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Unable to connect camera, please close other android apps. Fixing "Warning: Camera Failure" error on Samsung Galaxy

" on the Samsung Galaxy S4, don't panic because it usually doesn't critical error, and has a simple solution. In most cases, this is more of a software failure than a hardware failure. In principle, we suggest that you try simple steps to fix this problem, we go from simple to complex:

There are at least three things you can do yourself, without professional help, without fear of the consequences, in order to try to fix this problem.

Clear cache and camera data

  1. On the home screen, press the Menu key.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Find Application Manager.
  4. Swipe left twice to select the All tab.
  5. Highlight and press Camera.
  6. Click the Stop button
  7. Next Clear the cache.
  8. Click Clear data. (Please note that all your settings will be deleted)
  9. Reboot your phone.
  10. Check if the camera is working

The camera crash can be caused by corrupted data in the cache, which we clean up. When you click on the Stop button, the application will be closed. The Clear Cache button will delete all files used by the application at startup, and the Clear Data button will clear all user preferences. This procedure will not affect other applications.

Clear cache and gallery data

Follow the same procedure for the Gallery in the apps. The gallery and the camera are closely connected and work side by side. The camera app takes the picture, but the gallery manages those pictures: it includes cropping, thumbnailing, sorting pictures by name (or date or size, or whatever), cloud sync, etc. In short, the Gallery app has a lot of things that it does through the camera. This is why it makes sense to clear the cache and data whenever the camera stops functioning properly.

Factory Reset

If the previous methods did not work, we will try to reset the entire phone to factory settings.

Attention, all your data, including applications, credentials, music, pictures, etc., will be deleted. It is advisable to back up your data

  1. Menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Accounts and select Backup & reset.
  4. Click Reset Device.
  5. We read carefully and confirm

This procedure will delete all files, settings and data, however, there are certain folders and sections in the phone memory that cannot be deleted, the best example is the cache memory section

Clear cache memory section

  1. Turn off your phone.
  2. Press and hold the Volume Up, Home and Power buttons until the phone vibrates.
  3. Release the power button, but keep holding the volume rocker and home until the Android System Recovery screen appears.
  4. Press the volume down button to select wipe cache partition.
  5. Press the power button to select.
  6. Select "Reboot system now" to exit the mode.

If you did everything according to the instructions, and the recovery mode did not start, take out the battery for a short time, insert it and try again.

Update errors

Buggies may be another cause of the problem. operating system... If you've recently updated your Android version and noticed the notorious camera glitch, then the update is most likely causing the problem. It is necessary to rollback to a more stable version.

If you did everything correctly, and the camera still crashes, you need to show the smartphone to a specialist from the service center, perhaps the camera broke physically, and not programmatically. Thank you for your attention.

Sometimes, on devices running Android, abnormal situations can occur - for example, the camera refuses to work: instead of a picture, it displays a black screen or even an error "Failed to connect to the camera", takes pictures and videos, but cannot save, etc. We will tell you how to deal with this problem.

All sorts of errors or problems with the photo module can occur for two main reasons: software or hardware. The latter is not easy to fix on your own, but a novice user can also solve problems with software. It is also possible that the camera remains conditionally working, but cannot save the shooting results, or they turn out to be of very poor quality. Let's start with such situations.

Method 1: Checking the camera lens

V Lately many manufacturers also cover the lens of the imaging module with film. It is sometimes difficult for a person, even with very keen eyesight, to notice its presence. Look closely, you can even gently pick it up with your fingernail. Feeling the film - boldly rip it off: the protection from it is useless, and the quality of the shooting spoils.

Also protective glass the lens can be corny sprinkled or dusty during the operation of the device. Alcohol wipes for cleaning LCD monitors will help to wipe it clean.

Method 2: Check SD card

If the camera works, it takes both photos and videos, but nothing can be saved - most likely, problems with the memory card. It may simply be overfilled, or it may gradually fail. You can try an overflowing memory card, or you can simply transfer some of the files to your computer or cloud storage (or many others). If you are experiencing obvious problems, then it would be useful to try such a card.

No matter how trite it may sound, a significant number of random errors that occur during the operation of the OS can be corrected by a simple reboot. The fact is that there may be incorrect data in the RAM, which is why an unpleasant failure occurs. The built-in RAM manager in Android and most third-party options do not have the functionality to completely clear all RAM - this can be done only by restarting the device either through the shutdown menu (if there is such an item in it), or by a key combination "Turn down the sound" and "Nutrition".

Method 4: Clearing data and cache of the system application "Camera"

As you probably already know, Android often puts a spoke in its own wheels in the form of conflicts between different components - alas, this is the nature of this OS, errors happen from time to time. In this case, something went wrong with the files that belong to the camera: the wrong variable was written in the configuration file or the signature does not match. To get rid of the inconsistency, it is worth cleaning up such files.

Method 5: install or uninstall a third-party camera app

Sometimes a situation occurs when the firmware for the operation of the camera turns out to be inoperative - due to interference with the system files by the user or incorrectly installed update... Plus, this can be found on some third-party firmware (you can check it in the list of bugs). The situation can be corrected by installing a third-party camera - for example,. Also, no one forbids you to put any other of. If the problem also occurs with the custom camera - you should go below.

If you are using just a third-party version of the camera, and you needed to use the stock one, but for some reason it does not work, then you should probably try to uninstall a non-native application: the cause of the malfunction may be a conflict in the system, which you will eliminate, removing one of the irritants.

Warning for rooted users: Under no circumstances should you uninstall the built-in camera app!

Method 6: Reset the machine to factory settings

Sometimes the software problem can lie deeper, and it is no longer possible to fix it by rebooting and / or clearing the data. In this case, we use heavy artillery - we do a hard reset of the device. Remember to back up important information from your internal storage.

Method 7: Flashing the device

When the camera app continues to give an error or black screen and after a factory reset, it looks like it's time. The reason for problems with the camera in such cases lies in the irreversible change of system files, which cannot be corrected by a reset. It is also possible that you have installed a third-party firmware in which the camera is not working. As a rule, these are the so-called nightly versions. We recommend that you flash on stock software to exclude the influence of third-party factors.

Method 8: Visit a service center

The worst development of events is a physical malfunction - both of the camera module itself and its loop, and the motherboard of your device. If none of the above methods helped, it is most likely that you have a hardware problem.

There are 3 main reasons for breakdown: mechanical damage, contact with water and factory defects of any of these components. The latter case will allow you to get out with almost no losses, but if the phone or tablet fell, or, even worse, went into the water, then the repair can get a lot of money. If it is more than 50% of the cost of the device, you should think about buying a new one.

The reasons for the camera inoperability described above are common to all Android devices.

Today we will talk about one problem that owners can sometimes have. Samsung smartphones, including the Galaxy line (S4, S5, S6, S7, S7 Edge, etc.). This is an error "Camera Failed" or Camera Failed in the English version. It appears when you launch the Camera application. As a rule, this problem is easily solved.

This is what the error looks like:

This is the English version:

What to do? Let's consider several of the most relevant options.

Rebooting your smartphone

The first thing you should do is reboot your device. Yes, at first glance, this idea can be called stupid, but practice suggests that it is this simple action that most often helps to solve software failures.

Wipe data and clear the cache of the Camera app

If the above method did not help you, the next step is to clear the cache and data of the "Camera" application.

To do this, go to the settings. Find Application Manager in Settings.

Find the Camera app and open it.

See the Clear Data and Clear Cache buttons? Click on them one by one to delete the data.

Check if the camera is working.

Clearing gallery data

Do the same for the Gallery app.

Probably, there is not a single user who has not used the camera at least once on his mobile device... The camera is very useful tool v Everyday life person.

With its help, you can capture important points your life and share them with others.

However, this function does not always work as we would like. Often when you try to take a picture, the error "Failed to connect to the camera" appears on the screen. To choose correct method solving the error, you need to find out the reason for its appearance.

How to get rid of the error "Failed to connect to the camera"?

Physical damage.

Not infrequently, the error "Failed to connect to the camera" occurs due to physical damage, for example, the camera cable could come off. Some users were helped by not applying too much pressure to the camera body. Thus, it is possible to restore contact between the camera and the device.

However, remember that you do all such manipulations at your own peril and risk. If you are sure that physical damage is causing your camera problems, the best solution will take the device to a service center.

Software glitch.

Another reason for the error may be a failure in the software part of the device. You can try the methods below to fix the error.

Reboot your device. Perhaps after that, the malfunctioning of the camera will stop.

If normal reboot does not work for you, try rebooting immediately after starting the camera. This method can be much more effective.

  • Removing the memory card.

Physical removal of the memory card often helps to get rid of problems with the camera. Before removing the SD card, you need to disconnect, for this:

1) go to "Settings", go to section "Memory" and select the item "Memory card";

2) press "Disable" and remove the card from the device.

  • Removing conflicting applications.

The error "Failed to connect to the camera" appears, or there may be a conflict with another application. The application causing the conflict can be any application that has access to the camera and is capable of taking photos. A lot of such applications can be installed on the device, so in order not to delete each of them, you can load the device into safe mode... When you turn on safe mode, only standard applications will work on the device, not those installed by you.

The method for enabling Safe Mode differs depending on the brand of the device. For example, on Samsung devices to go to safe mode you need to turn off the device, turn it on and wait until the Samsung logo appears on the screen, and then hold down the "Volume -" button. Whatever the method for enabling safe mode, the system will notify you when it starts.

Check if the camera is working in safe mode. If there are no problems with the camera, then the reason for the error is a conflict with another application. Reboot the device by disabling the safe mode. Delete the last ones one by one installed applications who have access to the camera. After deleting each of them, check if the camera works. If the camera works again, then the application causing the conflict has been removed. Thus, you can understand which application is causing the conflict.

  • Clears the data for the Camera application.

Sometimes given error appears due to a malfunction of the standard camera application. In this case, resetting the built-in Camera application can help you. For this:

1) go to "Settings", go to "Application Manager";

2) select an application "Camera" and press the button "Clear data";

3) stop the application by clicking "Stop" and confirm the action;

4) reboot device.

  • Grant all permissions to the Camera app.

This method is relevant for the newest Android versions... Permissions give the application the right to perform certain functions on the device. Check if all permissions have been granted to the Camera app.

1) Go to "Settings", go to "Application Manager";

2) select an application "Camera" and click on the item "Permissions";

3) for performance "Cameras" all permissions must be enabled.

  • Using third party applications.

Try to install with Play Market a camera application such as Candy Camera or Camera 360. It is possible that using these or similar applications, the camera on your device will work.

  • Reset device to factory settings.

If none of the previous methods worked, perhaps a factory reset will help you. However, remember that performing a factory reset will erase all data on your device. To perform a reset:

1) go to "Settings" and go to section "Archive and reset".

2) in paragraph "Reset" press (the name of the items may differ) and confirm the action.

These methods should help you get rid of the "Failed to connect to camera" error on Android.

Today, even inexpensive smartphones are equipped with professional photomodules, which are in no way inferior to the once popular "soap dishes". With the help of mobile gadgets, any user can feel like a novice photographer. And if you install a special program for the camera on your android, you can play with the effects and give the pictures an extra charm.

No matter how well gadgets work, some people are faced with the fact that the photo module of the device stops working for no apparent reason. Let's try to understand this problem.

Probable causes

If the camera on the android does not work, then for this it may be whole line grounds. For example, in the process of updating the phone software, a failure occurred, which entailed a malfunction of the photo module. In addition, some users try to reflash their gadgets on their own, which is also fraught with consequences. Viruses and malicious files can also cause the camera app to be disabled on Android.

And, of course, the smartphone can fail due to mechanical shock. The following are some of the most common problems and their solutions.

Software errors

  • Viruses. To get rid of the malicious code that could interrupt the camera application on android, you need to install a good antivirus and check the system.
  • Lack of free space. If everything on the memory card or on the phone itself is crammed to capacity, then this can provoke the failure of the photo module. To solve this problem, it is enough to clear the phone memory and delete all unnecessary or unused files.
  • Blocked cache. Temporary files are constantly accumulating on smartphones. If the cache is full, it may well cause an error. Therefore, it is sufficient to simply delete all temporary data.

  • Incorrect settings. If the picture was taken on a memory card that was later removed from the smartphone, then you just need to restart the phone.

If after these manipulations the camera on the android does not work, then the problems may be more global.

Physical malfunctions

Before going to the service center, it is worth checking everything possible reasons breakage. Even if they sound absurd.

If the camera does not work on the android phone, then you need to check if the micro SD card... Very often, on smartphones, photos are not saved to the device itself, but to a miniature drive. If it is not inserted into the phone, the camera will be inactive.

The second most typical reason the fact that the camera on the android does not work is a dirty lens. Very often, users buy unusual cases for smartphones, under which dust and dirt successfully accumulate. Therefore, in the event of a malfunction, it is worth checking whether the miniature eye of the photo module is dirty.

If the camera works intermittently and periodically turns off right during the shooting, then it is worth re-setting it, observing the correct sequence of actions.

How to properly configure the photo module

If the camera on the android does not work or periodically fails, then you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Reset smartphone settings to factory settings. Usually for this you need to go to the gadget menu and find the "Backup" line. After that, you need to select "Reset factory settings". Before that, it is better to save all important data and transfer contacts from the notebook to the memory card.
  • Download and install an antivirus (do not go to other sites before that). After that, you need to clean the system. It is recommended to download antivirus programs only in Google play so you can be guaranteed against malicious files.
  • Clear cache. This operation is performed immediately after the antivirus check has been performed. To clear it, you need to go to "Applications" and find "Camera" there. In the same menu there will be a button "Clear cache".
  • Wipe the objective lens thoroughly with a special optics cloth.

If you still can't take pictures, you can try installing a different camera app. There are a lot of such utilities. There are paid and free programs, more functional and those that only allow you to take pictures.

If all else fails, then all that remains is to contact the service center.