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Pasta by flo. Naval pasta, minced meat recipes. Cooking process step by step

Classic navy-style pasta with minced meat is good for dinner without ceremony and pompous serving. The technology is probably familiar to everyone, at least its general principle. Fry the meat mass with a traditional vegetable mixture of onions and carrots, season with tomato paste and saturate with garlic aroma, bring to readiness and mix with boiled pasta. Thus, in one container we simultaneously get the main dish and the side dish. Nothing complicated - almost a bachelor dish! But what a hearty and delicious home-style!

Any mince is suitable - it can be prepared from one type of meat or a mixture. We chose beef and half pork, but there is room for experimentation - chicken, turkey, lamb, etc. The taste of the dish changes dramatically from the selected meat component.


  • minced meat (any) - 300 g;
  • pasta - 150 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 small;
  • garlic - 1 prong;
  • tomato paste - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cheese - 80 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Naval pasta with minced meat classic recipe

  1. In heated vegetable oil, fry the onion, previously peeled and chopped into small cubes. Keep for 3-5 minutes with constant stirring.
  2. Next, load the carrots, grated coarsely. We pass for about 5 minutes. Maintain a moderate, but not too quiet fire. Our task is to saturate vegetables with oil and soften slightly. Stir vigorously to prevent burning and browning of the vegetable mixture.
  3. Add a garlic clove passed through a press to the carrot-onion sauté. Next, load the minced meat.
  4. Using a spatula, carefully chop the meat mass into small lumps, so that the finished minced meat is crumbly and evenly distributed among the pasta. While stirring, keep on fire until the moisture evaporates and the color completely changes to gray-beige.
  5. Then add tomato paste, stir and heat for 1-2 minutes. Pour in 100 ml of water from a kettle, bring to a boil. Without covering with a lid, keep on moderate heat for 5-10 minutes - evaporate the liquid. Salt, pepper.
  6. Simultaneously with the preparation of the meat component of the dish, we boil the pasta. Bring water to a boil, salt. We put pasta in a saucepan (usually 1.5 liters of liquid are taken for 150 g of pasta). Spaghetti, shells, rolls, any curly pasta, etc. are suitable for the recipe. The cooking time for each type of product is different, we look at the instructions on the package. We discard the finished pasta in a colander.
  7. We spread boiled pasta to the finished minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly, soaking the pasta with the meat mixture.
  8. We distribute the pasta in a navy way on the plates. Sprinkle with finely grated cheese, and serve until the dish has cooled down. You can crumble any fresh greens - it perfectly complements the taste and aroma.

Classic naval pasta with minced meat is ready! Enjoy your meal!

A popular and well-known dish since the Middle Ages is naval pasta, the recipe for a hearty and mouth-watering lunch or dinner is quite simple and quick, despite the fact that there are many variations.

It has long been impossible to call naval pasta an exclusively professional dish that allows you to satisfy the hunger of sailors during a long voyage at sea. Durum wheat pasta combined with an appetizing meat sauce can be found on the menus of cafes and restaurants. It is often made at home when you need to quickly feed all family members with hearty and tasty food.

Variations of the famous pasta with minced meat made from various meats are especially popular. The dish can be prepared for every taste, satisfying the wishes of true gourmets.

Navy-style pasta is equally good with lean meat and poultry sauce, stewed meat or minced meat. In addition, this dish can be made dietary and included in the diet of the PP. To do this, you need to choose the right pasta and use, for example, chicken or turkey for gravy.

An ideal dish for a quick lunch or dinner is pasta with minced meat, which is also called “navy style”.

For cooking, you need only 5 ingredients. It:

  • Pasta in the form of tubes - 400 g;
  • Minced meat - 350 g;
  • Onion;
  • Salt;
  • Vegetable oil.

The recipe for the famous naval pasta was brought to Russia in the distant 18th century by Italians. Since then, the dish has remained unchanged, but has received the status of an original Russian. It is so popular that it is already difficult to imagine our kitchen without it.


  1. Boil the pasta in a saucepan with water, after which we boil add salt to taste. Cook the pasta according to the instructions in a large volume of water, then put it in a colander, rinse under running water.
  2. Peel the onions, wash them and cut them into small cubes.
  3. Mix onion with minced meat, add salt and pepper to taste. Knead all the ingredients well.
  4. Take a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and heat well over high heat. Then we send the minced meat, it must be fried until tender.
  5. Add pasta to the finished minced meat, reduce the heat to medium and fry for a few more minutes.

Ready-made navy-style pasta can be served with fresh herbs, which will emphasize the taste of a hearty meat dish and make it especially effective.

For the preparation of naval pasta, you can use not only minced meat, but also boiled meat or canned food. This recipe uses meat that is pre-boiled until tender.

For a hearty dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Pasta - 400 g;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Butter;
  • Boiled pork - 400 g;
  • Meat broth - 1⁄3 tbsp.;
  • Flour;
  • Fresh herbs, salt and spices.


  1. To prepare 4 servings of a popular dish, boil pasta until cooked in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions on the package.
  2. Chop the boiled meat in a food processor or cut into cubes using a regular knife. It will be good if the pieces of meat are not too small.
  3. We send butter to a preheated frying pan, when it melts, add finely chopped onions and fry until a pleasant golden color.
  4. Next, send the chopped meat to a frying pan to fry it together with onions for 5 minutes. Next, gradually add flour and gently mix the contents of the pan, then add the broth, close the lid and simmer over medium heat for about 5 minutes.
  5. We put pasta in a colander to drain the water. We return the pasta to the pan, add the meat to it and mix.

Serve the dish to the table in portions, decorating with chopped herbs.

Using this recipe, you can prepare a dish that will allow you to feed the whole family with a delicious dinner or meet guests who suddenly appear.

We use the following ingredients for cooking:

  • 400 g of pasta;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 500 g minced meat (chicken);
  • Spices, pepper, salt.


  1. The secret of naval-style pasta cooking according to this recipe is that you need to choose durum wheat pasta for the dish. They do not boil soft, retain their shape and look extraordinarily appetizing when finished.
  2. We start cooking by boiling pasta. Take a pot of water, put it on fire and bring to a boil. We add some salt to the water, into which we dip the pasta. Cook according to the instructions, stirring occasionally. We put the finished pasta in a colander, rinse with cold water.
  3. Cut the onions into cubes. We put the pan on the fire to warm it up. Pour in vegetable oil, when it warms up, pour onion and fry until golden brown.
  4. We send minced chicken to the onion. Mix well and fry for 10 minutes. You can close the pan with a lid.
  5. Then add spices, salt and pepper to the minced meat and onions to taste. Curry, turmeric, or Provencal herbs are great options.
  6. Combine minced chicken and pasta, mix. We put it on plates. Serve the dish to the table in portions, decorating with fresh herbs. You can use your favorite sauce to enhance the flavor of the minced chicken.

You can cook nourishing and appetizing pasta in a navy way in a slow cooker. Since the dish consists of only two main ingredients, it is very easy and simple to make, and cooking in a multicooker saves time talking with family members, and not wasting it on cooking.

The convenience of cooking in a multicooker lies in the fact that the whole process takes place in one pan. Pasta is sent to the dish not boiled. This dining option not only saves time, but also avoids the pile of dirty dishes in the sink after cooking.


  • 350 g minced meat (any is suitable);
  • 250 g pasta;
  • 1 onion;
  • Lecho;
  • Fresh greens;
  • Salt, pepper, spices.


  1. We start cooking navy pasta in a multicooker with the preparation of products. Cut the onion into neat cubes, combine it with minced meat, add salt, pepper and whatever spices you like.
  2. Preparing the multicooker for work. Lubricate the bowl with vegetable oil, after which we put the minced meat, into which onions, salt and spices were previously added.
  3. We set the operating mode of the multicooker. Choose “baked goods” and put the minced meat to stew for 30 minutes. Stir the contents of the pan periodically to prevent lumps from forming. You can add spice to the finished dish with lecho. We add it at this stage of preparation.
  4. We boil the kettle, send dry pasta into the multicooker bowl and mix thoroughly with the minced meat.
  5. Add seasonings, salt and spices to taste, pour boiling water into a slow cooker and mix its contents. The water level should be slightly higher than the minced pasta. It is very important not to overdo it with liquid, so that the pasta does not become sour and overcooked.
  6. Cooking navy pasta in a multicooker on the “baking” mode for 10 minutes. Open the lid periodically and stir the contents of the bowl.
  7. When the pasta is ready, add fresh herbs, which we pre-wash and chop with a knife.
  8. Serve pasta in portions, put them on a plate. Can be garnished with fresh vegetables cut into slices.

You can diversify the dish using various spices for cooking. If you add a little garlic, the taste of navy pasta will be more piquant and a little spicy. If you use paprika and curry, the minced meat and pasta will acquire a beautiful color and will look especially appetizing. Dried dill and parsley will add a special flavor to the dish.

When preparing meat sauce, it is quite common to add tomato paste or diced tomatoes. This gives the dish juiciness, brightness and enhances the flavor characteristics.

Instead of meat or minced meat, you can add stew. So the cooking process will take even less time, which is very convenient and fast. Naval macaroni is a quick dish that allows you to experiment every time you cook it.

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There are many recipes for this dish, but in the classic version it is prepared with minced meat and large tubular pasta. Unfortunately, I only have nests left, so I decided to cook my pasta naval with minced meat from them. The pasta prepared according to this recipe is very tasty and spicy due to the seasonings.

Chop the onion and garlic, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Heat two tablespoons of olive oil or vegetable oil in a skillet. Put onion and garlic. Fry, stirring occasionally for 5 minutes.

Add carrots to the roast, and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Put minced meat and black pepper in a pot with vegetables in a pan. Cook, stirring occasionally for about 10 minutes. Knead the minced meat periodically with a fork so that large lumps do not form from it, ideally it should be crumbly.

Salt the minced pasta dressing in the navy with one flat spoon of salt. Add finely chopped dill and parsley, dried basil, and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste. Mix everything and fry for another 3-4 minutes.

Boil pasta until semi-cooked in salted water. Rinse in a colander and place in a pan with the minced meat. Mix everything, pour a glass of water into the pan, cover and bring to readiness by simmering under a closed lid for 10 minutes.

Naval pasta with minced meat is ready, you can serve them beautifully with fresh vegetables.

Enjoy your meal!

Sometimes you really want to give up time-consuming meals in favor of a quick and hearty meal. After all, you need to cook not only for the festive table, but also for an ordinary family dinner, when there is very little time for cooking. For such a situation, the naval pasta recipe is great. This dish can be prepared in just 40 minutes, and if you take enough food, it will be enough for a large family.

It is because of its simplicity and speed of preparation of pasta with minced meat that became popular in the 50s of the last century. But even now they have not ceased to be relevant, since a classic dish can always be diversified with additional ingredients to your taste.

For example, it is worth adding tomato paste or fresh tomatoes to pasta so that a simple dinner sparkles with Italian colors. A traditional meal can turn into a restaurant-level treat if you replace minced meat with fish and add green olives and Parmesan cheese to the taste. It is also possible to make a light lunch for children using minced chicken or turkey.

Usually pork or beef is used for this dish. It doesn't matter which piece you choose, as it will still turn into minced meat using a meat grinder. Although at this point, the chefs disagree. Some believe that first a piece of meat should be boiled or fried, and only after that it should be ground into minced meat.

This sequence of actions will help preserve the juiciness and flavor of the minced meat. Others are convinced that similar manipulations are a waste of time, and the meat will also be delicious if ground raw and fried with onions. In any case, choose the hostess herself, depending on preferences and the amount of time.

The second main ingredient is pasta. We advise you to choose products from durum wheat, as they are more useful and keep their shape well when cooked. For a navy-style dinner, those types that look like a tube are perfect. For example, feathers, shells, horns, or a spiral. This form will allow you to pick up with a fork not only pasta, but also sauce with minced meat pieces.

In fact, you can take any noodles and any meat, the dish will still turn out hearty - the calorie content of 100 g of a classic dish is about 295 kcal. And the taste of navy-style pasta makes you cook them again and again.

Naval pasta with minced pork or beef in a pan (classic recipe)

The traditional version of the dish will be especially appreciated by three categories of people. Firstly, for those who have never eaten such a dish and want to get acquainted with its original taste, such a test will help to understand which ingredients should be added or removed to make the dish a favorite. After that, you can already move on to different variations, focusing on your own taste.

Secondly, for those new to the kitchen who are learning to cook, since the classic recipe consists only of basic processes: slicing, roasting, boiling. Thirdly, for those who have to prepare a delicious and hearty dinner for the whole family in the shortest possible time. This recipe is especially suitable for working housewives. But the most important thing is that such a dish will turn out delicious always and for everyone.

The sequence of cooking:

1. Pass the pieces of meat through a meat grinder. If necessary, remove the fat and film from the beef beforehand.

2. Peel the onions and cut them into small pieces with a knife.

3. Cook the pasta in plenty of salted water. Cooking time depends on the type of product, so you can find it out from the labels on the packaging.

4. Throw the pasta in a colander and rinse in running cold water. Thanks to this, the cooking process will stop, the pasta will not stick together and will not fall apart.

5. In a large skillet, pour vegetable oil and chopped onion. Bring the onion over high heat until golden brown, stirring constantly.

6. Attach the minced meat to the onion. After two minutes, mix thoroughly so that the meat does not collapse into lumps. Cook until all moisture has evaporated.

Then add ground pepper, table salt and butter. Mix again and remove from heat. Combine boiled pasta with meat. Mix well.

This dish always turns out delicious, especially if you add more minced meat.

Low-calorie version of naval pasta with minced chicken or turkey

A traditional naval dinner uses hearty, slightly fatty meats such as pork or beef. But this does not mean that the dish cannot be made lighter.

For example, if you use chicken or turkey meat, it will not lose its taste at all, but it will become more dietary, especially if you take noodles made from durum flour.

If you listen to our recipe and do everything right, the pasta will turn out to be very tasty and not dry. In addition, this variation of the dish will be more tender, so it is perfect for children. If desired, sour cream or mayonnaise sauce will help to make it more juicy, which should be added at the end of frying.

You can cook a naval dinner like this:

1. Chop the onion finely with a kitchen knife. Before that, you need to remove the husk from it.

2. Wash, peel, and chop large carrots with a coarse grater.

3. Put a saucepan with salted water on fire. While it is warming up, pour oil into a preheated pan. Add onions and carrots. Fry over medium heat until golden brown.

4. Throw pasta into boiling water. Cook for 10-12 minutes, according to the instructions on the pack. It is better to choose a product from hard grains.

4. Pour minced meat into a frying pan, mix with vegetables, fry for 15-20 minutes, until the meat is cooked. Sprinkle with salt and ground pepper.

5. Rinse the pasta and combine with the dressing.

If you wish, you can add your favorite spices or dried herbs while frying the meat to make the taste of the dish richer and the aroma brighter.

Delicious recipe with tomato paste and spices in a pan

The two main ingredients of this dish - pasta and minced meat - go well with any kind of tomato. This fact allows you to experiment a little with the classic naval pasta recipe. The original version can be supplemented with fresh tomatoes or prepared pasta.

The latter will help you save time as much as possible. So instead of spending 20 minutes peeling and slicing tomatoes, we suggest using it. The pasta has its advantages: it is suitable for frying in a pan and has a rich, spicy taste. To improve the aroma of the dish, frying can be supplemented with a whole bunch of spices and dried herbs. You can replace the pasta with tomato sauce to your liking.

1. Peel and chop the garlic cloves with a knife or crush. Combine them with meat.

2. Grate the carrots with a coarse grater. Chop the dill finely.

3. Peel the onion, chop it into cubes. If desired, you can use a blender. Place a pot of water on the gas stove.

4. Put a frying pan with vegetable oil on fire. Pour minced meat, table salt and onions into it. After a few minutes add carrots, herbs and spices.

5. Pour pasta into boiling water. Salt water, focusing on your own taste.

6. Put a few tablespoons of tomato paste in the pan. Stir the filling, pour in some water and simmer for three minutes.

7. Using a colander, rinse the pasta under running water. Combine them with a dressing.

The two parts of the dish, frying and pasta, can be mixed thoroughly or neatly laid on top of each other.

A simple naval pasta recipe with stew

In the middle of the last century, this dish quickly gained popularity, and confidently took one of the main places in Russian cuisine for two reasons. The first is the satiety of the food. The combination of durum pasta and red meat is what is needed for a person who spends a lot of energy in a day and wants to renew his strength while eating. The second reason is the speed of cooking.

If you cook pasta and work on the filling in parallel, you can do it in 20-30 minutes.

But this is not the limit of simplicity and speed. You can replace regular minced meat with pork or beef stew and save even more time. We also want to note that the authors of the dish, that is, sailors, often prepare pasta from canned products. One important note: it is important to choose a high-quality and expensive product that will contain a lot of tasty meat, and not just fat.

You can make a quick dish in this way:

1. Cook pasta in a pot of salted water. After boiling, it should take about 10-15 minutes.

2. Divide the peeled onion into small pieces.

3. Heat a little vegetable oil over high heat. Send onions, a pinch of table salt, granulated sugar to this frying pan. Stir and cook for five minutes.

4. During this time, chop the garlic and mash the stew with a fork.

5. Sprinkle garlic onion, add red vinegar, tomato paste.

6. After one minute, send the stew into the pan. Mix thoroughly, bring to a boil and add spices.

7. Combine pasta and dressing. If desired, you can add a little hot water and simmer the dish for a few minutes.

An ordinary dinner with this recipe will turn into an elegant meal.

How to cook navy pasta in a frying pan with minced meat and tomatoes

The flavor of minced meat and durum pasta can be enhanced with fresh tomatoes. This step will allow you to add a little variety to the usual home cooking and add an Italian touch. The fact is that naval pasta with tomatoes is very similar to the famous Italian pasta Bolognese.

After spending an additional 5-10 minutes peeling and slicing tomatoes, you can be transported to hot Bologna right from your kitchen. Focusing on your own taste, the vegetable can be cut into small cubes or grated with a fine grater. It is worth adding this ingredient to the dish at the moment when the minced meat is almost fried. To make your dinner even more exquisite, the taste can be varied with spices and dried herbs.

Another option for cooking navy pasta:

1. Finely chop the onion, send to a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and a piece of butter.

2. After two minutes, add the minced meat and a little hot water. In parallel, put a pot of water on the fire.

3. Pass the tomatoes through a grater. Alternatively, they can be finely chopped with a knife.

4. Boil pasta in boiling salted water for 10-15 minutes. You should focus on information from the packaging of the product.

5. Add tomatoes, adjika, coriander, black pepper and table salt to the pan.

6. Combine the finished pasta with the filling, keep it on the fire for another 2-3 minutes and remove.

Such a dinner will be very hearty and aromatic, and you can complement its appearance with chopped herbs.

Spicy navy pasta with mustard

It is possible to diversify the taste of meat not only with tomatoes or ready-made tomato paste. If you get creative, you realize that the various ready-made sauces you can find in every store also make a great addition to your pasta dressing.

For example, mustard in a bag works well. It will make the pasta taste rich, give it sweet and spicy notes, and will also give your dinner an unforgettable aroma.

In our recipe, we used regular medium-hot mustard. But here, too, you can show creativity if you replace it partially or completely with French or Dijon seasoning. The peculiarity of these types of sauce is that they contain whole grains of mustard. Therefore, a dish with such an addition will be very delicious.

1. Peel the onion and garlic cloves and chop with a sharp kitchen knife.

2. Send these two ingredients to a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Cook until golden brown.

3. Cook pasta in a saucepan with plenty of salted water. The amount of time to cook them is 10-15 minutes.

4. Fry the minced meat in a separate frying pan with butter. It must be supplemented with table salt, black pepper and mustard. Mix thoroughly every three minutes.

5. Send onion, garlic and butter to the finished meat.

6. Combine pasta with filling and mix thoroughly.

The finished dish will have a pleasant aroma and a beautiful yellowish color.

The original recipe for navy pasta with the addition of mushrooms

Many people believe that naval pasta is a dish only for a regular family dinner. And there is a particle of truth in this, since simplicity and speed of cooking are the main advantages of this dish. But pasta can also be made delicious, and you don't even need to complicate the cooking process. It is enough to add some mushrooms to the dish.

These mushrooms are very easy to prepare and have a delicious flavor that adds flavor to the rest of the ingredients. Instead, you can safely use forest mushrooms that you collected yourself. True, when cooking them, you need to be more careful so that this product is sufficiently fried.

An alternative way to prepare an interesting dinner:

1. Peel one onion and cut into large pieces. Send it to a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil. In parallel, put a saucepan of salted water on the fire.

2. Divide the piece of meat into large cubes. Transfer them to a skillet with golden onions. Cook over high heat, stir constantly. Then the meat will remain very juicy.

3. After seven minutes, pour some hot water into the pan. Add salt, ground pepper, dried garlic, and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, covered.

5. Throw the pasta into boiling water, cook for 10-15 minutes. The exact time can be seen on the product package.

6. Finely chop the second onion. Divide the mushrooms into thin slices.

7. Transfer the finished meat to a bowl. Rinse pasta with cold water.

8. In a frying pan, fry the onions and mushrooms using vegetable oil. Cook until golden brown.

9. Grind the meat with coarsely chopped onions in a blender. Do not turn these ingredients into porridge, the pieces should be finely chopped.

10. Combine meat, mushrooms, onion with pasta. Heat everything together in a skillet.

You can serve the dish with finely chopped herbs, which will give it freshness and color.

Redmond multicooker recipe

Those housewives who tried to cook in a multicooker appreciated the speed and ease of cooking dinner with it. It is for them that the classic naval pasta recipe has been adjusted. It takes into account all the advantages and features of the multicooker, which will not only speed up the work, but also prepare each ingredient correctly so that it is as tasty as possible.

Also, you do not have to stir the onions or minced meat very often, since the bowl has a special coating. The following recipe is made up of a basic set of foods, but can be supplemented with tomatoes or carrots, spices and herbs. Food preparation consists of the same steps as for conventional cooking.

Cooking dinner in a multicooker:

1. Peel the onion, divide into small cubes with a sharp knife.

2. Pour the bottom of the multicooker with vegetable oil, and turn on the "Fry - Vegetables" mode for 8 minutes. Pour chopped onion into a preheated bowl.

3. After five minutes add the minced meat to the container.

Stir and cook the meat with the onions.

4. Pour raw pasta, table salt and pepper into a slow cooker to the rest of the products. Pour a liter of hot water over the dish so that the pasta is covered with boiling water.

5. Set the "Groats" mode for 25 minutes. Stir the finished dish.

With the help of a multicooker, everyone can cook dinner in a short time.

How to make navy pasta with minced fish

Thanks to its nautical name, this dinner evokes thoughts of salty air and blue sea. It is easy to enhance this pleasant experience by making a dish with a Mediterranean twist. This effect can be achieved with inexpensive and affordable products. For example, in our recipe, we replaced the minced meat with canned fish with pink salmon. A small amount of pitted green olives was also added.

To prepare the same dish, you need to choose fish that is cooked in its own juice, and not in oil, since a large amount of it will make dinner too greasy. If you have the opportunity and desire to make a treat like in a restaurant, you should grate a small piece of Parmesan cheese and sprinkle it on the finished meal.

Let's start cooking pasta with fish:

1. Pour pasta into a saucepan with boiling water. You need to cook them with the addition of salt, with the lid closed.

2. Chop one onion. Pour it into a hot frying pan with vegetable oil.

3. Add cooked pasta, table salt and ground pepper to the onion.

4. Put the fish in a pan with a dish. Gently mix all the ingredients so that the minced fish does not turn into porridge.

5. Green olives should be divided into rings and added to the rest of the food. Stir again.

A gourmet dinner can be decorated with herbs, vegetables, and sprinkled with grated cheese on top.

Main course video recipe

Even the classic version of the dish can be prepared in different ways. Usually, cooked pasta is combined with fried minced meat, and stewed for 2-3 minutes together to better combine the flavors. But we have found another cooking method that will take even less time. In it, pasta is not boiled separately in a pan, but is cooked directly in a pan with minced meat. You just need to take a stewpan or frying pan with high sides, and add boiling water at the right time.

All the details of cooking can be found in the video. This format will allow you to see what color the finished minced meat should have, and to what state the pasta needs to be brought in the dish. It is also worth paying attention to what processes can be performed in parallel to save even more time.

For the dish you will need:

  • minced meat (any);
  • pasta;
  • salt, spices, oil for frying.

Can small noodles be used in this recipe?

It can be used, but only as a last resort. It will be much better if you take pasta in the form of tubes or shells.

For minced noodles, go for high quality pasta or noodles. You can also use spaghetti, but it is better to break them into at least two halves.

The dish is prepared like this:

  1. Boil thin noodles or spaghetti until medium cooked. It is very important not to digest them, otherwise, instead of an appetizing crumbly dish, you will get an unappetizing homogeneous mass.
  2. While the spaghetti is boiling, chop the onion, melt the butter in a skillet and fry the onion in it until golden brown and medium soft. It is better to fry over low heat and with the lid closed, so the onion does not lose the juiciness we need and is well saturated with oil.
  3. Add minced meat to the onion, mix well, scatter the lumps with a wooden or silicone spatula and cook over medium heat for several minutes.
  4. When the minced meat is ready, add salt and pepper, you can have some of your favorite spices to taste, but do not get carried away, the dish itself has a very tasty aroma and the excess of spices will drown it out. Tomato sauce can also be added at this stage.
  5. Pour the boiled pasta to the minced meat, fry for about 3 minutes over low heat, stirring and not allowing large lumps.

Sprinkle the finished pasta on plates, you can serve it with a light salad or tomato juice.

Naval noodles with minced meat and mushrooms

If you are a little tired of the classic version of the dish, you can add an oriental flavor to it with curry, tomatoes and mushrooms.

  1. Boil pasta (horns or shells) or noodles. Do not forget that you do not need to cook them completely, but to the state that the Italians call "al dente" - "almost ready". Drain the water, rinse them through a colander and leave to wait in the wings.
  2. Fry onions in butter, add mushrooms. Fry in an open skillet until mushrooms are cooked, make sure that the onions do not dry out too much.
  3. When the mushrooms and onions are done, add the minced meat. Grill for five minutes over medium heat.
  4. Not forgetting to stir the minced meat with mushrooms and onions, cut the tomatoes and carrots into cubes, add them to the minced meat.
  5. Now that everything is well done, add salt and curry.
  6. Pour pasta into a skillet, stir and fry for another 5 minutes over low heat.

Serve hot, or garnish with fresh herbs before serving.

If you've never made pasta using this recipe, be sure to give it a try. Enjoy your meal!