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Prevailing hemisphere test. Test to determine the dominant hemisphere of the brain

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right. In this case, the right hemisphere mainly "serves" the left side of the body: it receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands, respectively, to the left hand, leg. The left hemisphere serves the right side.

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right.

In this case, the right hemisphere mainly "serves" the left side of the body: accepts most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands, respectively, to the left hand, leg.

The left hemisphere serves the right side.

Usually, one of the human hemispheres is dominant, which is reflected in the individual properties of the personality. For example, left-brain people are more attracted to science. Right brains are more eager to engage in art or areas of activity that require individual imaginative solutions. The overwhelming majority of great creators - composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. - "right-brain" people.

How to identify the dominant hemisphere

Test 1

Name the colors, not what is written. The right hemisphere of the brain recognizes colors, the left one reads. This exercise balances the hemispheres and trains their interaction. For safety - the test starts and ends with the 'correct' word-color combinations.

Test 2

Optical effects - chiaroscuro forms a three-dimensional image. In a picture or photograph, you can see a lunar crater, and turning 180 degrees - a mountain, and this is not only an illusion, but a feature of vision, a visual habit of the eye that the sun's daylight comes from top to bottom.

Lunar craters (first photo). When the photo is rotated 180 degrees (second photo), “mountains” appear in the picture.

Test 3

Optical illusions (optical illusion, glitches) - picture rotation, flickering and other visual illusions. If you look too long, there is an aftereffect (if you turn your gaze to the side, on a white background, you can see the same picture).

Normal, but regular (in the morning and in the afternoon) training of the vestibular apparatus (turns, tilts, rotations, stretching up, standing on toes and looking up) - develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements, as well as strengthens the psyche and stabilizes certain field structures of a person (stability the so-called astral body, etc.)

In case of increased blood pressure, headaches and dizziness during exercise, temporarily concentrate on both points of E36 (tszu-san-li), or perform a light acupressure, to align your energy along the meridians. Be grounded in time - by everyday, household chores, physical education and sports, walks in nature.

Note: look at the pictures "Optical illusions" - no longer than 15 minutes in a row, so as not to shake your psyche.

Test 4

According to rzelulattas, Ilsseovadny odongo anligysokgo unviertiseta, it doesn’t exist, there are bkuvs in solva. Galvone, chotby preavya and pslloendya bkwuy blyi on msete. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a ploonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitseya without wandering. Pichriony egoto is that we do not chiate every day, but everything is solvo.

Test 5

What do you see?

If a girl, you have a developed right hemisphere of the brain. If the old woman is left.

Test 6

Find the man's head in this picture (look no more than 3 minutes).

If you have coped with the task:

    in less than 3 seconds, then your right hemisphere of your brain is better developed than most people;

    within 1 minute is a normal result;

    if within 1-3 minutes. - your right hemisphere is poorly developed, you need to eat more meat protein;

    if the search took you more than 3 minutes - not good ...

Test 7

Below is a picture, upon examination of which, depending on which hemisphere of your brain is active, the object will move in a certain direction. In this case, either clockwise or counterclockwise. So…

If you see this girl moving clockwise, then you have an active right hemisphere in this moment... If it moves counterclockwise, then you are using the left hemisphere. Some can see her moving in both directions.

Try making it move in the opposite direction using the other hemisphere. Can you do it.

Look to the side and look at the girl again, after a while she will start moving in the opposite direction. Also, some people discovered that you can look at her legs and she will again change the direction of movement.

Experiments have shown that two different areas the brain is responsible for different types mental activity.

Usually, people use only one hemisphere, which is characteristic of their type of thinking. But there are individuals who work with both hemispheres.

There are schools that favor one hemisphere over the other. So schools that develop the left hemisphere focus on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy. Whereas the Right Brain School focuses on aesthetics, feelings and creativity.

And on a note:

Areas of specialization for the left hemisphere:

Verbal information processing: The left hemisphere of your brain is responsible for your language skills. This hemisphere controls speech, as well as the ability to read and write.

It also remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling.

Analytical thinking: The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. It is it that analyzes all the facts.

Literal understanding of words: The left hemisphere can only understand the literal meaning of words.

Consistent thinking: Information is processed by the left hemisphere sequentially in stages.

Mathematical ability: Numbers and symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.

Logical, analytical approaches, which are necessary for solving mathematical problems, are also a product of the work of the left hemisphere.

Control over the movements of the right half of the body. When you lift right hand, this means that the command to raise it came from the left hemisphere.

Areas of specialization for the right hemisphere:

Non-verbal information processing: The right hemisphere specializes in processing information, which is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.

Parallel information processing: Unlike the left hemisphere, which processes information only in a clear sequence, the right hemisphere can simultaneously process a lot of different information. It is able to look at the problem as a whole without applying analysis.

The right hemisphere also recognizes faces, and thanks to him we can perceive the totality of traits as a whole.

Spatial orientation: The right hemisphere is responsible for the perception of location and spatial orientation in general. It is thanks to the right hemisphere that you can navigate the terrain and make mosaic puzzle pictures.

Musicality: Musical ability, as well as the ability to perceive music, depends on the right hemisphere, although, however, the left hemisphere is responsible for musical education.

Metaphors: With the help of the right hemisphere, we understand metaphors and the results of the work of someone else's imagination. Thanks to him, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what we hear or read. For example, if someone says: "He is hanging on my tail," then just the right hemisphere will understand what exactly this person wanted to say.

Imagination: The right hemisphere gives us the ability to daydream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere, we can compose various stories. By the way, the question "What if ..." is also asked by the right hemisphere.

Artistic ability: The right hemisphere is responsible for the ability to fine arts.

Emotions: Although emotions are not a product of the functioning of the right hemisphere, it is more closely related to them than the left.

Sex: The right hemisphere is responsible for sex, if, of course, you are not too concerned with the very technique of this process.

Mystic: The right hemisphere is responsible for mysticism and religiosity.

Dreams: The right hemisphere is also responsible for dreams.

Controls the movements of the left half of the body: When you lift left hand, this means that the command to raise it came from the right hemisphere.published by If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the specialists and readers of our project

Take the psychological test "Leading hemisphere of the brain", this will help you better know your own characteristics and the characteristics of your children.

As you know, the human brain has two hemispheres and each of them is responsible for different functions. The right hemisphere - "creative" - ​​is responsible for imagery, the integrity of perception and emotionality. The left hemisphere - "logical" - provides analytical and linguistic aspects of mental operations.

This division of functions is associated with asymmetry in the functioning of the human body, when behavior is built according to the right or left type. Some people are "right-handed" (the left hemisphere is dominant and the person is distinguished by an analytical mindset). Others are "left-handed" (the right hemisphere of the brain is more developed and the person has a well-developed emotional sphere). There is also a mixed type of people, when both hemispheres control their actions equally.

This psychological test will help you determine your leading hemisphere brain. The test is based on innate human responses that change little over the course of life.

Your task: complete 4 simple exercises and record the results on paper. You write the right type of reaction with the letter P, and the left type with the letter L. In total, you get a combination of 4 letters.

Let's start the test:

1 task. Interlace your fingers with your arms bent in front of you. Determine which of the two thumbs is on top? If the top is left - write the letter L and vice versa.

2 task... Fold both hands with the pistol, extend forward and aim. Lock the aiming point. Both eyes are open! Close one by one, then the right, then the left eye. If the point has shifted with the closed right eye - put the letter P, if with the closed left - the letter L.

3 task. Cross your arms over your chest - Napoleon Pose. See which hand is on top. Put the letter P or L.

4 task. Please applaud. When clapping, determine which palm was on top, more active. Put the corresponding letter.

As a result of the psychological test you passed, you got a certain combination of letters corresponding to a certain type of interhemispheric asymmetry and, accordingly, a certain type of behavior.

Find your type description below:

PPPP - A person is guided by certain stereotypes of behavior, generally accepted norms. He is most likely conservative, stable, with stable behavior.

PPP - Person - conservative, but with weak temperament, indecisive.

PPLP - Resolute, active, temperamental person with artistry and some coquetry. In dealing with him, humor and decisiveness are necessary, tk. he does not perceive weak types.

PPLL - A rare type of character: independent, artistic, gentle, with a sense of humor and some coquetry in behavior. Possesses inconsistency: indecision - firmness; contact - the slowness of getting used to.

PLPP - Type of character - business, combining analytical warehouse and gentleness. Characteristic for "" business women". They are characterized by: avoidance of conflicts "head-on", calculation, caution, coldness, tolerance, "viscosity in relationships" (slow addiction and slowness in the development of relationships).

PLPL - Very rare and the weakest type of character in women. Vulnerability, weakness, exposure to influence.

PLLP - More often found in women: loves new experiences, is fickle, does not like conflicts, is emotionally slow and languid. In communication, she is simple and courageous, easily changes the type of behavior.

PLLL - Fickle and independent type of character. Analyst. It is not common.

LDPP - Well adaptable type to a variety of circumstances. Emotional (in men, rather phlegmatic), but not persistent enough (manifests itself in important issues of life - marriage, education, etc.), is subject to the influence of others. Easily converges with other types of characters.

LPPL - Type of "little queen" (king). Gentleness, compliance with cautious influence, naivety, requires a careful attitude towards oneself.

LPLP - Strong type of character. It is difficult to convince him of anything. Perseverance is sometimes excessive - a person "gets hung up" on secondary goals. Individuality is pronounced, energetic, the ability to overcome difficulties. Does not always take into account someone else's point of view, some conservatism. Dislikes infantilism in others.

LPLL - A person with a strong but unobtrusive character. Persuasion is difficult. Internally it can be aggressive, but outwardly it is covered with softness and emotionality. Quickly interacts, but slowly comes to an understanding.

LLPP - This type of person is characterized by friendliness and simplicity. But there is some scattering of interests.

LLPL - This rare type occurs only in 1% of women, for men it is practically uncharacteristic. Main features: gentleness, gullibility, innocence.

LLLP - Main Trait: Determination combined with emotionality. Vigor, but some scattering leads to the adoption of ill-considered, emotionally colored decisions. Therefore, when communicating with this type of people, it is not bad to include additional "inhibitory mechanisms".

LLLL - A type that does not accept conservatism, is able to look at things in a new way. High emotionality. He is not a stranger to selfishness, individualism and stubbornness, sometimes he shows isolation.

Do you want to take part in an interesting test and learn something new about yourself? Easy peasy.

Look in which direction the girl rotates and ...

If you see a girl spinning clockwise, it is assumed that your right brain hemisphere is more developed.
If you see counterclockwise rotation - left.

More often people see the girl spinning counterclockwise. Consequently, these people use the left side of the brain more.

But by concentrating, you can change the direction of the girl's movement.

Interestingly, several decades ago, the right hemisphere of the brain was not given much importance. It was generally accepted that it was in some way meaningless. However, over time, scientists have concluded that the right hemisphere of the human brain is very important for the development of a creative personality.

For those who cannot change the direction of rotation of the dancer with a glance, there are 3 pictures below. Having looked briefly at the left or right picture, you can easily change the direction of movement in the central picture. This simple test will help you check which part of your brain is most active.

Left hemisphere of the brain

Verbal information is being processed. The left hemisphere is responsible for language ability, speech, writing and reading abilities. Using the left hemisphere of the brain, a person remembers facts, dates, names and controls their spelling. The left hemisphere of the brain analyzes all the facts, is responsible for analysis and logic. Math symbols and numbers are also recognized by the left hemisphere. The information is processed sequentially.

Right hemisphere of the brain

Non-verbal information is processed. The right hemisphere of the human brain processes information that is expressed not in words, but in images and symbols. Using the right hemisphere, a person is able to fantasize and dream, to compose stories. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the visual arts and music abilities. The right hemisphere simultaneously processes a lot of different information. It makes it possible to consider everything as a whole, without resorting to analysis.

And this is a new optical illusion.

People often turn to psychological tests in order to get to know themselves better, to understand the nature of existing problems, or simply out of interest. Tests help you understand your psychological nature and the nature of the emergence of thoughts and decisions.

As almost everyone knows, right and left hemisphere the brain is responsible for different functions. This means that all decisions of a person are made under the influence of one or the second hemisphere, that is, different ways of thinking. In some people, the influence of the right hemisphere predominates, in others - the left. But there are also people whose cerebral hemispheres work evenly, that is, there is no definite dominant influence of one hemisphere on the decisions, thoughts and actions of a person.

There are a number of different psychological tests to determine the leading hemisphere of the brain. Some can be passed on the Internet by clicking on the suggested answers provided by the system to complete certain tasks. And there are tests that you can pass yourself, following the prescribed instructions.

Hemispheres of the brain

To begin with, it is worth pointing out the functions of the cerebral hemispheres. This is necessary so that the person taking the test knows which hemisphere is responsible for which functions.

The right hemisphere of the human brain responsible for creative thinking... This means that the activity of this hemisphere presupposes the integrity of perception, imagery and emotionality. A person whose right hemisphere is dominant is more sensitive and also tends to rely on their intuition to make decisions.

The left hemisphere, as you might already guess, is the opposite of the right one, which means it is responsible for functions of a completely different nature. This hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking. His leading role means that a person has stronger analytical abilities, as well as linguistic inclinations.

There are also ambidextra - people whose cerebral hemispheres work on an equal footing. This means that a person makes equal use of both the creative and analytical abilities of his brain.

Test to determine the leading hemisphere of the brain

In order to determine the leading hemisphere of your brain, you can take a fairly simple test that involves performing four simple assignments. When completing the assigned tasks, it is recommended to record the results on paper, so as not to simply forget. In the end, it should be just a combination of four letters.

So, what is this test:

As a result, it turned out combination of four letters... It is on it that you can already determine your type of thinking and the leading hemisphere of the brain.

Now the reader will be able to find out about what is his type of thinking using the results from the test above. The decoding of the letter combinations obtained as a result of passing the test is attached below:

Find your combination of letters below and read the characteristics.

PPPP. You are an adherent of stereotypes. For psychological comfort, it is important for you to comply with generally accepted norms. You can be called a confident conservative.

PPPL. You are conservative, you like to have a routine in everything. However, you can easily be persuaded, as you are often unsure of your desires and aspirations.

PPLP. You will not lack firmness of character and stormy temperament. Its active life position, with a sense of humor and charisma, you are able to captivate the masses.

PPLL. You are a very rare person! Your personality harmoniously combines creativity and analytical mind, severity and coquetry in behavior, sociability and thirst for loneliness.

PLPP. Outward coldness, slow development of relationships with people, avoidance of conflicts and an analytical mindset, coupled with prudence, characterize you in many ways.

PLPL. Often you feel your volitional weakness, dependence and defenselessness. Choose your surroundings carefully, as it is very easy to influence you, both good and bad.

PLLP. You strive for new experiences, love to receive information. You diligently avoid conflicts, do not show emotions, preferring to experience them deep down.

PLLL. Your character is distinguished by independence from other people's opinions and rules, you always evaluate and decide everything yourself. But you're not a rebel, you just don't want to waste time with outsiders.

LDPP. You are ready to adjust to the circumstances, rather than fight them. Given the emotional mobility and sociability, you can easily do this.

LPPL. Have you noticed something subtly aristocratic in your behavior? Majestic gentleness and condescension to weaknesses, but at the same time naivety in everyday matters.

LPLP. You strong personality with a strong personality and great energy to overcome life difficulties... It is difficult for you to take into account other people's opinions.

LPLL. Gentleness and courtesy is your mask, under which a strong-willed, somewhat aggressive character is hidden. True understanding with people is not easy to achieve.

LLPP. You can be called “your boyfriend”. You are very friendly. People are comfortable with you. You can easily find an approach to anyone. Change hobbies, hobbies, and interests frequently.

LLPL. This combination is one of the rarest and most typical for women. Your character is dominated by tenderness, gullibility and innocence, you are a very sensitive person.

LLLP. If something has taken over your head, then you rush, sweeping away everything in your path. Decisiveness is good for you, but impulsiveness and emotionality often get in your way.

LLLL. You are a truly creative person, an innovator, you have a “fresh look”. You are ready to sweep aside all the old, do not recognize the authorities. You have the gift of renewing the world around you.