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Biased (biased) - what is it and what is the meaning of the word biased in modern Russian. Engage - what it is: the meaning of the word, its origin and synonyms

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Quite recently, I wrote a small post on, for quite often I mention them, as in oral speech and when writing articles. Both of them have French roots and a two-century history of appearance in the Russian language.

While writing that article, I remembered another word ("engagement" and other derivatives from it), which has the same history and is also quite common in modern written and colloquial speech... Engaged - what is it? What did this word mean a couple of centuries ago and how has its meaning changed today? Let's see.

What does the word "engaged" mean?

Unlike "mauvais" and "comme il faut", the word "engaged" was successfully used in Soviet times, and was not considered a relic of the "bourgeois" past.

An example is the word widely used at the time "engagement"(derived from engagement) - hiring an artistic troupe (circus, theater) for performances for a certain (pre-agreed) period. The troupe was thus engaged by employers, i.e. hired. From the point of view of the troupe (or individual artists), they received an engagement (an invitation to work, that is, in a row).

However, the word "engage" acquired its original meaning much earlier, when in Russian Empire there was still a nobility that regularly appeared in the light (secular society). At that time, along with the Russian language, French was also actively used in the world (the fashion was that - smart conversations were conducted on it, declared their love to girls, kept secrets). Therefore, a lot of words migrated from French to Russian, and later they took root there.

Engage two hundred years ago meant only one thing - to invite a lady to dance (to invite her to dance, to book a certain dance with the lady behind you). In this case, the lady turned out to be engaged (i.e., in demand, selected, invited and no longer has the right to give this dance to another).

It is noteworthy that in the modern Russian language this word has practically not lost its original meaning, except that its use is no longer limited to dances and secular society. But the meaning remained the same as in the French word "engagement", literally meaning - commitment and hiring.

Truth now they are mostly engaged I will not give dancing, but politicians, journalists, experts and other famous people (including musicians, artists) who can trade their opinion or position (having a certain audience that listens to him). And, of course, the engagement that has already developed in the theatrical and circus environment has not gone anywhere, i.e. in fact, getting a contract for performances.

But still, recent times the word "engaged" is used most often in conversations and reflections on politics. Anguishness becomes the norm there, i.e. when a politician famous people promote and express not their own point of view, but the point of view of the one who engaged them (hired, made them in demand, involved, made an offer that could not be refused).

So this word gradually began to acquire a negative connotation, meaning that someone speaking on a high platform (with a large audience) does not express their thoughts and promote not their own goals, but those who "bought" it (engaged in this essentially "theatrical performance" or even a "circus performance" - not for nothing is the expression that "this is a circus, and only").

Professional artists, of course, in terms of engagement look justified, because their "acting" is officially a way to earn their daily bread (no screen). Politicians and others famous personalities are engaged secretly (for example, to lobby the shadow interests of sponsors who prefer to stay in the shadows and remain), i.e. officially "acting" should not be part of their direct responsibilities (they are expected to be honest, adhere to principles, etc.).

No, there are, of course, cases when politicians are engaged and other public people (journalists, for example) is not associated with "buying an opinion", but is a conscious involvement and acceptance of someone's side with the subsequent upholding of this position. Such a person engaged with an idea (and not with money and other benefits), a person consciously stands up to defend a certain position.

However, it is not for nothing that they say that politics is a dirty business, and primarily because most of the participants in this action are successfully engaged (hired for a certain fee and "in demand" to promote other people's interests). Such is the word that, from the harmless "booking" of a dance in the lady's schedule, turned into "buying a talking head." IMHO.

P.S. I am also to some extent engaged and, sadly, not with the idea, but with the money of advertisers who pay me to write and place advertising reviews of their services. Although I do not lobby in these articles, I still promote my opinion to the masses. I amuse myself that the main thing is not to go too far and undertake reviews of only really useful services, but the fact remains that I periodically get a certain engagement.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Engagement as a personality trait - to be hired, recruited, involved in some (more often public) business; agree to perform certain services because of the promised benefit; become an active, biased, biased participant in something.

One man engaged the young one, beautiful girl on call and throughout their nightly meeting, without ceasing, exclaimed: - Foo you! Fu you! The girl was clearly offended, as she regarded this as the client's dissatisfaction with her professional qualities. In the morning she could not resist and asked: - Listen, why did you repeat “Wow! Fu you! ". Are you dissatisfied with me? “You misunderstood me,” he answered quickly. - You were what you need! And when I said “Fu you! Fu you! ”, I remembered my wife.

The word “engagement” is derived from the French word “engagement”. To be engaged is to be involved. To take a position. Take a side. This concept was introduced by the philosopher Sartre. According to Sartre, engagement is a deliberately chosen social position. If I have a position, then I am engaged. If not, then I stand and do not dance. According to Sartre, a person, through making moral and political choices, creates himself among people.

Today the word “engagement” carries a slightly different meaning, more negative, impartial. Engagement testifies to the purchase, employment of a person. As a result of the act of sale and purchase, an independent, neutral, non-tendentious person turns out to be a biased, biased, prejudiced subject, called upon for the promised benefit to say and do what the employer orders.

In short, bias is a bought bias. A person, for his own benefit, is ready for a false, prejudiced, preconceived opinion about someone or something.

Engagement - a paid invitation to participate in the political process. This term, as a rule, refers to persons of the creative intelligentsia: actors, journalists, musicians, etc. They are invited for different purposes: for campaigning in favor of a candidate, for coverage in the right light the political process, for moral support of the participants in the political process, for diluting the lists of electoral associations and blocs ...

It is difficult to reproach the artist with the involvement of the artist, who paints a portrait on request. It is quite different to be a committed writer or journalist. It is a great sin to become a committed advocate of lies. Journalists, writers become close to many people. With their biased views, they overturn souls, influence the choice of people's decisions, that is, they actively interfere in their destinies. You have to answer for this. In the next incarnation, at best, they will have to be blind from birth.

Engagement - hiring under a sale and purchase agreement. In essence, it is tendentious, since it is prone to biased, biased, one-sided, deliberate distortion of reality and to defend it in the eyes of others. She is prone to biased coverage of events, facts. She was bought so that she would insist on her purchased vision of the problem, show her “personal preferences” in spite of objective reality.

Engagement is the venality of one's pen and voice. Engagement is the daughter of corruption. She is ready to commit dishonest acts for money or for bribery, sell her pen, her voice on the air.

Here is one of the opinions about the venality of the biased media: - ... In our difficult time, the media grow fat on human blood and grief, like dung flies ... and there is no poison on them. Paraphrasing well-known expressions about all kinds of "corrupt girls" of the bourgeoisie and capitalism, we can simply say - "All the media are corrupt girls" ... Moreover, the volume of sales has increased immeasurably, and those who bought them have them as they please, with all conceivable and inconceivable perversions ... And on against this background of "honest girls" and not to be seen ... or are they not at all?

Now almost all TV channels, newspapers and magazines are private. How can they not be engaged in such conditions? Everyone should sing to the tune of the employer. That is, everyone should see and illuminate what is happening in the world with his eyes and ears. In a word, engagement turns into an instrument of the employer's mind. I wanted to get rid of a political rival, please, at the disposal of the professionals of the pen, experienced TV presenters, ready at any time to turn black into white and vice versa.

Journalist Natalya Avdonina writes: “Now journalists are involuntarily engaged - the media and political oppositionists act in one bundle: whoever is not with us is against us. It is unrealistic to publish serious analytical material, albeit partly critical of the fighters against the regime, in the liberal media. “Capitalism of bosom friends”, Lyudmila Resnyanskaya called this phenomenon. Journalists and politicians have not just united, they have become friends - when arranging interviews, they appoint a time and place for a pleasant friendly conversation. In a normal society, Ilya Barabanov believes, the distance between the media and politicians (whether they are oppositionists or on the side of the government) is necessary. But this is in a normal, healthy society. We don't have that. Requests are not answered - no information can be obtained. To surprise the editor and readers with an exclusive, journalists are forced to make compromises, including closing the distance with officials. "

Engagement today - perfect tool distortion of information through exaggeration, understatement, outright lies, falsification, fabrication of non-existent facts, slander of rivals, reporting half-truths, suppression, in a word, a long chain of indecent actions.

Petr Kovalev 2015

Two hundred years ago French claimed the title of "lingua franca" in the entire family of European nations. The most significant works of literature, culture and art came out precisely in the vastness of Gaul. Today, only a few linguistic artifacts that have survived to this day remind of the former greatness. One of them is to "engage". What does it mean? Read the article below and find out.

What does the word "engage" mean?

The meaning of this lexeme has changed historically. Today, it means the following:

  • Make efforts to involve in any enterprise a third party whose interests are not yet affected by it. So, you can engage someone or on something ;
  • In a figurative sense and with a fair amount of humor, they say this about occupying a certain place, renting housing or renting real estate. It is in this sense that the word was used by the great Soviet bard Vladimir Vysotsky in the song “She has everything of her own”: “ She has everything of her own - both linen and housing. Well, and I'm engaging a corner with my aunt.» ;
  • Promise a person benefits in order to receive a certain service from him.

But it was not always so. In Tsarist Russia, the following meaning was put into it:

  • Send an offer to an actor or group of actors to participate in a series of performances;
  • Invite a woman to dance;
  • Hire a job seeker for any position;
  • Make every effort to achieve a goal.

Now let's get down to etymology. As you might guess, French became the donor language in this case.

What does engager mean in French?

The lexeme invaded the Russian language about two hundred years ago, when the nobility was the leading class in the country. It successfully adopted all its tastes and habits from the French, who then claimed the title of the leading nation in Europe.

Today, practically nothing reminds of the total French-speaking of the domestic elite. Only a few borrowings remained, which managed to survive after the tough patriotic filter of the Soviet regime.

One of these borrowings is “ engager"(Pronounced approximately like" angazi ", with an emphasis on the last syllable). Here's what it means in the original language:

  1. Hire;
  2. Hire;
  3. Recruit;
  4. Recruit;
  5. Commit;
  6. Commit;
  7. Realize;
  8. Begin;
  9. To undertake;
  10. Implement;
  11. Go;
  12. Obligate;
  13. To invite;
  14. Induce or induce.

After the word "engager" appeared in the Russian language, its semantic diversity was significantly narrowed. It's quite normal: with interlingual transit, part of the meaning is inevitably lost or even transforms beyond recognition for native speakers.

What does biased mean?

Today, when we want to note the political coloring of a person's position or sympathies, we say that they are engaged. In other words, the politician bearing such a label was invited ("engager") to participate in some socially significant process on the side of one of the candidates.

The purposes of such an invitation may be different:

  1. Direct participation in the campaign for a candidate for a certain state administrative position;
  2. Moral support during a tense political game;
  3. Dilution of electoral lists.

An engaged personality protects other people's ideas and interests by passing them off as their own... Such activities are well rewarded. As a rule, playing foul play is quickly recognized by an experienced and intelligent audience. Because of this, any thought expressed by a discredited person will be perceived with exactly the opposite sign. Even if this thought is sound.

The most important tool for influencing the addressee of a certain social order is slogan... This is the name of a capacious expression that reflects general principles campaigns and circulating for a limited period of time.

Engagement: what is it?

In the field of culture and art French borrowings hold for an unusually long time, probably due to the specificity of the field of activity. One of such long-lived lexemes is "engagement", which was actively used even by the Soviet regime. The latter was famous for its purism (the struggle for the purity of the language), but for some reason it ignored this unusual combination of sounds for our ears.

That is why the invitation of an artist to a concert or tour is still called the word “ engagement". In a narrower sense, they can mean the paper, which reflects the corresponding contract or the term of its execution.

Etymological dictionaries note that for the first time in our country "engagement" was circulated during the time of Peter the Great. Which is not surprising at all: the emperor devoted his whole life to westernize the backward Muscovy. And he succeeded.

How to engage: examples

An ideological bias in one direction or another is a fairly common thing for a healthy political life... Here are some examples to illustrate this phenomenon:

  • Virtually all media outlets in the United States have a clear preference for one of the two leading parties. Thus, CNN broadcasts the values ​​of Democrats, Fox - Republicans;
  • The head of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" Alexei Venediktov declares the absolute neutrality of the company accountable to him, although experts note its clear liberal orientation;
  • Some political leaders may be biased in favor of a particular state. For example, Georgian leader Mikhail Saakashvili or his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yushchenko was often accused of defending US interests. It must be said not without reason: he consistently defended the interests of the only superpower;
  • Of the international organizations, the UN gets the most. Despite the declared impartiality and incorruptibility, in most cases she acts in such a way that it is just right to hang a stars and stripes flag over her entrance.

Sometimes, as part of the election race, a media resource or an individual begins pass off someone else's political program as their own position... In such cases, they talk about inept attempts to engage. All French connoisseurs know what this means without referring to the dictionary: “engager” translates as “engagement”. And more often than not free.

Video: "let me engage your woman"

This humorous sketch will use the verb "engage" in the context of an invitation to dance:

David Eidelman

If I want the good for Israel as a Jewish state, then I am engaged. If I understand that xenophobia is bad, then I cannot be indifferent to it. If I am jarred at the sight of the swastika as a political symbol, then I cannot be neutral about Tyagnibok's party congresses. If I know history, then the Bandera processions in Kiev and the shouting of OUN slogans near the Ukrainian embassy in Tel Aviv cannot but cause my disgust. If I believe that evil needs to be fought, then the good-heartedness of neutral objectivity is not for me ...

We often hear when they say about someone: "he is engaged", "does he really think so, or is he engaged?", "Is he accidentally engaged?"

People use concepts with little understanding of what they mean.

I will try to explain what this word means. I must admit right away that I am biased with regard to the meaning of words. I agree with Confucius: when words lose their meaning, peoples lose their freedom.

ANGUSED - this is from the French "involvement". To be engaged is to be involved. To take a position. Take a side.

The great Sartre introduced this concept.

According to Sartre, engagement is a deliberately chosen social position. If I have a position, then I am engaged.

If not, then I stand and do not dance.

According to Sartre, a person, through making moral and political choices, creates himself among people.

Existential philosophy focuses on this determination to be performed as pure repetition.

Human existence is a "total choice" permanent determination in relation to the circumstances, the need to take a clear position in any situation.

Even if any content of historical life turns out to be coming, even if any goals and values ​​of a person are not eternal, but in different times and at different nations“Good” and “evil” are opposite things, the ability of a person to make a choice and to be involved is an unconditional solid point on which the whole edifice of morality and ethics is being erected.

In this unconditional involvement within the framework of any given from the outside situation is the final and absolute value that rises above any relativity of the historical position and meaningful goals ...

Both Marxist economic determinism and Hegelian idealist philosophy viewed history from the point of view of its objective course, while the participation of an individual person in it was seen only as long as this person was captured by the flow of history and continued to act in it as a subsequent participant. Any such interpretation of history considers the meaning of a human act only on the basis of the victory of certain forces and the duration of the success achieved.

This is why objective consideration inevitably underestimates human choice. The subjective motivation of a person's involvement is underestimated.

All this is given importance only in existential philosophy, which began to proceed no longer from the objective course of history, but from the subjective tense attitude of a person living in a disturbing world towards it.

The insecurity of the human position at the same time determines in it a new attitude towards history, in which a human act henceforth appears to be not supported from the very beginning by a certain sense of the objective course of history, but falls into the darkness of a still indistinguishable future, which a person chooses.

The "courageous fear" of choice is immersion in a still non-existent future. At this point in French existentialism, the concept of "Engagement" appears, which in Russian is still used mainly when it comes to inviting an artist to a certain number of performances.

The "engagement" of the French existentialists corresponds to Heidegger's notion of determination. This is most often translated into Russian using the concept of “involvement”.

For the French existentialists, the concept of “engagement” becomes the basis of a passionate activist morality, which has proved to be directly effective even in the development of political events.

Engagement - involvement, a consciously chosen position. An engaged author realizes that his word is an action. He is aware that his performance strengthens or weakens a certain position.

“Man is a being in the face of which all other beings and even God cannot remain impartial. For if God were, he - this was well understood by some mystics - would be in a certain situation in relation to man. And man is such a creature who cannot accept any situation without changing it. His gaze grasps, destroys or sculpts, or, just as eternity likes to do, changes the object in itself. Only love, hatred, anger, fear, joy, indignation, admiration, hope are able to reveal a person and the world in their reality ”- writes Sartre.

Life, destiny, history, time, the world - engage us, offering to get involved in this or that dance. And in this situation of everyday choice, it is not the offer that matters, but our answer, our reaction, our choice. We will be engaged in any case, since our silence, our inaction is also a chosen position. As soon as you decide to do something or not to do something, by duress or of your own free will, you are engaged. You just have to choose what to be involved in ...



Verb, two-species. The Zaliznyak conjugation type is 2a. There is no strict correspondence in appearance. The stress is twofold; the right version is more archaic.

Root: -engage-; suffix: -irova; verb ending: -th.


  • Meaning

    Common prototypical meaning - invite (invite) smb. where or for smth..

    1. offer (offer) an engagement to an artist or troupe, i.e. invite (invite) them for a certain period of time to participate in performances or concerts We engaged a lovely lady for the first role. N. V. Kukolnik, "John Anton Leisewitz", vol. 1, 1839 // "One hundred Russian writers" In the fall, Leve wanted engage to Bologna, and at the future carnival to Venice. I. Pesotsky (ed.), “Mix. Theater censorship two thousand years ago "//" The repertoire of Russian and the pantheon of all European theaters for 1842 " Taking the foregoing into consideration, Mr. Merelli took care of engage In the composition of the formed imt troupe, the first four tenors, in common, in case of need, to present the fifth. “Petersburg theaters. Musical Review ", December 1871 //" Notes of the Fatherland " Yy. Scribe and Poyarson were in charge of the theater at this timeѣ Gymnase... Rumors about little Fae could not help but turn them around. They sent a special agent to the provinces to conclude a condition with her father and engage her to the theater. , “Contemporary Notes: Ms. Wolnis. Biographical news about her ", 1847 //" Contemporary " Aedil's first concern was engage actors, with whom he agreed in tsѣnѣ, for the duration of the festivities. "Foreign historical news and trivia", April 1902 // "Historical bulletin"
    2. invite (invite) a lady to dance But now, it seems, the first eco-session is over; let's go fast engage give for the second. , “Moscow and Muscovites. Notes of Ivan Ilyich Belsky ", v. 1, 1842 Having seen the Magyars dancing in a simple way, only between close friends, when their art reaches full perfection, not a single European dancer will dare engage Magyark: he will feel so sorry for his own art. E. N. Vodovozova, "The Life of European Nations", vol. 3: Inhabitants Central Europe, 1883
    3. to hire (hire) to perform any work, to occupy any position Most of Dickens' novels are based on family secrets: a child of a rich and noble family, abandoned to the mercy of fate, is persecuted by relatives who want to illegally take advantage of his inheritance. The plot is old and worn out in English novels ...<...>In France, now such a tie does not make any sense, and therefore the poor Eugene Xue was forced into noble fathers engage nѣmecko lordly prince. , “[Critical review of the book:] 'Parisian Mysteries'. Novel Ezhenya Xu. Translated by V. Stroyev. SPb., 1844. Two volumes, eight parts ", 1844 //" Notes of the Fatherland " When the Admiralty, in 1733, began to repair the fleet, it turned out to be an extreme shortage of captains, who knew their own ways, so that they were forced to turn to Kantemir with a mandate engage into the Russian naval service of foreigners, offering salaries to the superfluous staff of forty rubles per month. V. Ya. Stoyunin, "Prince Antiochus Cantemir in London", March 1867 // "Bulletin of Europe" So, maybe, maybe it would be engage for 500 p. with the title of professor Mr. Beckman, who for a whole year studied only natural history with Linnaeus; I also note that he has quite a desire to study in the St. Petersburg natural history office. A. Schletser, letter to Taubert dated February 26, 1766 / translated from him. V. Kenevich, in the "Collection of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences", v. 13, 1875 // "Public and private life August Ludwig Schletzer, described by himself " Excuse me, mamzel, you engage for this morning. And come with us, Mamzel, to the islands. G. Chulkov, "Paradise", July 1908 // "Education"
    4. attract (attract), involve (involve) somewhere I said then that I was ready to participate in any undertaking that seemed feasible to me, but that I considered contrary to my revolutionary conscience and terrorist urge engage people into terror, not seeing the opportunity to carry it out. , "Memoirs", 1909
    5. incline (incline) to something ... England does not spare anything, so that the Danish Court engage to open their direct thoughts and to underpin these shimeric or dreamy claims, which the eventual election gave her to the Swedish crown in favor of the Danish party. Marquis Lanmarius, French ambassador in Stockholm, letter to Daleon dated July 20/31, 1743, Prince. 2: "Papers of Count M. L. Vorontsov", 1871 // "Archive of Prince Vorontsov"
    6. attract (attract) some. forces somewhere., for smth. But although these positions were defended by only 3-4 Turkish battalions of a weak, barely 500-strong, Skobelev, in order to fulfill this, had to engage all their forces with reserves, namely 18 battalions ... I. S. Blioh, "The future war, its economic causes and consequences", July 1893 // "Russian bulletin" For now, looking at the reasons in hindsight, we must say that it did not engage national interests in dulѣ, which could not have a direct national significance for us. , 1912 // "The third The State Duma... The People's Freedom Faction from October 15, 1911 to June 9, 1912. Faction report "