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Batman: Arkham Knight: the passage of an additional line of quests. The Riddler Edward Nygma from Gotham. Mysteries of Edward Nygma

Edward Nygma is a character from the DC Universe that appears in the Dark Knight comics. Nygma first appeared in Detective Comics #140 as a supervillain called the Riddler. The character was so popular that he became one of Batman's primary antagonists. Moreover, Edward Nygma appeared not only in comics. He also appeared in animated series, films, computer games etc. Perhaps the most successful interpretation of the Riddler turned out in a series called "Gotham". It is about this version of the character that we will talk about in this article. Would you like to know more about Edward Nygm and his activities? Read the material provided.

The series "Gotham"

V Lately The superhero genre has gained immense popularity. This trend was picked up by major comic book publishers. Thus, the company "Marvel" literally occupied cinemas with its "Avengers" and " Iron Man". But the competitors from DC are not out of the blue either. While bombing cinemas with their films, DC decided to take over television. And how else to explain the release of a number of superhero series like Green Arrow, The Flash, Heroes of Tomorrow " etc.?

Against the background of the above projects, Gotham stands out favorably. This series, although based on comics, but tells a story ordinary people who fight evil. This is what attracts viewers. It's pretty hard to empathize with the same Flash. After all, he has incredible abilities that make him almost invincible. "Gotham", in turn, tells the story of an honest police officer Jim Gordon, who wants to cleanse the city of crime. Jim does not have superpowers and fights dangerous maniacs on their own. One of these maniacs is Edward Nygma. You can learn more about this character from this article.

Man of Mystery Edward Nygma

The role of Edward Nygma in the TV series "Gotham" is played by an actor named Corey Smith. Initially, Nygma played the role of a half-cameo-half-statistician. Nevertheless, over time, this character has gained incredible popularity among fans. It is for this reason that the role of Nygma in the plot of the series has been significantly expanded. Why is the Riddler Edward Nygma so popular?

Everything is pretty simple. Firstly, the actor playing Nygma does his job one hundred percent. Corey Smith is perfect for the role. Secondly, Edward Nygma is an interesting character in his own right. Watching his evolution from a nerd to a violent maniac is incredibly interesting.

First season

Edward Nygma appeared in the first episode of the series. In the story, he works as a medical examiner in the police department, which gets Jim Gordon. From the first frames, the creators are trying to show us that Nygma is a strange guy. Edward likes to annoy his colleagues with various riddles and puzzles. It is for this reason that Nigma does not belong to the section in the best way. He is constantly ridiculed and teased.

Also not to mention is Nygma's love interest, Kristin Kringle, who works in the police archive. Edward repeatedly tried to ask the girl out on a date. But she ignored Edward's advances in every possible way. Later, Kristin even started a relationship with policeman Tom Dougherty, who did not respect the girl and often beat her. This infuriates Nygma, and in a fit of rage, he kills the cop. This was Edward's first step in becoming a brutal killer.

Second season

In the second season, the character of Corey Smith was developed. Edward Nygma begins to suffer from a split personality: cruelty and humanity are fighting inside him. In addition, Nygma begins dating Miss Kringle, who believes that ex-boyfriend abandoned her and left the city. And everything seems to be fine.

Nygma suppresses his mental disorders, relations with Christine are developing quite rapidly. However, something terrible soon happens. Miss Kringle finds out who killed Tom. Edward tries to calm the girl, but inadvertently strangles her. This was the last straw for Nigma. His alter ego takes over and Edward becomes the Riddler.

The Edward Nygma Mysteries from Gotham

The main feature of Nigma is riddles. Throughout the series, he puzzled both viewers and the other characters in the series with his puzzles. And there is a noticeable trend. In the first season, Edward's riddles are extremely harmless and are intended to inform the interlocutor about interesting fact or event.

In the second season, Nygma's puzzles take on a more sadistic nature. Recall at least the moment after the murder of Miss Kringle. The Riddler gets the better of Edward, suppressing his personality. While Nygma's body was controlled by his alter ego, the Riddler dismembered his girlfriend and hid her body parts around the police station. When Edward's personality regained control of the body, he had to find his lover's corpse using the puzzles the Riddler left behind.

In addition to the main plot, in any self-respecting game there will be a bunch of side effects that need to be done. Or you can not do it, and then you will deprive yourself of an extra 10 hours of pleasure. In our Batman, these side effects, perhaps even more than the plot itself! And it is they who allow us to meet face to face with another batch of enemies that are not even mentioned in the main storyline.

And there are only 6 such enemies: Deadshot, Hush, Bane, Zsasz, Mad Hatter, Riddler. + additional side effects without significant enemy: Track down a mysterious stranger, help Freeze find his wife, complete all AR training. + every little thing, without which the game will not be 100% completed and which I will also talk about. Let's go straight down the list:

"Shot in the Dark" (Deadshot)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

…or Arkham's best hitman. An excellent sniper who carries in his arsenal a large-caliber sniper rifle and pistols attached to the wrists. The side effect begins when an SOS signal icon appears on your batcomputer from some kind of rooftop. We fly there, talk to a frightened prisoner who says "about a psycho who is chasing him and wants to kill him." In the middle of the conversation, this prisoner receives a bullet in the forehead, and we are obliged to scan the area for evidence. The evidence will be a bullet, by which Batman will determine the killer - this is Deadshot (it will be necessary to track the trajectory of the shot, as was the case with the Joker).

What to do next? We fly up to the area marked on the map with the number 2. At some point, you just hear the echo of a shot, and the Oracle will tell you that another victim of an evil sniper has been spotted in * such and such * area. Here the difficulty lies in simply finding this victim, because the area is rather big. I'll make it easy for you: the victim on the bridge. We scan the area, track the trajectory of the bullet, we get another piece of evidence - a stand for a rifle. On it, Bats determines the quality of the metal. The third victim is easier to find - bandits have gathered above her. Three or four bandits - is that a problem? We scan the area, find out that the bullet ricocheted (it won’t make it very difficult to find the trajectory), follow the trail and get the last piece of evidence - the heat trail. We contact the Oracle, we get a series of locations "possible Deadshot's lair" (or something like that). Right choice- a location located in the northeast of the map. There we will find the killer's PDA, hack it and find out about the next victim, which we must save in the allotted time. Rescuing and watching the first and last miss in Deadshot's career. Then the fight begins directly with him.

The fight will be on the roof, in the center of which is Deadshot himself. If he gets caught in his field of vision, he will kill us. Here you just need to quietly sneak up to him, hiding behind objects (while he is looking for us on the other side of the roof). We sneak up, we cut down - the quest is passed.

"Search for a Thief" (Khash)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

On the places marked on the map (one of ..) we find a corpse, whose face is cut out and wrapped in a towel, we scan it. A trail appears, which we must follow and which will lead us to a frightened policeman who, at the sight of Batman, will impose a bunch of bricks. This is not our "face stealer", and after a boring conversation with him, we are waiting for the search for the next victims. This is very, very difficult, because they are not marked on the map in any way, and looking for them in Arkham is like looking for a needle in a haystack. The second victim is on the park street, next to the AR training (fly to the left gargoyle and jump down). We scan the area and find fingerprints on the knife. Then SUDDENLY it turns out that these are the prints of Batman himself, and we are forced to look for a third victim. The landmark for the third victim is a huge green ACE Chemicals billboard. The third corpse next to the building on which this billboard is located. We scan and follow the trail again, which leads us to another bandit fry, who convinces us that none other than Bruce Wayne is behind all this. Well, we know it's not. A marker appears on the map (next to the courthouse), and we go there. There we fall into a trap and meet Hash, who, from the pieces of the taken faces, changed his appearance so as to look like Wayne (no, to be an exact copy of him). And this is where the quest ends... do you feel who will be the enemy in the next part of the game?

Fragile Alliance (Bane)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

One of the easiest side effects. As soon as the “signal fire” icon appears on the batcomputer on one of the roofs, we fly there. We go into the room and see Bane pumped by the titan. From there we learn that throughout the territory of Arkham there are 12 containers with titanium, which, even though blood from the nose, must be destroyed. Bats takes six and Bain takes six. It is worth noting that these same containers are available before the start of the quest. So they will only appear on the map, and the whole problem of the quest will be "to fly in, scatter enemies, blow up containers (with explosive gel)". After all the containers are blown up, we return to Bane, find out that he has nothing good on his mind, and gracefully isolate him in the cell. There will not even be a fight - we will limit ourselves to one video.

"Cold-Blooded Killer" (Zsasz)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Well, the name, seriously! Zsasz also appears in Arkham Asulym, but there his role is minimal and he is knocked out with one hit. Here he is assigned a much larger role - he has become a real "telephone" maniac! Every neighborhood in Arkham has a phone that will ring if you fly by. After starting the quest, you will need to complete a series of 5-6 similar activities: fly from one point to another in a certain time (all this, of course, is the game of Zsasz, which makes us rush from phone to phone). To track a call in talk mode, move the cursor so that it does not go beyond the marked area. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times - and you will track down the maniac. The neutralization procedure is quite simple - you need to go through a kind of labyrinth (with constantly changing water levels, more in the video). Do not forget that you can cling to ledges and use a rope thrower (I always forget about it).

"Through the Magnifying Glass" (Mad Hatter)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

The quest begins next to the theater where the Joker tragically died. On the roof of one of the buildings you can find a medicine dropped by Alfred (it is marked on the map). After the application, Batman faints, and then a series of events takes place, which is very difficult to describe without a mat. The hero begins to struggle with the effects of the drug that the Hatter injected him with. The face… the environment… you must see it! By the way, in this mission you can get the maximum combo for the whole game (not counting the tests in a separate mode).

Enigma Riddle (Riddler)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

In my opinion, the most difficult villain. To defeat him, you need to collect 400 (!) Trophies and save five hostages.

Not everyone prefers to have direct contact with Batman, for example, Riddler, like the Oracle, communicates with him only by radio. Riddler, in ordinary life Edward Nygma, scattered throughout the territory of the hospital various riddles, of which he accumulated over two hundred, or rather, all two hundred and forty. The reward for their successful solution is cards for the challenge mode, biographies of the characters and interviews with them, as well as images of the heroes of the universe. The opportunity to solve all the riddles appears towards the end of the game, when Batman has all the available weapons in his arsenal. After completing the main part of the plot all locations in and around Arkham are unlocked to solve the remaining puzzles. Significantly simplify the task of the map indicating the alleged locations of the riddles. When searching for some of them follows (key [X]). Cards can be found in various locations, usually in prominent places.

Riddles in Batman: Arkham Asylum are divided into categories and marked with special tags:

  • Green question marks- the most common secrets, there are several of them at each level. Some of them are in a conspicuous place, the rest are hidden quite skillfully: in ventilation shafts and behind destructible walls. When we find it, we just pick it up.
  • Monuments of the Spirit of Arkham- small statues covered with mysterious writings, in the middle of which a beetle is placed. They store information about Amadeus Arkham, about his family and about the asylum itself. Enough to scan them.
  • Audio recordings- interviews of the most famous patients of Arkham. They lie mainly in the offices of attending physicians and security.
  • Jaws of the Joker- a little fun from a crazy "clown", who scattered them throughout the hospital in unprecedented quantities. Not only do they jump, they also constantly make nasty sounds. For the destruction of five, ten, twenty toys by the batarang, experience points are put.
  • Puzzles- the most difficult secrets. Guessing them is a special pleasure for the Riddler, since the answers are sometimes very difficult to find, remarkable attentiveness and ingenuity are needed. Hitting on new level, Riddler often asks some strange question, the answer to which is somewhere nearby. If in detective mode you suddenly come across a large white question mark without a dot, inscribed on the floor or wall, know that in order to give an answer, you need to find a place where both the dot and the question mark itself are visible. After combining them, you should get a whole picture, then the riddle will be solved. The answer is given by pressing the [X] key in detective mode. Also, puzzles can be located outside of Arkham, in such cases it follows.
Once all the secrets of Arkham are revealed, Batman will be able to decipher the communication channel and locate Edward Nygma. The police will go to capture the most mysterious criminal in Gotham, and he will be captured. There are no other special prizes.

Secret map locations in Batman: Arkham Asylum:

  1. In the booth next to the Batmobile in front of the intensive care building. You can get inside through the roof, blowing up with explosive gel.
  2. In the medblock in front of the room with Harley Quinn and hostage Commissioner Gordon.
  3. In the caretaker's office in the mansion where Dr. Yang dies.
  4. In the central room of the cell block where Harley Quinn is being arrested.
  5. On the second floor of the generator room in the botanical garden, where the power is cut off for the passage through the "pool". An improved code sequencer is required for hacking.
  6. In the booth across from Arkham Mansion and the Overseer's Statue, a code sequencer is needed to break the door.
  7. In an office on the ground floor of intensive care, where Scarecrow hides on the elevator after the third meeting.
  8. In the control room pumping station at the very top of the sewers, after creating an antidote in Batman's cave.
  9. In a booth between the medical wing and the prison block, where ambulances are scattered.

Batman Arkham City

The riddles of the Riddler.

In total, the game has 400 questions scattered around Arkhem. All of them are divided into groups and divided by location, so there are 8 locations in the game. In addition to questions, the Riddler leaves us with the usual text riddles. To guess what in question, it is necessary to find such a view at the location that would be the answer. Press and hold the detective button. With green icons, the situation is both simpler and more difficult at the same time. On the one hand, you just need to find and pick it up, but on the other: Nygma likes to enclose his riddles in various mechanisms or just skillfully hide them. And the main difficulty is opening/activating the mechanism. All riddles can be conditionally combined into several groups according to the way they are obtained:

Simply pickable riddles and their subtype are Batclaw pickups.
- hidden behind fragile (exploding) walls, cracked doors and bars, or in rooms with electromechanical doors.
- sealed in ice cubes. Such riddles can only be picked up by standing next to them, Batclaw will no longer help you
- protected by a special cage.
- lying in a ball, in a small maze

If, in principle, there are no problems with the first three types of problems - find and collect, then sometimes you have to suffer with the rest. In the case of the maze, your main gadget is the Remote Electric Discharge. There are always electric motors next to the labyrinth. We shoot at such an engine with a positive or negative charge - the ball with the riddle is repelled or attracted. By simple manipulations, we adjust the ball to the exit and take our prize. But there is a great variety of ways to open riddles in a hemispherical cell. This and activation pressure plates, and the activation of several plates with a ban on stepping on the ground when moving from one to another, and stop plates that close the trap with a puzzle when activated, and just hacking with the help of a sequencer, and a few more interesting and tricky ways.

Of course, I advise everyone to try to find and solve the riddles themselves. Moreover, helpful developers have introduced the Riddler's informants into the game, who are happy to mark the location of all the secrets on the map. And to come up with a way to get to the cherished green squiggle is an interesting and creative activity. But it happens that help is still needed, or there is not enough time, or you have one question left in the line, and you no longer have the strength and patience to look for informants =). That's when this page will help you. Here you can easily find a specific question, find it on the map and read in a nutshell about the secrets of its extraction. For especially interesting riddles is there a video.
So let's start navigation.

Select the location you are interested in:

| Park st. | |Amusement park.| | Prom. district. | | Metro | | Boveri | | Steelmaking | | Museum | | Miracle City |

Description of all the gadgets of the Dark Knight in the game Batman: Arkham City.

It happens that you are stuck on some puzzle, but do not want to know exactly how to take it. Waiting for just a little hint, a little push towards the goal. Then you might find it useful Full description Batman. Here are the principles of their work, application and receipt.

A little bit about side quests.

In principle, all quests are simple, and only small snags are possible in their passage. Here I want to show you key points designed to guide you on the right path.

  • Winged Guardian
Perhaps the most popular question is where to look. On the next map, hexagons mark the places where the winged guard himself was searched (the place where the seal was applied). And, in fact, how to expand and scale this seal on a city map

  • face stealer
Map with all the victims and the sequence of actions:
  • deadshot
Victims of the dangerous killer Archam. In order not to rush around the city in vain to explore substations - fly immediately to the northeast

  • Nora Freese
Many cannot find this wonderful girl. And the secret is that it is located in the dock building. Entrance through the water, from the north

The rest of the quests should not cause difficulties, as they are intuitive)

Your adventure in you will start from a location called Bleek Island / Island Bleake. This is the northeastern part of Gotham City. In this part of the city, you will have to work hard to collect all the Riddler's prizes. Some lie in open form, and you just need to approach and take them, the rest are hidden in secluded places, and will require you to have certain skills in solving puzzles. In this guide, we will tell and show you the location of all Riddler Trophies Bleake Island and how best to get them.

We are preparing material for you on all the places in Gotham, use the links below to locate the Riddler's Trophies on other Islands and Locations such as:

We hope that our guide helped you, do not forget to share the information with your friends and acquaintances.

Riddler's Trophies Bleek Island

Bleek Island Riddler's Trophies Map

The so-called Riddler's Trophies just need to be found, and sometimes taken from hard-to-reach places, we have marked the location of such Trophies for you on the map and on the places themselves.

1. Next to desk Clerk in the Evidence Room of the GCPD Police Station.

2. On the eastern pier south of the clock tower, under the walkway next to the boat station. Use Claw/Batclaw.

3. In a dilapidated building on the western part of the pier, south of the clock tower.

4. Under the bridge near Ace Chemical / Chemical Plant, there are generators nearby

5. At the top of the Ace Chemical / Chemical Plant tower on a small island with a lighthouse.

6. Behind a broken wall on the top floor of a building north of Langstrom's lab.

7. Under a canopy to the north of the Langstrom laboratory. The entrance is on the north side.

8. Between the destroyed wall east of Langstrom's laboratory.

9. On the way to the warehouse in the central part of the island.

10. Inside the hanging container in the north. Looking for Crane

11. Go to the helipad on the roof of the Panessa Studios building, then down the stairs to your right, a hole in the wall you go there.

12. Behind the breakable wall of the wall at the top of the north building in Panessa Studios.

13. Behind the breakable wall at the back of the north building of Panessa Studios.

14. Outside small house next to the water near the trade bridge.

15. In the Saray next to the eastern lighthouse.

16. Behind the destructible on the ceiling just behind the Kord sign in the Cauldron building. We shoot from a cannon in tank mode on the Batmobile, and then calmly get it with a hook.

17. In the northwestern part of the flyover on Mendo Soap.

Update: Trophy #17-alfa located in Gotham's Water Tunnels. You can find it during the passage of Penguin missions. Unfortunately, I don't have more information on this trophy.

Trophies of the Riddler - Puzzle.

Solving Riddler's logic puzzles will have to be pretty tricky, so we will need some time to solve such riddles, most of these riddles are blocked by the passage of the story and secondary missions, and are not available from the very beginning of the game. Some of them require gadgets, which you will get access to much later. Riddler's puzzles are marked on the map with yellow signs.

18. Pull the train with the Batmobile and then move to air vent behind him.

19. Hook the lever with the Batmobile's hook, then shoot the question marks in order when the circles reach the top mark. Act carefully.

20a. Shoot the winch into the marked hole, then rev up and get ready to race. The starting position is in the south of Miagani Island

20b. If you're fast enough, you can make it to the top of the Osamu Corp building and grab the trophy.

21. Obtaining a trophy will become possible during the execution of the 4th mission of the Penguin caches. Underground, go up the stairs to the office.

22. Use the Batarang to pick up the containers, then press the button on the floor and use the Bat Claw to grab the trophy. After that, several armed robots will attack you, in order to get rid of them you will have to throw a Betarang to lower the container on them.

23. On the side where Langstrom's Laboratories is located Use the speech synthesizer on the robot through the glass so that it takes out a trophy for you.

Update: V 25a, when the question marks rise to the bridge, then you need to turn into the right lane, quickly get to the edge of the sign on the bridge and continue tracking from there. Thanks to the user Kyle.

25a. Move to the circle Green colour, scan the area, then follow the trail of question marks

25b. Fire the Batmobile at the mark at the end of the path, then head up into the open area to collect the trophy.

26. Use the speech synthesizer to guide the robot through the maze, it will bring you a trophy. Use the remote hacking device to disable the turrets, this will help the robot.

27. On the roof of Chinatown. You will have to fight with 9 robots, throwing Bzhtarang will get 3 more.

28. In the west of the Clock Tower. use the winch on the batmobile to the center of the circle, then use the remote electric charger on the generator.

29. To the northwest side of the building. Standing on the pressure plate with the Batmobile, shoot at the lit up question marks.

30a. Use the winch to get the Batmobile up onto the roof and then start scanning the symbol. Follow the trail of question marks.

30b. Shoot the sign under the bridge and then use the Batclaw to grab the trophy.

Updates: As for trophy #31, I will say right away that I play on a gamepad. Your actions, we drive up, connect the winch, wait for the car to receive charges and turn on the EMP using the button "Cloak Stun". The electricity is cut down and then you will need to act quickly. We jump out of the Batmobile by pressing "Double Button Jump" and holding her release "Cable thrower" while holding the left analog. All this must be done very quickly. Yes. This is hard! And yes, it's inconvenient! That's why they are Riddler's Trophies.

31a. In the tunnel under Panessa Studios, use the winch on the Batmobile to open the door.

31b. Use the power of the winch to disable the electric barrier, then launch yourself into the air with the Batmobile, once at the top, use the Rope Launcher. Throw Batarangs at question marks.

32. Use the Batmobile's winch to remove the glass from the question marks, then throw in the Batarangs.

33a. Use the winch on the lighthouse to make yourself a springboard. After climbing onto the building, find the outlet and use the winch to activate the next race.

33b. You will end up on top of the Chinatown building. If you managed to reach the goal in the allotted time, you can pick up the trophy

34. Use a speech synthesizer to send the robot to one of the buttons, stand on the second one yourself. Take the trophy with the Bat-claw.

35. At the Soap Factory, pull the slabs with the Batmobile. Hold each so that Batman can pass and get the trophy.

36. Using the Batmobile, extend the spring so that the ball with the trophy hits desired pipe. Happened! We take the trophy.

37a. Pull the slab out with the Batmobile's winch. Use the explosive gel on the plate, put it back and blow it up.

37b. It is safe to enter inside. Use your roll to get into the hole.

Well, we found all the possible trophies of the Riddler on Bleek Island. Do not forget to subscribe to news in contact, and stay tuned.