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How to cancel an electronic plane ticket. How to get air tickets or money back? Expert advice: what non-refundable tickets are and how to make up for a ruined vacation

In the stormy bustle of days, a frantic rhythm in which personal interests are firmly intertwined with professional needs, the fastest possible crossing of space has become an integral attribute of our time. Air passenger transportation is probably one of those exceptional benefits of civilization that has significantly accelerated its progress. However, no matter how perfect the machine that cuts the air, there is a human factor everywhere and in everything. This is reflected in the fact that sometimes it becomes necessary to cancel a flight - both by the airline and by the passenger.

Types of flight cancellation

Refunds of air tickets can be forced and voluntary. In the first case, the passenger is entitled to a full refund of the entire amount of money. Such situations, as a rule, are spelled out in the manuals of all air carriers. More general norms are also regulated by state legislation. Such cases include a situation when a flight is canceled, postponed or rather seriously delayed precisely due to the fault of the airline.

A sufficient basis for requests to return your money is the change of the destination by the air carrier, cancellation of a connecting flight when transferring, as well as a change in the class of service. In addition, the cause may be the death of a passenger or a member of his family. In addition, the refusal to issue a visa, if it is provided for by the rules of the air carrier, can also serve as a basis for providing a refund for air tickets.

Voluntary flight cancellation

If the initiator of the refund is the passenger himself, this is called a voluntary refusal to fly. In aviation practice, there is a certain unwritten set of rules for resolving issues with the return of funds paid for a plane ticket. However, the main regulatory document is the list internal regulations which the air carrier is guided by. Thus, decisions on the introduction of appropriate restrictions or fines in specific situation depend on the carrier.

It should also be noted that the transportation of people by air on the territory of Russia is regulated by the Air Code. Compensation for the client's losses due to reasons provoked by the air carrier or the passenger himself is also spelled out separate provisions of the specified Code.

Probably the most general rule, which is relevant for all airlines, is that the cheaper the ticket, the greater the financial losses the passenger who has refused the flight will incur. This is also true for another rule, according to which, the airline's commission will be the greater, the less time remains between the moment the ticket is returned and the plane takes off.

Refund conditions

Considering that the return of air tickets involves financial losses for the air carrier, the latter tries to protect itself as much as possible, especially in the conditions of the minimum time during which the return of air tickets is made. Refund conditions regarding the direct relationship between the time interval remaining before departure and the amount of compensation for a ticket should be detailed on the official website of any airline.

So, if about your refusal to fly through the territory Russian Federation the passenger notified the airline more than a day before departure, he can count on a refund of the full cost of the ticket without collecting the fees fixed in the company's fares. If the time before departure is less than a day, the airline will reimburse the customer for the amount paid for the ticket, withholding 25% of the taxes, according to the air fares.

Refunds of tickets for international flights provide for a deduction of 10% of fees when the client requests a cancellation of a flight more than a day before departure, and 25% of fees if the revocation took place less than a day before. The minimum threshold for applying for an urgent return is four hours before departure. Since the start of check-in for a flight, the execution of such requests is already subject to increased fines and commissions. Many airlines also provide for no-show penalties, which can amount to 25 euros.

Refund methods

Refund of air tickets involves the return of money in the same way that it was paid for them, that is, in cash, by transfer to a current account, bank card or electronic wallet. It should be remembered that under any circumstances under which a refund of air tickets can be made, the conditions of all airlines require that a corresponding note be on the ticket. Only if there is one will the money be returned.

When returning money to the current account, you must provide the following information: full name or full name of the recipient, TIN, name, as well as TIN and correspondent account of the bank and, in fact, the current account itself.

In order for the money to be transferred back to the electronic wallet, you must also provide your full name, wallet number and the name of the payment system. To return to a bank card, it is enough to indicate only the order number.

Aeroflot rules

Regulating the refund of the ticket, Aeroflot on the website only covers documents purchased online in detail. Refunds are also recorded online or at the carrier's contact center. The procedure is carried out in accordance with the tariffs of the company. Such a refund is possible only if the ticket is original, that is, it has not been changed or partially used. The airline transfers funds to the passenger within ten working days from the moment of fixing the refund request. In this case, the return is not subject to penalties.

Where to contact

If you need to cancel your flight by different reasons, often many are faced with the question of where, in fact, to apply with this request. It's very simple: go to where you purchased your ticket. However, it happens that you cannot do this, because you are in another city or another country. Then on help will come the Internet. You can send a request to withdraw yourself from the flight to email airlines. If the ticket was purchased through a travel agency, then the cancellation or change in terms must be made through them.

Refund of tickets purchased through aggregates

Today, the purchase of tickets through the so-called aggregates has become quite popular. These are special sites that process all information about air tickets of all airlines and agencies in any direction. As a rule, their main task is to find optimal options for price, quality and flight time. At the same time, it should be remembered that the units do not issue tickets themselves, they only compile information. Therefore, when it becomes necessary to return air tickets, you should not contact the site administration, but the agency or airline. The email that comes to the customer immediately after booking contains the agency's details, as well as the itinerary. If the letter did not arrive, most likely it ended up in your spam folder.

Features of e-tickets

The rules for returning air tickets purchased over the Internet (so-called electronic tickets) are the same as for returning paper documents. However, there are some nuances. The most important thing is to determine the status of the ticket, that is, to find out if it is possible to return it. A note about this is put in the "restriction" column. On English language it looks like this: non ref or non refundable, which means that it is impossible to return this ticket. If there is no such mark, then on the website of the agency through which the travel document was purchased, you must fill out a form, attach a scan of your passport to it and send it. If you purchase a ticket from a travel agency, the return of electronic tickets is possible only through this company.

Buying plane tickets for electronic money is no longer a novelty, for very busy people who fly a lot, and there is no time to buy at the box office. This system appeared in Russia a long time ago, but many cannot understand its capabilities and subtleties.

There are times when you need to return a ticket, with a regular ticket everything is clear, go to the ticket office and return it, but is it possible to do this with an electronic ticket? If there is such a possibility, how can this be done? Much to the relief, there is such an opportunity, and in order to take advantage of it, you do not need to be a genius.

Before returning your ticket, determine which category the return of your ticket belongs to. There are 2 categories of ticket refunds: voluntary and involuntary refunds.

Forced refund is carried out in the following cases:

  • Flight rescheduled;
  • Death of a passenger. Sometimes even the death of close relatives can be classified in this category, but it depends on the airline;
  • Boarding canceled at the point specified in the preliminary itinerary;
  • In the case of a flight with a connection, non-coordination of flights;
  • Replacement of the service company or class.

The rest of the cases of refund refer to voluntary refund, and the amount of the refund of the ticket price will be made in accordance with the airline's rules.

The final deadline for ticket refund is set by the company itself, the most popular terms are:

  • One week before departure;
  • One day before departure;
  • 1 hour before departure.

You can return the ticket using phone call to the company. Only the money will be returned in the same way as the payment was made by the passenger.

When you return an e-ticket, you will not receive cash if the payment was made with a credit card.

The receipt of funds for the return of an electronic ticket is carried out at the place of purchase:

  • From an airline that provides a ticket purchase service;
  • With the help of the Internet service through which the ticket was purchased.

To process the return of an electronic ticket, the passenger presents the following package of documents:

  • Passport;
  • Documents confirming the impossibility of departure (certificate of illness, death certificate, etc.);
  • Ticket payment receipt.

In case the company does not believe your truthfulness. The right of the company is to require documentary evidence. It is even possible to undergo an examination by a trusted doctor of the company to confirm the health of the passenger. This can happen if the flight is canceled on the basis of a passenger's illness.

The refund of the seat of an electronic ticket is carried out in the system immediately after a person's request. You can apply for a ticket refund remotely or in person. Remote access is carried out by sending scanned documents by e-mail.

Personal appeal transfer of originals and copies of documents to the airline's office. For a quick refund, a personal appeal is better. In case of remote access, it takes time for the information to be processed by the system.

Returning seats to the system for subsequent booking refers to an operation that the cashier cannot cancel. Selling tickets with the same seats and at the same cost is practically unrealistic.

Procedure for reimbursement of expenses related to the purchase of a flight ticket

The amount of monetary compensation for ticket refunds depends on the fare class. Full refunds are made only for business class seats and other full fares. An exception to this rule is business class tickets purchased through promotions.

In the event of a voluntary refusal of a ticket purchased under a discount offer or during seasonal sales, the refund is only partially made.

In the event of a voluntary refund, the airline has the right to withhold a fine for ticket refund, for tickets purchased at discounted fares or with disabilities, it is 20-70%, unless otherwise provided by the contract. In particular, airlines retain 100% of the cost.

Let's take a look at the additional costs included in the payment besides the cost of the seat. Such additional costs will not be refunded to the client:

  • Banking commission for the operation;
  • Services of an intermediary tour operator;
  • Commission fee;
  • Payment for a rush order.

These services are provided by third parties and therefore the airline is not responsible for them. These costs are not refundable even if the passenger purchased the ticket at the full fare.

Refunds for an electronic ticket are made:

  • To a bank account;
  • To a bank account.

The right to choose a refund option remains with the client. You must notify the airline about your choice in writing.

Important! In the written notification, carefully indicate the details, cancellation or redo of the operation will not be made.

When is the best time to return the ticket?

Do not forget that the earlier you return your electronic ticket, the more you will receive the refund. For example, if a ticket is returned more than a day before departure, the full cost is refunded, excluding the commission, which is not refundable.

Many airlines have a customer penalty system and different fees apply. If you return an electronic ticket less than 24 hours before departure, then do not expect a refund of more than 75% of the cost. If you return your ticket on the day of departure, do your best to submit your application 4 hours before check-in to get at least 75% of the cost.

If the application is submitted less than 4 hours before the start of registration, the penalties will increase, and the refund, at best, will be 50% of the ticket price.

If you missed your flight, you can return it after departure. Move the departure date to another day and pay a fine, in some cases it is more profitable than returning the ticket and purchasing a new one. This case can be attributed to the delay, which occurred due to the fault of the security service.

How long does it take for the airline to return the money for a returned ticket?

There is no definite answer to this question. The term for the refund will largely depend on the deadline for returning the electronic ticket and submitting the application. The speed of the procedure depends on the payment method.

The money spent on purchasing an electronic ticket can be received in the following ways:

  • Transfer to an electronic wallet;
  • Transfer to a bank account;
  • Transfer to a bank card.

For the fastest return of money to the card, indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the client, as well as the details of the bank and the current account in the bank.

To return payment for an electronic ticket that was made through an electronic wallet, indicate:

  • Surname, name, patronymic of the client;
  • Electronic wallet number;
  • Name electronic system(Yandex money, WebMoney, etc.)

When you apply for a refund of an electronic ticket, you lose the right to the seat indicated on the ticket. This place will be purchased indefinitely by another client. You have applied for a refund of an electronic ticket, from this moment you lose the right to change your mind and return your ticket. The whole procedure for returning an electronic ticket lasts from 10 to 90 days.

An electronic ticket is a convenient, profitable and modern way purchases of travel cards. One of the few questions that their owners have is how to return air tickets purchased over the Internet with minimal financial losses.

A sudden illness, financial difficulties, and the usual change in plans - all this can cause a forced or voluntary refusal to fly. At the same time, many mistakenly believe that to return e-ticket it is forbidden. In fact, the return of air tickets purchased over the Internet is not much different from the return of "paper" tickets.

Is it possible to return an electronic plane ticket

As in the case of regular air tickets, everything here depends on the so-called “tariff” at which you bought it. In other words, the fare is the conditions for the return and exchange of the ticket. Yes, yes, this is the very long "sheet" of text, after which you, when buying an air ticket, ticked the "I have read and agree" checkbox without even reading it.

Now is the time to go back to the terms of the tariff and read them carefully. You need to look for the rules for refunding a ticket on the airline's website, even if you bought it on the Internet through an intermediary.

  • Read also:

Each air carrier has its own return conditions, only two principles are common to all:

  • the more expensive the tariff, the lower the amount of the fine for the refund
  • the sooner you return your ticket, the more you get

There are so-called "non-refundable" air tickets ( non refundable or non ref). This is usually the cheapest or promotional rate and is non-refundable. However, you can try to exchange it for another date, albeit with a surcharge.

The reason for the return of the ticket is also important. If it is forced (flight cancellation or delay, illness or death close relative or the passenger himself), then, having provided supporting documents, you can count on a refund of the maximum possible amount stipulated by the fare.

  • Read also:

If you want to return air tickets purchased over the Internet without a valid reason, then it’s good if you can compensate for at least a minimum part of the amount. In any case, the final decision is made by the airline, after considering all the circumstances of the ticket return.

How to get a refund for an air ticket purchased over the Internet

Usually, to receive a refund, you need to indicate the data of the ticket (the number of the ticket itself, as well as the flight and booking, the date and time of departure), attach a photocopy of your passport and confirmation of the purchase of the ticket (check or bank statement). Refunds are made only in the same way that the payment was made. If you paid by bank transfer, then the money will come to the same account, if by card, then to it. The term for receiving money is up to 1 month, but usually much faster, from 5 to 10 working days.

Before returning air tickets purchased online, make sure that this is the only way out. After all, exchanging an e-ticket for another date, even with a surcharge, will be much more profitable than buying a new one.

We will describe how to return an electronic plane ticket purchased over the Internet. Indeed, today shopping through the worldwide network has become a very common practice. This saves us time, effort, and sometimes money. On various websites and portals, you can find very advantageous deals when looking for a suitable tour or flight.

But sometimes our plans change. Every day, hundreds of people return the tickets they bought back, as life makes its own adjustments and you have to give up the desired trip or postpone it to another time. What to do with an electronic document?

Types of air tickets

Many factors influence whether it is possible to return a plane ticket at the ticket office and get your money back. One of the main ones is the type and conditions on which it was purchased. So, airlines provide two main options:

  • Refundable - those that imply the ability to exchange or return to the cashier. Often, in this case, you have to pay a fine, but the fact itself remains unchanged - when you change plans, you can compensate for monetary losses in full or in part.
  • Non-refundable - are not subject to compensation for the cost in any amount, which is initially stipulated in the conditions of their purchase. Such tickets must be marked “Non Ref” or any other, indicating that the document cannot be exchanged back for money.

Although even in the second case, there are some exceptions. For example, if any misfortune has occurred, the passenger is sick or a relative has died, then upon providing supporting documents, the airline undertakes to return part of the amount for the purchased ticket. A similar situation occurs when a flight is canceled due to the fault of the airline.

It is important that you read all the terms and conditions that affect your refunds or changes before making a payment. Often travel documents that cannot be returned are sold by low-cost airlines or as part of promotions, with discounts and bonuses.

You should also take into account the type of ticket purchased - economy class, business class, regular, children, etc. And although each company has its own rules regarding the return of any travel documents, such a pattern is still observed. The more expensive it is, the less problems arise and the lower the fines for its exchange or return. For example, it will be difficult to return a ticket for an Aeroflot economy class plane.

Various airlines impose penalties when making a refund. Therefore, the final amount of the payment made will always be less than the full cost of the paid ticket. You need to calculate how much money you lose in each of the options in order to accept more correct solution.

Return time

Much will also depend on how many days before the flight you return the ticket. Carriers have their own rules in this regard, and yet there are general patterns:

  1. If there is one or even one left before departure more days, then the company is obliged to refund the full cost of the purchased ticket. In some cases, the penalty specified in the conditions is deducted from the total amount.
  2. When the document is returned on the last day, when less than 24 hours are left before the flight, only 75% of the total cost is expected to be paid. And depending on the type of document, various commissions can be foreseen.
  3. When you try to return a ticket in a few hours, it is much more difficult to get money, and penalties increase significantly. Sometimes it makes sense to exchange your travel document for a different departure time. The same applies to the situation if you missed your flight for objective reasons.

Who should I contact?

If you purchased a ticket at the box office, then return it in the same way. But what about online shopping? Then it is worth contacting exactly the service with which the payment was made. This could be:

Detailed procedure

When trying to return a ticket through a regular ticket office, it is enough to present it and your own documents confirming your identity. What needs to be done to get the amount spent back through the company's website? This procedure is no more complicated than the purchase itself and takes a little time.

  1. Go to the official website of the company from which you purchased your plane ticket. Find a section or a special form where you should fill out an application for the return of a document and money.
  2. Here they are often asked to add a passenger's photo, a scanned copy of the passport and be sure to indicate your contacts.
  3. It is important to enter in each window all the required data - flight number, ticket number, date and time of departure. Recheck the symbols several times, as any errors will lead to the cancellation of the application and you will have to write a second one.
  4. In the event of a forced refund of a ticket due to the fault of the airline or in the event of force majeure, it is also necessary to send documents confirming the death of a relative, the passenger's illness or cancellation of the flight for objective reasons.
  5. Do not forget to include your refund method and all required details.

If for some reason the carrier still does not return the money for a return ticket, you need to go to court with the same package of documents and file a corresponding claim.

How long does it take to get paid?

Depending on the circumstances, the chosen transfer method and the company's rules, this period turns out to be different. Any of the following are available today. suitable options:

  • cash - you need to come to the cashier for it;
  • electronic money - then be sure to write the name of the system and the wallet number;
  • to the current account or bank card - all details must be indicated.

This procedure can take from a week to three months. Each airline has its own way of dealing with these issues. Sometimes it is possible to pay a slightly larger commission, but get the money back urgently. Then their return is carried out within a few hours or days.

If you decide to return the ticket, but still want to travel, then it makes sense to exchange for another departure time, which will be much cheaper and faster.

Video: return of electronic tickets.

When shopping for air tickets online, especially for the first time, take your time. Better to adhere to these recommendations:

  1. Carefully read all the rules of the airline and remember the conditions on which you purchase a travel document.
  2. Consider the class, cost, direction and other features of the ticket. For example, business class offers not only more comfortable seats and meals on the plane, but also a simple return or exchange procedure, the availability of changes, no fines, etc.
  3. If you do not understand any of the nuances, it is better to check with an online consultant or by phone for everything that seems dubious.

When it is noticeable that the operator is evading questions, does not give clear answers, or the resource has many negative reviews, it is better to find another, more reliable one.