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Secrets and treasures of pirates. Where you can find pirated treas

Piracy, despite all his danger, always remained quite a good way to rapid enrichment. Many of the famous pirates, for example, Henry Morgan and, copied enough wealth to ensure a comfortable life not only to themselves, but also to their descendants for several generations ahead. For this reason, it arose a large number of The legends telling about the inconspicuous pirate treasures that sea robbers hid, burned to the ground. In this material you will get acquainted with the most common legends about pirate treasures.

Treasures Henry Morgana

  • is one of the most successful and well-known pirates Caribbeanwho subsequently also made himself a political career. After the capture of Panama, Henry Morgan wasted a significant part of the stunned, which, as the legend says, is still buried somewhere on the Panaman. The sum of the hidden pirate treasure is estimated at millions of dollars.
  • Another myth of the treasure affecting this pirate tells about the treasures of the coconut burned on the island, their amount is estimated in more than 1 000 000 000 dollars! This legend is quite old and appeared even at the life of the pirate. In the 19th century, more than 300 expeditionary groups were equipped to the island, but the search for none of them was not crowned with success.
  • Another legend talks about a pirate treasure on Cayman Islands. The truthfulness of this legend is difficult to believe because it is based only on the fact that Morgan had his home on Cayman.
  • After the successful seizure of Portobelo Morgan became preparing for the next operation, a cow island was chosen. On his frigate, Pirate rolled the feast for his team, but an explosion took place in the midst of fun, which took the lives of almost the entire crew and climbed the military treasury of the team stored on the ship. The captain and a few more people survived, but the treasurely went to the bottom, thereby giving another reason for searching for the current treasurers.

Myth About Pirate Treasures

As far as we can judge, only one pirate in history ever buried her prey, and this happened with rather unusual circumstances. Capeper named was returned to New York, where, as he suspected, he could make a prosecution in piracy. He separated part of the extraction and buried her on the island of Long Island to get a strong argument for future negotiations. But the option did not work. Kidda immediately abandoned the grille, drove the location of the treasures, and then sent in the shackles to England, where they hung for piracy.

In truth, the myth of pirated treasures first arose in Robert Lewis Stevenson's novel. Written in 1881, this exclusively popular Roman Describes the hidden hidden pirate treasures. Although this story was fiction from beginning to end, since people believe that pirates regularly buried part of their prey, but they usually drank it entirely. Or losing in taverns. Or descended everything on "cute ladies" in the cities. Only a few had a sufficiently common sense to put gold into a bank or spend it on the purchase of amnesty or the noble title, and most spent everything as soon as they managed to get something.

Vlasts Captain Kidda

William Kidd was not one of the most successful pirates and his fame received exclusively thanks to the assumptions about hidden treasures, the search for which continues until now.

  • The ballad "Farewell Captain Kidda with the seas" talks about 200 hidden gold ingots. Treasure hunters were looking for a pirate treasure of Kidd on a number of different islands, but nothing significant to detect anyone. Many descended entire states in the hope of finding these imaginary pirate wealth.
  • The only island where it really turned out to be buried treasure pirate, was the island of Gardiner. There Kidd hid the treasures shortly before the court appeared before the court on which the question was raised about his involvement in piracy. At the interrogation, William Kidd split, and trying to use any preposition for his salvation, told about the hidden treasure. The treasures of the authorities were soon found and sent to England. Kidd still did not pass the deathly fate and was hanged as a pirate, and the jewels found proved the fairness of the sentence as it was impossible.
  • There were many fake on behalf of Kidda letters and cards telling about treasures. In 1951, operating such fakes a fraudulent fundraising for the expedition to the Chinese seas was carried out, where the treasures of William Kidda allegedly are. Funny, but the Kidd in the Chinese seas never happened, the fraudsters did not even bother to carefully examine the biography and activity of the pirate.
  • In 2015, the shores of Madagascar from the bottom was raised

If on the map of the Western Hemisphere from the city of Montreal to the south-east to spend a straight line to Cape Cape Frio, located in the Eastern tip South AmericaAnd then join the line this cape with coconut islands in the Pacific Ocean, near Panama, and spend another line from coconut to Montreal, then a triangle will appear on the map. Around the world, it is called the "golden triangle" or "triangle of treasures". Whose treasures are looking for here?

  1. Oak Island in Fandy Bay. Here the treasures of Ticch and Lafitt are hidden.
  2. The coast of the Cape Code Peninsula. The place of finding the ship Pirate Bellamy "Wide".
  3. Ki-West. Here died gallows "Nourera Señora de Atkom" and "Santa Margarita", who flew to reefs in 1622. The load of these treasures is estimated at $ 250 million, although some treasure is already raised.
  4. Bahamas. The remains of the Spanish Galloon "Concepcion", sunken in 1641. Bert Webber raised only a small part of the treasure - 32 tons of silver.
  5. Silver-Banks ovens. Along the shames scattered the remains of 16 Spanish galleons, sunken in 1643 during the storm. The total cost of cargo is estimated at 65 million dollars.
  6. HuvanTud Island (Pinos). Pirate base in the Caribbean. It is possible that Drake's treasures, Van Khoran, Tich and other famous pirates hid here.
  7. Bay of Samana. In 1724, Konda de Tolosa and Nourera de Guadeloupe gallows were sunk with mercury cargo, which would be valued at $ 6 million today.
  8. Mona Island. It is believed that jennings pirate trees here. Eastern sank his ship found in 1939.
  9. Cumana Bay. As a result of the sabotage in 1820, Galloon "San Pedro de Alkantra" exploded. Harry Rizberg raised part of the cargo, estimated at $ 50 million.
  10. Coconut island. IN early XIX. Ages here were hidden treasures collected by the Spaniards in Peru.
  11. Tobermori Bay. A ship was found here a ship of the Great Armade "Florence", but there was no treasure.
  12. Bay Waddense. In 1799, the Doltlan Ship "Lutin" sank with 1,375,000 English pounds on board.
  13. Donegal Bay. Found Galeas "Hiron", on board which in 1588 there was a salary of the Great Armada.
  14. Bay Vigo. During the battle with the Anglo-Dutch squadron, 17 Spanish galleons were swaming. Their load has not yet been found.
  15. Azores, Fairyal Island. In 1594, the British flew by the Portuguese ship "Chagas", transported about 7 tons of gold.
  16. Porto-Santo Island. In 1724, the Dutch ship "Slot Ter Hoog" sank with 1500 silver bars on board. Part of the cargo is raised by the Belgian wall.
  17. Island of St. Lena. In 1613, the Portuguese was sinking a Dutch ship "Witte Low" with a cargo of gold and 1311 diamonds.
  18. Balaklava bay. Million pounds sterling, drowned together with the "Prince" ship still not found.
  19. Zanzibar Island. It is believed that the cidd's English pirates and Avery pirates are buried here.
  20. Seychelles: O-Va Ferkar, Aldab, Providence, Mahe. Now there are looking for treasures of French Corsar.
  21. Madagascar, Cape Masala. In the XVIII century, the bases of many pirates were near this Cape, including Ingland and Levasters.
  22. Mauritius Island. Surkuff must be here.
  23. Reunion Island. According to testimonies, here in the XVIII century hid their treasures of Pirates Ingend, Taylor and Levasser.
  24. Malack Strait. In 1511, she broke on the reefs of the flagship of the Portuguese fleet "Flele de la Mar". His cargo is estimated at 9 billion dollars.
  25. Sippan Island. Here in 1638 failed the galloon "Nourera Señora de la Concepcion". Part of the cargo was able to save the team, and in 1987, the treasures found 1,300 gold jewelry at the bottom.
  26. Manila bay. Frank Goddio discovered the Spanish Galeon "San Diego" surfached here in 1600.
  27. Island Graygen. English Pirate Robertson burned a treasure that could cost 2 to 20 million dollars.
  28. Tsushimsky Strait. The cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov", surrounded by the Japanese in 1905, according to some reports, dried off the Russian fleet.

Since the emergence of a series of films "Pirates of the Caribbean", our curiosity in relation to the life of the pirates was again awakened by interest in the treasures of pirates. Romance and free lifestyle of flibusers are well described on the screen and in books where the captains of Pirates often appear elegant characters.

However, the study of the history of the life of free sailors put them with merciless people who left fame with their robbery and destruction. Pirates still exist today, although instead of knives and swords they have AK-47 and other deadly weapons. Like the thieves of the past time, they rob and kill, but today we will look at some secrets that are connected by the treasures of the pirates of the old world.

Phantom ship black beard.

Not many heard about Pirate Edward Tiche, since he is more known as a black beard. At the beginning of the 1700s, he and his team attacked shopping ships in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Topseyl Island. Running raids on running ships and subsequent robbery helped him earn a huge wealth and celebrity.

Probably, the pirates were covered in many places hidden until better times. However, the secret of captain, a black beard is a friend - this is the appearance of a ghostly ship that comes out of the world of non-existence. The frightening image of the ghost ship is considered visible only on the radar, and, as stated, he pursues the ships going from the topsale's island, as it happened 300 years ago.

William Wilcox Ghost.

The ghost of the terrible pirate of William Wilcox is located in a cave near Cornwall, in a rich in many. Mysterious meeting With a sadly famous robber, John Daer, a businessman who made a dark zois cave, was experienced in 2015.

Photo taken dark shadow In the back of the cave, which, according to the locals, is the ghost of William Wilcox. According to the local history, the pirate was in the run and hid in the caves, hoping to avoid punishment for her gloomy actions. But in the end, the pirate drowned because of the rising flow of water, and now the ghost of the deceased pursues this area.

In connection with the strange activity of something otherworldly, some suggested that the pirate hid underwent treasures in the cave. Perhaps the treasure holds the ghost of the pirate by an anchor and does not give to go to the kingdom of the dead, steadyly protecting the treasures ... a lot of people came up with, but they didn't find wealth here, at least nothing is unknown here.

Cursed Treasure Captain Kidda.

CIDD captain is perhaps one of the most famous pirates of that era. He wandered around the sea around the shores of the current New Scotland, Canada, where many secrets of the sea devil are hidden today. Oak Island, lying off the coast of New Scotia in 1795, became the place of an interesting discovery of Daniel McGinnis, who found a suspicious design in the ground.

According to the descriptions, the well or small mine is posted oak boards, three meters overlapped with massive logs. Further excavations led to a stone from the mysterious symbols laid down at a depth of about 30 meters.

Since this place was a pirate of pirates, then many treasure detectors concluded: the stone contains symbols indicating the treasures of Captain Kidd hidden at the bottom.

In fact, the history of the mine is absolutely unknown, and as they found out further excavations, the tunnel with the tanne channels goes to a depth of 60 meters. It is doubtful that the pirates will carry out such ambitious work, pursuing the treasure overly far and in a complex design.

Many pirated treasure hunters came here to experience luck at the depths of the oak shaft. However, after decades of search, the diggers still did not find the treasure, probably due to complexity and undeciously secrets Inscriptions on the stone. Meanwhile, during the excavations, seven people died, giving a reason for the education of the legend about the cursed treasure of Captain Kidd.

Mystery Kraken.

Most pirated adventures do not cost without an attack of giant squid. Sea giants known as "Kraken" are able to destroy the ship and drag it into the dark depths of the ocean. There is still no modern evidence of the emergence of this mythical being, the truth of the Paleontologist Mark Macmanin documented the similarity of the signs of a huge squid with the octopus.

It is reported that the marine "monster" also lives in the deep sea, having the core able to cope with the pressure of water at this level. Is a giant squid a sign of the existence of mythical Kraken or not, still remained unsolved secret. In nature, it came across an incredibly giant owner of the tental, but not so huge to attack the ship.

Cryptogrram Olivier Levasser.

Another Pirate Captain Olivier Levasser was executed at the end of the 1800s. Before hanging on the rope, he was one of merciless pirates, wander in the Indian Ocean.

Clear business - the captain owned an intted treasure, about the burial of which he left a very mysterious tip. The key to open the place of the pirate treasure is the cryptogram that he threw into the crowd with recent words "Find my treasure, the one who can understand it."

Although modern descriptors did not understand the old cryptogram, Razhnald Herbert Vilkins say in the 1950s in the 1950s. He argued that the hidden treasures cost more than 100 million pounds. Perhaps Herbert found some testimonies similar to several coins and wine jug of the 17th century. It's a shame, but Reginalda did not have enough funds for a real expedition, and he surrendered in his treasure.

Obviously, not all pirates are so lucky as Captain Jack Sparrow, when it comes to the deception of death and escape with disgustingly produced wealth. Vlasts of pirates, these charming treasure chests filled with Gresses of wealth and happy life, without waiting for their projectors still keep the gloomy history of flibusers. By the way, that Levasser's pirate has not yet been reported.

There are many mysterious secrets about treasures, especially about lost in the sea during shipwrecks. Many dream of finding a treasure, regardless of whether they believe in it, or not. Most legendary treasures Tied with pirates whose vessels tolerated crawling during battle, or strong storms. How much do you really have sunken vessels that are huge wealth? Imagination draws infinite paintings of incredible treasures, and many enthusiasts actually spend a lot of time in their search. Some argue that these are just fairy tales and legends, but others really believe that there are gold chests waiting at the ocean's day. Fortunately, there are enough willing people who want to help spread the biggest secrets on the planet. In this selection of a list of 10 legendary ocean treasures, which have not yet been discovered.

Treasures of black beard

In 1966, the archaeologists discovered the remains of shipwreck near the shores of North Carolina, tied it with the ship of the famous Pirate on the nicknamed black beard. But the snag is that a single ounce of treasure was found anywhere around the vessel. A black beard is the most famous of all pirates that accumulated a huge amount of gold and other wealth. Many suggest that the treasure is still resting somewhere around the coast of Carolina, but it is very difficult to determine its location. Even the beard himself somehow said that "Only I and the Devil know," where it is. By approximate estimates, the value of gold can be about $ 2.5 million.

Fortuna Jean Lafita

French pirate Jean Lafit received a fortune, attacking commercial vessels in the Gulf of Mexico and then selling stolen goods in one of the many ports he owned. An accomplice of Lafita was his brother Pierre. These two were so good in the theft and unchecking that they accumulated a lot of wealth and jewels. As a result, the brothers had to hide their treasures somewhere, which gave rise to a lot of secrets and legends. There were more than 50 ships under their command, which suggests how much the state was. After the death of Lafita in 1830, the legends of his treasures began to spread around the world. They said that part of his treasures was buried in Lake Born, on the coast of New Orleans. Other said that a possible place is approximately three miles east of the "Old Spanish Way", on the Sabin River. On the this moment No one has found wealth, estimated at about $ 2 million.

The wealth of Captain Kidda

Pirate of the late 17th century William "Captain" of Kid is the cause of many myths about lost treasures. KID began to rob in 1698, attacking the ships and hunting a huge wealth. But when he himself began to hunt, Kidd decided to protect his treasures and began to hide them in different North American Islands. Captain Kid was ultimately captured and hanged, and his treasures were still buried in an unknown place. To add some reality to this myth, in the 1920s, four treasure cards hidden by the "captain" kid, were found in furniture subjects, presumably belonging to him.

Monetary Pit Oek Island

"Monetary Yama", located in New Scotland, Canada, spawned one of the longest treasure hunting in the world. For hundreds of years, hunters came to New Scotland to try to find a treasure, but returned with anything. In 1795 Teen Daniel McGinnis found a strange place on the Oek Island, where all the trees were hardened. Interested in, he began excavation Secret from the rest of the treasure seekers. He managed to find a message with an encrypted message that in this place, at a depth of 40 feet, are buried two million pounds. Unfortunately, due to many obstacles and strong streams of water, it was not possible to find any treasure. There are several popular theories that are associated with the "Monetary Pit": Pirates are treasured in the pit, or Mary Antoinette's missing jewels. There is also a version that English Professor Francis Bacon used a pit to hide the documents proving that he was the author of Pieces Shakespeare.

Treasures of Lima

During the rebellion of Peru against Spain in 1820, the captain of a large British vessel was supposed to deliver treasures belonging to the city of Lima. Cargo, as estimated, cost $ 60 million and included two statues of the Holy Virgin in natural magnitudeMade in pure gold, and 273 decorated with precious stones of the sword and candlestick. Captain Thomas was rather greedy and killed all the passengers, after which he sailed to the island of Cocos and hid the treasures in the cave, hoping to keep it all for himself. On his mortal bed, he told a little about the location of his treasures, which was still not found and did not find it.

The treasures of John Unheondhex

In 1216, the king of John the landless, also known as "bad", headed in Lynn in Norfolk. On the way, he fell ill with dysentery and decided that he had to return to his Newarka castle. He decided to make the way to the route around Walsh, with his dangerous mud traps and swamps. King John and his soldiers made their way through the swamps with the carts full of his royal regalia, when they got into a deadly trap. Trucks, total treasures for an approximate amount of $ 70 million, including jewels, gold cups, swords and coins, were lost and never found.

Nourera Señora de Atkoma

In 1622, the Spanish Galeon Nourera Señora de Atkoma returned to Spain, full of gold, precious stones And rare silver when he was overtaken by hurricane. The impact of the storm was so serious that the galleon was thrown into a coral reef and he instantly sank under the weight of the treasure. Immediately an attempt was made to save the treasures, which included 17 tons of silver ingots, 27 kilograms of emeralds, 35 gold and 128,000 coins. To the place where Senior de Atkom went to the bottom of Nourera, other ships were picked up. Unfortunately, hit the second hurricane and destroyed any attempts to save the treasure. The crash site is so bigger and failed to find, until recently. In 1985, the treasure hunter Mel Fisher found a part of treasure $ 500 million in less than 100 miles from the coast of Ki-West. Nevertheless, experts believe that treasures are approximately $ 200 million still lying somewhere at the bottom.

Legend of the Golden Man

Long existed myth surrounding Lake Guatavit in Colombian Andes. He read about the gold of the Inca, hidden on the day. The most popular theory is that the Golden Man, known as "Eldorado", once dived into the sacred lake, and his followers brought gold and jewels here, demonstrating devotion. As a result, many visited the area in attempts to detect treasure. Starting from the arrival of the Spaniards in 1536, 100 kilograms of gold exhibits were mined from the bottom bottom of Lake Guatavita. In 1968, the goldst ingot was discovered in the cave, again resurrecting the legend about Eldorado, or the Golden Man.

San Miguel Treasures

In 1715, Spain collected the fleet of vessels filled to edges with pearls, silver, gold and jewelry worth about $ 2 billion. Courts were sent from Cuba just before the hurricane season to prevent attempted by pirates. It turned out to be a bad idea, since the entire fleet of 11 courts was surfed only six days after sailing. As a result, $ 2 billion still rest at the bottom of the sea. After this catastrophic case, 7 of the courts were discovered, but only a small amount of valuable treasures was restored. It is believed that the treasures of San Miguel can be close to the eastern shores of Florida.

Gold Flor de Mar

A 400-ton portuguese ship called Flor De Mar (Sea flower) was caught by a strong storm in 1511. It suffered shipwreck on the reefs Sumatra, split into two parts, and everything treasure was lost in the sea. The story states that Flor De Mar transported about 60 tons of gold, which is the greatest treasure from ever collected in the history of the Portuguese Navy. It is not surprising that Flor De Mar has become one of the most wanted treasures in history.

It was possible to accumulate quite large treasures. There are a great many legends dedicated to pirate treasures.

Glastics Henry Morgana[ | ]

Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan was one of the most successful pirates in the history of marine robbery - a real legend in the pirate world. The most famous legend is a legend of the treasure, which allegedly buried on the Panama Carce. Legends say that after its raid on Panama Morgan held the decellers "not for honor", taking most of the treasures produced, and then buried it "somewhere on the Panaman Carce." The cost of this treasure may presumably make hundreds of millions of dollars.

The second largest legend of the treasures of Morgana is a legend of treasures buried on the shores of Cocos Island. The exact cost of the treasure is unknown, however, the summation of the values \u200b\u200bmentioned in the legends gives a figure over a billion US dollars. This legend is very old, it arose during the life of Morgan. Attempts were repeatedly made to find these treasures (from the middle of the XIX century, over 300 search expeditions were sent to Cocos Island, but none of them succeeded).

Another place where the treasures of the Grand Corsara can be buried, are Cayman Islands. In favor of this version, the fact that Henry Morgan had his home in favor of one of these islands.

In 1669, after a successful raid on Portobelo, Morgan began to prepare for a new campaign. The national site he appointed a cow island. On the frigate "Oxford" he arranged a feast for officers. An explosion occurred at the height of the fun. Only Morgana and several more members of the team managed to escape. According to the legend, the ship was kept by Morgan's military carriage. Its cost is also very high.

Vlasting Olivier Levasra[ | ]

On April 13, 1721, John Taylor on the ship "Victoria" and Levais at Kassandre, who acted in a pair, met the Portuguese ship "Vierray Du Kampa" from the coast of Renunion off the coast of Renunion. Most of the portuguese cannons were thrown away during the storm to alleviate the ship. Pirates without much difficulty were able to capture the ship. Mining exceeded all expectations: gold and silver bars, cheeks losing from gold, pile of pearls, diamond bags, silk, expensive spices ... Each member of the team accounted for 5 thousand gold and 42 diamonds. Levasser hid his prey somewhere.

In 1730, after the battle with the French jet "Medusa", Levasser was captured. He was then delivered to Reunion. The court was short, and Levasters hung. According to the legend, before the death of Olivier, Levasser threw a piece of paper into a crowd, written by various signs. "You can pick up my treasures if you can read it!" He shouted into the crowd.

There are two main versions of the location: on the island of Saint-Marie and in the Seychelles.

In 1941, the retired British officer, named Reginald Herbert Cruz-Wilkins, held ambitious excavations on Mahe Island, one of the Seychelles, in the town of Bel-Ombre. However, when the light of hope was already cut down (the gun, Musket and the Golden coin of the English king of Charles I were found) due to the lack of excavation money were stopped.

In addition, the version is not excluded that Levasser hid his treasures (who were on board the ship to the contractions with the "jellyfish") on the island of Reunion.

Clasts of "black beard"[ | ]

Edward Tich

Pirate that was called this nickname, called Edward Tich. He was the most famous pirate of the XVIII century. Titch, as opposed to most pirates, created his own base-fortress on one of the Virgin Islands - Gorda Island. According to the legend, it was there that he kept stuck in the raids to "Golden Gallows". According to approximate estimates, the treasure of the "black beard" can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. The legend of pirate treasures and is now attracting a lot of treasures on the island.