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PP pancakes on kefir. Dietary pancakes on kefir. Oat Fritters with Orange

Proper nutrition implies a refusal of oily and sweet, blessing and acute. Caloric products are replaced by non-fascinated. In priority - vegetables, lean meat, fish and fruit, whole-grain flour bread.

But what if you want to eat something delicious? For example, pie or pancakes. This is a baking, and the diet during the diet should be dramatically limited. Nothing terrible, you can afford delicious lush fritters, but they should be dietary.

Fritters are a classic of Russian cuisine. Like pancakes, they began to prepare a lot of centuries ago. The recipe for this baking is transmitted from generation to generation. Although at first, even the name of the exact was not: called "Aladi" and "Fritters".

And in the 19th century, the name has been fixed and this name began to call a baking like a cake. In the middle, she often had a layer of marmalade, apples or jam.

Currently, this title understands products from flour on milk, water or kefir, which are prepared with the addition of yeast or soda. The dough turns out more thick than for pancakes, and the baking itself is thicker pancakes, but thinner pyshek.

Fritters are very quickly prepared, so you can make them for breakfast or sunday, like sweet. In general, they can be served with fruit, sour cream, jam or as a snack with tomato sauce, garlic dressing.

Nuances of cooking

Dietary pancakes in kefir are prepared as well as ordinary. But the products use others - this is the secret of this baking.

Main rules:

  • instead of ordinary flour, it is necessary to use wholegrain, buckwheat, rice, corn or oatmeal;
  • instead of whole eggs, only proteins should be used;
  • it is possible to knead the dough on kefir, prostroch, milk, yogurt, but all these products must be low-fat;
  • sugar is better not to use, choose honey, sugar substitutes, if you do not like these products - you can add sugar, but only a little bit;
  • serve pancakes with berries or low-fat milk, and not with honey, sour cream or jam.

In general, it is possible to make them from vegetables, meat and offal, but today we will tell you about the baked and sweet baking from the flour.

Old Recipes

We will prepare dietary tasty pancakes on kefir. This is the easiest and most affordable recipe.

Lush pancakes


  • kefir - half-liter;
  • cup of whole grain flour;
  • ammonium baking powder according to instructions on the package;
  • large egg protein - 1 pc.;
  • vanilla or other your favorite spices, a little sugar.

How to do:

  1. liquid slightly warm and add to it soda;
  2. flour, sugar, protein mix and connect with kefir;
  3. leave for 10 minutes, then roam from both sides.

These pancakes on kefir are always obtained by air and lush. And kefir can be replaced with sour milk or rustic.

Oat fritters without flour

You can make dietary fritters from oatmeal at kefir. Blueberry is used in the recipe. If you want, you can take another berry. Instead of flakes, finished oatmeal is suitable.

It will take:

  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • kefir - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • oatmeal - 80 g;
  • blueberry - handful.

How to cook:

  1. oatmeal should be grinding in flour, and then add liquid and leave for a couple of minutes;
  2. cottage cheese with eggs, add a baking powder and salt;
  3. two mixtures connect, add berries;
  4. bake the dough from two sides;
  5. you can file pancakes with sauce from honey and low-fat yogurt.

Recipes of dietary pancakes in kefir are very diverse. They can be prepared even without flour, as you can see. Moreover, dietary pancakes are obtained at kefir without the use of flour as tasty and lush, as well as ordinary.

Fritters with apples


  • pack of any low-fat kefir, better than two-day freshness;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • starch or flour handful;
  • sliced \u200b\u200bapples of acid varieties - approximately polim;
  • flour add to the desired density;
  • sugar (better powder) - 2-3 spoons;
  • ammonium according to the instructions on the package;
  • lemon nectar.


  1. apples Cut and pour lemon juice, pour sugar and put on a small fire;
  2. when it turns out to be a puree, add starch, diluted with water;
  3. in the cool kissel, add kefira or acidic milk, eggs and flour with a baking powder;
  4. bake on both sides.

What to cook and how to serve?

You can make pancakes with stuffing from pears, bananas, peaches and apricots, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, prunes, kuragi. To diversify the taste, in the dough you can add cinnamon, cardamom, chocolate, ginger, honey. Even different nuts are added to the dough. Changing the ingredients, you will always seek a new taste at the usual dish.

If you are also served in different ways, pancakes will become your favorite dish. And you can feed lean pastries with low-fat yogurt, kefir, whole berries or purricated, cottage cheese cream (for example, degreased cottage cheese and whipped raspberry).

Many delicious baking recipes. Therefore, do not forget to delight yourself with sweets, even if you lose weight. The main thing is that the pastries are dietary.

Materials posted on this page are informational and are intended for educational purposes. Website visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determination of the diagnosis and the choice of treatment techniques remains an exceptional prerogative of your attending physician.

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Most girls dream of an ideal figure, but, as you know, to achieve good forms you need to work great. And how hard it is difficult to abandon your favorite baking, which smells so tasty. The most common type of flour products is pancakes. After all, they are so easy to prepare and can be prepared, not one portion. Basically, precisely because of baking women rip off with diets. There is an outlet, nutritionists have long understood that the representatives of the weak floor cannot live without goodies and invented dietary pancakes. They contain less calories, but the same, tasty.

Dietary pancakes on kefir

This classic recipe is known for any housewife. But he was unique in that it can be combined with the addition of fruits such as an apple or banana. But now information is provided about the all-known way to prepare pancakes in kefir.

To get the dough, you need to mix the glass of flour with egg and water. After adding 200 - 250 milliliters of kefir and some salt. All this can be mixed manually or with a whisk. The dough should be the smallest thick than the pancakes.

If there is a desire to sweeten the content, then add some honey to the dough. And in the final process, just fire pancakes.

Dietary fritters from zucchini

For cooking, take one young zucchini and soda it on a coarse grater. But before that it is recommended to clean it, otherwise the dish will turn out hard. Zucchini is an important component of such a dish. Add one egg to it, finely crumbled onions and carrots. So that dietary fritters from the zucchini had a pleasant aroma and taste, add spices.

Next stir the contents and leave for ten minutes. This is necessary in order for the juice stack to the bottom of the bowl and it can then be poured. If this is not done, then the dough will be liquid, and will not be preserved.

After soda, the baking sheet with vegetable oil and distribute the resulting mass on it in the form of small circles. Fifteen minutes later, you can try dietary bubbles.

Dietary fritters without flour

Dough for such oldes can be made without the content of flour. To do this, take crushed oatmeal and your choice of any fermented product. Mix two ingredients and forget about them for twenty minutes. After the past time, add one egg, baking powder and a little sugar substitute. Now just mix and you can fry pancakes.

It would be nice to cook cream for this sweetness. Take the milk and burst into two bowls, on a glass. In one mix it with a sugar substitute, and in another with gelatin. Then connect the two of these liquids and, adding, forty gram of corn starch, put on fire. While the cream is boiled, it is necessary to stir it so that no lumps formed. So the dish will be even tastier.

Dietary oat pancakes

Another option of cooking chops without flour is from oatmeal. Flakes grind to the state of flour and mix with kefir. Leave such a porridge for several hours, and later add one teaspoon of the baking powder and mix.

In another container, put cottage cheese with eggs (two pieces), and then attach to the bulk. Mixing well, you can fry pancakes. An excellent addition to them will be sauce from yogurt and honey.

Dietary pancakes in the oven

Beginner cooks know only that pancakes are fry, but it turns out to be baked them. To do this, heat the oven to 180 degrees and coat with parchment. Two yolks. Beat with one spoon of powdered sugar and a pinch of salt.

After that, in a separate dish, dissolve five grams of soda in kefir. Next, connect the two mixes into a homogeneous one. The dough is done, now it is possible to lay it out by small portions on the baking sheet. For some time, the final result can be tasteful.

Dietary hepatic pancakes

Those who still decided to completely abandon the sweet sudden this recipe of Olai. Take to help the meat grinder, because through it you will have to skip the beef liver and onions with carrot. Once, with this, please add both a classic cooking, eggs and spices.

Fry such pancakes is necessary without oil on a special frying pan so that they are burned. A garnish can serve buckwheat or potatoes. Since the last of the proposed options for the Calorie Supplement, it can be done in the baked condition.

Diet Banana Fritters

To date, there are many dishes where the banana is contained. And not the exception of this was pancakes. To prepare dietary fritters from the bananas, first need to grind fruit. In this case, use a grater or blender.

Since the banana is sweet, add sugar or honey is not needed. Instead, it is better to attach an egg to Kashitz and four spoons of flour. Mix everything well and fridge.

Dietary apple pancakes

Before it becomes hot in the kitchen and the frying pan will sweat, make the dough. You will need three apples, as in most recipes of flour and eggs. And also a little starch, sugar and kefir.

Make a puree from the apples to make it easier to make, install them to boil on a small fire. After time, it can be understood when they will be ready to turn into a puree. Next, they need to cool and clean, and grind. When all the components are in one bowl, then proceed to frying.

If you like pancakes, but you are afraid that they will negatively affect your figure, make them as dietary as possible. To do this, use wholegrain flour and apples.


  • Kefir 200 milliliters
  • Eggs 1 piece
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. Spoons
  • Oatmeal flour 100 grams
  • Flour whole grain 50 grams
  • Soda 1/2 teaspoons
  • Apples 3-4 pieces
  • Vegetable oil 1 Art. the spoon

In a bowl with high edges, mix the egg, sugar, soda and kefir. Since lactic acid is present in kefir, it is not necessary to quench the soda vinegar. Stir the ingredients, wait for the surface of the mass to appear bubbles. Squake in the bowl of oatmeal and wholegrain flour. Carefully stir the dough with a wedge, so that it looks like a consistency on sour cream and that there is no lumps.

Wash apples and clean from the peel. Then cut the core from them without disturbing the integrity of the fruit itself. Cut apples on rings with a thickness of one centimeter. For this dish it is better to use green grade apples.

Each ring carefully loose into the dough for pancakes. It must completely cover the pieces of apples. If you want the dish to contain even less calories, just add a special sugar or stevia instead of sugar.

Take a pan pour a small amount of vegetable oil on it. Give it on medium heat. Put apples in the dough into the pan in the pan and fry for several minutes on each side before the formation of a ruddy crust.

Then cover the dish with a lid and roast on a slow fire for about five minutes. Finished pancakes can be sprinkled with sugar powder and cinnamon. Serve them with hot with sour cream.

Dietary pancakes: Best recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner

One of the universal dishes suitable for any diet are pancakes. For their preparation there are a large number of recipes. They can be both sweet and with the addition of meat and vegetables. They are used independently, like a side displacement or as a bread substitute. So that culinary products do not harm the figure, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules: prepare from useful products using gentle heat treatment methods.

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Fritters will be dietary if they consider the rules for their preparation:

The frying greatly increases the calorie of the pan. In addition, most useful trace elements disappear in the process of oils and harmful

Prepare pancakes for diet of various diets or PP is easy and quick. You can do this in several ways: in the oven, multicooker, in a frying pan with a non-stick coating.

Pancakes are used both during the main meals, and between them.

Sweet pancakes are ideal for breakfast and snacks. You can achieve the desired taste using:

  • add powder sweeteners in the dough;
  • use liquid sweeteners as a sauce.

If liquid sugar substitutes are honey and syrups - add to the dough, the loss of their useful properties will be inevitable due to thermal processing.

  • rice flour - 180 g;
  • kefir 1% fat content - 140 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • busty or soda - 4 g;
  • sweetener - to taste.
  1. 1. Mix all components.
  2. 2. Bake pancakes on non-stick coating. For one product, you will need a complete spoon of dough.

Calorie at 100 g - 178 calories.

Soda can give a specific taste.

  • sour cream 10% fatty - 20 ml;
  • rice flour - 130 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • saharo-substitute - to taste;
  • basin - 2 g
  1. 1. Mix well dry components.
  2. 2. Add an egg and sour cream. If the dough is too cool, it can be brought to the desired consistency, the lines of a little kefir or yogurt.
  3. 3. Bake in a slow cooker or in a frying pan with a non-stick coating.

A faithful sign that pancakes can be turned over to the other side, the appearance of "pillings".

In 100 g contained 199 calories.

This is an American alternative to Oladiam. The popular variation of dishes are magnificent pankequets with the addition of corn flour.

  • rice or wholegrain flour - 80 g;
  • corn flour - 80 g;
  • milk 1% - 190 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • bustyer - 5 g;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • sweetener - to taste.
  1. 1. A wedge thoroughly mix dry ingredients.
  2. 2. Add milk, egg, olive oil.
  3. 3. Bake in a slow cooker or in a frying pan.

Panketyki is better to cook in the morning right before the feed - deerous they are hot.

Nutritional value - 208 calories per 100 g

  • kefir - 130 ml;
  • banana - 100 g;
  • whole grain flour - 110 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sweetener - to taste;
  • busty or soda - 3 g
  1. 1. Take a banana fork in mashed potatoes.
  2. 2. Add other components, knead the dough well.
  3. 3. Bake in a frying pan or in a slow cooker without oil.

The egg can not be added, but then the amount of fruit should be increased to 160.

For this recipe, any bananas are suitable, but perfect soft, even darkened.

Calorie per 100 g of dishes - 196 calories.

Such pancakes are suitable for breakfast as an alternative to the usual and boring oatmeal. You can prepare them from both the finished porridge and from dry oatmeal.

  • oatmeal welded on water - 200 g (or dry oatmeal - 100 g);
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • basin - 3 g;
  • a mixture of ginger with cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • organic sugar substitute - to taste.
  1. 1. Heat the milk to 50 s in a microwave and pour flakes. Leave for 15 minutes, then add an egg and beat the blender (if a ready porridge is used, you need to beat it with milk and egg to uniformity).
  2. 2. In grate the zest of orange. Squeeze out juice from it. Add to oatmeal with spices, baking powder and sweetener.
  3. 3. Bake in a frying pan without oil or in the oven. In the second case, cooking time will be 12-15 minutes and turn over the products after half of this time.

100 g of oldes include 208 calories.

Suitable for any dietary diet, including carbonate diets. Prepare them best in the oven, on paper for baking.

  • soft cottage cheese up to 5% - 180 g;
  • corn starch - 20 g;
  • coconut flour - 40 g;
  • rice flour - 30 g;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • average apple - 1 pc. (can be replaced with apple puree without sugar).
  1. 1. Burn the raisins with boiling water and leave half an hour.
  2. 2. Finish the apple on the grater.
  3. 1. Mix all components.
  4. 4. Lay on paper for baking across the tablespoon of the dough at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm.
  5. 5. Bake at 190 degrees 15 minutes.

100 g contains 182 calories.

The dish can be complicated and made more calorie, if after cooking pour pancakes with a sauce of 160 ml of sour cream and a sugar substitute and oven in the oven for another 8-10 minutes.

  • purified pumpkin - 200 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • rice flour - 90 g;
  • kefir - 80 ml;
  • bustyer - 2-3 g;
  • sweetener - to taste.
  1. 1. Pumpkin cut and boil for 15 minutes. Grind in mashed potatoes.
  2. 2. Add to pumpkin the remaining ingredients, knead the homogeneous dough.
  3. 3. Bake in a frying pan or in a slow cooker without using oil.

Calorie for standard portion - 166 calories.

Safety pancakes are suitable for vegetarians and for people who use meat. They are prepared from vegetables, mincedal, offal, cottage cheese, cheese.

  • zucchini - 200 g;
  • onions - 50 g;
  • carrots - 50 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • rice, oatmeal or wholegrain flour - 80 g;
  • greens - bunch.
  1. 1. Grind carrots on the grater, onions and greens cut as gloss as much as possible. Zucchini crushed and leave for 20 minutes, then squeeze.
  2. 1. Mix all components.
  3. 3. Bake in any convenient way.

Nutritional value - 148 calories per 100 g of product.

A more satisfying option that is suitable as a full-fledged dish for the main meal is considered to be zucchini fritters. For their preparation, add to the ingredients 200 g of any lean meat: chicken, turkey, beef.

  • zucchini - 100 g;
  • onions - 80 g;
  • carrots - 80 g;
  • cauliflower - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • whole grain flour - 90 g;
  • non-fat cheese - 120 g.
  1. 1. Boil cauliflower for 10-12 minutes, grind in mashed potatoes.
  2. 2. Load the zucchini on the grater, let stand for 20 minutes, squeeze.
  3. 3. Onions and carrots to grind the blender in the puree.
  4. 4. Obtain cheese.
  5. 5. Mix all the ingredients.
  6. 6. Prepare pancakes on paper baking in the oven 12-15 minutes.

Caloric content per 100 g - 163 calories.

  • chicken liver - 250 g;
  • bow - 100 g;
  • carrots - 60 g;
  • garlic - 10 g;
  • whole grain flour - 80 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.
  1. 1. Liver with onions and carrots Mount the blender or meat grinder into the minced meat.
  2. 2. Add flour, egg and crushed garlic.
  3. 3. Bake on a non-stick frying pan.

If you take more dough, you will get pancakes that are suitable as a cortex for a liver cake. The cream for him may be low-fat sour cream with a finely chopped greens and garlic.

Fritters with bran - universal low-calorie recipe, which often use Dr. Dukan diet fans.

  • oat bran - 110 g;
  • kefir 1% - 160 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  1. 1. Coffee grinder grind bran in flour.
  2. 2. Pour the resulting mass kefir and leave for half an hour.
  3. 3. Add eggs, mix well and bake in a skillet.

The standard portion contains 151 calorie.

Another recipe for low-calorie fades, which can be allowed to eat for breakfast, does not require kefir nor sour cream, nor milk.

  • whole grain flour - 180 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • salt - pinch;
  • citric acid - 3 g;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.
  1. 1. Heat the water to 40 degrees.
  2. 2. Dissolute citric acid.
  3. 3. Mix all the ingredients except flour.
  4. 4. Add flour gradually, constantly interfering with the dough.
  5. 5. Bake pancakes in a frying pan with a non-stick coating.

Nutritional value per 100 g - 153 calories.

Traditionally, pancakes are customized with sour cream. More dietary variants of sauces and stuffs are considered freshly or puded fruits, cottage cheese cream with sweetener, stew vegetables and meat. For morning meals, syrups (maple, agaves, topinambura) or honey can be used without fears.

And a little about secrets.

The story of one of our Readers Ingi Emermin:

I especially degrees me my weight, I weighed in my 41 as 3 seconds taken together, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight completely? How to cope to cope with the restructuring of hormonal background and obesity? But nothing umbrellas or mans a man like his figure.

But what to do to lose weight? Operation Laser Liposuction? Learn - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, Mostimulation? A little more accessible - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. Of course, you can try to run on the treadmill, before the breathtaking.

And when to find all this time? Yes, and still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself I chose another way.

Dietary pancakes on kefir of 7 simple ingredients

Dietary and fragrant dietary pancakes are obtained, which are prepared for kefirevy cooking: 60 min;

  • Portions: 5;
  • Kcal: 221.5;
  • Proteins / Fat / Carbohydrates: 17,5 g / 4.5 g / 26.5
  • Fritters are one of the oldest culinary dishes of Russia, which is easy and quickly passed the way from the food of ordinary peasants to a delicacy for aristocrats. Anyone who hears the name of this dish in the memoirs pops up a pleasant taste of lush, warm pellets, which are so nice, drinking tea or coffee. But is it really to those who follow the figure and health will have to abandon such a treat? No no and one more time no! Knowing how to prepare dietary pancakes, you can satisfy taste receptors, and do not spoil the figure!

      • Ingredients
      • Pancakes on kefir non-fat: Cooking Tips


    1. Eggs - 2 pcs.;
    2. Kefir 0% - 300 ml.;
    3. Gluten -20 g.;
    4. Corn starch - 40 g.;
    5. Dry yeast - 2 g.;
    6. Salt - 3 g.;
    7. Saharo substitute (Stevia) - 2 g.;
    8. Bakery powder (ruptured.) - 3 g.

    The gluten can be replaced with an additional portion of the starch, and kefir take on 100 g. More, if the owner has a high-quality frying pan with a non-stick coating.

    PP: Fritters on kefir degreased

    For today, there are many recipes for low-calorie pancakes. The most popular of them - pancakes on a degreased kefir.

    Prepare pancakes on a non-fascinated kefir simple enough and easily, with what everyone will cope with

    To prepare a mixture for baking oldes, you need:

    1. Connect the yeast with kefir and leave them alone for ten minutes.
    2. Beat eggs with a mixer.
    3. Add all ingredients, except the bakery powder, to a yeast solution and mix with a mixer to uniformity.
    4. Leave the dough for 45 minutes. (I do not need to wrap it up and put it in a warm place: it will be enough to cover the dough with a clean towel and not touch during the specified time).
    5. Breakpinel Add directly before frying (so the pancakes are more lush).

    Fry Oladia is preferably on a non-stick frying pan, without oil. Then they come out light and low-fat. If there is no such possibility, then the usual frying pan cover can be lubricated with a paper napkin with an oil drop (preferably coconut).

    Dietary Oladia can be prepared from corn flour (40 g), oat bran (30 g) with the addition of low-fat yogurt (3 art. L.) Or soft curd (100 g).

    It would seem that difficult in the preparation of frying frying pan. But sometimes, pancakes stick, fall apart or just turn out uneven. So that cooking did not kill the mood and did not take all the might, and the pancakes came out even and ventured, it is worth up for some tips.


    1. The smaller the diameter of the pancakes, the easier it is to work with them (for the test of the test you can use a stack of 50 ml).
    2. Olodia will turn over, if there are no more than 2 pieces in a frying pan.

    Start turning the pan from the edges, slowly moving towards the center. So that pancakes are easier separated from the surface when the dough grabbed a frying pan well a little shakes.

    Pancakes in kefir: calorie, depending on the components

    Classic pancays in Duucan easily fit into daily calorie content, and are excellent as the first meal. In addition, the diet is allowed to use the product up to two times a day.

    The calorie of the oldis depends, above all, from how much ingredients is included in the recipe, the fat content of the components. So, to increase the caloric content of the dish can use sour cream, kefira or cottage cheese with a high percentage of fatty, white flour.

    In addition, to significantly raise the calirage of the final product forces and sugar substitutes. If Stevia adds only 0.5 calories to the finished product, then natural sachzams, such as honey, can increase the calorie content of the dish by 100, or even 300 kcal.

    What can there be pancakes on kefir: pp

    Dietary pancakes on kefir can be eaten as a snack in the morning with honey, drinking tea or coffee. And you can turn pancakes to a full, satisfying meal (for example, breakfast). Thus, making the larger diameter fritters in them can be easily placed.

    Additionally, you can add a delicious filling in the dough for old

    Sweet lovers will like the combination of banana with currants and thick Greek yogurt. In order to prepare the refueling you will need only grind the ingredients in the blender. By calories, such a filling will be released by 150-200 kcal, depending on the number of ingredients.

    Riot and useful filling will be a red fish cut into pieces; Chicken breast with finely chopped tomatoes or mushrooms. In addition, you can use the purchase of a soft cheese with greens or cooked with your hands, melted cheese or chicken liver pate in Duchano.

    Recipe for dietary fuddles in kefir (video)

    Cooking low-calorie pancakes on kefir, choose ready-made fillings or invent your own, and enjoy excellent taste without harm to the figure!

    Dietary pancakes at kefir (photo)

    Add an egg and sugar to the container with kefir

    In the container, be sure to add sifted flour

    Carefully mix the dough until a homogeneous state

    Fry fritters on a well-warmed frying pan with sunflower oil

    Eriprate pancakes on both sides to ruddy color

    Delicious and dietary pancakes on kefir are ready. Bon Appetit!

    Dietary pancakes on kefir

    Puffs for many are the perfect baking option. It is easy to prepare them, and knowing certain secrets, it is quite possible to reduce the calorie content of finished products. How to prepare dietary fritters on kefir? We bring to your attention interesting recipes.

    The following recipe for dietary pancakes in kefir eliminates from the composition of the egg ingredients. You need flour and kefir (100 g / 200 ml), as well as sugar, soda and vegetable oil (1 ppm). Salts will need only pinch.

    Dissolve the soda in the warm liquid, put a lean oil, salt and sweetened. Satch down the flour and mix. After 20 minutes you can start frying.

    Lush pancakes

    Take wholegrain and wheat flour (160 g / 180 g), sugar, vanilla, chicken egg and soda (1 tsp). Also required 500 ml of warm kefir.

    Dissolve the soda in the milk drink. Mustle the flour and ask (the meal remaining in the sieve, pumped into the dough). Mix all the components, take up. After 15 minutes, supprier portions of the dough on a lubricated frying pan (fry one side under the lid, and the other is not covering the frying pan).

    From oatmeal

    These dietary pancakes you will prepare in kefir and cottage cheese (100 ml / 100 g). The remaining ingredients: oatmeal - 70-90 g, eggs (2 pcs.), Blueberry (50 g).

    Flakes Mail in flour, pour the fermented milk drink and leave for a while, then put 1 tsp. Basin and mix. Cottage cheese, pour the scrambled eggs, spray, sweeten. Mix both parts of the dough and washed berries. Finger pancakes. Serve with sauce prepared from low-fat yogurt and honey.

    35-40 g of oat flakes shredtit, pour 80 ml of fermented milk drink. After 20 minutes, we take 1 egg, put a gustle and sugar substitute. Stir, prepare pancakes.

    0.5 tbsp. Milk warm with a sugar substitute. Another 0.5 tbsp. Milk mix with yolks (3 pcs.). Add 40-45 grams of corn starch. Pour sweetened milk. Put the cream on a weak fire and boil to density (but do not boil). Serve pancakes with cooled cream.

    Heat the oven to 180 degrees, stranded with parchment. Yolks (2 pcs.) Watch from 1 tbsp. Sugar, salt. In the warm milk drink, dissolve 5 g of soda. Connect both parts, seek flour there (300-350 g). 2 Squirrel Beat and put in the dough. Put small portions of the dough on the baking sheet, leaving the distance between them. Cook for 20 minutes.

    With apples

    These tasty pancakes you will prepare from eggs (2 pcs.), Flour, starch (300 g / 20 g), low fat milk drink (500 ml). You also need apples (3 pcs.), Sugar (about 100 g), baking powder (1 tsp), lemon juice.

    Clean apples cut, put in a saucepan, pour lemon juice, put a piece of sugar and put on a weak fire for a while. Periodically stir the apples. When they can be turned into a puree, make it and pour the starch diluted with water. Slightly cool the kissel, add the sour-welcome drink, salted and sweetened egg mixture. Squash with a bundle of flour. Wear a dough well and proceed to frying.

    With bran

    You will prepare pancakes from a mixture of starch, oat and wheat bran (60 g / 60 g / 30 g). The remaining ingredients: egg, baking powder (3 g) and milk drink (500 ml). Sugar substitute Add to taste.

    From the evening, make a sour cream from a non-fat sour milk drink. Place a colander on the saucepan, shook it with napkins, put 4 layers of gauze on top, pour kefir, put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, collect a thick mass - you will use it for the preparation of pancakes. Add all components there, satisfy and set to the refrigerator again for several hours. Then fry pancakes using low oil.

    Dietary pancakes in kefir, as a rule, are preparing extremely simple. They are perfectly saturated, but at the same time they do not contribute to building weight.

    Dietary pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner: the best recipes, pancakes on kefir, meat, vegetable and sweet

    Fritters are a universal snack that has a century-eyed story. The dish obtained its current name only in the 19th century. Previously, baked mugs did not have an accurate designation. Recipes of delicious baking were transmitted from generation to generation, and so far, it is one of the favorite delicacies of Russian cuisine.

    Fearing, harvesting Figure, many girls refuse fragrant delicacy. And in vain! A selection of delicious and useful pyshes in the article. Take up! Enjoy with pleasure and without harm to the figure.

    Dietary pancakes: Best recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner

    Dietary pancakes Ideal for the morning breakfast, are served to tea for lunch, used as a saturated snack. The speed and ease of cooking dishes made it popular and among modern owners.

    The classic composition of products for the foddes does not fit into a healthy diet. However, it is worth a little modification of the composition, change the way of roasting and the high-calorie dish turns into a useful and vitamin snack.

    A snack PP is prepared by any thermally gentle way: frying without oil, baking in the oven, a slow cooker.

    Sweet Fritters: 5 best recipe

    Even adhering to strict nutrition, you can pamper yourself with delicious delicacy. Sweet dietary pancakes will become an excellent option for breakfast or dessert in the afternoon.

    The secretion of low calorie baking is simple. Instead of harmful and heavy ingredients for the body, low-fat milk and fresh fruit are applied in the recipe. If desired, you can improve the taste of dishes using sweeteners and dried fruits.

    As an extra gravy for a snack, natural honey, homemade jams without sugar and berries are used.

    With cottage cheese and raisins

    The following ingredients will be required:

    • low-fat soft cottage cheese - 200 g.;
    • egg;
    • coconut mix - 35 g.;
    • whole grain flour - 60 g.;
    • raisin - 100 g
    1. Wash the raisins, pour boiled water, leave for 25-30 minutes.
    2. To lose the yolk with cottage cheese, pour the whipped protein, alternately add bulk components.
    3. In the resulting consistency, put a handful of dried fruits, mix until uniformity.
    4. Range small balls, decompose on the tray. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees 15-20 minutes.

    Apple Fritters

    Main components:

    • one middle apple;
    • a glass of kefir;
    • oatmeal - 100 g.;
    • egg;
    • baking powder.
    1. Apple cleanse from the peel, rub on a large grater.
    2. Beat the egg bolt, pour the acidic drink.
    3. Having stirring the mixture, gradually add ground oatmeal and baking powder.
    4. Connect the mass with fruit blank, well to knead.
    5. Stay on a non-stick frying pan with small circles. Fry on both sides. When applying on the table slightly sprinkled with powdered sugar.

    With orange

    Orange pancakes are able to diversify the usual morning breakfast.

    List of essential components:

    • orange;
    • egg;
    • hammer of oatmeal - 150 g;
    • spices - at will.
    1. Beat yolks and proteins before the formation of foam.
    2. Grate a little zest on a small grater, squeeze orange juice.
    3. In the deep bowl mixed the prepared ingredients with oatmeal.
    4. Bake in a frying pan 3-4 pcs.

    Finished pancakes decorate pieces of orange.

    With banana

    Required components:

    • halfcan kefir;
    • whole grain flour - 100 g.;
    • ripe banana;
    • soda on the tip of the knife.

    How to cook: Connect flour, soda and kefir, add a banana puree. The finished dough must have a consistency of thick sour cream. Lay out a spoon on a frying pan with a non-stick coating. Bake a golden crust.

    With currants


    • fresh or frozen black currant - 100 g.;
    • prostokvash - 140 g.;
    • linen and coconut mixture - two tablespoons;
    • ground oatmeal - 1.5 spoons;
    • sweetener;
    • splitter pinch.

    Cooking: Mix loose ingredients with robes, add one-piece berries, mix. Fry on a dry frying pan. For fill, you can use low-fat sour cream.

    Meat and vegetable pancakes: 4 recipes

    For sate snacks used beef meat mince, chicken pieces, low-fat fish, mushrooms. To complement the dough, can be various vegetable cuts and greens.

    The useful dish will become an excellent addition to the dining table. Facial pyshki can be used as a snack during the day or even for dinner.

    Chicken pancakes with cheese and onions

    Required products:

    • chicken meat - 3000 g.;
    • solid cheese - 40 g.;
    • sour cream - two tablespoons;
    • garlic - one big slicing;
    • whole grain flour - 2.5 spoons;
    • green onions.
    • salt to taste.
    1. Cut chicken into small cubes.
    2. Mix sour cream with garlic casket, add grated cheese and bow.
    3. Pour the meat pieces of sour cream sauce, satten.
    4. Mix to thick mass, gradually adding flour.

    Stop baking sheet paper, put the dough with small circles. Bake half an hour.


    List of components required:

    • pumpkin - 2-3 slices;
    • carrot;
    • egg;
    • rice flour - 3 spoons.
    • Sharp the pumpkin on small lobes, boil.
    • Gorot polished carrots.
    • Mix the prepared ingredients with flour, pour the egg bolt.
    • Bring the mass to homogeneity with a mixer.
    • Fry in small parts. Use warm milk.



    • young zucchini;
    • carrot;
    • 2-3 inflorescences of boiled cauliflower;
    • 1/2 of the head of the reptile bow;
    • one egg;
    • spices - to taste.
    1. Finely grasp the zucchini.
    2. The rest of the vegetables are grinding in a blender.
    3. Connect prepared products with a yolk, salt, pepper.
    4. A little add a flour mixture.

    Bake in a multicooker 30-35 minutes.


    Required list of components:

    • chicken liver - 200 g.;
    • a small head of the bow;
    • garlic - 2-3 medium slices;
    • corn starch - 1.5 l.;
    • one egg;
    • salt pepper.
    • Twist the List on the meat grinder.
    • Beat the egg mass, pour into mince.
    • Add a steady garlic, onions.
    • Push starch, mix.
    • Fry with small circles on a dry pan.

    Dietary froths from oat flakes

    Just a few products:

    • oatmeal - 100 g.;
    • half a glass of low-fat prostrochashi;
    • 2 eggs.

    The dietary recipe is quite simple: Grind oatmeal in a blender. Mix all available ingredients. Bake the pellets on the dry surface on both sides.

    Dietary pancakes on kefir

    List of products:

    • kefir (0-2.5%) - 150 g.;
    • egg;
    • rice mix - 3 spoons;
    • soda;
    • saharo-substitute.
    1. Beat separately yolks and proteins, mix with kefir, soda soda.
    2. Dissolve a sugar-replacement tablet in the water, pour into the dairy composition.
    3. Pour the rice mixture to bring to the state of thick mass.
    4. Give the test to stand for 15-20 minutes.

    Fry without oil to a golden crust on both sides. Finished dish Hollow sour cream.

    PP Fritters on Water

    For low-calorie variants of pancakes, it will be necessary:

    • boiled water - half of the glass;
    • one egg;
    • spoon of vegetable oil;
    • limonka - 3 g.;
    • wheat bran - 2.5 spoons;
    • salt.

    How to cook: Dissolve in warm water citric acid, pour egg mixture and oil. Mixing the composition, gradually adding a bulk ingredient. If you want to spill or add a sweetener. Lay out a spoon in the pan. Fry with a closed lid.

    Dietary Curd Fritters in Dukanu

    You will need:

    • soft cottage cheese - 120 g.;
    • bran (wheat, oat) - 4 tablespoons;
    • yolk;
    • salt.

    Cooking: Move the cottage cheese with the yolk, add bran, spill. Mix the composition thoroughly. Laying out the cakes on a dry surface. Two on both sides.

    Dietary fritters without flour

    To bake delicious pancakes on the cake, you need to prepare the following products:

    • equal milk drink (kefir suitable, yummy, ipain) - 0.5 glasses;
    • two eggs;
    • baking powder;
    • breadcrumbs;
    • spices - to taste.
    1. Soak the gun in the warm kefir, leave half an hour.
    2. Beat yolks, pour a baking powder, pour the composition into the prepared mass.
    3. Add spices, carefully knead the dough.
    4. To form small circles, sprinkle from two sides with breadcrumbs.

    Bake in the oven 25-30 minutes.


    In order for the caloric content of the finished pyshek to remain within the limited norm, greasy gravy or shop jams and sauces should be avoided. Salt should also be used at a minimum.

    Adhering to the list of suitable products, you can experiment infinitely in the kitchen, inventing interesting and unusual useful baking options.

    Fritters love everything, and every hostess prepares them in their favorite recipe. Someone loves yeast, others prefer to knead the dough on kefir. The last method is considered much more useful, and the time to spend less on its implementation, because you do not have to wait until the dough is raised. Recipes for making magnificent pancakes in kefir are quite a lot, and everyone will find the most suitable for him to taste. But experimenting with each way it will definitely not hurt!

    Recipe 1 - "Lush"

    What to cook 4 servings, we will need

    • 250 ml of kefir or one glass;
    • 2 medium chicken eggs;
    • 1.5 cup of wheat flour;
    • approximately 3 tablespoons of sugar sand;
    • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
    • soda - on the tip of the knife;
    • vegetable oil - for frying.

    Preparation of pancakes at kefir "Lush" will not take much time and will not require additional skills. They always work beautiful, appetizing and incredibly tasty. When all ingredients are ready, you can proceed to the process:

    1. We take a metal bowl and drive eggs into it, add salt and sugar. Select the kefir and mix well and mix well, you can use the wedge.
    2. At this stage it will be clear why you need to take a metal bowl. We need to heat the egg mixture on a small fire, for which such dishes are ideal for. Heating should be discontinued when the contents become warm - about 40 degrees.
    3. It's time to pour flour. We do it evenly, it is better in part of sieving it through a sieve. At the same time, it is also better to use a wedge to prevent the formation of lumps.
    4. We add soda and mix well. After that, in the mixture we pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and beat. Dough is ready!
    5. Fry pancakes on kefir needed on a preheated pan approximately 1-2 minutes on each side. Fire is better to make average so that they come with golden.

    Serve ready-made fritters with sour cream, condensed milk or jam.

    Recipe 2 - Simple

    This method is really simple, as you remember the proportions of the ingredients will not be much labor.

    • 1 cup of flour and kefir;
    • half a teaspoon salt and soda;
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar sand;
    • vegetable oil for frying + 3 tablespoons in the dough.
    1. An egg, sugar and kefir whipped the wedge in the bowl.
    2. We add to the resulting mixture of salt and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and beat carefully again.
    3. In a separate bowl, we mix flour and soda, with the help of the sieve mix the contents of both bowls. We mix thoroughly, avoiding the appearance of lumps.
    4. On a preheated frying pan, we pour some oil and fry pancakes at kefir under the lid. So they will turn much more tastier and rise above. Each side will leave 3-4 minutes until they become golden.
    5. It is possible to serve them with sour cream or jam, the honey is perfect for this.

    Recipe 3 - with a bustle

    For the preparation of lush franches in kefir on this recipe, we need to prepare the necessary ingredients:

    • 500 ml of kefir of any fatness;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 8 tablespoons of sugar;
    • 2 cups of flour + 2 tablespoons;
    • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
    • 1 teaspoon of soda;
    • vegetable oil.

    When all products are prepared, you can start cooking. First of all, you need to mix eggs, sugar, salt and kefir. Next, gradually begin to mix the sifted flour, constantly whipping the wedge. Next, in the dough you need to wash the baking powder and soda. This stage is very important, as the magnitude of future pans depends on it. It is necessary to fry them, as usual, on a heated frying pan under the lid to a golden crust.

    Recipe 4 - without eggs

    This method of cooking is quite simple, and pancakes are always tasty and lush on it, they are very successful. The main thing in the cooking process strictly adhere to the recipe and observe the order of products to achieve the desired effect of airiness.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 500 ml kefir;
    • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
    • 1 teaspoon salt;
    • 2 cups of flour;
    • 1 teaspoon soda.
    1. How to mix kefir, sugar, flour and salt in the bowl. To ensure that unnecessary lumps are not formed.
    2. The dough should remind a thick sour cream on the consistency. If it is very liquid, it is better to mix a little flour. Add soda and mix well.
    3. Bake, as usual, on a preheated pan until an appetizing roasted crust appears.

    After you have learned several recipes for cooking frying on kefir, you can proceed directly to cooking. To achieve a better result, use our advice.

    1. In order for the lush pancakes in the kefir, it is necessary to take a frying pan with a thick bottom. Ideally, if you have a cast iron frying pan - on it any culinary products of this plan are much more tastier. Modern Teflon in this case will only play against you.
    2. Such ingredients like vegetable oil and soda, it is better to add at the very end. So the dish will come apetty.
    3. The composition of each test can be customized under its preferences, for example, add more flour or smaller sugar.
    4. As with the preparation of any dough, it is better not to use additional techniques and do all your hands. The mixer is better to put down aside.
    5. For the preparation of pancakes, the fat content of kefir does not matter. The main thing is that it is fresh and high quality.
    6. The smaller the sugar you add to the dough, the more lush they will turn out.

    As for the use of the finished dish, there are also a few moments that should be illuminated. Remember that pancakes are very calories, they contain little protein and will not suit people suffering from lack of animal proteins. It is clear that you will not lose weight on them, however, 2-3 pancakes strongly will not affect the overall weight. For preparation, it is best to use refined olive or sunflower oil, but not creamy. In extreme cases, the foiled oil is suitable. This will help to avoid the appearance of harmful carcinogens during frying.

    Capture secrets

    Fritters are very convenient because it is practically no need to wait for the dough lifting. This process in many cases occurs during frying in a pan due to the addition of soda, baking powder. For frying frying, a regular spoon is used, which allows you to adjust the sizes of pancakes.

    A large number of recipes is designed for frying in a large amount of oil. Therefore, if someone has problems with the stomach or simply did not find enough oil at hand, the classic eddish options will not be a good choice, but baked in the oven fully fit.

    Since in different regions of the country, the quality of dairy products and flour is different, the number of ingredients required for cooking usually depends on this. The main thing is to achieve a consistency of thick sour cream. The flour can use any:

    • wheat;
    • buckwheat;
    • rye;
    • barley et al.

    It is not necessary to chase behind the flour of the highest grade, a lower variety is quite suitable for cooking. Also in the dough, you can safely introduce various additives, such as apples, bananas, raisins, nuts, kuragu, pumpkin, and even carrots.

    This is not a complete list of possible additives, so you can make independent adjustments to the recipe with the same success. It is absolutely not necessary that the pancakes are sweet - fresh green onions, ham, sausage, minced, fried mushrooms or meat. Chances for creativity in this case as much as the fantasy enough!

    To give a greater pomp with finished pancakes, many mistresses add a predetermined soda with vinegar. But this is not the most successful option, since all bubbles will come out during the reaction in a separate cup and will not reach the main dish. Therefore, if you want to get really air pancakes when using soda, it is better to add soda separately in dry ingredients, vinegar mix with liquid and start kneading the dough. Then the reaction will pass inside the mixture, that is, gradually enhanced when heated.

    Important! Do not forget to sift the flour. She "will be saturated" by air, picking it into the dough, and will not compete when shelter. As a result, you will spend less time on cooking.

    As for the choice of oil, it is mainly limited to the taste preferences of the hostess. Someone prefers to fry on aromatic vegetable oil, and not on refined, though, in this case, not to avoid splashing. The base for frying is poured on a pan, which is calcined on a small or medium heat. The main thing is not to reail at all, because otherwise the pancakes will burn. If the frying occurs in a lot of oil, it is worth using one of the rules of the fryer. To determine whether the oil was rolled enough, it is possible to throw a small drop of the test. If the oil around it goes with bubbles, it means it is sufficiently heated and you can fry.

    The finished dish can be served with a variety of additions:

    • condensed milk, both ordinary and boiled;
    • any jam or jam to taste;
    • sour cream.

    Diversity Recipes

    We give the several most common recipes for delicious air edges.

    Pancakes on kefir without yeast: classic recipe

    I will begin with the most popular method - it is this that is considered to be traditional. Poddushki turns thick, air, with a crispy crust along the edges and a delicate middle.

    Recipe information

    • Kitchen: Russian
    • Dish type: Fritters
    • Cooking method: frying in a frying pan
    • Portions: 4-5
    • 35 min


    • kefir - 250 ml
    • wheat flour - 220 g
    • fresh egg - 1 pc.
    • sugar Sand - 40 g
    • salt - 1 pinch
    • food soda - 0.5 h.
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    In the deep bowl, connect the kefir, raw egg, as well as salt, sugar to room temperature.

    Using a fork or a whisk intensively mix the resulting mass and start falling down into it sifted flour, mixed with soda.

    Mix the dough with a tablespoon until it becomes homogeneous and thick. The finished test, similar to the density of the home sour cream, let stand for 5 minutes and do not interfere more.

    In the pan, split some vegetable oil and, gently gaining the dough with a spoon, lay out small round pancakes into it.

    Fry pancakes on medium heat, and after 1 minute will be noticeable as they will increase in size.

    As soon as the bottom is shivered, let's put them on the fork and turn over the other side.

    Finished pancakes put on a paper towel so that the oil has absorbed, and then serve on the table together with warm milk - you can only dream of a better breakfast or afternoon.

    Mistress note:
    1. You can not fall asleep flour into the dough all right away, because depending on the density of the kefir and the sizes of the egg it may be necessary to need a little more or less than the specified one. A flour of 1-2 tablespoon should be added, immediately smearing the dough and watching its consistency.
    2. Kefir before connecting to the rest of the ingredients must be warm up to room temperature. If this is not done, then the finished pancakes will not be like lush as I would like.
    3. The amount of sugar in the dough can be reduced or excluded at all if you plan to feed pancakes with sweet honey or jam.

    Delicious yeast fritters on kefir

    If you want to be absolutely sure that your fritters are fluffy, use yeast to give volume.

    40-50 pieces will need:

    • flour - 3 tbsp.
    • kefir - 1 l
    • sugar - 3 tbsp.
    • yeast - 30 g
    • eggs - 2 pcs.

    How to cook:

    1. Slightly warm the kefir and dissolve yeast in it. Add sugar, salt and eggs to the resulting mixture. Gradually, start interwing flour, do it no more than 2-3 spoons at a time. Mix intensely with a whisk.
    2. After throwing all the flour, bring the dough to a homogeneous consistency. Put the dough into a warm place for the next half hour. If at home is cold, you can dial water into a basin or bathroom, and put a cup with a dough into it. Either put next to the slab included.
    3. Heat the frying pan on the stove and pour the oil by 0.5-1 cm high. Give it, take the stolen dough and start to fry. Straighten the dough with a spoon depending on what kind of values \u200b\u200bdo you want to make pancakes, and lay out in the pan.

    Important! Try dough not to mix in neither roasting or in the process of action. It is better to remove the portions of Schale.

    Fritters on kefir lush without eggs

    If there are no eggs in your house, take advantage of this recipe - very simple and fast. Optionally, you can add 2-3 cl. Cocoa - There will be excellent chocolate pancakes.


    • kefir - 0.5 l
    • sugar - 3-4 tbsp.
    • salt - 1/3 tsp
    • flour - 2 tbsp.
    • soda - 1 tsp.
    • cocoa - at will

    How to fry:

    1. Pour the kefir room temperature into a cup to knead the test. Enter salt and sugar, mix well. After that, gradually, 2-3 spoons enter the sifted in advance of flour, cocoa.
    2. After all the flour is interfering, re-mix the dough and check for the presence of lumps. Deliver a consistency of thick sour cream. Only then add soda.
    3. Put the frying pan on the stove, pour into it and roll oil. Overlay the dough with a tablespoon and fry about 2 minutes before the formation of a fairy crust.

    Important! If the dough when the knead it turned out liquid, add flour, if too thick - Differential Kefir .

    Aerial pancakes with apples: grandmother's recipe

    Have you ever heard about the pancakes with the same? Simply put - this is a filling that can be any - from any sweet, to meat, fish, etc.

    Puffs with apples are just following them. This option is familiar to me since childhood - the grandmother often poisoned us with such a treat. Frequent "fast" apple pies are obtained. With honey, they are just perfect!

    For 30-40 pieces, take:

    • kefir - 0.5 l;
    • flour - 2-3 cups, depending on its quality and varieties of apples;
    • egg - 2 pcs;
    • apple - 1-2 pieces;
    • sugar -5-6 tbsp.
    • bustyer - 1.5 ppm
    • salt - 0.5 h.;
    • cinnamon - 1 tsp. optional.

    Step-by-step process:

    1. To begin with, determine if you want to see the peel from apples in the pancakes. With a negative answer, boldly consider it and cut apples with pieces. To obtain more homogeneous consistency, you can grate on the grater. If you want to add and peel, and the apples were purchased in the store, pre-rinse them under hot water to wash off the wax coating.
    2. Grinding apples slightly sprinkle with sugar and retain. Kefir and eggs connect with sugar, cinnamon and salt, mix. Start gradually entering flour, kneading with a spoon or fork. Add the burst and re-mix.
    3. Put the pan on the stove, pour and roll the oil. Spoon dial the dough and overlap on the pan. Place a few apples from above, pour 1 tbsp. Test.
    4. Fry on each side of 3-4 minutes on medium heat.

    Catch with pumpkin

    This experiment can be carried out as thematic treats on Halloween. Also, the recipe will have to taste fans of pumpkin dishes. They are good for the children's menu - delicious. Useful and easy.

    List of ingredients:

    • fat kefir 3.5% - 250 ml
    • wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp.
    • pumpkin - 200 g
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • soda - 2/3 h. l.
    • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 2-3 tbsp.
    • salt - ½ tsp.
    Amateurs can add seasonings:
    • cardamom - 1/3 h. l.
    • cinnamon - 1/3 h. l.
    • ginger - 1/3 h. l.
    • nutmeg - ¼ h. l.
    • carnation - 1-2 boutons.

    Seasonings and spices can be added both together and selective combinations. Either add your own options.


    1. Clean the pumpkin, remove the core and crust. After that, if there is an opportunity, take a baking sheet, cut the fruit of the fruit of thin plates and bake for 15 minutes. at 200 ° C. If there is no such possibility, take a frying pan, turn on the weak fire, put the pumpkin plate on the pan and extinguish until soft. If the pumpkin turned out to be dry, add a couple of tablespoons of water.
    2. In the sifted flour add the above seasonings. If you add a carnation, it is necessary to argue or grind it. Along the same Salt, sugar and soda. In a separate bowl, pour the warm kefir and take the egg and vinegar.
    3. Pumpkin Mind to the brush or grind in a blender. Connect with kefir mass, and then add dry ingredients, stirring the dough with a spoon or a wedge.
    4. Pour oil to the pan at least 1.5 cm. Put on the fire and rent. Type the desired amount of dough and proceed to the spoon.

    Attention! By adding pumpkin, the color of the finished dish will be darker than the usual, so you can not focus on the golden, but on the brown hue of the crust.

    Refraction Banana Fritters with raisins

    If you want to give a bright fruit taste to the Oladiaam, try to add to the main ingredients of the banana and raisins.

    Total you will need:

    • kefir - 1 tbsp.
    • banana - 1 pc.
    • wheat flour - 1-1.5 art.
    • egg chicken - 1 pc.
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
    • soda - ½ tsp.
    • dark raisins - 2 tbsp.

    Exit: 25-30 pieces.


    1. Soak raisins in hot water for 1-2 hours. Rinse.
    2. Clean the banana and distort it to the state of homogeneous casher. Add an egg and sugar, then beat the wedge. Pour kefir mixture and mix well, add the soda, raisins. While the reaction is underway, add gradually flour and mix well.
    3. Pour the oil in the pan, roll and start frying.

    Recipe on acid (proisis) kefir and sour cream

    Almost every hostess had cases when the forgotten milk remained in the refrigerator. And this recipe is a convenient way to apply it to favor.

    You will need:

    • sour kefir - 250 ml.
    • sour cream - 100 g
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • salt - chipotch
    • soda - ½ tsp.
    • flour - 200 g
    • vanillin or vanilla sugar is optional.

    Output: 15-20 pieces

    How to do:

    1. Break the egg to the bowl, connect with sugar and take the appearance of the first foam. Add salt and vanillin or vanilla sugar. Beat before dissolving sugar, pour the warm kefir, then add the soda and gradually spare flour. Bring the dough to homogeneous mass without lumps.
    2. Fry in a frying pan with a pre-hot oil, dialing the dough with a spoon.

    Dietary cottage cheese pancakes

    Those who adhere to the principles of PP (proper nutrition) or just follow the figure, you can also bake delicious fritters with cottage cheese. Such not from ordinary flour are prepared, but from whole grain, with the addition of bran, ground oatmeal. They are baked in the oven. This makes low-calorie pancakes. Caloriciness per 100 g of a finished product - no more than 110 kcal!


    • oatmeal (Hercules) - 3 tbsp.
    • whole grain flour - 4-5 tbsp.
    • bran - 2-3 tbsp.
    • eggs protein - 2 pcs.
    • kefir low fat - 500 ml
    • cottage cheese - 100 g
    • honey - 2 ppm
    • vanillin - on the tip of the knife
    • bustyer - 1 tsp.

    How to cook:

    1. Oatmeal shred in a blender, add bran (any, I like linen) and fill all kefir - they have to swell. 30 minutes enough.
    2. Eggs whipped to a strong foam, adding honey. Lovers of sweet can add some kind of stuffed - stevia, phytarad, etc.
    3. We connect all the components, mixing well. If it seems to you that the dough is obtained liquid, increase the amount of flour.
    4. I spread the spoon on the baking sheet slightly blurred and baked in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

    Well, in the end I will share the video with the recipe for the most ideal lush pancakes that do not lose their airiness even after removing the frying pan. The main secret is that they are preparing for hot, almost boiled kefir!\u003dNTEM5FXXB8O.

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