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How to start treatment. Vkpbp drops are an effective remedy for hypertension. Special cases of disease treatment

25 Jul 2012

Treating this type of spoilage is similar to treating the spoilage done on pillows.

25 Jul 2012

If you have insomnia, you are tired of not getting enough sleep. You have nightmares, you often wake up during the night, it is possible that there is some kind of garbage or object with a plot to spoil in your pillows. Therefore, this is happening to you. What needs to be done? Go through all your pillows. Everything that you find in them, collect and take out, where to go [...]

25 Jul 2012

Treatment of spoilage made on a candle From such spoilage, a person loses weight, the complexion worsens, becomes black, earthy, a constant state of drowsiness. Such a person should be treated at morning and evening dawn (see calendar) with a candle. Only relatives can do this. Trust no one else to do this. What is needed for this? Put the sick person facing the wall on the east side, [...]

25 Jul 2012

There is also such damage that is being induced this week. All who practice witchcraft are always punished by the Lord God. And it doesn't matter what day they bring her on a holiday or an ordinary one. In any case, you can't get away from punishment. Remember this to all who bring damage to people. What is this damage? What are its signs? […]

25 Jul 2012

Treatment of such damage is similar to that described above - Treatment of damage made on passing clouds. But it is worth saying a little more that, among other things, what was written above, i.e. symptoms of the disease, in this case, a person constantly has cold sweat. It feels like water is being poured on my back from a kettle. If the patient has such signs, proceed with treatment. […]

15 Jul 2012

There is also such a corruption about which people know little. But those who know black magic, especially if they are hereditary witches or sorcerers, they know well and often destroy a person with such damage. What is it? What are her symptoms? First, a person's complexion constantly changes up to black. The weather changes, the complexion changes. the blacker and [...]

15 Jul 2012

Dear readers of my site. If you feel that something incomprehensible is happening to you, you feel uncomfortable, you feel bad for some unknown reason, try to recover from damage. It is possible that you have it. If after the treatment according to my prayers offered for you, you will have strength, good spirits, you have a mood, you will become [...]

15 Jul 2012

How to treat a person who is fascinated by female menstrual blood? What is this corruption? Such a person suffers greatly, his soul is torn to pieces. If this is a family man and witchcraft is involved here, then this person runs to the bewitched, leaving the family for a while, returns and leaves again. They are driven by the forces of witchcraft and if this person is not treated [...]

15 Jul 2012

There is such a corruption from which a person also gets sick, suffers, toils, his soul cries. The person does not understand what happened to him. But in fact, after all, he is spoiled. It is necessary to start treatment. To do this, you need to collect all the things that you are wearing (if you do not know what exactly you have read the spell on), lay them out neatly on the sofa, in the same place [...]

04 Jul 2012

There is also such damage that people do for any reason to a person who, in principle, is not to blame for anything in front of them. Basically, after all, damage is caused out of envy or when one woman wants to beat off another husband. So they resort to witchcraft. What comes from such damage? The person turns pale, becomes lethargic, there is no strength to work. Trembling and [...]

A chronic ailment, characterized by the absence or insufficiency of the implementation of reflex opening of the cardia, is called achalasia. The cardia is a kind of valve that prevents acidic gastric juice and aggressive enzymes from entering the esophagus.

With this pathology, liquid food, in comparison with dense, passes easier and is better absorbed. The masses of undigested food accumulated in the esophagus provoke the appearance of painful sensations, discomfort and an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. With achalasia, not all food enters the stomach; some of it is retained in the esophagus. As a result, the esophagus stretches and becomes infected.

Achalasia is a rare muscle disorder of the lower esophageal and lower esophageal sphincter muscles. The cause of achalasia is unknown, however, the disease is associated with degeneration of the muscles in the esophagus and, more importantly, the nerves that control the muscles.

Treatment of pathology should be timely and comprehensive. Ignoring the manifestations of the disease can lead to the development of serious complications -.

The basis of therapy is the normalization of esophageal motility. As a rule, a diet is prescribed. Meals should be fractional and frequent. In addition, try not to eat too hot or, conversely, cold foods.

Review your diet, exclude the use of fatty, fried and smoked foods, high-carbohydrate and carbonated drinks. If you have addictions, give them up.

And although there is no specifically prescribed diet for the treatment of achalasia, many patients can easily choose it individually for themselves, determine which foods that pass through the esophagus more easily and include them in your diet, for example:

  • drinking liquid food products - juices, yoghurts, smoothies, kefir;
  • while eating;
  • eat liquid cereals, vegetable purees and pureed soups;
  • drinking mineral water containing carbonates, which push food through the sphincter.

Tobacco smoking, as well as the use of alcoholic beverages, negatively affects not only the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the whole organism. Remember to drink more fluids, exercise, and exercise more in the fresh air.

In addition to the medications prescribed by the doctor, natural remedies can also be used. The herbs and plants that make up the drugs will help to enhance the overall effect of therapy, reduce symptoms, and normalize esophageal motility.

Effective traditional medicine in the fight against esophageal achalasia

For the treatment of this disease, various tinctures, infusions, decoctions are used. All medicines are natural and effective, they will help normalize the digestive tract and improve the patient's condition. However, you should not use them without prior consultation with a specialist.

1. Grind the dried rhizome of Manchurian Aralia, grind and pour 50 grams of raw material into a glass bottle. Pour 70% - 300 ml of rubbing alcohol over the roots. Put the product in a shaded, cold place for half a month, then filter and squeeze the raw materials. Correctly prepared tincture should have an amber color, specific aroma and pleasant taste. It is necessary to take 20 drops of the drug three times a day, during a meal.

2 Take the dried ginseng rhizome, grind to a powder consistency, then pour 40 grams of raw vodka - a liter. Remove the composition in a dark, cool place for a month. Remember to shake the product from time to time. After 30 days, strain the composition and take 20 drops of the medicine twice a day. The duration of treatment is 50 days, then a monthly break. After a month, repeat the treatment.

3. Take dry leaves and stems of Schisandra chinensis, chop finely and pour a few tablespoons of raw materials into a glass darkened container. Fill the raw materials with medical alcohol - 200 ml. Set the container in the cold for 15 days. Strain the product and place in the refrigerator. Take 30 drops of the medication before each meal. Therapeutic course is a month.

4. Pour half a liter of rose vodka over a few tablespoons of crushed rhizomes of Rhodiola. Insist the product in a dark place for a crescent. It is necessary to take 10 drops of the product three times a day.

5. Pour 40 grams of dried, finely chopped roots of Eleutherococcus with alcohol or vodka - half a liter. Close container tightly and place in a cold, dark place for a week. Take 10 ml of the drug twice a day, before meals.

6. Effective in the treatment of achalasia and alder. To prepare the medicine, you need plant cones. Brew 30 grams of chopped alder cones with boiled water - half a lira. Boil the composition and leave to simmer over low heat for half an hour. Cool the product and consume half a glass of the drink twice throughout the day.

7. Take quince seeds, grind and fill 15 grams of raw materials with boiling water - 400 ml. Heat the product over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool and filter the composition. Drink half a glass of the broth three times a day before meals.

8. Grind the dried motherwort grass, pour a few tablespoons of raw materials with boiled water - half a liter. Heat the composition for an hour. After straining, drink a quarter glass at least four times a day.

9. Brew 50 grams of dried chopped oregano herb in 400 ml of boiling water. Leave the container warm for several hours. Drink half a glass of the drug four times during the day.

10. Chop the bark of the oak, then pour the raw material, about 20 grams into a saucepan, fill it with water. Wait for the product to boil, then reduce the heat and simmer the composition for half an hour. You need to take a quarter of a glass of the drink three times a day.

11. Pour a few tablespoons of dried finely chopped marshmallow roots with cold water. Put the saucepan on the stove, wait until the composition boils. Set aside in a warm place for two hours. Consume 100 milliliters of a healing potion at least twice a day.

12. Combine in equal proportions St. John's wort with oak bark, walnut leaves, Potentilla root and oregano herb. Brew 30 grams of raw material in 300 ml of boiling water. The product should be infused in a dry, warm place for three hours. It is recommended to take half a glass of the drink three times a day.

Treatment of esophageal achalasia is not an easy and long-term business. However, if you follow all the prescriptions of your doctor and take all the necessary medications, you will very soon be able to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and improve your health.

Don't forget about proper nutrition. In addition, after each meal, you should drink a cup of warm water or green tea. The only thing you don't need to do is self-medicate.

Psychosomatic diseases and methods of their treatment

“Just as one cannot start treating the eye without thinking about the head, or treating the head without thinking about the whole organism, so one cannot treat the body without treating the soul,” Socrates said.

According to official statistics, psychosomatic diseases affect about 50% of patients under the supervision of doctors. However, the doctors are sure: in reality, literally every third patient has this anamnesis.

Psychosomatics - (Greek psyche - soul, soma - body) is a science that studies the influence of psychological factors on human health. Thoughts, emotions, impressions, memory of unpleasant events and traumas - all this is capable of provoking any disease, especially in impressionable people. Today, not only psychotherapists, but also osteopaths work with the psychoemotional state of patients with chronic diseases.

Uncried tears accumulate disease

Psychosomatics was known at the beginning of the 20th century. Already at that time, a list of the main seven diseases ("holy seven"), provoked by emotional experiences, was compiled. These include:

  • primary hypertension
  • stomach ulcer
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • hyperthyroidism
  • bronchial asthma
  • colitis
  • neurodermatitis

Today this list has been significantly expanded, and it has already been practically proven that illness is not only symptoms - it is a signal that the body sends in response to the influence of certain negative factors.

How to understand what the body is crying about?

Often people are faced with the fact that fairly simple diseases do not respond to any treatment. Symptoms often subside, but then return again, and often more intensely. “If we drive a problem out the door, then it climbs out the window as a symptom” - this is how Sigmund Freud saw this problem. Psychologists advise paying attention to certain symptoms and explain how to "decipher" them:

  • A stomach ulcer indicates a tendency to self-criticism and self-criticism.
  • Neck pain - on the exorbitant life load in the form of "poor" relatives and suffering girlfriends.
  • Backache appears when you overestimate your strengths and capabilities.
  • Asthma attacks indicate environmental pressure. Asthmatics are people who often hold back their tears.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract indicate annoying factors that have long caused nausea and rejection, but to get away from which there is not enough strength and determination.
  • Diabetes mellitus provokes conflicts and problems in the family, when all the "sweetness" of life is lost.
  • Dizziness occurs with an abundance of worries or with sudden changes in life.
  • Hair loss indicates the body's desire to discard unnecessary and unnecessary things.
  • Neuralgia of the facial nerve is a sign of fatigue from the need to "wear a mask", hiding your thoughts and emotions.
  • A sore throat arises from the inability to speak openly about your problems and experiences.

All these disorders are provoked by changes at the level of nervous regulation of organs and tissues. If psychosomatic diseases are treated only with drugs, then the result, even if it is, will be unstable and not one hundred percent. And the disease will become chronic.

Osteopractic helps eliminate psychosomatics

Symptom control methods of traditional medicine often exacerbate psychosomatic illnesses. And then psychotherapy is connected to work with the patient. Working out events, emotional trauma helps a person to understand the nature of all the unpleasant changes occurring in his body. However, not a single psychological tactic is capable of eliminating chronic spasms, displacements, ptosis and other functional disorders. The osteopractor copes with this quite effectively.

Osteopathic techniques help restore tissue biorhythm at a deep, almost cellular level. Due to the elimination of muscle tension, tissue clamps are removed and the body seems to unfold, free from the shackles of spasm. The patient becomes aware of his own emotions and actions through their neutral assessment from the outside. Gradually, organs and tissues return to their natural correct state of health, and the patient learns to accept and understand his body. Under the guidance of an osteopractic specialist, a person masters the skills of working out his condition in order to recognize and neutralize any negative impact from the outside in time by forming the body's correct response to stimuli.

How to learn to deal with your emotions says neurologist, osteopath Alexander Evgenievich Smirnov - the author of the osteopractic method.

• Library • • Psychological preparation for treatment

Psychological preparation for treatment

Before proceeding directly to treatment, you need to decide for yourself: are you ready for a long struggle for your health? And for this struggle to be successful, you need a goal of recovery: what exactly do you need good health for, and do you need it? It is easier to recover if there is something bright ahead, and if there is continuous darkness and endless problems that poison life, recovery is almost impossible. Even in the most oppressive atmosphere, one must look for the light, strive for it, meet with light people, and become infected with their love of life. The biggest mistake many people make is to race against those who will never, under any circumstances, be caught up. Do not strive to live someone else's life, let your life be at first glance more modest, but yours, accessible. Be content with what you have, and if, without tremendous exertion of mental and physical forces that take away health, and sometimes life, you can or try to remake your life for the better, use it. Under no circumstances should you go beyond the line of disrespect, remember about the eternal laws of morality, which were the core of the life of mankind throughout its development. There is still more good in life. If it were not so, the world would cease to exist, drowning in evil.

"Psychological preparation for treatment" and other articles from the section Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Before starting to treat a disease, a Tibetan doctor must define four positions for himself: 1. correctly diagnose, 2. assess the strength of the patient, 3. establish the degree of curability of the disease - easily curable, difficult to cure, incurable, 4. the availability of drugs for the treatment of this disease.

As already noted in the section "Diagnosis of diseases", when making a diagnosis, it is necessary to establish the affected (upset) system (systems) of regulation, to determine the type of disturbance in the system (systems) - depletion, accumulation or excitement, to find out the nature of the pathology, hot or cold, then clarify the organ localization of the pathology and the list of symptoms - the external manifestations of the disease, as well as the degree of manifestation of the symptoms of the disease.

The definition of the listed positions of the disease allows the doctor to develop a program for the treatment of pathology.

The strength of the patient largely depends on his age. Patients are young, strong in body and spirit, able to withstand the disease and withstand the prescribed treatment, heal better and more easily than patients who do not have these data.

The next point that the doctor should find out is to determine the degree of curability of the disease. Diseases in which the degree of disorder of the regulatory system is insignificant, and the initial period of the disease and its manifestations are poorly expressed are considered to be easily curable. Those diseases in which the disturbed system, the type of its violation, the climatic characteristics of the patient's place of residence, the characteristics of the season of the year and the type of constitution of the patient are opposite to the manifestations of the disease, the nature of the disease, hot or cold, are also considered easily curable. The exception is infectious diseases, they are easier to cure if their signs (symptoms) coincide with the characteristics of the climate and season of the year. Retention of urine of various origins is better cured if the signs and nature of the disease are consistent with the properties of the disturbed regulatory system. Blood screens heal better in an "old state".

Difficult to cure are diseases in which the nature of the disease, hot or cold, is in accordance with the patient's congenital constitution, with the season of the year, with the climatic conditions of the patient's region of residence.

Diseases arising in cases where life is exhausted are considered incurable, many of those patients who "showed" signs of death, and patients "covered by nine diseases that end life" are also incurable.

Therefore, before starting treatment, the doctor is advised. “Harmful (three defects, affected organs and tissues), season, type (constitution) of the patient, his age, diseases (manifestations), weakness and strength of the fire of the stomach, habits - examine this top ten carefully. If they match, overwhelm your opponent. And if not, then select opponents taking into account the testimony. "

The principle of treatment of diseases in the Tibetan medical system is allopathic, the effect is the opposite.

As you know, all human diseases are based on disorders of the three regulatory systems of the body, wind, bile, mucus. Disorders of each of the systems are of three types: exhaustion, accumulation and excitement.

In cases where the basis of the disease is a disorder of the system of regulation of the type of accumulation, in the treatment of the disease, agents were used that have the property of oppressing, suppressing the accumulation of the system, and vice versa, in the treatment of the disease, which is based on a disorder of the system of regulation of the type of exhaustion, agents with the ability increase (stimulate) the system. If the basis of the disease was the excitation of the regulatory system, then in the treatment of such a pathology, sedative and also cleansing remedies were used.

Under the allopathic principle of treating diseases, Tibetan medicine used cold medicines in the treatment of hot diseases, and hot remedies for the treatment of cold diseases.

In the treatment of pathology without a sharp disturbance in the balance of heat and cold, Tibetan doctors used medicinal compositions with neutral properties in terms of heat and cold.

In the treatment of diseases, Tibetan medicine, based on theoretical ideas about the causes of the disease, used a therapeutic lifestyle, medical nutrition, drug treatment and physical methods of therapy, all of which are "opponents" of diseases. “For intense heat, pour four waters: camphor and bloodletting from the“ small tip ”- the water of medicines and procedures, prescribe suitable food - this is the water of the diet, let the patient stay cool - this is the water of lifestyle.

Destroy the intense cold with four fires: the composition of "Ten Warming" is the fire of medicines, moxibustion is the fire of procedures, nutritious hot food is the fire of diet, a warm house and clothes are the fire of lifestyle. "

All of these methods of treatment are capable of exerting a corresponding effect on the state of the disturbed regulatory system, on the level of heat and cold in the body, on the affected organ, and also eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Various components of the lifestyle (living and working conditions, sleep and rest, especially sexual life), food, drink, all medicines, physical treatment procedures are classified according to the nature of their effect on the state of the three regulatory systems of the body, wind, bile and mucus , on the level of heat and cold, on their organotropy, as well as on their primary tastes, on secondary properties and the final effect on painful symptoms and processes. Information on these issues is given in the relevant sections.