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Back pain nausea dizziness. Lower back hurts and nauseous what it is. Borders of norm and pathology

There are quite a few people who have noted symptoms such as back pain. At the same time, there is also nausea.

This symptomatology can be observed with osteochondrosis, and the patient is sick and dizzy, not only when the cervical segment is affected.

What is this sign and what pathological conditions does it indicate?

Differential diagnosis is carried out between the following diseases:

violations of the structure and functionality of the spine with osteochondrosis and its complications; spasm of the coronary vessels; hypertension; inflammatory diseases of the brain or traumatic injury; intestinal or stomach pathology; diseases of the urinary organs.

Osteochondrosis and complications

In most cases, a person who develops such seizures does not go to a specialist because he does not consider the cause serious enough.

He attributes this to overwork or slight indisposition. Most often, nausea, dizziness and neck pain occurs in office workers and people who constantly work at their desks.

The reasons for the development of such symptoms are that with destructive processes of the spine, disc protrusion begins or a hernia develops. The formation that has gone beyond the vertebral bodies begins to put pressure on the nerve and vascular bundles.

With damage to the cervical spine, there is a violation of the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain. As a result, not only does back pain appear, but your head starts spinning.

Most often, this phenomenon occurs in the morning. Intensification of pain and nausea occurs after a sharp twist of the torso, movement of the neck, bending over, sneezing or coughing.

In case of violations in the structures of the cervical and thoracic spine, an increase in blood pressure may occur, which is also often accompanied by migraines.

To clarify the situation when your head and neck hurts and you feel sick, you should immediately consult a doctor. This condition is especially dangerous if allowed to take its course.

Irreversible changes in the vertebrae and discs will lead to permanent cerebral ischemia, and in combination with atherosclerosis, cause a stroke.

Cardiac pathology

With angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, pain may be noted in the region of the heart, but radiating to the back. If this occurs with increased pressure, then nausea and pain in the head join the symptoms.

With a spasm of the coronary vessels, it becomes easier if you stop or sit down and take nitroglycerin. Conventional analgesics do not help in this case.

Pain that lasts more than 15 minutes may indicate that the person is having a heart attack. This situation can lead to the death of the patient and requires emergency assistance.

Diagnostics is carried out on the basis of ECG readings. The pressure in hypertension must be monitored constantly, at least three times a day.

Trauma or meningitis

Inflammation of the lining of the brain in meningitis can also produce symptoms that cause headache and nausea.

With this pathology, the neck also hurts, there is resistance in the muscles when trying to bend the chin to the sternum (stiff neck muscles). Photophobia, fever, and vomiting are also observed.

Symptoms of headache and nausea often occur with trauma and concussion. In this case, action should be taken as the consequences can be unpredictable.

Disorders in the digestive system

When a patient comes to the doctor and complains that he has back pain and nausea, then we can assume deviations from the gastrointestinal tract:

Bowel inflammation or colitis can cause pain radiating to the back. In this case, bloating, stool disorders are noted. Unpleasant sensations are removed with the help of antispasmodic drugs. If at the same time the temperature rises and there are pronounced signs of intoxication (indomitable vomiting, diarrhea with blood and mucus), then you should think about an intestinal infection. A sharp pain in the area of \u200b\u200binfringement of an inguinal hernia often radiates to the back. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Inflammation of the pancreas is characterized by girdle pain, sometimes it radiates to the back. In this case, the patient may experience diarrhea, nausea and other disorders associated with digestion. In acute pancreatitis, the organ may melt, so an ambulance should be called. A stomach ulcer is manifested by pain in the epigastric region and back, nausea. The manifestations of an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease directly depend on food intake, the condition worsens as a result of a violation of the diet (consumption of alcohol, fatty or fried foods).

Kidney disease

With the formation of a kidney stone or an inflammatory process (pyelonephritis), soreness occurs in the lumbar region.

Renal colic during stone excretion may be accompanied by nausea. You can clarify the diagnosis by performing an ultrasound scan and receiving the results of a urine test.

Denial of responsibility

“Hemangioma of the spine - is it worth sounding the alarm? Back pain under the ribs: what to do? »All entries by the author

The pain syndrome cannot be ignored if it is pronounced in the lumbar region or shoulder blades. Due to the fact that there are few nerve endings concentrated there, unpleasant sensations may not bother much. But if your back hurts and you feel sick, this is already a cause for concern.

Experts note such symptoms in the following diseases:

osteochondrosis; heart pathology; meningitis; back or neck injuries; gastrointestinal diseases; renal failure, other disorders in the work of the kidneys.

Only a doctor can differentiate the disease, but there are other signs that will help you understand where to look for a problem, which specialist to contact.

When to suspect osteochondrosis?

If, in addition to attacks of pain, the head is also spinning, then one can suspect damage to the cervical segment, destructive changes in the bone tissue.

Do not attribute such symptoms to fatigue or slight malaise after a working day - the cause may turn out to be a serious illness, such as osteochondrosis.

Office workers who sit in front of monitors all day often complain of back aches and nausea. The explanation is simple - it is a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet.

But the reason for the development of such symptoms may be more serious - a protusion or hernia, destructive processes in the vertebrae.

Constantly moving, the discs protrude beyond the permissible limits, which leads to compression of the bundles of blood vessels, nerve endings. Thus, a person feels that his back, head hurts and he feels sick.

The feeling of approaching vomiting is explained by the fact that when squeezed, a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients does not enter the brain. With osteochondrosis, unpleasant sensations disturb in the morning, but they can be observed throughout the day.

When to sound the alarm?

If colic worsens with sharp bends or bends. The condition worsens when you sneeze or cough. Turning the neck causes great discomfort. Migraines are common. There is an increase in blood pressure. Disorientation is noted periodically.

These signs are the reason to immediately visit the doctor. Osteochondrosis should not be allowed to take its course.

Pathologies in the work of the heart

The back may also hurt with heart disease, especially if there are discomfort in the chest.

When diagnosing cardiac pathologies, it was noted that the patient, even lying on his back, may feel sick, sore throat, soreness of the larynx, severe headaches.

If the attack lasts more than 15 minutes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades, and taking heart drops does not provide relief, you should call for medical attention without delay.

Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of ECG readings. At the same time, the pressure is kept under control at all times, the patient is provided with complete rest.

Spasms in the back are indirect signs of heart disease.

Meningitis is another reason

Meningitis is a dangerous infectious disease that is similar in symptoms to other ailments. This complicates the diagnosis in many cases, when the patient complains of muscle pain in the back, sometimes vomiting.

But a characteristic feature will be the soreness of the cervical spine, and it increases when you try to bend the chin to the chest (muscle rigidity).

With meningitis, the following are also noted:

hypersensitivity to bright light, fever, vomiting or retching, cramping; swelling of the mucous membranes.

If, in addition to pulling back spasms, the temperature is higher than 38 degrees, you should consult an infectious disease doctor.

Disorders of the digestive tract

If your back hurts and you feel sick, the cause may be gastrointestinal disturbances. You should contact a gastroenterologist, who will prescribe a series of examinations to clarify the diagnosis.

With colitis, the patient is observed, in addition to discomfort in the back, also bloating, diarrhea, the presence of mucus or blood in the stool. Inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, and other digestive disorders. Stomach ulcers are characterized by pain and nausea, aggravated by the use of spicy, fatty or smoked food. With prolonged diets, the condition can seriously worsen.

It is rarely possible to suspect disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, if after spinal anesthesia the neck hurts and feels sick, therefore, when contacting a specialist, it is worth reporting all the manipulations that were carried out with the patient, but were not recorded in the card or medical history.

Kidney disorders

Severe lumbar discomfort is characteristic of kidney disease, such as pyelonephritis. The pain appears after a back massage, or worsens with prolonged exposure to the cold.

Renal colic - the so-called pain syndrome that the patient feels when a kidney stone comes out - can be accompanied by severe stomach cramps.

Therefore, if your back pulls and feels sick, you should make an appointment with a nephrologist. A specialist who will prescribe a urine test and an ultrasound scan to clarify the diagnosis or exclude kidney pathology.

Few people want to see a doctor even with serious ailments. People attribute pain to other factors - ecology or the environment. But if, in addition to painful attacks, other accompanying symptoms are noted, you do not need to self-medicate.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please see your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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"Healthy back and slender body with a regular towel. Back pain in women: the norm and deviations" All author's notes

Pain is a signal of the body. There was a failure in the work, help is required, surgical intervention. A common ailment in people of all ages is abdominal pain, nausea. There are many factors causing the phenomenon.

Common causes

Discomfort is caused by infectious diseases, intoxication, trauma. Sometimes fever, vomiting is accompanied. You need to immediately seek medical attention.


It happens when eating poor-quality food products with an expired shelf life, prepared in unsanitary conditions. Together with food, harmful bacteria enter the body, provoking poisoning.

Problems in the digestive tract

Gastroenterological abnormalities are the main cause of a sore stomach. Observed: nausea, heartburn, rumbling, seething. Distinguish between chronic, inflammatory, infectious, oncological:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Gastritis.
  • Stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer.
  • Damage to the gallbladder, biliary tract.
  • Pathologies of the liver, kidneys, spleen.
  • Oncology.

It is important to diagnose correctly, start treatment on time, avoiding complications. Due to the similarity of manifestations, it is difficult to determine the focus. It happens that a cancer patient is treated for a long time for gastritis, ulcers, late oncology. The third and fourth stages of cancer are incurable. Neglected diseases flow into chronic ones, delivering torment.


Inflammation of the appendix is \u200b\u200beasy to confuse with indigestion, poisoning. Distinctive features:

  • Pain sensations begin in the navel area, gradually mix down to the right.
  • Hard stomach, bloating.
  • Sharp in the lower right part of the peritoneum with light pressure.
  • Chills, fever (38 degrees and above), profuse sweating.
  • Indigestion symptoms: diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting.
  • In the back, like renal colic.

On close examination, the doctor may not immediately detect inflammation. Additional studies are required: blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound examination of the small pelvis, probing.

In pregnant women, appendicitis is higher than usual. With an increase in the fetus, organs, except for the bladder, shift upward, changes in blood circulation occur, and frequent constipation occurs.

In a child, inflammation of the appendix does not always manifest itself as in an adult. The kid cannot correctly describe the symptoms, clearly say where it hurts. If the child complains that he is nauseous, refuses to eat, a doctor should be called.

Myocardial infarction

In an adult, stomach pain and vomiting are caused by the histological form of myocardial infarction. It is confused with appendicitis, exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis. If it gives in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart, the left shoulder is a serious reason to undergo an urgent examination.

Due to the similarity of the signs, it is difficult for an experienced specialist to detect heart damage the first time. You can distinguish it by paying attention to human behavior. A patient with a heart attack tries to take a sitting position. With an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, appendicitis, he often lies, tries not to make sudden movements.

Histological myocardial infarction

Food intolerance

With food intolerance, the body refuses to digest a certain product, provoking:

  • Increased gas formation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Bloating, heaviness.
  • Weakness.

People do not realize that they suffer from food intolerances, confuse with allergies, refer to improper eating behavior. The most common are lactose and gluten intolerance. To determine the disease, a blood test is carried out, tests for antigens of products, identifying potentially dangerous ones. Prohibited foods are advised to be excluded from the diet for up to six months. After prolonged abstinence, the disease goes away on its own, unlike allergies.

They appear for various reasons:

  • Poor hand hygiene.
  • Low-quality food, water.
  • Fruits, vegetables, poorly washed after contact with soil.
  • Insufficiently cooked meat, fish.

Orthopedic deviations

May occur due to problems with the spine. The spine is connected by nerve endings with the organs of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis. With problems of the musculoskeletal system, aching pain in the lower abdomen, constipation, bloating, hemorrhoids appear.


Nervous strain, stress, depression negatively affect the stomach. Lead to impaired blood circulation in the mucous membrane, destroying the integrity. If a person eats properly, leads a healthy lifestyle, stress can be irritable bowel syndrome.

Pain typical for women

Due to the special physiology in women, abdominal discomfort is more common in men. Consider the reasons typical for women.


During puberty, from the first day of menstruation, the girl begins to be bothered by:

  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • stool disturbance;
  • pulls the lower abdomen;
  • dizzy.

The condition lasts for several days. To facilitate menstruation in a girl, it is enough to take an antispasmodic.


If a girl is sick in the morning, this may be the first sign of toxicosis. During early pregnancy, there is often a feeling of fullness, pulling pains, dizziness, headache. The body temperature rises to 37 degrees, freezes, rages in the stomach, vomits. In late pregnancy, a woman may experience discomfort in the navel due to weakness of the abdominal muscles, and lower back pain.

Diseases of the female reproductive system

Sometimes after menstruation, severe pain spasms do not stop - an alarming signal. Eliminates pregnancy. If the test is negative, there are signs of diseases of the genital, urinary organs. There are cramps, burning, cramping pains.

In men

In men, it is often caused by a reproductive disorder. Due to the proximity of the prostate gland to the bladder, the rectum affects these organs at the same time. Hemorrhoids and prostatitis appear.

In children

The problem for all moms is baby colic. All due to poor absorption of lactose, which is part of breast milk, formula for feeding. Other causes of tummy pain:

  • constipation;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hernia;
  • rotavirus infection.

Types of pain

To understand the reasons, take a closer look at the view, the location of the focus of pain.

Top center

Sharp, cutting in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, bursting, gas formation - a manifestation of gastritis, peritonitis, myocardial infarction.

In the right hypochondrium

Sharp discomfort in the upper right is a symptom of liver diseases, biliary tract, myocardial infarction.

In the left hypochondrium

The upper left peritoneum usually hurts due to inflammation of the pancreas. With pancreatitis, the stomach aches, pain girdles, nausea and bloating occur.

In the middle

With increased acidity, there is a constant thrill above the navel. Gives to the right hypochondrium - the gallbladder hurts, possibly exacerbation of cholecystitis. Localization around the navel - problems with the small intestine. The navel often makes itself felt in acute peritonitis, hernia, and bowel problems. Twists, growls stomach usually during diarrhea.

In the right side

One of the signs of appendicitis occurs with an unhealthy cecum. In women - with inflammation of the right ovary.

In the left side

A similar symptom indicates the presence of inflammation of the genitourinary system, an infection in the intestine, and disease of the left ovary in women.

At the bottom

This happens for various reasons. The most serious are lesions of the urinary system: cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, genital lesions. In case of impaired renal function, lower back pain, noise in the head, and frequent urination are observed.

When the malaise appears for no apparent reason, it is difficult to determine the source and choose a treatment method. Self-removal is hazardous to health. Identical drugs can improve health, harm the body. For prevention, exclude heavy junk food from the diet, move more, regularly undergo examination.

We are used to considering lower back pain during menstruation as a normal phenomenon, because there are practically no lucky women who are completely free from monthly torments. Someone endures these days easier, others are simply forced to lie for several days. It became interesting to us to figure out whether it is really necessary to endure the pain in silence and refer to the female share, or it is time to go to the doctor. According to doctors, only the very fact of the regular onset of menstruation can be considered normal, because this indicates the sexual maturity of the female body and the ability to conceive. But back pain during menstruation is the reason for a serious examination.

Difficulties associated with making a diagnosis

The thing is that it is very difficult to unequivocally determine the cause of this phenomenon. Lower back pain during menstruation is just a symptom, and evidence of the possibility of dozens of different diseases and abnormalities. Therefore, do not self-medicate, but contact a competent therapist. Such symptoms may indicate both kidney disease and problems with the musculoskeletal system, so only a specialist during examination can identify the true cause of what is happening and prescribe treatment. Today we want to consider the most common reasons that can lead to such consequences.

Borders of norm and pathology

They are rather vague, but every woman should know her body and monitor her condition. Slight pain on the first day of the onset of menstruation is a normal process; epidermis detachment occurs in the uterine cavity, since the embryo for which it was prepared was never implanted, and the pregnancy did not take place. But if the pain in the lower back during menstruation puts you to bed and drags on, then you need to look for the reasons. It should be especially alarming if the discharge has already ended, and the pain continues.

The main causes are inflammatory processes

Of course, they will immediately cause lower back pain during menstruation, and it is not a fact that with the end of the critical days, unpleasant symptoms will subside. But in order to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor will have to conduct a series of examinations. The fact is that a number of diseases are hidden under this general name. It can be adnexitis, that is, inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. A characteristic sign is not only lower back pain, but also a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen. Treatment must be started as early as possible, as delay can lead to the most serious consequences. In this case, the first bell may be lower back pain during menstruation. The reasons for this are understandable, pathogens during critical days can develop much more actively. Distinguishing inflammation of the ovaries from normal menstruation is easy, the pain will not go away after it ends and will only grow.

The solution to this problem can only be a serious course of treatment with antibiotics and antimicrobial agents. Do not forget that you cannot prescribe such strong drugs yourself, otherwise you can greatly harm the body.

Cervicitis, vulvitis and other inflammatory diseases

Adnexitis is not the only option for the course of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Cervicitis is quite common. This ailment is caused by a virus or infection that affects the lining of the cervix. Damage during abortion or childbirth can act as a provocation. However, it is very easy to distinguish it from other diseases. In this case, there is always purulent and mucous discharge, and the lower abdomen hurts badly during menstruation. Pain in the lower back is no less pronounced, sometimes you might think that you have an attack of chondrosis. Vulvitis is an inflammatory process of the outer shell of the external genital organs. Most often caused by yeast-like fungi. In this case, there is not only pain in the lower abdomen, but also burning, swelling and other changes.

Hormonal imbalance

Lower back pain during menstruation can be a signal that there are problems in the hormonal sphere. These are disruptions in the natural balance between progesterone and prostaglandin. The prevalence of the latter causes painful sensations, usually intensifying towards the end of menstruation. This is easily explained, hormones are chemicals that stimulate uterine contractions. The higher the level of this hormone, the stronger the contractions. And an overabundance of prostaglandin causes nausea and headache, chills and weakness. With an increase in the bias of the hormonal background, severe pain in the lower back occurs during menstruation.

The solution to this problem should be dealt with by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist together. At the same time, the appointment of a COC is not always an ideal way out of the situation. It is necessary to carefully study the tests for hormones and understand what is happening in the body before prescribing any drug. It is quite possible that among all the variety of COCs, there is no one that would meet the needs of your body at a given time.

Physiological abnormalities

Indeed, it happens that pain in the abdomen and lower back during menstruation haunts a woman for many years, and no one can figure out what the reason is. In this case, an ultrasound scan is recommended to assess the condition of the uterus. It can be strongly deviated from the normal position laid down by nature. This can be painful during your period. There is another physiological feature - the close location of the uterus to the nerve endings. Together with the high excitability of the nervous system, this leads to partial pain. The solution here may be to use mild sedatives as well as pain relievers. These are "No-shpa", "Spazgan", "Sedalgin-Neo" and a number of others.


We have already said that the most alarming signals can be considered pain in the lower abdomen (lower back) after menstruation. This is no longer exactly related to the active uterine contractions that take place in the early days. This means that the reason is more serious. If the pain does not subside or intensifies, and at the same time strongly pulls the lower abdomen, then endometriosis can be suspected. Removal of the endometrium from the body is a normal physiological process, which, however, can malfunction. In this case, endometrial cells can enter the abdominal cavity and settle on nearby organs. As they grow, they fill with blood that they cannot get rid of. Because of this, the stomach hurts badly during and after menstruation. There are two methods of treatment: surgical (classical surgery or laser cauterization) and hormonal.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Rarely enough by itself. Usually, its development is preceded by long-term intake of hormonal drugs, which are aimed at combating infertility. The consequences are enlarged ovaries, follicular cysts, and other signs. As a result, lower back pain appears, chest hurts, menstruation comes with strong, extremely unpleasant symptoms. The severe course of this disorder manifests itself in the form of severe, girdle spasms. Treatment of this disorder is systemic, usually a correction of hormonal therapy is recommended.

Thyroid dysfunction

This is a very important element that regulates the work of almost all body systems. Violation of her functions, a change in the level of hormonal background - this is always fraught with a change in the state of a woman's health. Often the most visible symptoms are sleep disturbance and lack of appetite, as well as very pronounced premenstrual syndrome. There are pulling pains in the lower back during menstruation, and often they do not end even after they end.

Tumors and cysts

With these diseases, squeezing sensations appear, which intensify many times during menstruation. It seems that a heavy lead ball was placed in the abdominal cavity, which presses on all other organs. At the same time, the feeling of something superfluous and unnecessary is gradually increasing, since the neoplasm tends to grow and increase in size. The nerve endings and neighboring organs will definitely feel this. One fine day, the result of the growth of a neoplasm will be a disturbed blood supply to the pelvic organs. As a result, the lower abdomen and lower back will be very painful both during menstruation and after them.


As you can see, there are a lot of options for why the lower abdomen may hurt during menstruation, so you should not self-medicate, consult a doctor. However, before visiting the hospital, you can help yourself by wearing a wool scarf around your lower back and taking pain relievers. A good option would be "No-shpa". This drug is not too strong, relieves spasms well and reduces the intensity of pain. The second option is Ketarol. However, if the pills relieve pain only for a short time or do not help at all, this indicates that an urgent need to go to the hospital.

Finally, I would like to note that any unpleasant sensations are a signal that there is a serious problem in the body. You should not mask it with painkillers, you may miss the time when the disease can be cured easily and without consequences.

Probably, the pain in the lower back is familiar to everyone. Also, everyone knows such a symptom as nausea. But in some conditions, nausea and lower back pain occur at the same time. What kind of disease can manifest itself like this? What are the causes of the disease? And how can you help yourself?

Neurological diseases are not always the cause. Often a similar symptom occurs in the pathology of internal organs: the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary tract, the gynecological system in women, and urological problems in men.

Pain syndrome can be acute or chronic. Constant aching pain is usually a sign of chronic inflammation. And sharp and severe attacks may indicate diseases requiring urgent surgical intervention: perforation or rupture of organs, bleeding that has begun, peritonitis. Therefore, with a combination of symptoms such as fever, lumbodynia, nausea, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist will diagnose and determine an accurate diagnosis.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

  1. Appendicitis. Inflammation of the appendix is \u200b\u200bmanifested by pain in the right groin area, which can radiate to the lower back, especially with an atypical position of the appendix. The pains are pulling, dull, of low intensity. In addition to the fact that the lower back hurts, the patient's temperature rises to subfebrile numbers, weakness, malaise, nausea, single vomiting or loose stools are noted.
  2. - intestinal inflammation. It starts with paroxysmal colic around the navel and spreads to the lumbar region. Feelings resemble spasms, are well controlled by antispasmodic drugs. In addition, patients complain of nausea, flatulence, loose stools, or, conversely, constipation.
  3. Intestinal infections (salmonellosis) occur with nausea and pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Infectious ailments are characterized by stools mixed with blood and mucus, repeated vomiting. Patients still have symptoms of poisoning: weakness, fever. If these signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help, as severe complications may develop.
  4. An inguinal hernia, when it is infringed, is manifested by sharp sharp pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hernial protrusion and in the lower back. The suffering is so strong that fainting is possible. At the same time, there may be nausea, vomiting. This condition requires urgent surgery!
  5. Malignant tumors in the intestines in advanced cases cause lower back pain. And because of the tumor intoxication syndrome, nausea, fever, and general weakness are possible.

Pathology of the urinary system

Urolithiasis is manifested by attacks of renal colic. In this case, there is a sharp severe pain in the lower back to the left or right of the spine, spreading through the ureter, into the thigh, into the genitals. Patients are restless, rush about, cannot find a position to alleviate their condition. An attack of colic is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and hiccups. Lasts from a few minutes to many hours. After the pain subsides in the urine, an admixture of blood, sand or small stones is found.

Urinary tract infections (cystitis,) are usually caused by pathogenic microbes. The symptoms of inflammation are divided into general and local.

  • general - temperature to febrile high numbers, weakness, nausea, malaise, loss of appetite.
  • local - local pain along the ureters, usually one-sided, constant and aching, with inflammation of the bladder, there is a frequent urge to urinate, an admixture of blood in the urine.


In women, lower back pains simultaneously with nausea and weakness due to gynecological diseases: premenstrual syndrome, uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis, torsion of the cyst or rupture of the ovary, bending of the uterus.

Do not forget that lower back pain, lightheadedness and weakness can bother a woman during early pregnancy. This is how toxicosis manifests itself. But if pains in the abdomen and lower back have arisen sharply after physical exertion, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage or an increase in the tone of the uterus. A pregnant woman needs to be very attentive to her condition. With the pathology of pregnancy, consultation with a gynecologist is mandatory, especially when there is bleeding.


Lower back pain in men is caused by prostatitis. The pain syndrome in this condition is pronounced, intense, with spread to the anus and sacrum. It intensifies during urination and defecation, accompanied by low-grade fever (up to 38C), nausea, weakness.

There are many reasons why the lower back hurts at the same time as nausea and fever. In each specific case, only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. You can't warm up, massage your back. Do not take pain relievers until you have established the cause of the suffering. Do not delay a visit to a specialist in order to avoid the development of severe complications.

If the pain is localized in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, the causes of this condition are chronic and acute diseases. The discomfort can be intermittent or permanent.

The back can hurt unbearably. Acute forms of pathologies occur with sharp and severe pain. If the syndrome in question is aching in nature, it is chronic inflammation.

The pulsating nature of the syndrome is associated with an increase in intracavitary pressure. When any of the above-described clinic appears, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Medical indications

Pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region may indicate a gynecological, genitourinary disease. The reasons for its appearance are of different etiology.

If the patient has an acute pain in the lower back, capturing the abdomen, urgent specialist consultation is required.

Such a clinic is considered extremely dangerous for the patient's life, as it indicates pathologies associated with damage to vital organs and the spine.

The common reasons for the development of the above-described chronic clinic are the presence of extragenital diseases. The discomfort that appears in the lower back and abdomen is called "chronic pelvic pain" in modern medicine.

This diagnosis is made if the above symptoms appear within 6 months. This syndrome in ¾ cases is due to gynecological pathologies and in ¼ it is an extragenital disease.

A rare etiology of pulling pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, include:

  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • arthrosis MS;
  • canal stenosis;
  • scoliosis.

More often, the state of health deteriorates after exercise. In this case, the pain syndrome extends to the lower extremities.

After examining the patient and carrying out diagnostic procedures, the neurologist prescribes appropriate treatment.

If osteochondrosis with impaired blood circulation is detected, the head and lower back also hurt, it is difficult for the patient to move.

This is due to the maximum mobility of the cervical and lumbar spine, which is the most stressed.

If at the first stage of the pathology it hurt only in the lower back, at the subsequent stages of the disease the spinal column is rearranged along its length in order to compensate for the pain syndrome.

This "realignment" occurs with a weakened muscle corset, when the muscles are not strong to support the spinal column in the desired position.

If, with osteochondrosis, the syndrome in question spreads to the lower and upper limbs, capturing the groin and pubis, NSAIDs are indicated.

The task of a neurologist is to relieve acute symptoms with the subsequent strengthening of the muscles located around the vertebrae. For this, exercise therapy is shown.

If it hurts in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, you cannot perform exercise therapy yourself. To eliminate such a clinic, you will need the help of a qualified doctor.

Frequent etiology

Since there are important organs in the lower abdomen, the causes of pain are numerous.

Modern surgeons are advised to respond quickly when pulling on the right, nausea, worried about high temperature. Such a clinic requires urgent surgery or inpatient therapy.

With an inflamed appendix, the abdomen and lower back are permeated with pain, while the body temperature rises, and begins to vomit. The patient is drawn to vomit.

You cannot ignore such a clinic, otherwise the cecum will rupture. Serious and dangerous consequences of an inflamed appendix include sepsis in the peritoneum.

To prevent rupture, timely surgical care is required.

If the patient not only hurts, but also pulls the stomach, while the syndrome extends to the lower back, groin and pubis, then the intestines become inflamed.

Ignoring such a clinic provokes the development of an ulcer. If the pain intensifies, acquiring a cramping character, it is recommended to call an ambulance. This condition threatens the patient's life.

Doctors advise to pay attention to whether there is a constant pain in the joints, back, which after a certain period leads to local or complete limitation of movements, including disability.

Modern rheumatologists provide these patients with their help after carrying out numerous tests. Based on the results of the diagnostics, therapy is carried out.

If a pain syndrome appears in the lower abdomen during urination, while pulling the lower back, the temperature rises, diseases associated with the urinary system and kidneys occur in the patient's body.

With such symptoms, you can not hesitate. If symptoms are mild to moderate, therapy is carried out at home.

Otherwise, the patient may be hospitalized. More often, these symptoms are associated with pyelonephritis.

Colitis is a pathology that can bother a person for several days, and then turn into a chronic stage. This progression of colitis is possible in the absence of therapy.

In the initial stages of the disease, there is bloating, an increase in body temperature. Additionally, flatulence develops, pulls and aches in the lower back, worries in the abdomen.

Common causes of the development of the clinic in question include infections. Numerous harmful microbes, penetrating the peritoneum and other organs, provoke a dull pain that encircles the peritoneum.

Then the syndrome worsens, spreading to the lower abdomen, pubis, groin and lower back.

In a laboratory study, mucus with blood can be detected in the feces. If the above symptoms appear, you need to consult an infectious disease doctor.

Salmonellosis is characterized by blood poisoning. This process is long-term, therefore urgent and adequate therapy is required.

The infectious process is characterized by nausea, therefore, complex treatment is indicated.

The temperature is preliminarily knocked down, pain is relieved, and dehydration is prevented. At the next stage of treatment, the pathogen is destroyed, the body is restored.

Women's diseases

The special nature of the pain syndrome occurs in women due to the structure of the genitourinary system, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, vaginismus.

During menstruation, the lower abdomen pulls due to the increase in the uterus in size and muscle contraction in order to clear the genital organ of blood.

It is these contractions that provoke pain. In nulliparous women, the cause of severe pain is associated with hormonal levels, and in those who have given birth - with pathological conditions.

Primary algodismenoria is not accompanied by organic changes. At the same time, signs of gynecological pathologies do not appear. Pain bothers only during ovulation.

The syndrome is pulsating or cramping in nature, manifesting itself in the lower abdomen. It can easily move to the hips, lower back.

The time of manifestation of pain syndrome is up to 48 hours from the moment the blood appears. Sometimes the process is accompanied by migraine, vomiting. A woman may experience nausea, diarrhea.

With strong symptoms, HRT is indicated, but only on an individual basis. Additionally, psychoactive medications and anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed.

Secondary algodismenoria is manifested by painful menstruation with the following gynecological pathologies:

  1. Endometriosis
  2. Fibroids.
  3. Congenital malformation of the organs of the reproductive system.
  4. Adhesive pathology.

A woman's abdominal pain may not appear during a cycle. The etiology of its occurrence includes the pathology of the reproductive system. With such diseases, pain discomfort can be one-sided or two-sided.

If the syndrome is localized to the right or left, the gynecologist can diagnose ovarian inflammation. If the symptom manifests itself in the lower back, the ovary has ruptured, or a neoplasm develops in the organ.

A similar clinic can touch the uterus, provoking its inflammation. If the pain syndrome arose after the abortion, there was a partial operation to remove the embryo.

In this case, the stomach pulls, nausea occurs, the body temperature rises. If the abortion was carried out in a woman giving birth, then back discomfort may appear.

A similar clinic is associated with cysts and neoplasms. With an acute infectious process in the female body, bleeding develops after sex.

Since the infection is quickly transmitted through intimate contact, therefore, therapy is carried out for two partners. More often, outpatient treatment is indicated.

Pain in the abdomen, lower uterus, drowsiness, nausea, may indicate cancer of the uterus. Irritable trigger points provoke the main symptom - pain.

Experts identify the etiologies leading to the clinic in question, associated with the appearance of discomfort after intercourse.

Sometimes the patient may be bothered by the lower back. Concomitant back discomfort indicates the spread of the disease throughout the body.

If after sex there are bloody discharge of a different nature, while it hurts a lot, consultation with a gynecologist is required. Chlamydominosis, fungi, erosion, polyps are common causes of this phenomenon.

With vaginismus, a woman cannot have sex, as the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina are strongly contracted. Then the entrance to the vagina itself narrows, a spasm is provoked. This condition is permanent.

In everyday life, there is no discomfort in the stomach. The reasons for this phenomenon include:

  • mental factor;
  • lack of confidence in a partner and in yourself;
  • genital trauma;
  • often using tampons.

Gynecologists identify 3 causes of discomfort in the lower back, back and abdomen during the period of gestation:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • bowel disorder;
  • ectopic development of the fetus.

Of the additional symptoms, gynecologists distinguish nausea, basal temperature. Excessive stress, infections, trauma, congenital pathology can provoke a miscarriage.

In such conditions, bleeding is considered a common symptom.

If the pain has disappeared, and the general condition has returned to normal, you still need to make an appointment with the gynecologist. With the help of an ultrasound scan, the doctor can make sure that the fetus is developing normally.

With an intestinal disorder, the fetus presses on the internal organs, pain in the lower back and peritoneum is provoked. The stomach is swollen, nausea develops.

Male diseases

Back pain, lower back pain, and nausea are less common in men than in women. More often, back problems are associated with excessive stress on the body. Abdominal discomfort provokes poor nutrition.

But there are some pathologies that are dangerous to the health of men. This is due to the structure of the genitourinary system. Doctors distinguish exclusively male diseases into a separate group.

With prostatitis, it bothers in the lumbar region and back. Such pain is provoked by an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

With the development of such a clinic, urgent help from a urologist is required. Therapy is prescribed after identifying the causative agent of the disease.

With an inguinal hernia, symptoms occur that are characteristic of inflammation of appendicitis:

  • backache;
  • temperature;
  • discomfort in the groin area.

The patient may faint from back pain. To prevent complications, an unscheduled surgery is performed. To find out the nature of the discomfort in the back, peritoneum, a complete examination is carried out.

Girdle pain is provoked by many diseases, therefore, differential diagnosis is carried out to make an accurate diagnosis:

  • analysis of urine;
  • a blood test for infection.

When analyzing the symptoms manifested, the medical history is taken into account. Therapy for pain in the back and peritoneum in men is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

A cold compress on the stomach may be used as a temporary therapeutic measure. It is forbidden to drink folk remedies before the arrival of an ambulance.

The prohibited actions of physicians include the independent intake of medications of different pharmacological groups.

Useful video

Painful sensations in the lower back, which are combined with vomiting and nausea, can be signs of both severe pathologies of the digestive tract, genitourinary system, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary on time, and most importantly correctly, to differentiate diseases of the musculoskeletal system from pathologies of internal organs.

Unpleasant sensations in the lower back in medical practice are called lumbodynia - from the words "lumbaris" and "algia" - lumbar and pain.

Some people do not share the sacral part of the spine and the lower back - the sacrum is the fusion of five vertebrae and through the joints it adjoins the pelvis. The loin is a movable part, consisting of five vertebrae and is 3-4 centimeters below the level of the navel. In the case of pain in the back of the pelvis, the term sacralgia is applicable.

If the lower back is pulling, this indicates a possible radiculitis, osteochondrosis, protrusion of intervertebral discs, osteoporosis and pinched nerves. Also, pain can be a consequence of scoliosis.

But if, in addition to this, he is nauseous, then this often indicates problems with the internal organs. These include:

  • Gastrointestinal pathology;
  • Pathology of the urinary tract and kidneys;
  • Gynecological and urological diseases.

Feelings can differ depending on the cause, so if you experience back pain and nausea, you should see your doctor for a diagnosis.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

The human digestive system is subject to a huge number of pathological changes, since in the course of life it comes into contact with a variety of chemicals. The main pathologies that cause nausea, in addition to lower back pain, include:

  • Appendicitis;
  • Colitis;
  • Intestinal infections;
  • Hernia;
  • Tumor neoplasms.

The appendix is \u200b\u200bthe formation of the intestinal wall in the lower part of the ascending colon. In its walls, it contains a huge number of lymph nodes, and belongs to the organs of the immune system. Inflammation of the appendix is \u200b\u200bfacilitated by the consumption of poor-quality food, neglect of hygiene, and the use of heavy indigestible elements.

With an atypical location of the appendix, pain can be transmitted to the back, since it begins to touch the lumbar and celiac plexuses passing nearby. With appendicitis, nausea and pain will have a special character - vomiting is usually single, the pain is dull, pulling. Possible temperature drop, weakness, malaise.

  • See also:.

Colitis is an inflammatory process in the intestines. The main symptom is bouts of colic that spread from the navel to the lumbar region. Feels like colic cramps. When the spasm occurs, the intestines become blocked, which can lead to vomiting. Another diagnostic sign is the relief of seizures with antispasmodics.

A pinched nerve due to a hernia can cause vomiting and severe pain in the lumbar and groin areas. Painful sensations can cause loss of consciousness in a person, vomiting is strong in nature and carries a neurological basis.

  • We advise you to read:

Cancers can often pierce the intestinal wall and grow into the lumbar back. The pain will be felt in the muscles of the lower back, as their work is disrupted, and the nerves are under the influence of hormones secreted by the cancerous tissue. Toxins often lead to vomiting and gastrointestinal problems.

Pathology of the urinary system

The kidneys are separated from the back muscles only by a layer of fat, which protects them from hypothermia. Urolithiasis manifests itself in a person with severe paroxysmal colic, which begin to the left or right of the spine at the level of the lower back - depending on the lesion of the left or right kidney. The pain spreads to the groin, to the bladder, and further to the genitals. At the same time, attacks of urolithiasis are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, since there is a violation of the reverse uptake of urine - toxins released during its decay during damage to the nephrons enter the blood.

In addition to urolithiasis, pain can occur with infections of the bladder and kidneys - cystitis, nephritis. They are caused by microbial pathogens. The pain spreads from the kidney to the bladder and down the tract. The patient is often nauseous, there are complaints of back pain.