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Corrective exercises in exercise therapy. Master class for parents “Corrective gymnastics for kids. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back of the thigh

Corrective gymnastics A type of remedial gymnastics. In children, it is a system of special physical. exercises used mainly to eliminate postural disorders and curvature of the spine; It also has a general strengthening effect on the body (trains the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens certain muscle groups; restores the balance between the curvatures of the spine, develops correct posture).

A healthy spine, correct posture, a well-formed chest, and symmetrically and sufficiently developed muscles are not only the basis for a beautiful and slender figure, but also a guarantee of physical health and, often, social and psychological well-being. Unfortunately, today, the percentage of preschool children with various types of posture disorders, scoliosis, and flat feet is quite high.

Against the background of harmless defects, such serious diseases as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, vegetative vascular dystonia develop, various disorders of activity occur and then diseases of internal organs. The presence of impaired posture, scoliosis in schoolchildren is often reflected in their academic performance. Such children get tired faster, get tired of static muscle tension during lessons, and, therefore, are more often distracted, which leads to inattention, memory impairment, poor assimilation of the material. Very often, poor posture is combined with visual impairment.

Types of corrective exercises Symmetrical physical exercises are gymnastic exercises in which the middle position of the vertebrae is maintained. Electromyography shows that in scoliotic bending, the activity of the muscles on both sides of the vertebrae is not the same. Consequently, maintaining the middle position of the spine, resisting its deflection towards stronger muscles will cause more tension in the direction where the muscles are weakened. Thus, physical exercises that are symmetrical in the nature of their performance are asymmetric in terms of muscle tone. With symmetrical corrective exercises, a gradual alignment of muscle tone occurs, asymmetry is eliminated, muscle contracture that occurs on the opposite side of the scoliotic arch partially weakens and lends itself back to development.

Asymmetric physical exercises Asymmetric corrective exercises allow you to select the starting position and muscle traction of the corresponding muscles specifically for a given area of \u200b\u200bthe spine. By varying the position of the pelvis and shoulder girdle, the angle of abduction of the arms or legs, taking into account the biomechanics of movements, it is possible to quite accurately select asymmetric exercises to minimize deformation in the frontal plane. It should be remembered that the selection of exercises should be strictly individual, taking into account the recommendations of doctors and indicators of X-ray images. Inappropriate use of asymmetric exercises can lead to disease progression and further deformities.

Balance exercises This group of exercises is used for spinal defects to train the vestibular apparatus and postural responses. They are performed with a reduced plane of support, changes in the position of the head and trunk, in a stand on one leg, etc. and contribute to the formation and consolidation of the skill of correct posture, train a sense of body position in space. In the process of their implementation, a body position scheme is developed, which allows you to further take a given pose. The complication of exercises is achieved by gradually reducing the support of a stand on one leg, on toes, the use of shells (log, boom, a narrow part of the gymnastic bench), as well as by moving the center of gravity - raising the arms, abducting the leg, using clubs, stuffed balls, etc. .d.

Relaxation exercises These exercises are actively performed with the maximum possible reduction in tonic muscle tension. Relaxation is difficult for a child and requires a certain amount of movement experience, the ability to strain muscles. An obligatory physiological condition for voluntary relaxation is a comfortable starting position. If necessary, rollers or other devices are used, as well as additional techniques that facilitate voluntary relaxation: shaking, swinging, swinging movements in combination with massage. In order to enhance the relaxing effect, stroking and vibration are used.

Stretching exercises These gymnastic exercises are used to primarily affect the pathologically altered ligamentous-articular apparatus with a loss of elasticity. The methodological difficulty of active stretching exercises is the need to avoid pain and discomfort. Exercises in stretching include swinging movements, exercises with increased amplitude using special tools and equipment, circular exercises of hands, exercises with clubs, sticks, etc. A variety of exercises in stretching are exercises in self-stretching with posture defects and scoliosis.

Exercises to increase the mobility of the spine When carrying out corrective gymnastics, it is advisable to increase the mobility of the spine if possible. It should be remembered that physical exercises for this purpose are possible only with preliminary good preparation of the muscular corset and active stabilization of the segments with a violation of symmetry. Exercise must be used with extreme caution and under constant medical supervision. To mobilize the spine, crawling on all fours, mixed hanging and exercises on an inclined plane are used. When performing these exercises, it is necessary to remember about the danger of overstretching the ligamentous apparatus of the muscles, since with insufficient preparedness of the muscle component and proper strength endurance, in addition to the active muscle component, there is always an effect of body weight on the spine.

Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset This group of gymnastic exercises includes exercises to develop the muscles of the back, abdominals and lateral muscles of the trunk. They are used to restore and build up the overall strength endurance of these muscles. The technique of their application is high-speed power or static stress, at which the value of muscle tension reaches 70% of the maximum capabilities. With high-speed exercises, the tension should not exceed 20% of the maximum values, but the pace of their implementation is fast. For the development of a muscle corset, it is advisable to use static stress - muscle work in isometric tension, which provides a rapid build-up of muscle mass with pronounced defects of the spine.

General guidelines for doing corrective exercises It is advisable to do corrective gymnastics daily, even better 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. The pace of movement during exercise should be medium or slow. All movements must be accompanied by deep breathing, paying attention to exhalation. You need to start gymnastics with light exercises and gradually move on to more complex exercises.

Preventive and corrective exercises. To form the correct posture. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen. Exercises to stretch your back muscles. Exercises to strengthen the lateral muscles of the trunk. Exercises to strengthen the back and front of the thighs. Exercises for the abdomen and pelvis. Exercises for the "active belt" on the joints of the limbs. Exercises for a round back, stoop and pterygoid scapula.

Exercises to strengthen the arch of the foot. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs and arch of the foot. Breeding and flattening the heels without lifting the socks off the floor. Grasping objects with feet and lifting them. Maximum flexion and extension of the feet. Riding a gymnastic stick with your feet. Walking on a gymnastic stick and ribbed surfaces. Sets of exercises for a flat and flat foot.

Preventive and special breathing exercises. Exercises for practicing a long and full exhalation, imitating blowing out a candle, with the pronunciation of sounds as you exhale. Diaphragmatic breathing. Respiratory gymnastics game complexes.

Corrective gymnastics for primary school students Preventive and corrective exercises are an obligatory component of every corrective gymnastics class. The program includes breathing exercises, exercises for coordination of movements, for the formation of correct posture and strengthening of the arch of the foot. These exercises allow solving the following tasks: to promote the prevention of respiratory diseases, to form the skills of rational breathing; develop the ability to coordinate the movements of various parts of the body; to promote the prevention of posture disorders and flat feet.

A set of corrective gymnastics exercises for primary school students 1. Walking in place 10 15 s. Inhale in four counts, exhale in four counts. 2. I. p. - o. from. 1 - arms forward. 2 - arms to the sides. 3. - hands up, stand on toes, stretch. 4. - and. p. Repeat 3-4 times. (slow pace) 3. I. p. - o. from. , hands behind the back. 1 - swing right forward. 2. - and. p. 3 - swing the left forward. 4 - and. p. Repeat 5 6 times. (average pace) 4. Running on the spot at an average pace, 30 sec. 5. I. p. - o. from. , hands on the belt. Jumps: (4 jumps) on the left leg, on the right, on both, four steps in place. Repeat 3-4 times. TS. 6. I. p. - o. from. 1 - hands up, stretch, inhale. 2. - hands down, exhale. Repeat 5-6 times. TM.

Prevention of posture disorders: 7. Take the correct posture against a wall or gymnastic wall: the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels touch the wall to hold with tension for 4 6 counts, repeat 10 times. 8. Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1 2 steps, keeping the accepted position with the tension of all muscles, repeat 10 times. 9. Take the correct posture at the wall, take 2 steps forward, sit down, stand up. Again, take the correct posture with the tension of all muscles, repeat 10 times. 10. Take the correct posture at the wall, rise on your toes, holding this position for 3-4 seconds. To return to the starting position, repeat 10 times.

Prevention of flat feet: 11. Walking on toes, without bending the legs, arms behind the head, trunk straight. Average pace. 1 3 minutes 12. Walking on the outer sides of the feet, hands on the belt, trunk straight. Average pace. 2 5 minutes 13. Feet parallel, at a distance of the width of the feet, hands on the waist. Rise on toes simultaneously and alternately. Raise the toes from the support to the heels simultaneously and alternately. Roll from heel to toe and back.

Corrective gymnastics for middle school students Special physical exercises to correct kyphosis (stooped and round back). 1. I. p. Lying on his stomach, arms bent at the elbows with palms to the floor, slowly raise the torso, bend, bring the shoulder blades, hold the position in tension for 4 counts, repeat 6 8 times. 2. I. p. The same, hands up "in the lock" raise arms and straight legs, bend in the chest, hold the position with tension for 4 counts, repeat 4 6 times. 3. Perform exercise (2) swing forward, backward 4 6 times.

4. I. p. Knee wrist, bending the elbows and lowering the chest, move the body forward (podlazy) with traction, return to I. p. Repeat 6 8 times. 5. I. p. Standing, legs apart, two steps in front of the support. Bend forward, grip the support, make a "round" back, bend with a jerk, hold for 3 s. Starting position 5 (repeat 4 5 times).

Prevention of flat feet: Exercises are performed in the initial sitting position: 1. Legs are bent, feet are parallel. Raising the heels simultaneously and alternately. 2. Dorsiflexion of the feet simultaneously and alternately. 3. Raising the heel of one leg while dorsiflexing the foot of the other leg. 4. Place one foot with your foot on the knee of the other leg. Circular foot movements in both directions. The same with the other leg. 5. Grasping small objects with your toes and transferring them to another place. Then with the other foot.

Corrective gymnastics for senior students A set of exercises to strengthen muscles in case of spinal deformities: 1.I. lying on your back, press your lower back, slightly draw in your stomach (do not hold your breath), raise both legs to an angle of about 70 degrees, hold them on weight 5 7 seconds, return to I. p. Monitor breathing. 2. I. p. The same. Press the lower back, raise both legs and make circular movements with straightened legs "inward". One exercise of 8 leg movements. Return to starting position. 3. I. p. Lie on your stomach, put a roller under the pelvis. Lift the right and left legs alternately, holding each on the weight for 5 seconds.

4. I. p. Sit on the heels, hands on the belt. Draw in the stomach, connect the shoulder blades. Tilt the torso forward (the movement is performed at the expense of the hip joints, and not in the lumbar spine), holding it in a horizontal position for 5 seconds. 5. I. p. The same. Hands on the back of the head. Perform similarly to exercise (4). Then relax your muscles.

Prevention of flat feet: Exercises are performed in motion. 1. Walking on toes. 2. Walking on the outer edges of the feet. 3. Walking with toes inward, heels outward. 4. Walking in toes position inward, heels outward, with alternate lifting on the toes. 5. Walking on toes of bent legs. 6. Walking on toes with high knees. 7. Sliding steps with simultaneous flexion of the fingers. 8. Walking on a ribbed board. 9. Walking down an incline. 10. Walking on toes up and down an incline.

Corrective gymnastics classes are carried out by a group method. Individualization of the impact in the group method is achieved by recruiting small groups of 8-10 children, homogeneous in age and sex, and prescribing individual exercises and dosages.

During the lesson, it is necessary to avoid tiresome monotony and take care of the emotional saturation of the lessons. It is advisable to conduct classes with music. The room should be light, warm and comfortable.

In corrective gymnastics classes, special attention should be paid to breathing exercises. It is necessary to widely use breathing exercises in order to develop deep breathing, exhalation effort, as well as exercises in combination with breathing with various movements of the arms and legs, aimed at improving coordination of movements. Each physical exercise should be done freely, without holding your breath. In those cases when it is inevitable, after the end of the exercise it is necessary to do a breathing exercise to restore the disturbed breathing.

Complex of corrective gymnastics for the eyes Physical exercises to prevent myopia and with its progression not only contribute to the overall strengthening of the body, but also improve the activity of the eye muscles, improve blood circulation in the tissues of the eyes.

Visual impairment can be prevented by periodically allowing the eyes to rest and engage in special exercises. Every 1, 5 2 hours of visual mental work, arranging a physical training pause, you need to give rest to your eyes. You can close them for 1 2 minutes or look into the distance for a while. A kind of eye massage is also useful, for which you need to lightly press the eyeballs with your fingertips several times, after closing the eyelids. Circular eye movements are helpful.

1. I. p. Sitting. Close your eyes tightly for 3 5 seconds, and then open your eyes for 3 5 seconds. Repeat 6 to 8 times. Exercise strengthens the eyelid muscles, improves blood circulation and relaxes the eye muscles. 2. I. p. Sitting. Blink quickly for 1 to 2 minutes. Helps improve blood circulation. 3. I. p. Standing. Look straight ahead for 2 3 seconds, place the finger of the right hand in the midline of the face at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, look at the end of the finger and look at it for 3 5 seconds, lower the hand. Repeat 10 12 times. Exercise reduces fatigue and makes it easier to work at close range. 4. I. p. Standing. Straighten your hand forward, look at the end of the finger with an outstretched hand located in the midline of the face, slowly bring your finger closer, without taking your eyes off it until the finger begins to double. Repeat 6 to 8 times. The exercise will make it easier to work at close range.

5. I. p. - sitting. Close the eyelids, massage them with circular motions of your finger for 1 minute. Exercise relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation. 6. I. p. - standing. Place the finger of the right hand on the midline of the face at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, look with both eyes at the end of the finger for 3 5 seconds, cover the left eye with the palm of the left hand for 3 5 seconds, remove the palm, look with both eyes at the end of the finger for 3 5 seconds, put the finger of the left hand on the midline of the face at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, look with both eyes at the end of the finger for 3 5 seconds, cover the right eye with the palm of the right hand for 3 5 seconds, look with both eyes at the end of the finger for 3 5 seconds. Repeat 5-6 times. Strengthens the muscles in both eyes. 7. I. p. - standing, the head is motionless. Take the bent right hand to the side, slowly move the index finger from right to left and follow the finger with your eyes; the same in the other direction. Repeat 10 12 times. This exercise strengthens the horizontal action muscles of the eyes and improves their coordination.

Posture is of great importance in human life. Correct posture is a normal, healthy position of the spine, and it is known to be responsible for the functioning of all organs and systems of our body. Correct posture is not only a guarantee of health, but also a symbol of beauty, vitality and self-confidence. Of all the existing diseases, postural disorders for some reason are considered the most harmless diseases and therefore for a long time remain unnoticed by parents and teachers at school. At a student age, posture defects are difficult to correct. There is no universal set of physical exercises to correct posture. Here we need daily work on ourselves, and it must be done consciously and skillfully.

Corrective exercises are special exercises that are aimed at correcting pathological deformities of the spine. They can be symmetrical, asymmetrical, detortive.

Symmetric exercises are based on the principle of the minimum biomechanical effect of special exercises on the curvature of the spine. These exercises do not require taking into account the complex biomechanical conditions of the deformed musculoskeletal system, which minimizes the risk of their erroneous use. Symmetrical exercises have an unequal effect on the symmetrically located muscles of the trunk, which, as a result of the deformation of the spine, are in a physiologically unbalanced state.

The advantage of symmetrical exercises is, firstly, that they are easier to choose and perform correctly, and, secondly, that they involve the body's internal reserves in the process of compensating for violations.

When performing such exercises, it is necessary to maintain the middle position of the spine. This in itself is not an easy task for a child with a defect in posture in the frontal plane, since the muscles of the right and left sides of the body with such disorders are not equally developed and exercises that are symmetrical in nature are asymmetric in terms of muscle work. To keep the back straight, weakened muscles on the convex side of the curvature are forced to overcome the resistance of the stronger muscles on the concave side. With asymmetric posture, any symmetrical exercises for strengthening and stretching the muscles of the back and abdominal muscles are corrective if, when performing them, you are especially careful to ensure that the spine is exactly in the midline. Muscle tone during this workout gradually evens out: the muscles on the convex side become stronger and more resilient, and the overstrained muscles on the concave side stretch slightly.

Examples of symmetrical corrective exercises.

Starting position: lying on your stomach.

The brushes are placed one on top of the other under the chin. Take the correct body position (spinous processes in a straight line, arms and legs are located symmetrically relative to the spine). At the same time, raise your arms, chest and head without lifting your legs, pelvis and abdomen from the floor. Maintain this pose for 37 counts while maintaining the correct body position. Free breathing.

Perform the same exercise while lifting straight legs.

Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body.

  • 1. Take the correct body position, check it by raising your head and shoulders. Transfer your hands to the belt, sit down slowly, maintaining the correct posture, return to the PI (exhalation). Relax the muscles (inhale), check the position of the body.
  • 2. "Bicycle": circular movements of the legs.
  • 3. Raise straight legs at an angle of 3045 °, spread them to the sides, connect, lower (exhale), relax the muscles (inhale).

Asymmetric exercises are also based on the principle of correction of the spine, however, they differ in the optimal effect on its curvature, moderate stretching of muscles and ligaments on the concave curvature of the curvature and differentiated strengthening of weakened muscles on the convex side.

Asymmetric corrective exercises are used to reduce scoliotic curvature. They are selected individually and act on pathological deformity locally. Asymmetric exercises train weakened and stretched muscles. For example, from the starting position standing, arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart, the following exercise is performed:

  • a) on the side of thoracic scoliosis, the forearm descends, the shoulder turns outward, while the scapula is brought to the midline. At the moment of adduction of the scapula, the costal bulging is corrected;
  • b) on the opposite side of thoracic scoliosis, the forearm rises, and the shoulder turns forward and inward, while the scapula is pulled outward. This movement involves the forearm, shoulder and shoulder blade. Torso rotation is not allowed. When performing this asymmetric exercise, the upper portion of the trapezius muscle is stretched and the scapular muscles on the side of scoliosis are strengthened; strengthening the upper portion of the trapezius muscle and stretching the scapular muscles on the opposite side. Exercises help to align muscle tone, position of the forearms, and reduce the asymmetry of the shoulder blades. It should be remembered that improper use of asymmetric exercises can provoke further progression of scoliosis.

Now that you know your weak points, you can start with a set of exercises to strengthen the affected muscles, which provides a so-called regimen for all types of back pain. But even he does not always guarantee good results. To get the most out of the complex, it should be borne in mind that exercises that are performed once a week only injure the muscles, they must be performed daily in a given sequence. The complex should include exercises for warming up and relaxing muscles, allowing them to develop. Never overexert your muscles. If you feel a pulling pain in your back, abdomen, or any other part of your body while you exercise, this does not mean that the muscles are getting stronger. Pain is a signal that your load is too heavy.
The first 6 exercises described below provide general relaxation and increased muscle elasticity. You must comply with them regardless of the nature of your violation. Exercise is not an endurance test. They stretch the muscles in one slow, continuous movement rather than two quick jerks.
Lie on a rug or mat before starting to exercise. Place pillows under your knees, arms and back for support. Then begin the exercises, repeating each of them 2 or 3 times in the order in which they are presented, and 1 time in reverse. At the end of the complex, the first exercise is repeated.

  1. Relax by turning your head to the sides, also swinging your shoulders, arms, hips, legs, and feet. Raise your hands slowly, then drop them. Repeat these movements with your hands, feet and feet. Turn your head to the left, then to the right. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly without straining.
For now, try to feel as if all your body parts are filled with lead - rest your head, shoulders, arms and legs on the floor. Do not try to get up, even slightly straining your muscles.
Breathe deeply again. Close your eyes, relax your jaw muscles, and try to exhale as slowly as possible with a hiss or buzzing sound.

Tighten your arm muscles, then relax. Tighten your thighs and neck muscles and relax again. The most important thing in this exercise is relaxation, not muscle tension. The latter is only needed in order to feel the difference between tense and relaxed muscles.
Breathe deeply again. Slowly raise your shoulders to your ears, then lower and twitch them.

  1. Stand up and shrug again.
  2. Lie down. Slowly turn your head to the left, then return it to its original position and relax. Slowly turn your head as far to the right as possible, return it to its original position and relax.
  3. Lie on your back, remove the pillows. Bend your knees and slowly bring your right one as close to your chest as possible. Slowly straighten your leg, let it fall to the floor, relaxed and relaxed. Return it to its original bent position. Do the same with the other leg. Then repeat the exercise with each leg (fig. 22).
  4. Lie on your left side. The head rests comfortably on the pillow, the neck muscles are relaxed. Both legs are bent at the knee joints. In a sliding motion, lift your right knee as close to your head as possible, then slowly straighten your leg. Drop your relaxed leg to the floor. Perform the exercise 2 or 3 times, then turn onto your right side and repeat it with your left leg (fig. 23).
  5. Turn onto your stomach. The head should rest comfortably on folded hands. Then tighten your glutes. Hold this position for two seconds, then relax (Fig. 24).
  6. Lie on your back with your legs bent at the knee joints. Straighten your leg, gradually lifting it, pull the toe out, as shown in Figure 25. The exercise will be more effective if you add weight to the leg (with the permission of the doctor). Sandbags or weighted boots can be used. Start at two pounds and add only half a pound every second or third day. If you have to jerk your leg or strain, and the weight is too large, then it should be reduced so that you can perform the exercise with only light effort. This and the next exercise is aimed at strengthening the hip flexors.
  7. Lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees. Pull your knees up to your chest. Gradually lower your legs while straightening them until they touch the floor. Relax (fig. 26).
  8. You lie on your back with your legs bent at the knee joints. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Try to contract your glutes at the same time. If you do this correctly, your lower back will be pressed to the floor. The tense muscles will move your pelvis and press your back to the floor. You may not be able to do this exercise right away (Fig. 27), and you will have to start by tightening the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks alternately before you can simultaneously tighten them. If the exercise is successful, keep the muscles tense for two seconds, then relax.
  9. Lie on the floor with your legs bent at the knees, arms extended freely along your hips. Raise your head and shoulders off the floor, slowly lower them to the floor and relax. This (fig. 28) and the next two exercises are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.
  10. Lie on your back with your legs bent at the knee joints. Raise your head and right knee and try to touch it with your lips. Don't strain too much! Your first attempts may not be successful, but in the end the exercise will work out. Return to the starting position and repeat the same with the left knee (fig. 29).

  1. Lie on your back with your arms intertwined behind your head and your knees bent. Place your toes on a heavy object (closet, bed, or heavy chair) that won't tip over. Sit down, then slowly return to a lying position. You need to sit down gradually, sequentially tearing off the head, shoulders, chest and only then the lower back. When performing the exercise, do not strain the body, do not sit in jerks. If you cannot do the exercise with your arms intertwined behind your neck, try to do it with your arms at your sides. Then interlace your hands on your stomach, and even later, after getting stronger, put your crossed hands on your chest and, finally, behind your neck. If the exercise (fig. 30) does not work out at all, perform the previous ones until you gain enough strength for this.
  1. Lie on your stomach with a pillow under your stomach. Raise your right arm and shoulder, lower them, relax (Fig. 31). Do the same with the other hand. This and the following exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the upper back.
  2. Lie on your stomach with a large pillow underneath (Fig. 32). Place your feet on a heavy object that won't tip over. Keeping your arms extended along your hips, lift your back to a horizontal position, but do not bend back (the back bend or over-bend exercise can be painful for some patients. Therefore, it is not a normal spine movement unless you are an acrobat. Do not do this. !).
  3. Lie on your stomach with a large pillow under your waist. Raise one leg, lower it, rest. Raise the other leg, lower it, rest. This (Fig. 33) and the following exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lower back and buttocks.
  4. Lie on your stomach with a pillow under your thighs. Grasp a heavy piece of furniture with your hands that won't tip over. Raise both legs at the same time, then lower, rest (fig. 34).
  5. Stretching while lying down. Lying on your stomach, stretch your left arm and right leg as far as possible, relax. Repeat the exercise with your right arm and left leg. Then stretch the indicated members at the same time and relax. This and the rest of the exercises are aimed at stretching all the muscles - from the shoulder girdle to the flexor tendons of the lower legs.
  6. Sit in a chair. Spread your legs. Drop your head, then your shoulders and arms, and bend as low as possible. Return to the starting position, straighten up and relax (Fig. 35).
  7. Kneel down on your hands and knees. Stretch your back like a cat and drop your head at the same time. Then bend in the opposite direction, lifting your head and forming your back with the Latin letter "V" (Fig. 36).
  8. Rotational inclinations while sitting. Sit on a chair, bend over with your head and shoulders down. Then - tilt to the left and slowly straighten. Relax. Repeat the exercise with a tilt to the right.
  9. Lie on your back, legs bent at the knee joints, arms extended along the hips. Try to touch your face with your knee, then straighten your leg in the air and slowly lower it to the floor (fig. 37),
When performing the exercise, you should feel the tension of the tendons, the extensor of the lower leg. Return to starting position. Relax for a second before repeating the exercise with the other leg.
  1. Stand with your arms interlaced behind your back, while keeping your back and neck straight. Gradually bend your torso at the hip joints until you feel a stretch in the muscles that flex the lower legs (Fig. 38).
  2. Sit on a chair with your hands behind your neck, fingers intertwined. Take your elbows back as far as possible, return to the starting position, drop your arms and relax. Repeat the exercise (fig. 39).
  3. Kneeling, rest your palms and elbows on the floor. Post-

foamly straighten your back, sliding forward on your hands and keeping it and your head straight. This will stretch your pectoral muscles. Return to the starting position, rest, then repeat the exercise (Fig. 40).

  1. Sit on a chair with your hands on your shoulders. Try to cross your elbows, moving your right arm as far to the left as possible and your left as far to the right as possible until you feel a stretch in your upper back muscles. Return to the starting position, drop your arms and relax (Fig. 41).
  2. Lie on your stomach with a pillow under your thighs. Bring your shoulder blades together, then relax. This exercise will be especially effective when combined with a shrug (fig. 42).
  3. This is the culminating exercise that is included in all complexes. To do this, first relax by breathing in and out deeply. Slowly drop your head, let your torso hang free from your hips. Lower your shoulders slowly. Repeat the exercise 2 or 3 times. With complete relaxation, bend over from the hip line and reach the floor

possible further. Return to the starting position, rest and roll over to the other side to repeat the exercise (Fig. 45). It is best performed on a hard trestle bed so that the leg can extend downward in relation to the surface on which you are lying.
The following eleven figures show a set of exercises. nes, recommended after "execution of the Kraus-Weber tests. Each exercise is repeated 2 or 3 times, slowly and rhythmically, first in a given order, and then in reverse.
When you feel that you are sufficiently prepared for a sport, remember to start and end with exercises that warm up and relax your muscles. Tense muscles cannot withstand increased stress. Warming up exercises stretch the tissues and make them more flexible and pliable.
If you suffer from back pain, be careful when choosing your sport. Obviously football is out of the question. You can try swimming first, and then check with your doctor if you can play tennis or jogging. Whichever type you choose, do it regularly, at least 3 or 4 times a week, to constantly maintain muscle tone.

The corrective gymnastics program can be developed both for a group of people and individually for one person.

How exercise affects the body

First of all, it is necessary to understand the issue of the impact of physical exercise on human muscles and the body.

During exercise, the blood supply to the ligaments, muscles and, of course, bones is increased in the body. Experts say that in a calm state, and especially in a dream, from 10 to 12 liters of blood flows through human muscles, and with physical exertion, this figure increases 5 times. As a result, muscle strength and mass increase, tendons become stronger, ligaments acquire elasticity, bones get stronger. Physical activity improves the process of moving blood through the veins and blood vessels. With muscle contraction, the work of the heart and vascular system increases, the lungs work 3 times faster, as a result of which breathing becomes more frequent.

During classes, breathing deepens and quickens, the alveoli - pulmonary vesicles are straightened, the gas exchange process and muscle endurance, as well as the condition of the lung tissues, improve. When inhaling, the pressure in the chest decreases, which increases blood flow.

In general, it is worth noting that exercise helps to strengthen skeletal muscles and heart, and increase the volume of the lungs and chest. Also, warm-up and gymnastics are an additional tool in the treatment of diseases of the back, joints and respiratory system.

There are various methods and forms of physical activity: relaxation exercises, strength training or corrective gymnastics. It is the latter type of physical exercise that is intended for people with problems with posture, vision, breathing and legs.

The essence of corrective gymnastics

Any method of corrective gymnastics is aimed at restoring muscle balance, that is, at relaxing muscles. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the relaxed muscle corset, as strange as it may sound. In this case, corrective gymnastics helps to restore normal muscle function.

Wellness exercises can be done using projectiles. These include dumbbells, balls, rubber bands, and a gymnastic wall. Each set of corrective gymnastics exercises can be performed at home independently. It is important to understand that you need to understand the rules for performing the exercises.

It is advisable to do corrective gymnastics twice every day: in the morning and in the evening. You can do regular gymnastics, which will consist of 6 exercises. An integrated and correct approach is important. It is necessary to do one exercise in several approaches. The duration of one lesson should not exceed half an hour. The corrective complex includes general developmental, relaxing and corrective exercises.

It is also desirable to alternate the pace of execution: from slow to faster and vice versa. Breathing is an important part of your wellness activities. It all starts with a lighter version of the exercises and gradually a smooth transition to more complex ones is made. Each time, it is much easier to perform a complex of corrective gymnastics.

Goals and objectives of corrective gymnastics

Corrective gymnastics helps to correct posture, improve the body and strengthen the muscle corset. The purpose of the therapeutic exercises is to correct back defects, muscle atrophy, and help in the treatment of diseases of the joints, respiratory system and eyes.

Corrective gymnastics is aimed at performing the following tasks:

  • activates general and local metabolic processes;
  • forms a muscle corset;
  • helps to develop strength and muscle endurance;
  • improves balance and coordination.

A positive result is achieved through the systematic implementation of the correct technique.

The benefits of gymnastics

Therapeutic or corrective gymnastics is prescribed for both adults and children. It ensures the effectiveness of treatment, and also prevents the development of many back diseases.

The corrective gymnastics program is designed to strengthen muscles and correct spinal defects. In addition, all health exercises are performed in conjunction with breathing exercises.

In addition to affecting the musculoskeletal system, corrective gymnastics has a positive effect on the respiratory system, heart, blood vessels and vision. There are specific exercises for each body system. Corrective exercises relieve asthma symptoms, normalize blood pressure and restore the body in the postoperative period.

Indications for corrective gymnastics

Corrective gymnastics is prescribed strictly by a doctor, based on the person's condition and disease. Positive dynamics from exercise is observed in people with poor blood circulation. With impaired functioning of the respiratory system, the mobility of the chest is noticeably improved, and the volume of the lungs increases.

Corrective exercises are prescribed for patients with impaired gastrointestinal function. In this case, the action is aimed at restoring the motor and secretory functions of the stomach, improving blood circulation in the abdominal cavity.

In addition, corrective gymnastics is necessary for women suffering from gynecological diseases: improper position of the uterus, its curvature. Exercise helps to improve the general condition of women.

Gymnastics for the eyes

The modern pace of life obliges a person to monitor their own health. Vision in this case is not in the last place.

An improper lifestyle, a long stay in front of a computer monitor, a closed room are factors that have a bad effect on the eyes, or rather, on vision. If you ignore the overload on the eyes, then you can get complications in the form of glaucoma, myopathy, astigmatism.

Corrective eye exercises maintain a decent level of vision. Relaxing exercises are used.

Vision correction and disease prevention

The following are used as relaxation exercises:

  1. Fast blinking from 10 to 15 seconds.
  2. Squeeze and then relax the eyelids 5 to 10 times.
  3. Circular movements of the eyes clockwise and back 6 times.
  4. "Drawing" a square with a glance for 30 seconds.
  5. Circular movements of the eyeballs with closed eyes 6 times in each direction.

All movements are done smoothly. A month of regular training yields positive results.

Posture correction

As you know, the correct posture is formed in childhood. Curvature of the spine and poor posture are a problem for every second person.

Gymnastics helps to correct such problems:

  1. For the first exercise, you need to stand with your back against the wall. The back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels should touch the surface. It is necessary to remember this position and move away from the wall. Then, in this position, arms are extended forward and 5 squats are performed.
  2. We sit on a stool against the wall, against which we press the back of the head with a straight back. Then we relax the muscles of the shoulders, neck and back, gently lowering the head. Starting position: sitting on a bench without a back against the wall. We repeat the exercise 5 times.
  3. For this exercise, lie on the floor on your stomach. We bend our arms at the elbows and put our head in the palms. We take each hand to the side in turn, return to the SP, then raise our hand above our head. We perform the exercise 5 times.

Children's corrective gymnastics

Every parent and teacher knows that play is the main activity in childhood. In this case, corrective gymnastics is carried out in a playful way. You can use a surprise moment, poetry, riddles. The child will develop an interest in doing the exercises.

For example, post-sleep corrective exercises can consist of the following exercises:

  1. Foot massage while walking along the correction paths on the heels and toes. The alternation of types of walking is important. Place your hands on your shoulders or belt. This will help develop balance.
  2. March with high knees. It is advisable to combine this exercise with a back overlap.
  3. An effective exercise called "kitty". Crawling on the floor on all fours with an arched back is performed.
  4. Legs are shoulder-width apart, and hands are at the waist. The body turns to the left and right alternately.
  5. Squats with a straight back. It is necessary to monitor the posture of the child.

Generally available corrective exercises

This is the most extensive group of exercises that, during their implementation, stimulate and normalize the work of many functions of oranism. They can be classified according to anatomical features: gymnastics for the press, back, shoulders, pelvic girdle, arms. In addition, it is possible to use special devices, for example, a ball, a hoop, a sandbag, a pole, and so on.

For the exact execution of the complexes, as well as for greater efficiency, gymnastic walls, a ladder, a bench, a beam, etc. are used. Any corrective gymnastics is carried out in a comfortable starting position: a person either lies on the floor or a projectile, or stands. In this case, the spine is not tense.



1. "Rocking"

Objectives: improving the function of the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the trunk and limbs.

In a forest clearing, bears were playing, swaying funny on their backs. Let's try to swing like that too!

I.p .: lie on your back, legs together. Bending your legs, press your knees to your chest and grab your knees with your hands. Swing on your back to the right, left. Pause. Repeat 3 times.

2. "Starfish"

Objectives: formation of correct posture, improved coordination of movements.

I.p .: lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs to the sides.

You are a starfish! Ride the waves.

3. "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

Objectives: development of the ability to maintain balance, the formation of correct posture, strengthening of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the trunk and limbs.

A boat is floating on the river, and in it is a tin soldier. Suddenly a sharp wind blew, and the pitching began. But nothing is afraid of the tin soldier. Do you want to become as steadfast and strong as the tin soldier?

I.p .: kneel down, press your hands tightly to the body. Lean back as low as possible, keep your back straight, and then straighten. Repeat 3 times. Sit on your heels, rest.

4. "Airplane"


I.p .: sitting, feet together, hands on the floor. Raise your legs up, spread your arms to the sides - "planes flew." Hold the pose for 5-10 s, then rest. Repeat 3 times.

5. "Heron"

Objectives: improving the function of the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

I.p .: standing on your right leg, bend your left leg at the knee, arms slightly to the sides, and stand so a little. Then on the left leg. Repeat 3-4 times.

When the heron sleeps at night

Stands on one leg.

Would you like to know:

Is it difficult for a heron to stand like that?

And for this we are together

You need to make this pose.

(2nd option: raise the leg bent at the knee forward, upward, at an angle.)

It's very hard to stand like this

Do not lower your leg to the floor,

And do not fall, do not swing,

Don't hold on to your neighbor

6. "Stretching"


I.p .: lying on your back, pull your left leg forward with your heel, and stretch your left hand back behind your head along the body. The same with the other leg and hand. Then two feet and hands together.

7. "Ah, palms, you palms!"

Objectives: formation of correct posture, coordination of movements of the upper limbs.

I.p .: stand up straight and, putting your hands behind your back, join your palms. Then, twisting the folded hands with the fingers up, place the hands so that the little fingers touch the spine along the entire length. Raise your elbows, straighten your back, and take your shoulders back.

Hold a pose and say:

“Oh, palms, you palms!

We will hide you behind our back!

This is for posture, that's for sure!

Without embellishment! "

Slowly lower your hands down, shake your hands and exhale calmly.

8. "Carousel"

Objectives: improvement of vestibular function, strengthening of the musculoskeletal system.

I.p .: sit on the floor, raise straight legs up. Leaning your hands on the floor, turn around yourself with your hands. The carousel spun.

9. "Rock the baby"

Objectives: strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine, the muscles of the pelvic girdle.

I.p .: while sitting, raise the foot to the chest, hug it with your arms. Rock the "baby", touching the knee and foot with the forehead.

10. "Dance of the Bears"

Objectives: strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities and the muscular corset of the spine.

Imagine that you are little teddy bears and you decide to dance.

I. p. - OS: put your hands on the belt, perform half-squats. Average pace.

11. "Bird"

Objectives: development of coordination and speed of movements in large and small muscle groups, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine.

I.p .: lying on your stomach, raise your arms up, to the sides, bend. Flap your arms like a bird. We flew. Lie on your stomach, lower your arms. Pause, rest. Then continue the "flight". Repeat 2-3 times.

12. "Train"

Objectives: the formation of correct posture, strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the trunk and lower extremities.

I.p .: sitting, legs are slightly bent at the knees, and the arms at the elbows are pressed slightly to the body. Go! We move forward on the floor, helping only with our feet. The hands perform circular movements, imitating the rotational movements of the wheels. Stop after 2-3 minutes, pause, then continue driving. (2nd option: backward movement.)

13. "Frogs" ("Frog")

Objectives: formation of correct posture,

Here are frogs along the path

They jump, stretching out their legs.


They are jumping, stretching out their legs!

I.p .: get on all fours, sit down, touch the floor with your fingers. Knees apart, hands between the knees. Jump up and return to SP. (Second option: moving forward).

Among the trees, in the swamp,

The frogs have their own home.

Here are frogs along the path

They jump, stretching out their legs.

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

They jump, not sparing their legs.

14. "Small bridge"

Objectives: strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine, the connective-muscular apparatus of the legs and arms.

The hedgehogs were walking through the forest. Before them is a stream.

How can they get over it? Let's help them: build bridges across the stream.

I.p .: lie on your back, without lifting your shoulders and feet from the floor, raise your torso. Support your back with the palms of your arms bent at the elbows. Keep, keep your back until the hedgehogs run across to the other side. So the hedgehogs have moved, and we will rest. Repeat 3 times.

15. "Scissors"

Objectives: strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities involved in the formation of the arch of the foot.

Let's pretend our legs are scissors.

I.p .: lying on your stomach, lift straight legs alternately up and down. For the scissors to cut well, the legs must be straight. Lie on your back, rest. Repeat 3 times. (Second option: ip - lying on your back.)

16. "Kayaking"

Objectives: strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine, ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the legs and arms.

I.p .: sitting on the floor, bend your legs slightly at the knees, stretch your arms forward. Lie on your back and try to sit down slowly without using your hands and lie down again. Swam! Repeat 5 times.

17. "Caterpillar"

Objectives: the formation of correct posture, the development of coordination of movements in the large muscle groups of the arms and legs.

I.p .: get on all fours, pull your knees to your hands, without lifting your legs off the floor. And then rearrange both hands simultaneously forward, as far as possible. So the caterpillar moves in search of food. And now you are all caterpillars. Crawled!

18. "Giants and Dwarfs"


Walking around the hall. "Giants" - walk on tiptoes, hands up. "Gnomes" - go in a half-squat, hands on the belt. The back is straight!

19. "Everyone is engaged in sports"

Objectives: formation of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine.

The frog gallops: Bend your arms at the elbows, bend to the sides,

Kva-kva-kva! Clench and unclench your fingers in fists.

Swimming duckling: Simulate swimming.

Quack-quack-quack! Squeeze and unclench straight fingers.

Everyone around is trying, One hand up, the other down.

They go in for sports. Change the position of the hands.

Little squirrel:Jumping up.

Skok-skok-skok!Jumping in place, forward backward.

From branch to branch:One hand up, the other down.

Jump-jump, jump-jump!Change the position of the hands.

Everyone around is trying

They go in for sports.

20. "Hedgehog with hedgehogs"

Objectives: formation of the skill of correct posture, strengthening the muscles of the trunk, upper and lower extremities.

Under a huge pine treeRunning on toes.

In a clearing, in a forest,Pronounce sounds [frrfrrfr].

A pile of leaves where liesRunning in a half-squat on toes,

A hedgehog with hedgehogs runs.hands rest on hips, round back

We will look around everything

We'll sit on the stumpsSit down, stretching your neck up.

And then we'll all sit down togetherSit down with an emphasis on the hands,

And we will show all the needleslower head, round back

They showed, they showedshowing needles. "

And they all ran home.Running on toes.

21. "Airplane - airplane"


Airplane - airplaneSpread your arms to the sides, palms up.

Goes flying.Turn right

Zhu, zhu, zhu,and pronounce the sound [f].

I will stand and rest.Stand up straight, lower your arms, pause.

I'll fly to the leftRaise your head - inhale; turn left

Zhu, zhu, zhu, exhale at the sound [g].

I will stand and rest.Stand up straight and lower your arms - pause.

22. "Mouse and Bear"

Objectives: strengthening the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, the formation of correct posture, improved coordination of movements.

The bear has a huge house.Straighten up, stand on your toes, raise your hands up, stretch, look at your hands - inhale.

The mouse is very small.Sit down, wrap your hands around your knees, lower your head

-exhale with the pronunciation of a sound (w)

The mouse walks

On a visit to Mishka,

He won't get to her.

23. "Kitty"

Objectives: strengthening the muscular corset of the spine.

I.p .: get on all fours with support on your knees and hands. "The cat is angry" - the back is round, the head is lowered as low as possible. "The cat is kind, affectionate" - bend your back, raise your head.

24. "Spruce, fir-tree, fir-tree"

Objectives: education and formation of correct posture, strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the trunk and limbs, training attention.

There are tall fir trees in the forest. Stand up straight, like these slender fir trees, pull yourself up, straighten up. (Head, torso, legs - straight, spread arms, "branches", slightly to the sides, palms forward.) Let's go further into the forest, see if the tall spruce has sisters? So the sisters ate - Christmas trees. They are shorter, but just as slender. (Take the correct posture, but in a half-squat.) Let's go and look for some more Christmas tree sisters. Here they are - very small. But they are also remote: beautiful and also slender. (Squat down, head and back straight, palms slightly apart.)

25. "Swallow"

Objectives: the formation of coordination of movements,

I. p. - OS: stand up straight, raise your right (left) leg back up, arms to the sides, tilt your body forward slightly, raise your head. Hold for 1-2 s, then return to SP. Repeat with the left leg.

26. "Walk sideways"

Objectives: education and formation of the skill of correct posture, development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine and the muscular apparatus of the feet.

I. p. - OS: take the correct posture, a sandbag on your head. Walking sideways step (right, left).

27. "Corner"


I.p .: lying on your back, stretch your closed legs. Raise your legs and head at the same time and hold for 1-2 seconds, your back is pressed against the carpet.

(Second option: the back comes off the floor and rises with the head.)

28. "Kach-kach"

Objectives: strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the foot; an increase in the range of motion in the ankles and joints of the feet, toes.

I.p .: lying or sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart (stretch out). Bend and unbend the feet - right, left, up, down. To accompany the movements with the words "kach-kach".

29. "We were sitting in Turkish ..."


We sat in Turkish, Drank tea and ate dryers. They drank, drank, ate, ate, barely sat through.

I. p.: Sitting, legs "like a ball", hands rest under the chin. Shake your head and body from side to side.

30. Sitting Football

Objectives: strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and muscles of the lower extremities.

I.p .: sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach. Move your feet forward to throw the ball to the child sitting opposite. He catches it with his hands and then kicks the ball abruptly to his partner. (Options: catch the thrown ball with your feet, roll it with one foot or the other, knock the pins that are at an equal distance between the players with the ball.) After the game, the presenter invites the children to lie on their backs, raise their arms and stretch. Then turn on your stomach and stretch again (raise your head and look forward).

31. "Turtles"


I.p .: get on all fours with support on your knees and hands. Move forward, while simultaneously rearranging the right arm, left leg, then left arm, right leg. The back is straight, the head is raised.

32. "Geese"

Objectives: strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and muscles of the lower extremities.

I. p. - OS: standing, then squatting down, walking "like a goose step", put your hands on your knees. Keep your back straight.

33. "Goose"

Objectives: elimination and compensation of posture deformity, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine and muscles of the lower extremities.

Geese pull their necks.

I. p. - OS: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back, pull the neck - muscles are tense.

Geese, geese!

Lean forward, head nod.


Want to drink?

Neck muscles are relaxed, back bend

Yes Yes Yes!

Geese, geese, here's the water!

Hands behind your back up, bend forward, keep your head straight.

34. "The hedgehog stretched out, curled up"

Objectives: improving the function of the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

I.p .: lying on the carpet, raise your hands behind your head and stretch out as much as possible. Then, raising the upper body to the knees, bend forward, i.e. group, clasp your legs under your knees (the hedgehog is curled up). Repeat 2-6 times. Lie down and relax between each rep.

35. "Birdie"

Objectives: the formation of correct posture, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements in large muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities.

I.p .: sitting on the carpet, legs crossed and arms bent at the elbows, while fingers touching the shoulders ("wings"). The back is straight. Elbows, pulling as close to the body as possible, pull back. Raise your arms up, swing your arms. Then get up and jump softly on toes - "the bird is looking for grains."

36. "Get the wand"

Objectives: strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities and muscles involved in the formation of the arch of the foot.

I.p .: lying on the carpet, legs bent at the knees. Raise your legs and press them to your chest. Then reach the gymnastic stick with straight legs. Stick at a height of 30-35 cm.

37. "Ring the bell"

Objectives: strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements in large muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities.

Running in a straight line until the bell: run up to the hanging bell and, jumping up, reach it with your hand so that it rings.

38. "Lion in the circus"

Objectives: the formation of correct posture, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements in large muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities.

The child rolls the ball into the vertical hoop and crawls through himself, bend his back, raise his head forward.

39. "Swing"

Objectives: strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities and muscles involved in the formation of the arch of the foot.

I.p .: squatting. Springs at the knees and ankles, sway at the lead.

40. "Airplane"

Objectives: strengthening the muscles of the trunk, mild impact on the functions of the vestibular apparatus, the formation of the skill of correct posture.

I. p. - OS: spread your arms to the sides and raise them at shoulder level. Perform turns to the sides, put your feet shoulder-width apart. (The second option: heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt, sit down, spread your arms to the sides. Return to SP)

41. "Listen Closely"

Objectives: strengthening the muscles of the trunk, upper and lower extremities, a mild effect on the functions of the vestibular apparatus, the formation of the skill of correct posture.

Walking around the hall with the execution of movements at the signal of the presenter. On the word "stump" - get on one knee with your head and hands down, then get up and continue walking. On the word "tree" - to stop and put the lowered arms away from the body, assuming the correct posture. On the word "sheaf" - stop and raise your hands up, connecting them above your head. Monitor the correct posture.

42. "We wear hats"

Objectives: formation of the skill of correct posture, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements.

Put a light weight on your head - a "hat". Monitor posture, head straight, shoulders at the same level, parallel to the floor, arms calmly along the body. Walk around the hall while maintaining the correct posture.

43. "Kalachi"

Objectives: strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, abdominal muscles, lower and upper extremities, the development of coordination of movements.


Do it, buddy, roll.

I.p .: sitting on the floor, hands in the back support, legs together, socks pulled out.

1 - pull your legs towards you, wrap your arms around them;

2 - I. p. Perform 5-6 times.

44. "The kids have grown up"

Objectives: strengthening the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, the formation of correct posture, improved coordination of movements.

We were small, and we grew up big.

I. p. - OS: legs together, arms down. 1 - sit down, wrap your hands around your knees, hide your head (exhale); 2 - rise on your toes, stretch, raise your hands up (inhale). Perform 5-6 times.

45. "Fox"


Fox is a red cheat

Bends back dexterously.

I.p .: standing on all fours.

1 - bend in the back, raise your head (inhale);

2 - arch your back in an arc, pressing your chin to your chest (exhale). Perform 5-6 times.

46. \u200b\u200b"Jump Rope"

Objectives: strengthening of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the feet and legs.

A very important toy

Jumping rope -

Master preparation,

True tempering!

Jumping without a rope: on both legs in place, on both legs around oneself, "funny legs", throwing straight legs forward.

47. "Bicycle"

Objectives: improvement of blood circulation in the legs, strengthening of the abdominal muscles and lower limbs, development of coordination of movements.

Bears rode a bicycle

And behind them is the cat backwards,

And behind him are mosquitoes on a balloon,

And behind them are crayfish on a lame dog.

I.p .: lying on the floor, arms along the body.

Make circular movements with your feet, hands rest on the floor.

48. "Behemoth"

Objectives: training of the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the muscles of the trunk and limbs.

Who is walking on the bridge?

Clumsy Behemoth!

He is afraid to stumble

And fall into the swamp.

Walk in a straight line with the heel of one foot against the toe of the other, maintaining balance.

49. "Trees and Birds"

Objectives: the formation of correct posture, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements in large muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Hands raised and waved- Get up on your toes. Swing your arms up, sides.

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, handsShake hands.

shook The arms are bent at the elbows.

The wind knocks down the dew.

Wave your hands gentlyRaise your arms to the sides, wave your arms

Birds are flying to us

How they sit - we will show:Sit down. Hands back, brushes

The wings folded back.back side

50. "Cat and Kittens" - 1

Objectives: strengthening the muscle corset of the spine and limbs.

Like our catI.p .: standing on all fours,

guys have grown up,bend and arch the back

guys have grown up,

fluffy kittensKneeling, squeeze and unclench cams

the backs are bent

play with a tail.

And they have sharp


They love to wash themselves,Simulate movement.

Scratch your ears with your paw

And lick your tummy.

All lay down on the side

And curled up in a ball

And then the backs were bentBend your back. And they all climbed into the basket.

Running around the court at an average pace.

51. "Cat and Kittens" - 2

Objectives: strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, muscles of the pelvic girdle, upper and lower extremities, development of coordination of movements.

Cat with kittensWalking in any direction

I played together.Crawling around the hall on all fours with support on your knees and

Kitten cat

She taught everything:hands

Fun to jump, Jumping on both feet (toes)

Wave your tail.I.p .: standing on all fours.

That's how kittensPerform turns with the hip part of the body

They know how to play!left-right (motion simulation)

52. "Wind"

Objectives: development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine.

The wind blows in our faceI. p. - o.s.: body bends in one direction or the other

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieterSit down, clasp your knees with your hands

The tree is higher and higher.Straighten up, stand on your toes, hands up.

53. "Snowball"


I'm playing with a stringSitting on a bench (chair)

I shove it into a pile with my legs.Collect the "snow" from the rope with your feet.

One more time, one more time -Lay out the circle.

It turns out a snowball!

54. "Let's go to mom"


Children perform movements with speech accompaniment.

To come to mommy

We have to go for a long time.

We will go along the pathOvercoming the obstacle course, observe the posture.

We'll cross the bridge,

We will crawl under the fence

And we will go into a wide yard ...

We'll find mommy there.

55. "Into the forest"

Objectives: strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the feet and legs, the formation of the skill of correct posture.

We must go to the forest as soon as possible.I. p. - o.s: straight back.

Walking on the playground at a sports pace.

Across the river, across the bridge,

Through a stick by the path

Our legs will step.Walking on the playground at a sports pace

56. "Butterfly"

Objectives: strengthening the muscles of the trunk, upper and lower extremities, a mild effect on the functions of the vestibular apparatus, the development of coordination of movements.

Here is our moth flyingRunning around the site.

He is beautiful as a flower.

Waving its wings, waving.Perform arm swings.

The moth flew, flew,

He sat down quietly on the flower.Sit down, wrap your hands around your knees

He sits, does not move,

So that the bird does not eat the crumb!Stand up, straighten your back, arms out to the sides

57. "Hill"


Our feet are walkingNormal walking; walking with high knees

Higher up the track.Transition to a ribbed board with a slope

We have reached the top,

We found the monkey.Reach for the toy.

Naughty monkey

It hangs here on the vine.Descent from a ribbed board.

Normal walking.

58. "Walk in the woods"

Objectives: development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the feet and legs, the formation of the skill of correct posture.

The clubfoot bear waddlesWaddle walking with feet on the outside of the foot

Zainka cowardly rides and singsFeet, arms slightly bent at the elbows

Gray wolf angryJumping on both legs with forward movement

It is important to speak,

And the red fox runs byWalking with a gymnastic step, hands behind the back

59. "Let's go for mushrooms"


We are walking along the pathNormal walking in a straight line.

We walk merrily.Walking with high knees

Top-top, top-top.Walking sideways step, arms to the sides

We'll cross the bridgeBack straight, keep your head straight

We will find mushrooms there.

Op-op, op-op.Bending forward, down, without bending the stake

60. "Jumping stick"

Objectives: development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the ligamentous muscular apparatus of the feet and legs, the formation of the skill of correct posture.

There was a stick on the groundI. p. - o.s.: the back is straight, the gymnastic stick lies parallel to the feet.

I felt sorry for her.

I took a stick, and sheBend over without bending your knees, take a stick in your hands

Transformed into a steed!Hold the upper end of the gymnastic stick with your hands, place the rest between your legs. Jump, alternating the right and left legs, follow the posture.

61. "Vanechkin's boots"

Objectives: soft effect on the functions of the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the feet and legs, the formation of the skill of correct posture.

Here are shod on my feetI. p. - o.s: bends forward, down

Vanechka boots

New, beautiful,Walking around the hall, monitor your posture.

As blue as plums.

It will rain heavilyStanding still, put your right heel forward, and behind

those of the left leg.

Don't get your feet wet now!

62. "Helpers"

Objectives: strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and muscles of the upper extremities.

Mom came for meI. p. - o.s: hands to the sides,

I brought something to the bag.Keep your back straight.

What a load!Muscle tension in the arms and back.

The little one is almost crying!Relaxation of the muscles of the arms and back.

63. "Dishes"

Objectives: development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine, muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

Here is a large glass teapotI. p. - OS: to stick out the stomach, hands on the belt.

Very important as a boss.

Here are the china cupsSit down with your hands on your belt, heels together, socks apart

Very fragile, poor things.

Here are the china saucersReach out with your hands up

Just knock - they will break,

Here are teaspoons- I. p. - o.s.: standing on one leg

The head has a thin stalk.

Here's a plastic trayI.p .: lying on the carpet, stretch

He brought us the dishes.

64. "Toy soldiers - dolls"


Wooden toy soldiersI. p. - OS: stand, stretched out, hands pressed to the body, straining the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen.

How the posts standI. p. - o.s: swing your hands, turning left and right.

And dolls on a string

How rags hang.Lean forward, relaxing your arms and upper body.

65. "Trees"

Objectives: formation of correct posture, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine, development of coordination of movements in large muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities

There are puddles on the roads.Walking at an athletic pace.

Well, we are not grieving.

Let's go around carefullyToe walking.

Let's cross the bridge.Walking sideways step.

Put on your legsTorso bends forward.

High boots.

How ... let's jump!

66. "Springs"

Objectives: strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the feet and legs, the formation of the skill of correct posture.

Let's swing on our legs.Rhythmic squatting, bending and straightening of the "spring" legs.

Let's swing a little.

Like this, like this!

That's how good the kids areWalking in place.

Kids are jumping, jumping.Jumping on both legs.

67. "Who is faster?"

Objectives: strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the feet and legs, the formation of the skill of correct posture.

Together we will playWalking in place.

We will jump and jump.Jumping on both legs.

Who is stronger?

Who is more agile?Jumping on both legs with forward movement.

Who counts the fastest?

68. Grasshopper

Objectives: elimination and compensation of posture deformity, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine and muscles of the limbs.

There's beauty on the lawn

There is vanity on the lawn:Walking at an athletic pace, back straight.

Butterflies flutterRunning around the hall on toes, kids

And the beetles flyPerform hand swings.

And the grasshopper is jumping:Jumping on both legs with forward movement.

Skok-skok on a flower.

Jump jump, delayedSquat down, hands back to the sides.

for a moment.

Here he jumped again and was tired.Jumping on both legs.

69. "Autumn"

Objectives: training the ability to coordinate movements, strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus.

Autumn, autumn, leaf fall,Walking around the hall at a regular pace.

The yellow leaves are flying.Light running around the hall, arms to the sides, up.

Spun, spunWhirl around.

And they sank to the ground.Sit down, hands down, to the sides.

70. "Don't Drop"

Objectives: development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscles of the trunk and limbs.

I.p .: standing on all fours, with support on knees and hands, a bag of sand is on the back. Bend your back, raise your head. Crawl around the site without dropping the sandbag.

71. Sparrow and Cancer

Objectives: training of coordination of movements, development of muscles of the trunk and limbs.

I. p. - o.s.: jumping on both legs with movement forward and in place (sparrow); crawling back in a prone position with support on hands, legs bent (cancer).

72. "Small swing"


I. p. - OS: standing on toes. Get down on your heels, rise again (8-10 times).

73. "Watch"

Objectives: training coordination of movements, the development of the muscles of the ankle joint and the muscles that form the foot.

I. p. - OS: raise the left (then right) leg. Turning the foot outward, then turning the foot inward (4-6 times).

74. Exercise game "Bug on the back"


I.p .: lying on your back, arms and legs in a free position. Imagine a bug fell from a branch to the ground, but it fell unsuccessfully. He ended up on his back and is trying to roll over on his tummy to crawl away.

Image of floundering in different directions. Rocking on the back from side to side (side rocking chair). An attempt to jerk over onto the side, and then stand on your elbows and knees. While floundering, do not help with your head and shoulders, swing your whole body.

At the end of the game, children can be asked: Which part of the body lends itself to swinging easily and which part remains motionless? What kind of bug are you? What do you have (legs, wings, shell)? What's your mood?

75. Exercise game "Do not splash water"

Purpose: formation of correct posture.

I. p. - o.s: legs together. A stick (rocker) is held with hands on the shoulder blades. The child imagines that it is necessary to scoop up water from the well with buckets and bring it home.

Tilt to the right and then to the left (improvisation of scooping up water). With a proud light gait, he moves with a "rocker" across the hall.

The rocker can be held with both hands at shoulder level, wider than the shoulders, with one hand, but in any case it should be perpendicular to the body and parallel to the floor.

You can appreciate the most beautiful gait.

76. Exercise game "Baby"

Purpose: formation of correct posture.

I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body, legs are tightly pressed to each other. The child is invited to imagine himself as a baby, to portray his mood and movements.

Raising the legs bent at the knees, pulling the feet to the face, involuntary movements of the arms and legs in the air, humming, raising the head (without lifting the shoulders off the floor), turning it to the sides, displaying emotions of joy, improvising crying with sounds [wa-wa] , imitation of the movement of the lips sucking the nipple.

77. The set of exercises "Pinocchio"

Purpose: the formation of correct posture in the vertical plane.

Imagine that you are Buratino hanging on the wall. Karabas Barabas hung it on a stud by his belt. But will Buratino agree to hang quietly on the wall? Tired of Buratino hanging and he decided to stretch a little.

I. p. - OS: at the wall, touching it with the back of the head, back, buttocks, heels.

Raise your hands through the sides up, return to the ip. (5-6 times).

Raise a leg bent at the knee, then stretch it forward, return to ip; the same with the other leg (5-6 times).

To rise on toes, as if trying to remove from a carnation, arms to the sides - to return to SP. (5-6 times).

Stretch your right arm to the side without lifting it from the wall, raise your left leg without lifting it from the wall, maintaining balance; the same in the other direction (5-6 times).

Raise the right leg, bent at the knee, and, grabbing the lower leg with your hands, pull the knee to your chest, return to ip; the same with the other leg (5-6 times).

Raise the right leg, bent at the knee, pull up the nose to it (shoulders are tightly pressed against the wall), only the neck and head move, return to ip; the same with the left leg (5-6 times).

With small steps, without lifting your heels from the wall, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. Touching the wall with the back of the head, back, buttocks and shoulders, bend to the right side, return to IP; the same to the left (3-4 times).

78. Complex of exercises "Cheerful gnome"

Purpose: stoop correction.

A little gnome lived in the fairy kingdom. He really wanted to grow up and become tall and slender. He went to the good old Wizard for advice. And what did he advise?

I. p. - o.s. Rising on toes, bend your back back, raise your hands up, palms forward, return to SP. Repeat at a slow pace 5-6 times.

I. p. - o.s. Rising on toes, stretch back the hands connected in the "lock", bend your back back; fix the position of the back, return to SP. Repeat at a slow pace 4-5 times with an interval of 40-50 seconds.

I. p. - OS: legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward, spread your arms to the sides with palms down, bend in the lower back, fix the position of the back, return to SP. Repeat at a slow pace 4-5 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

I.p .: kneeling, hands down. Lean back, bending in the back, raise your arms up, to the sides, return to the SP. Repeat at a slow pace 5-6 times with an interval of 30-40 seconds. I.p .: kneeling, hands on the belt. Make a deep tilt back, bending in the lower back, arms spread apart, palms up; fix the position of the back, return to SP. Repeat at a slow pace 4-5 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms along the body. Bend over, arms back, hands are connected, raise your head, take your shoulders back, return to SP. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

I.p .: sitting on a gymnastic bench (chair), hands on the belt. Slowly raising your head back and forth, bend your back back, stretch your arms up, palms forward; fix the position of the back, return to SP. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

79. A set of exercises "Prince Tutti doll"

Purpose: prevention and correction of scoliosis.

You are a living doll that was presented to Prince Tutti, but no one should guess about it. The movements are synchronous, clear, the facial expressions are puppet (but what do you feel at the same time?).

I. p. - o.s. Raise your left hand forward, take your right hand back, return to SP. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace, with an interval of 30-40 seconds.

I. p. - OS: feet shoulder-width apart, left arm up, right behind the back. Springy slopes to the right, return to I.P. Repeat at a slow pace 5-6 times with an interval of 30-40 seconds; the same in the other direction.

I.p .: sitting on a chair, hands down on knees. Raise the left hand up, stretch the right hand back, down, bend to the right, return to the SP. Repeat at a slow pace 4-5 times with an interval of 1 min; the same in the other direction.

I.p .: in support on the knees, hands down. Pull the right leg back, fix the accepted position, then return to the SP. Repeat 5-6 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes; the same in the other direction.

I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent under the chin. Bending back, pull the left hand forward, take the right hand back, return to the SP. Repeat 5-6 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes; the same in the other direction.

80. A set of exercises for the formation of the foot

"Helping legs"

Purpose: prevention of flat feet.

1. Walking on toes, do not bend your legs, putting your hands on your belt; keep your torso straight.

2. Walking on the outer edges of the feet. Walk around the site with your hands on your belt, leaning on the outer edges (like a "clubfoot bear") for 2-5 minutes.

3. Walking on an incline. A board 10-20 cm wide is raised by one end to a height of 25-30 cm. On toes at a slow pace, walk up and down the board 5-10 times.

4. Walking on a stick. Walk on a gymnastic stick that lies on the floor with your feet outward, arms raised to the sides, at a slow pace. Repeat 5-10 times.

5. Rolling the ball. Roll a small elastic ball on the floor with your feet (2-5 minutes alternately with each leg).

6. Squat on a stick. Holding onto the rail of the gymnastic ladder with your hands, stand on a stick lying on the floor near the gymnastic ladder wall; do a squat, leaning on one or the other leg. Repeat 5-10 times at a slow pace.

Flexion and extension of the legs.

7.I.p .: sitting on a gymnastic bench (chair), stretch your legs. Alternately bend and unbend the feet without lifting the heels off the floor. Repeat 10-20 times at an average pace.

8. Capturing the ball. I.p .: sitting on a gymnastic bench (chair). Grab with your feet, lift and transfer cubes, balls on the floor (balls that lie on the floor in a hoop can be put into a small basket) 1-3 min.

9. Balancing on the ball.

10. Stand on a weakly inflated large ball. Changing the position of the hands, slightly touching the feet, trying to stay on the ball.

81. A set of exercises for correct posture

"Smooth back"

Purpose: prevention of scoliosis.

Walking with hand movement, on toes.

I. p. - o.s. Slowly raising your arms up - inhale, lowering - exhale.

I. p. - o.s.: hands on the belt. Bend the leg at the knee, pull it to the stomach, return to the SP. Then the same with the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.

I. p. - o.s.: hands in front of the chest. Dilution of hands to the sides (inhalation), return to I.p. (exhalation). Repeat 3-4 times.

I.p .: lying on your back. Hands along the body, leg movements "Bicycle" 1-2 min.

I.p .: lying on his stomach. Pull up by pulling the toes of your legs and stretching your arms up to the limit (inhale); relax (exhale). Repeat 3-4 times.

I.p .: lying on your back. Hands along the body, legs are tightly pressed to each other. Extension with the whole body to the right, like a bow, arms and legs stretch to the left (inhale), return to SP. (exhalation). The same in the other direction. Repeat 3-4 times.

I.p .: standing facing the gymnastic wall, grab the rail at shoulder level with your hands. Deep squat and return to I.P. Repeat 3-4 times.

I. p. - OS: hands on the belt, on the head a bag of sand. Semi-squats with arms extended to the sides. Repeat 4-5 times.

I. p. - OS: arms to the sides, on the head a bag of sand.

Toe walking.

Standing in a circle, join hands ("Vorotiki"). Raising your arms up with a simultaneous rise on your toes (inhalation), returning to SP. (exhalation). Repeat 4-5 times.

Standing in a circle, join hands. Simultaneous squat with a straight back. Repeat 3-4 times.

82. Complex for correct posture

"Beautiful back"

Purpose: formation of correct posture.

I. p. - o.s.: arms to the shoulders (do not tear off the hands from the shoulders). Circular rotations with bent arms forward, then back. Repeat 5-6 times in each direction.

I. p. - o.s.: hands in front of the chest. With tension, with jerks, the arms spread apart, rise up, and down. Repeat 3 times.

I. p. - o.s: hands are down. The child slowly raises his arms forward and up, clasping them in a "lock" over his head, rises on his toes and bends the back. Return to i.p. Repeat 3-5 times.

I. p. - o.s: arms to the sides. Raises the leg bent at the knee while lifting the arms up, pull the toe, the back is straight. Repeat 5-6 times with each leg.

I. p. - o.s. The back is straight, hands above the head in the "lock". Walk with your back straightened on your toes. Repeat for 1-2 minutes.

I. p. - o.s. Calmly, very slowly, gently while inhaling, raise your arms up, stretch. As you exhale, gently lower your arms through the sides. Repeat 4-5 times.

I.p .: sitting on your heels. Hands on your knees. Get on your knees. With tension, with a jerk, raise both straight arms up, lower, the stomach is tightened. Repeat 5-6 times for two jerks

I.p .: sitting on your heels. Get on your knees. Raise your arms slowly, with tension up, stretching, tilting the body back. Repeat 4 times.

I.p .: sitting on your knees, hands below. Through the sides, slowly while inhaling, raise your hands up, while exhaling, lower them. Repeat 6 times.