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Anatoly Tarasov hockey coach family. Anatoly Tarasov - biography, photo, personal life of the coach. Books and films

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Founder of the Golden Puck youth tournament.

Anatoly Tarasov was born on December 10, 1918 in the city of Moscow. In 1937 he entered the Higher School of Trainers at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education. During the war years he was on the protection of objects in Moscow. In 1942 he took an officer's course. After that, he taught the Red Army men hand-to-hand combat, shooting and other types of combat training. Soon, sports executives turned their attention to a talented player who had clear organizational skills and a proven track record as a coach.

In 1945, Tarasov was recommended as a mentor to the sports club of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. So Anatoly Vladimirovich became the coach of the army teams at the same time in ice hockey and football. The new mentor made the team one of the undisputed leaders. Two years later, he was appointed playing coach of the hockey team of the Central House of the Red Army. Tarasov became the champion of the USSR three times. On the ice field, by personal example, he showed his subordinates how to play.

In total, during his long sports career, he won 100 matches in the USSR championships, scoring 106 goals in them. Tarasov led the CSKA hockey team for almost three decades. Possessing a powerful intellect and being a maximalist by nature, Tarasov always strove to lead the team to champions. Under his leadership, CSKA became the gold medalist of the national championship eighteen times.

Since 1958, for fourteen years, he was the coach of the USSR national team. Tarasov has brought up several dozen multiple world and Olympic champions. These include such legendary hockey players as Valery Kharlamov, Anatoly Firsov, Vladislav Tretyak, Boris Mikhailov, Alexander Ragulin, Viktor Kuzkin, Boris Alexandrov, Vladimir Petrov.

Tarasov made a huge contribution to world hockey. His experience and sportsmanship are reflected in the books he published: "Hockey Tactics" and "Hockey of the Future". The coach was also thinking about the future of Russian hockey: for a long time he was the chairman of the children's hockey club "Zolotaya Puck", where many masters came from.

Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov died on June 23, 1995 in Moscow from a stroke at the age of seventy-six years. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery of the capital.

Anatoly Tarasov's awards

Order of the October Revolution (1983)
Two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1957; 03.03.1972)
Order of the Red Star
Two Orders "Badge of Honor" (1965; 1968)
Medal for Military Merit
USSR medals
RF medals

Memory of Anatoly Tarasov

Since 2015, the tugboat of the Red Banner Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy has been named "Anatoly Tarasov";
The name of Anatoly Tarasov is on board VP-BLN Aeroflot, model Airbus A320-214.
On December 10, 2018, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the coach, a monument to Anatoly Tarasov was solemnly opened on the site in front of the V.M. Bobrova in Moscow.

In cinematography

2007 - “Valery Kharlamov. Additional time". Director Yuri Korolev, in the role of Anatoly Tarasov - Vladimir Sterzhakov
2012 - Hockey Games. Director Ksenia Kondrashina, in the role of Anatoly Tarasov - Sergey Gazarov and Mikhail Filippov (in his youth)
2013 - "Legend No. 17". Director Nikolai Lebedev, in the role of Anatoly Tarasov - Oleg Menshikov
2015 - Glory. Director Anton Azarov, in the role of Anatoly Tarasov - Valery Barinov


Tarasov A.V. New conversation on an old topic. Domestic hockey problems. - M., 1964. - No. 10. - S. 12-16.
Tarasov A. V. Children about hockey. - M .: Soviet Russia, 1986 .-- 208 p.
Tarasov A.V. Real men of hockey. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1987 .-- 126 p.
Tarasov A. V. Stream method of training in hockey. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1966 .-- 67 p.
Tarasov A.V. The Way to Oneself. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1974 .-- 423 p.
Tarasov A. V. Coming of age. Hockey and hockey players. - M .: Molodaya gvardiya, 1968 .-- 320 p.
Tarasov A. V. Coming of age. Hockey and hockey players. - M .: Molodaya gvardiya, 1970 .-- 352 p.
Tarasov A.V. Hockey tactics. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1963 .-- 272 p.
Tarasov A. V. Hockey without secrets. - M .: Molodaya gvardiya, 1988 .-- 269 p.
Tarasov A.V. Hockey of the Coming. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1969 .-- 336 p.
Tarasov A.V. Hockey of the Coming. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1971. - 359 p.
Tarasov A.V. Hockey. Pioneers and beginners. - M .: Eksmo, 2015 .-- 408 p.

1991 - Hockey Anatoly Tarasov (Film 1: Amateurs. Film 2: Amateurs. Film 3: Profession); TO "Screen" 1992
1997 - Stars of Russian sports (Film 1: Coach Anatoly Tarasov. Film 2: Children's hockey Tarasov)
2018 - Anatoly Tarasov. The age of hockey
2018 - Lord of the "Red Machine"

Sports Achievements of Anatoly Tarasov

Champion of the USSR (1948-1950).

Senior coach of CDKA, CDSA, CSK MO, CSKA (1947-1974). In this post he won the titles: champion of the USSR (1948-1950, 1955, 1956, 1958-1960, 1963-1966, 1968, 1970-1973), silver (1952-1954, 1957, 1967, 1969, 1974) and bronze (1962 ) medalist of the USSR championships, winner of the USSR Cup (1954-1956, 1966-1969, 1973).

In 1958-1960 - senior coach of the USSR national ice hockey team.

Under his leadership, the USSR national team became: bronze medalist of the Olympic Games (1960), silver (1958, 1959) and bronze (1960) medalist of the world championships, European champion (1958-1960).

In 1961-1972 - coach of the USSR national ice hockey team (senior coach - Arkady Ivanovich Chernyshev).

As a coach of the USSR national team, he led the USSR national ice hockey team to the title of champion: Olympic Games (1964, 1968, 1972), World Championships (1963-1971), European Championships (1963-1970).

Together with Arkady Chernyshev, he set an unbeatable record - for 9 years in a row (1963-1971) the USSR national hockey team under their leadership became the champion in all international tournaments.

In 1974 he was inducted into the Toronto Hockey Hall of Fame.

In 1997, he was among the first to be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF).

Recipient of the NHL Hockey Hall of Fame International Wayne Gretzky Award to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the development of hockey.

Family of Anatoly Tarasov

Mother - Ekaterina Kharitonovna, worked as a seamstress-minder;

Brother - Yuri, died in 1950 in a plane crash.

His wife is Nina (married since 1939), a classmate who studied with him at the same educational institution.
Daughter - Tatiana (born 1947), Russian figure skating coach.
Daughter - Galina (died 2009).

December 10, 1918. At the end of the seventh grade, Tarasov entered a factory school as a toolmaker. Working in his profession and helping his family, he also plays hockey at the Dynamo club. Since 1937 he has been studying at the Higher School of Coaches at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education. Here, with the existing practice of the game, he learned theoretical knowledge, which he tried to implement. In 1939 he was invited to coach the Dynamo Odessa football club. Already in those years, he came to the attention of sports leaders due to the presence of obvious organizational skills. In addition, he has shown himself to be a good coach.

During the war, Anatoly Tarasov mainly spent time in the barracks in Moscow, keeping closer to his family. In those years, his unit trained soldiers in hand-to-hand combat. Also, their functions included the protection of the Central House of the Soviet Army. After the war, his family was allocated a room in a communal apartment. In 1945, on the recommendation of the legendary army football coach V. Arkadiev, Tarasov was enrolled as a mentor in the sports club of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. In the first season of the USSR championship, Tarasov's team finished fifth, and he himself, with fourteen goals scored, became the best sniper. So he was both a hockey and football coach. Soon, under the leadership of Anatoly Tarasov, the team was among the leaders. In 1947, in the team CDKA (Central House of the Red Army) in the hockey team, he was appointed playing coach. Then the club was renamed CDSA (Central House of the Soviet Army), and later - CSKA (Central Sports Club of the Army). In the team, he became famous as a theorist, where the players themselves entrusted him with the role of a playing coach.

At the beginning of his coaching career, he trained the Moscow national team, which, in fact, constituted the backbone of the USSR national team. At that time, friendly matches were held against the national team of Czechoslovakia. So, before the official appointment as the head coach of the USSR national team, he managed to establish himself both as a coach and as a player. Then his players won the match with a score of 6: 3. In the period from 1948 to 1950. Anatoly Tarasov became the champion of the USSR three times, and in 1949 he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. As a playing coach, he showed the skill of the game to his players by personal example. First of all, Tarasov was known as a strict motivator for his team, where in any game he urged his players to play only to win. During any match with the participation of his team, he emotionally perceived every dangerous moment created. But in some cases, he could be calm. In the USSR championships, he scored 106 goals in 100 matches won. Tarasov was the coach of the CSKA hockey club for almost thirty years, until 1975. He tried to bring all his efforts and intellect into a team, striving to make it a champion. So, under his leadership, the hockey club CSKA became the gold medalist of the USSR championship eighteen times (in 1948-50, 1955, 1956, 1958-1960, 1963-1966, 1968, 1970-1973, 1975).

In 1957 Anatoly Tarasov became an honored coach of the USSR. Since 1958, he became the head coach of the USSR national team, where his players won the world championships nine times (1963-1971) and three times (1964, 1968, 1972) became the gold medalist of the Olympic Games. Among his wards, one can note Valery Kharlamov, Anatoly Firsov, Boris Mikhailov, Vladislav Tretyak, Alexander Ragulin, Viktor Kuzmin, Almetov, Loktev, Boris Alexandrov, Vladimir Petrov and others, who, together with the great coach, reached the peak of hockey glory.

Even if the USSR national team became Olympic champions in 1972, after the end of the competition, Tarasov, along with Chernyshev, were forced to leave the coaching post of the country's main team. The reason for this was the failure to fulfill the requirement of the top leadership to play in the decisive match in a draw with the Czechs, but the Soviet squad then won with a score of 5: 2. For winning the Olympics, Tarasov was supposed to be awarded the Order of Lenin, but this ceremony did not take place. They also failed to play with the Canadians in the 72 Super Series. After them, the team was headed by Kulagin and Bobrov, who categorically refused to accept Tarasov into their coaching staff. Also, key players were excluded from the national team - Anatoly Firsov and Vitaly Davydov, who became Olympic champions three times. In 1975, Tarasov also worked as a football coach for the CSKA team, with which he took thirteenth place in the Major League.

In his own way, having defended his thesis, Anatoly Tarasov became a candidate of pedagogical sciences. His contribution to the development of domestic hockey is still deeply appreciated by both his famous students and other Russian hockey players. Also, the great contribution of Anatoly Tarasov did not go unnoticed in world hockey. In 1963, his book "Hockey Tactics" was published, and in 1971 - "Hockey of the Future". His contribution to the popularization of hockey in the country is obvious, where he takes patronage over the children's hockey club "Golden Puck", a considerable number of famous hockey players, in addition to training, have received sportsmanship. June 23, 1995 Anatoly Tarasov died.

Grateful admirers and insidious envious people. They surrounded the legendary specialist all his life. And they composed myths, one more beautiful than the other ...

Myths about Tarasov

The beginning of the sixties in our hockey is like the beginning of a new era. Behind the first steps in the international arena, the first successes and disappointments. The political world was covered by the Cuban missile crisis. The first man flew into space. And the USSR national team, after a series of setbacks, refused to participate in the next World Cup in 1962, which was preparing to host the American Colorado Springs. The US State Department refused to issue entry visas to hockey players of the GDR, due to the construction of the Berlin Wall in this country, which, according to the American leadership, violated human rights. These were the realities. However, now little has changed.

This time became a watershed in our hockey. I have already written about the “turmoil” in the strongest team in the country.

If we take an example from the relations between CSKA and Tarasov players, the times of the “troubles”, then one cannot but take into account the fact that the players' dissatisfaction was largely in the manifestation of the despotic character of the mentor, who put the players, in their opinion, loads that were unbearable and ... called regime violations. Everyone understands what is hidden behind this wording. And it is even more understandable why, having received a "weakening of the regime", the team, in the end, "fell down".

Can we blame Tarasov for this confrontation? I do not think. Do you want results? Do not interfere with work. Point.

The most eloquent example is the legendary defender of that time, and at the same time one of the leaders of the "conspirators" - Ivan Tregubov. After the 1961-62 championship, Tarasov expelled him from the team. For a moment - a hockey player who was recognized as the best defender of the world championship just a year ago. Formally - for more frequent violations of the regime, informally - for opposition to the mentor. The need to cut alive - this Tarasov clearly understood for himself.

One way or another, Ivan Tregubov could not continue his career at a high level in other teams without strict control. And even a great democrat, which was the coach of the Chemist - Nikolai Semenovich Epstein, after a certain time, also had to part with Tregubov. The coach never found the keys to the once eminent hockey player.

The result of this confrontation - Anatoly Tarasov received under his command a practically new team for years.

However, the sixties did not unconditionally dyed red and blue. Moscow Spartak provided very serious competition to the army team. And it is not at all surprising that Anatoly Tarasov, who always strives for victory in all competitions, received a very serious irritant in the person of red and white. And any successes of the hockey players of the trade union team, even within the national team of the country, only intensified the confrontation.

I have already mentioned that Anatoly Firsov's transfer to the army camp during the period of the largest “recruitment” of CSKA in the period 1962-63 became in many ways decisive. Yes, in addition to Firsov, several very strong hockey players joined the army squad. But the fact that Spartak was the former club of Anatoly, as well as the championship of the red-white team in the 1961-62 championship, made this fact very spicy.

But even this fact did not save Tarasov from losing the championship to Spartak in the late sixties. Moreover, the conditions for attracting talented juniors to its team, the trade union club had much more modest. Plus, the army's attempts to lure young leaders of Spartak, in particular Alexander Yakushev, who were hunted until the mid-seventies, were constantly adding fuel to the fire.

At CSKA by that time, largely through the efforts of Tarasov, a whole scheme was built to attract young hockey players to the club. Of course, it was not as fine-tuned as in the eighties, but it had a very serious structure.

In the central military registration and enlistment office, a colonel by the name of May served, who was responsible for ensuring that all hockey players fell into a special directive, and were, as they say at CSKA, “under the hood”. At a certain time, Tarasov could call one or another player to the team “for review”. And he could have sent the obstinate hockey player somewhere “near Khabarovsk”. How much was actually sent in this way, history is silent. But the fact that Anatoly Vladimirovich made a lot of enemies for himself suggests that it was not only the constant victories of the army that irritated those around him.

The desire to have all the best in their team, after the "turmoil", only increased. I mentioned the three railroad workers - Nikolai Snetkov - Viktor Yakushev - Viktor Tsyplakov, who were saved from moving to CSKA only by the intervention of the Minister of Railways. Exactly the same story happened with the leading troika of Gorkovsky Torpedo - Robert Sakharovsky - Igor Chistovsky - Lev Khalaichev.

Tarasov was very impressed by these guys. In the 1960-61 season, the Gorky players sensationally took the silver medal, and the contribution of these guys to the success, like the goalkeeper Viktor Konovalenko, was very great. By the way, the aforementioned Moscow Lokomotiv took bronze in that championship.

The talented Gorky residents, like the railway workers, were defended not without the help of high party leaders. But here's a very interesting fact - after 1962, none of the above-mentioned hockey players were called up to the national team for serious tournaments. Only the station wagon Viktor Yakushev had his permanent place in the main team.

Let's return from the club affairs to the national team of the country. In 1962, Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov received an offer to become an assistant to Arkady Chernyshev in the USSR national team. In his book, he writes about the "conditional" division of duties. That in the main team, both specialists had equal spheres of influence. Far from it. And it could not be so by definition. Given the energy of Tarasov, with such a formulation of the question, he would simply crush his partner.

The motto - "all means are good for victory" is the leitmotif of Anatoly Vladimirovich's entire career. Again, this is all according to the customs and traditions of that time. According to the tasks set. Even if you had to go over your heads.

Much has been written about the division of powers in the USSR national team. Basically, a lot of the category of assumptions. Arkady Chernyshev was responsible for the result, and the direct management of the game. Anatoly Tarasov - for the training process. This is no longer news to anyone. But, these powers were much broader.

Anatoly Vladimirovich could not simply limit himself to monitoring the educational and training process. Too small for a figure of this magnitude. And according to those decisions that have been known to everyone for many years, it can be confidently asserted that Tarasov had a very great influence on the recruitment of the composition. Hence, sometimes the absence in the final list of a team of players who did not correspond to Tarasov's personal parameters.

And here the influence of Arkady Chernyshev was to a much lesser extent. Suffice it to mention the preparations for the 1964 Olympic Games in Innsbruck.

After the defeat in the previous Olympics, the next one was given great importance. Including for political reasons.

As part of the national team, three attacking triplets played enough for the games. The composition of the teams did not cause any doubts, these were the first three leaders of the national hockey - CSKA (Konstantin Loktev - Alexander Almetov - Veniamin Alexandrov), Spartak (Evgeny Mayorov - Vyacheslav Starshinov - Boris Mayorov) and Dynamo (Stanislav Petukhov - Vladimir Yurzinov - Yuri Volkov).

In friendly matches, other hockey players were also tested, in particular the already mentioned railway workers (Snetkov - Yakushev - Tsyplakov), but still the positions of the first three links remained unshakable. Armeec Anatoly Firsov was the tenth striker. In the process of preparation, however, Firsov got a place in the Dynamo unit, leaving Petukhov as a substitute.

Shortly before the games, Dynamo center forward Vladimir Yurzinov in a training match receives a painful blow to the body, which provoked an attack of appendicitis. Naturally, I had to part with dreams of the Olympics, but after him another Dynamo player, Yuri Volkov, was excluded from the national team. Anatoly Tarasov insisted on the inclusion of army player Leonid Volkov, who had played only two games in the national team before.

Tarasov motivated his decision by the desire to have simulated ligaments in the composition. And Leonid Volkov played in the club with Anatoly Firsov. Together with them, the link was made up by Viktor Yakushev, for whom playing with different partners in the national team was not a novelty.

Stanislav Petukhov went to the games as the tenth striker, and at the tournament he often appeared in the Spartak troika instead of Evgeny Mayorov. Here the inviolability of feigned ties turned out to be not so fundamental. Even then, Tarasov "looked closely" to Eugene.

As you can see, Arkady Chernyshev did not in any way affect the presence of his club's players in the national team. Which directly or indirectly indicates that there was a division of spheres of influence between the mentors of the main team.

In addition, from the stories of veterans, we had to hear that Anatoly Vladimirovich, disagreeing with any decision of the head coach, never hesitated in visiting various offices, and signaled as best he could. Energy Anatoly Vladimirovich possessed enviable. I could have done anything to literally "push through" the desired solution. It is possible that this circumstance served as the reason that Chernyshev left him at the mercy of the formation of the composition.

True, stating this fact, Anatoly Tarasov's explanation of the failure at the previous 1960 Olympic Games in Squaw Valley looks somewhat ridiculous, the reason for which he called the composition of the team ... imposed on him contrary to his opinion.

There are no perfect people in the world. Someone more, someone less fits the ideal, the exact criteria of which ... do not exist. It is from here - how many people, so many opinions.

Fulfilling the task of the party - to make our hockey the strongest in the world, Tarasov never forgot about another task, the USSR Ministry of Defense - to make the strongest hockey club in the country, the CSKA team. He is a communist and an officer. There is an order, and everything else is a fantasy for the townsfolk. But, this is already history, and therefore we have a chance to reflect, and even give our assessments. Conditional of course.

The intensified confrontation with Spartak by that time led to the fact that in the next season Evgeny Mayorov, who was rumored to be in excellent shape, was removed from the squad and replaced by ... army player Anatoly Ionov. But what about the notorious desire for feigned ligaments?

Anatoly Vladimirovich himself explains this by the fact that Yevgeny Mayorov lost speed, did not keep up with the actions of his partners and thereby pulled the link back. Made it less dangerous for opponents. Opponents of Tarasov were sure that this was an elementary settling of scores with Spartak, a team that caused him a lot of trouble.

Someone even quoted Tarasov's words, unofficially expressed, that he did not want to play links for his main rivals in the national team. Very believable. Let's remember for a moment - the senior coach of the national team - Arkady Chernyshev. Sometimes, having a large amount of information, the ability to analyze, you come to the conclusion that, nevertheless, there are no fewer questions.

One way or another, and by 1965, a situation developed in the national team when there were army players in each of the three links. And attempts to replace one of them with a senior coach ran into fierce resistance from Tarasov, using various calculations, statistical conclusions and, if necessary, manifestations of personal resentment. He was very good at defending his interests.

At the same time, always remaining principled. Indeed, the story of Konstantin Loktev, whom Tarasov expelled from the national team before the 1963 World Cup, is very well known for not keeping his word to quit smoking. Is he the only one on the team who smoked? And so was it an obscene fact? Of course not. It's just not about smoking as such, but about the fact that Loktev "GAVE A WORD" to his comrades ... and did not restrain him. And this, for Tarasov, was akin to betrayal.

"How can they go on reconnaissance with you if you ...?" - etc. Now many will not understand, but someone will twist a finger at their temples ...

But it was so, and this is our story.

Army veterans to this day consider Tarasov their teacher, father, and generally the main person in life. Representatives of other clubs, as a rule, perceive this information with irony ...

Of course, one of the main reasons for success in those years was not even the famous training of Tarasov, but the fact that he knew how to establish discipline in the team. Because at all times our most important enemy is "violations of the regime" which killed a lot of talented hockey players. And the combination with the hardest training resulted in the fact that famous athletes often died very early.

But the eminent mentor can be blamed, perhaps, for the lack of an individual approach. For some, dancing with Ragulin on your shoulders is a blessing - you will become a real hero, and ... beware of the Canadians ... and in someone they will simply kill the speed and the ability to improvise. And as a result, we will get another good soldier - a thug, competently performing the tasks of the coach.

And there were many such cases. According to Tarasov - "if you can't - get out of hockey." And they left. Alexander Maltsev still notes that it is a blessing that he did not end up in CSKA. The lion's share of the ability to improvise and create on ice would be hammered with muscles. Someone may argue that Tarasov would not have given Maltsev any relief, and would have saved him from the inevitable problems that Alexander faced in the prime of his career. Very controversial. What do you think, would Vysotsky become that Vysotsky if he were forbidden to live the way he wanted? - "He would at least stay alive" - ​​they will object, ... and this is a completely different conversation. And far from grateful.

In this regard, the story of Veniamin Alexandrov is very eloquent. CSKA player, "Russian - Bobby Hull". The great scorer who did not get the lion's share of his fame. In the 1962-63 national championship, he hammered 53 goals into the opponents' goal, an achievement that has not been beaten so far. The excellent techie had a "lethal" throw, but did not like power wrestling. As a result, Tarasov was soon accused of cowardice and unwillingness to help the defense.

Perhaps the forward reminded Anatoly Vladimirovich very much of Vsevolod Bobrov, and their confrontation. One way or another, instead of developing Aleksandrov's strong qualities, Tarasov limited him to the framework of collective hockey in his vision, after which Benjamin's game sharply declined. He lived his life in hockey longer than his three partners - Konstantin Loktev and Alexander Almetov, but without his characteristic brilliance.

Is this not an example of the lack of an individual approach? And you will forgive me, I cannot call this the strong point of the eminent mentor. On the other hand, the same Vladislav Tretyak will tell a lot of stories about how Tarasov fiddled with him, invented various exercises, and as a result raised a goalkeeper, whom many called the strongest goalkeeper of the 20th century.

Where is the truth? I would not be surprised if truth as such does not exist in principle. Or, for each it is its own, as its own truth.

In creating a halo of greatness, fans often use various myths that this greatness, as conceived by the authors, should emphasize. And it often happens that these myths overshadow the very figure of the hero.

But Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov is first of all a man, with his weaknesses and oddities. With their addictions and their shortcomings. And you need to take it exactly as it is. First of all, so that the memory of him lived, and we were grateful to him exactly for what he really did for our hockey.

But it is completely incomprehensible why certain forces needed mistakes, using myths to turn them into achievements? Why create an icon out of a person, which he, in fact, is not?

One of the most widespread myths is the discovery and education of the people's star - Valery Kharlamov. Based on this myth, a whole film has even been created - "Legend 17", replete with similar lyrics. His main theme - Tarasov saw a fantastically gifted hockey player, and decided to educate his character in order to get a master ready for any accomplishments. Fearless and perfect. He taught the mind to reason, put it at the gate and, in the end, sent to Chebarkul to temper the character .... Beautiful!

And why not just tell that Tarasov did not see Kharlamov point-blank, and sometimes frankly scoffed so that he left and did not get in the way? And he sent him to Chebarkul, because he was sure that Valera would not stand there and would run away. And I forgot about him and did not remember, if not for Kulagin, who was just studying with little Valera and always believed in him. And he insisted that Kharlamov be given another chance at CSKA.

Why this ridiculous invention? Tarasov was simply mistaken. How many are mistaken. Did not believe. Not appreciated. Why, from a mistake, create a myth about his exceptional pedagogical instinct? Do you think the new generation will appreciate it? Yes, the more such fantasies, the more people will consider the Red Car a fairy tale. A well-combed fairy tale.

And Tarasov is not at all the figure who needs such "folk art". He has enough strengths to take his rightful place in the history of hockey.

Why not just tell that Tarasov loved his homeland very much, and therefore hated everyone who interferes with our victories. Skew? Yes, it's skewed. And which of the outstanding ones does not have them?

Hence the shouts, like - "fascist" in the back of Josef Holonka. I don’t think that Tarasov really considered him so. Emotions were just off the charts, and Anatoly Vladimirovich is a rather expressive figure. And what is most difficult to suspect of an eminent mentor is liberalism and mercy.

Another very beautiful story, described in the magazine "Sports Games" in the late eighties. Then a series of articles was published on the book by Robert Bakalarzh - "The Lost Years", translated by Semyon Vaikhansky, dedicated to Czechoslovak hockey players, world champions, who in 1950, on trumped-up charges of high treason, were arrested and sent to prison. The article tells about the difficult fate of hockey players, including the famous goalkeeper Boguslav Modra, who, after leaving prison, was frankly forgotten by everyone.

So the article says that when visiting Czechoslovakia, Tarasov helped the Modra family a lot, and, on occasion, shamed Czechoslovak officials for their callous attitude to the legend, which left a huge mark on the history of hockey.

Either these were "miracles of translation", or the trend of the time when the machine for the production of myths started working to its fullest, but, as my acquaintances from the Czech Republic noted, there is nothing of the kind in the book. And it could not be, considering that Tarasov never liked Czechoslovak athletes, and they answered him "in return." Moreover, Anatoly Vladimirovich was known as an ardent communist, and the repressed athletes were perceived by the regime only as enemies of the system.

It's no secret that Anatoly Vladimirovich had enough enemies.

And enemies, and of course friends. Both those and others were, including very influential. Some did not allow him to return to big hockey, others made him a legend, the father of hockey in Russia. Some at different levels tried to undermine his authority, others ruthlessly pressed those who criticized him.

Unwillingness to lose, intransigence in everything. The story with the demarche of Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov in the decisive match of the 1969 national championship with the capital Spartak is well known, in which the army coach, disagreeing with the decision of the referees, took the team to the locker room. The match was eventually finished, and CSKA was defeated, but Tarasov was not forgotten.

Is it any wonder that this story has become a kind of catalyst for the process? Then they wanted to promote this situation to the maximum. After getting even with Tarasov once and for all.

On May 12, 1969, the newspaper Pravda published a devastating article written by the journalists Vladimir Dvortsov, Yevgeny Rubin and the commentator Nikolai Ozerov. It was called - "Goodbye hockey at the beginning of May." In it, the activities and mistakes of Tarasov, which is called "dismantled to the bone."

Tarasov always paid for his mistakes himself. And he paid in full. Anatoly Vladimirovich was stripped of the title of Honored Coach of the USSR shortly after the scandal, but remained the coach of CSKA and the national team. Then, after another won international title, the title was returned, and after a couple of years, no one except the authors remembered the article in the newspaper.

But Tarasov never forgot his enemies.

Here, a very eloquent example is the journalist Yevgeny Rubin, who throughout his career was an opponent of Tarasov, and called him nothing but “villain”. For which he eventually became an outcast, and who, due to constant persecution and the inability to do his favorite thing, had to leave the country.

In fairness, it should be noted that this was 1978, and Tarasov no longer held a high position, either in the national team or in CSKA. And also this was the time when the departure of dissidents became very popular, as well as the deprivation of their citizenship by the authorities of the USSR. Many left: singers, artists, writers, directors ... journalists. Mostly Jews. It just so happened ...

"Who is right and who is wrong, it is not for us to judge ...". Almost like in Krylov's fable. Each had its own reasons, and I am just stating a fact. It is only known that almost no one regretted their decision. Including Rubin. They say he was even grateful to Tarasov for such a change in his life, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

In the history of domestic hockey, Anatoly Tarasov remained as a talented propagandist and motivator. It is known that he even had a nickname - "hammer-sickle sickle". All kinds of settings and "pumping" before and during the match, this is Tarasov's strong point.

The myth about the singing of Anatoly Vladimirovich in the locker room is very well known. More precisely, not so much about singing as such, but about the reaction to it.

World Championship. Decisive game. Our team is losing. During the break, all hockey players have a depressed mood. No one knows a way out of a difficult situation and a way to turn the tide of the fight in their favor. And then, Tarasov enters the locker room and begins to sing the anthem of the Soviet Union. After that, the team seemed to have grown wings behind their backs. They entered the decisive period of the match and literally tore the opponent apart, winning another gold medal.

Vladislav Tretyak, in particular, wrote about this:

- “It's true! Just in that very 1971 year. Only it was not in Bern, but in Geneva, in the match with the Swedes. We were losing ... We thought the coach would sand us after the first period. And he sat down on the bench and started playing the Anthem of the Soviet Union. We were dumbfounded: “If Dad is already singing, we now have to tear the Swedes to pieces.” We jumped out onto the ice as if they were running, and defeated Tre Krunur.

Vyacheslav Fetisov recalls:

“One day he came to the 1978 World Youth Championship in Quebec. Final round, match with Canada. And so Tarasov goes down to the locker room during the break. He is in an Olympic fur coat, takes off his fur hat, hands at the seams - and begins to sing the anthem of the Soviet Union! After that we defeated Gretzky and his comrades (3: 2), and in the final we tore the Swedes (5: 2) ... "

A story will do for any novel. Only variations of such stories are different. Either he sang the anthem, then the Internationale, then the Black Raven ... Moreover, the hockey players themselves, as a rule, get confused in their memories. Bibliographers know everything.

The truth, however, was revealed quite recently.

During the break of the unsuccessfully developing match, the head coach of the national team Arkady Chernyshev performed the installation ... how Tarasov bursts in and draws on the anthem of the Soviet Union! Everyone fell silent, listened to the end. After that the words of Chernyshev sounded - "Well, you ... a singer, do not interfere with work ..." - everyone laughed. The team relaxed psychologically and won.

It seems that he sang, and the result is the same ... but the difference, you see, is huge.

Yes, everyone fought for their country, honestly and fearlessly, but these were simple guys, with simple desires in life, and not ideological fighters for communism all over the world. I don't want to listen to myths about this most of all.

A very difficult question with the departure of Tarasov from the national team together with Chernyshev after the victorious Olympic Games in Sapporo. It is not at all so unambiguous. And this story is still very interesting for hockey fans.

Here is a real treat for myth-makers.

The most common is the one that many publications vyingly cite, and which, forgive me, just shines with ignorance. Its essence is that Tarasov and Chernyshev allegedly received an order from the country's leadership - to yield to the Czechoslovak national team at the Olympics, to the socialist camp team, so that they could bypass the US national team in the table and win silver medals.

Our coaches, "accustomed to victories", disobeyed orders from above, and beat the Czechoslovak athletes, for which they were then expelled from the national team.

In this version, I am more surprised not by the very fact of its appearance, because there were stories and more delusional, but by the fact that it was so easily adopted by various publicists writing about hockey. After all, there is neither logic nor common sense here. The Czechoslovak national team of those years was the main irritant for Soviet hockey players, and the matches between our teams were very tense. And several times the victory in the world championships directly, let's say - "hung by a thread." Plus, a pronounced political aspect.

Even more ridiculous is the version that in the same place, at the top, it was decided to lose the World Championship, which was supposed to be held in Prague, to the home team, a couple of months after the Olympic Games. And that Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev allegedly personally asked the leader of Czechoslovakia, Gustav Husak. In order to thus strengthen the friendship between our countries. After all, the more prestigious title is Olympic, our team already has. And ten consecutive victories on the world stage will easily cover up a possible failure.

But, knowing the obstinacy of the coaching staff of the national team, the management was not sure of the solution of the task, therefore, decided not to risk it, and sent a new coaching team to the world championship - Vsevolod Bobrov and Nikolai Puchkov.

That is, Vsevolod Mikhailovich Bobrov is loyal and executive. Did he voluntarily lose in order to immediately show himself as a zero in coaching, against the background of his antagonist Tarasov? To glue the label of a loser to himself where Tarasov was the first ten years in a row?

I will believe in anything but this.

The strength of the Czechoslovak national team then grew every year, and sometimes only the lack of proper concentration prevented them from winning the champion title. Having beaten our team several times, they were no longer so motivated in the decisive matches, or they were extremely exhausted by the game with our hockey players. This was repeated at the 1968 Olympic Games in Grenoble and at the 1969 World Championships in Stockholm. Having beaten our national team, the Czechoslovak hockey players both times then lost to the Swedish national team. And at the 1971 championship in Switzerland, having again beaten ours, and having won the title of European champions, they lost the world title, losing the match to the US national team.

Our team lost to a very strong rival on the Prague ice. Lost with the new coaching staff. All this gave rise to all kinds of inventions.

There was also a version according to which the organizers of the world championship in Prague asked our federation not to send Anatoly Tarasov to the championship in order to avoid various excesses. Because with his behavior he provokes the Czechoslovak athletes, and as a result they cannot guarantee our national team's safety, especially given the negative mood after the events of four years ago.

I cannot but mention one more version. According to it, Arkady Chernyshev and Anatoly Tarasov understood that every year, victory is given more and more difficult, and sometimes only a miracle allowed our hockey players to retain the title of champions. And ahead was the championship in Prague, where the owners will be extremely motivated, and it will be extremely difficult to win there. Therefore, our duo of mentors decided to leave invincible.

In general, everything is limited only by fantasy. Someone writes about the unwillingness to lose, someone about the fear of losing, and someone about elementary fatigue, and their completely voluntary and deliberate decision.

Others went further and told the world that Colonel Tarasov, after the games of Sapporo, really wanted to get a general's rank. And he put this desire as a condition for continuing to work in the national team. In the name of this he went what is called "all-in", and as often happens in such cases, he lost.

What actually happened? I'm afraid there is simply no definite answer to this question. As you know, there is no smoke without fire. And if you exclude the most ridiculous versions, and the rest are combined into a single whole, then you can get a more or less real result. Plus, the hockey leadership was already fed up with Tarasov's various antics, and the thought of change had been hovering for several years.

The most interesting thing is that the new coaching staff of the national team, having accepted the team, refused the services of Anatoly Firsov, whose hockey player Anatoly Vladimirovich was very fond of. And on this occasion, there is an unpleasant story that Tarasov, through the team's players, tried to influence the new coaching staff, in particular in personnel matters.

In particular, a very curious document is available signed by the then head of the sports games department, Valentin Lukich Sych. In it, he just raises the question of Tarasov's interference in the work of the new coaches of the national team. What is this, a statement of fact or intrigue in order to settle old scores? The document is rather unpleasant in any case.

Lovers of myths are very fond of celebrating tactical innovations that allegedly turned hockey upside down. And never without naming them. The only thing that comes to my mind is the game system invented by Tarasov with two forwards, two midfielders and one defender, which he actively implemented and for what he saw the future. Tarasov called his novelty the system.

According to this system, Anatoly Firsov's link with Vladimir Vikulov and Viktor Polupanov played in the national team. Also, the novelty was tested by a trio: Anatoly Ionov - Yuri Moiseev - Evgeny Mishakov.

In his books, Anatoly Vladimirovich describes in detail the advantages of the new scheme, and also supports all this with statistical comparisons. Enough, however, convincing. True, after Tarasov left the national team, no one began to develop this. And I can't remember anyone else trying it. With universal love for the work of Tarasov.

And already no one can say what it was - a look into the 21st century, or just a delusion?

Later, one of the hockey players who took part in this experiment was asked about the system, and his opinion ... - "Yes, all this is nonsense ..." - answered the veteran, - "They played so as not to offend the master ....".

Add some romance? Well, first of all, CSKA had a tangible advantage over the rest of the teams in the physical condition of the players. Tarasov could not help but use it. He came up with a tactic that many hockey players called "psychic attack." Its essence was to suppress the opponent in the first minutes of the match due to the inflated tempo and play "in the body", and already in the first period to have a handicap of two or three goals. The advantage gained at the beginning of the match made it possible to control the course of the game and, by varying tactical formations, bring the match to victory.

Of course, the functional preparation of the team plays a huge role. Here Tarasov had no equal. Moreover, you train players of the highest talent, such as Tarasov had at CSKA. And here the tactics of Anatoly Vladimirovich for matches are very clear - to stun, break through, push through ...

The same Nikolai Semenovich Epstein in Chemist, whatever one may say, did not have high-class performers for such tactics. Hence all kinds of kickback games, traps, etc. And this often brought success. What would Tarasov have come up with if he worked in the team of the Chemist's class? And how could it have developed in CSKA with the same Epstein?

We will not know the answer to this question. And without it, thinking about the genius of a particular specialist is essentially a conversation about nothing. Order beats the class - that was the philosophy of the early Tarasov. It did not work out to see the result in practice. Viktor Vasilyevich Tikhonov was very close to this during the leadership of the Riga Dynamo, but he also did not reach the heights with middle-level hockey players.

In 1975, Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov, the first of the domestic players and specialists, was elected a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, which is located in Toronto. It was this circumstance that prompted fans to compose new myths, one more beautiful than the other.

Why was only Tarasov worthy of attention among Soviet specialists? Have the achievements of our coach influenced the Canadian voters in such a way? Is it really, in the opinion of the founders of hockey, that Tarasov is head and shoulders above all his colleagues in terms of role?

And the answer was simple. Not only hockey players and coaches are elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto, but also functionaries and other people who have contributed to the development of hockey. Tarasov's coaching achievements are practically nothing for Canada, but he is highly respected for his books on the theory and tactics of hockey. Methodical materials. And this is a fact that cannot be denied. It was as a theoretician that Anatoly Vladimirovich took his place in the hockey "alma mater".

In conclusion, I would like to answer the question - "who was Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov?", Without invented achievements and far-fetched facts.

Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov is the record holder of national hockey in winning the titles of the champion of the country. Seventeen times the Moscow army team won the title of champion under the leadership of Tarasov. And this result is unlikely to be surpassed.

Of course, this is an outstanding specialist, one of the founders of the development of hockey in our country, a major theorist in the field of sports. Creator of his own training system. Founder and chairman of the children's club "Golden Puck", which gave a start in life to many famous masters.

In addition, Anatoly Vladimirovich was a member of the coaching council, and participated in the training of young mentors at the higher school of coaches. It is also well known that the captain of the USSR national team Vyacheslav Fetisov, during the conflict with Viktor Vasilyevich Tikhonov, before leaving for the NHL, kept in shape while training with Tarasov at the dacha.

Anatoly Vladimirovich, to put it mildly, disliked Tikhonov. In this regard, it is interesting how the position of the eminent mentor changes over time. During the years of work in CSKA and the national team, Tarasov noted more than once that Soviet hockey players would never sell themselves in the NHL for their dollars. They play for the country, for the people!

But during the conflict between the top five and Tikhonov in the late 80s, he openly wondered why the coach of CSKA and the national team, Viktor Tikhonov, did not prepare the players for playing in the NHL, where they would represent Soviet hockey ... Right, it is very important where, when and in what context you need to say any words.

Here I would like to cite one more quote from Vyacheslav Fetisov:

- “The greatness of any coach lies in human qualities, only then the guys will fight for him on the ice. Tarasov was kicked out of hockey at the age of 55. But he didn't get embittered. I started working with the boys in the All-Union Golden Puck tournament. Raised many coaches. He lived hockey, died with hockey. There is no one to compare him with. We won't have such great people anymore. "

Sergey Glukhov

The biography of the famous Soviet hockey player, football player and coach Tarasov Anatoly Vladimirovich is so fascinating, in every line it is literally imbued with love for life and his chosen profession, that involuntarily you yourself begin to feel a genuine interest in sports. A hardworking and sincerely dedicated person - this is how a great athlete can be characterized.

The future famous athlete was born on December 10, 1918 in Moscow. The boy was barely nine when his father passed away. In connection with this terrible tragedy, Anatoly had to grow up early enough, taking on certain family obligations. For example, the future legend took care of the younger brother.

From early childhood, the brothers Anatoly and Yuri strove to spend their free time with maximum health benefits. Admission to the Yuniy Dinamovets sports school became a happy springboard on the way to Tarasov's future achievements. The manifestation of the legend's leadership qualities was not long in coming, and he quickly began to wear the captain's armband for the Dynamo youth hockey team, and after a short period of time, the Moscow team.

After studying for 7 years in a comprehensive school, Anatoly Vladimirovich became a student at a vocational school, after which he received the qualification of a "locksmith". On the recommendation of the leadership of his first sports alma mater, Tarasov "sat down at the desk" of the Higher School of Coaches. It happened in 1937.

Young Anatoly Tarasov and Vsevolod Bobrov

Before the outbreak of war, Tarasov loved to kick the ball. In 1939, the athlete, together with the Dynamo team from Odessa, became part of the A group. Soon, in 1941, he temporarily changed football to the front. Tarasov returned home as a senior major.

In those days, Anatoly Tarasov played with Vsevolod Bobrov. They were rumored to be two geniuses whom the country's political regime and their own ambitions put in conditions of a tough long struggle. A documentary film “Anatoly Tarasov. Vsevolod Bobrov. Great Confrontation ".

Coaching career

From 1947 to 1975, Tarasov was part of the coaching staff of the CSKA team, although he continued to play himself. In total, the athlete played 100 ice fights on the ice, having managed to hit the opponents' goal 106 times. As a result - 18 gold medals from his wards.

In 1957, the great athlete received the title of Honored Coach. And in 1958 he began to coach the USSR team. He held this position for 14 long years. As a result - 9 victories of the Soviet team in international competitions, 3 Olympic medals. Quote Tarasov

"Hockey is a holiday of feeling and beauty"

conveys the whole spectrum of Tarasov's bright emotions in relation to the main business of his whole life - sports.

In 1961, Tarasov resigned from the post of head coach, and his place was taken by Arkady Chernyshev. The reason for leaving was that he did not follow the order of the authorities of the Soviet state. They demanded from Tarasov that his team in the match with Czechoslovakia allowed to play with the same score, which would provide her with an honorary silver medal. The final score - 5: 2, the victory remained with ours, and he was fired.

“It's a pity for people who are indifferent to sports. They seem to impoverish their lives in a great way. What about me ... They will say: start life anew - again I will choose the path of a coach. Because this is a damn interesting profession - to educate people who are strong in body and spirit. "

Such a quote from the lips of a great athlete is not surprising. The coach put his whole soul into his charges.

Personal life

Veliky Tarasov entered into legal marriage in the summer of 1939. His wife was a girl Nina, a classmate who studied with him in the same educational institution. In the winter of 1947, the couple had a daughter. The happy couple gave her the name Tatiana.

As even not special sports lovers know, now she is an eminent Russian coach, for whom figure skating is her whole life's work.

Despite the fact that the family learned a lot of the bitterness of the war years, in the 1950s the daughter of the legend skilfully kept herself on the ice. Her father helped her make pirouettes, because children for Tarasov were one of the main values ​​in life. The spouses named their second daughter Galina (she died in 2009).

Books and films

In the books of the athlete "Hockey of the Future" and "Hockey Tactics", every future player who dreams of becoming a professional hockey player will find a lot of useful things for himself. For example, descriptions of attacks, defenses, both in individual performance and when interacting with a team. According to the great coach, a significant role, in addition to the well-known characteristics of an athlete, should be the ability of a hockey player to simultaneously remember tactics and move on skates.

Anatoly Tarasov has written a number of books about hockey

The wards of Anatoly Vladimirovich, for example, eminent athletes Petrov, Firsov, have repeatedly won prizes at the World Championships and the Olympic Games. One of the well-known sports films called "Legend No. 17" tells about the beginning of the sports career of a hockey player from the USSR - Valery Kharlamov.

The movie begins with an unforgettable memory of 1956: a Spanish bullfight in the home country of the great athlete's mother. Further, the viewer already sees the Moscow landscapes, the plot begins to take place in 1967. The young athlete meets the eminent Anatoly Tarasov. It is he who sends his ward to the Chelyabinsk region, with the aim of performing for the Zvezda club.

Having put an end to all the difficulties of games in this team, which did not differ in high performance, Valery soon begins to show excellent results. Thanks to Tarasov, he makes his way first to the leading positions of CSKA, then to the Soviet national team.


The life of Anatoly Vladimirovich tragically ended on June 23, 1995. A fateful combination of circumstances, the price of which is a terrible death. When taking tests, a deadly virus got into Tarasov's blood, and it was he who caused his death. The infection provoked a stroke, as a result, it only accelerated the athlete's departure.

Anatoly Tarasov died in hospital. The tomb of the legend is located in Moscow, at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

December 10, 1918. At the end of the seventh grade, Tarasov entered a factory school as a toolmaker. Working in his profession and helping his family, he also plays hockey at the Dynamo club.

Since 1937 he has been studying at the Higher School of Coaches at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education. Here, with the existing practice of the game, he learned theoretical knowledge, which he tried to implement. In 1939 he was invited to coach the Dynamo Odessa football club. Already in those years, he came to the attention of sports leaders due to the presence of obvious organizational skills. In addition, he has shown himself to be a good coach.
During the war, Anatoly Tarasov mainly spent time in the barracks in Moscow, keeping closer to his family. In those years, his unit trained soldiers in hand-to-hand combat. Also, their functions included the protection of the Central House of the Soviet Army.

After the war, his family was allocated a room in a communal apartment. In 1945, on the recommendation of the legendary army football coach V. Arkadiev, Tarasov was enrolled as a mentor in the sports club of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. In the first season of the USSR championship, Tarasov's team finished fifth, and he himself, with fourteen goals scored, became the best sniper. So he was both a hockey and football coach. Soon, under the leadership of Anatoly Tarasov, the team was among the leaders.

In 1947, in the team CDKA (Central House of the Red Army) in the hockey team, he was appointed playing coach. Then the club was renamed CDSA (Central House of the Soviet Army), and later - CSKA (Central Sports Club of the Army). In the team, he became famous as a theorist, where the players themselves entrusted him with the role of a playing coach.
At the beginning of his coaching career, he trained the Moscow national team, which, in fact, constituted the backbone of the USSR national team. At that time, friendly matches were held against the national team of Czechoslovakia. So, before the official appointment as the head coach of the USSR national team, he managed to establish himself both as a coach and as a player. Then his players won the match with a score of 6: 3. In the period from 1948 to 1950. Anatoly Tarasov became the champion of the USSR three times, and in 1949 he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

As a playing coach, he showed the skill of the game to his players by personal example. First of all, Tarasov was known as a strict motivator for his team, where in any game he urged his players to play only to win. During any match with the participation of his team, he emotionally perceived every dangerous moment created. But in some cases, he could be calm.

In the USSR championships, he scored 106 goals in 100 matches won. Tarasov was the coach of the CSKA hockey club for almost thirty years, until 1975. He tried to bring all his efforts and intellect into a team, striving to make it a champion. So, under his leadership, the hockey club CSKA became the gold medalist of the USSR championship eighteen times (in 1948-50, 1955, 1956, 1958-1960, 1963-1966, 1968, 1970-1973, 1975).
In 1957 Anatoly Tarasov became an honored coach of the USSR. Since 1958, he became the head coach of the USSR national team, where his players won the world championships nine times (1963-1971) and three times (1964, 1968, 1972) became the gold medalist of the Olympic Games. Among his wards, one can note Valery Kharlamov, Anatoly Firsov, Boris Mikhailov, Vladislav Tretyak, Alexander Ragulin, Viktor Kuzmin, Almetov, Loktev, Boris Alexandrov, Vladimir Petrov and others, who, together with the great coach, reached the peak of hockey glory.
Even if the USSR national team became Olympic champions in 1972, after the end of the competition, Tarasov, along with Chernyshev, were forced to leave the coaching post of the country's main team. The reason for this was the failure to fulfill the requirement of the top leadership to play in the decisive match in a draw with the Czechs, but the Soviet squad then won with a score of 5: 2. For winning the Olympics, Tarasov was supposed to be awarded the Order of Lenin, but this ceremony did not take place.

They also failed to play with the Canadians in the 72 Super Series. After them, the team was headed by Kulagin and Bobrov, who categorically refused to accept Tarasov into their coaching staff. Also, key players were excluded from the national team - Anatoly Firsov and Vitaly Davydov, who became Olympic champions three times. In 1975, Tarasov also worked as a football coach for the CSKA team, with which he took thirteenth place in the Major League.
Having defended his thesis, Anatoly Tarasov became a candidate of pedagogical sciences. His contribution to the development of domestic hockey is still deeply appreciated by both his famous students and other Russian hockey players. Also, the great contribution of Anatoly Tarasov did not go unnoticed in world hockey. In 1963, his book "Hockey Tactics" was published, and in 1971 - "Hockey of the Future". His contribution to the popularization of hockey in the country is obvious, where he takes patronage over the children's hockey club "Golden Puck", a considerable number of famous hockey players, in addition to training, have received sportsmanship. June 23, 1995 Anatoly Tarasov died.