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Who was a coach after Tarasov. Anatoly Tarasov: "Is this hockey?" Stanislav Gridasov claims that - no

In this article we will talk about the biography and personal life of Anatoly Tarasov, who was born in the capital of our country. In 1918, on December 10, Anatoly was born, and at that time his parents could not imagine that their son would become such a famous person.

When the young man graduated from the seventh grade, he decided to enter a vocational school, where he mastered a new profession for himself as a toolmaker.

When the training was completed, the young man did his best to help his family, for this reason he worked in his profession, and also managed to study at the famous ice hockey club called Dynamo. It is worth telling a little more about the biography, personal life, children (photo of the biography and personal life) of Anatoly Tarasov, so that fans can learn more about this great man.

Information about biography and professional achievements

In 1937, the young man was able to go in for sports more professionally, for this reason he entered the Higher School of Coaches, where he was taught the necessary knowledge and skills by the best teachers, this educational institution was organized at the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture.

Since the young man at that time already had some practical knowledge of the game, he also wanted to learn something from the theory in order to apply his knowledge in the game.

Just a couple of years later, the young man was invited to become a coach in one of the rather famous football clubs "Dynamo", which was located in Odessa. Already at such a young age, the young man was able to attract a lot of attention from more famous coaches and athletes, often people wanted to know more about the biography and family of Anatoly Tarasov.

Many executives noted that this man was different from other coaches, as in his twenties he had very distinctive and outstanding abilities.

When the long war began, the man tried to stay in the barracks located in Moscow, as he wanted to see his loved ones more often and to be close. In those days, the young man was trained in hand-to-hand combat, and then his detachment was placed as a guard at the central house of the Soviet army. When the war ended, the young man's family was allocated a separate room in a communal apartment, and almost immediately after that, the great army football coach named V. Arkadyev recommended that Tarasov be enrolled in the sports club of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District.

Anatoly Tarasov in his youth

The first season of the championship, in which the USSR ice hockey team participated, was not as successful as it wanted, and the team took only fifth place, but at the same time Tarasov himself also played with his hockey players and personally scored fourteen goals into the goal, for which many of him called a sniper. Thus, Anatolia showed himself as an athlete and a coach at the same time. In just a few years, the young man was able to train his team so that it became constantly present on the leaderboard. A little later, the young man was enrolled in the CDKA as a playing coach, today this team is called CSKA, and here all the coaches remembered Anatoly as the best theorist, and the players invited their coach to play with them. At that time, the biography, personal life and children of Anatoly Tarasov were very heatedly discussed on television, photos of the biography were often flashed on the air, because the man achieved great success.

When the young man's career was just beginning, he was able to act as the coach of the Moscow national team, from which later they made up the USSR national ice hockey team. At that time, the national team was supposed to take part in the game against Czechoslovakia, so it turned out that until Anatoly was appointed head coach of this team, he also played the role of a player and could coach the teams. While working with the team, Tarasov's teams were able to win with a score of 6: 3, and from 1948 to 1950, the athlete received the title of champion of the Soviet Union three times. Also in 1949, the man received his award as the Master of Sports of the Soviet Union.

Anatoly Tarasov - famous coach, sports legend

The man personally played in his team, for this reason he could show by his own example how exactly it is necessary to make maneuvers and bypass his rivals, he was excellent at showing his skills to the wards. Many players claim that Tarasov was always quite strict and took the game very seriously, he directed his team only to win. If you look at the videos of each championship or game, you can see that the man was very emotionally and anxiously experiencing dangerous moments concerning his team, he was sincerely worried and successfully achieved his victory. Although there were times when he left quite difficult moments of the game without his attention at all, he treated them as calmly as possible. In the days of the Soviet Union, one can count exactly one hundred matches won, where Anatoly played, and during all this time it was he who was able to score 106 winning goals into the opponent's goal.

When the team was renamed CSKA, Tarasov also remained its coach, it was he who was the head coach of this national team until 1975, which Anatoly worked with his players for almost thirty years. During this time, the man tried to give himself as much as possible to the profession and helped his students adopt their skills. It was under his leadership that the team became the winner in the championships of the Soviet Union for several years in a row, almost eighteen gold awards were given to the team.

Anatoly Tarasov - the legend of sports

In 1957, Tarasov was awarded the title of Honored Coach of the Soviet Union, and already in 1958, the man was invited to become the head coach of the USSR national team, it was with Tarasov that the national team won the championships as many as nine times. In addition, Anatoly prepared his athletes for participation in the Olympic Games, where the team received their gold three times. Many famous hockey players became his students, they, together with Tarasov, walked their path to success and fame. At that time, the biography, personal life and children of Anatoly Tarasov in the photo were increasingly discussed in newspapers and on television, the man had many fans and fans.

Many people know that in the 1972 Olympic Games the Soviet Union national team was able to get their long-awaited victory, but when the competition was over, Tarasov and Chernyshov decided to leave their post. The whole point was that the leadership from above demanded to play with the Czechs in a draw, while Tarasov's team won with a score of 5: 2, the victory was crushing, but the authorities did not approve of Anatoly's behavior. Since the coach was able to lead his team to victory, he was supposed to be officially and solemnly presented with the Order of Lenin, but this ceremony was refused.

At one time, the man was also able to defend his dissertation, which allowed him to become a candidate of pedagogical sciences, many still remember this great man, because his contribution to the development of domestic hockey is really invaluable. Not only famous hockey players speak positively about him, but also many coaches who are at least a little familiar with the biography, personal life and children of Anatoly Tarasov. Unfortunately, in 1995, the man died, but no one in hockey has forgotten about this great coach.

Personal life of the famous coach

Of course, many even today want to know who Anatoly Tarasov was, Wikipedia tells a lot about this person's personal life, but the family is still intertwined with the work of this man. When the young man was going through his first studies in high school, very important changes began to take place in his personal life. It was at this time that the young man met the girl Nina, they had an affair and Anatoly married his beloved. The wedding was not magnificent, the young only had a modest supper in one of the Soviet canteens, which was opened at the institute.

Since the young man's career was in full swing, the lovers could not even allocate a couple of days for their honeymoon, for this reason Anatoly already this evening after registering his marriage went to Odessa, where he was supposed to play for the team of a football club called Dynamo ".

The young people did not inform anyone about the wedding, even the parents of the young man and the girl found out about this event only after the couple signed. Relatives did not interfere with the marriage and did not object, since the young people were old enough to make such a decision. Tarasov did not even give his wife an engagement ring, but nevertheless he did it for the “golden” wedding.

The young wife saw Anatoly quite rarely, only when the athlete came to Moscow for various matches.

The biography and family of Anatoly Tarasov in the photo began to be discussed more vigorously after his great success and fame, but big events took place not only in sports, because Nina gave birth to Anatoly two beautiful daughters. The girls were named Galina and Tatiana, Tanya decided to follow in her father's footsteps and also began to play sports, while after a while the girl became a very famous figure skating coach. The man tried to educate his children correctly, every morning he lifted them out of bed and sent them outside to do exercises, while Galina was not happy with this method, but Tatiana enjoyed training.

When the girl was only five years old, Anatoly decided to give her to figure skating, which helped Tatyana achieve such success in her career. The girls rarely saw their father, their mother was mainly involved in their development and upbringing, grandmothers and girls lived far away, so all the worries fell on the shoulders of Nina, who was a wonderful wife and mother. As Tatyana herself says, her father always told her to record invented movements and work out her technique to the smallest detail, today the girl is an excellent coach, and she is sure that she owes all this to her father.

Anatoly devoted most of his time to the younger generation, the man very often came to Artek to speak to the pioneers, he talked a lot about how hockey players train, and the man also tried to instill a love of youth for sports. If you believe the words of those who studied with this great coach, Anatoly was very tough and strict, but thanks to this approach to his work, he turned out to be an excellent teacher. Many of his students have achieved excellent success in sports and are grateful to Tarasov for this. In just a couple of years of working with a new team, the coach made champions from his athletes who could take their gold and take only first places.

According to known data, the wife of the great coach died in 2010, and daughter Galina, who worked as a teacher, also died, but one year earlier than her mother. Galina has a son who often talks about her grandfather, as Alexei says, Anatoly Tarasov has always been a rather strict and tough person, this manifested itself not only in work, but also in the family.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Founder of the Golden Puck youth tournament.

Anatoly Tarasov was born on December 10, 1918 in the city of Moscow. In 1937 he entered the Higher School of Trainers at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education. During the war years he was on the protection of objects in Moscow. In 1942 he completed an officer's course. After that, he taught the Red Army men hand-to-hand combat, shooting and other types of combat training. Soon, sports executives turned their attention to a talented player who had clear organizational skills and a proven track record as a coach.

In 1945, Tarasov was recommended as a mentor to the sports club of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. So Anatoly Vladimirovich became the coach of the army teams at the same time in ice hockey and football. The new mentor made the team one of the undisputed leaders. Two years later, he was appointed playing coach of the hockey team of the Central House of the Red Army. Tarasov became the champion of the USSR three times. On the ice field, by personal example, he showed his subordinates how to play.

In total, during his long sports career, he won 100 matches in the USSR championships, scoring 106 goals in them. Tarasov led the CSKA hockey team for almost three decades. Possessing a powerful intellect and being a maximalist by nature, Tarasov always strove to lead the team to champions. Under his leadership, CSKA became the gold medalist of the national championship eighteen times.

Since 1958, for fourteen years, he was the coach of the USSR national team. Tarasov has brought up several dozen repeated world and Olympic champions. These include such legendary hockey players as Valery Kharlamov, Anatoly Firsov, Vladislav Tretyak, Boris Mikhailov, Alexander Ragulin, Viktor Kuzkin, Boris Alexandrov, Vladimir Petrov.

Tarasov made a huge contribution to world hockey. His experience and sportsmanship are reflected in the books he published: "Hockey Tactics" and "Hockey of the Future". The coach was also thinking about the future of Russian hockey: for a long time he was the chairman of the children's hockey club "Zolotaya Puck", from which a lot of masters came out.

Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov died on June 23, 1995 in Moscow from a stroke at the age of seventy-six years. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery of the capital.

Anatoly Tarasov's awards

Order of the October Revolution (1983)
Two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1957; 03.03.1972)
Order of the Red Star
Two Orders "Badge of Honor" (1965; 1968)
Medal for Military Merit
USSR medals
Medals of the Russian Federation

Memory of Anatoly Tarasov

Since 2015, the tugboat of the Red Banner Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy has been named "Anatoly Tarasov";
The name of Anatoly Tarasov is on board VP-BLN Aeroflot of the Airbus A320-214 model.
On December 10, 2018, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the coach, a monument to Anatoly Tarasov was solemnly opened on the site in front of the V.M. Bobrova in Moscow.

In cinema

2007 - “Valery Kharlamov. Additional time". Director Yuri Korolev, in the role of Anatoly Tarasov - Vladimir Sterzhakov
2012 - Hockey Games. Director Ksenia Kondrashina, in the role of Anatoly Tarasov - Sergey Gazarov and Mikhail Filippov (in his youth)
2013 - Legend No. 17. Director Nikolai Lebedev, in the role of Anatoly Tarasov - Oleg Menshikov
2015 - Glory. Director Anton Azarov, in the role of Anatoly Tarasov - Valery Barinov


Tarasov A.V. New conversation on an old topic. Domestic hockey problems. - M., 1964. - No. 10. - S. 12-16.
Tarasov A. V. Children about hockey. - M .: Soviet Russia, 1986 .-- 208 p.
Tarasov A.V. Real men of hockey. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1987 .-- 126 p.
Tarasov A. V. Stream method of training in hockey. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1966 .-- 67 p.
Tarasov A.V. The Way to Oneself. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1974 .-- 423 p.
Tarasov A.V. Coming of Age. Hockey and hockey players. - M .: Molodaya gvardiya, 1968 .-- 320 p.
Tarasov A.V. Coming of Age. Hockey and hockey players. - M .: Molodaya gvardiya, 1970 .-- 352 p.
Tarasov A.V. Hockey tactics. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1963 .-- 272 p.
Tarasov A. V. Hockey without secrets. - M .: Molodaya gvardiya, 1988 .-- 269 p.
Tarasov A.V. Hockey of the future. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1969 .-- 336 p.
Tarasov A.V. Hockey of the future. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1971. - 359 p.
Tarasov A.V. Hockey. Pioneers and beginners. - M .: Eksmo, 2015 .-- 408 p.

1991 - Hockey Anatoly Tarasov (Film 1: Amateurs. Film 2: Amateurs. Film 3: Profession); TO "Screen" 1992
1997 - Stars of Russian sports (Film 1: Coach Anatoly Tarasov. Film 2: Children's hockey Tarasov)
2018 - Anatoly Tarasov. The age of hockey
2018 - Lord of the "Red Machine"

Sports Achievements of Anatoly Tarasov

Champion of the USSR (1948-1950).

Senior coach of CDKA, CDSA, CSK MO, CSKA (1947-1974). In this post he won the titles: champion of the USSR (1948-1950, 1955, 1956, 1958-1960, 1963-1966, 1968, 1970-1973), silver (1952-1954, 1957, 1967, 1969, 1974) and bronze (1962 ) medalist of the USSR championships, winner of the USSR Cup (1954-1956, 1966-1969, 1973).

In 1958-1960 - senior coach of the USSR national ice hockey team.

Under his leadership, the USSR national team became: bronze medalist of the Olympic Games (1960), silver (1958, 1959) and bronze (1960) medalist of world championships, European champion (1958-1960).

In 1961-1972 - coach of the USSR national ice hockey team (senior coach - Arkady Ivanovich Chernyshev).

As a coach of the USSR national team, he led the USSR national ice hockey team to the title of champion: Olympic Games (1964, 1968, 1972), World Championships (1963-1971), European Championships (1963-1970).

Together with Arkady Chernyshev, he set an unbeatable record - for 9 years in a row (1963-1971) the USSR national hockey team under their leadership became the champion in all international tournaments.

In 1974 he was inducted into the Toronto Hockey Hall of Fame.

In 1997, he was among the first to be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF).

Winner of the NHL Hockey Hall of Fame International Wayne Gretzky Award to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the development of hockey.

Family of Anatoly Tarasov

Mother - Ekaterina Kharitonovna, worked as a seamstress-minder;

Brother - Yuri, died in 1950 in a plane crash.

His wife is Nina (married since 1939), a classmate who studied with him at the same educational institution.
Daughter - Tatiana (born 1947), Russian figure skating coach.
Daughter - Galina (died 2009).

Tarasov was a unique coach, rich in titles, titles and medals. No other mentor in the world has so many. Under his leadership, CSKA became the champion of the USSR 18 times, and the general experience of the glorious mentor in the army club is almost three decades. The team of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Tarasov and Arkady Chernyshev won nine world championships and three Olympic tournaments. Bravo!

In the days of Tarasov, sport was inseparable from politics. Especially in hockey. On the days of important international meetings, the commentator Ozerov broadcast about him almost like Levitan - solemnly, with pressure. He noted successes calmly, only slightly indicating joy. He reported a malfunction in the mechanism of the "red car" in a low voice, with sad pauses. But this was not grief, but an optimistic tragedy, for Ozerov always hoped for the coming revenge.

Tarasov was a communist, and an ideological one, at the sound of the USSR anthem his eyes grew wet, his fists clenched. In front of the players, he sang patriotic songs and recited heartfelt poems. Tarasov infected them with optimism and faith in victory.

His staunch guys no longer went out to the game, but to battle: with the "capitalists" - the Canadians, the Swedes, the "rival friends" - the Czechoslovakians. The only thing missing were buglers and drummers, who were raising to the attack. But they had Tarasov - Suvorov of Soviet hockey: constantly frowning, a light smoldered in his eyes, ready to burst into a fierce flame at any moment. The soldier was the complete opposite of his colleague in the USSR national team - its head coach, the imperturbable and laconic Dynamo player Arkady Chernyshev.

Tarasov never had enough of everything - even a perfect, amazing game to the standing ovation of the audience, pucks thrown by his team - be it CSKA or the USSR national team. The coach never showed joy, moreover, he was always dissatisfied. The team wins, bends its own line, the rival is trampled, and Tarasov does not calm down. One player is subjected to his verbal execution, then another. At times it seemed that now he himself would jump onto the ice and rush to someone else's gates. Once - in the VVS team of Vasily Stalin - he played in the first, hammered three with Babich and Bobrov. By the way, Tarasov was terribly at enmity with the latter. The origins of their confrontation were lost in the twilight of the distant past. Over the years, the alienation lost its sharpness, but lasted until the very death of Bobrov ...

At one time, Tarasov, plucking up courage, wrote a letter to Stalin, passing it on through his old acquaintance, the son of the leader. In the message, Anatoly Vladimirovich, calling on arguments for help, argued that it was time for the USSR national team to enter the international arena. Tarasov assured the leader that our hockey players not only would not fail, but would also prevail over noble foreigners.

It is not known whether Stalin read that letter, but an order came from the Sports Committee - to prepare the team for the 1953 world championship in Zurich. The guys trained diligently, with enthusiasm, but did not go to Switzerland. For a strange reason, Bobrov fell ill. The star, of course, but there were other worthy players as well.

However, the USSR national team would not have gone to the championship anyway - it began on March 7, and Stalin died two days before that. Of course, hockey players would not be allowed to drive the puck when national grief reigned in the country.

By the way, the Czechoslovakian team did not finish the championship due to the death of the country's President Clement Gottwald. He participated in Stalin's funeral. He returned to Prague and two days later, apparently from anxiety, he had a stroke ...

Tretyak, Lutchenko, Gusev, Petrov, Mikhailov, Kharlamov and others like them - were brave warriors. They never retreated, they fought to the end. Often in the truest sense of the word.

When the rivals became impudent, unbelted, the coach's face turned to stone, and he ordered, in an iron voice, to launch a counterattack. The site turned into a boxing ring, the sides cracked, the ice was literally stained with blood.

But even in a fierce battle, ours overcame the foreigners as triumphantly as in the airy hockey lined with the geometry of the finest combinations.

CSKA, where Colonel Tarasov ruled, was the undisputed leader of Soviet hockey for several decades. The army club did not experience the slightest problems with personnel - as soon as a more or less capable young player appeared in the vastness of the country, he was immediately handed a summons to the military registration and enlistment office, and then brought Anatoly Vladimirovich in front of the clear eyes. And he was already deciding what to do with the guy - whether to put hockey ammunition on him, or give him to recruits, that is, send him to regular military service. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that both Dynamo and Spartak lived pretty well in the wide open spaces of the periphery.

But it is not enough to take a capable guy, you also need to mold him into a worthy figure. Tarasov coped with this perfectly. His eye was trained, the training system worked out, with a high efficiency. It was a real star factory.

However, the goal was achieved by incredible, sometimes superhuman efforts. Those who saw CSKA training were horrified. Hockey players threw weights, pulled barbells, ran to exhaustion. They dragged each other on them, played football with partners on their backs, frolicked with huge tires from KAMAZ. Tarasov watched such executions with a satanic smile.

Woe was for those who tried to cheat, to take care of themselves. A player who disdained Tarasov's commandments, and then also discredited himself in the match, risked being burnt in the flames of his volcanic rage. Then came the time of total contempt, excommunication from the next games and a drop in wages. In case of serious sins, the wicked was sent into exile - to one of the army teams that played in the lower leagues. Some, such as Kharlamov, got out of this quagmire, others, by no means mediocre, but not too persistent, perished in it.

It seemed that one should run away from such a tyrant coach without looking back. But no, I don’t remember that someone left CSKA of their own free will. But from there they were often expelled - for laziness, negligence and vices, the "synonym" of which was an addiction to alcohol.

It was an honor to play at CSKA - the army club was the standard of Soviet hockey, its guard. Players were regularly promoted in ranks, given a good salary. The path to the USSR national team and, therefore, to fame, from the army club was shorter than from any other, since Tarasov was well disposed to his own. Even sometimes to the detriment of more talented outsiders.

At fifty, Tarasov was famous all over the world, was treated kindly by the authorities, and respected by the fans. In 1963, he and Chernyshev began an unparalleled marathon of hockey victories at the Olympics and world championships, which continued without him, until the collapse of the Soviet Union. It seemed that the general's epaulettes, of which Tarasov dreamed so much, were about to decorate his ceremonial uniform. But, alas, in 1969, something unexpected happened to him. But she did not fall from the sky, and he called her himself ...

In the decisive match for the gold medals with Spartak, Petrov leveled the score, but the referee did not count the goal - the first ten minutes of the third period had expired (according to the then rules, after that the teams changed the goal). But the judge was guided by the control stopwatch, while the overcrowded stands of the sports palace in Luzhniki, where Brezhnev and his retinue arrived, looked at the electronic scoreboard. According to him, there were still two seconds left to play!

Tarasov demanded that the referee change his decision, but he refused. The referee suggested continuing the match, but now the coach refused. In protest, he took the team to the locker room. Five, ten, twenty minutes passed, but nothing changed. The ice was empty, the sports palace was buzzing with displeasure ...

Brezhnev went to the rest room. He and his comrades-in-arms waved a glass of brandy and ate. Then - again. Once again. Half an hour passed in this way, but the hockey match did not resume. Brezhnev was already glancing at his watch with displeasure. The daughter of a hockey mentor, a famous figure skating coach Tatyana Tarasova recalled: “Defense Minister Marshal Grechko was forced to intervene in the situation. He called Luzhniki, called dad to the phone and ordered to immediately continue the game. The father was obliged to obey, as he said, only because he wore a "military dress."

CSKA was defeated that day. Tarasov was summoned to the Sports Committee and removed at once two titles - Honored Master of Sports and Honored Coach of the USSR.

“He returned home, went into his bedroom, collapsed on the bed and began to cry: it was bitter that he, a person devoted to the country and sports, was treated unfairly. (Six months later, the title was returned.) I saw my father crying only twice in my life - on that day and when the whole family got into a car accident, ”Tatiana Tarasova testifies.

Time passed. The bad weather in the coach's life was replaced by sunny weather. He was in favor again, working on hockey theory. The "red car", as before, smashed all the obstacles in its path. Well, Tarasov used to show his tough temper - in 1971 he forbade the hockey players of the national team to give interviews and spoke out against the journalists of some central newspapers - they say, "you ask wrong" and write "wrong".

The next year began successfully - the USSR national team led by him and Chernyshev won the Winter Olympics in Sapporo. Our hockey players won against all rivals, including their "sworn friends" - the Czechoslovakians. It is worth recalling that in the late 60s - early 70s, the matches of these teams took place in a very tense atmosphere - with fights, insults. The match at the Games in Japan was no exception. In one of the episodes, Nedomansky, driving along the side, hit Chernyshev. Then he threw the puck at Tarasov. But he deftly dodged and responded to the Czech bully with the famous three-story tirade. If the coach knew how these words would echo to him ...

A month later, at the World Championships in Prague, the USSR national team was led by other coaches - Bobrov and Puchkov.

Tarasov and Chernyshev were not fired, but quietly removed - supposedly of their own free will. In fact, in order not to inflame the relationship between the teams of the socialist camp to the limit.

Tarasov long cherished the hope of returning, waited for a call from Staraya Square, but in vain - from now on, the path to the national team was closed for him. In 1975, his new resignation took place - this time from CSKA. The door to big hockey has slammed shut forever. Why did it happen, who is to blame? Intrigues, evil voices, envious people? Perhaps this is not excluded and something else ...

Of course, Tarasov was offended. No, it is poorly said, he was offended. In the fall of 1972, a few months after he was excommunicated from the national team, our team played a successful series of matches with Canadian professionals. But no one remembered him and Chernyshev's merits, because that brilliant team was assembled, sculpted by their hard-working hands.

By the way, matches with Canadian professionals could have taken place much earlier. In February 1964, at the Reception House on the Lenin Hills, the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Khrushchev met with the champions and prize-winners of the Winter Olympic Games. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming. Smiles flashed, laughter rang out. After abundant libations, the atmosphere became completely relaxed. Khrushchev, always formidable and unapproachable, turned into a kind and hospitable host.

The coach himself did not dare to approach the first secretary. The other first came to the rescue - the cosmonaut of the planet Gagarin, with whom Tarasov was friends, brought the coach to the table at which Khrushchev was sitting. He greeted, looked inquiringly - after all, everyone was asking him for something.

Khrushchev was far from hockey. But I knew that the USSR national team played excellently: last year it became the world champion, and this year it won the Olympics. Now coach Tarasov asked him for permission to play with Canadian professionals. It is unknown whether Khrushchev knew who they were. And so he looked inquiringly at Brezhnev, an amateur and connoisseur of hockey. He nodded: "We must allow it, Nikita Sergeevich ..."

Khrushchev said indifferently: "Well, okay, play ..." More precisely, he expressed himself in other, "salty" words.

However, Khrushchev was soon retired, and Brezhnev had a bunch of important and urgent things to do. And therefore the USSR-Canada series was played only many years after that short conversation on the Lenin Hills.

... Tarasov looked like a passenger who had lagged behind his train. Suddenly I found myself on a strange station, blown by cold winds and rains. But he did not lose hope - he stood, gazing intently at the horizon. He was told: "Comrade, you are waiting in vain." But the coach was sure that they would still remember him, they would call him.

And so it happened. In 1975, the "train" really came. Tarasov was appointed the head coach not of the hockey CSKA, but ... of the football one in distress. Nevertheless, he zealously took up a new business, but worked in the old fashioned way. Football players started throwing weights, pulling barbells and running endless cross-country runs. But they couldn't play football better.

CSKA finished 13th that season. And Tarasov was again dismissed. Already at the last ...

The collapse of the Soviet Union was a real tragedy for the coach. Faith burned out, ideals collapsed. And even hockey seemed not the same as it was with him. However, this is exactly what happened - post-Soviet, post-Sarasov hockey was fading away ...

I do not want to finish the essay about this cheerful person, a great optimist on a sad note. And therefore, in the end - a funny story. It was told by Tatiana Tarasova.

Once she and her friend Neelova came to the dacha in Zagoryanka. “Dad received us, as always, hospitably, laid the table, joked, courted the ladies. When Marina left the room, her father asked:

- Who is she?

- Actress, plays in Sovremennik.

Marina returned, the fun continued, and suddenly dad asks Neelova:

- Did you play Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya?

December 10, 1918. At the end of the seventh grade, Tarasov enters a factory school as a toolmaker. Working in his profession and helping his family, he also plays hockey at the Dynamo club.

Since 1937 he has been studying at the Higher School of Trainers at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education. Here, with the existing practice of the game, he learned theoretical knowledge, which he tried to implement. In 1939 he was invited to coach the football club Dynamo Odessa. Already in those years, he came to the attention of sports leaders due to the presence of obvious organizational skills. In addition, he showed himself to be a good coach.
During the war, Anatoly Tarasov mainly spent time in the barracks in Moscow, keeping closer to his family. In those years, his unit trained soldiers in hand-to-hand combat. Also, their functions included the protection of the Central House of the Soviet Army.

After the war, his family was allocated a room in a communal apartment. In 1945, on the recommendation of the legendary army football coach V. Arkadiev, Tarasov was enrolled as a mentor in the sports club of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. In the first season of the USSR championship, Tarasov's team finished fifth, and he himself, with fourteen goals scored, became the best sniper. So he was both a hockey and football coach. Soon, under the leadership of Anatoly Tarasov, the team was among the leaders.

In 1947, in the team CDKA (Central House of the Red Army) in the hockey team, he was appointed playing coach. Then the club was renamed into CDSA (Central House of the Soviet Army), and later - into CSKA (Central Sports Club of the Army). In the team, he became famous as a theorist, where the players themselves entrusted him with the role of a playing coach.
At the beginning of his coaching career, he trained the Moscow national team, which, in fact, constituted the backbone of the USSR national team. At that time, friendly matches were held against the national team of Czechoslovakia. So, before the official appointment as the head coach of the USSR national team, he managed to establish himself both as a coach and as a player. Then his players won the match with a score of 6: 3. In the period from 1948 to 1950. Anatoly Tarasov became the champion of the USSR three times, and in 1949 he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

As a playing coach, he showed the skill of the game to his players by personal example. First of all, Tarasov was known as a strict motivator for his team, where in any game he urged his players to play only to win. During any match with the participation of his team, he emotionally perceived every dangerous moment created. But in some cases, he could be calm.

In the championships of the USSR, he scored 106 goals in 100 matches won. Tarasov was the coach of the CSKA hockey club for almost thirty years, until 1975. He tried to bring all his efforts and intellect into a team, striving to make it a champion. So, under his leadership, the hockey club CSKA became the gold medalist of the USSR championship eighteen times (in 1948-50, 1955, 1956, 1958-1960, 1963-1966, 1968, 1970-1973, 1975).
In 1957 Anatoly Tarasov became an honored coach of the USSR. Since 1958, he became the head coach of the USSR national team, where his players won the world championships nine times (1963-1971) and three times (1964, 1968, 1972) became the gold medalist of the Olympic Games. Among his wards, one can note Valery Kharlamov, Anatoly Firsov, Boris Mikhailov, Vladislav Tretyak, Alexander Ragulin, Viktor Kuzmin, Almetov, Loktev, Boris Alexandrov, Vladimir Petrov and others, who, together with the great coach, reached the peak of hockey glory.
Even if the USSR national team became Olympic champions in 1972, after the end of the competition, Tarasov, along with Chernyshev, were forced to leave the coaching post of the country's main team. The reason for this was the failure to fulfill the requirement of the top leadership to play in the decisive match in a draw with the Czechs, but the Soviet squad then won with a score of 5: 2. For winning the Olympics, Tarasov was supposed to be awarded the Order of Lenin, but this ceremony did not take place.

They also failed to play with the Canadians in the Super Series 72. After them, the team was headed by Kulagin and Bobrov, who categorically refused to accept Tarasov into their coaching staff. Also, key players were excluded from the national team - Anatoly Firsov and Vitaly Davydov, who became Olympic champions three times. In 1975, Tarasov also worked as a football coach for the CSKA team, with which he took thirteenth place in the Major League.
Having defended his thesis, Anatoly Tarasov became a candidate of pedagogical sciences. His contribution to the development of domestic hockey is still deeply appreciated by both his famous students and other Russian hockey players. Also, the great contribution of Anatoly Tarasov did not go unnoticed in world hockey. In 1963, his book "Hockey Tactics" was published, and in 1971 - "Hockey of the Future". His contribution to the popularization of hockey in the country is obvious, where he takes patronage over the children's hockey club "Zolotaya Puck", a considerable number of famous hockey players, in addition to training, have received sportsmanship. June 23, 1995 Anatoly Tarasov died.

Anatoly Tarasov - an outstanding Russian hockey player and coach, as well as one of the founders of the Russian hockey school. Champion of the USSR in 1948-50. Honored Master of Sports. Honored Trainer of the USSR. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
Was born on December 10, 1918 in Moscow.
In 1937, Anatoly Tarasov entered the Higher School of Trainers at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education. The vast practical experience of playing the game was replenished with the theoretical knowledge so necessary for him, with which he tried to operate in life.
Sports executives drew attention to a talented, energetic player who had clear organizational skills and a proven track record as a coach.
In 1945 he was recommended by the legendary army football coach V. Arkadiev as a mentor in the sports club of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District (Air Force MVO). So Anatoly Tarasov became the coach of the army teams at the same time in ice hockey and football. The choice of the leadership was fully justified: Anatoly Tarasov made the team one of the undoubted leaders.
Two years later, in 1947, he was appointed playing coach of the hockey team of the Central House of the Red Army (CDKA).
Subsequently, CDKA was renamed CDSA (Central House of the Soviet Army), and later into CSKA (Central Sports Club of the Army).
During this time, Anatoly Tarasov became the champion of the USSR three times (1948-1950). In addition, in 1949 he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. Thus, on the ice field, by personal example, he showed his subordinates how to play this courageous and difficult game. In total, during his long sports career, he won 100 matches in the USSR championships, scoring 106 goals in them.
Anatoly Tarasov led the CSKA hockey team for almost three decades (until 1975). Possessing a powerful intellect and being a maximalist in character, Tarasov persistently and passionately sought to bring the teams entrusted to him into champions.
Under his talented and wise leadership, the CSKA hockey team became the gold medalist of the USSR championship 18 times (in 1948-50, 1955, 1956, 1958-1960, 1963-1966, 1968, 1970-1973, 1975)
In 1957, Anatoly Tarasov was awarded the title of Honored Trainer of the USSR, and in 1958 another burden fell on his shoulders - heavy and responsible, but honorable. Since that time, he has been the coach of the USSR national team for fourteen years (in 1958-60 and 1962-1972). And here he also achieved amazing results. Under his leadership, the USSR team won the world championships nine times (1963-1971) and three times became the champion of the Olympic Games (1964, 1968, 1962).
Tarasov has brought up several dozen repeated world and Olympic champions. These include such legendary hockey players as Valery Kharlamov, Anatoly Firsov, Boris Mikhailov, Vladislav Tretyak, Alexander Ragulin, Viktor Kuzkin, Almetov, Loktev, Boris Alexandrov, Vladimir Petrov.
The renowned hockey coach defended his thesis at one time and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences. I would like to note that Anatoly Tarasov did so much for the formation and development of the national hockey school that his work is still remembered with deep respect not only by his immediate students, but also by all Russian hockey players.
Anatoly Tarasov made a great contribution to world hockey. His experience and sportsmanship are reflected in the books published by him - "Hockey Tactics" (1963) and "Hockey of the Future" (1971).
In addition, Anatoly Tarasov did a lot to popularize hockey in our country. For example, for a long time he was the chairman of the children's hockey club "Golden Puck", in the depths of which many famous hockey players received their initial training and a considerable share of sportsmanship.
Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov died in Moscow on June 23, 1995.

Anatoly Tarasov with the USSR national team.

After the great rolling success on domestic screens in 2013, the film "Legend number 17", in which the sometimes difficult relationship between the popularly beloved player Valery Kharlamov and the outstanding coach of the USSR and CSKA national team Anatoly Tarasov comes to the fore, an interest in the person of the coach has emerged in Russia, who ended his coaching career almost four decades ago.
Tarasov and Kharlamov.

In the most authoritative "British Encyclopedia" Tarasov is called "the father of Russian hockey". Although he shares these laurels with his long-term partner in the coaching tandem at the head of the invincible Soviet national team of the 1960s and early 1970s, Dynamo Arkady Chernyshev.

Arkady Chernyshev and Anatoly Tarasov.

To say that Tarasov was obsessed with hockey is to say nothing. He, figuratively speaking, breathed this game.

“Tarasov was very demanding. Even after the victory, he pointed out mistakes to everyone. This is not very pleasant, but the player, willy-nilly, thought about his actions. In the educational process, he paid attention to every little thing, if something didn't work out for someone, he made him work twice. And if you are late for a minute, then it’s not good enough ... I remember I was late somehow. The first thing Tarasov ordered me to do somersaults on the ice over my head. Then at the end of the training he gave the hardest tasks, then the so-called acceleration from the blue line to the blue, from the red to the blue ... We rarely had anyone late. And there was always order with the regime, ”Vitaly Davydov recalled, talking about training under the guidance of the hockey master.

At one of the training sessions of the USSR national team in the first days of the 1971 World Cup in Switzerland, an interesting episode happened. After rolling, Anatoly Tarasov left strikers Shadrin, Zimin, and also goalkeeper Tretyak on the ice. The coach simulated a game situation, telling one of the players to shoot on goal, and the other to push Tretyak and interfere with him in every possible way. Shadrin and Zimin were embarrassed, refusing to "beat Vladik". “What are you, darlings! - Tarasov was furious. - There were muslin young ladies here! "

After training, Tretiak left the ice with bruises and abrasions. “Sometimes, as someone throws it at close range, I am angry at this player with a club, swinging:“ What, they say, do you want to kill me? ” And Tarasov was right there: “Oh, does it hurt, young man? You don't need to play hockey, but play dolls. " Then he softens a little: “Remember: you shouldn't be hurt. Forget that word - it hurts. Enjoy your workout. Ra-dui-hya! " Later, many times I remembered those lessons with gratitude, ”the famous goalkeeper wrote in his book.

“The Russians had an iron discipline not only in everyday life, but also on the site. The slightest deviations from it were not only not welcomed, but punished in every possible way, ”admitted one of the best players in the history of Czechoslovak hockey, Vladimir Martinets. In his opinion, it was almost impossible to defeat the Soviet hockey players who trained from morning till night under the guidance of such fanatically devoted people as Tarasov.

Anatoly Vladimirovich never gave the same exercises in training, constantly improvising. “Tarasov had a million exercises - and with what sayings! Not to convey ... People's Artist, not repeated. I gave CSKA 22 years, 10 years as a player - sometimes it seemed that I already knew all his habits, I can assume what will happen in the next minute ..., - later recalled one of the most famous domestic coaches Yuri Moiseev in an interview with Sport Express. - And what happened was something completely different. Man of genius! Could have achieved success in any area - our happiness that he was engaged in hockey. There would be no Tarasov - and there would be no hockey in Russia. All my life I was looking for something new, while other clubs took over what they found. What erudition! I came to the installation with Stanislavsky's book "My Life in Art".

“He was always on skates, he could lie under the puck during training, and often did exercises with everyone. Emotional, groovy, demanding, Anatoly Vladimirovich kindled everyone with his enthusiasm and at the same time kept a keen eye on the work of each player. His character was tougher than that of Arkady Ivanovich, - Vitaly Davydov recalled. - He was a whip for us, while Chernyshev was a carrot. Arkady Ivanovich and Anatoly Vladimirovich perfectly complemented each other and made up a brilliant coaching duet. Temperamental Tarasov sometimes lacked patience. If the national team began to lose, he immediately offered to shuffle the links, change tactics. "Well, wait, don't rush," Arkady Ivanovich admonished him. "

“We didn’t always understand whose plan - Chernysheva or Tarasova - we were playing in the next match. Their unanimity at crucial moments, in my opinion, was most likely due to the fact that neither one nor the other graduated not only from the Higher School of Coaches, but also from the Institute of Physical Education. Therefore, in sports situations, they always listened to each other's opinions, which once again only emphasized their mutual respect, including knowledge, although they had different roles in the national team: Arkady Ivanovich was the organizer, the brain of the team, and Anatoly Vladimirovich was strong in the training process, therefore, more often than his partner, he conducted classes, - Vitaly Davydov admits. “But the main thing that united Chernyshev and Tarasov was that they were coaches from God with amazing intuition and understanding of the game, so no matter how they went to a high goal, they often achieved it.”

As hockey veterans recall, Anatoly Tarasov came to training not only with hockey aids, but also with a volume of Chekhov. Moreover, not just with stories, but even with a book of letters from Anton Pavlovich to his brother, Mikhail. Tarasov in such classes in CSKA and in the national team was the very movement, passion, energy. With a large crowd of the public, journalists who loved to watch him at these minutes, sometimes he took a microphone in his hands, although the hockey players could hear it perfectly. “There was God in training Tarasov!” - This phrase belongs to Valery Kharlamov, one of the master's favorite students. The coach worked to the limit and demanded the same fanatical attitude towards hockey from his students. This is evidenced by just one phrase of Tarasov: "It is not enough to gather star players into a team, it is necessary that the coach also corresponds to this team."

“Tarasov led the trainings with enthusiasm, kindled the guys, was strict with those who were lazy, came up with interesting exercises. Demanded a lot, but we got started and worked conscientiously. Sometimes one of the guys wanted to pry Tarasov, but everything ended in his favor, - recalled the captain of CSKA and the national team Boris Mikhailov. - Arkady Ivanovich Chernyshev had a strong nervous system, I never saw him hot-tempered, it was impossible to unbalance him. Even when we were losing the most important matches, Tarasov literally ran along the bench, and Chernyshev stood calmly at the side, showing no excitement in any way. "

Anatoly Tarasov was really a “fountain of emotions and passions”, a great workaholic with a unique artistry. He structured his speech in such a way that his individual phrases, like "Yesenin of Russian hockey", said about Maltsev, scattered into sayings and easily became newspaper headlines. It is no coincidence that, communicating with him, the journalists expected some original impromptu from the sharp-tongued master: suddenly he himself provokes an argument with reporters and starts asking them questions himself. It is no coincidence that Tarasov was a godsend for the lenses of photographers and cameras during television broadcasts.

“I often attended the training of the army team. He came to the CSKA stadium on Leningradsky Prospekt, climbed higher on the podium and watched for hours how Anatoly Vladimirovich was engaged with hockey players. I was surprised that there were never repetitions in these activities. Every time Tarasov conducted training in a different way, in a new way, - the famous referee Yuri Karandin recalled in his book about hockey. - He was simply inexhaustible in coming up with tasks for the players, and at such a pace, with such a variety and even, I would say, unexpectedly, he offered more and more new tasks, complicating them, increasing the load, that this could not but enthrall the athletes ... A set of exercises, their sequence and various combinations - everything was subordinated to the specific task of the day, set by Tarasov for the team. For example, the next day there was a match with Spartak, and today in training Anatoly Vladimirovich appointed one five to play for Spartak, to play in their style, in their manner. This is how he directly defined: you are Starshinov, you are the Mayorov brothers ... Please note, he warned the others, this five usually acts like this ... starts the attack in this way ... such moves can be expected from them. "

The very next day, in the matches that Karandin judged, he easily guessed the game moves that the army coach had worked out the day before with his charges.

“He was distinguished by exceptional efficiency,” Nikolai Epstein wrote about Anatoly Tarasov. - An active non-standard person, he organically could not stand the calm, academic environment in the team - he excited the players, emotionally turned them on to exploits. Although, in my opinion, he still lacked a certain amount of humanity and flexibility, which Chernyshev or Bobrov possessed ”.

Anatoly Tarasov and team goalkeeper Vladislav Tretyak in training.

Anatoly Tarasov and team goalkeeper Vladislav Tretyak

Anatoly Tarasov's element was to be in the thick of things on the ice and beyond. Passionate, with all his heart worried about the game and the result, he could not sit still during matches, he constantly walked along the bench, finding some words for each hockey player. Moreover, he had such a peculiarity - the better the team was doing during the match, the more emotional and passionate Anatoly Vladimirovich behaved, so much so that his calls addressed to the players were heard not only by themselves and the audience nearby, but by the whole the cheerleader area adjacent to the bench.

Anatoly Tarasov directs the game of the USSR national team.

The game with the Swedes was decisive for the USSR national team at the 1971 World Cup. Soviet hockey players lost 2: 3 by the third period of the meeting. And then there was an episode that many players of the national team still remember. Tarasov, who, it seems, was most worried about the final result, having entered the locker room of the USSR team during the second break, suddenly interrupted Chernyshev, who was conducting the installation, and sang the anthem of the Soviet Union.

“What I remember most in this story was not the singing of Anatoly Vladimirovich, but the subsequent reaction of Chernyshev. After waiting for Tarasov to finish singing, Arkady Ivanovich, barely holding back a smile, said quietly, but so that everyone in the dressing room rolled with laughter. It looked something like this: "Well, you, songstress, why did you sing, can you quieter!" Outwardly, everything looked extremely friendly, respectful and gentle. It was doubly funny that, speaking absolutely innocently and in a friendly manner, Arkady Ivanovich diluted this phrase with a few strong words. Naturally, we relaxed, liberated ourselves and entered the third period with one desire - not just to defeat the enemy, but to crush the Swedes' defense. That, in fact, was done in the end, ”- Alexander Maltsev recalls with a smile. In the final third period, the Soviet team literally tore the Swedes to pieces, winning this segment with a score of 4: 0. The national team of the Soviet Union then won the gold of the world championships for the ninth time in a row.

I once touched on the topic of Tarasov's “singing” in a conversation with Vyacheslav Ivanovich Starshinov, who worked under his leadership in the national team in the 1960s. “Tarasov sang before his debut game at one of the world championships in the mid-1960s“ Our proud Varangian does not surrender to the enemy ”. But he sang not during the half-time of the match, thus, trying to turn us on, not in public, but more in order to calm himself down. The most striking thing in this story was that during the performance of the first verse, Tarasov suddenly went to the toilet and the words of the famous song could be heard from there. He came out satisfied, while making some movements with the palms of his hands, then folding them, then releasing them. Just like a Buddhist. Few have seen it. But we appreciated how the coach tunes in for a long tournament. But that's not the point. Everyone, as they say, has their own butterflies flying in their heads. The main thing is that we had a super team, "Vyacheslav Starshinov admitted. Tarasov was not only a great psychologist, but also an amazing improviser. When the USSR national team in 1968 was preparing at the training camp for the upcoming Winter Olympic Games, he suddenly unexpectedly took the whole team into the pool, built it near the tower and said that now everyone present would have to jump into the water from a height of 10 meters down.

“Come on, Borya, come on first, show an example,” Tarasov turned to the captain of the national team from Spartak Boris Mayorov. He took and, at the suggestion of one of the witches, instigated the coach, they say, we do not know how to jump down, whether you feel weak, Anatoly Vladimirovich set an example for the hockey players and jump into the pool himself. Tarasov, a soldier to the core, with his "special love" for "civilian" Spartak, was silent for a second, went to the edge of the tower. Well, there was a professional jumper nearby, who suggested to Tarasov, who had never jumped from a tower in his life before, that “you have to go into the water with your head and in no case push off from it”. Tarasov jumped into the pool. Following the advice of the swimmer, right in a training suit, in which he was, "cackling and flushed" ... Then for a whole year, before leaving the USSR national team, Boris Mayorov trained at the "special sight" of Tarasov. However, to say that Tarasov was only and I thought that hockey, burning my emotions left and right during games and training, would be fundamentally wrong. Anatoly Vladimirovich was the first to learn from the Canadians the amazing ability to "join in hockey" only during games and trainings, to get on the ice, only in the time allotted for this. He understood that if you focus on hockey all the time and think about it, you can not only burn out psychologically, but also break down physically, with serious consequences for the body.

With such colossal loads, he knew how best to relieve stress after games and training. Tarasov went into the forest to pick mushrooms, moreover, he knew how to dry, pickle, salt them. “Everything that dad did not undertake, he did with passion. Collected mushrooms. Salted cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, apples in barrels. Repaired shoes for the whole family. I planted the dacha with flowers and blue spruce trees, - recalled the coach's daughter, Tatyana Tarasova. - When his legs started to hurt, he put on hockey knee pads and worked in the garden. If there was a feast at the dacha, he always set the table himself. He could drink, but I never saw him drunk. And no matter what happened, whoever was visiting us, at 21.30 my father went to bed. He just disappeared - that's all. When asked what to bring with him to the dacha, he always said: "Only a good mood."

It is no secret that during his lifetime Anatoly Tarasov had many ill-wishers because of his obstinate, conflicting nature. “Tarasov was an inimitable master of creating conflict situations. He needed conflicts in order to prove his own innocence and safely resolve them in his own favor, - admitted in an interview with the author of these lines, Grigory Tvaltvadze. “This is where he differs from Arkady Ivanovich Chernyshev, who created such an atmosphere within the team at Dynamo, which in itself allowed avoiding conflict situations.”

“Tarasov’s passion is not always useful to the team. Forgotten, he can offend the player, humiliate his human dignity, make an unjust reproach. The veterans are accustomed to and react to all this not so painfully, and the young, who are already terribly nervous in important matches, are downright broken. Then the player will understand that the coach did not behave out of malice, that he wishes the team and him, the player, victory and generally good. But it will be later. And now, in the heat of the game, he is insulted, undeservedly insulted. After all, he also tries and wants the best. But they didn’t explain the mistake, they didn’t listen to him. And he cannot answer just as harshly, he has no right: discipline in the military team, "wrote Boris Mayorov in his essay for the October magazine back in 1969.

Over the years of Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov's work in the club and the national team, not everyone liked that the legendary coach, thanks to whom we owe the appearance of the Golden Puck in our country, which opened hundreds of talented boys, does not know how to calmly endure undeserved grievances. That he, already in retirement, is not satisfied with what has been achieved, seeking to advise his followers on how to make the game of CSKA and the national team even better. The restless Tarasov, after his dismissal from CSKA, tried to interfere with the work of his heirs in the club and the national team.

The Canadian Museum of Hockey History and Glory in Toronto traces the entire history of this game. There are honored and remembered few of the elite, the best of the best, outstanding players and coaches. And where, until a certain time, the Americans who played in Canadian teams, but who were not Canadian citizens, were not even immortalized, in 1974 they placed an artistic portrait of Anatoly Tarasov. It was accompanied by the following text: “A. Tarasov is an outstanding hockey theorist and practitioner who made a huge contribution to the development of world hockey. The world should thank Russia for donating Tarasov to hockey. " He became the first European in history to be awarded the right to enter the Hall of the elect. Only years later, the long-term head of the IIHF, Briton John Ahern, was accepted there.

“He was invited to work in America for three million dollars a year. When he died, he had one thousand dollars on his account, '' the hockey player's daughter Tatyana Tarasova recalled. - I still think: if my father had left for America, he would not have died so early. But they didn’t let him go, they didn’t even talk about the offers that came. In his native country, he was first killed as a professional, depriving him of the opportunity to work. And then as a person - through negligence, infecting a fatal infection during the examination. Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov died on June 25, 1995 ...

7 little-known facts from the life of Anatoly Tarasov.

The first photo shows the CDKA team. The second photo shows Tarasov and Bobrov.

1. In the hockey club CDKA Anatoly Tarasov played in one troika with Vsevolod Bobrov and Yevgeny Babich. The top three of the army club were a threat to their rivals. For example, in the 48th championship, Tarasov, Bobrov and Babich scored 97 times out of 108 goals scored by CDKA! True, the relationship between Tarasov and Bobrov did not work out. According to people who closely communicated with Tarasov, they practically did not speak.

They say that Tarasov did not forgive Bobrov for the time of the Air Force team, when General Vasily Stalin fired him from his post as coach, putting Bobrov in. By 1954, relations between the two stars had become so tense that the participation of the USSR national team in the World Championship in Stockholm was questionable. Before the tournament Bobrov set a condition: I will play for the team only if Tarasov is not the coach. As a result, Tarasov attended the championship only as an observer from the sports committee. Tarasov returned to the national team and, together with Arkady Chernyshev, won the Olympics three times in a row (1964, 1968, 1972) and 9 times in a row - the world championships (1963-1971). In 1972 he brought the "gold" from Sapporo, but for the World Championship in Prague The team was already driven by Bobrov. The fact is that immediately after the Winter Games, the leadership of Czechoslovakia turned to Soviet colleagues with a request not to send Tarasov to them, to whom many players of the Czechoslovak national team disliked. The Central Committee immediately recalled the episode when, during the Olympics in Sapporo, Tarasov refused to play a draw with the Czechs: in this situation, we took the "gold", and the "silver" would go to the national team of Czechoslovakia. But ours won 5: 2, and the Americans overtook the Czechs. As a result, Bobrov took over the national team on March 21, 1972.

It's no secret that Tarasov and Bobrov lived in the same house on Leningradsky Prospekt. Eyewitnesses recall the episode when two "Volgas" - Tarasova and Bobrova - stood nose to nose in the arch of the house for half an hour, refusing to let each other pass. The neighbors had to call the police to clear the passage.

2. Anatoly Tarasov married in 1939 a girl named Nina, who studied with him at the high school of coaches. Nina Grigorievna, who was ten months older than her husband and lived to be 93 years old, recalled that after Tarasov proposed to her, they did not arrange magnificent ceremonies and simply went to the Bauman regional executive committee of Moscow, where they signed. After that, the young people celebrated the event in the canteen of the institute, ordering themselves a beef stroganoff, which had seemed very expensive to them before. As a gift, the bride received a bouquet of flowers and a vase. In the evening of the same day, Tarasov left for Odessa to play for the Dynamo football club. Tarasov only managed to run home and wrote a note: "Mom, I think I got married!" And Tarasov saw his young wife only when he came to Moscow for the games.

In February 1947, their daughter Tatyana was born, who became one of the most famous figure skating coaches not only in Russia, but also in the world. Their daughter Galina also grew up in their family. The father brought up his daughters very harshly and every day at seven in the morning, in any weather, he kicked them out to exercise. By the way, it was the daughters who insisted that Tarasov buy his wife an engagement ring only for the “golden” wedding anniversary. Until that time, Anatoly Vladimirovich categorically did not want to “waste money”.

3. The idea of ​​the Super Series against the Canadian pros belongs to Anatoly Tarasov. She came up with a wonderful coach back in the early 60s. Anatoly Vladimirovich many times convinced the party apparatchiks of the need for such duels, endlessly wrote letters to the Central Committee of the CPSU. Once, at the reception of the heroes of the Olympics in the mansion on Vorobyovy Gory, where General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev was also, the first cosmonaut in the world, Yuri Gagarin, at the request of Tarasov, approached him and asked him to let us play with the Canadians from the NHL. Khrushchev then joked: let's drink first. “No, Nikita Sergeevich, we’ll solve the problem first. Here is Comrade Tarasov says that we will defeat the Canadians, he is taken! " And Khrushchev was persuaded, but then Leonid Brezhnev came to power. And the question of the USSR-Canada match was again postponed ...

4. Tarasov did not go to Canada for the Super Series, as he was considered "unreliable". Tarasova was recalled, among other things, the 1969 CSKA - Spartak match, when the coach took the army team to the locker room, despite the presence of Leonid Brezhnev in the box for the guests of honor.

In that game, in case of victory, “Spartak became the champion. And CSKA didn't play well. At some point it seemed to Tarasov that the judges were helping the opponent and he ordered the team to go to the locker room. The pause lasted 37 minutes. Tarasov agreed to back down only after the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal and Hero of the Soviet Union Grechko came to the locker room. Then the game resumed, Spartak won, won the championship, and army fans, annoyed by the defeat, did not let Tarasov out of Luzhniki for a long time and even tried to turn his Volga over. After that match, by the decision of the Sports Committee, the title of Honored Coach of the USSR was removed from Tarasov. However, after six months the title was returned, but he had to forget about the national team. Note that since then Tarasov has never won anything again.

5. Anatoly Tarasov tried to diversify his workouts as best he could. The players ran on the ice with crowbars over their heads, tied themselves with rubber bands to the side and tried to reach the puck, ran exhausting crosses and even ... jumped from the platform into the pool with the clubs! Note that Tarasov, despite the fact that he was panicky afraid of heights, jumped into the water first and hit very hard, but did not show his sight.

6. Tarasov liked to hold important meetings in the bathhouse. His constant partners in the steam room were his friend and neighbor basketball coach Alexander Gomelsky and Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. The head of the FHR Vladislav Tretyak once admitted that it was impossible to go to the bathhouse with Tarasov - he was so fanatically soaring. In the bath, if the temperature exceeds 120 degrees, you need to take a regular washcloth, dip it in cold water and put it in your mouth. It will make breathing easier and the steam will not burn your throat. Tarasov went even further. He lay down on a shelf, poured cold water into the gang, lowered his head there and drank. He was processed in 4 brooms, but he didn't care. Then he went out, drank beer and solved all the issues "at once".

7. In addition to hockey, Tarasov had a hobby - pickling tomatoes and making homemade liqueurs. In the trunk of his "Volga", he always carried vodka, tinctures on alcohol of his own preparation, those very salty podmidors and sauerkraut. Moreover, he never drank more than 300 grams.