Repair Design Furniture

Stewed vegetables in a slow cooker in winter. How to stew vegetables in a slow cooker. How to stew vegetables in a slow cooker. Fish stewed with vegetables in a slow cooker: recipes from hake and pollock

Our ancestors also prepared most of the dishes in two ways: stewing or baking. This applies not only to fish and meat, but also vegetables. According to our recipes, you can cook vegetables in a multicooker in a matter of minutes. As a result, they will turn out to be not only tasty, but also very useful. Steamed vegetables are especially beneficial for those who are used to keeping track of their weight, for the elderly, children and athletes.

Previously, many people did not even think that under the word vegetables is a group of fruits, roots, etc., which are used to prepare food. This does not include fruits, berries and mushrooms. However, for some fruits, we still use the term "vegetable", for example, take everyone's favorite tomatoes. As strange as it may seem, tomatoes are a berry. The situation is exactly the same with corn and cucumbers. But this does not prevent housewives from preparing delicious, excellent and healthy dishes from such "fruit and vegetables".

It should be understood that side dishes or vegetable dishes are the basis of a balanced and healthy diet. After all, vegetables are the main suppliers of trace elements and vitamins for our body. They have a positive effect on the digestive process and vital activity of every person. For this reason, we have prepared a whole section of excellent recipes for cooking vegetables in a multicooker, among which you will find both main dishes and side dishes.

Vegetable dishes are the basis of a balanced diet. The great importance for the human body is due not only to their biological activity (the main suppliers of minerals, vitamins and trace elements), but also to the beneficial effect on the process of digestion and assimilation of nutrients. To stay active and healthy, a person should consume at least 600 grams of greens and vegetables daily. Therefore, do not be lazy, learn how to cook vegetables in a multicooker, and our recipes with photos and videos will help you with this.

Due to the fact that vegetables are slowly stewed in a multicooker, they retain a huge amount of vitamins. It should also be noted that cooking them in this wonderful saucepan is much easier to follow than on the stove. Do not worry that they will burn. Just throw them into a saucepan, select the required mode, and this modern kitchen device will cook everything and notify you about it with a sound signal. As you can see, with a minimum of effort, you can count on the maximum benefit. Even those who do not know how or do not like to cook can cope with such a dish.

You can use a wide variety of vegetables that you have in your arsenal: onions, zucchini, eggplants, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, and others. It is not necessary to add water here, as they already emit a lot of juice.

As a result of the fact that vegetables are stewed together, saturated with the aroma and juice of each other, they are eaten with joy even by children, who would never eat any of the vegetables individually.

Attention! To be healthy and beautiful, doctors recommend eating vegetables every day! Minerals, vitamins, fiber - essential for a healthy diet. These vegetables have it all! Vegetable dishes are included in most national cuisines. They are healthy, easy to digest, and great for those who are watching their weight. They are also irreplaceable during the period of religious fasting. Plus, cooking a vegetable dish is much easier than a meat one, and does not take much time.

Cooking vegetables in a multicooker is quick and easy, especially when using the steaming or stewing mode. Choosing one of the recipes on the site and following its step-by-step instructions, you will be surprised how fast, tasty and healthy it is.

Cooking vegetables in a slow cooker. Recipes with photos from the site

Still not sure how you can cook vegetables in a slow cooker? Carefully study our section, which is full of recipes with photos, videos and step-by-step instructions.

Vegetables are one of the lowest calorie, simple and delicious dishes. Those who prefer them steamed or as a side dish will appreciate the recipes presented in our section. We tried to collect a large number of good recipes for cooking a wide variety of vegetables.

Vegetables are an irreplaceable source of fiber and vitamins, which are so necessary for the human body, and therefore it is important to cook them correctly in order to preserve the maximum usefulness in them.

In this kitchen technique, any dishes from frozen and fresh vegetables are perfectly obtained, which do not lose their natural smell and taste, which often happens during ordinary cooking or frying. And a variety of main courses and side dishes harmoniously complement the main food that was cooked in a multicooker.

Most of us adore vegetables for their beneficial substances and a lot of taste. Also, vegetables are also what makes any, even the most meaty dish, unique. They are often added during cooking, but they can be just as successfully used to decorate ready-made dishes. In any case, vegetables are indispensable.

Here you will find many recipes for preparing a variety of dishes with vegetables, which can be used not only as an appetizer, side dish or addition, but also as an independent dish.

Each vegetable has its own benefits. Take at least a bell pepper. We are used to adding it to borscht or using it as an ingredient in a salad. But, besides this, peppers can be successfully stuffed with various yummy. For example, buckwheat with chicken. You can also serve salad or fry eggs in its halves.

And the pumpkin? In addition to the fact that it contains a huge amount of nutrients, you can make many goodies from it - zrazy, pumpkin porridge, stuffed pumpkin, pumpkin pie - you can't count all the dishes.

The situation is exactly the same with white cabbage. It can be used to make a pie, roll cabbage rolls, and cook borscht. And stewed cabbage with eggs - isn't it yummy? Real jam!

For those who prefer low-calorie food, vegetarians, health-conscious moms, and those who just stick to a healthy diet - recipes from our section will suit everyone.

How to cook vegetables in a multicooker? Recipes with photos

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly cook vegetables in a multicooker, and the fact that this process takes very little time. With this wonderful device, you can surprise your loved ones and guests with an unusual vegetable dish in just a few minutes.

We have prepared a unique collection of recipes for the most delicious and healthy vegetable dishes. Do you want to stew meat or bake potatoes with it, or maybe you want to learn how to cook real cabbage soup? Ours will reveal all the subtleties and secrets of cooking.

Cooking vegetables in a multicooker according to our recipes guarantees you a lot of pleasure. Right away, it may seem to you that we are using simple ingredients, but following our instructions, vegetables will simply melt in your mouth. Each of the recipes has been tested by us in practice, which means that you can trust him and be sure of a successful result.

The unique photographs that accompany each of our recipes indicate that all the dishes were prepared by us with our own hands. Follow our instructions, which will allow you to surprise everyone with your culinary skills.

The multicooker allows you to make simple dietary vegetable dishes a real treat. Forget about monotonous and boring food. All recipes in which vegetables are used can be found in this section. A photo of all the ingredients, a video of the cooking process will allow you to cook even a complex dish without any effort.

Who thinks that a slow cooker and vegetables are incompatible things. We will be happy to prove the opposite. Let our recipes and your slow cooker become the perfect helpers in creating a delicious and balanced daily menu that all members of your family will be happy with.

Features of cooking vegetables in a multicooker

  • Before starting cooking, greens and vegetables must be thoroughly washed.
  • The most familiar to us is sunflower oil. But in all recipes that involve stewing vegetables, you can use others (corn, mustard and olive), which give a specific flavor.
  • If you need a 100% dietary meal, then do not fry the products in oil, but immediately start stewing them.
  • You can also cook a low-calorie meal without adding oil at all.
  • If you prefer a mild taste, then when cooking it you need to pour water into the bowl.
  • Vegetables in a multicooker give off a lot of moisture and do not turn out dry.
  • In some cases, to finish the food at a lower temperature, select the “Preheat” program after a minimum or shorter cooking time.
  • You should not constantly stir vegetables, as they do not burn and are processed evenly.
  • Add sour cream for more richness and satiety.
  • Sorrel, lettuce, onions, spinach and greens must first be sorted out, get rid of the spoiled parts, and then rinsed in a large vessel, changing the water several times, or under running water.
  • Carrots, potatoes, turnips, beets, radishes and celery are first washed, peeled, and then rinsed again.
  • Vegetables should be washed in cold water and quickly, as long soaking can cause vegetables to lose some of their soluble nutrients and vitamins.
  • If you are using frozen vegetables, then you should not defrost them, but immediately add them to the cooking dish.
  • Peeled vegetables should not be stored; they need to be cooked quickly, since the vitamin C in them is quickly destroyed.
  • So that after cooking spinach, green beans, nettles, sorrel, retain their green color, you need to put them in boiling water, after which they are brought to a boil as quickly as possible, and then boiled at a lower temperature.
  • Steamed vegetables retain their vitamins almost completely. In general, the larger the vegetables, the less vitamins they lose during cooking.
  • So that vegetables can reduce the maximum juiciness, they need to be thrown into salted boiling water.
  • In the park, carrots, potatoes and other root crops should be filled with water no more than the thickness of a finger.
  • Some of the nutrients and vitamins pass into water during cooking, so do not pour out the vegetable broth, as it can be successfully used for sauces and soups.
  • Be sure to cut off the green head of the carrot, as it is unsuitable for food and tastes bitter.
  • Tomatoes are not only suitable for salads. If you fry tomato slices in vegetable oil, then you can serve them as an appetizer or side dish.
  • To remove the bitterness from the eggplant, soak the slices in salted water for five minutes. After that, squeeze them and you can cook further, adhering to the recipe.
  • Before boiling the cauliflower, dip the head of cabbage in a saline solution. If there are caterpillars hidden in it, they will certainly float up.
  • If you are planning to cook eggplant caviar, do not mince the eggplant. During contact with metal, they acquire a metallic taste, which is not the best reflected in the quality of caviar.
  • Using beetroot juice with a slight addition of vinegar, you can tint the inflorescences of pickled or boiled cauliflower pink.
  • To make the onions evenly fried and get a golden hue, first sprinkle with flour and then fry.

As you can see, there are a lot of secrets to cooking vegetables in a multicooker. And our recipes with photos and videos will help reveal many of them. Do not be afraid to fantasize and be healthy!

Today I will share a recipe for a completely traditional dish that can be prepared from almost any combination of vegetables (to your taste).

Such dishes are especially relevant in the autumn, when the stores are full of fresh vegetables.

Well, how can we not remember that vegetables contain a huge amount of vitamins, and on the eve of the cold winter season, this is especially important for our body.

For a vegetable stew in a slow cooker, I came across a suitable zucchini. We will use it as the main ingredient. Go!


Zucchini (1 piece of small size or in my case - half a large zucchini)
Eggplant (3-4 pcs)
Carrots (1 large or a pair of small ones)
Tomato (1 pc)
Bulgarian pepper (3 pcs)
Onion (1 piece)
Sour cream (3 tbsp. L.)
Salt, spices

This is my combination of vegetables. Of course, various options are possible.

Step 1 - prepare the ingredients

All vegetables, of course, need to be washed and peeled.

First of all, we bravely take on the eggplant. You do not need to peel off the peel from them, just cut off the stalks and cut the eggplants in half rings.

The eggplants are sliced!

So that the eggplants do not taste bitter, put them in a deep plate and cover with salt. We leave it like this for half an hour. During this time, we will have time to prepare the rest.

Eggplant covered with salt. I highly recommend not to skip this step. It will be a shame if the finished dish tastes bitter, isn't it?

We pass to the zucchini. More precisely, to the zucchini. To quickly and easily clean the zucchini, below I offer a small instruction.

The zucchini must be cut crosswise into two parts. As you can see, I used only half of the zucchini in this recipe, since I came across a very worthy representative!

With one light and confident movement of the hand, cut our half of the zucchini in two!

Then carefully remove the seeds from the middle.

Zucchini is cut, seeds removed.

Turn over and cut each half into half rings about 1-1.5 cm thick.You can use a tape measure or determine the thickness by eye. Joke. Better tape measure

Looks good. Let's continue.

Carefully cut off the skin from each half ring. This is much faster and easier to do than peeling the whole zucchini.

The skin has been successfully cut, there is very little left!

And finally, we cut the half rings into small cubes.

The courgette is peeled and diced so you can move on to other ingredients.

We are finished with the zucchini. It's time to cut the potatoes.

With potatoes, everything usually happens much faster and easier.

Three carrots on a coarse grater. I had not enough carrots in store, you can take more. Carrots give our vegetable stew a pleasant, sweet flavor.

The carrots turned out to be not enough, you can have more.

Shred onions and bell peppers.

* Sobs *
The bell pepper is sliced!

Cut the tomato into cubes - again, no wisdom.

Don't be angry, Senor Tomato!

Suddenly we remember the eggplant covered with salt. During this time, they will give a small amount of brownish juice. Drain the juice, rinse the eggplants thoroughly with water.

You can endlessly look at three things. One of them is eggplant drenched in water. Undoubtedly.

Put the eggplant on a kitchen towel. If you are in the mood, you can also sing a song about a towel.

They're so defenseless on this towel. A work of contemporary art called Eggplant on a Towel.

We squeeze out to get rid of excess water.

Do you see eggplants? And I don’t see. And they are!

With the preparation of the ingredients finished.

Step 2 - put the ingredients in the multicooker

Make sure that the multicooker does not overflow. If some of the vegetables didn't fit, it doesn't matter. They can be added later, when the vegetables are a little "cooked".

All ingredients are placed in a multicooker.

We put the multicooker in the baking mode for 20 minutes.

After the signal, open the lid and fill in the vegetables that did not fit (if any, see above), add three tablespoons of sour cream and salt.

Seasonings can be added to suit your taste.

After adding sour cream and salt, do not forget to gently (so as not to scratch the surface of the pan) to mix the contents with a special spatula - plastic or silicone.

Step 3 - stew vegetables in a slow cooker

We leave on the home stretch.

After adding sour cream, spices and salt, set the "Stew" mode for 2 hours.

If you want faster, you can put it on the "Baking" mode for another 20 minutes, instead of two hours on "Stew". It will also be very tasty, but nevertheless, in the "Stew" mode, the multicooker is capable of creating real masterpieces.

Ready dish. Can be arranged on plates!

Vegetable stew in a slow cooker is ready!

Reward for labor

Our multicooker vegetable stew is ready! Bon Appetit!

To summarize. A wonderful and delicious dish with stewed vegetables. Quite lightweight and useful. The maximum cooking time is about 3 hours in the "Braising" mode, including the preparation of the ingredients.

A bit too much, but if we remember that 2 hours and 20 minutes out of these 3 hours we do not interfere with the cooking process, the picture becomes more joyful

This is how zucchini flowers look. They can be used in salads or, say, stuffed.

Have you ever thought about the fact that "zucchini" is called both a vegetable that we have just cooked and a small restaurant?

Zucchini (which is a vegetable) is a type of pumpkin. Contains many vitamins and antioxidants, which, however, are destroyed when exposed to high temperatures.

The ideal cooking method is baking (for example, in the oven).

It is said that the use of squash prevents the appearance of gray hair.

And in some countries, not only fruits, but also squash flowers are used for cooking. Would you like a salad with zucchini flowers?

The multicooker is just a godsend for those who love vegetables. And this is not surprising, because vegetables in a multicooker retain their beneficial properties and vitamins as much as possible, and they turn out to be really tasty. And for fasting citizens and vegetarians, the multicooker becomes a real lifesaver. Let's not forget about children, because vegetables in a multicooker are very useful for our kids.

Vegetable stew in a slow cooker

4-5 potatoes,
½ a head of cabbage,
1 bell pepper
1 eggplant,
2 tomatoes,
1 zucchini,
greens, salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Pour some vegetable oil into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Cut all vegetables at random and put in a bowl in layers: potatoes, cabbage, bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes. Do not forget to salt each layer and add a little spice. Sprinkle greens on top of the tomato layer, you can chop a clove of garlic. Close the lid, set the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour.

Stewed cabbage with beans in a slow cooker

500-700 g of cabbage,
1 stack white beans
1 carrot,
1 onion
1 bell pepper
2 tbsp tomato paste
salt, pepper, vegetable oil, spices,
1 stack water.

Soak the beans overnight, you can add a little soda to the water. Or you can take canned. Chop the vegetables. Turn the multicooker to the "Baking" or "Frying" mode, put the chopped vegetables in the bowl, stir and cook for 10 minutes. Then add beans to the bowl, pour in a glass of boiling water, stir and switch the multicooker to the "Stew" mode for 2 hours. After an hour from the moment you start cooking, open the lid and add salt to taste, tomato paste, pepper and spices to taste to the bowl. Hop-suneli seasoning looks especially good in this dish, but you can also try curry spices. Serve with herbs as a separate dish or side dish.

Zucchini with mushrooms in a slow cooker

1 young vegetable marrow
2 tomatoes,
1 onion
300 g champignons,
2-3 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Cut the onion into cubes. In a multicooker bowl, heat the vegetable oil in the "baking" or "Fry" mode, put the onion and fry for 5-6 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the zucchini into slices, add it to the onion and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Cut the mushrooms into slices, add to the bowl, stir and cook in the same mode until the liquid has completely evaporated. Do not close the cover. Salt. Add the sliced ​​tomatoes, minced garlic, herbs, stir and close the lid. Cook for 10 minutes.

Vegetables in a slow cooker are good on their own, but with meat they are even tastier!

5-6 potatoes,
2 carrots,
200 g broccoli or cauliflower
600 g pumpkin,
1 onion
500-600 g of beef tenderloin,
spices, salt.

At the bottom of the multicooker bowl, pour some vegetable oil and put the meat, cut into small pieces. Peel and dice the vegetables. Put all vegetables in a bowl, cover with hot water to the top layer, salt, add spices. Turn on the "Pilaf" mode. Ready!

Instead of meat, mushrooms can be added to vegetable dishes. Champignons, oyster mushrooms, forest gifts frozen since summer are perfect.

Adjapsandali (Georgian vegetable stew)

2 sweet peppers
2 eggplants,
2 onions
2 tomatoes,
400 g green beans
2-3 cloves of garlic
5-10 peas of black pepper,
2 tsp salt,
1 bunch of cilantro greens
basil, vegetable oil.

Cut the eggplants into cubes, sprinkle with salt and leave in a bowl to release the bitterness. Cut the onion into cubes, cut the tomatoes and bell peppers into fairly large slices. Set the "Baking" or "Fry" mode for 30 minutes, pour vegetable oil into a bowl and put onions in it. After 15 minutes, add the tomatoes and bell peppers, stir and cook with the lid open until the end of the mode. Meanwhile, rinse the eggplants under cold water, squeeze and add along with the chopped green beans to the vegetables in the bowl. Stir, add water as desired - for those who like more sauce in a dish, pour more water. Close the lid, set the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour. After the signal, put chopped greens, chopped garlic, salt to taste, peppercorns in the bowl, you can add ground pepper, as well as suneli hops. Leave in the "Warm" mode for 15-20 minutes.

700-800 g zucchini,
100 ml sour cream,
1-2 cloves of garlic
1-2 onions
4 eggs,
3 tbsp flour,
150-200 g of hard cheese
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Peel the zucchini and grate on a coarse grater, add sour cream, eggs, cheese, diced into small cubes, onion and garlic. Stir all the ingredients, salt and pepper. Grease a bowl of a multicooker with butter (you can also vegetable, but with creamy it tastes better). Put the zucchini mass into a bowl, set the “Baking” mode for 1 hour under the closed lid, and then another 20 minutes in the same mode with the lid open so that the excess liquid evaporates. Put the casserole on a dish, sprinkle with herbs. You can also add herbs to the casserole itself.

We all love vinaigrette, right? But it takes so long to boil or bake vegetables for him! The multicooker will help us in this matter!

Steamed vinaigrette in a slow cooker

1-2 potatoes,
1-2 beets
1-2 carrots,
1-2 pickles
100-150 g sauerkraut,
100 g green peas
100 g canned beans (optional)
1 onion
vegetable oil,

Calculate the amount of vegetables based on the size of your multicooker. Peel and dice fresh vegetables. Place in layers in a steaming bowl: first a layer of beets, then carrots, potatoes on top. Pour 500-700 ml of hot water into the bowl, place the steamer bowl on top, close the lid and set the “Steam cooking” mode for 35-40 minutes. While the vegetables are boiling, prepare other ingredients: rinse, if necessary, and squeeze out the sauerkraut, cut pickled (certainly salted!) Cucumbers into cubes. When the vegetables are cooked, cool them, combine with the rest of the ingredients, add the onion (preferably red) chopped into small cubes, salt, season with vegetable oil and stir.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Stewing is one of the oldest cooking methods known to man. Today, when there is such an abundance of products around, there are simply a huge number of recipes for various dishes.

But stewed vegetables are still a popular dish. Its secret lies in the fact that it is tasty, easy to prepare, does not require much time, hearty and extremely healthy.

There are many ways to make steamed vegetables. One of the best ways is to use our recipe, and as an assistant take a Redmond multicooker with the "Stew" program. You can use any model you have as long as this program is included in it. For example, Redmond RMC-IH300 will do.

Ingredients for cooking stewed vegetables in a Redmond multicooker

  • Paprika - 180 grams.
  • Tomatoes - 170 grams.
  • Zucchini - 160 grams.
  • Onions - 130 grams.
  • Eggplant - 70 grams.
  • Garlic - 20 grams.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt, spices to taste.

The method of cooking stewed vegetables in a Redmond multicooker

1) All vegetables that are listed in the list of ingredients are cut into cubes 1.5-2 centimeters in size, and the garlic is chopped with a knife.

2) Pour olive oil into the bowl of the Redmond multicooker, then put all the ingredients in it, add salt and spices. At the end, mix everything thoroughly.

3) We close the lid of the multicooker, set the “Stew” program through the menu, select the type of product “Vegetables”. We set the cooking time at around 40 minutes.

In a multicooker, this is a very tasty and healthy dish, which does not require a lot of effort and time to cook. It should be particularly noted that in said kitchen device, several products can be baked at the same time, or they can be heat-treated separately.

How to cook baked vegetables in a slow cooker?

There are many ways on how to quickly and tasty bake vegetables in a slow cooker and serve them as a side dish. If you need the simplest option, then we suggest using the recipe in question.

So how do you cook baked vegetables in a slow cooker? To do this, you need to buy the following products:

  • fresh young zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet tomatoes of medium size - about 3 pcs.;
  • large bitter onions - 2 heads;
  • juicy carrots - 2 tubers;
  • fresh eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 5-7 ml;
  • low-fat mayonnaise - 2 large spoons;
  • salt, various spices, pepper - optional;
  • hard cheese - about 150 g.

Preparation of components for a vegetable side dish

Baked tomatoes in a slow cooker are very juicy and tender. But they are most delicious when cooked with other vegetables.

Zucchini, eggplant, bitter onion and juicy carrots are thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into slices (0.6-0.8 cm thick). By the way, in order to remove unpleasant bitterness from eggplant, they must first be soaked in salt water.

As for fresh tomatoes, they are also washed and chopped in the same way.

The process of forming a vegetable dish

How to cook baked To begin with, the bowl of the mentioned device needs to be thoroughly greased with vegetable oil. Next, it is necessary to lay out all the vegetables in layers. It is advisable to do this in the following order: slices of carrots, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes and onion rings. Each layer of food must be flavored with salt, pepper and other seasonings.

At the very end, all ingredients should be covered with a thin layer of low-fat mayonnaise.

The process of cooking food

How many baked zucchini are cooked in a slow cooker? After all the ingredients are placed in the bowl, close them tightly and set the baking mode. You should not add water or any broth to vegetables. They should cook in their own juice.

As a rule, such a dish is ready for consumption 50 minutes after the start of the baking program. At the same time, ¼ hour before the end of the heat treatment, all vegetables are covered with a thick layer of hard cheese grated on a small grater. In 15 minutes, the dairy product will completely melt and cover the garnish with an appetizing stretching cap.

How to serve a side dish to the dining table?

After the baked vegetables in the slow cooker are ready, they are laid out on a plate, being careful not to damage the laid out layers. You can serve such a side dish to the dining table with meat, fish or sausages. It can also be consumed without anything, as a vegetarian meal.

Baked potatoes in a slow cooker: recipes

Surely there are no people in our country who would not love potato dishes. This vegetable is a hearty, healthy, nutritious and very tasty product from which you can cook soups, make side dishes, bake pies and more.

Young goes well with fish, meat, sausages, sausages and other products. In addition, it can be used just like that, along with spices.

Since it's delicious to bake To do this, you need to prepare:

  • butter - 15 g;
  • vegetable oil - 15 ml;
  • young potatoes - 5-7 pcs.;
  • salt, aromatic spices, pepper, dried herbs - to your liking.

Vegetable processing

You can bake young unpeeled. To do this, a fresh vegetable is thoroughly washed in hot water using a stiff brush. Then it is divided into quarters and immediately flavored with salt, aromatic spices, pepper and dried herbs.

How to bake?

As easy as pie. First, set the kitchen appliance to the baking mode, and then put some butter and vegetable oil in the bowl. After 3-5 minutes, young potatoes flavored with spices are placed in the dish. It is advisable to lay out the vegetable in one layer.

After closing the lid of the multicooker, the product should be cooked for about 10 minutes. Over time, it is recommended to turn it over to the other side. This will allow the potato wedges to cook well on all sides.

After another 10 minutes, pierce the vegetable with a fork. If the potatoes are soft, then they are carefully removed on a plate, and a new batch of products is placed in the bowl of the device, which is baked in the same way.

Serving baked potatoes to the table

Young potatoes baked in oil with spices should only be served warm or hot. As mentioned above, it can be served with completely different meat, sausage or fish products. But most often, such a dish is consumed just like that (for example, with foamy drinks).

Let's summarize

Now you know that baking vegetables in a multicooker does not require much effort or much time. In addition, to create such dishes, there is no need to purchase expensive components, especially if you are an avid summer resident, and all of the listed vegetables grow in your own beds.