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How to find out what you like to do, and get money for it. What do you like more in life

I believe that we all came to this world for something and that we all have some meaning in it. I sincerely believe that we are all gifted by unique and unique talents. The implementation of our talents is much more important than we ourselves.

To begin with, I will tell my story

Last year I was shot down from the number of cases, because I chased my dream of money and "success." I have not even remembered why I need it. On my happiness, I met Jim (named name). Jim achieved that money success to which I was so sought. He was financially independent, he successfully led several projects, he had real estate in a variety of countries, he could afford all luxury items, which only you can buy for money.

He was able to achieve all this thanks to the zealous work, constancy and responsibility! But Jim was not happy. He had no free time in order to enjoy his wealth. He wanted his family. He wanted rest. He wanted to live his life ... But he could not afford it. He had too many duties, not after, he would have lost a lot. He had to defend a lot. Jim spent years on the construction of his castle and now that construction was completed, he spends all his time for the castle to be destroyed under the influence of external factors.

Acquaintance with Jim discovered my eyes to my life and made it change it. His words led me to the feeling. It suddenly became clear to me that "I don't want to spend the next 10 years of my life on the pursuit of money, in order to further detect my emotional, mental and spiritual development at the same level on which it was at the beginning of the chase." Brought the brakes, my pursuit stalled, and then was postponed to the side. I devoted the next two months to the revaluation of my life goals.

I came to mind such questions: what am I chase? Why am I doing this? What is my true goal? Why am I here?

Reading the book by Michael Gerbera "Small Business: From Illusions to Success" (E-Myth: Why Most Small Busineses Don't Work), I caught myself that I cry. In that chapter, the author asked readers to perform visualization exercises. Following his instructions, you are clearly drawn in my brain the day of your funeral. What do you want yourself a tombstone? What will be your lifetime achievements? What at the end of your life will have the greatest value for you? This is what you do now?

I began to write. I began to draw up a list of what is really important to me. I recorded everything I wanted to do. I again thought about my priorities. For myself, I decided that all the steps taken by me should lead to the achievement of the goal, which corresponds to my personal values \u200b\u200band is what I really want from life. With the advent of each new opportunity, I must define whether this feature is suitable for achieving my ultimate goal. No matter how much money will bring me new opportunityIf she comes against my life goals, I will not use it. I formulated my goal as follows:

Inspire, encourage and motivate people to live happier and fill with meaning life.

Here are some of the most important tasks for me:

  • For me, it is of great importance to consent to itself, self-realization and a feeling of happiness;
  • The greatest value for me is serious relationship with people, the ability to build real relationships on the deep level;
  • I will be financially independent and will dispose of my time and location. I want to work only on those projects and embody only those ideas that I like. My financial position will not conflict with my values \u200b\u200band life goals;
  • I will travel and live in different parts Sveta. Having become acquainted with all sorts of cultures, I docume their photos and share my impressions with others;
  • I will buy my mother in Vancouver a house with a swimming pool in the yard. This is her dream and I want to embody her;
  • Family important to me. I want me to be strong and my husband full love relations.
  • I try to live every day such full lifeAs if my last day is.

15 questions that will help you in the awareness of your life goals.

The list of these issues can facilitate recognition of your life goals. They are designed to help you mentally formulate the tasks that you must do during your life.

Uncomplicated instructions:

  • Take several sheets of paper writers;
  • Find a place where no one will disturb you. Disable mobile phone;
  • Write down the answers to all questions. Record the first thing that comes to mind. Write without making edits. Answer all questions. It is more important to write all the answers, and not just think about them;
  • Write quickly. Take yourself no more than 60 seconds for each question. And better if it takes less than 30 seconds;
  • Be honest. No one will read it. It is very important to write without editing;
  • Enjoy what you do, and smile at this time.

15 questions:

  1. What makes you smile? (Occupation, people, events, hobbies, projects, etc.)
  2. What did you like to do in the past? What do you like to do now?
  3. Doing what work, can you lose the time account?
  4. What makes you be proud of yourself?
  5. Who is more of your inspiration? (Anyone who you know or do not know personally. Members of your family, friends, writers, artists, political figures, etc.). What qualities of each of your inspirers serve you as an example?
  6. What do you feel particularly well? (Your skills, abilities and talents).
  7. For what help do people usually turn to you?
  8. If you had someone to teach someone, then what would you teach?
  9. What in your life would you regret? (Imperfect actions, the absence of anything).
  10. Imagine that you have already been 90 years old. You are sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of your house and bask in gentle rays of spring. You are happy and relaxed, you are satisfied with that wonderful lifewhich was dated to you. You remember all your life, think about what you have achieved during this life and what you had. You are moving in memory all relationships. What is the most important thing for you? Make a list.
  11. What are your true values? Choose 3-6 words in descending order of importance.
  12. What are your highest values?
    Achievements friendship Quality of work
    Adventures Services Personal growth
    beauty Health The game
    To be the best Honesty Productivity
    Challenge Independence Initiative
    Convenience Inner peace Relations
    Courage Straight Reliability
    Creation Intelligence Respect
    Curiosity Close relations Safety
    Education Fun Spirituality
    Confidence Leadership Success
    Environment Study Freedom in time
    A family Love Diversity
    Financial independence Interest
    Healthy lifestyle Passion
    Other values \u200b\u200bthat are not listed
  13. What difficulties, difficulties and adversity you had to overcome or what you have to overcome on this moment? How do you do it?
  14. What ideas do you truly believe? What attracts you to them?
  15. If you had to perform before a lot of people, what would be your speech? Who would be these people?
  16. You have talents, preferences and values. How could you use what is given to you, for the purpose of serving, helping and implementing a personal contribution? (People, living beings, ideas, organizations, environment, peace, etc.).

Your destination in this world

"You are changing when you write down your goals and revise them, because for this you have to carefully, deeply think about what is really important for you and adjust your behavior under your beliefs" - Stephen Covi "7 Skills of High Efficient People" (7 Habits of Highly Effective PEOPLE)

You can understand your destination, answering 3 questions:

  • What do I want to do?
  • Who do I want to help?
  • What will be the result? What can I create?

Steps to define your destination:

  1. In a rapid pace, answer 15 questions proposed above.
  2. List the words that characterize you. For example: education, achieving perfection, trust, inspiration, improvement, help, return, management, inspiration, possession, motivation, education, organization, promotion, travel, growth, participation, satisfaction, understanding, teaching, creativity, etc.
  3. Based on its 15 responses, list everything and everyone who and what you can help. For example: people, living creatures, organizations, ideas, groups, environment etc.
  4. Determine your ultimate goal. What benefit will be removed by those who hit the answer to the question above, from what you do?
  5. Word steps 2-4 in one or 2-3 sentences.

What is your goal? What is your purpose? What are your aspirations? Share your thoughts in the comments to the article.

It will not be completely or they will seem not worthy of attention. Stay anyway. Do not rush anywhere. The question is serious. Write everything. Starting from the phone's closed during the campaign and ending with great accomplishments: learn foreign language, get another, get married or marry, build a house, achieve fame, etc. Do not limit 20-30 points. The more you write, the better.

Crouch of insignificant, momentary desires. Mark the most significant for you. In the course of the case, make adjustments. You should not try to become a telephone, if you have never performed on the stage and did not hold the microphone in your hands, and there are big problems with diction.

Consider how much items managed. Look at them. Determine which for you are really important and without which you can hardly imagine. Nobody hurts you. If no meaningful ideas do not arrange a break. Don't try to squeeze out some decisions. Select one small point and make little Step in this direction.

Make as much daily changes as possible. Change the style of clothing, go to where you are not yet. Try new dishes, hobbies. Fill life with new impressions. And the answer to the question will definitely come.

Helpful advice

If you still have not decided on what you need from life, then you just were not on that road. It's time to master new ways. And on one of them you will definitely find the answer to your question.


  • how to understand you seek me

"Love Slepa" is not an old saying, but the bitter truth, which for thousands of years those who find out about the treason will be comforted. Wife, husbands, girlfriends and satellites ask themselves - how could I not notice that he / her change me? Do we always know where to look? What to pay attention to? What actions should force us to be alerted and stop being such in love, and therefore so naive?


Does your partner speak the phone longer than usual? When he takes his cell phone, he has things all the time outside the room where you are? He looks at the calling phone, sees, but does not take the phone, but translates to voice mail? He began to wear his cellular with him everywhere, not excluding the bathroom? If this behavior is repeated increasingly and more often, it is worth "removing pink glasses"And look at your partner more closely.

Pay attention to how your satellite uses the Internet. Is it waiting when you fall to sit if a laptop does a laptop room, does the browser close when you enter the room? Decide whether you should check it out email And the history of visits to websites or you want to be "above this", even if he hides something from you.

Many argue that he will always be felt in cooling sexual relations. The changed man, allegedly, will avoid contacts of this kind. But now what's the matter - deceivers wishing to hide their "goal to the left", know perfectly about this folk "accept" and sometimes with a double fervor go to bed with you, in order to avoid all kinds of suspicions and accusations. It is also not worth discounting the fact that in the new novel on the side of your partner there may be new sexual appetites, habits and fantasies. Perhaps they cannot wait for a date with their passion and therefore implement their desires with you?

Does your partner become more picky to his appearance? Men want to look energetic, women begin to dress sexy. Usually indifferent to weight issues, external view, hairstyles, the fragrances partner suddenly began to pay much attention to this? If at the same time it is not very interested in whether these changes do you like, most likely it is done for someone else.

Pay attention to how your partner spends money. If he had unexpectedly began to disappear large sums somewhere, and he could not explain to you on what they leave, maybe it makes sense to look into his finance? Pay attention to checks in his pockets, if you have the opportunity, look in the printout from its bank card. Accounts for restaurants in which you were not, flowers and decorations that you did not get, sexy underwear, which you have not seen on it - what other evidence you need to understand what you are deceived?

If suddenly, employees or friends of your partner start in your presence feel uncomfortable, look at you with pity, in a conversation clearly stuff and think about what they say that they know about your life something that you do not know you?

Your partner unexpectedly became capricious, his mood change dramatically, he became more aggressive in conversation with you, often in different form Specifies you questions - What do you think about not monogamous marriages? Are you truth that you can carry a love for one person throughout all life? Are you happy with him? Perhaps this is not precisely, but these are signals that in your something seriously wrong.

Your companion has new interests and tastes that you seem completely not peculiar to him. He became interested in ballroom dancing? She was fond of chess? He began to believe that you should not paint your lips? She says that self-respecting man should spend two hours every day in the gym? What do you think, why would it?

He just quit! Yesterday it was still suitable for how you dress up, cook, kissing what you think about the situation in Pakistan and what films you look and read books, and today it is not pleased. It may well be that your companion is simply looking for a reason to break the relationship with you so as not to feel your guilt for deception.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

We usually feel perfectly that they are deceived, but so we do not want to believe that we close on your eyes. If you are not jealous, if you always trusted a partner fully, and now some discomfort began to feel, then perhaps you should trust your intuition?


  • how to understand you change in 2019

Life is an exciting adventure that can be painted in different colors. Sometimes it is joyful, pleasant and memorable, sometimes sad and dull. But it is these differences that make it interesting. And it is worth living for the sake of many things to make the space even more entertaining.

A person is not always able to live for himself. How often are people who are ready to work only for the sake of others, cook something delicious only for guests or loved ones, make some actions to conquer someone else's heart. Satisfy your needs is very simple, because a man needs a roof over his head, food and comfortable clothes. But if someone turns out to be near, then much more needs arises.

Life for the sake of loved ones

Almost all people are looking for a second half. And the couple is needed not only in order to be near, she carries the meaning of life, it fills in importance every day. When there is a person nearby, he wants to please him, to make him the world brighter and more exciting, and this pushes a person to work, at the achievement, on the actions. Not in vain, the man is very often looking for Muse, and women dream of the birth of a kid. These people contribute to the existence of order, give the importance of what is happening.

The presence of someone next allows you to share what is. And if there are a large number of people, also boast what others do not have. Social games allow them to be approved, strive for greater and fill life with meaning. After all, in an expensive car, there would be no significant if it were not desirable for everyone. After all, it performs all the functions as the usual car, but it is the presence of other people, their desire to get it, makes it important, helps to seek such purchases.

Life for the sake of impressions

There are people who choose life for adventure and emotions. They seek everything to more Experiences, looking for new sensations. Their world seems to them boring, and the constant search of the new makes feel better. Having experienced something, they dream of strengthening this feeling, make it even brighter and more interesting. These are people, they enjoy the views visited different countries. For them, emotions in the first place.

Also live extremes. They constantly try to get as you can large portion Adrenaline, they are not even frightened to die. After all, the moment of moment is much more important. They jump with a parachute, melted on mountain rivers, master the tarzanka, and again and again expose themselves overloads. Impressions can be sought in different areas. Someone lives in finding new tastes, someone strive to try the maximum number of physical sensations or even fears.

Life for the purposes

Life for the sake of purpose can also exist. A person comes up with a certain vertex, and then just goes to her. The meaning of existence is reduced to achieve the desired to get everything intended. This is a very exciting life, but it is important that the goal is not finite. If you achieve everything that was invented, it can become very sad. Upon reaching the loss of aspirations to exist.

Women monogams by their nature and understand treason Men they can with great difficulty. This is a deep wound that is not treated to the end, and even after 10 years she will call them acute pain. But, experienced women say, and family psychologists agree with them that betrayal is not a reason for parting. Especially no reason for divorce. But how to understand the traitor to whom you believed you loved, and he answered you reciprocating, and then easily and brazenly destroyed all the best between you.

You will need

  • Patience, excerpt, love for your man.


You learned about treason. In the head a deaf emptiness. The main thing, try to think healthy. Do not keep this shock. Of course, this will not tell anyone. Not even the closest friend do not want. Then write all your thoughts on paper. Psychologists argue, it helps a lot when stress.

Let's release emotions to the will. Hold them is also harmful as thoughts. It does not mean at all that it is necessary to pounce with fists on your "traitor". Just release pairs. Russian man will always find how to do it.

Now you are ready for constructive solutions. There are different situations. Sometimes it is necessary to continue the appearance that everything is in order. In any case, you have time to deal with yourself and what happened. If you really love a person and do not want to tear a relationship, you will have to understand and take it. We are all just people with their weaknesses.

Try to deal with the reasons for your man. Perhaps there is your fault.
Strong love. It happens. Just to another. And it can not understand where he moves to her, like a dream or to you, a quiet and reliable harbor. Sundar habit. Long living together, dull all feelings, the desire of new sensations.
Classical reason - was very drunk and understood badly. You can understand. Try to get drunk yourself until inadlessness. Very loving. And you knew about it from the very beginning. So what did you want from him. Loyalty to the coffin?
Did this

1. I like your brown eyes.
2. I like kissing your lips.
3. I like to say "I love" only you.
4. I like the fact that my "love" - \u200b\u200bwhich.
5. I like how you look at me gently.
6. I like the fact that you are as crazy as me.
7.Mnose you like to listen to your songs.
8.Mnose your body, it is too sexy.
9.Mnose I like that we and you have a great passion.
10.nne likes to make love to you.
11.nne I like your caress and tenderness.
12. I adore your tender words, especially when you whisper on the ear.
13.nne likes to sit with you at one table.
14.nna like to eat only with you.
15.nna like how you smell, the smell of a man.
16.Mnose you like that you will always find a way out of any situation.
17.nne like that you always help me.
18.Mnose you like that you constantly tell me how you love me.
19.Mnose you like that you do not get me out of hand.
20.Mnose like you kiss.
21.nne Like how you dress.
22.Mnose you like that you are an athlete.
23.nne like when you are serious.
24.nne like that you are with brains.
25.Mnose I like that I can not breathe without you.
26.Mnose I like that I fall asleep and wake up with the thought of you.
27.Mnose I like that I think about you 61 seconds.
28.Mnna like spending time with your parents, everyone together.
29. I like to dream with you, dreams then seem to be executed.
30.nna like laugh with you.
31.nne like that I feel like a child next to you.
32.Mnose you like when you make a grimace "offended child."
33.Mnose I like that I fall in love with you every day.
34.Mnose you like that you are interested in more and more.
35.Mnna like that we are building plans for the future.
36.Mnose you like that you agree to raise 2 boys.
37.Mnose I like that you are always thought out and organized.
38.Mnose like you shawl, you start me.
39.Mnose you like to bite you, gently.
40.Mnose just like to be with you near and silent.
41.Mnose I like to arrange hysterics to you, because I know that I can't stand it longer and hug you.
42.Mnose Like as you call me: Kisa, Favorite, Cute, Zai.
43.Mnose you like when you hold me by the hand.
44.nno strictly like your gifts.
45.Mnose I like that I called "Vadim" a presented hare.
46.Mnna like your name.
47.Mnose I like that for my sake you threw smoking.
48.mno likes to be kept in love.
49.nne likes to talk with you, that We'll always be together!
50.Mnose Like Thinks that you are only mine.
51.Mnose I like that I was impregnated with you.
52.Mnose you like when you say that you will not give me to anyone.
53.Mnose I like to stick your hand into your hair.
54.Mnose like you are preparing.
55.Mnose you like when you smile with your cute smile.
56. I adore pressing you, my beloved.
57.Mnose to listen to the beat of your heart.
58.Mnose your ass, I'm just dragging from her.
59.nne like kiss your tummy.
60. I adore to zoke up all your neighbor.
61.Mnose your last name.
62.Mnose your voice like that, he takes me back.
63.Mnose I like to spend the days with you, they are the most unforgettable.
64.Mn. I like to wait sweet SMS from you.
65.Mnose like when you do something unexpectedly.
66.Mnose I like that with you I see this world in the pink light, even without pink glasses.
67.Mnose you like when you beat me on the pope.
68.Mnose to give you yourself.
69.Mnose your naivety like.
70.nna like your character.
71.Mnose you like when you are worried about me.
72.nna like when you are happy.
73.Mnose you like when you apologize.
74.Mnose you like when you say how badly you were without me.
75.nne likes what you try to be the best for me, but you are the best.
76.Mnose the fact that you are the guy of my dreams.
77.Mnose you like that you support me in difficult moments.
78.Mnose you like when you say that in a dream we will meet again.
79.Mn. I like to watch movies with you.
80.I like to repair broken things with you.
81.Mnose your panties like.
82.nne likes to walk with you.
83.Mnose I like that we dream of our wedding.
84.Mnose I like that we agreed to be everywhere together.
85.Mnose I like that besides me, no one needs you.
86.Mnna like your mind.
87.mno like how you compose the lines for tracks.
88.Mnose your vulk on the leg.
89.Mnose our pictures with you.
90.Mnose I like that we have everything with you in a special, truly sincerely.
91.Mnose you like to indulge with you.
92.Mnose you like to watch you in the eyes.
93.Mnose you like to listen when you tell anything.
94.mno like singing with you.
95.Mnna like walking with you shopping.
96.Mnna like the fact that we have one desire for two.
97.Mnose you like to meet you.
98.Mnose I like to stroke you head, on the back, on the tummy.
99.Mnose I like that we all write with you that we are the best and very fit to each other.
100.Mnose I like that I decided to enjoy this life to you.

Explore your sympathy and antipathy. Do you want to know what you like to do the most? Think about how you spend your free time. Do you like to listen to music? To read? Write? To communicate with people? Analyze it and deeply think about why you like it. If you like to write, what would you like to write? What do you like most in writing? What makes you want to write? Think about your perfect work as much as possible to determine your real passion. You should also think about things that you know how well. If you do something well, maybe you will also love to do it in life. It is quite important to succeed in what you want to do if you expect to make money on it.

Think about how to get money for it. The ability to do something good and love for this cause is sometimes not enough, so you have to come up with a way to receive payment for it. For example, if you like training, think about what you can do to get money while you exercise. One of possible options There will be a job as an instructor of the gym.

Devold more about what you want to do. If you already know what you like to do the most, you must learn it. It is not enough just to think that you are good in this - you must improve your skills in order to make it your work.

  • Try to read as much as you find in online textbooks and all that you can find on the Internet about the lesson you are interested in.
  • Talk to someone who already works in the desired area and ask him to tell you some basic things about it, and can also advise you about how you can start working in this direction.
  • You can also contact the courses if you have money, or find free.
  • Try to train as much as you can.
  • For starters, do not worry about money. Sometimes you have to start in such a way to get some important connections before you get a job. You can start looking for online freelance jobs to create a portfolio if necessary. Or walk around the surroundings, giving everyone to try a great cake that you did if you like a stove. You have to tell people that you can do, and that you are good in this.

    • Remember what you want to produce the best first Impression (every time), so you feel good to everyone and put out all the hundred, without thinking while about earning money.
  • Let everyone know what you want to work. You must talk with people around you about what you want to do, and tell them that you are ready to do it for them if they ever need it. For example, if you like to cook, tell everyone about it, as well as tell them that if they ever get a party, you will be ready to help them with cooking.

    Start with trifles. First, do not let go right away to become the head of thousands of people. You must be a realist and understand that at first you will have to do some things, you don't really like, and that you have to work hard without money, but it is worth it. For example, if you like to write, and most of all you like to write about fashion, but someone offers you money for writing an article about sports, do it. Attach maximum effort. We all start something. It can lead you in the right direction, and perhaps you will meet someone who can help you.