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Review of banking services for individuals. Problems of banking services for legal entities and individuals Clients, mainly individuals

Banking services are in great demand among the population today. More and more citizens and organizations are turning to banks, while not necessarily being businessmen. So what types of services do banks provide today?

What is a bank

A bank is a credit organization that accepts money for storage and gives it out for use for a fee (credit). This is a legal entity that has its own property, obligations to counterparties, clients and the state.

Banks' activities are primarily aimed at making a profit, that is, we are talking about commerce. It doesn't matter here whether we are talking about a public or private bank. Who offers standard banking? Sberbank. It is a typical commercial bank in spite of its state ownership.

The Bank of Russia, or the Central Bank, is a regulator, a supervisory authority that issues licenses and monitors the implementation by banks and credit institutions of non-banking type of financial legislation. Banking is not his first priority. And he serves only commercial structures. A citizen or legal entity cannot just open an account with the Central Bank, as in any other similar institution.

Service delivery system

There are bank branches in all regions of the country, in all settlements. Where there are few people living, mainly government organizations operate to provide a minimum list of banking services.

If we consider the services of various banks, then, in general, their offers do not differ from each other. Another thing is that under the guise of one service, several can be offered, for example, with the registration of a card for receiving a salary, a credit card is also issued. Thus, banking became somewhat voluntary-compulsory.

Indicative list of services

  • Lending.
  • Issue of payment cards.
  • Account opening.
  • One-time transfers of funds between individuals.
  • Keeping funds in deposits.
  • Settlement and cash services for entrepreneurs and legal entities).
  • Acceptance of payments from the population (utilities, fines, taxes).

Banking services for legal entities and individuals have their own nuances.

Thus, banks provide a wide range of services. It is difficult to talk about the level of quality: the branches of even one institution can differ significantly in the level of service, which is shown by numerous customer reviews. What can we say about different organizations.

Credit service

Lending is the most famous area of \u200b\u200bbanking activity. Loans are provided in cash for specific purposes or not. They are often asked to provide evidence of the direction of money for the stated purposes.

Credit cards are also issued. The proposed limit may increase over time if the client does not violate the terms of the contract. For withdrawing money from a card through an ATM, a commission is charged. The rate on a card loan is 2 times higher in comparison with a loan issued in cash.

The lowest rate is in mortgage lending, but there you have to pay a first installment of 30% of the property value, which is underestimated by the bank's appraisers.

Taking out a mortgage is encumbered by the obligation to insure yourself and your property. In addition, a client who wants to get a mortgage is forced to pay for many more services, which he does not even know about when contacting the bank. All expenses fall entirely on his shoulders.

Issue of payment cards

Payment cards are an instrument of access to banking services. For example, using a card, money is withdrawn from an ATM. There is no need to visit a bank branch to get cash from your account. The payment card makes it possible to pay in institutions, shops, pharmacies without using cash, if such an opportunity is provided.

Cards are issued mainly for receiving salaries, pensions, social benefits, as a tool for managing borrowed funds. Everyone is used to the fact that they are always named, but this is not the case. On the plastic, only a number and a date can be present that determine the period of its use.

Those who wish to have a personalized card with a personal photo and an additional package of services must pre-deposit the amount according to the price list. The price of such a debit card can reach several thousand rubles a year.

Additional bonuses are offered, for example, the return of part of the funds to a special account for those who pay by card in an affiliate trading network. Privileges can be very different.

Debit card issuance is widespread. They store only the owners' personal funds, they are issued for a fee or without it, the only thing that is paid by the client is the commission for withdrawing funds or replenishing the account in cash through the terminal, but it is minimal. It is practiced to issue several cards to manage one account.

Account opening

The account is opened to manage the funds of the bank's client: money is credited to it, debited, and also issued if there are payment orders in accordance with the instructions of the account holder. Banking services for individuals, as a rule, provide for the issuance of a card upon opening an account. Without it, an account is possible, but a card without an account is not.

If an account is opened for an organization, it is possible to issue a corporate card.

By the way! For opening an account, a fee is taken, with the exception of a loan account, through which the loan debt is repaid. Charging a commission in this case will be illegal.

Opening an account for an individual is much easier than for an organization. The bank will need to present an additional package of documents, ask to fill out paperwork, provide a sample signature, etc.

Opening accounts is included in the comprehensive banking services for both organizations and individuals.

One-time transfers between individuals

If it becomes necessary to transfer funds without opening an account, the bank will gladly provide the service. As in all other cases, the bank employee will ask for the passport details of the sender and recipient.

The transfer speed of funds can range from several hours to several days. If money is transferred from card to card, the "client-bank" system will carry out the procedure in a matter of seconds, when it comes to intra-bank transfers.

The way out is to use a terminal through which you can deposit funds into the account almost instantly, knowing the details or the recipient's plastic card number.

All transfers between legal entities must be made if there are accounts. The "client-bank" is actively used, but one cannot do without a paper payment order.

Storage of funds and things in the bank

A deposit, or a bank deposit (more correctly), is the transfer of money for a period and at a percentage specified in the agreement.

There are two options:

  • money is returned not earlier than the set date;
  • the deposit is returned at any time with lower interest payments.

If you terminate the deposit agreement concluded according to the first option, the bank will not pay interest for the time the money was at the bank's disposal.

Banks provide safe deposit boxes for storing valuables for a fee according to the agreement.

Settlement and cash services

It is a complex of services, starting with opening an account, issuing a card and carrying out transactions on a client's account.

Legal entities open an account regardless of the type of activity, entrepreneurs - solely at their own request. True, some of them are forced to do this by tax legislation, since legal entities, in some cases working with individual entrepreneurs without a current account, are deprived of some benefits.

Here, the conditions of banking services differ only in price - from several hundred rubles per month to several thousand.

What is included in the RSC?

  • Account opening.
  • Issuing a card.
  • Transfers to counterparties, payment of taxes, expenses of the account holder.
  • Storage of funds.
  • Issuance of an EDS for account management: through it, remote banking services on the Internet are opened.

An individual entrepreneur formally has the right to withdraw money directly from his account; in practice, for this purpose, a simple debit account is opened, to which the money intended for withdrawal is transferred.

Cash settlement services are paid either in advance, or monthly withdrawals are provided. Sometimes one of the conditions is the constant presence of the agreed amount on the balance sheet.

Acceptance of payments from the population

Each bank offers to pay for services of a wide variety of types, ranging from utilities and ending with one-time purchases. How are payments made? Through:

  • terminals;
  • aTMs;
  • cash transactions;
  • through the Internet.

Banking fees are charged immediately. The prices cannot be called the same, because even one bank in different regions has a different policy in terms of remuneration for its services.

The terminal replaces the usual cashier. In the interface, you need to find the service you need, enter the details (account number, full name of the account holder) and insert the bills into the receiving device.

How to pay via ATM? A card is inserted, a service is selected, consent is given to transfer the amount - and the client receives a paper check. It is also issued when using the terminal.

Some organizations that provide services over the Internet offer to pay for their goods or services using payment cards. In the field, enter the card number, phone number, consent is given, and money is debited from the card. Confirmation is given by sending SMS to the specified number.

The system for paying taxes and fines works in a similar way: through a personal account on the website of the tax service or bank. Details are filled in, confirmation is given by SMS.

Payment through the cashier is not so popular anymore: time is spent filling out receipts and orders.

Payments using the terminal, ATM are allowed only to individuals, that is, an entrepreneur has the right to spend money in this way only for personal needs. Business-related expenses are formalized in accordance with the rules of settlement and cash services.

Internet banking

It is the maintenance of a bank account using Internet technologies.

The client is given a login, a long-term password, which give access to a personal account - an electronic version of services. It contains information about the state of the account or accounts (if there are several of them), the amount of funds available and what operations were carried out.

Remote banking allows you to manage your money without leaving your home, or even being in another country.

Now, without visiting a bank office, you can apply for a card by submitting an application via the Internet. It, together with a copy of the contract, is sent to the client by mail or courier. Account replenishment is provided through terminals or ATMs, including those of other banks.

Banking agreement

Whenever required by the letter of the law, transactions are carried out on the basis of an agreement between the client and the bank. The banking service agreement for each service is concluded separately. A full range of services is provided as part of a comprehensive service under a single contract.

The agreement is concluded in writing, violation of the form leads to the invalidity of the document.

The client has the right to refuse service at any time at his own discretion. Only those who have no debt to the bank have the right to refuse a loan.

Most often, a sample document is offered. You can preliminarily familiarize yourself with it on the organization's website.


In the conditions of the transition period, the radical economic reform carried out in Russia opened a new stage in the development of banking. Issues related to the problems and prospects of banking services for individuals are of particular relevance in market conditions.

The implementation of these transformations is possible only on the basis of studying the functioning of Russian, as well as foreign banks and the introduction of new forms and methods of working with individuals.

Experts know that the market for banking services for legal entities has already been divided between banks, and the main competition between them has been developing in recent years for attracting funds from individuals.

In the competitive struggle, banks resort to various forms and methods of attracting funds from individuals. In particular, deposits with short terms of attraction, the so-called "short money" (term deposits for a period of 3; 7; 14; 30 days) are developing. Some banks provide the depositor with the opportunity to withdraw interest on the deposit on a quarterly, monthly and even daily basis; accept deposits with compound interest, with interest accrued taking into account inflation.

But, nevertheless, there are a number of problems in attracting funds from individuals. This is, first of all, the fall in the purchasing power of the ruble. In this regard, not all individuals are in a hurry to entrust their funds to banks, preferring to invest them in foreign currency; wealthy individuals invest in foreign banks, liquid goods and simply store them in tezavration (accumulation of gold). In addition, the distrust of individuals in commercial banks plays an important role. And, of course, not everyone is fully aware of economic and legal laws.

The main objectives of this work are:

Generalization of Russian and foreign experience accumulated on this issue;

Development of priorities for banks' work with individuals.

In accordance with these goals, the objectives of the thesis are:

Theoretical substantiation of the need for banking services for individuals at the modern level;

Practical application of the most acceptable and effective forms of attracting funds from individuals to bank accounts;

Identification of trends in lending to individuals for consumer purposes;

Analysis of the work of foreign banks in the field of lending to individuals;

Problems and prospects for improving banking services for individuals.

This thesis consists of 3 parts, introduction and conclusion.

The first part sets out the theoretical foundations of retail banking; the second part contains an analysis of the practice of servicing individuals using the example of JSCB "Regiobank"; The third part summarizes the experience of foreign banks in the field of lending to individuals and examines the directions for the development of new banking services provided to individuals.

The theoretical basis for writing the thesis was the publications of the following authors: O.I. Lavrushin, V.I. Kolesnikova, L.P. Krolivetskaya, E.B. Shirinskaya, A.A. Kazimagomedov; practical bank workers S. Brown, S. Brusenkov.

The practical basis is the analysis of the activities of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank of Regional Development (Regiobank) in 1999 and 2000.

Theoretical foundations of banking services for individuals

The value of servicing individuals for a commercial bank

With the transition to the market, the place of each individual citizen in the system of economic relations changes. He becomes the direct owner of funds and receives a large degree of economic freedom. This gives rise to the need for numerous banking services, the basis for the development of which in the previous economic system did not exist. In the implementation of these transformations, the leading role belongs to commercial banks.

Experts know that the market for banking services for legal entities is divided between banks, and the main competition between them is developing to attract individuals. Currently, the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation competes with commercial banks for servicing individuals.

Competing with the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, commercial banks are actively exploring the market of banking operations for servicing individuals, developing new types of banking services for servicing them.

In market conditions, the bank that constantly expands the range of services provided to its clients, improves the quality of deposit and credit services, offering them various types of intermediary services, is able to withstand the competition.

The accumulation of money income and savings of the population is the traditional function of banks. Banks accumulate temporarily unused monetary incomes and savings of the population and use them to lend to current activities and investments of their clients. Commercial banks can carry out active and other operations within the limits of their own, attracted and issued funds. Thus, in this regard, in modern conditions, the issues of increasing the resource potential and ensuring its stability are becoming especially acute.

The resource base is formed by conducting passive operations, which are the initial ones in the activities of commercial banks, since the bank, as a rule, first forms resources and then places them among borrowers on various terms in order to generate income.

Among the passive operations of a commercial bank, the formation of deposits is of the greatest importance for attracting funds, i.e. deposits of funds by individuals and business entities.

The widespread introduction of retail deposits into the practice of a commercial bank is the most important direction of strengthening and increasing the stability of the resource base. Individual deposits are the most stable part of the resources mobilized by the bank. The more clients a bank serves, the more resources can be used for banking operations.

It should be noted that despite the economic instability in our country, the amount of deposits is not decreasing, but on the contrary growing. Thus, as of 08/01/1998, the amount of deposits and deposits of individuals amounted to 161,532 million rubles. , as of 01.08.1999 - 194345 million rubles, as of 01.08.2000 - 314418 million rubles

It is necessary to consider the importance of servicing individuals for a commercial bank from several positions, firstly, from the point of view of profitability. The very name "commercial bank" speaks for itself - banks, practically, do not carry out operations that do not generate income, and servicing individuals is no exception. Commercial banks receive income for carrying out operations: from credit operations - interest on the use of a loan, for the provision of intermediary and other services - commission and other income. Ultimately, all these revenues form the profit of the commercial bank.

Secondly, considering the importance of servicing individuals for a commercial bank, it should be noted that, according to various estimates, from 50 to 80 billion US dollars are concentrated in the hands of individuals, and those banks that learn how to serve individuals using various means will dispose of these resources.

In the conditions of market relations, the role of operations to attract funds from individuals to commercial banks should increase. Correct effective organization of these operations is necessary to ensure normal banking activities on a commercial basis, regulation of the money supply in the country, the successful implementation of traditional banking operations, especially non-cash payments, expansion of services provided to clients and, ultimately, the transition to integrated banking services.

Thirdly, it is necessary to consider the importance of servicing individuals from the point of view of increasing the bank's competitiveness in the banking services market. Serving individuals, a commercial bank should focus on providing high-quality, competitive services, focusing on serving customers, introducing new forms of working with them. A commercial bank must make every effort to ensure that the services provided to it are effective, thereby contributing to the stability and prosperity of both the bank itself and its customers.

Types of services for servicing individuals

Before considering the types of services for servicing individuals, it is necessary to clarify who are individuals? This concept includes the population and citizens engaged in activities without forming a legal entity from the moment of state registration as individual entrepreneurs.

A modern commercial bank performs various servicing operations, both for legal entities and individuals. They act as specific institutions that, on the one hand, attract temporarily free funds of business entities and the population, and on the other hand, at the expense of these attracted funds, they satisfy various needs of both individuals and legal entities.

The operations carried out to service individuals can be presented in Table 1.1 - operations for the population, in Table 1.2 - operations for individual entrepreneurs.

Table 1.1

Public service operations.

P / p No. Operation name Content
1 Deposit operations Attraction of funds from the population in deposits and deposits on various terms, typical for each type of deposit and deposit.
2 Credit operations Allocation of the bank's resources by providing a consumer loan, which includes: a loan for urgent needs; housing needs; lombard loan
3 Currency operations Commercial banks carry out the following operations with foreign currency: - purchase (sale) of foreign currency in cash for cash rubles; - purchase (sale) of payment documents in foreign currency for cash rubles; - acceptance of foreign currency cash for collection; - issue of currency by plastic cards; - others.
4 Operations with plastic cards Issuance of plastic cards and carrying out operations with them to issue cash; payment for goods, works, services; crediting wages to plastic card accounts.

Continuation of table. 1.1

Banking services for individuals


In the conditions of the transition period, the radical economic reform carried out in Russia opened a new stage in the development of banking. Issues related to the problems and prospects of banking services for individuals are of particular relevance in market conditions.

The implementation of these transformations is possible only on the basis of studying the functioning of Russian, as well as foreign banks and the introduction of new forms and methods of working with individuals.

Experts know that the market for banking services for legal entities has already been divided between banks, and the main competition between them has been developing in recent years for attracting funds from individuals.

In the competitive struggle, banks resort to various forms and methods of attracting funds from individuals. In particular, deposits with short terms of attraction, the so-called "short money" (term deposits for a period of 3; 7; 14; 30 days) are developing. Some banks provide the depositor with the opportunity to withdraw interest on the deposit on a quarterly, monthly and even daily basis; accept deposits with compound interest, with interest accrued taking into account inflation.

But, nevertheless, there are a number of problems in attracting funds from individuals. This is, first of all, the fall in the purchasing power of the ruble. In this regard, not all individuals are in a hurry to entrust their funds to banks, preferring to invest them in foreign currency; wealthy individuals invest in foreign banks, liquid goods and simply store them in tezavration (accumulation of gold). In addition, the distrust of individuals in commercial banks plays an important role. And, of course, not everyone is fully aware of economic and legal laws.

The main objectives of this work are:

Generalization of Russian and foreign experience accumulated on this issue;

Development of priorities for banks' work with individuals.

In accordance with these goals, the objectives of the thesis are:

Theoretical substantiation of the need for banking services for individuals at the modern level;

Practical application of the most acceptable and effective forms of attracting funds from individuals to bank accounts;

Identification of trends in lending to individuals for consumer purposes;

Analysis of the work of foreign banks in the field of lending to individuals;

Problems and prospects for improving banking services for individuals.

This thesis consists of 3 parts, introduction and conclusion.

The first part sets out the theoretical foundations of retail banking; the second part contains an analysis of the practice of servicing individuals using the example of JSCB "Regiobank"; The third part summarizes the experience of foreign banks in the field of lending to individuals and examines the directions for the development of new banking services provided to individuals.

The theoretical basis for writing the thesis was the publications of the following authors:,; practical bank workers S. Brown, S. Brusenkov.

The practical basis is the analysis of the activities of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank of Regional Development (Regiobank) in 1999 and 2000.

Theoretical foundations of banking services for individuals

The value of servicing individuals for a commercial bank

With the transition to the market, the place of each individual citizen in the system of economic relations changes. He becomes the direct owner of funds and receives a large degree of economic freedom. This gives rise to the need for numerous banking services, the basis for the development of which in the previous economic system did not exist. In the implementation of these transformations, the leading role belongs to commercial banks.

Experts know that the market for banking services for legal entities is divided between banks, and the main competition between them is developing to attract individuals. Currently, the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation competes with commercial banks for servicing individuals.

Competing with the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, commercial banks are actively exploring the market of banking operations for servicing individuals, developing new types of banking services for servicing them.

In market conditions, the bank that constantly expands the range of services provided to its clients, improves the quality of deposit and credit services, offering them various types of intermediary services, is able to withstand the competition.

The accumulation of money income and savings of the population is the traditional function of banks. Banks accumulate temporarily unused monetary incomes and savings of the population and use them to lend to current activities and investments of their clients. Commercial banks can carry out active and other operations within the limits of their own, attracted and issued funds. Thus, in this regard, in modern conditions, the issues of increasing the resource potential and ensuring its stability are becoming especially acute.

The resource base is formed by conducting passive operations, which are the initial ones in the activities of commercial banks, since the bank, as a rule, first forms resources and then places them among borrowers on various terms in order to generate income.

A modern commercial bank performs various servicing operations, both for legal entities and individuals. They act as specific institutions that, on the one hand, attract temporarily free funds of business entities and the population, and on the other hand, at the expense of these attracted funds, they satisfy various needs of both individuals and legal entities.

The operations carried out to service individuals can be presented in Table 1.1 - operations for the population, in Table 1.2 - operations for individual entrepreneurs.

Table 1.1

Public service operations.

Operation name

Deposit operations

Attraction of funds from the population in deposits and deposits on various terms, typical for each type of deposit and deposit.

Credit operations

Allocation of the bank's resources by providing a consumer loan, which includes: a loan for urgent needs; housing needs; lombard loan

Currency operations

Commercial banks carry out the following foreign exchange transactions:

Purchase (sale) of cash foreign currency for cash rubles;

Operations with plastic cards

Issuance of plastic cards and carrying out operations with them to issue cash; payment for goods, works, services; crediting wages to plastic card accounts.

Continuation of table. 1.1

Now let's take a closer look at each type of operation.

1. Deposit operations.

Deposit operations are bank operations to attract funds from the population in demand deposits and for a certain period. Deposit accounts can be very diverse.

Demand deposits represent funds that can be claimed at any time without prior notice to the bank from the client. Demand deposits are intended for current settlements. The initiative to open such an account comes from the clients themselves in connection with the need to make settlements, make payments and receive funds at their disposal through the intermediary of the bank.

In the structure of attracted funds, demand deposits as of 08/01/1998. accounted for 38%, on 01/08/1999 - 25%, on 01/08/2000 - 26%.

Demand deposits are the cheapest source of banking resources. Due to the high mobility of funds, the balance on demand accounts is not constant, sometimes extremely volatile. The ability of the account holder to withdraw funds at any time requires an increased share of highly liquid assets in the bank's turnover by reducing the share of less liquid assets that generate high incomes. For these reasons, on demand account balances, banks pay the owners a fairly low interest or do not accrue any income at all.

Time deposits are deposits attracted by banks for a certain period. A distinction is made between term deposits proper and term deposits with prior notification.

Actually, term deposits imply the transfer of funds to the full disposal of the bank for the term and conditions under the agreement, and after this period, the term deposit may at any time be flawed by the owner. The amount of remuneration paid to a client on a term deposit depends on the term, the amount of the deposit and the depositor's fulfillment of the terms of the contract. The longer the terms and (or) the greater the amount of the deposit, the greater the amount of remuneration. The current practice provides for the registration of term deposits for periods of up to 30 days; from 31 days to 90 days; 91 days to 180 days; from 181 days to 1 year; from 1 to 3 years; over 3 years. Such a detailed gradation stimulates depositors to rationally organize their own funds and place in deposits, and also creates conditions for banks to manage their liquidity.

Deposits with prior notification of the withdrawal of funds mean that the client must notify the bank in advance of the withdrawal of the deposit at the time specified in the agreement. Depending on the notice period, the interest rate on deposits is also determined.

The amount of the term deposit is set in round amounts and must be unchanged during the entire term of the agreement (an exception may be a type of term deposit - term deposit with additional contributions). Time deposits are not used for making current payments.

2. Credit operations.

Lending is one of the main activities of a commercial bank. Banks, along with lending to legal entities, are engaged in lending to the population. Banks provide consumer loans, which serve as a means of meeting the various needs of the population.

Bank lending to individual borrowers allows not only to rationally use the temporarily free funds of depositors, but also has great social significance, as it helps to meet the vital needs of the population in durable goods, various services, etc.

A number of essential features of lending to the population can be distinguished. First of all, loans are of a commercial nature, that is, banks are trying to acquire credit resources at a cheaper price and issue them at higher interest rates; the main form of loan security is property pledge; loans are often friendly in nature, which negatively affects the general welfare of society and, consequently, the banks themselves suffer.

Lending to the population is carried out in compliance with the same principles of lending, namely: urgency, payment, repayment, security.

The most realistic forms of security are:

Property pledge (real estate, auto - audio equipment, securities);

Guarantee and surety;


Banks provide the following types of consumer loans: for urgent needs

A loan for urgent needs (current goals) is issued to citizens with independent income. In practice, this loan can be used for any purpose, since the borrower does not have to give any report on the expenditure of funds. The interest rate on the loan depends on the refinancing rate.

In order to assist citizens in the construction (reconstruction) and purchase of housing, banks are allowed to issue the following types of housing loans:

A loan for the construction of individual housing is provided if there is a land plot and a decision of the district administration to allocate a land plot for the development of individual housing;

A loan for the purchase of individual residential houses, garden houses, houses in rural areas is issued if there is a house and a certificate-account confirming the upcoming purchase and sale transactions;

9. other operations.

4. Operations with plastic cards.

A plastic card is a plastic token containing information about the owner and his cash account, and allows you to pay for goods and services without cash.

There are 3 types of cards: credit, debit, mixed.

A debit card serves the possibility of payment if funds are available on the client's current card account. Russian banks issue mainly debit cards, eliminating the risk of losing the bank's monetary resources, which is possible when using a credit card. Debit cards are issued by the OPIUM CARD, STB CARD, UNION CARD systems. Khabarovsk clients are offered a Regiobank debit card.

Credit card means the issuance of a loan to a client, with an automatically renewable limit. Obtaining a credit card is associated with the conclusion of an agreement between the issuing bank and the client. The agreement contains conditions on the amount of the limit, the amount of interest, the annual fee for using the card, the period of preferential use, etc.

The introduction of credit cards in the Russian market is just beginning. The first ruble credit card was the Ort Card system. It is issued on a security deposit. The collateral is returned in two ways - in the form of trade discounts and after the expiration of the collateral.

A credit card for a first-class client is also offered by JSCB "Regiobnk" in Khabarovsk.

Mixed card - average between debit and credit: current account overdraft is allowed (the amount of which is negotiated in advance). The client can use more funds for payment than in the current account. In this case, the mixed card acts as a credit card.

Banks offer various types of plastic cards to the population.

Personal cards - cardholders receive it themselves and dispose of it independently.

Family cards - cards of family members are tied to one (main card), with the help of which family members can dispose of funds within the limits that are determined by the "main" card.

Salary card - intended for crediting salaries to employees of firms. As a rule, at this enterprise, the bank installs an ATM or organizes a cash dispenser.

The bank opens card accounts for the company's employees and maintains cards to which the company transfers monthly salaries. Employees receive the card free of charge and can pay in a wide network of stores or withdraw cash from a bank or ATM.

An individual receives a card based on a service application and contract. The agreement fixes the terms of payment from the card account (types of payments, minimum balance, bank interest on the account balance, the possibility of overdraft); conditions for replenishing the card and repaying obligations to the bank (source of replenishment of the card, interest for using a bank loan, commission fees), etc.

Customers visit shops, workshops, pay for gasoline, receive cash, make transactions in which their card accounts are debited (the balance on the card account decreases).

The benefits of using the cards are obvious. The population is getting rid of the mass of cash bills. The trading network increases the speed of service and payments for goods, and reduces the cost of working with cash. Banks receive new customers, additional income and significant credit resources.

5. Other operations.

5.1. Settlement and cash services.

A promising direction of a modern commercial bank for servicing the population is the development of non-cash payments of citizens with trade, utilities and other enterprises. Today, banks perform a wide range of cash and settlement operations: they accept payments from the population in favor of enterprises, organizations, institutions, as well as to the state and local budgets; make non-cash payments on behalf of depositors; provide clients with equipment owned by the bank for recalculating cash both upon receipt from the bank and upon delivery.

In addition, collection, letter of credit and transfer operations can be referred to this area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

Collection operations are operations through which, on behalf of his client, he receives money for cash and cash settlement documents. Securities (bills, checks), foreign currency are accepted for collection. When making a collection transaction, the bank charges a commission, the amount of which depends on the type of transaction. The collection documents also include bonds and coupons to them; shares and mortgages.

A letter of credit is an order to pay a certain amount to a person if the conditions specified in the letter of credit are met.

Transfer operations consist in the transfer of the money deposited to the bank to the recipient located in another place. They are done by sending a bank check or transferring money to a correspondent bank.

Cash service consists in accepting (issuing) cash in deposits (from deposits), issuing cash on plastic cards through ATMs or bank cash desk, crediting cash to an account for their further transfer on behalf of the client. The bank also charges a fee for providing cash services.

5.2. Trust operations

Trust operations are operations to manage the client's funds, carried out on their own behalf and on behalf of the client on the basis of an agreement with him.

Fiduciary transactions to individuals are diverse, since each client has its own characteristics. However, Russian banks practice a limited set of trust services in their activities. Banks offer the following types of trust services to individuals:

Disposal of inheritance;

Guardianship and ensuring the safety of property.

Let's briefly consider each one.

Disposal of property

Fiduciary transactions for individuals include the disposal of a client's property after his death in accordance with a written will or by order of a court. The one who disposes of the inheritance of a person is called the manager and is appointed by the court. The one who leaves the will indicates in it the executor of the will - often the trust department of a commercial bank.

If a significant part of the inheritance is formed by real estate, growing crops or livestock, then it is necessary to take stock and take care of their safety. If you need to sell a business, it is important to choose the right moment for the sale in order to get an acceptable price.

In addition, the performer must provide various services to the family of the deceased. His responsibilities may include organizing a funeral. In many cases, the family may be in urgent need of cash, which the trust department can take care of.

In general, inheritance functions may include: obtaining a court decision; identification of the entire inheritance; ensuring its safety; sale at reasonable prices of property that is not subject to long-term storage, payment of administrative costs and taxes; solving problems related to the payment of debts; division of property in accordance with the will.

Guardianship and security of property

The need for guardianship is due to the desire of the person who left the inheritance to prevent the squandering of property by a minor heir, or by a court decision entrusting guardianship to a trustee in case the owner of the property loses the physical ability to manage the property.

Guardianship and ensuring the safety of property, commercial banks carry out in two forms: as guardians of property and as guardians of the individual. If the property is preserved, the goal is not to allow its loss. The need for this arises when the owner of the property becomes physically unable to manage the property.

5.3 Storage services

Storage services can be in the form of providing the client with a safe or accepting the client's valuables for storage in a steel chamber.

The safe is provided to the client on a lease basis, and only the client himself or his authorized representative gets access to it upon presentation of a special certificate.

By accepting valuables for storage in a safe, the bank does not provide clients with the right of free access to them. In this case, the bank performs a kind of agency functions.

In the lease agreement, which is a common practice, the bank undertakes to keep secret not only information about the contents of the subscribed safe, but also about the fact of the lease. In general, even the bank itself remains in the dark about what you hold. The only exception is the case of an open depository with a mandatory investment inventory. In addition, regardless of the terms of the lease, the bank warns the client about the responsibility for the storage of items and substances prohibited by law.

The rental conditions for safe deposit boxes offered by different banks are quite different from each other. The amount depends on the size of the cell and the rental period. The minimum period varies from one day to one month.

Any safe deposit box has two locks, one of which can only be opened by the client, and the other - only by a bank representative. So alone, neither one nor the other will be able to open it.

5.4 Other services

Banks can provide their clients with a variety of advisory services. These services should be provided by banks not so much for the sake of obtaining additional profit, as for the sake of explaining to clients the intricacies of banking, new types of services, which undoubtedly increases both the number of clients and the frequency of their appeal to the bank for services.

An important type of consulting services are additional services in the implementation of credit and settlement services.

Banks possessing modern telecommunications and computer communications always have a sufficient amount of various commercial and non-commercial information. Along with this, the bank, providing various services to its clients (especially those related to the provision of loans), receives from them a fairly diverse information that provides valuable information. Exchange of information between other banks is also an important source of information.

On this basis, developed databases can be created, for access to which customers must provide the bank with a certain fee. In addition, the ability to use information services, as a rule, significantly expands the bank's customer base, as it creates additional convenience for them: received information, made a transaction, and that's all - without leaving the bank.

Table 1.2

Service operations for individual entrepreneurs

1. Settlement and cash services.

For individual entrepreneurs, a current account is opened in the bank for the implementation of settlement and cash services.

Banking services for individuals is one of the activities of a commercial bank, aimed at meeting the needs of the client on a condition of payment, compliance with banking legislation and plays a significant role in modern socio-economic systems.

Analysis of research on banking services for individuals led to the following conclusions:

    the current stage is characterized by the fact that credit institutions operating in the banking services market have sufficiently accumulated experience in various segments of the financial market, actively developing consumer lending, expanding the scope of bank cards, actively using information and software complexes for the formation of customer credit histories, participating in development of the system of insurance of bank deposits of individuals, introducing new technologies and creating the necessary infrastructure for working with the population;

    the positive dynamics of indicators characterizing banking services for individuals is explained, first of all, by an increase in public confidence in the banking sector; growth in real disposable income of the population; an increase in the number of banking services provided to the population by credit institutions;

    the development of the domestic banking sector is characterized by high growth rates, increased competition between commercial banks, the activation of commercial banks in the field of banking services for individuals;

    the operation of the deposit insurance system had a positive impact on the development of competition in the banking services market. In 2009, the growth of other funds attracted by banks continued, their volume in comparison with 2008 increased by 58.8%, despite the crisis;

    the experience of comprehensive banking services for clients of industrialized countries is gradually being introduced by domestic commercial banks, which are beginning to provide new services, meeting the increasingly complex needs of clients, which increases their competitiveness in attracting credit resources and new clients.

The dynamics of the main parameters of the banking sector development in the Russian Federation is presented in table. 1.

Table 1

Dynamics of the main parameters of the banking sector development in the Russian Federation


Assets (liabilities) of the banking sector, billion rubles

Equity (capital) of the banking sector, billion rubles

Loans and other placed funds provided to non-financial organizations and individuals, including overdue debt, billion rubles

as% of banking sector assets

Securities purchased by banks, RUB bln

as% of banking sector assets

Individual deposits, RUB billion

in% to banking sector liabilities

in% to the monetary income of the population

Analysis of the regulatory legal framework for banking services for individuals made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

    banking legislation strictly defines the list of banking operations carried out with individuals;

    in order to provide guarantees for the return of deposits and increase the confidence of individuals in the banking system in the Russian Federation, a deposit insurance system has been created, the improvement of which is a priority area of \u200b\u200bthe Bank of Russia's activities in the development of banking legislation;

    banking legislation makes it possible for individuals to use a wide range of types of payments.

Many factors play an important role in servicing individuals by banks (Table 2).

table 2

Factors affecting the possibility of comprehensive banking services for individuals



competitiveness of pricing terms for the banking products / services provided;

the level of bank margin for a product / service, which makes it cost-effective for a credit institution


the credit institution has licenses and permits to conduct transactions with individuals;

presence / absence of legally established restrictions on certain transactions with individuals;

restrictions on foreign exchange transactions and transactions of intercountry capital movements


availability of a wide network of points of sale;

convenient location of the bank's points of sale for bank customers;

the level of technology and automation of business processes in the field of customer service


positive business reputation of the credit institution;

the presence of various marketing activities aimed at promoting the banking product / service to the target audience

To attract customers, it is very important to properly segment your customer base. The key criteria by which the customer base of a credit institution can be segmented are shown in Table. 3.

Table 3

Classification of individuals in complex banking services

Classification attribute

Client type - individual

1. Depending on the degree of interest of an individual in banking services

1.1. Clients performing one-time transactions

1.2. Customers who regularly use a certain standard set of banking products

1.3. Clients who regularly use a standard set of banking products, constantly taking steps to optimize their own financial flows

2. Depending on the level of income of an individual

2.1. Lower segment. The level of income of these clients is almost fully used for current consumption

2.2. Middle segment. The level of income of these clients allows them to make savings and make investments with the involvement of bank loans

2.3. Upper segment. High-income clients

When working with individual clients, any bank inevitably carries various kinds of risks. Below is the classification of banking risks in complex banking services to individuals in relation to the bank's activities into external and internal, and also highlighted the main factors affecting the level of risks in complex banking services to individuals (Table 4).

Table 4

Factors influencing the level of risks in complex banking services for individuals


Inflation rate and dynamics

Population income level

The level and dynamics of unemployment

Dynamics and volatility of the national currency rate in relation to world reserve currencies

The level and dynamics of the country's international reserves

The system of taxation of income of individuals and income from transactions with individuals

Banking coverage of the population


Geopolitical position of the country in the world economy

Principles of monetary, budgetary, social policy of the state

The degree of government support for the banking system and the main sectors of the economy

Restrictions on foreign exchange transactions and cross-border capital movements


The relevance of the legal framework in the field of transactions with individuals to current economic realities

The presence of institutions designed to ensure the stability of the banking system in the framework of transactions with individuals (deposit insurance system, credit bureaus)

Severity of legal norms related to combating money laundering and terrorist financing


Financial literacy of the population

The degree of income differentiation of the population

Propensity to consume / save

The degree of public confidence in the country's banking system

The degree of public confidence in the national currency

The degree of public confidence in the country's ruling elite

At present, a comprehensive service system has become widespread in many banks. Such a system is understood as a set of elements that are in relations and connections with each other on a commercial basis, and that ensures full and / or partial satisfaction of the needs of bank customers (individuals) in the provision of banking products and services through a single information, regulatory and legal system.

The development of the system of comprehensive banking services for individuals in the Russian Federation is influenced by factors that can be grouped into external and internal (Table 5);

Table 5

Factors influencing the development of the system of integrated banking services for individuals




􀂃 Accumulation of experience in complex banking services for individuals. persons

􀂃 Development and implementation of new banking products and services for individuals. persons

􀂃Development of modern methods of risk management in the complex service of physical. persons

􀂃 increasing interest of banks in new banking products

􀂃high interest rates on bank loans

􀂃insufficiently high interest rates on bank deposits

􀂃high level of credit risks

􀂃insufficient development of the infrastructure of the banking services market for individuals. persons

􀂃low level of information transparency of the banking services market for individuals. persons

􀂃Lack of qualified specialists

􀂃Long money shortage

􀂃Creating a system of insurance of deposits of citizens

􀂃Creating a system of credit bureaus

􀂃operation and development of the infrastructure of the bank loans market

􀂃 stability of economic development

􀂃 speed and adequacy of response to changes in demand for banking services from banks

􀂃 high cost of credit resources

􀂃 imperfection of the system of legal regulation of the banking services market nat. persons

􀂃insufficient development of the system of credit bureaus

􀂃Lack of credit risk insurance

􀂃Strict requirements from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in relation to the implementation of economic standards

􀂃insufficiently high level of development of the banking system

􀂃high inflation rates

􀂃High value of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The Murmansk region and the North-West region as a whole have a high level of economic development and, accordingly, are of interest to credit institutions in terms of conducting banking business and opening branches in the region;

    banks operating in the banking services market for individuals can be divided into three groups: St. Petersburg banks, the peculiarity of which is that this region accounts for the bulk of their business; Moscow banks headquartered in Moscow; branches of subsidiary banks of non-residents;

    banks operating in the market of banking services for individuals, depending on the number of banking services provided, can be grouped into separate groups: the first group of banks - banks that provide their customers with the maximum range of banking services; the second group of banks - banks with a more conservative policy than the banks of the first group; the third group of banks - banks whose list of services for individuals is limited;

most banks, providing a wide range of banking products, are capable of providing comprehensive banking services to individuals, however, this is accompanied by fierce competition in the field of promoting services, their pricing conditions, as well as the level of quality of services offered.

Until recently, most commercial banks in Russia operated on the basis of attracting funds from enterprises. It was for servicing financially stable enterprises that constantly had cash on their accounts that the banking competition was going on. The commercial banks paid secondary attention to the funds of the population as a source of attracted funds. However, the situation in the resource base has changed significantly recently. The vital need to increase investment resources, weaken inflationary processes, replenish bank capital, ensure social and economic protection of citizens causes increased interest in the financial resources of the population from the banking community and other financial structures.

The retail deposit market today is the most dynamically developing segment of the banking services market in general. And first of all, this is due to the development of the market for household deposits.

Commercial banks continue to be the main collectors of household savings and the main suppliers of long-term investment resources.

Bank deposits for the majority of the population remain the most popular type of investment.

If the market for bank deposits for legal entities is quite stable (which is explained by the long-established “attachment” of Russian enterprises to the banks that serve them), then the growing incomes of the population are devoid of such predetermination and become a subject of competition between banks.

A clear understanding of the main trends in the development of the market for bank deposits of the population, a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, knowledge of the basic price nuances of the formation of deposit products becomes a necessary guarantee of the bank's successful operation.

The bank's customer service activities are traditionally divided into commercial and retail (non-commercial) sectors. This division is based on different approaches to doing business in these areas.

Retail operations are primarily services for individuals. Services for individuals is one of the most important areas of the banking business. The Russian market of retail banking services, despite significant growth rates - 30-40% annually, is in the stage of formation. Its further development should be facilitated by increasing public confidence in banks, improving legislation, and developing competition.

One of the directions of the progressive development of the banking sector in modern conditions can be the retail banking business. There are a number of reasons for this. First, large corporate clients are already banking and competition in the corporate services sector is fierce. The retail banking market is just emerging and has a huge growth potential. Secondly, household savings are an important source of resources for banks. Third, lending to the population contributes to the growth of consumer demand, which is one of the factors of economic growth. In addition, the expansion of services to the population makes it possible to diversify banking activities and reduce banking risks in general.

Retail operations are primarily services for individuals, but not only. After all, any organization also consists of individuals, and many companies in one way or another conduct financial transactions with their clients - individuals. In this regard, there are 4 groups of retail operations (mainly reflecting the technological approach):

  • 1. Operations for servicing customers - individuals, not related to the bank's service to any organization. For example, this is currency exchange or opening a deposit for a client who has paid attention to the bank's services due to the territorial proximity to the place of residence or work. Perhaps the attention was attracted by advertising of services or tariff rates.
  • 2. Corporate and retail operations, i.e. servicing the financial interaction of individuals with companies that, for example, are clients of the bank or have any separate agreements with the bank. Here are some examples: payment for newly-built apartments by individuals in favor of the developer company; payment by the airline's customers of the fare for excess baggage at the airport; Payment of utility services; payment of salaries and travel employees.
  • 3. Conditional retail operations. This refers to those types of banking operations that are carried out not only by individuals, but also by legal entities in connection with their commercial activities, but by the technology of their execution by the bank are identical to operations with individuals and which relate exclusively to the corporate sector, but by technology they are close to retail bank products. Such operations include the operations of accepting checks for collection from individuals and legal entities and their subsequent payment are almost identical and are performed and / or coordinated, as a rule, by the same department for operations with checks; the issuance and maintenance of corporate bank cards is carried out by the same division that issues bank cards for individuals.
  • 4. Retail operations with VIP clientele.

In a more precise sense, the term private banking refers to the trust management of funds, securities and other client assets, such as real estate. This concept also includes consulting services, services of the so-called financial engineering and the like. However, in the form described above, private banking exists only in large foreign investment banks. In domestic practice, only a few large banks, such as Sberbank, Rosbank, Uralsib, can offer services for the trust management of funds and securities. The majority of commercial banks understand this type of activity as providing services in the most convenient mode for the client at rates that differ for the better compared to standard ones. The criterion for distinguishing between a "standard" and a VIP-client is the amount of funds that the client operates and which, according to the bank, is an interesting "service object". Typically, such amounts start at $ 100,000. Service is carried out in "manual" mode. For example, a client is treated to coffee in a meeting room, while the operational unit prepares the necessary contracts, papers, the cash register is busy preparing (recalculating) the amounts of cash, etc. When organizing VIP services, the bank should not be guided by technological approaches, and in this sense, such operations stand out.

There are also account transactions and non-account transactions.

Transactions without an account include all transactions between the client and the bank at the same time. In other words, these are transactions of the "deal" type. Examples are currency exchange in cash, sending a transfer, receiving cash from an ATM, etc. Operations without an account are limited in time, usually one banking day.

Account transactions are characterized by a long-term relationship between the client and the bank. In this case, we can talk about both the performance of one operation (term deposit), and about a variety of multiple operations performed over a long period of time.

Any service, including banking, meets the needs of customers for which they are willing to pay. In fact, the needs of individuals for financial services are not very diverse. Rather, banks, being regulators of money circulation and a lump-sum distribution system of the economy, are trying with all their might to introduce new instruments for attracting funds from private clients. But almost all innovations come down to providing old services based on new technologies.

True, advanced technologies sometimes lead to a qualitative breakthrough and filling old services with special content. Take, for example, such a settlement document as online electronic money. On the one hand, settlement between individuals in electronic money carries clear signs of cash settlement. On the other hand, there are a number of signs of a wire transfer through the banking system. Third, there are signs of settlements by check. Together, these characteristics form, in fact, a new settlement service that was not feasible in principle before the Internet era.

There are also opposite examples. A counterexample is the introduction by banks of microprocessor-based payment cards. For more than 10 years, theorists have been intensively exploiting the thesis that a chip card is very useful for its holders in terms of forming individual payment characteristics. In other words, the card itself will know that where you need to get a discount, where you need to take into account the "earned" discount points, will contain a lot of individual information, not necessarily payment properties. But, alas, for this reason, consumers are in no hurry to queue up for a “novelty”. The fact is that the chip card does not provide any new banking service. Only slightly adds value to an existing tool.

Banking services can be classified into specific and non-specific services. Specific (traditional) services are everything that follows from the specifics of the bank's activities as a special enterprise. Specific services include three types of operations performed by them - these are deposit, credit and settlement operations.

Deposit operations are associated with the placement of clients' funds in the bank in deposits (deposits). Historically, this operation was preceded by a safekeeping operation, when people put their valuables for safekeeping in banks, ensuring the reliability and safety of savings. Subsequently, the safety of cash began to develop into safety from impairment. People began to place their money resources in the bank not only as the most convenient, safe place, but also in order to generate income, to keep them from depreciation and inflation. For placing money on deposit, bank clients receive a loan interest.

Credit operation is the main operation of the bank. It is no coincidence that a bank is sometimes called a large credit institution. And this is really so: lending operations account for the main share in the total amount of the bank's assets. Most often, the bank receives most of its income through lending to customers.

Settlement transactions carried out by the bank can be carried out both in non-cash and in cash. On behalf of customers, banks can open various accounts from which payments are made related to the purchase or sale of goods, salaries, taxes, fees and other equally important payments. When making settlements, the bank acts as an intermediary between sellers and buyers, between enterprises, tax authorities, the population, and the budget. When making settlements, banks use various modern equipment that provides fast communication and technical processing of documents received by the bank.

The category of traditional banking operations includes cash transactions. In modern legislation, they are not included in the basic operations that make up a bank, however, by their purpose, they reflect the essence of banking. It is hard to imagine that a bank dealing with deposits, lending and settlements, does not conduct cash transactions.

All other services are included in non-traditional banking services. There are a lot of them, including: intermediary services, services aimed at the development of an enterprise (introduction on the stock exchange, placement of shares, legal assistance, information services, etc.), provision of guarantees and sureties, trust transactions (including advice and assistance in property management on behalf of the client), accounting assistance to enterprises, representation of client interests in the courts, services for the provision of safes, travel services and others.

An intermediate position between traditional and non-traditional operations is occupied by additional operations. They include foreign exchange transactions (services for cash and non-cash conversion transactions for individuals), transactions with securities, transactions with gold, precious metals and bullion. Banks may not perform these operations.

This list of retail operations includes services that have a history of hundreds, if not thousands of years. In the old retail banks in the same Sberbank (not to mention Western banks), people are served for generations.