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Cellulite and stretching how to get rid of. Stretching from cellulite: main exercises and technique. What is Stretching and how he saves from cellulite

So, we continue the cycle of articles about combating cellulite. In the previous release, we talked about how runs against cellulite. To strengthen its effectiveness, you need to perform a number cellulite stretching exercises. This is a free style yoga, or stretching, I contributes to the removal of excess moisture from the body, improving blood microcirculation and lymph.

how stretching against cellulite Make as efficient as possible?

For stretching against cellulite No special expensive simulators are required. It is enough to settle on the usual rug, on the floor. While doing cellulite stretch marks, follow your feelings. Despite the fact that the muscles will be laughing after running, all movements must be taken carefully, slowly, and at low pressure. With each exercise, there should be no sharp pain, intermittent movements, otherwise you can damage ligaments. Also, if you wish to achieve maximum efficiency, then training should be regular. Try to do exercises daily, from 20 to 45 minutes.

Performing exercises is very important to breathe correctly, slowly and deep, stretching muscles on exhalation.

At the end of the set of exercises for stretching should be relaxed, take the shower and apply anti-cellulite aromaslas on problem areas.

Than good cellulite stretching exercises?

Cellulite stretching exercises Allow: to supply fat cells with oxygen, strengthen exchange processes in them and derive from them what prevents their full breathing; To find a beautiful figure, bring the muscles in the tone, tighten and smooth the skin. By the way, the stretching is also good for athletes after intensive and strength training, as it prevents the cluster of lactic acid in the muscles and reduces pain.

Get rid of cellulite Clear twine!

Get rid of cellulite On the hips, legs and buttocks, the twine will help, transverse and longitudinal. For transverse sword, the legs should be maximally on the side, as much as possible, and then smoothly and without sharp movements, increase the amplitude. You can perform squats in this position, then on the right, but on the left foot, while the opposite should remain in the literal position.

To perform a longitudinal twine one leg should be pulled forward, the other is to leave in a slightly bent position.

Performing anti-cellulite exercises Do not forget to include the muscles of your back, chest and abdomen. Try to make cyclical slopes to side, back and forth. In order to feel the maximum stress in the muscles of the hands, shoulders, abdomen, chest and back, remember the universal yoga tree. And the tone of the muscles will return, and the inner harmony will restore.

To be continued…

The appearance on the skin of stretch marks and cellulite is a very unpleasant phenomenon for each woman, and even get rid of them very difficult. Still, this is possible, but how, we will tell in detail today.

Cause of cellulite and stretching

If we speak in a simple language, the stretch marks (Strya) is atrophy of skin sites, which manifests itself in the form of light or red-purple strips of different lengths and widths. Most often they are formed in those places where the greatest tension occurs. And the reasons for their appearance can be several.

  • Pregnancy.
  • Quick set or discharge weight.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Genetic diseases.
  • Uneven growth in youthful age.
  • Hydodine.
  • A number of diseases.

As for cellulite, the main cause of its occurrence is the accumulation of fat cells, which are put on the top layer of the skin, forming small pits and tubercles, called in common "orange crust." And where the fats are taken not difficult to guess. Of course, this is an improper nutrition, a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle, a lack of vitamins.

Cellulite and stretch marks are not related to the category of diseases. Rather, it is cosmetic flaws that look not very aesthetic. Therefore, it is necessary to fight with them at the first appearance.

What will help get rid of stretch marks?

In fact, the skin restoration process is very difficult. And it is especially difficult to get rid of the soased defects that exist on the body for years. However, with the right approach and proper perseverance, the situation can be significantly changed for the better. And this will help the following manipulations.

  • Massage. This is one of the simplest, affordable and efficient ways to bring skin in order. After all, it satures the cells of the epidermis oxygen and contributes to the influx of blood to them. And for greater efficiency, during the procedure it is necessary to use aloe creams, collagen, vitamins, essential oils and other additives that contribute to the duration of the dermis. Very good for recovery and honey. It is applied to the problem cleaned by the scrub problem areas by clapping movements. Massage is made by courses from one to two months.

  • Reception of vitamins and useful trace elements. The skin, like the whole organism, needs vitamins. If they are enough, they will begin to smooth and stretch marks, and cylllitis. That is why it is necessary to enter the following utility substances in your diet: vitamin A, which provides regeneration of skin elasticity; Vitamin E, acting as an antioxidant and contributing to the rejuvenation of the epidermis; Vitamin C, participating in the synthesis of collagen; Zinc, which will act as a prophylactic agent and prevent the emergence of new stretch marks.

  • Physical exercise. In order to get rid of cellulite, existing stretch marks on the stomach and sides, and also prevent the formation of new Strii needs to be regularly playing at least 40 minutes a day. Perhaps it sounds trite, but such simple exercises as a press, mahi feet of a fear and back-back, squatted with a stop on the chair, and even push-ups will contribute to the fact that the irregularities on your skin will become less. And this will happen by increasing blood circulation in problem places, as a result of which the tone and structure of the skin will significantly improve. Especially this method is good to combat "young" stretch marks.

  • Professional cosmetic procedures. One of the most efficient ways to get rid of stretch marks and other deme defects is mesotherapy. Just a few procedures, and your skin will be young and tightened again. The essence of this method is that a special solution is introduced into the needles, which enriches cells with substances that enhances the production of own collagen and elastin. As a result, all irregularities smoothed, and you will only follow yourself to prevent the return of the problem. Also, laser grinding, ozone therapy, and chemical peeling are considered very effective in the struggle. Each procedure is negotiated with a specialist individually.

  • Affordable home remedies. Help your skin again become smooth and beautiful and without salon procedures. For example, with the help of special gels, creams and ointments, which, with regular use, nicely smooth stretch marks, on the pope, abdomen, sides, and lying. These funds include: zinc, heparin, retiname ointment, Cream Klirvin with Indian herbs, Badyag, cream Elaskin, who perfectly copes with young, and with long-term strolies, as well as mummy tablets.

But after childbirth, when the lactation period is going, it will help to get rid of stretch marks to help simple olive oil. After all, this is the safest and useful nutrient tool that will not cause any harm, but it will be incredibly useful.

Wraps against stretch marks


  • 40g blue clay;
  • 25g mustard powder;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 2-3 drops of mentho oil.

Fill clay and mustard with water before getting a casczyce consistency. Add oil. All mix well and apply for pre-peeled and paved areas of the abdomen and hips. Next, blame the food film and go under the plaid. The duration of the procedure is 35-40 minutes.


  • 1-2 slicing of cosmetic paraffin with matchboxes;
  • 20g olive oil;
  • 8-10 droplets of juniper or citrus essential oil.

Paraffin melt on a water bath. Next, in the soul, soda the problem areas with a washcloth so that blood flowed to them. Apply a mixture of olive and essential oils on them. Now tassel flashes with warm paraffin thin layers. After very quickly, without giving it to frozen, blame the food film, put on top of warm things and also take a blanket. You are there until the makeup on your body will cool.


  • Take 10g olive, castor or rapid oil;
  • 40g any honey.

As before, wrap the mixture into pre-purified problem areas of the skin. Wrap the food film. Put on yourself warm clothes. Next, proceed to any half-hour active activity: sports, cleaning, walking, etc. After 30 minutes, honey and oil are necessary to wash off from the skin.

Modern television and media actively promote the cult of the perfect body. In pursuit of beauty imposed by the media, girls and women are ready for almost everything. The most unpleasant problem spoiling the entire attractive view of even the most slender figure is cellulite, which is characteristic mainly for the representatives of the fine sex.

It is necessary to deal with cellulite formations not only because they look, to put it mildly, ugly, but are a clear sign of the wrong way of life and, as a result, health problems. The long-term practice of prospective women showed that the most effective means in combating cellulite is such an exercise as stretching or stretching, as it is most often called it.

Stretching is one of the modern types of workouts, aimed at tensile muscles, resulting in their tone, the whole body becomes more elastic and tightened. Thanks to the correct exercise for stretching, the blood flow is improved, the strengthening of the lymphatic system and the elimination of excess fluid from the body, which is known, is the cause of cellulite formation. These facts give reason to argue that regularly and properly performed stretching with a high probability will remove cellulite formations.

In order to ensure security during stretching training, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations of doctors and fitness coaches:

  • Before you begin to perform stretching exercises, the body must be prepared. Each training should begin with a warm-up, which helps to heat the muscles and thereby increase the productivity of the entire subsequent workout. The best workout option is running relating to the category of cardiac. It is enough 7 minutes of running at a moderate pace to prepare the body to further stretch exercises.
  • When performing stretching exercises should not be painful sensations. The light voltage is welcome, but the appearance of pain says that the body is not ready for such loads, and at first something more gentle must be performed.
  • In order to stretch the desired result, you need to do the exercises correctly. It is pretty problematic to do it quite problematic, so the best solution will be visited by a gym, where the experienced trainer will control the entire workout process. If the cost of sports activities under the supervision of the coach seems high enough, you can start performing the exercises at home after the necessary luggage of knowledge and experience will be obtained.

Since Stretching implies quite a strong stretching of all body muscles, there are a number of contraindications to these classes. It is not recommended to do stretching exercises to people patients with osteochondrosis or other diseases of the joints, those who recently transferring bundles or fractures, as well as pregnant women and women in the first two months after childbirth. In any other individual cases, before you go to the gym, you need to receive a doctor's advice.

Now consider the most popular exercises that, according to numerous reviews of both professional coaches and their customers, will help you to remove cellulite. Each of them is directed to the correction of a certain part of the body, and in the complex they give a common drainage effect and, as a result, getting rid of the hated "orange bugs".

The most famous exercise that even the newcomer can perform from the first time are slopes. To do this, it is necessary to put your legs on the width of the shoulders and start tilts first to the left sock, then - to the middle and to the right, then take the starting position. You need to perform such an exercise for 30 seconds, constantly following the legs in the knees not bend.

Another effective exercise is the slopes forward. The initial position is lying on the rug with legs diluted and straightened back. You need to pull the body forward and put the palms on the floor, to spend as long as possible (it is less than less than a minute), then slowly occupy the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times.

Drops. Stretching against cellulite implies a slightly different execution of classical attacks. The difference is that in the process of performing exercises it is necessary to focus on the stretching of the muscles.

Exercise Lifting legs is pretty simple performed. It is necessary to take the position of the lying on the side, rest over one hand about the floor, and the other help to raise the leg, which is located on top, to keep it in the raised position for a minute and omit. It is important that the foot when picked up was smooth. Movements must be slow, you need to perform 2-3 approaches per side for training.

Exercise for a stretching of the jagine muscle. Sitting on the floor with bent in her knees, it is necessary to raise and put a foot of one leg on the knee of another, then change your leg and do the same with the other. At the same time, the hands should be assigned to the back, providing support of the body. During the exercise, you need to ensure that the tension in the buttock is felt.

For the zone of the hands and chest, anti-cellulite stretching is also necessary. The exercise is to raise one hand over yourself and start her back, and the second pull the curtains up until the muscle tension is feeling, after which it is for at least a minute to catch the brush and withstand in this position. This exercise is also performed by 2-3 training approaches.

Many girls doubt whether stretching from cellulite will help, but if it still helps, how often does training workouts to achieve a visible effect? The answer to this question can give any minimally competent coach. The fact is that in the process of performing stretching exercises occurs, as noted earlier, the removal of excess fluid from tissues, which allows you to remove the so-called "orange crust" effect.

The frequency of training to eliminate cellulite with the help of stretch marks should be at least 2-3 times a week. More frequent exercise performs will not give the body to recover, which will lead to stress, and rare training and skipping, in turn, will be insufficient to establish the desired result.

Of course, it is not necessary to restrict only the stretching, in the struggle for slightness and good skin, an integrated approach has always been necessary. In addition to training, the purpose of which is the fight against cellulite, it is worth adding proper nutrition and water regime.

We need to eat small portions, but often, as much as possible or completely removed from the diet of sweets, too salty and sharp dishes and flour products, as well as calculate your daily rate of protein, fats and carbohydrates and try to stick to it. Drinking mode implies the use of sufficient liquid. You only need to drink clean filtered or melting water, you can sometimes replace it with water weak mineralization, compotes from dried fruits or green, herbal tea without adding sugar.

To clean what has accumulated over the years, not so simple and it can leave a lot of time. On the way to the acquisition of a slim and tightened figure, smooth and shining skin, it is important not to stop and not despair at the very first failures, and with good mood and confidence in our own power to continuously go forward. After all, whatever they say, but only those who make efforts can look good.

If loose skin on the thighs or stretching on the stomach is stopped from fitting shorts and tops or force to wet in a towel on the beach, then just learn the statistics: cellulite is almost 90% of women reproductive age. Men are also not insured from it. Do the wraps help reduce cellulite, is it possible to lose weight locally and where is smoking? The Village found out this physiotherapist, coach and the author of the patented methodology for the correction of edible behavior.

Vladimir Kuksov

certified FPA Trainer

Alexander Vrublevsky

therapist Mobile Clinic Doc +

Mikhail Gavrilov

candidate of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist, author of a patented methodology for correction of food behavior and weight loss, member of the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM, USA)

Tatyana Ponomareva

physiotherapist Clinic Clinic Medicine Premium Esthetics

Cellulite is a disease

Partially myth. It is important to clarify that this word is used in two different values. In medicine, the term "cellulite" understands the inflammation of subcutaneous fatty cells - a disease that causes bacteria that fell under the skin. Translated from Latin "Cellula" - a cell, and the ending "-ite" means inflammation. It turns out, Cellulite is "cell inflammation." For example, in the international classification of diseases (MBC) there is such a disease "cellulite outdoor ear", that is, the "inflammation of the outer ear". With such a "cellulite", the skin area affected by bacteria blushes, swell, becomes hot, and when touching the skin hurts.

To "cellulite" in a domestic understanding - loose skin on the hips, buttocks and other parts of the body - it has nothing to do. What most often mean when they talk about cellulite in everyday life, according to scientificly called lipodystrophy - and this condition of the body is not a disease. It is about lipodystrophy and will be discussed below.

The skin is attached to the muscles with the help of connective tissue - subcutaneous fatty fiber. This fabric consists of fat cells and resembles a soft lining that provides depreciation and thermal insulation. If blood circulation and lymph deteriorates (for example, when moving little), edema arises, which, in turn, squeezes blood and lymphatic vessels - and the access of oxygen to the tissues is reduced. As a result, fatty acids are not cleaving, and fat cells increase in size. The latter penetrate the dermis (inner leather layer), forming irregularities, similar to orange crust. Cellulite severity depends on the size of fat cells: what they are more, the stronger the "tubercles" on the skin are noticeable. Cellulite can be associated with hormonal failures or restructuring in the body (for example, during pregnancy), heredity, as well as overweight, harsh fluctuations in weight, smoking, improper nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle.

Cellulite can be in people of different sexes and physique

FACT. Women's sex hormones contribute to the accumulation of fat and fluid (so the body is preparing to dry out the fetus), so women have more adipose tissue, and therefore the probability of cellulite is significantly higher. However, men may face a problem. In particular, when obesity, the manifestation of cellulite in men is associated with a change in the hormonal background, when the body begins to produce a large number of female hormones, as well as disruption of metabolism.

But even if there is no excess weight, it does not guarantee protection from cellulite. Orange Cork may appear due to genetic predisposition or due to the same hormonal disorders. Moreover, with age, the risk of cellulite is growing: the loss of muscle mass leads to the weakening of the connective tissue - and the skin begins to lose elasticity, which makes the "tubercles" existing on it more noticeable. The loss of skin elasticity is not uncommon and with a sharp weight loss, for example due to a rigid diet.

Cellulite - the consequence of the wrong power

Partly fact. Including. The manifestation of cellulite largely depends on the regime and diet: fat cells increase in size due to the fault of toxins entering the body including food. Therefore, the refusal of products with preservatives, dyes and artificial additives can be considered the prevention of this problem.

According to Mikhail Gavrilov's doctor, with cellulite, it should first have products containing coarse fiber: greens, leaf vegetables, root vegetables (in raw form), unsweetened berries and fruits. But an excess of dairy products, as well as food, causing individual food intolerance (do not confuse with allergies), in the diet, on the contrary, can make cellulite even more noticeable. It will not be superfluous to reduce the use of products that delay water in the body - salts and alcohol first.

With cellulite, swelling appears. To remove swelling, you need to drink less

Partly fact. Evenkers can really be (due to the deterioration of lymph circulation), but to limit the drinking mode in this case is harmful. With a lack of water, the body begins to store liquid "for a black day". Therefore, drinking your daily rate - 30-40 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight - it is necessary even if there is edema. Often, at edema, diuretics begin to drink. But it is not always safe: together with liquid, drugs are removed from the body and useful trace elements.

Reduce cellulite on the hips will help the exercises on this muscle group

MYTH. The most obvious and actual way to combat cellulite is a decrease in adipose tissue due to an increase in muscle. In addition, physical exertion improves tissue nutrition. However, the exercises on the problem zone will not reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat in this area: weight loss always occurs evenly. According to the personal coach of Vladimir Kuxov, the appropriate option in this case is a workout on the whole body. Moreover, power classes are usually energy-efficient than cardio, but permissible to combine anaerobic loads (for example, working with weights in the gym) with aerobic (running, swimming, cycling).

In addition to regular training, it is important for effective fat burning to observe the power regime by creating a calorie deficiency with a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. So, a study conducted by scientists South Shore YMCA showed that the combination of a healthy diet and 40-minute training three times a week during the month led to a loss of five kilograms of fat and almost four centimeters in the volume of hips. At the same time, the majority of the experiment participants noted the decrease in cellulite.

Contraceptive pills do not enhance cellulite

Partly fact. The doctor Alexander Vrublevsky notes that if the skin defect is already there, the reception of combined oral contraceptives (Kok) will not give notable changes. But cellulite may appear in thin women with low estrogen in the body. If the drug is selected correctly, its reception will not lead to a hormonal failure, which means that it will not provoke cellulite.

Cosmetology procedures help make cellulite less noticeable

Partly fact. If the cause of the defect in the hormonal imbalance, first of all, you need to adjust the hormonal background; If the weight of the weight, not to do without changes in nutrition and the addition of physical exertion; If blood circulation and lymph is broken, it is important to refuse, for example, from smoking. But the procedures in the office at the beautician cannot be written off with accounts: in the fight against cellulite, they give a noticeable visual effect. True, the latter needs to be maintained regularly.

Hardware techniques differ in the direction of exposure: for fatty tissue - these are technologies that break the structure of fat deposits (cavitation, cold laser, radio wave effect), on the stimulation of lymphatic laser (press therapy, myostimulation, vacuum, and the destruction of the connective tissue (ultrasound), to strengthen the skin ( Microcurrents, radio wave effect, vacuum roller massage or LPG massage).

LPG massage - the procedure that in recent years has established itself as the most gentle method with a minimum number of contraindications: the vacuum nozzle The skin fold is captured inside the chamber in which miniature rollers, rotating in different directions, knead the skin. In this case, the mode intensity is regulated. This procedure allows you to destroy fat pockets and stimulates lymphatic drainage. As a rule, for the maximum effect you need to visit eight or ten sessions, the result will be preserved for several months. Physiotherapist Tatiana Ponomareva notes that the hardware procedures are useful to add a course of injection - mesotherapy with a cocktail from enzymes that destroy the connective tissue (a cocktail is selected individually). This option is also relevant in the event that there are contraindications to other methods.

Homemade cellulite fighting do not work

Partly fact. Cosmetics for home care - anti-cellulite cream, gel, mask, wrapping - affect the quality of the skin (moisturizes, improve its tour), but do not penetrate the deeper epidermis, and therefore do not affect the subcutaneous fat tissue and are not able to deal with cellulite directly. But it is not necessary to completely refuse such a care. In combination with massage techniques, they can give an easy heating effect, enhancing blood circulation. Look for active natural ingredients in anti-cellulite products - algae extract, caffeine, orange oil and retinol. Tatyana Ponomareva adds that when the skin loses its elasticity, cellulite becomes several times more noticeable. In this case, it is effectively making a peeling massage with a special brush with tubercles or washcloth: the scrub will eliminate dead epidermis cells, thanks to which other means can penetrate into the skin.

Stretch marks on the skin it is impossible to disguise

MYTH. Stretch marks (they are also called strolies), as well as cellulite, are not a disease. The defect usually appears in places of color cutting (the dermis layer is rupture, while the epidermis remains integer), for example, on the abdomen and chest against the background of pregnancy or on the hips and buttocks due to excess weight. Another reason for stretch marks - hormonal changes. They violate the work of fibroblasts - cells responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, the microtraums of the fibers are not restored, and scars appear. The latter resemble the irregular shape strips and differ in color - from white to dark red.

At the same time, "young" stretch marks (they usually pink) can be removed completely. The right decision is to use preparations with topical retinoids (prescribed by a doctor), injections with collagen or hyaluronic acid with amino acids, as well as laser grinding (ablative lasers are considered the most effective, such as CO2 acupulse). But a visit to the Solarium will only complicate the problem with stretching: Stryia is not amenable to tan and on the background of dark skin become even more noticeable. If the stretching is concerned, get rid of them will not work, but it is possible to make them less noticeable.

The appearance of stretch marks does not depend on the diet

MYTH. According to Mikhail Gavrilov, a sufficient amount of amino acids coming together with food reduces the risk of Striya. The fact is that the amino acids are necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin - the main construction material of the skin. Therefore, in its system, it is necessary to include different types of protein - meat, fish, fermented milk products, legumes.

It is also important to reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates: the excessive use of sweets has a negative effect on the skin proteins - they are glying ("sugar") and become fragile, which makes the skin sluggish and dry, increasing the likelihood of stretch marks.

Does stretching from cellulite? Reality or commercial trick consider approval of instructors of popular fitness directions Stretching: Cellulite will disappear from the body in a month of training!

Cosmetologists dermatologists are unanimous in that stretching helps from cellulite partly. Exercises are only one of the links in the chain of correctional events. Undoubtedly, daily multiple muscle stretch improves blood flow. Oxygen comes to the soldered fat cells. Exchange processes are accelerated. Lipid layer becomes thinner. Increasing in the size of the muscle displaces fat. The figure becomes slimmer, the cover is smoothed.

But if at this time do not follow the diet, disrupt the drinking regime, abuse coffee (more than two cups per day) nicotine, alcohol - stretching against cellulite will not be able to return smoothness and attractiveness to the body.

Stretching against cellulite

The modern direction occurred from the English word stretching. Training are aimed at tensile all the muscles and increase their tone. The correct muscle tension displays an excess of moisture from the intercellular space, it hits the bloodstream, strengthens the work of the lymphatic system, cleaves deeper-oil wen in the tissues.

This type of physical activity does not require financial costs, expensive equipment, hike in the gym. You can train even in conditions of a small apartment, lying on the sofa.

Stretching instructors in the struggle for an attractive body allocate several directions:

  • Ballistic

The basis of the body is based. To fulfill the tasks from a person requires strength and speed. Experts warn independent activities without strict execution of the instructions may end the injury.

  • Slow Stretching

The stretching method speaks for itself. Slow, but sufficiently heavy loads do not cause pain. The technique is more often used for workout.

Correctional statics applied in yoga. Stretching is performed very smoothly and slowly, briefly lingering (taking a static position) in each posture. Status effectively helps fight against relief on the inside of the hip, where many cosmetic correction methods are prohibited due to the anatomical feature of the zone.

Steam equipment. Many women argue that it was PNF Stretching that helped from cellulite. Classes are built on the mutual assistance of partners in stretching while preserving static poses for a short time. If you are engaged in stretching in the hall, then the coach is more often as a partner.

Rules of training in Stretching against cellulite

1 . Training begins with a warm-up. Heating will help the muscles to work with maximum productivity, eliminating injury.

2 . Muscular stretching is taken carefully, applying minimum effort, experiencing a small tension. The pain is excluded. Each posture pose does not exceed half minutes.

3 . It is necessary to breathe during classes slowly, smoothly and deeply. A new exercise begins on inhale. Maximum muscle tension coincides with a complete exhalation.

4 . Contraindication to Static Static Cellulite will be:

  • Osteochondrosis, diseases of the joints, fractures, breaking ligaments;
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system, aggravation of chronic ailments;
  • Pregnancy and lactation in the first months after childbirth;

5 . For stretching to help from cellulite, it is necessary to properly distribute the load, accurately performing exercises. If there is no possibility to deal with the coach in the hall, then it is worth finding a detailed video lesson on the Internet, where the instructor will tell and show how at home to perform slopes, twists, longitudinal and transverse twine, bridge, top pulling, "birch", "Superman" and Other stretching against cellulite.