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Commercial car loans. How to get a car loan for a truck for individuals. Commercial vehicles in Major

A car loan for commercial vehicles is aimed at private entrepreneurs and legal entities planning to expand their business and replenish their car fleet. Since trucks and special equipment often cost much more than passenger cars, it can be quite difficult for enterprises to find a large amount, so they have to turn to lending programs. The conditions of a loan for the purchase of a commercial vehicle in banks, but nevertheless, these programs have several things in common.

Features of loans for commercial vehicles

Banks provide car loans for commercial vehicles to entrepreneurs and companies that do not have other large debts and have good solvency. The credit history of the borrower must be checked, in which there should be no delays and unpaid loans. Obtaining a loan also depends on the number of employees in the company: their number for an enterprise should not exceed 50 people, for a production organization - no more than a hundred people.

Not every car falls into the "commercial vehicle" category. This group includes several types of machines designed to generate income:

  • Category C trucks with a mass of at least 3.5 tons.
  • Category D vehicles with a capacity not exceeding 19 passengers.
  • Special equipment, semi-trailers and trailers. This can be equipment for agriculture, road works, etc. Loans for it are not provided by all banking organizations.
  • Cars when buying several cars at once (for example, to organize a taxi).
As a rule, commercial and special equipment should only be new, trucks are purchased exclusively through the showrooms of official dealers.

The initial payment for this type of car loan has always been one of the highest - from 30%, the interest rate will depend on the conditions of a particular bank. Car loans without a down payment imply a significant increase in the interest rate, since it creates an additional risk for the bank. The purchased car becomes a pledge, therefore it is subject to compulsory insurance.

What is a government car loan?

From 2009 to 2013, a system of concessional lending for Russian cars and cars assembled on the territory of our country operated in Russia. The program implied repayment of part of the interest by the state to support domestic producers and stimulate demand in the car market. The state loan did not apply to commercial cars, since it could only purchase a limited number of inexpensive models.

The program has now ceased to operate, but it is possible that it will start its work again in the middle of the year. It is not yet known how its conditions will change. It is possible that inexpensive trucks and vans will fall under its influence. However, in any case, it will only apply to Russian-assembled cars, which limits the choice.

Which bank is better for a car loan for commercial vehicles?

The choice of loan programs is wide, but it is not at all easy to find a truly profitable offer. Banks charge fairly high fees for their services, which significantly increases the overpayment. You also need to pay attention to the requirements for borrowers. The most advantageous offers from the largest banks:

  1. A car loan for commercial vehicles at Sberbank (“Business Auto” program) is a program designed for small businesses whose annual revenue does not exceed 400 million rubles. You can buy both used and new commercial equipment. The loan term here can be up to 8 years, while the down payment must be at least 10% of the value of the selected car. The minimum loan rate is 12.95%. The minimum loan amount is 150,000 rubles for agricultural entrepreneurs, and 300 thousand rubles. - for other borrowers. The requirements for the borrowing company are also quite mild here. The minimum term of work is 1 year, the borrower must submit documents confirming the registration of the entrepreneur and financial statements for the last period. After analyzing the financial activities of the company, an answer will be received for the application. If it turns out to be positive, then the money will be transferred to the seller, and the car will be owned by the borrower and the bank pledge. Sberbank does not charge commissions for its services.
  2. A car loan for a commercial car from "Absolut-Bank" ("Profitable" loan) - involves the purchase of a commercial car at a rate of 12%. The minimum down payment here is 15%. The loan term can be from one to three years. The amount can reach one and a half million rubles, commissions are not charged.
  3. Rosbank offers a commercial car loan at a rate of 14% per annum, with a minimum down payment of 20%. Loans are offered to legal entities and private entrepreneurs, the maximum possible amount is 9 million rubles. The decision is made in just 1 hour; when submitting an application, a minimum of documentation is required. The purchased car must be insured under CASCO insurance, and the bank becomes the beneficiary.
Any bank that provides a car loan for commercial vehicles strives to protect itself as much as possible from the slightest risk, therefore, credit cars must be insured.

In the event of a theft, explosion, major accident, the bank receives insurance compensation instead of the borrower, and it goes to pay the remaining debt. There are programs without CASCO, but they will always be more expensive, since the borrower takes on more responsibility.

Commercial car loans are gaining popularity along with the development of business in our country. Not every company can afford to buy a car right away. Therefore, a car loan for commercial vehicles is becoming a real support for small businesses.

Now a fairly large number of Russian banks offer their services in the field of lending. A huge plus is the fact that financial institutions provide loans not only for personal cars, it is also quite common and in demand. There is a logical explanation for this: it would seem that commercial transport can only be needed by people running their own business - individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. But the problem is that legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, acting as borrowers, are much less likely to receive a car loan than individuals. In addition, banks always put forward stricter requirements to businessmen, and car loans for individuals for the purchase of commercial vehicles are allocated with rather interesting and loyal conditions. That is why, if it is necessary to purchase commercial vehicles for doing business, it is individuals who often turn to the bank.

What kind of transport belongs to commercial

Financial institutions issue auto loans to individuals for commercial vehicles according to their own ideas about this technique.

Banks classify it according to the following definitions:

  • cars of category "B" - light vehicles, which are purchased by an individual at the expense of a bank loan more than once every six months (this can include cars for a taxi fleet);
  • transport category "D" - vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers, the number of seats in which is in the range from 8 to 19;
  • category "C" vehicles - this includes vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons;
  • special equipment, which also includes trailers and semi-trailers.

The conditions for car loans for a particular commercial vehicle will depend on the specific car, the amount of the prepayment, the term and solvency of the borrower. Some banks willingly accept guarantees from individuals, and the loan amount that you can count on when contacting a financial institution depends only on your monthly income.

Which car loan program to choose

Banks offer many programs through which you can get car loan, commercial vehicle financed by financial institutions on a wide variety of conditions, among which almost everyone will find suitable for themselves. For example, VTB24 Bank provides loans for the purchase of commercial vehicles by an individual without the need to confirm the borrower's employment. Financial institution "AK BARS" allows its salary clients and borrowers with good credit history to get a loan for commercial transport without having their own savings for prepayment, while the loan rate does not increase. In this bank, it is possible to include in the body of the loan the costs of hull insurance and additional equipment for commercial transport. And the Sovetsky bank does not require at all to acquire an expensive CASCO.

Choosing a commercial vehicle car loan program should be based on your own preferences and capabilities. This includes the availability of your own funds to make the initial payment, and the desire to purchase insurance, and a preliminary calculation of your own capabilities, according to the amount of income.

Financial institutions provide car loans not only for new commercial vehicles, but also for used ones, so with average earnings, you still have the opportunity to buy a commercial vehicle on credit, even a used one.

Popular offers of banks for auto loans for commercial vehicles for individuals

In order to make it easier to decide on the choice of a car loan program for the purchase of commercial vehicles by an individual, we will consider several popular offers from different banks, their conditions and requirements.

The program "Car loan for commercial transport" from JSC "AF Bank"

In this financial institution, individuals can obtain a car loan for commercial vehicles on the security of the acquired property - cars of category "D" and "C", both Russian and foreign, except for Chinese cars. The bank gives borrowers the freedom to choose whether to buy CASCO or not.

Basic conditions:

  • the loan amount varies from 100,000 rubles to 3,000,000 rubles;
  • the conclusion of a loan agreement is carried out for at least 3 months, for a maximum of 60 months;
  • as an advance payment, you must pay at least 20% of the cost of the purchased transport;
  • the rate on a car loan is 18.5% per year (subject to the purchase of a CASCO policy, without insurance, the rate will be 21.5% per year).

A distinctive feature of this car loan program is the fact that in the first month of debt repayment, the interest rate differs significantly from the originally established one and can be 24%, 36% or 48% per year, which is a big disadvantage of this car loan. But you need to repay the loan in equal payments, which reduces the burden on the borrower's budget. As for the documents. Then the bank requires the following list from the borrower:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document of your choice: TIN certificate, driver's license, international passport;
  • application form for a targeted loan for the purchase of commercial vehicles.

In other words, the bank is ready to provide a loan with only 2 documents, but if necessary, it may require a certificate of income and confirmation of employment. Applications for a car loan are accepted from clients aged 23 to 55 years, who have a permanent residence in the region where the branches of the financial institution are located.

Commercial Transport program from VTB 24 Bank

Under this program, you can purchase a minibus, pickup truck, minivan and light commercial vehicles on credit for commercial use. The main advantage here is the fact that VTB 24 Bank makes it possible to obtain a loan for both new and used commercial vehicles. In addition, the car can be registered with a spouse. The interest rate for this program directly depends on the amount of the prepayment and the age of the vehicle:

  • the rate for a car loan for a new car will be 20.5% per year, provided that 20% of the cost of the car is paid in and insurance is purchased at your own expense, or when 30% of the cost of the vehicle is paid and the CASCO premium is included in the body of the loan.
  • The rate on a car loan for a used car will be 21.5% per year, provided that 20% of the cost of the car is paid in and insurance is purchased at your own expense, or when 30% of the value of the vehicle is paid and the CASCO premium is included in the body of the loan.

A car loan is issued for an amount of up to 3,000,000 rubles for a period of up to 5 years. The bank takes the documents quite seriously, so you will have to prepare a full package:

  • application form for a targeted loan;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and its copies;
  • driver's license and copy;
  • a copy of the work book (all pages), certified by the personnel department at the borrower's place of work;
  • a document confirming the income of your choice: a certificate in the form of 2NDFL, in any form, a statement of a bank personal account, or other documents confirming income;
  • copies of educational documents and papers confirming the presence of liquid property in the ownership of the borrower or his family (provided if available).

The bank allows you to bring your spouse / spouse as a co-borrower - in this case, such a person will need to collect a similar package of documents.

Applications are accepted from clients aged 21 to 65 years, with an official average monthly income of at least 8,000 rubles per family member.

Intechbank - Commercial Transport program

This financial institution is ready to provide car loan for commercial vehicles for individuals on the following conditions:

  • the minimum amount of an advance payment is 30% of the cost of the purchased vehicle;
  • the period for which you need to repay the debt is from 1 to 5 years;
  • the interest rate is 17% per year for a loan term of up to 3 years, 18% per year for a loan term of up to 5 years (applies to the purchase of new commercial vehicles on credit);
  • when purchasing used commercial vehicles, the rate will be 18% for up to 3 years and 19% for up to 5 years.

The rates are indicated taking into account the purchase of CASCO insurance (theft and damage), if the insurance is canceled, the percentage will be increased by 2 percentage points. The amount you can count on when submitting an application varies from 100,000 to 2,000,000 rubles. When applying for a car loan for commercial vehicles with mileage, the bank puts forward the following age restrictions at the time of debt repayment: for cars of Belarusian, Russian and Chinese production - 5 years, for cars of American, European and Asian production - 7 years.

The borrower is required to permanently register in the region of presence of bank branches, age from 21 to 60 years, total work experience from 1 year. In addition, a complete package of documents is not excluded, which includes: an application form for the provision of a targeted loan, a passport of the Russian Federation, a copy of the spouse's passport, a TIN certificate, rights, a certificate of income in the form of a bank or 2NDFL. If an individual is the owner of a business, copies of constituent documents and an information letter detailing the company's activities should be added to this list.

Credit Europe Bank

This financial institution has plenty to choose from a commercial vehicle auto loan program. For example, the program "Autoexpress loan for commercial vehicles" implies the following conditions:

  • the term for which a loan can be obtained does not exceed 60 months;
  • the amount is limited to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • the required amount of the initial payment is 30% of the cost of the car;
  • interest rate - 25.5% per year, when 50% prepayment is made, the rate will decrease by 0.5%;
  • there are no commissions for the issuance of a loan and its early repayment;
  • compulsory CASCO insurance for the first year with prolongation for the next.

Under the program "Classic car loan for commercial vehicles", the conditions differ only in the maximum amount and interest rate.

In this case, the loan amount is limited to 2,000,000 rubles, and the interest rate is 24.5% per year.

In addition, Europa Bank has partner programs, car loan for commercial vehicles for individuals, within which it is issued on special terms.

Tetrapolis Bank

At Tetrapolis Bank, you can apply for a car loan for new commercial vehicles, which include minivans, minibuses, pick-ups, light and heavy trucks. The main conditions of the bank on which a car loan is issued are as follows:

The borrower is required to: Russian citizenship, age from 21 to 60 years, and obligatory proof of income in official or free form. The bank charges a commission for making a non-cash transfer of funds to the account of the vehicle seller. The commission amount is equal to 1% of the loan amount, while it does not exceed 2,000 rubles. The property purchased at the expense of bank funds - commercial transport - acts as a security for a car loan.

The list of services of the majority of modern banks includes a financial instrument - car loans. It will not be difficult to borrow money for a car - you just need to decide on the car and choose a suitable loan program. Under these programs, you can take a car loan for a truck for individuals.

If you need a truck for business or cargo transportation, banks have several programs for providing funds with various conditions at the buyer's services.

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As a rule, it is easier to get such a loan than for an enterprise or individual entrepreneur. In all cases, commercial banks try to make the conditions as simple and profitable as possible, thus attracting their customers.

Car loan programs for trucks do not differ much from the same financial products for cars, the main differences are in the requirements for the purchased product and its parameters. More often banks provide money for new cars, but there are also several programs for used vehicles.

The need to purchase a cargo vehicle arises when logistics services are created in business, or when the existing vehicle fleet is worn out, breaks down, with an increased need for a developing business of an individual entrepreneur-individual in cargo transportation, as well as when other needs arise for a private individual, including and household.

The features of these loans are as follows:

  • freight vehicles are often much more expensive, and this, in turn, is reflected in the bank's requirements for the income of the loaned;
  • often, individual entrepreneurs need several trucks, so the loan amount can be large;
  • the bank almost always requires insurance for such cars;
  • until recently, such loans were used mainly by enterprises, but recently they are gaining popularity for individuals, so there are enough such programs in the financial services market.

Registration procedure

The first thing to do before applying for a loan is to choose a reliable financial institution.

In this case, it is desirable to evaluate the following parameters:

  • the position of the credit institution in the financial market;
  • the period during which the bank provides such services and its experience (the longer an organization works with such programs, the more experience it has and, accordingly, reliability);
  • on what conditions the creditor cooperates with individuals and legal entities;
  • whether there are special options for conditions for soft loans in the organization's portfolio;
  • do the loans take into account the specifics of individual entrepreneurs and businesses.

You need to familiarize yourself with the following points:

  • pricing and cost of the loan;
  • availability of documents required for the execution of the contract;
  • requirements for pledge, surety, other security;
  • what is the initial payment;
  • whether insurance is required;
  • conditions of early repayment.

The set of documents for the borrowed depends on each specific program, but usually it is as follows:

  • confirmation of the client's authority (power of attorney), documents identifying an individual: passport, business registration certificate, TIN;
  • documentation related to the incorporation documents, if the client is in business;
  • accounting, tax, reporting and other documents attesting to the financial condition of an individual entrepreneur or a statement of income from the place of work;
  • documents of guarantors, notarized consent of one of the spouses, if provided by the program.

The bank may also require copies of contracts with counterparties, account statements and other documents in order to assess the level of success of an individual-individual entrepreneur

Stages of obtaining a loan

The entire procedure for obtaining a loan can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

  • study the conditions of the programs and choose the right one;
  • collect and prepare a package of documents (the lender has the right to demand any documents about the work of an individual entrepreneur or about the income of a private individual, therefore, they must first be put in order);
  • fill out an application form and send it through the bank's website or issue it directly on the spot by visiting a bank office;
  • after considering the application, the bank's specialist makes a decision and informs the client about it, appointing a convenient time to visit the office to sign documents;
  • some loans are issued without confirmation of income, but then there are increased requirements for their collateral and security;
  • after the approval of the application, the contract of sale and purchase in a car dealership or with the seller of the goods is laid down (in this case, a CASCO or other type of insurance contract is also drawn up);
  • the client makes the first payment, after which the contract for the sale and purchase of the car, insurance documents, receipts are submitted to the bank, where the loan agreement is drawn up (the money goes to the buyer's account or directly to the seller's account);
  • the buyer can pick up his car, but it should be noted that before the loan is paid out, he is pledged to the bank.

Banks that issue a car loan for a truck for individuals develop various conditions, taking into account the specifics of transport: for new or used trucks, commercial vehicles, special equipment.

The same conditions may be different, taking into account the specifics of clients (individual or legal entity, individual entrepreneur or enterprise). Recently, such financial products have become popular among individuals.

Truck car loan options for individuals

For individuals, there is an extensive list of credit programs. Below are some of the most typical and profitable ones in the financial market.


Conditions for a car loan from Rosbank:

Conditions Value
Cars Commercial, Russian and foreign, category “B” and “C”, official and unofficial dealers.
Insurance CASCO, life, health.
Currency RUB / USD / EUR
Loan volume
  • 60 thousand - 5 million rubles.;
  • 2 thousand - 170 thousand US dollars.;
  • 1.5 thousand - 125 thousand euros.
Term, months 6-60
  • 13.90 - 17.90% (US $);
  • 10.90 - 14.90% (USD);
  • 10.90 - 14.90% (EUR).
  • Payment of insurance premiums at the expense of the loan is possible with the first installment from 10%;
  • For category "C" - from 40%.
Proof of income Experience required 3 months at the current job or 6 months at the location of the bank in the absence of a permanent registration at the location of the bank.
Issuance and registration fee No.
An initial fee Depends on the term and amount of the loan and is from 0 to 50% the cost of the car.
Betting Depends on the term and amount of the loan and is from 13.90 to 17.90%.


This institution will provide an opportunity to use the programs "Autoexpress-Regions" and "Autoexpress-AyMani 10 by 10". More details.

AK Bars

A truck loan from this organization is provided on the following conditions:

Parameter Value
Cars Only new foreign or domestic ones.
Term, months 12-60 .
Amount, minimum 3 thousand dollars
First payment,% of the cost of the car 10 .
  • 16,9-18,9 ;
  • With life insurance, it decreases by 2 points.
Insurance CASCO is compulsory, personal insurance is not.
Commissions No.
Early repayment Possibly without penalties.
check in Permanent registration in the bank area is not required.
Work experience, proof of income At the current place of work - 3 months, help 2-NDFL.

Credit Europe Bank

Here you can take out a loan for a truck according to the following parameters (“Partner” loan):

Conditions Value
Cars New, only certain brands, namely Isuzu, Iveco and Toyota, Mitsubishi.
Term, months 12–60 .
Volume, rub. 200 thousand - 4 million 500 thousand
First installment,% 15 .
Rate,% 14–18 , in the first month - 27–29 .
Insurance Both CASCO and personal insurance are required.
Commissions No.
check in Permanent at the location of the bank - not required.
Experience, income Experience from 4 months at the current job, general - from 1 year.

Moscow Regional Bank

The conditions in the Moscow Regional Bank are as follows:

Parameter Value
Car New, domestic or foreign.
Term, months 12-60 .
Volume in USD 50k - 300k
An initial fee, % From 30 .
Rate,% 13 going down up to 12.5if the borrowed person is married.
Insurance Compulsory CASCO and personal insurance, contributions can be attributed to the loan amount.
Commissions No.
check in Permanent at the location of the bank - not required.
Experience, income Experience from 3 months at the current place, 2 -NDFL


The institution offers the following conditions:


Conditions from the Metallurgical Commercial Bank (loan "AutoStyle"):

Demand Value
Car New or used from any manufacturer.
First installment,% 0 for used vehicles, from 15 - for the new.
Term, months 6-84 .
Amount, rub. 60 thousand - 3 million 500 thousand
Rate,% 17,25-22.
Proof of income Required or not required, the rate increases by a pip in this case.
Insurance Personal - not required, CASCO - mandatory.
Registration, income Permanent registration at the place of issue of money is mandatory.

Differences from the passenger model

You can estimate the difference between car loans for cars and trucks by comparing the typical terms of such loans from three banks:

Institution Parameter Car Truck
From Maximum, rub. 5 million 3 million
Term, months Before 60 .
First installment,% 15 . 20 .
Rate,% From 13 . From 17 .
Documents Passport, labor, 2-NDFL.
From Maximum, rub. 5 million.
Term, months Before 60 .
Contribution,% 15 .
Rate,% 14,5 .
From Maximum, rub. Before 3 million
Term Before 5 years.
First installment 15 .
Rate,% 11 .
Documents Passport, driver's license, employment, income statement.

As you can see, the conditions are not very different, the only difference is in the purpose of the car.

Before choosing a car, it is worth evaluating its parameters; often the lender sets his own requirements for it.

According to them, there are four types of goods:

  • new or used car, what is the mileage;
  • foreign manufacturer;
  • domestic car.

The following characteristics of the machine are analyzed:

  • fuel consumption;
  • cost in relation to practicality on the road, capacity, transformation of the cabin, cargo compartment;
  • reliability;
  • service and maintenance price;
  • whether spare parts are available.

An example of an assessment is the case with the purchase of Mercedes cars: the vehicle is reliable, in demand for cargo transportation, parts are available but difficult to find for the latest models, fuel consumption is moderate.

In this case, the lender can independently assess the degree of deterioration of the car and, on this basis, make decisions on the provision of money

When buying a used product, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the real mileage is set, taking into account that the speedometer can be twisted, but, as a rule, no more than 20 thousand km;
  • deterioration of the body and parts. Moreover, less attention is paid to the deterioration of the interior;
  • whether the truck had an accident and how many times it was repaired;
  • weak points of the suspension, engine, brakes;
  • the state of the gearbox, it should be easy to switch;
  • rudder play should not be more 25 degrees;
  • you need to do a test drive and at the same time evaluate the operation of the engine, transmission and gearbox;
  • leaks of oil or other substances indicate malfunctions;
  • doors must close and open tightly, a skewed cab indicates an accident;
  • the frame must be flat;
  • discs should be free of chips and irregularities, without traces of straightening.

Commercial vehicles on credit for individuals are offered to be issued with the possibility of early repayment without commissions. There are programs for the purchase of freight and passenger commercial vehicles. They provide for the connection of additional services for OSAGO, CASCO and some others.

What are the conditions for buying commercial vehicles on credit?

Funds can be provided for both new equipment and used cars. the easiest way is to register a small one for a commercial vehicle. In this situation, not very strict requirements are imposed on the bank's client regarding the level of wages and the package of documents provided.

A loan for the purchase of commercial vehicles is issued according to certain rules. There is a recognized classification:

  • category B. Cars purchased by a person with a loan more often than 1 time in 6 months.
  • category D. Transport for the carriage of passengers, accommodating up to 19 people.
  • category C. Cars weighing more than 3.5 tons.
  • special equipment.

The bank agreement is usually concluded for a period of 3 to 60 months, and the minimum amount is limited to 100 thousand rubles. We invite you to get acquainted with different offers and find a suitable option for yourself, taking into account the necessary transport and your capabilities.

Used commercial vehicles in Moscow

Turning to a specialized company, you can count on the fact that you will be able to buy a decent commercial car on credit. Favorable terms of cooperation are guaranteed. What should you pay extra attention to?

Benefits of buying a commercial vehicle on credit

  • The loan is issued in the shortest possible time, so you can quickly become the owner of a decent vehicle. This will allow you to quickly start doing business.
  • It is best to buy a used commercial vehicle on credit. By giving preference to this option, at the start of a business, you can avoid the mandatory costs, thereby significantly increasing the chances of success. If the situation develops favorably, the loan will already be repaid using the profit.
  • Used commercial cars are cheap, but you can try to find the best model that will definitely pay off. In fact, the choice is much wider than it was before.
  • Cooperation with a specialized salon promises to be the most profitable and at the same time safe.

How to buy a commercial car on credit in our company?

Turning to our organization, you get the opportunity to first carefully familiarize yourself with all the proposed models, see their descriptions and photographs, and then make the right choice. Having made an application, you get a chance to purchase a vehicle in the near future. At the same time, the maximum benefits of cooperation and an individual approach are guaranteed. You will definitely be satisfied that you have contacted our company. A correctly made choice will certainly contribute to the fact that the purchased commercial car on credit is useful in business and contributed to the receipt of the first profit.