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Chemical element of France (FR). General characteristic (FR) - Presentation. Chemical element of France: the features of the structure and chemical properties of France element

- (Francium), FR, radioactive chemical element I of a periodic system group, atomic number 87; Alkaline metal. Opened France French Radiochemistry M. Pere in 1939 ... Modern encyclopedia

- (lat. Francium) FR, chemical element I of the periodic Mendeleev periodic system, atomic number 87, atomic weight 223,0197, refers to alkaline metals. Radioactive, the most stable isotope 223Fr (half-life of 21.8 min). Named by name ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (symbol FR), radioactive, metallic element of the first group of the periodic table, opened in 1939 the most severe element of a series of alkali metal. In natural form, present in the uranium ore, the product of the expansion of the action. Element rare, ... ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

FR (named in honor of France, M. PEPE Motherland, which opened the element; lat. Francium * a. Francium; n. Franzium; f. Francium; and. Francio, Francium), radioactive chemical. element I of the group of the Mendeleev system; at. n. 87. Countain isotopes has no. ... ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

- (Lat. Francium), FR, Radioact. Chem. Element of the 1st group of periodic. Element systems, at. Number 87, refers to alkaline metals. Naim. Sustain of all radioactive. Elements found in nature. Natural F. consists of B radioactive 223Fr ... ... Physical encyclopedia

SUT., Number of synonyms: 2 Metal (86) Element (159) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

I; cf. [Lat. Francium] Chemical element (FR), radioactive alkaline metal. ◁ Francis, Aya, OE. * * * FRANCE (LAT. FRANCIUM), the chemical element I of the periodic system group, relates to alkaline metals. Radioactive, most stable ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Lat. Francium), Chem. element I c. Periodic. Systems belong to alkaline metals. Radioactive, Naib. Resistant nuclide 223Fr (half-life of 22 min). Name From France Motherland M. Feri, who opened the element. One of the rarest and least ... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

France - See France (FR) ... Encyclopedic dictionary for metallurgy

france - Francis Statusas T Sritis Chemija apibrėžtis Cheminis Elementas. Simbolis (IAI) FR Atitikmenys: Lot. Francium Angl. Francium Rus. France ... Chemijos Terminų aiškinamasis žodynas


  • Radioactive metals of France and Dubney. Methods of predicting physical parameters, Nikolaev OS. The book presents methods for predicting the physical parameters France and Dubna. These are radioactive metals of the seventh period of Table D. I. Mendeleev. Small periods of these metals ...
  • De Gaulle and Holling. "Connyabl" and his associates, owned Maximov. The book talks about the most famous French of the 20th century, the founder and the first President of the Fifth Republic with an unusual and unexpected for the Russian reader of the critical side. The author is detailed ...

France is one of the four elements of the periodic system of Mendeleev elements that have been open "last." Indeed, by 1925, all cells of the element table were filled in, with the exception of 43, 61, 85 and 87. Numerous attempts to open these not getting elements for a long time remained unsuccessful. The element 87 (Eca-Cesium Mendeleev) was sought mainly in the cesium minerals, hoping to detect it as a cesium satellite. In 1929, Allyson and Merphy reported the discovery of ec-cesium in Mineral Lepidolit; They called the new element of Virginia in honor of the US state - the Motherland of Allison. In 1939, Hulbya found an element 87 in Polluks and named Moldavia. Other authors also advocated the discovery of Eca Cesium 87, and the collection of his names enriched with alkaline and Russion. However, all these discoveries were erroneous. In 1939, the firsts from the Curie Institute in Paris dealt with the purification of the Actinia preparation (AC-227) from a variety of radioactive decay products. Conducting carefully controlled operations, it discovered Beta radiation, which could not belong to any of the isotopes of the actinium row of decay known at the time. However, a deeper study of the decay of the actinium showed that the decay occurs not only on the main chain of the as-ACSH, but also on the side ACSC-ACC to form an unknown isotope with a half-life of 21 min. Isotop received a temporary designation of ASK. When it was subjected to a chemical study, it turned out that its properties correspond to the properties of ec-cesium. After the Second World War, interrupted the work of the features, its conclusions were fully confirmed. In 1946, the features suggested to call the element 87 by Francium in honor of her homeland, and the designation of ASC remained behind the corresponding isotope in a number of radioactive decay of the Actinium. For some time it was believed that France is formed only at Alfa-decay of actinium. However, after neptune was opened and a number of its radioactive decay were studied, the formation of France-221 isotope was proved with a half-life of 5 minutes. With Alfa-decay of an Actinia-225 isotope. France, like ASTAT, is a very rare element; Initially, he had a symbol not FR, and Fa.

In 1939, Margarita Fees from the Curie Institute in Paris, while cleaning the drug Actinia (AC-227) from a variety of radioactive decay products, found b-radiation, which could not belong to any of the isotopes known at that time. When this isotope (half-life of 21 min) was subjected to a chemical study, it turned out that its properties correspond to the properties of ec-cesium. It was finally confirmed after the Second World War, and in 1946 the features suggested to name the new element Francium (Francium) in honor of her homeland.

France is one of the rarest elements. Among the elements that constantly exist in the earth's crust, only Astat has a smaller content. All natural France is radiogenic, its radioactive decay is compensated by the simultaneous appearance of new atoms France as intermediate products of the decay of uranium-235 and thorium-232. The total content of France in the earth's crust is estimated at 340 grams. Astate in nature.

Physical and chemical properties. France is similar to properties on cesium. Always crystallized with its connections. Almost all compounds France are soluble in water. The relativistic effects of 6p-shells make a bond France with oxygen in superoxides, for example, FRO 2 composition, more covalent, compared with other alkali metal superoxides. France has the lowest electronegance from all elements currently known. Accordingly, France is both the most chemically active alkaline metal. The reception relativistic effects of 6p-shells make bonded France with oxygen in superoxides, for example, FRO 2 composition, more covalent, compared with other alkali metal superoxides. France has the lowest electronegance from all elements currently known. Accordingly, France is the most chemically active alkaline metal.

Application: Chloride FRANCE FRCL was used to detect cancer tumors, but because of an extremely high cost, this salt in large-scale developments use unprofitable. Currently, France and its salts are not yet available, due to a small half-life and high radioactivity.

- (Francium), FR, radioactive chemical element I of a periodic system group, atomic number 87; Alkaline metal. Opened France French Radiochemistry M. Pere in 1939 ... Modern encyclopedia

France - (lat. Francium) FR, chemical element I of the periodic Mendeleev periodic system, atomic number 87, atomic weight 223,0197, refers to alkaline metals. Radioactive, the most stable isotope 223Fr (half-life of 21.8 min). Named by name ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

France - (symbol FR), radioactive, metallic element of the first group of the periodic table, opened in 1939 the most severe element of a series of alkali metal. In natural form, present in the uranium ore, the product of the expansion of the action. Element rare, ... ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

France - FR (name. In honor of France, M. PEPE Motherland, which opened the element; Lat. Francium * a. Francium; n. Franzium; f. Francium; and. Francio, Francium), radioactive chemical. element I of the group of the Mendeleev system; at. n. 87. Countain isotopes has no. ... ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

France - (Lat. Francium), FR, Radioact. Chem. Element of the 1st group of periodic. Element systems, at. Number 87, refers to alkaline metals. Naim. Sustain of all radioactive. Elements found in nature. Natural F. consists of B radioactive 223Fr ... ... Physical encyclopedia

france - South., Number of synonyms: 2 Metal (86) Element (159) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

france - I; cf. [Lat. Francium] Chemical element (FR), radioactive alkaline metal. ◁ Francis, Aya, OE. * * * FRANCE (LAT. FRANCIUM), the chemical element I of the periodic system group, relates to alkaline metals. Radioactive, most stable ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

France - (Lat. Francium), Chem. element I c. Periodic. Systems belong to alkaline metals. Radioactive, Naib. Resistant nuclide 223Fr (half-life of 22 min). Name From France Motherland M. Feri, who opened the element. One of the rarest and least ... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

France - See France (FR) ... Encyclopedic dictionary for metallurgy

france - Francis Statusas T Sritis Chemija apibrėžtis Cheminis Elementas. Simbolis (IAI) FR Atitikmenys: Lot. Francium Angl. Francium Rus. France ... Chemijos Terminų aiškinamasis žodynas


  • Radioactive metals of France and Dubney. Methods of predicting physical parameters, Nikolaev OS. The book presents methods for predicting the physical parameters France and Dubna. These are radioactive metals of the seventh period of Table D. I. Mendeleev. Small periods of these metals ... Buy for 538 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • De Gaulle and Holling. "Connyabl" and his associates, owned Maximov. The book talks about the most famous French of the 20th century, the founder and the first President of the Fifth Republic with an unusual and unexpected for the Russian reader of the critical side. The author is detailed ...

The second is their neighbor in the periodic system element No. 87 - France.

France is interesting for two reasons: first, it is the hardest and most active alkaline metal; Secondly, france can be considered the most unstable from the first hundred elements of the periodic system., At the most long-lived isotope, France - 223 FR - half-life is only 22 minutes. Such a rare combination in one element of high chemical activity with low nuclear stability determined the difficulties in opening and studying this element.

As I was looking for France

The share of women scientists is not so often the happiness of the opening of new elements. Everyone knows the name of Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie, which opened radium and polonium. Less well known Ida Noddak (tact), discovered rhenium. The opening of the element No. 87 is associated with the name of another woman - French Frenchwoman Pere, by the way, student of Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie. On January 9, 1939, she declared the opening of the element number 87. Let us return, however, back for almost 70 years and consider the history of the opening of this item in more detail.

The possibility of the existence and the basic properties of the element No. 87 were predicted by D.I. Mendeleev. In 1871, in the article "The natural system of elements and the application of it to the instructions of the properties of unopened elements", published in the journal of Russian physicochemical society, he wrote: "Then in the tenth row you can wait for the main elements belonging to I, II and III Groups. The first of them should form oxide R 2 O, the second - RO, and the third - R 2 O 3; The first will be similar to Cesium, the second - with a barium, and all of their oxide should possess, of course, the character of the most energetic bases. "

Based on the location of the ecatezia in the periodic system, it should be expected that the metal itself would be liquid at room temperature, since the cesium melts at 28 ° C. Due to the high reactivity, the whole earth escacenese should occur only in the form of salts, which in their solubility should exceed the salt of the remaining alkali metal, since when moving from lithium to cesium, the solubility of salts increases.

However, it was not possible to open this interesting element of the 19th century scientist. After opening the radioactive neighbors of the element No. 87, it became obvious that he should also be radioactive. But it did not clarify the situation.

Scientists engaged in search of the 87th element can be divided into two large groups. The first estimated the existence of stable or long-lived isotopes of this element in the nature of stable or long-lived isotopes and therefore kept searching in minerals and alkali metal concentrates, in the water of the seas and oceans, in the ashes of hay and mushrooms, in a molasses and cigar ashes. The second group of scientists, focusing on the radioactivity of element No. 87, was looking for it among the products of the decay of the elements of neighboring elements.

When searching for ECacese in the water of the seas and the oceans, the water of the Dead Sea, washing the land of Palestine, was of particular interest. As a result of the expeditions, it was found that in the water of this sea in significant quantities contain alkali metal ions, halogen and other elements. "It is impossible to drown in the water of the Dead Sea," the popular magazines reported. The English scientist I. Fensee, who in July 1925 went to these edges, was interested in something other. "For several years ago, he wrote," it occurred to me that if Ekacesia was able to continuously, it would be possible to find it in the Dead Sea. "

From the blood samples, all elements were removed, in addition to alkaline. The chlorides of alkali metal were separated by fractional deposition. Chloride Ekaceseia was to be the most soluble. However, the X-ray analysis carried out at the last stage did not allow to detect an ecatezium.

Nevertheless, several reports on the opening of the 87th element soon appeared in the literature, but they were not subsequently confirmed. In 1926, the English chemists of J. Dryus and F. Loring reported that ECacese region was observed on the radiographs of manganese sulfate, and were offered for a newly open element name "Alkalini". In 1929, the American physicist F. Allyson, with the help of its erroneous method of magneto-optical analysis, discovered traces of the 87th element in rare alkali metal minerals - Pollocyte and lepidolite. He called "his" element Virginia. In 1931, American scientists J. Pepish and E. Weiner seems to have even singled out Ekacezia from the Mineral Samarskit, and in 1937, the Romanian Chemist G. Hulbya discovered Ekacezia in Mineral Pollocyte and called him Moldavia. But all these discoveries were failed to confirm, because Alkalinia, Virginia and Moldova, did not take into account the most important properties of Ekaceseia - its radioactivity.

However, failures pursued the second group of scientists who were engaged in the search for the 87th element among the products of the decay of radioactive families. In no one known at the time of radioactive families - uranium 238 (4N + 2), uranium-235 (4n + 3) and thorium-232 (4N) - the radioactive transformation lines did not pass through the isotopes of the 87th element. It could be for two reasons: either element No. 87 - a member of the missing series (4N + 1), or the process of radioactive decay of uranium-238 or uranium-235 on the radium section - polonium was not carefully studied. Indeed, at the very beginning of a more thorough study of the Uranium-238 series, it was found that the isotope 214 Bi can disintegrate in two ways: testing alpha decay, turning into 210t1, or beta decay, turning into an isotope 214 RO. This phenomenon received the name of the branched decay, or a radioactive fork. It was possible to expect similar forks and in the area of \u200b\u200bradium - polonium.

The first message about the opening of the 87th element as a product of radioactive decay appeared in 1913 and belonged to the English chemist J. Kranston. Working with the preparation of 228 speakers, he found the presence of this isotope of weak alpha radiation (in addition to the previously known and previously beta radiation). As a result of alpha decay, 228 speakers turns into an isotope of the 87th element - 224 87. Unfortunately, the message of Cranston remained unnoticed.

A year later, three Austrian radiochemics - Meyer, Hess and Fall - observed the phenomenon of the branched decay of the isotope of 227 AU belonging to the row of uranium-235 (4N + 3). They found alpha particles with a mileage length in the air of 3.5 cm. "These particles are formed with alpha decay usually beta-active 227 speakers, they reasoned," ... the decay product should be an isotope of element 87. "

However, to the conclusions of these scientists, many people reacted with distrust. It was caused mainly by the fact that the observed alpha activity was very weak, and this melted the possibility of error, especially since the drug Aktiniya-227 could contain a mix of prostate, and the protacts can be emitted such alpha particles.

Along with these experimental work, the theoretical study of the Odessa Chemist D. Dobrosartov is of interest. In 1925, he published a message in the Ukrainian Chemical Journal, which expressed interesting considerations about the value of atomic weight, physical and chemical properties of the 87th element and about where and what methods should look for it. In particular, he stressed that Ekacezia "must necessarily be a very radioactive element." However, Dobrovers made an annoying mistake, assuming that the known radioactivity of potassium and rubidium is explained by the presence of ecatessees in them.

In the case of opening an item with such interesting properties, Russian scientists suggested to call him Russion.

Next year, two works appeared at once: Outstanding Radiochemists O. Gan (Germany) and D. Heveshi (Hungary) attempted to prove the presence of ECacese in radioactive series. Heveshi studied the alpha decay of 228 AC and 227 speakers, as well as the beta decay of the emanation - radon isotopes and showed that with the beta-decay of the emanations of the isotopes of the 87th element, and during the decay of Actinium-228, if the Isotope 224 87 is formed, It should be less than 1/200000 the share of the initial number of nuclei of 228 speakers.

It was 12 years old, and at the end of 1938, the French chemist Margarita Pered, the employee of the Paris Institute of Radium, began to search for the 87th element. Repeating the experiments of Meira, Hess and Patenet, it, naturally, also discovered alpha particles with a mileage of 3.5 cm. To prove that these mysterious particles are emitted by acting, and not by the protact, reinforcedly cleaned acts from impurities and subsidiaries. It was removed from the Radiatinium's Radiatinium hydroxide coating - Thorium isotope; With carbonate barium, radium isotopes were removed, and with lanthana hydroxide - actinium.

The metering solution remained after such treatment could contain only alkaline and ammonium salts and, as it seemed, should not have been radioactive. However, in the residue after evaporation, beta activity with a half-life of 22 minutes was clearly recorded. It became clear that this activity is associated with some alkaline element. It was possible to assume that it arises as a result of the alpha decay of the actinium and, according to the remittance rule, belongs to the kernel of the element No. 87. To prove it, re-transferred the activity to the sediment together with the perchlorate of cesium. The activity of the obtained cesium perchlorate crystals also declined with a half-life of 22 minutes.

Thus, it has revealed that in 227 AC there is a radioactive plug: in 1.2% of the decay cases, the beta emitter with the properties of heavy alkali metal and the half-life of 22 minutes are formed, and a half-life of 22 minutes:

Long and painstaking work ended with success, and on September 9, 1939. Perented on the opening of element No. 87. In accordance with the nomenclature used for natural radio elements, it chose the name "Actini-K" for it. Later, in 1946, re-named the element of Francium in honor of his homeland, and in 1949, the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry (Jupak) approved this name and symbol FR.

As France investigated

In addition to 283 FR, several isotopes of element number 87 are now known. But only 223 FR are in nature in any noticeable amounts. Using the law of radioactive decay, it can be estimated that in the gram of natural uranium it contains 4 * 10 18 g 223 Fr. This means that in radioactive equilibrium, with the whole mass of earthly uranium there is about 500 g France-223. In extinctingly small quantities on Earth, there are two more isotopes of element No. 87 - 224 FR (member of the radioactive family of thorium) and 221 Fr. Naturally, it is almost impossible to find the element on Earth, which is not reached by a kilogram. Therefore, all research France and its few compounds were performed on artificial products.

France-223 for a long time was the only isotope that was used in the experiments to study the chemical properties of the element No. 87. Therefore, naturally, chemists were looking for methods of accelerated allocation of it from 227 ac. In 1953, M. Perevo-known French Radiochemistry J. Adlov developed an express method for the discharge of this isotope with paper chromatography. According to this method, a solution 227 AU containing 223 FR is applied to the end of a paper tape, which is immersed in the elution solution. When the solution is moving on paper tape, it is distributed by radio elements. 223 FR, being an alkaline metal, moves with the trigger of the solvent and postponed later than other elements. Later, the Adlov proposed to be used to release 223 FR complex organic compound a-tonyltrifluoroacetone (TTA). The described method for 10-40 minutes it is possible to allocate a pure preparation of France-223. Because of the small half-life, it is possible to work with this drug for no more than two hours, after which there is a noticeable number of subsidiaries and you need to clean France from them, or to allocate it again.

With the development of acceleration techniques, new methods of obtaining France have been developed. With irradiation of end or uranium targets, the protons of high energies are formed by isotopes France. The most long-lived of them turned out to be France-212 with a half-life of 19.3 minutes. In 15 minutes of irradiation of the gram of uranium by a bunch of protons with energy of 660 MeV on the sync cyclotron of the laboratory of nuclear problems of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, 5 * 10 13 g of France-212 with an activity of 2.5-107 decays per minute is formed.

Isolation of France from irradiated targets - the process is very complex. In a very short time it must be removed from the mixture containing almost all elements of the periodic system. Several methods of allocating France from irradiated uranium developed by Soviet radiochemists A.K. Lavrukhina, A.A. Pozdnyakov I S.S. Motherland, and from the irradiated Thoria - American Radiochemist E. Heyd. The release of France is based on coexistence of it with insoluble salts (perchlorate or cesium kremnevolphramomate) or with free Khshemolframic acid. The allocation time of France by these methods is 25-30 minutes.

With all these methods, 27 isotopes France with mass numbers from 203 to 229 were obtained.

Insofar as france can not be obtained in weighty quantitiesHis physico-chemical constants are most often calculated taking into account the properties of the remaining members of the alkali metal group. They calculated that the melting point of France is about 8 ° C, and the boiling point is about 620 ° C.

All experiments on the study of chemical properties France were carried out, naturally, with ultramhal amounts of this element. There were only 10 13 -10 9 g France in solutions. At such concentrations, it can be important processes that we usually forget, dealing with macrocolases of the substance. For example, in these conditions, the radioactive isotope can be lost from the solution, adsorbed on the walls of the vessels, on the precipitation surface, on possible impurities ... Therefore, it would seem, studying the properties of France, should be operated on with more concentrated solutions. But in this case, new difficulties arise due to the processes of radiolization and ionization.

And yet, despite all the difficulties, some reliable data on the chemical properties of France were obtained. France with various insoluble compounds is most fully studied. It is fond of cesium chloropotlatinates and CS 2 PTCl 6 and Pb 2 PTCl 6, chloroismutat CS 2 BiCl 5, CS 2 SNCl 6 chloroantonate and CES2SBCl 5 * 2.5H 2 0 cesium chloroantomonate, as well as free heteropolitis - Kremnevolframovoy and phosphorus.

France is easily adsorbed on ion exchange resins (sulfocathionites) from neutral and weakness solutions. With the help of these resins, it is easy to separate France from most chemical elements. Here, perhaps, all the successes.

Application France

Expect a wide use of element No. 87 in practice, of course, not necessary. And yet the benefit from France is. First, with its help (by its radiation), you can quickly determine the presence of actinium in natural objects; Secondly, France hopes to use Sarcom's early diagnosis. Preliminary experiments on the study of behavior France in the ratios of rats. It was established that France selectively accumulates in tumors, and in the early stages of the disease. These results are very interesting, but whether they will be able to use them in cancer practice, only the future will show.