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Fiber for mass gain. How to quickly gain muscle mass. Source of complex carbohydrates

Dietary fiber (cellulose) is a part of plant cells that are resistant to the action of enzymes of the human digestive system.

By its chemical composition, dietary fiber is a heterogeneous group of substances that are polysaccharides and lignin. The well-known cellulose, pectins and lesser known hemicellulose, gums, mucus belong to polysaccharides. The content of dietary fiber in food products ranges from 45-55% (bran) to 0% in such food products as sugar, sour cream, premium flour. The role of fiber has been fully disclosed only in the last 10-15 years. An important role in this was played by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, after which the question arose about the use of affordable and effective mass prevention among the population living in areas contaminated with radionuclides. Fiber is not digested in the digestive tract, it reaches the large intestine unchanged, where it is partially broken down by the intestinal microflora.

Why do you need dietary fiber?

The functions of fiber are quite diverse. Eating fiber makes our intestines contract evenly, and is also a prevention of many diseases. Carcinogens in the gut attach to fiber and move much faster than normal, which reduces the risk of bowel cancer. Also, fiber helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body, reducing the likelihood of heart disease.

Fiber makes you feel full faster and stays in the stomach longer than other foods, making you feel hungry later. Due to its high fiber content, one serving of whole grain bread will be more nutritious than 2 servings of regular white bread. Also, fiber helps to accelerate the movement of fat in the digestive system, so it is less stored.

Taking into account the rapid changes in the nature of nutrition in recent years, with the predominance of foods depleted in dietary fiber, the question of compensating for this deficiency is acute, as the basis for the prevention of many disorders and diseases. A diet enriched with dietary fiber is actively used as one of the components of the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus, obesity, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, liver and gall bladder diseases, and dysbiosis. Currently, a whole series of products have been developed, mainly based on pectins, which contribute to the elimination of heavy metals, radioactive elements, toxins of various origins from the body. Deficiency of dietary fiber in the diet increases the risk of bowel cancer and dysbiosis. They are a necessary component of a normal diet and, in terms of their importance, are not inferior to other essential food components (proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals).

What is the daily fiber requirement?

Meat and dairy products do not contain fiber. To increase your fiber intake, you should eat more natural whole foods and, if possible, reduce your intake of processed foods. Here are some examples of fiber-rich foods:

Legumes (lentils, beans, peas)


Brown rice

Whole grains (wheat, oats, barley, rye)

What to remember when consuming dietary fiber?

When using dietary fiber, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid you drink, by an average of 0.5-1l, since otherwise constipation may worsen. If you have diseases of chronic inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, intestines - the dose of dietary fiber should be increased gradually (over 10-14 days) so as not to exacerbate the disease.

Dietary fiber, when used for a long time and in significant quantities (more than 35-40 g per day), can lead to the loss of excessive amounts of vitamins (especially fat-soluble) and trace elements. Therefore, prophylactic intake of multivitamin complexes with trace elements is recommended.

The most readily available source of dietary fiber is bran. They are characterized by a high content of B vitamins, mineral salts (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.), fiber. For example, wheat bran contains almost 2 times more potassium than potatoes. The only problem is low availability.

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The benefits of fiber

Many bodybuilding enthusiasts, carried away by eating only such protein foods as meat, poultry, eggs and rice, in pursuit of the mass paid for the health of their digestive tract. This was due to the fact that they ignored vegetables and fruits containing ballast substances in their diet. It has long been proven that our digestive tract cannot sustain a sparing diet for a long time. After a few weeks of eating refined and refined foods, intestinal lethargy develops, accompanied by dysbiosis (predominance of putrefactive processes), gas formation and other troubles. Therefore, take note of everything related to food ballast substances (PMB).

Read the expert article: Fiber and Fiber for Weight Loss.

PBV are those components of food that the human body does not digest or assimilate. The main ballast substances are dietary fiber contained in all plants and, first of all, it is fiber.




Bran flakes


Green pea

Red beans

Variegated beans

Oat bran






Whole grain bread


White bread


All dietary fiber - polysaccharides of various structures with huge macromolecules. Many bacteria easily break down these compounds into glucose, but human enzymes cannot do this. Therefore, for a long time it was believed that ballast substances are not only useless, but even harmful to health. Only with the creation of the theory of adequate nutrition did these views radically change. However, all well-known health systems that have proven their effectiveness in practice have always insisted on natural food from unrefined products with a predominance of fruits and vegetables, with a lot of dietary fiber.

These proven power systems have been rejected by many skeptics for lack of a proper theoretical basis. Now such a base exists, and today it has been scientifically proven to normalize the role of dietary fiber at all stages of digestion. They affect the rate of gastric emptying, the intensity of absorption in the small intestine and the total transit time of food through the gastrointestinal tract, and eliminate constipation.

Ballast substances serve as the most important source of nutrition for the intestinal microflora, on the normal composition of which the vital activity of the whole organism depends. After all, the bacterial flora destroys many toxins, synthesizes vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, including essential ones. Finally, dietary fibers are excellent sorbents, that is, substances that can actively absorb various compounds with their micropores (and there are a lot of such compounds in a plentiful diet of an actively exercising athlete). The daily passage of several tens of grams of natural porous dietary fiber through the intestines creates an additional absorbing surface of several thousand square meters (!). It is important for athletes to consider that this amount of dietary fiber is easily recruited with a healthy menu. Whole wheat flour, for example, contains up to 12-13% dietary fiber. There are many of them in other cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs. All of this food itself forms a little waste. However, it normalizes cholesterol metabolism and reduces the harmful effects of excessive consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Also, such food is capable of removing a lot of toxic metabolic products. For example, such as salts of heavy metals and excess cholesterol, which, with abundant bodybuilding nutrition, enter the athlete's body in excess.

All fiber is divided into 2 types: water-soluble and water-insoluble.

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and is not digested, and leaves the body in almost the same form. When it enters the intestine, it acts like a brush, cleaning its walls from old food and at the same time absorbing various harmful compounds. It also promotes the accelerated passage of food through the intestines. This fiber is found in vegetable fibers, nuts, and grain shells.

Soluble fiber forms in the intestine a semblance of a thick gel, into which cholesterol molecules enter and therefore are not absorbed. Also, this gel, covering the intestinal walls, interferes with the absorption of glucose and thereby prevents the deposition of fat. Soluble fiber is found in fruits, legumes, and oatmeal.

For good health, you need to consume both types of fiber. However, it should be borne in mind that you should not consume too much insoluble fiber, since it, like emery, can injure the inner surface of the intestine. And as a result, you can get colitis or intestinal inflammation. As for soluble fiber, you shouldn't eat too much after exercise. To speed up the replenishment of glycogen stores spent in training, it is important to absorb more glucose, and slowing down its absorption through the consumption of soluble fiber is completely unnecessary.

Fiber norm - 25-40 g per day (5-8 of them are insoluble). Remember, simple, coarse food supplemented with "ballast" means health and longevity. Refined (purified), difficult to prepare - this is decrepitude, disease and early old age.


Remember, the best sources of fiber are whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Unpeeled vegetables and fruits contain much more fiber.

The easiest way to increase your fiber intake is to buy whole grain bread (bran) instead of refined flour bread. Try to eat a lot of peas, beans and lentils - they are very high in fiber.


White bread

Whole grain bread

White rice

Brown rice

Mashed potatoes

Potatoes baked in peel

Orange juice


Potato chips


Wheat or oat bran

Fiber's role isn't just to help you feel fuller. Here are some interesting facts about the benefits of fiber.

An interesting fact about fiber is its calorie content. But not just carbohydrates, but indigestible, and the effect of digesting fiber is unlike that which occurs from carbohydrates.

The second remarkable fact is two types of fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves easily in water and gel during digestion. This takes a long time and slows down the flow of other nutrients into the blood.

The second type, insoluble fiber, does not dissolve in water. They increase the swelling and aid the passage of food through the digestive system.

Feeling full

Feeling full of fiber relies on two main factors: adding bulk to the diet and slowing digestion. When you eat foods high in fiber, the increased fiber requires more space in the stomach. This is directly related to the feeling of fullness (satiety), rather than getting the required number of calories.

Everyone knows you can eat an entire box of cereal, but it’s so hard to get away with a second serving of broccoli. A large amount of fiber in it requires more space in the stomach, which sends signals to the brain to stop eating.

Also, foods high in soluble fiber slow down digestion and absorption by creating a gel. Slow digestion helps to keep food lingering and makes you feel fuller for a longer time, and by lunchtime you are still not hungry, which will prevent you from eating too much.

Insulin control

Another benefit of prolonged digestion is improved insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control. Eating a lot of fiber slows down the flow of nutrients into the blood, such as glucose. This allows insulin to distribute it efficiently and the pancreas does not need to make additional insulin.

Whatever your goals, improved insulin sensitivity is invaluable. The ability to efficiently extract glucose from the blood and properly distribute it bodes well for body composition.

Beneficial bacteria

The beneficial bacteria in the gut improve immunity and reduce inflammation. Strong immunity allows you to work out in the gym instead of sitting on the bench or getting sick at home. There is no progress without going to the gym!

Reducing inflammation can help reduce the risk of metabolic disorders such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and high blood lipids.


Many studies draw parallels between the amount of fiber consumed and life expectancy. A study recently published of nearly half a million European adults found that eating more than 28 grams of fiber daily reduced mortality risk by more than 24 percent, compared to those who ate less than 16 grams of fiber per day. day.

This does not mean that a small amount of dietary fiber takes 25% of your life, but it will add several years to you. That means more bench presses and deadlifts!


A diet high in insoluble fiber will increase fecal matter and use the toilet regularly. Studies have shown that the excretory system excretes more calories when eating a lot of fiber, albeit in a small amount.

How much fiber should you consume?

For women, it is recommended to consume a minimum of 25 grams per day, and for men, the minimum amount is 38 grams per day. Bigger isn't always better. Excess fiber leads to gastrointestinal stress, malabsorption of nutrients, and unexplained weight loss. If you are full for a long time, it is difficult to force yourself to eat before the required amount.

How to increase your daily fiber intake

If you've been eating low on fiber so far, don't be alarmed, there are plenty of tasty foods to eat. Start with one meal and try substituting brown rice for foods you eat. Then increase your vegetable intake, starting at one meal, until you consume them every time. Slowly and evenly is the key, otherwise you may experience excessive bloating and gas.

Excellent High Fiber Foods

Soluble fiber: oats, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, and some fruits and vegetables
With insoluble fiber: whole grains (wheat and corn), fruits and vegetables (with crusts)

When you increase your dietary fiber intake, you should also increase the amount of fluid you consume, without which constipation and digestive difficulties can occur.

What about fiber in supplements?

Many processed foods contain an added fiber known as functional fiber. Dietary fiber is derived from plants, but functional fiber such as inulin and polydextrose is extracted from natural sources and then added to bars and cereals. While there is little research on the effectiveness of functional fiber, sources of information support its benefits and compare it to regular dietary fiber.

At this time, there is no known negative effect of adding fiber to processed foods, which thus become "healthy". But eating natural fruits and vegetables at the same time as bars will only have a beneficial effect on digestion in general.

It is impossible to gain a powerful and pumped-up body without a decent muscle mass, for the set of which a correctly and competently composed diet is required. Muscle-building workouts are also important, but they are useless if there is no “material” to work with.

Those wishing to have good muscle mass always need to start by building a carefully calibrated menu, which should fully coincide with the tasks and goals. This can be done by a clear understanding of the basics of building nutrition for mass gain and what kind of foods should be included in such a diet.

Based on four basic principles. They give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the menu should be for an athlete who wants to gain muscle.

Meal frequency

For muscle mass to grow, a person needs to eat. Together with food, a person receives energy and substances, thanks to which all vital metabolic processes are carried out, tissues receive material for development and growth.

A set of muscle mass occurs exclusively when the body contains three essential nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. If they are not taken with food at a certain time, the muscles simply stop growing, which is certainly a serious problem for the athlete.

For an ordinary person who does not strive to become larger, it is enough to eat three times a day. Such a routine is not suitable for a bodybuilder, since long pauses between meals create nutrient deficiencies. He needs to eat at intervals of no more than 3 hours, that is, adhere to five or six meals a day.

This mode allows the body not only to digest food more easily, but also to receive all the necessary nutrients for smooth work on building muscle tissue.

Calorie content of food

The fundamental principle of building good muscle mass is to always be clear about how many calories are consumed per day. Otherwise, it will never be possible to achieve the intended goal.

Muscle grows only when the body receives calories. They don't all go into building tissues. This process takes only a certain part. Therefore, the energy value of the incoming food should always exceed the number of calories burned.

Harmony of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

A carefully calibrated ratio of nutrients allows you to accurately build a diet for mass gain:

  • Proteins.Their number varies from 30 to 35%.
  • Fats.Should be 10-20% of the diet, and preference should be given to walnuts, sea fish, fish oil, fatty polyunsaturated acids.
  • Carbohydrates.They make up the majority of the menu, ranging from 50 to 60%.

The presence of a "window" of 5-10% implies that the exact ratio of BJU should be determined and adjusted individually, depending on the characteristics of the organism and goals.

Water and its amount

Gaining good muscle mass is impossible for those who do not pay attention to water - the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture in the body. A deficiency is fraught with a lack of progress in the task assigned to the athlete. The optimal daily allowance for those who build muscle is considered to be from two to four liters. The exact amount is determined by the weight of the athlete.

Should not be drunk while eating. This creates an obstacle to the natural process of digestion and absorption of nutrients, does not allow the digestive system to work one hundred percent. Water is best consumed between meals.

Before training

It is better not to eat before class, but at least two hours before it. Preference should be given to products in which complex carbohydrates prevail. They provide a great boost of energy to ensure an effective and efficient workout.

You can eat a portion of pasta, porridge, and vegetables and fruits. A protein-carbohydrate mixture will not bring any harm. You can drink it about half an hour before your workout.

After finishing workouts

Do not neglect eating after class. This time is most favorable for the assimilation of all the nutrients necessary for building muscle mass, with the greatest amount.

Immediately after class, it is permissible to either consume a portion of the gainer or eat two bananas. A full meal should be in 40 minutes and consist mainly of proteins and slow carbohydrates.

What foods should be included in the menu for muscle growth?

Nutrition should consist not only of well-assimilated by the body, but also useful products, which contain the necessary nutrients. Cereals such as semolina, buckwheat, rice, as well as oatmeal and potatoes are rich in carbohydrates. A lot of fat contains mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon.

There is a clear gradation of products based on the high content of a particular nutrient:

Foods rich in carbohydrates

  • bread (black);
  • cereals;
  • noodles;
  • muesli;
  • porridge (oat, rice, buckwheat, wheat, millet, corn);
  • pasta;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • peanut;
  • potatoes;
  • apricot seeds.

Protein foods

  • peas;
  • eggs;
  • walnuts;
  • beans;
  • boiled fish;
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • poultry meat;
  • fried fish;
  • kefir;
  • milk;
  • caviar;
  • semolina;
  • mutton;
  • sausages;
  • boiled sausage;
  • beans;
  • beef meat.

High fat foods

  • sardines;
  • anchovies;
  • salmon;
  • red meat;
  • ghee;
  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • chips;
  • cream;
  • fat;
  • walnuts;
  • crackers;
  • cake;
  • chocolate;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sausage;
  • bakery products;

Based on this information, it is not difficult to compose a diet. The main thing is to observe the ratio of nutrients.

Building muscle mass: the main steps

In order for muscles to increase in mass, it is necessary to understand that this process takes place in a certain sequence. If you follow each step precisely, the result will not be long in coming:

  1. Starting to exercise, you must immediately take vitamins, amino acids, trace elements.
  2. Further, they introduce a variety of specialized nutritional supplements into their usual diet, and supplement the main dishes with protein.
  3. Then start drinking gainers. This should be done gradually. First, they consume a mixture with a small concentration of protein, and then increase it.
  4. After three months, the gainers are replaced with carbohydrates and proteins.
  5. Having achieved that the mass of muscles has increased significantly, you should start using fat burners. They are taken over a period of several weeks.

Experienced Bodybuilder Tips for Building Muscle Mass

Experienced bodybuilders have vast experience in building muscle. If you analyze what recommendations they give, then success in achieving the athlete's goal of gaining good muscle mass is as follows:

  1. Good appetite.You need to eat a lot, but not everything. A correctly and competently designed strategy for increasing muscle is that it is necessary to eat much more than an athlete can spend during the day, including taking into account the fact that a certain amount of calories is spent on normal metabolism.
  2. Better exercise.For training, it is recommended to choose only those that have managed to prove themselves on the positive side and bring real results - deadlifts, squats, bench press, as well as curls with a barbell in hand.
  3. Progress.It is not recommended to stay in one weight for a long time, if it needs to be increased. You should always strive for the desired mass, exercising a lot and hard, eating right.
  4. Take care when lifting weights.In order not to get injured and not harm the body, you only need to take the weight that you really can do. Otherwise, you can fail for several months.
  5. Full and good rest.The lack of recovery slows down the process of gaining mass. The body should always be given a good rest, sleep is especially useful.
  6. Do not chill, but work in training.You should not give yourself indulgence. You need to work hard and hard in the gym. Breaks between individual sets should never exceed three minutes. This is enough to gain strength for the next set. Getting down to training, you need to be ready for a fruitful and effective exercise.


So, in order to build muscle mass, you should remember the following important points:

  • training only partially determines success;
  • a balanced diet is required;
  • you cannot neglect your own health in pursuit of a goal;
  • recovery and rest are integral parts of the muscle building process;
  • never be lazy in training.

If these points are met, then the result is ensured.

Professor Udintsev

634021 Russia, Tomsk region, Tomsk frunze Ave., 109, office 114

The diet of a bodybuilder is very specific and should provide, according to all the canons of this sport, art and culture, 55-60% of the energy received from carbohydrates. The problem is that most bodybuilders and bodybuilders, neglecting the recommendations of experts, are overly addicted to the consumption of protein foods, mainly of animal origin - beef and chicken meat, as well as various protein supplements, lacking carbohydrates.

Professor Udintsev 03/22/2018 2498

Source of complex carbohydrates

In any case, this is the conclusion reached by doctors from the Medical Research Laboratory of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, who examined a large group of athletes, including bodybuilders (Nutrire Rev. Soc. Bras. Aliment. Nutr, 2005).

In their opinion, the main reason for this imbalance is the desire of athletes and female athletes to increase muscle mass as quickly as possible, which is quite understandable.

The second reason is the fear of gaining excess weight, primarily adipose tissue.

Indeed, it is quite possible. But only if you abuse simple carbohydrates - sugars, the main source of which is various soft drinks containing fructose (including energy), confectionery, rice, potatoes, pasta from "soft" wheat varieties. But the fact is that dietary guidelines for bodybuilding are not talking about simple sugars, but about complex carbohydrates present in vegetables and fruits.

These carbohydrates are called complex because they include fiber, and this is what athletes are catastrophically lacking.

In the Department of Nutrition, University of Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, Brazil (in this country, the culture of bodybuilding is very developed), a number of studies have been carried out on the analysis of the diet of bodybuilders. The athletes involved in this study, men and women, trained primarily in the morning or evening. All of them consumed protein above the norm, but this excess was less pronounced in those exercising in the morning (115.7 ± 2% of the daily value in terms of body weight) than in the evening (126 ± 5% of the norm). In contrast, all participants had lower carbs than normal - 19% in the morning and 28% in the evening. Of all the carbohydrates, fiber was especially deficient in the diet - at the rate of its consumption per day of 14 g per 100 kcal of the diet (i.e., approximately 28 g for women and 36 g for men), the examined athletes and athletes received fiber on average, only 4.7 g (exercising in the morning) and 3.7 (exercising in the evening). All participants also lacked fat, vitamin A, calcium (especially women, which is completely unacceptable) and calories in general. In other words, by all measures, especially the fiber content, the diet of bodybuilders was very far from the recommended one, although those who prefer morning workouts are somewhat better. Interestingly, the results for this group were slightly higher than for the “evening parties”: they had less body fat percentage, more “lean” mass and more biceps volume (Nutr Hosp. 2012).

Why do bodybuilders need fiber?

There were no scientific works on this topic, so we took as a basis the recommendations given on the pages of the most authoritative special sites (, Scoobys Home Bodybuilding Workouts, Iron Man,, etc.). The attractiveness of these sites is that they give their opinion experts in nutrition and dietetics, as well as experienced trainers ISSA (International Sport Sciences Association, International Association of Sports Sciences). The selected recommendations for the use of fiber were further analyzed in terms of their scientific validity.

The first

The addition of fiber, especially dietary fiber, to various products, including meat, significantly reduces their energy density, increases the satiety effect, slows down gastric emptying, promotes slow and gradual absorption of nutrients. This is quite true - see our latest review of the scientific and technological literature on the use of rye bran for this purpose and the development of new products and their additions.


Fiber (soluble, viscous fiber is more effective here) acts as a regulator of blood glucose levels. A stable level of glucose prevents the depletion of its resources during intense physical activity, and the main stores of glucose in the body are liver glycogen, and, more importantly for bodybuilders, muscle glycogen. General fatigue during strength training occurs largely as a result of the depletion of muscle glycogen stores. In turn, a stable level of glucose in the blood also prevents sharp fluctuations in insulin levels, which are the main factor in the gradual development of insulin resistance (a decrease in the sensitivity of tissues, again muscles, to the action of insulin).

This problem exists among many inhabitants of the modern world, even not burdened with excess body weight, including bodybuilders. Athletes who find themselves in this group of “metabolically unhealthy” have very big problems with getting rid of the remaining fat and achieving the desired muscle relief. You can determine the presence of insulin resistance in order to correct the diet in almost any medical center that provides endocrinologist services.

Further, it is extremely important that insulin is an anabolic hormone (all bodybuilders know what it is), it stimulates the synthesis of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, and activates fat oxidation. Shows this hormone and anti-catabolic effect (prevents the process of tissue breakdown - catabolism) - inhibits gluconeogenesis (the process of glucose formation from fats and, most importantly, body proteins). For these reasons, insulin is currently used in various bodybuilding programs. More details on some aspects of the pharmacological regulation of the training process, including among bodybuilders, can be found in the book by N.A. Gorchakova. and others. "Pharmacology of sport" (Publishing house of the Olympic literature, Kiev. - 2010. -640 pages).


Fiber influence on the synthesis and maintenance of homeostasis of a number of enterokine hormones generated in the small intestine - ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide 1, YY peptide, cholecystokinin. Enterokines are actively involved in the regulation of eating behavior, are important factors of satiety, and also participate in the digestion process, especially in protein foods. This is indeed the case, judging by, for example, one of the latest reviews on this topic, compiled by the staff of the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Complutense, Madrid, Spain (J Med Food. 2012)


Fiber is the most important factor in the regulation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). In this regard, both types of fiber are extremely important. Insoluble fiber (dietary fiber) is a stimulant of gastrointestinal motility, which is extremely important for all of us, and for bodybuilders in particular, since they consume a significant amount of animal protein, at the rate of about 2 g per 1 kg of body weight per day and more. It is known that protein is digested in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time and with weak peristalsis, undesirable phenomena of slowing down the movement of food and even constipation can occur. And against the background of constipation and with a deficiency of soluble (viscous) fiber in the lower intestine, the processes of putrefactive decay of animal protein are activated, which leads to the formation of toxins - biogenic amine putrescine and cadaverine (cadaveric poison, from the word "cadaver" - a corpse). It is clear that these compounds do not bring anything good to the body. Let us recall that soluble fiber (prebiotic) is a breeding ground for the development of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - natural competitors of putrefactive bacteria.


Dietary fiber is an excellent sorbent and they exhibit this beneficial effect, for example, in relation to cholesterol. The norm of this compound is no more than 200 mg / day, and they can be easily obtained by giving up fatty animal foods and using only the leanest meat - the effect of the so-called "latent cholesterol consumption" is revealed in all its glory. Here are the data on the content of cholesterol in various types of meat: in beef, lean pork, this figure is 92 mg / 100 g, beef liver - 419, chicken (red meat) - 90-100, chicken (white meat) -78, mutton -98 , smoked sausage - 112 mg / 100 g. For comparison, hard cheese contains 106, low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk - 5, low-fat cottage cheese -9 mg / 100 g; content in fish (cod) -30 mg / 100 g (Information from the database of the University of California, Sang Francisco, USA (University of California San Francisco). Comments are unnecessary - a bodybuilder-meat eater cannot do without fiber as a sorbent of cholesterol ... ...


Fiber-rich vegetables such as cabbage (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), radish, mustard (leaves) and other cruciferous vegetables, and spinach are called "courageous foods." And it is quite reasonable, since the dietary fibers of these plants are associated with such biologically active substances as indoles, more precisely indole-3-carbinol. This compound slightly reduces estrogen levels and increases the production of testosterone, one of the male sex hormones, which is why it is used, for example, for the prevention of prostate cancer and the treatment of male pattern baldness. Shows a mild anabolic effect, which is very beneficial for bodybuilders.

So, everything (or almost everything) that is written about the benefits of fiber on the pages of bodybuilding sites is true. And in general, it is clear that fiber is far from the very last element in the diet of a bodybuilder and foods containing fiber must be taken seriously.