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Chukotka Map Detailed with deposits. Where is Chukotka - on the map of Russia. Chukotka Peninsula. Revenues and benefits

Chukotsky Peninsula (Chukotka) is a really extreme north. Chukotka on the map of Russia is located in the Far North-East. Chukotka is a place where the duration of the winter can last up to ten months a year.

Eternal Merzlotus is common in Chukotka. Chukotka is famous for its harsh climate. This is an autonomous district, where "real people" live in harsh conditions, which eat walrles and whales. Chukotka is the endless lands fascinating with their expanses, and where there are no roads.

In the harsh climate of this region, the ship can be stuck in the ice even in the summer. Speaking about the climate of this edge, it is important to note that even in the middle of summer, snow can go snow, and in July, the temperature rarely rises above 14 degrees of heat.

Meridian passes through the territory of the Autonomous District, which shares the East and Western hemisphere. From the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, hand to Alaska, you can show your hand toward another continent.

There is a theory that precisely from Chukotka ancient people moved first to Alaska, and then to Canada. Chukotka strikes open spaces, wildlife and an amazing atmosphere of reigning in the region. Who can say that being impossible to relax on the edge of the world?

You can relax while enjoying the beauty of the wildlife, the forces of which the person is not given to overcome. The power and spirit of the nature of this land forgotten on the edge of the Earth is an imagination.

Rest on Chukotka may turn out to be authentic, with his charm. Only a truly in love with a person will be able to appreciate all the delights of such a holiday.

The attractions of the Chukotka Peninsula are not admired by glamor, architecture or gloss, but unique identity, endless landscapes, wealth of nature. Also, you can hit the spirit of real people, which lives behind the northern polar circle.

Animals and a surprisingly rich animal is one of the most important attractions of Chukotka. Often animals can be found next to the houses of local residents, well, either see in a natural habitat.

In addition to wild animals on Chukotka a lot of deer. Deer, the main direction of agriculture of this region. The flock of deer on Chukotka is considered one of the largest in the world.

Going on the journey should remember that it is an extremely severe edge. This is a piece of land where winter is almost the main season (up to ten months). In the polar night, the sun is not shown at all due to the horizon. However, during the polar day, in the summer the sun does not go beyond the horizon. These are the caprises - nature surprises.

Weather on Chukotka and in Yakutia a separate topic. Because of weather conditions, the trip to the next settlement may take several days. Often, due to weather conditions, flights are postponed. If there is an excellent weather in the destination, the sun shines, the other picture may be perfect at the point of departure.

Chukotka is considered the most expensive region in Russia. On Chukotka high prices for goods, except local meat and fish. Especially high prices for vegetables, fruits. The delivered goods takes place on average from June to October.

This region is also possible, like Yakutia can welcome travelers and tourists with a harsh climate. In Chukotka, the low sky above his head, there are practically no people, silence, and there is a chance to store a bear on the expanses.

We can say that where the Chukotka is, there is bears. In this autonomous area, migrations of polar bears pass through settlements, and brown bear, just live in Tundra. Brown bears can go to garbage in hungry time.

The autonomous district can be called a completely different world, and it is worth understanding that you would like to look at Chukotka. Riding on the edge of light is better for two weeks or three. If the time is less, then see the surroundings of Anadyr.

Anadyr is the eastern city in Russia and is the administrative center of the Autonomous Okrug. Anadyr, sometimes called Moscow Chukotka. About 15,849 people live in the city.

There is no division into areas in Anadyr, and most of the houses are built on stilts designed for a strong PURGU. The city amazes the purity and abundance of paints on the background it would seem dim, inexpressive tundra.

It is noteworthy that public transport is free. The average speed in the city is up to 50 km / h. During the year, a slightly minor accident may occur in Anadyr.

The city has a valid Orthodox church - the Holy Trinity Cathedral, built in the conditions of permafrost. Cathedral capacity thousand people.

Anadyr is not like the rest of the Chukotka. It can be said that in this city there is all: hotels, ATMs, restaurants and cafes, art gallery, a souvenir shop, a closed ice rink, etc. Functions the cinema, where the new movie industry is shown.

Nasakan is an abandoned settlement of Eskimos at Cape Dezhnev. Nasakan deserted place, the ghost settlement on the map of Russia, where it is difficult to get. Once 400 people lived in Naukan. NAUKA was a fairly large settlement for such a remote area, where it is difficult to get and harsh climate.

Nasakan is a kind of abandoned dwelling, the atmosphere of delligent, which is alien to all alive. This kind of painting is most likely of interest only for travelers-extremal and lovers of everything unusual, or for any expedition.

It is said that from the hills of this abandoned settlement in clear weather you can distinguish and see the shores of Alaska, Cape Prince Wales. It turns out that from this place to the shores of Alaska is only 80 km away. The attractiveness of this ghost settlement is also in the fact that with his hills can be observed for whales.

Whales, each year sail to the shores of the cape, and lovers of these mammals have the opportunity to observe them in a natural environment. Among the indigenous people of Napanese is an ancient legend. According to legend, local Eskimos - big whale friends who have entered into an agreement with them in ancient times.

Elgigytgyn - one can say that it is a mysterious lake, which is an almost perfect circle. There are various theories that they are trying to explain the causes of the appearance of Lake Elgigytgun.

Lake is located about 390 km north-west of the administrative center - Anadyr. In size, the lake is not big. The diameter of Elgigytgun barely reaches 12 km. However, despite the relatively non-impressive dimensions, the depth of Lake Elgygetgun in the central part is 175 meters. The depths of the lake never freeze to the end. Swim in the waters of Lake Elgigytgyn is unlikely to succeed.

Whale alley is a historical monument of ancient Eastsky culture. Alley, is located on the island of Yttygran. Opened this attraction by chance in 1977. The archaeological expedition, randomly found the alley, appreciated the importance, and the importance of this historical monument.

The monument is dating a monument to the 14th century. Alley is located on a uninhabited island, where the roads are ends, civilization. Before the nearest locality, the village is 30 kilometers. Whale alley manits tourists with its inaccessibility. This is a beautiful place on the edge of the earth, it was possible to be used and had a sacred purpose for indigenous people.

It is clear from the name that the alley consisting of rows of huge mammals of whales, Leviafanov. In the soil, the ground of the inscaps and the two buildings of the bones of large leviafan are installed. The length of the alley is five hundred meters along the shore of Yttygran.

Between the rows of alleys - 150 yam where meat is stored. In terms of storage facilities, there are stored snacks and food reserves. A little further can be seen a circular platform, surrounded by a ring of a chump stone. In the middle of the rings there is a massive boulder. Live to boulder is the focus.

Based on the assumptions of scientists, researchers - the place served as the central sanctuary for the community or association of people, which lived in these parts in ancient times. Alley could use in rites, in sacred rituals, peaks or competitions. The sacred rituals of the MASS hold the stone sanctuary of the circular platform.

There is a theory that hunters met on Earth Yttygran. Meetings began in the 14th century and continued for two centuries. After a sharp climate change and the decrease in the temperature of Leviathans ceased to swim into these marine expanses. Then, whale mining and craft went to the decline.

Cape Narvin is a picturesque, majestic place on the edge of the earth. The richness of this striking place is the "Bird Bazaar". The ornithologists of the world can talk about cape only with a swim. On the rocks of the cape in the summer, you can see the constant concentration of the representative of the Red Book - Orlana Belochhvorost.

Also, you can meet Sivoch. At the same time, in the area of \u200b\u200bCape there are rock paintings of animal hunting, which inhabit these lands. The age of unique rock paintings is about two thousand years. The weather in Narvina will not pour anyone. The feature of this place is the windiness.

At Cape there is a maximum of the repeatability of the storms and the average annual wind speed. On the hottest summer month - August temperature is rarely above seven degrees of heat. Often there are precipitation on the cape, the fog happens.

Bay of Providence is one of the most beautiful places in Chukotka. Bay of Providence is located in the Bering Sea. It is in this bay that the wintering vessels rose that they were afraid to get into the storm or bad weather. In the Bay of Providence there is a small in size, but the international airport.

Regular communication with Anadrem is debugged. In the village of the Bay of Providence, a local history museum operates, in which tourists, travelers can learn all about the lives of the indigenous population.

Each visiting museum learns about culture, life, lifestyle: Eskimos, Chukchi and Evenkov. The museum contains a unique collection of artifacts.

Wrangel Island - is a biosphere reserve. This is the most unique island in the Arctic. This biosphere reserve is the boar of polar bears. So to speak, the island of Wrangel is the nurseries of small white bear. The island is included in the List of World Natural Heritage.

Most likely to see the Chukotka with his own eyes, looking at the beauty of nature you fall in love with this harsh edge with amazing nature. In the extreme for a person, survival conditions, people change priorities. As if the eyes open to the world, after visiting Chukotka, there is a strange feeling of enlightenment.

Those who fell in love with Chukotka will miss the air, in the landscapes, in feelings and sensations that are not noticeable by other emotions. Explore the rare beauty of the world, although on the edge of the world. Travel, be open to the new and unknown. Good luck.

Cups of Chukotka:
Anadyr |

Map of Chukotka

Once a long time ago, many years ago, nations living on Chukotka Peninsula were hunted on bison and mammoths. This story already stretches for quite many centuries.

They came there out of that ecologically pure place, which was then called Berende. Over the past century, much has changed. Archaeologists recently found invaluable information about the life of people in the distant past.

In the modern century, the Chukotka Autonomous District is a real treasury of the northeast of Russia. This stateless and multiple land is known for its natural mineral departments for the whole world. In the ground, coal, gas and oil fields are locked. There is tin, gold, mercury, tungsten, platinum.

In museums and exhibition halls, many vintage exhibits can now see. These are products carved from deer horns, walrus, natural stone and wood. On the Chukotka map, the location of ancient settlements is marked.

Beautiful and diverse the natural world of Chukotka. There are growing trees and plants of various breeds, starting with dwarf rocks and ending with the highest. There are mineral healing sources. On the Chukotka map, the sheds of the Cruisestrian and the coastal islands named after Wrangel, Ratmanov, Herold.

Reserved edge of Chukotka - Peninsula, where practically no summer. On the map of Russia, the region is located in the northeastern part of the country. All of its territory is included in the subject of the Russian Federation - the Chukotka Autonomous District.

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the peninsula. At one of them, the region received his name on the local population - Chukcham. On another version of the peninsula named by the wake-up of its Chukotka Sea. "Chuk" translated into Russian means "marine", "cold". According to the 3rd version, the name of the peninsula echoes the participant of the expedition to these edges Chukovsky.

In ancient times, when, on the assumptions of scientists Bering Strait (divides Chukotka and Alaska) did not exist, people settled North America through the Chukotka Peninsula. The earliest settlement appeared in this region 8500 years ago.

Until the XVII century. The indigenous population of Chukotka represented the peoples: challenches, onkylon, Yuits. Currently, Chukchi is considered indigenous. Before the arrival of Russian land roots in the middle of the XVII century. The technological development of the local population corresponded to the stone century.

According to official data, Chukotka was opened in 1648 by the Expedition S. Dezhnev. It became part of the map of Russia only since 1803. At first, the region was part of the Irkutsk province, then the Primorsk region, since 1909 began to treat Kamchatka province.

In 1660, Anadyr Ostrog was built on the Anadyr River - the support destination of the Russian authorities of the Far East. After 100 years, Anadyr Ostrog was abolished. Soon, a new specifically for the military garrison was erected on the site of the old town, but it was destroyed by flooding. By the middle of the XIX century, there were 4 villages and a fortress where 200 people lived.

Chukotka on the map of Russia becomes an autonomous territory in the first half of the 20th century. The main city of the region since 1932 is Anadyr. Until 1992, the Chukotka Autonomous District was not an independent region. The territory of the district at first was part of the Kamchatka region, then - the Khabarovsk Territory, and since 1953 it became to refer to the Magadan region.

Borderline mode

Today, the Chukotka AO is the border zone. This means that the entry of citizens from other states to settlements and the islands of this region requires a pass from the border service of the Russian Federation or documents that allow stay in the border area.

From January 1, 2018, the rules of the border schedule were changed for the local population: now in order to go to other municipal entities, each person is obliged to issue a vacation or travel certificate.

A month later, the rules were changed: now citizens with permanent registration on the territory of the Chukotka JSC have the right to move throughout the territory of the border region with an identity card having a mark of PZ (borderzone).

From June 17, 2018, an order to abolish the border schedule rules in the Zone of the Chukchi AO, with the exception of the internal islands, which are part of municipalities (Ratmanova Island, Wrangel Island, Herald Island).

Citizens of the Russian Federation at the entrance to the areas of the sea coast and nearby Islands need to be issued documents allowing their stay in the border area.

Chao on the map

Chukotka on the map of Russia is part of the regony of the Russian Federation. Chukotka AO ranks 7th in the area among all the subjects of the Russian Federation (721000 km 2). In the West, the Chukotka region has a common border with Yakutia, in the south - with the Magadan and Kamchatka regions, in the east through Bering Strait - with the United States.

Chukotka AO is divided into areas:

The Chukotka Peninsula is the only continental zone of Asia, which is located in the northeastern part of the Eurasian continent. Its area is 49000 km 2. Between Chukotka and Alaska passes Bering Strait, its width is 86 km.

In the north of the peninsula, the Chukotka and East Siberian seas are washed, which relate to the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Ocean. In the south, Chukotka washes the Bering Sea, belonging to the Pacific Ocean. Chukotka is the only peninsula in the world, which is washed 2 ocean or 3 seas.

A significant part of the Chukotka Peninsula is above the northern polar circle. The features of such a geographical location are: Polar day in the summer (when the sun for many days does not go beyond the horizon), the polar night in winter (in winter the sun does not appear for 2 months), the unique natural phenomenon of the indoor and polar regions - polar shine .

The peninsula stretches towards the northeast, has a continuous and bending line of the border (length of 7000 km), where the coastal line of the upper seas is given 4000 km. The remainder of the border passes through various mainland mains and water-seated mountain chains.

Features relief

The main part of the territorial land of the Chukotka Peninsula is occupied by the average highlands from 600 m to 1800 m: Northeast Chukotka Highlands, Central Anadyr and Anyuskiy Highlands, the southern part of Chukotka lands occupy Koryak and Kolyma Highlands.

Here the mountain chains reach almost the sea, leaving the lowest only a narrow coastal strip. In some places, the mountain surface is separated by the plain depressions.

Chukotka Highlands is a waterproof ridge. Some rivers, taking their origin in the mountains of the peninsula, fall into the Chukotka Sea, others in Beringovo. The highest point of Chukotka is the mountain source, its height is 1194 m and is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe providence Bay. The highest mountain (height of 1853 m) of the Chukotka AO is located in the southern mountains.

Physical map of Russia (Chukotka)

The mountain relief of the peninsula began to form about 20 million years ago, and from the point of view of Geology, Chukotka is considered a fairly young district. The formation of mining systems is currently not completed here.


The Chukchi Peninsula is rich in water resources. The territory of the region has 8,000 large and small rivers. The Chukotka rivers are ice 8 months a year, the individuals are frozen until the bottom. The Peninsula River can not be free from ice for several years. The release of ice from ice is accompanied by the formation of ice congestion, which is the cause of local flooding and rooting the territory.

The largest rivers of the region:

On Chukotka there are a lot of lakes of various origin: geothermal lakes formed by hot springs, and coastal salty lakes on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, which have a lagoon origin.

Among the lakes of the inner part of the peninsula, Lake Elgigytgyn is allocated (mountain lake of meteoric origin). The diameter of the lake is 12 km, the middle depth is 170 m, the area is about 120 km 2. The lake was formed more than 3.5 million years ago as a result of the fall of the cosmic body. It was proven by the analyzes of soil samples taken from the bottom of the lake.

The sea, washing the shores of the Chukotka Peninsula (Beringovo, Chukotka, East Siberian), most of the year are ice, because of which the saltness of seawater in the winter months is high enough.

Summer East Siberian and Chukotka Sea is thawing solely by the southDue to which the desalination of sea water occurs. Bering Sea in warm season gets rid of ice from ice 100%. Sea water temperature in the summer months in the zone of the Chukchi Peninsula does not exceed 10 ° C.

Climate and its features on the peninsula

The climate on Chukotka is severe, subarctic. In coastal areas, the influence of the sea affects, so the climate in these places is essentially softer than in continental zones.

In the inside of the peninsula, the climate is prevailing sharply continental type:

The average annual air temperature does not exceed 0 ° C.

On Chukotka, very little solar windless days. For weather, this region is characterized by sharp changes that occur due to collisions of southern more warm cyclones with year-round cold arctic cyclones. As a result, intense winds blow in the region very often, the impulses of which can reach 40 m / s.

Weather map of Chukotka:

Peninsula areas Air temperature
winter Spring summer fall
Internal areas up to -60 ° С -8 ° C. up to + 25 ° С up to + 15 ° С
Coast -35 ° C. -6 ° C. no more than + 15 ° С + 8 ° С

Due to the extreme cold climate, underground eternal permafrost is common throughout Chukotka. The greatest power of the long-term Merzlot reaches in Western regions (up to 500 m). In coastal areas, the soil freezing reaches a depth of 200 m. The temperature of the permotion from -2 ° C to -12 ° C.

From permafrost free areas of hot springs and bottom soil rivers and lakes. For a short summer, the soil thaws only 3 m in depth. The year-round mezzaround of soil affects the formation of marshes on the peninsula: the damaging soil is not capable of absorbing water.

Animal and vegetable world

Chukotka on the map of Russia is located in the extreme north. Due to the harsh conditions, the vegetable world of the peninsula is quite poor. A large influence on the development of plants is provided by permafrost, which prevents the penetration of moisture in the deep layers of soil and does not allow the root system to fully develop.

For these reasons, representatives of the Chukotka flora are:

  • low trees: Daurry larch, squat poplar and birch;
  • shrubs: Alder, cedar stabel, lingonberry, blueberries, SC;
  • several hundred varieties of moss and lichens.

The fauna of the Chukotka region is rather diverse and is peculiar and varies depending on the natural region.

Natural zones of Chukotka from north to south:

  • arctic desert;
  • tundra;
  • fierotundra;
  • larch taiga.

In the northern coastal territories, the largest, brought to the Red a book, a predator - a polar bear, as well as marine mammals:

  • walru;
  • ring Cartines;
  • sea \u200b\u200bhares;
  • whales;
  • tales;
  • seals.

In the seas of the region, a lot of the most diverse fish, mollusks and marine crustaceans. There are a lot of birds in the tundra (chickens, kayra, gagars, rods), rodents (lemmings, hares, chips) and animals with valuable fur (sands, sable, mountainous).

From major representatives of the tundra and forest tundra worth noting such animals:


Representatives of 60 nationalities live in the territory of Chukotka.

At the end of the XX century. The total population of the district amounted to 164,000 people, of which:

  • russians - 66%;
  • ukrainians - 17%;
  • northern Indigenous Residents (Chukchi, Koryaki, Eskimos) - 10%;
  • belarusians - 2%.

Recently, the share of indigenous peoples increased to 21%, this is due to the mass migration of non-crossed inhabitants.

According to the data for 2018, the population of the Chukotka region is 49350 people, more than 70% live in cities. Most of the indigenous population lives in small villages (settlements with a number from 200 to 1000 people). Representatives of non-naught peoples live mainly in the main city of Anadyr district or in large urban-type villages.

The most populous cities and the villages of the Chukchi AO in descending order:

  • Anadyr - about 10,000 people;
  • Bilibino, svek - from 4000 people up to 10,000 people;
  • Coal copy, Egvekinot, Lawrence, Providence - from 1000 people up to 4,000 people.

Transport connection

Chukotka is in the Arctic belt, where the soil is much freezing in winter and practically does not catch off in the summer, this is the main obstacle to the construction of roads.

On the map of Russia, Chukotka AO is one of the regions where the railways and asphalt roads are completely lacking.

The roads are small here and have gravel coating. The length of the longest road is equal to 2300 km. This transport path links the federal route "Kolyma" with the largest city of Anadrem district.

The Federal Sea Port of Egvekinot with the village of Iulin connects the 207-kilometer road, which is the easiest road of the Russian Federation. The most northern roadway of the Russian Federation is considered a 32-kilometer gravel track, connecting 2 villages, where the Golden Uniforms of Chukchi AO, Polar and Leningradsky are located.

Because of the impossibility of cargo transportation by land transport in the Chukotka region, air and maritime communication is well developed.

The largest international airport of federal significance is in the village of coal copy. Pevek Airport also has federal importance. Airport Village Providence is international. In addition to major airports, there are also 6 small civil airfields and 1 military in Anadyr in the region.

The Marine Transport System of the Chukchi AO includes 5 seaports:

  • Singer on the coast of the East Siberian Sea, which accepts vessels coming from Western cities (Murmansk, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk).
  • Beringovsky, Egvekinot, Providence, Anadyr, located on the coast of Bering Sea, accept vessels on the Eastern Direction (Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Sakhalin Island).

Industrial development

Industry of Chukotka represent:

In the depths of the Chukotka JSC there are more than 10% of the total gold of the Russian Federation.

The development of deposits and mining of ores of expensive metals is engaged in 3 companies:

  • LLC "A / C Chukotka";
  • LLC "a / s polar";
  • CJSC "Chukotka-Gorno-Geological Company".

Prey of loose gold on Chukotka have the right to engage:

  • LLC "a / s beam";
  • CJSC "A / s Polar Star";
  • LLC "a / s min.

The extraction of colored non-precious metals is engaged in Northern Tolovo CJSC on the Polshakayskoye deposit. On Chukotka there are 2 large coal deposits: Anadyr (JSC Mine Nagornaya) and the coal bay (OJSC "Coal mine").

In Chukotka JSC there are 2 oil and gas pools: Anadyr and Khatyrian. The development of deposits, as well as the extraction of fuel raw materials in the region, is engaged in the company Sibneft-Chukotka, which is a subsidiary of Gazprom-Neft.

The coast of the Chukotka Peninsula is one of the richest fish places in the Russian Federation. The main enterprise of the fish industry in Chukotka is "Chukotrybpromkhoz". The company fully satisfies consumer needs for fish and seafood in its region, and also deals with the export of seafood.

The electric power complex in the region is represented by the following enterprises producing thermal and electricity:


In agricultural products, 98% accounted for livestock and only 2% of crop production.

Livestock and hunting

Livestock industry in the region is represented by reindeer herding. The breeding of deer on the territory of the Chukotka AO is engaged in 2 companies: MUP SHTP "CAPER" and MUP SHTP "Polar". Under deer pastures, 73% of agricultural land is allocated. Currently, these enterprises are successfully developing, the total population of deer increases (about 18,000 heads), the production of meat is 1600 tons.

In the Chukotka AO is allowed Hunting for:

Only the local population of Chukotka is allowed from the beginning of summer and to the middle of the autumn to hunt the walrus.

Crop production

Due to the harsh climatic conditions, the plant plant in the region is very poorly developed. In small quantities, vegetables that do not require large amounts of heat, such as potatoes, are grown in small quantities.

The cultivation of thermo-loving cultures of vegetables in the region is possible only in greenhouse conditions. Currently, 10% of vegetables are grown on the territory of Chukchi AO from the regions of consumption in the region.


In the Chukotka region there are a lot of historical and natural monuments, unique places and phenomena of nature, very interesting customs and holidays of the indigenous population.
Therefore, diverse tourism is very well developed on Chukotka.


The best way to get acquainted with the territory of the peninsula is a trip to the rivers of Chukotka. The best time for water tourism is July, August. On the east coast of the peninsula, sea cruise tours are organized. Travel program: visits to national villages, cultural monuments, historical attractions; Travel through the northern seas.

Lovers of scientific tourism will be interested to visit: settlements of local reindeer herders and Morversa, where a life structure has been preserved in a constant form from ancient times; about 500 unique monuments of history and archeology; Get acquainted with the rich animal world of the region.

The most courageous tourists will be able to go on a journey on skis or dog sledding to the Northern Geographical Pole of the Earth. Ski tourism is quite well developed on Chukotka. For this, 2 specialized bases in the village of Egvekinot and the village of Providence are equipped.

Currently, 4 firms have the right to conduct tourist business. In the main city of the region, 3 hotels were built specifically for tourists. The Government of the district has developed and approved a special program for the development of tourism in the region.

Archaeological heritage

Conducting archaeological studies on the peninsula began at the end of the XVIII century. At that time, the dwellings of the ancient inhabitants of the Cape Big Baranov Stone were discovered. Already in the XX century. Near Anadyr, several ancient standings, large burial, household items were discovered. The age of the found settlement is at least 4,000 years.

Archaeological expeditions under the leadership of M. A. Kiryak-Dikova, who studied the West of Chukotka, managed to explore prehistoric drawings on stone slabs and discover several parking of ancient people whose age is 30,000 years old.

But not all historical monuments of Chukotka are found today. In the near future, an expedition is planned to search for the famous Angarsk fortress and the Orthodox Church, which was built in the 2nd half of the XIX century.

Memorial Places of this Region

Chukotka on the map of Russia is located in a uniquely interesting place with a rich history.

Attractions in the region:

Peninsula Chukotka - the delightful region, where the night reigns in the winter, and in the summer the day lasts for several months. Hard Arctic climate prevents the full development of the region. On the map of Russia, the territory is located in the Zone of the Polar region, and in order to a little diversify a snow landscape, the inhabitants paint outdoor walls of their homes with multi-colored paints.

Article clearance: Mila Freidan

Video about Chukotka

About life in Chukotka:

20.03.19 46 608 51

In the very northern city of Russia

I was born in Chukotka and left there after school. Now my mom lives there.

Lena Archiev

born and grew up on Chukotka

Chukotka Autonomous District is the extreme north. Here frosts under -50 ° C, tundra, polar day and polar night. Here is the most northern city of the country: svek. I lived in Pevek 17 years. Almost everyone knows that Chukotka is in the north, deer and chukchi live there. Sometimes they remember the former governor of Chao Roman Abramovich and know that gold is mined here.

In the article, I will tell you how people live in Chukotka, with what difficulties are faced and the svek's hometown is unique.

What kind of city

Pevek is the district center of the Chaunsky district of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (Chao) and the most northern city of Russia. It is located on the shore of the svek and the Chauno Bay. To the capital of Chukotka - the cities of Anadyr - from Peveka 640 km, to Magadan - 1450 km, and Moscow - 5600 km in a straight line. It has its own airport and seaport through which the northern seaway passes.

3 accidents

it was registered in Chukotka in 2018. All three - in Anadyr. In terms of crime, Chukotka is also stably in the last places in the country

The first Russians appeared on Chukotka in the 17th century. In search of a fur beast Cossack Semen Dejnev with a detachment passed along the entire northern coast, reached the Pacific Ocean and reached the mouth of the Anadyri River. In 1933, geologists found Tin on Chukotka, and the authorities paid attention to this region. Once there were camps, and now gold, silver, tin, uranium and mercury are mined.

Chukotka - border zone. Until 2018, to come here, even citizens of the Russian Federation needed to receive a special permission from the border service. Now this restriction is valid only for the island of Wrangel and neighboring reserves.

The city of Pevek received its name from the hill, which Chukchi was called "peekney", which means "thick, swolling mountain". The city arose in 1933 and became a port with a comfortable harbor: there can be large ships here, it is protected by the islands. Until 1967, Pevek was not on geographical maps due to secrecy.

The population of Chukotka is 49 thousand people. In Anadyr, 15 thousand lives, and in the singer - just over 5 thousand. In the 90s, many enterprises stopped working here, and where the work was, did not pay the salary on time. People left the apartments and left for the "mainland". The remaining pevenecians lived for months without money: some baked bread from fodder flour, others took fish to the salary. The leadership of the district advised to go to the tundra and collect berries and mushrooms.

Now he is not running from here: in 2018, people came more than left, however, just 25 people. So Chukotka has become the only region in the Far East with a migration increase in the population.

Local calls the rest of Russia "Mainland", seasonal workers of the port - "Beachi", and sea cases - "Baklans", although real cormorants live here too (I'm about birds). The local name for American gophers, who live in Chukotka, "Euraq". Also they say "Lack of trim", which means the lack of mind, convertible.

How to get and get out

The airport and seaport operate in the svek. Through the seaport passes the northern seaway, according to which various goods and goods are delivered.

Passengers the seaport does not transport. Automobile and railway communication with the rest of Russia and even with Anadrem not. Gold, silver and ore will also be dismissed by ships and aircraft.

The airport is located in the village of Apapelgino, 14 km from the city. You can get here for a taxi for 1000 r, for free by bus or with watches, if you agree in advance. A regular bus climbs to the airport in the morning and in the evening, and this is not always convenient.

The takeoff strip has not been repaired for 10 years, and local residents collect signatures under the petition about its repair. It is probability that in the summer it will be able to land here only small aircraft with a capacity of up to 40 people with luggage no more than 15 kg. So mail and products will be delivered less often and will become more expensive, and people will become more difficult to plan a vacation.

Airplane flight Moscow - Pevek flies 2 times a month. Serve the route of the airline "Yakutia" and "Alrosa". Prices in one end start from 45 000 r. The aircraft "Yakutia" makes refueling in Yakutsk, and "Alrosy" - in Novosibirsk. Fly for about 9 hours. Long flight is tedious: Legs are pushing, and the change of time zones affects. When in Moscow, 12:00, in Chukotka 21:00. The biological clock is easier to rebuild when returning to "mainland" than when returning to svek. My mother sometimes flies into Moscow with such a flight. Tickets buys for 3-5 months before the trip, but it does not affect the price.

Throughout Yakutia, you can carry the luggage weighing 20 kg for free, and not 23 kg, as in other airports. From Chukotka, people are carrying with them venison, local fish and caviar

Even before Chukotka, the Moscow - Anadyr flight is approximately 50,000 r. An-24 or An-26 flies from Anadyr to Pevek for 12 000 r. Chukotavia is engaged in air transportation inside the county. Transportation of goods from Anadyr to Pevek costs 475 r per kilogram.

It happens that the date of departure is transferred for 2 weeks, and the vacation is automatically extended for the same time. Cancellation of the flight is a valid reason for finding from vacation.

width \u003d "2000" height \u003d "1744" class \u003d "outline-bordered" style \u003d "max-width: 1000.0px; height: auto" data-bordered \u003d "true"\u003e ticket for flight Moscow - Anadyr costs about 50 000 r

Revenues and benefits

The average salary in Chukotka is higher than in the mainland of the country - 99,984 p, but there are vacancies with a salary below 30 000 r: Olenevodev, teacher at the art school, inspector FTS.

Most of all receive employees of the extractive industry. Large employers are the May and Dome deposits and the "Cucobot" artel. Students are those who miner gold, and the artel is something like their cooperative. The dome deposit belongs to the Canadian company Kinross Gold, its employees get more than on May. In Canadians, an accountant receives at least 100,000 r, and the prospector - 150,000-220,000 R. In May, the income of the prospector - from 50 000 r. They work in the main watches for 6 months. There is still a "Chukotka Gorno-Geological Company" and "Northern Gold".

In addition, the airport is offered, CHP, automotive base, "Chukotka trading company" and hydrometeorological station. You can find a job in other areas, but the salary will be small.

Just come to Chukotka and find high paying work will not work. On the website of the employment center, many vacancies, but salaries there are low. Before you spend on the flight, rental housing and products, it is better to first find a job and conclude an employment contract. Then the employer will pay road expenses and accommodation in the amount of 225 000 r. This amount compensates for the employer.

Who is how much gets on Chukotka

110 000 - 250 000 r

80 000 - 150 000 r


45 000 - 90 000 r


40 000 - 70 000 r


30 000 - 70 000 r


30 000 - 50 000 r

25 000 - 90 000 p

Inspector FTS.

20 000 - 90 000 r


25 000 - 35 000 r

Each employee is the northern surcharge. Its size depends on age and experience. The younger worker, the greater the size of the surcharge, which he will receive. Employees under 30 years for every 6 months of operation add 20% of the salary until the salary is twice. Those who are more than 30 years old, in every six months, add 10% salary for every six months, until the size of the surcharge is also 100%.

Those who were born and working on Chukotka immediately receive 100% of the northern surcharge. Even if they left at first, and then returned back.

Much depends on the specialty and working conditions: the higher the category or qualification - the greater the salary. There are a lot of "watches" in Chukotka, but they earn less those who live and work here constantly.

My mom works and gets the northern premium and a double coefficient. Plus she has a pension - more than 25 000 r. She tells that in recent years a lot of young people return to Chukotka. On the big earth, it is more difficult to work on the work, and then sometimes they give apartments. In addition, those who were born on Chukotka, the northern surcharge pays immediately in a 100% amount.

Width \u003d "2000" height \u003d "1304" class \u003d "outline-bordered" style \u003d "max-width: 1000.0px; Height: auto" Data-Bordered \u003d "True"\u003e Ophthalmologist receives from 140,000 p. Requirements for qualifying Serious width \u003d "2000" height \u003d "1216" class \u003d "outline-bordered" style \u003d "max-width: 1000.0px; Height: auto" Data-Bordered \u003d "True"\u003e truck driver gets from 70,000 p . The employer requires experience in the extreme north and experience in the specialty

Pevekchan's vacation is almost 2 months. 28 days - the main vacation, and 24 more days - additional leave for employees of the Far North. Once every 2 years, the employer pays the road to the venue and back. On vacation, residents try to go to the sea. There are also those who do not leave anywhere.

In Chukotka, the pension is more medium in the country by 11 thousand and is 25,173 p. My mother has 30 years of northern experience and pension 26 000 r. She managed to retire at 50 years old, but continues to work. Together with the salary enough money.

For life in Pevek, you need at least 60 thousand rubles. If you take housing, then at least 80 thousand, otherwise they spend everything on current costs and you can not even get to the "mainland".


Residential buildings in Pevek for 40-60 years. But they are bright.

On the Internet there are few ads for the sale and rental of real estate. In addition, prices on sites are higher than with live communication. The offer exceeds the demand, and agree not difficult. Rental housing for a long time will cost 15-20 thousand rubles. Daily rental costs 1.5-2 thousand.

On average, the apartment with one or two rooms costs 1.2 million rubles, but sold for 500 thousand when they want to leave and leave as soon as possible. Two bedroom apartment will be worth 2-3 million.

Often together with the apartment buyers get the situation: there is no point in carrying furniture on the mainland. If it is not needed by new owners, you can sell everything in the secondary market.

In 2019, the world's first floating nuclear power plant "Lomonosov" will arrive in Pevek, which two years ago left Murmansk. Apartments for employees of the station in Pevek are already actively buying ICAO JSC. This company builds, buys and leases housing at home for rent so that they calmly worked. I did not notice the rise in real estate prices due to this. About 50 people were able to sell their apartments JSC ICAO. We can say that they are lucky: otherwise the buyer could be waiting for several months.

6300 R.

pays my mom on average for a communal one month

My mom has a two-bedroom apartment of 49.6 m². For a communal car, she pays almost 6300 p each month. The cost of utilities does not depend on the time of year: it is distributed evenly and depends on the apartment area.

Width \u003d "2530" height \u003d "1228" class \u003d "outline-bordered" style \u003d "max-width: 1265.0px; height: auto" data-bordered \u003d "true"\u003e this two-bedroom apartment with repair costs only 1 000 000 r . It is sold since February 2018


Public transport in Pevek is free. For residents of Peveka from seven in the morning to eight in the evening a warm bus runs.

There is still a lot of taxis. Rating price - 150-200 R. My mother is mostly moving around the city on foot, and if it is cold or tired - it sits on a bus.

Domestic cars, except UAZ, are rare in the singer. Often there are Japanese stamps. Cars buy on the secondary or order from Primorye. Machines are used only to move around the city. Country roads are soil, and it is difficult to predict the road situation, but in the winter the road becomes slightly more reliable, and you can reach the neighboring villages.

In the summer of 2018, an experimental all-terrain route "Rusak-3993" was reached from Yakutsk to Peveka, but this car has eight wheels, and all the leads. It was an experiment

For long distances, residents move by helicopter.

width \u003d "1000" height \u003d "667" class \u003d "" style \u003d "max-width: 1000px; height: auto" data-caption \u003d "in December 2018 1 liter AI-92 cost 60 p"\u003e


Subsidation at least in Chukotka - 22 273 p. Prices for products and things depend on navigation, which lasts from May to October. At another time, everything is much more expensive, as it is delivered by aviation. Sale of products are sold at subsidized prices. This means that the cost, for example, potatoes, meat and vegetables are higher than their retail price. The state compensates for the difference, and the price of products remains the same.

Permanent price only for fish and venison. Many buy venison of carcasses, but we did not do that. We have no place to keep them. It is still eating strikanin - this is ice cream fish, sliced \u200b\u200bby slices. The price of red caviar is the same as on the "mainland", but here is higher. Mom sometimes reports to me a parcel with caviar and venison stew. Most of all, residents lack fruits, vegetables and greenery at normal prices.

There are many products from China in the city, and in the 2000s they brought American ham and potatoes. So I learned that mashed potatoes from their potatoes are much tastier than from the potatoes of the middle strip of Russia.

There are no network supermarkets in the singer. Main format - shopping stores. Prices cause shock:

  • pork - 900 r per kg;
  • herring - 800 r per kg;
  • beef - 700-800 r per kg;
  • chicken - 360 r per kg;
  • red Nerque Fish - 350 r per kg;
  • olenina - 320 r per kg;
  • braised venison - 130 r per can of 325 g;
  • eggs in winter - 320 r over a dozen;
  • eggs in summer - 160 r over a dozen;
  • sugar - 150 p;
  • sour cream - 130-150 p per 200 g;
  • cottage cheese - 130-150 p per 200 g;
  • milk made of milk powder production of the "Chukotka trading company" - 110-120 p per 1 l;
  • baton of the local bakery - 100 p;
  • white bread loaf of a local bakery - 52 p.

Mom lives alone and spends 20 thousand rubles for products. Sometimes it turns out to save, if you buy products in small wholesale. If you do not save and not deny yourself, then for a month spend 50 thousand. Due to the fact that everyone knows each other, in the store you can take products in debt to salary.

width \u003d "1000" height \u003d "667" class \u003d "" style \u003d "max-width: 1000px; height: auto" data-caption \u003d "for 10 p in the singer only Zhwet" Love IS "piece. But grapes - by 660 rubles per kg "\u003e

Communication and Internet

Communication on Chukotka is bad and expensive. Without cable TV and satellite plates, the TV confidently takes only 5-6 channels.

Mobile communications in the singe offer MegaFon, Beeline, MTS and Rostelecom. The cost of communication is higher than on the "mainland", and the number of gigabytes, minutes and SMS less. It makes no sense to buy large packages, because it may just not catch. In some parts of the city, mobile Internet allows you to watch video on YouTube as up to 240p, but pictures and photos are loaded for a few minutes. To download something, residents use homemade internet. The speed will be almost the same, but the signal is more stable.

Mom spends on the connection and the Internet approximately 2000 p per month.

width \u003d "2000" height \u003d "826" class \u003d "outline-bordered" style \u003d "max-width: 1000.0px; Height: auto" Data-Bordered \u003d "True"\u003e 15 GB and 600 are available to Muscovites for 600 r per month minutes width \u003d "2000" height \u003d "794" class \u003d "outline-bordered" style \u003d "max-width: 1000.0px; height: auto" data-bordered \u003d "true"\u003e subscribers on Chukotka pay 800 p for 700 minutes and 3 GB

Education and medicine

In the svek, one high school. About 250 children live in the city. When Abramovich worked as a governor, schoolchildren with Chukotka sent for free to "Artek", and they were still engaged on excursions to Alaska. I was lucky, and I spent two shifts in the children's camp "Artek", each 45 days. Now a ticket to "Artek" costs 70 000 r, and shifts for 45 days no longer.

After graduating from school, young people leave there, where hever: for example, in the Krasnodar region, the Rostov region or simply to relatives. My classmates live in Moscow, Lipetsk, St. Petersburg, Samara, Krasnodar and Bryansk. Parents often remain working in the north and help children.

At the Chukotka itself, higher education in Anadyr, in the branch of the North-Eastern Federal University them. M. K. Ammosov. The specialty "Informatics and Computing Technology" and "Heat and Heat Engineering" teach 4 years for 233,000 p per year.

A secondary vocational education is obtained in the Chukchi Multidiscipline College in Anadyr, in the Chukchi Northeast Technical School in the village of Egvekinot, in the Chukchi North-Western Technical School in the city of Bilibino or in a Pelevsky Professional School. At the working specialties here are learning from ten months to three years. You can get an unusual specialty: engraver, a carver on bone and rogue, a fishing hunter.

In the svek, children's and adult clinics work. In difficult cases, a medical helicopter will deliver a patient to Anadyr. Medicines in the pharmacy are 3-5 times more expensive than "mainland". One state pharmacy "Pharmacey" and four commercials works for the entire city.

Climate and ecology

Pevek is in the subarctic belt. Locals say: "It's cold here only two months. The rest of the time is very cold. " Those two months are July and August. In winter -20 ... 30 ° C, there are frosts up to -40 ... 50 ° C. In the summer + 5 ... 10 ° C, sometimes it is snow, but hot days are happening to +25 ° C. In December and January in the city there is a polar night. From November 27 to January 16, you can observe a beautiful northern light. From mid-May to the beginning of August, a polar day comes.

The polar night is not very hard. In the morning you go to work - dark, come back - too dark, as in Moscow. I want the sun, everyone rejoices his appearance. My mother does not feel a special depression, she is all day at work. She says he loves winter. To get used to the polar day more than by night. The first time does not sleep at all, the sun does not allow to fall asleep. Dark curtains do not help. Then, of course, you exhaust and sleep. In addition, in the summer I really want to "mainland".