer able to even move. Daughters to check if the mother did not die, bring the mirror to her face. Varvara, one of the daughters of Anna, considers it possible to start mourning the dying mother, and the other daughter - Lucy - already sew a black dress.

Anna five children, but now with her only barbarian, Lucy with Ilya, and the son of Mikhail, who lives in one with his mother's village. The main heroine is waiting for the arrival of Tanya, who lives in Kiev. As soon as all children, except Tatiana, are going around dying, she seems to be revived, and the children immediately fall into bewilderment.

Men, not knowing what to do, go to the barn and get drunk there. Gradually, they are covered by fun - the mother is still alive. But the more they drink, the more fear covers them - the fear of losing Anna, the fear of the inevitable death: "Death has already noticed everyone in the face and no longer forget."

Brief content of the "Last Deadline" of the author Valentin Rasputin can be continued to the next morning description. Ilya and Mikhail feel bad and to get rid of this state decide to dreamed. Pulling, they compare with the acquisition of will, because in a drunken state there are nothing restrains: neither a house or work. They did not always find a reflection in alcohol, there were days to the existence of a collective farm, when the whole village worked on the harvesting of firewood. Such work was like them, and brought pleasure.

Life remembers the same life. Previously, in the family there was a horse - a player whom the girl loved very much, but he died from severely unbearable work. Stone around the surrounding fields, Lucy remembers that earlier she seemed to feel some kind of life of his life, as if someone's hand led her, but in the city it was a feeling disappeared. Many reflections about the former well-being invested in the story "Last term" Rasputin. In the words of heroes, there is a crying for non-returnable life when everyone lived in harmony with each other and nature.

Anna gradually comes to life and can already rise independently and go on the porch. Comes to visit your girlfriend Mironich. But the heart of the old woman is still full of sadness due to the fact that the Tanya will not come in any way. Tangor, as her name called her, was different from brothers and sisters with a soft human character. But does not go daughter, and Anna decides to die. Per last years The old woman has come to the inevitable and even moved to death. She agrees with her to take her in a dream. So everything happens.


So, the story "last term" (Rasputin), a brief content that we led above is a bright illustration of the writer's creativity and the key to understanding its moral and spiritual ideals. The greatest value of Rasputin is thus the homeland and the connection of a person with their roots.

Valentin Rasputin


The old Anna was lying on a narrow iron bed near the Russian stove and waited for death, the time for which it seemed to fit: the old woman was under eighty. She looked at himself for a long time and kept her legs, but three years ago, remaining completely without Silenok, surrendered and slightly. In the summer she looked like, and she crawred into the courtyard, he walked around in the sun, and then he passed with Ridge across the street to the old woman Mironich, but by autumn, in front of the snow, the last one left her, and she was not able to even endure in the morning by him a pot that got to her from the granddaughter of ninkie. And after the old woman was two or three times in a row in a row at the porch, she was not to rise at all, and her whole life was left to sit down, sit down on the floor of his legs, and then leaf and lying again.

For his life, the old woman gave birth to a lot and loved to give birth, but now alive it remains only five. It turned out so because first to them in the family, like ferret in the chicken coop, having sought death, then the war began. But five preserved: three daughters and two sons. One daughter lived in the area, the other in the city, and the third and quite far away - in Kiev. The eldest son from the north, where he stayed after the army, also moved to the city, and at the younger, Mikhail, who did not leave the village, the old woman and lived his age, trying not to annoy his family with his old age.

This time everything went to the fact that the old woman is not overwhelming. Already since the summer, as soon as it went to the waning, the old woman began to wrap, and only the injections of the Feldsherians, for whom Ninka rushed, got it from the world. Coming to herself, she is thin, not by his voice, moaning, of her eyes squeezed out of her eyes, and she caused:

- Some times I told you: do not touch me, let me go to the calm. I would drive somewhere if it were not for your Feldsheritsa. - And he taught Ninku: - You do not run more for her, do not run. I will tell you the mother to run, and you hide in the bath, wait, and then tell me: there is no one at home. I give you a candy for this, sweet such.

In early September, another attack fell on the old woman: she began to wind her sleep. She no longer drank, did not eat, but only he slept. They touched her - it will open his eyes, it looks mute, seeing nothing in front of him, and will fall again. And they touched it often - to know: alive, not alive. He dried up and closer to the end all the yellowers - the dead man dead, the breath did not come out.

When it finally became clear that the old woman would not go away tomorrow, Mikhail went to the post office and beat off his brother and sisters of telegrams - to come. Then the old woman was plot, warned:

The first, already on the other morning, the senior Starukhina daughter of Varvara arrived. She was not far from the Area, just fifty kilometers, and for this she had a passing car.

Varvara opened the gate, did not see anyone in the yard and immediately, as he turned on himself, silent:

- Mother you are mine-ah! Mikhail jumped out on the porch:

- Wait you! Living she sleeps. Do not shout even on the street, otherwise you will collect the whole village now.

Barbara, without looking at him, went to the hut, the old bed had a hard for his knees and, having shaken his head, looked again:

- Mother you are mine-ah!

The old woman was not awakened, none of the Bloodok spoke on her face. Mikhail sent an old woman on the failed cheeks, and only then her eyes from the inside moved, moved, trying to open up, and could not.

"Mother," Mikhail brake, "Varvara arrived, looking."

"Mother," Varvara tried. - This is me, your eldest. I came to you arrive, and you do not look at me. Mother-ah!

The eyes of the old woman still shocked, shocked, like a cup of weights, and stopped, closed. Barbara rose and walked to cry to the table - where more convenient. She sobbed for a long time, busting his head about the table, went into tears and could not stop at all. A five-year-old ninka went near her, he was flexible to look at why Varbarins tears were not fleeing to the floor; Ninku was driven, but she, shelter, jerked again and climbed to the table.

In the evening, on happily fit the "rocket", which goes only twice a week, came urban - Ilya and Lucia. Mikhail met them on the pier and led to the house where they were all born and grew up. Silently silently: Lucy and Ilya in a narrow and shaky palate, Mikhail near the lumps of dried dirt. Rustic greets with Luce and Ilya, but did not delay the conversations, they went around and looked around with interest. From the windows on the arrived old women and the kids, the old women were baptized. Barbara at the sight of brother and sisters did not lose.

"At night, the old woman died." This final phrase from the story "Latest Term" makes the heart shatter from pain, although not a little old Elder Anna in the world - almost 80 years old! And how many business worked! That's just no time to sigh and look around, "delay the beauty of the earth and the sky in the eyes." And now - the last term released in her life, the last date with the children who have dispersed around the country. And then, what anne had to see the children, it became the most bitter test for her, confirmed the offensive of the "last term" - rupture internal connections between generations. Last hoursMothers released, become kids in tightness. They have no time to wait ...

Valentin Rasputin


The old Anna was lying on a narrow iron bed near the Russian stove and waited for death, the time for which it seemed to fit: the old woman was under eighty. She looked at himself for a long time and kept her legs, but three years ago, remaining completely without Silenok, surrendered and slightly. In the summer she looked like, and she crawred into the courtyard, he walked around in the sun, and then he passed with Ridge across the street to the old woman Mironich, but by autumn, in front of the snow, the last one left her, and she was not able to even endure in the morning by him a pot that got to her from the granddaughter of ninkie. And after the old woman was two or three times in a row in a row at the porch, she was not to rise at all, and her whole life was left to sit down, sit down on the floor of his legs, and then leaf and lying again.

For his life, the old woman gave birth to a lot and loved to give birth, but now alive it remains only five. It turned out so because first to them in the family, like ferret in the chicken coop, having sought death, then the war began. But five preserved: three daughters and two sons. One daughter lived in the area, the other in the city, and the third and quite far away - in Kiev. The eldest son from the north, where he stayed after the army, also moved to the city, and at the younger, Mikhail, who did not leave the village, the old woman and lived his age, trying not to annoy his family with his old age.

This time everything went to the fact that the old woman is not overwhelming. Already since the summer, as soon as it went to the waning, the old woman began to wrap, and only the injections of the Feldsherians, for whom Ninka rushed, got it from the world. Coming to herself, she is thin, not by his voice, moaning, of her eyes squeezed out of her eyes, and she caused:

- Some times I told you: do not touch me, let me go to the calm. I would drive somewhere if it were not for your Feldsheritsa. - And he taught Ninku: - You do not run more for her, do not run. I will tell you the mother to run, and you hide in the bath, wait, and then tell me: there is no one at home. I give you a candy for this, sweet such.

In early September, another attack fell on the old woman: she began to wind her sleep. She no longer drank, did not eat, but only he slept. They touched her - it will open his eyes, it looks mute, seeing nothing in front of him, and will fall again. And they touched it often - to know: alive, not alive. He dried up and closer to the end all the yellowers - the dead man dead, the breath did not come out.

When it finally became clear that the old woman would not go away tomorrow, Mikhail went to the post office and beat off his brother and sisters of telegrams - to come. Then the old woman was plot, warned:

The first, already on the other morning, the senior Starukhina daughter of Varvara arrived. She was not far from the Area, just fifty kilometers, and for this she had a passing car.

Varvara opened the gate, did not see anyone in the yard and immediately, as he turned on himself, silent:

- Mother you are mine-ah! Mikhail jumped out on the porch:

- Wait you! Living she sleeps. Do not shout even on the street, otherwise you will collect the whole village now.

Barbara, without looking at him, went to the hut, the old bed had a hard for his knees and, having shaken his head, looked again:

- Mother you are mine-ah!

The old woman was not awakened, none of the Bloodok spoke on her face. Mikhail sent an old woman on the failed cheeks, and only then her eyes from the inside moved, moved, trying to open up, and could not.

"Mother," Mikhail brake, "Varvara arrived, looking."

"Mother," Varvara tried. - This is me, your eldest. I came to you arrive, and you do not look at me. Mother-ah!

The eyes of the old woman still shocked, shocked, like a cup of weights, and stopped, closed. Barbara rose and walked to cry to the table - where more convenient. She sobbed for a long time, busting his head about the table, went into tears and could not stop at all. A five-year-old ninka went near her, he was flexible to look at why Varbarins tears were not fleeing to the floor; Ninku was driven, but she, shelter, jerked again and climbed to the table.

In the evening, happily fit the "rocket", which only twice a week, came urban - Ilya and Lucia. Mikhail met them on the pier and led to the house where they were all born and grew up. Silently silently: Lucy and Ilya in a narrow and shaky palate, Mikhail near the lumps of dried dirt. Rustic greets with Luce and Ilya, but did not delay the conversations, they went around and looked around with interest. From the windows on the arrived old women and the kids, the old women were baptized. Varvara at the sight of brother and sisters did not lose:

- Mother is our ... Mother-ah!

"Wait for you," Mikhail stopped her again. - Have time.

All the old-headed bed came together - and Nadya, Mikhailov's wife, right there, and ninka. The old woman was fixed and stood - or at the very end of life, or at the very beginning of death. Varvara Ahunul:

- Not alive.

No one got rid of her, everything was frightened. Lucy hurriedly raised her palm to the old woman's mouth and did not feel breathing.

"Mirror," she remembered. - Give the mirror.

Nadya rushed to the table, on the go wiping about the hem of a fragment of the mirror, she served his luity; That hurriedly lowered a fragment against the bloodless old-headed lips and held a minute. The mirror is a little frot.

"Alive," she exhaled with relief. - Alive our mother.

Barbara decided to cry again, as if he heard everything, Lucy also lowered a tear and moved away. The mirror fell to Ninka. She began to blow on him, looking at him that he would be with him after that, but nothing interesting for himself was waiting for himself and, having imagined the moment, jumped the mirror to the old man, as he had just done Lucy. Mikhail saw, at all he was eaten a ninch and pushed out of the room.

Varvara sighed:

- Ah, Mother You are, Mother.

Nadia asked where to serve on the table - here, in the room, or in the kitchen. Decided that it is better to in the kitchen - so as not to disturb the mother. Mikhail brought the bottle of vodka and a bottle of Portwine from the day, vodka poured himself and Ilya, Portwine sisters and his wife.

"Tatiana will not come today," he said. - We will not wait.

"Today is nothing more, yeah," Ilya agreed. - If yesterday received a telegram, today by plane, in the city of Transplantation. Maybe now in the area sitting, and cars for the night do not go - aha.

- or in the city.

- Tomorrow.

- Tomorrow necessarily.

- If tomorrow, it will have time.

Mikhail for the owner's rights first raised a glass:

- Let's. For the meeting it is necessary.

~ - Is it possible to go nonsense? - Barbara was frightened.

- You can, you can, we are not commemoration.

- Do not say that.

- And now they say, do not say ...

"For a long time, we didn't sit so together," Suddy said sadly with sadness. - Tatiana is just not. Tatyana will arrive, and if no one left anywhere. After all, we always have been going for this table before, in the room only for guests were covered. I even sit in my place. And barbarian is not on your own. And you, Ilya, too.

- Where too - did not leave! - Mikhail began to be offended. - I left - and at all. One barbarian will look when potatoes or something else need. And you are as if there are no light.

- Varvaru here near.

"And you ride directly from Moscow," Varvara fettes. - day on the steamer - and here. Although I would not say, once they do not recognize us. Urban steel, there was a hunt for you with rustic knew!

- Yeah, Varvara, of course, have no right to speak. Barbara is not a man. What to talk to her? So, empty place. Not sister to your sisters, brotherhood. And if you ask you: how much are you not at home until today's pore? Barbara is not a man, and Varvara Matushku did our own, for a year old time spent, even though barbarians are not your family, more. And now Barbara and to blame.

- No one was going to sing songs. And you can drink. We ourselves know when you can, when it is impossible - not small.

- Oh, yes with you only contact.

The old Anna lies without movement, without opening the eye; She was almost frozen, but life is still warm. Daughters understand this, bringing a piece to her lips broken mirror. It stoves, it means that Mom is still alive. However, Barbara, one of the daughters of Anna, believes it is possible to mournful, "to excite it", that she selflessly makes first by bed, then at the table, "where more convenient." My daughter Lucy at this time sews burnt back in the city a mourning dress.

The sewing machine shifts in the clock warbarium tact. Anna is a mother of five children, two of her sons died, the first, born one for God, the other for the grain. Barbara arrived to say goodbye to her mother from the district center, Lucy and Ilya from the nearby provincial towns. Anna Tanya from distant Kiev is waiting for not waiting. And next to her in the village there was always a son Mikhail with his wife and daughter. Having gathered around the old woman in the morning after the arrival of the day, children, seeing the attacked mother, do not know how to react to her strange revival.

"Mikhail and Ilya, which dragged vodka, no longer know what they do: everything else, compared to this, seemed to them trifles, they laid out, as if through themselves passing every minute." Having clogged into the barn, they get drunk almost without a snack, except for those products that the little daughter Mikhail Ninka is tested for them. It causes the legitimate female Gaev, but the first piles of vodka give the peasants a feeling of a genuine holiday. In the end, the mother is alive.

Not paying attention to the girl who collects empty and naked bottles, they no longer understand what thought they want to drown out, maybe this fear. "Fear of consciousness that mother is about to die, does not look like all the former fears that fall into them in life, because this fear of all is worse, he goes from death ... It seemed that death had already noticed them all in the face and already No longer forget. " Washed thoroughly and feeling the next day, "as if they missed them through the meat grinder," Mikhail and Ilya are thoroughly monitors the next day.

"And how not to drink? - says Mikhail. - Laziness, the second, let it even a week - it is still possible. And if you do not drink at all until the death? Think only, there is nothing in front. All the same thing. How many ropes hold us at work, and at home that they do not hunt, so much you had to do and did not, everything should, I must, I must, I must, and the farther, the more should be the prosperity. And drank, as he got on the will, did everything that it was necessary.

And what did not do, it was not necessary to do, and did the right thing that did not do. " This does not mean that Mikhail and Ilya do not know how to work and never knew other joy, except from drunkenness. In the village, where they once lived together, happened general work - "Friendly, avid, ringing, with a variety of saws and ax, with desperate wuhans of fallen sides, responding to an enthusiastic alarm with a mandatory confusion with each other. Such work happens once in the season of workpiece of wood - in the spring, so that in the summer managed to dry, pleasant yellow pine lanes with a thin silk sandpaper fall into neat lungs. "

These resurrection are arranged for themselves, one family helps another, which is now possible. But the collective farm in the village collapses, people leave for the city, no one to feed and grow cattle. Remembering the former life, the town-reason Lucy with great warmth and joy imagines the beloved horse playing, on which "Komara's slammer, he fell", which in the end and happened: Horse died. The player dragged a lot, but did not eat.

Stone around the village in the fields and arable land, Lucy understands that he does not choose, where she guides that some kind of strying, living in these months and his strength. ... It seemed that life came back, because she, Lucy, here I had forgotten something, lost something very valuable and necessary for her, without which it is impossible ...

While the children drink and indulge as memories, the old woman Anna, eating specially welded for her baby semolina, swear even more and goes to the porch. She is inspired by the long-awaited friend of Mironich. "OTI-MOT! Are you old, alive, live? - Says Mironich. "Do you don't take a diph death? .. I go to her for a commemoration, I think she as good-shook, and she is all a tutaka." Anna flaruses that among those who gathered at her bed, there are no children, Tatiana, tangor, as she calls her.

Tangor was not like anyone from his sisters. She stood as if between them with their special character, soft and joyful, human. So without waiting for her daughter, the old woman decides to die. "To do in this world more she had nothing to be and moved death to anything. While the guys are here, let it be buried, spend how they are headed by people in order not to return to it to this care. Then you look, will come and tangor ... The old woman thought many times about death and knew her like himself. In recent years, they have become girlfriends, the old woman often talked to her, and death, leaning somewhere on the sidelines, listened to her reasoning whisper and understoodly sighed. They agreed that the old woman would go away at night, first fall asleep as all people, so as not to frighten the death with her eyes with open eyes, then she quietly squeals, he would remove a short worldly dream with her and would give her eternal peace. " So it all comes out.