Repair Design Furniture

Riddle about an ottoman for a quest. Riddles about furniture for children and adults. Several interesting children's riddles

From high he looks down:
There is also a brand new set in it,
And old dishes
There are a lot of knives and forks.
There are only no clothes here: It's all the same ...

Answer: Buffet

I am hanging in the hallway
It looks like a rake.

Answer: Hanger

Everyone wants to dress her
And they hang on it all day
Both coats and jackets
When we come from a walk.

Answer: Hanger

In a leaky mesh
Children are resting.

Answer: Hammock

He's a swing and a bed,
It's good to lie on it
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Shakes in the air.

Answer: Hammock

Is he a freak or an ignoramus?
Look at anyone:
He wears clothes on top.
He has it - inside.

Answer: Wardrobe

Whoever goes into the house -
He takes my hand.

Answer: Door

He meets everyone with one handle,
With the other handle he sees off.

Answer: Door

She lets me into the house
And lets out.
At night - under lock and key
She keeps me sleeping.
She is neither in the city nor in the yard
Doesn't ask for a walk:
Looks into the corridor for a moment -
And into the room again.

Answer: Door

He is the first enemy of work,
He is very happy with lazy people:
Let them rest on it
Well, the thing - will wait!
How easy it is to sit on it
And it's nice, sweet sleep!
The back is soft, pillows ...
What else do you need to be happy?

Answer: Sofa

I'm comfortable, very soft,
It's not hard for you to guess -
Loved by grandmothers and grandchildren
Sit and lie down.

Answer: Sofa

Didn't look out the window -
There was one Antoshka,
I looked out the window -
There is a second Antoshka!
What is this window
Where was Antoshka looking?

Answer: Mirror

Sometimes they take from me
Rivers have their source
And in your hands I will open
I am any castle.

Answer: Key

They sit on it, but it's not a chair.
He has armrests
But this is not a sofa.
He has pillows
But this is not a bed.

Answer: Armchair

He takes everyone in his arms -
And lulls, shakes.

Answer: Rocking Chair

Club-footed animal
The back is high
Yes, the belly is wide.
He takes everyone in his arms -
And lulls, shakes.

Answer: Rocking chair

Quiet horse
Grazed on the lawn
The horse runs -
The lawn lies
Doesn't end.
You will sit on a horse -
You will download!

Answer: Rocking chair

At dawn and dusk
Sleeps well on ...

Answer: Beds

During the day, a blanket and a pillow sleep on it,
And at night Andryushka sleeps there.

Answer: Bed

If you're tired of playing
Then you lie down on ...

Answer: Bed

Four legs, one body and two backs.

Answer: Bed

Four legs,
One body and two backs
On one of the backs -
Perinka for Irinka.

Answer: Bed

There is no way in front of me -
I'm at home and not at home
Between heaven and earth.
Guess, friends, Who am I?

Answer: Porch

Wooden road -
She goes up gently, -
Every step is a ravine.

Answer: Ladder

Lies on your back -
Nobody needs,
Lean against the wall -
Climb up it.

Answer: Ladder

He has four legs
It looks a little like a horse,
But it doesn't jump anywhere.
And plates, cups, spoons,
And wonderful food
On his back wide
Accommodated without difficulty.

Answer: Dinner table

Glass fields,
Boundaries are wooden.

Answer: Window

He has a big back,
And on it he allows
And write and paint
And sculpt and cut.

Answer: Writing Desk

This beast is familiar to you
Here's what he is:
He has a big back,
And on it he allows
And write and paint.
Dwells in cabinets
Unusual this beast,
He has a door on his body:
And there is room behind the door
For textbooks, notebooks,
Compasses and chocolates.

Answer: Desk

Like a holiday product
You will place your shoes on it:
And sneakers and boots
Sandals, sandals,
So as not to gather dust
And they were easily worn.

Answer: Shoe shelf

Not an ottoman and not a sofa.
Not a bed and not a trestle bed,
But sometimes Kostya has
Our guests sleep sweetly.
And when they sleep a little,
They will collect it with an accordion
And until nightfall every time
Take it out of sight.

Answer: Clamshell

The mistresses really need me
I am very friendly with dishes,
I'm happy with all kinds of dishes
I am called ...

Answer: Sideboard

There are four legs under the roof,
And on the roof - soup and spoons.

Answer: Table

Four brothers
Belted with one sash,
They stand under one hat.

Answer: Table

Four sisters
Under one fatice.

Answer: Table

There is a back, but never lies.
There are four legs, not walking.
Himself always stands, but orders others to sit.

Answer: Chair

You can sit on it
Kohl tired of standing and if
Suddenly they called to the table to eat,
You won't drown in it like in an armchair,
Do not slouch at all:
Smooth correct fit
Keep your posture.

Answer: Chair

He is serious, even gloomy.
The back is straight,
But try to sit down differently -
Like a skate, let it gallop.
Press your back to your heart
Boldly sit on him:
Now it’s another matter!

Answer: Chair

If the parents do not have enough imagination to compose fun and interesting entertainment for the child, then you can arrange an entertainment event for your son or daughter with questions that need to be answered. Riddles about a bed, an armchair, and other pieces of furniture are great idea, because everyone, both small and adult, will be able to find the answer to such problems.

Fascinating and developing event for the child

Riddles about a bed can be presented not as a difficult and troublesome lesson, but in mild form... This is not difficult to do. It is necessary to find things in the house with the help of which the space of the room will be decorated. Decorations will immediately create a feeling of a holiday, an interesting event in the child.

For each correct answer, a daughter or son can be given points. At the end of the game, count the number and present the previously agreed upon results. Both boys and girls will be happy to participate in an entertainment event, after which they will be able to receive gifts, because this is very stimulating.

The riddle about must be presented in an understandable and accessible for children's perception form. So the baby can easily find the answers to the questions asked. The tasks should be varied and versatile so that the competition does not become boring. You can also involve other residents of the home, such as grandparents, or a non-host other parent. The spirit of competition will create an even greater incentive to actively guess riddles.

Such events help to get closer and better understand your child and his degree of development. Therefore, you should regularly arrange small parties for your boys and girls.

Riddles about the bed for the little ones

It is necessary to first write down the tasks on a sheet of paper so that the game process flows in a stream, without delays and thinking about the scenario. You can take into account the following riddles about the bed:

You are very happy to lie on it,

Because you have a very comfortable ... (bed).

It's hard to get you off her in the morning,

Because you really want to sleep on it.

She has four legs, but they do not walk on the path.

There is also a mattress, a blanket and a frame on it.

As you come home from school, you look at her right away.

But you won't go to bed in it, because you will fall asleep without even saying a phrase.

You lie down on it, the blanket is on top,

There is a pillow under your head

And she herself is on four legs.

On it you see dreams about birds and animals.

She is covered with a blanket, there are many pillows on it.

Soft, comfortable, ideal for sleeping.

Which furniture has 4 legs, a soft mattress and pillows?

You put a pillow on it

And you plunge into sleep, hugging your toy.

Only on it you gain strength,

That I spent in a day.

You lie down and sleep on it until the morning

So that, having slept, go to class.

A pillow, a blanket on it found a place.

Dad sleeps there, and mom, and their little beloved people.

Your child will surely find the answer to such riddles about the bed. It is worth reading them with expression and accents so that the questions are better perceived by the child.

Complex riddles about a crib for children

Of course, it is not always necessary to give the child the opportunity to manifest weakness and childish perception. In fact, the riddle about the bed is complex, it is quite feasible even little child... Their logic is much more developed than that of adults. For the experiment, you can take the following tasks:

She has no tail, no head,

But there are four wooden legs.

In the afternoon I have a bed,

And Andreyka sleeps at night.

Four legs, roof on top,

And on the roof, Marisha sleeps sweetly.

By playing with the child, parents can show their love and attention. For boys and girls, there is nothing more important than the care of mom and dad. The prepared game for the kid will definitely be appreciated.

From early childhood, every child has many questions related to the structure of the world, things, the organism of a living being and many other phenomena that make one think about something more complex, and sometimes even higher. Parents only have to throw firewood into the fire of curiosity with the help of developmental tasks. Among these there are also everyone's favorite riddles. There are many rhymes about a variety of subjects. Perhaps the most common version of puzzles for children is furniture riddles.

Bed riddle

1. She is wearing a pillow, a blanket.

If Masha is tired,

This soft thing

Will not let you fall from fatigue.

You rest on it,

Pull the arms, legs,

And then play again.

And her name is ... (bed)!

2. At night I am your girlfriend,

Not a cat and a toy

If you want to sleep

Then lie down on ... (bed)!

3. During the day, boys do not sleep on it,

And the girls: all the kids.

At night, after a hard day -

Head on the pillow.

She has a pillow on her again in the afternoon

And then - Andryushka again!

The parent should make sure that the child can guess any puzzles inherent in his age, even riddles about furniture. At first, you can help, suggest, hint with the answers. Only after the baby learns to navigate in different household items, compare their signs and try on different objects, it is worth giving several chances to guess.

Riddle about the table

1. I put the dishes on it,

I won't forget to push the chair,

I will teach lessons:

Books and pens.

And if I want to play,

This item can become a house!

2. It is usually made of wood,

He is a familiar resident in the house,

It looks a little like a horse,

Only saucers, cups, spoons

Always on his back

Placed without difficulty.

3. A horse with a wooden back

In every house there is.

It has four legs,

But he doesn't run anywhere.

On his back, he permits a lot of things:

And write and cut

And sculpt, then play.

To make it interesting for the child to guess riddles and so that this case is not an extra reason for him to be capricious, the parent can come up with a kind of game for points. For example, it will be evaluated at 2 points. And if the child does not guess it, then the same number of units is withdrawn from his account. The riddle about the table is a little more complicated than the riddle about the bed, so you can give 4 points for it, etc. At the end of the game, your child is simply obliged to receive a prize, it can be candy (for the minimum number of points), as well as several chocolate bars ( for the maximum number of points).

Chair and chair riddle

1. I stand with my back

And I will support yours.

There are legs and handles too,

But not alive, what am I like? (Armchair)

2. My elder brother is a table.

Children eat on it.

Well, I'm a different subject

The uniform is the same, but they don't cook dinner on me.

My task is different -

They sit on me, not remembering me. (Stool, chair).

3. It will embrace you with warmth,

Whether you are a child or an old man,

It lulls, shaking.

But they sit in it, and this is not a sofa,

What is this? Guess it yourself! (Rocking chair).

Riddles about furniture are the most difficult for children, because they are not yet developed enough in this topic to quickly name all objects. Do not be upset if the baby cannot yet guess what in question in a rhyme - do not worry, but help him. To make the riddle about the bed and other pieces of furniture seem easier for him, show him pictures with answers, and then clearly explain why the answer was a chair, and not a table or sofa.

about furniture

1. With four legs, but no knees.

With two elbows, but no arms.

With a back, but no spine. (Armchair chair).

2. Stands on four legs, but cannot be called an animal.

Carries on his back, but not a car or a bicycle.

There are clothes, but not people. (Bed).

3. She has four legs, two backs, but one body. (Bed).

4. Four staunch brothers live under the same roof and wear the same hat. (Table).

These cannot be called poetic, they are more like logical puzzles, so they need to be thought of by children who are already 7-8 years old. But even if at this age your child cannot guess this or that riddle, you should not scold him, because even an adult will not immediately guess riddles about furniture for children. It must be remembered that children are only studying this world, this process will become memorable and fun or boring and full of tears and hysterics, depends not only on the child, but also on the parent.

Riddles about other pieces of furniture

1. He's probably an eccentric.

He is an ignoramus and a fool!

You think, look:

Everybody has clothes on the outside

And he carries it inside! (Wardrobe, wardrobe).

2. He lives in the kitchen,

Stores cookies, sweets, dishes,

And if you need something

It is worth standing on a chair - this is understandable for a camel.

After all, it hangs high on the wall

And you just can't get it.

Only dad can do it

Take something from it. (Sideboard, kitchen cabinet).

3. Clothes lie on the shelves,

There are also shoes here,

Little by little of all seasons

This large box contains:

Here is a fur coat and pants,

Sundress, sandals,

Cloak, boots for spring

They waited for their time. (A wardrobe).

Try to make solving riddles more fun! Whether it's a riddle about a table, an armchair or a wardrobe, contact your child, let him feel the interactive form of the game.

Why is it so important to ask riddles?

It has been scientifically proven that from the very moment a child begins to crawl, he pays attention to every little thing, to every object that comes his way. That is why you need to keep the kid's interest in the world and objects in it with the help of games.

Riddles are a game suitable for any age, because from childhood we all strive to absorb everything that is told to us, which is why psychologists and teachers consider children under 15 to be the most capable of learning. Riddles about furniture can also become a source of knowledge, they will develop logic and help you cope with more difficult tasks.

Logical thinking is a type of thinking that is formed in a child very first, therefore it is important to pay special attention to this. Furniture riddles are a great way to train your little one.

Riddles about furniture

      Stretched out like an accordion
      A miracle stove by a window
      She warmed the whole house for us.

      (Answer: Battery)

      What stands between the window and the door?

      (Answer: Letter "I")

      Our apartment has a new house,
      Dishes live in the house
      There is also room for sweets,
      It is called…

      (Answer: Buffet)

      From high he looks down:
      There is also a brand new set in it,
      And old dishes
      There are a lot of knives and forks.
      There are only no clothes here:
      It's all the same ...

      (Answer: Buffet)

      I am hanging in the hallway
      It looks like a rake.

      (Answer: Hanger)

      Everyone wants to dress her
      And they hang on it all day
      Both coats and jackets
      When we come from a walk.

      (Answer: Hanger)

      In a leaky mesh
      Children are resting.

      (Answer: Hammock)

      He's a swing and a bed,
      It's good to lie on it
      Is he in the garden or in the forest
      Shakes in the air.

      (Answer: Hammock)

      Is he a freak or an ignoramus?
      Look at anyone:
      He wears clothes on top.
      He has it - inside.

      (Answer: Wardrobe)

      Whoever goes into the house -
      He takes my hand.

      (Answer: Door)

      He meets everyone with one handle,
      With the other handle he sees off.

      (Answer: Door)

      She lets me into the house
      And lets out.
      At night - under lock and key
      She keeps me sleeping.
      She is neither in the city nor in the yard
      Doesn't ask for a walk:
      Looks into the corridor for a moment -
      And into the room again.

      (Answer: Door)

      He is the first enemy of work,
      He is very happy with lazy people:
      Let them rest on it
      Well, the thing - will wait!
      How easy it is to sit on it
      And it's nice, sweet sleep!
      The back is soft, pillows ...
      What else do you need to be happy?

      (Answer: Sofa)

      I'm comfortable, very soft,
      It's not hard for you to guess -
      Loved by grandmothers and grandchildren
      Sit and lie down.

      (Answer: Sofa)

      Didn't look out the window -
      There was one Antoshka,
      I looked out the window -
      There is a second Antoshka!
      What is this window
      Where was Antoshka looking?

      (Answer: Mirror)

      Sometimes they take from me
      Rivers have their source
      And in your hands I will open
      I am any castle.

      (Answer: Key)

      They sit on it, but it's not a chair.
      He has armrests
      But this is not a sofa.
      He has pillows
      But this is not a bed.

      (Answer: Chair)

      He takes everyone in his arms -
      And lulls, shakes.

      (Answer: Rocking Chair)

      Club-footed animal
      The back is high
      Yes, the belly is wide.
      He takes everyone in his arms -
      And lulls, shakes.

      (Answer: Rocking chair)

      Quiet horse
      Grazed on the lawn
      The horse runs -
      The lawn lies
      Doesn't end.
      You will sit on a horse -
      You will download!

      (Answer: Rocking chair)

      At dawn and dusk
      Sleeps well on ...

      (Answer: Beds)

      During the day, a blanket and a pillow sleep on it,
      And at night Andryushka sleeps there.

      (Answer: Bed)

      If you're tired of playing
      Then you lie down on ...

      (Answer: Bed)

      Four legs, one body and two backs.

      (Answer: Bed)

      Four legs,
      One body and two backs
      On one of the backs -
      Perinka for Irinka.

      (Answer: Bed)

      Four legs, but not a beast.
      There are feathers, but not a bird. What's this?

      (Answer: Bed and pillow)

      There is no way in front of me -
      I'm at home and not at home
      Between heaven and earth.
      Guess, friends, Who am I?

      (Answer: Porch)

      Wooden road -
      She goes up gently, -
      Every step is a ravine.

      (Answer: Ladder)

      Lies on your back -
      Nobody needs,
      Lean against the wall -
      Climb up it.

      (Answer: Ladder)

      He has four legs
      It looks a little like a horse,
      But it doesn't jump anywhere.
      And plates, cups, spoons,
      And wonderful food
      On his back wide
      Accommodated without difficulty.

      (Answer: Dining table)

      Glass fields,
      Boundaries are wooden.

      (Answer: Window)

      He has a big back,
      And on it he allows
      And write and paint
      And sculpt and cut.

      (Answer: Writing Desk)

      This beast is familiar to you
      Here's what he is:
      He has a big back,
      And on it he allows
      And write and paint.
      Dwells in cabinets
      Unusual this beast,
      He has a door on his body:
      And there is room behind the door
      For textbooks, notebooks,
      Compasses and chocolates.

      (Answer: Desk)

      Like a holiday product
      You will place your shoes on it:
      And sneakers and boots
      Sandals, sandals,
      So as not to gather dust
      And they were easily worn.

      (Answer: Shelf for shoes)

      Not an ottoman and not a sofa.
      Not a bed and not a trestle bed,
      But sometimes Kostya has
      Our guests sleep sweetly.
      And when they sleep a little,
      They will collect it with an accordion
      And until nightfall every time
      Take it out of sight.

      (Answer: Clamshell)

      The mistresses really need me
      I am very friendly with dishes,
      I'm happy with all kinds of dishes
      I am called ...

      (Answer: Sideboard)

      There are four legs under the roof,
      And on the roof - soup and spoons.

      (Answer: Table)

      Four brothers
      Belted with one sash,
      They stand under one hat.

      (Answer: Table)

      Four sisters
      Under one fatice.

      (Answer: Table)

      There is a back, but never lies.
      There are four legs, not walking.
      Himself always stands, but orders others to sit.

      (Answer: Chair)

      You can sit on it
      Kohl tired of standing and if
      Suddenly they called to the table to eat,
      You won't drown in it like in an armchair,
      Do not slouch at all:
      Smooth correct fit
      Keep your posture.

      (Answer: Chair)

      He is serious, even gloomy.
      The back is straight,
      But try to sit down differently -
      Like a skate, let it gallop.
      Press your back to your heart
      Boldly sit on him:
      Now it’s another matter!

      (Answer: Chair)

      With legs - without arms
      With sides - without ribs,
      With a seat - without a belly
      With a back - without a head.

      (Answer: Chair)

      With legs
      But no hands;
      With a seat,
      But without a belly;
      With back,
      But without a head.

      (Answer: Chair)

      I'm with legs, but I don't walk,
      With a back, but I do not lie,
      You sit down - I am not sitting.

      (Answer: Chair)

      Although we have four legs,
      We are not mice or cats
      Although we all have backs
      We are not sheep or pigs
      We are not horses, even on us
      You sit down many times.

      (Answer: Chairs)

      Has an old grandmother
      A very small secret:
      Dresses, books and toys,
      Curtains, rattles,
      Dolls and bike -
      She stubbornly hides everything
      So that the grandson could not get.
      There is a grandmother in the country
      Shabby old ...

      (Answer: Chest)

      Grandma has a safe.
      It's not new for a long time,
      Moreover, absolutely
      Not steel,
      And oak.
      He modestly stands by her
      In a corner.
      In it the grandmother holds
      Robes, socks,
      Cuts for dresses
      A little bit of yarn
      Downy shawl
      And even a pension.
      But not the door
      And the lid is on it.
      Very heavy
      With a padlock.

      (Answer: Chest)

      I look a little like a table,
      There is in the kitchen, and in the hallway,
      I'm rarely in the bedroom
      And my name is ...

      (Answer: Stool)

      There are hangers and shelves,
      Like the floors in the house.
      Trousers, blouses, t-shirts -
      Everything is in order.

      (Answer: Wardrobe)

      Everyone in the room will notice me
      And having opened me, he will meet winter and summer.

      (Answer: Wardrobe)

      Like a guard, stands at the door
      He will meet and undress everyone,
      He knows one secret:
      If he can undress you,
      So he will be dressed himself!

      This beast does not bite,
      Open your mouth to him,
      He is always ready to accept
      Jackets, fur coats and sweatshirts,
      And leather jackets and windbreakers,
      And there is room for shoes
      And the clothes are not cramped there.
      This beast stands in the hallway
      And he does not look like a beast.

      (Answer: Wardrobe for clothes and shoes)

Riddles about the sofa.
He is very soft for us,
We love to lie down very much
Helps us in this
Our familiar (sofa)

He is always friends with the chair,
They are loyal friends.
What kind of joke is this?
So a riddle about (sofa)

He stands stern, strong,
You can't budge him.
In fact, very soft,
And his families love him.
Answer: sofa

To lie on it is a complete whim,
But just a little
After all, laziness cannot defeat us,
We have a lot to do.

This is a faithful friend of the family
He will support the nights, days.
If you are very tired
Lie down on him as soon as possible.

He gives children fun
You can jump from the heart
We always need it very much-
Soft, velvet (sofa)

He's so comfortable, soft
I don't want to get up.
You can sleep right there,
You just need to disassemble.

What a miracle!
At home, a transformer is waiting for us!
Two movements and one
It turns out a bed.
What kind of object was given to you?
Of course, (sofa)

Come on, kids, find the answer
What item do you have at home?
He looks like a hippopotamus:
Very soft and large.
Catches us on it doze-
You can sleep on it.

Stands, he is the head of the room,
And the whole family is on it.
He does not care a straw,
He's strong and big.

Came straight from the factory
He is so plush.
Comfort brings us
Our comfortable (sofa)

Each house has its own cloud on which you can sit, lie, sleep, jump. However, this cloud does not fly, but it is very soft and comfortable. What's this?

We bought it yesterday
He now lives with us,
Very soft, very sweet
And our comfortable (sofa)

Tell the children this is the answer:
What do you sit on when the sun is shining?
What are you lying on when the light of the moon?
Have you already guessed? Well done then!
Answer: sofa

Other riddles:

Picture Sofa

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