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Thai soup with coconut milk. Spicy Thai soup with coconut milk, chicken and mushrooms Spicy soup with coconut milk

Recipes coconut soup there is a huge variety - traditional Thai coconut soup, coconut soup with seafood, carrots, pumpkin, mango, etc. Coconut milk is obtained from unripe coconuts - this sweet white emulsion inside the nut thickens as it ripens and becomes pulp. Coconut liquid has a lot of useful properties - for example, it is able to "knock down" the temperature, it also has a diuretic effect, normalizes kidney function, and saves from dehydration. Another plus of coconut milk is that it is very low in calories, so coconut soup is perfect for those who follow their figure, but want to eat varied and tasty.

Coconut Soup Recipes

Thai coconut soup.

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. rapeseed oil, 2 lemongrass stalks, 2 tbsp. chopped fresh ginger, 1 clove of garlic, 3 tsp. red curry, 6 cups chicken stock, 3 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. sugar, 0.5l coconut milk, 1 chicken breast, 1 can of mushrooms, 3 tbsp. lime juice, salt, ½ cup cilantro, green onions, herbs.

Preparation: peel and chop the lemongrass stalks, grind the garlic, cut the chicken breast into slices, rinse and dry the mushrooms, chop the herbs. Add lemongrass stalks, garlic, ginger to the oil heated in a saucepan and stir for 30 seconds. Then add the curry and stir for another 30 seconds. Next add some chicken stock to stir the curry, pour out the rest, add sugar, soy sauce and turn on high heat. Reduce heat after the soup boils, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Then add coconut milk, breast, mushrooms, lime juice and cook until chicken is tender. Salt, add greens.

Coconut puree with carrots.

Ingredients: 2 cups coconut milk, 1 onion, 5 carrots, 1.5 tbsp. ginger, 1 tbsp. curry, 0.5 tsp. dry chili pepper, 3.5 cups vegetable broth, black pepper, salt.

Preparation: heat the coconut milk, add coarsely chopped onion to it, cook for 7 minutes, then add coarsely chopped carrots, pour in the broth, cook for 5 minutes. Add curry, chili, ginger and cook for 10 minutes with the lid ajar until the carrots are soft. Whisk the soup with a blender, add spices, decorate the plates with herbs when serving.

Coconut seafood soup.

Ingredients: 400g frozen seafood mixture, ginger root, 1l coconut milk, 400 ml 15% cream, 2 tbsp. olive oil, salt, pepper, parsley.

Preparation: fry finely chopped garlic in warmed olive oil until golden brown, then add chopped ginger and fry for another 40 seconds. Add seafood, cover, simmer for 4 minutes, pour in cream, coconut milk, add salt, pepper and bring to a boil. Garnish the finished rash with chopped herbs when serving.

You can buy canned milk for coconut soup at almost any major supermarket. Or you can buy a whole, ripe coconut, grate its white pulp, pour boiling water over it, stir and leave for half an hour, then strain or use directly with the pulp to make soup.

Many tourists when visiting Thailand try a dish such as soup with coconut milk.It possesses a unique creamy taste with pungency, and the recipe is different in different countries. It is possible to cook it at home with seafoodusing simple tips. Of course, in modern supermarkets you can find kits with ready-made ingredients, but this is not the case. Much better to do tom Yam's soup home conditions from fresh products.

What is it and how to cook

Unknowing people have questions like "What is Tom Yam?", "What is the soup made of?", "How is the dish served?" The answer is simple - it is shrimp, as well as hot peppers. However, they do not take cream for cooking, but coconut milk, which contains a lot of useful substances. Chefs use various spices, they are sometimes difficult to find in our country, so they can be replaced with similar ones. The cooking time for this dish is from 35 to 65 minutes, depending on the products used.

The classic recipe uses galangal root (something like ginger root), lemograss, lime leaves, and another type of ginger called kruch. All this is poured with two liters of water and boiled. Then add coconut milk, seafood, season everything with chilli, fish sauce. Depending on the recipes, shrimp, shellfish and other marine life can be used, as well as mushrooms, vegetables and spices. How to cook a dish at home using the Thai version? The real recipesuggests using:

  • broth (2 liters of water with all the necessary plants);
  • shrimp - 400 g;
  • fish sauce - 2 tbsp. l;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • oyster mushrooms - 300 g;
  • coconut milk - 500 ml;
  • chili sauce - 2 tbsp l;
  • lime - 1 pc.

Wash the oyster mushrooms and toss them into the boiling broth, send finely chopped onions there. Stir in two tablespoons of chili paste, reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. At this time, you should peel the shrimp, and then add them to the soup. Pour with fish sauce, lime juice, stir and wait to boil. At the very end, pour in coconut milk, boil the dish and turn off the heat. Pour coconut milk soup with shrimpson plates, decorating with fresh herbs.

Serve original tom Yang's soupThailand as well as other countries. The Dubai-style dish differs in taste. For him, take the following ingredients:

  • broth with herbs - 2 l;
  • shrimp - 350 g;
  • crab meat - 150-250 g;
  • squid - 2 small carcasses;
  • coconut milk - 400 ml;
  • chili paste - 1-2 tbsp l;
  • juice of one lime.

Boil water with herbs and do shrimp and squid peeling. It is cut into strips, and crab meat is cut into squares. If you cannot find crab meat, then you should not use crab sticks. They have nothing to do with a natural product and greatly spoil the taste of the finished dish. Throw seafood and chili paste into boiling water, add a little salt. The soup will cook for about 10 minutes, at the end squeeze the lime juice and let it brew for a few minutes. Then pour in the coconut milk, stir and boil again.

The dish has different cooking methods, depending on the country. In many cookery books, you can find recipes of varying complexity, which the authors have adapted for cooking at home. Instead of galangal and krach, they take regular ginger, and instead of lime - lemon. This is not to say that all these recipes are tasteless and have no right to exist. Each cooking option is good and original in its own way, so it's worth trying to cook soup with coconut milk and chicken, seafood or vegetables.

First recipe tom Yana, which is easier to do at home, involves the use of chicken. Plus, chicken is more affordable than fresh seafood. What you need to take:

  • chicken fillet - 3-4 pcs.;
  • coconut milk - 0.5 l;
  • chopped ginger root - 2-3 tbsp. l;
  • chicken broth - 250 ml;
  • dried chili pepper - 2 tsp;
  • fish sauce - 2 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 1.5 tsp;
  • cilantro is a small bunch.

Chicken broth over medium heat, add coconut milk and chopped ginger. You need to boil for about 8-10 minutes. At this time, you can prepare the fillets: wash and cut into small cubes. Toss the chicken into a saucepan, cook for another 7-8 minutes, then stir with chili pepper, fish sauce, sugar (preferably brown) and bring to a boil. Submit soup with coconut milk with chicken,garnished with finely chopped cilantro.

Vegetarians will like the other coconut milk recipethat does not use animal products. This soup contains only 63 kcal, from the ingredients they take:

  • shallots - 5 pcs.;
  • sweet bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • cauliflower - 1 pc .;
  • chili pepper - 2-3 pcs. medium size;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • oyster mushrooms - 150 g;
  • herbal broth prepared according to a traditional recipe;
  • tomatoes - 6-7 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 5 tbsp l;
  • basil - a small bunch;
  • coconut milk - about 150 ml.

First, you need to boil the broth from two liters of water, lemongrass, galangal root, lime. Wash, chop and sauté onions, carrots, garlic, chili and sweet peppers in a pan with a little vegetable oil until golden brown. Put the fried vegetables into a saucepan, wait for a boil, cover and reduce the heat to low. Wash the peppers, remove the insides and cut into thin strips. Mushrooms can be left whole if they are small. Pre-scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin, cut into cubes. Add all vegetables to the broth and cook for about 7-10 minutes. At the end of the cooking process, pour in coconut milk, lime juice and soy sauce. Bring to a boil and serve with chopped basil.

The fastest way

As already mentioned, many stores sell packets with a ready-made set, from which it is easy to make soup. However, they only contain the base for the broth; other ingredients will have to be added to your taste. Recipe for Tom Yam soup with coconut milk and shrimps requires the following ingredients:

  • broth base - 1 pack;
  • cilantro - a small bunch;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • king prawns - 150 g;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • oyster mushrooms (you can also take mushrooms) - 100-200 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 8-10 pcs.;
  • coconut milk - 100 ml.

Defrost shrimps, wash and peel. Remove the husk from the garlic and pass through a special press, peel the onion and cut into small squares. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters. Pour some vegetable oil into a hot frying pan, fry chopped garlic, onions and tomatoes. Dissolve the soup base in boiling water, add the sautéed vegetables and boil for a few minutes. Then send mushrooms, seafood and finely chopped cilantro to the pan. Cook until the shrimps are tender, add milk at the end and stir.

Pumpkin soup

Another version of the adapted dish is pumpkin soup with shrimps andcurry. It turns out to be bright orange in color, has a sweetish taste and delicate texture. The puree soup should be liquid, so you don't need to spare milk. Ingredients for 4-6 servings:

  • pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
  • white sugar - 1 tsp;
  • coconut milk - 0.4 l;
  • chicken broth - 1.5 l;
  • curry - 1 tbsp. l;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • cognac - 2-3 tbsp. l;
  • chopped ginger root - 1 tbsp. l;
  • fish sauce - 1 tbsp. l;
  • shrimp - 200-300 g;
  • salt, herbs (cilantro and green onions) - to taste.

The first step is to cook the pumpkin, as it takes longer to cook. It must be washed, peeled and seeds, then chopped into 1.5-2 cm cubes. Lightly fry in vegetable oil, add water and stew until half cooked, then add a teaspoon of sugar. Next, you need to pour in cognac (you can do without alcohol, but it adds astringency to the dish) and simmer for several minutes. Add grated ginger and curry to a saucepan and continue cooking pumpkin until soft. Pour chicken broth into a container with ingredients, bring to a boil, pour in fish sauce and coconut milk. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. At this time, boil the shrimp and cut them into small slices, leaving a few for decoration. The last step in cooking is grinding the dish in a blender (if the mass is very thick, you can dilute it with warm broth), add seafood. Serve shrimp soup and chopped cilantro.

Thai soup Tom Young easy to make yourself, as there are many homemade recipes. It is not necessary to cook broth from unavailable products; it is possible to buy a ready-made soup set. You just need to add seafood, chicken, various vegetables and spices to it.

Tom Kha Kai, a spicy soup native to Laos and Thailand, is often prepared with coconut milk, chicken, and a delicious variety of vegetables, herbs and spices. Tom khaKai translated from Thai it sounds like "chicken and ginger soup". Kha Is ginger root traditionally used as a flavoring agent and Kai Is a chicken. The Thai Coconut Soup described below is based on Tom Kha Kai's core technology, but the ingredients used here are readily available at any grocery store. For example, you can hardly find galangal, but regular ginger can also give a similar taste and aroma.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bThai coconut soup is to enjoy a subtle blend of various spices. It is for this reason that the recipe requires a lot of flavors, from hot jalapenos to richer garlic, from ginger to zesty lime zest and fresh notes of coriander. By the way, the proportions of these ingredients can be easily adjusted depending on personal taste preferences: to make the soup soft, just reduce the amount of jalapeños, and to make it spicier, increase it.

On a note! In Thailand, the traditional Tom Kha Kai is made from unpeeled chicken breast. Moreover, almost all organs, paws and even blood are added to the dish, thanks to which the soup has a richer and more interesting taste.

Another benefit of using these body parts is that you can supplement your diet with rare but highly nutritious nutrients.

If you have cooked chicken leftovers in the fridge, you can save a lot of time. If so, follow the recipe too, but skip Step 4 and wait for Step 6 to add the meat. This will absorb the spicy aroma without being overcooked. The cooking process using ready-made chicken will take no more than a few minutes, making this dish ideal for a quick and easy dinner.

Thai coconut soup - recipe

Servings: 4 Preparation: 15 min. Cooking time: 30 min.


Prepare the following ingredients for this soup:

  • 450 g chicken breast (without skin and bones);
  • 1 bunch finely chopped green onions
  • 1 red chili, chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves (minced)
  • 5-centimeter piece of ginger (peeled and finely chopped)
  • 1 large carrot (peeled and minced)
  • 1 jalapeno pepper (finely chopped)
  • 240 g shiitake mushrooms (chopped)
  • 1 liter of chicken broth;
  • 1 can of coconut milk (about 400 g);
  • some lime zest;
  • fresh chopped herbs (cilantro or basil);
  • 1 wedge of lime;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 15 ml fish sauce (like Nam Pla).

An ingredient such as fish sauce should be given special attention. Consider what is Thai Nam Pla sauce.

Nam Pla

Making soup

To prepare Thai Coconut Milk Soup, follow the steps below.

Step 1. Pour the vegetable oil into a large saucepan and heat over medium heat.

Step 2.Add onion, garlic and ginger there. While stirring constantly, cook them for about 5 minutes (until the vegetables are tender).

Step 3. Add carrots, red peppers, jalapenos and mushrooms and cook for another 3-4 minutes until tender.

Step 4. Add chicken, chicken stock, coconut milk, and fish sauce to a saucepan.

Step 5. Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer until the meat is done (this will take another 15-20 minutes).

This Thai soup with coconut milk, chicken and mushrooms has a rich creamy taste, it is very spicy, with a delicate sweetish note and an intoxicating citrus aroma. If you've never tasted Thai food before, start your journey with this chicken coconut soup called Tom Kha Gai.

I love spicy food, so I didn't skimp on adding a good serving of cayenne pepper. It is really very sharp! If you are sensitive to pungency, add it with care. If you can't find coconut milk and don't want to make it yourself, use regular milk. Even with it, the soup will be great.

Cooking Thai food in our latitudes can be overwhelming. Not because they are complex or require some special technique to prepare them, but because many of the ingredients are very exotic. We don't have any Thai neighborhoods with their little grocery stores, and red curry paste or fish sauce is hard to find in markets and supermarkets, and finding galangal or kaffir lime leaves can be a tedious quest.

In order not to knock our legs in search of exotic ingredients, we decided to make our own Thai-style soup using the products that you can surely find. We tried to reproduce this unforgettable, delicious Thai taste, making it accessible even if there are no Asian markets nearby. The most exotic ingredient on our list is lemongrass (its special aroma makes the soup taste perfect), but even we could find it in a spice store. If you don't find lemongrass, don't worry, the soup will be delicious without it.

See also:

Recipe - Thai Coconut Milk Chicken Soup


  1. 1 liter of chicken stock.
  2. 400-500 grams of chicken breasts.
  3. 3 stalks of green leeks.
  4. 2 lemongrass stalks, cut into quarters.
  5. 2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger.
  6. 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  7. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  8. 150 grams of shiitake mushrooms.
  9. 60 milliliters of coconut milk.
  10. 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
  11. 1 teaspoon lime zest
  12. Juice of 1 lime.
  13. Kinza.

Optional equipment:

  1. Pan
  2. Skimmer
  3. Ladle

Cooking method:

Prepare ingredients for Thai soup

  • Cut the chicken breasts into five centimeter strips.
  • Grate two tablespoons of fresh ginger.
  • Peel and rinse the leeks, and cut them into rings.
  • Cut the lemon grass stalks into quarters.
  • Pour the chicken stock into a saucepan, add the chicken meat, ginger, leeks, lemongrass stalks, two tablespoons of soy sauce and cayenne pepper.

Bring the broth to a boil

  • Put the saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 30 minutes.

Chop the mushrooms and add to the pan

  • Cut the shiitake mushrooms into thin slices, place them in a saucepan and stir.

Pour coconut milk into the soup

  • Reduce the temperature under the pan to the very low.
  • Take coconut milk (we wrote earlier on the pages of our blog), shake the jar vigorously. Pour half a cup of coconut milk into the Thai soup, add one teaspoon of lime zest and two teaspoons of sugar. Stir.

Add lime juice to Thai hot soup

  • Raise the heat under the saucepan to medium and cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Make sure that the liquid in the pan does not boil too much.
  • After 15 minutes, remove the Thai coconut milk soup from the heat and add freshly squeezed lime juice and finely chopped cilantro leaves. Use a slotted spoon to remove the lemongrass stems. Try it and if you want a very spicy soup, add more cayenne pepper and soy sauce.

Serve the Thai soup hot. You can put boiled rice in bowls and cover it with coconut soup, this will increase the number of servings to 8

Enjoy your meal!

Coconut milk soups are especially popular in Thailand.

It is there that there are hundreds of recipes for unusual, but very tasty and aromatic first courses.

Let's add exotic things to the diet!

Coconut milk soup - general cooking principles

Do not try to get milk for nut soups, unless, of course, you have a box of unwanted coconuts lying around. It is much easier, cheaper and more convenient to purchase a pure product. You don't need a lot of it, since the soup will be based on broth. Milk is added at the very end of cooking, usually about five minutes before the stove is turned off.

What are coconut soups made with:


Onions, carrots and other vegetables;

Lentils, beans.

Thai first courses can combine products from different groups at the same time: chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, plus a variety of vegetables and spices. All this is filled with coconut milk. As strange as it may sound, it turns out very tasty, satisfying, aromatic.

Spices play a special role in coconut soups. Hot peppers, ginger, curry are frequent guests in Thai dishes. They give the soups bright notes, and coconut milk smooths the taste.

Thai soup with coconut milk, chicken, shrimps and mushrooms

The recipe for the famous soup with coconut milk, which is prepared not only in Thailand. The dish is prepared in chicken broth with shrimps and mushrooms. Despite the interesting combination, it turns out very tasty.


1 breast fillet;

400 ml coconut milk;

2 onion heads;

1 carrot;

150 g of mushrooms (champignons);

1 chili pod;

0.5 lemon or lime;

A piece of ginger;

100 g shrimp;

Parsley, you can cilantro.


1. The fillet should be washed, cut into small pieces up to two centimeters.

2. Cut carrots into strips, slices of mushrooms, onions into small cubes. Ginger needs to be rubbed. You will need 2 teaspoons. Chop the chilli finely.

3. Cover the chicken with about 1.2 liters of water and bring to a boil. Remove the foam.

4. Now add the onions and carrots and let it boil again.

5. It's time to add the mushrooms.

6. Then add the soup.

7. Now add ginger, chili. Cooking soup over low heat for a quarter of an hour.

8. During this time, squeeze the lime juice. You can use lemon. Remove the zest, grind it. Chop greens.

9. We also peel the shrimp. According to the recipe, 100 g of the already prepared product is used.

10. Pour coconut milk, let it boil.

11. Add citrus juice with zest to the pan, throw in the shrimp.

12. Boil the soup for another minute, fill with herbs, cover and turn off. We insist 10 minutes before serving.

Soup with coconut milk and pumpkin

Recipe for a very colorful soup with coconut milk. In addition to pumpkin, you need curry seasoning and fresh ginger root, the amount of seasoning can be reduced to your taste.


800 g pumpkin;

100 g carrots;

100 g onions;

50 g butter;

300 ml coconut milk;

20 g ginger;

0.5 tsp curry;

Salt pepper.


1. Use a heavy-bottomed saucepan in which you can roast vegetables. Put butter in a bowl, put on fire.

2. Chop the onions and carrots, alternately add to fry at intervals of a minute.

3. While the vegetables are browning, you need to tackle the pumpkin. Peel, cut into cubes, remove all excess. Transfer to a saucepan.

4. Add the grated ginger root.

5. Add 300 ml of hot water or any broth, cover and cook until soft for about twenty minutes.

6. Remove the saucepan from the heat, open and let the boiled pumpkin and vegetables cool slightly.

7. Puree the soup with a blender, or simply mash the pieces thoroughly.

8. Place back on the stove.

9. Add coconut milk, salt, pepper and curry.

10. Boil the dish after boiling for two minutes.

11. Arrange on plates. When serving, add greens, cream.

Tom Ka soup with coconut milk and chicken

Another Thai soup recipe that requires fish sauce. Although, many cook without it, it also turns out with dignity.


1 chicken breast;

2 tomatoes;

150 g of champignons;

300 ml of coconut milk;

2 tablespoons of fish sauce;

2 cloves of garlic;

Lemon juice 2-4 tablespoons;

The greens are different;

2 onions.


1. Rinse the chicken breast, cut into strips, put in a saucepan with a boiling liter of water. Boil for a couple of minutes after boiling. It is advisable to remove the foam that will appear on top.

2. Cut the champignons and add to the chicken.

3. Then add the chopped onions.

4. After another couple of minutes, add the chopped tomatoes, cover the pan and cook for 12 minutes.

5. Dilute fish sauce in coconut milk, add to soup.

6. Immediately add spices, minced garlic, salt.

7. After two minutes add lemon juice, turn off. The herbs can be added to the pot or served separately.

Soup with coconut milk, shrimps and rice noodles

A variation of a hearty soup that is mixed with rice noodles. It is better to use small shrimps, the recipe indicates the amount of peeled product.


500 ml of coconut milk;

100 g of rice noodles;

1 tsp starch;

500 g peeled shrimp;

1 pinch of chili;

3 carrots;

2 cloves of garlic;

0.5 tsp grated ginger;

Lime, green onions, salt and olive oil.


1. Cut the peeled carrots into thin slices, chop the garlic, squeeze the lime juice.

2. Heat olive oil in a saucepan, add chopped ginger, add garlic and chili, fry for a few seconds.

3. Add the carrots and fry for a couple of minutes.

4. Pour coconut milk and 800 ml of hot water into the soup. Cover, cook for ten minutes.

5. Open, add salt, add rice noodles, cook for another three minutes.

6. Mix the starch with 100 ml of water, send it to the soup.

7. We spread the peeled shrimps.

8. After two minutes taste for salt, add more if necessary. Pour in lime juice, toss in chopped onion and turn it off.

9. Let the soup sit on a warm stove for a few minutes to reveal the flavors of the ingredients added at the end.

Soup with coconut milk and lentils

A variant of a soup that is unpretentious in preparation, but satisfying and tasty enough. Any lentil can be used for it. Canned tomatoes are added according to the recipe.


200 g of tomatoes;

200 g lentils;

200 ml coconut milk;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 onion;

2 tablespoons of drain oil;

800 ml of broth;

Salt, hot pepper.


1. Rinse lentils, place in boiling broth, cook until ready. On average, about half an hour, but it all depends on the variety, sometimes it takes a little more or less time.

2. In butter, fry the garlic, cut into several pieces. Remove pieces.

3. Add chopped onion to the garlic oil and fry until golden brown.

4. It's time to add canned tomatoes to the pan. Remove the skin, cut the tomatoes.

5. Cook the onion with tomatoes for five minutes, turn it off.

6. Transfer browned vegetables to cooked lentils, add coconut milk.

7. Season with salt, cover and cook the coconut soup for a couple of minutes.

8. Add herbs, hot peppers and lemon juice to taste.

Spicy citrus soup with coconut milk

A variant of a spicy first course. Despite the name, very little orange is added. The main dish is carrots with canned beans.


400 g carrots;

2 onions;

400 g canned beans;

1 orange;

1 tsp ground chili;

1 liter of broth, water;

200 ml of coconut milk;

2 tablespoons of oil;

Salt, herbs;

2 cm of ginger root.


1. Cut the onions and carrots into any pieces, but not thickly. Fry in a saucepan with a couple of tablespoons of oil.

2. Add broth or just hot water.

3. Immediately add hot peppers and a piece of ginger, finely chopped or grated. You can reduce the amount of hot ingredients or add only a portion for now and add later to taste.

4. Squeeze orange juice into a saucepan, zest can also be added. Cook the soup until the carrots are tender. Remove from heat.

5. Let the dish cool slightly, then purée. Return to fire.

6. Salt, add canned beans, pour in coconut milk, boil for a minute.

Sweet soup with coconut milk

A variant of a sweet soup based on coconut milk. A wonderful dish for breakfast, afternoon tea or just like that. Any dried fruit can be added, it is not necessary to use only dried apricots and raisins.


400 ml coconut milk;

100 g of rice;

400 ml of water;

50 g raisins;

50 g dried apricots;

1 spoonful of nuts;

1 spoon of coconut flakes;

2 tablespoons of sugar or honey;


1. Put water on the stove, salt.

2. While the liquid is boiling, sort out and rinse the rice, transfer to a saucepan and boil over low heat until almost cooked. The seeds should not be boiled.

3. Add the coconut milk to the saucepan.

4. Rinse dried fruits, cut dried apricots into cubes or strips, you can simply cut into four parts. Add to pot.

5. Boil the soup for another three minutes, add sugar or honey to taste. Turn off.

6. Pour the sweet dish into bowls, add the toasted nuts, coconut.

Coconut Milk Soup - Useful Tips & Tricks

Thai soups with coconut milk are spicy and flavorful. But it is not necessary to put all the ingredients on the list. If you do not like spicy dishes or do not tolerate any component, then you can simply exclude it or reduce the amount.

When serving coconut soup, greens can be added directly to the plate, just like lemon juice. You can serve these foods in a separate bowl and place to taste.