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Lingonberry compote cooking recipe. The best vitamin drinks from lingonberry. How much to cook lingonberry compote

Compote made from frozen berries is not inferior to that made from fresh fruits. The fact is that the low temperatures of the freezer provide the berries with long-term storage without losing their taste and useful properties, so that housewives can prepare aromatic, vitamin-assorted drinks, combining the preparations collected over the entire season.

How to cook frozen berries compote?

How much to cook compote from frozen berries is the most common question that arises before preparing a drink. Everything here is determined by the variety of berries, but if you do not go into the intricacies, then the cooking time should not exceed 10 minutes. In this case, it takes 5 minutes to cook the sweet syrup, and the remaining time is devoted to boiling the berries in it.

  1. A delicious compote from frozen berries will only come out in an enamel bowl. The use of aluminum utensils is strictly prohibited. Berries contain a lot of acid, which reacts with aluminum, making the drink tasteless and "harmful".
  2. Berries are not thawed before cooking. Defrosting leads to loss of berry juice.
  3. If you want to combine several varieties of berries, it is better to adhere to the proportions: a concentrated compote from a frozen mixture will require 1 kg of berries, 1 liter of water and 750 g of sugar. For a regular drink, 100 g of berries and 100 g of sugar are taken per liter of water.

Frozen cherry compote occupies a leading position among winter vitamin drinks. It is simple and quick to prepare, and the taste properties of the berry are enough for the compote to acquire a rich sweet and sour taste without any additions. In addition, the cherries and syrup are boiled at the same time, which allows the drink to be served in 5 minutes.


  • water - 3 l;
  • frozen cherries - 550 g;
  • sugar - 250 g


  1. Pour the berries with water, add sugar and put the pan on fire.
  2. Bring to a boil and cook the frozen cherry compote for 5 minutes.
  3. Insist until it cools completely under a covered lid.

Frozen cranberry compote will save you from buying pharmaceutical preparations for colds, because a small berry contains vitamin C, citric and quinic acids, which makes it a powerful natural remedy. However, due to its high acidity, cranberries acquire a bitter-sour taste, which can be easily mitigated by increasing the amount of sugar.


  • frozen cranberries - 350 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. Pour sugar with water, place on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Add berries and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Insist the frozen cranberry compote for 30 minutes.

Frozen lingonberry compote will cure colds, relieve hangovers, cleanse the circulatory system, invigorate and refresh. Another northern berry with a vitamin composition and sour taste. Unlike cranberries, lingonberries do not tolerate heat treatment well, so the berries are thawed and boiled in syrup for no more than 3 minutes.


  • lingonberry - 300 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


  1. Remove the berries from the freezer and let them thaw.
  2. Boil the syrup from water and sugar.
  3. Drain the excess liquid from the defrosted berries and put the lingonberries in the syrup.
  4. Boil for 3 minutes and remove from heat immediately.
  5. Compote from frozen lingonberry berries is infused until it cools completely, filtered and served.

And frozen currants - this is an original combination, in which the blanks, different in texture and storage method, turned into a bright, rich vitamin drink. This recipe is a balanced combination in which sour currants complement the spicy-sweet base of apples, raisins and dried apricots with taste and color.


  • frozen currants - 150 g;
  • dried fruits (apple, dried apricots, raisins) - 50 g each;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 4 l.


  1. Pour the sugar over with water, bring the syrup to a boil and add the dried fruit.
  2. Cook the compote for 15 minutes.
  3. Add frozen currants and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Strain after an hour.

The easiest and most convenient way to get rich in vitamins is to cook frozen cherries. The availability of apples and their cheap cost allow you to enjoy a natural drink regardless of the season. This also applies to cherries: in the absence of one prepared with one's own hand, it can always be found in the refrigerator of any store.


  • apple - 4 pcs.;
  • frozen cherries - 250 g;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • lemon slice - 1 pc .;
  • water - 3.5 liters.


  1. Remove the stem from the apples and cut the fruit into wedges.
  2. Cover the apples with sugar, add water and cook, after boiling, for 10 minutes.
  3. Add the cherry, lemon wedge and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Let it brew for an hour.
  5. Strain before serving.

Frozen berries and herbs compote

Frozen berry compote is a recipe that involves various combinations. Combinations of berries with herbs are especially popular, among which raspberries and mint are often chosen. The latter has a fresh taste and a bright aroma, which opens up well at high temperatures, and therefore, the drink can be drunk hot, which is important in winter.


  • dried mint - 100 g;
  • frozen raspberries - 500 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 200 g


  1. Pour a liter of hot water over the mint and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Strain, add slightly thawed raspberries, sugar and the remaining water to the broth.
  3. Cook over low heat for 7 minutes. Insist for an hour under the lid.

Frozen gooseberry compote is an exclusive drink. The berry season is short, and store-bought gooseberry preparations are rare, so the housewives have to harvest the berries themselves. The effort is well worth the effort, thanks to the high health benefits of gooseberry and its delicious flavor, complemented by lemon and mint.


  • gooseberries - 500 g;
  • water - 1.8 l;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • lemon - 1/2 pc.;
  • fresh mint leaves - 5 pcs.


  1. Pour defrosted gooseberries with water, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  2. Add lemon wedges, mint leaves and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Give the compote time to steep, strain and refrigerate.

According to the cooking technology, compote from frozen berries for a child does not differ from an adult. The focus here is on component selection. Assorted berries will bring the maximum benefit, provided that there are no allergenic fruits. The most harmless are currants, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, and it is better to refuse strawberries and strawberries.


  • black currant - 100 g;
  • raspberries - 50 g;
  • blackberries - 70 g;
  • cranberries - 50 g;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • water - 3 l.


  1. Pour sugar in water and simmer for 5 minutes.
  2. Add berries.
  3. boil from frozen berries for 10 minutes, let it brew for 30 minutes and strain.

Frozen berry compote in a slow cooker - recipe

Many housewives prefer the classic cooking method from frozen berries. In the latter version, the berries strive to "get out" from the pan, requiring constant stirring. This is not required in a modern machine, where you just need to mix the berries with sugar and water, and after 20 minutes strain the drink.

Lingonberry means a berry that is very valuable from the point of view of its effect on the body. It is used not only in the culinary world, but also in folk medicine and cosmetology. There are many variations of dishes based on the presented product. We are also talking about drinks, the most common type is compote. It quenches thirst, improves mood and improves overall well-being.

Value and composition

  1. There are a lot of substances included in the berry, they are all responsible for specific functions. For human health, the intake of Omega acids in a decent amount is very important, they are concentrated in this product. Also, the composition frees tissues and cells from toxic substances, improving the work of the heart.
  2. Due to the ability to neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, oncology is prevented. Unfortunately, cancer takes many lives. It is necessary to constantly work on its prevention, introducing more and more new food products into the basic menu. In addition, the fruits carry out the prevention of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  3. Not only fresh specimens are useful, but also berries in frozen and processed form. We are talking about cooking compotes based on them, freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, teas, broths with infusions, etc. They are taken in case of extreme heat, flu, and other diseases of this kind.
  4. The fairer sex, who have recently become mothers, include this composition in their menu in order to restore and normalize the hormonal environment as soon as possible. This is very important for beautiful ladies who need to take care not only of themselves, but also of the baby.
  5. There are many indications for taking, in which compote, juice, fruit drink are simply necessary. Due to the diuretic characteristics, the drink in question is able to cleanse the kidneys, free the tissues from excess fluid, eliminate swelling and in every possible way improve the state of the genitourinary system. These properties are appreciated by all, without exception, men and women.
  6. It cannot do without the concentration of tannins, which are responsible for the activity of the circulatory system, the sealing of blood vessels, and the elimination of their fragility. The fruit contains iron, it compensates for the deficiency and increases the hemoglobin parameters. With a tendency to anemia, this drink is simply necessary.
  7. In addition to the fact that berries are endowed with useful qualities, the leaves can boast of the same. They are harvested for future use, as a result of which it is possible to decently strengthen health and increase immunity. The foliage is added to compotes, because in this way the value of the drink rises.
  8. Due to the antibacterial and astringent properties, problems associated with the internal organs that form the basis of the digestive system go away. For diarrhea, take tea on foliage or fruits. In case of constipation, it is necessary to consume juice or fresh fruit drink, the compote in this case will not become an assistant.



  1. There is nothing difficult in preparing a medicinal drink designed to improve the health of all family members. To do this, you need to boil one and a half liters of filtered water and combine with granulated sugar (150 gr.). Stir the liquid while simmering until the grains dissolve.
  2. Next, prepare the fruits. They must be washed, sorted and sorted. Suitable specimens are immersed in, the composition is brought to a boiling state and turns off after three minutes. Such a move will allow you to keep the maximum value in the drink. After 5 hours of infusion, you can remove the sample.

With cranberries

  1. Another interesting option that comes in handy for health problems. Combine filtered water with granulated sugar in a ratio of 10 to 1. Add 1 part lingonberry berries and knead. Add the same amount of cranberries, simmer for 5 minutes.
  2. Do not simmer. If this happens, remove the container from the stove. When the languor has stopped, let the drink steep, then pour and consume.

With apples

  1. To prepare a delicious drink, you will need 2 large sweet apples. Wash fruit and chop into cubes. If desired, the product can be chopped into slices. In this case, the brewing time of the drink will be reduced.
  2. Simultaneously boil the syrup from 2 liters. filtered water and 150 gr. granulated sugar. Throw apples into it. Timed 10 minutes. Continue cooking with the lid closed. After a specified time, add 250 gr to apples. frozen berries.
  3. Boil the composition for a few more minutes and turn off the hotplate. Leave the compote to infuse for a while. Then chill the drink and start tasting. If you don't like floating berries, strain the mixture.

With ginger

  1. In this case, a flavored drink will be prepared from dried fruits. In addition, the compote will turn out to be more delicious if you cook it in a multicooker. The advantage of this method is that the raw material is not soaked in advance. Just pour boiling water over the berries.
  2. Send a handful of dried fruit to a multi-bowl. Throw in 3 lemon circles along with the zest and 3 slices of fresh ginger root here. Pour in 2 l. filtered water. Start the program on the household appliance and continue to brew the drink for about 1 hour.
  3. After the specified time has elapsed, leave the composition under the lid for a few more hours. As a result, the taste of the drink will be richer. Please note that the heating function does not need to be turned on in this case. You can try.

With pears

  1. Pick up ripe, but not overripe pears. Wash them and remove the seed pod. Chop into small pieces. Take several glass jars with a volume of 0.7 liters. Wash and dry. They must be perfectly clean.
  2. Fill the container a third with berries. Then put pears up to half the jar. Meanwhile, boil the syrup. For 1 liter. water accounts for 150 gr. granulated sugar. Pour the boiling syrup over the contents of the jars. Cover the container with lids.
  3. Send to wide-bottomed saucepan. Pour water into it and sterilize the jars. After a quarter of an hour, seal the container and wrap it in a warm blanket. Wait until it cools down and send it to a suitable place for long-term storage.

Without sterilization

  1. Rinse the apples and remove the core. Chop the fruit into small wedges. Place the raw materials in a clean, sterilized container. Throw in a small amount of berries here. Pour in boiling water up to the very neck. Cover the container with a lid.
  2. After a quarter of an hour, pour this liquid into a saucepan. Add 0.5 kg to it. Sahara. Boil the sweet syrup for a few minutes. Pour the prepared composition over the berries and fruits. Seal the jars and wrap with warm rags. After cooling, send to storage.

Do not forget that the presented fruits have a lot of useful qualities. Therefore, the systematic consumption of compote in moderation will only have a positive effect on the general condition of a person. Explore popular drink recipes and feel free to experiment. Delight your household with a fragrant and tasty compote.

Video: how to cook lingonberry juice or lingonberry compote

For the winter, housewives prefer to harvest as much canned food as possible: in this way, you can not only preserve healthy fruits for the winter, but also please your loved ones with a drink at any time, the fresh taste of which will remind you of hot summer days. Lingonberry compote is a great option for harvesting.

A simple recipe with apples

Sour lingonberry is perfect as a base for compotes, and if you add a little apples to it, you get an amazing mixture.

The list of ingredients is rather short:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 2 kg of berries;
  • 4 liters of water.

Making compote is very simple:

  1. Cut the fruit into slices, after discarding the seeds and tough parts.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour granulated sugar into the liquid.
  4. Dip the fruit wedges into the prepared syrup.
  5. Leave the compote to simmer for 15 minutes.
  6. Carefully remove the apples, and add the lingonberries to the container with the liquid.
  7. Wait until the berries change from a rich color to a lighter color, and turn off the heat.
  8. Remove the lingonberries from the container.
  9. Pour the drink into the cans and roll them up.

It is convenient to prepare such a drink in a multicooker: when using this device, you do not need to constantly monitor the cooking process, a smart machine will cope with the cooking itself, the main thing is to add the necessary ingredients on time.

Cranberry and lingonberry compote

If you plan to prepare a winter drink using only berries, you should pay attention to this particular recipe: a delicious compote with a slight sourness is very useful, since it retains all the vitamins present in the main ingredients.

You can cook compote if you have the following products:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 100 g lingonberries;
  • 50 g of cranberries.

Follow these steps to get a flavorful drink:

  1. Dissolve sugar in heated water.
  2. Bring the syrup to a boil.
  3. Add lingonberries to the liquid.
  4. Cook the compote for 3 minutes on a low stove power.
  5. Strain your drink.
  6. Grind the berries through a sieve and add the pulp to the container with the compote.

Compote from frozen lingonberries according to this recipe will not work: the berries will boil quickly, and you will not be able to remove them from the liquid. However, the beneficial properties of this drink are an order of magnitude higher, since the fruits are practically not subjected to heat treatment, keeping the substance given by the nature in full.

The benefits of summer berries, contained in the compote prepared in advance, are obvious: in the period of colds, when a weakened immune system needs support more than ever, a delicious liquid of saturated color will provide the body with all the substances required for normal functioning.

The recipe for the winter involves the use of the following products:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 350 g fresh blueberries;
  • 1.2 liters of water;
  • 350 g lingonberries;
  • a glass of sugar.

The following recipe will tell you how to cook lingonberry and blueberry compote:

  1. First, prepare a lemon for use. Remove the zest from it and chop, and squeeze the juice out of the remaining pulp. This compote will require one spoonful of the resulting liquid.
  2. We carefully examine the available berries for the presence of tainted or overripe, which can spoil the taste of the resulting drink.
  3. Add chopped lemon peel, squeezed juice and sugar to the cooking container. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. We place the berries in a saucepan, wait until the liquid boils, set it for another 5 minutes, and remove from the heat.
  5. We pour the drink into glass containers and roll up the lids.

According to this recipe, you can also prepare a drink with currants. What is the use of lingonberry compote with the addition of berries? The drink is able to lower body temperature in acute colds, help the body recover from a long illness and strengthen the immune system. And compote is a wonderful dessert with a fruity taste that everyone misses on winter days.

With orange

If you add a little orange notes to a drink made from sour lingonberries, you get a completely new product that perfectly quenches your thirst. The compote does not have to be boiled, so it will not be difficult to concoct your favorite drink.

First, we prepare the ingredients of the dish:

  • 1 orange;
  • 180 g of lingonberries;
  • a glass of sugar.

If you have all the components, you can start making the drink:

  1. The citrus fruit is peeled from the peel, which can give unpleasant notes of bitterness to the drink. The pulp is divided into slices.
  2. The berries are thoroughly washed. Make sure they are about the same size and degree of ripeness.
  3. Lingonberries are laid out in a glass container. The recipe is for a 3 liter jar.
  4. Boil water and add it to the berries.
  5. Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes, then pour the liquid into a saucepan and bring to a boil again.
  6. Add orange to the container and add granulated sugar.
  7. Pour in boiling water and roll up the container with a lid.

A simple method without sterilization and cooking is perfect for housewives who want to treat household members with a delicious drink, while spending a minimum of effort. However, young children should be given compote with caution: citrus fruits are a very allergenic product. You should also avoid consuming large amounts of the drink during pregnancy.

Czech compote

There is a special recipe for drinking lingonberry, in which the cooking process is somewhat different from the usual one. In addition to berries, you will need to prepare the following foods:

  • 2 glasses of sugar;
  • 1.5 tbsp. water;
  • Half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Follow these steps:

  1. Cook the sugar syrup by adding the sweetener to the boiling water.
  2. Dip the berries in the liquid for 4 minutes.
  3. The cooked lingonberries are laid out in a prepared jar.
  4. Syrup is poured onto the fruit.
  5. Covers are put on top. And then the compote is pasteurized for 15 minutes.
  6. After that, you can roll up the can.

The resulting drink will be incredibly sweet, which will undoubtedly please those with a sweet tooth.

Pear and lingonberry

Another fruit that perfectly sets off the taste of lingonberry is pears, which are so familiar to us. The drink obtained from a mixture of fruits is suitable both for everyday use and for a festive feast.

Make sure you have the following foods at home:

  • 1 kg of lingonberries;
  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • half a lemon.

The recipe includes the following cooking steps:

  1. Cut the pears into wedges.
  2. Wash the berries.
  3. Arrange the fruit in layers on the bottom of the jar.
  4. Divide the lemon into wedges and place 2 in each jar.
  5. Dissolve sugar in boiling water.
  6. Pour the syrup over the fruit.
  7. Cover the jar with a lid and pasteurize for a quarter of an hour.

Sweet pears perfectly complement the fresh taste of the lingonberry drink. The benefits of eating such a product are comparable to those that can be obtained by eating fresh fruit. The entire set of vitamins is completely preserved, since the fruits are not boiled, but filled with sugar syrup. Vitamin compote is what any person needs in winter.

Healthy lingonberry drinks will become a favorite drink for children and adults alike when prepared according to the directions above. And the winter evening, filled with the scent of fruits, will become a little warmer.

Ever since Pushkin's times, "lingonberry water" has been well known, with which in the estates they not only quenched their thirst, but also treated them. Translated into modern language, this is nothing more than fruit drink or lingonberry compote. Lingonberry berry is a real pantry of vitamins A, C, E, minerals and many useful organic acids. She not only fights against vitamin deficiency, but also is an excellent antiseptic, bactericide and even an anthelmintic agent. Lingonberry is especially useful for children. True, because of the characteristic sourness with bitterness, children do not pounce on fresh berries, which cannot be said about lingonberry compotes.

Lingonberry is a real pantry of vitamins

Lingonberries are harvested in August and September. Today this tundra berry has been learned to grow on plantations. They sell it in supermarkets and markets.

The following simple recipe is distinguished by an abundance of berries and sugar. This concentration will ensure the richness of the compote. In winter, when you want to stretch the berry pleasure for a long time, such a compote can be diluted with water, and its taste will not suffer at all.

Ingredients for 1 three-liter can:

  • Fresh washed lingonberries - 2 or 3 glasses.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.
  1. Banks are well washed and sterilized.
  2. Sort the lingonberries carefully and wash in a special way: under running water, a handful, removing small leaves and other debris.
  3. Arrange the berries in jars. They will take up 1/3 of the capacity.
  4. Boil lids for jars in water for several minutes.

There are two options for the preparation. The first is to boil the syrup from water and sugar. To do this, put sugar in boiling water and, stirring until dissolved, cook for 5 minutes. Then pour the syrup over the jars of berries.

Lingonberry, rich in vitamin C, is very useful for the human body, and is even included in herbal remedies. The average lifespan of small bushes can be up to 300 years! You can prepare a tasty and healthy lingonberry compote from both frozen berries and fresh ones collected in early autumn in damp swampy areas.

Lingonberry got its name from the Old Russian word "lingonberry", that is, red. The berries that will be used for cooking compotes need to be reviewed, selected approximately the same in terms of ripeness and size. Then rinse gently so as not to damage the skin, getting rid of the remnants of leaves and various debris. Do not use aluminum dishes for cooking compotes. If the drink is prepared not only from lingonberries, but also with the addition of other berries, it is made in several stages. Digestion can destroy vitamins and reduce the nutritional value of compote.

Video "Lingonberry compote with apples for the winter"

From this video you will learn how to make a delicious lingonberry compote for the winter.

Fresh drink

Fresh wild berries contain a lot of vitamins and other useful substances, most housewives prefer to cook such compotes without their subsequent conservation for future use, so that children and adults can immediately benefit from them.

The classic way

Cranberries are no less revered by northern peoples than lingonberries, and their joint use allows you to get a drink that is useful not only for colds. For it, prepare 120 g of each type of berries, 80 g of granulated sugar and a couple of liters of water.

Sugar should be dissolved in water at room temperature, the composition is brought to a boil, the fruits are poured there. Cooking takes about 4 minutes. After straining, the cranberries are ground and returned to the container, boiled for up to 15 minutes.

With apples

If lingonberry gives the finished product a piquant sourness, then apples will give it a unique sweetness. To make a drink from apples, take 3-4 pcs. fruits, 280 g of berries, as well as about 130 g of sugar and 3 liters of water.

Apples are washed, doused with boiling water, peeled and cut into pieces. Sugar is dissolved in water and boiled, fruits are placed in syrup and boiled for about 12 minutes. Add berries, cook for a couple of minutes. Before drinking, insist up to 3 hours.

With lemon and ginger in a slow cooker

To prepare this compote, the fruits do not have to be soaked, you need a handful of dry lingonberries, 3 lemon slices, 3 plates of ginger root and 2 liters of water.

Having prepared all the ingredients, they are poured into the thicket of the device and set to the "Stew" or "Soup" mode. Usually it takes 1 hour to cook, everything is done with the lid closed. The finished product is infused for about 4 hours, the function of maintaining the temperature must be turned off.

From frozen berries

It is not always possible to get fresh fruits, so compotes are often prepared from frozen ones, taking 1.5 cups, and also adding 2 cups of sugar and 2 liters of water.

Before cooking, the berries are thawed. You need to make a syrup from water with sugar, pour the fruits there and boil for up to 5 minutes. That's all, you can pour it into a jug or jar, chill and enjoy an unforgettable taste.

Blanks for the winter

Lingonberry compote useful for the body can be rolled up for the winter, then stored in a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate: on the balcony, in the closet or basement.

With pear

Do not use too green or overripe fruits. You will need 2 kg of them for a three-liter jar, and also prepare 200 g of berries, 2 liters of water and 0.5 cups of granulated sugar.

The berries are poured into a saucepan, in which the syrup from water and sugar has already been prepared, boiled, and washed fruits without cores are placed there. The cooking time is up to 15 minutes, then it can be poured into jars and canned.

With prunes and apples

A low-calorie drink brewed according to the following recipe is useful for all people who follow the figure and lead a healthy lifestyle. You need to prepare 1 glass of lingonberries, 120 g of apples, 80 g of prunes, 90 g of sugar and 3 liters of plain water.

The prunes are washed and soaked in hot water for 15 minutes. After pouring boiling water over the fruits, remove the top layer from them. We put a pot of water on the fire, dissolve sugar in it, add dried fruits, after draining the liquid from them. Cooking takes up to 10 minutes. Apples cut into pieces are poured and boiled the same amount. After adding lingonberries, after a couple of minutes, turn off the heat, pour into jars and roll up.

In Czech

The amount of lingonberry depends on the volume of the blanks. You will also need 400 g of sugar, 1.5 cups of water and 0.5 tsp. citric acid.

Sugar syrup needs to be made. When it boils, add the fruits and boil for 4 minutes. Boiled lingonberries are packed in jars, and the contents are poured with syrup, to which acid is added. Banks are pasteurized for up to 15 minutes and rolled up with lids.

Traditional recipe

Only 3 ingredients are needed: 1 glass of fruits, fresh or frozen, 200 g of sugar and 2 liters of water.

After going through and washing the berries, you need to drain the liquid. The fruits are placed in boiled syrup and cooked for 3 minutes. The workpiece is immediately poured into clean cans and rolled up, then wrapped in a blanket.

Lingonberry drinks have a tonic, tonic, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

The composition of berries includes fructose and glucose, vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP, macro- and microelements, and if properly prepared, fresh and canned compotes retain all valuable qualities.