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Magadae Edward Nigma from the series "Gotham". Riddles Edward Nigma. Guide on the passage of trialler tests in Batman: Arkham Knight

The revenge of the puzzle is the most complex and long test for the dark knight. This mission belongs to most secondary from particularly dangerous in Batman: Arkham Knight. In order to cope with missions, you must perform a number of tasks throughout the Gotham. However, from the very beginning, all the tasks of the Riddler will not work, as different missions open on different stages The passage of the main plot. In the novelty you will seem, the slave tracks and puzzles in which the direct participation will take - Batmobile. Riddler's goal as always, make you solve a number of riddles, participate in a number of tests to collect all the trophies. Edward Nigma Aka Riddler is a big zanoza in Bruce Wayne's ass Batman.

Riddler Testing with Cat Woman

P.S. Please note that all the riddles and their solutions we received in the usual mode, it may differ from the new game +

General information "Revenge of the Middle"

  • Even after the passage of all trials of Riddler, you will not be able to plant it for the grille. In order to send it to Commissioner Gordon to the site you will need a solution and search for all its trophies and mysteries.
  • The goal to cope with all the tests of Edward Nigma, which consist of a row of puzzles are solved, both with the help of Batmobile and without it.
  • On the neck of a cat-cat is a bomb with 9 charges, so that it will be saved you will need 9 keys. You will receive keys only if you do all the conditions in the Riddler tasks.
  • In the course of making missions, you can manage two characters: Batman and a woman-cat
  • Tests of the mystery are divided into two parts:
  • 1. Puzzles with the participation of Batmobile, after the completion of which you tell me a woman-cat where the desired key is.
  • 2. Tests with a cat woman, here under your control falls Selina Kyle, with which you will have to interact to solve a number of puzzles. At the end of each test you get the key.
  • With each successful testing, you will receive an award in the size of the 2-eyed WayNetech, as well as one achievement.

Reward for the passage of "revenge of the mystery"

  • 25 WayNetech points.
  • "Road to hell", "Fragment of the puzzle", "Cats-Mouse", "The Mystery of Wake-up", "Sick Question", "Eternal Question", "Middle Factory", "Dangerous classes", "nine lives" - achievement.
  • Woman Cat, Edward Nigma - figures and biography of characters.
  • Several tests
  • Access to the last riddle of the Riddler on the island of Miagani, which you will receive on the "last exam."

The first meeting with Riddler on the island of Glik

The first meeting with Nigma will occur on the island of glare as part of a small briefing, which else to expect from the closed Riddler races. There you will teach the Azam behavior of Batmobile on the specialized tracks of the mystery.

The place where Riddler was seen for the last time.

After successful passageYou will be asked to be removed, hinting for further continuation.

Revenge of the puddle - the first test of a female cat.

After passing the training missions and dating with a new, open world, you will find yourself in front of the bridge on Miagani Island. Access tohim will be affordable during passage. Once on the island, you will getmessage Riddler that he can offer you something interesting in the shelter of Pinkni. We go to the scene and discover the associated woman-cat, we free it and come into a fight with several robots. During the battle you can switch the characters in a single combo, it looks impressive and allows you to play a cat for a cat. We learn that the cat is a mined collar that needs to be opened by certain keys. Riddleler will notify you about the new test, which "waiting will not wait for" your arrival at the specified place.

Cat woman tied to a chair.

The second test of the Riddler passes in an abandoned building under the Earth east of the pinkni shelter. Here you will be offered to pass the race, on the manner of tasks with a briefing, we switch platforms, clean the traps and so 3 circles. After that, the Riddler will open access to the button that activates the puzzle and allow a cat to take the key to take the key by applying it on the collar. In the screenshots it is shown where exactly the key must be.

Location of Riddler's race track.

We pass the test with Batmobil, it is quite fun.

Balanced Law - Second Riddler Test

The test will be held in the Chinese quarter in the northwestern part of the island of glare. Everything is simple and fast here. To pass the test you need to get out of the machine and click on the button, then, with the remote control remote control Batmobil Complete a small test with platforms. IMPORTANT: on the last springboard, it's a pretty well with the help of forples, otherwise you will have to do all the way again. The second part of the task will be the supply of electricity with a boat winch, the panel will light up and you can again help the cat take the next key.

We come to place and drive to the garage with the inscription Balancing Act.

We become a button, and switch to Batmobile.

Carefully, slowly moving around the arrows.

Here he is our springboard, floors and a platform switching button to help.

Charge a panel with a puzzle.

We help the cat decide on the key.

To be continued…

In this section of our guides, it will be about the riddles of Riddler, concluded in the word combined verses. Usually Riddler's riddles in the game are marked with brackets. Solving such mysteries will unlock you one of the histories of Gotem City in the Knowledge section. We will show you how to solve Riddler's riddles on the island of glare.

In order to solve one of these mysteries, you first have to find a specific location, then holding a detective mode button, fix and photograph the encrypted object. At the witty speeches of Riddler, you immediately understand, it turned out or not. If you suddenly read previous guides, or are looking for information on other mysteries, pay attention to our detailed guides:

Cauldron's mystery

Cauldron's mystery.

He is no longer a lattice barrier, but there is little madness where we are glad.

The solution to this riddles will open you access to one of the history in the Betcomputer. In order for everything to do, you will have to go to the eastern part of the island of Glik. A little south you will see a crane with the Sionis logo. Relieve it on it and look into the distance by increasing the review, you should see four posts with red lamps on top, lock and take a picture of this place.

Mystery of the Chemical Plant / Ace Chemical

Mystery of the Chemical Plant / Ace Chemical.

The killer covered with scales, in the air smells of trouble.

Deciding this riddle, you will be rewarded by the history about Cargo / Cargo. Your task is to find location near the destroyed tower next to the Chemical Plant / Ace Chemical, this is a small island. Stand before going to the tower and take a picture of the place.

Riddle in chin tauna

Riddle in chin tauna

The fighter has a lot of muscles and a plush teddy bear, but if there are no doping, they will not help and books.

Covering with this mystery, you will get access to the history of the mission. In order to guess the mystery you will need to find a signboard with the inscription "The Deacon's Mission". Located a sign on the first floor on one of the streets of Chinatown, east of Langstrom's laboratory.

GCPD Mystery

GCPD Mystery

It shines hopes in the night, you go to the goal and the light are the search.

The mystery will open access to Fallout history. How else to solve? Everything is very simple, you need to climb the top of the GCPD building, standing next to the BET signal to analyze it. Perhaps the first time you do not get to fix the goal, so use our advice and go to a couple of steps so as not to stand too close.

Mystery of Langstrom Laboratory

Labor Laboratory Labor Location

Riddle in Langstrom Laboratory

The doctor has created a vaccine, hearing can be saved, but instinct wins, knocks down from the way.

After solving the riddle, you will get access to the history called white noise. In order to find a solution, you will have to start moving to the northern part of the island. Next to the Big Sign of Ace Chemical is the entrance to the laboratory of Langstrom. Go to the back door from the south side, and then go along the corridor. You will find yourself in the laboratory of Langstrom, inspect the board next to the door and explore it.

Mystery Batgr

Location Riddler Battle

Mystery Batgr

Comraders will pay a high price. Here is a reminder to those who come to shift.

After deciding this mystery, you will get a small passage of the history of Batheml - a trap. It is quite simple here, you need to move to the clock tower, and use the remote hacking device on the console, as shown in the screenshot. The shelf will move away and you will see a battleship costume, explore it.

Riddle Statue Gotem

Riddle Statue Gotem

Towering in the center is beautiful in appearance, it will protect with his garbage and protect everyone.

After the solution you will get a story false dawn. Climb on one of the high buildings on the island of glare to see the statue of Gotem, which is located on a small separate island. Explore it in a detective mode and you solve a riddle.

Mystery of mercenar

The riddle at the GCPD police station is a mercenary.

Middle mercenary.

The mercenary is pleased, the price is ideal. I will hit without misses - get full.

The solution of this riddle will introduce you to history called the Spare Option. Go to the GCPD police station on the island of Blik, go to the Cake of Main mode, and then to the negotiation / "Communications Room". There you will find a white board with photos of some criminals explore it.

Mystery mask

Mystery mask

Get the invitation is dreams, but who will dress, right how are you?

After deciding the riddle you will receive the story of Masquerade. The riddle can be solved during or after passing 9 chapters of the main plot, the purpose of which is the protection of the Oracle servers. Go to the lower level of the clock tower, there will be the door leading to the server, which was previously locked. When you enter, climb up the stairs, there you will find a room with a poster on which the mask will be depicted. Close the review and explore it.

Riddle Jack Rider

Riddle Jack Rider

Reporter All secrets want to learn, but where is the information better to look?

He will open the story of Jack with you, with the decision of the riddle. Go to the GCPD Police Station without entering the carcera room of a particular mode, turn right and go to the door. Go to the jack rider table and explore it workplace. There is no difference whether Rider is at the table, or not.

Mystery Aaron Cash

Mystery Aaron Cash

No souvenir is better than the hook, lost his hands - why should I have a hand?

Radding a riddle as a reward You will receive a poisoned bowl story. Go to the Cake of Especially Mode, at the table will stand Aaron Cash Explore His left, More precisely, its hook.

Edward Nigma is a character from the Universe "Disti", which appears in the comics about the dark knight. Nigma was first lit in the 140th issue of Detective Comics as a superslode under the nickname of the migrate. The character was so popular that he became one of the main antagonists of Batman. Moreover, Edward Nigma appeared not only in comics. He also appeared in animated series, film computer Games and so on. Perhaps the most successful interpretation of the mystery turned out in the TV series called "Gotham". It is about this version of the character we will talk in this article. Want to know about Edward Nigme and its activities in more detail? Read the material outlined.

Series "Gotham"

IN lately Huge popularity acquired the genre of superheroika. This tendency was picked up large comic publishers. Thus, the company "Marvel" literally occupied cinemas with their "Avengers" and " Iron people". But the competitors from the" Disti "are not flashed. While the cinemas has been bombed with their films, the Disti company decided to capture television. And how else to explain the exit of a number of superhero TV series like the" green boom "," Flash "," of tomorrow's "arrows" " etc.?

Against the design of the above projects, "Gotham" is beneficial. This series, although it is based on comics, but tells the story ordinary peoplewho are struggling with evil. This is exactly what the audience attracts. Pretty it is difficult to empathize the same Flash. After all, he possesses incredible abilities that make it almost invincible. "Gotham", in turn, tells about the honest policeman Jima Gordon, who wants to cleanse the city from crime. Jim does not have super superconductances and fights dangerous maniacs own forces. One of these maniacs is Edward Nigma. You can learn more about this character from this article.

Mystery man Edward Nigma

The role of Edward Nigma in the series "Gotham" performs an actor named Corey Smith. Initially, Nigma performed the role of a semi-mouteau half-board. Nevertheless, over time, this character received incredible popularity among fans. For this reason, the role of the Nigma in the plot of the series has significantly expanded. Why is the riddle of Edward Nigma so popular?

Even pretty simple. First, the actor playing NIGMA copes with his task for all one hundred. Corey Smith fits perfectly into the role. Secondly, Edward Nigma is an interesting character in itself. Watching his evolution from Botany to the cruel maniac is incredibly interesting.

First season

Edward Nigma appeared in the first series of the series. In the plot, he works as a forenswhelter in police department, which enters Jim Gordon. The creators from the first personnel are trying to show us that Nigma is a guy with oddities. Edward loves to bother with their colleagues with various mysteries and puzzles. It is for this reason that in the area to Nigmes do not the best way. Above him are constantly mocking and fooling.

Also, it is impossible not to mention the love interest of Nigma - Christine Krovl, who works at the police archive. Edward repeatedly tried to invite a girl on a date. But that in every way I ignored the courtship of Edward. Later, Christine also touched the relationship with the police Tomom Dogrti, who did not respect the girl and often beat her. This brings Nigmu, and he kills a cop in a rustling of rage. This was the first step of Edward in the formation of a cruel killer.

Second season

In the second season, Corey Smith's character was developed. Edward Nigma begins to suffer from splitting personality: inside it, cruelty and humanity are fighting. In addition, Nigma begins to meet Miss Kringl, who believes that ex-boyfriend Threw her and left the city. And everything seems to be not bad.

Nigma suppresses his mental disorders, relations with Christine develop rather rapidly. However, soon there is a terrible. Miss Kringle learns about who killed Tom. Edward tries to calm down the girl, but she stifles her. This is the last straw for nigma. His alter ego takes the top, and Edward becomes a mysterious.

Riddles Edward Nigma from the series "Gotham"

Main Nigma Fishka - Riddles. Throughout the entire series, he puzzled both the audience and other characters by the series with his puzzles. Moreover, a certain trend is noticeable. In the first season, Edward's mysteries are extremely harmless and intended to inform the interlocutor about interesting fact or event.

In the second season, the nigma puzzle acquire more sadistic character. Remember at least the moment after the murder of Miss Kreingl. The migrate takes the top over Edward, suppressing his personality. While the body of Nigma managed his alter ego, the migrate dismembered his girlfriend and hid a part of her body at the police station. When Edward's identity returned control over the body, he had to find the corpse of his beloved with the help of puzzles who left the migrate.

Your adventure in you will start with location called Island Bleak / Island Bleake. This is the northeast of Gotham City. In this part of the city you have to do not sleep little to pick up all prizes of the mysterious. Some lie in open videoAnd they just need to approach and take, the rest hidden in secluded places, and will require certain skills to solve puzzles. In this guide, we will tell and show you, the location of all Trofev Riddler on the island of Blik / Riddler Trophies Bleake Island And what way they get better to get them.

We are preparing for you material on all places of Gotam, use references below to determine the location of the trophies of Riddler on other islands and locations such as:

We hope that our guide helped you, do not forget to share information with your friends and acquaintances.

Trofy Riddler Island Blick

Island Grek Trophi Riddler Map

The so-called trophies of Riddler need to be just found, and sometimes get from hard to reach placesThe location of such trophies we marked for you on the map and on the places themselves.

1. Near S. letter table Clerk in the evidence of the GCPD police station.

2. On the eastern pier south of the clock tower, under the track next to the boat station. Use claw / Batclaw.

3. In a dilapidated building on the western part of the pier south of the clock tower.

4. Under the bridge near Ace Chemical / Chemical Plant, there are generators nearby

5. At the top of the Ace Chemical / Chemical Plant Tower on a small island with a lighthouse.

6. For the destroyed wall on the upper floor of the building north of the laboratory of Langstrom.

7. Under a canopy on the north of the laboratory Langestrom. The entrance is on the north side.

8. Between the destroyed wall to the east of the laboratory Langestrom.

9. On the way to a warehouse in the central part of the island.

10. Inside the suspension container in the north. Look for a crane

11. Go to the helicopter area on the roof of the building Studio Panesa / Panessa Studios, then down the stairs to the right of you hole in the wall to you there.

12. For the destroyable wall of the wall at the top of the Northern Building in the Panesa Studio / Panessa Studios.

13. For a destroyable wall in the back of the northern structure of the Panness Studio / Panessa Studios.

14. Outside small house Next to water near the trading bridge.

15. In Saraj near the Eastern Lighthouse.

16. For destroyed on the ceiling immediately behind the signboard Kord in the Cauldron building. We shoot from the gun in the tank mode on Batmobile, and then calmly get a hook.

17. In the northwestern part of the overpass on Mendo SOAP.

Update: Trophy # 17-Alfa Located in the aqueous tunnels Gotam. It is possible to find it during the passage of the Penguin missions. For more information on this trophy, I unfortunately have no.

Trofy Riddler - puzzles.

With the solution of the logical tasks, Riddler will have to be pretty popject, so we will need some time on solving such mysteries, most of these riddles are blocked by the passage of plot and secondary missions, and are not available from the very beginning of the game. Some of them require gadgets to which you will get access much later. Riddlera puzzles are marked on a card with yellow signs.

18. Pull the Batmobil train, and then go to ventilation hole Behind him.

19. Cook the lever with a batmobile hook, then shoot question marks in the specified order when the circles reach the top mark. Act carefully.

20a. Shoot the winch in the marked hole, then type the speed and prepare for the race. The initial position is located in the south of Miagani Island

20b. If you are fast enough, you will have time to climb the top of the Osamu Corp building and take a trophy.

21. Obtaining a trophy, will be possible during the execution of the 4th mission of Penguin's Towns. Under the ground, climb the stairs to the office.

22. Use Batarang to raise containers, then clicking on the button on the floor Use a Bet claw to take a trophy. After that, several armed robots will attack you to get rid of them you will have to throw Batarang to lower the container on them.

23. On the side where Langstrom Laboratory is located, use a speech synthesizer on a robot through the glass so that the trophy will bring you.

Update: IN 25A.When the question signs will rise to the bridge, then you need to turn to the right alley, quickly reach the edge of the sign on the bridge and from there continue tracking. Thanks to the user Kyle.

25a. Move to a circle green color, scan area, then move the following question marks

25b. Sick the batmobile to the label at the end of the trail, then climb into the open room to pick up the trophy.

26. Using a speech synthesizer to spend a robot through a labyrinth, it will bring you a trophy. Use the remote hacking device to turn off the turret, it will help the robot.

27. On the roof of the Chinese Quarter. You will have to fight with the 9th robots, throwing Bzharang to get 3 more.

28. In the west of the clock tower. Use the Swan on Batmobile to the center of the circle, then use the remote electrotagum device on the generator.

29. On the northwestern side of the building. Running on the clamp plate Batmobil, shoot in the fired question marks.

30a. Use the winch to climb the batmobil on the roof, and then start scanning the character. Follow the trail from question characters.

30b. Sick in the sign under the bridge, and then with the help of BET-COG, grab the trophy.

Updates: Regarding the trophy # 31, I will immediately say that I play on the gamepad. Your actions, drive up by connecting the winch, waiting when the car gets charges and turn on em with the button "Stuning with a cloak". Electricity is cut down and then you will need to act quickly. Jump out of batmobile by clicking "Dual jump button" and holding itrelease "Jack" Holding the left analogue. All this needs to be made extremely quickly. Yes. This is hard! And yes it is uncomfortable! On the trophies of Riddler.

31a. In the tunnel under Panesha Studios., Use a swan on batmobile to open the door.

31b. Use the winch power to turn off the electric barrier, then run yourself using the batmobile into the air, being upstairs, use the cable. Throw the batrangi into question marks.

32. Use the Batmobile winch to remove the glass from question characters, then throw the Betarangi.

33a. Use the winch on the lighthouse to make a springboard. Obid on the building Find the outlet and with the play of the winch, activate the next race.

33b. Ultimately, you will find yourself on the top of the building of the Chinese Quarter. If you have managed to get to the target for the allotted time, you can pick up a trophy

34. Use a speech synthesizer to send a robot to one of the buttons, onto the second stand. With the help of Bet-claw, take the trophy.

35. At SOAP Factory, pull the plates with the help of Batmobile. Hold every thing that Batman can pass and get a trophy.

36. With the help of Batmobile, pull the spring so that the ball with trophy fell into superior pipe. Happened! Take a trophy.

37a. Press the slab with a bombill winch. Use explosive gel on the plate, put it back and explode.

37b. Inside safely can be logged. Use rolling to get into the hole.

Well, we found all the possible trophies of Riddler on the island of glare. Do not forget to subscribe to news in contact, and follow upgrades.