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What happened to the hockey coach Tarasov. Anatoly Tarasov. Ahead of his time. Books and films

Today, December 10, marks the 101st anniversary of the birth of the great Soviet coach Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov... Today it is difficult to find a person from the field of physical culture and sports comparable to our hero. Tarasov's contribution to the development of domestic sports is simply invaluable. For all his sports activities, Anatoly Tarasov has published 10 monographs, which do not lose their relevance to this day.

Interesting fact: The American Encyclopedia Britannica calls Tarasov “the father of Russian hockey”.

Tarasov's personality is so great that it is reflected in both documentaries and feature films. In 1991, a chronicle was published under the title "Hockey of Anatoly Tarasov", 6 years later - a documentary film "Stars of Russian Sports". And in 2018, in honor of the centenary of the eminent coach, two chronicles appeared on Russian screens at once: “Anatoly Tarasov. Age of Hockey ”and“ Lord of the Red Machine ”. In the feature films “Valery Kharlamov. Extra Time ”(2007),“ Hockey Games ”(2012),“ Legend No. 17 ”(2013) and“ Glory ”(2015), the hero of Anatoly Tarasov was also allocated one of the key roles in the development of the plot ...

Interesting fact: Tarasov was very fond of spending time in the bathhouse in the company of basketball coach Alexander Gomelsky and USSR Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko.

"I Live in Sport" invites you to remember the brightest moments in the life of Anatoly Tarasov.

Anatoly grew up in Moscow. From his youth, he took care of his younger brother and all their free time the Tarasovs went in for sports. It was this way of life that served as an incentive to enroll in the Yuniy Dinamovets sports school.

Interesting fact: After seven classes at school, Anatoly graduated from college as a locksmith.

In 1941, Tarasov went to the front, and after the end of the war he was faced with the serious task of reviving Soviet hockey. He reached such heights in the coaching field thanks to a unique training strategy: he paid special attention to the development of the individual physical qualities of an athlete, not neglecting the work on team cohesion. It is worth noting that Tarasov demobilized with the rank of senior major.

“Much of what is shown in Legend # 17 is true. The father tied the hockey players to the sides with rubber bands, and they drove the puck. As soon as they stopped, an elastic band nailed them to the side. So endurance was developed. The player was put in the goal and fired at with pucks. So courage was brought up, including the ability to endure pain. This method was invented by my father, he wanted not only to catch up with Canadians - the founders of hockey, but also to get ahead of them, ”says Anatoly Vladimirovich’s daughter - Tatiana Tarasova.

Interesting fact: In 1971, Tarasov defended his dissertation and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences.

To people who are not so close to sports, Tarasov is known as a coach who raised a hockey star - Valeria Kharlamova... However, those who studied the biography of Anatoly Vladimirovich know that he devoted a lot of time to football and even was a football coach. In addition, in his youth, Tarasov was the captain of the Dynamo youth team and the Moscow national bandy team. Legends were made about his training of the Moscow army. The football players had to go through a real test: after working with the ball and exercises to develop strength and speed of reaction, all athletes faced a two-sided game. And those who did not take part had to wind circles around the site with twenty-kilogram pancakes.

“Perhaps for many people who are familiar with football, some of my actions will seem incomprehensible. Do not think that Tarasov in his new field will use exclusively the hockey training methodology, but it would be ignorance to ignore it ... I believe in the hockey methodology, in these exercises that we were doing today "- explained his methodology Anatoly Tarasov.

Interesting fact: Anatoly was 9 years old when his father died. Mother brought up two children - Anatoly and his younger brother Yuri.

Under the leadership of the eminent coach, CSKA became the champion of the USSR as many as 18 times, and under the head coach Tarasov, the national team won the world championship nine times in a row and won the Olympic Games three times. Throughout his coaching career, Anatoly Vladimirovich managed to raise 50 world champions. But, despite a serious track record, due to a conflict with Sergei Pavlov, who headed the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1969, Tarasov was deprived of the title of Honored Coach of the USSR for some time.

Interesting fact: in 1974 Anatoly Tarasov was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto, 23 years later - into the Hockey Hall of Fame of the International Ice Hockey Federation. And in 2008, the US Ice Hockey Federation awarded Tarasov the Wayne Gretzky Prize for his contribution to the development of hockey.

On June 23, 1995, at the age of 77, Anatoly Tarasov died. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

And today the Google company has released a special doodle for the birthday of Anatoly Tarasov. It depicts the coach against the background of hockey players. You should have noticed if you use this search engine.

Interesting fact: Since 2015, the tug of the Red Banner Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy has been named "Anatoly Tarasov", and one of the divisions of the Continental Hockey League (KHL) has also been named.

December 10 marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of the patriarch of Russian hockey Anatoly Tarasov. The SE archive contains negatives of the photographer Oleg Neyelov with little-known shots of the outstanding Soviet coach.

1. Anatoly Tarasov conducts the USSR national hockey team.

2. Anatoly Tarasov instructs the goalkeeper of the USSR national team Viktor Konovalenko.

3.1940. Anatoly Tarasov (sixth from the left) and another legend of Russian hockey - Vsevolod Bobrov (fourth from right) - before the game of the Moscow bandy championship against Dynamo.

4. Anatoly Tarasov receives congratulations from senior police sergeant Dmitry Kutuzov during the meeting of the winners of the 1964 Olympic tournament.

5.1957 Anatoly Tarasov and coach of the Japanese national team during the World Ice Hockey Championship, which was held for the first time in Moscow.

7. Anatoly Tarasov - army coach in the 50s.

8.1964 Anatoly Tarasov - coach of the USSR national team.

9. December 1964. Anatoly Tarasov (top row - far left) with the CSKA team - the champion of the USSR.

10. Anatoly Tarasov in civilian clothes at a hockey match.

11.1964 Anatoly Tarasov at the Luzhniki Stadium.

12. Anatoly Tarasov at a training session of the USSR hockey team.

13.1960 Anatoly Tarasov thanks the USSR national team player Veniamin Aleksandrov during the game of the USSR national team against the Canadian Chatham Maroons.

14. Anatoly Tarasov leads the game of the USSR national team.

15. Anatoly Tarasov with his daughter Tatyana and wife Nina Grigorievna at the Luzhniki Stadium.

The biography of Anatoly Tarasov is described in detail in this article. He is a famous Soviet footballer and hockey player, as well as a coach in these sports. He is considered the "father of Russian hockey", as it was he who made the Soviet national team one of the strongest on the planet. Together with Arkady Chernyshev, he succeeded in an unrivaled record. For 9 years of his leadership, the USSR national team managed to win all international tournaments in which she participated.

Childhood and youth

Talking about the biography of Anatoly Tarasov, you need to start with the fact that he was born in 1918. The hero of our article was born in Moscow.

His fate was not easy. When he was only 9 years old, his father died. Mom worked as a seamstress-minder, disappeared at work for a long time, so it was Anatoly who had to try on the role of the eldest man in the house.

The biography of Anatoly Tarasov is very amusing. The family lived not far from the Dynamo sports complex, which at that time was just beginning to be built. Therefore, Anatoly and his younger brother decided to enroll in the "Young Dynamo" hockey school. Tarasov himself was always distinguished by his stubborn and ambitious character, so he easily achieved success. Soon he became the leader of the youth team "Dynamo" and its captain, headed the Moscow team.

Early career

The sports biography of Anatoly Tarasov in those years was very successful. It is interesting that in those years, all Soviet athletes in parallel played football in the summer and hockey when the cold came.

In 1937, young Tarasov ended up in the capital's SKIF team. And he constantly began to get practice in Odessa "Dynamo", which he moved to in 1939. For his new club, Tarasov played 11 matches, in which he scored 3 goals. But I couldn't help the team. Dynamo Odessa failed a season in the USSR Premier League. The team suffered 17 defeats in 26 matches, finishing last in the standings.

But they paid attention to the promising Tarasov. Already in 1940, he began as a member of the CDKA. As in Odessa, he played as a striker, but failed to gain a foothold in the main team. For the whole season he played 6 games, never having distinguished himself. His team finished in 4th place.

During the war

The hero of our article began the 1941 season as a member of the Red Army team from Moscow. But that season was never finished due to the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. Of the 9 matches of the Red Army, Tarasov managed to take part in two.

In 1941, Tarasov immediately went to the front. He finished serving with the rank of Major of Internal Troops. Immediately after the war in 1945, he was recommended as a mentor to the sports club of the Air Force of the capital's military district. Tarasov began simultaneously coaching the hockey and football teams, while remaining a player himself.

Coaching successes

Tarasov achieved the greatest success in his career as a hockey coach. In 1948, he became the USSR ice hockey champion at the head of CSKA.

This was only the second championship in the history of Soviet ice hockey, for CSKA the season was really outstanding. The team scored 16 victories in 18 matches. Its main stars were playing coach Anatoly Tarasov and forward Vsevolod Bobrov, who scored 52 goals against the opponents. On average, almost 3 goals per game.

The following year, the team managed to repeat this success. Many people became interested in the biography of the coach Anatoly Tarasov, since he had already become a two-time USSR champion in hockey. The victory in the 1948/49 season was almost as confident. Just one defeat in an entire season. True, Bobrov is inferior to the championship of the top scorer Alexei Guryshev from Moscow “Wings of the Soviets”.

In the 1949-50 season, CSKA lost twice a season, but this did not prevent the team from becoming the country's champion for the third time in a row. Hockey coach Anatoly Tarasov, whose biography is given in this article, is celebrating another triumph. Bobrov regains the title of top scorer with 36 goals.

End of player career

Tarasov said goodbye to his player career in 1950, concentrating on coaching. He remained at the head of CSKA until 1974 with several short breaks.

During this time, he managed to become the USSR champion in hockey 14 times, to win the USSR Cup 8 times.

In the national team

Anatoly Tarasov, whose biography you are reading now, became the senior coach of the USSR national team in 1957. Since 1962, he was listed as a coach of the national team, helping Arkady Chernyshev.

Under his leadership, the team twice won silver medals at the World Hockey Championships. In 1958, in Norway, the USSR national team won 5 victories in 7 matches (then everything was limited to the group stage), playing only in a draw with the Czechs (4: 4) and losing to the Canadians (2: 4).

The following year, in Czechoslovakia, Soviet hockey players confidently beat their rivals in Group B - the Americans (5: 3), the Norwegians (13: 1) and the GDR national team (6: 1). In the final bullet, he won 4 wins in 5 games, again losing only to the Canadians - 1: 3.

In 1960, at the Winter Olympics, the USSR national team won the group stage against Germany (8: 0) and Finland (8: 4). But the final bullet is unsuccessful. Only the Czechs (8: 5) and the FRG (7: 1) manage to win, with the Swedes a draw - 2: 2, but the Soviet hockey players are losing to Canada and the USA - 5: 8 and 2: 3, respectively. The result is bronze medals.

Success as a second coach

Tarasov's career as the second coach of the national team was much more successful. Already at the 1964 Olympic Games, he knows no equal, defeating Switzerland 15: 0, Finland and Germany 10: 0, USA 5: 1, Canada 3: 2, Czechoslovakia 7: 5 and Sweden 4: 2.

After this triumph, the coaching tandem of Chernyshev and Tarasov won two more Winter Olympics.

In 1968, in France, the Soviet national team was not even stopped by the defeat from the Czechs 4: 5, they still managed to win gold, and in 1972, in the final bullet, the USSR team won 4 matches out of 5, only once having drawn 3: 3 with Sweden.

There was no equal to the Soviet national team during this period and at the world hockey championships. From 1963 to 1971, not a single failure.

Tarasov himself was remembered by many as a brave and sometimes adventurous person. In 1975, being a renowned hockey coach, he accepts an offer to head football CSKA.

A year earlier, the army team took 13th place in the Premier League, great hopes were pinned on Tarasov. In 30 matches, they managed to win only 6 times, repeating last year's result - again 13th place.

At the same time, Tarasov will also remain in the history of national sports as the founder of one of the most popular children's tournaments, the Golden Puck.

In 1974, the hero of our article was officially inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame, located in Toronto. He died in 1995 in Moscow. Tarasov was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Personal life

Biography, personal life of Anatoly Tarasov has always interested his many fans and journalists. His wife's name was Nina Grigorievna. They had two daughters - Galina and Tatiana.

When talking about the biography of Anatoly Tarasov, the photo of the family is always in the spotlight. His youngest daughter Tatiana became, perhaps, no less popular than her father. Moreover, she also became famous in the winter sport - this is figure skating.

She performed in tandem with Georgy Proskurin. The athletes won the 1966 Winter Universiade, won silver and bronze in the USSR championships. But as a coach, Tatyana Tarasova became one of the most famous specialists. Among her pupils are such stars as Irina Rodnina, Alexey Yagudin, Maxim Kovtun, Sasha Cohen.

In total, her students have won 41 gold medals at the World and European Championships, as well as 7 victories at the Winter Olympics in various disciplines.

Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov was born on December 10, 1918 in Moscow, where he spent all his childhood.

As a child, he spent a lot of time at the Young Pioneers stadium, where the Spartak football team trained. At the age of 11 I went to school "Young Dynamo". "I am eternally grateful to this organization," Tarasov recalled: "They gave out a uniform, after each workout we received food coupons, which could buy cakes, and not only for ourselves, but also for the mother, as well as eat a couple of vinaigretics and drink tea And the time was hard. There was a hungry life. Especially in my family: my father died early, and my mother worked, raised us ... "

After seven classes, Tarasov went to study as a locksmith-toolmaker at a factory school. In this profession, he worked for five years, helping his family. But he did not leave training. “At the age of 19,“ Young Dynamo ”recommended me to the Higher School of Coaches. We had a wonderful environment there. We lived with the interests of sports, the interests of each other. We had excellent teams in football and bandy. And in 1939 I was invited to coach football team "Dynamo" (Odessa) ".

Tarasov remembered 1 August 1939 forever. In the morning he passed the last exam in chemistry, then he signed with his wife Nina Grigorievna, and in the evening he drove off to Odessa. “During the war, we both lived in Moscow. Tolya was a member of the BBC club ", - Tarasov's wife recalled:" And I worked with the guys in the ski sports section at the Dynamo stadium. Yes, yes, and during the war, our people did not give up sports. I remember that after each training session, I walked into abandoned workshops on the way and picked up boards to heat a stove. One day, suddenly a call: “The Air Force team is sent to evacuate to Arzamas. Your husband is waiting for you at the Kursk railway station! " I packed my socks, warm clothes and ran there - the trams were no longer running. And at the station there is pandemonium, the evacuation is in full swing. October 16, 1941 in the yard - the Germans are torn to Moscow ... Lord, I think where I will find you, Tarasov! Suddenly I hear: “Nina! Nina!" And I see that Tolya has climbed onto a lamppost, and calls me from there. I began to persuade him to take me and my daughter with him. And he says so confidently: “Don't worry, Moscow won't be handed over! Take care of your daughter. " And I believed, saw him off and went home calmly. And soon my husband returned. They were transferred to Moscow, and they began to guard the Central House of the Soviet Army. And they were also sent to active units to train soldiers in hand-to-hand combat. After all, men passed this science at the Institute of Physical Education without fail. Then we began to see each other more often, but still lived separately. I'm at home, he is in the barracks. Only after the war we were given a room in a communal apartment, as much as 17 meters. It seemed like a real paradise - there were batteries, no need to heat! "

The love of hockey still outweighed Tarasov's football affection. When in 1946 a new kind of sport came to the Soviet Union, Anatoly Vladimirovich grabbed it with both hands, although, by his own admission, at first they were wary of the “puck” in the country. - We met the new hockey with bayonets, until they explained to us what was going on ... At first we were simply ordered to play this new hockey, and then they said: “What are you, comrades? This is an Olympic sport! The whole country can be glorified with this sport ”. Then it all started. In the very first USSR championship, Tarasov became the best sniper of the tournament as part of the Air Force, scoring 14 goals, but the pilots themselves finished only in fifth place, and already in the next season Anatoly Vladimirovich acted as the playing coach of the CDKA and led the army man to the first victory in the championship ... In the hockey team of the CDKA, he was immediately nicknamed the theorist - because he constantly advised and explained something. And somehow it so happened that he became a playing coach. The hockey players themselves chose him. Moreover, he already had the experience of a mentor. After all, he also performed the duties of a senior coach in the BBC football club.

"We trained on the country's first artificial ice of 120 square meters in Maryina Roshcha. The CDKA team at the rink was given time from 12 am to 6 am. 4-5 people could train at the same time on the patch. I don't know how the players got to rink, but no one was ever late. And there were no dissatisfied. They did not think about the conditions then, did not think about what we would get for hockey, but thought about how to master it. " In 1948, Tarasov was appointed coach of the Moscow national team, which held friendly matches against the Czechoslovak team of the LTZ. In fact, under the name of the Moscow team, the USSR team played, so six years before the first performance of the national team at the World Championship, Tarasov began to train the best hockey players in the country.

"An unusually large audience for the winter gathered at the Dynamo stadium - 30-35 thousand fans. We won that match with a score of 6: 3. Not only the guests, spectators, but also the winners were surprised. I had many pleasant minutes afterwards. my sports biography, but I have never experienced greater joy than that day. " And this is said by a man who won the USSR championships together with CSKA 17 times, led the USSR national team to victory at the world championships 9 times and won the Olympic Games three times.

“The coaches left the national team in 1972. Then the leadership of the country put pressure on the team - they demanded that we play with the Czechs in a draw in the last match of the tournament. In this case, we took the first place, and the Czechs - the second. But our friends from the socialist camp were smashed 5: 2, and Tarasov and Chernyshev immediately fell into disgrace. Anatoly was not even awarded the Order of Lenin, although it was planned for winning the Olympics, "Tarasov's wife recalled:" But the main thing is that the coaches were removed from the national team. And they took away the dream - to play with the Canadians in the Super Series-72. Our team at these matches was led by Bobrov and Boris Kulagin. They categorically refused to accept Anatoly into their headquarters. Moreover, in defiance of Tarasov and Chernyshev, Bobrov expelled from the national team army player Anatoly Firsov and Dynamo player Vitaly Davydov. But both of them were three-time Olympic champions, one of the best in our team ... "

And in 1975, Tarasov left CSKA and even returned to football for a year, becoming the coach of the army team, with whom he took 13th place in the Major League.

Well, after the end of his career, Tarasov headed the Golden Puck children's tournament. They immediately began to take the competition seriously, especially since the famous hockey players entered the headquarters - Boris Mayorov, Alexander Ragulin, Anatoly Firsov, Alexander Maltsev ... It is difficult to say whether these people knew what significant and important business they had undertaken, but after for several years almost the whole country was sick with hockey. From small to large, from the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic - no exceptions.

At the suggestion of Tarasov, a competition was held in the country for the construction of hockey rinks in cities and towns. Local authorities, who did not skimp on hockey, also helped. Even the industry, having assessed the situation, sharply increased the production of children's hockey equipment, clubs, pucks, gloves and helmets.

However, those hockey matches were far from the current comfortable conditions. Deputy Chairman of Moskomsport Alexey Pyzhov recalled that instead of knee pads, young hockey players used the magazine "Science". But even without high-quality playgrounds and a normal form, without strong clubs and fast skates, children learned the basics of hockey, and did it with rapture. And many of those tens or even hundreds of thousands of boys who took part in the "Golden Puck" went further along the hockey path and grew into the champion of the country, the world, the Olympic Games.

Such legends as Vladislav Tretyak, Valery Kharlamov, Alexander Maltsev, Vladimir Myshkin, Vladimir Krutov, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Igor Larionov, Zinetula Bilyaletdinov, Valery Kamensky began here. These names alone are enough to gauge the scope and significance of the tournament. But there were others - hundreds of excellent hockey players and thousands of children who simply grew up healthy and strong.

“My wife was looking at our family album once,” said Igor Larionov, who won all the major titles in world hockey. - Still a young mother, father, brother Zhenya. We came across a photo where I am thirteen: in a hockey uniform I sit on a bench, resting between shifts. This is me in Cherepovets, at the final of the all-Union tournament "Golden Puck". We resurrectionists were the first then. There our troika got the prize as the most productive one. Prize of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper. And as adults, together with Krutov and Makarov, we received a similar prize for six years in a row, only this time from another newspaper - Trud.

Such was the great teacher and mentor Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov. The best thing, probably, is to say it in his own words:
“I feel sorry for people who are indifferent to sports. I think they impoverish their lives great. As for me ... They will say: start life anew - and I will again choose the path of a coach. Because this is a damn interesting profession - to educate people strong in spirit and in body ... "

Used material

Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov(December 10, 1918 - June 23, 1995) - Soviet hockey player, football player and coach in these sports. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1949). Honored Trainer of the USSR (1956). Professor. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Colonel.

Anatoly Vladimirovich began to play sports at the hockey school "Young Dynamo". With an ambitious character, Tarasov quickly became the leader and captain of the Dynamo youth bandy team, then the Moscow national team. He played for the teams: Air Force MVO (1946-1947), CDKA, CDSA (1947-1953). USSR Champion 1948-1950. Spent 100 matches, scored 106 goals.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Tarasov is the "father of Russian hockey" who made the USSR "the dominant force in international competition." Together with coach Arkady Chernyshev, he set an unbeatable record - for 9 years in a row (1963-1971) the USSR national hockey team under their leadership became the champion in all international tournaments.

The daughter of Anatoly Vladimirovich is Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova, a famous figure skating coach.

Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov became the first head of the Golden Puck Club.

The idea of \u200b\u200bholding the Golden Puck children's hockey tournament was born after the triumph of the hockey players of the USSR national team at the IX Winter Olympic Games in 1964 in Innsbruck (Austria).

On December 8, 1964, the first appeal was heard from the pages of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper: “Ready to start, friends! The golden puck is calling! "

Oleg Menshikov played the role of AV Tarasov in the Russian film "Legend No. 17" (2013).

December 10 would have marked the 95th anniversary of the birth of the “father of Soviet hockey” legendary coach Anatoly Tarasov. "RG" recalls facts from the biography of Anatoly Vladimirovich, about which little was known to the general public.

1. In the hockey club CDKA Anatoly Tarasov played in one troika with Vsevolod Bobrov and Yevgeny Babich. The top three of the army club were a threat to their rivals. For example, in the championship of the 48th year, Tarasov, Bobrov and Babich scored 97 times out of 108 goals abandoned by CDKA! True, the relationship between Tarasov and Bobrov did not work out. According to people who closely communicated with Tarasov, they practically did not speak.

They say that Tarasov did not forgive Bobrov for the time of the Air Force team, when General Vasily Stalin fired him from his post as coach, putting Bobrov in. By 1954, relations between the two stars had become so tense that the participation of the USSR national team in the World Championship in Stockholm was questionable. Before the tournament Bobrov set a condition: I will play for the team only if Tarasov is not the coach. As a result, Tarasov attended the championship only as an observer from the sports committee. Tarasov returned to the national team and, together with Arkady Chernyshev, won the Olympics three times in a row (1964, 1968, 1972) and 9 times in a row - the world championships (1963-1971). In 1972, he brought the "gold" from Sapporo, but for the world championship in Prague The team was already driven by Bobrov. The fact is that immediately after the Winter Games, the leadership of Czechoslovakia turned to their Soviet colleagues with a request not to send Tarasov to them, to whom many players of the Czechoslovak national team disliked. The Central Committee immediately recalled the episode when, during the Olympics in Sapporo, Tarasov refused to play a draw with the Czechs: in this situation, we took the "gold", and the "silver" would have gone to the national team of Czechoslovakia. But ours won 5: 2, and the Americans beat the Czechs. As a result, Bobrov took over the national team on March 21, 1972.

It's no secret that Tarasov and Bobrov lived in the same house on Leningradsky Prospekt. Eyewitnesses recall the episode when two Volgas - Tarasova and Bobrova - stood nose to nose in the arch of the house for half an hour, refusing to let each other pass. The neighbors had to call the police to clear the passage.

2. Anatoly Tarasov married in 1939 a girl named Nina, who studied with him at the high school of coaches. Nina Grigorievna, who was ten months older than her husband and lived to be 93 years old, recalled that after Tarasov proposed to her, they did not arrange lavish ceremonies and simply went to the Bauman regional executive committee of Moscow, where they signed. After that, the young people celebrated the event in the canteen of the institute, ordering themselves a beef stroganoff, which had seemed very expensive to them before. As a gift, the bride received a bouquet of flowers and a vase. In the evening of the same day, Tarasov left for Odessa to play for the football club Dynamo. Tarasov only managed to run home and wrote a note: "Mom, I think I got married!" And Tarasov saw his young wife only when he came to Moscow for the games.

In February 1947, their daughter Tatyana was born, who became one of the most famous figure skating coaches not only in Russia, but also in the world. Their daughter Galina also grew up in their family. The father brought up his daughters very harshly and every day at seven in the morning, in any weather, he kicked them out to exercise. By the way, it was the daughters who insisted that Tarasov buy his wife an engagement ring only for the "golden" wedding anniversary. Until that time, Anatoly Vladimirovich categorically did not want to “waste money”.

3. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Super Series against the Canadian pros belongs to Anatoly Tarasov. She came up with a wonderful trainer back in the early 60s. Anatoly Vladimirovich many times convinced the party apparatchiks of the need for such duels, endlessly wrote letters to the Central Committee of the CPSU. Once at the reception of the heroes of the Olympics in the mansion on Vorobyovy Gory, where General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev was also, the first cosmonaut in the world, Yuri Gagarin, at the request of Tarasov, approached him and asked him to play with the Canadians from the NHL. Khrushchev then joked: they say, let's drink first. "No, Nikita Sergeevich, first we will resolve the issue. Comrade Tarasov says that we will defeat the Canadians, he will be taken!" And Khrushchev was persuaded, but then Leonid Brezhnev came to power. And the question of the USSR-Canada match was again postponed ...

4. Tarasov did not go to Canada for the Super Series, as he was considered "unreliable". Tarasova was recalled, among other things, the 1969 CSKA - Spartak match, when the coach took the army team into the locker room, despite the presence of Leonid Brezhnev in the box for the guests of honor.

In that game, in case of victory, “Spartak became the champion. And CSKA didn’t go well. At some point it seemed to Tarasov that the judges were helping the opponent and he ordered the team to go to the locker room. The pause lasted 37 minutes. Tarasov agreed to go to back down only after the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal and Hero of the Soviet Union Grechko came to the locker room. Then the game resumed, “Spartak” won, won the championship, and army fans, annoyed by the defeat, did not let out of the “Luzhniki” for a long time and even tried to turn over After that match, by the decision of the Sports Committee, the title of Honored Coach of the USSR was removed from Tarasov. However, after six months the title was returned, but he had to forget about the national team. Note that since then Tarasov has never won anything.

5. Anatoly Tarasov tried to diversify his training as best he could. The players ran on the ice with crowbars over their heads, tied themselves with rubber straps to the side and tried to reach the puck, ran exhausting crosses and even ... jumped from the platform into the pool along with clubs! Note that Tarasov, despite the fact that he was panicky afraid of heights, jumped into the water first and hit very hard, but did not show his sight.

6. Tarasov loved to hold important meetings in the bath. His constant partners in the steam room were his friend and neighbor basketball coach Alexander Gomelsky and Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. The head of the FHR Vladislav Tretyak once admitted that it was impossible to go to the bathhouse with Tarasov - he was so fanatically soaring. In the bath, if the temperature goes over 120 degrees, you need to take a regular washcloth, dip it in cold water and put it in your mouth. It will make breathing easier and the steam will not burn your throat. Tarasov went even further. He lay down on a shelf, poured cold water into the gang, lowered his head there and drank. He was processed in 4 brooms, but he didn't care. Then he went out, drank beer and solved all the issues "at once".

7. In addition to hockey, Tarasov had a hobby - pickling tomatoes and making homemade liqueurs. In the trunk of his "Volga" he always carried vodka, tinctures on alcohol of his own preparation, those very salty podmidors and sauerkraut. Moreover, he never drank more than 300 grams.